Bond Sale Funds Are Now Int Owntreasury
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jggggjgjggP r.:'-'|.:^'/-'*:';.-:?-rt:v-V-\;.®®®3fc-v'• The Only p$5|§|._ v':: Newspaper Published ^ in the Town of J Enfield, Ct. rj , : COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE jFifty-Fourth Year No. 47. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. S§: FIRST SECTION OF Again Deferred HEARINGS ON Bond Sale Funds Are i SB SB# SEWER PROJECT " An unavoidable delay in the TOWN BILL TO BE ipi^i completion of the remaining >T Vi& article in the proposed plan NEARLY FINISHED for a new town government HELD TOMORROW Now InTownTreasury ^ *r ~ ~ _ makes it necessary to again de ic'-i'l-Aivw -3^ KS2£M* _ Part of Project North fer the publication of the final Electors Will Have Opportunity to Consider Pro installment which it was ex Measures Providing for of Asnuntuck Brook to pected would appear in this is Adoption of Building Amount Turned Over Today to Town Treasurer posal for New Town Government Before Leg sue. The committee is con Be Completed in About fident that the final draft of the Code and New Form of Timothy J. Sullivan Following the Signing of islative Hearing—Groups to Hear Explanation remainder of the plan will be Two Weeks—Satisfac ready in time for publication Town Government Will Validating Bill by Governor Cross Yesterday By Members of Committee. next week. As stated previous tory Progress Made. ly when the last installment of Be Heard Tomorrow. in Presence of Rep. Miss Julia H. Doyle. the plan is published, complete Before the end of the month and Despite the fact that the bill which copies of it will be printed for Two hearings of local interest are Resting securely in the town treas has been presented to the general as perhaps sooner the first section of the distribution among the citi BETTER HOUSING! intercepting sewer, which is 2600 feet scheduled to take place before the ury today is the sum of $100,000 plus sembly providing for a new plan of zens who may want to study Committee on Towns, Cities and Bor HONOR STUDENTS long, will be completed according to the proposal in its entirety, and a premium of $2900, which will be town government for Enfield is sched oughs tomorrow. They are the bill 8 PROGRAM CANVAS uled for a hearing before the Towns, the officials in charge of the project. to thoroughly inform them disbursed as needed by Town Treas Cities and Boroughs Committee to This section extends from the line of selves on what it is intended to which would give the town the right urer Timothy J. Sullivan for mater AT HIGH SCHOOL morrow, no action will be taken on St. Patrick's Cemetery on West street provide in the way of an im to adopt a building code ana the ial and supplies for the intercepting UNDERWAY HERE the measure at this time. The legis to Asnuntuck brook on South River proved system for managing measure providing for a new form of sewer and sewage disposal plant now lative committee will be asked to de street. With the completion of this our municipal affairs. town government. The latter bill will under construction. The consumation ARE ANNOUNCED fer consideration of the bill until the part of the project, work on the not occupy much of the time of the of the bond sale, which actually took Auspicious Start Made complete plan is presented to dis southern extension along South Riv committee as action on it will be re place several weeks ago, was com place the skeleton measure which will er street will be commenced as well quested deferred until the complete pleted when the bonds, already signed Principal Lee Gives Out Yesterday in the Town- be before the committee. The com as the pump station which will be lo SPECIAL TOWN bill is ready for the consideration of on the original date of sale, were List of Scholars On the mittee, being already aware of the cated at the south side of Asnuntuck the committee. It is expected that a turned over to Putnam & Company wide Check-up on Pos forthcoming complete measure, will brook on the river bank. full hearing will be given to the build of Hartford and the payment, less the Honor Roll for Janu acquiesce to this request, which will State administration and federal MEETING SET FOR ing code measure but the decision of $1,000 already put down to bind the sible Repairs or Im be made by Representative Stanley engineers who inspected the work the committee will be withheld until sale, made. ary and February— Yesukiewicz who presented the bill, last week pronounced it satisfactory. the general town act is disposed of provements in Homes. The progress reports indicate that The transfer followed the passage Seniors Lead. and representatives of the committee. NEXT TUESDAY by the assembly. in the Senate on Tuesday of the meas Meantime the committee have com- the expected headway had been made Members "of the committee who ure, already approved by the House, Enfield's Better Housing program, pleted the draft of the proposed plan during the winter season. Local Ad have been working on the proposed for the ratification of the act of the According to announcement made "which has been in the process of plan- and will proceed to dessiminate the ministrator William J. Hughes, who new building code will be present at town meeting voting the sewage dis this morning by Principal Karl D. ning for the past few weeks, got defi- information regarding it as widely as made the inspection with the engi Electors Asked to Pur the hearing and urge the adoption of posal appropriation and validating | Lee, 155 students have attained the nitely underway yesterday when the possible in order that the electors neers, expressed satisfaction at the chase Land for Widen the bill. The measure provides that the bond issue for payment of the j scholastic distinction for the months actual canvass of the town was com- may be as fully informed as possible progress that had been made. the code be approved by a town meet town's share of the project. Imme-iof January and February which en- menced. Seven canvassers began the as to its details. Members of the He stated that there would be no ing of Bartley Avenue ing. The proposed legislation is the diately after its passage the bill was (titled them to be placed on the honor house-to-house check-up on property coimmittee will address various changes in the personnel of the su result of a resolution passed at a taken by Representative Miss Julia i roll. Of this number, 48 are from the conditions in order to determine what group meetings throughout the var pervisors in charge of the project and Make An Appro town meeting nearly two years ago, H. Doyle, who introduced it in the| senior class, 32 from the junior, 30 repairs or improvements might pos ious sections of the town, explaining and that the changes being made in which provided for the appointment House, to the Governor's office for his are sophomores and 45 freshmen. sibly be made this spring. the plan and what it is expected to the working force originated here and priation For Same. of a committee to draw up a building signature. High honors were accorded the fol Each canvasser carries a question accomplish by it, in the way of im were not the result of any instruc code and take the necessary steps Governor Cross, after carefully lowing students: Senior class, Rita naire which is submitted to the proving the method of managing the tions or orders received from any Approval of a plan to purchase ad through legislative enactment for its reading the bill and having the cir Garvey, Stephen Gracewski, Esther higher authority. The plan is being adoption by the town. The members householder. It contains 16 questions affairs of the municipality. ditional land on High street from cumstances of its introduction and Mohn, Henry Norian, Onofrio Resta; -covering all possible forms of im Frederick R. Furey, a member of carried out as a result of a decision of the committee are Max H. Westoff, passage by both houses of the assem juniors, Ruth Birdsall, Doris Sisitzky; provement and repairs. Any of these the committee, and one of the best made early in the project that there Daniel A. Garvey in order to shift the Atty. Francis J. Fahey, Sylvester L. bly explained by Miss Doyle, affixed sophomores, Eleanor Pianka, Jane would be as wide a distribution of the location of the new post office suffi Mitchell and Raleigh B. Brown. The his signature to it, declaring at the Pierz, Wanda Zawada; freshmen, improvements which it is definitely informed citizens of the community work as possible during the progress intended tc make will be marked on on the subject of town government, ciently from the original site selected late William Hyland was also a mem same time that it seemed a piece of Julia Barszcz, Dolores Brown, Sher of the coriStruction. ber of this committee. the questionnaire and one copy will will address the members of the by the government will be sought reasonable and necessary legislation. wood Cunningham, Grace Furey, The information that the measure Genevieve Karalinta, Sigmont Ligen- be left with the signer and the other Board of Trade at its monthly meet through a special town meeting. The filed with the chairman of the Better ing which will be held in about ten had officially become a law, and that za, Edward Novak, Fanny Parvelac, Housing Committee.* The signer days.