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Generation Date: 03/23/2016 Generated By: Stacy Roland Title: Milestones Study Guide

Passage 1 Baoding Balls

The Baoding ball traces its roots back to the Ming dynasty. These balls are called 'iron balls' in China since they were originally made of iron. Over the years, Baoding craftsmen have fashioned these balls out of stone, steel, and jade. The balls vary in sizes, and the most common sizes range from a diameter of 35mm to 55mm. It is said that these balls are therapeutic and help increase energy and blood circulation. As one Chinese brochure states, "It can help by making the bones strong, the mind sober, and muscles nimble. It can invigorate the circulation of blood, and can prevent and cure hypertension and various chronic diseases.” The makers of these balls claim that by learning how to rotate them together in harmony, a person can attain “high intelligence and a good memory.”

Passage 2 Medicine Balls

Medicine balls are used in therapy for sports injuries and strength training. The first known use of these balls was 3000 years ago in Persia. In Ancient Greece, the physician Hippocrates had them sewn out of animal skins and stuffed with sand. His patients threw them back and forth for injury prevention and recovery. Today, various kinds of athletes use these balls to help them gain strength and increase muscle mass. Medicine balls generally consist of a leather- or vinyl-covered nylon cloth that is filled with sand or a similar material. These balls can weigh between 2-25 lbs.

1. How are passage 1 and passage 2 similar?

A. Both passages talk about balls that are used in therapy.

B. Both passages talk about doctors of ancient civilizations.

C. Both passages talk about ways of staying fit and healthy.

D. Both passages talk about ancient medicinal techniques.

Dominic, the student body president at Crockett High School, gave the following speech to the school board.

“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for hearing me today. My fellow students and I have the privilege of eating lunch each day in our school cafeteria. However, this is not always a pleasant experience. We currently only have two lunch lines available. These lines are long, and they usually serve totally disgusting food. On behalf of the students, I request that you would provide us with a snack bar in addition to the lunch lines. This snack bar could serve an awesome selection of deli sandwiches and other convenient foods. It would also cut down on the crowded lunch lines and make lunchtime more enjoyable. Thank you again for your time.”

2. Which of the following phrases from the speech above is slang?

A. awesome selection

B. convenient foods

C. pleasant experience

D. more enjoyable

The sun was just rising when Oscar decided to go on his run. The humid air was so thick and wet that Oscar had trouble breathing at times. Oscar was training to run the city marathon at the end of the month. However, anticipation for the upcoming race was eating at him, and he needed to run. The marathon was going to be a tough 26-mile run within the city. The running route took runners up and down hilly streets and across the river. Oscar’s goal was to finish the race, so he needed to run. With each running stride, Oscar breathed in and out deeply. His chest and legs began to burn at the end of six miles, but he continued on. Oscar did not want to stop before he completed his eight miles. At the end of his run, Oscar gulped down some water to quench his thirst. After Oscar drank his fill of water, he felt great. He could not wait for the marathon.

3. What is the dictionary meaning, or denotation, of the word eating?

A. to become greedy

B. to wait patiently

C. to win something

D. to consume food

(1) Sheila was at the gift store. (2) She was having a hard time trying to choose a gift for her friend. (3) The man at the counter was trying to help her decide among two beautiful flower vases. (4) Finally she decided to buy the pink one with delicately colored flowers.

4. What change if any should be made to sentence 3?

A. Change among to between.

B. Change vases to vazes. C. Change decide to diside.

D. Make no change.

My best friend Pablo came back to town this weekend. He moved away over a year ago, and I had not seen him since. We keep in touch by email, but I really needed to hang with him. It’s hard having a best friend who lives 300 miles away. I picked him up at the airport on Friday. He got in late, so we just went back to my place and chilled, talking and playing video games. He’s just like he was when he left. You’d have thought we saw each other every day. I was down in the dumps when I had to take him back to the airport on Sunday, but at least we got to spend a little time together.

5. What does the word hang connote as it is used in the story?

A. to make fun of

B. to spend time

C. to put in a closet

D. to dangle down

6. As it is used in the story, what does the word chilled mean?

A. relaxed

B. caught a cold

C. froze

D. put on ice

7. Although it is not clearly defined, what is the connotation of the phrase down in the dumps as it is used in this story?

A. tired

B. angry

C. sad

D. excited

Plum Finger by Sunny Fee, fie, foe, fum, Jill put her finger in a plum. The plum got her finger nice and tight, and it wouldn’t let go without a fight. 8. Which line contains an example of alliteration?

A. line 3

B. line 2

C. line 1

D. line 4

The following passage is from page 40 of the book The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont.

You Are as Good as Anyone. You have will power, and if you use it, you will get your share of the luxuries of life. So use it to claim your own. Don't depend on anyone else to help you. We have to fight our own battles. All the world loves a fighter, while the coward is despised by all. Every person's problems are different, so I can only say "analyze your opportunities and conditions and study your natural abilities." Form plans for improvement and then put them into operation. Now, as I said before, don't just say, "I am going to do so and so," but carry your plan into execution. Don't make an indefinite plan, but a definite one, and then don't give up until your object has been accomplished. Put these suggestions into practice with true earnestness, and you will soon note astonishing results, and your whole life will be completely changed. An excellent motto for one of pure motives is: Through my will power I dare do what I want to. You will find this affirmation has a very strengthening effect.

9. Select the sentence that quotes the passage correctly.

A. Theron Q. Dumont states, "Make a definite plan, and don't give up until it is finished" (40). Theron Q. Dumont says, "Form plans for improvement and then put them into operation"

B. (40). Theron Q. Dumont reports, "We fight our own battles because everyone loves a fighter"

C. (40).

D. Theron Q. Dumont writes, "Use your will power to claim your own comforts in life" (40).

10. Read the following sentence from the passage.

You have will power, and if you use it, you will get your share of the luxuries of life.

Which of these is the best paraphrase of the sentence above?

If you have will power and use it, you will get your share of the luxuries of life (Dumont

A. 40).

B. Because you have will power and use it, you will get your share of the luxuries of life (Dumont 40). You will get your share of the luxuries of life if you have will power and if you use it

C. (Dumont 40).

D. Through hard work and self-control, you can earn anything you want in life (Dumont 40).

Passage 1

Sybil Ludington: The Female Paul Revere

Not many 16-year-old girls took part in the Revolutionary War, but Sybil Ludington is certainly one of the few. Sybil Ludington was born in Fredericksburg, New York, in 1761. Her father, Henry Ludington, was a colonel in the Dutchess County Militia, a division of the Continental Army. He was also the commander of the militia’s 7th Regiment. Two thousand British soldiers were spotted in Fairfield, Connecticut, on April 25, 1777. They quickly traveled to Danbury, Connecticut. By the next day, they were burning stores and homes hiding Continental Army supplies. Word was sent that the British has descended upon the area and that parts of Danbury were being destroyed. A messenger from Danbury arrived at Colonel Ludington’s late that night. Unfortunately, the colonel’s soldiers were not together in an army camp. They were in their own homes, spread out for miles and miles. The messenger was unfamiliar with the area. He could not be trusted to locate all 400 members of the 7th Regiment. So Colonel Ludington’s daughter took up the task. At only 16 years of age, Sybil hopped on her horse, Star, and rode through the night. She rode for 40 miles in the rain. Some reports say that Sybil could see Danbury burning as she rallied her father’s soldiers. Some people say she called out, “Muster at Ludington’s!” so the men would know to gather at the Ludingtons’ farm. Her ride was not only long, it was treacherous. British soldiers were scattered throughout the area, as well as dangerous outlaws called “skinners.” As long as Sybil was on her horse, she was in jeopardy. Sybil left her home around 9:00 p.m.; she didn’t return home until dawn. As a result of Sybil’s bravery, the 7th Regiment rode to Danbury and fought the British troops. Sybil’s part in the battle didn’t go unnoticed by the Continental Army. She received a very special honor: being congratulated by General George Washington. She is now known by many as the female Paul Revere.

Passage 2

Sybil Ludington’s Ride

There were many heroes during the Revolutionary War. One of the lesser-known heroes was a farm girl who tried to save Danbury, Connecticut, from being burned to the ground.

The Burning of Danbury On April 25, 1777, the residents of Fairfield, Connecticut, were terrified when they witnessed six British warships and 20 transports arrive on the Saugatuck River. However, the 2,000 soldiers didn’t harm Fairfield. They continued inland. The next day, they reached their target: Danbury, Connecticut. The British were hunting for Continental Army supplies that had been moved there. Fortunately for the British, the supplies were not very well guarded and were easily discovered. The soldiers found many important provisions, such as beef, flour, tents, cots, and clothing. They planned on destroying the supplies but didn’t want to hurt anyone loyal to the British crown. They cleverly marked the properties of British loyalists with chalk; all properties without these marks would be set on fire. By 4:00 p.m., Danbury was burning.

Sybil Ludington Rides Into Action Colonel Henry Ludington was the commander of the Dutchess County Militia’s 7th Regiment. Although he and his men resided in New York, they were close enough to ride to Danbury to aid in the fight against the British. When a messenger arrived at Colonel Ludington’s house that night, the colonel’s eldest daughter, Sybil, was trusted with the task of riding out and gathering her father’s troops. Some people say the 16 year old rode for 20 miles in the rain; others say it was 40 miles. Regardless of the distance, Sybil rode until sunrise, calling her father’s troops into action. Although they could not save Danbury, the men fought in what is now known as the Battle of Ridgefield. What is also known is that it could not have been done without the courage of an ordinary farm girl.

11. The main purpose of each of these texts is

A. to explain how the British protected British loyalists.

B. to educate the reader about Sybil Ludington's heroics.

C. to show the kindness of General George Washington.

D. to describe the many battles of the Continental Army.

12. How does the information in the first passage differ from the second passage?

The first passage explains the reasons for the Revolutionary War; the second passage

A. describes the war's last battle. The first passage gives information about Colonel Ludington; the second passage only

B. gives information about Sybil Ludington. The first passage explains the reason for the attack on Danbury; the second passage only

C. gives the result of the attack. The first passage gives more details about Sybil's ride; the second passage gives more

D. details about the attack on Danbury.

William Beebe was among the first people to descend into the abyss. He went deep into the ocean to understand the ocean creatures. “9:41 in the morning we splashed beneath the surface, and often as I have experienced it, the sudden shift from a golden yellow world to a green one was unexpected. After the foam and bubbles passed from the glass, we were bathed in green; our faces, the tanks, the trays, even the blackened walls were tinged," 1 he says, while recalling his trip going into the ocean.

1. Beebe, William. Half-Mile Down. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1934.

13. Sharie is working on a report about early deep sea explorers. She adds footnotes to show which sources she used to do her research. According to the footnote notation, what is one kind of source Sharie used?

A. journal report

B. a book

C. a magazine

D. online article

The Cat Hater by Bryan Ellett

When Samuel was a kid, his family had a dog. It wasn't a purebred or anything, just a mutt, but Samuel's family loved it very much. They only owned the one dog, but they loved all dogs, every dog they saw. When they would take the mutt to the dog park, Samuel and all of the members of the family would pet every dog they saw and scratch them behind the ears and say things like, "Aren't you beautiful!" But there was something else they all agreed on, too: cats were terrible! For reasons no one knew, Samuel's family was one of those families that loved dogs but hated cats. And so, Samuel grew up hating cats too. When Samuel was 18, he left home for college, and still he hated cats. Samuel and his friend Max rented an apartment in college. One night, they were watching TV when Max said, "There is something wrong with this apartment. It just doesn't feel right without an animal. I think we should get a cat." Samuel agreed that it didn't feel right without an animal, and he knew that dogs weren't allowed in the apartment. But, he hated cats, so he said, "You can get one if you want, but I'm not paying for anything!" So Max bought a cat and named it Mitsy, and Samuel refused to help take care of it. Still, he was around the cat a lot. After a few weeks, he began to like it when the cat would rub her head on Samuel's leg, and he liked how she stalked and pounced on roaches. Within two months, Samuel thought Mitsy was one of the greatest animals in history. He was sure his family would make fun of him when they found out!

14. What is a recurring theme in a story such as this?

A. Once a person has an opinion, he or she should never change it.

B. A person should form his or her own opinions.

C. It is important to hold the same opinions as one's family.

D. No one can like both dogs and cats equally.


Max said, "There is something wrong with this apartment. It just doesn't feel right without an animal. I think we should get a cat." Samuel agreed that it didn't feel right without an animal, and he knew that dogs weren't allowed in the apartment.

Based on these sentences, Samuel and Max would most likely agree with which of these statements?

A. People who love animals should not live in apartments.

B. Animals make important companions for humans.

C. Cats are not good animals to have as pets in apartments.

D. Dogs should be allowed everywhere cats are allowed.

For decades, centuries even, the most common way to train a dog was to punish the dog when it did something wrong. This is known as negative training. Often, a choke chain would be used. If the dog did something wrong, such as jumping up on someone or chasing a squirrel, the dog’s trainer would swiftly yank on the chain. The choke chain would then squeeze the dog’s throat in an uncomfortable way. Dogs learned that they would be choked if they chased squirrels, so they stopped chasing them. Usually. Over the past 20 years, there has been a growing movement of positive dog training. In this method, the dog is taught to do the correct thing rather than being taught not to do the incorrect thing. For example, in positive dog training, the dog is not punished for chasing squirrels. Instead, the dog is rewarded, often with a treat, for staying still by the trainer when squirrels are nearby. After a dog has been rewarded enough times for doing something correctly, eventually it continues to do the correct thing even without a reward. Sometimes, the reward is changed to kind words and rubs rather than treats. There are several benefits to positive dog training. First of all, the person training the dog never has to hurt the dog. Usually, if a person owns a dog, he or she loves dogs and doesn’t really like hurting them. Secondly, the dog never has a reason to fear the owner. Fear is what causes dogs to bite people, sometimes for no reason. They are just trying to protect themselves from whatever they fear. If a dog does not fear a person, it has no reason to bite. Overall, this method of training creates a respectful relationship between pet and owner. Rather than one being dominant over the other, both dog and owner are working together. This type of bond can be deeper and more meaningful than any bond built upon hurting and pain. 16. This passage is mostly about

A. the benefits of positive dog training.

B. training dogs with punishment.

C. positive dog training.

D. why training with punishment is bad.

17. The main idea of the first paragraph is that

A. dogs get punished for chasing squirrels or jumping.

B. training dogs with punishment has long been common.

C. dogs should be punished when they do something wrong.

D. a choke chain is often used in negative dog training.

Dog Training Me? by Bryan Ellett

My new dog is a mutt, or a mix of breeds, most likely a mix between a basset hound and a beagle. No one knows for sure, though. His name is Capote, and he is a really attractive dog, small but sturdy. He has great posture and always looks proud, sticking his chest out slightly and standing tall. There is only one problem, but it’s a big problem: he won’t fetch. , it’s worse than that. Not only will he not fetch, he’s making me play his game! I throw the ball, and Capote goes running after it, as if fetch is the thing in the world he most enjoys. He begins bringing the ball back to me, but then he runs right past me. I follow him, reaching for the ball and trying to pull it out of his mouth, but he keeps turning away from me, teasing me with the ball! He’s not playing fetch; he’s playing “come chase me!” And he’s training me to do it, too! Once I realized this, I read some books, and I’ve changed my strategy. If he runs past me with the ball, I don’t follow him, and I don’t reach for the ball. Instead, I turn my back on him and ignore him. He really does like to play, so me ignoring him is a tremendous punishment! Eventually, he’ll bring the ball over to me, and once he does, I immediately throw it. That way, he knows that he’ll be rewarded with another throw if he brings me the ball. He is not a perfect fetch player yet, but I can now tell that one day he will be!

18. The reader can infer that

A. dogs can be trained to fetch.

B. Capote is not very smart.

C. some dogs will never fetch. D. young dogs cannot play games.

19. Which statement is supported by the story?

A. The narrator enjoys playing with his dog.

B. The dog does not enjoy playing with the narrator.

C. The narrator taught his dog the wrong way to fetch.

D. The dog will never learn how to play fetch.

Before the efforts of Susan B. Anthony, women did not have the same privileges as men. Women did not have the ability to vote like men. With Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Anthony formed the National Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA). It later united with another group to make the National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA). This group helped bring attention to women’s rights. For the rest of Anthony’s life, she carried on the fight for the women’s right to vote. She did this up until her death in 1906. Fourteen years after Anthony’s death, the 19th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1920. The amendment gave the right to all people regardless of the person being a male or a female. Without the hard work of Anthony, women may never have had the chance to vote.

20. Read the following sentence from the passage.

"Before the efforts of Susan B. Anthony, women did not have the same privileges as men."

Which word is a synonym for privileges?

A. skills

B. views

C. rights

D. clothes

Tiger by William Blake

Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

21. What is the effect of the metaphor used in the first sentence? A. It highlights the glowing eyes of the tiger in the dark.

B. It gets the reader curious about otherworldly creatures.

C. It makes the reader want to know more about the forest.

D. It tells the reader about creatures prowling at night.

Publication Dates for the Harry Potter Book Series

22. During which years were no Harry Potter books published?

A. 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006

B. 1998, 2002, 2006, 2007

C. 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006

D. 1999, 2001, 2002, 2006

(1) Theodore Roosevelt was above all things a fighter. This characteristic defined his spirit and his career. Everything he did in life he met with force and determination. If it was good and noble, he fought for it; if it was evil, he fought against it. He never surrendered, never sidestepped, never fought dirty. He carried the fight to the enemy. Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. (2) His first fight was for his health and vigor. It began at the age of nine. As a child, he was weak and thin because of his asthma. His father, the first Theodore, motivated him to fight his ill health. On the third floor of the house in New York where he was born, his father constructed an outdoor gymnasium. The boy would spend hours each day in the gym. With his father’s permission, he even took up boxing. He enjoyed this sport well into his adulthood. (3) All through his boyhood, the young Theodore Roosevelt kept up his fight for strength. He spent many of his summers, and sometimes some of the winter months, in the woods of Maine. Growing up, he thoroughly enjoyed these outings and developed a strong attraction to the rough life of the woods. There he could hunt, paddle, and swing an axe. These interests stayed with him into adulthood. Later, when he became President, he became famous for his work in conservation.

23. Read the topic sentence of paragraph 1.

"Theodore Roosevelt was above all things a fighter."

Which sentence could be added to the paragraph to support the main idea? A. Roosevelt's strength and courage carried him throughout his life.

B. His lifelong interest in zoology began when he was a child.

C. Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York.

D. As a child, Roosevelt watched Abraham Lincoln's funeral march.

The Perfect Job by Courtney Goff

Noah had not expected to be so nervous on his first day, but his hands trembled as he drove down the highway. He looked down to the see the nametag in his lap. Yup, this is definitely real, Noah thought. Noah had completed what seemed like thousands of applications over the past few months, and he had waited anxiously by the phone for someone to call him back. Noah’s mom joked that he had worn a permanent spot in their couch from sitting there so long. It seemed awfully early, with the sun just rising above the gigantic pines that lined the road. Of course, it was a Saturday, and Noah was usually not awake before noon. He put on his sunglasses to guard against the glare, and switched on the radio to calm his nerves. He sang along for a few minutes thinking about his interview the week before. Noah was supposed to see a manager named Timothy today so that he could fill out more paperwork, and then Noah hoped he would be able to start working. He remembered what the teacher in his career class had said about the responsibility of a first job. Noah knew that his performance would be important to people who wanted to hire him later, and he was determined to do his best. Noah pulled into a parking lot in front of the two-story building. Now, his hands began to sweat as well as tremble, and his heart thudded in his ears as he got out of the car and headed toward the store. Noah clipped the nametag onto his shirt pocket and then opened the glass door. The store was not filled with customers yet, and a “CLOSED” sign still hung on the door. Noah was relieved that he would not be tossed into the middle of things right away. He wandered toward the customer service desk, unsure of where he could find Timothy. Several employees stood at the tops of ladders placing books into the high shelves near the ceiling. Good thing I’m not afraid of heights, Noah thought. He reached the customer service desk in the center of the first floor and waited for a moment, one hand fidgeting with his nametag. From the corner of his eye, Noah spotted someone hurrying toward him, and he turned to see a man whose nametag said “Timothy.” “Hi, I’m Noah,” Noah said, extending his hand. Timothy shook Noah’s hand firmly. “Hi, Noah, it’s good to see you,” Timothy replied brightly. “Are you ready to start?” Noah smiled. “Sure!” Timothy disappeared behind the counter at the customer service desk and came up with a stack of forms and a pen. “Fill these out, and when you’re finished, I’ll show you around.” Noah filled the forms out quickly with all the basic information: name, birth date, and phone number. He handed the forms back to Timothy, who put them in a folder and slid it under the counter. They walked up and down the aisles stuffed with books with Timothy pointing out each section along the way, and Noah found out that they both liked to read about history. As Timothy explained how to use the cash register, Noah knew he had found the perfect job.

24. Which sentence from the story best shows the setting?

A. "He sang along for a few minutes, thinking about his interview the week before."

B. "He looked down to see the nametag in his lap." "He remembered what the teacher in his career class had said about the responsibility of a

C. first job."

D. "Of course, it was a Saturday, and Noah was usually not awake until noon."

25. Which sentence from the story best shows that it is set in a bookstore?

A. "He wandered toward the customer service desk, unsure of where he could find Timothy."

B. "Noah clipped the nametag onto his shirt pocket and then opened the glass door." "Several employees stood at the tops of ladders placing books into the high shelves near

C. the ceiling." "As Timothy explained how to use the cash register, Noah knew he had found the perfect

D. job."

Snake in the Field by R. Lee Walters

(1) I happened on him in the park, on the furrowed, sunlit ground

and I knew not to make a remark.

I knew I must not make a sound.

(5) He stretched out and was sleeping, his eyes closed but his tail coiled.

The long black tongue kept peeping

as his long, thin body uncoiled.

I backed away carefully;

(10) I did not grow scared and run. I knew his tongue could smell me,

but he seemed to enjoy his sun.

When he slowly raised his head,

I had made good my getaway.

(15) With his skin black and stripes red, I think I will play indoors today.

26. What rhyme scheme does the poet use in "Snake in the Field"?

The first and second lines of each stanza rhyme; the third and fourth lines of each stanza

A. rhyme. The first and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme; the second and third lines of each stanza

B. rhyme. The first lines of each stanza rhyme with one another; the last lines of each stanza rhyme

C. with one another. The first and third lines of each stanza rhyme; the second and fourth lines of each stanza

D. rhyme.

Cleanup Crew

After working in the blistering sun all day, Yoshi returned to her bungalow at the far end of the beach. She knew volunteering for the cleanup crew after the storm would require long days and hard work. Clearing the fallen branches and debris was not the problem. She was strong and felt capable of all the lifting, carrying, and dragging. It was the heat that made this job particularly difficult. Lately, the weather seemed to be unable to make up its mind. First there was the storm, which brought heavy rains and wind damage to the coastline. Then, the very next day, it turned sunny and beautiful. By the time the cleanup crew was organized, temperatures had risen to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Yoshi opened all the windows and sat down on her mat. The cool evening breeze flowing in was a welcome contrast to the heat of the day, and the bungalow seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She felt drained, sore, and tired, but she also felt honored that she was able to help with such an important effort.

27. The author uses the phrase "the bungalow seemed to breathe a sigh of relief" to show that

A. the temperature inside the bungalow was rising.

B. Yoshi felt very satisfied from the day of work.

C. cool air was circulating throughout the bungalow.

D. Yoshi felt as if she was completely out of breath.

California sea lions and Harbor seals are common sights along the coasts of California. They both have rounded bodies. They have two front flippers and two hind flippers. Harbor seals and California sea lions spend about seven hours a day resting and relaxing on land. They stay close to the water so they can escape danger. Both of these sea animals are excellent swimmers. They move much faster in water than on land. Both types of animals eat fish and shellfish. These sea mammals are alike in many ways. However, they are different species. California sea lions are larger than Harbor seals. Harbor seals are thinner than California sea lions. California sea lions have ears. Harbor seals do not have ears. The California sea lions are more aggressive than Harbor seals. They are more likely to attack if they feel threatened. California sea lions are more vocal. Harbor seals are shy. It is unusual to hear them making noise. Another difference between California sea lions and Harbor seals is the way they move on land. The sea lions are able to support themselves on their front flippers. They can walk on their flippers. The seals move with a sliding motion. They cannot support their bodies with their flippers.

28. This passage is organized using

A. problem and solution.

B. compare and contrast.

C. chronological order.

D. cause and effect.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

(1) The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most iconic monuments in the world. (2) Located in the city of Pisa, Italy, the tower is famous for its tilted structure. (3) Though the construction of the tower began in 1173, it took nearly 800 years for the process to be completed. (4) The original architect of the tower is presumed to be Bonanno Pisano. (5) It was originally meant to be a bell tower for a cathedral. (6) Many cathedrals were built in Europe around this time. (7) It was built with limestone and lime mortar, which has helped the tower to remain standing despite its tilt. (8) In the first few years of its construction, the tower actually stood upright. (9) Then the construction of the third floor was completed. (10) Soon, the tower began to lean slightly. (11) The tower's base which was made of clay made this happen. (12) This base was not strong enough to hold the weight of the tower and hence, the tower began to lean to one side. (13) After this, the construction of the tower was stopped for a century. (14) It was resumed again in 1272 by Giovanni di Simone. (15) Over the years, the construction of the tower was stopped and started several times. (16) Attempts were made to fix the tower's tilt; even Mussolini attempted to fix it in 1934. (17) They were all unsuccessful. (18) Finally, in the 20th century, Italy decided to preserve the tower the way it is. (19) Measures were taken to ensure that the tower did not topple over, while at the same time retaining its characteristic tilt.

29. Which transition word or phrase should be added to the beginning of sentence 17?

A. As a result,

B. However,

C. Therefore,

D. In this way,

30. Which sentence should be removed from paragraph 2 to improve the flow?

A. It was originally meant to be a bell tower for a cathedral.

B. The original architect of the tower is presumed to be Bonanno Pisano.

C. Many cathedrals were built in Europe around this time. It was built with limestone and lime mortar, which has helped the tower to remain standing

D. despite its tilt.

31. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 9 and 10?

Soon after the construction of the third floor was completed, the tower began to lean

A. slightly. The leaning of the tower began as soon as the construction of the third floor was

B. completed. The construction of the third floor was completed soon and then the tower began to lean

C. slightly. Then the construction of the third floor was completed when the tower began to lean

D. slightly.

32. Which sentence would best conclude paragraph 2?

A. Pisano is also the architect of the bronze Porta Reale at the cathedral of Pisa.

B. The Leaning Tower is an interesting historic monument with a long and diverse history.

C. Limestone is a type of rock made from the skeletal remains of small organisms.

D. Pisano probably did not know how important this use of limestone would prove to be.

33. Sebastian was preparing to write for an assignment in which he had to describe a cycle. He decided to write about his own cycle of going to school. He made a chart to help him organize his thoughts.

Which of the following best fits the empty space in Sebastian's chart?

A. Fourth of July

B. Labor Day

C. New Year's Day

D. Valentine's Day

34. Daniella wanted to write a how-to paper about making cookies. She decided to make a simple chart to help her prepare to write the paper.

Which of the following best fits the empty space in Daniella's chart?

A. Cut out different shapes from the dough.

B. Bake the dough according to the recipe.

C. Eat the dough until you start to feel sick.

D. Throw away the dough and start over.

Storm at Sea by R. Lee Walters

Over the seas, the ship rolled on high waves. Over the waves, the storm's high winds howled. Over the howls, the thunder, the thunder rose And the lightning, the lightning flashed wildly.

Over the storm's squall, the captain fought the winds. Over the wind's strength, the sailors climbed the sails. Over the sails' tatters, the clouds, the clouds parted And the moon, the moon shone victoriously.

35. The poet repeats the phrase "Over the…" in this poem to

A. mimic the moon's rays.

B. build up the suspense.

C. make it sound like rain.

D. make the lines rhyme.

1. Berge, Z. L., & T. Clark Virtual Schools: Planning for Success. New York, NY. Teachers College Press. 2005. 2. Bransford, J. D., A. L. Brown, & R.R. Cocking How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. Washington, DC. National Academy of Sciences. 2003. 3. Cavalluzzo, L. Organizational Models for Online Education. Alexandria, VA. CNA Corporation. 2004. 4. Elbaum, B., C. McIntyre, & A. Smith. Essential Elements: Prepare, Design, and Teach Your Online Course. Madison, WI. Atwood Publishing. 2002.

36. Where was the book Virtual Schools: Planning for Success published? A. New York, NY

B. Alexandria, VA

C. Washington, DC

D. Madison, WI

37. In what year was the book How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School published?

A. 2004

B. 2002

C. 2005

D. 2003

38. What type of source did Eileen use in source number 3?

A. a Web site

B. a magazine

C. a newspaper

D. a book

Santos loves to travel. On his map at home, he marks the places he has visited with red pushpins and the places he hopes to visit with yellow pushpins. Study the map below and then answer the questions that follow.

39. Based on the information above, which of these statements is true?

A. Santos has traveled to 5 countries in South America.

B. Santos has not visited 10 of the countries on the map.

C. Santos has not traveled to 8 of the countries on the map.

D. Santos has visited all of the countries on South America's coast.

Quick! Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Most people would probably say that it is a vegetable. After all, we eat them in a salad, right? But scientifically, tomatoes are classified as fruit. In fact, there is probably a bunch of other fruits that you would call vegetables and vice versa. In biology, the study of life, a true fruit is one that develops with seeds inside of it. Oranges, raspberries, and grapefruit are examples of true fruits. However, by this definition, bean pods, corn kernels, and wheat grains are also considered fruit. Some common fruits, like apples and pears, are considered false or accessory fruits. This is because they grow around or near the actual fruit, or the part of the plant that contains the seeds. The core of the apple is actually the fruit because it contains the seeds. The part of the apple that we eat is considered an accessory to the fruit. In addition to the tomato, the group of fruits that we cook and eat like vegetables includes eggplants, cucumbers, and pumpkins.

40. What method of organization is used in the passage above?

A. classification

B. definition

C. comparison and contrast

D. cause and effect

Healthy Lunches: You Have the Power

When it comes to lunch at school, you have the most control over the foods you eat. You can choose to bring your lunch from home or to buy one at school. When you buy your lunch, you can often choose which foods to place on your tray. When you have options for lunch, making healthy choices is important. Choosing fruits and vegetables is the perfect start to creating a healthy lunch. You should try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Therefore, getting a few servings in at lunch will help you meet that goal. You should also try to choose foods that contain whole grains, like wheat bread and brown rice. Also, what you choose to drink can make a difference in how healthy your lunch is. Milk and water are better choices than sugary drinks like juice and soda. Why not just eat all the foods that you like and not worry about how healthy it is? Making healthy choices now is important because what you eat can affect how you feel. You need a variety of foods to get the energy to stay active in your busy life. You need the vitamins and minerals found in healthy foods to keep your body from getting sick. You have the power to create a healthy meal by making the right choices at lunchtime.

41. What is the author's main purpose in writing this article?

A. to warn the reader about the dangers of eating too much food

B. to show the reader what it is like to eat lunch at school

C. to convince the reader that school lunches are unhealthy

D. to persuade the reader to choose healthy foods at lunchtime

Ancient Greek Myths and Legends

Ancient Greek myths and legends served many purposes for the people who told them, as well as for their listeners. The stories were equal parts religion and history, with characters and scenarios that were designed to thrill, frighten, entertain, and instruct. Certain individuals and groups reappear throughout many of the ancient stories.

Olympian Gods There are twelve gods that were the center of ancient Greek worship and who, according to legend, lived atop Mount Olympus. Zeus is considered the ruler of all of them, and is accompanied by his queen, Hera. The Olympians also include Apollo the sun god, Ares the god of war, Hermes, Hephaestus, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, and Poseidon.

Demi-gods Many other gods exist in Greek legend who are important characters but do not live on Olympus and whose powers are weaker than the 12 Olympians. Many stories are devoted to the god Pan who is half human, half goat, and who protects the forests and the fields. Other demi-gods in this group include Selene, the goddess of the moon, and Zephyr, the god of the west wind.

Heroes Many of the heroes of Greek mythology are almost gods themselves, and often have the blood of gods in their veins. Odysseus is the mortal grandchild of Hermes, while Achilles is the human son of a river goddess. The great Heracles is the son of Zeus.

Monsters Along with the heroes are the monsters they fight. This group includes characters like Medusa, who can turn victims to stone, or the giant, Cyclops, who tried to eat Odysseus.

42. The headings help organize this passage

A. by order of importance.

B. by topic.

C. alphabetically.

D. by date.

43. If the reader wanted to add the information below to the article, where should he or she place it?

Many people are familiar with Poseidon as the Greek god of the ocean.

A. under the heading "Olympian Gods"

B. under the heading "Demi-gods"

C. under the heading "Heroes" D. under the heading "Monsters"

One of the most popular characters in children's literature is the Mad Hatter, from Lewis Carroll's popular book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice happens upon the Mad Hatter at a "mad," or crazy, tea party. The characters at the tea party are the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Dormouse. They are drinking tea as if time doesn't exist and so have no reason to hurry. The way the Mad Hatter acts and speaks does make it seem as if he may be a little crazy. The character of the Mad Hatter was likely inspired by the phrase "mad as a hatter." A hatter is a person who makes hats. Today, no one works with mercury without proper protection. But before the dangers were understood, hatters often worked with mercury to cure the felt used in many hats. It was impossible for the hatters to avoid inhaling mercury fumes. They sometimes developed mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning caused brain damage and could result in confused speech. Listening to the Mad Hatter at the mad tea party, one can guess that he probably did spend too much time with mercury!

44. Which is the best summary of this passage?

It was common for hatters to go crazy because they developed mercury poisoning from

A. making hats without proper protection. The Mad Hatter was one of the most popular characters from Lewis Carroll's book Alice's

B. Adventures in Wonderland. Alice meets the popular character of the Mad Hatter at a tea party that was also attended by

C. the March Hare and the Dormouse. The character of the Mad Hatter may have been inspired by hat makers who went crazy

D. from mercury poisoning.

45. Which detail would be most important to include in a summary of the passage?

A. The Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Dormouse are all at the tea party.

B. Today, hatters would not think of working with mercury without protection.

C. Alice meets the character of the Mad Hatter at a crazy tea party.

D. Mercury poisoning could cause brain damage and confused speech.

The last few sheets of paper shriveled in the burning flame of the fireplace. They were the remnants of Edie’s story. She had labored night and day for nine months to carefully put her story idea into words. Now, those words were eaten by the fire that swallowed up her papers like a starving animal. Edie’s eyes watered as she thought of the time and effort she put into that story. That work was lost in a matter of seconds after she read the rejection letter from the publishing house. However, as Edie continued to think about her story, she knew she could write a better story than before. She took up a pad of paper and pen and began to chew over ideas. Edie mapped out her story as carefully as a doctor preparing to perform a surgery. She wanted this work to be perfect in every way. Staying up all night, Edie outlined her story until she was satisfied with the results. She looked over the papers and was radiant.

46. Which of the following sentences from the passage offers the best visual description of what happened to Edie's first story?

"That work was lost in a matter of seconds after she read the rejection letter from the

A. publishing house." "Now, those words were eaten by the fire that swallowed up her papers like a starving

B. animal."

C. "Edie's eyes watered as she thought of the time and effort she put into that story."

D. "She had labored night and day for nine months to carefully put her story idea into words."

Some people believe that any food labeled "diet," "low fat," "heart healthy," or "low carb" is good for everyone. In reality, good nutrition is not always a one-size-fits-all deal. In fact, some people who read food labels might actually be putting harmful things into their bodies. For example, certain foods that are low in calories can be high in other things, such as sodium. Frozen dinners can be quite high in sodium, although some of those dinners are low fat. Someone looking for a low-calorie meal might do well to eat a frozen meal every now and then; many are portion-controlled and loaded with vegetables. However, someone who is under doctor's orders to control their sodium intake might want to make another choice. Just because a meal contains a lot of vegetables does not mean it is an equally good choice for everyone. In addition, some foods that are low in carbohydrates can be high in sugar. People often look at the number of carbs on a food's label because they know carbs contribute to fat. However, a product low in carbs but high in sugar can be equally damaging. Sugar does not break down quickly in the body. Products high in sugar can keep you coming back for more while simultaneously building fat. Therefore, someone looking to maintain a healthy weight must look at a product's carb and sugar content. Also, too much sugar contributes to diabetes, so people in danger of developing diabetes need to keep an eye on more than a label's carb count. In general, it is a good idea to try to weigh all items that are listed on a product's label. Trying to take into account all aspects of the food you eat is critical to your overall health and well-being. Being alert to a food's total nutritional value can help maintain good health for years to come.

47. Which sentence from the passage shows that people need to be more observant when it comes to reading food labels?

Trying to take into account all aspects of the food you eat is critical to your overall health

A. and well-being. People often look at the number of carbs on a food's label because they know carbs

B. contribute to fat. In fact, some people who read food labels might actually be putting harmful things into

C. their bodies. Just because a meal contains a lot of vegetables does not mean it is an equally good choice

D. for everyone.

48. Which of the following is likely true based on this passage?

A. Foods that are healthy for some people can actually be unhealthy for other people.

B. Cutting back on carbohydrates is the best thing people can do to maintain good health.

C. Most people eat too much sugar and are at a serious risk of becoming diabetic.

D. No one is recommended to eat frozen dinners because they contain too much sodium.

Key to the Unknown

Kevin and Harry had been best friends for as long as either of them could remember. They had lived on the same block since first grade. Although their families were not particularly close, each mother considered the other boy her son. During the summer after the sixth grade, the two boys made a fort about a half-mile into some woods at the edge of town. There was a good trail, one they could ride their bikes on. Near the fort there was a dilapidated, old house, a barn, and chicken coop with its roof caved in. In fact, there were big holes in all the buildings. Although the buildings weren’t totally safe, they were too inviting for two young boys. One day, they were exploring inside the old farmhouse. It was sunny outside, but in certain parts of the house, it was always dark. That’s where they were when Harry stepped on a rotten board and the whole floor gave way beneath him. He screamed as he fell about three feet to the ground. A huge cloud of dust rose from the collapsed floor and covered Harry. Luckily, Kevin was still outside the door of that room, and that floor didn’t collapse. But he was scared that Harry might be injured. "Are you okay? What happened? Where are you?" he yelled into the dust. "I’m right here," Harry coughed. "I’m not hurt or anything." He fanned his arms around to get rid of the dust. Kevin kneeled down and took a look. He reached out his hand to pull Harry up, but instead Harry hunkered down and peered into the dark crawl space below the floor. "Do we still have that flashlight at the fort?" he asked. "Sure do," Kevin said as he rushed off to get it. When he returned he climbed down with Harry, and together they pushed the old flooring aside. The light revealed inches of dust but nothing of much interest. It was kind of creepy because there were some spider webs hanging about. As Kevin started to climb out, his foot knocked against something solid. He directed the light to it, and there was a reflection. He pushed aside the dust to reveal a key! The eyes of both boys grew huge. In their minds they could see the treasure chest the key would open. Harry grabbed the key and both boys clamored out of the hole. As soon as they were standing on something solid they started looking for the lock the key fit. They scoured the place every day for a week, but they never found a lock it fit. Eventually, they hung it up in their fort and jokingly called it the "key to the unknown."

49. Why does Harry ask Kevin for the flashlight?

A. so Kevin will leave him alone

B. so he can avoid the worst dust

C. so he can look beneath the floor

D. so he can kill a spider with it

50. What is a major event in the passage?

A. Harry falls through the floor in the farmhouse.

B. Harry and Kevin ride their bikes to the fort.

C. Harry and Kevin hang the key in their fort.

D. Harry and Kevin build a fort in the woods.

Olympic athletes spend hours training starting at an early age. Those who do make it to the Olympic Games often do not win medals—and these are the top athletes of the world. Wilma Rudolph not only made it to the Olympics, she won three gold medals. Wilma Rudolph was born on June 23, 1940, in St. Bethlehem, Tennessee. She came from a very big family. She was the 17th of 19 children in her family. The family moved to Clarksville, Tennessee, which is where Wilma grew up. When Wilma was young, she had polio and scarlet fever. The polio left her without the use of one of her legs. She needed to wear leg braces to walk. Eventually, she was able to walk with a special shoe. After about three years, she didn't need the special shoe anymore. In high school, Wilma played basketball and ran track. She broke all the state basketball records and won all her track meets. Wilma went to Tennessee State University and started training for the Olympics. In July of 1960, Wilma went to the Olympics in Rome, Italy. She won three gold medals and was called the "World's Fastest Woman." She was later named female athlete of the year. Wilma became a coach and an athletic consultant in Chicago, Illinois. She died in 1994 of a brain tumor. Wilma will be remembered for her courage as a young child overcoming her illness, her athletic ability, and her dedication to reaching her goals. To this day, Wilma's life continues to inspire people to reach their personal goals.

51. According to the passage, by overcoming childhood diseases and going on to win Olympic medals, Wilma Rudolph became

A. an inspiration to others. B. a well-known doctor.

C. a critic of others.

D. a sportscaster.

52. Which of the following phrases best describes Wilma Rudolph?

A. easily discouraged

B. determined to excel

C. dissapointed to be a coach

D. extremely wealthy

(1) The bus arrived at the gates and the children were all excited. (2)They were setting out on a trek on to a nearby mountain range. (3)They were already and had been waiting for the bus for some time. (4) Most of them had never been on a trek before. (5) They were looking forward to this new experience.

53. What change should be made to sentence 3?

A. Change already to all ready.

B. Make no change.

C. Change some time to sometime.

D. Change They to They're.


Sid was nowhere to be seen. "He was just here a minute ago," Naomi spoke just above a whisper. She had looked all over the house for Sid in a state of panic. It was Naomi's first day as a baby sitter, and she really needed that job. More importantly, Sid was just a little boy. "I thought he was too little to run away," Naomi talked to herself, as she often did while feeling stressed. "Where could he possibly be?" She tried to remember where she had seen Sid last. "Was it the living room or the drive way?" She remembered Sid's sad face as he watched his mother leave for work. He was hanging on to door of the coat hanger closet in the living room. In a matter of moments, Naomi ran to the living room and opened the closet. There she found Sid curled up and fast asleep with his mother's scarf in his hands. "Poor baby," Naomi said, planting a kiss on Sid's forehead. Feeling relieved, she lifted him and put him in the crib. For now, Naomi's job and the bicycle she wanted to buy were both secure.

54. How would the story be different if it were told from Sid's point of view? A. It would show more about Sid's feelings when his mom leaves for work.

B. It would address the reader directly while narrating the events in the story.

C. It would include the details of Naomi's previous experience as a babysitter.

D. It would describe the thoughts and feelings of each character in the story.


The Naughty Nguyens by Audge Podge

I'm sure that you've heard of the naughty Nguyen sisters. Any sane person would've run for the hills, but I agreed to babysit them last summer because I needed the money for school supplies and clothes. You would be surprised by the girls' hyperactivity and noisiness. Throughout the summer, the girls ran around, jumped on beds, chased their skittish cat, and screamed at the top of their lungs. To make things worse, they absolutely refused to take naps. Plugging in The Little Mermaid for them to watch was the only way I could get any peace and quiet. However, they loudly sang every song featured in the movie. When their mother came home in the afternoon, I was immediately out the door. As you probably guessed, I couldn't wait for school to start. Sometimes, I have nightmares that I'm babysitting them again. If you listen, you can probably hear them shrieking now.

Which point of view does the author use to tell the story?

A. second person only

B. first and second person

C. first person only

D. third and second person

56. Hypnotized by the twirling necklace held in her mother's hand, Becks was transported to another era. She imagined that she could see herself in the 1920s, the period in which the necklace was made. As the necklace danced in front of her, Becks could see what that time would have been like. The women were dressed in fringed dresses and their hair was swept up on one side. The men were wearing pinstriped suits with their hair slicked back. They were all dancing and laughing in a cramped dance room. This is all Becks saw as she gazed intently at the spinning necklace.

From which point of view is this passage written? A. The point of view shifts from third person to second person.

B. third person

C. first person

D. second person

57. The handle of the bike felt especially loose in my hand. Knowing this made me feel very uncomfortable because I didn't want anything to go wrong my first time riding a bike. I knew that all my other friends learned how to ride a bike years ago, but I was a special case. I was always afraid of all and any pain that came with bicycling. The mere thought of falling off a bike made me shudder. I warily got myself on the bike and made the necessary adjustments. Then with a deep breath, I pushed forward on my bike.

Why does the author choose this point of view with which to write the passage?

A. to know why the friends of the narrator knew how to ride a bike

B. to prove that people of any age can learn how to ride a bicycle

C. to show how the narrator feels about riding a bike for the first time

D. to describe how bicycle riding can be a very dangerous activity

58. Leela took her seat in the church pew in anticipation of her cousin Alice's wedding. Alice was Leela's favorite cousin. Leela recognized the beginning notes of Pachelbel's Canon in D floating off the strings of the quartet. The wedding party began slowly coming down the aisle. The wedding is starting. I bet Alice will look amazing in her wedding dress! Leela thought to herself. After the wedding party had taken their positions at the front of the sanctuary, the "Wedding March" began playing and the double doors at the back of the room opened in unison, and the guests stood up. Alice, her arm linked with her father's arm, took a deep breath. The day had finally come. She was marrying Bobby, the love of her life. Alice noticed that he looked nervous standing at the end of the aisle, but at the same time, his joy was evident by the huge smile and the glint in his eye when he saw his bride in her wedding dress. Alice began her march down the aisle to open a new chapter of her life.

From which point of view is this passage written?

A. The point of view shifts from first person to third person.

B. first person

C. The point of view switches from third person to first person.

D. third-person omniscient

On Saturday, the rain poured down heavily and continuously. Staring out the window at the soggy world outside, Jake believed the rain was never going to stop. He was extremely disappointed because it was the weekend, and he wanted to enjoy it with his best friends. Because of the intense storm outside, Jake now was trapped inside the house with his little sister, Emma. She always wanted him to play board games with her. However, Jake was too mature for board games—he was attending middle school now. From across the living room, Jake could hear the telltale sound of Emma coming toward him. The sound was a board game being dragged across the wood floor. Emma was lugging the game Candy Land in a tattered box. Jake could not help but smile when he saw that familiar game; he loved playing Candy Land when he was Emma’s age. He decided not to sulk anymore. Jake was going to teach Emma how to play the greatest game of all time.

59. Read the following sentence from the passage.

"He decided not to sulk anymore."

Which word is a synonym for sulk?

A. pout

B. quit

C. play

D. stop

(1) A geologist is a scientist who studies the Earth and the elements that form it. (2) The term "rock" (which may sound unscientific) is ______a scientific term used regularly by geologists. (3) A rock is defined as a combination of minerals and organic material. (4) Rocks are classified into three different types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. (5) Each type of rock gets its name from the way in which it was formed. (6) An igneous rock is formed by magma (molten rock) that cools and becomes solid. (7) A sedimentary rock is formed by layers of sediment that settle and harden over time. (8) The meaning of "rock" for a scientist is much more complicated than it is for an average person.

60. Which word or words best fit the blank in sentence 2?

A. in fact

B. similarly

C. at the same time

D. elsewhere

61. Which phrase best connect sentences 5 and 6?

A. Even though,

B. In conclusion,

C. For example,

D. On the whole,

Time by C. Vesely Time heals and time betrays Waiting for pain to subside Time scrapes its nails across the chalkboard in my mind And I wonder when it will end

Time heals and time betrays Watching the clouds drift in the sky Time sings its songs of soft breezes and flapping bird wings And I hope it never ends

Time heals and time betrays Growing older by the day Time speeds up and warps my limbs in its wake And I want it to stop

Time heals and time betrays Remembering when I was young Time casts its spell and makes me lose track of now And I relive my happiest memories.

62. Why does the author repeat the line "Time heals and time betrays"?

A. to emphasize the theme of time's ability to soothe and cause pain

B. to make the poem rhyme

C. to compare time to life

D. to illustrate that the narrator does not know how to tell time

63. Johan's teacher told him he has misspelled the word "highlight" in his report.

What can Johan quickly do to fix his mistake?

A. He could borrow his teacher's dictionary. B. He could use the glossary in the textbook.

C. He could use the word processor's spellchecker.

D. He could get assistance from a tutor.


The Ressling family went on vacation for a week, and ______mail was picked up by the neighbors.

What pronoun goes in the blank?

A. its

B. her

C. our

D. their

65. What are the descriptive words in the sentence below?

The flimsy roof on the house did not have a chance against the raging thunderstorm.

A. house, thunderstorm

B. flimsy, raging

C. have, against

D. roof, chance

66. Which sentence below uses affect correctly?

A. A lack of serious practice can negatively affect performance.

B. What affect does stretching have on your time?

C. Some people think the affect will be minimal.

D. You must always consider the affect on your running.


Look at the picture above. Which paragraph below paints the most vivid description of the situation? There are two people who are standing near each other. One person leans over a gray

A. block, and other person puts two arms up. They both are looking in one direction. Next to the gray block are two people. One has his mouth open while the other has his eyes

B. shut. One person is standing in front of the other person. Two male fans are extremely excited about the sport they are watching. The person with

C. the pink sweater whistles forcefully with his eyes shut. The other person dressed in green shouts and waves a small blue flag as a red balloon floats beside him. Two people, standing up, are whistling and shouting aloud. One person raises his arms and

D. waves something in his hands. The other person puts his fingers in the mouth while shutting the eyes as well.

68. "How do you think the new theater will affect there performance?" Kyra asked.

What change, if any, should be made in this sentence?

A. Replace the period (.) with a question mark (?).

B. Change there to their.

C. Replace the question mark (?) with a comma (,).

D. Change affect to effect.


There were alot of teachers in attendance at the annual science fair.

Which word is spelled incorrectly?

A. attendance

B. annual

C. alot

D. There

70. The Hornet Spook Light

W. The Stewarts lived about a mile north of us, and we often called upon them for a dozen eggs or a gallon of goat's milk. This was before they'd installed street lights; so, unless the moon was out, it was pitch-black on that road. In the dark, your eyes can play tricks on you. But when I saw the orange ball of light, I knew it wasn't just my imagination. It had a weird way of moving. It zigzagged back and forth, and it was hard to tell how far away it was. Eventually, it disappeared, but I'll never forget how scared I was. I ran all the way home.

X. I'd been working for the Army Corps of Engineers for several years when they told me about a tiny town called Joplin, Missouri. Apparently, there was a local legend about a strange light that appeared frequently on the road. They asked me if I wanted to go, and I thought that it might be an interesting assignment. I stayed with three other engineers in a hotel near the Oklahoma border. For two straight weeks, we spent our time interviewing the townspeople and exploring the site. Then, one night, it appeared to us: an orange illumination about the size of a basketball. It moved toward us, and—I swear—you could feel the heat emanating from it. When we reported back to the head office, we didn't know what to say. There was simply no way to explain something like that.

Y. It seems that almost every person who has witnessed the light offers a different explanation. One of the most plausible explanations is that the light is a reflection of nearby car headlights. However, stories of the light can be traced back to 1866, decades before the invention of the automobile. Today, even the Army Corps of Engineers concede that the light is a mystery. Tourists flock from all over the country to witness it for themselves, and many of these tourists do not leave disappointed.

Z. There were always stories, but when you're a first-grade schoolteacher, you discount these sorts of tales out of habit. The students would dare each other to walk down the road after dark. They said it was like a floating lantern light. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me, and I made a point of visiting the road myself. Within 15 minutes, it happened, and I just about fainted. The mind balks at this sort of phenomenon. There's simply no logical explanation.

Which of the sources above is a secondary source?

A. W

B. Z

C. X

D. Y

71. All my friends thought my baseball glove was trash, but I thought it was still in good condition.

trash ('trash) n. 1. empty talk or nonsense 2. literature that is of poor quality 3. something that is worthless or useless 4. trimmings from plants

Look at the dictionary entry above. What is the meaning of the word trash in the box?

A. definition 3

B. definition 2

C. definition 4

D. definition 1

72. Horses are some of the most majestic animals on earth. They are strong and powerful, yet gentle and calm if they are trained correctly. Horses can be used in therapy for children and adults with health problems. These people can gain better flexibility and balance from riding horses, as well as confidence in their physical ability. If you have ever ridden a horse, you know how calming the experience can be. The horse seems to understand what its rider is feeling, and it can anticipate what the rider will do next. For centuries, horses were used to transport goods and people from one place to another. Now, many people keep horses simply for the joy of riding them.

Which of these best describes the author's attitude toward horses?

A. unimpressed

B. judgmental

C. heartbroken

D. appreciative

73. The following passage is from page 135 of John Garcia's book, Spanish Explorers.

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca was born into a rich Spanish family around 1490, and he joined the army as a teenager. After his military service, Cabeza de Vaca was asked to sail to the New World on an expedition that included five ships and 600 men. They left Spain in 1527 and planned to build a colony in Florida. On November 6, 1528, two ships and 80 men landed near Galveston Island in Texas. It had been almost a year since the expedition began. Cabeza de Vaca and three other men decided to travel back toward Florida across land. They were able to live with the native people, and they ate whatever fruits or nuts they could find. The men also worked as doctors, helping the natives who were ill. In 1536, Cabeza de Vaca and his men met a group of Spanish soldiers who wanted to make the natives their slaves. They convinced the soldiers not to make slaves of the Pima Indians. After he went back to Spain, Cabeza de Vaca began writing about his trip. He made a report to the king about all the things he had seen in the New World. He wrote about the natives in a positive light while the Spanish had treated them only as slaves. His report asked the king of Spain to treat natives in the New World better. Cabeza de Vaca became a judge in Spain later in his life. He was in this position for the rest of his life.

Select the sentence that quotes the passage correctly. John Garcia says, "His report asked the king of Spain to treat natives in the New World

A. better." (135). John Garcia reports, "They ate whatever fruits or nuts they could find and lived with the

B. native people" (135). John Garcia says, "They convinced the Pima Indians to not make slaves of the Spanish

C. soldiers" (135). John Garcia states, "Cabeza de Vaca began writing about his trip after he went back to

D. Spain" (135).



Birds tweet cheerfully A rooster salutes The rising sun beckons the dawn The aches and dreads of yesterday Are gone Adventure calls expectantly Arise quickly! Do not delay! Today will be a wonderful day

What best describes the tone throughout the poem?

A. disappointed

B. amused

C. hopeful D. mocking

75. Read this excerpt from a science textbook and answer the question.

The Sun is the star at the center of our solar system. It is truly massive. Our Sun is so large that it contains over 90% of the matter in the entire solar system. That means that nine out of ten atoms belong to the Sun! Our star is able to produce heat and light because of a process known as fusion. The Sun does not have a crust like solid planets do. Instead, the visible edge of the Sun is the edge of its photosphere. Inside the Sun, temperatures can reach over 13,000,000 Kelvin!

The words "matter," "photosphere," "fusion," and "Kelvin" are bolded in the paragraph above because

A. bold words are always from foreign languages.

B. bonus words are always bold in a textbook.

C. bold words are defined in the book's glossary.

D. words that are hard to understand are bold.

76. My father introduced me to sports when I was just a child. Teamwork was the lesson he most wanted me to learn. ______, when I became a father myself, I tried to teach my children the same lesson.

Which word or words best fit the blank?

A. Although

B. For example

C. Afterward

D. However


Everyone can bring ______own favorite movie to the sleepover on Friday.

What pronoun goes in the blank?

A. their B. his or her

C. its

D. our

78. The band and I had a sold-out performance last night. There was not a single seat left in the auditorium after playing the first song. Screaming in excitement, the fans amazed us with their energy. We didn't want the night to end because of them.

Which modifier is dangling in the paragraph above?

A. after playing the first song

B. with their energy

C. Screaming in excitement

D. in the auditorium


Drink Up: Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can occur quickly and unexpectedly Regardless of the time of year, the body can become dehydrated quickly and suddenly. Dehydration is when the body loses too much fluid to function properly. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, the body normally loses water when we urinate, sweat, and breathe. It can easily become dehydrated when the weather is hot and humid. We sweat more in those conditions.

Why we need water More than half of the body is made up of water. Water nourishes and assists the body in many ways. A few of its uses are getting rid of waste and regulating body temperature. Water also helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure, protect joints, and moisturize skin.

Be proactive The body cannot survive without water. The best method of rehydration is prevention. The easiest way to monitor whether or not you are getting enough water is to check your urine color. If your urine is dark, you will need to get more fluids in your body. A clear or light yellow hue is the desired color for urine.

Tips for staying hydrated Most people can get enough water each day by drinking based on their level of thirst. They can also get enough water by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. People who exercise heavily or are outdoors in hot weather for long periods of time should drink water more often. This will help to prevent dehydration. The National Athletic Trainer's Association (NATA), an organization for certified athletic trainers, recommends planning outdoor exercises in the early morning or late evening. The NATA suggests that people exercising outdoors drink sports drinks in addition to water. Sports drinks are popular with athletes because they contain electrolytes. Electrolytes supply the body with sodium that is often lost through heavy sweating. However, most people can be sufficiently hydrated with water. Water is the best beverage choice because it does not have any added calories or sugar.

How does the author support the advice for drinking sports drinks when exercising outdoors?

A. by providing a poll of athletic organizations

B. by relying on his or her personal opinion

C. by recalling a story from a person's blog

D. by stating information from a reliable source

80. Tibby's class was asked to write a paper about a time when they had to solve a problem. Tibby decided to write about when her dog was barking loudly all the time and how it annoyed everyone. She drew a diagram to help her think out what happened.

Which of the following best fits the empty space in the diagram above?

A. Enrolled in obedience school

B. Gave the dog away

C. Bought the special collar

D. Let the dog bark

81. Skyler has written an article for the school newspaper. Read the article below.

A cellular phone company called BC&C recently discovered that its service cannot keep up with the use of its network. BC&C has determined that customers with smart phones are using the service throughout the day. The smart phone users connect to the network to use applications on their phones. The applications include games, programs to help locate businesses, and much more. The result of such high usage is a loss of coverage. When the network is too busy, other customers cannot make phone calls. BC&C already requires customers with smart phones to pay for an unlimited access plan. However, the company has come up with a bogus solution to limit how much customers use the network. The company wants to charge smart phone users even more if they access the service continuously. The amount of extra charges and the limited access minutes have yet to be determined.

Which word would best replace bogus in the following sentence?

"However, the company has come up with a bogus solution to limit how much customers use the network."

A. crummy

B. unpopular

C. stupid

D. lame

82. Jill is writing a report on the normal rainfall for her town between the months of July and September. What is the best source to locate that information?

A. a magazine article

B. a local newspaper

C. an encyclopedia

D. an almanac

83. Which sentence uses correct capitalization?

Jena Times was still the Mayor of Lufkin, Colorado, while Marilyn Jackson's Trial was

A. going on. Jena Times was still the Mayor of Lufkin, Colorado, while Marilyn Jackson's trial was

B. going on. Jena Times was still the mayor of lufkin, Colorado, while Marilyn Jackson's trial was

C. going on. Jena Times was still the mayor of Lufkin, Colorado, while Marilyn Jackson's trial was

D. going on.

84. Read the subject of the sentence, and then choose the best way to end the sentence using correct subject/verb agreement.

The daughters of Mr. Lowrey

A. enjoys the British Open.

B. love to play tennis.

C. was excited by the crowed.

D. is saving money for new rackets.

85. Cheryl led the fundraisers that allowed the theater to be renovated, but she did not brag about her good deed.

What change, if any, should be made in this sentence?

A. Remove the comma (,).

B. Change led to lead.

C. Make no change.

D. Add a comma (,) after fundraisers.

86. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

A hurricane is classified by the speed of ______winds.

A. its'

B. its

C. it's

D. its's


The school's teachers all decided to put on a play for ______students before the summer break.

What pronoun goes in the blank?

A. him

B. them

C. its

D. their

88. The following passage is taken from page 94 of April Norville's book 19th Century California.

Gold Rush

Gold has been used by humans for thousands of years, and in ancient times, it was used to make jewelry, cups, and other utensils. Most gold is mined from South Africa, which has the largest deposit in the world. In some places, gold is mined by blasting or drilling out the rock around the gold. The gold has to be refined before it can be used, and flotation is one method used for refinement. Chemicals and air are added to the gold, and tiny pieces of gold attach to the air bubbles. The bubbles float to the top of the chemicals, and the gold can be removed. Cyanidation can also be used to refine gold. In this method, cyanide and zinc are added to the gold, and the gold is separated from other materials. Today, gold is mostly used to make jewelry, but it is also used in electronics and electrical industries. A small percentage of the gold mined today is used to make a type of glass called purple of Cassius. This glass is placed on the windows of office buildings to keep the buildings cooler.

Which sentence plagiarizes paragraph 2 of this passage?

A. The bubbles float to the top of the chemicals, and the gold can be removed (Norville 94).

B. Today, a large percentage of mined gold is used in making jewelry (Norville 94).

C. Office building windows are kept cooler by applying purple of Cassius (Norville 94).

D. South Africa's deposit makes it the source of most of the world's gold (Norville 94).

89. (1) There are nearly 5,000 species of lizards. (2) They can be found on all continents except Antarctica. (3) They have limbs and external ears.

Unlike snakes.

What is the best way to add the dependent clause above to sentence 3?

A. They have unlike snakes limbs and external ears.

B. They have limbs and unlike snakes external ears.

C. They have limbs and external ears, but unlike snakes.

D. Unlike snakes, they have limbs and external ears.


The gymnasium looked more festive than usual decorated with balloons and streamers for the school dance.

What is the best way, if any, to rewrite this sentence?

The gymnasium looked more festive than usual for the school dance decorated with

A. balloons and streamers. Looking more festive than usual, the gymnasium decorated with balloons and streamers for

B. the school dance. For the school dance, the gymnasium looked more festive than usual decorated with

C. balloons and streamers. The gymnasium, decorated with balloons and streamers for the school dance, looked more

D. festive than usual.

91. Passage 1

Skateboarding is a sport just like any other. Many people look at skateboarders as though they were criminals. There is nothing illegal about the sport. However, because there are often not adequate facilities for practicing, skateboarders use public property. Instead of punishing skateboarders, we should work to build skate parks so they can practice safely and legally.

Passage 2

Skateboarders are a nuisance. They have no regard for the law. These people cause problems instead of simply practicing their skills. Skateboarding should be completely banned in the city limits, and the fines for breaking the ban should be larger. This would lower the city's overall crime rate.

How do the authors' attitudes toward skateboarding differ?

The author of passage 1 is excited about skateboarding; the author of passage 2 is confused

A. by skateboarding. The author of passage 1 is likes skateboarding; the author of passage 2 is does not have an

B. opinion about skateboarding. The author of passage 1 is angry about skateboarding; the author of passage 2 is amused

C. by skateboarding. The author of passage 1 approves of skateboarding; the author of passage 2 disapproves of

D. skateboarding.

92. All of the stores in the mall had ______biggest sales of the year in November.

What pronoun goes in the blank?

A. our

B. its

C. their

D. his or her

93. Naomi has been assigned to write a short story for her English class, and she has chosen to write a mystery. Which opening sentence would be best if she wants to create a mood of suspense?

The lone streetlight barely lit the sidewalk in front of her as Tess hurried along in the dark,

A. praying the footsteps she heard were just echoes of her own on the pavement. As she made her way down the sidewalk that night, Tess could hear a dog barking, which

B. reminded her of her own mutt, Jake, who'd be waiting at home to welcome her. The cherry trees were in full bloom, and their blossoms fell like snow as Tess headed for

C. home after work, enjoying the city street blanketed with a light coat of pinkish white. Tess knew the road well, as it was the one she walked every day to and from her summer

D. job at the grocery store, though being out at night made it a little harder to get her bearings.

94. Which of the following is a concluding statement?

A. Indeed, it is so much easier if a person knows how to use a computer.

B. Moreover, the hall could not accommodate so many people at once.

C. In brief, I can say that this was by far the greatest speech ever.

D. Accordingly, Max knew how Sharie would react to his request.


The Thinker's Game

Time will tell How often you have swiftly swung Time will tell Who it is that truly won Time will tell How the game was earnestly played Time will tell Whether the right decisions were made

So do your very best when you putt Try not to go willfully against your gut

What words used in the poem contribute best to the author's admiring tone?

A. "made" and "tell"

B. "swung" and "played"

C. "time" and "decisions"

D. "truly" and "earnestly"


Ben smiled as the sun's rays shimmered through the window and lit up the room drawing open the curtains.

What is the misplaced modifier in this sentence?

A. drawing open the curtains

B. as the sun's rays shimmered

C. through the window

D. lit up the room

97. Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question.

Thomas suffers from a phobia of spiders.

What does the word phobia mean in the sentence above?

A. a strong craving

B. a severe fear C. a good attitude

D. an allergy to poison

98. Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question.

The garage door opens when you press a button on the remote because it's automatic.

What does the word automatic mean in the sentence above?

A. overweight

B. not working

C. tall in height

D. self-moving


The saber-toothed cat was a fierce and hardy hunter; it once roamed throughout North and South America.

The sentence above is a

A. complex sentence.

B. compound sentence.

C. compound-complex sentence.

D. simple sentence.



The hot sun intensified the sharpness of Pete's face as he trudged along the beach. He breathed in the salty air and forgot about the pressures and responsibilities of school projects and chores around the house. Those things would be waiting for him, but now, he needed to unwind. Pete stretched his arms out. Then, he stepped into the damp sand on the shore and waited for the tide to come in. "Ah," Pete sighed. The water was perfect. Pete waded deeper into the water and then dove headlong into the waves. Each blissful stroke eased the stress that had been building for weeks. Pete drew steady, deep breaths as he continued swimming toward the bobbing buoy. When he finally reached it, he turned around and eyed the beach. The golden sand's beauty inspired him and begged for his return. Pete calmly swam back to the shore. When he reached shallow water, he stood up and walked onto the beach. He grabbed his towel, shook the sand out, and wrapped it around him. Smiling softly, he strolled toward home whistling a peaceful tune.

Think about the way the author portrays the character of Pete. What is the author's attitude toward Pete?

A. sympathetic

B. unfriendly

C. humorous

D. critical

101. Brianna finds the following definition in the glossary of her science textbook: coma: a cloud of dust around the nucleus of the comet

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word coma as it might be found in Brianna's textbook?

A. Please make sure you put all your comas, apostrophes, and periods in the sentences.

B. A coma is a very deep sleep.

C. I was glad my grandfather was not left in a coma after his serious accident.

D. The coma of the comet consists of ice particles and interstellar dust.

102. Jack, a 12-year-old boy, has decided to do something remarkable. Jack is raising money to purchase Snuggies for children being treated for cancer. Jack himself is undergoing cancer treatment at a children's hospital. He requested a Snuggie from his parents. At first, his mom did not understand why Jack would want a blanket with sleeves. Then, he explained that he gets cold during his treatments and cannot use his arms well when they are tucked under a blanket. Wearing a Snuggie during his uncomfortable treatments keeps him warm and allows him to play video games and surf the Internet. Jack wants all of the children being treated for cancer at his hospital to have a Snuggie of their own. He has collected over $1,000, so far. Also, the company that makes Snuggie has donated 100 of the sleeved blankets. Jack is confident that he will be able to get Snuggies for the estimated 1,000 young cancer patients at his hospital.

The purpose of this passage is to

A. inform readers about a young boy's effort to help others.

B. express feelings about parents who care for their sick children.

C. influence adults to purchase Snuggies for themselves.

D. entertain readers with a story about a blanket with sleeves.

103. Anna is looking to use the word address the way it is used in her textbook. Which of the following sentences uses it per the glossary entry below? address: a formal speech or statement for an audience

A. The package was not addressed for Mother.

B. He was unable to locate the address.

C. He addressed the students in a very serious tone.

D. The IP address on the computer was incorrect.


Susie May, the Complainer

There was never a complaint That Susie May never made. She would whine without restraint To show how she was dismayed.

Nothing appeared to be right In Susie May's eyes, so bright. She would shout, yell, howl, and scream To let out some of her steam.

Everyone was too afraid Of Susie May to complain. Her words were very well played And stung to cause lots of pain.

Which of the following is true about the poem above?

A. Line 2 and Line 4 of each stanza rhyme with each other.

B. Each line in the poem has the same number of syllables. C. Each stanza in the poem has the same rhyme scheme.

D. Line 1 and Line 3 of each stanza rhyme with each other.

105. The animals that make the widest use of tools are humans. The first tools used by humans took the form of crude instruments such as sticks and rocks. ______, other animals like chimpanzees and gorillas are now known to use these same basic tools to hunt and survive.

Which word or words best fit the blank?

A. Although

B. Similarly

C. As a result

D. At last


I hope you are going to the party because it'll be fun.

Which of the following is a prepositional phrase from the sentence above?

A. you are going

B. to the party

C. because it'll be fun

D. I hope

107. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

There were ______many people in the park for us to have our picnic there.

A. too

B. though

C. two

D. to


To help keep this party a secret, all of the decorations and supplies will be kept where the birthday boy never goes, at Lisa's house.

What is the dangling modifier in this sentence?

A. of the decorations and supplies

B. where the birthday boy never goes

C. To help keep this party a secret

D. at Lisa's house

109. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

Because there/their/they're dogs were well-behaved, Diane and Lucy were allowed to bring them to the party.

A. their

B. there

C. they're

D. theyre


The prophet divined that the stars would fall from the sky in June.

What is the meaning of the word divined in the sentence above?

A. to be supremely powerful

B. to discover with instincts

C. to locate water with a rod

D. relating to God or a god

111. Castel Sant'Angelo

Castel Sant'Angelo is a tall, round building near the Vatican in Rome. It was first commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian to be a resting place for himself and his family. The building was later used as a fortress and castle before it became the museum that it is today.

The statue on the top of Castel Sant'Angelo depicts the angel Michael for whom the castle is named. Legend claims that the angel put away his sword on the top of the building as a sign of the end of the plague in 590 AD.

In medieval times, several different popes converted the structure into a castle. Pope Nicholas III connected the newly redesigned castle to the Vatican by a concealed and armed hallway called the Passeto di Borgo. In 1527, the castle then became a fortress for Pope Clement VII, who fled the Vatican from the siege of Charles V's attack on Rome.

Who is depicted in the statue on the top of the building?

A. Pope Clement VII

B. Pope Nicholas III

C. the emperor Hadrian

D. the angel Michael


Entry Word: pound

Function: noun Definition: a place where animals are kept Synonyms: enclosure, camp, shelter

Function: verb Definition: to beat or strike heavily Synonyms: hit, strike, hammer Near Antonyms: aid, give up, assist

Function: noun Definition: a unit of weight Synonyms: pint, troy Antonyms: None

What could you use as a synonym for the word pound in the following sentence?

When Jake went to volunteer at the local pound, he was surprised to see that the animals were treated well.

A. assist

B. strike

C. aid

D. shelter

113. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. Laura was better at the 400-meter sprint then the longer races.

B. Rather then choose between them, Jake chose both track and cross country.

C. Jake was going to run cross country, but than he decided on track.

D. Jake ran faster than Laura, but Laura typically ran farther.


Neither of the older children could tell Grandma where ______hid the presents.

What pronoun goes in the blank?

A. her

B. we

C. he or she

D. they

115. Which word or phrase is modified by the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?

The man with the collared shirt will collect your tickets and will help you find your seats. A. man

B. tickets

C. will collect

D. will help

116. The following passage is taken from page 321 of L. H. Bailey's book Manual of Gardening.

The best shade trees are usually those that are native to the particular region, since they are hardy and adapted to the soil and other conditions. Elms, maples, basswoods, and the like are nearly always reliable. In regions in which there are serious insect enemies or fungous diseases, the trees that are most likely to be attacked may be omitted. For instance, in parts of the East the chestnut bark-disease is a very great menace; and it is a good plan in such places to plant other trees than chestnuts.

Which sentence plagiarizes this passage?

Trees that are found locally should be used because they will be well adjusted (Bailey

A. 321).

B. Elms, maples, basswoods, and the like are nearly always reliable (Bailey 321).

C. It is best to avoid planting trees that are likely to get infected by native pests (Bailey 321).

D. American elms, sugar maples, and basswoods are tried-and-true shade trees (Bailey 321).


Cate was bothered by the red, itchy rash quickly growing on her leg.

Which sentence uses the word rash as it is used in the box above?

A. Evie rashly told a lie instead of the truth.

B. Michael's rash decision affected everyone.

C. There was a rash of burglaries on the street.

D. Poison ivy can cause annoying rashes on the skin.

118. Women need to consume more dairy products than men because of the way their bodies work. Women are more likely to get osteoporosis, a disease that attacks the bones. Milk and other dairy products contain calcium, which makes bones stronger. Some studies have also shown that consuming enough dairy products can help women maintain their weight. For people who do not like milk, there are other options. Yogurt, cheese, and ice cream are also dairy products. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that adult women should eat or drink at least three servings of dairy each day.

Based on the passage, it is clear that the author wants readers to

A. eat the right foods to lose weight.

B. help dairy farmers sell milk products.

C. consume more dairy products.

D. consume yogurt instead of cheese.

119. Aubrey worried that people wouldn't interact at her party, so she pulled out games to encourage people to talk.

What does the word interact mean in the sentence above?

A. mingle

B. smile

C. eat

D. sleep


Disco Demolition Night

(1) On Christmas Eve in 1978, Steve Dahl was fired from WDAI because the Chicago-based station's format was changing from rock to disco. (2) In March 1979, Dahl was hired by WLUP, a rival station. (3) To fight the war against disco, Dahl created a mock army called "The Insane Coho Lips Anti-Disco Army." (4) A promotional event held July 12, 1979, sparked a lot of support for Dahl's cause. (5) During a doubleheader at Cominskey Park between the White Soxs and the Tigers, anyone who donated a disco record got to see the games for 98 cents. (6) In the 52,000-seat stadium, around 90,000 people showed up to destroy disco. (7) After the first game, all the records were collected in a crate and taken to centerfield where Dahl, wearing an army helmet and jacket, blew the records to smithereens. (8) The explosion created a crater and started a fire. (9) Crazed fans then raided the field. Rioting, stealing, and more destruction followed. (10) Game announcers pleaded with fans to leave the field. (11) However, Chicago policemen had to restore order. (12) "I was seven years old, and it was scary," said Jordan Sterling, who attended the game with her father. (13) "Luckily, we had cheap seats on the upper deck. (14) At least we were somewhat distanced from the crazed crowd." (15) When the field finally cleared, it was in such poor shape that the White Sox had to forfeit the second game to the Tigers. (16) Disco Demolition is known as the worst promotional event in baseball history.

Which sentence from the article serves as an example of the author's use of a primary source?

A. sentence 12

B. sentence 15

C. sentence 5

D. sentence 3

121. Janice has listened to her Jonas Brothers CD over and over. She wants to learn more about the band. What should she do?

A. type "popular music" into a search engine

B. type a specific song name into a search engine

C. type "Jonas Brothers" into a search engine

D. type a specific album name into a search engine

122. Which of the following choices best fits the blank in the sentence below?

Lighthouse Elementary ______$3,000 in donations.

A. School a red brick school received

B. School, a red brick school, received

C. School, a red, brick school, received

D. School a red brick school, received

123. I slammed the window as hard as I could. The awful rain had ruined everything! There it was—just pouring, pouring, and pouring like the rest of us had absolutely nothing to do with our afternoon. The rain flooded the sidewalks, trickled over the gutters, and gushed down the driveways. I peered out my bedroom window, shaking my head as the road teemed with rainwater, gurgling from house to house to house and finally toward the sewers. When we'd made our plans last week, Saturday afternoon had seemed like the perfect time. In fact, it had seemed like the perfect time until about half an hour ago when the skies broke open, releasing torrents of water all over Washingtonville. It was just maddening! We'd planned everything right down to the final detail—and then this had to go and happen!

If this story were to continue, what would the author most likely discuss in the next paragraph?

A. what plans have been ruined by the rain

B. what kinds of houses are on her street

C. what it is like to live in Washingtonville

D. what type of weather she likes the best

124. emphasis \em·pha·sis\ n. 1. to stress 2. a force of expression

What part of speech is the word emphasis?

A. adverb

B. adjective

C. verb

D. noun

125. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. While his dad put the jack under the car, Trey looked for the tire iron in the trunk.

B. While his dad put the jack; under the car, Trey looked for the tire iron in the trunk.

C. While his dad put the jack under the car; Trey looked for the tire iron in the trunk.

D. While his dad put the jack, under the car Trey looked for the tire iron, in the trunk.


A pet is a big responsibility, so people should fully think through the long-term commitment before deciding to adopt one. For example, dogs need to be walked a few times a day, which can be an impossible chore for some families. A family that spends most of its time at school or at work might have a hard time giving a dog the attention it needs. In such a case, a cat might be a more suitable choice. In addition, vet bills can be quite expensive. It is a good idea for people to determine if they make enough money to pay for the check-ups and vaccinations a pet requires. Many people prefer to adopt pets from their local animal shelters rather than from breeders or pet shops. It is also wise to consider an animal's size. A house with a yard could accommodate a pet of any size, but a cat or a small dog is a better fit for an apartment.

Which of the following sentences least supports the main idea of this paragraph? Many people prefer to adopt pets from their local animal shelters rather than from breeders

A. or pet shops. A family that spends most of its time at school or at work might have a hard time giving a

B. dog the attention it needs. For example, dogs need to be walked a few times a day, which can be an impossible chore

C. for some families. A house with a yard could accommodate a pet of any size, but a cat or a small dog is a

D. better fit for an apartment.

127. In which of the following sentences do the subject and verb agree?

A. We all feels incredibly lucky to have Mr. Hampton as a mentor.

B. Mr. Hampton's acting class is the best part of my day.

C. The actors in Martin's school performs challenging dramatic pieces.

D. A lack of discipline make acting impossible for even the most talented students.


Tom and Jerry have a big argument every morning over what they should do with their day.

The sentence above is

A. a compound sentence.

B. a simple sentence.

C. a complex sentence.

D. an interrogative sentence.


Marshall is the ______person in our school.

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence above? A. less serious

B. least serious

C. least seriousest

D. less seriouser

130. Which of the following uses the correct end punctuation?

A. Lucy begged. "Can I please go to the movies even though it's a school night!"

B. Lucy begged? "Can I please go to the movies even though it's a school night."

C. Lucy begged, "Can I please go to the movies even though it's a school night?"

D. Lucy begged, "Can I please go to the movies even though it's a school night."

131. When attending a job interview, you should practice decorum; for example, dress well, be prepared, and thank your interviewer.

What is the meaning of the word decorum in the sentence above?

A. fashion sense

B. decoration

C. politeness

D. speaking skills

132. Virgil, Georgia. "Keystones." The Encyclopedia of 4th Century Roman Architecture. London. The Royal Society Press. 1967.

According to the bibliography entry, which individual or organization published this encyclopedia?

A. Virgil Georgia

B. Roman Architects

C. Georgia Virgil

D. The Royal Society


On cold and dreary nights I like to sit by the fire and watch the flames.

The sentence above is a

A. simple sentence.

B. compound-complex sentence.

C. compound sentence.

D. complex sentence.


The Rugged Peak

(1) When my family visited the Oregon coast each summer, we would climb a nearby peak called Neahkahnie Mountain. (2) The trailhead was within walking distance from our cabin, right along the highway. (3) Crossing the highway carefully, my parents and I entered the trail and immediately began to climb. (4) Wild blueberry bushes were all along the path, and we were tempted to just stay there and eat the berries! (5) Near the top, the air was foggy and cold, and we had to put on an extra layer of clothing to stay warm. (6) By about halfway up the winding trail, my legs threatened to give out. (7) However, by then I could see the peak above me. (8) This inspired me to keep trudging onward. (9) At last, after about an hour of hiking, we reached the rugged peak, over 1,600 feet above the beach. (10) The incredible view of cliffs and shoreline made the climb more than worth the effort.

Which sentence in this passage is in the wrong place?

A. sentence 7

B. sentence 3

C. sentence 5

D. sentence 9


That quarterback and that wide receiver ______a great pair on the field.

What verb should be placed in the blank?

A. making

B. is making C. make

D. makes

136. When the fire alarm went off, the principal ordered that the protocol go into effect. The school had practiced fire drills every month, so every student should know the rules to this situation.

What does the word protocol mean in the selection above?

A. changes

B. firefighters

C. procedure

D. fees

137. Though the Empire State Building is famous for its height, it is also known for something else—its Tower Lights. The building's top 14 floors are actually a 200-foot tower, complete with lights capable of producing an array of colors. Beginning with a single searchlight beacon in November 1932, which announced that Franklin Roosevelt had become president, the lights have changed much over the years. Now, several hundred fluorescent tubes make much more possible. With the flip of a switch, the tower's white lights can be changed to honor special people and events. For example, in 1976, the Tower Lights were changed to red, white, and blue; this was to honor the country's bicentennial. When the Yankees won the 1977 World Series, blue and white lights flashed. On September 24, 2009, red lights were used to mark the 70th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz. The lights glowed green on Earth Day 2010. Over the years, the Empire State Building has had countless visitors. Prince Charles, the King of Siam, schoolchildren, tourists, and many others have come to New York City to admire it. However, for many people, the simple act of changing the lights inspires just as much awe as the building's soaring height and stunning views.

Notes 1. The Empire State Building is known for its height. 2. The colors of the Tower Lights can be changed. 3. In 1976, the Tower Lights were red, white, and blue. 4. Prince Charles has visited the Empire State Building.

Which of the following subjects is the main topic of this passage?

A. Roosevelt's connection to the Empire State Building

B. the soaring height of the Empire State Building C. people who have visited the Empire State Building

D. the lighting displays of the Empire State Building


A Gift for Business

Monica sat at the kitchen table, filling in her calendar with all the babysitting jobs she had arranged for the next few weeks. Her father sat across from her and beamed at his daughter. "I'm so proud of you, Monica, for making your babysitting business such a success." "Thanks, Dad," Monica answered with a grin. "Those flyers I put up at the community center really paid off. I already have jobs lined up for the entire month of June!" Her dad shook his head in amazement. "At the rate you're going, you'll have the money together for that new bike in no time." He thought for a moment and added, "You know, that lawn-mowing business you had going last summer was also a winner. You certainly have the Midas touch when it comes to business!" Monica closed her calendar and sat back in her chair with a contented look. "I guess I've been pretty lucky," she said, "or maybe I've just picked the right services. People always seem to need their lawns mowed and their kids looked after! It helps to have a goal, too," she added. "Every time I get tired of working, I just imagine that gorgeous 21- speed bike. It will be my payoff for all the sweat and toil."

Which sentence from the passage is an example of an allusion?

A. "People always seem to need their lawns mowed and their kids looked after!"

B. "You certainly have the Midas touch when it comes to business!"

C. Her father sat across from her and beamed at his daughter.

D. Monica closed her calendar and sat back in her chair with a contented look.

139. Which of the following is an introductory statement?

A. In fact, there are millions of unnamed creatures in the ocean.

B. However, she did not go to school for a very long time.

C. Things got out of hand even before the police got there.

D. To conclude, there should be a shelter to serve sick animals.

140. Once school is finished for the day, students can choose from a variety of activities for entertainment. They can watch television, play outside, or browse the Internet. However, one activity that students are no longer enjoying is reading. Over the years, interest in reading has greatly declined. With the rise of technology, television and Internet use have grown quickly. Most students go home and watch television for an average of two hours. They also browse the Internet for entertainment, which sometimes does not involve reading. The time it takes to watch television and to surf the Internet could be spent reading. Limiting reading can have harmful effects on learning because students are just being entertained. They are not gaining much knowledge. Although technology has certainly changed how people live, it does not make reading less interesting. Reading books, whether fiction or nonfiction, requires a little bit more effort. This is because books have to be actively read instead of being watched, like television. Despite the effort needed for books, reading is definitely worth the time. It provides students with a varied vocabulary. This allows them to communicate with other people now and in the future. In addition, reading helps students to perform better in school and on tests because they can comprehend what the text means. Reading books does not mean that students can no longer have fun. Rather, it is just a different form of entertainment. With reading, students are being entertained as well as learning.

How does the author share his or her opinion in this passage?

A. by pointing out the different types of entertainment that students now have

B. by contrasting the benefits of reading with the popularity of technology

C. by proving that too much time is wasted on television and the Internet

D. by stating that students should no longer watch television or use the Internet



(1) Like diamonds, pearls are highly valued and prized for both their beauty and their rarity. (2) A pearl is mostly made of calcium carbonate, which also forms marine organisms like coral and sea urchins. (3) Pearls are produced by mollusks, such as mussels, oysters, clams, and snails. (4) Mollusks are invertebrates with a soft body, usually protected by a shell. (5) When any tiny object gets inside (such as a small piece of shell), mollusks protect their delicate bodies by coating the object with calcium carbonate. (6) This then becomes the tiny "seed" of a pearl. (7) Large pearls take a few years to grow, and it is very hard to find ones that have a perfect round shape. (8) Over time, the pearl gets bigger as the mollusk keeps coating the foreign object with layers. (9) Generally speaking, bigger pearls are considered rarer and more valuable. (10) These large pearls are quite rare and very expensive.

Which sentence in this passage is in the wrong place?

A. sentence 2

B. sentence 5 C. sentence 7

D. sentence 10


My parents are looking to buy the ______car on the market.

Which word or phrase best completes the sentence above?

A. most reliable

B. reliabler

C. reliablest

D. more reliable


Florist is to bouquet as writer is to ______

Which of the following best completes the analogy?

A. author.

B. novel.

C. pen.

D. reader.

144. Which author's name should come first on the Works Cited page?

A. Nash, John. The Quest for Shangrila. Harper Collins, New York. 2009.

B. Smith, Gray. The Temples of The Lost World. Sage Publications, Virginia. 2004.

C. Uri, Gazatolah. Many Road to Cross. Pashtoon Press, Tehran. 2002.

D. Timothy, Dalton. Bridges of Edmonton. Newbery Publications, England. 2006.

145. Which sentence uses correct capitalization? A. Our favorite activities at Camp Lake Tahoma were archery and kayaking.

B. Our favorite activities at camp Lake Tahoma were Archery and Kayaking.

C. Our favorite activities at Camp Lake Tahoma were Archery and Kayaking.

D. Our favorite activities at camp Lake Tahoma were archery and kayaking.



Most people have seen a gecko before. However, some people do not how great geckos are. They live in all climates except for extremely cold conditions. Therefore, the only place one is likely to not find geckos is Antarctica. Unlike the dazzling green geckos seen on television, most geckos in the United States are a mild shade of gray, brown, or white. These small lizards can measure one to six inches long. Geckos have a couple of traits that make them stand out from other lizards. Geckos have a remarkable ability to get in and out of most places easily. They have been known to climb windows, walls, and ceilings in households. The geckos' feet have tiny hairs on them that are connected to little pads. The small pads stick to surfaces like suction cups. This helps geckos move about on most dry areas. Geckos also have voices. The sound of their voices can change; they can make chirping, clicking, or barking noises. This sets geckos apart from other kinds of lizards that only hiss. Each species of gecko has its own sound. Geckos usually reserve their voices to communicate with other geckos. As a result, a person will unlikely hear a lone gecko chirping.

Which of the following would be the best concluding sentence for this passage?

A. In summary, geckos have tails that can grow back.

B. In conclusion, geckos are a great option for a pet.

C. All in all, geckos are an amazing group of lizards.

D. Lastly, geckos move quickly and are hard to find.

147. Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question.

Our science class visited the hydroelectric dam outside of town to watch the power plant produce electricity.

What does the word hydroelectric mean in the sentence above?

A. electric power from water B. electric power from hot air

C. electric power from fire

D. electric power from the sun


Before Shane left for the party, his mother quizzed him about the safety rules.

In this sentence, the word quizzed means

A. to create a surprise.

B. to question closely.

C. to make fun of a lot.

D. to confuse someone.

149. I was walking through the store in my pajamas, when I found a talking dog, I woke up from my strange dream; when the dog asked, "How can I help you?"

In order to be punctuated correctly, how must the sentence above be rewritten?

I was walking through the store, in my pajamas, when I found a talking dog; and I woke up

A. from my strange dream when the dog asked, "How can I help you?" I was walking through the store in my pajamas; when I found a talking dog, I woke up

B. from my strange dream, when the dog asked, "How can I help you?" I was walking through the store in my pajamas, when I found a talking dog I woke up;

C. from my strange dream when, the dog asked, "How can I help you?" I was walking through the store in my pajamas when I found a talking dog; I woke up from

D. my strange dream when the dog asked, "How can I help you?"


Kenny, on the other hand, likes the view that he gets from the top of the mountain, and he enjoys hiking in the forest.

The sentence above is a A. simple sentence.

B. complex sentence.

C. compound-complex sentence.

D. compound sentence.


Mount Rainier

Paragraph 1 On a clear day, this mountain towers over the landscape. It rises up out of the foothills to a height of 14,410 feet. The mountain has 26 named glaciers and countless smaller ones on its face, more than any other mountain in the lower 48 states. If you drive along Interstate 5 from Seattle, Washington, toward Portland, Oregon, you are sure to see Mount Rainier. The local Native American tribes called the mountain "Tahoma." In 1792, however, British explorer Captain George Vancouver named it Mount Rainier. He named it for his friend Rear Admiral Peter Rainier. Glaciers on the mountain form the beginnings of six major rivers in the area.

Paragraph 2 Mount Rainier is an active volcano, like its neighbor to the south, Mount St. Helens. In fact, Mount Rainier is overdue to explode. Steam explosions have occurred on the mountain throughout the years, and scientists expect Mount Rainier to fully erupt sometime in the next few hundred years. If Mount Rainier does erupt unexpectedly, it will cause major destruction. The most damage would come from lahars, which are volcanic mudslides. These lahars will quickly melt the snow and ice that are layered upon the mountain. They also have the potential to destroy communities near the mountain. Even though scientists do not think that the mountain will erupt anytime soon, communities around the mountain are still preparing for the worst.

Paragraph 3 Researchers have found debris that suggest stone tools were made and sharpened at those sites. Mount Rainier has also proven to be a rich area for archeologists to study the native cultures. At least five Native American tribes once lived in the area around the mountain. These tribes were the Nisqually, Puyallup, Muckleshoot, Yakama, and Taidnapam. From the debris that has been unearthed on the mountain, scientists now know that the tribes visited the mountain in the summer and fall to hunt animals. Native Americans came to gather berries and other plants. 79 archaeological sites have been found so far on the mountain. These provide the evidence that Native Americans once lived near Mount Rainier.

Paragraph 4 So many people began to visit the area in the 1800s that in 1899 Mount Rainier was made a national park. It was only the fifth national park in the United States. Today, the number of visitors exceeds two million a year. People flock to hike and camp along its lakes and rivers and to gaze at the mountain. There were no roads leading into the park until 1911 when the first car reached the area. Roads enabled far more visitors to come, and by the 1950s, the park had already seen over a million visitors per year.

Which paragraph is organized in the most logical order?

A. paragraph 2

B. paragraph 3

C. paragraph 1

D. paragraph 4


Entry Word: deputy Function: noun

Definition: a person appointed to act for another [You should listen to Bob because he is my deputy.] Synonyms: aide, ambassador, appointee, backup, delegate, substitute Related Words: lieutenant, surrogate Near Antonyms: chief, manager, boss, leader

Which of these words is a synonym for the word deputy in the following sentence?

The Secretary of Education could not attend the meeting, so she sent her deputy.

A. manager

B. delegate

C. chief

D. leader


Save the Movies

Today, movies rely too heavily on material from books. Movies no longer have original tales to tell. The books are often adapted so that they can fit into the short timeframe of a movie. However, that method does not always create the best movie. Some fans do enjoy the movie versions of their beloved books, but most find that the movies completely lack the spirit of the books. In very rare cases, such as in the Harry Potter series, the movies are successful interpretations of the books. However, for the majority of the time, books fail to translate well onto the movie screen. Movies such as The Golden Compass and The Scarlet Letter do not match the fans' expectations and disappoint in the movie box office. Therefore, movie executives should reconsider their approach to movie making. They should start making original, thoughtful movies. If not, the executives are not only destroying people's love for the movies, but they are also ruining people's love for books.

How does the author share his or her opinion in this passage?

A. by providing examples of failed movies that were adapted from books

B. by stating that the majority of people only watch movies that are original

C. by pointing out that book sales have declined greatly in the past year

D. by showing how script writers shorten the lengthen of the book for movies

154. Travis is writing an essay over the advancement of the polio vaccine in the 1950s. Before the vaccine, people were vulnerable to a disease that could cause paralysis. The development of the vaccine helped save many lives. Which of the following would be the best source for Travis to use for his paper?

A. a recent issue of a scientific magazine

B. a paper written by a person who survived the disease in the 1950s

C. an autobiography of the scientist who developed the polio vaccine

D. a map of diseases around the world

155. Paul is working on a research paper about the beginning of pop art, a modern- art movement, in the mid-1950s. Paul knows that pop art began in England and became prominent in America in the 1960s. Pop artists used images from popular culture, such as advertisements and news, in their works. Even though Paul has background information about the art movement, he wants to learn more about how pop art began.

Which one of the following would be the most credible source for Paul's paper?

A. an article written by the director of the pop art exhibit at a prestigious museum

B. a Web site with a collection of reviews about the different types of modern art

C. an interview with a frequent visitor at a museum that has a pop art exhibit

D. a dated letter written by a famous pop artist explaining his latest artwork

156. (1) Paige Reed, the class president, was responsible for organizing the school fundraiser. (2) She decided that her class should host a carnival. (3) When her classmates arrived at the carnival, they were amazed by it. (4) Paige had thought of everything: the decorations, the games, and the prizes. (5) Everyone had a blast! (6) The school raised more money than ever before.

Read the following sentence.

Even though her classmates protested the idea

What is the best way to add the dependent clause above to sentence 2?

Even though her classmates protested the idea she decided that her class should host a

A. carnival. Even though her classmates protested, she decided that her class should host a carnival, the

B. idea. She decided that her class should host a carnival even though her classmates protested the

C. idea. She decided that her class should host a carnival, even though her classmates protested the

D. idea.


The team and the coach ______hard to prepare each week.

What verb should be placed in the blank?

A. working

B. is working

C. work

D. works

Passage 1

Many people may know Paul Hewson as Bono, the lead singer of the Irish rock band U2. He is also an activist for human rights. An activist is someone who believes in a cause so much that he or she takes action to help that cause. Bono and his band have performed in many benefit shows to raise money for people in Africa. He performed in the Band Aid and Live Aid shows. He has also started several organizations to provide food, medical care, and education for people in Africa. Bono is a co-founder of ONE and (RED). These organizations raise funds for Africa. Bono also helped start a clothing company called EDUN to make clothes in developing countries like Africa. Bono has traveled to Africa to volunteer in feeding programs and to raise awareness of problems there. He has also been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to help poor people in Africa.

Passage 2

Ingrid Newkirk began working with animals at a Maryland animal shelter in 1972. She did not like the harsh treatment animals received there. She moved on to become an animal investigator for Montgomery County in Maryland. Then, Newkirk became the chief of the animal-disease-control division for Washington, D.C. She started the organization called PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) in 1980. Her main goal as leader of PETA was to stop animal cruelty. Ingrid has worked hard to expose poor treatment of animals in labs. She has also drawn attention to the treatment of animals in the field of entertainment. Under Ingrid’s guidance, PETA has won many animal cruelty cases.

158. What is the common theme in both of the passages?

A. Animals should be respected and treated fairly by people around the world.

B. You should give a lot of your time and money to help starving people in Africa.

C. It is important to stand up for your beliefs to make a positive difference.

D. Musicians have the biggest impact in helping raise money for important causes.

159. According to the two passages, how are Bono and Newkirk different from each other?

A. Bono gives a lot of time to his cause; Ingrid does not give time to hers.

B. Ingrid is recognized for her work; Bono is not known for his work.

C. Bono works for human rights; Ingrid works for animal rights.

D. Ingrid started an organization; Bono has not started an organization.

Many English words and word parts can be traced back to Latin and Greek. By learning what parts of words mean, you can figure out the meanings of bigger words that you might not know at first glance. Look at the chart below, and then answer the question.

Latin & Greek Latin & Greek Meaning Meaning Word Part Word Part a without paleo ancient

anthro humans; people path feeling

bio life phil love

contra against phon sound

dict to say photo light

graph picture poly many

hemi half pseudo false

logue talk or a speech scope to see

micro small script to write

mis to hate somna sleep

mono one; alone spir to breathe

neo new tele from a distance

pac peace terras earth


Many people mistake Mr. Scruffs to be a misanthrope, but he actually loves mankind.

In other words, Mr. Scruffs

A. uses few words to communicate.

B. studies the behavior of people.

C. is not very easy to understand.

D. is not someone who hates people.

What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

One of the biggest unsolved mysteries for scientists is figuring out what happened to the dinosaurs. About 64 million years ago, dinosaurs died out, and scientists today are still trying to determine the cause. The one thing that most scientists agree on is that the climate on Earth changed, which made it harder for the dinosaurs to survive. Some scientists think that the change in Earth's climate happened quickly and was caused by something that was not from this planet. Their theory is that an asteroid hit the Earth. The impact of the asteroid created a large dust cloud that blocked the Sun. When the Sun could not reach Earth, many plants died, making food harder to find for the dinosaurs. Another idea is that the climate change was slow and was caused by events happening on Earth. The plates that make up the planet's surface shifted. Some scientists think that as the plates moved, pieces of the land separated, and many volcanoes erupted. Both events would have changed the climate, but the change would have happened over a long period of time. Whichever theory is true, we know that the dinosaurs are no longer here—probably because of the change in Earth's climate during that time. Until scientists find more evidence, the disappearance of the dinosaurs will remain a mystery.

161. This passage is organized using

A. definition.

B. chronological order.

C. cause and effect.

D. proposition and support.

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway's first job was as a newspaper writer in Kansas, at the age of 17. He wrote about everything that happened at the local police station, the train station, and the hospital. Hemingway worked for the newspaper for six months. The Red Cross then hired him to work during World War I. Hemingway traveled to Italy to work for an ambulance unit, which transported wounded soldiers to hospitals. During his military service, Hemingway was wounded. After his release from the hospital, he was promoted to first lieutenant in the army. Hemingway left the army in 1919. When he came back to America, Hemingway began writing for a magazine. He married a woman named Elizabeth, and they moved to Paris, France. In Paris, Hemingway began writing fiction. He also traveled all over Europe writing news stories about various wars. While he was in Spain covering a war, he wrote To Have and Have Not. He also wrote several novels when he lived in Cuba and Paris, France. Throughout his career, Ernest Hemingway published nine novels. More of his writing was published after his death. 162. Which of the following sentences would best conclude paragraph 3?

A. Hemingway's wife was educated at the Mary Institute.

B. Hemingway's military service lasted for about a year.

C. He quit working for the Toronto Star in 1924.

D. He published his first novel, The Torrents of Spring, in 1926.

163. Which of the following sentences would best introduce paragraph 3?

A. Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction in 1953.

B. Hemingway worked as a journalist for many years.

C. Hemingway began losing memory in his final years.

D. Hemingway wrote many of his novels overseas.

(1) Albert was telling us about how he cycled through three states. (2) My brother and myself listened to him with rapt attention. (3) It seemed like such an adventure.

164. What change if any should be made to sentence 2?

A. Make no change.

B. Change myself to me.

C. Change rapt to wrapped.

D. Change My to Me.


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