The Newsletter of First City Network — Georgia’s oldest LGBT organization. Founded 1985 VOLUME 33, ISSUE 2 • JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2019 LGBT Center Recipient of Alexis Arquette Foundation Donation Join FCN for Annual MLK Day Parade The Savannah LGBT Center recently received a wonderful by Michael Ploski donation from The Alexis Arquette Family Foundation of hats, Every year, the MLK Observance Day Association cele- gloves, coats, and assorted toiletries and personal hygiene brates a national holiday honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Lu- items to be shared with those in the LGBT community who ther King, Jr., who helped to change the world through his are homeless, out of work, struggling to make ends meet, mission of peace and message of unity and equality. Once facing the holidays with no family support, or living with HIV/ again, First City Network is proud to participate in the pa- AIDS or other illnesses. Additionally, 300 gift cards for food rade in 2019, its 39th year. FCN members are encouraged and beverages were given, to be used for clients who are to join us on our float or cheer us on as we pass along the struggling to pay for food and obtain proper nutrition. parade route. The parade will be January 21, 2019 start- Patricia Arquette, a long-time advocate for LGBT individu- ing at 10:00 a.m. The meeting spot and staging location als and our communities, learned of our local center, which will be announced on FCN’s Facebook page as soon as that opened in 2017, and discussed the Foundation’s gifts with information is available. Looking forward to seeing you at Billy Wooten, Center Director. “Ms. Arquette called and ex- the parade! pressed a keen interest in our efforts to improve the quality of life for not only our community, but Savannah as a whole,” stated Wooten. “I was touched by her sincerity and the gen- Annual Shamrock Festival on erosity of the Foundation.” March 10 at NEW Location continued on p. 6 By Jon Kesler The 31st-annual First City Network Shamrock Festival & Oyster Roast is coming up fast--mark your calendars for Sun- day, March 10 starting at 11:00 a.m. For 2019, the venue has changed to Captain Butler’s Retreat at 115 Penrose Drive in Savannah. This exciting new venue should be a welcomed change of pace for the event. Festiv- ities will include oysters of course, hot side items, and other continued on p. 11 In This Issue Chair's Report ........................................................................................3 Socials Follow-up ................................................................................5 Mark Your Calendar ...........................................................................5 LGBT Center Schedule .................................................................... 7 LGBT Center Director's Report ................................................... 8 A Reflection on the Mid-terms..................................................10 Savannah's first-ever LGBT contingent marched in the annual Upcoming Socials .............................................................................16 Veteran's Day Parade on November 12, 2018--a historic event! THE DON CALLAHAN R e a l E s t a t e G r o u p 912-441-4416 | [email protected] Chair's Report By Chris Apple Like many of you, I am reflecting on the results of recent tion. This response enabled conservation of our reserve fund elections. It is important to remember three things about to support continued operations for 13 months. Recently, any election: we allocated funds sufficient to cover mental health services through May 2019. The cost of each session is $50; every do- 1. Sometimes your preferred candidate won’t win. nation of that amount or larger can help us to extend mental 2. Future elections are opportunities to create change. health service coverage while extending the number of fund- 3. Elected officials don’t always do what you want ed operational months for The Center. them to do. Please consider making a targeted donation for mental health services today. Doing so will help community mem- Coping with concerns about legislative changes means bers in need to have happier, healthier holiday seasons in turning around to face the change that we fear is stalking the future. us. Recent changes to tax laws are an example because they I hope that you and all of your loved ones have a joy filled have created non-profit fundraising challenges. holiday season. In my last message, I asked for donations to sustain the Sa- vannah LGBT Center operations and services. Your response was positive and included a substantial matching contribu- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair Chris Apple First City Network, Inc. is a local, private, non-profit community Vice-Chairman Jon Kesler service organization chartered in 1985 by concerned citizens Treasurer Paul Higgins seeking a gay and lesbian positive community. The mission of First Secretary Lisa Allen City Network (FCN) is to enhance and sustain the well-being of LGBT individuals and their allies by providing educational, social, and Lynn Bowling Manzana "Apple" Bryant health-related activities, programs, and services. FCN will serve as Sean Brandon Michael O'Halloran an essential resource; advocating for civil and human rights; and supporting, promoting and embracing the cultural diversity that The First City Network Board of Directors meets on the first connects us into one community. Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Board Room at the LGBT Center: 1515 Bull St, Savannah, GA 31401. PRODUCTION STAFF All members are welcome. EDITING, LayouT & DEsIGN Dee Hope CoNTrIbuTors FCN Membership NEXT BOARD MEETINGS: bILLING Jon Kesler JANUARY 7 & FEBRUARY 4 aD MaNaGEr vacant DIsTrIbuTIoN FCN Board of Directors PhoToGraPhy FCN Membership FIRST CITY NETWORK, INC. P.O. Box 2442 • Savannah, GA 31402 (912) 236-CITY (2489) • firstcitynetwork.org Submit your letter or article to Network News! Entries SAVANNAH LGBT CENTER must be local and meet newsletter editorial guidelines. 1515 Bull Street • Savannah, GA 31401 Email: [email protected] (912) 304-LGBT (5428) • savannahlgbtcenter.org First City Network’s Network News • jaNuary - February 2019 3 FCN Membership This membership / contribution ■ New ■ Renewal ■ Gift ■ ■ ■ ■ $ $ $ $ Student Individual Family Business Family of Friends ■ ■ ■ $ – $ $ – $ $+ Supporter Sponsor Benefactor Advertising Manager Position Available Name(s) First City Network is seeking a smart, entrepreneurial advertising manager. The position entails recruiting and Street Address managing ads in Network News (circulation 200+) with potential online crossover. Background in advertising and/or City, State, ZIP social media preferred, but not required. Salary comensurate with advertising revenue acquired. Phone Number(s) Contact FCN: [email protected] Email Address(es) My contribution is a tribute ■ In Memory of ■ In Honor of Advertising Rates SIZE SPECS COLOR Name(s) Full Page 8.5" x 11" $120 Person to Notify Half Page Horizontal 7.75" x 4.875" $75 Half Page Vertical 3.75" x 10" $75 Street Address Quarter Page 3.75" x 5.5" $55 City, State, ZIP Artwork must be submitted no later than the 13th of each month. Email [email protected]. Display my name in Network News ■ Name(s) as above ■ Anonymous ■ Other: Submit art as pdf, jpg, or tiff files, sized to appropriate specifications. FCN looks forward to working with Mail application with check payable to all LGBT and LGBT-friendly “First City Network” First City Network businesses. Please mail P.O. Box checks payable to Savannah, GA “First City Network” to: Join faster online at rstcitynetwork.org. First City Network Choose “Membership” and complete the form. P.O. Box 2442 Savannah, GA 31402 4 November Social a Nice Return MARK YOUR CALENDAR Our “host with the most”, Chris Apple, opened up his home A listing of LGBT-related events hosted by local non-profits yet again at the last minute for our November First Satur- day Social—continuing a non-stop tradition of 30+ years of Savannah’s LGBT community. GEORGIA EQUALITY RECEPTION The setting was cozy, the company lively, and the food SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 in the evening bountiful—all of which is what we’ve come to expect at our on East Bolton Street in Savannah monthly gatherings. Plans for Thanksgiving and the other (call the Center for details) upcoming holidays were discussed by many over libations, and the coming Election Day and what it will yield was also LEZ MINGLE! on the lips of the nearly breathless-with-anticipation guests. SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 at 6:00 p.m. Thank you, Chris, for accommodating us so well and han- dling the duties with your usual aplomb! at the Savannah LGBT Center, 1515 Bull Street MLK DAY PARADE - FCN CONTINGENT A Very Special December Social JANUARY 21 at 8:00 a.m. By Billy Wooten (Staging location TBA on FCN Facebook page) What a great art show and Decem- ber Social at the LGBT Center, with a combined crowd of between 175 and 200. As we do each year, food items for the Thomas Park Food Pan- try were donated by folks attending. A highlight was the debut of a re- cently-donated piano, with holi- day tunes played to sing along to. If you play, please take the op- portunity to share your talent when next at the Center. The “stars” were really out, with doz- ens of hand- made original stars hanging from the gallery ceiling that could be purchased and hung on Christmas trees. Each was made by a local artist as a benefit to the Center, and raised over $1,000! Before the Social, World AIDS Day was commemorated with a beautiful memorial servic and cele- bration (see article on page 8.) Thank you, Jamey Espina and Holland Morgan for leading this, and a huge thank you to Rev. Jamie Maury, a longtime FCN member and supporter, for officiating the service. First City Network’s Network News • jaNuary - February 2019 5 Alexis Arquette Foundation Gift New Donation Recognition (continued from front page) The Family Foundation is named after Alexis Arquette, a member of the renowned family of actors which also in- In an effort to spark new donations and honor those cludes Patricia, Rosanna, and David Arquette.
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