Simeis 147: remnant

Simply put, a supernova is an energetic stellar explosion.

SN 1006:  The core of a star is constantly contracting, heating up and consuming lighter elements  A larger star will have enough mass to compress its core and rise in temperature  Massive stars with ten times more mass than the sun will be able to burn heavier elements  Its weight crushes the core into its self, making it smaller and smaller  If, while burning its last bit of fuel, a star is still just a bit too chubby to meet the Chandrasekhar limit, the star collapses Then, we get…

Crab  Massive stars have iron cores, having developed them during their stages of life  Energy cannot be produced from the iron core and the massive star can no longer sustain itself  The iron core begins to collapse from gravity  The temperature rises, causing the iron to break apart  This lessens the heat but lowers the gas pressure and speeds up the collapse

 Electron and protons are combined during this process and form neutrons, which releases particles called neutrinos  The neutrinos carry more energy away from the center of the star, increasing the rate of collapse even more  In some cases, the star never stops collapsing and turns into a black hole  The star has stopped collapsing and is now just a mass comprised of mostly neutrons  However, material is still falling towards this mass  The layers of stellar material that were just collapsing are now being ejected away form the core at speeds around 10% the speed of light

Vela Supernova Remnant Double Supernova Remnants DEM L316

Cassiopeia A: Supernova Remnant  Divided into Type I-a, b, and c  Light drop of 2-3 magnitude in a matter of 20-30 days  Dims in an exponential fashion  All Type I’s follow this fashion

 Type I-a supernovae are caused by thermonuclear explosions  Type I-b contain much helium in their spectra  For Type I-c, helium is either very week or missing from the spectra  Divided into Type II-P, L, and b  Light curves and spectra or different Type II’s are not always replicas or each other  Give off less light than Type I’s  Spend more time at maximum brightness and decay slower

 Type II-P are characterized by a constant in the luminosity after the maximum in the light curve  Type II-L shows a linear decline  Type II-b supernova generally has lost most of its H-rich cover due to its companion star in a binary system Astronomy Picture of the Day. Marschall, Laurence. The Supernova Story. Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey. 1988. Minkowski, R. "Supernovae and Supernova Remnants". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol 2: 247-266, Sep. 1964. Pols, Onno, et. al. "Close Binary Progenitors of Type Ib/Ic and IIb/II-L Supernovae". ASP Conference Series. Vol. 130, 1997.