CURRICULUM VITAE Guillermo Rodríguez-Romaguera Department of English and Comparative Literature University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27514 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, July 2017-present EDUCATION Ph.D. Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture (Comparative Media and Culture), University of Southern California, 2017 M.A. Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture (Comparative Media and Culture), University of Southern California, 2015 M.F.A. Cinema-Television Production, University of Southern California, 2004 A.B. Comparative Literature and Latin American Studies, Princeton University, 1999 BOOKS Mirrors to the Unconscious: Spanish Meta-Art and Contemporary Cinema (under advance contract at Wayne State University Press) ARTICLES IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS 1. Rodríguez-Romaguera, G. “Hermetic Space as Abstraction of the Mechanisms of Censorship: Symptomatic ‘Archive Fever’ in Carlos Saura’s La madriguera.” Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 2.1 (2018), pp. 1-16. Link to Article 2. Rodríguez-Romaguera, G. “The Quixotic in Horror: Self-Generating Narrative and Its Self- Critical Sequel in Wes Craven’s Self-Reflexive Horror Cinema.” Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 37.2 (2017), pp. 143-168. Link to Article G. Rodríguez2 -Romaguera 2 3. Rodríguez-Romaguera, G. “‘Y te sacarán los ojos’: The Defiance of Reconstituted Sight in Dictatorship and Post-Dictatorship Spanish Cinema.” Studies in European Cinema 13.2 (2016), pp. 119-133. Link to Article OTHER PUBLICATIONS 4. Rodríguez-Romaguera, G. “Luis Buñuel (1900-1983)” (article for retrospective Objects of Desire: The Films of Luis Buñuel sponsored by the Embassy of Spain), 2016 Fall/Winter Spanish Cultural Program US & Canada, Spain arts & culture, Washington DC 5.