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GOLDEN JUBILEE NUMBER 1880 - 1930 1930 Emersonian

Published by the Class of 1931

Copyright 1930 by E. Elizabeth Langille Editor-in-chief Helen Fish Business Manager

Emerson College , IIF'IDEEWIDMID

N the threshold of our Golden Jubilee the O students and faculty look back across the years of unselfish devotion and self sacri- fice rendered by our beloved founder Doctor Charles Wesley Emerson and his successors.

Before us is the world, the open door of op- portunity; behind us, our friends, our classes and our pleasures, soon to be but memories. In after years when we have faced the battles of life, fortified with our knowledge based on fifty years of progress, may this Golden Jubilee Book help to refresh in our minds those glorious student days at of Oratory.


these three whose lives T have been welded in strong endeavor m the

progress of our college we dedi-

cate this hook, thus expressing our appreciation for their un-

selfish devotion. faculty

President Henry Lawrence Southwick.

X Dean Harry Seymour Ross 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

9 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Bei.ford Forrest William H. Kenney

Adei.e Dowling Harry L. Kozol

10 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Joseph E. Connor Sands Chipman 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Agnes Knox Black Nettie M. Hutchins

Robert FI. Burnham Daniel O. Brewster

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Elsie R. Riddell Gertrude McQuesten

Elvie Burnett Willard Gertrude Binley Kay

13 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Hope James Russell \V. Harris


M iss Hope James and Mr. Russell White Harris are our newest faculty members. Mr. Harris was graduated from Em- erson College of Oratory in 1928, and Miss James in 1929.

Miss James has charge of the music of our college and conducts the course in assembly singing.

Mr. Harris is serving as registrar of the college in the vacancy left by Miss Lois Teal Owen.


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When we think of “Mill}” we see strength of character and great executive ability. She has been president of A A X, member of Forensic Union, Student Council and Menorah Society.

“Mill} ’ has a smile for everyone whom she meets. Her many staunch friends know where to go when they need a helping hand, and a kind understanding of their troubles. Good luck will surely accompany this sunny personality! SARAH BAKER Rhode Island

Sarah, with her charming ways and dignified presence, has captured the hearts of even the most discriminating Emersonians. All those who heard her in Recitals throughout her four years and who r watched her work as “Y alentine” in the Senior Revival Play, will recognize her splendid talent. Sarah has been Secretary of her class for two years and Treasurer and Chairman of the Menorah Ex- ecutive Committee. We wish her the best. She is worthy of it!


“Beck” began her career at E. C. O. as the charm- ing lead in the Freshman Stunt. She added to her popularity in Soph. Pantomime, Soph. Recitals, and as “Poor Little Cinderella” in Children’s Theatre. As secretary of the Sophomore class she ably jotted down the class activities. “Beck” fooled us this time, ho'wever, and is graduating one year ahead of her class. Good work, Esther! ALFRADA BOCK Kansas

Alfrada came from the wide open spaces of the West, and with her she brought her geniality and friendliness. Many do not know that Alfrada has

a Bachelor of Science degree, for she is quiet about her achievements. She will be remembered in the Senior Revival Play in her part as “The Host.” We wash she had come here earlier, and are loath to lose her so soon.

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ADA J. BRUCE M assachusetts

A girl of talents that Emerson knows not of. Did any one know that she was acquainted with many little animals and amused herself and others by writing stories about them? We wish her a wonderful tour of Europe this summer and later a more wonderful, happy and successful voyage through the Carribean and through life, with “the one.” Ada has been in the Press Club, Sophomore Pan- tomime, and the Senior Pageant.


With a twittering twinkle in her voice, “Peggy” Bucher can discuss profoundly psychological re-

search and is an artist in practical psychology on a ;

“date.” She is effervescent with an optimism which makes life worth living for all who meet her. Her activities at Emerson include, Fresh. Stunt, Soph. Stunt, Junior Week, Forensic Union, Junior and Senior Recitals; and who could forget “Peggy” as “Faunce” with her dog, in the Revival Play?

DONALD CAR lA Massachusetts

"Don”—the secret of the male minority in Em- erson! Intellect incarnate, he walks about our halls silent and aloof, until he encounters a fair maiden and escorts her to the nearest corner to discuss the

latest theories of philosophy. His vocabulary is said to rival that of Samuel Johnson! “Don” came to Emerson from Boston College,

but his greatest ambition is to become a prize fighter!


Lucie is a sweet retiring maiden whom the spot light found many times though she did not seek its rays. She has been an active member of the New- man Club and also featured in Children’s 1 heatre productions, the May Festival, the Soph. Pantomime and Junior Song Day. We aren’t sure, but we have a sneaking suspicion that Lucie may take up the culinary artistry when she leaves us. We wish her luck, and we hope she doesn’t burn the biscuits!

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ESTHER COOK M assachusetts

"Pete" belongs to the type of student well-liked by both faculty and students, for her versatility as a Merry-maker and a good—hard worker as well. It is a happy culmination, "Pete and Heck” is

another; and it almost seems as if these two should even here appear together. Esther has participated in the following activities since entering Emerson, with her usual fervor and spirit,—Freshman Stunt, Junior Song Day and Senior Recitals.

GWE N DO LI N E CRUMP Connecticut

“Crumpy” has participated conspicuously in the Forensic Union, Student Council, Y. W. C. A., and the President’s Club, to say nothing of wrestling with the problems of House President for three

years. Gwen is a busy person but she is always ready to squeeze in a little bit more. Do you re- member that famous Junior Senior Debate? She was their alternate! Gwen is a person without which few occasions are complete!


\1 issouri

Marian has been called cynical, but really she's not. Those who saw her play "Proteus’’ in the Senior Revival Play and who have heard her recitals know her to be a girl with splendid ability. If she goes to Honolulu we wish her success, and we know that who ever meets Marian will enjoy her!

MARIE DEYIR Massachusetts

Who does not remember the jolly sailor last year in the May Festival?—Marie Devir! Neither could we forget the abused little boy in “The King of the Golden River,” a Children’s Theatre produc- tion. Marie has done her share executively, also, having done active service in the Press Club and the New- man Club. When one sees her, her smile comes first; we hope that many may continue to be glad-

dened by it

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ELSIE DIAMOND Massachusetts

One could not lessen her dignity by giving her a flippant appellation. She is indeed a “sober, stead- fast and demure” little person with a profound

sense of duty. If one really knows her, there is the joy of her effervescent humor. We remember her especially in Freshman Stunt and Sophomore Pan- tomime.

She is a very tiny Diamond of great intrinsic value. ELISABETH EAIRCH1LD KI'X New York

Who is that tall, brown-eyed girl with the happy- go-lucky smile? Tis “Libby" Fairchild. “Libby” took part in Fresh. Stunt, a howling success, due to her talent, of course! Soph, year “Lib” displayed her “Kenny” voice with much fervor in Children’s Fheatre. She also assisted Clyde Dow in carry ing around the class treasury, "it was so heavy! Her good work continued throughout her College days, and she was a friend worth having.

IDA MAE FURS 1 1 MAN New Jersey

Hats off to one who knows what she wants to do—and does it! Ida Mae has been in Fresh, Stunt, Soph. Stunt, and Soph. Recitals. In “the year’ of College life she was on Prom. Committee and in

Song Day . She has been up in Junior-Senior Debate

twice and is president of Forensic Union and also the Menorah Society

Her motto is “Variety lends zest to life” and she surely gets it! MARJORIE GOULD M assachusetts

M arjorie is the girl with the large, thoughtful, brown eves, —and though she is usually' very' quiet and reserved, we know, that in her own way, she accomplishes a great deal. For example,—do you remember her in the Sophomore Pantomime and the events of Junior Week? To say nothing of her academic abilities as a Scholarship student “We wish you all that life may hold,” Marjorie!

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E. BERNICE GRIFFIS Pennsylvania Bernice comes to us from Perm. State and Mans- field Teacher’s College in Pennsylvania, from which she graduated. Confidentially, we feel that “Bernie”

possesses a dual personality. She is a fine student and a delightful entertainer, (don’t you remember her in Senior Recitals?) But we feel that her extra curriculum activities take her along the highways and byways of the social butterfly, and the question is—what meaneth

the twinkle on her left hand ? M uch luck “Bernie” ! LOUISE HARLOW M r Massachusetts To “good ole Lou” Harlow have gone many Emerson laurels, and rightly so. Lou has been in Fresh. Stunt, Soph. Pantomime, chairman of the Year Book Dance, stage manager of the Revival Play, member of President’s Club and Forensic Union. Her able “collecting” as Senior Class Treasurer and Sec-Treasurer of Student Govern-

ment made her a renowned figure. ( Hint to charity organizations!) “And for a’ that and a’ that” she’s the same—“True Blue Lou”!

E. KATHERINE HARTT Kl’X Massachusetts Few girls are as O.K. as Kay. She has the faculty of combining a happy-go-lucky care-free air with unusual efficiency. “For a taste”,—Fresh. Stunt, Soph, and Junior Recitals, Junior Song Day, Junior-Senior Debate, Student Government Coun- cil, Forensic Union and the Senior Revival Play (Shall we ever forget her in it?). Kay is a friend who stays with you, and makes you behold the world and its folks with a smile. Keep going, Kay, we’re with you!

ELEANOR HARVEY ffi M r Connecticut Not even the dignity of four years as Class Presi- dent keeps her from being just “Bobby” to us all. Bobby has participated in the Freshman Stunt, Sophomore Pantomime, Junior Stunt, and the Senior Revival Play. We also find her a member of Student Council, the most eligible member of the

President’s Club and President of M I\ ^ et she’s still “Bobby” of the big smile and heart. Here’s to the best!

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Ellen must have been born with a chuckle in her throat. Her merry laugh stays with us long

after we have forgotten the incident that caused it. Ellen has proven her leadership and reliability as

president of Z II this year and she made the Dean’s

List last year despite a month of illness. She is

one of the few girls w hom everyone is proud to know.

LEAH V. HERTZ Minnesota

Leah came to Emerson as a Junior, having pre- viously attended the Minneapolis School of Music, Oratory and Dramatic Art. She won many hearts as the handsome “Eglamour” in the Revival Play this tear. She was also assistant business manager of the play. Menorah counts Leah among its active members. W e ve only known Leah for two years, and it sure “Hertz" to let her go!


Gladys, familiarly known as Patsy, is one of our smallest Emersonians. If we don’t want to be different, we would say, “All good things come in

small packages.” But Patsv is different, not that she isn’t good —she is! Patsv was also one of the renowned “Shirley Girls’’. More of her abilities were shown in Junior Week and Senior Recitals, and say, have you ever seen her with the Army? ELIZABETH LAYCOCK Massachusetts

Elizabeth possesses a pleasing personality and a

desire to be helpful. She is a companionable class- mate, a sincere friend, and a most conscientious worker. Elizabeth has been in Sophomore Stunt and in Junior and Senior Recitals. We predict a successful future to you,— honestly and nobly earned.

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^ ~d-*^£~ry


Bett} r always rises to an occasion, It is thi- ability that will carry her to success.

Her sense of humor is delicious and has a happy faculty of breaking out at the most unexpected moments. Betty has participated in Fresh. Stunt, Senior

Recitals, and is a member of the Newman Club. We wish her the best of luck and happiness in the years to come



It is said that Dorothy can at any time provide a spare man for a dance—so let any who desire, take advantage of this information! Dorothy has been in Freshman Stunt, Children’s Theatre, and Junior Song Day. We’ll surely miss her cheery smile and ready willingness as a friend.


Rhode Island

“Heck" and “Pete” seem synonomous, but here we see “Heck” some pages away from “Pete.” Heck has oscillated between long and short “bobs” for four years, but we find her leaving Emerson just as “Short" as ever. “Heck” has participated in the Freshman Stunt, Sophomore Pantomime and Junior Stunt. It surely will seem queer not to see her bobbing about our halls! LEONA AUGUSTA MYERS

Rhode Island

We will always think of Leona as one of those very rare students—quiet, reserved, and refined. We remember her in Children’s Theatre, Soph. Pantomime and as an equestrienne of note in the May Day Fete, when she rode her hobby horse up the aisle of the Hall We hear Lee’s ambition is to be a school ma’am. Go easy on the rod, Lee, and here’s to your success!

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ZAROO H I E NOO RJ AN 1 A Massachusetts

You have to think twice about “Zari”! You are apt to think of her as charming background until you see her doing effective character studies in Children’s Theatre or Sophomore Pantomime, or contributing her share of zest to her class in Fresh- man Stunt and Junior Song Day.

A toast to charm, Zari ! We ll miss you



Clare is a very quiet person who accomplishes a great deal in just that way. Ever since entering Emerson she has lived up to her reputation as a faithful and thorough student. But she makes just as thorough a job of enjoying herself,—so her many friends will tell you. She participated in Freshman Stunt, Junior Week, and Forensic Union. We shall hate to lose what others will gain in Clare.


M assachusetts

“Love is blind’’ and so is “Pam,”—any enemies she ma\ have are those whom she passes upon the war with a blank stare. Her “infirmity” does not prevent her from having the reputation of being an exceedingly versatile actress, possessing the faculty for making more funny faces than anyone at Emer- son. We remember her especially in Fresh. Stunt, Soph. Pantomime, Junior Song Day, Junior Stunt, May Fete, Revival PI ay and Commencement Play.


M assachusetts

A cheery smile, small dainty steps, here comes Frevda! Admired as a reader of unusual ability, and as the most graceful of dancers, she is well liked by all of us. Frevda has participated in Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Stunts, Junior and Senior Recitals and Children’s Theatre plays. She was Treasurer and Publicity manager of the Menorah Society and a member of the Commuter’s Club. Good work Frevda!

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EVA RAM EE Massachusetts If “Eve” Ramee says she will do a thing she does it—in other words, her school spirit is a wow! With utmost patience during her junior year she served student government in that most trying of positions—“Chapel police,” and her senior year she took her place as senior representative on the student

council. “Eve’s” greatest achievement is the Com-

muter’s Club she is its founder, its inspiration and ; for two years has been its loyal and efficient presi- dent. Here’s to much luck, Eva!

JESSIE RICHARDSON New York “ But you have made the wiser choice, A life that moves to gracious ends Thro’ troops of unrecording triends. Jessie has always had time to help others. She has taken part in Junior Stunt, May-day Festival, Book-store, and vice-house-chairman of the Emer- son College Residence. She deserves the best that life has to offer, and we all hope that her future will be bright and happy. ANNE ROSEN DX Massachusetts The vivacious, charming, scintillating, Anne, has radiated a personality which will make her unfor- getable to those who know her. An active member of Sigma Delta Chi, a possessor of a high scholastic standing,—she is a girl who has preserved that admirable balance between the social and student world. Anne has participated in the Freshman Stunt, and in Junior Week celebration. Although Anne is traditionally recognized for being late for classes, she always achieves her end in the long run.

LILLIAN ROSENTHAL Massachusetts Do you remember those big “Kewpie” dolls with dimples, turned-up smiles, and angelic-devilish eyes? —That’s the derivation of our “Kewpie’s nick- name. “Kewpie” appeared in the Freshman Stunt four years ago, and in Children’s Theatre “Three Bears.” There was also a flash of Kewpie dimples among the Junior Song Day smiles. “Some day we’re going to miss you Honey”

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M assat husetts

Helen known at camp as “Boots" has something in common with the Prince of Wales, namely fall- ing off horses. Our Vice-President of Student Govt, wandered around our halls with a black eye for several days last year!! Helen began her career as Secretary of the Freshman class, and she showed her ability as a social leader in the charming way in which she conducted "Junior Prom.” We shall

mi rely miss "Boots" !

JEAN N ETTE ROUSSEL M assat husetts

Here is a conscientious, sweet and unassuming

person who is sure to meet with success in life. She has more than once been put through the supreme test of patience and perseverance, (which we are told are two of the qualities of genius) —She has

been a stage manager ! ! And a good one too We remember Jeannette in the Freshman Stunt, Sophomore Pantomime, Junior Stunt, Art Editor of the Year Book, Revival Play, and Newman Club.

ALICE RYAN k I' X Massachusetts

E. C. O. is going to miss a cute little blue-eyed miss roaming through its halls next year, and this

little girl is none other than “Al" Ryan. She has personality plus. Alice has a long list to her name,—Freshman Stunt, Sophomore Pantomime, Recitals, Junior Song Day and Stunt Committee, Revival Play, Senior Recitals, Commencement Play, and Newman Club. W e re sorry to have you go, Alice



Boston appears tame to this brown-eved, auburn- haired babe from Chicago, and yet her appearance as demure "Sylvia" in the Revival Pla\ would seem to belie this fact. Thelma has participated in Junior Stunt and Song Day, and Soph, and Senior Recitals. But,-—we strongly suspect it is not studies alone which gave her that appearance of “vim, vigor and vitality" for which many of us strive!

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For such a little person, “Jackie” has made a big place in our College and in our hearts, ever since we saw her in the Fresh. Stunt. Subsequently, she appeared in the Soph. Pantomime, Junior Song Dav, M ay Day Fete, Forensic Union and President’s Club. In her Senior year she has been representing Emerson in the Inter-Collegiate Debates. We un- derstand that her next big speech will be in two words,—“I will.”

FLORENCE SHAPIRO Massachusetts “ A winning way, a pleasant smile. Dressed so neat and quite in style." Who is that attractive young miss that flits about like a phantom through our corridors? Now you see her, now you don’t. Why, don’t you know? It is none other than “Flo.” Let us hope that the success and fun she has experienced throughout her college days, will be continued all her life. Good luck, Florence


“Dot” is co-organizer and member of the famous “Shirley Girls” who have brought smiles to many audiences in Boston and elsewhere. She was also Business Manager of the Senior Revival Play. If

there is any house proctoring to be done, Dot is

always “johnny-on-the-spot” to do it. She’s a jolly good pal and an asset to any social gathering.



She’s the littlest Senior with the softest golden hair and the nicest blue eyes. We’ve always been afraid that some day she’d blow away—and now she’s really going. “Sis” was in the Junior Stunt, Revival Play, and May Day Fete, a member of the Y. W. C. A., and a Cabinet Member. “She’s little but she’s wise, she’s a terror for her size.” We hate to lose her!

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With the strength that simplicity endows in a wom-

an Edna has given us of a mind which is fruitful and keen. Edna was on our first Dean’s List, has been Secretary and Vice-President of Menorah, an active member of Forensic Union and a most earnest worker at Emerson. We know that she will always he one to win honor in whatever she undertakes in life.


New Jersey

One doesn’t wonder that “Gentlemen prefer them” when one meets our “Mickey” of the in- triguing smile. We first greeted Mickey in the Freshman Stunt, then Soph. Pantomime and in Junior Recitals, Junior Stunt, and Song Day, Foren- sic Union, Senior Recitals, Revival Play, and Inter-

Collegiate Debates. Can it be true that Mickey has narrowed down her interests to blue-handled egg beaters? We understand tis so!!



Here's to “Stew,” precision personified! Our

Registrar is one who is ever reminded of the precise individual. Regardless of where she may be he can always find some remembrance of her— hankie, gesture notes, “Gym” hags, or a Harvard gentleman caller interested in her whereabouts. “Stew” has distinguished herself in Junior and Senior Recitals and the Senior Revival Play. We re for you always “Stew”!


Shore and it takes the Irish blarney to keep the faculty sympathetic, and the works oiled, and run- ning smoothly. Student Government took a stride forward in authority and dignity when Kay Sulli- van became President. With the exception of being

at the bat, Casey is always there. For instance, Fresh. Stunt, Soph. Pantomime, Soph. Recitals. Year Book Business Manager, and heaps of other things too. O.K. Kay!

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CHARLOTTE THOMPSON K r X Massachusetts We will always remember Charlotte as our charming May Queen. The same lovable per- sonality and sweet disposition which gave her this distinction also made her Vice-President of K F X for two years. Charlotte has been very active since her fresh- man year when she took the second lead in the French play. This was followed by the Sophomore Pantomime, the Junior Stunt and the Revival Play. Keep on “Cha” IRENE TIBBALS Connecticut Remember “the girl with no voice” in her Fresh- man year—who “recited” something akin to “Johnnie Jones’ Little Brother,” and who to-day is doing Shylock’s Speech from “The Merchant of Venice” with power and adequacy in interpretation. If ever anyone has left her mark upon Emerson

College as a progressive student, that one is Irene Tibbals. Morever, Irene made probably the most momentous decision of her life while at Emer- son, and she and another with whom we are bound to associate her, will be greatly missed from the college halls. WESLEY TIBBALS Massachusetts If sincerity means anything, “Tibbals”, or “Nibs”, will certainly attain success. He has been President of the Men’s Club, a member of the student council, has appeared in Sophomore Recitals and in the Mens’ Club production of “Ice Bound.”

We wish him success, which we believe is his due, in whatever he may undertake.

VIRGINIA TURIELLO <1> M r Massachusetts

“Ginny” is our budding playwright and our busiest Senior, possessing the faculty of being able to do many things well. Here are a “few” of the aforesaid things she has accomplished during her four years here, Soph. Stunt, Press Club, Chairman Junior Week, Author of Junior Stunt, Junior Recitals, Newman Club, Revival Play, Presidents’ Club, Senior Re- citals, Secretary of Forensic Union, Author of “Jack-in-the-Beanstalk”, Childrens’ Theatre, May- day Festival. No more room! Good work, “Ginny.”

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is gradually diminishing! She is a good friend, and will be missed bv many Emersonians. PAULINE WALKER Massachusetts

w e often wonder if Pauline is always quiet and demure! We all like her and when we are with her, we can easily understand “Why gentlemen prefer blondes.” Pauline has taken part in many school activities. She has been an active member in the Newman Club and she took part in Junior Song Day and in May-day Festival ’29 and ’30.

CAT H ELLA WRIGHT Massachusetts

Cathella is the very busy neighbor whom we saw in the Commuter’s Club Play this year. But

it was quite a different maiden who appeared in Senior Recitals with her delightful Italian poems,

wasn’t it ? Cathella has been called “loquacious” and “quiet from which we conclude that hers is a versatile disposition. —We like it! WINNIFRED WRIGHT

- VJ Florida

A wee, witty lass from the sunny South ! Where- >*• Her wit ^ ever Winnie is found there is laughter. Psychology ** >'!> is surpassed only by her knowledge of for which under-classmen hound her at “exam’ time. C V We like that smile and that Southern drawl Winnie! How’s this for a list,—Junior Song Day, Southern Club, Editor of the Year Book, Student Vv Council, Senior Recital, and May Day Fete? Fine, - -sJ 0 C> \ we think Q >' . XV yvk . -< v ^ v» A< \r> V 28 j- : ^ jT-» 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0



"her ivays Whereof no language may requite The shifting and the nuiny-shaded."

Jennette has given to Emerson true expression of the creative. She has been in the Freshman Stunt, Sophomore Pantomime, Writer of, and lead in “The Pied Piper,” Childrens’ Theatre produc- tion, Sophomore Recitals, Junior Recitals, Forensic Union, wrote and directed “The Little Lame Prince and played “Julia” in the Senior Revival Play. She possesses that peculiar quality of sympathetic per-

ception which belongs to genius. Yet she is just Jennette, a dear lovable person with a fondness for driving Ford Trucks, eating hot dogs, cutting classes and plenty of other plebeian things.



Here is one of those people whose appearance

is deceiving. Arabella is apparently a nice, ordin- ary sort of person with a friendly giggle and a nice smile. But really she has a reputation to live up to—that of having lived for some time in Greenwich Village, and having the highest I. Q.

registered at college! She is a very independent person who spends most of her time writing plays and stories. Arabella has not been long with us,

but this is another case of “we haven’t known you long, but we long to know you better.”

Tis sweet, as year by year we lose Friends out of sight, in faith to muse How grows m Paradise our store"

J. Keble. !

18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Senior Class History

Well, classmates, they’ve been four grand years! Remember our class Freshman

\ear? And were we green? Even so, the Freshman Stunt wasn’t so bad! Re- member Jeannette and Connie and Brownie doing the Tango? And Wesley attired in Leopard skins? And Bobbie playing Juliet to Leonard Joll’s Romeo? And then the part\ the Sophomores gave us, with ice-cream cones n’everything

Sophomore year sailed along rather well too, what with Children's Theatre and the party we gave the incoming class. And we musn't forget the Sophomore

Pantomime, with Jeannette Roussel in the title role of the Melancholy Marquis, and Ed Wies playing the Chef. What would we have done without Adele Dowling?

It certainly took patience and perserverance to keep our class from talking, even in a Pantomime. During our Sophomore year, the Golden Jubilee and our Senior Year looked years ahead.

Then suddenly we woke up, and found ourselves Juniors. Junior week was fun, wasn’t it? Will we ever forget the “send-off" we gave the faculty, and their “sailing, sailing, over the ocean blue." Can we ever forget Ida Mae, Kay and

F.lise in debate, or Lou and Helen selling Prom tickets!

The Year Book staff had their usual fun acquiring ads, and write-ups, Remember Winnie running around with loads of things to do at once? The \ ear Book dance was an innovation, and lots of fun, too, even though we did have the worst rain storm of the year on that night!

“Juniors so grand ” —and then, in one short week, after exams—Seniors, and the Jubilee Class at that. This has been a wonderful year,—we started off with a bang in the form of a Senior Dance, then the Revival Play, which brought us all together in a work which proved really gratifying. After mid-years, and with the donning of our caps and gowns, came the realization that our days and activities here are numbered —that we re leaving you—Emerson—to take our place among your other children.

W e’re looking forward to the Golden Jubilee, and all its activities, and yet the thought that it's the end, brings tears. However, we’re leaving with love in our hearts, and appreciation of all you’ve done for us—The Senior and Jubilee Class!

"PVe wonder if sometimes you'll think of us And nil the students of thine,

IP e wonder if sometime you’ll long I or us too, Oh Emerson College of Mine! Louise Harlow Eleanor Harvev

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aIi . /'*v »v K crA dWo 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Junior Class History

The Class of ’31 offers this Year Book as a record of the entire school’s activities during the past three years. The good ship, E. C. O.. ’31, is drawing close to the Harbor, and in one last attempt, those on board strain their vision to the breaking point to get one last glimpse of all they have left behind. Miriam Muirhead was the pilot of this ship on its first cruise, but was lost in the Sea of Matrimony directly preceding its second sailing.

’31’s bright career began in its infancy. On April 21, 1928 it presented its first Stunt in the form of a Musical comedy, “A Night in Venice.” Incidently this was pronounced “The best Freshman Stunt ever given at Emerson." Having established a reputation so early—what could the class do but lire up to it? Mar- guerite La Centra both wrote and directed this presentation—with the able advice of the faculty advisor, Eunice Howard.

In the second year of its existence, the Class inaugurated the now traditional

Soph. Hop at the Copley-Plaza. Had it not been the Class of 31, their heads would have swelled and they would have been unable to be fitted with Senior Caps.

As it wr as, they merely accepted the customary acclamation and went their way, seeking new paths to explore. The Soph. Pantomime, too, was written by “Marge” La Centra who adapted the story from the opera Pagliacci. The production was positively breath-taking in its beauty!

Finally, the class reached its climatic period—the Junior Year. Following its own example— it “out-Juniored Juniors” and Junior Week was generally acclaimed by faculty and student body alike. Song Day was its pinnacle of success. It took the form of a minstrel, broadcasting from Station W. A. C., We’re All Collegiate. Rosamond Taylor was the handsome station announcer, and Edith Gamperoli wrote and directed this. Then came Junior-Senior Debate. Purple feathers with gold

J’s and S’s were made and sold by members of the Junior Class. The resolution debated concerned itself with censorship of books and plays. The Juniors upheld the negative contention. The Seniors won, which showed what unusual debaters they must be! However, it was a keen debate—fair and square—and every body’s happy! The grand climax resolved itself into nothing less than the Junior Promenade, held in the Imperial Ball Room at the Statler. Atmosphere shrieked from every square inch of the room. Much credit for the excellent management and success of the affair is due Mildred Jones, who was tireless in her efforts to “put it across.”

But the Junior Class has merely begun to show its independence. Now that it has played its little part, it has no plans of settling down. Not by a long shot! Here’s one Junior Class that just won’t be eclipsed!!

37 3(n jtlcmouain

Florence Jean Nelson 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Sophomore Class Makes History

“Children should be seen and not heard,’’ so they say, but the class of ’32 certainly blasted this theory in their infantile days, and now that they have reached adolescence they are still putting things over with a bang. No more need be said about their first achievement, the Freshman Stunt entitled, “A Scottish Tale,” the plot of which was based on that traditional thriftiness; but which was by no means saving in humor, color and dash. Then came the party for the Freshman, and what cordial sisters and brothers the Sophomores were! At last came the Sophomore’s

“opportunity” in the traditional Pantomime. If all children made such impressions by their quietness, mothers would beam, but leave it to the Sophomores,—they are always there with the material (to be “Bostonian”). We can hardly wait for our class to reach the Junior and Senior Years for we feel sure that they are going to carry off those illustrious years as they should be, with honor and glory. Classes may come and classes may go, but ’32 goes on forever. Grace Healey as president, and Barbara Palmer as vice-president, have carried our standards high. The keeper of the books, Esther Nighbert, and the keeper of the coffers, Marion Wall must also be acknowledged.

Gardner Handy was the able representative of his class in that auspicious body, Student Government. We are very proud of Lillian Munson, Alma Westervelt and Grace Healey whose Pantomimes were chosen as those most worthy to be given by' the class before the student-body. Without the co-operation of the entire class, however, nothing could have been done; but they are certainly there!! And so we close the history of the class of ’32. May they never have to “turn over a new leaf.” 39 .

18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Freshman Class History

Freshman we came, timid, and, yes, a little tame too! But, oh, how soon all that wore off. To be sure, being extremely conscious of our new status in life, we were very formal and dignified at first, and for a few, (a very few) days the dormitory was a perfect model of quiet and order. But those days quickly passed away! As we became better acquainted with one another and more familiar with the school and the city, all those admirable (?) traits vanished forever. We became a jolly, happv crowd of friends, very much at home and very much interested in all things Emersonian. However, it was not until the middle of October that we became a class, an organized unit of the school. Our first class meeting was called by Miss Catherine Sullivan, the President of the Student Council. She told us all the ideals and traditions of Emerson and explained the student government plan to us. A few weeks later we met again and elected our class officers. Anne Herzog was our president, Frances Hatch our Vice- president. Frances Nagle our secretary and Eleanor Vooth our treasurer. “Fran” Hatch was with us only a short time, and, after her withdrawl, we chose Margaret Schmavonian as her successor.

\V ere we a lively, spirited class? Listen ! When the Student Government had a rally for endowment insurance pledges we “f reshies” tied the Juniors for first place! And the stunt—well— it was unusual, to say the least. We feel that in the realms of school spirit, comradeship, ambition and knowledge, we have made a pretty good start and we have three years to go! Just watch us! Frances Nagle, Secretary

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Doctor Charles Wesley Emerson OUR FOUNDER

Emerson College of Oratory

A Brief History of It's Development

Our college celebrates it's Golden Jubilee Year and completes it's first half century of service, “A college without endowment, known throughout America and stronger to-day than at any time in its forty-nine years of history." In 1880 Dr. Charles Wesley Emerson gathered together ten pupils in one room, and so began what is now “Emerson College of Oratory" but what was then the “Boston Conserva- tory of Oratory.’’ It was later renamed the “Monroe Conservatory of Oratory," and again, in 1886, when having outgrown the room in Pemberton Square it was removed to Wesleyan Hall, Bromfield Street, Dr. Emerson secured the incorporation of his school as “Monroe College of Oratory," conducted as a private school of which he was sole proprietor. At this time the college faculty list numbered seven,—but class teaching was done by Dr. Emerson, assisted by Miss Mary Blood the others gave only private instruction. Among ; the faculty members was Miss Jessie Eldridge, later to become Mrs. Henry Lawrence Southwick. On March 14, 1890, by an act of legislature, the name of the college was changed to “Emerson College of Oratory.” Dr. Emerson now secured the incorporation in order to confer upon his graduates the oratorio degrees of Bachelor of Oratory, and Master of Oratory.

41 1880 EMERSONIAN i 9 3 o

These were given l>y him until 1893 when an act of the legislature provided new conditions for the conferring of degrees by state institutions, conditions which the college could not meet at its present state of organization. No more degrees were given until 1920 at which time the legislature, upon recommendation of the Massachusetts Board of Education, passed a special act, giving Emerson College, now able to meet all the requirements of the state, the right to confer degrees. I'he college continued now in steady growth of enrollment and in courses of education offered. In 1891 increase of space again became necessary and a new home was found for Emerson in the Odd Fellow's Hall, Berkeley Street, where it remained for eight or nine years. Henry Lawrence Southwick entered the Monroe Conservatory in the year 1885 as a pupil. He left the college after two years for experience in the teaching field. For several years he was instructor at Bates College, Maine, Martha's Vineyard Institute, and William Penn Charter School of Philadelphia. In 1889 he returned to Emerson, having been married to Jessie Eldridge, and entered upon his eight years of partnership with Dr. Emerson, as proprietor and director of the college. These years, in the words of President Southwick to-day, were “years of prosperity and inspiration." Every department of the work grew in membership, and especially the diamatic department. As no school or college had attempted to do any serious work in educational dramatics, Emerson was looked upon as a pioneer in the movement toward school dramatics, which to-dav is so widely spread throughout the land. Dr. Emerson's health had been gradually failing for some time, and realizing this, and the fact that he would soon no longer be able to carry the full responsibility of the college upon his shoulders, he decided to sell it, and in 1900 the college passed into the ownership of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawrence Southwick. and Mr. William Howland Kenney. The new management removed the college from the South End to Chickering Hall which was a new and beautiful building at the time. The teaching staff was enlarged, and many new courses were introduced. Two years later Dr. Emerson’s health compelled him to resign as President and he was succeeded bv Dr. William J. Rolfe, a great Shakespearean scholar. The year 1908 brought Mr. Harry Seymour Ross to Emerson as Dean of the college, and at the same time, Mr. Henry Lawrence Southwick was elected President. Through all the succeeding years President Southwick, Dean Ross and Mr. Kenney “have looked upon their possession as a trust to be administered with a single eye to the building of an institution which should be permanent." The school’s standard was raised to collegiate grade by' adding a year, establishing college standards of admission and graduation, lengthening the scholastic term by many weeks, and enlarging and strengthening the faculty of instruction. The curri- culum itself has grown in length, breadth, and thickness. The legislature’s final act of granting the college the right to confer the B. L. I. degree was the result of these strides of progress. The present home of the college was entered in 1911. The college still progressed and grew, and in 1929 there was an enrollment of some four- hundred students and a faculty of twenty-nine instructors. Two history making events of E. C. O. occurred in this gala year. Emerson purchased a splendid college residence on Commonwealth Avenue and the student body started a two- hundred and fifty-thousand dollar drive for the Endowment Fund. Seventy-five per cent of the senior class of 1929 took out individual twenty year endowment policies to help perpetuate a still greater Emerson in a home of its own. The student body at a rousing student rally this year pledged again, and many of the freshmen signfied their intentions to take out a policy of two-hundred and fifty' dollars. Before the second semester almost seventy-five per cent of the junior class had pledged. The drive for the Endowment Insurance movement has met with spontaneous enthusiasm from the student body of Emerson and we hope that before many years have elapsed that Emerson will have a fine building worthy of its progress and its advancement during these past fifty years of service. Golden Jubilee Week is to be celebrated in May 1930. At this time the present managers intend to end their work and surrender their trust, after thirty years of faithful and loyal serv'ice, to a board of trustees in whom they hold deep confidence. It is these men who will administer the college as it starts upon its second half century of life. They will direct our college on the upward path and will endeavor to keep Emerson as it always has been, an institution which gives to its students a background and a knowledge which will guide them through the after years of life.

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18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

ANNE RYAN as Lady Patsy

Racketty Packetty House

The eleventh season of the Children’s Theatre at Emerson College of Oratory opened Saturday afternoon, October 26, 1929 with the rollicking old favorite “Racketty Packetty House” by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

The story concerned, as Queen Crosspatch said, “A doll family I liked and a doll family I didn’t.” And such fun those dolls had Anne Ryan made a most charming Lady Patsy. The entire cast of thirty-two did splendid work, and the children of the audience received the players with an enthusiastic applause; as do all our delightful audiences at Children’s Theatre. The avidity with which the performances are accepted and their complete assimilations make it perfectly plain that the Children’s plats are as native a diet for children as clover for rabbits.

It is “heaps” of fun trying to do one’s best for the attentive listeners at Emer- son’s Children’s Theatre. The cast played to a capacity house.




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Little Madcap s Journey

On December 14, 1929 the Children’s Theatre, under the able direction of Mrs. Gertrude Binley Kay, presented Little Madcap’s Journey, a jolly Christmas play by Mrs. Larz Anderson of Brookline, Mass. The fairy extravaganza was enjoyed bv all, and Marion Wall showed us that there is not only a “Mr.” Santa Claus, but a very nice “Mrs.” Santa Claus, too. Most of the musical numbers for this fairy play were written by Julia Ward Howe, and Mrs. Howe’s daughter, Mrs. Maude Howe Elliot, took an active part in directing the music. The play was presented twice in Huntington Chambers Hall and Airs. Larz Anderson attended both performances. At the conclusion of the second performance Mrs. Anderson entertained the entire cast, including Mrs. Elliot and Mrs. Kay, at a dinner at her Commonwealth Avenue residence. The cast certainly enjoyed their work in this play and derived much benefit from the directing of Mrs. Kay and her assistants of the Executive Staff.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

One of the most interesting and delightful plays of the season, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Jessie Braham White, was produced by the Sophomores

in the Children’s Theatre course on February 1, 1930. One delights in seeing a well known fairy tale developed by the magic touch of artistry, and this was realized in the presentation of Snow White and her seven little friends of the fairy world. The pla\ appealed greatly to the children who come each month to see the performances. Dorothy Aldis aptlv shows us how a child receives these things, which some- times seem so mundane to adults, in her poem “Inanimates.” Only young children Running in the evening In a sweet frenzy Before their mother's call Know that iron railings And lamp posts are living, And that there’s breath In an old stone wall.

With such appreciative audiences as we meet in the Children’s 1 heatre we ought to be spurred on to higher and better work each season.

48 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

k .


Children’s Theatre, Season 1929-1930

The Children’s Theatre this year has progressed in leaps and bounds under the able direction of Mrs. Gertrude Binley Kay and her assistants. On November 23, 1929 Grace Hoffman White’s delightful adaptation of John Ruskin’s “King of the Golden River” was presented at Huntington Chambers Hall. It met with such success that the American Home Committee of the Wollaston W omen's Club invited the cast to present their play at the Regent Theatre at Norfolk Downs on December, the seventh. This first performance “on the road” was a step in progress for the Children's

Theatre and the cast enjoyed every minute of it. Mr. Belford Forrest, director of Children’s Theatre for three years, was forced to give up this part of his work at Emerson. Mrs. Kay who has conducted the Community Drama Course at our college for two years has been appointed as the Theatre’s new director. Mrs. Kay brings to the directorship a background of wide experience in the theatre, in addition to notable work on the professional stage. She was for years engaged in acting and producing in Detroit. To the Executive Staff which includes Mrs. Kay, M iss Ethel V. Bailey, Mr. Daniel Brewster, Mr. Robert H. Burnham, and Mr. Sands Chipman we owe a great deal. They have given their untiring efforts to make the Children's Theatre of Emerson College one of the best in the country. This course provides wholesome and worthwhile plays. The children find

laughter and good fun at this theatre and it creates in them a love for good clean drama. This has been a most successful year for the Theatre. As the College starts on

its second half century of service Children’s Theatre is going to carry on, and help

to hold the torch high, showing to the world that Emerson College of Oratory is doing worthwhile work for the students within its halls.

49 1 8 8 0 E M E R S 0 N I A N 19 3 0


Senior Revival Play

The twenty-first annual revival of an old English comedy was presented by the Jubilee Class early in December. One of Shakespeare’s early plays "Two Gentle- men of Verona," was produced successfully before a small, but fascinated audience. Included in the cast was the one and onlv dog who understood Shakespeare. He played his role to perfection. T he cast was as follows: Duke of Milan, Eleanor Harvey; Valentine, Sarah Baker; Proteus, Marian

Crutcher; Antonio, Charlotte Thompson; I hurio, Katherine Hartt; Eglamour, Leah Hertz; Host, Alfrada Bock; Speed, Alice Ryan; Launce, Katrine Bucher; Panthino, Virginia Turiello; Julia, Jeanette Dowling; Silvia, Thelma Schaefer; Lucetta, Lillian Simpson; Attendant, Elise Schwartz; Pages, Gladys Hewitt, Ruth Keith; Outlaws, Katherine Sullivan, Ellen Hathaway, Florence Stewart; Bandits, Mildred Stevens, Elizabeth Leonard, Pauline Walker, Edna Smith, Ruth Parmelee, Esther Cook. The cast and committees co-operating with Mr. Forrest, the director, spent every effort to make the plat successful. Louise Harlow was efficient and reliable as the stage manager; the costumes under the direction of Gwendolen Crump assumed a trulj professional air. In short, the whole play was a tremendous success. Dorothy Shirley, Business Manager 50 ! —

18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

The Workshop

Oh what a funny place ! This is the exclamation that the workshop always calls

forth from the newcomer. Indeed it is a funny place, but an intriguing one. Just a small dark room on the second floor, full of the brightest orange furniture you ever saw,—indeed more furniture than it can hold. Ferocious animal heads and masks peer from the nooks and corners. It is small and compact,—almost too com-

pact, and there is always an air of busyness about the place. This is the land of costume, the fairy factory, where costumes are turned out for Children’s Theatre. Pan- tomimes, Plays and all other Emerson activities. On the days preceding Children’s Theatre performances the room is crowded with grim-faced students of the "drama,” trying to turn bits of paper into masks and gold crowns, and attempting to convert cloth and old costumes into new and

scintillating gowns fit for the queen. Phis is truly the land of make-believe, and one peek would convert any non-believer into a follower of Peter Pan. “Yes,” but some one asks, “who is the mighty one who creates a cosmos out of this chaos?” We’ll tell you,—she is a petite little person, a phantom of delight M iss Ethel Vienna Bailey, who has been with Emerson College ever since her graduation. It is she who turns one from a pale-faced thing clothed in “rags,” to

the belle of the ball, fit for a lead in any play. The workshop has a subdivision known as the costume room, in which are stored all our costumes which are not in immediate use. It is a fine old place and visitors are always welcome. Notice to old graduates. Contributions will be gratefully received!

51 —

E M E R S 0 N I A N 19 3 0

There was a young man from the Huh,

A Professor of good “Romeo" Who caused an alarming hubbub,

And a great deal of sorrow and woe.

One morning he came into class,

Determined to get mam goats.

By sending the most of the mass,

During roll call, to check hats and coats.

However, the class was quite clever,

Even as he must have been

And returned in a jiffy; and never

Did he e’en betray his chagrin.

Their wraps they had parked in the book store An opportune haven nearby

Where there's room for them all, and then lots more

And returned ere their names he’d passed by.

Another Professor however, Had helped out our earnest young “Prof,"

And ere they their coats could recover

He straightway had carried them off.

But here is the moral in rhyme

If thou wouldst not have cuts anymore,

Check your wraps and be there right on time

And don’t patronize your bookstore.

A I arie Hoar.


1 8 8 0 EMERSONIAN i 9 3 o


A One-Act Play of Negro Life

by Mary Burrili.

Author's Note: Because of the difficulties which the dialect presents to a reading audience, 1 have, therefore not used it in the writing of this play. I have sought, instead, to give a racial flavor to the play through the use of an idiom peculiar to the Negro. In dramatic presentation, however, all speeches should be rendered in the dialect.

CHARACTERS Lucinda Johnson, the Mother Cindy, her daughter, a girl of seventeen Her Other Children Miles, Aloysius, Mary Allen, John Henry, Jimmie. A week-old infant Elizabeth Shaw, a visiting nurse The action passes in a country place in the South in our own day.

Scene: It is late afternoon of a day in September. The room which does a three-fold duty as

kitchen, dining room and living-room is dingy and poorly furnished . Great black patches as though from smoke are on the low ceiling and the walls. To the right is a door leading into a bedroom. In the opposite wall another door leads into a somewhat larger room that serves as a bed room for the six Johnson children. In the rear wall a door opens into a targe yard. A window is placed to the left of the door. Against the wall to the right there stands an old battered cow-hide trunk. The furniture which is poor and dilapidated consists of a table in the center of the room, a cupboard containing a few broken cups and plates, a rocker and two or three plain chairs with broken backs and uncertain legs. Against the wall to the left there is a kitchen stove on which sits a tea kettle and a wash boiler. Near the window, placed upon a long board supported by stools, are two large wooden laundry tubs. Through the open window and door one gets a glimpse of snowy garments glistening and waving m the sun. Lucinda Johnson, a frail tired looking woman of thirty-eight, and Cindy, her seventeen year-old daughter, are bending over the tubs swirling their hands in the water to make sure that tlieir task is completed. Prom the yard come the constant cries of children at play. Mrs. Johnson: Thank goodness this jobs done. Come now, Cindy, well move these tubs, (as she attempts to move the tub) Law, Cindy! how mv side do ache— I reckon I’d better leave ’em fo’ Miles to take out. This old pain s got me agin. Better run git me one them tablets the doctor give me fo’ this pain.

Cindy: Yes, Ma. (She hurries into the adjoining room and returns with the medicine ) Here tis, Ma. Mrs. Johnson: This ole pain goin’ to be taking me way from here one o' these days, (she shinks wearily into the rocker) all this work. Cindy: (Looking at her in concern) See, Ma, 1 tole you not to be doing What’s Miss Lizabeth, goin’ to say when she comes heah this evening and find out you done all this work after she told you perticular that she wasn’t goin let you out o bed fo' three weeks—and here it ain’t been more n a week sence baby was bawn. Cindy, fo these Mrs. Johnson: I ain’t keering ’bout what Miss Liz’beth say. Easy nuf, nurses to give dey advice—dey ain’t got no seben children to clothe and feed —when this

washing gits back I kin never ketch up. Cindy: (Reprovingly) But I could a’ done it all myself, Ma. .Mrs. Johnson: An’ been all day and night doing it and miss gittin’ yo'self off in the morning to Tuskegee—no, indeedy. vvid all this Cindy: (Hesitatingly) Perhaps I ought’n to be going away and leaving you washing to do every week, and the children to look after— an' the baby an all. Daddy he has to work so late, he can’t be no help. I’m goin’ to be gitting all right by an Mrs. Johnson: ( Wearily Nebber you mind, Cindy,

54 . —1

1 8 8 0 EMERSONIAN i y 3 o

- by. I ain't goin to be standing in the way of yo’ gitting this education. Your chance

done come, Cindy, and I wants to see you take it. You been a good chile, Cindy, and I wants to see you git more out er life than 1 done git. Them three years at Tuskegee won't seem long.

Cindy: ( Her face brightening up) Yassum, and if Mr. Huff, the sup'intendent makes me

county teacher like he says he’s gwine to do when 1 gits back, I can do lots more for you and the children. (The cry of a week-old infant comes from the adjoining room.) Mrs. Johnson: There now! I'm mighty glad he didn t wake up tel we git dis washing done! I reckon he's hungry. Ain't Miles come back wid the milk yet? He's been gone most en hour—see if he's took that guitar wid him?

Cindy: ( Looking behind the door) I don't see it, so 1 reckon he's got it. Mrs. Johnson: Den Gawd knows when well see him. Like as not he's some wheres setting by the road thumping them strings—dat boy wr ould play if me or you wuz dying! I don't know what’s going to come of him—he's jes' so lazy and shiftless. Cindy: Don't you go worrying bout Miles, Ma. Hell be all right if only he can learn music. He's jes tired living here in the country where there ain’t nothing to do and to see. (The cry of the infant becomes insistent) Cindy: No, Ma, you set still — I'll git his bottle and ’tend to him. (She goes into the bedroom) (The shrieks of the children in the yard grow louder. A shrill voice of anger and pain rises above the other voices, and Mary Ellen age six, appears crying at the door.) Mary Ellen: (Holding her hand to her head) Ma! Ma! Make Aloysius behave hisself he hit me on de haid wid all his might! M rs. Johnson: (Rushing to the Door) Aloysius! You Aloysius! It won't do you no good

ef I have to come out dere to yuh ! John Henry, git down from that tree fo you have them clothes in the dirt! You children's nuf to worry me to death. (As Cindy returns with the baby’s empty bottle, Miles enters the outer door. He is a good-natured but shiftless looking boy of sixteen. A milk pail is swinging on his arm leaving his hands free to strum the battered guitar which he carries.) Cindy: Have you brought the milk, Miles? And the bread? Miles: (Setting down the milk pail with finality) Nup! And what’s more, Mr. Jackson says you can't have no mo’ milk and no mo’ nothing tel the bill’s paid. Mrs. Johnson: I tole you befo’ goin to the store to stop by the Shirley’s and git that money they owe me now fo’ two weeks laundry. Mil es: I did stop there but de house is all closed up and dey gone to Green Spring Valley and wont be back tel after hunting season. De caretaker's wife says they didn't say

nothin’ to her 'bout no money. She reckons they forgot it, and you’ll have to wait tell they gits back.

Mrs. Johnson: Den Gawd only knows what we’ll do, cause I seen yo' daddy give de doctor every cent o’ his wages last week. And they ain't no more money coming in tel I kin git dis wash out to the Redmon’s. Cindy: Well baby's gone back to sleep now and perhaps Miss Lizabeth will bring some milk fo’ him when she comes in like she did yesterday—but dey ain’t nothing here fo’ the other children. (The shrieks of the children at play grow louder)

Aloysius: (Calling from without) Ma ! Ma! John Henry’s done pulled down de clothes-line. M rs. Johnson: (Rushing to the window) Come in here, every single one o’ you! Miles, run and fix em up and see if any got into the dirt. (The Johnson children, four in number, a crest-fallen, pathetic-looking little group—'heads unkept, ragged, undersized, under-fed file in terrified) John Henry: It warn't me, Ma! It was Aloysius done it! Mrs. Johnson: (Before the protest could come from Aloysius’ open mouth) Hush! Not a

word from one of you ! March yoself every one o' you, an' go to bed ! If I hears one sound, I'm coming in ther and slap you all into the middle o’ next week.

Miles: (Appearing at the door) The clothes aint dirtyr I tell , Ma. Oh, forgot to you— stopped by Sam Jones’ and he say he’ll be round fo’ Cindy's trunk ’bout sun-down.

Mrs. Johnson: I reckon, Cindy, you better get yo’ clothes and pack up because it wont be long before sundown.

Cindy: (Dragging the old trunk to the center of the room) I ain’t going lessn you git better, Ma. You look right sick to me! (As Cindy is speaking Miss Shaw, in the regulation dress of a visiting nurse, and carrying a small black bag appears at the rear door)

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1 8 8 0 EMERSONIAN i 9 3 o

Miss Shaw: (Looking in consternation at Mrs. Johnson) Lucinda Johnson! What are you doing out of lied! You don’t mean to tell me that you have washed all those clothes

that I see in the yard? Mrs. Johnson: Yassum, Miss Lizabeth, me and Cindy done 'em.

Mi ss Shaw: ( Provoked) And you look completely exhausted! Come you must get right to bed. Mrs. Johnson: (Leaning her head wearily against the hack of the rocker) Lemme jes rest myself a minute. I’ll be going King to-recklv. Miss Shaw: In your condition— it’s a wonder you didn’t die standing right at those tubs.

I don't want to scare you but

Mr*. Johnson: ( With extreme exhaustion) Law', Miss Lizabeth, it ain't dying I’m skeered of— it’s living with all these children to look out for. We aint no Elijahs, Miss Lizabeth, dey aint no ravens flying 'round here drapping us food. All we gits has to git by working hard. But thanks to Gawd, a light’s a dawning. My Cindy's gitting

off to Tuskegee to school tomorrow, Miss Lizabeth !

Miss Shaw: (In surprise) Whv 1 didn’t know Cindy was thinking about going away to school. Mrs. Johnson: Thinking bout it! Cindy aint been thinking and dreaming ’bout nothing else sence Booker Washington talked to the farmers down yonder at Shady Grove some ten years ago. Did you know Booker Washington, Miss Lizabeth?

Miss Shaw : I saw him once a long time ago. He lectured in my home town in Massachu- setts. He was a great man.

Mrs. Johnson: That he was! 1 can see him now—him and Cindy jes a teeny slip o’ gal then— after the speaking was over down yonder at Shady Grove—standing under the magnolias with the sun a pouring through the trees on ’em, and he with his hand on my little Cindy's head like he was a giving her a blessing and a saying:—When you gits big, little gal, you must come to my school and lam, so’s you kin come back here and help these poor folks. Booker Washington’s dead and in his grave, Miss Lizabeth, but Cindv ain't never fergit them words.

Miss Shaw: Just think of it! But how can you afford it? Won’t it cost you quite a bit to send her ? Mrs. Johnson: Lor' Cindy would never git there if we had to send her! Some them rich folks up yonder were you lives is sending her. Cindy: (Entering, with her arms laden with queer looking clothes for her trunk) Good evening. Miss Lizabeth. Miss Shaw: Well, Cindv, your mother's just been telling me of your good fortune.—How

splendid it is !

Cindy: Thank you, Miss Lizabeth, I’m mighty glad I got this chance to go. Miss Shaw: But what will the baby do without you? How is he? Cindy: He’s right smart. Miss Shaw: I’ve brought him some milk —there in my bag. Be careful to modify it exactly

as I showed you. The other children may have what is left. Cindy. (Preparing to fix the milk) Thank you, Miss Lizabeth. I’ll fix it right away. will you do, Lucinda, when she goes? Miss Shaw : (Nodding toward Cindy) What Mrs. Johnson: The Lavvd He only knows— it’s going to be awful hard to git erlong without her— ’cause she’s got a nice way with the children and she helps me lots, but her

heart ain’t in this kinder work, Miss Lizabeth, and I don’t want to see Cindy wear her life aw'ay over them tubs like me and my Ma has done. After bending over them tubs one day from sun-up to sun-down my old Ma drapped in this very chair I’m settin’ in too tired out to even eat. Nev’ mind, chile, she says, I has my trials and tribulations now but one o’ these days Ise gwine to walk through the valley in peace. 'I'hat very night me and Jim laid her out on that very board what them tubs is setting on.

Yes, indeedy, Miss Lizabeth, I wants to see my Cindy git more out’a life than me and my Ma done git. Her chance done come and I means for her to take it! simply Miss Shaw: I really don’t see how you are going to get along by yourself. You will have to stop working so hard. Just see how exhausted you are from today’s work. little Mrs. Johnson: Lor’ Miss Lizabeth, I’m all right, I did the same thing after Tom was bawn, and when Aloysius was bawn I git up the next day,—the work had to be done. Miss Shaw: But you must remember that you are not as strong now as you used to be. careful as the birth of this baby I heard the doctor tell you very definitely to be very

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has left your heart weaker than ever—and that you must give up this heavy laundry work. Lucinda: Deed, Miss Lizabeth, we needs the money, what with all these children and the sickness and funeral expenses of little Tom and Selena. —And after them bills was paid, here comes Pinkie's trouble— Miss Shaw: Pinkie? Mrs. Johnson: (Sadly) You never seen Pinkie ’cause she left fo you come here. She come between Miles and Aloysius. She worked over to Burnett's place— I ain’t never been factories, but Pinkie go and first much on my gals working ’round these here must ; thing we knows Burnett got her in trouble. Miss Shaw: Poor, poor girl! What did you do to the Burnett man? Mrs. Johnson: Lor’ Miss Lizbeth, cullud folks cain't do nothin’ to white folks down here. Her dad went on something awful,— fussing with her every day,—and one mawning we woked up and Pinkie and her baby was gone. We ain’t never seen nor heard of her to this day. (Lucinda closes her eyes as if to shut out the memory of Pinkie’s sorrow) M iss Shaw: Come, come, Lucinda, you must not give way to your feelings like this. You are worn out—come, you must get to bed. Cindy: (Entering with more thing's for her trunk) I’m glad you are getting her to bed Miss Lizabeth. I been trying to all day, myself. Mrs. Johnson: (ds she walks unsteadily toward her room, assisted by the nurse),—Cindy,

honey, git your trunk packed. Thank God your chance done come. Give that ( nodding to the partially filled bottle of milk) to the children. Miss Lizabeth sav they can have it and I reckon they’s hungry. Cindy: All right, Ma. Miss Lizabeth if you needs me jes call. (Lucinda and the nurse enter the bedroom. Cindy is left packing her trunk and humming the tune which Miles from without is strumming on his guitar) Mary Ellen: (Poking her head through the doorway to the children’s room) Cindy, Cindy, what was that Ma say we all kin have? Cindy: Some milk—but it ain’t much. (The children bound into the room. Mary Ellen first at the table seizes the bottle and lifts it to her lips) Aloysius: (Snatching the bottle from Mary Ellen) You got to be last, ’cause Miss Lizabeth say we must’n never eat or drink after you! Didn’t she, Cindy? (There is a wild scramble among the children to get the bottle)

Cindy: If you all git to fussing I ain’t going to bring you nothng when I comes back. Mary Ellen: (As the children crowd about Cindy) What you going to bring we all?

Cindy: (As she puts things carefully into her trunk) When 1 comes back I’m going to bring you all some pretty reading books, and some new clothes so’s I kin take you to school where you kin learn how to read 'em. John Henry: (Clapping hfa hands) Is we all going, Cindy? Miles too? Cindy: Yes, indeedy! And whats more— I’m going to git Miles one them fine shiny guitars like what we seen in the window in 'Lanta, and I’m going to let him learn music. And some o’ these days everybody might be playing and singing his songs. Aloysius: (Glowing with excitement) Some day he might have his own band, mightn he, Cindy? Like that big white one, what come through from 'Lanta! Ole Miles ’ll come strutting down the road— like this -(Aloysius seizes the broom, and gives a superb imitation of a drum-major leading his band.) — Cindy: (As the children roll in merriment) ’Sh ’Sh — must’n mek no noise, cause Ma aint well and Miss Lizabeth wants her to go to sleep. (The children grow quiet and crowd about Cindy as she continues.) And in the evenings we’ll have a real set-down- to-the-table supper.—Dad he won't have to work so hard, so’s he kin git home early, and after supper we can all set round the fire like they do over to Lawyer Hope’s. And me and Ma and Pa won’t be so tired and we’ll play games and tell stories. (The children radiant as though these dreams were all realities huddle closer about Cindy, who, packing done, now sits enthroned on her trunk.) The Children: Tell us some more, Cindy, tell us some more! Cindy: ’Sh—’Sh! Was that Miss Lizabeth calling? (They all listen intently but can hear nothing save the sweet plaintive notes of an old folk-tune that Miles is playing upon his guitar) Cindy: Then we’ll git some fine Sunday clothes, and a hoss and wagon, and when Sunday come, we’ll all climb in and ride to Shady Grove to meeting,—and we’ll set under the trees in the shade and learn ’bout little Joseph and his many-cullud coat; and ’bout

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little Samuel what the Lord called when he was sleeping; and bout the little babv what was born in a stable and was lot's poor'n me and you. And on Sunday evening well Miss Shaw: (calling from within) Cindy, send the children to bed and come here! (The children run into their room Aloysius: (With the wist full ness that only a dial) little life can know) If we’se good, Cindy, let us git up when Sam Jones come and see the trunk go? Cindy: (quickly) Mebbe— run erlong now! Miss Shaw: (.It the doorway, m low, tense •voice) Cindy, your mother’s very, verv sick! I'he exertion today was too much for her. Bring me some water at once.

Cindy: (Hurriedly) 1 11 have it in there in jes a second, Miss Lizabeth. (She prepares to get the water) Miss Shaw: (Calling with a note of terror m her voice)

Cindy. Cindy, come quick! ( Cindy rushes into the bedroom. In a second, there is a piercing shriek from Cindy, followed by low moans. The music of the guitar stops abruptly and Miles hurries in the room.) Miles: (Looking around) Cindy, Cindy, Where are you? What is the matter? Miss Shaw: (Placing her hand tenderly on his shoulder) You must be brave. Miles. Your Mother has gone. Miles: Gone? You mean “dead", Miss Lizabeth? (Gulping back the sobs) No! No!

Miss Shaw : Yes, and you must help Cindy all you can. (As she goes to the door and sees the clothes fluttering like white spirits in the gathering dusk). You had better bring in the clothes before dark. (She enters the bedroom) (Cindy comes slowly into the room. The light has gone from her face and she seems dazed.)

Miles: After 1 bring in the clothes is ther anything more 1 can do, Cindy? Cindy: (As she sits on the edge of her trunk and stares ahead m a dazed hopeless way). Yes, Miles, take out them tubs but leave the board and stands—we’ll be needing ’em

tonight. And I reckon you'd better walk up the road a piece to meet Dad and hurry him erlong,— and stop in the Redmon’s and tell 'em they can’t have the wash tomorrow, 'cause 'cause Ma’s gone,—but I'll get the things out myself jes as soon as 1 can. And, Miles you’d better leave word for Sam Jones that he needn't come for the trunk. THE END

58 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

If Love Were Freer

If love were freer I would be

The proudest of her company,

And legions of me would ride out

To scatter news of her about.

But love has made me her own slave

And she has builded me a cell

Where I must nurse the wound she gave

And make it well.

If love were freer I would be

The proudest of her company,

If she lay dead within my breast

I would have rest Ah me. Jennette Dowling.

Pastor Pastorum

Like a glass window

Pressed against the night

This man stands

Patiently to see,

All of him is quiet

And his eyes are far,

Dark eyes thinly laid

On his reaching soul.

Ho! see his robes

And the band on his forehead,

And his fore-measured breath

And the little church around him ;

And the Seven Saints sitting on his shoulders.

These are the things that simmer on his patience

God will take them off soon and throw them all away.

Jennette Dowling.

59 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0


Oh sing me into the sky delight,

And over it ecstacv,

For I have seen his eyes alight

All with the love of me.

His eyes alight his lips apart

And oh the music there!

In words that rode his glowing heart

Over the singing air.

And oh when he took my hand delight

Into himself and in

The life flowed out of me then delight,

And gave itself to him.

Oh sing me into the sky delight

And over it ecstacy

For I have seen his eyes alight

All with the love of me. Jennette Dowling.

Sola, Sola, who has heard you sing?

Now he is married and she has made him King.

Sola, sit here where the candle is.

Fancy is your life, stranger than his.

You have singing deeper than this. Jennette Dowling.

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18 8 0 E M E R S 0 N I A N 19 3 0

Song of the Wheel

W. . h . . i . . rr . .1 1 Of iron and steel, VVe cannot feel, We are masters! You give us all Until you fall, Until you’re dead

And our spokes are red ; Then we are oiled And those who toiled Are replaced by more, Whom we shall gore. So when you’re dead We still shall whirl Our woeful tune: “You poor loon, \ ou too shall drop. Your heart-beat stop, But we still shall whirl 1” W. ,h. . i . . rr . . 1 Samuel A. Pevzner.


Oh, little girl within me, please don’t grow up and go. And leave me here behind you, somebody staid and slow. You can’t know how I’ll miss you, your prattling youthfulness, Your wistful ways of looking, and your painful truthfulness,

You say that you’re not happy, y ou’d be better gone away. \ ou’d grow a little lonesome, and you’d wander back some day, And you’d find that you were the happiest, when you were here with me Even when I most subdued you, in your brave half-smothered glee.

I know I’ve been most cruel to you, I’ve even been ashamed, And I've apologized for you, your manner so untamed. I’ve stifled you in garments old, and thrust you back behind ; But if you’ll only stay awhile, I'll promise to be kind. If only you will sing your song, and dance vour fleeting dance, And stir once more the hearts of men, with your clear artless glance. You’ve been a little cruel yourself. You tried so hard to win me, And now7 you’re going. Please stay awhile, Oh, little girl within me. Iva Chase.

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18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 1 9 3 0

Nox Erat

" { Translated from the Aeneid Book IT)

Night it was, and all throughout the earth

Men's wearied bodies peacefully did sleep,

l he woods and raging seas were calmly still,

The stars rolled on, and in their course did keep;

The time it was when silent is the land,

The flocks, and birds of gaily painted wing,

Both those which haunt the broad and limpid lakes,

And those which in the thorny thickets sing

Have steeped themselves in heavy slumber quite

And so lie couched in the silent night. Mollv McDonald.

Once you’ve dreamed a noble dream,

Once imagined an infinite height,

Found means to measure your soul’s esteem,

Or caught a glimpse of truth’s divine light

Though your dream be riddled with cynic’s shafts,

Though vour way be blocked to ascend the height,

Your soul fail often to meet the test,

And in the shadows of life you lose the light

Deny not that the dream was true,

Admit that you should have scaled the height,

Give your soul yet another chance, Behind the shadows—remember the light! Leon Ricker.

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18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Student Government Association


President • Catherine Sullivan

Vice-President . H ELEN W. ROSS Secretary- Treasurer Louise Harlow

The Emerson Student Government Association consists of the associating of- ficers and the senate. The senate consists of the associating officers, the house presi- dents, the class presidents, and two representatives from each class. The officers of Student Government this year, have sought to keep high the standards set forth previously, and to instill into the student body the importance of our part in bearing aloft the name of Emerson. This, our Golden Jubilee year, should see Emerson’s student Government Association permanently established, and we the officers feel that it is, and we pass the torch to the Junior Class—with great faith—be theirs to hold it high! Our love for Emerson prompts us to hope that our Student Council will, in a very short time, be on a par with that of any other college in the country. We believe that since the association is founded upon Honor, that it will live and thrive upon Honor—that the Council, in co-operation with the Faculty and T rustees of the college, may build and build upon the foundation which we like to believe we have had a part in building. Juniors!—Sophomores!—Freshmen!—it’s up to you—-we’re leaving you the task of completion, the furtherance of ideals.—Carry on ! Carry on ! to higher ideals, higher Scholastic standing, and thereby a better Emerson! Louise Harlow, Secretary- Treasurer.

63 1 8 S 0 E M E R S 0 N I A N 19 3 0

Forensic Union OFFICERS President Ida Mae Furshmax

Vice-President • Louise Harlow Secretary Virginia Turiello

Treasurer • Edna Smith

Never before in the history of Forensic Union has interest in debating and debating teams been at such a high pitch. Activities for the year began with the try-outs for aspirants to membership from the Junior Class. The results of the competition were announced in Chapel and our President, Ida Mae Furshman explained the purpose of Forensic Union and asked the support of the student body who responded most generously. The Juniors who were elected are: Edna Lowenberg, Frances Hewitt, Louise Maguire, Helen Fish, Marv Conover, Agnes Shea, Samuel Pevzner, and Elizabeth Langille. The opening debate of the year was a dual debate with Keene Normal School of Keene, N. II. Roth the home team and the road team were given the wholehearted support of the student body. Later the members of the Union served as hostesses to a men’s team from the University of Vermont. In February. Forensic Union members shone in the Junior-Senior Debate.

Then the first all Junior team of the year was organized to meet a team from the University of N. H. 'File Commencement debate will serve as the crowning event of an illustrious year.

6-1 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

President’s Club


President • Clyde Dow Vice-President Eva Ramee Secretary-Treasurer GWENDOLINE Crump

The Presidents’ Club composed of the presiding officers of all active student groups at Emerson aims to achieve further co-operation between the various college organizations. At the close of last year President Southwick was welcomed as the first and only honorary member of the club. Emerson brings together individuals from all parts of the United States and Canada, with multiple views and opinions. The Presidents’ Club assists in integrating the views of all concerned making for the acme of democracy and ideal progression. It holds then for it’s motto, “Integration for Emerson and co-operation for the organizations.” There are eighteen members representing the following organizations Southern, ; Canadian, Newman and Mens’ Clubs; Phi Mu Gamma, Zeta Phi Eta, and Kappa Gamma Chi, Sigma Delta Chi sororities; Phi Alpha Tau Fraternity, Emerson Hall,

Emerson \ . W. C. A., Forensic Union, Menorah Society and the Student Govern- ment Association, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Classes. Gwendoline Crump, Secretary- Treasurer.

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Southern Club


President • Gertrude Williams Vice-President Winifred Wright Secretary-Treasurer ScOTIA B ALLARD

There is a little hit of Ole Dixie in Boston when the Southern Club has its meetings. The Club is a Tea Club and meetings are held once a month. 1 he December meeting was held at the Zeta house. "Gert" Williams and Mary Frances Bell were our hostesses. This was one of the most enjoyable meetings the club has had. I'he membership of the Southern Club has increased this sear and we all know that it will continue to increase, for Emerson’s Southern daughters will always be loyal. Our stunt which was compiled and directed b\ members of the club was considered one of the best the Southerns have ever given. Scotia Ballard, Secretary- Treasurer.

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18 8 0 EMERSONIAN i 9 3 o

Commuter’s Club

OFFICERS President Eva Ram EE Vice-President Lillian Ricker Secretary Elizabeth Perkins Treasurer Phyllis Dorr

The year 1929-1930 has been a very successful and interesting one for the Commuter’s Club. Last year at this time the club was instigated by Eva Ramee, and brought into being. It has truly shown all the attributes of childhood, for it has grown considerably since that time. Not only has it enlarged it’s membership, but it has made a real name for itself in the eyes of the college. The most outstanding event of the year was the presentation of a one-act play on December 11th. The play was Zona Gale’s “The Neighbors.” The cast in- cluded Cathella Wright ’30, Jane Gilbert '31, Minnie Dorn ’31, Lillian Ricker ’31, and Elizabeth Perkins ’32. The club was very fortunate in having the assistance of Clyde Dow and Stanley Mason, both members of the Men’s Club, and also in having Air. Joseph Connor as it’s faculty advisor. It is of importance to note that this play is to be presented outside a number of times, the club having already accepted several engagements. There are now plans under way for a Commuter’s Club stunt which we hope will be presented before the college at an early date. AVe hope to carry on and make the Commuter’s Club a vital part of the student life at Emerson. Elizabeth Perkins, Secretary

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Menorah Society OFFICERS President Ida Mae Flrsh max

/ ice-President . . Edna Smith Secretary Clara Wool

. Preasurer . . Freyda Pransky Member Executiv Committee Sarah Baker

Elie Menorah Society started the year 1929-1930 with its annual Welcome Tea to the Freshman on October 9, 1929 at Nan's Kitchen. It proved a most en- joyable affair. The Walter Bradley Tripp Scholarship Formal was held this year at the Hotel Kenmore on December 7, 1929. Its success was due to the efficient committee in charge. Following the precedent of last year a group presented a program for one of the Friendship Fours conducted by Reverend Jump. Some of the girls were sent to Jewish settlement houses to coach Chanukah plays and so did their share in upholding the ideal of Menorah, which is to spread light on Jewish matters.

On Februarv 9, 1930 was held the first Cultural Study Group. Leo J. Lyons, of the Boston Globe, talked about “The Jew and the Jewish Tradition." Mr.

Lyons’ fine address will not be forgotten soon. 1 he Menorah speaker in chapel was Rabbi Lawrence Schwartz of I emple Israel. His discussion of Palestine was very instructive.

The first annual joint meeting with the 'i . W. C. A. was held on February 26, 1930 at their rooms on Stuart Street, Boston. It proved most enjoyable. With the continuance of policies inaugurated this year, we look forward to a bigger and better Menorah Clara Wool, Secretary 68 .

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Young Women’s Christian Association


President Jean Nelson Vice-President Virginia Turiello Secretary-Treasurer Grace Healey

The opening event of the year for “Y. W.” was a Fashion Show which was staged by one of the leading department stores of the city, and Emerson girls served as models. The show was a decided success both financially and socially. Later a joint tea with the Menorah Society was held in the cheerful rooms of the Metropolitan Student Headquarters. Over the teacups, the two organizations exchanged ideas and so came to know one another better than they ever had before. In February, “Y. W.” was instrumental in securing as a speaker in Chapel, a Harvard Student, Senior Octavius Maloles of the Philippine Islands, who spoke on “The Problem of the Philippines.” During Lent, Emerson “Y. W.” members attended a series of discussions held on Friday afternoons. Notable among the speakers at these discussions was the Reverend Sidney Lovett, our Chaplain. Several of the members are planning to attend the conference at Camp Maqua this summer. Grace Healey, Secretary

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Newman Club


President . . . . Louise Maguire

Vice-President . Jane Holland

Secretary . . . . Marie Hoar

Treasurer . . . Martha Haney

File Newman Club of Emerson College has been very active during this year. The first meeting was held on the second Friday of October. And meetings thereafter were held on the first Monday of every month. On November 17th the Club attended the Annual Fall Communion Breakfast given by the New England Federation of College Catholic Clubs at the University Club. A tea was given by the Club on the first Mondav after the Christmas Holidays. On M arch 12th in Wed. Chapel Hour, Rev. Corrigan S.J., delivered, under the auspices of the Newman Club, an address on “The Tercentenary Celebration.” The social activities of the Club have been very extensive. On March 4th the Neuman Club of Emerson College gave a joint dance with the Newman Club of , at the University Club. Aside from local activities, the Club has been closeh connected with the New England Federation of College Catholic Clubs. Several members of our Club served on committees for the Federation Convention April 25th, 26th and 27th. The Convention opened Friday night with a Formal dance at Walker Memorial Hall of

M. 1 . \ . Saturday afternoon a short business meeting preceded the l ea Dance at the University Club, and the Communion Breakfast at the University Club, Sunday morn- ing completed a most successful week-end.

I he Club hopes to continue and increase its activities throughout the coming year. Marie Hoar, Secretary 70 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Canadian Club

The Canadian Club is perhaps the smallest organization in the school. However, it is not by an)' means insignificant, for each of its five members are enthusiastic, wide-awake Emersonians. The club has three representatives from Ontario, Jean Nelson, Molly McDonald and Vera Breckenridge w hile the maritime prov inces ; send to us Phillis Fitzmaurice and Dorothy Jones. Next autumn, we expect to welcome to our cluh two more incoming freshman from Canada’s golden west.

The Canadian Club was organized in 1908. Since then every year has brought new students from across the northern horder-line. It is hoped that the negotiations which are now being made, for the affiliation of the Emerson Canadian Club into the

Boston Chapter will soon be completed. This, in addition to the strength which new members will bring should make the organization one of the most important in Emerson, and thereby attain the long-cherished dream of every member of the Canadian Club.

71 18 8 0 E M E R S 0 N I A N 19 3 0 iiiiniiiiu

Emersonian Staff

Editor-in-chief E. Elizabeth Langille

Associate Editor-in-chief . . . . . Rosamond MacRae

Business Manager Helen Fish

Associate Business Manager Clyde Dow

Art Editor E. Carolyn Johansen

Associate Art Editor Josef Lorenzo

Pictorial Editor ... Louise Maguire

Associate Pictorial Editor . . E. Leon Ricker

Literary Editor . Molly McDonald

Associate Literary Editor . . . Samuel Pevzner

Advertising Editor Marie Hoar

Associate Advertising Editor Doris Smith

72 Severities

18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Kappa Gamma Chi

Founded: 1890 at Ohio Wesleyan

Established at Emerson College of Oratory 1902

Alpha Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, Mass.

Colors—Green and white

Jewels—Emerald and pearl

Flowers—Lily-of -the- valley


Jessie Eldridge South wick Sarah McCrystal Kelley Ella McDuffie Ross Adelaide Patterson Agnes Knox Black Marjorie Knapp Ethel Vienna Bailey Margaret Penick Lk finer Grace Burrage Kenney Gertrude Binley Kay


President Ruth Harris

Vice-President . . Laura Nye

Secretary Rec. . . . Myrtie Bracki.ey

Secretary . . Cor. . . . . Grace Healey Treasurer Gertrude Knowles Sergeant-at-A mis . . . . Jane Holland

73 CHI


KAPPA 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0


1930 Elizabeth Fairchild Charlotte Thompson Katrine Bucher Helen Ross Katherine Hartt Florence Stewart Mildred Stevens Alice Ryan Elise Schwartz Thelma Schaefer

1931 Gertrude Knowles E. Elizabeth Langille Myrtie Brackley Martha Haney Rosamond Taylor Jane Holland Ruth Harris Louise Maguire Jean Nelson Rachel Spinney La Verne Scheid Agnes Shea Betty Harrigan

1932 Grace Healey Frances Motherway

PLEDGES Alice Penny Alice Geitz Eleanor Vooth Elizabeth Hardwick Madolyn Leonard Nancy Elliott Ruth Stephens Clarice Penney Lucille McFadden Ellen Hinig Margaret Routt Virginia Bailey Gertrude Muldowney Belle Sylvester Darthea Thompson

The Alpha Chapter of Kappa Gamma Chi sorority have entertained at various times through out the year, the first being an open house tea for the faculty and students of Emerson College. The Kappa girls have had several dances this year for the Endowment Fund.

The first was a Hallowe’en Dance and then a Christmas Dance both were a splendid ; success. Prom week-end found everybody happy and a wonderful time was had at the “formal” on Saturday evening after “prom”. Kappa Gamma Chi has been faithfully co-operating with the College to help make this Golden Jubilee Year a never-to-be-forgotten time and the members of the house have also been giving their support to the worthy cause of our Emerson Endowment Drive. CHAPTER HOUSE — 202 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass.

75 mm i& 3 sir ir Pi

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' i i 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Phi Mu Gamma

Founded 1898 at Hollins, Virginia

Established at Emerson College of Oratory, 1 902


Alpha—Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, Mass. Beta—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Gamma—Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa Delta—Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa Epsilon— Minneapolis School of Dramatic Art, Minneapolis, Minn. Zeta—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Colors— Black and Turquoise blue Flowers—Sweetheart rose and for-get-me-not

Jewels— I urquoise and pearls HONORARY MEMBERS

President, Henry Lawrence Southwick Joseph E. Connor Agnes Knox Black Frances L. Pote Belford Forrest Julia Roupp Francis T. McCabe


Mary Winn Bullock Grand Vice-President


President ...... Mildred Jones Vice-President Marcella Hayden Secretary Cor. Molly McDonald

Treasurer . . . . Barbara Palmer

77 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0



Eleanor Harvey Gladys Hewitt Louise Harlow Esther Beckley Ruth Parmelee Virginia Turiello Dorothy Shirley Lillian Simpson An drey Richert


Dorothy Krock M ildred Jones Molly McDonald


Marion Quin Annette Mundy

Edith Dineen . Lillian M unsen Dorothy Bryden Barbara Palmer Mary Jennings Anne Ryan Evelyn Haney Katherine Burkholder Rosemary Richmond Marcella H ayden M ildred Buchanan

PLEDGES Thelma Flynn Rosamond Crosbie Mary Byers Lucy May Sharon M ARGARET ScHMAVONI \N

Phi Mu Gamma opened their social season with a student-faculty tea early in November. Shortly preceding the Christmas vacation was given a tea dance at the

Chapter House in honor of our pledges. Then following our usual custom we held an after-prom tea dance on Wash- ington’s Birthday—decorations being appropriately in keeping with the holiday. Our biggest event of the season was the presentation of Philip Barry’s “The

Youngest”—as our M I' Scholarship play, on March 1 9th at the Fine Arts Theatre. Closing the Golden Jubilee Year the Chapter House was opened on May 21st to entertain returning “grads” at a reunion luncheon.

CHAPTER HOUSE — 189 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass.

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18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Sigma Delta Chi

Founded 1928 at Emerson College of Oratory

Alpha Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, Mass.

Colors—Orchid and green

Jnvel— Pearl

Flowers—Red rose and lily-of-the-vallev


Lors Teal Owen Joseph E. Connor Belford Forrest Amelia Green Wyner Harry L. Kozol


President Mildred Abrams Secretary Anne Hoffman Treasurer Edna Lowenberc.


1930 Anne Rosen M ildred Abrams

1931 Leona Rothstein Anne Hoffman Evelyn Cohen Edna Lowenberc

1932 Faye Garber Leonore Goldberg Mildred Lowenthal Esther Nightbert

79 CHI



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Bernice Shafmaster Celia Cohen

Sarah Kalin Elsie Wy/.anski

Maisie Weisman Dorothy Fox

To ba Bermen Minnie Lee Aleskin

Sigma Delta Chi, in the third year of its existence, maintained its purpose of pre- serving a well balanced social and scholastic sorority which has entered with elevated spirit and identified itself with the ideals of the college.

A series of informal tea dances given throughout the year, together with the formal given February 22, the night after Junior Prom, are high lights in the social calendar of the sorority.

Sigma Delta Chi has co-operated most faithfully with the Emerson Endowment Insurance, and has taken out many policies.

CHAPTER HOUSE 188 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass. ETA


ZETA 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Zeta Phi Eta

Founded 1893 at Emerson College of Oratory CHAPTER ROLL

Alpha—Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, Mass. Beta— Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Gamma—Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Delta—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Epsilon— Brenan College, Gainesville, Ga. Zeta—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. Eta—University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. Theta—Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Iota—Wesley College, Grand Fork, No. Dakota. Kappa—Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.

Colors—Rose and white Jewel— Pearl Flozuer—La France Rose HONORARY MEMBERS

Edward Philip Hicks Agnes Knox Black Ella G. Stockdale Claude Fisher Mary E. Gatchell President Henry Lawrence Southwick Rev. Allen A. Stockdale Sarah Neil Dowling Louise Dresser Cornelia Otis Skinner


Gertrude Chamberlain Maude G. Hicks

Elvie B. Willard Gertrude I. McQuesten Klonda Lynn Elsie R. Riddei.i. Meade Sewell

83 1 8 8 0 E M E R S 0 N I A N 19 3 0


President . . Ellen Hathaway

I ice-President . Catherine Sullivan

Secretary . Rosamond McRae Treasurer ...... Marian Wall

II i I ante n . J n n ette Fowling Social Chairman Nancv Atwei.i,



Ellen Hathaway Marian Crutcher

J EN N ETTE DOWLING Catherine Sullivan Margaret Jeffers Margaret Ryan

1931 Nancy Atwell Rosamond McRae

Ion e Dennis Mara Frances Bell


Margaret O’Don n ell Marian Wall Virginia Young Gertrude Williams Ruth Short Felicie Strickland


I,i nor i McLean Rhoda Williams M ARGARET W ALDO Louise Lilliard Anne Hersog Grace Ralston

Eli anor Pusea I \ \ Chase:

Alpha Chapter of Zeta Phi Eta opened its social activities for 1929-30 with its traditional Zeta Colonial Pea. Interesting experiences concerning the Zeta

National Convention of last summer at Syracuse, New \ ork. were told, which made the afternoon most enjoyable. Zeta To\ Theatre presented “The Burglar ’ and “Mansions’’ at their house before the Christmas recess, and the two plays were well received In the faculty and student body. The Zamboree given for the benefit of the Endowment Fund was a great success both from a social and financial standpoint.

CHAPTER HOUSE — 919 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.


18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Phi Alpha Tau

Founded 1902, Emerson College of Oratory

Alpha—Emerson College of Oratory. Boston, Mass. Beta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Gamma—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Delta— Leland Stanford University, Berkley, Cal.

Epsilox University of M innesota, Mi nneapoli->, M inn. Zeta—Caroll College, Waukesha, Wis.

Theta—Northwestern College, Napeville, 111. Iota—-University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Kappa—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Lambda—University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Mu—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Nu— Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore. Omicrox—State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Pi—University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. Xi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.


Alfred E. Lunt New York Theatre Guild President Henry Lawrence South wick


Robert Howes Burnham Clyde Walton Dow Russell White Harris Gardner Weeks Handy Joseph Edw ard Connor Alfred Angus MacLennan

87 1

Ttnsarw ! —

18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 1 9 3 0

'Dorm” Notes OFFICERS

President . . . . Gwendoline Crump

Vice-Presiden 1 FI elen F. Fish Anne Herzog Proctors ^ Gladys Sage I

Treasurer . . . Winnie Wright

Emerson Hall entered its second year of life filled with many new girls, full of am-

bition and ingenuity. The “dorm” is such an attractive building that we seem

doubly blessed by having in it so many attractive girls.

The second annual reception (it really is a birthday party) took place early in the year, to which the entire faculty, and student bodv and friends of Emerson were invited. Guests were taken on an inspection tour through the house and were generally impressed with the tidiness and comforts of the rooms. For those who mat smile, we were informed that the “tidiness” was not a specialty feature of the occasion, hut quite the usual atmosphere.

One of the most pleasing features of Emerson Hall is that it is controlled entirely by student government. Gwendoline Crump, assisted by the vice-president and her two head proctors, has lead the ninety girls in the “dorm” through a very pleasant, although at times, somewhat tedious year. Mrs. Monteith is just as helpful and patient as she always has been. Lessons provided by the College, discipline exercised by the girls themselves, love and thoughtfulness evinced by Mrs. Monteith and delicious, healthful food admin- istered by Miss Pray, have all made Emerson Hall enjoy success in her second year. May she have many happy seasons 89 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

” 31 EM BE R S O F 0 U R F A C U L T \

•‘MR. AND MRS. PREXY" Louise Maguire and Ruth Ritter


90 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0


"HARRY AND COOKIE" DEAN AND "DEAN" Helen Fish and Clara Wagner Dean Ross and Mary Frances Bell

t v i i\ 1 1 jm


91 Y

1 8 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0


MR FORREST AND MRS. K A I.arrv Nye and Betty Langille

92 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0


“THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT” RAH! RAH! EMERSON! Polly Averill and Celia Barron Esther Goldner and Ann Rose

93 —

18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Senior Class Will

In the name of God—Amen.

I, the Senior Class of 1930 of Emerson College of Oratory, City of Boston, County of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, being of sound mind and

memory ; hut mindful of the uncertainties of life, do hereby make, publish, and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

l'irst\ 1 give and bequeath to the Senior Class of 1931 the prerogative of one

Chapel cut a week with the stipulation that if they abuse this privilege and are overcut, they take the course in Phonetics; the right to bedeck the classrooms with hats, wraps, rubbers, and such like finery; my ability to sleep in classes; my willingness to climb the stairs from the hall to the fifth floor, surrendering the elevators to less agile suc- cessors; my quest for the wig that fits (if it can be found) and my masculine sang- froid in Dramatic Training. Be it theirs to cherish these and pass them on unimpaired to succeding Senior Classes.

: give and bequeath to the Sophomore Class my unusual loquacious- Second 1 ness both in and out of class; the evergreen hope that they may one day decoy a book from the Emerson College library; the invigorating gales that sweep through Room 510; my unprecedented ability to obliterate by profound concentration the roars and “Toots” of the B. & A. outside Room 524.

Third: I give and bequeath to the pea-green Freshman the qualms that assailed me four years ago; the encouragement to emulate my own estimable accomplishments; my ability to bluff; my perfect posture and Jordan Hall voice.

Fourth : 1 give and bequeath to the faculty my everlasting love and deepest appreciation for their never failing patience and kindness to me.

Signed and sealed by the above named, Senior Class of 1930, as his last will and testament and bv us in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other subscribed as witnesses.

Senior Class of Emerson College of Oratory

W it nesses : Sarah Baker Louise Harlow Katherine Hartt Virginia Turiello



18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 1930

Activities, 1929-30

September 2-1—Opening Day Exercises, 9:30, “Why College of Oratory,” President Southwick.— October 3 —Lecture “Roosevelt"— President Southwick, Huntington Chambers Hall, 10:30 A. M. October 7—Freshman-Sophomore Party. October 9—Opening night—Artist’s Recitals, “Othello,” President Southwick, Huntington Chambers Hall, 8 P. M. October 10—Thursday Lecture Course, “Voice and Platform Art,” Edward Abner Thompson, Huntington Chambers Hall, 10:30 A. M. October 15 Reception and Open House—Emerson College Residence 8:00 P. M. October 16 Artist’s Recital Course, “The Everlasting Mercy.” Belford Forrest, Huntington Chambers Hall 8:00 P. M.

October 17 Thursday Lecture Course, “Eugene O’Neill and His Works,’ ' Mr. Sherwin Lawrence Cook. October 20 Zeta Phi Eta—Colonial Tea. October 21 Y. W. C. A. Fashion Show—Huntington Chambers Hall 2:15 P. M. October 23—Artist’s Recital Course, “Loyalties,” Adelaide Patterson. October 2-1—Thursday Lecture Course, “Educational Adjustments,” Dean Franklin. October 26—Children’s Theatre, “Rackettv Packetty House,” Huntington Cham- bers Hall, 2:15 P. M.

October 30 Illustrated Lecture, Mr. Percy Thayer, Huntington Chambers Hall. Artist’s Recital Course, “The Great Adventure,” Phideliah Rice, Huntington Chambers Hall, 8:00 P. M. October 31 Lecture, “China,” Mr. Marshall L. Perrin, Huntington Chambers Hall, 10:30 A. M. November 3—Phi Mu Gamma—Tea.

November 6 Artist’s Recital Course, “The Servant in the House,” Jessie Eldridge Southwick, Huntington Chambers Hall, 8:00 P. M.

November 7 Thursday Lecture Course, “International Red Cross Conference at Geneva,” Mr. Eliot Wadsworth. Kappa Gamma Chi Tea, Ritz Carlton.

November 13—Artist’s Recital Course, “Dover Road,” Joseph E. Connor, Hunting- ton Chambers Hall, 8:00 P. M. November 13— Phi Mu Gamma Tea, Copley Plaza Hotel. November 1-1—Thursday Lecture Course, Reading of Western Lyrics, Rev. Ben- jamin D. Scott of Pamona College. Zeta Phi Eta Tea, Hotel Somerset. November 20—Inter-collegiate Debate, Emerson vs Keene, N. H. Normal School.

95 —————

1 8 8 0 EMERSONIAN 1 9 3 0

" Resolved, 1 hat Alodern Advertising is more detrimental than beni- ficial to modern Society," Huntington Chambers Hall, 8:00 P. AI. No\ ember 21 Emerson College Endowment Rail). November 22 Senior Class Dance, Copley Plaza Hotel.

November 2d—Children's 1 heatre, "King of the Golden River," Huntington Cham- bers Hall, 2:15 P. AI. 5 I )ecember Founder’s Day, Jessie P. Southwick, Dr. Marsh. "A Program of Education in Relation to the Magic of personality." Huntington Chambers Hall 10:30 A. 1- M.

I December 0 Menorah Dance, Hotel Kenmore. 10 December Senior Revival Pla\ , "Two Gentlemen of Verona,” Fine Arts Theatre, 8:00 P. AI.

I December 11 Commuters Club Plat "Neighbors" b\ Zona Gale, Huntington Cham- bers Hall, 10:30 A. M. Emerson College Club Meeting, Airs. Gertrude Kay, “Community Drama. Emerson College Residence, 8:00 P. M. December 12 hirst Senior Recital,—Huntington Chambers Hall, 10:30 A. AI. December 1—Children’s Theatre “Little Madcap’s Journey,” Huntington Cham- bers Hall, 2:15 P. AI. December 10 Second Senior Recital, Huntington Chambers Hall, 10:30 P. M.

January 11 — Inter-collegiate Debate, Emerson vs. Norwich University. January 1-1— Emerson College Club Aleeting, home of Airs. Odell, speaker, George W. Coleman, president of Babson Institute, 8:00 P. M. January 16—Third Senior Recital, Huntington Chambers Hall, 10:30 A. M. January 30— Fourth Senior Recital, Huntington Chambers Flail, 10:30 A. AI. February 1 — Children’s Theatre, “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs," Hunting- ton Chambers Hall, 2:15 P. AI. February 6 Fifth Senior Recital, Huntington Chambers Hall, 10:30 A. AT. February 19 Song Dav Exercises, opening of Junior AVeek, 10:30 A. AI.

Feb ru.ar\ 20— Junior-Senior Debate, 10:30 A. AI. February 21 Junior Stunt, “Local Color on the Gridiron," 10:30 A. AI. Junior Prom, Hotel Statler, 9:00 P. AI. February 27 Sophomore Stunt, 10:30 A. AI.

A larch 11 Emerson Club Aleeting; Air. Daniel O. Brewster, speaker, I he Little Theatre." Alonroe Hall evening. March 13 Seniors’ Fashion Show, 10:30 A. AI. " March 15- -Children's Theatre, 1 he Little .Mermaid,” 2:15 P. AI.

A I arch 19— Phi A Iu Gamma Scholarship Play.

March 22 Children’s Theatre, repeat performance of I he Little Mermaid,” 2:15 P. AI. April 8— Emerson Club, annual meeting and election. April 16 Emerson Club, Spring luncheon, Air. Kozol, speaker.

April 26— Children’s I heatre, "Pinocchio, 2:15 P. AI. April 28- —Sophomore dance, evening.

Ala) 1 —Sophomore Recital, 10:30 A. AI.

96 I

18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0





First Semester Opened in September Second Semester Opened January 27

English Literature, Pedagogy, Rhetoric, Dramatic Art, Play Writing, Story T elling, Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Culture, Lectures, Readings and Recitals. Scientific and Practical Work in Evert Department.


In the College Residence the student enjoys all the pleasures

and privileges of college lite under the protection of a well- regulated home, a resident matron being in charge.

For Catalogue and further information address HARRY SEYMOUR ROSS, Dean 30 Huntington Avenue Boston, Massachusetts

1)7 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

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100 i8«o EMERSONIAN i 9 3 o



91 Newbury Street

Boston, Mass.

Telephone Ken more 4810

Our Official Photographer

C^.e-vnO^’ cryl Tel. Hancock 5572 s M. G. Slattery Compliments of ^ajCS N. Theatrical and Street MORSE STURNICK, WIGS INC. — Druggists

Make-up Masks, etc. 38 Huntington Ave. — Boston, Mass. 216 Tremont Street Boston

Kenmore 7118

ALICE G. CONLEY Compliments of our Stationery Store PERMANENT WAVING ALLEN STATIONERY M arcel Waving Shampooing COMPANY Manicuring Hair Dyeing Facial, Scalp and Hot Oil Treatments 103 Massachusetts Avenue Full line of high class Toilet Goods Boston, Mass. 25 Huntington Avenue Rooms 204, 232 and 233

101 1 S 8 0 E M E R S 0 N 1 A N 19 3 0

Compliments of

The Sophomore


102 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Compliments Compliments of of BOSSOM’S DRUG STORE COPLEY CAFETERIA Cor. Exeter and Huntington Ave. Boston, Mass.

Compliments Compliments of of SIMON’S STATIONERY STORE

64 Huntington Ave. PILGRIM LAUNDRY Boston, Mass.


84 A Massachusetts Ave. of

Fruit, Candy, Soda, Ice Cream

Confectionaries SAMUEL A. PEVZNER


10.3 18 8 0 EMERSONIAN 19 3 0

Engravers and Publishers

of this book

I Howm®'%:§§on Gqmibaky fongravcrs and Publishers of 35etter College -Annuals Worcester, Massachusetts