paradoxus in The Netherlands (Coleoptera: Rhipiphoridae)

Wijn and R.B. Heitmans & Theo M.J. Peeters


Abstract: Metoecus paradoxus is predominantly a parasitoid of vulgaris, but has a wide range of host species. Before 1966 there were only three records of this northern Palaearctic species from The Netherlands, but during the last three decades the was present in ten of the twelve Dutch provinces. The beetle occurs in various rural and urban environments. In this paper we summarize the beetle’s complex life history and discuss the recent increase of records. Possible mechanisms for differential parasitism and coexistence of different Metoecus species are also discussed.

W.R.B. Heitmans, Institute of Evolutionary and Ecological Sciences, University of Leiden, P.O. Box 9516, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. T.MJ. Peeters, Bachlaan 752, 5011 BR Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Introduction Ramdohr (1813) first found the species emer¬ ging from a Vespula nest in Germany, but the Metoecus paradoxus (Linnaeus) belongs to biology and much of the beetle’s complex life- the subfamily Rhipiphorinae of which all spe¬ history was unravelled by Chapman (1870, cies are solitary, idiobiont parasitoids of the 1891, 1897). The more recent studies by fullgrown larvae of various taxa of solitary Spradbery (1973), Carl & Wagner (1982) and and social aculeate . Species of Svâcha (1994) greatly contribute to the under¬ the genus Metoecus are exclusively found on standing of the general ecology and the host the eusocial . relationships of M. paradoxus. These studies The Rhipiphorinae are widely distributed in may have stimulated entomologists to pay mo¬ tropical and subtropical areas. Only a few spe¬ re attention to the presence and habits of the cies occur in regions with temperate climates. species. In this paper we shall give a brief de¬ Metoecus paradoxus is found throughout the scription of the adult beetle and summarize its Palaearctic region, including almost all nor¬ life-history. The new localities and the former thern European countries, the northern parts of and present distribution are given for The the Mediterranean area and northern Asia as Netherlands. We also discuss the beetle’s far as Hokkaido, northern Japan (Csiki, 1913; abundance in colonies, the possible me¬ Hattori & Yamane, 1975; Yablokhov-Khnzo- chanisms of host selection and the occurrence ryan, 1976; Lucht, 1987; Heitmans et al., of differential parasitism in different Metoe¬ 1994). The species was possibly introduced in cus species. the USA (Missouri) and in Brazil (Schilder, 1924), but recent records could not be found. Description and life-history In the most recent overviews only a few re¬ cords of the beetle are given from The The adult Metoecus paradoxus beetle can Netherlands (Everts, 1922; Brakman, 1966), easily be recognized by its relatively small but in the last decades the species is increa¬ head (fig. 1) with the eyes moderate in size, singly observed (Peeters, 1990; Langeveld, antennae pectinate with the third to tenth joint 1992; Knotters, 1994). The scarce findings of subequal in length bearing very long and slen¬ M. paradoxus may be closely connected with der thread-like prolongations in the male, an¬ its parasitic and largely cryptic way of life. tennae subpectinate in the female, prothorax 110 Ent. Ber., Amst. 56 (1996)


Fig. 1. Metoecus paradoxus, male, head. Fig. 2. Metoecus paradoxus, female, dorsal side.

as wide as long with a median furrow, elytra October. The adult do probably not 2.5-3.0 times as long as the prothorax, gradu¬ feed and are short-lived. Rouget (1873) repor¬ ally tapered and acuminate posteriorly, sur¬ ted 12 days for an extremely large female. Carl face closely and finely punctured (fig. 2). The & Wagner (1982) noted an average longevity colour patterns are remarkably variable: Rou¬ of seven days for females and eight days for get (1873) and Schilder (1924) distinguish 21 males. H. Vogel (personal communication) different colour varieties of which many com¬ kept five adult (four non-reproducing binations are fairly well related to sex and the females, one male) alive for six days. The spe¬ host species. cies is univoltine. Metoecus paradoxus is often found in the Several authors observed that M. paradoxus nests of the common yellow jacket of can lay hundreds of eggs in small (10-50) to lar¬ the genus Vespula (Hoffer, 1883; Newstead, ge clusters (500) (Rouget, 1873; Chapman, 1891; Tuck, 1897; Spradbery, 1973; Carl & 1897; Carl & Wagner, 1982). Usually the ova- Wagner, 1982). The beetle probably mates and rioles contain 600 to 700 mature eggs (Carl & always lays the eggs outside the nest. The fe¬ Wagner, 1982). The number of eggs may in¬ male deposits her small eggs (0.5 mm) in cre¬ crease with increasing body size, which is, in vices of decaying wood. The egg hibernates. turn, probably dependent on host size. Gradl The first larval instar is of the triungulinid (1879b) and Hattori & Yamane (1975) found form, which hatches the following spring or that beetles from host larvae in queen cells are summer. Vespula wasp workers that collect significantly larger than those from worker wood to build the nest may coincidently visit cells. In Dutch museums and private collec¬ natal sites of triungulinids. The phoretic first- tions the total body length of adult females va¬ larval instar clings to the body of the wasp and ries from 8.1 to 13.3 mm (n= 49). is carried to the wasp’s nest. After arriving in In contrast with the short life expectancy of the nest, the larva leaves the wasp and searches the adult beetles the triungulinids were obser¬ for a suitable host in the comb. The beetle lar¬ ved to survive at least two months without va uses one fullgrown wasp larva for its deve¬ food waiting for a carrier (Carl & Wagner, lopment and pupates in the cell that is closed 1982). Observations of emerging beetles du¬ by the wasp larva before it is almost complete¬ ring a period of about 12 weeks reflect the idea ly consumed by the parasitoid. Summaries of that triungulinids have gradually entered the the successive feeding processes of the larva nest during most of the summer period and its development to adult beetle are given in (Rouget, 1873; Hoffer, 1883; Tuck, 1897; Clausen (1940), Edwards (1980) and Svâcha Langeveld, 1992; Drees, 1994; Svâcha, per¬ (1994). The development from triungulinid to sonal communication). adult beetle is completed within 3.5 weeks. The beetles emerge from late July until early Ent. Ber., Amst. 56 (1996) 111

Localities and distribution patterns hern district of the province of Limburg. Records from the West Frisian Islands and The first beetle was recorded in The Nether¬ also from the provinces of Flevoland and lands in Soest in the province of Utrecht in Drenthe are still lacking. 1875 and several specimens were collected in Unlike former articles by Gradl (1879a, 1895 in Roermond (province of Limburg) 1879b) and Reineck (1909) and reference (Everts, 1876; van der Hoop, 1896). These re¬ books by Spradbery (1973) and Edwards cords from the nineteenth century are repre¬ (1980) that report Metoecus paradoxus espe¬ sented by specimens in the collections of the cially to occur in underground nests, we also National Natural History Museum (NNM, recorded specimens from nests in buildings. Leiden) and in the Zoological Museum of Many authors did not take into account that Amsterdam (ZMA). A third finding from subterranean nests were more frequently exa¬ Hulsberg (province of Limburg) was reported mined than ‘aerial’ nests (Hoffer, 1883; Tuck, by Schmitz (1936); this specimen is kept in 1897; Carl & Wagner, 1982). Ten of our 22 re¬ the Natural History Museum of Maastricht cent records came from pest control operators (NHMM). Riischkamp (1919) considered a (PCOs) who destroyed wasp colonies under previous record of one (male) beetle from roofs, in chimneys and in cavity walls. The Valkenburg (also from the southern part of beetle was also captured twice by light traps in Limburg) as erroneous and no such specimen Zuid-Limburg and also once in Rhoon and is present in the NHMM (F.N. Dingemans- The Staelduinse Bosch (province of Zuid- Bakels, personal communication). We do not Holland). Both male and female beetles are at¬ know why Everts (1922) still mentioned a new tracted to light. Single beetles were collected record from Valkenburg, but it is possible that in quite different localities: two specimens he pointed out another specimen that could not were found on a reed stem (.Phragmites aus¬ be traced by us. Brakman (1966) only refered tralis (Cav.) Steudel) in Zeist (province of to records of provinces and did not specify any localities. In this paper we therefore map the O before 1900 records over three periods starting with the ni¬ neteenth century, followed by the period from 1900 until the publication of Brakman’s list (1966) and the more recent period starting from 1966. Faunistic data were checked from the material deposited in different museum and private collections, from the records regis¬ tered by The Inspectorate of the Environment (= Afdeling Bestrijding van Dierplagen (ABD), Ministerie VROM) and from a num¬ ber of field observations. Fig. 3 gives the former and present distribu¬ tion of M. paradoxus in The Netherlands in 10 X 10 km UTM-squares. Before 1966 M. para¬ doxus was considered to be rare, as it was on¬ ly known from 3 UTM-squares. Since then the number of records has increased to the present 22 UTM-squares. M. paradoxus is present in many regions of The Netherlands, including Fig. 3. Records of Metoecus paradoxus in The Nether¬ the dunes and the Holocene coastal districts, lands. A record consists of an observation of a single beet¬ the different Pleistocene interior areas and in le in the field or an infested colony of wasps with one or the paleogeographical older part of the sout¬ more parasitoids. 112 Ent. Ber., Amst. 56 (1996)

Utrecht) and on a leaf of Scrophularia nodosa to be under-represented in different samples. L. in Leek (province of Groningen) respective¬ Carl & Wagner (1982) for the first time repor¬ ly. The last one was collected as early as July, ted a record from a nest of Dolichovespula 25 (1992). A flying male beetle was captured saxonica (Fabricius) in a survey of 54 nests. with an net on the banks of the river Vespula lewisi (Cameron) (= V. flaviceps Beerze near Boxtel (province of Noord- (Smith)) is the host species in Hokkaido, nor¬ Brabant) (Peeters, 1990). Another female beet¬ thern Japan (Hattori & Yamane, 1975). le had landed on a windowpane in Oldenzaal Metoecus paradoxus was found in the nests (province of Overijsel) and one specimen was from late July until the first week of October. In encountered on a table in a office building in June and early July the beetles are absent Leidschendam (province of Zuid-Holland). (Hoffer, 1883; Carl & Wagner, 1982). Most ob¬ Although the data in this paper give a picture servations of emerging specimens are reported that is far from complete, the presence of hosts from August. Old nests with a dead beetle were seems to be the only criterion for the occurren¬ reported twice by PCOs in February. ce of M. paradoxus in The Netherlands. The number of beetles per nest usually va¬ Potential hosts such as the common Vespula ried between 1 and 25. Only in a few cases the species and the less abundant Dolichovespula numbers exceeded 50 beetles per nest (table 1). species are found in all provinces. The highest number of emerging beetles ever observed in The Netherlands was made by Langeveld (1992) in a visitor centre of a nature Host species, parasitism and abundance park in the dunes (table 1). The nest of V. vul¬ A summary of the host species as listed from garis was hidden under a roof and the emergen¬ the literature available from The Netherlands, ce of far over 80 beetles was observed. The the neighbouring countries and also from beetles were caught close to the nest from late Japan, including some unpublished reports July until late August. Unfortunately, at this and observations, is given in table 1. Most re¬ time, the nest was destroyed with insecticides cords show that M. paradoxus is predominant¬ (S.C. Langeveld, personal communication). ly found in the nests of (Linnaeus). Extensive studies show that the Discussion number of V. vulgaris nests infested by the pa- rasitoid varies from 20 to 67% (Tuck, 1897; Increase of records Spradbery, 1973; Carl & Wagner, 1982). Examination of many nests of V. germanica There is no straightforward explanation for the (Fabricius) often did not yield a single speci¬ increase of records of Metoecus paradoxus men: the number of infested nests of V. ger¬ since 1966. One reason is simple, that entomo¬ manica does not exceed 13% (Carl & Wagner, logists have paid more attention to collect the 1982). In the Netherlands the use of V. germa¬ species. However, Schmitz (1936) already no¬ nica as host was confirmed by the presence of ted that there have been made many unsuc¬ a female in Breda (province of Noord-Bra- cessful attempts to collect the species in the bant) (leg. H. v.d. Krift, 1970; coll. A.P.J.A. southern part of the province of Limburg. Teunissen; table 1). Unfortunately, we were Another possible explanation is the drastically unable to record the host species of the records increased urbanization of The Netherlands in obtained via PCOs, because the wasps are not this century providing more nesting space for preserved and their nests destroyed. Records wasps in buildings. At present, new findings of specimens from the nests of Vespula rufa of the beetle are in many cases related to a bet¬ (Linnaeus), Dolichovespula sylvestris (Scopo- ter co-ordinated, national control of urban pest li) and D. media (Retzius) could not be esta¬ insects. Most beetles recorded presently were blished. The latter species are considered to be found by PCOs in ‘aerial’ nests in office buil¬ potential hosts, but the nests were often found dings and in roof and chimney constructions. Ent. Ber., Amst. 56 (1996) 113


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However, recent findings include five field paradoxus is able to choose between different observations and three captures with light host species. It is obvious that the parasitoid traps, of which six were clearly away from the uses Vespula vulgaris more often than V. ger¬ urban areas. manica as a host in areas where both wasp Whether the population of M. paradoxus is species coexist (table 1). Vespula vulgaris is growing is unknown. Older reports seldom about as common as V. germanica in all kinds present the percentage of nests infested with of biotopes, but both species are much more the parasitoid, so that the results of previous common in both rural and urban areas than investigations cannot be compared with the other Vespula and Dolichovespula species in newer studies on the abundance of the beetle. western Europe (Spradbery, 1973; Edwards, The most recent, extensive study by Carl & 1980). Moreover, foragers in Vespula nests Wagner (1982) of the occurrence of the spe¬ are usually much more numerous than those in cies in Switzerland, Germany and Austria Dolichovespula nests, so that the probability shows that often about half of the examined of encountering a Vespula species is much nests of Vespula vulgaris is parasitized. higher. Scarce findings of the beetle in However, the number of beetles per nest is Dolichovespula nests need not to rely upon se¬ usually very low compared to the numbers of lective behaviour only, but may also be ex¬ available hosts. Colonies that were only inves¬ plained by the relatively low availability of tigated as late as September and October may these host species. have contained more parasitoids at earlier da¬ Host selection can occur at two stages of tes. Carl & Wagner (1982) show that colony the life cycle of a Metoecus beetle. First, there size of the wasps, i.e. the number of nest cells, is the way of entering a host colony by the is not correlated to the number of beetles. This phoretic first larval instars and secondly, the is not much of surprise, because it is not the selection of particular oviposition sites by the number of wasps, but rather their foraging pat¬ adult beetle. Choosing whether to attach to tern which determines the number of triungu- particular carriers offers a potential mecha¬ linids carried in. The behaviour of wasps nism, if larvae are able to manipulate the pro¬ forms the most crucial step in the beetle’s life cess by selecting the preferred carriers (Her¬ cycle. High numbers of parasitoids will be ex¬ mans et al., 1994). However, Svâcha (personal pected when many wasp foragers for wood- communication) observed that M. paradoxus pulp repeatedly return to the same place(s) triungulinids respond to living insects as well with triungulinids. as non-living objects, such as a dead bee or a When many triungulinids enter the nest in camel hair brush. The larva reacts on ap¬ a short period superparasitism may occur. proaching objects by raising its body and stret¬ Sometimes a dozen of fourth and fifth stage ching the legs to all sides in the air so, that it wasp larvae may contain more than one para¬ only receives support of the tip of the abdo¬ site of various stage of development, but only men, waiting. This behaviour does not indi¬ one larva per host survives (Hattori & cate host selection, many offspring might Yamane, 1975). The beetle larvae do also not starve on the wrong carrier, or not encounter a successfully develop on smaller (fourth instar) carrier at all. This is also indicated by the rela¬ hosts (Svâcha, personal communication). Su¬ tively low numbers of M. paradoxus in the perparasitism drastically suppresses the ulti¬ wasp nests compared to the high fecundity of mate number of emerging beetles per nest and adult beetles (table 1). hence, it may be of great influence on the po¬ Spradbery (1973) argues that differential pulation dynamics of the parasitoid. parasitism in M. paradoxus may be due to the combination of beetle oviposition in the Host selection and differential parasitism cracks of rotten, moist wood which is favou¬ red by foraging V. vulgaris, whereas V. ger¬ An intriguing question is whether Metoecus manica utilizes sound and drier wood. How- Ent. Ber., Amst. 56 (1996) 115

Table 2. Metoecus species of the world with information on host species and geographical distribution.

Metoecus species Host species Geographical distribution

M. paradoxus Vespula vulgaris (L.) NW and NE Palaearctic Regions: (Linnaeus) V. germanica (F.) from the UK to central and V. flaviceps (Smith) northern Japan Dolichovespula saxonica (F.)

Metoecus spec. 1 D. media media (Retzius) NE Palaearctic Region: Hokkaidô, northern Japan M. vespae Kôno V. rufa schrenki (Rad.) NE Palaearctic Region: Hokkaidô, northern Japan M. satanas Schilder V. flaviceps (Smith) SE Palaearctic Region: Tibet, Nepal, southern China, central and southern Japan M. morawitzi (Semenov) unknown SE Palaearctic Region: Chinese Turkistan M. javanus Pic unknown SE Asia: West Java M. sumatrensis Vespa multimaculata Pérez SE Asia: West Sumatra Nakane & Yamane Metoecus spec. 2 V. velutina Lepeletier SE Asia: West Java

ever, empirical evidence to test this proposi¬ Vespula sensu stricto. So, it seems likely that tion is hardly available. Chapman (1897) and both sympatric populations of Metoecus para¬ Svâcha (1994) observed that oviposition can doxus and M. vespae attack different groups of be stimulated by offering half-rotten oak- hosts. Whether this also occurs in other Me¬ wood. Carl & Wagner (1982) found that ovi¬ toecus species remains to be studied. Metoe¬ position also occurs on moist corrugated card¬ cus paradoxus may have recently (in the geo¬ board. So, oviposition may take place on logical time scale) dispersed westwards into different kinds of woody substrates, but it is Europe, mainly using Paravespula species not clear whether females show particular pre¬ even in regions where other competitive Me¬ ferences. If M. paradoxus can select its host toecus species are absent. All other Metoecus species it is not understood how they do it. species are known from the East Palaearctic Differential parasitism is a form of niche Region and South-East Asia. differentiation that facilitates the coexistence Knowledge of the hosts of other Metoecus of different sympatric species of Metoecus. species is slowly increasing. Makino (1982) For example, in Europe Metoecus paradoxus first recorded an unidentified Metoecus spe¬ is mainly associated with Vespula vulgaris cies from Dolichovespula media media (Ret- and less often with V. germanica, but in Japan zius) in Hokkaido, northern Japan as did Carl this parasitoid is reported from V. flaviceps & Wagner (1982) for M. paradoxus from a D. (tables 1-2). Here M. paradoxus is separated saxonica nest in western Europe (table 1). The by the host species from another Asiatic and more southern Asiatic species, Metoecus sata- partly sympatric species Metoecus vespae nas Schilder, originally described from an arid Kôno that uses Vespula rufa schrencki (Rado- climate in Kuku-Nor, East Tibet, is probably szkowski) as host (Hattori & Yamane, 1975). widely distributed both in arid and humid cli¬ The Asiatic Vespula flaviceps is related to the mates. In southern Japan the host of M. sata- European V. vulgaris and V. germanica. nus is Vespula flaviceps, the same as for M. Archer (1989) placed the latter species in the paradoxus in northern Japan (Hattori & genus Paravespula Blüthgen. Likewise, both Yamane, 1975; Matsuura & Yamane, 1990; the Asiatic Vespula rufa schrencki and the table 2). Schawaller (1987) suggested that in European V. rufa are classified in the V. rufa Nepal M. satanas deposits her eggs on the group; Archer (1989) considered this taxon as bark of a Rhododendron species. It is possible 116 Ent. Ber., Amst. 56 (1996) that in Japan M. satanas shares similar habi¬ versity of Leiden) for helpful discussions and comments on an earlier draft. Useful information and study material tats with the northern species M. paradoxus or were given by Siem Langeveld (Hillegom, The Nether¬ M. vespae, but it is insufficiently studied lands) and Hans Vogel (Purmerend, The Netherlands). whether they also share the same hosts in tho¬ We are also grateful to J.T. de Jonge (The Inspectorate se cases. of the Environment, Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieu, Wageningen) B.J.H. The host(s) of a second, southern Asiatic Brugge (Zoological Museum of Amsterdam), A. van species, Metoecus morawitzi (Semenov) also Assen (National Natural History Museum, Leiden), F.N. described from an arid climate in Shache Dingemans-Bakels (Natural History Museum of Maas¬ (=Yarkant), Chinese Turkestan, is unknown to tricht), F. van Stuivenberg (Natuurmuseum ‘Vivarium’, us. The taxonomic status of M. morawitzi is Enschede), L.J.W. de Goffau (Plant Protection Service, Wageningen), B. van Aartsen, J.A.W. Lucas, P. Poot, doubtful; the species may be conspecific to M. A.P.J.A. Teunissen, W.J. Veldkamp, O.F.J. Vorst, P. van paradoxus or to M. satanas (Schawaller, Wielink and Th. Zeegers for enabling us to use data from 1987). The holotype of M. morawitzi could their collections and field observations. not be traced by Yablokov-Khnzoryan (1976). Metoecus morawitzi and M. satanas may also References be (partly) sympatric. We further identified Van der Vecht’s Archer, M.E., 1989. A key to the world species of the Vespinae (Hymenoptera). - Res. Monogr. Coll. Ripon (1957) rhipiphorid from Telaga Warna, & York St. John 2: 1-75. Puncak Pass, near Bogor, West-Java deposi¬ Archer, M.E., 1993. A phylogenetic study of the species ted in NNM as a true Metoecus. This species is of the genus Vespa (Hymenoptera: Vespinae). - Ent. the first known Metoecus found in a colony of scand. 24: 469-478. the hornet Vespa velutina Lepeletier (table 2). Brakman, P.J., 1966. Lijst van Coleoptera uit Nederland en het omliggend gebied. - Monogrn ned. ent. Ver. 2:i- Metoecus sumatrensis Nakane & Yamane X, 1-219. from Lubuk Gadang, West Sumatra, is also Carl, K.P. & A. Wagner, 1982. Investigations on Sphe- found in a hornet’s nest: Vespa multimaculata cophaga vesparum Curtis (Ichneumonidae) and pendleburyi van der Vecht (Nakane & Yama¬ Metoecus paradoxus L. (Rhipiphoridae) for the biolo¬ gical control of Vespula germanica F. (Vespidae) in ne, 1990; table 2). Both Vespa velutina and V. New Zealand. Silwood Park, UK: Commonwealth multimaculata are phylogenetically closely re¬ Institute of Biological Control, Working Report: 1-15. lated and are usually placed in the V. affinis Chapman, T.A., 1870. Some facts towards a life history of group, but they belong to different sister Rhipiphorus paradoxus. - Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (4) 6: groups (Archer, 1993). The Metoecus species 314-328. Chapman, T.A., 1891. On the oviposition of Metoecus of Van der Vecht (1957) is probably identical (Rhipiphorus) paradoxus. - Entomologist's mon. Mag. or closely related to M. sumatrensis. Nakane 2: 18-20. & Yamane (1990) described M. sumatrensis Chapman, T.A., 1897. Sketch on the life-history of Me¬ without comparing it with the type material of toecus (Rhipiphorus) paradoxus. - Entomologist’s Rec. J.Var. 9: 321-322. M. javanus Pic from Sukabumi, West Java Clausen, C.P., 1940. Entomophagous insects: 1-688. (Pic, 1913). It is possible that both the Metoe¬ McGraw-Hill, New York. cus species of Van der Vecht (1957) and M. Crawshay, G.A., 1905. A large community of Vespa sumatrensis are synonyms of M. javanus. vulgaris. - Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 41:8-10. Further study should elucidate the taxonomic Csiki, E., 1913. Rhipiphoridae: 1-29 (G. Schenkling), Coleopterorum Catalogus 17, pars. 54. W. Junk, status of the three Indonesian species of Berlin. Metoecus, which may all be specialized in at¬ Drees, M., 1994. Eine Gebäudebrut von Metoecus para¬ tacking (a particular group of) hornets. doxus (L.) (Insecta, Coleoptera, Rhipiphoridae). -Ent. Bl. Biol. Syst. Käfer 90: 117-121. Edwards, R., 1980. Social wasps. Their biology and con¬ Acknowledgements trol: 1-342. East Grinstead. Everts, E.J.G, 1876. Verslag 36e Zomervergadering We wish to thank Petr Svâcha (Czech Academy of Scien¬ NEV. - Tijdschr. Ent. 19: 27. ces, Ceské Budëjovice, Czech Republic) and Ian Hardy Everts, E.J.G, 1922. Coleoptera Neerlandica 3: v-xviii, (Institute of Evolutionary and Ecological Sciences, Uni¬ 1-668. Nijhoff, ’s-Gravenhage. Ent. Ber., Amst. 56 (1996) 117

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