A Year in the


A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 A Year in the Life of

‘to God be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, for ever and ever! Amen’ Ephesians 3: 21

Every effort has been made to include the names of everyone who has a regular active role in the life of St Mary Magdalen and these are detailed in the boxes. Sincere apologies if anyone has been omitted.

It is amazing and humbling how much so many contribute to the life of our church and the following reports are so interesting and inspiring, I’m sure that you will enjoy reading them as much as I did compiling them. I would like to thank Linda Clist especially for proof-reading this booklet and her suggestions regarding the quotations. I would also like to thank Jo Saunders, Olivia & Ken Tottle, Hazel Langley and Juanita Pertwee for their assistance with its assembly. Rebecca Whelan (Parish Administrator) April 2016

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Table of Contents

Vicar’ Report …...... 1 Churchwardens’ Report ...... … 2 Curate’s Rport ...... ….… 3 Staff Team ...... ….…. 4

Worship Worship Group …...... 5 YFS / Ten O’Clock Together …...... 7 }Open{ …...... 8 Parish Prayers …...... 9 Music …...... 10 Choir …...... 11 Hymn Sheets & Copyright …...... 12 Projection …...... 12 Rotas …...... 13

Outreach & Mission Missions Group …...... 14 Local Outreach …...... 15 Alpha …...... 15 Men’s Ministry …...... 16

Pastoral Pastoral Team …...... 17 Chaplaincy Team …...... 18 Over 50s Group …...... 19 Prayer Ministry ………...... 20

Youth & Children Youth & Children’s Group …...... 21 Youth Work …...... 22 The ARK …...... 24 Pre-School & Families Work …...... 25

Education & Discipleship GUSS …...... 26 Home Groups …...... 26 Growing the Church …...... 27

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A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Social Social Events …...... 28 Sunday Refreshments …...... 28

Communication & Publicity Overview …...... 29 Website …...... 29 NewSheet …...... 30

PCC …...... 31 Safeguarding …...... 32 Administration …...... 33

Fabric Fabric Group …...... 34 Vergers …...... 35 Cleaning …...... 36 Flowers …...... 36 Garden …...... 37 The Friends to Sheet Church …...... 37

Finance Treasurer’s Report …...... 38 Discretionary Fund …...... 39

Deanery Synod …...... 40 Diocesan Synod …...... 41 PACT …...... 42

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Introduction

A Year in the Life of St. Mary Magdalen, Sheet - 2015 Once again this year, many people have given a huge amount to make possible the things that you can read about in this booklet. This giving is in all sorts of ways – giving of time, of finance, of practical work, of prayer, of leadership and taking responsibility, of loving one another…

Some of it is up-front and obvious; much of it is hidden but vital none the less. Just as a body needs the contribution of all its different parts to be healthy and work properly, so does the church. If you are reading this you are probably one of the people who gives in some way. Thank you for your contribution; whether big or small it is really important.

It’s been very good that this year we have been able to complete the work of re-ordering the chancel and renewing the sound system. Already this has enabled us to use the church building more: for PCC meetings, training courses and prayer & praise evenings. Sheet School was able to hold their harvest festival in the church and also to put on an ambitious Christmas production which would simply not have been possible without the space and the sound system.

During the year, we have also reviewed and decided to develop rather than radically change our pattern of services during the year. This has led to a more consistent worship style to which we are adjusting. }Open{ has become established on the first Saturday of the month and very good it is too. If you have never tried it I would encourage you to do so. And we have continued to work at helping children and young people to be an integral part of the church. We enjoyed an excellent youth-led service in August and a spectacular Nativity service in December.

We’ve also spent time thinking about how we might increase our welcome and our outreach as a church at the same time as continuing to run some outreach events for men and Alpha courses for all. And we have taken our first steps in ‘Prayer Mission’, visiting homes in the parish and offering to pray for people. This has been very well received and I’m hoping we shall do more of it in the year ahead. I’m also excited that we are starting to explore some new ways of reaching out with possible mid-week services and seeing how we can increase our work with older people.

Thank you again for your love, prayers and service; it is very good to work with you to see God’s kingdom come in this place.

Thanks: For the many who give so much and for God’s life at work among us.

Prayer: That the Lord will lead us and equip us to do all that he is calling us to do.

Goal: To enable people who are currently not part of church to be able to join us and grow in faith with us.

Richard Saunders (Vicar of St. Mary Magdalen, Sheet)

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 1 Churchwardens

Another year has passed with much to be thankful for and to celebrate as we move forward as a church. For us, Karen has taken on the churchwarden role and is enjoying being more involved in the life of St. Mary's. She has joined the Finance Group whilst Ruth continues to sit on the Fabric Group.

One of the duties of the Churchwardens is to oversee the counting of the collections and the general church finances. We continue to draw from our reserves, whereas our aim is to be able to support the general running of the church through our giving. However we have been very encouraged by the response to our new Stewardship Promoter's talks in the New Year. We give thanks to all those who give financially to the church and also to those who give their time to managing the church finances and collection counting, in particular our Treasurer, Philip Poulter.

Another role of a churchwarden is to keep an eye on the fabric of the church. Much of its work this year has been on the chancel re-ordering. It is very pleasing to see this come to fruition after many years of discussion and planning. Thank you to the Friends of Sheet Church and the anonymous donor who donated funds to enable this project to happen. It is proving to be a very flexible and versatile space allowing a range of activities from meetings to drama, more intimate Wednesday morning services, traditional choir and more contemporary groups, all enhanced by our upgraded sound system. We are thankful that most seem to have embraced these changes positively and in a spirit of ‘give and take’.

Another major task undertaken this year was a check of the Inventory and Terrier, a hefty document of all our possessions including the office and gardening equipment, silver and brass, windows and wood- work to name just a few. Many thanks to all those who helped with this task.

We would also like to thank all those who have given of their skills and time in the care of our lovely church: Shaun who chairs the Fabric Group, Alynne and her gardening team, Sarah and her cleaning team, Clare and her florists, Hazel for altar frontal care, Alison and Sarah for linen care, Sylvia for brass cleaning, Christine and Sarah for silver cleaning, those doing various DIY jobs and our vergers Rebecca and Shaun.

In July 2015 we had our biennial Archdeacon’s Visitation. These are a few quotes from The Venerable Gavin Collins’ report:- “St Mary Magdalen has a fairly small churchyard but it is immaculately presented with a very hard working team of volunteers who keep the somewhat complicated borders and plants in a very good state of presentation.” “As with the exterior, the inside of St Mary Magdalen is very well cared for and attractively presented and speaks powerfully of a vibrant and living church community.” “I enjoyed meeting with the churchwardens and hearing of future plans and aspirations for this much loved and well cared for church, and commend them and their team of volunteers for all that they do to support the church and wider community.”

In February 2016 we had our Quinquennial Inspection. We are pleased to say that in general the church is in a good state of repair with relatively minor things to address. Some small areas of the roof will need further investigation to check the condition of the roof battening.

Thanks: We give thanks for our church building, our church family, and especially the leadership and vision of our vicar, Richard. Prayer: We pray for our continued growth as a church family and in our own spiritual journeys. Goal: To grow in faith and show others God's love. Ruth Snelson & Karen Glanville (Churchwardens)

2 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Curate

Ordination II, ‘The Return’, was a big part of the year for me. I spent a large part of July explaining to friends and relatives that I had been ordained a Deacon the previous year and was now to be ordained a Priest. I’m not sure they are now any the wiser. To be fair I wasn’t sure myself how things might be different for me. However as Bishop Christopher, followed by many of my clergy friends, laid their hands upon me, I experienced a physical as well as spiritual interaction with God’s Holy Spirit. As a friend commented after- wards, “Why are we surprised when we ask God to come in His Holy Spirit, that He does?” Another lesson for me to be more expectant of our God.

This year has been a year of stabilisation or ‘norming’, learning how to manage the day to day life of a clergyman whilst continuing to try and seek God’s will and ask Him what plans He might have.

Leading services, preaching, study, funerals, visits, helping on or leading groups and courses are all day‐to‐day roles that you will not be surprised to hear take up large parts of my week. I have particularly enjoyed being able to preside at Holy Communion, which for me is such a very special part of our worship. The men’s groups and activities are taking form as you will see in that report. However there are also new opportunities just beginning to form eg. a toddler group for Dads is re‐launching and I am looking forward to engaging with those men. I am also particularly excited about the prayer and investigations I have been making recently into a midweek expression of church, and how we reach people who can’t or won’t come on a Sunday. This journey we are on together is one that I enjoy and I am learning a great deal from God’s people here at St Mary Magdalen. I am very glad to be here with you and I find my interactions with you encouraging and uplifting. Thank you for your support and love.

Thanks: I am thankful to God for the incredible team he has placed me in.

Prayer: I ask for prayer for the Cross family as we adjust to life with adult children at university, in new jobs, or on their travels.

Goal: To seek and implement God’s will for this expression of midweek Church.

Max Cross (Curate) A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 3 Staff Team

Following much change and growth in 2014 the Staff Team has had a very stable year in 2015. The team works very well together, each person contributing different gifts, it enables much in the church and is a great joy and encouragement to me.

Linda Clist, Max Cross, David Loveless, Mick Micklethwaite and I have met monthly during the year for planning and discussion. Since October, with fewer work commitments, Bob Slade has been able to join us on occasion.

Along with Ruth Markby our Pastoral Coordinator all of us (except Bob because of work commit- ments) have continued to meet weekly to encourage one another spiritually and to pray for the church and the parish.

Rebecca Whelan has continued as our extremely conscientious and efficient Parish Administrator and I am very grateful for all that she does to keep things running smoothly.

I am hugely thankful for the varied gifts of this team and for the way in which each one gives so humbly and freely of their time and themselves.

Thanks: For the fellowship and encouragement within the team.

Prayer: For God to sustain and inspire each member of the team.

Goal: For each member of the team to grow further in using the gifts they have been given.

Richard Saunders (Vicar of St. Mary Magdalen, Sheet)

Staff Team Linda Clist (Lay Minister) Max Cross (Curate) Suzy Cross (Young Families Worker) David Loveless (Youth Worker) Ruth Markby (Pastoral Co-ordinator) Amanda Micklethwaite (Ark Co-Ordinator) Mick Micklethwaite (Hon Asst Clergy) Richard Saunders (Vicar of Sheet) Bob Slade (Lay Minister) Rebecca Whelan (Parish Administrator)

4 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Worship

Worship Group During the last year the Worship Group, with its extended membership, presented its report to the Church membership on proposals for a new pattern for our worship. An initial, verbal report was presented to last year’s APCM, followed up by a more extensive presentation and publication of the report on 17th May. The driving principle for the proposals was to offer a more consistent pattern of worship Sunday by Sunday.

After a consultation period with the Church family, diverse views were expressed on both sides of the case for and against change. There was no clear consensus, the division of preference between for and against being roughly 50-50. On the plus side, all the concerns expressed during the consultation were matters that the Group had already considered in its own discussions. The Worship Group considered that it still had confidence in its proposals, while recognising the diversity of views, and awaited a PCC decision.

In the event, the PCC at its July meeting felt unable to adopt the proposals, but agreed that the principle of more consistent Sunday by Sunday worship was important.

Over the Summer, at Ministry Team level, it was agreed upon ways to “even out” the chop and change between traditional and contemporary worship within our current pattern and these were implemented in September.

In our October meeting we took time to reflect on the consultation process. There was a sense of disappointment at the outcome, and that our reasons for change were still valid; however, we fully accepted the decision.

Our October meeting also saw us celebrating the new sound system, Lizzie Loveless taking over the running of the choir, and the new }OPEN{ service on Saturday evenings. We are monitoring Sunday Evensong with the drop in numbers, with the suggestion that we should make it more of an event.

At our January 2016 meeting we considered the changes made to our worship services, and felt that overall there were many positives. We have agreed that we will meet in June in addition to our regular meeting in the Summer term in order to review how the changes to our existing pattern are progressing. We also reviewed our Christmas services, and planned ahead for Holy Week and Easter (including an “Agape” meal on Maundy Thursday). We welcomed a planned new “Praise and Testimo- ny” evening on 13th March.

As well as thanking all the members of the Group, I would like particular- ly to thank those members who joined us for our “Extended” Worship Group during the review and consultation process. It was a huge amount of work for all, with some difficult discussions seasoned with major dollops of grace and respect as we listened to one another.

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A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 5 Worship

Worship Committee Heather Belton Thanks: To our regular and extended team members who worked extremely Sylvia Bovington hard during the review of our services. Linda Clist Max Cross Prayer: For worshippers at our services to continue to grow in numbers. Jeannine Davies # Hilmar Hauer Ingrid Horne # Goal: To review how the changes to our existing pattern of Sunday worship Anne Humphries (Secretary) are progressing and and look at ways to counteract falling attend- David Loveless # ance at Evensong. Mick Micklethwaite (Chair) Jenny Parkes Richard Saunders

# stood down 2015 Mick Micklethwaite (Worship Committee Chair)

New Monthly Services at St. Mary Magdalen Church

1st Sunday: The 8 O’Clock Service (Communion) 3rd Sunday: The 8 O’Clock Service (Communion) The 10 O’Clock Service 10 O’Clock Together Service 11:15am Grown Up Sunday School (GUSS) 2nd Sunday: The 8 O’Clock Service (Communion) 6pm Evensong (with choir) The 10 O’Clock Service (Communion with choir) (3pm in winter GMT) (with Ministry of Healing: February, April, June, August, October, December) The Ark (incl. Upper Room & Crèche) 4th Sunday: The 8 O’Clock Service (Communion) The 10 O’Clock Service (Communion with choir) The Ark (incl. Upper Room & Crèche) Other Services Wednesdays: 9am Short Communion 5th Sunday: The 8 O’Clock Service (Communion) 1st Monday: 8pm Prayer & Praise The 10 O’Clock Service (Communion with choir) The Ark (incl. Upper Room & Crèche) 1st Saturday: 6pm }Open{ Worship & Praise

6 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Worship

Young Family Service (YFS)/ Ten O’Clock Together (TOCT!) Thanks: To our regular and extended team members who worked extremely The planning team, meeting once a month to plan the third Sunday service, continues to be led by Linda Clist. This year we were very pleased to be joined by Jenny Parkes and we have followed the same teaching programme as the rest of the church, adapting themes accordingly to suit the younger age group for the YFS. In September we became the Ten O’Clock Together service and the bias has moved more towards planning more consistent all- age worship. So far that transition appears to have gone smoothly and we are very appreciative of the many encouraging and supportive comments the team have re- ceived. The Christingle service in January was particularly well received. We have consciously tried to keep to time as this remains the only service where the children are in church for the whole time and GUSS follows. To this end, we have dropped from 5 to 4 songs/hymns, but still include a specific children’s worship song. As is the case with the other service planning teams, we are using the agreed lists so we get to know our worship songs/hymns better.

It has been very valuable having David Loveless on the planning team as he has been increasingly able to involve our older young people in various ways, e.g in the prayers/readings and drama in the services. It is hoped in the future that those who play/sing at OPEN will be encouraged to join in leading worship at TOCT.

We continue to be very appreciative of the musicians and singers who have led our worship this year. Kate Gwilliam does a fantastic job anchoring the musicians on keyboard. It’s been great to have Philip Poulter back playing along with Richard and Jane Barnes, and we are grateful to Lizzie Loveless joining us when we’ve been short! As always Jon Ritchie has done an excellent job of transferring all our creative ideas for talks/stories etc. to the big screen!

Thanks: We give thanks for the fun and fellowship we have as we meet together to plan each service and for the great support and encouragement we have had from the congregation as we have made the transition from YFS to TOCT.

Prayer: We pray for wisdom to enable people of all ages to worship and learn together.

6pm Evensong (with choir) Goal: To endeavour to make all who come to TOCT, whatever their age, feel welcomed and valued and that together we will grow in our experience of God as a church family.

Lynn Hellewell (10 O’Clock Together Service Team)

TOCT Planning Team TOCT Musicians TOCT Singers TOCT Drama Team Contributors Linda Clist (Leader) Jane Barnes Sylvia Bovington Sylvia Bovington Max Cross Richard Barnes Lynn Hellewell Seb Browning Jonathan King Lynn Hellewell Kate Gwilliam Angus McAllister Peter Clist Jenny Parkes Jenny Parkes (new) Lizzie Loveless (new) Andrew Spiers Ruth Firth Richard Saunders Philip Poulter (new) Mark Watts Nikolai Gibbins Karen Glanville David Loveless Lynn Hellewell Max Cross David Loveless

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 7 Worship

}Open{ Last year as we were writing these reports }OPEN{ was still in its infancy, having been formed out of a couple of youth-led worship events. (We didn't even know what we were going to call it!)

One year on and a lot has changed: we now have a name (‘OPEN’, obviously) and also a regular meeting time (the 1st Saturday of each month, 18:00 - 19:30). And it has been incredible to see what God has been doing to grow this service.

}OPEN{ at its heart is all about creating space and dedicating time to listen to God and ask what He wants to say to us. It is a varied interactive service with music, quiet reflection, testimony, craft, discussion, talks, food and more, but the idea of our being here to listen to what God has to say to us, is central to all we do.

We have been growing slowly numerically, with a diverse mix of people coming. We have also gradually built a great group of musicians as well as a growing team of people setting up the different activities and prayer areas, with the young people taking the lead in this area. We have seen great growth spiritually and a real sense that this is a time where we come to meet with God.

To that end, as we have developed the service we have tried to build in more time not only for discussion but opportunities for people to reflect and share testimonies of what God is doing/saying to them. Our overarching theme for this year is the Kingdom of God and how His grace allows us to be part of it. We are exploring how that call affects our everyday lives and it has been a real privilege to hear people share what God has been saying to them.

It has been a really exciting first year for OPEN and we look forward to seeing what God has planned for us in the years to come as we move forward, keeping ourselves focused on being open to God and listening to what He says.

Thanks: We have been really blessed with how God has developed the service in the last year.

Prayer: For our continued growth both spiritually and numerically over the coming year.

Goal: To explore putting together a group of people to pray together regularly for }OPEN{, both for the services coming up and the

David Loveless (Youth Worker & }Open{ Leadership Team)

8 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Worship

Parish Prayer "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." If prayer seems difficult, we have lost sight of how much it achieves.

At our weekly Parish Prayer on Thursdays at 9 am, normally held at 15 Holt Down, we focus on God and seek His way forward in all areas of church activity. We are encouraged as we hear words of scrip- ture, of inspiration and of guidance promoting this work.

Once a month, at the Prayer and Praise meeting held in church, a time of worship leads us into bring- ing specific aspects of our work to God for His direction.

Then there are specific intercessions led by members of the congregation during Sunday and weekday services.

All are welcome, so please be encouraged to join in with these prayers. We would love you to come, but if you can't make it to these meetings, Prayer Contacts Hilary Bonney (Prayer Circle) your prayers are still a vital part of empowering Youth Work, of promoting Anne Davidson (Prayer Circle) pastoral work particularly among the elderly and housebound, and Olivia & Ken Tottle enabling outreach and mission. (Parish Prayers)

Thanks: For the growth in these areas that we have seen.

Prayer: For prayer to increase as more people join in.

Goal: For us all to engage increasingly with God in all we do, and especially in our corporate life as God's people in this place.

Ken Tottle (Parish Prayers Co-ordinator)

‘Lord, all your loyal people should pray to you in times of need’ Psalm 32: 6a

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 9 Worship

Music A lot has happened over the past year. During the summer we installed the long anticipated new sound system. At the same time we introduced some small changes to our worship pattern. We now combine traditional organ hymns with band-led modern worship songs in at least 3 services per month. This is slowly proving to be a great way to share and participate in both styles of musical worship. But it also poses a real challenge for the musicians and the sound team.

The sound system is now an integral part of every service. David has been of invaluable help with the configuration of the new system and both Chris and Nick have adapted to the new digital sound desk with ease. I feel blessed that Christine Hunter (soon to be Poulter) has expressed an interest in the early stages and has become a important addition to the sound team. However, we are still in need of new sound operators so please step forward if you are technically minded and have a liking for music!

Life for the musicians at St Mary Magdalen has become a lot busier with the new worship pattern. For the majority of services we now need both the organ and a band and we started operating a rota system to organise ourselves. During communion services we typically assemble a small band as space in the chancel area is limited and the congregation seeks easy passage to the altar. A big ‘thank you’ goes to Kate and Laura who also play the organ for us. We are blessed that we can provide music during 10am services almost completely from within our own congregation. We only need to engage the help of visiting organists for a handful of special services as well as for weddings and funerals.

We have been praying for the provision of musical talent and have now received not only new members such as the Doves but also seen renewed faith and commitment among the existing team. The new setup remains challenging but over the last 12 months we have developed a deeper closeness to God when we come together in leading musical worship.

Thanks: For bringing us through a challenging year and for everyone who shares their faith and talents!

Prayer: For another exciting year and growth of the team in spirit and numbers.

Goal: To develop a more unified approach across the musical teams in organising and preparing ourselves to lead our congregation in musical worship.

Hilmar Hauer (Music Co-ordinator)

1st 2nd 4th 5th 10am Sunday Services Music Teams Richard Barnes Sarah Dove (new - also worship singer) Steve Dove (new) ‘Open’ Music Team (new) Hilmar Hauer Jack Cross Laura Hauer (also worship singer) Freya Davies Dave Loveless Josie Davies Lizzie Loveless (also worship singer) Clare Lund Nikolai Gibbins (See TOCT Report for Visiting Organists Jonathan Thompson Kate Gwiiliam 3rd Sunday Musicians) Allen Cole Jon Ritchie (Projection) Hilmar Hauer Keyboard/Organists Caroline Davy (piano) Dave Loveless Mark Watts (Projection) Hilmar Hauer Louisa Denby Lizzie Loveless Nick Law (Audio) Laura Hauer Nick Gleed Jon Ritchie (projector) Chris Wilde (Audio) Kate Gwilliam David Groves Sylvia Bovington & Andrew Spiers Lizzie Loveless Malcolm Keeler (reserve) Ben Stickler Ken Tottle (Reserve Projection) Andy Lyon (reserve) Gordon Uphill

10 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Worship

Choir This has been a year of great change for the choir. We were very sad to see Ingrid Horne step down as Choir Co-ordinator. We are so grateful for everything Ingrid has Choir Sylvia Bovington done with the choir over the years. She has done an amazing job, and I have really Sarah Dove (new) appreciated the support she has given me as I take on the role. We are so blessed that Ingrid Horne she and Tim continue to sing so regularly with the choir. Tim Horne Angela Kendall With the new pattern of worship, we have enjoyed working in closer partnership with Simon Kendall Hazel Langley the worship bands, exploring different styles of music and learning to be more flexible! Chris Lund Our new comfy chairs and chancel heating are now in place and we are very thankful Clare Lund for them as they are a definite improvement on the garden chairs and freezing temper- Jenny Parkes atures of last year! John Phemister Andrew Reed Violet Snell Despite all the changes, we have continued to lead worship at The 10 O’Clock Services Wendy Wilshin with Parish Communion, Ministry of Healing and at the annual ‘big’ services of the year. We continue to average around 10 singers per service, with more at the ‘big’ Evensong Choir services as we are able to welcome those who love to sing but are unable to make a Sylvia Bovington regular commitment. Once again, we are very thankful to Kate Gwilliam for her help Lizzie Loveless Jenny Parkes with the Christmas rehearsals this year which allowed us to teach upper and lower Violet Snell voices separately, saving time and enabling the choir to sing more confidently as they Andrew Spiers know their parts better. Lynette Spong Mark Watts In addition to the Sunday morning choir, we have also started a small choir for the Wendy Wilshin monthly Evensong services. We are very grateful to Sylvia Bovington for her expertise Occasional Choir in leading and teaching our sung responses (in addition to all the other help she gives Nikolai Gibbins me and the choir!). Currently we are averaging around 6 singers and are delighted to Janine Gillard welcome some who have other commitments at The 10 O’Clock Services but still enjoy Kate Gwilliam singing. Maurice Snell Mavis Snowden Phil Taylor Thanks: For the increasing number of people singing with the choir and how support- tive they are through the easy and the hard times. Prayer: That we will continue to explore new ways of worship and grow into God’s vision for us. Goal: To be an inclusive community who delight in worshipping God and drawing others into His Presence.

Lizzie Loveless (Choir Co-ordinator)

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 11 Worship

Hymn/Song Sheets & Copyright A much wider choice of hymns and songs has been sung this past year at a variety of different services. The most typical of these are the restyled 10 O’Clock Service, 10 O’Clock Service with Communion and 10 O’Clock Together (TOCT) all-age service. As 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday services now include additional band-led Worship songs, we sing 7-8 songs on average at all our services. Now that the projector is employed for all these services we only need to produce 20 large print sheets for people who cannot see the screen easily. Of course we still do have several services when the projector is not used eg. Remembrance Sunday Service, All Souls Evensong, Christmas Midnight Service etc. We also have our monthly }Open{ Saturday Worship which has further increased and broadened the repertoire of songs we sing. Many hymns/songs are copyright and we need to have a licence to reproduce them. A record of what we sing is kept and a report is sent to the copyright licensing people CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) each year. The total number of different hymns/songs sung during the licensing period 1 March 2015 to 1 March 2016, was 253. Of this number 67 were in the Public Domain and 153 were Copyright, but the remaining 50 had ‘No Information’. This year we sang 37 new hymns and we also sang 103 hymns more than once (especially in the last 6 months!) The most popular hymns were: ‘Bless the Lord O My Soul/10,000 Reasons’ by Matt Redman & Jonas Myrin; The Lord’s My Shepherd by Stuart Townend; Faithful One So Unchanging by Brian Doerksen; Here is Love Vast As the Ocean by William Rees & William Edwards; It’s Falling from the Clouds by Paul Wickham - all sung 5 times; Build Your Kingdom Here by Gareth Gilkenson - sung 6 times; and the more traditional ‘Be Thou My Vision’ by Mary Byrne & Eleanor Hull which was sung 7 times.

I am hugely grateful to Sylvia Bovington, Lynn Hellewell, Lizzie Loveless and Himar Hauer who variously provide the hymn sheet information for our services and for their helpful and thorough proof-reading.

Praise: We give praise for the beautiful hymns we sing. Prayer: That the hymns we sing will continue to enhance our worship and closeness to God. Goal: Is to continue constructing a database of all the hymn words which we have sung to date.

Rebecca Whelan (Parish Administrator)

Projection Since September we have extended the use of our projection system to all our 10am services on Sunday mornings and not just to our 1 st and 3rd Sunday 10am ones. The projector is also used at Grown Up Sunday School (GUSS) , Monday night Praise & Prayer in the Chancel and now also the youth-led Saturday evening service }Open{. As well as this we took the decision to change the software we use during services from SongPro to OpenLP.

Praise: For Sylvia Bovington and Andrew Spiers who have been more than happy to help out with the projector as needed. Prayer: That the projector will continue to be a valuable resource for our services, and enable us to grow in worship with God. Goal: To welcome more people to join the team. If you would be interested in joining the team, being both responsible for preparing the service order and displaying the words on screen during services, then please speak to Jon Ritchie or Richard.

Jon Ritchie & Mark Watts (Services Projection )

12 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Worship

Rotas - A Testament to How Much People Do! As Parish Administrator, I realise how blessed we are with so many being prepared to contribute to the life and services at St. Mary Magdalen. We offer 4 main types of Sunday services per month which need to be rota’d for. These are the new styled 10 O’Clock Service, 10 O’Clock Services - Communion, the 10 O’Clock Together (TOCT) Service and the 8 O’Clock Services - Communion CW/BCP. We also have Evensong once a month and of course our Easter, Christmas and other special services. Rotas are distributed electronically in .PDF format as well as a few via pigeonholes. Since the Autumn, we also share the rota in Google Doc format which enables people to dynamically keep track of any changes. Arranging the monthly rota is a tricky business, involving carefully matching people’s specific roles and availability, but people are always willing to cover for each other. As you can imagine Christmas, Easter and Summer rotas are the most difficult to arrange when so many people are away. After very many years of faithful service, we were very sad to lose Bob & Jean Greenhill, Alison Gauld and Felicity Heal from our ranks which left quite a hole. Fortunately in the last couple of months we have been delighted to welcome a few newcomers to the rota and are most grateful to some existing members who have stepped up to additional duties. Particular thanks goes to Paula Wigley who yet AGAIN covers so many multiple duties per month at 8 o’clock. Thanks: To all those who help our services run like clockwork - we couldn’t do without you!

Prayer: For new volunteers to come forward in 2016 Bible Readers especially for 8am services. Ambrose Barber Joan Barber Goal: To try and avoid relying on people carrying out Heather Belton rota duties more than once per month. Peter Belton Hilary Bonney Valerie Connor Welcomers Rebecca Whelan (Parish Administrator) Suzy Cross ‘Ark’ families Anne Davidson Joan Barber Jeannine Davies Hilary Bonney Pam Dickins Vaughan Clarke# Peter Clist * (co-ordinator) Intercessors Ros Draper Suzy Cross Peter Belton Administrants Ruth Firth Anne Davidson Hilary Bonney Karen Glanville Joan Barber ®* Ruth Firth Abbi Childs Eric Gorvin Heather Belton * Alison Gauld # Max Cross (new) Ingrid Horne Peter Belton * Christine Gaut (new) Suzy Cross (new) Tim Horne Hilary Bonney Peter Gaut (new) Keith Doyle (new) Anne Humphries Dave Castle * Eric Gorvin Ros Draper Sarah Hunt Max Cross Bob Greenhill # Eric Davies Angela Kendall Linda Clist ® Lynn Hellewell Karen Ganville Lizzie Loveless Oenone McKellar * Mark Hellewell Peter Gaut (new) Angus McAllister Anne Davidson Anne Humphries * Felicity Heal # Oenone McKellar Alison Gauld # Sandy Ingram Sarah Hunt Jenny Parkes Jenny Parkes Shirley Kail * Angela Kendall Sacristy and Servers Roger Parkes Jon Ritchie Sarah Reed Barbara Mace Alison Gauld # Andrew Penfold Bob Slade Bob Slade Jenny Parkes Jean Greenhill # Juanita Pertwee Julie Slade * Julie Slade Sophie Penfold # Felicity Heal # Anne Randall Philip Taylor Neville Snowden Gill Robins (new) Juanita Pertwee(new) Jo Saunders Mark Watts Andrew Spiers * Jon Ritchie Sarah Reed (new) Sarah Reed Paula Wigley Jane Starbuck Jo Saunders Jon Ritchie Bob Slade Debbie Williams * Rebecca Whelan Bob Slade Mark Watts Philip Taylor Paula Wigley * Take Communion Shaun Whelan Paula Wigley * Lead Welcomer to Homes as well Paula Wigley # stood down ® Reserve # stood down in 2015/16 # stood down 2015/16 Dave Williams 2015/16 # stood down 2015/16

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 13 Outreach & Mission

Missions Group The Missions Group aims to serve and stimulate the Church in its calling to planned support for activities outside the St Mary Magdalen parish and its wider, local Church context. The terms of reference for the group were redrawn in 2015, but with re-affirmation of the key role of Kingdom Growing in the group’s planning and financial recommendations. The group’s purposes include: assisting the incumbent in raising awareness of missions and outreach; making recommendations and proposals to PCC concerning the recipients of home and overseas giving budgets; making recommendations on special collections for home and overseas organisations. These are in addition to promoting awareness of the Church as a sign of God’s presence and love and encouraging support of organisations and individuals, working in mission and personal support organisations, and so fulfilling their callings locally, nationally and overseas. Organisa- tions are supported via both a monthly prayer cycle and financially.

It is Church policy to give 10% of its unrestricted and undesignated giving income to support others in their work. During 2015, organisations supported from this budget (to a total of £11,200) were: o A Rocha International Christian environmental and nature concern worldwide o Acorn Christian Healing Based in Whitehill o Bible Society Circulating scriptures worldwide and promoting their use o CPAS Supporting ministry in the o Home-Start Butser Supporting families in our area o In Ministry to Children Work with disadvantaged children in Colombia o The King’s Arms Ministering to local youth on behalf of local Christians o Mothers Union Supporting families worldwide o Stop the Traffik Seeking to empower the vulnerable and the exploited

Direct donations of goods by the congregation made during 2015 included: Operation Christmas Child (shoebox collection), the PACT Food Bank (Harvest and throughout the year), Stonepillow (Harvest) and clothing for refugees. Other support has been provided by special collections and donations, including to: Aid and Development – The British Red Cross (refugee appeals), The Children’s Society and Tearfund; Local charities - Stonepillow (work with the disadvantaged), The Roberts Centre (a family centre in a challenged area of Portsmouth).

Thanks: For the generous resources God enables for our missions work, and for the generosity of many in prayer and time. Goal: A vision for partnering with an East African agency and Church, in fellowship and in locally identified development needs. This has been recommended to PCC as part of our future missions support and with Tearfund as the UK link agency. Prayer: ● For the many Church members who are involved personally and support a range of outreach and mission organisations. ● The whole Church as it seeks to respond to Christ’s challenge to serve, both internally and in outreach and mission. [Please use the website’s monthly prayer cycle for mission.] Bob Slade (Missions Group Chair) Outreach & Mission Group Sylvia Bovington # Amanda Micklethwaite (new) Ex-officio Abbi Childs (new) Ruth Snelson # Philip Poulter (Treasurer) Angela Kendall Ken Tottle Richard Saunders (Vicar) Bob Slade (Chair) Olivia Tottle Solveig Store (Deputy Treasurer) (new) # stood down in 2015/16

[only if Treasurer unable to attend] 14 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Outreach & Mission

Local Outreach Our aim is to serve the village of Sheet, the town of Petersfield and individuals in our individual circles, and to encourage us to enable others to come to faith in Jesus Christ. That is the umbrella under which your local outreach group serve. This group is an enabling one, that seeks to enable God’s people of St. Mary Magdalen to proclaim the good news of the Gospel in actions and words.

One of the permanent agenda items on our group meetings is, ‘Are we having fun as a church?’ There was fun had at both the Spring walks and Summer picnic and games, and we are always ready to hear other suggestions. It was also agreed that we should make a special effort to join those of you already having a presence in Herne Junior School. The school head and staff have been most welcoming and there have been a number of assemblies, lessons and an upcoming church visit.

Perhaps one of the areas that we are most excited about is the Street Prayer Mission. Most weeks a couple of us speak to people in one of the streets in our parish and ask if there is anything we should be praying for. Conversations have been good, and often people are surprised to discover that we are their local church. The goodwill and connections this is producing is very beneficial, as well as of course answers to prayer. Local Outreach Group Thanks: For the goodwill that exists in the parish towards the Church. Peter Belton Max Cross (chair) Prayer: For the potential of an evening midweek expression of church Sandy Ingram to reach out to those who would not attend a Sunday service. Ross Jarvis Goal: To look at how we might reach out to the older generation Vicki Ostersen in our parish. Do pray for this as well, as we explore what Richard Saunders that might be. (vicar) It is great to work with such a wonderful team. My thanks to them and of course God Himself! Max Cross (Curate)

Alpha Suzy and I are proud to be part of the long history at Sheet that continues to offer Alpha, this introduc- tion to Christianity. There is something unique about meeting around food asking questions and seeking answers to what is the most important decisions of anyone's life. After last year’s very positive experi- ence of Alpha, we have had a couple of false starts this year. The afternoon tea Alpha had to stop when it became clear that not enough people could commit to regularly attending. Likewise the evening Alpha could not quite gather enough people to form a suitable group to allow discussion. Has Alpha had it’s day? I’m not sure it has, indeed there is a massive publicity drive across the world this year inviting the world to come and ask their questions. The truth is the Good News of Jesus has not had its day and whatever mechanism we put around that to invite people to investigate, I truly believe God will honour.

I for one do not think I have been praying enough for those friends of mine who do not yet know Jesus and have been challenged by that and a recent letter from the Archbishop. has written to every parish church to call for a week of prayer leading up to Pentecost (May 8th-15th), for the evangelisation of this nation. There is a small waiting list for Alpha so don’t wait until the next announce- ment. If you have someone who has questions, please do speak to me.

Thanks: For our . How great it is to have leader whose priority is to have othders know Jesus! Prayer: Join me in praying or continuing to pray for three people you know, who need to know they are loved by Jesus? Goal: Let’s live out the command Jesus gave us. ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matthew 28:19). Max Cross (Curate) A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 15 Outreach & Mission

Men’s Ministry I write this to you with the countryside of the Lake District surrounding me. A few of us have joined other men to spend a week enjoying God’s creation walking the hills, around the lakes and chatting. Conversa- tion and prayer have been good, honest, and the views stunning. Friendship with other Christian men who can be honest with us equips us to live the life Jesus would have us live. Walking in the Lakes and the winter weekend walk in Dartmoor that some of us also went on this year, are ‘get to know each other better’ activities. There will be the same opportunities this coming year so if you are interested speak to Max.

There was also a skittles evening this year, with Peter ‘Bomber’ Clist clinching the win for his team, and Angus McAllister continues to hold lively discussions in the Queen’s Head pub in Sheet every other Sunday. The last weekend of this coming June is The Gathering, hosted by Christian Vision for Men, whom we have affiliated with this year. So there are plenty of opportunities to join in or bring a friend to.

Proverbs 27:17 says: “Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” That is the purpose of Bacon and Bible, our monthly men’s gathering. We meet the third Saturday of the month, 10-11am, for bacon rolls, coffee and Bible. It’s the place where we can work out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus? It has been well attended and appreciated. All men are welcome to all events!

If there is anything that would enable you to be the man God would have you be, or if you have ideas on how we can reach out to your friends, do have a chat with Max.

Thanks: We thank God for men’s Christian fellowship in Petersfield.

Prayer: Please pray for the Dads’ Club toddler group re-launching this Spring.

Goal: To focus this year on what we can do to enable our friends to know Jesus.

Max Cross (Curate)

‘How can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed?’ Romans 10:14

16 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Pastoral

Pastoral Team The heart of pastoral care is a shared and a united ministry and it is great that so many people are in- volved in welcoming, visiting, caring and being available for one another. This is evident such as within home groups and St Mary’s Over Fifties Singles and Angela Kendall’s team of willing cooks who offer meals to those who are unwell and to new mums.

As Christians we have the privilege to be a channel of God’s love in reaching out pastorally to the wider community. Members of the Chaplaincy Team take a monthly communion service to the care homes and Petersfield Resource Centre. A recent initiative has been the Prayer Mission when we pray for a specific street in our intercessions on Sunday mornings. Richard Saunders, Max Cross, Anne Davidson and myself visit the homes that previously have had a letter distributed, inviting people to share any prayer requests or if we can help in any way, or to offer further visits when appropriate. Some of us join a team of volunteers representing the churches in Petersfield, to help with the Monday evening ‘soup run’ and offer a listening ear and befriend the homeless, lonely and vulnerable people.

In addition, we have a dedicated Pastoral Team that is made up of those with a particular calling and gifting. Team members visit and offer communion to those who are housebound, sick, or in other need, to listen, support and encourage people in their relationship with God and those who are searching, and help welcome newcomers to church. Julie Slade and Jo Saunders provide a pastoral link for our children, young people and their families.

Felicity Heal has decided to step down from the pastoral team: we are very grateful for her pastoral support to many people. We were delighted that Dave Castle joined the pastoral team after his commis- sioning in August. Anne Davidson and Jo Saunders completed the Deanery Lay Pastoral Course earlier in the year. We are looking forward to having a quiet day in April led by Revd. Rachel Noel. My grateful thanks to everyone for all that you do. Pastoral Team Thanks: For the on-going caring and encouragement of one for another. Dave Castle (new) Max Cross Prayer: For God’s wisdom and guidance to expand pastoral care among Anne Davidson Felicity Heal # older people and to their relatives and carers. Ruth Markby (Co- ordinator) Goal: To discover new ways to reach out pastorally to the wider com- Jo Saunders munity, to encourage people to find faith, hope and love. Richard Saunders Julie Slade Ruth Markby (Pastoral Team Co-ordinator) #(stood down in 2015)

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 17 Pastoral

Chaplaincy Team One of the most valued ministries at SMM is extending pastoral care and spiritual encouragement to older people who are in care homes: Downs House, Ramscote, Steep House and day visitors at Petersfield Resource Centre. The Chaplaincy Team count it a privilege to lead a Communion service each month for residents and day visitors who can no longer get to Church. We have the opportunity to chat to people and build friendships, to listen to their life stories and struggles such as health problems and lack of independence, and to share God’s love and offer to pray with them.

The residents at Downs House greatly look forward to and enjoy the Saturday morning quiz sessions led by Justin Barber and appreciate his visits during the week.

Some members of the team take Communion to parishioners who are unable to get to Church. This ministry is very much appreciated where they receive spiritual support and friendships are formed and, it helps people to still feel part of our Church family.

Felicity Heal has decided to step down from her role as Chaplaincy Co-ordinator and from the team. We are very grateful for her faithful and committed ministry and support to all of the teams. Jeannine Davies has also stood down and we thank her for her valued service.

Thanks: For the dedication and faithful ministry of each member of the team.

Prayer: For more people to come forward to join the Chaplaincy team.

Goal: Through the Communion services people will have a sense of God’s loving presence and peace with them.

Ruth Markby (Pastoral Team Co-ordinator)

Chaplaincy Team

Pastoral Co-ordinator Ruth Markby Steep House Heather Belton (Leader) Downs House Peter Belton Justin Barber Felicity Heal # Max Cross Brenda Walker Alison Gauld Paula Wigley Felicity Heal # Ruth Markby (Leader) Oeonone McKellar Petersfield Resource Centre Heather Belton Max Cross Ramscote Anne Davidson Vera Carter Jeannine Davies # Dave Castle (co-Leader) Alison Gauld # Keith Doyle Felicity Heal # Felicity Heal # Ruth Markby Julie Slade (co-Leader)

# stood down in 2015

18 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Pastoral Over 50s Group The past year has been enjoyable for all concerned but disappointing in that we have not attracted as much participation from new friends as we hoped. During the year we have given a lot of thought to and discussed with Richard, the future of the group. We have been at the helm for well over ten years and the time has come for new blood with fresh ideas and energy to keep this very worth while group together and to expand.

As always we are very grateful to Jo and Richard for their support.They regularly host two teas a year. Thanks also go to Olivia and Ken Tottle and Sylvia Bovington for their invitations to a coffee morning and a tea respectively.

As well as our regular meetings for tea, coffee and pub lunches we again supported local theatrical productions. We had a very enjoyable trip to Forest Lodge, leaving Petersfield at 10.30am by minibus and giving us time for shopping before a lovely lunch. The staff were so welcoming and helpful. It was a great day out! We repeated the pre- Christmas lunch at the Half Moon in November and celebrated Christmas with a delicious tea in the comfortable communal lounge at Cremorne Place, where we were joined by some of the residents from the flats. This was a great success and we hope to repeat it next December.

Sadly this year we lost one of the founder members of SMOFS. Marguerite McGuire died in September and we all miss her very much. We're very glad that Sonia has made a swift recovery from her illness before Christmas.

As always, our thanks go to those who host teas, give lifts, arrange lunches, remember our birthdays and help in all sorts of ways.

Thanks: For the friendships that have been formed and continue to be maintained.

Prayer: For the future of the group.

Goal: More happy events for the year ahead.

Sonia Ratsey & Jane Starbuck (Over 50s Group Leaders)

‘Help to carry one another’s burdens’ Galatians 6:2

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 19 Pastoral

Prayer Ministry Prayer embraces and underpins all that God is asking of us and our response as individuals and as church in our worship, preaching, being sacramental, in pastoral care, home groups, prayer triplets, the prayer circle, prayer on the first Monday evening of the month and weekly on Thursday mornings. It is a conversation between us and God. He listens as we speak and we listen as he speaks. At times God may seem distant and we feel we can’t pray or need others to pray with us.

We offer The Ministry of Healing and Wholeness during the Holy Communion Prayer Ministry Team service, which is held bimonthly at 10am on the second Sunday. After receiving Ambrose Barber communion or a blessing, the congregation is invited to come forward for prayer Joan Barber # at three different stations with two members of the team at each station. Prayer Heather Belton Peter Belton may not only be for a physical need but for knowing God’s peace and presence, Hilary Bonney asking for forgiveness or to be able to forgive, restoring broken relationships, Dave Castle (new) depression, anxiety, courage, transforming situations and much more. Abbi Childs (new) Paul Curd There is also an opportunity after The 10 O’Clock Services to receive prayer in the Anne Davidson Jeannine Davies # front pews for whatever reason from members of the Prayer Ministry Team. The Keith Doyle (new) Team are experienced and trained in a variety of ways. All you share is confiden- Christine Gaut (new) tial. Peter Gaut (new) Laura Hauer Praying for one another is at the heart of all we do in Jesus’ name. It is humbling Felicity Heal # Jane Hoolahan (new) and a privilege to pray for the healing and peace, joy, love and hope Jesus longs Sandy Ingram (new) to bring. Angela Kendall # Ruth Markby Thank you to all the Prayer Ministry Team for their commitment and gift and to Jo Saunders those of you who take what may be a difficult step of faith to ask for prayer. Bob Slade Julie Slade There are also a few people to say “Thank you” to as they step down from the Violet Snell (new) Prayer Ministry Team this year. They are: Joan Barber, for over fifteen years of Ruth Snelson # faithful service, for her gifts of wisdom and gentle presence; Jeannine Davies, # stood down in 2015 Angela Kendall, Ruth Snelson and Felicity Heal,for being on the team a number of years and their ability to listen and pray with sensitivity. Following two evenings’ training last November, led by Richard, Julie and Anne, attended by those al- ready on the team and those interested in discovering what prayer ministry involves, eight new people have joined the team. These are listed on the right!

One or two members of the team went to a seminar/workshop on Prayer Ministry at St Jude’s Church, Southsea on Saturday 27th February led by Wes Sutton, the Director of the Acorn Healing Trust, Whitehill. We were fortunate to hear him preach at our Healing Service in February.

Thanks: For our growing confidence in sharing and praying together and for the eight new people who have joined the Prayer Ministry Team. Prayer: For a deeper relationship with God. Goal: We hope that praying with one another becomes integral to our church family life.

Anne Davidson & Julie Slade (Prayer Ministry Team)

20 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Youth & Children

Youth & Children’s Group The Youth and Children’s PCC sub group is made up of the vicar, the leaders of the different age groups of youth and children’s work, a PCC rep, the Safeguarding Officer, a parent and one other. Its main role is to oversee the ministry of the church to children and young people up to the age of 18 and to support the leaders of this work. Youth & Children’s Work Group Having had a very busy year in 2014 the group met three times in 2015, discussing Suzy Cross a wide variety of topics including: the leadership of various groups, budgets, Christine Hunter prayer for our ministry with children & young people, a video of the youth work, David Loveless youth alpha and its follow on, the young people’s camp, setting up an Instagram Amanda Micklethwaite account to aid communication, staff salaries and the positive effect of the Richard Saunders (Chair) Julie Slade development of our 10am services on the work with children and young people. Ruth Snelson

The main reports on our ministry with children and young people are elsewhere in this document. Suffice to say here that we are blessed with a great bunch of young people and children in the church and a wonderful team of people who lead them and are encouraged by what the Lord is doing among them. The youth-led service in August and the Nativity in December were particular times when children and young people helped us to grow as a church.

Praise: For our children and young people and the teams who lead them.

Prayer: That children and young people will grow in faith and love and that others will join them in following Jesus.

Goal: That children and young people will receive from and contribute fully to the life of the church. Richard Saunders (Vicar & Y&CG Chair)

‘O God, you have taught me ever since I was young and I still tell of your wonderful acts.’ Psalm 71:17

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 21 Youth & Children

Youth Work Last year I wrote my report after only being in post for about 8 months. Now I've been here for 20 months and it's really exciting to see all that God has been doing with the youth ministry in the past year. We have seen the young people grow and have had several new groups/projects start up along with exciting one-off events. More importantly though, this past year has been a time of the youth team praying and discerning the future of the youth ministry here at Sheet Church, what values we want it to em- body and where God is calling us next. Our vision is that the youth ministry will be: "A loving community where the young people of Sheet & Petersfield know …. God's transforming salvation and live out the difference."

Our vision is something that we are constantly praying about, discerning and working out what it looks like. We want our work to be purposeful and something that lasts, not just doing things because we can. This is something that we have to do all together not just as youth ministry team but as a whole church. We want it to be a ministry that is outward-facing, looking to reach the young people around us where we can build relationships for them in a safe community, where we follow God's lead, challenging the young people to grow and expecting God to transform them. While there is still a lot of work to be done slowly we are starting to see this happen in the young people who we meet in all the different things we do. We now have four regular groups that run at least fortnightly if not weekly and they are:

YA (Youth Alpha) This group is all about asking and discussing the big questions of faith and life. Born out of the Youth Alpha course we ran in the autumn term we meet on Thursday evenings starting with a meal followed by a discussion about a different topic each week centred around a theme or Bible passage.

Coffee @ Costa Last year, as I wrote my report, this had literally just started (the week before if I remember rightly!) It runs on a Friday afternoon in Costa (not a great surprise given the name) and is a space for us to catch up with young people each week. This has proven to be a great way for us to build relationships with each other and to meet new young people who don't come to any of our other groups.

SMART SMART still meets fortnightly on a Saturday evening. Each session starts with games, followed by a time of prayer or discussion around a particular topic and finishes off with a meal together. These sessions are always very energetic and a lot of fun and cover lots of areas such as relationships, technology, prayer, faith in schools and lots more.

Upper Room Upper Room is our Sunday morning group which now meets every Sunday apart from the 10am Together service (a change we made back in May.) Each week we look at the passage being taught in church and discuss what we think about it how it can affect and impact our day to day lives, along with of course games, crafts and (very often!) sweets.

Along with these groups the new once a month prayer and worship service I mentioned last time has now grown and become }OPEN{ (see my separate report) which a lot of the young people are in- volved with and attend each month. Contd …

22 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Youth & Children

I have still been regularly involved with schools work as well, helping run the CU (Christian Union) in Churchers (which has seen a lot of growth in the last term) and continuing to do mentoring in TPS (The Petersfield School).

We have also had lots of one off events/socials, such as a Boys’/Girls’ Night In, Youth Alpha Away Day, wide games with other youth groups and of course our Summer Camp. This year was a great success as we looked at how God equips us to share our faith, with more young people coming than ever before.

Along with this we are also currently looking into setting up some more new groups including a youth cell group for the older young people as well as a group for some of the younger boys.

Finally God has already been doing incredible things here at Sheet Church in the youth ministry and we know he will continue to do so.

Thanks: It has been a real privilege for us to watch the young people grow in faith and understanding of who God is and we can't wait to see what the future holds! Youth Ministry Team

Will Brooks Prayer: We as a team are thinking and praying a lot about our continued way Jack Cross forward with young people. We have much yet we want to achieve Lynn Hellewell and would really value your thoughts and prayers as we discern Angus McAllister further what God is calling us to do. Marie McAllister Amanda Micklethwaite Jo Saunders Goal: To explore what we can do to reach more of the young people Julie Slade in our community around us and consider how it could work. Andrew Spiers

David Loveless (Youth Worker)

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 23 Youth & Children

The ARK As last year, numbers of children in the junior section of The Ark do fluctuate week by week, and range from 8 to 25. There is a large group of children currently in year 6 (6 children) who will be moving up to the Upper Room in July which will change the dynamics considerably. At present the ages in the group range from 3 – 11 which provides a challenge both in planning sessions, and in actually leading them. This does have a positive side too, as we do the majority of the session all together, and the children are very happy together across the whole age range During the summer term in 2015, we focused on material supplied by Operation Mobilisation. It was extremely engaging and excited all the children, boys and girls alike. It focused on the Logos Hope ship, and introduced the children to the idea of mission as well as looking at bible stories. ARK Leaders & Helpers Will Brooks We began the new Autumn term looking at “The Ark” and what that meant in Gabi Fernee rd Karen Lawrence scripture, and since then have been considering the 23 Psalm verse by verse Marie McAllister (new) each session. Having finished that, we spent the last session looking at the Amanda Micklethwaite parable of “The Good Shepherd”. One highlight of the year was a visit to a llama (co-ordinator) farm for one session where Les and his wife allowed the children to watch the Karen Lawrence sheep and the lamas and showed us what it was like looking after sheep. We also Jo Saunders Julie Slade saw a little of how sheep behave! Everyone enjoyed the outing, and we are very Rebecca Whelan thankful to him and Connie for their welcome. Shaun Whelan # # stood down in 2015 Part of every session is “howzitgoin” where the children “rate” their weeks since the last meeting and talk about why. They then all pray for themselves and each other. This is a part which they seem to enjoy very much.

With the slight change in the order of service on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays, we now start off in church every Sunday. This has helped us very much in the Ark. It means that everyone arrives together to start the session, and that we can finish appropriately without the children suddenly having to stop their activities to go up to church. It does mean however that families and Ark leaders have fewer opportu- nities to take communion together. We are generally in groups for activities when the congregation arrive for coffee. Please do go and ask the children about their session. I am sure that they will be thrilled to share with you what they have been doing. We still have 2 leaders for every age group, one of whom meets with the others to plan the session and leads it, the other helping. We are very grateful for their help leading and praying for the children. After 8 years on the team, Shaun Whelan stood down in the Autumn (he now has his hands full as new Fabric Chair) - many thanks, Shaun! If you would like to be part of the team, please speak to a member of the clergy.

On the 1st Sunday of the month, Jo, Will and I continue to lead the session in the hall. We have been creating a bible timeline for the past year, learning about characters throughout the bible beginning with Adam and Eve. As we are currently looking at Samson, and with only one session a month, it might take a while yet to get to Jesus!

Thanks: For the children and leaders. Prayer : That the children who come will grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus, and that they would share that with their friends. Goal: That more children would come along. Amanda Micklethwaite (Ark Co-ordinator)

24 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Youth & Children

Pre-School and Families Work Over the last year I have been blessed by the Toddling Tortoises team of Jo, Abi, Karen and Sally. We are sorry to lose Sally this term but are looking forward to the addition of Sophie. Alice Heywood joined us for a short time as part of her Duke of Edinburgh requirements. The children loved Alice, who brought stories to life with drama and actions.

During Toddling Tortoise sessions on Sundays we have focussed on having fun. Our bible stories are shared using songs, sounds, pictures, toys and craft. My aim is to create a fun, safe place that the children enjoy. For Mother’s Day we enjoyed painting the children’s hands to make hand prints for their mums!

The Thursday morning Toddler group is held at the vicarage and has grown. This is a safe environment for the mums, and occasionally nans and dads, to share highs and lows of family life and to pray for each other. There is a real sense of support in the group which is fantastic!

To celebrate the great job that these mums do, at Christmas Richard and Ross served an amazing Christmas feast, cooked by Max, to the lovely ladies. It was a special evening, and a great way to serve the mums.

My vision for the future would be to continue to create an environment in Toddling Tortoises where the children get to know Jesus as their friend aware that they can talk to him any time. I see the Thursday group as a safe place for people to invite friends with toddlers and where families whose children have been baptised can feel welcome and comfortable. Toddling Tortoise Thanks: To God for the amazing servant hearts of the Toddlers team. Helpers Abbi Childs Suzy Cross Prayer: For fun and growth for both groups! (co-ordinator) Karen Glanville Goal: To run a Family Time course to explore getting the most out of family life. Alice Heywood (temporary) Sophie Humphryes Suzy Cross (Pre-School & Families Worker) (new) Sally Jones # Jo Saunders # stood down in 2015 in !

‘Never forget these commands I am giving you today. Teach them to your children.’ Deuteronomy 6: 6-7

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 25 Education & Discipleship

GUSS Grown Up Sunday School usually meets at 11.30am on the 3rd Sunday of the month during term-time. It is an opportunity for some concentrated teaching on particular subjects.

From September 2015, we have been considering “Hard Questions” – including Euthanasia (ahead of the recent Commons debate), Creation and Evolution, Mental Illness, Abortion, and Faith in Schools (with thanks to Gill Robins).

Numbers fluctuate, and there are always complications in timing with the 10am service and coffee, and this will be under review. GUSS Leaders in 2015/16 Thanks: For the ongoing work of GUSS and our engagement Linda Clist Max Cross as adults (mainly) with the kind of concentrated David Loveless teaching we usually reserve for our children. Mick Micklethwaite Prayer: For continued inspiration with our teaching themes. Gill Robins Bob Slade Goal: That attendance will grow in size and spirituality. Richard Saunders

Mick Micklethwaite (GUSS Leader)

Home Groups These small groups meeting in people’s homes are a vital element of church life. For many members, they are a source of real friendship, of specific learning as followers of Christ, of encouragement in prayer and of opportunities to think through important ideas for themselves.

As well as the more informal ‘men at the pub’ discussions on Sunday evenings, there are now six groups meeting between Monday and Thursday, some in the afternoon and some in the evening. It’s been good to welcome new members to several of them.

In the Spring Term of 2015, the groups all opted to follow the sermon series on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. The preachers provided questions for group leaders to use if they wished.

While it’s good to have a unifying theme like this sometimes, the groups vary in both style and interests and usually make their own independent choices about content. Some like a particular series of published study material; others opt for topic-based discussion; some are more inclined to reflection, while others like to spend their time delving deeper into a Bible passage. Some debate the most recent sermon or GUSS presentation. Whatever their programme, all of them aim to be welcoming and supportive and to have fun together.

Home Group leaders and others within the groups give generously of their time Home Group Contacts Linda Clist (Co-ordinator) in preparation and chairing, but in fact all members are hugely important. In a Suzy Cross # very real sense, every Home Groupis church and everyone has a part to play. Anne Davidson (new) Ruth Markby (Pastoral Link) Thanks: For the growing friendships within groups. Angus McAllister Marie McAllister # Prayer: For continuing growth in spiritual maturity. Amanda Micklethwaite Goal: For new groups to be formed. Gill Robins Jo Saunders Ken Tottle

Linda Clist (Home Groups Co-ordinator) Stood down in 2015/16

26 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Education & Discipleship

Growing The Church God is a God of mission – after all he came to seek us out in Jesus – and he calls us as a church to be outward looking, looking for his kingdom to come and seeking to make a difference in the world.

During 2015 and the first part of 2016 we have been following a course to help us do just that as a church. Open to all, about 30 people have, at the time of writing attended five sessions. (There’s one session still to come).

The course has given us input to help us understand what factors help churches to grow and to give us vision for this. It has also given us an opportunity to reflect on the culture of the church and to make plans together for how we might reach out.

We’ve looked at: 1 Focus – looking at different types of growth – numerical, spiritual depth and capacity to serve in the community – and how much importance we place on it. 2 Plan – the importance of having events and processes by which people can easily join us and come to feel they belong. 3 Culture – how warm and welcoming we are as a community. 4 Calling – our call to share with other people what the good news of Jesus means to us. 5 Journey – how we grow as disciples of Jesus 6 Heart – how our worship can help or hinder others joining us.

In addition to this the PCC has been joined on two occasions by home group leaders and will shortly meet once more to review the feedback from the congregational meetings and to put together a ‘Mission Action Plan’ to help us reach out.

Thanks: For our discussions together and the ideas that have come from them.

Prayer: That the Lord will lead us to a plan for mission which pleases him.

Goal: That we might grow in numbers, in spiritual commitment and in making a difference in our communities and the world.

Richard Saunders (Vicar of St. Mary Magdalen, Sheet)

‘Through the help of the Holy Spirit the church was strengthened and grew in numbers, as it lived in reverence for the Lord.’ Acts 9:31

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 27 Social

Social Events The aims are…… ● To help the church family to “be family” by spending time and having fun together; ● To provide a friendly, welcoming atmosphere for those new to the church, or friends and neighbours; ● To support local outreach in the church

During the year A well-attended Community BBQ was held on the village green in May, and we were again excellently entertained by Churchers Jazz Band. Our Patronal and BBQ in July found us eating kebabs, burgers and sausages, followed by strawberries and cream. The strawberries were hand picked by enthusiasts! Both these BBQs were advertised to the local schools as well as to Sheet residents.

Our harvest lunch saw almost 100 people signing up. There were lots of families, and we enjoyed chicken and sausage casserole with fresh bread and salad, followed by delicious cakes.

In February, following the success of our 2015 spring walk and cream tea, we laid on scones, clotted cream, jam and cakes as a “reward” for about 80 people who walked round Sheet Common in the mud, starting and finishing at the village hall. Ages ranged from 2 – 80s!

Thanks: To our many willing helpers, and to those who enabled the refurbishment of the hall kitchen – it’s brilliant to have 60 matching plates! Prayer: For all our social events that they will bring in newcomers, and for sunshine! Goal: We look forward to more enjoyable “church family” events

Vicki Ostersen (Socials Co-ordinator)

Sunday Refreshments Everyone who helps serve refreshments after the 10am service is offering hospitality on behalf of the church to visitors and regular members alike. St Mary’s ministry goes on during this important time. Our grateful thanks to a number of helpers who have stood down this year, some after many years of service.

A special word of thanks to Susan Sparkes who works behind the scenes, making sure there are always sufficient stocks of coffee, tea, biscuits etc. and she also looks after the money. Everyone would notice if she wasn’t so efficient! Sunday Refreshments Keith Doyle We would very much welcome more people to come on the team - Ruth Firth if you could offer to do one week every two months, it would be a great Pam Fisher # help! Isabel Gibbins Kate Gwilliam (new) Thanks: To God for the willing volunteers who arrive Sandy Ingram at 9.30am and are almost the last to leave. John King (Team Leader) Prayer: That people will always feel a warm welcome Hazel Langley (Team Leader) Peta Sievwright and have a chance to chat over coffee. Sue Sparkes (Money & Provisions) Goal: To continue the good work started many Olivia Tottle (Team Leader & years ago. Coffee Co-ordinator) Rebecca Whelan Debbie Williams (Team Leader) Olivia Tottle (Refreshments Co-Ordinator) Nigel Williams # stood down 2015

28 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 29 Communication & Publicity

Overview St. Mary Magdalen is a thriving, living church and we use a variety of media by which we can reach out to a wide cross-section of our congregation and beyond, informing them of all that goes on in the life of our church. The main means of spreading news is St.MM’s weekly pewsheet the ‘Sheet Sheet’ which is available in church each Sunday and also sent out electronically to those with e-mail access. A tremendous amount of detailed information from a variety of sources goes into its production and timeliness and accuracy is essential. Last September, we introduced a new slim-line look Sheet Sheet which seems to be well received - we’ve even had feedback that it’s perfect for reading on an i-phone! We’ve also turned to the marketing service software MailChimp to try and ensure everyone receives our pewsheet after it recently came to light that a few electronic subscribers were slipping through the net. Information is also regularly disseminated through flyers and leaflets in church, email drops, our noticeboards, website and of course our own exciting monthly publication ‘NewSheet’. This year, Richard, Philip Poulter, Ruth Snelson and myself have had our eyes opened (thanks to Max and David!) to the wonders of Google Docs as a super-effective and dynamic way of maintaining and sharing our databases and inventories among ourselves as well as disseminating documentation such as the church calendar and rotas to most of the wider church community. As in past years, I am very grateful to Richard Barnes for his continuing assistance with producing our service posters, as well as those for special events at St.MM. Church posters and flyers are also displayed further afield to encourage others to come to our church eg. Sheet Primary School, Sheet Village Hall and thanks to Jenny Hollington the Sheet Parish Clerk, on the 2 Parish noticeboards. I thank Olivia and Ken Tottle who continue to be responsible for the church noticeboard outside the Co-Op. Details of our services also continue to be advertised through the Rock even though we no longer share ownership of that publication. Thanks: For the well-oiled publicity machine at St. Magdalen and all who strive to improve it. Prayer: That all households within the parish whom we touch via any media may be inspired to join us. Goal: ● To continue to enhance the ways we communicate within our church and reach out to the wider community. ● To issue in 2016 an updated internal Church Directory. (NB. If you haven’t joined the Electoral but would like to be included in this Directory, please do let me know!) Rebecca Whelan (Parish Administrator) Website - www.sheet.church Over the last year, with help from Max Cross, we have continued to ensure that the church website is a useful outreach tool to enable people to discover all about our church before joining us for a service, as well as providing information to our regular churchgoers includ- ing what is happening in church, sermon downloads and an event calendar. During this year, we launched our new website, along with our new site location www.sheet.church. We are also continuing the process of enhancing our presence on the internet by embracing social net- working and we are continuing to post daily prayer topics, via our Google+ page at http://goo.gl/CNBnnS and also our Twitter feed, and this can be found at http://www.twitter.com/stmaryssheet. If anyone has any ideas as to what else we could put on our Google+ or Twitter feeds do let Jon Ritchie know. Webmasters Thanks: For Max’s invaluable help in re-designing and launching our website, as well Jon Ritchie as keeping it up to date. Mark Watts Prayer: That our website / social networking feeds will continue to be valuable out- Max Cross reach tools that helps towards growing the church and the Kingdom of God. Goal: To improve on our social media presence this year. Jon Ritchie & Mark Watts (Webmasters ) A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 29 Publicity

NewSheet 2015 saw issues numbers 11 to 19 inclusive. Between them, they covered a huge range of activities and topics, contained dozens of photographs, lots of invitations to events and all the bread-and- butter information like service times, baptisms, weddings and funerals.

Despite the occasional frustration, the software makes layout relatively straightforward, if time- consuming. It has definitely become easier with practice. I am really grateful to all who e-mail photos and/or information and comment, as well as members of the ministry team for the ‘Soapbox’ page. I appreciate all your contributions and your cheerful willingness to be edited. I’m glad that the usual problem is lack of space to include everything rather than a shortage of material.

My proof-readers, Debbie Williams, Rebecca Whelan and Karen Glanville, are invaluable in eliminat- ing errors and of course Richard always reads and approves the final draft before printing. Jo Saunders does the printing and folding of paper copies for the back of church: she has been very forbearing when the usual deadlines have been stretched! Rebecca sends out the email link to each new issue and of course it is always accessible on the website (under Downloads).

Thanks to PCC support, we were again able to have the Easter and Christmas issues professionally printed in full colour. Olivia Tottle masterminded the considerable logistics of delivering a copy to every house in the parish and many folk were involved as foot soldiers! We have had very encourag- ing feedback from parishioners and plan to continue the principle of distributing NewSheet parish- wide twice a year. [Because of the early Easter, in 2016 we will deliver the July/August and Christmas issues.]

Thanks: For positive responses from the wider parish as well as church members.

Prayer: For all those who deliver NewSheet door-to-door.

Goal: To accurately reflect the multi-faceted life of Sheet Church.

Linda Clist, NewSheet Editor


30 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 The PCC

The Parochial Church Council At the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) 2015, Roger Marston, Jeannine Davies, Olivia Tottle and Vikki Mason came to the end of their periods of service. People standing for election were Olivia Tottle (1 year), Paula Wigley, Philip Poulter, Ross Jarvis, Philip Taylor, Linda Clist and Abbi Childs (2 years). Jenny Parkes stood for election to the Deanery Synod. Ruth Snelson and Karen Glanville stood for election as Churchwardens.

At the May meeting new members were welcomed and David Loveless, Youth Worker, was co-opted on to the PCC. Members voted in Ruth Snelson as Lay Chair; Philip Poulter as Treasurer; Paula Wigley as PCC Secretary; Hilary Bonney as PACT rep. Julian Livingstone as Church Architect and Karen Glanville as Deanery Pastoral Committee rep. Keith Doyle was appointed to the Diocesan Synod, so automatically became a member of the PCC and Deanery Synod.

Mission: Talks began about connecting with churches in Africa, possibly in Kenya. This would be in conjunction with Tearfund. Mission giving to re- main at 10% of unrestricted giving.

Worship Pattern: Major work done by small group on worship pattern Vicar (sc) Ex officio Revd. Richard Saunders review. After much discussion/feedback from congregation/church meeting it was decided to leave 8am Communion as before but 10am service to reflect Churchwardens (sc) Ex officio until both traditional and contemporary aspects of worship. Ruth Snelson (lay chair)2017 Karen Glanville 2020

Finance: Audit of accounts not felt to be necessary but change of Financial Elected members until Examiner at IEL to be insisted upon in the future. Ambrose Barber 2017 (sc) Sylvia Bovington 2016 # Abbi Childs 2017 Safeguarding: Christine Hunter presented documents for 2015/16 which Linda Clist 2018 Kit Davies 2016 # were agreed. Tim Horne 2017 Ross Jarvis 2018 Amanda Micklethwaite Reserves Policy: Target of £30,000 agreed. Employees’ salaries to rise by 3%. 2017 Vicki Ostersen 2016 # Bob Slade 2016 # Organ: Needs major input. Sub-group formed. Philip Taylor 2018 Olivia Tottle 2016 # Shaun Whelan 2017 (sc) Sustainability Audit into Church Life: To be organised by Marie-Claire Green- Treasurer ing. Philip Poulter 2018 (sc) PCC Secretary Paula Wigley 2018 Re-ordering of Chancel: Completed! Diocesan Synod Rep Keith Doyle 2018

Thanks: For unity of purpose amongst the PCC members, always working Deanery Synod Reps Ex officio Jenny Parkes 2017 towards the good of the church. Nigel Williams 2017

Ex. Officio Prayer: That the Lord might be able to work out His purpose through us Revd. Mick Micklethwaite and the church family. Revd. Max Cross Co-opted Goal: That everything we do might be by the inspiration of God. David Loveless (new) (sc) Standing Committee member together with Chairs of Committees

Paula Wigley (PCC Secretary) # standing down at APCM 2016

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 31 Safeguarding

Safeguarding Children / Young People and Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Role The role of the Safeguarding Representative is to work alongside the incumbent to ensure safe recruiting and working of volunteers. This includes facilitating Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and ensuring that volunteers have completed any training requirements. Volunteers have a duty of care to keep children and vulnera- ble adults safe and this includes reporting any concerns to the incumbent or Safe- guarding Representative. Any allegations of mistreatment, abuse, harassment or bullying will be responded to without delay.

The Update Service and Training Making recruiting safe involves several processes, which can feel tiresome and lengthy. There are several documents to complete, in addition to training. Volunteers are not considered ready to com- mence any role until training is complete. Being in receipt of a DBS certificate is now no longer sufficient. I continue to encourage all volunteers to undertake this training. It involves around one hour to so of an e-learning module and completing a quiz after. Training provides us with the knowledge and confidence we might need to help some one else in need. Several volunteers have still to complete this. Anyone who requires assistance can contact me for help.

The Update Service is an electronic database of individuals with a current DBS who have registered with the service. Volunteers can apply for this for free, at the point of obtaining a new DBS. The advantage to this is that renewals can then be processed electronically without the need for further paperwork. It also means that the DBS becomes transferable between organisations without further paperwork. I continue to encourage anyone who obtains a new DBS to apply for this. It needs to be done within 19 days of receiving the new DBS.

Parish Review In September 2015 St Mary Magdalen participated in the Church of England Programme for independent safeguarding audits of Church of England Dioceses. This was commissioned by the House of Bishops through the National Safeguarding Team Portsmouth Diocese. There appears to be nothing quite like the authority of an audit to encourage good working. Encouraged by the audit, there was a terrific upsurge in volunteers completing the training. We were delighted to receive very positive feedback following the audit and we continue to keep up the good work.

Thanks: To all the agencies and individuals who work tirelessly to keep our children and vulnerable adults safe. Being safe and feeling safe is the most basic human gift.

Goal: Going forward I encourage anyone who does not feel safe, or if you know anyone who is in a situation where their safety is compromised, to talk to a person they know they can trust.

Prayer: We pray that through God’s love all people can feel that sense of safety, love and security.

Christine Hunter (Church Safeguarding Rep)

32 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Administration

Parish Administrator I’ve now been Parish Administrator for 55 months and yet again we’ve had an extremely busy year at St. Mary Magdalen. Certainly in the Parish Office there is simply never a dull or slack moment and as usual, at certain times of the year the pressure can really ramp up. In essence the Parish Administrator facilitates the day to day running of the church, providing administrative support to the Vicar, leadership team and all involved in the activities of the Church as well as fielding enquiries. I undertake those jobs which are time sensitive and need to be dealt with on a regular weekly/monthly/annual basis. This includes the weekly Sheet Sheet, baptism/wedding/funeral records, the church membership database and Elec- toral Roll, publicity, hymn sheets, copyright licensing, the services rota and a huge variety of other one-off jobs. 2015/16 has been another eventful year. Some particular highlights for me have been our annual Remem- brance and All Souls services in November and our Carol Service in December where our church was packed with many visitors. In July we were especially honoured to hold a service to celebrate the reunion of former pupils from West-Mark Camp School which had been set up nearby for evacuees after WWII in 1949-56. Some folk had travelled from as far afield as Canada and Australia to attend and an engraved Cibborium, the school had given us all those years ago, and a Lectern especially crafted by the school’s wood-working class, stood in pride of place. 2015/16 has also been a year of change not only in the style of some of our worship and the Ark, but also for some of our work processes as well as people changes - with sad farewells to some longstanding congregation members but happy welcomes to new ones. Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals During 2015/16 there were 11 Baptisms (including 1 adult), 6 Weddings, 18 Funeral Services, 8 of which were held here at St. Mary Magdalen and 4 of which included Thanksgiving Services also held here. Sadly some of the funerals held here at St. MM were for our own Tony Berry, Marguerite McGuire and Christine Muggeridge. We also carried out 10 Interments of Ashes; 7 of which were in St.MM’s peaceful garden and 3 at Petersfield Cemetery. A particular ‘thank you’ to all who provide support in these areas - Shaun Whelan who vergers at weddings and funerals; Ann Brooks for sending out baptism anniversary cards and to Joy Rodgers who follows up with the relatives of those who have died to see if they would like the name of their loved one written in the Book of Remembrance and then enters the names so beautifully. This year I assumed the role of St. MM’s Wedding Clerk in addition to my other administrative duties so I try to ensure that my own writing is as neat as possible in the Marriage Registers and on the Marriage Certificates! Church Database/Electoral Roll The Electoral Roll is a confidential computer register of all who have said they want to be involved in the life of St Mary Magdalen. Only those registered are qualified to attend, comment and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. The Electoral Roll now numbers 208 people. Over the past year 7 new people have joined (4 of whom have worshipped at St.MM for 6 months to gain a qualifying connection to get married here). Sadly this has been offset though by the deaths of 5 members plus 6 who have moved elsewhere. This gives an overall decrease of 4 people below last year’s total of 212. Of the total number there are 136 female and 72 male in 143 households with 113 living within the Parish and 95 outside the Parish. NB. I will soon be producing a new up-to-date internal Church Directory based on the Electoral Roll; so if you haven’t registered yet but would like to be included, then please do let me know. Thanks: To those who have given me kind words and shown appreciation. Prayer: To find the Lord in the smallest and largest tasks. Goal: To improve on some of our admin. processes with extended use of dynamic Google Docs. Rebecca Whelan (Parish Administrator, Electoral Roll Officer & Wedding Clerk) A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 33 Fabric

Fabric Group Fabric Group I took over from Nigel Williams’ stewardship of the Fabric Committee during the Peter Belton (Secretary) Summer of 2015 as the long gestation period for the chancel re-ordering project Sylvia Bovington finally came closer to fruition. (Chancel re-ordering) Kit Davies A huge thank you to Nigel and his predecessor Dave Castle, for their leadership as Alynne Dunt chairs during this process, and to all the many individuals who gave generously of John Dunt their time, skills and monies in the fulfilment of this ambitious project. Particular Mark Hellewell thanks to The Friends, under the leadership of John Dunt, who generously sup- Tim Horne ported the project throughout, to Sylvia Bovington, who spent much time investi- Clare Lund Chris Lund gating furniture and fabrics and to Hilmar Hauer for his technical expertise when Sarah Reed choosing the sound system. Ruth Snelson While we have said “goodbye” to several articles of church furniture (many thanks Shaun Whelan (Chair) Nigel Williams (Chair) # to Ruth Firth for storing these in her barn until new homes could be found within # stood down in 2015 the church family!) we can now enjoy a chancel which has new furniture, a new carpet with underfloor heating, improved wall heaters, upholstered seating which can be moved to accommodate a variety of service styles and a greatly enhanced sound system. At Harvest Festival 2015, the new facilities were put to their first significant test when Sheet Primary School staged their school service before a packed church. We now have a flexible space within the church which offers a comfortable environment not only for church services but also for broader village community activities. Our improved technology also allows us to offer new options to those attending the church. At a recent funeral we were asked to play ten pre-recorded items using the new sound system. The favourite songs of a much loved mother were played with eulogies from her family and friends, while on the screen were projected photographs of her life. We could not have offered that service just a few months ago. Alongside these major projects the everyday life of the church continues throughout the year. Dozens of people bring their dedication to a multitude of tasks under the ‘Fabric’ umbrella: Sarah Reed and her team of cleaners, Clare Lund and her helpers who provide beautiful floral displays whatever the event, Peter Belton for stepping up to do our minute taking, Alynne Dunt for planning and managing our exquisite garden with her team of mowers, all those who turned out for our pre-Quinquennial tidy up, our Autumn garden clearance in the pouring rain (with special thanks to Thelma Berry for her dedication) and the recent church Spring Clean. Special thanks also to the lovely Tottles who provide refreshments to the troops on these occasions, to Tim Horne for his generous contributions to Fabric (especially when wielding the telescopic brush to such good effect), to Chris Lund for cleaning out the gutters and raking moss from the roof and to Mark Hellewell for having a tool for every task and for his bonfire management skills. Future and current projects include: ● An examination by a sub-group of Kit Davies, Hilmar Hauer and Peter Belton of the options for our aging church organ - repair and refurbishment or a digital replacement. ● Consideration of under pew heating to further improve the church environment by Richard with help from Phil Taylor. ● Consideration of replacement of aging bulbs with LED lighting to save electricity costs. ● Repair to our wind damaged spire. ● Wall hangings. Thanks: A heartfelt one to all those who support me as Chair through their particular talents and to the Vicar, Churchwardens and Treasurer for their support and encouragement. Prayer: That our band of helpers may grow in number and commitment and lead by example. Goal: To continue to build upon our improvements to the church and thereby its growth in the community. Shaun Whelan (Fabric Group Chair) 34 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Fabric

Vergers I am now entering my seventh year as verger at St MM. The role in many ways is Vergers Building that of a general factotum or caretaker with added extras. It can range from the Shaun & Rebecca mundane - for instance ensuring that the church is heated for all services, choir Whelan practice and other events, fetching flower pedestals from the shed for weddings Weddings/Funerals and the crib service from the tower for Christmas - to setting up for our annual All Baptisms Souls service or dealing with the sensitivities around a funeral or a neighbour with Rebecca Whelan a problem or query. Shaun Whelan Baptisms I continue to open and lock the church every day apart from Sunday morning and Lynnette Spong (new) when we are away in the Summer (thanks to Max and Richard for doing the hon- ours then!) The church is open from about 8am until dusk each day, a fact that is Clock Maintenance appreciated by visitors, florists and undertakers. Shaun Whelan On Wednesday mornings I still stay on to help set up for the Communion Service and on Saturday evening Rebecca and I prepare the church for the following morning’s services.

I continue to wind the church clock mechanism each week and since the weather last Summer was not particularly hot and we’ve had a mild Winter, the mechanism fortunately has not got stuck as it has in previous years!

We’ve had a busy year as vergers for weddings and particularly funerals and it’s been a great asset having the new sound system. One funeral last Summer had over 400 people attending and it took over an hour for the mourners to leave the church. As traffic and parking issues have increased in the village, we’ve also had problems with a bridal bus getting stuck and a lorry trying to get past a hearse.

It’s always poignant but an honour to verger at the funerals of St. MM members whom we have lost over the last year; in 2015/16, Marguerite McGuire, Christine Muggeridge, Tony Berry. (Many thanks are due to Anne Davidson and Neville Snowden who assisted Rebecca at the last of these when I was unable to be in attendance!) Special thanks is also due this past year to Lynette Spong who volunteered to sets things up and welcome at any 12noon baptisms we might have.

Thanks: To all those who contribute to not only the fabric of the church building but also to the Christian heart of St. MM.

Prayer: That all who pass through St. MM may be blessed and strengthened in their Christian faith and that visitors to our church will be encouraged to return by the warm welcome.

Goal: That we are more mindful of security issues regarding the church. As I write this, tonight is ‘Earth Hour’ but throughout the year, in accordance with our values, we need to be aware of the church’s carbon footprint, not to mention energy bills: ensuring that all electricals are switched off after use and especially the projector. Vestry doors also need to be securely locked. Any failure to neglect these considerations may invalidate our insurance. Shaun Whelan (Verger)

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 35 Fabric

Cleaning The cleaning team have done a marvellous job during the year - silver polishing, brass polishing, dusting, vacuuming and laundering. One of the team (Margaret Sutton) has been polishing the brass on a regular basis for 25 years!! The spring clean in March had a good turn out. It was great to see a couple of young children who also came to help. We even had live music and refreshments while we worked. The church looked perfect! A number of our volunteers retired during the year so we are grateful to those that have covered duties and literally ‘mucked in'. We wish the retired a well deserved rest and a big ‘thank you’ for all the work they put in, with many years service between them. We were also very sad to hear that Christine Muggeridge passed away in January. She had faithfully cleaned the church silver for many years.

Thanks: To all involved in looking after the inside and outside of our lovely building. Prayer: For all who attend and visit St Mary Magdalen. Goal: We hope some new people will come along and help - even occasionally! Sarah Reed (Cleaning Co-ordinator) Cleaning Team Hazel Langley Vestry Brass Communion Linen ‘The Ark’ Barbara Mace Sylvia Bovington Sheila Bowler # Judy Barrow # Sonia Ratsey # Alison Gauld# Peter Belton Silver Cleaning Sarah Reed (co-ordinator) Sarah Reed/Jo Saunders Marie-Claire Greening Christine Muggeridge# (d) Sue Sparkes (interim - new) Valerie Connor Jane Starbuck Sylvia Bovington/Sarah Reed Max Cross Wendy Rogers (interim - new) Altar Linen Rosie Griffiths Felicity Heal # Paula Wigley Brass Cleaning Sandy Ingram Debbie Williams Margaret Sutton # stood down in 2015 Jonathan King Nigel Williams (d) died in 2016

Flowers Our church has benefited from almost continuous flower arrangements throughout the last year. It is always wonderful to see the amazing results that are produced by the team for the main celebrations eg. Christmas and Harvest, but also to have flowers to enhance our peaceful place of worship on the regular weeks. On some occasions our arrangers are also called on to arrange the flowers for some of the weddings held in church.

The much appreciated flower team is very select, and for select read small. The everyday displays have only a couple of folk producing them on the whole. Many people find the idea of doing the flowers too daunting, many have already produced displays for many years and many people are fully engaged in other church activities. However it is lovely to have flowers as often as possible. Chris Lund’s and Peter Belton’s stout sweeping is much appreciated and it was Flower Team also really delightful to have Thelma Berry back to join in at Christmas. We were Heather Belton also very sad to lose Marguerite McGuire who passed away in the Autumn. She Hilary Bonney had loved helping for many years. Sandy Ingram Clare Lund (Co-ordinator) Thanks: To everyone who contributes over the year, the team, the helpers Marguerite McGuire (d) and a special mention for Shaun who willingly hauls floristry para- Anne Randall phernalia up and down the tower and back and forth to the shed. Wendy Rogers Annabelle Snell Prayer: For more people to join our main core of weekly arrangers. Violet Snell Goal: To keep as much ‘flower power’ in St. Mary’s as possible for every (d) died in 2015 one to enjoy! Clare Lund (Flower Co-ordinator)

36 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Fabric

Garden It was a very sunny warm start to the year but Summer was cooler than usual and fairly dry. However the plants grew well and there was a good show of flowers throughout the year. The mowing team kept the grass looking good; it is easy to take for granted our neat lawn but it involves hard work which is much appreciated. Mowing Team We had a very wet Autumn clear up in November. There was a fairly small but John Dunt dedicated team who worked through dreadful conditions without complaining. David Burge The garden was looking very neat and ready for winter when we finished. Vaughan Clarke # Mike Glanville (new) Thanks to Ken for the much needed refreshments. Eric Gorvin Mark Hellewell (new) Thanks: To all involved in looking after our lovely garden and especially Tim Horne Simon Kendall # to Sylvia Bovington for all her advice and support. Chris Lund Chris Taylor Goal: Our aim for 2015 is to make the garden easier to look after and Phil Taylor improve some of the planting. Autumn Clean-Up Team Thelma Berry Prayer: That our garden continues to bring joy to all those that attend John Dunt church and those that pass by. Mark Hellewell Tim Horne Chris Lund Juanita Pertwee Ken Tottle Alynne Dunt (Gardening Co-ordinator) Shaun & Staffy Whelan

# stood down in 2015

The Friends to Sheet Church The Friends’ main donation to our church in 2015 was to pay for the cost of our The Friends Committee new sound system at just over £11,000. There have been many complimentary Ambrose Barber comments about the new, state of the art sound system which provides a much Dave Castle John Dunt (Chair) more flexible and reliable service . After the chancel reordering was completed, Oliver Greening (Treasurer) the new reading desk was funded from a generous £1,000 donation to The Wendy Rogers Friends by the late Captain Mike Barrow, my predecessor as Chairman of The Richard Saunders Friends. The Friends also paid £1,000 for some essential repointing ahead of the Ruth Snelson quinquennial inspection of the church fabric. Phil Taylor Dick Welch# The Friends will always maintain a reasonably healthy reserve of funds in case Shaun Whelan (new) of some unexpected major requirement. Thankfully, our church is in pretty good Nigel Williams # shape at present and as I write I understand that the very recent # stood down in 2015 inspection does not reveal any major problem. Looking ahead, the PCC has agreed that organ refurbish- ment or replacement should be pursued. This will involve major expense.

Thanks: To all who are Friends, for your support which is greatly appreciated. Goal: To recruit new friends to make a regular donation so, no matter how modest your contribution may be, please do consider becoming a Friend. (Leaflets explaining how to become a Friend are in the church porch). Prayer: That the Friends will be able to consider how best to ensure that fund raising and donations might pay for the organ refurbishment project.

John Dunt (Chair of The Friends)

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 37 40 Finance

Treasurer’s Report We ended up with a small deficit in our general funds for the year of just under £1,600, which again was a substantial improvement on the originally predicted defi- cit. This was thanks to a legacy and an individual donation totalling £5,500 and sav- ings on predicted expenditure of £3,500.

Looking at the Balance sheet in the Annual Financial Report, you can see that our overall funds at the end of the year amount to £97,970, which is made up as follows:

∙ Endowment funds: £3,246 These are funds where we can only spend the interest, not the capital; ∙ Restricted Funds: £34,509 These are funds given by donors for specific purposes; includes: § Youth Worker Fund £23,612 § Vera Messam Legacy £ 2,792 (Church maintenance) A full list features in the Annual Financial Report. ∙ Designated Funds: £31,168 These are funds set aside by the PCC for specific purposes. Consists of: § Legacy Funds £10,000 § Projects Fund £21,250 § And a small overspend on Mission ∙ General Funds: £29,047 This figure includes any giving not restricted to a specific purpose.

For 2016 the PCC has chosen to continue to invest in growth and, through Finance Group this, in the future of the church. This may mean that we will dip further Peter Clist - Secretary (new) into the reserves, albeit that Peter Clist, as Stewardship advisor, has asked Alison Gauld - Secretary # us to aim to cover our general expenditure from our general income this Karen Glanville - Churchwarden year and the initial response has been very positive. (new) Philip Poulter - Treasurer Ken Tottle has continued in his role as Donations Co-ordinator with great Richard Saunders - Vicar aplomb and a minimum of fuss. His role in managing and reclaiming Gift Solveig Store - Deputy Treasurer Aid is essential to us, with the tax man contributing almost £28,000 to the (new) Phil Taylor - Chair various costs of the church. Donations Coordinator Solveig Store took over as Deputy Treasurer on the 1�� January 2015 and Ken Tottle has benefited from the work put into this by her predecessor, in that there Cashier are few, if any, substantial issues to deal with. Hers is very much a watching Debbie Williams brief to ensure that what I present to the Finance Committee and PCC makes # stood down 2015 sense from an accounting point of view. Chair of the Finance Committee Phil Taylor provides an additional independent source of scrutiny on our finances, which is much appreciated. I am particularly grateful too for the numerous people who help by counting the collections after each service, a very important part of our cash handling, and to Debbie Williams, who is our cashier. 2016 will continue to be challenging financially as we hope to balance the books for the first time in many years. Thanks: For the many people who help keep our finances manageable. Prayer: For the results of ‘Paying Our Way’ in the 2016 Stewardship campaign. Goal: For our future general giving to cover our general expenses. Philip Poulter (Treasurer) 38 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Finance

The Discretionary Fund

The Discretionary Fund is a small fund used to help those who find themselves in short-term financial difficulty. It is held separately to the church finances in a Barclays account and the vicar and church wardens are signatories. We receive funds from PASRIN, the Petersfield and Sheet Relief for those in Need. If anyone knows of someone who could benefit from a donation, please contact one of us or Richard.

In 2015 we started with a balance of £1,033.01. During the year £100 has been paid out in donations, leaving a total of £933.01.


‘Give generously from what the Lord has blessed you with’ Deuteronomy 15:14

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 39 Deanery Synod

The Deanery Synod meets at least four times a year in parishes around the Deanery. Its role is to promote the work of the church in our area, to deal with issues raised by the PCCs and to respond to consultations from Diocesan Synod. The Area Dean is Revd Will Hughes of St Peter’s, Petersfield and the Lay Chair is Louise Clay of St John the Evangelist, West Meon.

Deanery Synod members are elected for the three year term of a Synod. The next Election will take place at the 2017 Annual Church Meeting. Our two lay members are Nigel Williams and Jenny Parkes (who replaced Vikki Mason who stood down during the year). In addition, Richard, Mick and Max are also Synod members.

The Deanery Synod form the electorate for Deanery representatives to the Diocesan Synod and Diocesan representatives to the General Synod, and have voted in elections to both Synods during 2015. Topics discussed during 2015, informed by guest speakers have included:

● Working with schools (Jeff Williams, Director of Education, Portsmouth & Winchester Dioceses ) ● Reform and renewal agenda (Lucy Docherty, Lay Chair, Portsmouth Diocese) ● Farming Communities Network (John Field of FCN) ● Diocesan Council for Social Responsibility (Revd Nick Ralph) ● Children & Young People’s ministry (Ben Mizen, Diocesan Youth, Children & Young Vocations adviser) ● ‘Live, Pray, Serve’ draft Diocesan strategy (the Venerable Gavin Collins, Archdeacon of the Meon) ● Revd. Canon Dr Anthony Rustell, Diocesan Head of Mission, Discipleship & Ministry

Sharing of experiences and opportunities to work together in 2015 have included: Deanery Synod 2015 ● Working with schools – experience from Blackmoor Max Cross ● Week of accompanied prayer Keith Doyle ● Vikki Mason # Preparation for Deanery pilgrimage 2016 Mick Micklethwaite ● Children & Young People’s ministry – experience from Sheet Jenny Parkes Richard Saunders The deanery website is at www.petersfielddeanery.org.uk .There are daily parish Nigel Williams prayer requests, news, announcements, and a separate page for each parish; but # stood down in 2015 the website can only be as good as its members make it, so please try to feed it and use it!

Thanks: For the work of those across the Deanery who seek to strengthen our wider Christian community

Prayer: For those on the Synod as we meet to discuss matters of mutual interest.

Goal: That those discussions produce some tangible results that can be seen by church congregations

Nigel Williams (Deanery Synod Member)

40 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Diocesan Synod

After attending an open Deanery Synod at St. Peter’s Church in the spring of 2015 and hearing the Bishop say that there is going to be change in the Church of England, I decided to get involved in church politics. To be honest, I had attended Deanery Synods in the past and unfortunately found them to be boring.

Initially, I had attempted to get onto St Mary’s PCC with the intention of getting onto the Deanery Synod, only to be told that I had not been on the Electoral Roll long enough to quality. I then read that the diocese was looking for people to join the Diocesan Synod so I put my name forward and was accepted - so finishing up on the Deanery Synod as well as the PCC.

I was getting to know what was involved and noticed that the role of the Bishop’s Council looked interesting. I talked to Will Hughes (Area Dean and Vicar of St. Peter’s) about this and he said that this was the place to be! After thinking for a moment he advised me that there were no contentious issues coming up and reminded me that we are all on the same side … I can’t imagine what he thought I was going to do!! (He clearly had not thought about ‘Sex and the Church today’!)

One of the first things that a new Synod has to do is elect a chairman for the house of Clergy and the House of Laity. They should also have a chairman of the House of Bishops but in view of the fact that there is only one Bishop in the diocese, Bishop Christopher had to wait in what he called, “splendid isolation” while these tasks were completed.

I then went on to apply to be on the Bishop’s Council. This is a group of about 30 people who advise the Bishop on running the diocese. I then volunteered to be on a sub-committee which suggests an agenda for the Synod to the Bishops Council. But because I was a ‘new boy’, sadly I was not accepted.

On my first meeting at the Bishop’s Council, I entered the meeting room and saw about thirty chairs set around a conference table, most of which were not occupied ……. Where should I sit? I thought I would do this in a Biblical way, ie. occupy a lowly position and hopefully be asked to move up, however the position of the chairs did not make this easy. I selected a seat and noticed an agenda in front of me with many of the items highlighted in various colours and the time each item should take. “We are organised here,” I thought to myself. Then it occurred to that I was possibly in the wrong seat and so quietly moved to the seat on my left. A few minutes later the Bishop entered the room and occupied the seat I had just vacated. So much for looking for the lowly seat!

Thanks: For Bishop Christopher and the other leaders in the diocese for their hard work and a willingness to share differing views.

Prayer: That all synod and PCC members may “in their hearts sanctify Christ as Lord”.

Goal: That all adults who have attended church for 6 months on a regular basis, will be able to give an account of what their Christian faith is and why they believe it; in accordance with 1 Peter 3:15.

Keith Doyle (Diocesan Synod Member)

41 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Petersfield Area Churches Together

Petersfield Area Churches Together (PACT) - www.pact.org.uk “Churches Together in England unite in pilgrimage those churches in England which: ● Acknowledge God’s revelation in Christ ● Confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures. ● Commit themselves in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

PACT is associated with Churches Together in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Revd. Will Hughes was Chair in 2015. This coming year the Chair is substituted by three Convenors: Tim Concannon from St Laurence and Simon and Helen Mason from Life Church.

It is good to remind and inform ourselves of what is going on. Our relationship together as churches is really important and PACT helps in this by giving opportunities to meet, work and worship together.

Last Summer there was a pilgrimage over two weekends by car or walking between our churches. We learnt about the history of each church and enjoyed hospitality at each venue.

The Junior section of Holiday Club was organised by Max and Suzy and their team. Holiday Club is likely to change next year because of the lack of young leaders and the pressure on the Juniors to do other things. PACT Covenors 2015 Tim Concannon (St. Laurence) PACT supports The Food Bank, Christmas Day Lunch, Messy Church, Card Dis- Simon & Helen Mason tribution, Home-Start Butser and The Kings Arms. (Life Church) PACT Secretary A very comprehensive website of over 1000 pages of archive material, forth- Paula Hudson coming events and links with all groups can be found at www.pact.org.uk. PACT Website John Studd Thanks: To God for the Christian witness, love and blessings that are Church Rep shared in Petersfield and surrounding area. (One only has to be Hilary Bonney among fellow Christians in PACT to witness this!) PACT Card Co-ord Olivia Tottle Prayer: For future refreshing links for worship amongst all the churches PACT Holiday Club Rep of PACT. Helen Mason King’s Arms Board Goal: May the Petersfield Area Churches Together reach the wider Bob Slade community especially those who are vulnerable or different.

Hilary Bonney (St. Mary Magdalen PACT Rep. )

42 A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015 Vicar - Rev’d Richard Saunders 263673 Email: [email protected]

Administrator - Rebecca Whelan 302695 Parish Office open: Wed/Thur/Fri morning Email: [email protected]

Website: www.sheet.church

A Year in the life of St Mary Magdalen ~ 2015