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little thought is needed

no fancy props or set

lots of imagination

remember . . . . and don’t forget.”

4 5

V 6 7




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13 14

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Some teachers lecture from hooks, some talk to the wall, some to their shoes, and some to a select few. You have given to each student the right of individuality. You have

made it possible for each student to see with his own insight and to share this insight with other members of his class. You take all points of view into consideration so we can feel and see and not merely hear, making thinking an art. You are not content only to work in the classroom, but you take your enthusiasm outside. For it was you who gave most freely ofyour time and energy in the Blood for Peace drive. It was you who worked with and guided the Viet Nam Peace Movement at Emerson, and sat with us on

October 15, not as a teacher, but as a friend. To a person who understands that the ideas formed in a classroom are only important if they can be carried on outside that classroom ; to a person who has helped to bring many questions before this institution and who has brought them with such an excitement and a belief in her convictions that they have caused others to move forward; to a person who understands that education is not just an isolated hour spent in a classroom; to a person who knows

that listening is not merely the silence that precedes speech, but the most important ingredient of a teacher and a human being; to you. Miss Irene Mclnnis, we dedicate this yearbook.

IK 19 “I am me

I am not someone else, someone else is someone else

I am me

They can dream, they can play

But they cannot take away

What is me

Not him, not her, not thee

No siree, I am me

They can scheme they can brey

They can wear their hats all day

Still . . . I’m . . . me

No hats, no lies, no sham

For I am what I am

I ... am ... me.”



President Burt Kelman

Vice President Marsha Lemense

22 MALCOLM D. ALTER Moish B.S. Speech Education

Associate Aid to Speech Therapy 2; M.E.S.A. 3, 4;

Hillel 1; WECB I: WERS-FM 2, 3, 4; WERS-TV


HANNAH ANGELL Honey B.A. Theatre Education

Booster Club 1; Cross Country Team Manager 1,

2; Public Production 2; Freshmen Class Show 1.


Student Advisor 4; Hillel 1, 2; Sailing Club 1;

Public Production 1, 3, 4; Experimental Studio

Production 4; Hazing Committee 2.

CAMILLE BALZANO Cam B.S. Speech Pathology

Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4: Hazing Committee 2; Com- mencement Committee 4; Emersonian 4; Executive

Council 4.

EDWARD BARON Ed B.S. Mass Communications

Phi Alpha Tau 3, Treasurer 4; Varsity Club 2, 3,

4; WERS-TV 1, 2, 3, 4; Hillel 1, 2; Sailing Club 1,

2, 3, 4; Sailing Team 1, 2, 3, 4.

23 LINDA BARON B.A. Elementary Education

Sailing Club 1, 2, 3. 4; Sailing Team 3; Strolling

Players 1.

ROBIN BERGER Pookie B.A. English

Dorm Vice President 1; Intra-dorm Council Repre-

sentative 3; Sailing Team 2; Sailing Club 1, 2, 3;

Berkeley Beacon 3.

ANDREA MARCIA BERLINER An: B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 1, 2, 3, House Manager 4;

Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, Secretary 3;

Hillel 1; Student Advisor 3; Booster Club 1; Haz- ing Committee 2; Public Production 1, 2, 3; Fresh- men Class Show 1.

PATRICIA BERRY B.S. Theatre Education

CLYDE LAWRENCE BICKFORD I Bick B.S. Mass Communications Dean’s List 3


1 JANET ALICE BLAUSTEIN J.B. B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 2, 3, Corresponding Secretary 4; Jtd, h V. - Mi* Associate Aid to Speech Therapy 1, 2; Gold Key

4; Student Advisor 3, 4: Social Service 2; Dean’s

List 1, 2, 3, 4; S.P.D.R. 3, 4

SUSAN BORKS Borksy B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4; Sailing Club 3; Speech

Choir 2; Student Advisor 3; Hazing Committee 2;

Emersonian Secretary 3, 4; Executive Council 3.

OLIVE L. BOSTON Ol/ie B.S. Dramatic Arts

Alpha Psi Omega 3, 4; Experimental Studio Pro-

ductions 4; Strolling Players 3; Transfer Student, 3.

25 SCOTT WILLIAM BOYD Philly Kid B.S. Mass Communications

Sailing Club I, 2, 3, 4; Sailing Team 1, 2. 3, 4;

WERS-TV 2. 3: WERS-FM 3. 4; WECB 1, 2, 3.

RUTH ELLEN BRETAN Rufus B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4; Executive Council 3;

Student Advisor 3, 4; Hazing Committee 2; Winter

Weekend Committee 2; Junior Prom Committee 3;

Commencement Committee 4.


B.S. Mass Communications

Student Advisor 3, 4; Basketball Team 1; Speech

Choir 2, Librarian 3, Vice President 4; WERS-FM

3, Public Relations Director 4; Dorm Council Repre-

sentative 1; Proctor 4; Dean’s List 3; Who’s Who

in American Colleges and Universities.


Dorm Council 1; Hazing Committee 2; Winter

Weekend Committee 2; Public Production Theatre

1, 2, 3, 4.


Student Advisor 3, 4; Emerson Catholic Commu-

nity 3, 4; Dance Company 3, 4; Gold Key 2, 3, 4.

26 DAVID JAMES CAMPANELLA Campy B.A. Mass Communications

Alpha Pi Theta 3, Parliamentarian 4; Baseball

Team 2; Student Advisor 4; WECB I, 2; WERS-

FM 1, 2, 3, 4; WERS-TV 2, 3, 4; Representative

Assembly 3, Parliamentarian 4; Varsity Club 2, 3,

4; Sailing Club 1; Executive Council, Chairman 2,


ALAN H. CARP Al B.S. Mass Communications

Hillel 4; WERS-TV 2, 3, 4; Transfer Student.

HEIDI COHEN B.S. Speech Education

Berkeley Beacon 3; Sailing Club 3; Social Service 3,

4; Transfer Student 3.

SANDRA H. COHEN Sandi B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 2, 3, 4; Speech Choir 3, Secretary

4; Forensics 2; Student Advisor 3, 4; S.P.D.R. 3, 4;

Freshmen Show 1; Dean’s List 1, 2, 3, 4; Gold

Key 2, 3, 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.


Berkeley Beacon 3, 4; Social Service 3, 4; Rho

Delta Omega 3, Treasurer 4; Wrestling Team 3, 4;

Varsity Club 3, 4; Transfer Student from .

27 HARRIET COPENHAGEN B.A. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Zeta Phi Eta 3, 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 4; Sailing

Club 3, 4; Sailing Team 4; Chorus 3, 4; Student

Advisor 4: Proctor 4; Dean's List 3; Transfer

Student from American International College 3.

PHYLLIS SUSAN COSLOY Coz B.S. Mass Communications

WERS-FM, News Editor 3, 4; Perspectus Magazine

3, Assistant Editor 4; Junior Prom Committee 3,

Dean's List 2.

C. CHAPIN CUTLER JR. Chape B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho 3. Vice President 4; WERS-

FM 2; Co-Producer Documentary Film There Ain't No Place To Go.

JEFFREY DAVIS California B.A. English

Student Advisor 3, 4; Berkeley Beacon 1; Hazing

Committee 2; Winter Weekend Entertainment

Chairman 2; Scribe 1, 2, Editor 3, 4; Emersonian 4.

DON B. deMESQUITA Cecil B B.S. Dramatic Arts

Phi Alpha Tau 2, 3, 4; WERS-FM 1, 2; WECB 1,

2; Student Advisor 3; Folding Players, Director 1,

2; Experimental Studio Productions, Producer and Production Stage Manager 4; Who’s Who in Ameri- can Colleges and Universities.

28 D. .1. DIOMEDES the Greek B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho 3, 4; WERS-TV 3, 4; Dean’s List 3; Transfer Student from University of Miami


PETER DURST Derek B.A. Mass Communications

WERS-FM 4; WERS-TV 4; Sailing Club 1. 2, 4;

Hillel 1 , 2, 4; Public Production Theatre 2.

ARTHUR FARNUM The B.B B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Phi Alpha Tau 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 1, 2, Program

Chairman 3, President 4; Associate Aid to Speech

Therapy 4; WECB 1 Dorm Council 1 ; Commence- ;

ment Committee 4; Student Advisor 3, 4;

S.P.D.R. 4; Proctor 4; Speech Choir 1, Librarian 2,

President 3, 4; Dean’s List 1, 2, 3, 4; Gold Key 3, Vice Speaker 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

ROBERT ROSS FARRA Bob B.S. Business and Industrial Communications Chorus 4.

MAUREEN ELLEN FAY Moe B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Student Advisor 3, 4; M.E.S.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Perspec-

tus Magazine 1, 2.

29 MARIN FREDA FEINS B.A. Elementary Education

Student Advisor 4; Hillel 1; Dorm Council 2, 3;

Winter Weekend Committee Chairman 2; M.E.S.A.

3. 4; Proctor 4.

STEVEN FELDMAN Steve B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho 3, Secretary 4; Sophomore

Show 2; Junior Show 3; Commencement Com- mittee 4; Student Advisor 4; WERS-FM 3, 4;

WECB 1. 2. 3. 4.

BART F1SCHBACH B.A. English Literature

Lambda Psi Pi, Vice President 3, 4; Freshmen

Class Vice President I; Dorm Council, Secretary 1;

Varsity Club 3; Cross Country Team, Founder,

Captain 1. 2, 3, 4.

NANCY FISHER Fishker B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 1, 2, Pan Hellenic Representa-

tive 3, Recording Secretary 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 2,

3, 4; Pan-Hellenic Council 3; Sailing Club 1; Haz-

ing Committee 2; Winter Weekend Committee and

Court 2; Student Advisor 3, 4; Associate Aid to

Speech Therapy 2, 3; Emersonian 4; Dean’s List 3.

MARJORIE M. FLECK Margie B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Phi Mu Gamma I, Recording Secretary 2, Treasur-

er 3, President 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 2, 3, Record-

ing Secretary 4; Pan-Hellenic, Vice President 4;

Hazing Committee 2; Hillel I; Student Advisor 3,

4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Univer-


30 JOANNE C. FRANKEL Josie B.A. English Literature

Student Advisor 3; International Relations Society

I ; Social 1 List Service 3; Dorm Council ; Dean's 2, 3, 4; Emersonian, Art Editor 4.

AMY ROSETT FRIEDLER A mouse B.S. Speech Education

Booster Club 1; Freshmen Class Show 1; Sopho-

more Class Show 2; M.E.S.A. 3, 4.

ROBERT FRIEDLER B.S. Theatre Education

M.E.S.A., President 4.

JEFFREY GAINES Milot Weatherwax B.S. Dramatic Arts

JOHN J. GILGIN John B.S. Speech

Phi Alpha Tau 2, Alumni Representative 3, Con- nor Award Chairman, Sargeant At Arms 4; Repre- sentative Assembly 3; Student Advisor 4; Emerson

Catholic Community 1, 2, 3, 4; Oral Interpretation

Society 3, President 4; Student Government Associ- ation, President 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

31 JOAN GINSBURG Queenie B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 3, Parliamentarian 4; Sigma

Alpha Eta 4; Student Advisor 4; WKRS-FM 2, 3;

WECB 2, 4. Traffic Manager 3; Winter Weekend

Court 2, Winter Weekend Committee 2.

DAVID L. GLODT B.S. Mass Communications

Berkeley Beacon 1 ; Booster Club 1 ; Perspectus Maga-

zine 3. 4; Sailing Club 1; WECB I; WERS-FM

1. 2: WERS-TV 1, 2.

JOHN L. GOODMAN B.S. Mass Communications

Phi Alpha Tau 3. National Council Representative

4; WECB 3; WERS-FM 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4;

Baseball Team 3. 4; Basketball Team 3. 4; Trans- fer Student from Arizona State University 3.


Kappa Gamma Chi 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; Pan-Hellenic Council, President 4: Student Advisor

3, 4; Representative Assembly 4; Associate Aid to

Speech Therapy I, 2; Hillel I; Hazing Committee

2, Winter Weekend Committee 2: Student Govern-

ment Association, Secretary 3; Dean’s List 1, 2, 3;

Gold Key 2, Parliamentarian 3, Speaker 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

ALAN MARTIN GREENE B.S. Mass Communications

WERS-FM 3; WF.RS-TV 3, 4.

32 LEO GRILLO B.S. Dramatic Arts

GARY HOWARD GROSSMAN B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho 2, 4, President 3; Student Ad-

visor 3, 4; Representative Assembly 3; Booster

Club 1; Sailing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; WECB 1, 2;

WERS-FM 1, 2; WERS-TV 3, 4; Gold Key 3, Parliamentarian 4; Co-Producer Documentary Film There Ain’t No Place To Go; Who’s Who in Ameri- can Colleges and Universities.

KRISTINA D. HANSEN Tina B.A. Dramatic Arts

International Relations Society 2, 3; Sailing Club 1,

2; Social Service 3; Strolling Players 3; Dean’s List

3, 4; Emersonian 4.

WILLIAM LEWIS HAZELWOOD JR. Bill B.S. Mass Communications

Sailing Club 4; Basketball Team 3; Transfer Student from Northeastern University and Boston State, Who’s Who in American Colleges and Univer-


JOY HEYMAN B.S. Elementary Speech Education Proctor 4.


* ROBERT HILLMAN Johnny Carson B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho 3. 4; WECB 3, 4; WERS-EM

3. 4; WERS-TV 3. 4.

BARBARA SIMON HIRSCH B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

HERBERT S. HOLMES Herb B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Pi Theta 2, 4, Sargeant At Arms 3; Alpha Epsilon Rho 4; Student Advisor 4; Executive

Council 3; Representative Assembly 3; Sailing

Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Perspectus Magazine 3, 4; WECB

1; WERS-FM 2, 3; Inter-Fraternity Council 3;

Junior Prom Chairman 3; Forensics 3, 4; Commence-

ment Committee Chairman 4; Gold Key 2, 3, 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

ALIX KUCKER HORLAND B.S. Mass Communications

Sailing Club 2, 3, 4; WERS-TV 2. 3. 4; Transfer Student from Northeastern University.

WILLIAM HOWATT B.A. English Literature

34 DABRIS J. IEVINS B.A. English

Lambda Psi Pi, Historian 3; Chorus 1, 2, President


DIANE BROOKS JANSON B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Phi Mu Gamma 1, 4, Sunshine Girl 2, Social

Chairman 3; Sigma Alpha Eta 4; Pan Hellenic

Council 3; Sailing Club 1; Berkeley Beacon 2; Proctor.

DANIEL TUCKER KAMIN Gusher B.S. Mass Communications and History

Alpha Pi Theta 2, 4, Business Manager 3; Execu-

tive Council 3; Representative Assembly 3; Foren-

sics 3; WERS-FM 2, 4; WERS-TV 2, 3, 4.

SHARON KATES B.S. Secondary Speech Education

Student Advisor 4; Booster Club 1; Chorus 1, 2;

Public Production Theatre 3; Strolling Players 2;

Freshmen Show 1; Sophomore Show 2; Jumor

Prom Committee 3; M.E.S.A. 3, 4; Executive Council 4; Dean’s List 3.

MARLA JEAN KAUFMAN B.S. Theatre Education

Student Advisor 4; Executive Council 4; Berkeley

Beacon 2; Jumor Prom Committee 3; Public Pro- duction Theatre 2, 3, 4; Junior Show 3; Experi- mental Studio Productions 4; M.E.S.A. 4, Treasur- er 3; Transfer Student from American Univer- sity.

35 BURT R KELMAN B.A. English

Alpha Pi Theta 2. Assistant Pledge Master 3,

Alumni Director 4; Executive Council 2; Student

Advisor 3; Winter Weekend Committee Chairman

2; Student Government Association 2, 3. 4; Junior

Class President 3: Senior Class President 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

ROSTRON J. KERSHAW Ross B.S. Mass Communications

Sailing Club 3, 4; Transfer student from Mt. Wachusett College.


J. Fred Bippi B.S. Mass Communications

WERS-FM 2, 3, 4; WECB 1. 2; WERS-TV 1, 2,

Film Director 3, Film Director, Crew Chief 4.

JEFFREY A. KLEINBERGER B.A. Elementary Education

Associate Aid to Speech Therapy 2; Sailing Club 1.

MAXINE KNABLE B.A. Elementary Education Sigma Alpha Eta 4; Hillel 4; Social Service 4; Berke- ley Beacon 4; Commencement Committee, Secre-

tary 4.

36 BARRY KORKIN Kork B.A. Mass Communications

WECB, Music Director I, 2, Program Director 3;

Station Manager 4; Sailing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; WERS-

FM 1, 2, 3, 4.

LAUREN JANE KOZINN Laurie B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 2, 3, Cultural Chairman 4;

Sigma Alpha Eta 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Sailing Club 1,

2; Hazing Committee 2; Winter Weekend Com- mittee 2; Dean’s List 3; Emersonian 4; Gold Key

4; Student Advisor 4.

RICHARD KUZMINSKI Rich B.A. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 4; Sailing Team 3, 4; Newman Club

2. 3, 4; International Relations Society 3, 4.


Strolling Players 1; Booster Club 1; Sailing Club 1,

2; Dean’s List 3, 4.

ROSS LAVER B.S. Mass Communications

Lambda Psi Pi 3. 4, Treasurer 2; WECB 1 Executive ; Council 3: Representative Assembly 3: Sophomore Class Treasurer 2.

37 i

ROGER J. LAVOIE B.A. Dramatic Arts

Alpha Psi Omega 3, Treasurer 4.

MARSHA ANNE LEMERISE Legs, Lolly B.A. Speech Education

Kappa Gamma Chi, Mistress of Cheer 1, Vice Pres- ident 2. President 3; Student Advisor 3, 4; Sailing

Club 1. 2, 3, 4; Pan-Hell Council Vice President 3; Placement Committee 4; Junior Prom Committee and Court 3; Winter Weekend Committee and

Court 2: Junior and Senior Class Vice President;

Freshman and Sophomore Class Show I, 2; Emer- sonian Secretary 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.


Perspcctus Magazine 3, 4; Sailing Club 3, 4; WECB

3; WERS-TV 3; Public Production Theatre 3; Trans- fer from Villanova University.

ANDREA LIFTMAN And B.A. Elementary Education

Hillel 3, 4; M.E.S.A. 3, 4; Social Service 3, 4;

Dorm Council 3, 4; Transfer Student 3.

SANDRA LONG Sandy B.A. English

Gold Key 3, 4; Sailing Club 1, Secretary 2, Vice

Commodore 3, 4; Speech Choir 2, 4; Student Advis-

or 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Sailing Team 1, Cap-

tain 2, 3, 4; Dean’s List 2; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

38 EDWARD A. LORING, JR Ned B.S. Speech

JUDITH LEE LUCK Judy, Judy Feet, Lucky B.A. Mass Communications Alpha Epsilon Rho 4; WERS-FM, Woman’s Edi-

tor 4; Dean’s List 3; Transfer Student from Univer- sity of Wisconsin.

WILLIAM LUDEL Bill B.A. Dramatic Arts

Alpha Psi Omega 3, 4; Public Production Theatre

3, 4.


RUSS MASON B.S. Theatre Education


.•I hub B.S. Dramatic Arts

Rho Delta Omega. Chaplain 2. Recording Secre- tary 3. 4; Alpha Psi Omega 4; Varsity Club 3, 4;

Wrestling 2. 3. 4. hncrsoniun. Theatre Editor 4.


B.S. Business and Industrial Communications

Gold Key 2, 4, Vice Speaker 3; Student Advisor 2,

3. 4; WECB 1, 2. 3, Program Director 4; Basket- ball Team 4.

JANET McSORLEY Jan B.S. Dramatic Arts

Sailing Club 3, 4; Chorus 3. Treasurer 4; Sailing

Team 3, 4; Dorm Council, Secretary 3; Public Pro- duction Theatre 3; Transfer Student 3.

MICHAEL S. MESSINGER Mesmi B.S. Mass Communications

Phi Alpha Tau 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; Student

Advisor 3, 4; Class Historian 1, 2; Berkeley Beacon

I. Photo Editor 2: WECB I. 2: WERS-EM I, 2. 3,

News Director 4; WERS-TV I, 2, 3; Sailing Club

1, Commodore 2, 3, 4; Scribe 1, 2; Sailing Team I,

Captain 2. 3. 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Inter-Erater- mty Council, President 4; Winter Weekend Com-

mittee 2; Junior Prom 3; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. 40 GAEL SUSAN METZKER Fuss B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 2, House Manager 3, Corre-

sponding Secretary 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 2, 3, 4;

Student Advisor 4; Associate Aid to Speech Ther-

apy 4; Hillel 1; Sailing Club 1; Hazing Committee

2; Winter Weekend 2; Emersonian 4; Dean’s List

2, 3, Gold Key 4.

TERRY ANN MEYERHOFF B.S. Mass Communications

Junior Class Executive Council 3; Dean’s List 3, 4;

Transfer from University of Wisconsin 3.

PHYLLIS MITCHELL Phyl B.A. Secondary Speech Education

Chorus 3, 4.

MELISSA ANN MONUS Missy B.S. Speech Therapy

Sigma Alpha Eta 2, 3, 4; Student Advisor 4; Hillel

4; Dorm Representative 3; Dean’s List 3; transfer

from Ohio State University 1.

41 SANDRA MARIA MONTE Sam B A. English Literature

Forensics 4; International Relations Society I. 4;

Newman Club 1 . 4; Dean's List 1 , 2. 3, 4.

3. 4.

GALE MURDOCH Buzz B.S. Speech Pathology

Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4; Student Advisor 4; Chorus

1 . 2 .

SHARON MURPHY Murph B.S. Theatre Education

Executive Council 1, 4; Booster Club 1, 2;

M.E.S.A. 3, Corresponding Secretary 4; Newman

Club 1, 2; Speech Choir 2, 3; Dorm Council 4;

Hazing Committee 2; Winter Weekend Committee

2, Junior Prom 3; Class Show 1, 2, 3; Public Pro-

duction Theatre 2, 3, 4.

CHERYL NEFF B.S. Elementary Speech Education

Berkeley Beacon 2; Speech Choir 3; Publicity

Committee 2; Hazing Committee 2.


BARRY O’BRIEN B.S. Mass Communications

WECB 3. 4; WERS-FM 4; WERS-TV 3, 4. 42 LINDA C. ORABONE B.A. Dramatic Arts and Speech Education

Gold Key 2, 3, 4; Student Advisor 3, 4; Booster

Club 1; M.E.S.A. 3; Newman Club 1; Sailing Club

1, 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, President 4; Academic Calan-

der Committee 4; Oral Interpretation Society 3, 4;

Dorm Council 1; Hazing Committee 2; Junior

Prom Court 3; Public Production Theater 1, 2, 3,

4; Dean's List 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholarship 1, 2, 3, 4; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities

WILLIAM EDWIN PEAD Bill B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho 3, 4; Student Christian Associ-

ation 1, 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; Inter-Faith 4;

WECB 1, 2; WERS-FM 1, 2, Popular Music Di-

rector 3, 4; Scholarship 3, 4.


Dance Concert 2; Junior Class Show 3; Public Pro-

duction Theater 1 , 2. 3, 4; Dean's List 3.

LYNN AUDREY RABINOW B.S. Theatre Education

Hillel 1; House Council 1, 2, Vice President 3;

Children’s Theatre 2; Director’s Workshop 1, 2;

Public Production Theater 2, 3; Dance Drama 1;

Costume Designer 3.

WILLIAM J. RANKIN Jack B.A. Mass Communications

Phi Alpha Tau 4; Alpha Epsilon Rho 4; Gold

Key, Elections Committee 3, Treasurer 4; WERS-

TV 2, 3, 4; Housing Committee 4.


] I ROBF.RT CHASE REED Bob B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho, Convention Delegate 3,

Pledgemaster 4: WERS-FM. Station Manager 3, 4;

WERS-TV 3, 4; WEC'B 3; Dean's List 3, 4; Gold

Key Society 3. 4; Transfer Student from George

Peabody College 3: Who's Who in American Col- leges and Universities.

MARILYN RUTH REICH B.S. Business and Industrial Communications

Hillel 1; Children’s Theatre 3; Housing Committee


BRUCE REID Brother Bruce B.S. Mass Communications

WECB 1, 2, 3, 4; WERS-FM 2. 3, 4; WERS-TV 1.

2, 4; Speech Choir 3, 4; Dean’s List 2, 3.

EILEEN E. RIESS Ei B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4; Student Advisor 4; Execu-

tive Council 3; S.P.D.R. 3, 4; Winter Weekend

Committee 2; Hazing Committee 2.

LLOYD BANKSON ROACH Llovd B.S. Mass Communications

Phi Alpha Tau 3, 4; Student Advisor 4; Executive

Council 1; Dorm Council President 1; Proctor 2, 3;

Newman Club 1 : Perspeclus Magazine 2; Editor-in-

Chief 4; Sailing Club I. 2, 3, 4; Speech Choir 3;

WECB, News Director 1 ; Chief Engineer 2; Sta- tion Manager 3; WERS-EM I, 2, 3, 4; WERS-TV

1, 2, 3, 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.


STEPHEN HOFFMAN ROWE Steve B.A. Dramatic Arts and English

Alpha Psi Omega 4; Planning Committee 4; Public

Production Committee 2, 3, 4.

TINA RUDKIN Tina B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 1, 2, 3, 4; Gold Key 3, 4;

Student Advisor 4; Berkeley Beacon 3, 4; Hillel 1;

Speech Choir 1; S.P.D.R. 4; Dorm Representative

3; Inter-Dorm Council 4; Class Show 1, 2; Deans

List 1, 2, 3; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

DAVID ALLEN RYAN B.A. Mass Communications

Emerson College Community 1, 2; WECB 3, 4;

WERS-FM 4; transfer from Boston University.

LESLIE SAWYER B.A. Dramatic Arts

Strolling Players 2, 3, 4; Junior Show 3.

45 NORALEE K. SCHOEIELD Lee B.S. Speech Education

Student Advisor 3, 4; Executive Council 2, 3; Repre-

sentative Assembly 3; Booster Club 3; Oral Inter- pretation Society 3. 4; Class Fund Raising Chair-

man 2. 3; Junior Prom Chairman 3; Winter Week-

end Committee 2; Hazing Committee 2; College Relations Committee 4; Administrative Health

Committee 3. Dorm Council 2; Emersonian 4;

Student Government Association Vice-President 4.

EDNA SCHNEIDER B.S. Speech and Dramatic Arts

Performing Arts Society 4; Sailing Club 3. 4; Oral

Interpretation Society 3; Strolling Players 3; Pup- pet Troupe 4; Gold Key 4; Transfer from Queens College. UK.

WARREN SCHROEGER Otto Webb B.S. Mass Communications

Student Advisor 4; Sailing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; WECB

1; WERS-FM I, 2, 4: WERS-TV 2; Alpha Epsilon

Rho 2; Treasurer 3, 4; Sailing Team 1; WERS

Serious Music Director 4; Deans List 1, 3; Gold

Key 3, 4.

JESSICA SCHWARTZ Jess B.A. Speech Education

Phi Mu Gamma 3; Vice President and Social

Chairman 4; Student Advisor 4; transfer from Dean Junior College.

KAREN SEIDENBFRG B.S. Secondary Speech Education

M.E.S.A. 3; Social Service 3; transfer from Boston University.

46 LESLIE SHAW B.S. Mass Communications

WERS-TV 2; Sailing Club 2, 3, 4; Sailing Team 2,

4; Varsity Club 2, 4.

MARGARET ANNE SHERIDAN Meg B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Zeta Phi Eta 3, 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4; Pan

Hellenic Council 4; Emerson Catholic Community

2, 3, 4; Student Advisor 4; Speech Festival Finalist

2; Emerson’s Representative at Towson State Col- lege’s Speech Festival; Third Place Winner of Oral

Interpretation Festival 4; Transfer from Barry Col- lege.

ROBERTA SHERMAN B.A. Psychology/Education

TONI ANN SHERMAN Tones B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Student Advisor 3; Hazing Committee 2; Associate

Aid to Speech Therapy 2; Berkeley Beacon 3;

Booster Club I; Cheerleader I . Co-Captain 2, 3;

Dormitory Council I, 3; Proctor 4; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.


B.S. Industrial Communications

Alpha Pi Theta 2, 3, 4; Inter-Fraternity Council 4; Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha 2, 3; President

4; Forensics 1, 2, 3; President 4; Sailing Club 1, 2,

3, 4; Associate Aid to Speech Therapy 2, 3, 4;

Student Advisor 2, 3, 4; Representative Assembly 3,

4; President 3; Sophomore Class President; Vice President of Student Government Association 3;

Gold Key 4; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

47 DALE SH1FFMAN B.A. Elementary Education Transfer from Temple University.

KONRAD SINHART B.S. Industrial Communications

Lambda Psi Pi 2. President 3, 4; Inter-Fraternity

Council 3. 4; Treasurer 3.

LAWRENCE ALFRED SLACK Larry, Mu-Fu B.S. Mass Communications

Berkeley Beacon 4; Sailing Club 1; WECB 1. 2;

WERS-TV 3. 4; Proctor 3, 4.


International Relations 1; Htllel I.

JOHN F. SMITH Jackie B.S. Mass Communications WERS-FM Traffic Director 4.

48 RICHARD S. SOSNY Ricky B.S. Secondary Speech Education

Student Advisor 4; Executive Council 4; Hillel 1;

M.E.S.A. 3, 4; Public Productions 1, 2; Strolling

Players 1; Freshman Class Showcase 1; Freshman

Show 1; Junior Vaudeville Show 2; Hazing Com- mittee 2; Dorm Council 4; Proctor 4.

FERN SPERLING B.S. Elementary Speech Education

Hillel 4; Oral Interpretation Club 4; Transfer from Ohio State University.

CAROLE STAMLER Kettle B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 1, 2, 3, 4; Mistress of Good

Cheer 2; House Manager 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 3, 4;

Hazing Committee 2; Freshman Class Show 1;

Deans List 2, 3.

CAROL STARZYK B.S. Mass Communications

Zeta Phi Eta 4; WECB 3; WERS-FM 4: WERS-TV 2.3.

MAXINE KIELE STEIN Max B.S. Theatre Education

Vice President of Dormitory 4; Public Production

Theatre 3, 4; Sailing Club 3; Chorus 4; Dean’s List 3; Gold Key 4; Transfer student from Boston Uni- versity.

49 RANDY J. STEINBERG Ranferd, Randolph B.S. Speech

Senior Class Secretary 4; Student Advisor 3; Repre-

sentative Assembly 4; Social Service 2; Hazing Committee 2; Junior Prom Committee 3; Executive

Council 3, 4; Publicity Committee 3, 4; Commence- ment Committee 4; Curriculum Committee 4;

Dean's List 3: Emersonian, Sports Editor 3; Gold Key 4; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

ANN STEINER B.S. Theatre Education

M.E.S.A.. Recording Secretary 3; Student Advisor

3; Scribe 2; Chorus 1, 3; Public Production The- atre 1. 2, 3, 4; Hazing Committee 2; Deertrees 2;

Experimental Studio Productions 4; Strolling

Players 2; Class Show 1, 3; Dean’s List 2; Oral

Interpretation Society, Program Chairman 4; Gold

Key 2, 3, 4.

ERIC STEINER B.A. Dramatic Arts

Alpha Psi Omega 2, 3, Vice President 4; Public

Production Theatre 1, 2, 3, 4.


B.S. Business and Industrial Communications Rho Delta Omega, Parliamentarian 2, Vice Pres- ident 3, Social Chairman, Historian 4; Inter-Fra- ternity Council 3, 4; Vice President of Dormitory

1; Hazing Committee 2; Winter Weekend Com- mittee 3; Berkeley Beacon 1, 2; Student Advisor 4:

Booster Club 2; Scribe 1; Social Service 4; Varsity

Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 4; Basketball 4; Emer- sonian, Sports Editor 4.


Student Advisor 3; Executive Council 4; Hillel 1;

Proctor 4; Booster Club 1, 2; Sailing Club 1, 2, 3,


NANCY SUGARMAN Shug B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 3, Library Chairman 4; Sigma

Alpha Eta 2, 3, 4; Student Advisor 4; Executive

Council 2, 3; Representative Assembly 4; Associate

Aid to Speech Therapy 1, 3, 4; Hillel 1; Sailing

Club 1, 4; Hazing Committee 2; Winter Weekend

Committee 2; Junior Prom Committee 3; Emerso-

nian 4.

PETER J. SULLIVAN Salt B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Alpha Pi Theta 3, Recording Secretary 4; Sigma

Alpha Eta 2, 3, Vice President 4; Sailing Club 2, 3, 4;

Student Advisor 3; Associate Aid to Speech Therapy

4; Emerson Catholic Community 2, 3; Gold Key 3, 4.

Gold Key 3, 4.

LOUISE SCHER THAW B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Sigma Alpha Eta 4; Associate Aid to Speech Ther-

apy 3, 4; Booster Club 1; Berkeley Beacon 2, 3;

Dorm Council 1, 4; Hazing Committee 2; Fresh-

man Show 1; Executive Council 1; Chorus 2;

Student Advisor 3, 4; Proctor 4.

SONIA W. THOMAS B.S. Secondary Speech Education

Dean’s List 3; Transfer Student from Texas Univer-

sity for Women.

51 SUSAN ANNE TURCO Suze B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology Zeta Phi Eta 3. Corresponding Secretary 4; Emer-

son Catholic Community 3; Speech Choir 3; Inter-

Dormitory Council 3. 4; Proctor 4.

GARY TUTIN B.S. Mass Communications

WERS-FM 3, Assistant Classical Music Director 4.

FRANCIS J. TYMAN Frank B.A. History

M.E.S.A. 3, 4; Transfer Student from Mas-

sachusetts Bay Community College 2.

ROSEMARY VALENTE Tulip B.S. Speech Education

Zeta Phi Eta 2, Secretary, Pan-Hellenic Representa-

tive, Defoggio Representative 3, President 4; Pan-

Hellenic Council 3, 4; Speech Choir 2, 4, Secretary 3;

Oral Interpretation Society 3, Vice President 4;

Hazing Committee 2; Student Advisor 2, 3, 4.

VINCENT VENTOLA Vinny B.S. Dramatic Arts

Alpha Psi Omega 3, President 4; Booster Club 1,

2; Emerson Catholic Community 1; Scribe 1; Writ- er and Director of Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Class Shows; Experimental Studio Produc- tions 4.

52 PHYLLIS B. WALDMAN B.S. Mass Communications

SUE WALLACH B.S. Dramatic Arts

Forensics, Treasurer 4; Sophomore Class Show 2;

Dorm Council 1; Junior Prom Court 3; Public Pu- duction Theatre 3, 4.

DAVID WEINBERG B.S. Mass Communications WERS-FM 4; Transfer Student from Stevens Col-

lege 3.

STEPHANIE L. WEISZ B.S. Business and Industrial Communications

Sailing Club 1, 2; Social Service 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARC WERBOFF Werb B.S. Mass Communications

Phi Alpha Tau, Assistant Pledgemaster 2, National

Council Representative 3, Pledgemaster, Vice Pres-

ident 4; Student Advisor 3, 4; Junior Class Treasur-

er 3; Executive Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club

1, 2; Hillel 1, 2; Sailing Club 1; Social Service 1, 3;

WECB 1, 2, 3, 4; WERS-FM 3, Associate News

Director 4; WERS-TV 2; Representative Assembly

4; Freshmen Class Advisor 4; Kappa Gamma Chi

Sweetheart 3; Winter Weekend Committee 2; Haz- ing Committee 2; Emersonian Business Manager 4; Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.

53 ELLEN WERNER B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 3, Mistress of Good Cheer 4;

Executive Council 3; Representative Assembly 3, 4;

Hillel 1; Sailing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dorm Committee

3, 4; Associate Aid to Speech Therapy 3, 4;

Student Advisor 4.

HELEN HOROWITZ WEXLER Hells B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 1, 2, 4, Mistress of Good

Cheer 3: Sigma Alpha Eta 3. 4; Sailing Club 1, 2;

Hillel 1, 2: Booster Club 1; Hazing Committee 2;

Student Advisor 4; Dean’s List 3.

SUSAN WHITE Sue B.S. Mass Communications

Emerson Catholic Community 1, 2; Sailing Club 1;

Perspectus Magazine 3, 4; WECB 1, 2; WERS-FM

2, 3, 4; WERS-TV 1, 2.

GALE ANN WOI.MAN G.A. B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 1, 2, Publicity Chairman, Vice

President 3, Vice President 4; Sigma Alpha Eta 2,

3, 4; Pan-Hellenic Council 4; Hillel 1; Dorm

Council 1; Winter Weekend Committee 2; Hazing

Committee 2; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 1,

2; Associate Aid to Speech Therapy 1, 2, 3;

Student Advisor 4; Dean’s List 2, 3; Gold Key 3,

Secretary 4; Emersonian 4.

54 GARRY WOODS Gar B.A. History

Rho Delta Omega 2, 3, Corresponding Secretary 4;

Inter Fraternity Council 3; Student Christian Asso- ciation 3; Deertrees 4; Public Production Theatre

1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling Team 2, 3, 4; Baseball Team Varsity Club Berkeley 1, 4; 1, 2, 3, 4; Beacon ,

Sports Editor 4; Representative Assembly 4; Student Advisor 4; Semor Class Treasurer 4.

LINDA SUE YULINSKY Floozie B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kappa Gamma Chi 1, 2, 3, 4; Associate Aid to

Speech Therapy 4.

ANTHONY YURGAITIS Tony B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology

Alpha Pi Theta 3; Perspectus Magazine 2.

VINCENT F. ZABBO Zab B.S. Mass Communications Transfer Student from Boston University.

55 MELISSA HOULIHAN ZELLER Melissa B.S. Mass Communications

Alpha Epsilon Rho 3, 4; WLRS-LM 1, 2, 3, 4;

WECB I, 2; Emerson Catholic Community 3, 4;

Dorm Council 2, Treasurer 3; Student Advisor 3;

Social Service, Chairman 3.


SITTING: Lloyd Roach, Jim Shevlin, John Gilgun, Peter Arthur Farnum, Charles Bures, Michael Messinger, Maijorie O'Brien. FIRST ROW: Marsha Lemerise, Mark Werboff, Fleck. MISSING: Don de Mesquita, Gary Grossman, Wil- Linda Orabone, Toni Sherman, Dorothy Mains, Myra Green- liam Hazelwood, Herbert Holmes, Burt Kelman, Sandra berg. SECOND ROW: Randy Steinberg, Sandra Cohen, H. Long, Robert Reed, Tina Rudkin.

58 People, very special people. Students. Leaders, Scholars, Servants.

Those who care, those who try. Those who create and build new foundations upon old traditions. Today they contemplate. Tomorrow they conquer. w

59 —


I. Stephanie Axelrod, do hereby leave the Science Department at Suffolk University; to my roommate, Jenifer Lmelv. eternal strength and our own sorority, Kappa Flappa; to the cast of “Stephanie Shreck” the use of

m\ name with much love and many parties and especially to Vinny, a big thank you; and last but not lost,

friendships I can never replace.

I. Camille Balzano. do hereby leave to Marlene Cicerone my grace, poise and finesse, so to speak. I also

bequeath to her my Webster's Collegiate Dictionary to be carried on her person at all times when she

know s she'll have to speak to someone.

1. Andrea Berliner, do hereby leave fond memories of the “4 Muskateers,” many many years of happiness and love my bloodsister will share with her pumpkin, an automatic car for Helen Wexler, my phone for Heidi’s calls to Cleveland, and love to JAY' A from his L.C.W.

I. Susan Borks. do, with heartful memories, leave the great 6th floor rear of 100 Beacon and hope that those

w ho follow will make as much of it as 1 did. I leave to Loreen a roomfull of mirrors, to Carla another year

of sharing a bathroom, to Myra some spare time, and I leave 615 with a tearful sigh.

1. Scott Bovd. do hereby leave to Eddy my weejuns in case of straightness returning, to Mark I leave the

remembrance of Teddy R. and to Shawm, a female dare. To Peter D. I leave my condolences, and to

Toosie 1 leave a year’s supply of Rooti. To Kathy N. 1 leave my heart. Peace.

1. Ruth Bretan. do hereby leave to Emerson College a tear, a smile, a patient, great. Grandma, a fabulous Mille. and a fantastic “Bocks.”

1. Sandi Cohen, hereby leave Emerson with a little anxiety, a lot of hope, special thanks to Dr. Luterman, memories of the Boston Bod and other typical Emerson people and events, and with a perpetual 2 a.m. “cranetion! or carnation?” to Karen Benjamin.

1. Jeffrev Davis, do hereby leave triplets on the steps of 130 Beacon Street; “California” to Ronald Reagan; layouts for Marilyn; and $34.00 worth of overdue library books to Maris.

I. Jenifer Emely. leave to Stephanie all of that “fancy stuff" because Eve had enough, to Lavoie I leave

EMM MM for ever and ever, and a sip of my coke; to Jane I leave a copy of the first Folio; and to Cathie

Browner I leave all the Lucies in the world.

1. H. Arthur Farnum. do hereby leave my interpretation of “the Grinch” to Peggy Bowe who has the

appropriate personality, the title of “B.B.” to Richard Mello who'll probably have trouble living up to it,

and the proctorship of 206 Beacon St. to any buffoon who enjoys frustration, too little heat, too much heat, a constant series of cardiac arrests, and a million laughs.

I. Marin Feins, do hereby leave expensive phone calls to N.Y.C. to whoever wants and can afford them; stationers. stamps and many warm memories to Joy; long hours of desk duty and many complaints to next year's proctors; wonderful memories of Junior Prom to other girls who become engaged that night; sleepless nights to Lois; and lots of luck to the girls from the Commonwealth Avenue dorm.

1. Nancy Fisher, hereby leave phone calls to Storrs, love to my sisters of Kappa, and Jamie’s reputation for the “walls” of happiness.

I. Amy I.. I nedler. do hereby leave Sharon and Sharon and all the great times in 205. I also leave with Robert and couldn’t be happier!

I. Robert H. I riedler. do hereby leave Emerson with a lot more than an education. I leave with Amy.

60 I, John J. Gilgun, hereby leave to A. Brooks Russell my # 1 place in the old age pension collection line, and to Ed Schreiber a key to the S.G.A. office.

I, Myra Greenberg, do hereby leave “quickie trips” to Mass. General, a “last day phone call” to Marlene Segal, “Aunt Marcia” to Marcia KanofT, an Ethel Merman imitation to Sid Myer, a special understanding to Doris Ludwig, memorable dinners at the English Room to Sue Borks, a thank you to Kappa Gamma

Chi, and finally with dreams of a certain lawyer . . .

I, Robert N. Hillman, s’poz by and large that I hereby leave all my stale jokes in the hope that some lucky

soul may pick them up, use them, and meet with more financial success than I have. E Simon Hirsch, leave to Emerson one very dear "Weasel,” a closetful of term papers, and my second home at the Clinic. E Herb Holmes, do hereby leave the priceless memories of: the night Frank Napal was mistaken for a pile of coats, the duck with uncommonly long legs, the smoke-filled Chapter Rooms, breakfast in bed, a brief but fiery career as a campaign manager, the legalization of “Guyering,” a weekend in Canada, the Shevlin “360,” a midnight walk on the Cape, Kaluga, Adolph Alla, Dickie and Darwin, adventures in the summer surf with BZ and Bumpkins and many others too numerous to mention. To Emerson, “Thanks for the

memory.” Finally to a freckled-face kid who I hold so dear to me: You’ll always have a front row seat reserved in my future. E Marla J. Kaufman, leave Miss Gertrude Frigg to anyone tough enough to handle that bawdy broad—baby! E Burt Kelman, do leave my well known space on the wall to my brother Mark—if he can sit there from 8:00

a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day as I did. E Laurie Kozinn, leave a water balloon to Mrs. Powers; a mini-skirt contest; to Maris, a fish to help all your

dreams come true; Miss Popularity title to anyone who wants it; Bonnie C. a dirty brillo pad; to Harriet a

dirtball; Marcia K. one free Chinese dinner; love on the esplanade to anyone who is lucky enough to find

it there; Gaylaur Kosker leaves to Bonmar a 10 year full, unbroken contract with Stanley Myron

Handleman; molasses and taffey to the Kappa House; but 1 take with me fond memories, high aspirations, dreams and love. E Marsha Lemerise, do hereby leave to Bonnie Cutler knowledge that she has great inside strength; to Debbie Disbrow a thank you for her help, her love, her friendship that brought me “up” when things were “down;” to Karen Karten a beautiful, blossoming sunflower, the symbol of happiness to come; to Peter,

appreciation for helping me get through it all; to my sisters, harmony to guide you through the coming

years; to Stephanie and her sorority of Kappa Flappa, much luck! I leave Emerson for Germany and Ron. We, Andrea Liftman and Edna Schneider, leave Miss MacPherson with a twinkle in her eye; E Andi Liftman leave Edna Schneider a new brown shirt.

E David Maturi, do hereby leave Emerson with the best threatre it ever had.

I Michael S. Messinger, leave to the Brotherhood of Phi Alpha Tau the best experiences of my life and thank

them for making my senior year—as President—one I will always look back upon with a deep feeling of Brotherhood.

E Gael Metzker, do hereby leave my Sex Symbol title to anyone who can fill in; my Philadelphia (O's) to Miss Lewis; to Bonnie C., a dirty smelly sponge, to Marcia K., one cow; to Harriet, my treatise on “The

61 use and abuse of the Voice:" a new pair of socks to Ham Comstock; to Joel and Marty, my orgasmic phone calls: a date with Joe Namath; to Maris, one of my special wishbones for the best forever; to the

girls in the Kappa House, juice and syrup and the echoing of my voice through the halls; but 1 am leaving

with the cherished memories of the best years of my life, in addition to hope and love.

I. Terrv Meyerhof!', hereby leave an Eastern shuttle ticket to LaGuardia.

I, Sandra Marie Monte, do hereby leave our future cinematography my best wishes and my position as mascot.

I. Sharon Murphv. leave Sharon Kates and Ricky Sosny with a tear, and best wishes for their future together;

to Marla Kaufman, three years of my friendship and advice; to Amy Friedler, my mirror; and to the girls of 6 front, some Toll House cookies!

I. William E. Pead. do hereby leave, at the culmination of four trying but necessary years, as fast as my diploma without platformate can propel me; leave "Greetings” to the poor clown who inherits the WERS

record closet, and leave the best wishes I can spare to the newest AERho recruits in her neverending battle for excellence in a challenging industry.

I. Lvnn Rabinow. leave a new revised edition of “The Garbage Hustlers” and a book of "101 more effective ways to Stage Manage.”

I. Eileen Riess, do hereby leave to Emerson College one piece of uncrackable chewing gum, a completely shattered sound barrier, a large box of Goober peas, and three very “beautiful” people.

I. Tina Rudkin, do hereby leave my leotards, tights, ballet slippers and stretch exercises to Sue White and Eileen Rosen.

I. Edna Schneider, do hereby leave Andi Liftman a carbonated amethyst.

1. Lee Schofield, do hereby leave Paul to Rox Cohen; my floral centerpieces to the girls on 6 front; luck, love and thanks to Bill. Jim. Art. Dave, Tom and Bill; fond memories— of the Rep. Assembly to all future S.G.A. vice presidents, and to Ed Schreiber, my final words of wisdom “you'll get over it!”

1. Tom Sherman, leave four years of an unforgettably unique experience.

1. James T. Shevlin, do hereby leave my address in Ft. Lauderdale to Barry Pieper, my tongue to the Emerson Forensics Society, and my fraternity award to Dave Woolfson with the knowledge that he doesn’t

need it.

1. Konrad Sinhart. do hereby leave to Debbie Disbrow the strength to follow her high ideals of love and

hope, and to Lambda Psi Pi. the Seal and the Moose.

I. Lawrence A. Slack, do hereby leave to Emerson College a copy of How to Succeed at Being a Law Enforcement Official Without Real/v Trying, three carbon copies of a probationary notice, and 15,000 gallons of "REU” Wail Oil. May they be used in Peace.

I. John F. Smith, do hereby leave WERS-FM program logs to the Class of 1970 Last Will and Testament.

I. Carole Stamler, leave Emerson College with great memories of the "Big Four;” Bali Hai for Heidi; love for my blood sister and the “Shawmut Bank;” and a pumpkin all year round.

1. Randv Steinberg, do hereby leave Emerson College with a greater insight to people and many sad, but

funn\ experiences. I leave just as happy as 1 arrived, but with a smile and a tear. Perhaps the truest quote

in existance to me is “Weeping may endureth for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” 1 leave Phase

62 One of my life and I look so very forward to Phase Two.

I, Ann Steiner, leave to Mr. Ginn one hundred and one gutsy character elements, to Susie Siroty a lesson in diaphragmatic breathing and a copy of Hamlet, to Kris Holtvedt happy memories of Bruce on the rug, Bobby on the couch and David Schaeffer, and to the Emerson College Chorus a new marshal for Commencement, 1970.

I, Peter R. Steiner, do hereby leave to the Brothers of Rho Delta Omega an unparalleled football team; to the sisters of Kappa Gamma Chi some back street graffiti; to Mike Connor an ability to hustle chicks comparable to his wrestling; to Dave Maturi, a three hump camel; and finally to Coach Peckham, Thanks

on behalf of all the Brothers for the greatest guidance over the years.

I, Nancy Sugarman, do hereby leave Laurie, Room 420 at the Lenox, a stack of dated books to the library,

memories from a Tufts party to Nancy, Laurie and Gael, a trip for Maris across the sea. I leave free consultations to Witch Leslie, and a trip to the Moon.

1, Louise Thaw, do hereby leave gratefully, without looking back!

I, Susan Turco, do hereby leave a certain few one “Dirty Turkey” for each and every Thanksgiving hereafter; the the sisters of Zeta Phi Eta a box of stationery and a blooming rose bush; and to the girls of 22 Commonwealth Avenue a couch, and many very precious confidences and memories between “us.”

I, Rosemary Valente, do hereby leave the Zeta La Prance Rose to Bobbi, Lily, Marlene, Betsy, Peggy, Jenny

and all future Zetas; one tulip to Emerson and a bouquet of luck to the Oral Interpretation department; Lastly, a lifetime of the Grotesque period.

I, Mark Werboff, do hereby leave my Brothers in Phi Alpha Tau a sincere feeling of gratitude, and all the love and strength they deserve; a final thanks to the sisters of Kappa Gamma Chi who made one “Sweetheart” feel very welcome and more confident of himself; the unforgettable escapades, and memories of Rosie, Ludwig, a surprise birthday party, Heidi, an election, Mondo’s, the Editor of the Lemersonian, and of course one Turtle; but most important, a thank you to Charles Wesley Emerson, who created an environment where true friends and love can be found—if only one seeks them out.

I, Ellen Werner, do hereby leave Emerson College with fond memories, especially of 190 Beacon and the

whole gang of “unbelieveable, indescribable, highly irreplaceable nuts;” to spend and enjoy my life with

N.J.O.; and much special thanks to all the rebel rousers who taught me the ropes: Miss McGinnis, Myra, Dr. Corea, Wendy, Joanme, Mrs. Harrington and Doris.

I, Susan White, do hereby leave Emerson with none of the answers, but much better questions.

I, Gale Ann Wolman, do hereby leave Helen Lein to David Maxwell; Myrt Wolman Specialty items to Maris Hoodkiss with liberal hours; Omar’s conquests to Cordell, with luck for a successful year; my experiences in the Wreck Bar to Doris Ludwig; a smile for all the alumnae to the next V.P. of Kappa Gamma Chi; an

open invitation to all ski meisters to meet next year in Maine (where?); to everyone who has consented to call me Gale Ann: the conviction that two names are better than one; tom my sisters in Kappa, love and appreciation for their confidence, and especially to Harriet Straka, a new beginning and a dream come true

(because I know they do).

I, Gary Woods, being of sound mind and body (I think) and being the great lover that I am, do hereby leave the entire female population of Boston to the strongest.

63 HAZING 1966


Winter Weekend, 1968, consisted of three days of activity. On Friday, February sixteenth the Class of 1970 presented Richie Flavens in concert at New England Life Hall. Following the concert a snow sculpture competition was held in front of school. Saturday afternoon there was a fashion show in the Mahogany Room where the ten semifinalists for Winter Weekend queen modeled the latest fashions from Capezios. Saturday evening Susan DeMelle was chosen queen at the semi formal dance held at the Statler Hilton Hotel in Park Square. Music there was provided by The Richard Martin Orchestra and comedian Walter Childs entertained. On Sunday the traditional “Casino Day” was held at the Student Union.


The Class of 1970 presented their Junior Prom on Ma\ 3. 1969 at the Harvard Club. According to class advisor, Mr. Kenneth Crannell. “Their efforts to make this dinner-dance memorable far surpassed anything they have previously undertaken." Music was provided by Brass '68, a ten piece group with exciting sound. Comedy was provided by Stanley Mvron Handelman who did prove to be “unbelievable”. Saturday night ran smoothly because of the efforts of the two Prom Committee Co-Chairmen, Lee Schofield and Herb Holmes. Their hard work and good planning made the evening the success it was. At the dinner-dance Jenifer Emley was crowned queen and the queen’s court consisted of Linda Orabone, Eileen Rosen, Marsha Lemerise, and Sue Wallach. THE CLASS OF 1970 PRESENTS

“Gone Are The Days” written and directed by Vincent Ventola was one of the most enjoyable and successful shows ever performed at Emerson College. The show' was a musical revue which combined the elements of the Old South,

Vaudeville and Burlesque. It provided for the audience “a sincere picture of the past decades of American entertainment.” You must remember Honey Angell as Charlotte, Sharon Kates as Little Nell, Ken Lee as John Paul, Andrea Martin as Mother Oak, and Rick Sosney as Mr.

Mississippi Jr. The Class of 1970 will never forget “Gone Are The Days.”

68 .

Sophomore year the Class of 1970 presented another show, again written and directed by Vincent Ventola entitled “an evening of theatre

... for all the seasons of the mind”. It was a show that demanded some thought from its audience ... it was a show that was unique, it was a show in which hats were representative of characters, it was a show “for all the seasons of the mind” . .

“take a hat and wear it and when the mind mist cleared

he saw for the first time color

but it was beyond him for he could comprehend only black and white take a hat and see and he saw them wearing hats yet his head remained bare .” naked and unaware of the coming seasons. . .

i 70 71 72 ;0n October 15, 1969 Emersonians joined together with thousands of others in the peace movement to observe the moratorium against the war in Viet Nam. After hearing Doctors John Noles and Thomas Durant at Fisher Auditorium and debates held by Emerson faculty members at the Union, hundreds of Emersonians marched along to fOR p the Boston Common where they joined over 100,000 EACf Bostonians for peace.

Oct. 29,30.31 At


On October 29, 30, and 31, Emersonians traveled en masse by buses to Massachusetts General Hospital to donate blood for peace. This was an extension of Emerson’s plea for peace

which had its birth on October 15, 1969.


Burt’s Hazing party Glinda the Good

Our Cheerful Cherubs Scarcrow Jones Farce Everlasting friendships Theatre Ed. 421 and Italian

Fisher, Dave Devacoux, Ellyi The Philly Kid The Elections of Bob Finkel and Rick Levine Commuting from the Hampshire House Dormitory life Winter Weekend of 1968 Brunch Limited Junior Prom of 1969 “Emma” Pijiva The old caf Beanies Dean Jean The Sophomore Class Show Ten Black demands

Richie Havens . . . stoned Peter Corea Gilgun’s and Birnbaum’s Seder Felicia the proctor Southwich Recitals Apathy of the students The Mass Communications Department Scott Smith’s “fried egg” Emerson’s first boycott Sandy, alias the Humper Bazoobas Reiss The Mangled Artichoke dorms No H 2 0 in the The night Joannie Ginsburg got engaged Sophomore and Senior slumps Legwoman, H. T. and Lolly Traditions fading fast The blood, sweat and tears of 4- Rear “Progress Through Unity” Miss Rino Parking tickets Duxbury Beach A Marc ’70 button Ransom, Holmes, Davis, Stack. Petchecke Mondo’s Messa Tooth-Brush Annie ’70 out of sight Curry College Half eaten carnations The Pipes Brother John W. McCormack eyes and seeing only October 15 “I ... 1 enjoy closing my Phillips and his sailboats I want to be Ted 1 want to see. 1 am then, what what Stanley Myron Handelman

. . . or what people ... not what I really am The “Werbmachine” it because it Pool Table think I really am. I do it ... 1 do The The “Bluebullit" . to problems for four I have chosen to live . . to pretend You have helped us through our the way The hours we spent out of touch with reality ... not years. You have given and asked for nothing in return. live, go through the motions of doing Hazing with Katz then Carla for that, we the Most important, you have cared and being . “Gone Are The Days” Class of 1970 thank you.



SITTING: A. Herslow, Z. Sheinberg, B. Pieper, A. Parker, D. Ar- Houle, M. Downs, G. Braunstein, D. Bertelli, B. Carey, J. Caputa, cher. S. Stone, G Ritchie. J. Chafitz, M. Amenta, F. Schultz, L. R. Deamer, R. Finegold, R. Benak, H. Landman, M. Halpern.

Wachtenheim, I. Goldstone. FIRST ROW: G. Young, M. Sullivan, THIRD ROW: A. Jacobs, D. Kaufman, D. Brookins, J. Sargent, L. D Disbrow, D. Woolfson, treasurer; C. Zukroff, president; B. Be- Saltzman, P. Domant, D. Albraktson. S. Myer, D, Barnes, B. Noo- han, vice-president; B. Haberman, secretary; W. Weinreb, M. nan, R. Foley, D. Alexander.

Hoodkiss, J, Hyman. SECOND ROW: M. Romano, J. Cover, R.

The Class of 1971 entered Emerson this fall close to three hundred strong. Returning as its President was Carl Zukroff; the new executive council of the class was composed of Bruce Behan, vice president. Barbara Haberman, secretary, and Dave Woolfson, trasurer. Two members of the

class found themselves in the seats of SGA secretary and treasurer . . . namely Doris Ludwig and Barry Pieper. respectively.

Amongst its activities this year, the Class of 1971 re-instituted a successful showing of its “acclaimed” Hazing Movie. With a variety of talent available for the annual Junior Vaudeville Show', chairman Sid Meyer plunged ahead with much vigor. To cap off the year, the Junior Prom, under the guidance of Bruce Behan and his committee, was held at the Boston 1800 Club, meeting with much satisfaction. The Class of 1971 looks forward with anxious anticipation to being Emerson’s next Senior Class.

A special debt of gratitude, by the way, is to be paid to Dr. John Zacharis, who happily completed his third year as the Class Advisor.

74 CLASS OF 72

It all started on September 13th. The Freshmen met the Sophomores at the Governor’s House. Hazing had begun.

This was of course the first event sponsored by the class of ’72. Before each vacation we put up signs of “Peace” and “Love”, and right before Christmas vacation after the Hazing Movie was shown, in a heavy rain, many Sophomores put up and decorated a Christmas Tree which stands in front of 126 Beacon Street.

The biggest event for the year for all of Emerson College will be Winter Weekend. There will be a dance Friday, a concert Saturday—which will be FIRST ROW: C. Kelly, S. Butler, D. Souza, F. Feldman, vice-president; J. Brodeur, secretary; M. followed by a party at the top of the Yudin, president; B. Pronovost, treasurer; D. Greengross, J. Ranz, S. Goldberg. SECOND ROW: D. Prudential. Marlowe, B. C. Brown, B. Hiltzik, J. Costa, S. Lust, O. Strandquist, D. Kasabian, A. Raichelle, D. “Up the Down Staircase” is the Shelby, T. Cannon, P. Bowe, M. Blakeslee. THIRD ROW: P. Reinhard, D. Sandler, G. Margolis, B. Sophomore Production. We are also Ross, L. Lowe, T. Crabtree, L. Komblau, C. Bukowsld, R. Parets, M. Barbit, J. Cohen. going to do a series of service projects

such as debates and lectures. It has been quite an excellent year for the Class of 1972.

FIRST ROW: D. Walcovy, A. Alpert, E. Madej, L. Heyman, J. Anatra, R. Corby, M. Segal, D.

Cramer, T. Pigeon, L. Samuel. SECOND ROW: A. Sullivan, E. Schreiber, J. Somon, E. Symkus, E. Brain, A. Levy, P. Brown, O. Strandquist, M. Cicerone, R. Mello. THIRD ROW: M. Kelman, L.

Thurschwell, J. Cahan, S. Rose, J. Turtle, R. Balter, J. Abraham, B. Matlick, D. Tanney. CLASS OF 73

SITTING: S. Corn, K. Kutscher, R. Stag!, R. Cohen, M. Nemeroff, T. Koldys, M. Simpson, A. Cohen, L. Fiftal, S. Dennis, A. Roberts,

T. Greenberg. FIRST ROW: P. Sussen, A. Rennolds, D. Zwanziger, T. Ryder. THIRD ROW: S. Perkins, B. Dillane, J. Buczynski, J.

M. Maddock, treasurer: J. Dunne, vice-president; A. Morgenstern, Grose, D. Firmender, F. Custin, M. Harnes, D. Flynn, P. Bunetta, secretary; C. Millard, president; J. Guterman, J. Oliver, D. Gibson. R. Koehler, S. Feder.

SECOND ROW J. Ofgang, B. Peabody Jr., D. Sheppard, B. Fisher,

Being a Freshman at Emerson is one new experience after another. Hazing hit us unexpectedly.

It was like being thrown into a cold shower immediately after waking up in the morning. As Freshmen we are all waking up to a new way of life; a life where you are basically your own

master; a life where you make yourself what you want to be; an awakening to reality where you

have to do things for yourself. It is a time when you have to shape and govern yourself into a person. There are things that have to be done, and things that you will want to do. Some of these goals are individual, but most of them are as a Class. Hazing started us on the way to becoming a cohesive, working group. We must apply the abilities of this group to make the Class a success. The Freshmen Show will be a measurement of how well the Class of 1973 can work together. It will illustrate our potential. ’73 will always be!


SITTING: J Gilgun, president. Student Government Association; M. Yudin, Sophomore Class president; B. Kelman, Senior Class D. Ludwig, secretary. Student Government Association; B. Pieper, president. MISSING: L. Schofield, vice-president, Student Govern- treasurer. Student Government Association. STANDING: C. Zu- ment Association. kroff. Junior Class president; C. Millard, Freshman Class president;

The Student Government Association serves as the voice of the Student Body. It consists of the Representative Assembly and the All College Assembly. Nine members

are elected from each class to serve in the Representative Assembly, and all remaining students are members of the All College Assembly.

The Representative Assembly meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, and the All College Assembly on the second and fourth Thursdays.

The President is the presiding officer of the All College Assembly, and the Vice President presides over the Representative Assembly. Any motion passed in either

branch must also pass in the other branch before it is finalized.


FIRST ROW: T. Ryder, M. Hoodkiss, N. Sugarman, E. Werner, M. R. Cohen. THIRD ROW: T. Cannon, B. Errigo, M. Romano, F. Greenberg, R. Steinberg, M. Kelman, B. Fisher. SECOND ROW: Austin, M. Werboflf, B. Russell, D. Kasabian. E. Schreiber, R. Goldsmith, B. Kelman, R. Benak, D. Campanella,

The Representative Assembly of the Student Government Association is comprised of 36 members—9 elected from each class. These representatives work on ten standing committees dealing with all aspects of life at Emerson—from the food to the finances. The Representative Assembly, presided over by the Vice President of the S.G.A., also

serves as a sort of “Senate”; in order for any motion to be put into effect it must pass both branches of the S.G.A.—the All College Assembly and the Representative Assembly.


FIRST ROW: B. Pronovost, L. Kozinn, G. Grossman, parliamen- Houle, D. Ludwig, G. Metzker, J. Cover, J. Brodeur, S. Monte, T. tarian; G. A. Wolman, secretary; A. Farnum, vice speaker; M. Rudkin. THIRD ROW: R. Wexler, B. Reed, C. Zukroff, B. Cutler, R.

Greenberg, speaker; J. Rankin, treasurer; M. Hoodkiss, election Pimes, M. Halpern, O. Strandquist, B. Carey, R. Steinberg, P. Sulli- chairman; S Long. L. Slavetsky. SECOND ROW: M. Auerbach, van, M. Kelman, B. Stein. M. Kaufman, M. Kanoff. L. Orabone, B. Safire, R. Finegold, R.

Gold Key is Emerson’s honor society. It was founded for the purpose of rendering service to the College. Students who have maintained a high academic average and who have shown sincere interest in school affairs and extra-curricular activities are eligible for membership. Only 3% of the student population are actually chosen for membership. Gold Key members offer assistance during various formal College functions. These include Freshmen Orientation, Founder’s Day Weekend, Alumni Weekend, Parents Weekend, and Commencement.


FIRST ROW: J. Buczynski, T. Rudkin, S. Ostrow, R. Fort, editor- Chafitz, P. Goldstein, A. Alpert, C. Cominos, B. C. Brown, L. Sam- in-chief; L. Komblau, sports editor; P. Saavedra, business manager; uel.

P. Barnes, S. Perkins. SECOND ROW: C. Taub, D. Firmender, J.

This year saw an entirely new Berkeley Beacon . The format, content, and tone of the paper was different than any other year. There were reviews of books, the theatre, cinema, and dance; interesting pictorial essays; poetry; and well-rounded coverage of the school news—a handsomer paper by far! SCRIBE

FIRST ROW: P. Barnes, art editor; J. Davis, editor-in-chief; M. Greenwald. SECOND ROW; M. Fritz, A. Kiley, M Auerbach, secretary-treasurer; C. Fortunato, R. Balter. MISSING: T. Lux, poetry editor.

literary magazine, has grown immensely richer and thicker in Scribe, Emerson’s

the last two years. Completing his second year as Editor, Jeffrey Davis is the first editor to put out a seventy page bound edition of the magazine. The prose and poetry composing the magazine have reached a newer and greater depth of literary style and ability. It is no wonder that Scribe is Emerson’s most popular publication of the year.


L. Roach, editor-in-chief; C. Bickford, assistant production manager; K. Winslow, assistant production manager.

Perspectus Magazine is a project of Emerson’s Journalism

Practicum class. The magazine is written, edited, and distributed solely through the efforts of the journalism students.


J. Niles, S Meyers, vice-president, treasurer; R. Cohen. MISSING: J. Shevlin, president.

The Forensic Society is the most successful and most competitive organization at Emerson College. Their achievements are nationally renowned. The Emerson

College Debating [ earn has captured many a trophy, and as far as we can see, it will continue to do so. This is one tradition that never seems to be broken.

84 E.B.O.N.I.

SITTING: C. Edwards, secretary; D. Mains, president; G. Martin, L. Peterson, D. Madey, J. Cover, vice-president; J. Arthur, treasurer. STANDING: P. Robinson, R. Allert; D. Lee, R. Shell. MISSING: P. Blue, public relations chairman.

The realities of life we face Together The problems that we have in Common The colorlessness of our souls make us One And bring us together in EBONI

EBONI, Emerson’s Black Organization with Natural Interests

formed in the Spring of 1968, is the first organization on Emerson’s campus to which Black students can relate and work together with

the goal of making Emerson more relevant to its Black constituents.


EBONl. Emerson’s Black Organization with Natural Interests, is designed to promote unity and communication among the Black students here at Emerson. Its goal is to encourage the Black student to be always aware of who and what he is, and to use this knowledge in his everyday life. It is an organization created through pride and sustained through respect. The desire for new ideas, new methods, and new approaches to reach the Black youth of today made Spring

1969 a time of excitement, contemplation, and introspection. EBONl presented its TEN DEMANDS.

1 The incoming Freshmen class of Emerson include no less than 30 Black students.

2 Emerson College provide to five of these Black students full fellowships, and to another five partial fellowships, totalling ten fellowships for the '69-70. 3 Workships are to be made available by each department for students requiring additional assistance. 10 4 The College hire one Black male guidance counselor. 5 The College hire one fulltime Black recruiter to work in conjunction with the

admissions office.

6 Two Black students and the Black recruiter sit on the admission review committee. 7 The Baccalaureate degree requirements to include for every student at Emerson at least one course dealing with Black History or Culture, and that such courses be included in the curriculum. 8 The speech course Black Rhetoric, to be made an option for Black students towards the fulfillment of speech requirements replacing either Ora! Interpretation or Argumentation.

9 The following dates: January 15-Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and May 19— Birthday of Malcolm X, to be observed as school holidays by all students. The school menu for dormitory residents provide “soul food” twice a month. The menu suggestions to be provided by EBONl.


SITTING: P. Berry, secretary-treasurer; L. Kornblau, president. STANDING: B. Pead, vice-president.

The Inter- Faith Council coordinates all of the activities of the

three religious organizations here at Emerson. It was created to establish a better understanding among the different religious organizations, and discusses as a group any problems or questions that arise.


SITTING: M. Romano, B. Noonan, J. Gilgun, R. Mello, A. Rob- ROW: B. Carey, C. Kelley, M. Sheridan, L. Orabone, J. Brodeur, J. erts. FIRST ROW: P. Bowe, P. Sullivan, vice-president; P. Berry, Dunne, D. Walcovy. president; M. Downs, secretary-treasurer; A. Sullivan. SECOND

The goal of the Emerson Catholic Community is to keep Roman Catholic students active, involved, and interested in their religion. Their meetings involve deep discussions concerning how Christian love can be a vital part of every

activity. The Word of God is not only a Sunday affair.


FIRST ROW: C. Rosenfeld, vice-president; L. Komblau, president; L. Samuel. SEC-

OND ROW: M. Casso, A. Alpert, E. Braverman, P. Goldstein. MISSING: D. Hirsh, secretary; M. Levenson.

The Emerson College Hillel Group functions in association with the Hillel Foundation of Boston University. Its goals are the pursuit and understanding of the ideals of Jewish Culture and Tradition among all people.


FIRST ROW: A. Sward, A. Famum, S. Long. SECOND ROW: B. Pead, president; C. Bures, B. Reid, K. Winslow.

The Student Christian Association, the Protestant Organization of the Emerson

Community, finds its primary function as a meeting place of ideas, both

religiously and socially relevant. An integral part of the S.C.A. philosophy is the

solidarity of its members with those of Newman, Appostate and Hillel, in the

interest of ecumenicism. While the latitude of personal beliefs is wide, the Student Christian Association encourages individual thought and communication in both

secular and religious areas of life.


FIRST ROW: M. Hoodkiss, M. Lemerise. SECOND ROW: D. Ludwig, S. Long, A. Famum, D. Disbrow, E. Werner.

Associate Aid to Speech Therapy is an organization dedicated to the service of the Robbins Speech and Hearing Center. After

graduation, many of its members go on to become members of its parent organization. Aid to Speech Therapy.


FIRST ROW: M. Gross, recording secretary; R. Valente, vice-president; B. Carey, L. Samuel. SEC-

OND ROW: A. Sullivan, T. Ryder, J. Gilgun, J. Goodman, P. Bowe, corresponding secretary.

MISSING: J. Ross, president; J. Hyman, treasurer.

The Oral Interpretation Society was founded in the Spring of 1969. Oral

Interpretation is one of the precepts upon which Emerson College was founded.

This form of speech performance is what makes Emerson unique. Individual members of the Society have entered many different contests and festivals throughout the United States. We are very proud and honored to say that they have been the recipients of many trophies and awards.

The Oral Interpretation Society sponsors all Southwick performances here at Emerson.


FIRST ROW: Mrs. Mode, mascot; J. Sonion, publicity chairman; ROW: K. Benjamin, C. Bova, D. Zwanziger, J. Riggs, S. Goldberg,

P. Bowe, treasurer: C. Bures, vice-president; A. Famum, president; M. Cicerone, S. Long. THIRD ROW: J. Niles, J. Grose, B. Reid, T. S. Cohen, secretary; D. Neigher, co-director; K. Mather. SECOND Koldys, R. Mello.

The purpose of the Emerson College Speech Choir is to achieve a vocal harmony through the blending of voices- not singing voices, but speaking voices.

This is accomplished by the division of poetry and prose into vocal parts, and through the Speech Choir’s oral interpretation of these forms of literature. The Speech Choir performs both at Emerson College’s winter and spring

convocations, and at high schools and private clubs in Massachusetts. The Speech Choir has also performed at the Martin Luther King School for elementary school

children, and has aided WBZ-TV in one of its productions.


FIRST ROW: K. Hultgren, R. Foley, vice-president; J. McSorley, B. Leidman, J. Guterman, K. Benjamin, B. Case, B. Peabody, Jr., J. treasurer; R. Pettitt, director; L. Orabone, president; K. Holtvedt, Phillips. THIRD ROW: K. Ullman, A. Sandler, J. Riggs, P. Saavedra, secretary; S. Orford, librarian; M. Romano, vice-president; J. D. DeCormier, D. Zwanziger, N. Kalmes, A. Rennold. Dunne. SECOND ROW: T. Ryder, L. Jainchill, H. Copenhagen, M.

Under the professional direction of Mr. Robert Pettitt, the Emerson College Singing Chorus has completed another fine musical season. This performing organization has functioned in the traditional convocations, monthly chapels, and Founder’s Day. The annual Fall, Christmas, and Spring Concerts highlight the musical events of the year, culminating with participation in the graduation ceremony. For the past few years, the Chorus has been invited to celebrate the Christmas Holidays as performing guests at the Prudential Center. The group also made several video-tape recordings for the patients of local hospitals.

95 M.S.E.A

FIRST ROW: A. Friedler, M. Kaufman, treasurer; L. Rjendeau, Rogers, A. Liftman, P. Berry, J. Gilgun, L. Orabone, S. Kates. MISS- advisor: R Fnedler, president. SECOND ROW': Z. Sheinberg, R. ING: S. Murphy, secretary; R. Sosny.

M.S.E.A. is a student organization designed to help and guide students who plan to pursue a career in the field of teaching.


FIRST ROW: D. Cobum, president; M. Hoodkiss, secretary; M. Romano, vice-president. SECOND

ROW: S. Meyers, treasurer; C. Cominos. MISSING: J. Stelefson, vice-president; G. Ursul, advisor.

The International Relations Society serves Emerson College by bringing prominent and controversial speakers from the United States and Abroad into our

midst. Their aim is to involve the student in today’s world affairs, and to encourage participation in the ever changing world of tomorrow. This year the Society will again partake in the United Nations Model Assembly in New York City.


FIRST ROW: S. Shure, M. Lemense, C. Munster, treasurer; B. Cutler, D. Disbrow, G. Young, president; D Woolfson. SECOND ROW: M. Hoodkiss, A. Morganstem, vice-president; M. Romano, L. Greenberg, secretary.

The Social Service Committee is Emerson’s volunteer tutoring organization. Its members contribute one afternoon a week to help those requiring academic assistance. In many cases, all that’s needed is a little “extra” attention. Emerson students are more than willing to contribute this tiny amount. They have learned that helping others has provided more than personal satisfaction. It helps them to understand themselves and the world around them just a little bit better.


FIRST ROW: A. Sullivan, D. Walcovy, B. Carey, P. Reinhard, McSorley, B. Peabody Jr., M. Werboff. THIRD ROW: B. Crozer, treasurer; S. Long, vice commodore; M. Messinger, commodore; R. L. Roach, J. Gilgun, D. Firmender, R. Foley, J. Reed, T. Cannon, Earley, advisor; Mrs. Mode, mascot. SECOND ROW: R. Deamer, D. Gibson.

D. Sheppard, R. Benak, M. Lemerise, D. Disbrow, T. Rudkin, J.

The Sailing Club is one of the largest and most popular organizations here at Emerson. The promotion and encouragement of competitive and recreational

sailing are its main goals. Two fiberglass Fins, six checkmate sloops, and a Boston

Whaler comprise the “fleet”. Sailing, racing, and instruction are available to all members of the organization.


SITTING: R. Deamer, J. Anatra, J. Ofgang, R. Mello. FIRST ROW': S. Dennis, A. Raichelle, M. Simpson, J. Conk, G. Braunstein, ROW J Brodeur, E. Madej, D. Kaufman, music director; H. D. Kasabian, C. Millard, T. Cannon, T. Koldys, E. Symkus.

Lapides, production director; B. Korkin, station manager; A, THIRD ROW': B. Rosenthal, D. Firmender, J. Buczynski, J. Cohen,

Carrus, sales- -promotion director; H. Landman, traffic director; B, B. Pronovost, L. Saltzman, C. Bukolski, B. Ross, P. Levine, M. Edgerton, assistant engineer; B. O’Brien, D. Gibson. SECOND Barbit, B. Dillane, L. Fiftal.

The “voice” of Emerson, WECB, is a closed circuited radio station which

entertains the student body. It is manned and operated by the students most interested in the field of Mass Communications. The 6 & 40 Survey provides the

top Rock Sounds and all News headlines throughout the day.


FIRST ROW: A. Nelson, D. Alexander, B. O’Brien, J. Mell- R. Goldsmith, A. Sinton. THIRD ROW: R. Houle, A. Raich- gren, D. Tanney, D. Campanella, D. Walcovy, J. Goodman. elle, R. Silva, C. ZukrofF, D. Buck, A. Carrus, J. Conk, B. SECOND ROW: J. Brodeur, J. Luck, J. Smith, M. Werboff, Korkin, J. Ranz, C. Phillips, advisor. FOURTH ROW: B. Ros- assistant news director; M. Messinger, news director; B. Reed, enthal, R. Foley, R. Dome, J. Richards, B. Reid, C. Bures, P. station manager; W. Merryman, program director; L. Kimball, Levine, W. Pead, M. Mularczyk, J. Cohen, L. Komblau.

WERS is the 18,000 watt FM radio station of Emerson College. It is a non-commercial station that

is staffed and operated mostly by Emerson broadcast majors.

For the 1969-70 season, WERS altered its format to introduce a New, Contemporary Sound to Boston. A new program called Collage revolved principally around fresh music sounds. Parts of the program were devoted to discussions and interviews of contemporary and relevant attractions of today. Repertoire, the program of classical music heard evenings, was expanded to include interviews with musicians, concert guides, live concerts, and Listener's Choice. The WERS award winning news department continued to provide listeners with regularly scheduled reports of national and local events, along with sports, stock reports, and the weather. The New, Creative Sound of WERS-FM gives Emerson broadcasting majors an ideal opportunity to broaden their scope in the field of creative radio programming.


FIRST ROW: B. Behan, B. Rosenthal, L. Kimball, film direc- supervisor; M. Downs, D. Tanney, L. Townes, G. Quenzel, tor: I. Goldstone, chief engineer: R. Wermer, senior video engi- advisor. THIRD ROW: J. Conk, D. Campanula, assistant film neer; T Ryder. M. Sugarberg. SECOND ROW: R. Goldsmith, director; B. Reid, C. Bures, L. Shaw, J. Rankin, D. Woolfson. crew chief; E. Baron, J. Brodeur, M. Sullivan, video

"Student Experience First”— This is the slogan of Emerson’s closed circuited television station WERS-TV. Broadcasting majors and other talented and interested students can get a chance to participate and practice in studio operations. They also partake in directing and producing their own shows while trying to create new and interesting television techniques.

Each student in the TV Practicum class is required to produce a “masterpiece”. These masterpieces as well as other programs, news to variety, are all a part of the programming schedule each year.


J. Shevlin, M. Werboff, M. Messinger, president; C. Munster, vice-president; V. DeFeo.

The responsibility of the Inter Fraternity Council is to provide good communication among the four fraternities here at Emerson. Each fraternity President and a special representative from each fraternity compose the Council. The regulation of pledge programs and the coordination of inter fraternity sport competitions and social functions are all activities of IFC.


SITTING: M. Fleck, M. Greenberg, R. Valenti. STANDING: M. Sheridan, J. Schwartz, B. Carey, K. Webster, G. Wolman.

The responsibility of the Pan Hellenic Council is to serve the best interests of the College and the

Sororities at all times. It is composed of the Presidents and special representatives of each of the three sororities. The Council supervises and coordinates all rules for rushing and all other inter sorority activities. The Pan Hellenic Council displays and conveys the ideals of sisterhood here at Emerson.


FIRST ROW: J. Heyman, M. Romano, corresponding secre- B. Freedman, J. Conk, D. Marlowe, M. Yudin, D. Campan- tary; K. Rosenbaum, treasurer; D. Ludwig, Theta Queen; C. ella. B. Rosenthal, M. Kelman, A. Shaio. D. Tanney. THIRD

Munster, president; D, Woolfson, vice-president; P. Sullivan, ROW: J. Shevlin, S. Shure, J. Honig, B. Pronovost, S. Myer, Sullivan, recording secretary ; C. ZukrofT. SECOND ROW: M. H. Holmes, B. Pieper, J. Caputa.

Alpha Pi Theta, the fraternal organization for brotherhood and social involvement, is noted for producing wholesome brotherhood and a fun-filled social atmosphere among many outstanding Emerson students.

Founded in 1946, Theta draws its brothers from a diversified background. Each brother rates

potential prominence in his chosen profession and brings honor to it as well as to himself. A Gold Brick, a Green Blazer, a Straw Hat, and the unconquerable “Go Green” spirit will always remain in the hearts of the brothers of Alpha Pi Theta.

106 ATT£)|


C. Jordan, J. Arthur, J. Melton.

108 Alpha Kappa Alpha is the first Black Sorority established in the United States. The Epsilon Chapter, established in 1913, has been successful in attaining the ideals of

“service to all mankind” by establishing and implementing many programs. These include job opportunity and employment for youth, scholarships, training undergraduates for leadership, voter education, and first class citizenship. They are certainly an asset to the community.

109 FIRST ROW: D. Weston, A. Goodwin, president; D. levins, vice-president. SECOND ROW: T. Gen- dron. K. Sinhart, secretary-treasurer; C. Gray. MISSING: P. Yenofsky, D. Brookins, R. Laver.


Lambda Psi Pi is Emerson’s newest fraternity. Founded in the 1968-69 academic year. Lambda exemplifies the strength and loyalty bonded in the ideals of brotherhood. .


FIRST ROW: E. Werner, D. Ludwig, treasurer, N. Fisher, H. Straka, L. Kozinn, M. Amenta, D. Souza, M. Lemerise. secretary, M. Greenberg, president, G. Wolman, vice president, THIRD ROW: M. Kanoff, S. Rose, N. Sugarman, S. Scialo, B. D Disbrow, H. Rosenfield. social chairman. SECOND ROW: Cutler, J. Turtle, A. Levy, G. Metzker, M. Hoodkiss. M Segal, D. Berger, A. Berliner, S. Billion, L. Wachtenheim,

singular, significant, reflective, searching, Sisters . . . interesting, lively, aggravating, changing,

innovative, sharing, understanding, human, arguing, challenging . .

people, individuals rt nr^ H #^v "’''«iik IfiJ ^ % | xpl

I f PH: Jg\ MB ^phL-V \-' i jffiA J^LmM PHI ALPHA TAU

SITTING: E. Schreiber. R. Mello, J. Chafitz, R. Goldsmith. Pettitt, R. Pierce, G. Blackwell, D. de Mesquita, L. Roach, R.

FIRST ROW: J. Ward. H. der Marderosian. I. Goldstone, E. Benak, D. Alexander, M. Applebaum, G. Snowden. THIRD

Baron, treasurer: S. Aronowitz, M. Messinger, president; M. ROW: J. Goodman, J Rankin, J. Reed, P. Goldstein, B. Rus-

W'erboff. vice-president; B. Behan, recording secretary; J. Gil- sell, C. Bures, A. Farnum, L. Komblau, D. Kaufman, P. gun. J Zorn. H Morgan. SEGOND ROW: C. Phillips, R. Greengross, E. Matthews.

Phi Alpha Tau, the nation’s oldest communicative arts fraternity was founded at Emerson in 1902.

This past year the fraternity has labelled its goal as the “Year of Brotherhood", along with promoting the ideals and goals of Emerson College and furthering the communicative arts, bringing to the National Fraternity dignity and honor.

The sear began with the first big event at Emerson, Showcase ’73. This annual event provides the incoming freshmen class the opportunity to display their talents to the Emerson Family. Tau’s activities throughout the year include the Tau Carol Sing, the Tau Blast, the Tau Press Conference, our weekly outings to the Norfolk Settlement House, and many other events.

The most important event to the Brothers and the fraternity is the Joseph E. Connor Memorial Award. The presentation always proves to be one of the highlights of the school year. 1 PHI MU GAMMA

FIRST ROW: B Peak, J. Schwartz, vice-president; M. Fleck, president; H. Stuart, treasurer; S. Gold- berg, recording secretary. SECOND ROW: D. Janson, R. Houle, K. Webster, P. Browne.

Phi Mu Gamma is an international, social, service, speech and fine arts professional sorority,

Emerson College having the Alpha C'hapter. Its aim is “to instill loyalty among its members and to work on mental as well as artistic development”. The membership is proud of quality rather than quantity.

One of Phi Mu Gamma’s main activities is the sponsorship of the Faculty Talent Show which gives the Emerson Family the opportunity to see the staff of the College in a real sense and also provides enjoyment for all. Aside from this, there are many things that Phi Mu Gamma does within her own ranks for and with the sisters, not only for themselves but also for others. They have theatre parties, a senior supper, spring picnic and sponsor a Christmas party for a local orphanage. This year they also had an open house following the Phi Alpha Tau Showcase ’73, not only to welcome the freshmen into the ranks of Emerson, but also to welcome back the entire student body. An open coffee hour was also given for the faculty. 117 RHO DELTA OMEGA

FIRST ROW: P Steiner, M. Connor, vice-president; D. Ber- C. Ally, V, DeFeo, J. DeCicco. MISSING: L. Lothrope, G man. president: D DeFeo. SECOND ROW: J. Glasserow, C. Pomeroy, P. Gaines, C. Callahan, G. Woods. Comninos, treasurer; S. Lust, D. Maturi, recording secretary;

What more can be said than what has been muttered or stuttered or sworn between

these hallowed ivy walls . . . ^ * m r

'& k ||KUU4 1

* -^- aL


FIRST ROW: M Halpem, recording secretary; R. Valente, OND ROW: H. Copenhagen, B. Stein, K. Starzyk, M. Sheri- president: B. Carey, vice-president; L. Samuel, treasurer. SEC- dan, J. Cover, P. Bowe. MISSING: S. Turco.

Zeta Phi Eta is the National Professional Speech Arts and Sciences Fraternity for Women. Emerson has the Alpha Chapter, organized in 1908. The Zetas work to join together women committed to maintaining higher standards in speech and speech sciences speech education, theatre, radio, motion pictures, television, interpretation, public address, speech correction and communications. We are mostly a service fraternity planning activities for the College and the Community such as Christmas parties for the underprivileged children, bake sales, and the Zeta Happening.



FIRST ROW: R Houle, corresponding secretary; P. Swanson, president; B. Reed. SECOND ROW: A.

Jacobs, B Hillman, W Pead, J. Rankin. MISSING: C. Cutler, vice-president; H. Holmes, G. Grossman.

Alpha Epsilon Rho, the national honorary broadcasting fraternity,

has chapters in thirty-five colleges and universities that offer majors in

the field of broadcasting. The fraternity helps to prepare its members for future roles as responsible broadcasters by fostering professional-

ism and leadership in the broadcasting areas while emphasizing su- perior scholarship and creative participation. The letters A, E, and R stand for Always Excellent Radio.


BOTTOM ROW: Richard Pimes, Lynn Rabinow, Gail Young, Secretary Ceei Hart, Linda Orabone, Mary Shortkroff, Jack Hyman. TOP ROW: Douglas Arbetman, Don DeMesquita, Kristine Holtvedt, President

Vincent Ventola, Vice President Eric Steiner, Eileen Rosen, Jeffrey Gaines, Bill Ludel. ABSENT: Treasurer Roger Lavoir, Howard Feuerstein, Ollie Boston, John Brown, Shiela Hickey, David Maturi, Ann Steiner, FACULTY ADVISOR: Dr. A. D. Sensenbach.


FIRST ROW: M. Halpern, M. Fleck, secretary; P. Sullivan, Fisher, J. Cover, S. Cohen, G. Metzker, H. Straka, T. Sherman, vice-president; A Famum, president; L. Kozinn, treasurer, N. C. Balzano. Sugarman. SECOND ROW: T. Rudkin, G. A. Wolman, N.

Sigma Alpha Eta is the National Speech and Hearing Honorary Fraternity created to provide all students who are interested in Speech Pathology and Audiology with more extensive social and

professional experiences. It also tries to foster a spirit of unity by coordinating the interests and efforts of persons with a common goal by providing situations in which students and faculty may work together as a team to advance the profession as a whole.

A fine example of this is the birth at the end of last year of an organization known as SPDR, the

Speech Professionals with Democratic Responsibility. This is a group organized at Emerson to give the speech pathologist more insight into the profession by getting out and working with people to

help them and to help the student also discover himself. Sigma is proud to say that SPDR is now a

working organization in its own right.


One man who lives by earning the right to win One man who cared for every athlete he trained as if they were his sons One man in which loyalty, courage and bravery stemmed to all

One man whom all could trust One man whom all would respect One man who knows the true meaning of education One man the two of us will never forget One man— MR. JAMES PECKHAM. Garry Woods & Peter Steiner Sports Editors





Emerson College’s Hockey Team entered its fourth year of existence in splendid tradition. Only in its second year on the varsity level, Emerson battled Gordon College, Curry College and many others on their way to an 8-2 record, thus far with three games left.

128 Peter O’Brien —The senior captain of the hockey team who came down here from Canada and proved to us that Canadians can really skate. Peter did more than skate though. He led the team in scoring, was the johnny on the spot when the going got rough and provided the inspirational leadership that made this year’s hockey team the most successful in the school’s history. Dick Pleasants— A senior who came back from suffering a broken leg to do a very comparable job as a very tough defenseman. Dick Norcross —A tremendous goalie. Words aren’t adequate to describe some of the impossible saves that he made while in the nets. Undoubtedly the best goalie that this school has ever seen. Andy Cerrone— A transfer student who helped protect our net while playing rugged defense. Andy was also a big man for Emerson on the power play. Gary Walsh — A newcomer who really helped the team with his play and his enthusiasm. Ted Gendren—A boy who didn’t see a lot of action but his moral support was greatly felt by his teammates. Pete Gilmore — Instrumental in the many lopsided victories of the hockey team. Fred Faust — One of the team’s leading scorers. Fred was a tiger on defense and a workhorse on offense. Blair Richardson- Player-Coach of the hockey team who deserves much credit for his guidance and performance both on the ice and off.


Captain. Wrestling Team— Michael Connor

1 18 lbs. Art Roberts 126 Ron Pittman 134 Mike Connor 142 Dennis Sheridan

1 50 Jack Hyman

1 58 George Ogle 167 Cyrus Comninos 177 Steve Muroviec 191 Scott Breuninger Heavyweight Dave Maturi A team that has a very very tough schedule, wrestling, MIT, Holy Cross, Lowell Tech, Lowell State, Boston State and Plymouth, Hartford and Rhode Island Col-

leges. The team is young and Coach Peckham should be smiling to see all the talent that he will have back next year. Only two wrestlers are graduating this year. With Mr. Peckham’s expert guidance our New England Championship Greco-Roman team should have some more good years ahead of them.


Emerson College Basketball attained a new “high” this past season. They man- aged to win more games than the Lion teams of the three previous seasons com- bined. Highlights of the year were:

1 Captain Lew Peterson contributing another phenomenal scoring season. 2. Bill Hazelwood and Peter Dierks providing the rebounding strength needed to win ball games.

3. Eddie “the people’s choice” Cohen receiving a standing ovation for his unprecedent- ed performance against Curry College. 4 Discovery to the fact that the referee that the fans consistently booed was chosen as Emerson's new baseball coach.

5. Rich Carton showing expert ball handling ability. 6 Craig De Bona, Marty Grudzinski, Phil Eevine, Don Sandler and Joel Zorn all added to a well rounded ball club. With the big guns returning. Coach Bradley can look forward to a super season next year.


Good luck to Mr. Jim Marshall, the new baseball coach of the Emerson ball club. This year’s squad has

one returning ballplayer from last year’s team. It can be considered a rebuilding year with the potential of a win-

ning season. Emerson has the baseball talent; let’s hope the talent decides to play.

Emerson's cross-country season was highlighted by

Rick Barnes' dramatic first place finish, which is Emer- son's only such finish in its short history of cross-country racing. The Emerson trackmen finished with an impres- sive season in one of the school’s most grueling sports. Hats off goes to the five man team who complimented Emerson College by upholding our reputation as a hard fighting and determined athletic team.

134 country tt*m

135 136 Boston— 1970. the most active theatre town in the east, with its professional companies, work- shops and schools, and emerson. with its major productions, workshops and now two student or- ganizations making emerson the most active the- Weatrc atre company in boston, its work will be judged by the professional academia, the uninvolved review- er, and ultimately the emerson audience itself, this section is dedicated to our influence on the boston theatre scene. EMERSON COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF DRAMA ARTS EMERSON COLLEGE THEATRE ISO BEACON ST.



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tkc CpaerSortCdlete/ Mtag flayers

iso ftecusoti jftJ&tfjtton,

This year the Strolling Players of the Theatre Education

Department once again proved that touring a childrenSs show is a lob of work, a lot of fun, and a lot of good experience.

Adapting sets and blocking in Ali Baba and the Fortfr Thieves to fit such widely diverse stages as the tiny old-fashioned box (sans lighting) at Pepperell, to the gigantic fully equipped (Century light board) one at Concord, is probably one of the quickest ways of learning theatre. Hauling sets and cost-limes every week may not be fun, but it does build muscle and convinces even the most dogmatic of the values of minimal scenery.

For the spring show, David MaMahon's script. The Undis - covered King called for full medieval regalia, complete with horses and knights in shining armor. Director Polly Hogan kept the kids fascinated with this story of King Arthur as a young boy. The clever use of puppets, such as Merlin’s pet owl, Archimedes, gave a great boost to the show which also featured a hilariously clumsy joust.

Ask any of the actors or technicians and they'll tell you that an audience of children is probably the most demanding they've ever faced. But there must be something good in it, for many of the first-semester company members came back for more second semester as well.

152 153 FIORELLO


FIRST ROW: J McSorley, O. Strandquist, P. Sussen. SECOND ROW: J. Wallace, B. Hittzik, B. C. Brown. THIRD ROW: M. Gross, secretary; D. Souza. E. Schneider.


EUGENE B. TEIXE1RA Boston University, B.S.

I 'ice President for Administration and External Affairs

DR. RICHARD D. PIERCE University of New Hampshire, A.B. Andover Theological Seminary, B.D. Simmons, S.B. in L.S. Emerson College, A.M. Harvard University, S.T.M. Boston University, Ph.D. the College, Academic Vice President , Dean of Chairman of the History Department

160 OLIVER W. WOODRUFF WILLIAM J. CHEVALIER SHELTON FORREST Boston University, B.S., M.Ed. St. John’s Seminary, B.A. Assistant Dean of Students Dean of Students Boston College. M.Ed. Assistant Dean of Students

PHYLLIS R. GLICKMAN McGill University, B.A., M.S. Applied Assistant Dean of Students

DAVID ROUNDTREE Assistant Director of Admissions

JOAN F. WALLENT DANA K. DENAULT University of Chicago Director of A dmissions Assistant Director of Admissions

161 JOHN W. ZORN ELIZABETH A. COATES VIRGINIA WHEELER FRANCIS X. DOHERTY University of New Hampshire, Boston University, A.B., B.A. Emerson College, B.A. University of Missouri, Emerson College, B.L.I., A.M., Registrar Administrative Assistant, B.A., M.Ed. Boston University, Ed.M. Theatre Education Director of Financial Aid Professor of Education Director of Continuing Education

W'INTHROP S. CARLSON LUCY JONES MARTIN YOUNG Bryant College, B.S. Assistant to Comptroller Superintendent ofBuildings anil Comptroller Grounds

AGNES H POWERS THOMAS J. HAUBER DONNA PERRY JOAN PELON Director of Student Housing Emerson College, B.S. A dministrative Assistant, Director of A lumni Records Director of Union and House Direc- College Union tor

GEORGE H BLAC'KWEI I MIMI BAINS SAM GREELEY Business Manager Director ofAlumni Relations Director of Public Relations

162 \

ALVA STANLEY Esther McCarthy Head Nurse, Assistant Nurse,

100 Beacon St. 100 Beacon St.



357-359 Beacon St. 22-24-26 Commonwealth Ave.

ALICE SANBORN FRANCES TAYLOR SHERRY ROBINS Director, Director, 100 Beacon St. 86 Marlborough St. HAMILTON COMSTOCK Director, 190 Beacon St. Director, 206 Beacon St.

RUTH HENRY ELSIE MODE Director, 191 Beacon St Director, 150 Beacon St.

163 t

DR. COLEMAN C. BENDER JUNE HAMBLIN MITCHELL DR. ARTHUR O. BRUCE Pennsylvania State University, Emerson College, B.L.I., M.A., Massachusetts College of Osteop- A.B., AM.. Emerson College, A.M., Columbia University, Tufts athy, D.O., Middlesex University A M., University of Illinois, Ph D. University School of Medicine, M.D., Har- Professor of Speech Professor of Speech vard School of Medicine Lecturer in Speech

BERNADETTE MacPHERSON MICHAEL PEVZNER MARILYN Y. LEWIS J. EDWIN HOLLINGWORTH Emerson College, B.L.I., MS., Emerson College, B.S., M.S. Buena Vista College, B.A., Univer Dartmouth College, B.A., Boston

Boston University, Boston College Instructor in Speech sity of South Dakota, M.A., Colo University, Lowell Technical Insti- Assistant Professor of Speech rado State College tute, Baldwin-Wallace College, Instructor in Speech Emerson College Assistant Professor of Speech

164 WALTER LITTLEFIELD Michigan State University, B.A., M.A. Assistant Professor of Speech MICHAEL BLOWEN Emerson College, B.A., M.A.

Instructor in Speech

KENNETH C. CRANNELL Emerson College, B.A., M.A., Uni- versity of Michigan, Northwestern University Associate Professor of Speech

HAIG DER MARDEROSIAN Emerson College, B.L.I., M.S., Co- lumbia University Associate Professor of Speech

MELVYN BUCHOLTZ Instructor in Speech

165 1

CHARLES J. KLIM B.A., M.A. Emerson College; Ph D. University of Pittsburgh; Johns-Hopkins University Chairman of Speech Pathology and Audiology Department


DR. DAVID VI LUTERMAN SUZANNE HARRINGTON B.A. Brooklyn College; M.S., B.S., M.A. Ohio State University; D.Ed. Pennsylvania State Texas Chnstian University Professor of Speech Pathology and Instructor Audiology

166 .

DR. JACOB AZERRAD ELAINE KARP Clinical Psychologist Instructor MARCIA F. BAUM CAROLYN LUTERMAN Instructor Director of Nursery School DR. VILMA BOROS DAVID MAXWELL Associate Professor Assistant Professor JUDITH CHASIN CATHERINE C. PERRY Instructor Professor Emerita IRMA DIRUSSO ROBERT W. SPARKS Associate Professor Lecturer AMY BRICKER HARRIS PAMELA SPILATORE Associate Professor Clincial Instructor MARIA HAYNES BARBARA BUCK WOLF Thayer Lindsley Nursery Tutor Instructor

“therapy land” dedication and hard work hopes and dreams

a rainbow's end . .


LEONIDAS NICK.OLE B.A., M.A. Emerson College; DR. LLOYD J. LANICH AM. Columbia University B.A. Washington and Lee University Chairman of Theatre Education De- M.A. John Hopkins University partment Professor Ph.D. Yale Univefsity Chairman of Dramatic Arts Department Professor! H EAT R E EDUCATION BRUCE BARBIER1 Graduate Teaching Asst. DR. LELAND BRADBARD Lecturer JOHN BRAY Assistant in Directing MARY ELLEN HERKAMP Instructor MARY HOGAN Instructor ARTHUR PERRY Instructor \1 DR. L1NDLEY SPENCER Associate Professor LEONARD J. R1ENDEAU DR. ALFRED D. SENSEN- JACK STEIN B.S., M.S. Emerson College BACH Assistant Professor of Theatre Edu- Lecturer M.A. University of Wisconsin; cation M.F.A., D.F.A. Yale University; DRAMATIC ARTS Ph.D. Muhlenberg College GARY CASAREELA Associate Professor of Dramatic Arts Instructor ROBERT MARK GINN Assistant Professor

HARRY W. MORGAN JOHN JACOBSEN ALBERT PESSO B.S.. M.S. Emerson College Instructor B.A. Goddard College Assistant Professor of Theatre Edu- ROBERT GRAY MACKEY Assistant Professor of Theatre Edu- cation Technical Asst, in Costume cation Frances p. McArthur Instructor ROBERT BRUCE MURRAY A ssoeiate Professor

RICHARD J. PORTNER Instructor THERESE PORTNER Graduate Teaching Asst. ROLE SCHARRE Visiting Lecturer CARA SHUBIN Instructor JUDITH TYTELL Instructor


CHARLES E. PHILLIPS B.S., M.Ed. University of Illinois; Boston College Chairman of Mass Communications Department Professor

DR. GERALD W. KROEGER GEORGE Q. QUENZEL B.S. Mankato State University; B.A. Hofstra College; M.A. Univer-

M.A. Ohio Wesleyan University; sity of Iowa Ph.D. Florida State University Assistant Professor of Mass Com- Professor of Mass Communications munications

ANN SINTON VALERIE ELDRIDGE B.A. Queens University of Belfast; B.A. Denison University; M.A. C. A.S. University of Georgia University of North Carolina Instructor in Mass Communications Instructor in Mass Communications



DR. CHARLOTTE LINDGREN A.B.. A.M., Ph D. Boston Univer- sity Chairman of English Department Professor

Leslie a. mcallister DR. RUTH SOUTHWICK B.A. Emerson College - Columbia MAXFIELD University B.L.I., A.M., Litt.D. Emerson Col Instructor in English lege; A.M. Boston University Professor Emerita of English

PAULA BENNETT PETER KEVILLE Instructor Instructor SHERMAN CARROLL RICHARD PEPP Instructor Instructor HELEN CHASIN CATHLEEN QUICK Lecturer Instructor WILLIAM T. CORBETT DR. JAMES R. RANDALL Instructor Professor CALVIN FORBES LAWRENCE P. SENELICK Assistant Professor Instructor ROY T. HAMMER JR. DR. LYNN F. WILLIAMS Assistant Professor Associate Professor


DR. PHILLIP P. AMATO B.A., M.A. Emerson College; Ph.D. Michigan State University Chairman of Education Department Professor


EDNA M. WARD IRENE McINNIS B.A. Emerson College; M.Ed. B.S. State College at Boston; Tufts University Ed.M. Boston University Assistant Professor of Education Assistant Professor of Education and Speech


DR. PAUL A. MOYLAN A.B., A.M. Harvard University; Ph.D. University of Michigan Chairman of Language Department Professor

GERD PETER BOND Assistant Professor ALAIN DUCHEMIN Instructor ZOFIA HARRISON Instructor MARIA MONREAL Instructor DR. DOROTHY PARKHURST Professor Emerita


DR GEORGE R. URSUL B.A. McMaster University AM. Ph.D. Harvard University Chairman of Social Sciences Department A ssociate Professor


dr. s. Justus McKinley Professor Emeritus ELEANOR MOSCA HENRY JON STONIE B.A. Northeastern University; Instructor B.D. Newton Theological Inst.; ROOSEVELT R. WEAVER M.A. Boston University Instructor Assistant Professor of Social Sciences


DR LANCELOT A. GARRARD B.A., M.A. B.D. Oxford Univer- sity; LL.D. Emerson College Chairman of Philosophy Depart- ment Professor

DR. GLEN W. SNOWDEN REVEREND ROBERT W. HA- B.A. Franklin and Marshall Col- NEY lege; B.D. Yale University; Th.D. A. B., S.T.B. Harvard College; Boston University B. D. Harvard University Assistant Professor of Religion Instructor in Philosophy

72 ROGER W ARNOLD A.B., A.M. Tufts University; Seton Hall University Chairman of Math Department MUSIC Associate Professor

ROBERT PETTITT B.Mus. Boston University; L.T.C.L. Trinity College; A.M. Emerson College Chairman of Music Department Professor MATH

HOWARD GARNISS ARNOLD GRIFFITH Instructor Statistical Consultant

PSYCHOLOGY FINE ARTS DR. PETER V. COREA STEVEN CURTIS A. B., Ph.D. Boston University Instructor B. D. Andover Theological THOMAS H. DAHILL Seminary Professor Harvard University ANGELA MILLINGTON Chairman of Psychology Department Assistant in Fine Arts Professor WAYEN PERKINS Instructor DR. CAROL LEE GRIFFIN Lecturer REVEREND GERALD KRICK Lecturer



DR. DECOURSEY FALES, JR COLONEL WILLIAM E. HAR- A.B., A.M.. Ph.D. Harvard Univer- RISON sity B.A. Oklahoma City University; Associate Professor LL.B. Oklahoma University Assistant Professor

173 DOROTHEA PAULL Secretary to Dean Pierce

RUTH FRITZ WILLIAM J. LAVERTUE Secretary to President Director of Mailing and Chapin Printing Department

HELEN DESMOND GAIL MUMSON Receptionist and Secretary to Asst. Deans Switchboard Operator

174 together, in our blind ignorance let us hand in hand search

for the light of learning and truth . .

175 we leave as more complete individuals perhaps with a change of values, perhaps with new thoughts we leave with a touch of every emotion with a feeling of sadness, of happiness, of anxiety we can look back to all that has passed, but better, we shall look ahead and apply what we have heard of learned or experienced to enrich this world we live in

. . . and for those who still remain, question and search

for meanings to all that exists . . prepare “for all the . seasons of the mind”. Marsha Lemerise Glines

176 177 “I wonder what 1 really am? Really am? Real am Why real?”


178 r

v , 11

p j


179 180 “And I remember a willow tree where the sky was blue and the ” mind free to wonder










JEFFREY DAVIS— DEDICATION WRITE-UP mr. eeslie McAllister—advisor


183 .

The editor of the 1970 EMERSONIAN would like to thank the follow-

ing .. . Mr. Leslie McAllister, yearbook advisor, whose time, patience and understanding

was greatly appreciated . . . Vincent Ventolla for the quotes from his original show, “an evening of theatre

... for all the seasons of the mind” . . . Mandy and Bob Mr. Ros Farnham

Lincoln Studio . . . Malden, Mass. Doris, Deb, Maris, Ray, Oily, Ron, Dave Maturi. Peter Steiner, Garry Woods and

everyone else who gave a little extra of

themselves to help create this book . .

This book printed by VELVATONE, special process of lithographic 1X4 a printing. Sole producers: Wm J Keller Inc., Box 1052, Buffalo, N.Y. No other priming firm is authorized to use the Velvatone method.