Need A Loan? Call Us ! 305-296-8535 Kurt Ani Lori Brian Smith Lewin Madruga Bailey Barroso (305) (305) (305) (305) (305) 942-4821 304-4187 308-3210 304-6991 393-4669 NMLS#: 518207 NMLS#: 812476 NMLS#: 812674 NMLS#: 812459 NMLS#: 812460 Member FDICMember Equal Housing Lender WWW.KEYSNET.COM WEDNESDAY,MARCH 13, 2013 VOLUME 60, NO. 21 ● 25 CENTS CITIZENS WINDSTORM OUR SCHOOLS District responds to critical state audit $36 million construction loan on hand at the School state audit’s most serious Loan default to rebuild Horace O’Bryant District and remitted upon finding, referred to as “mate- challenged by Middle School in Key West. receipt of invoicing for the rial weakness.” The audit finding reads: funding dates,” Fowler The significant deficien- bank records “The district’s required wrote to Director of Finance cy reported by state auditors annual debt payment of Ken Gentile, “the School was found in “financial By SEAN KINNEY $2,117,647, due on Dec. 1, Board is in compliance with reporting procedures (that)
[email protected] 2011, was made on Aug. 24, the payment terms of the tax could be improved to ensure 2012, or 267 days late.” certificate and no technical that transactions and note As Monroe County But, in what Super- event of default occurred.” disclosures are properly School District administra- intendent Mark Porter The most recent audit, cov- reported.” That’s viewed as a tors weigh their response to described as “great news,” ering the fiscal year that ended wholesale criticism of the a Florida Auditor General’s Fort Lauderdale-based U.S.