Directors’ Report Strategic Report Governance Financial Statements Other Information Introduction Audit Nominations Remuneration Responsibility Chairman’s introduction & Board Committee Committee Committee of Directors on Governance Index to key elements Directors’ Report Chairman’s introduction 55 Board of Directors 56 Management Board 58 Leadership and effectiveness 59 Board activities in 2017 60 Board effectiveness 62 Audit Committee 65 Nominations Committee 71 Remuneration Report Annual Statement on Remuneration 73 Richard Burrows Annual Report on Remuneration 75 Chairman Responsibility of Directors@ 99 Dear Shareholder We have improved our global business conduct governance framework, implementing the Group’s new global compliance A key focus of the Board during 2017 was the oversight of the programme, known as ‘Delivery with Integrity’. Driven by our acquisition of RAI. In addition to our scheduled Board programme, Business Conduct & Compliance (BC&C) department, the during the months leading up to the acquisition, the Board convened programme focuses on driving a globally consistent approach to several additional meetings during which it received detailed briefings compliance, and strengthening our existing processes, across the from senior management and external advisers on the RAI business Group. Further information on the work of the BC&C department and the legal and governance implications of the acquisition. can be found on page 28. As a result of the acquisition, we are subject to additional US It is important that the Board is equipped with the right balance of compliance obligations as a ‘foreign private issuer’, including certain skills and expertise and has a deep understanding of the business. requirements of the NYSE Rules and US Securities laws including the I led the internal evaluation of the Board’s performance during the Exchange Act and SOx.
CALL # LOCATION TITLE AUTHOR BINGE BOX COMEDIES prmnd Comedies binge box (includes Airplane! --Ferris Bueller's Day Off --The First Wives Club --Happy Gilmore)[videorecording] / Princeton Public Library. BINGE BOX CONCERTS AND MUSICIANSprmnd Concerts and musicians binge box (Includes Brad Paisley: Life Amplified Live Tour, Live from WV --Close to You: Remembering the Carpenters --John Sebastian Presents Folk Rewind: My Music --Roy Orbison and Friends: Black and White Night)[videorecording] / Princeton Public Library. BINGE BOX MUSICALS prmnd Musicals binge box (includes Mamma Mia! --Moulin Rouge --Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella [DVD] --West Side Story) [videorecording] / Princeton Public Library. BINGE BOX ROMANTIC COMEDIESprmnd Romantic comedies binge box (includes Hitch --P.S. I Love You --The Wedding Date --While You Were Sleeping)[videorecording] / Princeton Public Library. DVD 001.942 ALI DISC 1-3 prmdv Aliens, abductions & extraordinary sightings [videorecording]. DVD 001.942 BES prmdv Best of ancient aliens [videorecording] / A&E Television Networks History executive producer, Kevin Burns. DVD 004.09 CRE prmdv The creation of the computer [videorecording] / executive producer, Bob Jaffe written and produced by Donald Sellers created by Bruce Nash History channel executive producers, Charlie Maday, Gerald W. Abrams Jaffe Productions Hearst Entertainment Television in association with the History Channel. DVD 133.3 UNE DISC 1-2 prmdv The unexplained [videorecording] / produced by Towers Productions, Inc. for A&E Network executive producer, Michael Cascio. DVD 158.2 WEL prmdv We'll meet again [videorecording] / producers, Simon Harries [and three others] director, Ashok Prasad [and five others]. DVD 158.2 WEL prmdv We'll meet again. Season 2 [videorecording] / director, Luc Tremoulet producer, Page Shepherd.
Illumination Entertainment, Founded by Chris Meledandri in 2007, Is One of the Entertainment Industry’S Leading Producers of All-Audience Event Films
CASE STUDY Illumination Entertainment, founded by Chris Meledandri in 2007, is one of the entertainment industry’s leading producers of all-audience event films. ILLUMINATION entertainment Illumination Entertainment Illumination Entertainment, CHALLENGE Sometimes, hardware settings on the system would be the founded by Chris Meledandri in With the enormous culprit, requiring a full machine 2007, is one of the entertainment success of the Despicable reboot for the reconfiguration industry’s leading producers Me franchise, Illumination to take place. of all-audience event films. In Entertainment outgrew July 2010, Illumination, which its editorial infrastructure The editors at Illumination has an exclusive financing and creating challenges in their Entertainment needed to set distribution partnership with studio workflow. Production up for dailies on their Avid Universal Pictures, released its increased, requiring additional systems prior to entering the first film, Despicable Me, starring edit bays and the ability for the review suite and then move editors to swap in and out of Steve Carell, which earned more into the review suite after the review suite for dailies. setup was complete. Each than $540 million worldwide system is comprised of an Avid and launched a beloved global In the past, an editor worked in system, with dual displays, a franchise. the review suite on a dedicated dual link playback monitor, a Avid system tied to a specific keyboard, a mouse, and audio edit bay. Editors working in output. other edit bays would come into the review suite, import When another editor occupied their settings and open their the review suite, the displaced projects on the Avid system editor would either have to tied to that review suite.
UNIVERSAL PICTURES Presenta Una Produzione CHRIS MELEDANDRI STEVE CARELL in JASON SEGEL RUSSELL BRAND KRISTEN WIIG MIRANDA COSGROVE WILL ARNETT DANNY MCBRIDE JACK MCBRAYER e JULIE ANDREWS Produttori Esecutivi NINA ROWAN SERGIO PABLOS Basato sul racconto SERGIO PABLOS Sceneggiatura di CINCO PAUL & KEN DAURIO Prodotto da CHRIS MELEDANDRI JANET HEALY JOHN COHEN Diretto da CHRIS RENAUD PIERRE COFFIN Uscita italiana: 15 Ottobre 2010 CATTIVISSIMO ME - Pressbook SINOSSI In un ridente quartiere di periferia, circondato da steccati bianchi e cespugli di rose in fiore, si erge una casa nera, su un prato desolato. Ad insaputa del vicinato, dietro questa casa, c’è un grande rifugio segreto. Lì, in mezzo a un piccolo esercito di schiavi, scopriamo Gru (doppiato da Steve Carell), che sta progettando il più grande colpo della storia del mondo: rubare la luna! (si, proprio la luna) Gru adora ogni genere di misfatti. Armato di un arsenale di razzi che restringono o congelano e di veicoli in grado di combattere via terra e via aria, Gru travolge e conquista tutto ciò che trova sulla sua strada. Ma tutto questo cambia il giorno in cui si imbatte in tre ragazzine orfane molto determinate, che gli daranno filo da torcere e che vedono in lui qualcosa che nessun altro ha mai visto prima: un potenziale papà. Un cast di celebrità guidato da Steve Carell (Ortone e il mondo dei Chi, Agente Smart Casino Totale, The Office) dà voce ai vari personaggi del film: Jason Segel (Non mi scaricare, la sitcom ‘E alla fine arriva mamma’); Kristen Wiig (Saturday Night Live, Ghost Town); Danny McBride (Strafumati, Tropic Thunder, Land of the Lost); Will Arnett (Ortone e il mondo dei Chi, Arrested Development); Russell Brand (Non mi scaricare, Racconti incantati); Jemaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords); Jack McBrayer (30 Rock, Non mi scaricare); Miranda Cosgrove (star dello show di successo di Nickelodeon, iCarly); e la leggendaria Julie Andrews (Principe azzurro cercasi, Mary Poppins, Tutti insieme appassionatamente).
Case Study: the Secret Life of Pets, Minions, and Animation IT
CASE STUDY The Secret Life of Pets, Minions, and Animation IT Company Profile Illumination Mac Guff was founded in 2011 and is entirely dedicated to making animated feature films for Universal Pictures. The company is known for such global blockbusters as the Despicable Me franchise, The Lorax, Minions, The Secret Life of Pets, and Sing—all produced by Chris Meledandri’s Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures. Challenge Fast NAS + Petabyte-Scale Object Archive with Avere • Keeping up with archive capacity requirements and ActiveScale • Building the next-level infrastructure for growth With the astounding popularity of the animated feature films from Paris-based Illumination Mac Guff, it would seem the whole world already knows about the secret lives of pets and the villainous plots of Gru and his goggle-eyed minions. But few moviegoers—or even the studio’s own digital artists—would guess the inner workings of the production systems Solution behind the stories. And that, says Illumination Mac Guff Head of Technology Bruno Mahe, is An Avere FXT Edge filer cluster with ActiveScale™ by design. “Our primary objective in IT is to protect the artistic intention for every project. We object storage system offers a cost-effective archive do that by prioritizing support for digital artists, delivering maximum responsiveness to their workstations and providing seamless access to digital assets, regardless of the load on the solution for seamless access to petabytes of data. underlying IT infrastructure or the location of datasets.” “Avere Systems FXT Edge filers in front of our storage systems ensure highest performance Results to both desktops and the studio’s 80,000-core render farm.
Engineering a Successful Mission: Lessons from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Engineering a Successful Mission: Lessons from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Presentation at the Supply Chain 2011 Conference October 19, 2011 David Everett, NASA GSFC Abstract • Engineering a Successful Mission: Lessons from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter • Abstract—Schedule pressure is common in the commercial world, where late delivery of a product means delayed income and loss of profit. Research spacecraft developed by NASA, on the other hand, tend to be driven by the high cost of launch vehicles and the public scrutiny of failure--the primary driver is ensuring proper operation in space for a system that cannot be retrieved for repair. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) development faced both schedule pressure and high visibility. The team had to balance the strong push to meet a launch date against the need to ensure that this first mission for Exploration succeeded. This presentation will provide an overview of the mission from concept through its first year of operation and explore some of the challenges the systems engineering team faced taking a mission from preliminary design review to pre-ship review in 3 years. 2 10/19/11, Supply Chain 2011, LRO, D. Everett, NASA GSFC Topics • LRO Objectives • LRO Results to Date • Programmatic Environment During Development • Challenges and Approaches • I&T Overview • Observations and Lessons Learned 3 10/19/11, Supply Chain 2011, LRO, D. Everett, NASA GSFC LRO Beginning • January 2004, the President announced the “Vision for Space Exploration”, sending a “series of robotic missions” to the moon “beginning no later than 2008”. • Announcement of Opportunity for LRO instruments released in June 2004; target launch October 2008.
Disruption in the Animation Feature Film Industry: Is Low-Cost, High-Quality Animated Features the Future? Disruption In The Animation Feature Film Industry: Is Low-Cost, High-Quality Animated Features The Future? August 25, 2017 Globally, animation features are the most profitable genre of filmed-entertainment. Since Toy Story by Pixar opened-up the computer graphics imaging (CGI) animation landscape in 1995, the segment has been largely dominated by the majors. Toy Story unabashedly led the first tectonic shift in the modern-day animation ecosystem with its disruptive creative and technical mastery. In the 22 years since, about 150 CGI movies have been released, c. 80% of which have been productions by a select few studios and distributors – entirely driven by Hollywood. Animation is a capital-intensive medium, and the budget for the tent-pole films by the majors were in the $100-$200m range, until the genre of the mid-tier budget features ($50 – 80m) was born, and commercially established – led by the creative wonders from Chris Meledandri of Illumination (Minions, Despicable Me, etc.) fame. The economics on such high-quality mid-tier budget features were highly attractive. The ability for such films to also create high franchise value at significantly lower costs led to another disruptive change in the perception of animation filmmaking. Audiences love powerful storytelling and compelling visuals – the route to realizing this was secondary. Whilst Hollywood continues to remain the driving force in the global entertainment business, the world order is changing. China and India, among other facets of economic evolution, have a key role to play in the entertainment industry as well.
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Central District of California Awarded Professional Fees by Payee, Case Number and Date
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Central District of California Awarded Professional Fees by Payee, Case Number and Date Date Payee Case Number Case Title Docket # Type of Professional Amount 3/6/2014 & Dumas 2:13-bk-21713-RK Tajinder Singh Barring 103 Trustee's Attorney $35,117.00 8/20/2014 & Dumas 2:13-bk-21713-RK Tajinder Singh Barring 121 Trustee's Attorney $30,283.00 Payee Total $65,400.00 7/18/2014 A. Dumas 2:13-bk-37992-BR Frank Zamarripa, Inc. 111 Trustee's Attorney $19,338.00 Payee Total $19,338.00 4/1/2014 Aaron de Leest 6:11-bk-36955-SY James Louis McMahon 54 Trustee's Attorney $750.00 and Patricia Elaine McMahon Payee Total $750.00 3/26/2014 Abby Wood 2:13-bk-33817-RK James D Hastings 43 Debtor's Attorney $11,886.00 1/21/2014 Abby Wood 6:13-bk-20648-WJ Manuel V Badiola, Sr 81 Debtor's Attorney $17,516.50 and Eliana Munive Badiola Payee Total $29,402.50 12/18/2014 Abdul Karim Rahim and 8:13-bk-16248-MW Jenoo Group, LLC 256 Accountant $44,915.00 Rahim Accountancy Corp Payee Total $44,915.00 6/20/2014 Adina Turman 1:14-bk-10927-VK Paul Joseph Marcos 45 Debtor's Attorney $2,831.00 3/11/2014 Adina Turman 2:10-bk-30363-WB Bristol B. Jackson and 82 Debtor's Attorney $994.50 Lisa B. Jackson 3/13/2014 Adina Turman 2:13-bk-18351-NB Richard L. Totton Debtor's Attorney $4,000.00 10/9/2014 Adina Turman 2:14-bk-24272-NB Angela Levette Faulknor Debtor's Attorney $4,000.00 2/26/2014 Adina Turman 6:13-bk-28133-SY Craig P Hansen and 46 Debtor's Attorney $900.00 Cherie L Hansen 12/11/2014 Adina Turman 6:14-bk-20308-MH Albert F Thompson 43 Debtor's Attorney $1,250.00 4/8/2014 Adina Turman 8:13-bk-18404-MW Janet Lea Perry 57 Debtor's Attorney $980.00 Payee Total $14,955.50 2/20/2014 Ahren Tiller 2:13-bk-38408-SK Katherine A.
Appendix II Selected Media Clips on Corruption and Anti-Competitive Allegations Against BAT (December 2015
Appendix II Selected Media Clips on Corruption and Anti-Competitive Allegations against BAT (December 2015 - December 2016) ____________________________________________________ BBC November 30, 2015 The secret bribes of big tobacco paper trail Daily Mail November 30, 2015 BBC reports BAT tobacco giant paid bribes in east Africa Forbes December 1, 2015 An Exceptional Insight into Commercial Bribery Practices at British American Tobacco The Independent December 1, 2015 British American Tobacco accused of bribing senior politicians in order to sabotage anti-smoking laws The Independent December 18, 2015 British American Tobacco 'bribed' Kenyan politician Martha Karua to stop action against cigarette smuggling The Independent December 19, 2015 British American Tobacco paid union to disrupt production at one of its chief rivals, whistleblower claims The Telegraph February 25, 2016 BAT gives law firm 'open door' to probe corruption allegations The Independent February 27, 2016 British American Tobacco accused of corporate espionage in South Africa April 8, 2016 Revealed: BAT corruption scandal in Africa leads to London HQ Sunday Mail September 4, 2016 The man who blew the whistle on BAT The Lawyer December 8, 2016 BAT drops Linklaters from corruption probe in favour of Slaughter and May The secret bribes of big tobacco paper trail BBC November 30, 2015 The BBC's Panorama programme has spent five months investigating bribery at British American Tobacco. BAT says it conducts its business with honesty, integrity and transparency, and has strict anti-bribery rules. But the BBC obtained hundreds of documents that reveal how BAT employees bribed politicians, public officials and even people working for a rival company in Africa.
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