Extensions of Remarks
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18750 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 16, 1976 quires the inclusion on such packages of a struction authorizations for certain nuclear authority of the States to regulate terminal label bearing a statement of the tar and nic power plants pending the outcome of a com and station equipment used for telephone otine content. prehensive study by the Omce of Technology exchange service. Requires the Federal Com Prohibits smoking in any enclosed area Assessment. Requires a five-year independent munications Comm1sslon to make specified open to the public in any Federal facUlty study of the nuclear fuel cycle by the omce findings in connection with Commission ac or any interstate passenger carrier facillty. o!. Technology Assessment with final repol"ts tions authorlzing specialized carriers. Requires the separation of smokers and and recommendations to be made to the H.R. 13868. May 18, 1976. Interstate and nonsmokers in any restaurant, other dining Congress. Foreign Commerce. Amends the Public fac111ty, recreation room, or lounge in any H.R. 13865. May 18, 1976. Merchant Marine Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary Federal facility or interstate passenger car and Fisheries. Amends. the Marine Mammal o! Health, Education, and Welfare to make rier facUlty. Recommends, whenever possi Protection Act of 1972 to modify regulations grants, contracts, and loan guarantees for ble, the separation of smoking and nonsmok with respect to the taking of marine mam the planning. lnitial development, and ini ing Federal employees. mals incidental to commercial fishing. tial operation costs for comprehensive medi Imposes an increased tax on cigarettes and Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to cal practices. authorizes the use of such revenues for cig ban the importation of commercial fish or Directs that studies be made of health care arette-related disease research. fish products which have been caught with delivery systems. Authorizes the Secretary to H.R. 13861. May 18, 1976. Interior and In technology which results in the death or seri fund training and research projects related sular A1fairs. Directs the Secretary of Agri ous injury of ocean mammals in excess of to support services. management, and educa culture to review for suitabillty as wilder United States standards. tion for comprehensive medical services. ness specified lands in the Sam Houston Na H.R. 1S866. May 18, 1976. Government Op H.R. 13869. May 18, 1976. Ways and Means. tional Forest, the Saline National Forest, and erations. Amends the Federal Reports Act of Amends the Internal Revenue Code to pro the Davy Crockett National Forest, Texas. 1942 to forbid the use of forms by a Federal vide a $5,000 tax exclusion from gross in H.R. 13862. May 18, 1976. Ways and Means. agency to collect information tram more come for any amount received as an annuity, Amends the Social Security Act by increas than ten persons unless such forms were ap pension, or other retirement benefit. Limits ing the amount of outside income which an proved by the Comptroller General. Allows the exclusion to $5,000 for married couples as individual may earn without a reduction in approval only if such information gathering well as individuals. Old-age, Survivors, and Disabiiity Insurance is reasonably necessary and not overly bur H.R. 13870. May 18, 1976. Interstate and benefits. densome on the persons to whom they are Foreign Commerce. Amends the Securities H.R. 13863. May 18, 1976. Ways and Means. directed. Exchange Act of 1934 to require each regis Establishes a national lottery in the Depart H.R. 13867. May 18, 1976. Interstate and tered issuer of securities to tlle periodic re ment of the Treasury and creates a trust Foreign Commerce. Rerunrms the intent of ports relating to any payment of money over fund to be known as the Lottery Trust Fund. Congress with respect to the structure of the $1,000 to any person including one employed Provides that revenues from such lottery be common carrier telecommunications indus by a foreign government and a foreign po used to render assistance to low-income sen try rendering services in interstate and for litical party or candidate. lor citizens in paying their electric and tele eign commerce. Grants additional authority Prohibits any issuer of securities to make phone bills. use of the mails or any ins1rumentality of H.R. 13864. May 18, 1976. Atomic Energy. to the Federal Communications Commission Directs the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to authorize mergers of carriers when deemed interstate commerce to offer, pay or promise to cease the granting of licenses for con- to be in the public interest. Reaffirms the such payments. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRINITY RIVER PROJECT termined that the flood control aspects of harbor projects are not financed by bor the Trinity River project, if implemented rowed funds, but rather by tax revenues, would increase the agricultural produc upon which no interest is actually paid. HON. OLIN E. TEAGUE tion in the basin anywhere from 10 to 15 In closing his report, Professor Barloon OF TEXAS percent for most crops; and, the produc stated: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of rice could be increased as much as The Trinity River navigation project differs 77 percent. from mast public expenditures in that it rep Wednesday, June 16, 1976 This team also reports that the primary resents an investment in a long-lived pro Mr. TEAGUE. Mr. Speaker, I have ductive facility rather than a consumptive :flood control facilities affecting agricul outlay. So viewed, it promises to return eco been a Member of this body for over ture in the project are the Tennessee nomic benefits to the public in the form of 30 years and, during that time span, I Colony Lake and the multiple purpose higher incomes and property values fully have supported and voted for the Trin channel. The land inundated by Tennes equivalent to the construction investment ity River project each time it was before see Colony Lake currently produces at plus an annual return of about 6%. this body for consideration. only 48 cents per acre. Frequent flooding The question of the continuance of the has precluded any productive use of this comprehensive improvement and devel land. Increased production resulting opment of the Trinity River has been from the project designed flood controls BERLIN ANNIVERSARY raised in this body on several previous could increase household income in the occasions, using the economic feasibility region as much as $12.1 million a year. of the project as a basis for questioned Third. Prof. Marvin Barloon, Carl HO . JA ES J. DELA EY continuance. ton, professor of economics at Case West OF NEW YORK There have been any number of stud ern Reserve University shows that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ies made in this regard, and I would like cost-benefit ratio, using Federal Govern Wednesday, June 16, 1976 to list these studies in order that Mem ment guidelines is about 1. 71 to 1 after a bers of this body will know of them. reevaluation of the navigation eco Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, tomor First. Dr. Floyd Durham, professor of nomics. This figure is well above the 1.45 row, June 17, marks the 23d anniversary economics at Texas Christian University, to 1 upon which the project was author of the 1953 workers' uprising in East reports that construction of this project ized. Professor Barloon noted that the Berlin-a reminder to us all of the spark will create an estimated 6,913 jobs and traffic volume considered for the Trinity of liberty which burns within the hearts would produce an annual payroll in ex was extremely conservative. particularly of all the German people. It was John cess of $65 million throughout the con in light of the market growth since 1968 Fitzgerald Kennedy who said: struction period of 10 to 12 years. This and the energy crisis. There are many people in the world who will further be enhanced by the purchase Further, Professor Barloon has stated really don't understand, or say they don't, what 1s the great issue between the free of building materials within the region that the 3¥.4 percent interest rate used in world a.nd t.M Comm.unist. world. Let them. and the need for housing and services evaluating the Trinity River project is come to Berlin. There are some who say that for employees. Dr. Durham further high. He pointed out that REA loans Communism is the wave of the !uture. Let states that by 1990 the project directly money at 2 percent to its cooperatives. them com.e to Berlin. • . And there are and indirectly will have produced 358,000 The current interest rates of 7 to 10 per even a few who say that it 1s true tha.t Com. new jobs with annual payrolls in excess cent constitute a reimbursement to lend munism is an evil system. but tt permits us of a billion dollars. ers for future inflation. Professor Barloon to make economic progress. "Lasst sle nach Second. A study conducted by a team point...Qo(]. out, while the actual interest is Berlin kommen." of agricultural experts from my alma somewhere between 2% to 4 percent. He Despite a partial thawing of relations mater, Texas A. & M. University, has de- further stated that Federal waterway and between the Federal Republic of Ger- June 16, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 18751 many and the ''German Democratic which was severely damaged by a ty MIGUEL A. CAVAZOS Republic," we must not be lulled into phoon on May 21 and 1n other disaster Way back 1n 1934, the Hidalgo School Dis complacency. stricken areas in the United States.