Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 1 • GameOn Magazine Editorial

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Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 2 • GameOn Magazine Editorial Editorial Greetings readers of words, and welcome to GameOn’s special edition magazine in celebration of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag; or the Black Flag Mag, if that’s more catchy.

When Black Flag releases in late October 2013 it be the sixth game in the main series, which is itself supported by a number of mobile/handheld games, novels and animated films. With so much material, this is definitely a franchise worthy of celebration.

What a treat of wordy goodness we have for your squishy eyes and soft brains. As well as looking forward to Black Flag, we’ll be taking a look back at some of the games, characters and weapons of series past. We have a number of articles just waiting for you to devour, as well as an in-depth preview of the upcoming game, and our review and preview coverage of the last one.

If you like what you read here, be sure to check out our magazine on the Amazon Kindle Marketplace (US / UK), in which you’ll find loads of content on all the latest games. Also, check out our other free special editions at http://www.gameonmag. com/ - and keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming XCOM magazine. The Editor Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 3 • GameOn Magazine Highlights & Contents Highlights

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

Fresh from our trip to gamescom, we bring you our slightly different experience with the Black Flag preview demo.

Desmond Miles: Who Do You Think You Are?

We take you through the life line of Desmond and his ancestors in our Assassin’s Creed Timeline.

Top Five Time Killers

It’s not all about story and assassinations in Assassin’s Creed. Oh no, there’s a wealth of possibilities in these worlds and we aim to take full advantage of them!

Assassin’s Creed III Review

We head back to the latest released title in the game’s franchise to see what we thought of it upon release.

Assassin’s Creed Protagnoist Bios

We take a look over the protagonist’s of Assassin’s Creed and give you a little more insight on them!

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 4 • GameOn Magazine Highlights & Contents


About GameOn 6 The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Assassin’s Creed Part 2 18 III Review 43 About 7 : Who Do Assassin’s Creed III - A Misunderstood Epic: The You Think You Are? 24 The First Hour 50 Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 1 8 Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Assassin’s Creed 28 Flag Preview 53 Assassin’s Creed III Preview 13 Assassin Creed Looking Back To Move Protagonist Bios 32 Forward: Where Next For Why I Want Altaïr Assassin’s Creed? 60 To Come Back 16 A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of A Misunderstood Epic: Assassin’s Creed Part 3 38 Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 5 • GameOn Magazine ABOUT GAMEON

GameOn Networking Ltd was founded in 1997 with the aim of providing “lag free” gaming solutions for dedicated online gamers. Online connectivity in the late 90s was such that realtime gaming was beyond the reach of the average gamer, and so GameOn began hosting LAN parties throughout the UK. To date, GameOn has hosted almost 100 LAN parties.

In August 2008, GameOn began producing GameOn Magazine, an online PDF magazine covering all aspects of gaming including reviews, previews, news and articles. The dedicated magazine staff also provided coverage at high profile gaming events such as E3 and gamescom.

In February 2012, GameOn Magazine launched in ebook form on the Amazon Kindle marketplace in both the UK and US and has since developed from strength to strength. With the same quality coverage as always and dedicated writing and research staff the magazine has gained a loyal following and secured its position as one of the best selling gaming magazines on the Kindle store.

Later in 2012 GameOn lauched the colour version of the magazine via Magzter store which is avilable on Android, iOS and Windows.

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Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 6 • GameOn Magazine ABOUT UBISOFT

Founded by the five brothers of the Guillemot family in 1986, Ubisoft was created as a computer game publisher that distributed in France alone. The highly ambitious Chairman and CEO, Yves Guillemot, made deals with EA and Sierra On-Line and soon began to expand the company internationally.

Fast-forward 27 years and Ubisoft is a global video game publisher and developer with 26 studios across 19 countries and further subsidiaries in 26 countries. It is the third largest game publisher in both Europe and the , and during the 2008-2009 fiscal year, Ubisoft’s revenue was €1.058 billion, reaching the billion euro mark for the first time in its history.

Ubisoft boast many successful development studios, the largest of which is in Canada, which currently employs about 2,300 people. Among the acclaimed franchises developed by Ubisoft Montreal are the Far Cry, Splinter Cell, Assassin’s Creed and series.

For more information on Ubisoft and its titles, please visit

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 7 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 1 A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 1

t’s the varying dynamic historical settings that attract many gamers to the Assassin’s Creed Iseries. But while the tales of Altaïr, Ezio, Connor and company are all great yarns, for some the tale of Desmond Miles, set in the modern day, is what keeps them playing. Despite this, there’s no point ignoring the simple fact that a lot of people don’t enjoy the modern segments of the AC titles. Fact is, the core plot is so convoluted that it can be very easy to lose track of what’s actually going on. I mean, what the heck does the Apple actually do? Why in the world are there a bunch of Gods tittering over Desmond’s affections? Why did Desmond kill Lucy? In an effort to ease your mind and set you on the right path towards Black Flag, we present to you the full and explained modern story of Assassin’s Creed.

It all begins with Desmond, a nonchalant bartender who’s fated to play a huge part in the future of mankind. Of course, by the time Assassin’s Creed kicks off Desmond has already been kidnapped by Abstergo, the modern title of the Templar order who have grown into a super powerful organisation allegedly responsible for many of the Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 8 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 1 world’s advancements. Abstergo force Desmond and his connection with his ancestor, one Altaïr to take part in their experiment, although to begin Ibn-La’Ahad, is extremely strong. Perhaps the fact with it’s unclear where their intentions lay. It’s here that Desmond was once an Assassin in training is that Desmond, and the player, is introduced to the the reason for this. Animus, a machine that allows individuals to look back on their ancestors and view their lives from After a few sessions within the Animus it becomes beginning to end. That’s the easy bit, though, if you clear to Altaïr, and therefore Desmond, that the didn’t know what the Animus was then you may Knights Templar are searching for ‘pieces of Eden’, want to have a another play through. although what this exactly means is still a mystery. While Altaïr uncovers the mysteries of the Apple A shady individual named Warren Vidic is the human of Eden, Lucy begins to show signs of mercy and representation of Abstergo, and he’s a fitting one at even affection towards our main man, it’s a little that. His condescending tone and cold, oppressive confusing at first but she has her reasons. Dialogue nature make him a great bad guy. While Vidic plays between Lucy and Vidic during the modern sections the role of the more stereotypical baddy, there’s an reveal that Abstergo are planning to use the pieces oddly placed young woman called Lucy Stillman to of Eden to their own ends, namely create ‘order consider and it’s her relatable and pitiable place within society’, there’s little Desmond can do to in the modern segments of the original AC that stop them at this point and it’s clear that he’s more allow the player to relax a little. So much so that at focused on getting out of the lab than potentially times it’s easy to forget that Desmond is a captive saving the world. That doesn’t stop the Assassins of this company. Once plugged in to the Animus, attempting to bust Desmond out of Abstergo. One Desmond proves to be a highly successful subject cutscene sees an Assassin attack destroyed at the

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 9 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 1

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 10 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 1 hands of the Templars, a small section that gives within the Animus, information that is successfully the first true glimpse at the continued war in the acquired. The Templars now know where the pieces modern world. of Eden are located and begin to search for them. It doesn’t end there though, following the end credits By the end of the game Altaïr has defeated the there’s a small hint that the pieces of Eden are just traitorous Al-Mualim and gained control of the as important as the Templars make them out to be. Apple, an ancient artifact that emits a projection of Desmond’s prolonged sessions in the Animus lead the globe with several markers on certain spots. It’s to a ‘bleeding effect’ that allow him to learn some clear that these markers indicate the locations of the of the skills of his ancestors, namely Altaïr’s eagle pieces of Eden and now the Templars know where vision. With his newly acquired ability, Desmond to find them. The story in the original Assassin’s spots a collection of markings, once written in Creed is a little light on details and merely sets up blood, on the wall of his sleeping chambers. The the base concepts for the future games. There are markings are the work of subject 16, Desmond’s some crucial bits of info to be picked up during play, predecessor at Abstergo, and how the company, however. Small scenes highlight the fact that Vidic via the Animus, drove him to the point of mental and Stillman had previously faced issues keeping breakdown. He also makes several references to Animus subjects alive after prolonged periods of the end of the world, a small opening to a theme time inside. The slow and steady method with that would dominate the ongoing story. Desmond is clearly more effective, although Vidic Ryan Davies can often be seen and heard demanding that the process be quickened. What’s more, we learn about Desmond’s childhood and his place on ‘the farm’, where he was trained to become an Assassin. Although he ran away from the farm at a young age and lived a normal life until Abstergo abducted him.

So the story so far reads: Abstergo are bad guys trying to do good (but badly) and have been at war with the order of the Assassins for hundreds of years. Desmond is a runaway Assassin kidnapped for information Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 11 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Preview

Assassin’s Creed III Preview

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 12 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Preview Assassin’s Creed III Preview

Platforms Available: PC, PS3, , Wii U Date: October/November 2012 Genre: Action Adventure Publisher: Ubisoft

uring gamescom 2012 we got a glance at the much anticipated Ubisoft title, DAssassin’s Creed 3, and got to see footage of both the PS3 and Wii U versions running side- by-side. The majority of the footage we saw in this demonstration was from a substantive boat battle scene in which new protagonist Connor Kenway commands his vessel in an engagement against multiple enemy ships.

In a way we were disappointed with the footage shown, as we have already seen a substantial amount of naval gameplay from the game’s E3 demonstration. Given that the naval sections are quoted to be roughly 10% of the game, we have to Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 13 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Preview

the adventure players will unlock various upgrades and ammunition types for Connor’s ship, the Aquila.

As the footage we saw was from from a mission approximately ¾ into the game, the ship had already been substantially upgraded at this point and we got to see various ammunition types in action, including the shotgun-like grape shot and burning heat shot, which set stricken enemy vessels ablaze.

We also were shown how switching between various weapon types can be accessed from the Wii U tablet controller, which can be used to access both weapons for the ship and equipment for Connor wonder what the other 90% (i.e. the core Assassin’s during on-foot gameplay. When not in use, the Wii Creed gameplay) is like. U tablet screen defaults to a map display for player reference. Despite our regret that we did not get to see more of the series’ traditional gameplay elements, we The graphical quality was noticeably different did get to see a short on-foot section and managed between the Wii U and PS3 versions on show, to glean some further information in relation to with the PS3 version looking substantially better boat battle scenes. than its Wii U brother. The PS3 was significantly smoother round the edges, with the Wii U looking During the naval engagement we saw Connor a little rough and blurry particularly on the edges maneuvering his vessel around the enemy ships of the character modelling. The PS3 also handled and levelling huge broadsides at them to push the distance effects much better, with explosions them beneath the waves. The development in the distant mist being brighter and clearer in team informed us that throughout the course of comparison. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 14 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Preview

Gameplay proceeded at a fast pace, with Connor After taking care of the guards Connor spots quickly dispatching the enemy vessels one-by-one his target and leaps from above, delivering a before moving on to his objective - to assassinate finishing blow with his tomahawk. Finding himself a templar taking refuge on another ship. In this surrounded by guards, we move into a cinematic section we were treated to a brief show of more moment where, with a well placed shot to a poorly traditional Assassin’s Creed gameplay, as the two placed pile of gunpowder barrels, our assassin vessels collided and Connor boarded his enemy. blows the enemy ship to smithereens and makes good his escape to his own vessel. In this short section Connor dispatches the guards he encounters using a variety of new weapons In focusing on the ship-based section Ubisoft including his tomahawk, pistols and a grappling have no doubt chosen to concentrate on an area rope. The combat here looks typical of the series, that makes this game different from the previous with our assassin being able to take on a number Assassin’s Creed titles, but the lack of focus on of opponents simultaneously with ease using a the core elements of the series left us a little combination of offensive moves and defensive disappointed. The combat element we witnessed counters. The addition of the new weapons into the was incredibly brief and we had no time to explore mix promises to revitalise the combat somewhat some of the games new locales or bear witness to from previous iterations and, although short, this the speed and agility of this new assassin. section served to demonstrate that the gameplay Ross D. Brown that has made the series a success is still present at least in terms of the combat.

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 15 • GameOn Magazine Why I Want Altaïr To Come Back Why I Want Altaïr To Come Back

ssassins Creed is arguably one of the most noticeable/successful franchises in gaming Ahistory, boasting many different characters in many different places covering many different timelines.

I remember being the only person in my social circles who played the original Assassins Creed in 2007. Now it’s everywhere and almost everyone has played an Assassins Creed game or at least heard of one. But I still remember playing the first Assassins Creed and loving it.

One of the most notable reasons that this game stood out so much to me was the protagonist, Altaïr. Altaïr just felt so... awesome. He is what started the epicness that is Assassins Creed. Since the first game there have been many sequels that have rocketed the game to critically acclaimed success. But where is Altaïr?

Nowhere. Whilst he did appear in Assassin’s Creed: Altaïr’s Chronicles, Assassins Creed: Bloodlines and Assassins Creed: Revelations, Chronicles and Bloodlines were handheld only whilst in Revelations his part isn’t as big as I would like it to be able to say ‘They brought Altaïr back’.

They need to bring Altaïr back. Properly back. Back to consoles and PC. In his very own game. That kind Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 16 • GameOn Magazine Why I Want Altaïr To Come Back

of back. The kind of back that says ‘remember this clear from the intro with how he goes to attack the awesome guy? Of course you do, he’s a complete Templars without second thought and how he uses badass.’ Because people who came in on the series his rank to counter a fellow assassin’s argument. at ACII have no idea who Altaïr is, which is a shame He’ll do anything to get the mission done, not because without Altaïr there would be no Assassins thinking through his plans fully. However, during Creed. While I understand it will be difficult to put the course of the game perceive an attitude change him back after the events of Revelations, not a lot after what happened in the cave. of light is shed about what happened to him before the events of the first Assassins Creed. All these points just make Altaïr what Assassins Creed was for me. His attitude, his skill in weaponry The way Altaïr was. He was all business, no and climbing, and - most importantly - the way he messing around. That was made very clear from started off a series that would grow to become a the moment I started playing. He also has a strong legend in the gaming industry. sense of justice and believes he’s right, made very Duke Glen Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 17 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 2 A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 2

ssassin’s Creed II begins in the exact same spot the first game ends, with Desmond Astaring at the prophetic scribings on the wall. It all turns up a notch, however, when Lucy kicks down the door (although not literally) and busts Desmond out of the Abstergo labs. Believe it or not, it turns out she was a mole for the Assassins all along, who’d of thought it? Obvious plot twists aside, Lucy takes Desmond to an abandoned building, telling him that her team would help train him in the ways of an Assassin. Apparently, though, there’s not enough time to do it the old fashioned way, so the team devise a plan to use the bleeding effect of the Animus, that Desmond is already feeling the effects of, so that he can learn from one of his past ancestors. One Ezio Auditore da Firenze is chosen, you’ve probably heard of him.

Desmond is introduced to the team in question, the not-so-dynamic duo of Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane. Crane has developed what she calls the Animus 2.0, mainly because it looks a bit more trendy, oh and it’s portable. Desmond’s initial stretch in the Animus, and therefore his first experience with Ezio, is stopped to ensure Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 18 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 2

he doesn’t experience any negative side effects. the questions are finally answered, although a lot Thankfully though, his time with Ezio proves to more arise. A spirit-like woman appears in front be very useful; not only does the bleeding effect of Ezio and claims to be Minerva, who is known to improve his agility and combat skills, he also us as the Roman Goddess of Wisdom. We’ve got it learns that Ezio and the Templars of the time were all wrong though, apparently, and she’s actually a looking for a vault that hid away the secrets of the remnant of a lost civilisation that once inhabited the pieces of Eden. A small, but detail-rich cutscene Earth. They were greater, wiser, more powerful and during this segment sets up Desmond and Lucy’s lacked modesty, which is probably why our species more romantic relationship, although it appears waged war with them long ago. Unfortunately, that she is strangely emotional and regretful over the war distracted the greater people from their the death of Subject 16. We also see the first sign guardianship of Earth, and a solar flare destroyed of Desmond’s memories being mixed up with his much of the world, including the greater beings. ancestors, an indication that he had been in the Some remnants remained, however, and these last Animus for too long after all. He glimpses a section remnants, including a bunch of temples, helped us of Altaïr’s life outside of the Animus for the first time. ‘What’s interesting The second stretch inside the Animus is the big one. After chasing the Templars across Italy, Ezio finally here is that Minerva finds the Vault beneath the Vatican and uses the speaks not to Ezio, Apple of Eden as well the the Papal Cross, which is also a piece of Eden, to gain access. Once inside, but to Desmond’ Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 19 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 2 humans build a new world from the rubble. We names are Adam and Eve, and the video depicts had been remoulded in their image, but Minerva them free running over a futuristic (although it’s notes that we still share the same faults, despite actually all in the past) landscape. It’s clear that not having all of their superhero-like strengths. they’ve stolen the Apple, and this is Eden. You see, Adam and Eve are descendents of the Assassins What’s interesting here is that Minerva speaks not both genetically and personally; agile rebels who to Ezio, but to Desmond with the knowledge that fight against the system. Why Adam and Eve are he is watching through the Animus. She stares stealing the Apple, though, is not yet clear. There’s down the camera, instructs Ezio to be silent, and also a small indication that there was once more even refers to Desmond by his name. There’s a than one Apple, another is seen controlling a bunch reason for this; the solar flare that destroyed the of humans like slaves. higher beings is set to wreak havoc on Earth once again, but she believes that it can be stopped, This all takes us to the Italian town of Monteriggioni, and Desmond is instrumental to this. ACII leaves towards the beginning of Assassin’s Creed: us with this daunting message. There’s just a Brotherhood, after fleeing from the attacking little more info to be squeezed out of this game, Templars. Enlightened and emboldened by however. Hidden within the Animus, that is, within Minerva’s appearance, the team log back into the the simulation, are a collection of glyphs that were memories of Ezio Auditore in an effort to locate the somehow placed by Subject 16. If you collect all of Apple, which they believe can help save the Earth. these glyphs then you are given access to a special Brotherhood features very few modern segments file that contains a video of two higher beings. Their and is mainly one large historical story. One thing

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 20 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 2

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Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 21 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 2

ever knew. With his hands on the Apple, Juno takes control of his body and, in a truly shocking move, forces him to brutally stab Lucy in the gut with his hidden blade. He then collapses on the floor and falls into a coma. It’s a shocking end to the game, and a truly confusing one at that. The reason is one of the biggest twists in the game, but also one of the that becomes increasingly clear during this tale is most subtle. In the AC: Revelations DLC The Lost that many of the Templars throughout history were Archives, it is revealed that Lucy was working for the aware that the Apple held the power to control Templars throughout her time in the games, even people, by this point it can only be assumed that after they escape from Abstergo. She’s a part of this has something to do with the powers of the Project Siren (the name is a neat mythical allusion), higher beings. Exploring Ezio’s life further reveals a plan devised by Vidic to exploit Desmond to the that he hid the Apple beneath the Colosseum, so full by taking him to a more comfortable setting the team take a trip to . where he can access his ancestor’s memories more easily. Juno knew their plan, and so forced While searching for the Apple, Desmond is visited Desmond to kill her. by a greater being named Juno. She speaks to Desmond of the failures of the human race, and of the disappointment of the greater beings that their relative species has fallen to such a low point. She also talks of the one single failure of her race, that time erodes them, or to be more specific, that they could still die. Desmond finds the Apple, but it has a far darker power than he Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 22 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 2

So Lucy’s dead, Desmond and the rest of the best cutscene in the whole series, Ezio jumps the team have the Apple but the main man is stuck metaphorical gap between the historical setting in a comma, his brain practically fried by exposed and the modern and speaks directly to Desmond. Animus time and godly appearances. In an effort He can but hope that he is somehow listening, to save his life, he’s plugged into the Animus at the aware that he is only a conduit for the higher beginning of Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, which being’s message to Desmond. Right on cue, Jupiter starts a whole new string of events. Desmond’s appears to give Desmond some new information. mind becomes enshrined within the ‘black room’, He tells of a collection of vaults, all underground, the Animus’ safe room. Here, on a physical that were used by the higher beings to research representation of the room titled Animus Island, he ways of stopping the apocalypse. These all linked finally meets the consciousness of Subject 16, who to one central vault where Minerva, Juno and had briefly contacted him at the end of Brotherhood Jupiter worked tirelessly to save the world. After to partially explain Lucy’s death (although it’s still six attempts, they failed and the world fell to ash, not clear at that point). He’s an ex-assassin who a scene beautifully displayed in the cutscene. Only had discovered Lucy’s double cross, but aware 10’000 humans remained and only an unnamed that knowing this condemned him to death, he few greater beings, although Adam and Eve are realised his only option was to get a message to believed to be two of these beings. Jupiter instructs his successor. Subject 16, or Clay Kaczmarek as he Desmond to find this great vault and find a way to is truly named, imprinted his consciousness within stop the second apocalypse. the Animus before his suicide. Remember those Ryan Davies blood markings from the first game, extracting that blood from his wrists was what killed him. Kaczmarek explains to Desmond that he needs to fill in the gaps of his ancestors memories in order for the Animus to be able to clarify and organise the three separate lives of Altaïr, Ezio and Desmond. Only then will Desmond awake from his coma.

So what does Desmond learn through this journey? Well, his DNA is much more closely linked with the higher beings than most humans. Of course this relates to the Assassin’s links with Adam and Eve, who were higher beings themselves, but he’s also naturally gifted, it seems. At the end of Revelations, in perhaps the Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 23 • GameOn Magazine Desmond Miles: Who Do You Think You Are? Desmond Miles: Who Do You Think You Are?

hat follows are the three great ironies of the Assassin Order: (1) Here we seek Wto promote peace, but murder is our means. (2) Here we seek to open the minds of men, but require obedience to a master and set of rules. (3) Here we seek to reveal the danger of blind faith, yet we are practitioners ourselves.

These are the words of Altaïr, the 12th Century assassin we mere gamers know as the first of the Assassin’s Creed gaming lore. But the Assassin’s Order stretches far earlier in time before him, and far further into the future into the present day. Born from copulation between survivors of the First Civilisation and humans, the bloodline of the Assassin’s Order manifests itself through the gift of Eagle Vision, the extrasensory gift that enables those of this bloodline to become truly efficient and silent killers.

Members of the Assassin’s Order are tasked with disposing of oppressors and dictators, those who threaten the free will of mankind. Created as a necessary reaction to the existence of the oppressive Templars, history is full of examples of their work. Let’s trace Desmond Miles’s bloodline through the ages and see just how much they have influenced, and even saved, the world.

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 24 • GameOn Magazine Desmond Miles: Who Do You Think You Are? 44BC 1189AD

Brutus, along with 22 other assassins, kills Julius Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad galvanises a small group of Caesar. He is one of 40 assassins who plotted the assassins in a fight against some Crusaders intent Roman leader’s demise. on invading their village, led by turncoat Haras. Altaïr is promoted to the ultimate rank of Master 30BC Assassin after he climbed up and into Haras’s fortress and assassinated him. Amunet assassinated Egyptian Queen Cleopatra with a venomous snake 1190AD

41AD Altaïr is tasked with hunting The Chalice, an object that could end the Crusades forever. Altaïr had Leonius stabbed Third Emperor of Rome Caligula, slain Misbah, Tamir, Badr, Alaat, Roland Napule bringing his tyranny to an end. and Lord Basilisk before completing this quest.


Aquilus, along with fellow assassin and cousin Accipiter,were safeguarding an ankh for the Assassin’s Order until the Templars stole it under the command of Caïus Vultur. During the theft Aquilus’s father, Lucius, was murdered, which spurred on Aquilus to hunt down Faustin, a Templar traitor, and execute him, but not before he pointed out Vultur as the instigator. Naturally he sought revenge, retrieved the ankh and murdered Vultur, but died during captivity in the hands of enemy soldiers. The ankh was eventually interred in Aquilus’s tomb in a shrine to his memory.

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 25 • GameOn Magazine Desmond Miles: Who Do You Think You Are?

teams up with his Mongolian counterpart Qulan Gal. Ten years later, in 1227AD, Gal succeeds in killing the leader of the Mongols with help from Altaïr’s son, Darim. 1247AD

Altaïr returns to Masyaf to find a city in ruins after he fled twenty years previously due to Abbas Sofian taking control of the Assassin’s Order and killing Altaïr’s wife. His fleeing, however, led him to the Memory Seals via the Apple of Eden, which leads Altaïr to construct many advanced 1191AD technological gadgets, including a crude pistol, and execute Abbas with it. Altaïr is tasked by his master, Al Mualim, with quashing a conspiracy in which the Templars could 1476 - 1500AD end the Assassin’s Order and free will across the world. During his ‘Hunt for the Nine’, Altaïr tracks Ezio Auditore da Firenze watches his father, down and assassinates all high-ranking Templars an experienced assassin, and his two brothers on his list; Tamir; Garnier de Naplouse; Talal; executed by the hand of Rodrigo Borgia, Grand Abu’l Nuquod; William of Montferrat; Majd Addin; Master of the Templar Order and later known to Sibrand; Jubair al Hakim and Robert de Sable. During his dying breaths, Robert de Sable informs Altaïr that there were in fact ten conspirators, and his friend and mentor Al Mualim is the tenth. After establishing this claim as true, Altaïr returns home and kills Al Mualim, restoring free will to the lands Al Mualim had terrorised using the Apple of Eden.


Altaïr treks across the globe to assassinate Genghis Khan, and Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 26 • GameOn Magazine Desmond Miles: Who Do You Think You Are?

Alonso Carlo is tasked with assassinating Juan Ponce de Leon before this New World traveller finds a Piece of Eden at the Fountain of Youth.


Haytham Kenway, head of the Templars, wipes out the Colonial chapter of the Assassin’s Order bar one survivor, Achilles Davenport, all as Pope Alexander VI. Ezio begins a 23-year who disbanded the Order. Years later he slips campaign of revenge against the Templars which out of retirement and mentors young assassin sees the assassinations of Uberto Alberti, Vieri Ratonhnhaké:ton, Haytham’s son and destroyer of de’Pazzi, Lorenzo de’Medici, Marcello Savonarola the Templars during the American Civil War. and the defeat, but not death, of Pope Alexander VI. 1948AD

1501 - 1504AD William Miles is born into the Assassin’s Order, and sires one son, Desmond, in 1987. William trains Fleeing to Rome after his home of Monteriggioni Desmond in the ways of the assassin. is destroyed, Ezio teams up with malcontent Niccoli Macchiavelli to begin a new brotherhood 2003AD of assassins, toppling the Borgia and the Papacy, bringing the Templar’s influence to a halt. Desmond Miles leaves the Order, hoping to see the rest of the world beyond this secluded and lonely 1503AD way of life.

The first assassin to set foot on the New World, 2012AD John de la Tour, begins an Assassin Brotherhood there. Captured by the Templars, Desmond is forced to relive the memories of his ancestry via the 1507AD Animus, so they can realise their many thousands of years’ hunting for the Pieces of Eden. With help, The Templars return to Constantinople in an Desmond escapes and jacks into the Animus to attempt to find the five Seals of Altaïr, which Ezio help the Assassin’s Order, and unwittingly save the puts a stop to and recovers them for himself. world from impending doom. Gary Durston 1521AD Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 27 • GameOn Magazine Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed

ome games start, then have a middle and then they finish. You play the story, you move Son. Others, however, allow you to wander the vast open world that has been lovingly tailored by the game developers. Assassin’s Creed is one of these games.

It wouldn’t be very nice of us to just scratch the surface of the game’s world by playing through the story and neglecting the rest now, would it? Well, here’s our top five time killers you can partake in within Assassin’s Creed games.

5. Parkour

First ‘created’ by the French, parkour has become an increasingly popular training exercise and sport. The gist of it is that you attempt to get over obstacles as quickly and efficiently as possible (read: run away). At one point, just after parkour hit it big, a game was in development for the exercise. This game was swiftly cancelled once Assassin’s Creed hit the shelves.

Since its debut in 2007, players have been treated to a fantastically smooth and intensely satisfying display of parkour in action as they maneuver their assassin protagonist around the worlds Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 28 • GameOn Magazine Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed created by Ubisoft. Hours upon hours have been 4. Mass Murder spent running, jumping and generally looking like a badass in a hooded robe and adorned with In Assassin’s Creed II, a challenge mode was hidden blades. Not only this, but pre-multiplayer incorporated under the name of the Animus Virtual Assassin’s Creed, it wasn’t uncommon for gamers Training Program. In this mode you could hone to get together with friends and challenge each your assassin skills including, but not limited to, the other to try to scale buildings faster than one art of murder. In this Combat Simulation, enemies another. would continuously spawn for you to batter, bruise and make widows of their virtual wives. Much to It was, and still is, the best way to channel an our disappointment, it was removed from later individual who can perform parkour stunts through games but this didn’t mean you couldn’t get into your fingertips and thumbs (with Mirror’s Edge the spirit of the assassin still. coming in a close second). If you’ve ever wanted to just have a bit of wander but dislike the generic Your challenge is to gather as many enemies in routes a game would usually set out for you, give one spot as possible and then tactically reduce Assassin’s Creed a try. their lifeline’s down to nil as you slice, smash and

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 29 • GameOn Magazine Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed

Whilst the actual obtaining of the collectibles isn’t fantastically exciting, if you couple it with the act of exploring the world (see 5. Parkour), it can be quite an adventure!

2. Set Sail

Assassin’s Creed III saw the introduction of the ship and Assassin’s Creed IV, being about stab away at their pixelated torsos. There’s just pirates and whatnot, will be carrying on the fan something so terribly satisfying about chaining favourite. You can take to the high seas, scavenge your attacks together and timing your parries for , or just generally being a dick and perfectly that meant that a lot of our staff spent enjoy sinking other ships! Alternatively, if you get more time partaking in this activity than playing close enough to another ship without getting your the actual game! own one turned into cannon fodder, you can board

3. Gotta Get ‘Em All!

Every single Assassin’s Creed game has had collectibles for you to spend your precious time gathering; from flags to feathers and treasure chests to vantage points. There are achievements for all of them, but, if you so wish, you can spend your time running around and collecting these.

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 30 • GameOn Magazine Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed

their vessel! Take on their crew in hand-to-hand slowly tracking your prey and then right as they’re combat before leaping back to your own ship and about to make a mad dash for it, sink an arrow sailing into the smoke-filled sunset. straight between their eyes.

Once you get your hands on Assassin’s Creed IV, You can also join a Hunting Society once you’ve you will be able to do the above and more with the passed sequence five in the game. This tasks you ships. They have become a much more prominent with increasingly difficult hunting challenges to part of the game as well, so you’d better pop a undertake and more and more powerful prey to few Hyoscine and strengthen those sea legs, you hunt. If you’re one for the silent kills, you need to scurvy dog! try out the Hunting Society.

1. Hunt These are just a few of our favorite time killers to partake in within the Assassin’s Creed franchise Again, this was a new introduction in Assassin’s but there are many, many more. Drop us an e-mail Creed III, but you could potentially recreate it at: [email protected] if you think we’ve in previous versions. It’s just not quite the same missed anything off, we’d love to hear what you unless you have a bow and arrow though. have to say! Kris West It’s an incredible adrenaline rush to be creeping through the trees, pushing vines out of the way, Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 31 • GameOn Magazine Assassin Creed Protagonist Bios Assassin Creed Protagonist Bios

Desmond Miles

Born: 1987 Black Hills, South Dakota, United States Died: 2012 (Aged 25) Turin, New York, United States

Throughout Assassin’s Creed’s globe-trotting story which spans across many centuries, the one constant element has been Desmond Miles. While Desmond began as an average 20-something male, reluctant to take on responsibility, he gradually learned to accept his role, and in the process became the key to humanity’s survival.

Coming from a long line of Assassins, Desmond was brought up in ‘The Farm’, a modern-day enclave in South Dakota, United States. He dreamt of life outside The Farm, and eventually escaped to begin an ordinary life in New York.

Despite his efforts to blend in, he was found and kidnapped by Abstergo Industries who forced him to use the Animus, a device which allows the user to relive the memories of their ancestors. For Desmond this meant going into the memories of Altaïr, an Assassin during the Third Crusade. Abstergo tasked him with finding a map that displayed the location of ‘Pieces of Eden’ - powerful ancient artifacts. After he’d completed his goal, Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 32 • GameOn Magazine Assassin Creed Protagonist Bios

Desmond discovered that Abstergo vault beneath the Colosseum. Thanks to was actually a front for the modern- a phenomenon known as the ‘Bleeding day Templars, arch rivals of the Effect’, Desmond had begun to inherit Assassins. skills from his ancestors, and used these abilities to gain entry to the vault. Upon After escaping Abstergo with the entering the vault, the Apple of Eden help of an undercover Assassin allowed a goddess named Juno named Lucy Stillman, he to take control of Desmond was led to a safehouse. and forced him to stab Lucy, There, using the improved at which point he passed out Animus 2.0, Desmond and entered a coma. entered the memories of Ezio - an Assassin from Desmond regained the Renaissance time consciousness in the period. Ezio’s memories Grand Temple beneath eventually led to the New York, where his team discovery of a secret - alongside Desmond’s chamber beneath the father, William Miles Sistine Chapel where - were trying to find a he encountered a device that would prevent hologram of Minerva, a devastating solar flare. He who explained that returned to the Animus, this she was from an time to Ratonhnhaké:ton, advanced civilisation a Native American Assassin that had been wiped out whose memories led by a solar flare. The hologram Desmond to a medallion. Using spoke directly to Desmond, the medallion to unlock a sanctum using Ezio as a conduit for the within the Central Vault, he found message, and warned of an that he had been misguided; using impending catastrophe that the device would prevent the could destroy all life on Earth. cataclysmic event, but would also kill Desmond and release Juno, a After relocating to the sanctuary member of the First Civilization beneath the Villa Auditore in who had been imprisoned in Monteriggioni, Desmond the Vault due to her hatred of returned to the Animus, mankind. Despite this, he chose using Ezio’s memories sacrifice himself and activated once again to discover the device, believing that the location of his Piece humanity would stand a better of Eden, learning that it is in a chance of defeating Juno. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 33 • GameOn Magazine Assassin Creed Protagonist Bios

Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad who was now in possession of the ‘Apple of Eden’, an ancient artifact giving him Born: 1165 supernatural abilities. Despite his Masyaf, Syria advantage, Al Mualim was defeated. Died: 1257 (Aged 92) Upon interacting with the Apple Masyaf, Syria of Eden, Altaïr was surprised to see it display a hologram While we don’t know much about of Earth, with several the origins of the Third Crusade- locations marked across era Assassin Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad, the globe. his exploits as an adult would become crucial in the fight Altaïr went on to for humanity’s survival. live a long life Having worked his way up and dedicated the ranks of the Assassin’s his last years to Brotherhood, Altaïr was building a massive sent on a mission to stop ‘library’ beneath Knights Templar Grand the Masyaf Master Robert De Sablé Brotherhood from stealing an artifact. fortress, designed Altaïr being an arrogant so to safeguard the and so, blew the mission, Apple of Eden. breaking all three of the Opting to defend the Brotherhood’s tenets in the Apple until the end process. Outraged, Brotherhood of his days, Altaïr’s leader Al Mualim demoted Altaïr skeleton remained in to the rank of novice, tasking the the library until it him with assassinating nine was discovered by his Templars in order to redeem descendent Ezio, 300 himself. years later.

Fortunately, Altaïr became Ezio Auditore more disciplined after da Firenze his earlier blunder, and successfully took down all nine Born: 1459 Templars including De Sablé, who with Florence, Republic of Florence his last words revealed that there was Died: 1524 (Aged 65) a tenth Templar: Al Mualim. Shocked Florence, Republic of Florence by this information, Altaïr returned to the Brotherhood to confront his leader Unlike Altaïr who was arguably Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 34 • GameOn Magazine Assassin Creed Protagonist Bios a rather stoic character, Ezio Auditore advanced civilisation who were wiped out da Firenze took a far more personal by a solar flare and warned that the same journey. Born into a noble family in may happen to mankind. Florence, Ezio Auditore da Firenze spent Later in his life, Ezio ventured to explore his youth living a carefree, luxury the history of the Assassin Order. lifestyle. However, his world To do so, Ezio travelled was changed completely to Constantinople and when his father and two obtained the five Masyaf brothers were hanged in keys which, when front of him at the age of combined, granted 17. Along with his mother access to a hidden and sister, Ezio was forced library beneath the old to flee his home to the Villa Assassin Stronghold. Auditore, Monteriggioni. He To Ezio’s surprise, then learned of his Assassin the library didn’t heritage from his uncle, contain historical Mario Auditore, and began his books about the Assassin training. Brotherhood. Instead, he found Upon completing his training, an Apple of Ezio set about getting revenge Eden, guarded on those who betrayed his by the body of family. This quest led to Ezio Altaïr, who built meeting - and working with - the library and legendary historical figures died protecting its such as Leonardo Da Vinci secret. and Niccolò Machiavelli, as well as facing off against Ezio left the Apple where the man responsible for it lay, deciding that he’d the deception, Rodrigo had enough adventure Borgia, better known as for one life. He later Pope Alexander VI. After retired, and lived out sneaking into the Vatican and the rest of his years in a disarming the Pope of his two Tuscan villa with his wife Pieces of Eden, Ezio descended and two children. Ezio into a Vault beneath the Sistine died of a heart attack at Chapel. Here, he encountered the age of 65 while on a a hologram figure named trip to Florence with his Minerva who explained family. that she was from an Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 35 • GameOn Magazine Assassin Creed Protagonist Bios

Ratonhnhaké:ton his mentor. Upon completion of his (Connor) training, he adopted the pseudonym ‘Connor’ and began Born: 1756 to hunt down the Kanatahséton, Mohawk Valley Templars. During Died: Unknown his mission, Connor became an influential Ratonhnhaké:ton, often figure in the American going by the adopted Revolution by helping name Connor, was a the Patriots - even Native American Assassin protecting George during the American Washington. Revolutionary War. He However, he was born to a Native was conflicted American woman when it named Kaniehtí:io came to his and Templar absentee Grand Master, father. Despite having opposing

philosophies, Haytham Connor wanted Kenway. At a young to reconcile with age, Ratonhnhaké:ton Kenway, but finally saw his village burned their differences to the ground by proved to be too Templars, killing his large, and he was mother in the process. forced to kill his father when he refused to Having grown up give up his second-in- seeing the Templars command, Charles destroy his homeland, Lee. Ratonhnhaké:ton convinced retired While Connor Assassin Achilles originally thought Davenport to be Lee responsible Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 36 • GameOn Magazine Assassin Creed Protagonist Bios for the destruction of his village, he had a daughter, Jenny. Due to Edward’s later discovered that Washington was selfish nature and a nasty drinking habit, to blame. Despite this, he reluctantly Caroline quickly became fed up with his continued to work with Washington inability to find work. In order to prove in order to hunt down the remaining himself, Edward joined the Templars. He was finally led to Royal Navy as a Lee, and after a long pursuit and set sail for Jamaica. which left both injured, Connor stabbed Lee in the After six months of chest. He then took a service, the Treaty of medallion from Lee’s Utrecht was signed, body and buried effectively ending it in the grave all conflicts and of Davenport’s leaving Edward deceased son, without a job. where it would later Seduced by be found by Connor’s the promise descendant, Desmond of money Miles. and fame, he entered Edward Kenway the world of . Born: 1693 This adventure Cardiff, would lead Died: 1735 (Aged 42) him to his first London, Great Britain encounter with the Assassin Edward Kenway was a British Order, with him Assassin during the Golden eventually joining Age of Piracy in the 18th their ranks. century. Born in Cardiff, Wales to an English father and a To find out the rest of Welsh mother, Edward grew Edward Kenway’s story, up in a relatively poor family. be sure to pick up When he was in his teens, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Edward’s family relocated Flag when it’s released on to , England where November 1st. he eventually married Ryan Davies a woman named Caroline Scott and Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 37 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 3 A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 3

nd so we arrive at Assassin’s Creed III. This time around, the modern plot is far Amore critical to the game and a lot of the questions and mysteries are answered over the course of the story. When the game begins, the team, which now includes Desmond’s father William, have already located the grand vault which is based in a cave beneath New York. Once in the vault, Juno re-appears and sends Desmond back to view a small part of one of his ancestor’s memories, those of Haytham Kenway. Through this trip Desmond realises that a key is needed to access a secret chamber within the vault and that this man has a link with its location. Aware that the key passed to Haytham’s son, Ratonhnhaké:ton (or Connor), Desmond sets out to use the Animus to locate the missing key. At the same time, he needs to find a collection of higher being ‘batteries’ in order to power the vault. These fetch quests and the resulting cutscenes are some of the most revealing segments of the entire Assassin’s Creed series.

The first battery mission features the first meeting between Desmond and Templar top-gun Daniel Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 38 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 3

Cross, a character who was developed through a global force field to deflect the solar flare, but the Assassin’s Creed comics. He plays a somewhat they could not develop it far enough in the short minor role in the actual games, but his back story amount of time they had. is fascinating and definitely worth some extra research. With the first battery recovered and Interestingly, time travel was one of their attempts. placed within the vault, Juno appears once again Going backwards proved unsuccessful, but and speaks to Desmond of their attempts to forwards was possible, and Minerva attempted prevent the destruction of the first civilisation. One this. Her visit to Ezio (and Desmond) in ACII was of these ideas was to use the Apples; at this point, part of this attempt. She was able to make a for the first time in the series, Juno openly notes connection with the future and so aid in the revival the mind controlling powers of the pieces of Eden. of the higher beings through Desmond and his Throughout the games there are suggestions, as ancestors. The puzzle pieces begin to fall into place well as clear examples, of the power these device by this point and it’s clear that the higher beings hold. For instance, gameplay sections where the aren’t just incredibly selfless individuals. The player can use the Apple to control or kill people final attempt Juno mentions involves taking on a can be found in most of the titles. Juno reveals that whole new form and body that could endure the the pieces were once used by the higher beings to solar flare. Apparently though, the research in to control the humans and use them as their slaves, these new forms was abandoned as returning to a hence the war between the two species towards normal state required “something wrong” to occur. the end of the age. She lists other attempts at Obviously it wasn’t totally abandoned, however, as salvation, but they all failed. The only glimmer the remaining higher beings live on in these ghost- of hope was to use shield technology to create like states.

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 39 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 3

With all of this going on, it’s easy to lose track of guards to shoot themselves. With the battery and Abstergo and their part in the tale. By this point it’s his Father regained, he heads back to the Vault for clear that The Templars want the pieces of Eden the conclusion. so they can directly control the people of Earth, and use this control to prevent the solar eclipse After a brief final Animus session with Connor, (you hadn’t forgotten that they’re aware of it too, Desmond discovers the location of the key to the had you?). Well, the Templars manage to capture secret chamber. With the key in hand he opens William Miles while he was away finding the final the chamber, and so begins the end of the trilogy battery so Desmond sets out to rescue his dad from storyline. The room is small and in it lies a large the Abstergo HQ and retrieve the said battery. In glowing orb, many times bigger than the Apple. doing so, he encounters Daniel Cross once again, Juno greets Desmond and tells him that simply in the original Animus room where Desmond was touching the orb, or the Eye as it is known, will save first experimented with, no less. On the verge of the world from the apocalypse. The Eye holds the killing Desmond, Cross has a schizophrenic attack, power to create a shield large enough to cover the a side effect of his overexposure to the Animus (he entire planet, the higher beings had been working was once an Assassin in his own right). Desmond on it following the first destruction. Desmond’s kills Cross and moves on to the returned Warren close link to the higher beings (through Adam and Vidic to save his Dad. He catches up with Vidic, Eve) means that he is able to activate it, whereas a who, surrounded in bodyguards, orders Desmond normal human would not. That’s not the end of it to hand over the Apple of Eden. Instead, Desmond though, did you really think it’d be so simple? Before uses the device to control one of the security he touches the Eye, Minerva appears and warns guards and thereby uses him to shoot Vidic. In a Desmond that doing so would indeed save the shockingly brutal move he then forces all of the world, but it would allow Juno to roam free across

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 40 • GameOn Magazine A Misunderstood Epic: The Modern Day Story of Assassin’s Creed Part 3 the Earth and enslave the human population. This, all of it, from the very beginning, was her plan. Manipulating Desmond to lead him to this point was an elaborate trick designed to set her free. The sad thing is, there’s not really any other choice. Or is there?

Juno tells Desmond of the fate of the Earth if he does not touch the Eye, hoping that it will sway him to do the opposite. The human race does survive, but only a very small selection as in the first apocalypse. Desmond will rise as a prophet and leader of the age and will become revered as an individual of Why Juno has planned this enslavement of great power. So much so that he becomes a God in mankind isn’t yet clear; it could be in an effort to the eyes of humanity; over time people corrupt his totally restore the higher beings to power, or it intentions and begin to kill, steal, rape and pillage could simply be a last grasp at revenge after the just as they had in this era. Essentially, the cycle human revolt in the first age. It’s a great story, no would continue. Desmond doesn’t want this to doubt, but by the same hand it’s easy to see why happen though, he wants everyone to live. Maybe many lost interest over the course of the series, it’s it’s the Adam and Eve mentality within him? But just incredibly complicated. The fact that it takes then comes the kicker; touching the Eye will not three separate articles to explain it all is evidence only free Juno, it will also kill him. In a brave step, enough. Despite this, it’s a fantastic yarn filled with not only for himself but also for the existence of intrigue, emotion and drama. Hopefully this has humanity, Desmond touches the Eye. It activates all helped make it that little bit clearer. Assassin’s and emits a shield around the globe, just as Juno Creed IV: Black Flag is said to contain around five promised. In the same move, however, Desmond hours of modern content, so expect the beginning is killed and Juno escapes the vault, claiming that of a whole new chapter in this epic tale. her time has come. Ryan Davies

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 41 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review

Assassin’s Creed III Review

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 42 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review Assassin’s Creed III Review

Platforms Available: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U Date: October/November 2012 Genre: Action Adventure Publisher: Ubisoft

ith only a month left left to go, Desmond Miles and his team are Wfast running out of time to unravel the secrets of Those Who Came Before and put the brakes on the upcoming cataclysm that threatens to extinguish the bright lights of the human race. It’s just a shame those pesky Templars are always getting in the way.

To unlock the key to mankind’s salvation our unwilling hero must put aside his daddy issues and delve once more into the Animus, this time into the boots of Mr. Rarohnhake:ton, A.K.A Connor Kenway, a half-British, half-Mohawk Assassin who holds the key to unlocking the temple in which Desmond and his crew are camping out. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 43 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review

Connor’s mission leads him away from his once twelve) that things really open up fully and allow peaceful village to become embroiled in the the player to explore the rich open world that American Revolutionary War and the ancient battle Ubisoft have created. between the orders of the Templars and Assassins that has been waging across the centuries. The Depending on how you play through the first five story takes place over several years, beginning sequences and how often you get distracted along even before Connor’s birth and passing through the way (there are side-missions at this point, just several decades of his life. less) it may take anywhere between three-to-six hours before you reach the point where the game Assassin’s Creed III is an ambitious undertaking opens up to all your procrastinistic desires. by Ubisoft and without doubt is the most content- packed iteration of the series to date, with a The main story itself is rich, detailed and full of substantive main story being backed up by countless interesting historical characters, with Connor finding side-missions, activities, collectables and mini- himself a central figure in many of the significant games. Unfortunately, players must be prepared and pivotal events leading up to, and running to go through a substantial ‘tutorial’ section before through, the Revolutionary War. Like in previous the game opens up to its full potential. games there are twists and turns, morally grey themes and a certain level of maturity throughout The game starts before Connor is even conceived, the storyline. To go into specifics would give away giving you the chance to play through the too many spoilers, but this is very much a story- significant events prior to his birth, his childhood, focused experience and it fulfils Ubisoft’s promise his adolescence, his introduction to the Assassin of bringing closure to the storyline and the role the Order and his subsequent training. As in previous modern-day Desmond plays in proceedings. titles, the main story thread in Assassin’s Creed III proceeds through a number of ‘sequences’ and In fact, there is so much going on in the story and it’s not until reaching sequence six (out of a total Connor meets so many unique characters during the course of his adventure that it can be very easy to lose the thread, forget who people are and find yourself wondering exactly what is going on. Thankfully, those who aren’t adverse to a bit of light reading can consult substantial Animus database through the pause menu to Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 44 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review read up on important characters, locations and events and remind themselves exactly where they are up to.

Also located in pause menu is the logbook, which is particularly useful in understanding what is going on. In here you will see details of all the available mission types and information on the potential rewards for completing each one. Even with a three-to-six trading network, crafting trade goods from raw hour hour tutorial, without reading the logbook materials and dispatching caravans to carry those most players will find themselves struggling to goods to merchants for coin. This is not an all- understand many aspects of the game. encompassing list and each activity has a level of depth and is supported by detailed and enjoyable As entertaining and enjoyable as the main story is, missions. players who concentrate exclusively on this aspect of the game will be doing themselves a massive One particular highlight and one that was pushed disservice. The world of Assassin’s Creed III is in heavily by Ubisoft in their marketing campaigns many ways a playground and the sheer amount and demonstrations in the run-up to release are of activities available is breathtaking. To really get the naval combat missions, in which Connor takes to grips with what the game has to offer involves direct control of his own vessel, the Aquila, to trade spending a significant amount of time between broadsides with both the British navy and the story missions exploring the world and trying your unscrupulous operating from American hand at a number of different activities. waters.

You can hunt for wildlife in the frontier; setting The level of detail in these battles is incredibly snares, tracking animals and selling the meat deep and the player must strive to be aware of and pelts. You can build up the facilities in your all the enemy ships around them to avoid their homestead and recruit farmers, miners and more cannons, manage the Aquila’s sails, keep track of to work the land. You can liberate cities from the wind direction, brace for high waves in stormy influence of the Templars, recruiting new Assassin weather, use cannons effectively, juggle between allies in the process. You can complete challenges appropriate ammunition types, manage shallows set by frontiersmen or prove your combat skills to and rocky waters, protect allies and more - often a society of brawlers. You can even establish a vast all at the same time. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 45 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review

being all that it could be. The overly-long tutorial These missions are both challenging, great fun section has already been mentioned and can be to play and a far cry from the shallow nature of frustrate those who are desperate for things to the rather tedious tower defence mini-game open up. Connor Kenway himself, while being far introduced in Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. It’s from a two-dimensional character, is certainly not feasible to say that this one aspect of play could as interesting nor engaging a character as Ezio form the basis of an entire game in its own right, Auditore was from Assassin’s Creed II onwards. but in Assassin’s Creed III these missions form just one part of the rich tapestry of what makes the Desmond has his own missions outside of the game so special. Animus involving both infiltration and action in modern day-environments. While these are far The control system has been refined over that used more entertaining than the, frankly odd, first- in the previous games and there is no requirement person moments in Revelations they still lack the to hold down multiple buttons while free running punch of Conner’s historical antics. or in combat. Connor is more agile than previously Finally, the game is undoubtedly the buggiest playable Assassins and, more importantly, tends version of Assassin’s Creed to date. Pop-up to jump and move where you want him to: unless pedestrians are commonplace and randomly you force him to with a secondary button press he won’t leap anywhere that will hurt him and won’t attempt a jump that he has no way of making. Combat has also been made more fluid and while it sticks closely to the familiar counter/respond formula there is a greater focus on using proper timing, adapting strategy based on enemy types and a utilising a wider variety of weapons and tools including the tomahawk, flintlock pistol, rope darts and more.

It’s not all fantastic in revolutionary America and there are some unfortunate negatives that prevent Assassin’s Creed III from Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 46 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review

disappearing pedestrians only slightly less common. using tactics and abilities to blend into the crowd. Also encountered, although less frequently, Clever tactics are rewarded and players earn higher were frozen camera controls, people becoming scores for killing their targets inconspicuously or in stuck in scenery, broken lip-syncing and, in one imaginative ways. particularly amusing moment, the Aquila doing a full 360 degree vertical flip. With the exception of Team based game modes are also broken down the frozen camera control, which occurred three into three types; in Manhunt teams take turns times, none of the bugs had a significant impact between being the hunters and the hunted, killing on playability but certainly serve to spoil the mood or avoiding as necessary. The Domination and when they crop up. Of course, you could always Artifact Assault modes follow the formula of zone pretend it’s a glitch in the Animus. control and capture the flag games respectively. Finally, in Wolfpack mode a team of players work Outside of the impressive single-player gameplay together to take down AI targets and earn points is an entertaining multiplayer experience broken without running out of time, earning valuable down into free-for-all, team-based and cooperative seconds on the clock by taking out the marked playing experiences. Free-for-all games are broken targets. down into three subtypes, although each follow a Multiplayer also features a storyline of its own, told similar formula of attempting to assassinate other through videos and hidden files contained in the players whilst avoiding being killed yourself by ‘Animus gaming machine’ which can be unlocked Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 47 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 48 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III Review by increasing your multiplayer level or completing challenges. Advancement also earns a player in-game currency and your combination of character level and currency available allows abilities, gadgets and kill streak rewards to be unlocked for use in-game.

Impatient players can purchase these items outright through micro-transactions if they lack the patience to reach the required level count and funds. This can lead to a small amount of imbalance if you are facing off against far better equipped opponents, but ultimately it does not take too long to unlock a decent set of tools the old fashioned way and, when you made to us in the run-up to release. A robust get down to it, this is a game that rewards player single player story forms the core of the game skill far more than ability sets. and is supported by a veritable bounty of side- missions and sandbox fun. Top this off with an All-in-all, the multiplayer package is an entertaining interesting and gripping multiplayer mode and experience that rewards skillful play with constant you find yourself with a game in which you can advancement options that keep you playing to happily sink countless hours into before getting unlock the next exciting tool in the assassin’s anywhere close to 100% completion. A few bugs, arsenal. The simultaneous feeling of being both a less exciting main protagonist and a tutorial that the cat and the mouse makes the free-for-all seems to last forever hold things back somewhat, games the highlight of the experience but other but there is enough content here to keep almost game modes have their benefits too. The only real anyone entertained. issue is that whilst you can choose between joining Ross D. Brown free-for-all or team-based games you can only set a ‘preference’ of what subtype you want to play, so often find yourself in one of your less favoured Assassin’s Creed III game types when connecting. Scored: 8.5 out 10 Overall, Assassin’s Creed III is a great experience that lives up to most of the promises Ubisoft Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 49 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III - The First Hour Assassin’s Creed III - The First Hour

ecember 21st 2012. The date given by the First Civilisation, or Those Who Came Before, Dwith one very bleak warning for mankind – this is the day the world will end. Hoping to prevent a solar flare from bringing a cataclysmic change to Earth and turn mankind extinct, the task of saving the world handed to 21st Century assassin Desmond Miles is a tall order.

How he aims to do this lies within his ancestry. Following his own bloodline back through the ages, we’ve seen Desmond relive the lives of Altaïr and Ezio, two master assassins of their respective ages. He achieves this through the Animus, the franchise’s staple gadget. After getting to grips with the synchronisation process, Desmond embodies his English noble ancestor, Haytham Kenway, as he enters London’s sublime and affluent Theatre Royal to take in an evening of high culture and entertainment.

Naturally the theatre is the setting for something much more sinister, for Mr Kenway, for reasons as yet unknown, seeks a storehouse of the First Civilisation, and requires a key. A key which just so happens to be hanging around the neck of a man in the VIP box at the theatre. All routes to this man are guarded, but Haytham Kenway is no ordinary nobleman, for he has the blood of an assassin in his veins, and instantly takes to the walls and the fly system above the stage during the performance to parkour his way to his target. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 50 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed III - The First Hour

In. Kill. Out. Silent. of a valued crew member, when disaster strikes, a storm builds up and destroys the sail. Haytham’s Fleeing calmly amidst the hubbub caused once actions save the day, and the storm engulfs his the body had been found, Haytham, key in hand, pursuers. He is safe... for now. meets up with his fellow Templars who instruct him of the whereabouts of the First Civilisation Weeks later, seagulls can be heard, but the fog is storehouse. He is to go to the American colonies too much for Kenway to see any land. “Climb the at once, and accepts without hesitation. crow’s nest and you’ll see” exclaims the captain. Some parkour actions allow a speedy ascent up the On board the Providence, it is not long before Mr crow’s nest, and the sight is breathtaking. Kenway Kenway falls afoul of the on board clientele. An looks over the land of the American colonies, tall enclosed mixture of the rich and the underclasses, buildings piercing the enveloping fog. The ship Kenway’s presence on the ship only stirs matters docks. Kenway sets foot on American soil... further. His nobility enabled his people to prevent the ship from leaving England on time, very much The first hour of Assassin’s Creed III sets the scene angering the captain, and the crewmen working on beautifully. The plot is wonderfully bonkers and the Providence... well, they just like to bring nobility remains rooted in deep historical accuracy. From down a peg or two, and teach you the game’s Desmond Miles’s present day shenanigans with the fighting mechanics whilst doing so. After these Apple of Eden, the Animus taking him to London and peasants are dealt with mercifully by our master onwards to America, a lot happens in the first sixty assassin, the captain invites you for a private chat. minutes. And we haven’t even been introduced to Connor yet - ACIII’s main protagonist. The bastard Mutterings of are rumoured, not to child of Haytham and a native Mohawk, conceived Kenway’s surprise, seeing as the captain is lowering on Kenway’s last visit to the colonies, Connor is rations and payment for the crew. After seeing waiting somewhere for his adventure to begin. how Kenway can handle himself, he is tasked with What is his link with the First Civilisation and the finding out what he can and report back, crushing Apple of Eden? How exactly can he help Desmond the mutiny where possible. All he can find is a case save the world from an impending apocalyptic of someone jettisoning cargo... but who, and why? solar flare nearly 250 years into the future?

One of the crew who fought Kenway earlier If you are yet to play Assassin’s Creed III, I hope reveals himself to know of what he did in London, this has entertained and intrigued you enough to and Kenway realises the cargo being thrown do so. I certainly can’t wait to uncover the mystery overboard is a trail... someone’s coming for him. within ACIII, and with pirate-themed Assassin’s In fact, they’re already here. As the captain and his Creed IV: Black Flag on the horizon, it is truly time crew defend the Providence from being boarded, to log back into the Animus and relive some classic Kenway dispatches of this man with considerable Assassin’s Creed moments. ease and heads up top to inform the captain of Gary Durston this revelation. Kenway uses his assassin parkour skills to mend the ailing sail, and to save the life Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 51 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 52 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

Platforms Available: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS4, Xbox One. Date: October/November 2013 Genre: Action-Adventure Publisher: Ubisoft

ostly preview, part personal blog. Ross’s time with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Mwas an experience that was different from that encountered by the rest of the gaming press. Largely due to his own incompetence.

There was no brotherhood for Connor Kenway. He had no revelation. In a break from the interim instalments that appeared between the second and third game in the Assassin’s Creed series, Ubisoft have moved straight to a brand new numbered game, featuring a brand new protagonist: Edward Kenway. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 53 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

While at gamescom 2013, I had the opportunity The demo began on Edward’s ship, the Jackdaw. to go hands on with this upcoming swashbuckling I only had the short time to try and get to grips adventure and was treated to my own individual with the controls before a group of enemy ships experience, a little different from that offered to emerged from the mist and began making their the rest of the gaming press. way towards me.

My time with the game opened fairly typically. I I was warned to be mindful of the larger vessels, had been handed the PlayStation 4 controller and but that the smaller gunboats did not constitute my overseer asked me if I had experience with the too much of a threat. Unfortunately, by the time previous Assassin’s Creed games. this advice had been imparted I’d taken a massive broadside and beached myself on a small island. “Of course,” I said, “I’ve played them all. I reviewed the last one.” ‘The controls were “Fair enough” said my guide, “I guess I don’t need pretty intuitive to be to run you through the controls”. honest and I started It was around this moment I realised I couldn’t to remember them remember the controls... almost immediately’

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 54 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

The controls were pretty intuitive to be honest and you’ll miss valuable opportunities to plunder and I started to remember them almost immediately, the chance to take part in various side activities. but I was still struggling and by this point was panicking under the additional pressure of the five On my way to the island I encountered a couple observers who gathered around my station. of random ships and decided to put my recently rediscovered skills to the test by engaging them. 30 seconds later I was dead. First-thing-first though, using the D-pad, I activated ‘pirate radio’ - that is, I instructed my crew to sing This is when my Assassin’s Creed IV experience me a hearty sea-shanty. With mood music in place, truly started. When Edward respawned I found I approached the nearest vessel and unleashed a myself quite some distance from the area in which broadside. the demo was supposed to take place. My demo overseer (with a roll of the eyes) told me that he Your ship is equipped with several ammunition couldn’t restart the demo without resetting the types. Standard roundshot deals heavy damage whole thing, and that maybe I’d just like to mess to enemy vessels, chain shot is good for damaging around in the games unrestricted open world. sails and masts, and explosive barrels help to deal with pesky pursuers. The Jackdaw is upgradable in Faced with an open sea and with the pressure of various aspects, so these guns may not be available an immediate threat removed, I shook myself off, at the start but will certainly be there for those who recovered my confidence and took the opportunity invest in the ships armaments. to experiment with the controls.

Soon I was sailing like a professional and set my sights on a nearby shore. My helpful guide demonstrated the implementation of tablet technology with the game by using his iPad to set a waypoint on the map to assist in my navigation.

Sailing will be a big part of Assassin’s Creed IV, as the world is completely open in this latest iteration and all destinations can be reached by jumping into the ship and setting sail. Fast travel is available, but taking advantage of this option means Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 55 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 56 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

The angle at which you are aiming at the enemy When boarding an enemy ship, in order to be and the position of your ship dictates which type victorious you must eliminate a specific number of of ammunition is fired, based on the way the guns combatants, at which point the rest will surrender. are placed around the vessel. It’s a clever system Upon capturing the ship, significant rewards can that encourages careful and considered control be obtained in terms of money and materials. The over simple button presses and sub-menus. vessel itself can then either be stripped and used to repair the Jackdaw, or can be captured and send After sinking one of the ships with constant to join your trading fleet. bombardment, I decided to try something new on the second. Demonstrative of a new latest feature, At this point, the Ubisoft demonstrator directed which allows you to seamlessly move from steering me back to the iPad and showed me how trading the ship and moving on foot, is the ability to board fleets can be managed using the tablet. Similar an enemy vessel. Grappling hooks are thrown, the to the land-based trading networks in Assassin’s vessels are pulled closer together, and captain and Creed III, Edward can utilise his own sea-based crew can leap to the opposing ship and engage the network to trade and earn money. Ships can be enemy in direct hand-to-hand combat. loaded with goods to sell and dispatched to far off destinations, making them unavailable until their This gave me the first chance to go hands-on with task is complete. However, this trading network can the combat mechanics in AC4, and I found controls be managed from a tablet or smartphone device to be as intuitive as ever and functionally identical to outside of the main game as a separate entity. previous series iterations. Focus is still on counters, dodging and chaining kill moves and there are still the usual variety of enemy types that require slightly varying tactics; such as agile enemies or heavies.

Little can be said to have been improved upon in combat, but the system remains an accomplished and enjoyable one. It may be that gadgets unlocked further down the line can deepen this somewhat, but even if not, fans of the franchise are unlikely to be disappointed. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 57 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview

After my adventure on the high seas I stopped off around and decided excessive force was the way to at the previously marked port, which turned out to go, violently sinking each and every enemy vessel, be a rough . The locals didn’t take too including that on which my target was based. kindly to my presence and I ended up in fisticuffs Although this meant the sacrifice of valuable loot with a couple of rowdy drunks. Again, the brawling and prizes, it did save time and give me further plays out almost identically to the previous games opportunity to explore. so there is little to report here. My next stop was a sea-based side mission, and on The port itself was suitably salty in style, with rough- the way there I picked up some stranded seamen looking locals, wooden shanty-like structures, and who joined my crew and found a few floating cargo makeshift furniture. It definitely captured the crates to add to my booty. This was all just on the ‘pirate’ theme and is a positive sign that the art way to the main event, which was a spot of eco- direction is suitably themed. friendly whaling.

There were also a number of side-missions It wasn’t a whale I ended up catching though, but available in this area, and I headed straight to the rather a big-ass, ferocious shark. The ‘whaling’ closest assassination mission. This pointed me consisted of Edward standing on a boat, throwing back to sea, so back I went to the ship and headed roped-javelins at the shark to wear it down. back into the blue briney. It’s worth noting at this stage that although I had The target was quickly located, aboard his vessel finally put the majority of my control issues to rest, and protected by a number of friendly ships. the menus were locked down so that no fine tuning Conscious of the remaining time and wanting to could take place. Given that I usually invert my Y see more of the game, I was in no mood to mess axis and the demo was defaulted to ‘normal’, the

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 58 • GameOn Magazine Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Preview aiming element of shark baiting caused me some problems. Things got a bit hairy and it looked like the beast was going to fight back, but thankfully I managed to (messily) subdue it before any problems arose and netted myself a valuable haul.

After this my demo overseer decided I’d messed around a little too much and got things back on track by transporting me to a city location - although to my shame I do not recall the city in question. The transfer to a more civilised urban setting was in distinct contrast to the privateer port and hopefully this level of variation will extend across the multitude of locations within the game.

It was suggested that I try a nearby assassination mission to test out the stealth A short and messy bloodbath later and my target elements of the gameplay and I was designated a was dead. Along with about 10 guardsman. It target within a town square. I was starting to feel wasn’t how it was meant to be done, but it worked. like I had redeemed myself against my initial poor showing and was confident and ready to go. My time with Black Flag revealed the game to be very much Assassin’s Creed by the numbers. The new Sneaking across the rooftops, I was briefly spotted open world and the expanded ship combat is very by a nearby guard. Thinking on my feet, I pulled much welcomed by me, as the naval sections were a poison blowpipe from my available arsenal and extremely well accomplished in its predecessor and took aim on the guard. My instincts took over, ended before I was ready to say goodbye to them. and I completely forgot about the lack of inverted On foot though, little appears to have changed in controls. As my missile sailed harmlessly over the terms of gameplay and mechanics. If you enjoyed guard’s head (by about 12 feet) he began to call for the previous Assassin’s Creed games and are happy help. Panicking, I drew my sword and charged... with more of the same, plus a little bit extra, then straight by him, off the edge of the rooftop and Black Flag is for you. If you are expecting sweeping into the square where my heavily-defended target changes then you will likely come away wanting. awaited. Oh, and apparently the ‘tutorial’ aspect of the game “Well,” said the Ubisoft rep, “I guess we aren’t going won’t last five hours this time. I asked. to see any stealth today.” Ross D. Brown

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 59 • GameOn Magazine Looking Back To Move Forward: Where Next For Assassin’s Creed? Looking Back To Move Forward: Where Next For Assassin’s Creed?

or me, the allure of the original Assassin’s Creed game wasn’t just the promise of playing Fas a swift, silent and deadly assassin, but also the Crusader-era Middle Eastern setting. It’s been the same way for every AC game since. In many ways, the historical settings have come to define the Assassin’s Creed series, and there’s a good reason for this. They’re detailed, filled to the brim with fascinating characters and, perhaps most important of all, they feel alive. The swashbuckling seas of ACIV: Black Flag are looking to be one the most unique and diverse settings yet, but what’s next for Assassin’s Creed? Where will the Animus take us? There are a huge number of possibilities, but we’ve taken some time to collect the best and most likely options.

Imperial Japan

In many ways, this is the most fitting scenario for an AC title. Japan, during the Boshin war of 1868-89, saw a divide in the nation between the modernistic Imperial Japanese government/Emperor and the feudal Japanese Shogunate. Obviously there was a lot more to it than that, but the clear division of thinking and beliefs between these opposing sides is perfect source material for a Templar and Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 60 • GameOn Magazine Looking Back To Move Forward: Where Next For Assassin’s Creed?

Assassin division. What’s more, this highly unique point in history saw a strong conflict between modern and classical modes of combat, much like we see in the Renaissance era titles. While rifles and artillery were the mainstay of the Imperial armies, the Shogunate largely maintained their katanas and bows.

On top of this natural narrative, Japan would also be an ideal place to experiment with the classic Assassin’s Creed gameplay. The tight streets of Wild West places like Kyoto, Eto and Tokyo make ideal locations for free running, and what could be cooler than It’s a bit obvious, I know. Nothing fits renegade an assassin samurai? Nothing! Certainly a logical order of do-gooders vs evil cult of bad men like jump for the series, so I’d rate this as one of the the Wild Wild West. Still, a cowboy assassin sounds most likely options. as good as a manly cross-breed between Chuck Norris and Arnie. Plus, the story would likely be pure fan fiction, there are just so many angles you could take with it. Leading on from this, the Assassin’s Creed games have always benefited from a well-produced audio score, one can only imagine what they could do with this setting. Of course, the big drawback here is that the Wild West is a bit of a no-go area as of late, since Rockstar absolutely nailed it with Red Dead Redemption.

Due to this, it’s somewhat unlikely that we’ll see a gun slingin’ assassin or a Sheriff Templar, but we can still have our dreams. Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 61 • GameOn Magazine Looking Back To Move Forward: Where Next For Assassin’s Creed? Ancient Rome/Egypt Napoleonic Europe

By far the most requested (or demanded) setting Talk about a time of conflict and social upheaval. for the series. Ancient Rome is such a well-versed This links in with the Revolutionary America theme and well-recorded segment of Human history that of ACIII, and so would form a natural fit for the it’d be easy and undeniably cool to form a brilliant next game. With the American setting, we’ve seen yarn out of it. With Assassin’s Creed IV taking time Ubisoft open up the patches of land that your back a short step, there’s no reason to suggest assassin can cover, so why not have the whole of that Ubisoft wouldn’t take players even further Western Europe as a playground? The key cities back. Playing as an ex-Roman soldier or perhaps of the Napoleonic era, such as Paris, Vienna, a champion Gladiator would certainly mix things Warsaw and London would all be ideal locations up a bit, and the wealth of historical figures is for beautiful, but also fully playable environments. incredible. The first Roman civil war would be the ideal time point, with characters like Julius Ceasar, As with ancient Rome, it’d also be an ideal Mark Antony and Cleopatra to provide the classic setting character-wise. Figures like the Duke of AC cameos. Wellington, Gebhard von Blucher and Napoleon himself would be fascinating to see blended in to Interestingly, the director for ACIV, Ashraf Ismail, the ever changing world of Assassin’s Creed. As I recently noted that he wanted to take the series to mentioned, it wouldn’t be a far cry from the past Egypt. Of course, the nation has a rich and diverse games, so I wouldn’t be shocked to see this arise history, but I think it’d work perfectly alongside a some time in the future. Bonus points if Richard Roman setting. Not the most likely, but certainly Sharpe is included! one of the coolest ideas.

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 62 • GameOn Magazine Looking Back To Move Forward: Where Next For Assassin’s Creed? Nazi-Occupied France

Maybe it’s still a bit of a touchy area to explore in real depth, but then again that hasn’t stopped half of the games in modern history focusing on the Second World War. Occupied France is a part of the war that hasn’t been looked in to much (aside from The Saboteur and some smaller games), so it don’t necessarily fit the AC mechanics. Ubisoft have could provide some original content. Of course, found ways to make this work in the small modern Nazis make natural bad guys and it doesn’t take a settings in the previous games, but it’s perhaps stretch of the imagination to picture them as evil safe to say that they’ve never quite matched up to Templars. Still, it would be really interesting to see the historical segments. the roles reversed, I mean, we know the assassins were never real goody-goodies. The big question is who would a modern setting follow, now that Desmond has bitten the dust? A Of course, a post 19th century setting would new assassin, perhaps with a bit more charisma undoubtedly bring a whole new set of mechanics, this time, is an enticing idea, and really the only something that many AC fans are gasping for. option Ubisoft has. That is, of course, unless they’re There is a risk, however, of the game becoming willing to explore the backstory of side characters painfully unfamiliar. Swords and daggers have like Daniel Cross or Subject 16. always been a natural fit for Assassin’s Creed so I’d be surprised to see the series go towards a more There are a huge number of options on top of modern setting. these, and personally I’d love to see every single one of them (if only it didn’t hinder the natural Modern (ACIII Spoiler Warning) process of gaming evolution). For now though, we can but sit back and watch the announcements The true, up to date, modern setting has been unfold. Thankfully, with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black a hot topic since Assassin’s Creed first arrived. Flag just around the corner, we’ll have something There’s certainly a lot of potential. Scaling huge to occupy our time while we wait for the next game skyscrapers, navigating dense city streets, maybe to be revealed. even driving? The risk here is that much like with Ryan Davies the WW2 setting, the modern weapons of war Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 63 • GameOn Magazine See you in The Carribean, Cap’in

Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 64 • GameOn Magazine