Young Israel of Greater Cleveland July 2017 Newsletter-Tammuz/Av 5777

From the ’s Shtender

Dear Member, It seems like such a long time since Shavuos, even though it has only been a few weeks. Shavuos in shul was very inspiring and meaningful. The all night learning program run by our was very well attended and enjoyed. Our Medical Ethics (Halacha) Program, which grows in attendance each year, was very well received by everyone who attended. Soon we will start working on the Yomim Noraim, as they are almost around the corner. In the meantime, enjoy your summer and rest up for the coming year.

Rabbi Naphtali Burnstein

July Time Table/Shacharis Times 2

Shiurim Schedule 3

Shiva Asar B’Tammuz/Three Weeks/Nine Days/Tisha B’Av 4-5

Power of Prayer/Clilei HaChodesh/Kollel Corner/YI Notables 6

Mazel Tovs 7

Tributes/Sponsors of Shiurim 8

MARK YOUR CALENDAR MISHNA YOMI PROGRAM The Mishna Yomi Program Stone Setting for Mike (Meyer) Haas continues Maseches Pesachem Sunday, July 9 at 10:00 am Zion Memorial Park TRIBUTE DINNER

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Matos-Masei Chukas Mevorchim Devarim June 30- Balak Pinchas HaChodesh Shabbos Chazon July1 July 7-8 July 14-15 July 21-22 July 28-29 6/7 Tammuz 13/14 Tammuz 20/21 Tammuz 27/28 Tammuz 5/6 Av Candlelighting 7:29 pm 7:28 pm 7:25 pm 7:21 pm 7:16 pm Earliest Candlelighting 8:45 pm 8:44 pm 8:40 pm 8:35 pm 8:29 pm Latest Mincha Erev 7:10 pm 7:10 pm 7:05 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Shabbos 8:50 pm 8:50 pm 8:45 pm 8:40 pm 8:35 pm Stone Synagogue Mincha Erev Shabbos 7:10 pm 7:10 pm 7:05 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm HAC Hashkoma Stone 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am Shacharis 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am Mincha HAC 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm Mincha Stone Syn 8:25 pm 8:25 pm 8:20 pm 8:15 pm 8:10 pm Ma’ariv 9:45 pm 9:43 pm 9:40 pm 9:35 pm 9:28 pm Motzei Shabbos 9:53 pm 9:51 pm 9:48 pm 9:43 pm 9:36 pm Latest time for krias shema (am) 9:43 am 9:45 am 9:48 am 9:52 am 9:55 am Latest time for Shacharis (am) 10:58 am 11:00 am 11:03 am 11:05 am 11:07 am Weekday Mincha 7/2-7/6 7/9-10,12-13 7/16-7/20 7/23-7/27 7/30, 8/2-3 (week of…) 8:50 pm 8:45 pm 8:40 pm 8:35 pm 8:30 pm

Shacharis Schedule: HAC: Rosh Chodesh Av S 7:20 am Monday, July 24 M & Th 6:40 / 7:10 am Stone: 6:30/7:40 am T-W-F 6:45 / 7:20 am HAC: 6:30/7:00 am

Stone Syn: S 7:15/8:00/ 8:30 am M & Th 6:40 / 7:50 am T-W-F 6:45 am/ 7:50 am Young Israel of Greater Cleveland - July 2017 Page 3

Shiurim Schedule WEEKDAYS WEEKDAYS CONT’D M-F 7:30 am Mishna Brura (Rabbi Th 8:15 pm Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Burnstein-Stone) Yahrzeit Shiurim (Rabbi Berger-Stone) S-Th 9:00 pm Mishna Brura (Rabbi Rabbi Berger’s classes held at Siegel Burnstein-Stone) College: S-F 8:50 am Daf Yomi (Rabbi Burnstein- S 9:00-10:30 am Bagels, Lox & Stone) Class on Parshas HaShavua S After 7:15 am Shacharis Minyan M 6:30-8:30 pm The Book of Ruth as a Mussar (Rabbi Dovid Gross-Stone) Gateway to Biblical Narrative S After 8:30 am Shacharis Minyan Th 10:00 am -12:00 pm Maimonides: Guide for the Perplexed (Hillel Berachos Chiel-Stone Bais Medrash) S-Th Shiur 20 min. before Mincha, & Shiur SHABBOS after Maariv (Rabbi Lebovics-HAC) M8:15 pm Halacha for women (Rabbi 8:30 am Parsha (Rabbi Lebovics-HAC) Burnstein-home of Deena Israeli) T 2:15 pm Mesilas Yesharim for women 8:30 am Parsha (Stone) (Rabbi Baum-Stone) T 7:30 pm Parshas HaShavua for women 10:15 am Aspects of Prayer and (Rabbi Berger-Stone) Liturgy (Rabbi Berger following Stone Hashkoma) T 8:30 pm Chumash for high school boys 10:15 am Sefer Melachim (Dr. Jeff (Rabbi Borchardt-Stone) Lautman following Stone Hashkoma) W 12:15 pm Sefer Shemos for women (Rabbi 90 Minutes before Mincha Gemara Berger-Stone) Avodah Zora at home of Dr. Jeff Lautman W 45 minutes before Mincha Gemara for 5:30 pm class (Rabbi Burnstein-Stone) men (Rabbi Burnstein-Stone) 5:30 pm Pirkei Avos (Rabbi Stern-HAC) W 9:25 pm Yorah De’ah for men (Rabbi Class 1/2 hr. before Maariv (Rabbi Burnstein-Stone) Berger-Stone) W. 8:15 pm Dramatic Narratives in the Between 2nd Mincha & Maariv Open Talmud (Rabbi Berger-Stone) Bais Medrash (YI Kollel-Stone)


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Shiva Asar B’Tammuz Schedule 2017/5777

Tuesday, July 11—Shiva Asar B'Tammuz Fast Begins at 4:51 am Shacharis: Stone Syn 6:30/7:40 am HAC 6:30/7:00 am Mincha: 8:35 pm Ma’ariv: 9:25 pm Fast ends: 9:42 pm

LAWS PERTAINING TO THE THREE WEEKS During the summer months we observe the "Three Weeks," the season when we mourn many tragedies which befell the Jewish people. The 17th of Tammuz, which is observed this year on Tuesday, July 11, is a fast day, which commemorates several tragic events in Jewish history. These include the destruction of the first set of Tablets of the Ten Commandments, and the breaching of the walls of immediately prior to the destruction of the Second Temple. Men and women over the age of Bar and Bat Mitzvah are required to fast by refraining from eating, drinking or rinsing out one's mouth from daybreak until nightfall, at 9:42 pm. Although the fast does not technically begin until morning, 4:51 am, a person should have in mind before retiring for the night the possibility of awakening before daybreak to eat. We read the Torah twice that day, both times reading about the forgiveness Moshe achieved for the after they had worshipped the golden calf. This is read twice on all fast days except for Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av mornings when different portions of the Torah are read. The 17th of Tammuz begins the Three Weeks, a period of gradually increasing mourning culminating with Tisha B'Av, the 9th of Av. During these three weeks we refrain from haircuts, weddings, dancing and playing music. A musician whose livelihood is earned by playing music may perform for non-Jews during the Three Weeks, but not during the "Nine Days."

The Nine Days During the "Nine Days," which begin this year on Sunday night, July 23, the mourning intensifies. We avoid joyous activities such as home decorating and even forego many comforts such as wearing freshly laundered clothing. We also refrain from eating meat or poultry and drinking wine, except for Shabbos. One is permitted to eat foods which were made in a meat pot, but contain no meat ingredients. A person who is ill or weak is allowed to eat meat but should preferably eat poultry. A person should not launder or wear freshly laundered outer garments (e.g., shirts, slacks, dresses, skirts) during the Nine Days, but should arrange in advance to have a sufficient supply of clean, although not freshly laundered, clothes by wearing these items for a brief period of time. Little children's clothing can be laundered during the Nine Days. Swimming and bathing for pleasure are also not permitted during the Nine Days. All the restrictions of the nine days extend until 1:32 pm (chatzos) on the 10th of Av, August 2.

Young Israel of Greater Cleveland - July 2017 Page 5 Tisha B’Av Schedule 2017/5777

Monday, July 31, Erev Tisha B'Av Tuesday, August 1, Tisha B'Av Mincha: 7:30 pm Shacharis: Stone Syn 6:00/8:00/9:00* am Fast begins: 8:44 pm *includes Kinos explanation Ma’ariv: 9:00 pm (followed by Eichah) Shacharis: HAC 8:30 am—Main Floor Auditorium, followed by Kinos with explanations and stories by Krias Shema is repeated before going Rabbi Lebovics to sleep Chatzos: 1:32 pm Mincha: 8:15 pm (Talis & Tefillin are worn at Mincha) Ma’ariv: 9:10 pm Fast ends: 9:25 pm

Erev Tisha B’Av Right before the fast, we eat the last meal (Seudah Hamafsekes). This traditionally consists of bread & a hard-boiled egg. It is customary to first eat a regular dinner, daven Mincha & then eat the last meal. Shoes need not be changed until sunset.

The Ninth of Av On Tisha B'Av, when we mourn the loss of the First & Second Temples, we also mourn the many devastating events which occurred on this day, including the destruction of Betar (which included the massacre of tens of thousands of Jews) and the Spanish expulsion of 1492. In addition, the First World War, which was both the source of horrors for Jewish communities worldwide and the source and cause of the atrocities of the Second World War, began on Tisha B'Av. As a national day of mourning, the Kinos (Lamentations), which we read on Tisha B’Av, include memorials to many other Jewish tragedies, including the Crusades. There are also Kinos to commemorate the Holocaust, which are read and studied on Tisha B'Av in many congregations around the world. The laws of Tisha B'Av and the atmosphere of the day differ from any other experience in the Jewish calendar. Whereas the Torah normally requires us to celebrate and be friendly, on Tisha B'Av we are discouraged from being joyous. We are not even to greet one another, but if one is greeted by someone unaware of the Halacha, one should respond so as not to offend the other person. An atmosphere of extreme sadness should prevail. We only study works that are saddening, such as descriptions of the destruction of the Temple or the laws of mourning. From sunset, 8:44 pm, Monday, July 31 until 9:25 pm on Tuesday, August 1, we refrain from eating, drinking, washing, wearing leather shoes, and marital relations. Commerce and working are discouraged. Washing in the morning (negel vasser) is permitted only until the knuckles (even though one should wash until the wrist the rest of the year). Any time one washes for a halachic reason this day, one should wash only until the knuckle. Washing to remove some dirt is permitted, but any other washing should be delayed until after nightfall. Even the important mitzvah of wearing Tefillin is delayed until the afternoon of Tisha B'Av, when we put on Tefillin during Mincha. Let us hope that in the merit of our observance of the commandments of mourning the Temple during the Three Weeks, we will be blessed with the coming of the Moshiach and the rebuilding of our Temple very soon. TRIBUTE DINNER

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Each morning after we recite Birchas HaTorah, we recite a Mishna from the beginning of Maseches Peah. The reason this portion is recited is in order that a person begin the day with a portion of Torah She-bal-peh, the Oral Law. Of the many passages of the Talmud, why was this one selected? This passage lists five items that have no prescribed measure. The implication is that other than these five, everything has a limit. With this important concept, we should begin our day. As we begin each day, we should be aware that I may be exceeding limits in some aspects of my behavior, and seek a competent outside evaluation of myself.

Welcome New Members: KOLLEL CORNER Andrew & Isa Lefkowitz For those interested in a chavrusa at night, Yonatan & Hadassah Weiser please contact the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Baum (248-860-9102). Refuah Shelaima to: Sarah Rothner (Sora bas Roiza) Kollel Minyanim Sunday through Thursday: Lynda Steiner (Leah Chana bas Chaya) Mincha: 6:00 pm——Maariv: 9:30 pm Irv Silber (Yitzchak Isaac ben Rivka) Regular Kollel classes:

(Sunday) Rabbi Gross’s class after the 7:15 am Condolences to: minyan Our member, Elene Feigenbaum, on the loss of (Tuesday) Rabbi Baum’s class in Mesilas Yeshorim for women at 2:15 pm. her mother, Helene Gutman (Tuesday) Rabbi Borchardt’s Chumash class for Our member, Julie Belkin, on the loss of her high school boys 8:30 pm. father, Dr. Layton Kest (Shabbos) Open Bais Medrash between 2nd The family of our member, Naomi Herskovic, Mincha & Maariv on her passing Sid & Phyllis Reisman on the loss of their granddaughter, Kayla Nicole Schwartz

Clilei HaChodesh—-Torah Thoughts from the YIGC Community Write On! We encourage every member to share a Dvar Torah in our monthly Clilei HaChodesh or our annual Clilei Torah journal, scheduled to come out in time for Rosh Hashana. Retell something that inspired you or compose something original. Contact Rabbi Berger, Sarah Rudolph or Leslie Seiger to get on the schedule. Contact Ronnie Shulman for sponsorship information. Young Israel of Greater Cleveland - July 2017 Page 7

Rabbi & Mrs. Naphtali Burnstein on the engagement of their son, Moshe, to Devorah Gunzberg of New York

Rabbi & Mrs. Naphtali Burnstein on the marriage of their daughter, Elisheva, to Yudi Goldfein of Detroit

Rabbi Yankel Cohen on being honored by Telshe

Rabbi & Mrs. Herman Roszler on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Jacob Evan Michelow. Parents are Raizel & Bryan Michelow.

Herb & Retha Schabes on the marriage of their grandson, Shlomo Miller, to Tally Rozorsky of Lawrence, N.Y. Parents are Albert & Chaya Miller of Minneapolis.

Gavriella Jacobs, Avi Soclof and Shira Roth on being honored at Fuchs Mizrachi School Awards Ceremony

Hannah Levitin on being Salutatorian of Fuchs Mizrachi School graduating class

Yonatan & Hadassah Weiser, parents, and Herschel & Amy Weiser, grandparents, on the birth of a girl

Moshe & Hindy Goldfinger on the marriage of their daughter, Aliza, to Elchanan Kushner

Anatoly & Yelena Lidsky on the birth of a granddaughter. Parents are Moe & Naomi Lidsky of Toronto.

Agnes Greenfeld on the birth of a great granddaughter. Parents are Darren & Amanda Bryk. Grandmother is Audrey Greenfeld.

Louis & Chanie Malcmacher on the birth of a grandson. Parents are Shlomo & Avigail Malcmacher.

Gary & Hildee Weiss, parents, and Morry & Judy Weiss, grandparents, on the marriage of Yaffa to Yoni Gorman of Los Angeles

Eta Pollak on the marriage of her grandson, Issamar Pollak, to Chani Gutman of N.Y. Parents are Shloime & Mariam Pollak.

Josh & Tally Rush on the marriage of their daughter, Maya, to Shuki Lipsky of Chicago

Joseph & Rochelle Edelstein on the marriage of their daughter, CZ, to David Shapiro of St. Louis

Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda Appel on the marriage of their son, Elazar Simcha, to Esther Brocha Fink of Cleveland

Kenny & Chaya Fixler on their 50th wedding anniversary TRIBUTE DINNER

Young Israel of Greater Cleveland - July 2017 Page 8 TRIBUTES

In Honor of: Stuart & Marilyn Cole from Ronald & Rena Greenfeld Rabbi & Mrs. Naphtali Burnstein from Aron & Harriet Bloch Refuah Shelaima to: Rabbi & Mrs. Naphtali Burnstein from Dovid & Leah Sarah Rothner from Morris & Tova Mandel Rosenberg Chassie Brog from Larry & Sandi Gold Jacob Evan Michelow on his Bar Mitzvah from Morris & Tova Mandel In Memory of: Moish & Hindy Goldfinger on Aliza’s wedding from Cyndi Roller from Steve & Beth Baker Morris & Tova Mandel Ruth Steingroot from Jonathan & Bonnie Klarfeld Jeff Soclof for all his work for the Tribute Dinner from Morris & Tova Mandel Helene Gutman from Isaac & Francine Flaks/Ken & Ruth Wieder/Alan & Lisa Schabes Yakov Schlesinger on his Bar Mitzvah from Morris & Tova Mandel Dr. Layton Kest from Alan & Lisa Schabes Gilad Mosenkis on his Bar Mitzvah from Morris & Tova Daughter of Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Storch from Alan & Mandel Lisa Schabes David & Leslie Seiger from Jay & Dina Bernstein Kayla Nicole Schwartz from Joel & Sharon Peerless Rabbi & Mrs. Yoel Schwartz on birth of a granddaughter from Alan & Lisa Schabes Zelig & Judy Schur on the birth of 2 grandchildren from Daniel Haas Scholarship Fund Alan & Lisa Schabes In Memory of: Michael Brenis’ graduation from Alan & Lisa Schabes Ruth Steingroot from Hannah Porath Josh Wild’s graduation from Alan & Lisa Schabes Hannah Levitin’s graduation from Alan & Lisa Schabes

Thank you to the following sponsors of our Shiurim Summer Shabbos Shiur Series Month of Tammuz Mervyn and Joyce Fried and families Mitchell & Judy Spero Meshullam and Elene Feigenbaum

Rabbi Burnstein’s Weekly Shiurim Week of June 25-July 1: N.Y. Branch of the Milch family in honor of our dear cousins and role models, Rabbi Naphtali & Rebbetzin Rochel Burnstein Week of July 2-8: Zvi & Ahuva Miriam Belsky in honor of the Week of July 9-15: Esther & Jackie Schlanger and the Teaneck/Tannersville fan club with admiration and appreciation of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Burnstein Week of July 16-22: Daf Yomi Chevra in honor of the completion of Maseches Bava Basra Week of July 23-29: Marcelo and Michele Weiss in memory of Robert and Barbara Pinkis (Baruch Gamliel ben Chaim Yehuda and Esther Chana bas Avigdor)