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New South Wales Police Gazette 1886 Ref. AU2103-1886 ISBN: 978 1 921371 40 0

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A Allison Alexander, 201 Andrews -, 111 Allison Maria , 207 Andrews William Stuart, 152 Aagaard Lauritz 3 Ah You, 69 Allison George , alias Green, 395 Andrews -, 155 Abbert James, 171 Ah Yan, 258, 288 Allright Frederick Thomas, 381 Andrews Robert M'Dowell, 168 Abbott William, 112 Ahern James, 8 Alison -, 199 Andrews Thomas, 173 Abbott Miss, 140, 193 Ahern Robert, 259 Allworth Frank, 259 Andrews William, 317 Abbott T. K., 391 Ainsworth Arthur W, 247 Alma Joseph, 320 Andrews Matthew, 327 Abduction of Louisa Eleanor Mox- Airey Captain, 291 Alma Joseph, 373 Andrews Sophia, 397 ham (a girl under the age of 16 Aitken John, 74 Alson Edward William, 290 Aney Martha, 381 years ) by the Her. J. J. Hug- Aitken William, 82 Alsop Alice, or Moore, 23 Anglo Australian Investment gard, parish priest of Bourke, 73 Aitken Thomas Mac William, 278 Alway Henry, 332 Company, 317 Abraham Daniel, 79 Aitken R., 281 Amaral Thomas, 231 Angus Neil, 383 Abrahams Isaac, 152 Australian Joint Stock Bank, 43, Ambrogie Guiseppe, 377 Anlezark Thomas, 259 Abrahams Joseph, 184 50, 54, 152, 229, 245, 286 Amies Edward, 53 Annal Henrietta, 217 Abrahams Ralph, 300 Akerhielm Gerhard Thomas, 304 Ammasi (a Fijian), 239 Annis Charles, 390 Abrahams J., 341 Albury Edward, 48 Amor Edwin, 352 Anson F., 317 Absalom Charles, 199 Albury Police, horses strayed, 35, Anchor Bernard Peter , 30 , 39 Anson August, 347 Acourt Nathaniel, 70 66 Q Anderson Thomas, 8 Antonio John, 373 Acraman Harold, 310 Albury, (abandoned child found) Anderson Arthur, 8 Appin, Police Act Extended to, Adair A., 130 353 Anderson George, 23 233 Adair Arthur, alias George Ber- Alchin John, 227, 369 Anderson G., 39 Appleton John C., alias A. Dixon nard Harvey Drew, 232 Alcook Thomas, 56 Anderson James, 43 Chater, 253 Adair Robert, 397 Alcock T. M., 185,195 Anderson, alias James Fitzpatrick, Appo Samuel, 106 Adams Adam, 43, 103 Alcock J., 195, 193 47, 73 Appointments in the Police Force, Adams William T., 262 Alearn Charles, 63 Anderson James, 4S, 56, 70 22, 93, 94, 142, 143, 212, 213, Adams Frederick, 265 Alcorn Robert, 168 Anderson John, 54 273, 274, 313, 358, 359, 360 Adams Henry, 278 Alderson William, 56 Anderson Lena, 70 Archbold, alias Clara Thomas, alias Adams Miss, 290 Aldous Burnett, & Co., 266 Anderson James, 87, 103 Griffiths, alias Wilkinson, alias Adams Miss, 299 Aldous William, alias Finch, 387 Anderson Bernard, 102 Brereton, 246 Adams John, 345 Aldred Richard, 296 Anderson John A., 112 Archbold Miss, 290 Adams Alfred, 353 Aldridge George, 299, 304, 311, 321 Anderson Neils, 137 Ardill Edward W., 45 Adams Louisa, 361, 370 Aleck, alias Thomas Kerr, 364 Anderson William, 137 Ardill John Roche, 86 Adams William, 400 Alexander Arthur, 83 Anderson George, 138 Ardill Mr., 258 Adams George, 402 Alexander William, 148 Anderson William, 138 Arenas Martina, 245 Adeline Joseph, 336, 352 Alexander Mrs., 195 Anderson Andrew, 139 Arfenilliere Hypolite, alias Pierre Adnum Miss, 105 Alexander William, 270 Anderson E. R., alias Alfred Gar. Hypolite Arfenillieris de Les- Aerated Water Company Adelaide Alexander John, 317 rity or Goodsell, 145 pinasse, 75 (Embezzlement ), 144. Alexander William, 354 Anderson Charles, 171 Arkinstall Thomas, 229 Agnew George, 397 Alford John, 358 Anderson Mary, 176 Armager Samuel, 87 Ah Chong, 152 Alford John, 402 Anderson James, 193 Armania John, 101 Ah Chung, 161 Allan James, 386 Anderson Elizabeth, 200 Armidale, Nuisance Prevention Ah Chong, 177 Allan Maria, 386 Anderson Ernest, 201 Act extended to, 155 Ah Fun, 30 Alldis James F. W., 106, 113 Anderson William, 211, 226 Armidale, unclaimed property for Ah Fong, 223 Allen Kitty, 18 Anderson Frank, 215 sale, 219 Ah Fong, 337 Allen George, 37 Anderson Frederick, 229 Armitage & Powell, 169 Ah Hoon, 54 Allen , 45 Anderson Fanny, 260 Armitage Alfred James, 348 Ah Hung Jung, 145 Allen William, 91 Anderson George, 261 Armstrong Thomas, 53 Ah King, 252 Allen Miss, 138 Anderson Arthur E., 265 Armstrong William, 74 Ah Kiy, 265, 379 Allen Robert, 149 Anderson Thorer, 269, 321 Armstrong John, 84 Ah Lin, 2 Allen Mary, 200 Anderson William John, 280, 356 Armstrong Henry Thorlay, 130 Ah Ling, 144, 207 Allen George, alias Leon Alleyne, Anderson Mary Ann, 280 Armstrong John, 165 Ah Len, 223 201 Anderson Mrs. H., 281 Armstrong James, 252, 309 Ah Lee, 309 Allen Annie, 208 Anderson Charles , 295, 304 Armstrong Thomas, 252 Ah Lin, 337 Allen Jessie, 211 Anderson C. W., 309 Armstrong John, 266, 275 Ah Nam, 223 Allen Charles or Baker, 255 Anderson, alias James Fitzgibbon, Armitage C. E., 365 Ah Pooey, 21 Allen John , 280, 303 alias Buckley, alias Robinson, Arncliffe, body of man name un- Ah Pong, 245 Allen Mary, 284 369, 397 known found, 360 Ah Sam, 3 Allen Albert, 329 Anderson Herman B., 372 Arndell Andrew J., 98 Ah Sam, alias Lee Sing, 27 Allen Henry, 354 Anderson Christopher, 377 Arnold alias William Harnett, Ah Sow, 152 Allen Thomas, 360 Anderson James, 390 152, 161 Ah Sin, 277 Allen Henry, 36S Anderson James, 397 Arnold Alice, 171 Ah Shue, 321 Allen Henry, 37L Anderson Neil, 397 Arnold Charles, 179 Ah Tow, 22 Allerding F. & Son., 164,172, 185 Anderson Alfred, 400 Arnold Henry, .230 Ah Tow, 109 230 Anderton John, 282 Arnold Jane, 368 Ah Too, 321 Alley Arthur, U, 152, 161 Anderton John, 303 Arnott Thomas, 378, 402 Ah Ung, 124 Alleyne Leon , alias George Allen, Andre L. Y., 98, 111, 159 Art Gallery, medal stolen, AhWak,121 201 Andrew Mark, 177 226, 296 Ah Wa h, 224, 231 Alli Azad, 53 Andrews John, 15 Arthur George F., 14 Ah Wong, 321 Alliott William, 328 Andrews & Chisholm, 26 Arthur George, 18 Ah Young, 38 Allison Alexander, 184 Andrews -, 75 .irthur James, 26, 64 NEW- SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

A.S.N. Company, 167 Aubay Emile, 340 Barnett George, 340 Beale & Co., 315 Ashby Charlotte, 8 Aubrey Elizabeth, 278 Barnett Patrick, 345 Beames Mary, 235 Asher Michael, 352 Auburn Railway Station, body of Barnett James, 350 Beamish Francis, 144 Asher Henry, 352 man name unknown found, 61 Barnett Mary Ann, 350 Beans Peter, 2 Ashfield, abandoned child found, 9 Auburn Church of England, Barr Jack, 102 Beaus Peter, 277 Ashfield, body of infant found, sacrilege, 283 Barrack William, 124 Bear Isaac, 284, 329 371 Auckland General Cemetery Harrell Charles, 108 Beard Arthur, 46 Ashford, remains of man name monuments, tombstones, &c., Barrell Alfred, 230 Beard Patrick James, 47, 80 unknown found, 130 maliciously damaged, 341 Barrett G eorge, 42 Beard Samuel, 52 Ashmore Jacques, 255 Aughtie Sarah, 69 Barrett Alfred James, 124 Beare John, -312 Ashton John Henry, 363 Austin John or Jack, 7 Barrett George, 130 Beattie John, 18 Asquith, alias Mary Ann Smith, 160 Austin Lizzie, 164 Barrett George, 137 Beattie Henrietta, 152 Assenheim Louis, 56 Austin's Pawn Office, 26, 90 Barrett George, 216 Beattie Henrietta, 221 Assenheim Louis, 184 Australian Gas Company, 113 Barrett George, 370 Beattie Thomas, 371 Assett Patrick, 328, 338, 361 Australian Widows' Fund, Mel- Barrie John, 337 Beaumont & Co., 179 AstonAgnes, 116 bourne,153, 161 Barriere , alias Fritz , alias August Beaumont John Harry, 295 Atchison William, 108 Australian Club, 171 Vanhamel, 11 Beaumont George, 372 Atkin Edward, 256 , College- Barringun, Police Act extended to, Beaver Benjamin, 43 87 Atkin William Henry, 348 street, exhibits stolen, 225, 234 73 Beaver Charles, 152 Atkin John, alias Ernest John A.S.N. Company's steam-ship, Barry Brothers, 7 Beazley William, 247 Reynolds, 381 " Ly-ee-moon," wrecked off Barry John, 23 Beazley William, 303, 321 Atkinson Peter, 62 Green Cape Point, 30th May, Barry Walter P., 262 Beazley Alfred, 312 Atkinson William, 173 and about seventy persons Barry Alexander, 281 Beck Ernest, 70, 80 Atkinson James, 200, 217 drowned, 175 Barry James, 348, 354 Beck Ernest, 125 Atkinson T., 237 Avenel, 156 Barry Thomas, alias Philip Duggan, Beckett Ada, 89 Atkinson C., 337 Axam Emma, 79 369 Beckie Sarah or Minnie Davis, 258 Atkinson J. T., 340 Aylward Charles, 169, 177, 201 Barry R. J., 377 Beckingham Jane, 119 Atkinson Peter, 379 Ayers Henry, 352 Barry Norman Joseph, 377 Beckingham Jane, 230 Ba rry R obert , 399 B ecks J am es, 328 B Bartels Henry, 180 Becus August., 244 B ar th Ch ar les, 30 B eecon Willi am, 113 Badgery Joseph, alias Edwards, 296 Bank of New Zealand, 102, 116, Bartholomew Agnes, 152 Beer Ludwig F., 329 Bagge Christian 0., 131 138 Bartlett William, 113 Beeton John, 79, 110 Baggott William, 341 Bank draft found in George- Bartlett William, 200 Bega, unclaimed property for sale, Baikie Alexander, 273 street, 262 Bartlett Rev. Arthur, 204 33 Bailey George, 106 Banks, alias William John Bartlett Richard, 258 Begg John C., 124 Bailey Joseph, alias William Worthington, 184 Bartlett Emma Ann, 356 Begg William, 197 Mason, 151, 159, 173 Banks Samuel, 192 Bartley John, 53 Begley Phillip, 109 Bailey William Henry, 205, 231 Banks Edward, 211 Bartley John, 115, 194 Begley Dan, 109 Bailey John, 211 Banks James, 278 Bartley Richard, 176 Begley Annie, 191 Bailey George M., 235 Banks William, 308 Barton Brothers, 10 Behan Edward, 286 Bailey Joseph, 235, 266 Banner Sarah Jane, 165, 218 Barton Henry, 49 Behn Amangus, 187 Bailey David, & Co., 966 Banner Thomas, 287 Barton & Co., 79 Beiber Ernest, 18 Bailey Nerida Amelia, 369 Bannerman Martha, 131 Barton William, 247, 263 Bell , Molong, body of man Baillie Elizabeth, 258 Baptist Church, Harris-street, Barton Russell, 372 supposed named Charles Bain Alexander, 356 communion service stolen, 187 Barwick George, 328 Matthew Pratt, found, 230 Bainford James, 142 Baptist Church, Ryde, sacrilege, Barwick John, 328 Bell George, 4 Baker Arthur J. V., 2 347 Barwon River, body of young man Bell Robert, 64 Baker William, 3 Baragry Miss, 360 found, 149 Bell Clara, 82, 138 Baker James, 11 Barber -, 34 Basscruitz Frederick, 312 Bell George, 98, 177 Baker William Thomas, 29 Barber Frank, 52 Bassett George, 31 Bell George, 116, 131 Baker George, 65 Barber William, 65 Bastable Arthur, 181 Bell James, 122 Baker Cecil, 74 Barber John, 74 Bastardi Annette, 352 Bell George, alias Williams, 137 Baker W. A., 110 Barbour James, 321 Batchelor Edward, 112 Bell James, 163 Baker Thomas, 115 Barbour Ellen, 321 Bateman Jane, 252 Bell Charles, 164 Baker Richard, alias Edwin or Barby Frank, 38 Bates William Henry, 45 Boll John, 290 Dick Hall, 137, 320 Barckhausen Sarah Hannah, 77 Bates William Henry, 64 Belt F., 317 Baker William, 144, 315 Barclay W., & Co., 237 Bates William, 98 Bell Alice Jane, 365 Baker James , 181 Barden S . J ., 30 Bates George, 131 Bell John , 399 Baker Mr., 204 Barden William, 235 Bates Thomas, 134 Bell John, 399 Baker Arthur, 212 Barden William, 369 Bates Thomas, 138 Bellair Thomas Smith, 145, 153 Baker James, 227 Bardsley John, & Co., 169, 177 Bates John, 157,217 Belletti Charles, 124 Baker Georgiana, 227 Bardwell Mr., 84 Bates William, 205 Bellis Edward, 74 Baker Thomas, 252 Bardwell Mrs., 216, 232 Bates Miss G., 300 Belmore Park, body of infant Baker Anne, 252 Baretts George, 208 Bath John, 196 found, 315, 324 Baker Charles or Allen, 255 Barfoot John, 372 Bathurst, body of infant found, Belottini Pietro, 38, 53 Baker Mrs. Sarah, 300 Barker Alfred, 125 324, 339 Belcher F., 75 Baker John, 344 Barkley Mrs., 191 Batoo (a Japanese) 181 Belz John W., 97 Baker Agnes, 369 Barlow Francis, 102 Batson Edward, 176 Bendall William, 38 Baker Gilbert A., 386 Barlow Thomas, 285 Batt Henry, 356 Bendall William, 345 Balderman Josephine, 395 Barlow Charles, 281 Batt Rebecca, 356 Bendemeer and Bundara Mail Baldwin Walter, 69 Barnain James, 13 Batts Ellen, 112 Robbery, 125 Baldwin John, alias M`Aleer,116 Barnard Harry, 215, 281 Batty, George, 402 Bendick Morell Public School Balfour James William, 176 Barnard Annie, 215 Bauvais Charles Ernest, 230 wilfully damaged, 37, 54 Balfour James, 324 Barnes Samuel, 50 Bawden John Thomas, 62 Benjamin H., 278 Balgowlah Public School, 382 Barnes Clara, 50 Bawden John T., 239 Benjamin M. D., 340, 348 Ball William, alias Burgin, 109 Barnes Henry, 54 Baxter Patrick, 71 Benjamin Henry, 341 Ball William, 116 Barnes Samuel, or Truman, 59,70 Baxter Patrick, 82 Benjamin's Pawn Office, 139, 242 Ball Edward, 291 Barnes Miss, 90 Baxter Thomas,, 217 364 Ballantine Agnes, 86 - Barnes Edward Thomas, 115, 138 Baxter Thomas, alias Wilspn, 224 Benjeyfield Henry, 71 Balmain , body of infant found , Barnes Frederiok , alias Bruce , 176 Baxter John , 308 Bennerle y Antonio , 186 807,8'23 Barnes Caroline, 237 Baxter William Henry, 328 Bennett Solomon, 14 Balmain, silver wa tch found, 376 Barnes William, 2.66 Baxter Andrew, 344 Bennett Denis, 26, 3.4 Balmer Louisa, 265 Barnes George, alias Williams, Bayley George, 245, 259 Bennett Stephen, 27,39 Balmer Sophia, 265 266 Bayliss William, 175 Bennett Arthur, 27, 75 Banbery Charles, 10 Barnes Richard, 291 Bayliss Isaac, 197 Bennett E. G., 33 Bancroft John, 354 Barnes Richard, 365 Bayliss Andrew Samuel, 355 Bennett Edward, 43, 88 Banford Eliza, 219 Barnett Alfred James, 4 Bayliss Muriel Geraldine, 355 Bennett Charles, 50 Bank of Australasia, 39, 152, Barnett Charles, 26 Bazine Vincent, 378 Bennett & Wood, 63 313, 317 Barnett Joshua, 34 Bazzerwitz Francis, 361 Bennett Walter, 84 Batik ,of , 86, 94, Barnett W., 98 each Henry, 137 Bennett S., 109 101; 11)8, 217, 116, 130, 1521 Barnett Mrr, 1 15'7' le Charles Cin'-iffin,3o Bennett Maggie} 120 177; 711),216, 230, 281, 369, Barnett Euge40; 150,168 Beale OclaviusCharles, 122, 159 Bennett Henry, 118,194 386, 395 Barnett Bark, 188 Beale Henry, 184 Bennett Charles, 266 275 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 3

Bennett George, 283 Black David, 369 Bomba, near Kiama, body of man, Boyd Charles, 113 Bennett Charles W., 358 Blackall John, 309, 321 name unknown found, 317 Boyd Charles, 171, 201 Bennett James, 364 Blacker John, 223 Bond Frederick, 134 ' Boyd Charles, 283, 305 Benson H. W., 37 Blacker Mary Jane, 223 Bond Andrew, 149, 221 Boyd Henry E., 303, 338 Benson M. W., 290 Blackford Adolphus, 139 Bond Mr., 168 Boyd Charles, 313 Benson James, 345 Blackston Herbert, 102 Bone Andrew James, 266 Boyd William, 324 Bentley Joseph, 39 Blacktown , man known only by the Bone Henry, 397 Boyd John, 351 Bentley Thomas, 112 name of Tom, died from injuries Bone Frederick Charles, 400 Boyes Thomas, 249 Bentley William, 178, 194 received on the railway line, 325, Bonney Ernest, 233, 364 Boyle Charles, 79 Bentley Joseph,'227 391 Booker Fred., 358 Boyle Eugenie, 112 Bentley Joseph, 304 Blackwattle Bay, body of woman Bookless Maggie, 6 Boyle James, 137 Bentley Kate, 348 name unknown, found, 350 Books stolen from Free Public Boyle George, 199, 208 Bentley George , 377, 388 Blackwattle Bay, body of Isaac Library, 65 Boyle Alice, 337 Benton William Clarke, 244, 288 Isaacson found, 351 Boolen William, 246 Boyle, Mrs. Delia, 383 Beran Samuel, 377 Blackwattle Bay, body of Thomas Boon Albert, 284; 329 Boylson James, 120 Bercery Matthew, 48 Ryan found, 360 Booth Napoleon, 37 Boylson James or Redshaw, 216 Berg Hjalmar, 171 Blackwood James, 230 Booth George, 66, 103 Boysen Henry, 229 Berg William, 193 Bladon Francis Joseph, 256 Booth John, 361, 378 Bozeat Joseph, 54 Berg Arna, 400 Bladon Catherine Hayes, 256 Booty Phillip Galloway, 152, 168 Braban Bridget, 265 Berger R., 22 Blagburn William, 360 Bornstein Louis, 26 Braby Brothers, 248 Berginian A. 0., 355 Blaine Francis, 135 Bornstein Mr., 143 Brackenreg James, 35 Berkley Edward, 189 Blaine Joseph, 140 Bores Julius Valias Henry Wil- Bradbury William, 327 Berndt Frederick, 120 Blair Frances, 157 liam Hall, alias Julius Weiss, Braddock W., 364 Berndt Frederick, 376 Blair Flora, 377 alias Dr. Phillips, alias Don Bradford Robert, 320 Berne Percy W., 42 Blair William Tait, 387 Carlos De Vine, alias Coolo- Bradford David, 320 Berner George, 217, 224 Blake William, 59 mong, 378 Bradgate Henry Charles, 365, 373, Bernstein Charles, 256 Blake Margaret, 137 Borthwick John, 303 398 Bernstein Mr., 373 Blake Stephen, 151 Borthwick William M., 325 Bradgate Sarah, 365 Berry Dr., alias Burry, 50, 80 Blake John, 193 Boshell George, 2 96 Bradley Edward, alias Long Ned, Berry N. C., 189, 235 Blake Edward, 196 Botben W. J., 248 alias Sporfith, 50, 217 Berry John, 235 Blake James, 241 Bottrell, Edward Horace, 21 Bradley Fanny or Florence Brown, Berry's Bay, body of man, name Blake William Alexander, 365 Boucher Charles, 245 97, 347 unknown, found, 108 Blake Elizabeth, 365 Boulton R. H., 144 Bradley Henry, 144, 169 Bernard Nicholas Richard, 131, Blake Peter, alias John Ross, 369 Boulton Walter, 207, 253 Bradley Alexander, 165, 237 308 Blake Leah, 387 Boulton Mrs., 212, 238 Bradley George, 355 Best John Thomas, 131 Blake Matthew, 397 Boulton T. Walter, 386 Bradshaw Robert, 74 Best William, 278 Blakeney Henry, 30 Bounds Art, 77 Bradstock Henry, 73 Bettington J. B., 109 Blakeney Henry, 305 Boundy John, or Walker, 69 Brady Peter, 38 Bettney Daniel, 19, 53 Blakey Robert Findlay, 176, 191 Bouquat Charles, 191 Brady Ted, 43 Bevan John, 196 Blakey Jessie, 176, 194 Bourke, Police District formed, Brady Patrick, 49 Beverley Henry, 97 Blamire John, 108 371 Brady Patrick, 66 Bewick John, 137 Blankets stolen from Relief works, Bourk Janies, 3 t Brady W. J., 115 Bickley Joseph, 18S Fieldof Mars, 270 Bourke Edward, 50 Brady Peter, 143 Bieren Carl Von, alias George Blantern George, 215 Bourke Matthew, 79 Brady Bernard, alias O'Connor, Wallbridge, 87 Blashki Philip, 361 Bourke Alice, 83 alias O'Connors, alias Jackson, Bigelow J. A., 249 Blessington David, 320 Bourke Helena, 116 alias Foster, 296 Biggs George P., 108 Blewitt John, 308 Bourke Michael, 173, 201 Brady William, 369 Biggs Charles, 287 Bligh James, 151 Bourke Patrick, 184 Bragg Ann, 201 , body of man, Bligh William Russel], 220 Bourke Hugh, 207 Braliam Henry, 79 supposed named James Blight Joseph, 283 Bourke Norah, 246 Bramston George A., 188, 212, Cochrane, found, 360 Bliss & Son, 280 Bourke James, 270 220 Billiard Mrs., 187 Blizzard Alfred H., 382 Bourke John, alias George Wilson, Branagan John, 220 Billiards George, 42, 275 Blondin Alexander, 364 alias Turner, 345 Branscombe Kate, 225 Billings Allen, alias Morgan, 22 Bloomfield John, 145 Bourke " steamer," man name un- Brasch William, 217 Bills George, 49, 62 Bloomfield Samuel, 220 known fell overboard and Brash Maurice, 208, 218 Billy -, 11 _ Bloomfield Arthur, 314 drowned in , 383 Brasnett John, 333 Billy Whitewash alias Henry Wil-Bloomfield Arthur, 345 Bourne Arthur, 61 Brassel John, 7 liams, 145 BlndonGeorge or Richardson, 328, Bourne Sarah, 97 Brassington Stephen, 296 Billyeald George, 139 338 Bovard John, 386 Bratt Michael, 64 Bilton William T. H., 23 Blue Ribbon Gospel Army Forgery, Bovis, or Emily Ryan, 80 Braun Benjamin , 295, 296, 300 Binderlin Frederick, 321 258 Bovis Alexander, 1 12 Braunbeck Valentine, 159, 208 Bingera, unclaimed property for Blunt John, alias Franks, 204, 217 Bowden James, 42 Brag. Mrs., 84 sale, 63 Blyth Arthur, 353 Bowden Elias, 69 Bray Daniel, 167 Bingham Lieut., alias Birming- Blyth Edith Mary, 353 Bowden George, 145 BrayElizabeth, alias Lucy, 192, ham, 27 Board Constable, 387 Bowden John, 373 193 Bingham Joseph, 109 137 Boberg Terence, 233, 246 Bowen George B, 62 Bray, Mrs, 237 Bingley Thomas, 274 Bock Arthur, 304 Bowen Frank, 66 Bray John, 245 Binks Thomas, 38 Bocrart Jules, 25 Bowen George, 93, 116 Bray Nicholas or Seeles, 351 Binns William George, 4f Bodger Francis, 7, 23 Bowen George B., 100, 238 Breckenridge Robert, 61 Birch Henry William, 289, 305 Bodies found, 6, 9, 14, 22 , 30, 38, Bowen Percy, 140 Breckenridge Robert, 312 Birch James, 400 41, 53, 55, 61, 66, 77, 81, 89, Bowen Joseph, 275 Bree John, 321 Bird John Henry, 52 100, 108, 124, 135, 143, 149, Bowers Joseph, 39 Breen Daniel, 62 Bird William, 300 168, 175, 181, 203, 211, 219, Bowers Thomas James, 75 Breese John, 303, 325 Bird Alfred, 340 230, 233, 237, 242, 251, 255, Bowers, alias Thomas Smith, 230 Brenn Michael, 143 Bird William, 400 295, 307, 315, 317, 323, 324, Bowes Denis, 131 Brennan Timothy, 7 Birkett John, 52 339, 344, 350, 353, 360, 371, Bowie William, 200 Brennan John, 29 Birmingham, alias Lieut. Bing- 376, 381, 389, 391 Bowker Dr., 164 Brennan Eugene, 79 ham, 27 Bodman Henry, 220 Bowles John, 184 Brennan Alfred, 91, 296 Birmingham Edward, 274 Body E. C., 356, 383 Bowman, alias James Esdale, 30 Brennan Patrick James, 138 Birnie Peter, 325 Body George, 376 Bowman Leslie, 45, 103 Brennan Patrick, 176 Birnie Lucy 325 Began Road, near Cobar, body of Bowman George, 77 Brennan John, 234, 242, 305 Birrell William D., 337, 351 man, came unknown, found, 30 Bowman Leslie , 130, 215 Brennan Thomas, 266 Birtles James, 86 Boland F. H., 103 Bowman James, 157 Brennan Mary, 280 Birtleson Charles, 262, 263, 282 Bold E. S., 351 Bowman Isaac, 223 Brennan John, 236 Bishop John, 30 Bolger Frank L., 362 llowra William, 45 Brennan John, 303 Bishop Alfred, 184 Bolin Maurice, 227 Bowra Elizabeth, 45 Brennan Annie, 312, 321 Bishop Alfred, 237 Bolivia Railway Station, money Boy 5 years old found wandering Brennan Patrick, 351, 378 Bishop Kate, 390 stolen from, 310 in William-street, 189, 220 Brennan Henry, 361, 370 Bissard Alfred, 354, 364 Bollard Mary Jane, 43 Boyce John, 252 Brennan Peter Joseph, 378 Black A. C., 130 Bollard William, 75, 103, 116 Boyce William, 307 Brennicto David, 151 Black Florry, alias White, 167 Bolt Alfred J., 221 Boyd Allen, 10 Brentnall Thomas, 3 0 Black Charles, 193 Bolter Andrew, 17 Boyd James, 54 Brentnall Thomas, 227 Black Archibald, 337 Bolton Stewart, alias John Stop- Boyd Allan, 84, 86 Brereton, alias Clara Thomas, alias Black William, 344 hell, 68 Boyd Charles E., 90, 103 Archbold, alias Griffiths, &c., 246 4 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX--1886,

Bresnan Michael, 354 Brown Robert, 149 Buckhardt William, 81 Burns Patrick, 396 Bressington William, 168 Brown Alexander Duncan, 149 Buckingham William Henry Burr Mrs., 3 Brett John A., 86 Brown Ellen, 149, 157 Dashwood, 402 Burrell Rebecca, 208 Brett A. E., 179 Brown William, 156, 154 Buckland James, 308, 315 Burrelly Jean Baptist Michael, Brett William Henry, 266 Brown James, 159 Buckland Thomas, 341 alias Joseph Wilshire, 75 Brett Arthur, 290 Brown Thomas, 167, 231 Buckley Patrick, 42 Burrelly Thomas, 131 Brettschneider Frederick, or Sni- Brown Patrick, 172 Buckley Thomas or Patrick Gavan Burrows Edward, ali as Jerry der, 116 Brown William Lennox, 173 Buckley, 244, 286, 325 Scanlon, alias John Sterling, Brewer Samuel, 19, 39, 46 Brown - , 176 Buckley James, 281 alias Howell, 208 Briar William Lockwood, 244, 379 Brown Jane, 211 Buckley Albert, 304 Burrows William or Burns, 208 Briar Julio Frangoise, 241 Brown William IT., 218 Buckley Matthew, 309 Burry, alias Doctor Berry, 50, 80 Brice Charles, 145 Brown Thomas, 216 Buckley, alias James Fitzgibbon, Burt, alias Edward Johnston, 304 Bricbt Carl, 18 Brown Sarah Jane, 227 alias Anderson , alias Robinson, Burt George, 304 Bridges Philip L., 237 Brown Peter, 231 369, 397 Barton,alias W. J. Hirlsford, , 15, Brielle Guiseppe, 30 Brown J., 248 Buckley James, 398 152 Briggs Joseph, 18 Brown William, 249 Budden George, 237 Burton James, 59 Briggs Stephen, 86, 95 Brown John, 256 Budrodeen Sheik, 82, 180, 189 Burton Richard, 180 Briggs William F., 241 Brown Annie, alias Merritt, 258 Bulger William James , 83, 388 Burton Robert, 204 Briggs James, 360 Brown Walter, 259 Bulger Mary, 316 Burton Ernest, 223 Briggs Nathaniel, 369 Brown Annie, 272 Bull, maliciously shot at Parkes, BartonCharles, 345 Brigham George William, 110 Brown George R., alias Colonel 280 Bush Edward, 9 Bright George, alias Evan Jones- Brown, 281, 288 Bull, Edward, 157 Bush Thomas, 49 hill, 79 Brown W. H., 28L Bullen George, 188 Bush Jabez, 212 Brinley Charles, 165 Brown James, 291, 329 Bullock Benjamin, 387 Bushby William H., 134 Brisbane Permanent Benefit Brown William, 304 Bunch Isabella, 97 Bussell William, 74 Building Society, 295 Brown Mrs., 312 Bundah George (ab.), 116 Butcher F., 262 Briscoe, Drysdale, & Co., 14 Brown John, 313 Bungendore Lodge of Freemasons Butcher John, 345 Brison Mary Jane, 60, 70 Brown Julia, 314 259 Butler Sarah Jane, 17 Bristow E. H. C., 93, 95 Brown, alias McDonald, alias Bunnerong Road, Sydney, remains Butler Pierce, 37 Britton John James, 213 Henry Thompson, 320 of man found, 86 Butler Thomas, 50 Britton Henry, 280, 345 Brown Brothers, 321 Bunyard Alger, 131 Butler John, alias Carroll, 116 Broadhead William, 245 Brown Edward, 321 Burch Louis, 94 Butler Lucius, 256 Broadley John George, 53 Brown John, 321 Burdekin Frederick, 124 Butler Edward, 396 Brogan Thomas, 265 Brown Frederick, 328 Burdett Francis, 4 Butler James, 402 Brock John, 286 Brown R. & J., 333 Burdett Isabella, 4 Butt Robert, 369 Brockstayne Alfred, 3 Brown William, 336, 361 Burdett Mrs., 64 Butter Frank, 77 Brodie Mrs. H., 89 Brown William, alias Brummy, Burdett Minnie, 396 Butterfield James, 207 Brodie David John, 251 337 Burgess W., 152 Butterton John, 172, 232 Brodie Mary Ann, 289 Brown Frederick W., 339 Burgess David, 199, 208 Butterton Ellen, 172 Brodie David John, 289 Brown John, 344 Burgess Ruth, 221, 238, 246 Butterworth Samuel, 180 Brodie Patrick J., 364 Brown William, 345 Burgess F., 240 Button Francis A., 10 Brodziak A. M., 266 Brown Fanny, or Bradley, 347 Burgin William , alias Ball, 109 Button Richard, 220 Brogan John, 181 Brown Martin, 347. 361, 370 Burke Ellen, 7 Button Mrs. Sarah, 274 Bromley Thomas or McLar,ghlin, Brown Frederick B., 353 Burke Glen, 102 Buttry Edward, 128, 138 46 Brown James, 369 Burke Patrick, 149, 238 Butts James, 259 Bromley Frank Augustus, 282 Brown John, 378 Burke John, 177 Butts John, 287 Brooke Walter Smith, 15, 31 Brown Frederick Matthew, 386 Burke James, 216 Byers David, 124 Brooke Robert, 229 Brown John, 390 Burke Patrick, 230 Byers Alfred, 124 Brooke Robert, 235 Brown Emily, 391 Burke Thomas, 230 Byers Robert, 140 Brooke Lizzie, 238 Brown J. G., 396 Burke John, 304 Bygat William, 42, 275 Brooke Mrs., 391 Browning William George, 175, Burkett Mr., 145 Byrne John, 80 Brooks Edwin, 79 181 Buries W., 216 Byrne James Henry, 181, 189 Brooks Frank, 296 Browning John, 352 Burley John, 106 Byrnes Ann, 14 Brooksby James, 321 Brownrigg Owen, 93 Burnett Maria, 8 Byrnes Andrew, 83 Broose, alias John Watson, 13, Bruce Robert, 29 Burns-street, , Byrnes Samuel, 329 52, 59, 68 Bruce, alias Frederick Barnes, 176 body of infant found, 371 Byrnes -, 331 Broskie Elizabeth, 63 Bruce James, 281 Burns, Phillips, & Co., 46 Byrnes Thomas, 383, 402 Brotherston Thomas, 376 Bruce & Massey, 283, 289 Burns John, 121 Byrock, Police Act extended to, Brotherton Thomas, 50 Bruck L., 100 Burns William or Burrows, 195, 63 Broughton John, 79 Bruer Robert, 31 208 Byron John James, 167 Brown Emily, 7 Brummy Joseph Alfred, 400 Burns John, 199, 246 Byron Jeremiah, 336, 352 Brown John, alias Tommy Con- Brummy, alias William Brown, Burns Michael, 260 nors, 14 337 Brown Sarah, 14 Bruninghausen Ferdinand, 200 C Brown Samuel, 15 Brunker James, 7, 22, 53 Brown William, 29 Brunker & Wolfe, 244, 305 Caesar William, 138, 146 Callaghan Thomas, 199 Brown Emma, 29 Brunswick Petty Sessions estab- Caesar Augustus, 383 Callaghan James, 201, 209 Brown Jane, 33 lished, 247 Caddy Charles Wesley, 192 Callaghan Mrs. Judge, 262 Brown William David, 43, 82 Brush, Mitchell, or Brasch, 200 Caddy James, 304 Callaghan Alice, 273, 387 Brown Thomas, alias Laur;e, 53 218 Caddy James, 335 Callaghan George, 312, 321 Brown Alexander, 53 Bruton John James, 266 Cadell Mrs., 234 Callin Benjamin, 151 Brown John, 57 Bryan Mary Jane, 341 Cafe Mrs. G., 356, 365 Callinan Matthew, 287 Brown Alice, 57 Bryant Bessie, alias Steel, 14 Caffrey John, 203, 289, 307, 321 Callow George H., 270 Brown Henry, 63 Bryant Ellen, 27, 50 Caffrey Walter, 329 Cameron, alias Danvers, alias Brown Thomas, 61, 103 Bryant Michael, 196 Cahill Maggie, 90 William Llewellyn, 131 Brown Joseph, 70 Bryant Edward, 200 Cahill Mary, 127 Cameron -, 273 Brown John, 70, 80 Bryant Thomas W., 204 Cahill James B., 128, 134 Cameron Hugh, 286 Brown George, 71 Bryant Frederick, 266 Cahill Mary, 208 Cameron Thomas, 399 Brown Margaret, 83 Bryant Thomas, 273, 288 Cahill Patrick, 231 Cammond John, 296 Brown Thomas, €6 Bryant Thomas, 286 Cahill James, 242 Campbell John, 15 Brown William James, 91 Bryant Sarah Elizabeth, 286 Cain Andrew, 95 Campbell Peter, 34 Brown Florence or Fanny, 97 Bryant Jelin, 309 Cain Ettie, 272, 296 Campbell William, 46 Brown Thomas,, 93 Bryant Benjamin, 317 Cairncross David, 159, 208 Campbell Thomas, 61 Drown William, 102 Bryant Joseph, 351 Cairns Benjamin, 336 Campbell John, alias Patrick Brown Frederick, 105 Bryce William, 18 Caldew Andrew, 397 Noonan, 63 Brown William Thomas, 109 Bryce Edward, 369 Caldwell James, 49 Campbell K. T., 75, 87, 103, 116 Drown Mrs., 112 Bryson Robert, 4 Caldwell James, 106 Campbell Arthur, 78 Brown George, 120 Bryson Archibald, 192 Caldwell Rose, 106 Campbell Thomas, 81 Brown Brothers, & Co., 130, 137 Buchanan William, 7 Caldwell James, 160 Campbell Elizabeth, 81. Brown Robert, alias Salisbury, Buchanan Richard, 145 Caldwell Rose, 171 Campbell Emily, 81 133 Buchanan Ann, alias Morgan, 152 Callaghan James, 7 Campbell David, 89 Brown Charles, 135, 146 Buchanan Henry, 160 Callaghan Thomas, 50, 80 Campbell James, 97 ,Brown Edwin John, 112, 160 Buchanan James, 171 Callaghan Frederick, 68 Campbell Robert, 98 Brown Rose, alias Jane Roach, 145 Buchanan Mr., 261 Callaghan Mary, 68 Campbell William, 101 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 5

Campbell Hugh, 102 Carrie 77 Ceci Hannah, 341, 352 Christie John, 105 Campbell Robert, 121, 173 Carrington Galleries, George-st., Cervetto Luigi, 13, 282 Christie Thomas, 145 Campbell Thomas, 144, 369 photo stolen, 318 Chadban William, 131 Christie Alexander, 164 Campbell Charles, 144 Carroll Joseph, 18 Chalker W., 168 Christie Michael, 287 Campbell Sophia Ives, 145 Carroll James, 30 Chalker Sarah, 325 Christie George Campbell, 327 Campbell Francis Beresford, 159, Carroll Thomas, 42 Chalker James. 337, 361 Christison George, 347 184 Carroll Simon, 59 Chalkling James, 175, 181 Christophson Christian, 3 Campbell Elisha, 172 Carroll Thomas, 82 Challand John W., 400 Chudleigh, alias Alexander Campbell Maude, 175 Carroll Edward, 86 Chllaender Albert, 180 Clifford, 238 Campbell Arthur, 176 Carroll, alias John Butler, 116 Challinor Thomas. 56 Chudleigh John, 259 Campbell John William, 184 Carroll John Thomas, 155 Challinor Thomas, 64 Chudleigh, alias William Clifford, Campbell William, 189 Carroll James, 160 Challinor William, 280, 283 378 Campbell Thomas, 205 Carroll John, 163, 168 Challis B., 368 Church James, 27, 50 Campbell George, 226 Carroll -, 176 Chalmers David, 13 Church of England, Auburn, Campbell John, 231 Carroll Patrick, 259 Chamberlain Charles, 125 Sacrilege, 283 Campbell John, 318 Carroll Martin James, 262 Chambers Thomas, 131 Churchill John, 395 Campbell Caroline, or Cawl, 245, Carroll William, 272 Chambers Frederick, 156 Churnside & Co., 160 253 Carroll Annie, 280, 287 Chambers George, 377, 387 Chy Wong Brothers, 17, 30 Campbell Alexander, 259' Carroll George, 337 Champeney T. H., 145, 181 Circuit Courts, 1 Campbell John, 275 Carroll Peter, 339 Chamuir Anthony, 191 City Bank, 53, 358 Campbell Rev. H. J., 278 Carroll George, 373, 388, 402 Chandler George, 13 City Mutual Life Assurance Coal. Campbell John, 296 Carroll Mary, 398 Chaney Joseph, 56 pany, 303, 313, 327 Campbell Charles, 296 Carruthers gate, alias Sugar, 79 Chanment John, 49, 200 Civil Service Co-operative Society, Campbell Charles, 300 Carruthers gate, 122,130, 146 Chanze Charles, 23 102, 176, 184 Campbell Rowland, 305 Carry, alias Mercy Harvey, 319 Chaplin William, alias Chapman, Clair -, 66 Campbell Robert, 309, 338 Carson Robert, 66 246 Clancy Michael, 221 Campbell William, 316 Carson William, 172, 189 Chapman William, 102 Clancy James, 244, 345 Campbell William, 317 Carson Edward, alias Ned Cody, Chapman John Thomas, 109, 138 Clancy Martin, 287 Camperdown Cricket Club, 315 287 Chapman Robert, 130, 321 Clancy John, 37.8 Camperdown Public School, 340 Carter William, 38 Chapman Richard, 137 Clanfield Arthur, 43 361 Carter John, 60 Chapman James A.. 143 Clare Edward, 102 Campling Percy, 42 Carter Emily, 68, 87 Chapman Thomas J., 180 Clare Thomas, 143 Canbain George, 100 Carter Richard, 103 Chapman William, alias Chaplin, Clare Arthur Tindal, 207, 253 Cane Sarah, 34, 88 Carter William, 112, 125 246 Clare Henry, alias John O'Connor, Cane William, 312 Carter Margaret, or Mrs. Stutch- Chapman E. A., 253 259 Cane Daniel, 382 bury,126 Chapman Reuben, 255 Clarence John, 74 Canning James, 55 Carter James, 144 Chapman Abraham Ellis, 316 Clarence and Richmond Steam Cannings John, 336 Carter William W., 145 Chapman Mary, 316 Navigation Company, 196 Cannon Thomas, 382 Car ter Richard, 226 Chapman Frederick, 328 Clarey John, 115 Cannon Charles, 318 Carter Sarah, 230 Chapman Abraham Denis, 314 Clark William, 302 Cansctell -, 13 Carter Henry, 262 Chapman Thomas, 343 Clarke Sarah Ann 293 Cantrell Frederick, 128 Carter Mr., 324 Chappin, alias Henrold, or Henri Clarke Sarah, 267 Cantor Louis, 294 Carter Mary Ellen, 352 Garnay, 369 Clarke Joseph, 17, 26 Canziani John, 217 Carter Jane, 355 Chapins Henry, alias Henrold Clarke Edward, 19 Cape & Kent, 332 Carter Charles, 382 Laray, 394 Clarke Richard, alias Nangle, 38 Capes William, 112 Carter George C., 399 Charles J. Scott, 281 Clarke Margaret, 59, 145 Capes Thomas John, 164 Cartwright Frank, 41 Charley Ali Fong, 4 Clarke Richard, 64 Caraher Mary, 194 Cartwright Matthew Henry, 402 Charley Ah Yum, 337 Clarke James, 68 Caraton Annie, 378 Cartwright John, 402 Charley -, 341 Clarke James, 75 Carbery Michael, 336, 346 Casbin Thomas, 82, 90 Charley Ah gin, 397 Clarke Ernest H., 98 Carbery Mr., 391 Case Elizabeth, 140 Charlie Nook, 402 Clarke -, 98 Cardwell Samuel, 26 Casey Patrick, 4, 314 Charlotte (ab.), 105 Clarke Alice or Williams, 115, 352 Cardwell William, 30 Casey Patrick, 34 Chary Martin, 345 Clarke James, 121 Carei Antoni, 199, 304 Casey William, 61 Chaseling Constable, 295 Clarke alias William Jolly, 122 Carel George, 78 Casey James or William, 73 Chater A. Dixon, alias John C. Clarke Graham Morton, 124 Carew William, 200, 208, 218 Casey Michael, 74 Appleton, 224, 253 Clarke Mr., 134 Carey Patrick, alias Hayes, 116, Casey John, 79 Chatfield Alfred, 176 Clarke James or Bucksey, 135, 152 131 Casey Henry, 169 Chatfield Alfred, 302 Clarke Emma, 137 Carlberg Christiana, 364, 372 Casey Michael, 234 Cheadle James, 345 Clarke William W., 164 Carlew John, 140 Casey Peter, 245 Cheers Charles, 35, 70 Clarke Rowland Joseph, 191 Carlton William, 112 Casey John or Canvey, 249 Cheers Mary Ann, 35 Clarke George, alias Maggotts, 192 Carlyle Ethel, 130 Casey Patrick, 273 Cheers -, 252, 265 Clarke William Henry, 223 Carlyle Constable, 316 Casey Mrs., 290 Cheetham William, 208 Clarke Sarah Ann, 223 Carnes W. T., 296 Casey John, 386 Cheminent Thomas, 148 Clarke Benjamin W., 248 Carnes E., 400 Casey John, 395 Cheques lost, 181 Clarke William, 252 Carney D., 18 Casey John, 400 Cheques stolen, 262 Clarke James, 259 Carney Thomas, alias Smith, 102 Casher Henry, 316 Cherry Francis, 57 Clarke Eva, 260 Carney Martin, 106 Casino, unclaimed property for Chesbrough John S., 354 Clarke Peter, 324, 345 Carney Ellen, 244, 253 sale, 219 Chesterton Arthur Godfrey, 86 Clarke John, 327, 398 Carney Ellen, 332 Cassidy Thomas, 53 Chick George, 324 Clarke Thomas, 332 Carolan Mr., 163 Cassidy Samuel, 70 Chidgey Louisa, 219 Clarke William, 340 Carolan George, 354 Cassidy Matilda, 83 Children found abandoned, 2, 9, Clarke Sarah, 345 Carolin, alias Rogers, alias Jones, Cassidy Peter, 169 25, 55, 219, 225, 247, 261, 269, Clarke Alice, 382 alias Trafford, alias Wrench Cassidy Annie, 382 277, 299, 315, 324, 331, 353, Clarke John, 387 alias Roberts, 193 Casson Charles, 272 363, 371 Clavan Clara Eliza, 245 Carolin, alias Anthony Wrench, Castelli Francis A., 128 Childs Mrs., 56 Clayton Reuben, 53 alias Roberts, alias Wm. Jones, Castlewater Mr., 249 Chinese gambling, conviction up- Clayton Robert, 53 alias Trafford, alias John Rogers, Caswell Thomas, 177 held by Supreme Court, 241 Clayworth Charles, 375 326 Cater William W., 200 Ching How, 328 Clear John, 37 Carolin & Co., 284 Catlin Richard George, 173 Chinguly George, 312 Cleary John, 302 Run, body of man, sup. Cato Henry C., 128 Chinni Luizi, 84 Cleary Joseph, 326 posed named R. Berger, found, Caton Thomas, 122 Chinnery Mrs. William, 164 Cleary John, Benedict, 8, 37, 49, 22 Cattle stolen from Nelson's Flat, Chisholm A. B., 164 62 Carpenter William, 7 Colombo, 181 Chit Hing, 265, 379 Cleary Michael A., 134 Carpenter William, 194 Caucand, alias Revallie, 248, 314 Choon George, 344 Cleary John, 139 Carpenter Benjamin, 388 Causey John, or Casey, 249 Chowne William, 336, 361 Cleary Ellen, 156 Carpol Alexander, 172 Cavanagh William, 151 Chowne Cecilia, 336 Cleary Michael, 244 Carr William, 3 Cave John, 223, 231 Christ Church, Newtown, 308 Cleary Joseph, 287 Carr Michael, 160 Cave John, 291, 386 Christian Lemis, 8 Cleary John, 303, 338 Carr Daniel, 201 Cawl Caroline, or Campbell, 245, Christian Leopold Ackland, 52, 91 Cleary Alexander, 327 Carr Stephen, 328, 345 253 Christian Mary Ann, 52, 91 Clement James, 34 Carr Annie, 390 Ceasar Julius, alias Julian Sandt, Christie Michael, 19, 13 Clement John, 121, 131 Carrett Henry G., 224, 231 281, 387 Christie Michael, 68, 95 Clements Thomas, 208 Carrick Thomas, 127, 148 Ceci Dominic, 341, 352 Christie Emma, 68 Clements James, 235 0 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Clements W. A., 281 Collins Martin, 287 Cook Alfred, 168 Courts of Quarter Sessions, 1, 2 Cleveland-street, Redfern, body Collins Mark, 299 Cook John, 176 Cousins John, 165 of infant found, 381, 389 Collins Charles, 309 Cook James, 184 Courts Constable, 287 Clifford Patrick, 11 Collins Robert, 328 Cook George Eburah, 191 Coves John, 47 Clifford, Moore, & Co., 82 Collins William, 341 Cook Thomas, 199, 217 Cow maliciously shot near Mitta- Clifford Constable, 116 Collin: ku"ii-t William, 369 Cook Mr., 204 gong, 135 Clifford George W., 188 Collins' tape a Office, 10, 134, 172, Cook C. M., 226 Cowan James, 231 Clifford Charlotte, 223 234, 289 Cook Robert Bray, 234 Cowan John, 321 Clifford Thomas, 230 Collins Thomas, 367 Cook Robert, 282 Cowbam Constable, 176 Clifford Alexander, alias Chud- Colton Patrick, 293 Cook C. M., alias Donald Forest, Cowley James, 128 leigh, 238 Collis Mrs., 175 296 Cowling William Thomas, 37 Clifford O. R., 249 Colquhoun Sarah Ann, 2 Cook Finlay, 347, 370, 378 Cowra, unclaimed property for Clifford Dr., 259 Colquhoun Thomas, 144, 238 Cook's River Road, body of Wil- sale, 81 Clifford George, 283 Colton Patrick, 160 liam Lowe found in a well, 53, Cox, A. E., 49 Clifford Charles. 340 Colt's revolver stolen from Wagga 55 Cox Richard, 79 Clifford William, alias Chudleigh , Wagga Gaol, 382 Cooley Thomas, 52 Cox James, or Charles Fox, 95 378 Comiala Run, near Cassilis, re- Coolomong, alias Kolomain, alias Cox Edward, 135, 223 Clifford Alexander, 294 mains of a man unknown, Hall, alias Julius Weiss, alias Cox E. S., 145 Clifton Minnie, 386 found, 86 Dr. Phillips, alias Don Carlos Cox Benjamin, 156 Cligny Louis , alias Levin, 6 Commercial Bank, 30, 38, 50, 53, Do Vine, 378 Cox Thomas Burgess, 215, 387 Clinch John, 105 78, 86, 130, 152, 176, 184, 201, Coombes Nathan, 121, 169 Cox William, 215 Clouet James, 52 218, 244, 265, 286, 345, 295, Coonan Mrs., alias Amelia Cox John, 218 Clouet Elizabeth, 52 305, 313, 337, 351, 396, 400 Thompson, 258 Cox George , alias Williams, 287 Clowry John, 4 Commercial Hotel, Wollongong, Coone, alias Thomas Lester, 84 Cox Delia, 308 Clowry John, 30, 38 burglary, 14 Cooney Daniel, 78 Cox Michael, 312 Clowry Frank, 49 Commissioner for Railways, 17,233, Cooney John, 201 Cox George, 337 Clune Susanna, 199 252, 339, 340 Cooney's Creek, swag found, 130 Cox Mrs., 360 Clune Patrick, 234 Commons John, 284, 291 Cooper Clara, 6 Cox David, 377, 388 Clyburn Thomas, 351 Compagnoni Catering Company, Cooper John Stephen, 8 Coyle Hugh, 184 Coady Michael, 160 139 Cooper Elizabeth, 41, 47 Coyle Daniel, 378 Cobb & Co.,262 Concord, Nuisance Prevention Act Cooper Mrs., 49 Cozens Captain, 62 Cobb George, 274 extended to, 55 Cooper Thomas, 60 Crabbe Mrs. Siola, 237 Lobby (ab.), 9 Concord, body of John Macnamee, Cooper William, 105, 125 Craddocks Ebenezer, 109 Coberoft John, 30 found in waterhole at Farrell's Cooper Henry Westwood, 115 Craig Emma, 29 Cochrane James, 360 Tannery, 376 Cooper Marv Jane, 181 Craig Rebecca, 176 Cochrane Robert, 294 Condon William, 124 Cooper M., 196 Craig Charles W., 350 356 Cockburn , Mary Ann, 80 Condon Patrick, 296 Cooper A. P., 205 Craig Robert, 361 Cockburn William, 382 Condon Maurice, 309 Cooper George H., 213 Craig Frederick, 368 Cockham Henry , alias Williams, Condon Maurice, 393 Cooper L., 230 Craig Tilly, 390 269, 321 Condy Frederick, 37 Cooper Walter, 231 Craigh James, 270 Codigan Minnie, 258, 387 Connell Patrick, 54 Cooper William, 275 Crain Robert, 237 Cody Ned, alias Edward Carson, Congregational Church, 1llarrick- Cooper Sarah, 323 Crampton H., 216 287 ville, entered, 308, 351 Cooper Colin, 328 Crane William, 149 Coffee Francis, 17 Conlon James, 93, 125 Cootamundra, Nuisance Preven- Cranston Edmund, 68, 110 Coffee Catherine, 57 Conlon Mary, 125 tion Act extended to, 331 Crapp Charles, 62 Coffey Peter, 207 Conlon Thomas, 259 Cooyal, man, supposel named Craven Frederick, 317 Coffill Joseph Taylor, 27, 75 Connell Thomas, 54 George Thompson, committed Crawford & Co., 144, 153, 161 Coffill Joseph, 217 Connell Duncan, 69 suicide, 304 Crawford Edward Alexander, 168 Coggan Emily, 193 Connellan Mrs., 219 Cope Arthur F., 259 Crawford Andrew, 265 Coggins Hannah, 280 Connellan Daniel, 219 Copeland H., 26 Crawford Colin, 372 Coghlan Mary, 13 Connelly Peter, 61 Coppengher Dr. Richard, 43 Crawley David, 246 Coghlan -, 176 Connelly Joseph, 93 Corben George, 156, 217 Crawshaw Alfred, 41 Coghlan Michael, 251 Connelly Michael, 167 Corbett Henry Philip, 237 Crawshaw Edward, 197 Cohen Joseph, 3 Connelly Patrick, 270 Corbett Richard, 278 Crawshaw & Co., 371 Cohen Abraham, 43, 53 Connor Edward, 328 Corby Edward, 180, 212 Creamer Kate, 120, 134 Cohen Morris, 43, 53 Connor Charles, 391 Corby Mary, 226 Creamer Mrs,, 299 Cohen Mr., 290 Connors Tommy, alias John Corcoran Jenny, 50 Crebar William, 3 Cohen John, 332 Brown, 14 Corcoran Michael, 329 Cree Edward, 229, 237 Cohen's Pawn Office, 3, 226, 243, Connors Christopher, 69 Cordwell Samuel, 94 Creech James, 73, 81 262, 291 Connors John, 106 Cordwell Samuel, 102 Cregg Arthur, 200 Coiley Robert, 308 Connors, alias O'Connor, alias Cork Henry, 328 Cribb Daniel or Krebs, 121 Coleroft Alfred, 193 Jackson, alias Foster, alias Corkett, Isaac, 350, 356 Cridland James, 30 Cole James, 34 Brady, 296 Corlette Thomas Henry, 315 Cridland Frank, 42, 70 Cole Margaret, 34 Connors George, 369 Corlis J., 365 Cridland Frank, 165,177 Cole Mrs. John, 48, 88 Conra Ellen, 131 Cornish Right Rev. Robert Crimmin Peter, 73 Cole Elizabeth, 69 Conran Patrick, 86 Kestal, 108, 181 Crimp Roger, 124 Cole Thomas, 259 Conran Patrick Valentine Bruder, Cornwall Nelson, 391 Crisp Kuth, 10 Cole John, 304 121 Corpusa John, 281 Crisp William, 266 Cole J., 390 Conran Emily, 121 Correy, alias Mercy Harvey, 287' Crittenden Samuel, 172 Coleman Charles H., 39 Conroy, alias Moroney, 169 Corrigan & Sons, 869 Croaker H., 152 Coleman Joseph, 53 Conroy Catherine, 211 Cosgrove Samuel, 84, 95 Croan Margaret, 124 Coleman Thomas , 105, 113 Consoline Joseph, 56 Cosgrove William, 184 Crocker Joseph, 245 Coleman William C., 145 Constable Edward, 86 Cosgrove John, 321 Croft William, 196 Coleman James, 272, 305, 314 Conway Joseph, 15 Cosgrove John, 337 Croft J., 395 Coleman Rose, 303 Conway Francis, 26, 75 Cosh Mary Ann, 79 Croker R. A., 2, 15 Coles Robert W., 242 Conway Joseph, 53 Cosh Mary Ann, 260 Croker Kate, 84 Collbrook Lewis, 60 Conway Thomas, 121 Coslett Henry, 61 Croker James, 131 Colless Walter Charles, 43 Conway Alexander & Sons, 160 Costello James, 39 Croker Robert, 358 Collett Alfred, 86 Conway Patrick Joseph, 176 Costello William, 69 Crommelius G. W., 57 Colley David, 157 Conway Agnes, 215 Costello Patrick, 230 Cronan Ellen, 2 Collier William Henry, 54 Conway Michael, 348 Costello John, 266 Crook Alfred William, 130 Collier George, 61 Cook Robert, 2 Costello Charles, 348 Cropley Robert, 4, 95 Collings Mrs., 64 Cook Edward, 18 Cotter Michael, 38 Crosby James, 15, 31 Collings Rachel, 332, 340 Cook Percy, 26 Cotter -, 316 Crosby James, 200, 208 Collins -, 26 Cook Henry, alias Frederick Cottingham Francis, 131 Crosby James, 218 Collins Joseph, 53 William Draper, 57 Couch Launcelot, 142 Cross Thomas, 43 Col lins Mary , 100, 108 Cook Michael, 59 Couch John, 230 Cross Mary, 90 Collins Herbert, 120, 127 Cook John George, 95 Coulter Timothy, 83 Cross Charles, 274 Collins Denis, 159 Cook George Richard, 97 Coulter William J., 115 Cross Walter, 308 Collins Harriett, 176 Cook Joseph, 116 Coulter James, 369 Crossland John, 241, 253 Collins Walter, 208 Cook Joseph, 133 Counsel Edith, 105 Crosswaite William, 242 Collins Mrs., 226 Cook William James, 134 Counterfeit half-sovereign uttered Crossy Julius Augustus, 184, 193 Collins Thomas, 237 Cook John, 135 in Sydney, 273 Croswell Alexander, 120 Collins Andrew, 270 Cook Constable, 144, 238, 345 Courtis A. G., 144 Crotty J., 216 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 7

Croudace Mr., 395 Cunningham J. C., 131 Davis Thomas, 95 Debus Henry,.235 Crough William Henry, 181, 191 Cunningham Annie, 222 Davis George, 98 Decher William, 176, 185 Crowder John, 43, 88 Cunningham Catherine, 256 Davis Mrs., 109 Decher Sarah, 176, 185 Crowley G eorge , 113, 124 Cunningham Henry, 316 Davis Peter, 116 Deegan Annie, 60 Crowther Thomas, 368, 378 Cunningham William, 368, 376 Davis Martha, 131 Deely James, 22 Crozier Andrew, 188 Cunningham James, 376 Davis A M`Leod,139, `1153 Deely James, 82, 103 Cabby(ab.), 237 CunninghamThomas, 378 DavisJoseph P., 159, 169, 194 Deely Mary, 82 Cubra Charley (ab.), 105 Cupitt Thomas, 46 Davis Joseph Charles, 176 Reeks George, 238 Cudden John, 246 Cupitt Joseph, 223 Davis William, 184 Deer William, 94 Cudden Thomas, 378 Curley Thomas, 328, 338, 361 Davis John, 191, 201 Deer Amelia, alias Mackay, 258 Cuddy Dennis, 324 Curnow Samson, 139 Davis Henry L., 193 Deering John W., 164 Cudgellico , hotel and store Curran Arthur, 111, 125 Davis Tommy, 197 Deighton William, 84, 103, 108 destroyed by fire, 344 Curran William, 125 Davis Frederick James, 212 Delafore Joseph, 22 Cudick John, 115 Curran John, 180 Davis Lewis E., 220 Delamere J., 14 Cudleigh William, 137 Curran Mary, 229, 266 Davis alias Andrew Roberts, 221 Delaney Thomas C., 48 Cudmore Brothers, 303, 321 Curran Owen, 234 Davis David, 225 Delaney John, 121, 208 Cull Fred., 184 Curran Thomas, 360 Davis Charles, alias Hoppy Charley, Delaney Mary, 121 Cullam Annie, 83, 116 Currey John, 13 229, 266 Delaney Eliza Jane, 195 Cullen John, 6 Currey Elizabeth, 119 Davis Joseph, 231 Delaney James, 397 Cullen James, 21, 62 Currey Archibald, 179 Davis Edward A., 237 Delarue Charles, 402 Cullen Daniel P., 246 Currey Mary Ann, 314 Davis May, 244, 253 Deleforce Joseph, 15 Cullens Frank , 207 Currey Mrs ., 387 Davis William Henry , 252 Dellar Geor ge, 181 , 237 Cullinan John, 235, 282 Currey John, 400 Davis Minnie, or Sarah Beckie, 258 Dellar Elizabeth, 181 Cullinan Michael, 237 Currie Alexander, 26 Davis E. S., 262 Demleuz George Von, 270 Culpin George, 402 Currie John, 157, 224 Davis J. W., 265 Dempsey Henry, 79 Culpolan Run, Wilcannia, body Currie John, 160 Davis John, 284 Dempsey Charles, 160 of man, name unknown, found, Curtin James, 281 Davis Charles, 290 Dempsey John, 217 376 Curtis Thomas, 68 Davis William, 303, 314 Dempsey Joseph, 217 Cumbothacroc Spero, or Roberts, Curtis Mary Ann, 68 Davis George F., 304 Dempsey John, 309 it Curtis J. M., 69 Davis John Symonds, 317, 328, 329, Dempsey John, alias George Sin- Cumming David, 34 Curtis H. P., 82, 90 346 nett, 317 Cumming Arthur, 59 Curtis Florence, 152 Davis Mr., 331 Deniliquin, body of infant found Cumming Duncan, 116 Curtis Edward, alias Smith, 370, Davis Henry William, 837 in the Edwards River, 381 Cummings Duncan, 109 378 Davis Owen, 340 Denison George, 231 Cummings James, 328 Cusack Lawrence C., 34 Davis Benjamin, 341 Denleigh Howard, alias Lionel Cummings Peter, 365 Cusack Patrick, 199 Davis Evan, 358 Dawson, alias George Cutler, Cummins Honora, 75 Cuthbert Ralph, 8 Davis E dwin, alias Knocker Davis, 181, 191 Cummins John, 93 Cuthbert Mary Sarah, 8 378 Denmar Harry T., 290, 304 Cunningham Mr., 14 Cuthbert Ralph, 121 Davis John, 378 Dennocker Sarah, 368 Cunningham James, 43, 87 Cuthbert John, 252 Davis Richard B., 390 Dennewald Adolphus, alias George Cunningham Luke, 53 Cuthbert Lizzie 252 Davis Mary, 395 Noble, 378, 398 Cunningham Henry, 68 Cutbills John R., 204, 238 Davis John, 896 Dennicker Sarah, 217 Cunningham Messrs., 78 Cutler George, alias Lionel, Henry Davis's Pawn Office, 48, 74, 164, Denning John, 26 Cunningham James A., 102, 108 Dawson , alias Howard Denleigh 204, 205, 225, 226, 372 Denning William, 280, 303 Cunningham James, 108,113, 124, 181, 194 Davison Bobert, 22 Dennis Mrs. R. L., 62 385 Davison Mrs., 153 Dennis R. L., 62 Davora Stephen, 355 Dennis Henry, 151, 169, 177 D Davoreen Lucius, 217 Denton Mrs., nee Duggan, 69 Davoreen Isabella Dorcas, 299,301 Derrick James, 200 Dadson Selina, 314 Darby -, 317 Dawbarn Mr., 231 Derwent-street, Glebe, abandoned Dagger Eliza, 216, 288 D'Arcy Mary Ann, 21 Dawber Thomas, 325, 345 child found, 55 Daintry Miss, 269 Darene Matthew, 395 Dawes Thomas, 274 Derwin Charles, 216 Daintry Caroline, 321 Dargan, alias John Osborne, 110 Dawkins George, B3 Deschiens Edouard, 37 Dale Duel, 3 Dargue William, 223, 288 Daws William, 1 4 Desmond Michael, 264, 358. Daley Cecilia, 68 Dark William, 299 Dawson Annie M., 22 Despointes Cecilia, 105 Daley Kate, 144, 252 Darling River, man, name unknown, Dawson Michael, 82 Despointes Mitchell, 105 Daley Annie, 163 fell everboard from steamer Dawson William B., 86 Despointes John B., 242, 248 Daley Timothy, 169 "Bourke," 383 Dawson Joseph, 86 Detores Joseph, 14 Daley William, 229, 259 Darlington Charles, 19, 31 Dawson Thomas, 21 Detores Francis, 106, 128 Daley Ann, 229 Darmoyle Thomas 400 Dawson Mrs., 101 Dever E., 56 Daley Harold Edward, 327 Darnley Edgar, alias Charles P. Dawson Lionel, alias Howard Den- Deversie Govani, 23 Dale Edward, 327 Langley, 144 leigh, alias George Cutler, 181, Devine William, 79 Daley Edward William, 360 Dasey Mary Ellen, 223 194 Devine Alexander, 252 Daley William, 402 Datkins Aston James, 79 Dawson George, 208 Devine William, 329 Dalgetty & Co., 216 Datto Leo, 101 Dawson May, 321 Devine Nellie, 396 Dalgo William, 168 Daveney Charles, 232 Dawson Miss, 351 Devitt John, 248 Dallam Henry, 4 Davey Raglan, 383, 389 Dawson Robert, 358 Devlin Joseph, 49 Dallas George, 43, 87 Davidson Charles, 48 Dawson James, 391 Devlin Henry, 125 Dallas George, 53 Davidson William, 106 Dawson's Pawn Office, 48, 61,119, Devonport William, alias Michael Dallaway George, 93 Davidson James, 176 180, 204, 248, 269, 309 O'Brien, 216 Dalley Frederick, 42, 70 Davidson Frank, 188, 196 Day Henry, 18 Dewar Albert, 128, 137 Dalton William, 235 Davidson Joseph, 284 Day James, 41 Deserters from Her Majesty's Dalton T. G., 390 Davidson Joseph, 291 Day Henry, 139, 153 Service :- Dalveen Thomas M'Donald, 400 Davidson Joseph, 314 Dayton George, 77 Ammasi(aFijian) 239 DaIzell Margaret, 368 Davidson Robert, 333 Deacon William, 14 Amor Edwin, 352 Dalziel John, 242, 248 Davidson John, 337, 377 Deacon Joseph Alfred, 52, 78 Anderton John, 282 Dam at St. Hilliar, near Muswell- Davidson George, 345 Dean Peter, 3 Anderton John, 383 brook , maliciously dama ged , 199 Davidson James , alias Emerson , Dean William John , 6 Andrews Thomas , 173 Dan Hart (ab.),145 345, 361 Dean James, 144 Atkinson Peter, 62 - Danbury George, 252, 309 Davin John, 128, 146 Dean Peter Joseph, 215, 314 Atkinson Peter, 379 Danby James, 241 Davis Alfred Ernest or Murdock, Dean Sarah Mary, 215, 314 Ayers Henry, 352 Danforth William, 345 27 Dean George, 295 Bainford James, 142 Dangar W. J. & Co., 356 Davis George F., 31 Deane William, 34 Barber Frank, 52 Daniel William Hilton, 391 Davis John, 49 Deane William, 71 Bawden John Thomas, 62 Daniels Christopher, 211 Davis John, 60, 79 Dearey Thomas, 8 Bawden John T., 239 Daniels Eliza Jane , 229, 238 Davis Philip, 60 De Carle Harry, 13, 19 Beard Arthur, 46 Daniels Jane, 229 Davis John, 60, 80 De Grace -, 386 Beard Samuel, 52 Daniels J., 249 Davis Edward, alias The Knocker, De Lambert Dr., 112,138 Benjeyfield Henry, 71 Danielson Mrs., 90 62 De- Rozzoli 0 Fawld, 336, 352 Bentley Joseph, 39 Danks Constable, 7 Davis William H., 64 De Valentine Herbert John, 116 Bentley Joseph, 227 Danvers, alias Cameron, alias Wil- Davis Sylvanus, 70 De Vine Don Carlos, alias Julius Bilton William T. H., 23 liam Llewellyn, 131 Davis Miss, 77 Weiss, alias Boros, alias Hall, Birkett John, 52 Darby J,, 253 Davis David, 78 alias Dr. Phillips, alias Coolo- Bounds Art, 77 Darby Captain A. J., 309 Davis George 87 mong, 378 Brennon Alfred, 91, 296 8 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Deserters from H .M. Service- Deserters from H .M. Service- DobbsHenry , 95 Downie Thomas, 106 continued :- continued:- DobsonC.H., 193 Downie Annie, 106 Brown George, 71 PolakJohn, 215 DocksonC.S., 237 Dowton Annie, or Mrs. Field, 244 Brown Alexander Duncan, 149 Porter John, 356 Dodd William, 14 Doyle James Henry, 31 Bryant John, 309 Price John, 149 Dodd Alfred, 26 Doyle Edward, 75, 87 Butler Frank, 77 Price John, 270 Dodd William, 204 Doyle Thomas, 78 Cain Andrew, 95 Puxley John, 77 Dodds John, 55, 63 Doyle John E., 157 Callow George H., 270 Reardon Joseph, 52 Dodds Henry, 230 Doyle Edward, 160 Casey Patrick, 4, 314 Riordan Stephen, 217 Dodds John, 265 Doyle Annie, 213 Casey Patrick, 34 Robbins William, 379 Dodge Mary Ann, or Mary Owen, Doyle Patrick, 223, 238 Cherry Francis, 57 Roche John, 337 175 Doyle John, 235 Clements Thomas, 208 Salter Benjamin, 149 Doebring Fred, 303 Doyle John, 316 Coles Robert W., 242 Sargood Richard, 270 Doetsch Carl, 281, 288 'Doyle Mary Ann, 216 Conway Thomas, 121 Saunders Alexander Edward, 77 Doherty Michael, 220 Doyle Annie, 360 Cooley Thomas, 52 Scanlon John, 91 Doherty James, 314 Doyle Edward, 385 Crowley George, 113, 124 Sharpe Thomas, 91, 378 Doherty Martha, 341 Drabble William, 120 Cusack Lawrence C., 34 Shergold John, 333 Dolan Peter, 66, 103 Drake W., 231 Dallam Henry, 4 Sinclair David, 149 Dolby Joseph, 102 Drake Charles G. D., 360 Deane William, 71 Sinclair David, 270 Dolley William, 126 Draper Frederick William, alias Deeks George, 238 Smith William D., 270 Domain Savings Bank book found, Henry Cook, 57 Dillon John Francis, 52, 160 Spray Herbert, 309 376 Draper Jennie, 57 Dobbs Henry, 95 Spinks Walter, 95 Donaldson Joseph, 115 Drew Thomas, 167 Doyle John E., 157 Squires Thomas, 88 Donaldson Leah, 155, 179 Drew George Bernard Harvey, Duffy Michael, 11, 39 Staines Charles M., 124 Donaldson Mrs., 205 alias Arthur Adair, 232 Dutillent Arthur, 27 Steele William, 253 Donaldson Henry, 369 Drew Alfred, 237 Dwyer James, 71 Tarrant John, 113 Donaldson Katie, 376 Drew Mary Ann, 387 Eades Albert, 66 Tarrant John, 239 Donnellan Michael, 307 Dring James Henry, 400 Edmonds James, 62 Taylor Charles, 253 Donnellan Patrick, 321 Driscoll Mary Frances, 300 Edwards Sydney, 220 Thomas Albert, 52 Donnelly John, alias Peter Hewitt, Driscoll Michael, 324 English Frederick, 350 Torrington Henry, 91 102, 110 Driver, alias Gordon, alias Hilton, Evans Charles Francis, 57, 66, Towell J. C., 113, 132 Donnelly John, 125 alias Sutton, alias Simpson, 87 Tyler John, 77 Donnelly Brothers, 157, 160, 224 alias Sinclair, alias Watson, Farrell John, 11 Veale Michael, 91, 305 Donnelly James, 332 209 Fergus John Thomas, 91,160 Wade George, 270 Donoghue John, 207 Drowley Sarah, 3 Fitzgerald Florence, 34 Ward John, 350 Donohoe John, 95 Drown Joseph, 284 Flood Frederick, 121 Webster Robert, 62 Donohoe Con, 111 Druitt-street, abandoned child Fortune Robert, 242 Webster Robert, 88 Donohoe Patrick, 116 found, 247 French Charles, 52 Webster Edward, 200 Donohoe James, 195, 231 Drury Henry, 7 Frith Thomas, 77, 296 Webster Robert, 239 Donohoe John, 264, 272 Drury Thomas, 83 Furey William, 338 Weston Charles Albert, 277 Donohoe Margaret, 264 Drury Robert, 352 Gilchrist F. K., 77 White Thomas, 4 Donohoe James, 287 Dryburgh Robert Samuel, 216 Giles Henry, 52 White James, 220 Donohoe John, 383, 399 Drysdale William John, 7 Goodwin Joseph, 270 Whitfield Oscar, 77 Donohoe Mack, 396 Duando Juno, 27 Hamil John, 52 Wilkins George, 131 Donohoe John, 399 Dubbin Thomas, 30 Hanley August, 77, 95 Wilkinson Thomas, 113, 275 Donovan John R., 3, 26 Dubois Susan, 68 Hardy William, 95 Wilkinson Thomas, 239 Donovan George, 42, 54 Dubois Paul, alias Leglume, alias Hardy William, 142 Young John, 71 Donovan Michael J., 111 Ernest Denis Paul Modeste Harman William Henry, 4 Deserters from Foreign Ships of Donovan Michael, 143, 160, 201, Dufresnes, 75 Harris George, 270 War :- 209 Duce Richard, 79 Hebden Benjamin, 220 Engelmann Frederick Wilhelm, Donovan Edward, 237 Ducker Mrs., 64 Hepburn David, 149 93 Donovan Michael, 242 Dudley Thomas, 395 Herbison Alexander, 34 Kindt Emil, 75 Doolan Thomas, 7 Duff James, 4 Hervey George, 4 Kunze Paul, 75 Doolan, alias Samuel Perry, alias Duff Alexander, 184 Hodgson Walter E., 71 Pick Alexander, 84, 169 Turnbull, 11, 39, 54 Duff Peter, 252 Holdin James, 113 Stroheim Seigfried, 39 Doolan James, 200 Duff John, 296 Jackson William, 11 Dibbs Charles, 61 Doolity Edward, 116 Duff Charles, 304 Jarvis Charles, 220 Dickinson Thomas, 184 Doolity Edward, 361 Duff Alexander, or Grant, 344, 370, Johnson Thomas, 333 Dickson James, 10 Doran Susan, alias Messenger, Duff Edith, 344, 370 Johnston Henry, 52 Dickson Robert, 45 258, 267 Duffy Michael, 11, 39 Johnston James, 149 Dickson, alias John Simpson, 193 Doran Susan, 377, 400 Duffy, alias James Finnerty, 53, Lang John, 251 Dickson James, 348 Doran Matthew, 395 227, 256 Lilly Thomas Freeman, 106, 113 Dickson George, 402 Dore Alfred, 130 Duffy Iram, 87 Llewellyn Henry, 71 Dignam John, 61 Dorey James, 200 Duffy John, alias James, 272, 303 Llewellyn Edwin Jenkin Man- Dignam John, 317 Dorick William, 327 Duffy Thomas, alias Lalor, alias ton, 113 Dilantry, alias Margaret Tiler, Dorman Thomas, 336, 352 Martin, 274 Lynagh Henry, 356 192 Dorrington John, 46 Duffy George, 307 Lynch Jeremiah, 11 Dillon John Francis, 52, 160 Dorrington John, 68, 103 Duffy Hiram, 347, 363 Lynn William, 121 Dillon Mary, 78 Dorrington Frank, 235 Duffy John, 369 Lyon Charles, 71 Dillon Patrick, 143 Dorrington Amy, 266 Dufour J. B. Noel, 37 Macklin William, 88 Dillon E. & A., 157 Dorris Constable, 252 Dufresnes Ernest Denis Paul Mark Joseph, 205, 29G Dillon Winifred 307 Dorsett Ebenezer, 122, 168 Modeste, alias Paul Dubois, Martin David, 52 Dillon William, 314 Doublet Mr., 142 alias Leglume, 75 Martin William, 91 Dillon James, 347 Douch John, 365 Dugalbore-, 390 Matheson Joseph, 31 Dillon James, 36S Douglas Mary Ann, 37 Dugan Edward, 287 Measures Frank, 95 Dillon Ellen, 402 Douglas Leslie, 83, 193 Dugard Harold, alias Full, 345 Medd George. 205, 296 Dirnanche Felix, 23 Douglas Charles, 111 Duggan John, 183 Melhuish William, 352 Dfinotrv George, 14 Douglas Alfred, 133 Duggan Frank, 251 Muller Johann Heinrich, 75 Din1le Tom, alias Frank Douglas George, 226 Duggan Rachel, 251 Murphy John, 77, 116 Farrelly, alias Thomas Power, Douglas Henry, 249 Duggan Phillip, alias Thomas M'Carthy John, 253 398 Douglas George, 296 Barry, 369 M'Carty Michael Henry, 333 Dinni William, 172 Douglas Leslie, 307 Duguid Alfred, 164 M'Cormack Joseph, 77 Directors of Prince Alfred Hospi- Douglas Bedelia, 365 Dukes Constable, 21, 177, 315 M'Donald William John, 43 tal, cheques lost, 181 Douglas William, 382 Dumas William Adam, 87 M'Lean William, 121 Discher Conrad, 230 Dove Henry Percy, 168 Dumas Mary Ann, 87 M'Namara John, 215, 373 Ditehment Elizebeth or Smith, 86 Dow William, 98, 110 Dumars William, 45 Nichols Alfred, 288 Dix George, 173, 201 Dowell Mrs., 82 Dumpley James, 35 O'Brien Denis, 121 Dixon Minnie, 102 Dowling Thomas, 217 Dunbar Charles, 213 O'Neill Thomas, 11 Dixon & Sons, 151 Dowling George, 316 Duncan John, 3 O'Neill Frederick, 71 Dixon Mrs., 193 Downer Willam, 52 Duncan David, 122, 184 O'Rourke Eugene, 77, 253 Dixon Thomas, 229 Downes Alfred, 61 Duncan He iry, 138 Osborne George, 95 Dixon Anna M., 231 Downes William, 295 Duncan, alias Walter A. Gbayle, Panchard William L. C., 95 Dixon John, 242 Downes Charles, 364 231 Payne Charles, 34, 145 Dixon John, 261 Downey C. E., 134 Duncan, alias Thomas Smythe, 231 Peters John, 121 Dixon George, 372 Downey Michael, 308 Duncan David, 341, 352 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX- 1886. 9

Duncan & Robb, 390 Durnein Edward S., 262 Escapees and Expirees from New Extradition Treaty with the United Duncli ff William, 320 Dutillent Arthur, 27 Caledonia, 6, 11, 37, 75 States of America, 147 Dundas Stephen, 195 Dutton Charles, 382 Esdale James , alias Bowman, 30 Eyles John, 25 Dungate David, 181 Duttou Richard, 390 Esplin Jane, 145 Eyre Hannah, 74 Dunn H. L., 74 Duxbury Mrs., 220 Esther R. S, 341 Eyre William, 256 Dunn Mr., 84 Duxbury Thomas, 291, 316, 356 Etchella Isaac , or Smith, 79 Escaped Prisoners and Lunatics:- Dunn John, 120 Dwyer John, 30 Etheridge Mrs., 211 Bailey Joseph , alias William Dunn Kate, 128 Dwyer James, 71 Etherington Charles K., 10 Mason, 151, 159, 173 Dunn James, 128 Dwyer Henry, 108 Ethersy James, 57 Blake Stephen, 151 Dunn John, 131 Dwyer Anthony, 119 Eustace Jesse, 281 Briggs, Stephen, 86, 95 Dunn Brothers , 147, 155 Dwyer Philip, 119 Eustace Harriett, 364 Broose, alias John Watson, 13, Dunn Michael, 184 Dwyer Michael, 124 Eva Arthur R., 90 59, 68 Dunn J., 216 Dwyer Annie, 165 Evans Sarah, 2 Cunningham James , 108, 113, Dunn John, 237 - Dwyer James , 191, 217 Evans George, 46 124, 385 Dunn E llen, 244 Dwyer William, 193 Evans Charles Francis, 57, 66, 87 Cunningham Wi lliam , 368, 376' Dunn R . Bernard, 286 Dwyer Mary Ann, 213 Evans Edward Thomas, 95 Duffy John , alias James, 272, Dunn Robert, 324 Dwyer Michael, 216 Evans William, 106 303 Dunn Robert, 378 Dwyer John, 269 Evans Robert, 109 Handfield Charles, 52 Dunn Joseph, 396 Dye William, 180 Evans Daniel, 132 Hawkins William, 57 Dunstable Arthur, alias Welsh- Dyer Thomas, 215 Evans Lewis, 176 James, alias John Duffy, 272, man, 242 Dykestra Peter, 103 Evans George W., 176 303 Dunstan Ellen, 26 Dymock Walter, 354 Evans David, 184 Jones, alias Wi lliam Morton, 108 Durant Mr., 33, 42 Dyring Constantine, 368 Evans Rabert, 205 Jones William , 272, 295 Durant Arthur, 291 Dyson James , alias Smith , 127,168 Evans Thomas, alias King, 230 Keelty Thomas , 98, 110 E vans J ohn, 303 K elti e Th omas, 272 E Evans Alice, 347 Langstreet Charles, 385 E vans Alb ert G ., 387 Mason W illi am, alias Josep h Fades Albert, 66 Egan Lucia, 347, 363 Evans James W., 396 Bailey , 151, 159,173 Eady , P. B., 115 Egan William, 360 Evans William, 402 Miller Wil liam , or Denis, 13 Eames Frederick, 15 Egan Timothy, 364 Eveleigh , body of Frank Bowen Morton William, alias Jones, 108 Earle Frederick, 64 Egan Ellen, 385 found on Railway Line , 66 Murley Alfred, 272 Earle William, 82, 95 Egan Arthur, 387 Everard Mr ., 183 Potter Robert, 167 Earle Harry , 115, 317 Egers Neil, 278 Everett Alfred, 168 Simpson Richard, 13, 59, 68 Earle F. W. M., 242 Eggars Carl, 217 Everingham Charles Henry, 52 Simpson -, 49 Eason J. J., 259 Eglein Alfred, 125 Excelsior " Steamship ," cases of Ward Edward, 108 Eastman William Henry, 86 Ehrenberg Albert, 245 gin stolen, 274 Watson John , alias Broose, 13 59 Eastman Jane, 86 Eichler Charles, 402 Exhibits stolen from Museum , Col- 68 Eastwood John, 397 Sipper Frank, 122 lege-street , 225, 234 Eastwood Frank , 397 Eisner Herman , 221 , 287 Eastwood Robert. 397 Eldon R.,216 F Father Charles, 197 Electoral Lists , Police Notice, 4ho Eaton Rowland R., 41 389, 399 Fabris Elizabeth, 390 Ferguson John, 74 Eaton Arthur, 265, 314 Elias Thomas, 348 Fabray Mary, 396 Ferguson James, 74 Eaton James, 290 Ellbourn Mary, 286 Fagg Michael, 34 Ferguson Alexander, 98 Eaton John W., 358 Ellen Tack Kee, alias Hassett, Fahey James, 31 Ferguson , alias Thompson, alias Ebert George, 69 116 Fahey Stephen, 122 John Young, 124 Eccles Edward, 172 Ellerslie Frank, 3 Fahey Michael, 270 Ferguson James, 192 Eddy Silas, 204 Elliott Thomas, 62 Fairall B., 205 Ferguson Annie, 217 Eden Charles, 325 Elliott Joseph John, 102 Fairbrother John, 38 Ferguson John, 230 Eden Sydney , 351, 362 Elliott Charles, 145 Fairfax & Roberts, 111 Ferguson W. J., 244, 305 Edgar Edward, 196 Elliott Annie, 188 Fairfax George, 207 Ferguson Arthur H. J., 244 Edgehill John, 281 E lliott John, 290 Fair Henry, 189 Ferguson J., 259 Edgerton Arthur, 244 Elliott John, 293 Falbey John, 372 Ferguson Thomas, 325 Edginton David, 120 Elliott Robert, 369 Fall Thomas, 42, 64, 80 Ferguson James, 328 Edmonds James, 62 Elliott Richard, 395 Fallance William, 266 Ferguson Maud, 395 Edmondson William N. M., 115 , Ellis Albert, 26 Fanning Thomas, 266 Fern James , 43, 246, 259 138 Ellis Richard, 54 Fanshaw Alfred Augustus, 245 Fernand Charles, 235 Edmunds Hugh, 46 Ellis Charles, 78, 87 Farmer Albert, alias Oldrey, 258 Ferney Matthew, 83 Edmunds William J., 160 Ellis Margaret Mary, 165 Farmer Jonathan, 258 Fernie Thomas, 233 Edwards William Michael , 8 Ellis Thomas, 324 Farquharson William, 29, 91 Ferrant John , or Mark Skerritt, 22 Edwards Thomas, 8 Ellison James, 30 Farr William, 75 152 Edwards Arthur , 9 Ellison Louis, 69 Farrant Frank, 176 Ferraro Diodarti, 291 Edwards Alfred, 22 Elmslie Dr., 300 Farrell John, 11 Ferraro Annie Eliza, 291 Edwards John , 34 Emanuel Mr., 312 Farrell Catherine, 49 Ferrell, John, 278 Edwards Edward , 46 Emanuel 's Pawn Office, 98 Farrell Kate, 59 Ferrier Frederick, 84 Edwards William, 78, 110 Embry Clara, 295 Farrell P . J. & Co., 93 Ferrier James H., 183 Edwards Charles , 86 Emery William, 101 Farrell Daniel, 131 Ferrington William, 400 Edwards Edmond , 125 Emery John , 172, 300 Farrell Alfred, 188 Ferris John, 180, 282 Edwards William Henry Sander- Emerson James , alias Davidson, Farrell Thomas, 278, 296 Ferris Martha, 180 son, 165 345, 361 Farrell John, 341 Field Thomas, 7 Edwards Arthur T., 204 Emily (ab.), 9 Farrelly Patrick, 8 Field Gertrude, 74, 98 Edwards Frank, 207 Emmaville , Police Act extended to Farrelly Frank, 317 Field Thomas, 187, 211 Edwards Sydney, 220 255 Farre lly John Joseph, 344 Field Thomas, 244 Edwards William, 245 Emmerick Fred, 56 Farrelly Frank , alias Thomas Field Mrs., or Annie Dowton, 244 Edwards John, 248 Emmett, alias Richard Thompson, Power, alias Tom Dingle, 398 Field Emily, or Mrs . Hairs, 397 Edwards Robert, 219 alias Johnston, 152 Farron Agnes, 277 Fielder Samuel, 70, 80 Edwards Sarah, 262 Emmett Constable, 191 Farrow William George, 165 Fieny John, 70, 80 Edwards William, alias J. B. Emmett Frederick, 236 Faulconbridge , supposed remains Figg Mrs., 390 Reilly, 266 Enebry Clara, 278 of William Thomas Cowling Finch Sydney, 21, 39 Edward4, alias Sarah Moore, 274 Engelham Robert, 180 found, 37 Finch Orpen Daniel, 60, 347 Edwards , alias Henry Torrington, Engelmann Frederick Wilhelm, 93 Faulds Alexander , 286, 316 Finch , alias William Aldous, 337 295 English Thomas, 277 Featherstonhaugh R. H., 23 Finckh Herman, 187, 230 Edwards , alias Joseph Badgery, English Frederick, 30 Featherstonhaugh Priscilla, 304 Findlay Mr., 296 296 Enright Constable, 102 Federal Bank, 122, 168 Finegan Michael J., 27, 70 Edwards Richard , 328 E psal John , 234 Feehan Martin , 397 Finla y Mr ., 111 Edwards Edward, 364 Erasmi Emil, 331, 341 Fegan James, 63 Finlay Miss L., 111 Edwards River, North Deniliquin, Erasmo Simeon, 231 Fegan Daniel , 195, 203 Finlay Robert, 153 body of infant found, 381 Erasmus Jane, 290 Felton Ettia, 112 Finlay Robert, 205 Egan James, 21 Erick Lydia, 197 Felton Frederick, 176, 184 Finlay Walter, 237 Egan James, 70, 80 Erler Frederick Gcddarcl, 131 Felton Edward, 328 Finn Charles, 30 Egan John, 211 Erning William, 35 Fenton Catherine, 337 Finn John, 102 Egan Joseph, 249, 266 Erning Mary, 35 Fenton F. D., 382 Finn Jeremiah, 242 Egan Francis, 262 E. S. & A. C. Bank, 124, 144,152, Fergus John Thomas, 91, 160 Finn Patrick, 352 Egan Thomas, 308 169, 177, 201, 304, 312, 328 Ferguson & Grimwood, 41, 47 Finn John, 397 10 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Finnerty James, alias Duffy, 53 Flinting George, alias Hall, alias Found various articlesof property, Frazer John, alias James Frames 227, 256 Furlong, 274 108, 124, 130, 157, 168, 181, 245, 259 Finnerty James, 122 Blitcroft Frank, 74 189, 220, 230, 237, 262, 291, Frazer Robert, 290 Finnigan James, 100 Flood Edward & Co., 30 325, 333, 376, 391 Frazier Arthur, 372 Finnigan Elizabeth, 100 Flood Frederick, 121 Fourmy Victor, 3l I Frauenfelder Charles Frederick, 14 Fire Brigades Board, 266 Flood Robert, 197 Fowler Thomas, 3 Frederick Peter, 30 Firth Simon George , 125, 138 Flood Hon. E., 329 Fowler William, 14 Frederick George, 303, 338 Fish, alias Fisher , alias Peter Flood Nicholas, 345 Fowler Mary Josephine, 163 Fredericks Edward, 9 M'Guire, 341 Flood Matthew, 365 Fowles Percival, 109 Frederickton, Post Office, money Fishburn & Co., 78 Flood Ellen, 365 Fox Annie, 25 stolen from, 282 Fishel Frederick, 29 Flood Annie or Heggarty, 378 Fox John, alias Sloan Gavin , 80 Free James, 383, 391 Fisher Rhoda or Sinclair 10 Flowitt D. G., 373, 398 Fox Charles J. or Cox, 95 Freeman Emma, :11 Fisher John, 31 Floyd James, 30, 39 Fox E J., 147 Freeman Manning, 312 Fisher Mr., 37 Floyd John, 221 Fox E. J., Esq., J.P., 187, 195 Freemason 's Hotel," Bombala, Fisher & Hill, 84 Floyd Dolly, 337, 346 Fox Annie or Perry, 226 arson, 97 Fisher Donnelly, 131 Fluerty Joseph, 100 Fox George Edward, 325 French Charles, 52 Fisher Charles, 140 Flynn Michael, 80 Fox Ebenezer John, 331, 339 French Rufus 0., 159 Fisher Charles Brown, 145 Flynn Eliza, 81 Fox J. J., 310 French escapees from New Fisher James, 211 Flynn William, 109 Fox William, 377 Ca'edonia, 6, 11, 37, 75 Fisher William, 233 Flynn Thomas, 215, 224 Foy Francis, 168 French escapee from New Caledo.; Fisher Emma Eva, 287, 314 Flynn James, 290 Foy George Sydney, 373 nia, named Henrold or Henri Fisher Sarah, 237 Flynn Nicholas, 314 Foy Mary Jane, 373 Garnay, alias Chappin, arrested Fisher Mary, 3213 Flynn Michael J., 369 Fra Gustaf, 355 having spurious bank-notes and Fisher John, 337 Fogarty Timothy, alias James Frame James, alias John Frazer, plates found in his possession, Fisher, alias Fish, alias Peter Johnson, 151 245, 259 369 McGuire, 341 Fogg Christina, 368 FiancisJames, 15 Freshwater Creek near Wallsend, Fisher Hugh, 344 Foley Peter, 235 Francis George, 18 of man, supposed named Fisher Mary, 358 Foley Mary, 256 Francis James, 101 Parkes, found, 143 Fisher Thomas, 396 Foley Frederick, 274 Francis Henry, 131 Fr::dman's Pawn Office, 188 Fisk Charles, 340 Foley Michael, 382 Francis Thomas, 160 Frith Thomas, 77, 296 Fitch Charles, 10 Font Emanuel, 402 Francis Emanuel, 196 Fritz, alias Barricre, alias August Fitzgerald Florence, 34 ., Footey, alias Arthur Riley, 361 Francis John Henry, 246 Vanhemel, 11 Fitzgerald William, 78, 81 Forber Florence, 50 Francis James, 312 Frost James, alias Riley, 73,110,125 Fitzgerald Honorab, 90 Forbes Francis, 133 Francis Thomas, 34S Frost Thomas, 135 Fitzgerald Dr. John, 100 Forbes Henry, 286 Francois Pantrive, 9 Frost Thomas, 160 Fitzgerald Thomas, 100 Forbes William, 287 Francoise Pauline, or Madame Frost R., 168 Fitzgerald Elizabeth, 113 Forbes Charles William, 320 Wein, 320 Frost Alfred B., 248 Fitzgerald John, 140 Forbes-street, abandoned child Franke George, 395 Frost Otto, 344 Fitzgerald William, 181 found, 315, 324, 331 Frankel Charles, 50, 183 Fry Charles, 68 Fitzgerald Michael, 187, 201 Forbes, unclaimed property for Frankenstein Adolph, 79 Fryar George J., 29 Fitzgerald Richard John, 248 sale, 81 Franks Alice, 69 Fryar Joseph C., 164 Fitzgerald Thomas, 2S7 Ford, alias George Howell, alias Franks James, 82 Full William Henry, 45 Fitzgerald Thomas, 377 Howard, alias Harvey, 201, 209, Franks John, alias Blunt, 217 Full Lavinia , 197, 253 Fitzgerald John, 390 218, 224,252 Franks Morris, 290 Full, alias Harold Dugard, 345 Fitzgerald John, 397 Ford Lucy, or Gray, 229, 237 Franks Henry, 300 Ftcller Thomas, 38 Fitzgibbon James, 109 Ford Henry, 229 Franks William, 386 Fuller Edward, 60, 70 Fitzgibbon James, alias Buckley, Fora Thomas, 270 Fraser Joseph, alias Lloyd, 35 Fuller Martha Webb, 62 alias Anderson , alias Robinson , Forde Richard, 91 Fraser A. C., 195 Fuller John, 307 369, 397 Forde Edward, 119 Fraser John, 204 Fuller -Robert, 332 Fitzhenry Henry, 191, 286 Foresight John , alias George Fraser Alfred, 317 Fuller Mrs., 340 Fitzgibbons John B., 33 Roper, 329 Frassi Noe, 160 Fulton, alias Alfred Richards, Fitzgibbons Michael, 59 Forest Lily , 105, 125 'rater Alexander, 274 5+20,321 Fitzpatrick James, alias Anderson , Forest Donald , alias C. M. Cooke, Prater -, 308 Furber Henry, 52, 61 47,73 296 Frazer Kate, 13, 79 Furlong Henry, 21, 39 Fitzpatrick Arthur, 164 Forestal Richard, 106 Frazer Alexander, 26 Furlong, alias Hall, alias George Fitzpatrick James, 397 Forged 95, E. S. and A. C. Bank Frazer William, 30 Flinting, 274 Fitzsimmons William, 15 notes uttered, 115, 151, 221, Frazer Henry De, 69 Furey William, 338 Fitzsimmons Jonn, 119 229, 245 Frazer John Basil, 78 Furner Brothers, 143 Fitzsimmons Peter, 328 Forgie Alexander, 220, 227 Frazer Alexander, 87 Furness Arthur, 324 Fizell Richard, 69 Forlonge William, 249 Frazer Robert, 102 Fuzzell Teresa, 66 Flahavan Edward, 125 Forrest Mrs., 56 Frazer James, 244 Fuzzledene (a Hindoo), 200 Flaherty Patrick, 165 Forrest John H., 151 Flaherty Edward, 347 Forrest Edward, 208 G Flakeler, Patrick, 75, 87, 103, Forrest James T., 227 116 Forrest Alfred, 321 Gabolinsey Albert, 329 Gamble Edward Victor, 7, 61, Flanaghan Thomas, 62 Forssberg Charles, 144 Gaffey Alexander, 134 185 Flanaghan Phillip, 100, 142 Forster William, 68 Gaffney James, 13 Gamble Michael, 390 Flanaghan Rose, 155,179 Forster Charles, 325, 333, 372 Gaffney Ann or Fleming, 108 Gambrel Richard, 11, 46 Flanagban Francis F., 233 Forster Mr., 372 Gaffney Andrew, 260 Gannon Michael, 4 Flanagan Mrs., 348 Forster's Pawn Office, 226, 331 Gaffney Henry, 369 Gardon Jane Spreake, or Jane Flannery Michael, 45 Forsythe Archibald, 252 Gailzard Leon, 74 Vibert, 353 Fleeting John, 43, 246, 259 Forsythe Mrs., 331 Gainen John, 235 Gardiner Harry, 48 Fleeting Robert, 378 Fortier William, 390 Gainsford Alfred, 184 Gardiner George, 70 Fleming David, 14 Fortune Joseph, 26 Gaires -, 18 Gardiner W. & Co., 87 Fleming James, 43 Fortune Joseph, 64 Gale Selina, 124 Gardiner Stephen, 87 Fleming Wil li am , 62 Fortune Robert, 242 Gallagher Simon J., 53 Gardiner Robert, 109 Fleming, alias Ann Ga ffney , 108 Foster E lizabeth, 3 Gallagher John W., 56 Gardiner Henry, 117 Fleming Edward, 287 Foster W. J., 25 Gallagher James, 68 Gardiner Jessie, 124 Fleming Mrs., 340 Foster Richard, 82 Gallagher Kate, 84, 103 Gardiner Rev. Andrew, 204 Fleming Agnes , 396 Foster Miss E. If., 139 Gallagher Hugh, 172 Gardiner T., 216 Fletcher James , 23 Foster John , 171, 201 Gallagher Margaret, 181 Gardiner Alexander, 234, 262 Fletcher James , 38 Foster H., alias Hopkins, 264 Gallagher Hugh, 220, 238 Gardiner C., 249 Fletcher George Charles , 149, 398 Foster Charles, 272 Gallagher Daniel, 270 Gardiner Mary, 341, 352 Fletcher Elizabeth , 149 Foster Isabella Ann, 272 Gallagher Francis, 339 Garland Isabel, 56 Fletcher -, 205 Foster Elizabeth, 290 Gallagher Francis, 353 Garland George, 175 Fletcher John David , 286,388 Foster John , alias O'Connor, alias Gallagher James, 370 Garmson Frederick, 290 Fletcher Mr., 284 Connors , alias Jackson, alias Gallagher Ellen, 372 Garnay Henrold or Henri, alias Flett James P. , 275 Bernard Brady, 296 Gallagher Brian, 397 Chappin, 369 Flew Robert , 23 Foster James, 356, 365 Galloway John, 183, 387 Gagne George, 102 Flew Charles , 103 Foster George, 381 Galloway James, 371 Garnham Frederick, 395 Fligg Frederick , 134 Fotheringham James , 171, 187 Galvin John, 8 Garrard John J., 332 Flinkenberg Carl, 290, 304 , 314, Foucart Dr., 382, 398 Galvin Daniel, 79 Garrard John J., 345 321 Foulger William Henry, 350 Galvin Mrs., 245 Garrard Henry A., 397 Flint George , 363 Foulger Jane, 850 Gambell William, 287 Garrett Philip, 30 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 11

Garrett William, 90 Gilbert Edward, 299 Gold ring found in York-stre, t, 37 Graff's Pawn Office, 248 Garrett James, 377 Gilberthorpe William, 291, 329 Gold ringfoundin King-street, 157 Graham James, 50, 217 Garrett James, 386 Gilberthorpe Emma, 291 Gold bracelet found in Macquarie- Graham Eliza, 60 Garretty, alias Annie Phillips, alias Gilberthorpe William, 341 street, 168 Graham Frederick Albert, 68, 233 Mary Ann White, 14 Gilchrist Thomas, 18 Gold brooch found at Waverley,189 Graham. William, 74 Garretty Alfred, 109 Gilchrist F. K., 77 Gold watch found near Custom Graham Henry, 103 Garretty Alfred, alias Anderson, Gilchrist George, 383. House, 230 Graham John, 122 alias Goodsell, 145 Giles Henry, 52 Gold locket found in Castlereagh- Graham Thomas, 256 Garrick A . E., 362 , Giles May, 89 street, 237 Graham Robert, 304, 314 Garside James, 344 Giles Thomas Banbury, 152 Gold watch found in Oxford-street, Graham Grace , 307, 324 Garth Francis George, 278 Gill Catherine Jane, 53 291 Graham Samuel, or Gray, 328 Garty Florence Eugene , 397 Gill James, 56 Gold mourning ring found in pos- Graham Robert, 333 Garvan James Patrick, 303, 313 Gill John, 204 session of offender, 291 Graham George, 347 Garvan Thomas, 399 Gill Joseph P., 252 Golden James, 300, 309 Grainger James, 14 Garvin Denis, 201 Gill John Joseph, 386 Golding If., 152 Grainger James, 101 Gas Stokers' Association, 7, 69 Gill Emma Isabella Mary, 386 Golding Edward , 361, 387 Grainger Mr., 221, 259 Gascoigne Mr,, 290 Gill Joseph J., 395 Goldrick James, 272 Grainger Arthur, 256 Gash John, 23 Gillespie Alexander, 19 Goldrick Phoebe, 272 Grainger James, 352 Gatton William, 333 Gillespie Charles, 39 Goldmmid Albert Aaron, 11 Grainger Edward, 399 Gauan James, 328 Gillespie Alexander R., 91 Goldsmith Lizzie, 144, 152 Gralton Francis, 354 Gaunt Thomas, 259, 300 Gillespie Alexander R., 93, 116 Goldstein George, 148 Grand Hotel, Wynyard Square, Gaurith George, 252 Gillespie Charles, 111 Goldstoff Harold, 372 man named Frederick Berndt Gavan Thomas, 378 Gillespie Charles, 119 Goldsworthy & Co., 399 died from eating sandwiches on Gavin Sloan , alias Denis Gavin , Gillespie James, 230 Gole Thomas, 69 which a preparation known as alias John Fox, 35, 70, 80 Gille?pie Alexander, 247 Gollam George, 363, 381 "Rough on Rats " had been Gavin, alias Denis Shanahan, 80, Gillespie Charles, 287 Gollop William Henry, 256, 275 spread, 376 291 Gillies Hector, 312, 321 Gollop Eliza Jane, 256, 275 Gray ners John , 265, 282 Gay Giovanni, 278 Gillies John, 372 Good Intent Lodge of Oddfellows Grant William, 7 Gayhaschi Dominico, 31 Gillies Malcolm, 400 Hartley Vale, 229 Grant John, 13 Gaynor John, 372 Gilligan Julia, 97 Goodin George, 286 Grant Alexander, 14 Geaghan Thomas, 79 Gilmartin Hugh Jane, 205, 221 Goodlet John Hay, 329 Grant & Co, 54 Gearin James, 389 Gilmore James, 320 Goodman Charles, 19 Grant James, 56 Geary Alfred, 138 Gilmour Malachi, 56 Goodman Elizabeth, 19 Grant Joseph, 62 Geary Edmund, 213 Gilmour John James, 168 Goodman John, 33 Grant John, 68, 79 Geitz Charles, 74 Gilsenan Patrick Walsh, 88 Goodman Charles, 59 Grant John 142, 246 Geldart Richard, 376 Gipps Thomas, 70 Goodsell Alfred, 49 Grant William E., 179 Gellatly Mary, 41 Gipps Thomas, 86 Goodsell, alias Alfred Garity, alias Grant & Davidson, 205, 213 Gent George, 159 Girien Franz, 62, 87 Anderson, 145 Grant George A., 224 Gent William Henry, 165 Girl, 22 years old, found wandering Goodsen Tratin, 262 Grant John, 242, 248 Gent William James, 183, 296 in George-street, 189 Goodwin Mrs., 3, 70 Grant George A., 253 Gent William, 290 Girilambone, Court of Petty Ses- Goodwin Mrs., 80 Grant Gordon, 340 Geoghegan Theresa, 337 sions abolished, 269 Goodwin Henry, 188, 201 Grant Alexander, or Alexander George William, 14 Gissel Henry, 208 Goodwin Michael , 227 Grant Du ff, 341 George Henry, 103 Gittens William, 207 Goodwin Joseph, 270 Grant John, 365 George -, 204 Glad Gabriel, 145 Goodwin Ann, 284 Granville Michael, 164 George W. R,, 247 Gladstone, alias Clara Thomas, alias Goodworth Archie, 193 Granville Building Society (Arson), George Ah Ting, 266 Archbold, alias Wilkinson, alias Goold Charles, 109, 266 255 George William, 295, 305 Brereton, 246 Goold Alexander, 355 Granville, body of man, supposed George John Arthur, 386, 397 Glanham, T. D. Y., 3 Goon Ping, 233 named James Williams, found George Street, watch found, 124 Glanville Michael, 227 Goosberry John, alias Thomas Dux- in the bush, 376 George Street, silver locket found, Glass Harriett, 313 bury, 316 Grattan E, J., 39 220 Glass Edith, 369 Gordon George Leonard, 4, 70, 80 Gray Frank, 7 George Street, body of man, name Gleeson Thomas, 45 Gordon Hamilton, 48 Gray Francis, 19 unknown, found, 242 Gleeson James, 50 Gordon Arthur Dominic, 61 Gray George, 42, 54 George Street, bank draft found, Gleeson William, 90 Gordon James N., 62 Gray James, 68 262 Gleeson Mary Ann, alias The In- Gordon Mary Jane, 62 Gray John, 184 Gerald Osmond, 337 dian Queen, 209 Gordon William, 112 Gray John, 208 Gerard Alick, 46 Gleeson Thomas, 227, 386 Gordon Mrs., 149 Gray Lucy, or Ford, 229, 237 Germanton, Police Act extended to,Gleeson Charles, 231 Gordon, alias Driver, alias Hilton, Gray William, 241 245 97 Gleeson Mary, 235, 246 alias Sutton , alias Simpson, alias Gray William , 249, 296 Gerrett, Frederick, 291 Gleeson Edzabeth, 277 Sinclair , alias Watson, 209 Gray Mary Ellen, 252 Gerstenkorn Carl, 309 Glen Innes, unclaimed property for Gordon Mary, 336 Gray Peter, 314 Ghayle Walter A., alias Duncan, sale, 47 Gordon's Pawn Office, 81 Gray Samuel, or Graham, 328 224, 231 Glen Innes Municipal Council, 160 Gorham Mr., 45 Gray Patrick, 338 Ghest R. C., 22 Glendenning Walter, 115 Gorman John, 7 Gray William M., 368 Gibb Eber Edward, 25 Glennan Joseph, 53 Gorman Joseph, 45 Gray Samuel Donald, 370, 378 Gibb James, 211 Glide Walter, 69 Gorman Joseph, 73 Gray James, 378 Gibbes Mrs, 277 Glover Joseph, 159 Gorman John, 120 Grayndler Michael, 131 Gibbons George, 173 Glover James, 180, 238, 216, 260 Gorman Joseph, 196 Graziers ' Butchering Company, 346 Gibbons Florence May, 173 Glover Mary, 180, 238, 216, 260 Gorman Mrs., 218 Grcam Lewis George, 345 Gibbons George, 205 Glover John, 265 Gormryn Ada, 324 Great Barrier Island, New Zealand, Gibbons Thomas, 213 Glover John, 287 Gourbine Mr., 168 murder of Robert Taylor, 203, Gibbs J., 354 Glynn John Michael, 15 Goscaloky Martin, 376 307, 324 Gibson Constable, 37, 53 Glynn Edward, 216 Gosper Charles, 256 Great Southern Railway , malicious Gibson John, 42 Gnomery Run, near Tatalla, body Gottelmann Bernard, 310 damage, 323 Gibson John, 115 of man, name unknown, found, Gough James, 172 Greaves F., 10 Gibson James , 128 237 Gough Charles, 247 Greaves Peter, 56 Gibson John Archibald, 160 Goangra, man, name unknown, Goulburn, Points on Railway Line Greaves Jame.i, 312 Gibson Frederick , 191, 197, 231 found in unconscious state, and tampered with, 235 Greed Michael F., 262 Gibson Edward, 223 died shortly afterwards, 175 Gould Mary, alias Smith, 14 Green Walter, 41 Gibson Louisa, 270 Goats stolen from Moore Park, 280 Gould Edward, 131 Green George, 43 Gibson J. R., 274 Goddard Henry, 7 Gould George, 131 Green John, 49 Gibson Violet, 281 Goddard Joseph, 75 Gould John, 287 Green Emily, 64 Gibson Frederick, 286, 338 Goddard Ellen, 79 Goulding William Charles, 10 Green Alfred Edward, 105, 125 Gibson Mary, 286 Godfrey Frederick, 176 Goulding Richard, 369 Green Daniel, 125 Gibson Mary, 320 Godfrey John 308 Govers John, 316 Green John W., 149 Gibson John, 368 Godsmark Richard Henry, 197, Govett Philip, 246 Green William, 175 Gibson George , 385 209, 227 Gowie James, 128 Green Ely, 300, 315, 364 Gibson Isabella, 385 Godwin G. W., 217 Gowing Brothers, 354 Green Canon Samuel, 332 Giddin Thomas Horace Leslie, 337Godwin Frank, 400 Gracey George, l08 Green George, alias Allison, 395 Gig, alias James Igo, alias Mel-Goff Richard B., 79 Gracey James 181 Green Cape Point, steamship Ly-ee- bou rn e, 131 Goff Christopher, 192 Gracie Mrs. William, 278, 284 moon wrecked, 30 May, 1886 Gilbert Henry J., 100 Goggin Francis Daniel, 252 Gradoskey Joseph, b2 and upwards of seventy pas- Gilbert Charles , 258) 275 Goggin Richard James, 252 Gradoskey Georgiana, 82 sengers aad crew drowned, 175 12 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Greenaway John, 70 Griffith's Pawn Office, 188, 300, Hanrahan John, 347 Harvey Henry, 128 Greenfield Charles Setb, 116 308 Hansan Hans, 197 Harvey Alexander, 164 Greenless Elizabeth, 324 Grimes Charles, 75 Hansell Thomas, 89 Harvey Thomas H., 168 Greenrose Gustave Edward, 296 Grimes Mary, 75 Hansen Peter, 26, 64 Harvey Arthur, 172, 193 Greenwell Emily, 272 Grindle Mrs., 258 Hansen Henry, 6 1 Harvey Benjamin, 176 Greer William, 200 Griner Henry, 54 Hansen Peter, 87 Harvey, alias Ford, alias Howard, Gregerson Peter Christian, 77 Grono Thomas 70, 80 Hansen Lauritz, 148, 165 alias George Howell, 201, 209, Gregga George, 70 Grono Thomas, 105 Hansen Frederick, 230 218, 224, 252 Gregory Thomas, 159, 275 Groom Joseph, 261, 274 Hansen Jans Alfred, 258 Harvey James, 234 Gregory Robert Scott, alias Mac Grose Harry, 314 Hanslow Harry, 185 Harvey John, 248 Gregor, 169, 177, 201 Grosemans Charles, 320 Harcourt George, 266 Harvey Mercy, alias Correy, 287 Gregory Henry Thomas, 266 Grounds William, 183 Harcourt John M., 275 Harvey William, 378 Greig George, 70 Grove John, 295 Harden Mr., 63 Harwood Mary, 112 Greig John, sen., 245 Guilfoyle Thomas, 79 Hardie Thomas, 220 Harwood James, 312, 321 Greig John, j uni., 245 Guiliani Mary, 324 Harding Eliza, 38 Haslam Joseph, 27 Greig Edmund, 309 Gulley F. B., 33 Hardley Henry, 249 Hassell, William, 345 G re tt an H enry, 87 G un bar R oa d, Hill st on, b ody o f H ar dy Willi am, 95 H asse tt J ., 7, 22 0reville's Telegraph Agency broken man, supposed named Francis Hardy Robert, 108 Hassett John, alias Smith, 53 into, 340 Smith, found hanging to a wire Hardy William, 142 Hassett Patrick, 53 Griffin Michael, 42 fence, 175 Hardy Robert, 159 Hassett, alias Ellen Taack Kee, Griffin Bridget, 312, 321 Gundagai, unclaimed property for Hardy Arthur, 260 116 Griffin Percy Seymour, 344 sale, 33 Hardy William, 337 Hassett Alfred, 221 Griffin Job n, 372 Gundelat George, 10 Harford Richard, 177 Hassett John, 397 Griffiths John, 62 Gunderson Josephine W., 340 Hargraves John, 108 Hasson John, 197 Griffiths N., 98 Gunning Thomas, 216 Hargraves James, 167, 287 Hastings Alfred J., 89 Griffiths Morris, 152 Gunther Fred., 82 Hargraves Gilbert, 333 Hat pegs stolen from Redfern Griffiths George, 173 Gurnett W. B., & Co., 377 Hargraves Albert, 361, 378 Railway Station, 269 Griffiths George, 211 Gurney Theodore J., 241 Harkin Mary, 45 Hatchens Thomas, 125 Griffiths George, 223 Gurney Thomas, 296 Harkin Daniel, 181 Hatfield Nellie, 396 Griffiths, alias Clara Thomas, alias Guttridge Mr., 358 Harkness David, 299, 304, 314 Hathway Joseph, 3 Archbold, &c., 246 Harkness David, 329, 338 Hatton Edward, 68 H arman Willi am H enry, 4 H att on M ary, 68 H Harman Frederick, 383 Hatton D. W. F., 79 H arne tt Willi am, alias Arno ld , H att on Ed war d , 113 , 125 Hackett Thomas L., 273 Halstead Thomas, 52, 137 152, 161 Hatton Agnes, 113 Haddon Rig Jack, or Jack Nel- Halstead Annie Maria, 52, 137 Harper Sydney, 22 Haughtey John, 43, 87 son, 2 Ham John L., 191 Harper Joseph, 31 ]laughton John, 200 Haddon Edward, 74 Hambly Thomas, 199, 281 Harper Thomas, 134 Haughton James Martin, 265 Hadlow Sarah, 56 Hamer Thomas, 22 Harper Alfred, 280 Haulton John, 386 Hafer C., 180, 230 Hamet Nore, 333 Harpley Jonathan Joseph, 180 Hausell Daniel, 60,170 Haggerty Annie, or Flood, 378 Hamilil John, 52 Harris James, 22 Hawes Joeeph W., 325 Haggitt Charles, 368, 402 Hamilton James, 10 Harris Thomas, 48 Hawke George, 324 Hagon Brothers, 163 Hamilton Simon Kirkpatrick, 50 Harris Thomas, 60 Hawker Mrs., 317 Hagon R. H., 187, 230 Hamilton William, 113 Harris Henry, 95 Hawkins Margaret, 30 Hagon & Kidd, 188 Hamilton Frank, 184 Harris Annie, 121, 282 Hawkins William, 57 Hagon Augustus J., 204 Hamilton Constable, 317, 324 Harris William, 146 Hawkins Mrs. Julia, 61 Hague William, 39 Hamilton Bessie, 354 Harris Robert, 148 Hawkins James Chambers, 90 Hague John, 290 Hamilton Eliza, 383 Harris Robert, 200 Hawkins Charles, 91 Haigh Henry, 69 Hamilton's Pawn Office, 10, 18, Harris George, 270 Hawkins Nellie, 137 Haigh William, 325. 338 233, 3R2 Harris William, 272 Hawkins William, 191 Haigh Mary Jane, 325 Hamlin, alias Walter Hammond, Harris Charlotte, 303 Hawkins Amy, 287 Haild Robert, 102, 176, 184 169 Harris Walter, or Herbert, 303, Hawkins Thomas F., 372 Haily Frank, 201 Hammer Edward, 151 314 Hawkins William, 373 Haily Frederick, 201 Hammond William, 78 Harris William, 345 Hawksford John, 196 Hair William, 272 Hammond Charles, 91 Harris Lily, 386 Hawksley Joseph, or Oxley, 87 Hair Thomas, 340 Hammond Hannah, 91 Harris J. W., 400 Hawley or Shaw, alias Mary Hairs Mrs., or Emily Field, 397 Hammond James, 148 Harris' Park, , aban- Hickey, alias O'Neill, 307 Halcombe Harry, 156 Hammond Arthur, 155, 165 doned child found, 261, 269 Hawthorne Michael Charles, Hale Thomas, 246 Hammond Walter, alias Hamlin, Harrison Henry, 8 29, 83 Hales William, 115, 231 169 Harrison Ernest Fraser, 50 Hay, unclaimed property for sale, Haley William, 109, 138 Hammond Henry, 223 Harrison John, 52 81 Haley A. T., 356 Hammond Frederick, 351 Harrison James, 88, 110 Hay William, 87 Half-caste girl missing from Bega, Hampton John, 304 Harrison Edward, 105 Hay Joseph, 148 221 Handcock John, alias Herbert Harrison Alexander, 115 Hay Alexander, 233 Hall Robert, 30 John de Valentine, 116 Harrison Constable, 122 Hay Christopher, 295 Hall Robert, 38 Handcoek Thomas, 137 Harrison Charles W., 209 Hayek Henry, alias Hayes, alias Hall Thomas, 115 Handcoek Patrick, 176, 207 Harrison J. C., 216 Hayes, alias Smith, alias Hall James, 130 Handfield Charles, 50, 52 Harrison A., 247 Williams, 109, 116 Hall Dick, or Edwin, alias Richard Handstein Frederick, 134 Harrison William Henry, 256 Hayes John, 7, 15 Baker, 137, 320 Hanchard William, 30 Harrison Marion Elizabeth, 256 Hayes Teresa, 7, 15 Hall Charles, alias O'Donnell,137 Hanchard William, 274 Harrison Ernest T., 266, 275 Hayes George, 74 Hall Jesse, 156 Hanchard George, 372 Harrison Sydney A., 278 Hayes John, 88 Hall James, 201 Hancock Edward, 18 Harrison John, 332 Hayes James, 109 Hall Christopher, 264 Hancock Edward, 34 Harrison Mary Ann, 344 Hayes Patrick, alias Carey, Hall Thomas, 272, 321 Hang Guy, 220 Harrison William, 368 116, 131 Hall, alias Furlong, alias George Hanken William, 137 Harrison Ellen, 378 Hayes James, 152 Flinting, 274 Hanken William, 145 Harrison Robert Cuthbert, 396 Hayes Edward, 152 Hall John, 314 Hanks J. G., 248 Harry Charlie, 377 Hayes Mabel, 193 Hall Eliza, 316, 329 Hanley Herbert, 35, 70, 80 Hart Thomas, 57 Hayes J. L., 200, 208, 218 Hall John, 336 Hanley August, 77, 95 Hart --, 75 Hayes F. W., 201 Hall Henry William, alias Julius Hanley Samuel, 201 Hart Henry, 101, 115 Hayes J. C., 218 Weiss, alias Boros, alias Dr. Hanley Edward, 234 Hart Julia, 159 Hayes John, 227 Phillips, alias Don Carlos de Hanley Michael, 331 Hart, alias James Riley, 287 Hayes John, 238 Vine, alias Coolomong, 378 Hanley John, 341 Hart James, 352 Hayes William Henry, 287 Hall James, 402 Hanlon Thomas, 23 Hart Michael Joseph, 358, 370, Hayes Michael, 303, 321 Hallett Alfred, 336 Hanlon Timothy, 45 378 Haymet Louis, 120, 127 Hallett Charles, 402 Hanna Sarah, 90 Harte Thomas C., 376 Haymet Louis, 317, 325, 369 Halliday Brothers, 259 Hannah David, 39 Hartigan John, 256 Haynes Thomas, 79 Halloran Patrick, 86 Hannan Edward, 14 Hartley James, 26 Haynes Charles, 196 Halloran Alice, 140 Hannan William, 19 Hartley William, 115 Haystack Plain, remains of man Halloran George Morton, 275 Hannell Captain, 304 Hartley George, 376 unknown found, 22 Halpin James, 3 Hanney Kate, 235 Hartman John, 184 Hayward Samuel John, 108, 217 Halpin Mrs., 233 Hanrahan John, 87 Hartog Henry, 152 Hayward John, 213 Halsey William, 221 Hanrahan William, 291 Harvey Samuel, 102 Hazel Charles D., 98 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX 1886. 13

Hazel W. G., 213 Hibbet Thomas Henry, 262, 296 Hodgson Walter C., 71 11ordern J. L., 281 Hazleton Samuel, 23 Hibblewhite Samuel, 289 Hodson, Jane H., 281 Hordern Brothers, 378 Head Harry, 138 Hibbotson Edward, 164 Hoffman Frank, 19, Hordern Mrs., 400 Head Thomas, 312 Hickey Emily, 18 Hoffman Henry, 34 Hornby James, 373 Heagney Patrick, 388 Hickey Bridget, 42 Hoffman Nicholas, 281 Horne John, 45 Healey John, 38 Hickey Thomas, 48 Hoffnung & Co., 53 Horne Georgina. 151 Healey Pierce J., 64 Hickey Emily, 119, 169 Hofsetter Joseph William, 244 Horne Samuel H., 213 Healey Patrick, 148, 291 Hickey Cornelius, 125 Hogan Michael, 23 Horne Georgina, 281 Healey Patrick, 265 Hickey Sarah, 184 Hogan Mary, alias Seffler, 23 Horner George, 30 Healey Hannah, 286 Hickey Edmund, 262 Hogan James, 46 Horniman Alexander, 10 Healey Joseph William, 301 Hickey Mary, or Hawley, or Hogan Joseph, 95 Hornsby Henry, 328 Heare Ellen, 304 Shaw, or.O'Neill, 307 Hogan Patrick, 116 Horrocks -, 278 Hearne James, 242 Hickey Patrick, 307 Hogan Robert, 122 Horses found, owners required, Heath James, 68 Hickman Thomas, 152 Hogan John, 160 373 Heath James, 159 Hickman Charles, 354 Hogan Stephen, or O'Heir, 167 Horses found in possession of Heath James, 230 Hicks Walter, 251 Hogan John, 216 offenders, 66, 84, 317, 365 Ileatheote Thomas, 348 Hicks Mary Jane, 307 Hogan Margaret, 223 Horses maliciously killed, 205, Heaton Alfred, 231 Hickson William, 382 Hogan Richard, 223 227 Heaton Edward, 290 Rid-raps (an Egyptian), 137 Hogan John, 328, 329, 346 Horses maliciousiy wounded, 98, Heavy John, 55 Higginbotham John, 309, 338 Hogan & Kidd, 339 122, 128, 213 Hebblewhite Isabella, 78 Higginbothom John, 39 Hogan Constable, 369 Horses maliciously disfigured, 181, Hebden Benjamin, 220 Higgins John, 38 Hogan, alias McLean, alias 205 Heckenberg William, 227 Higgins John, 102 Archibald McDonald, 373 Horses strayed from Police, 35, Hedger William, 265, 314 Higgins John, 131 Hogan James McDonald, 396 149 Hefferman R., 68 Higgs James, 23 Hogan Denis, 397 Horstman William, 60, 138 Heffernan John, 75, 259, 266 Higgs Moses, 192 Hogarth Charles Julius Henry, Horton Henry, 6, 13 Hegarty Joseph, 316 Hill John, 4 126 Horton Arthur William, 45 Hehir, alias William White, 143 Hill William Charles, 21 Hogben Daniel, 137 Horton Annie, 93 Heinieke Charles, 265 Hill Miss Mary, 42 llogden John, 48 Horton Theodore, 295, 305 Helen Nicoll " steamship" came Hill Henry, 59, 80 Hogg Ralph James, 84, 91, 149, Horwitz Mrs., 391 into collision with the steamship Hill Henry, 64 221 Horwood Daniel, 60 "Keilawarra" off the South Hill Richard, & Son, 102 Hogg -, 105 Hosie John, 386 Solitaries, the latter ship sank, Hill J. R., 105 Hogg Isabella, 120 Hoskin Joseph, 358 and about thirty-eight persons Hill James, 140 Hogg Samuel Peach, 397 Hockings Samuel P., 364 drowned, 400 Hill James, 184 Hoines Maria, 381 Hoskins Amy, 9 Hellyer Richard, 131 Hill Samuel, 193 Hoines Thomas, 381 Hoskins Elizabeth, 17 Hellyer John, 246 Hill & Co., 241, 270 Holden James, 113 HoulderHenry, 377 Rely Mrs. Annie, 175 Hill Rev. Mr., 247 Holder Maud, 230 Hourigan Michael, 325 Member George, 101 Hill Ellen, 265 Holdsworth Alice, alias Mrs. Mor- Houslar Roberson, alias Edward Homes James, 247 Hill Richard, 281 ton, 216, 232 Kirtin, 313 Hemsley Charles, 378 Hill Albert, 284, 315 Holdsworth Daniel, 355 Houton Henry, 223 Hence William, 196 hill Frederick, 290 Hole Joseph, 192 Howard W. S., 37 Henderson John Robert, 7 Hill William, 307 Holland Peter, alias Thomson, 11 Howard George, 66 Henderson Ellen, 90 Hill Stuart A., 370, 386 Holland Grace, or Jackson, or Me- Howard Janet, 139 Henderson Patrick, 95 Hill Thomas, 378 Lean, 223 Howard Nellie, 176, 185 Henderson Elizabeth, 95 Hill Mrs., 383 Holland Philip, 397 Howard W. S., 201 Henderson John, 130 Hill Henry, 383 Hollander & Govett, 315 Howard, alias George Howell, Henderson Halley, 142 Hill James, 397 Holley Samuel, 181 alias Harvey, alias Ford, 201, Henderson Ellen, 142 Hillery Ann, 17 Hollidge Robert, 15 209, 218, 224, 252 Henderson Louis C., 180 Hillery Annie, 325 Rollin Michael William, 204 Howard Henry, 249 Henderson Henry, 239 Hilliard George, 340 Hollingdale R. B., 54 Howard, alias John Murphy, 396 Henderson Mrs., 256 Hills Robert, 207 Hollingdale Mr., 90 Howe Sydney, 15 Henderson Neil, 260 Hills George, 324 Hollings Charles, 7 Howe Sydney, 53 Henderson James, 284 Hills Charles, 328 Holloway W. J., 313 Howe John, 78 Henderson J., 341 Hilly M. J., 115 Holloway Charles E., 313 Howe William Sims, 224 Hendon Constable, 216 Hilly Mr., 187 Holly William, 125 Howell George, alias Howard, Hendon William E., 274 Hillyar Alfred, 10 Holm John Frederick, 181 alias Harvey, alias Ford, 201, Hepery Mrs., 247 Hillyard William, 22 Holm Eggart, 221 209, 218, 224, 252 Henfreys George, 54 Hilton, alias Gordon, alias Driver, Holman John, 184 Howell, alias John Starling, alias Henley Alice, 151, 175 alias Sutton, alias Simpson, alias Holmes Walter, 43 Jerry Scanlon, alias Edward Hennessey John, 19, 31 Sinclair, alias Watson, 209 Holmes Richard, 83, 100 Burrows, 208 Hennessey Edwin, 159 Hilton Richard, 223 Holmes Elizabeth, 83 Howells -. 183 Hennessey Michael, 175, 217 Hincheliffe Edward, 278 Holmes John, 248, 278 Howes William, 49 Hennessey Patrick, 291 Hinchellffe Sarah, 391 Holmes Julia, 259 Howes Joseph W., 345 Hennessey Elizabeth, 291 Hind W. C., 290 Holt Christopher, 37, 230, 231 Howle Joseph, 223 Henning John, 184 Hinder A. C. C., 7 Holt Edward Brown, 10 2', 116, Howson Albert, 173 Hennings John, 55 Hinds Patrick, 37, 46 138 Hudson Walter Thomas, 11 Henricks John, 60 Hinds James, 183 Homer Mrs., 262 Hudson Alice, 11 Henry Lister, 7 Hinds Edward, 227, 369 Hones Charles, 355 Hudson Brothers, 69, 73 Henry John, 281 Hindson Robert, 98 Hooke George, 137 Hudson Ernest, 103 Henry James Robert, 337, 377 Hines Edward, 200 Hookway Richard, 13 Hudson Charles Vincent Cyril, 151 Henson Alfred, 333 Hines Kate, 230 Hookway William, 373 Hudson Thomas, 161 Hepburn Constable, 7 Riney Patrick, 27, 266 Hooper Henry, 14 Hudson Jacob, 175 Hepburn David, 149 Hingston Richard, 383 Hooper William, 74, 260 Hudson F. W., 315 Hepworth Robert, 30 Hilsford W. J., alias Burton, Hooten Louisa, 397 Huggard Rev. J. J., abduction of Herbert Albert, 64 15, 152 Hope George, 61, 87 Louisa Eleanor Moxham, at Herbert Joseph, 80 Hitchinson Fred, 131 Hope John, 396 Bourke, 73 Herbert Henry, 159 Hoare Walter, 8 Hopkik Mr., 156 Huggins Walter, 87 Herbison Alexander, 34 Hoare Alfred, 66, 103 Hopkins Hopkin, 3 Huggins Thomas, 128 Herlofsen Raol, 102 Hoarty John, 2 Hopkins Harry, 69 Hughan Oscar, 300 BernJohn, 213 HobanJames, 273 Hopkins Henry, 113,145 Hughes William, 23 Hervey George, 4 Hobbs James, 46 Hopkins Amanda, 135 Hughes Maud, 27 ReslerEdward, 119, 133 HobbsJohn T., 245 Hopkins Henry, alias Foster, 264 Hughes Sarah, 59 Hester J. W., 147 Hobleman Ada, 395 Hopkins Edward, 329 Hughes Kate, 61 Hetherington Sophia, 106 Hobson William, 46 Hoppenworth Alfred, 4 Hughes Amy, alias Wilson, 83 Hetherington Christopher, 397 Hockings Henry, 208 Hoppenworth Annie, 4 Hughes Mary, 90, 138 Hewison E., 242 Meekly James, alias Jenimy the Hopper Charlie, alias Charles Hughes John, 94 Hewitt George, 37 Cook, 235 Davis, 229 Hughes John, 116, 131 Hewitt Peter, alias John Hodge Sebastian, 168 Hopwood Charles Frederick, 137 Hughes Edwaid Melbourne, 142 Donnelly, 102, 110 Hodges Frederick, 145 Horan William, 175 Hughes Henry, 159 Hewitt James, alias William Hodges Arthur Thomas, 152 Horan James, 175 Hughes Sarah, 159 Luton, 305 Hodgetts Thomas , alias Johnson, Horan William, 317 Hughes William, 252 Hibberd & Haynes, 245, 266 296 Horan Susan or Hughes, 368 Hughes Luke, 345 Hibberd John, 337 Hodgetts Rhoda Angelina, 296 Hordern A. & Sous, 231 Hughes Elizabeth, 345 14 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZET TE INDEX -- 1886.

Hughes Susan or Horan, 368 Horses and cattle stolen from- Horses and cattle stolen from - continued:- Hughes Elizabeth , 373 continued :- Colley David, 158, 227 Gillmore Frederick, 92 Ruling William , 122 Bailiff Mrs., 342 Condon Maurice , 263, 309 Golledge A. G., 342 Hull and General Insurance Co , Baker John, 349, 365 Coomber Albert, 174 Goode Bernard, 292 230 Barden William , 236, 365 Cooney Owen, 99 Goodsill James, 374 Hume James, 135 Barker William , 349, 391 Corbett Edward, 159,189 Goodyer James, 51 Hume William, 176 Barnaby William, 319 Cord John, 250 Gowing Daniel, 357 Hume -, 308 Barton William, 12 Corry John E., 319 Graham William, 12 Humphrey -, 262 Bastian Neils, 250 Coughlin Bridget, 20, 50 Graham Christopher, 222 Humphries Johanna, 78 Baxter William, 166 Count William, 150 Grant & Davidson , 206, 213 Humphries Brothers, 116 Baxter Robert, 228 Cowell Joshua H., 44, 106 Gray Charles, 28 Humphries William, 128 Beale Rev. W. H., 85, 98 Crain Andrew, 257 Gray George , 228, 274 Humphries Thomas , alias Long Bear Isaac, 285 Crane William, 150 Green George, 141 Tom, 378 Beaver John, 85 Cronan Patrick, 166 Greenwood & Langer, 357 Hungfoot Grace, 15 Beck George , 92, 106 Cross Thomas, 44, 57 Grieve R. H., 334 Hunt John W., 83 Bedford David, 292, 309 Cullen Patrick W., 228, 356 Griffiths J. L., 279, 325 Hunt Lilian , 112, 12' Begg William, 198 Cumming Duncan, 99 Gross Francis, 250, 284 Hunt William H., 161 BellRichard, 198, 274 Cummins Milton, 326 Groves Joseph, 366, 391 Hunt Thomas, 164 Bennett Richard, 166 Cummins William, 342 Gulgong Police, 271, 284, 309 Hunt James, 225. Benson T. B., 44 Cunningham Francis, 107, 122 Haley A. T., 5, 27,75 Hunt Mrs. H., 290 Berg Mr., 381 Cunningham Eugene, 206 Hall Edward, 334 Hunt Vere, 320 Binnie Alexander, 166 Cunningham Francis, 292 Hall Henry, 384 Hunter A . Herbertson, 69 Blackman Charles E., 319 Cunnington Joseph, 5, 11 Hanley Herbert, 36 Hunter W. C., 152 Bobbin James, 150 Cuthill James, 250 Hands Mrs. J., 150, 165 Hunter William, 176 Borron N. G., 182 Dale L., 312 Hannan William, 20 Hunter Harry, 386 Borthwick T. M., 206 Daley Michael , 92, 113 Hannan William, 36, 57 Hunter William, 391 Borthwick J. M., 301 Dallin Joseph, 5, 181 Hardman Frank, 250 Hnnter Ada, 391 Bourke William, 206, 221 Dangar Brothers, 366 Harris Samuel, 92, 113 Hunter William, 395 Bowden H., 236, 249 Darcy William, 357 Hart Joseph, 28 Hunter River , remains of iman, Bowe Thomas, 99, 140 Dasey James, 36 Hartwell George, 279 name unknown, found, 197 ' Bowes John, 141 Davis John and James, 51 Harvey Henry H., 12 Hunter River Farmers' Co-opera- Boyle Amer 0., 85 Davis James, 263 Harvey Frank, 51 tive Co., 200, 209 Bradley John, 20 Dawson James, 3 4, 365 Haslem Joseph, 28 Hunter's Hill, Police Act extended Bray James, 222, 333 Dawson Edward, 374 Hasson John, 198 to, 219 Brazier Robert, 51 Deacon T homas, 263, 274 Hawke John Warren, 198 Hurley Daniel, 10 Broadhead Frederick, 236, 249 Dean Patrick , 334, 343 Haydon James, 92 Hurley James, 345 Brogan Bryan, 366, 373 Deeson J. H., 28 Hayes, Thomas, 92, 98 Hurley Jane, 402 Brennan Thomas, 401 Deighton William, 85 Head Nicholas, 114, 140 Hurst John, 188, 230 Broughton Thomas, 279, 300 Derome Thomas, 76 Heaton John, 206, 221 Hustler O. St. J. D, 275 Broughton Thomas, 334 De Salis G. F., 41 Hedger Alfred, 342 Hutchings Richard, 230 Brown George, 99 Dickhoff F . & H., 349 Heffernan Michael, 76 Hutchings James, 378 Brown John, 257 Dickson James, 285 Hetherington Henry, 58, 75 Hutchinson Alexander Cruick- Brown J. M., 326, 356 Dight & Mackay, 319, 341 Hickson Lazarus, 401 shank, 35, 83 Brown John, 319 Dixon Edward, 301 Hill Alfred, 28, 35 Hutchinson Mr., 131 Brown P. J., 384 Doherty Martha, 342, 384 Hinchcliffe Robert, 206 Hutchinson Stephen , 159, 253 Brown Thomas, 392 Donaldson John, 326 Hindmarsh Frederick J., 99 Hutchinson William, 281 Buchanan W. F., 228 Donnelly John, 41, 50 Hines P C., 5 Hutchison A. & Sons, 86 Buckland J. A.., 292 Dow William, 99 Hogan Edward, 5 Hutchison Alexander, 281 Buckley James, 285 Downie Duncan, 107 Hogg Ralph James, 85, 91, 149, Hutton Henry, 46 Bucknell William W., 374 Downs Hugh, 263, 383 221 Huxley Frederick , 75, 161 Bulgarie James, 222, 242 Druitt C. J., 182 Holmes Thomas, 28 Huxley E. P., 274 Builock Henry, 228, 249 Drummond W., 279, 391 Holmes Henry, 349 Huxley Francis, 397 Burke, Coulson, & Naylor, 214 Duff James, 5 Hooper W. H., 326 Huyser Henry, 144 Burns Thomas, 20 Duggan Hugh, 36 Hope Thomas, 279, 373 Hyard Louis, 328 .Burslem William, 36 Edwards Thomas, 76, 173 Horneyman Mr., 236, 256 Hyde Park, watch found, 121 Burton Mrs. E., 51 Edwards Henry, 357, 373 Huggins Thomas, 129 Hyde William, 390 Byrne James Henry, 182, 189 Egan J., 12 Humphrey William, 44, 75 Hyder -, 333 Caldwell Steel, 214 Sipper Frank, 123 Hunt Thomas, 228 Hykes , alias Henry Hayek, alias Cameron John H., 206, 235 Elworthy Harold , 114, 165 Hurst Stanley, 44, 98 Hayes , alias Smith , alias Wil- Cameron Alexander, 392 Elworthy J. B., 292 Ingram James, 166, 173 liams, 116 Campbell James, 20, 50 English F. G., 279, 291 Jackson William, 114, 157 Hyland Thomas, 208 Campbell K. T., 76 English Francis, 285 JacobsJohn, 20 Hyland John Emerson, 213 Campbell Mrs., 141 Enmark John, 222 Janghorne R., 28 Hyland Samuel, 235 Campbell Mrs., 214 Evans D. F., 28, 173 Jean Paul, 190 Hynard Alfred, 156; Campbell John, 222 Ewing James, 67 Jerreat William, 285, 317 Hynard Edward, 305 Capel Richard, 263 Fanning Edward, 243 Johnson Arthur T., 271 Hyndes Jahn, 245 Carett H., 206, 224 Farrell Daniel, 141, 165 Jones William K., 44 Hyndes Frederick, 245 Carmichael Gavan Thompson, Fawcett Dr., 85 Jones George, 214,262 Hynes Patrick, 59 41 Fernley Enoch, 374 Jones Robert, 334. 348 Horses and cattle stolen from :- Carney Ma tin, 107 Field William, 206, 221 Kahler Christy, 292 Ackers Mr., 250, 300 Carroll George, 374 Fitzgerald William, 182, 227 Kaine Michael, 198 Adams William T., 263 Carter James, 36, 122 Flakeler Patrick, 76 Kauffman Samuel , 190, 213 Ah Chong, 123, 140, 177 Cartwright Robert, 5 Fleeting James, 257 Keen John, 114 Ah Foo, 123, 157 Cassell George H., 44, 50 Forbes Alfred, 5 Keenan Thomas, 182 Ah Hee, 401 Chapman Thomas J., 243 Foster Henry J., 342 Keighran Thomas, 28, 35 Ah Lee, 310 Charllis George, 76 Fox Henry, 76 Kelly James G., 263 Ah Lum, 198 Chaumet Mr., 5 Foy Mark, 99, 106 Kelly John, 271 Aldridge William J., 182 Chinnocks George, 236 Fredericks R., 20 Kelly William S., 279 Alfred John, 366 Christinson William, 174, 205 Freeman Thomas, 92 Kenavan Mrs., 279 Ali Azid, 58 Cliurnside & Co., 58, 160 Frohling Gustave, 342 Kennedy Michael, 20, 50 Allen W. J., 92,106 Clabby James, 51 Frost Thomas, 381,391 Kennedy M. T., 114 Allen Thomas, 250, 300 Clarke George, 222 Fugger Frederick. 5 Kennedy Michael, 129, 135 Allerton Frelerick, 190 Clements William, 357 Fulljamo William, 343 Kennedy Michael, 342 Ambrose John, 263 Clifford P. J., 150 Galbraith J. P., 235 Kent Peter, 107 Anderson A., 5, 43 Clissold Henry, 12, 19 Gallagher Martin, 257 Keogh James , 141, 165 Anderson J., 58, 123 Clonnan Patrick, 158, 173, 227 Gambell William, 158 Kerner Ferdinand, 136 Anderson J., 285 Clybura Thomas, 51 Gambrill Richard, 12, 19 Kidd John, 310 Andrews George, 250, 300 Cobb & Co., 263 Garrick Alfred, 349, 361 Kidney James, 357 Andrews William , 292, 317 Coberoft George, 76, 103 Garry James, 285 Kiernan James, 374, 383 Archer Thomas, 250, 317 Cohen Henry C , 20, 173 Gates Joseph, 141 Kilgour William, 357 Armstrong Thomas, 20 Cohen Henry G., 250 Gearin Patrick, 334 Kimber R J., 136 Armstrong Thomas, 228 Cole John, 401 Gehrig J., 198 King H J., 136, 140 Arnold W. M., 250 Collaroy Company, 85 Gibb James, 174 King Roderick, 357, 373 Atterton James, 67 Colless Walter Charles, 44, 135 Gibson Elizabeth, 392 Kingsland James, 114, 140 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 15

Horses and cattle stolen from- continued Horses and cattle stolen from-continued :- Kiscbner & Olsen, 190 M'Pherson John, 58 Ryan Lawrence, 342 Thompson Henry, 257, 284 kiss Randolph, 401 M'Quade Jobn, 292, 365 Saddleton Henry, 292 Thornton, Mr., 85 ,um Chong Long, 92, 128 M'Tavish Donald, 141, 149 Santellc E., 228 Thursby George, 166, 181 Lackey William, 392 NowSouth Wales Government, Sattler Hermar, 51, 57 Toms Thomas, 5 Lamb Walter, 76 5, 50, 12, 8b, ],22, 228 Sehilick A., 366 Toon Lce, 190 Latimer William, 374 Nash George, 279 Schinitz Frank, 342 Tout Thomas, 182 Lawson Leslie, 198 Neill Alexander, 250, 300 Schoffel Thomas, 285, 291 Trotter John, 366 Leahy James , 279 Nesbitt W. K., 206 Scott John, 334 Tucker George, 285, 317 Leaver Henry, 92 Newby Frederick, 392 Scott T. K., 342 Tuckwell Paterson, 129, 140 Lee W., 349, 356 Nicolls Louisa, 20 Scott James S., 342 Tumeth Edward, 114 Lenane William, 5, 35 Nicolls William, 243 Scouller A. H., 357, 373 Tunnicliffe, Francis, 257, 274 Leonard William, 263 Noad Jesse, 36, 400 Shankelton Robert, 5, 19 Turnbull Robert, 129, 165 Lewis H. V., 342, 865 Nolan Peter, 67 Shaw William H., 206, 274 Tyson Mrs. Emma, 20 Lockhart Charles, 107 North John, 67 Shelley Thomas, 374 Tyson Walter, 67 Loder Frank, 334, 365, 373 Nowlan Henry, 243, 280 Sheppard S. R., 292 Tytler Charles W., 99 Logue Daniel, 76, 91 Noy Michael, 326 Sheppeard Thomas, 384 Upton Edward, 301 Lomax J. R., 166 Oliver W. J., 392 Silk John, 107 Veesall C. W., 174 Lopers Charles, 166, 189 Onns E. J., 206 Simmons John IT., 123, 135 Vennell James, 198, 205, 309 Lovegrove James, 5, 27 Ormond & Brook, 36, 43 Simmons John, 190 Vickery James H., 279 Lovett William, 342 Outrad Mrs., 141 Simpson John, 136 Vines Isaac, 28 Louth William, 250 O'Brien William, 166 Sindell Robert, 366 Vodis John, 310 Lucas George W., 263, 300 O'Brien William, 257 Single Joseph D., 250 Wah Hop, 198, 213 Lusted George R., 36 O'Connell William, 366 Sheers George R., 301 Walker Charles, 92 Lynch John, 20, 43 O'Halloran Thomas, 366, 400 Slater William, 222 Walker R. Al., 319, 333 Macartney&Co., 44 O'Neill John, 92 Smelley James, 28 Wall James, 12 Mace Thomas, 319, 333 O'Sullivan Martin, 92 Smith T. H., 36 Wallace John, 92 Mackenzie Alexander, 158, 227 Paget Henry, 51 Smith William H. F., 44, 57 Walsh John, 141, 149 Maddrell R. J. C., 263 Paling W. H., 214 Smith William, 51 Walsh William, 182, 189 Magiven P., 374 Pallier Joseph, 92, 106 Smith John, 58, 75 Warren James F., 334, 341 Maher Michael J., 319, 333 Palmer Wilford, 257 Smith F. H., 190 Waterhouse Joseph, 334, 341 Mallon Henry, 190 Park A. L., 198, 249 Smith Charles, 250 Watkins William, 44 Maloney Matthew, 326 Park A. L., 222, 250, 309, 325 Smith William, 257, 300 Watkins S. R., 349 Mangan Edward, 206, 227 Parker Martin, 58 Smith George, 263 Watson Thomas, 326, 865 Manning Michael, 236, 280, 3C5 Parker Edward, 92 Smith Brothers, 374 Watts Henry, 257 Markel Louis, 136 Parks J. F., 27.4 Smith John, 381, 391 Welch Maurice, 222 Marley William, 51 Pascoe William II., 381, 391 Solomon Charles Edn ard, 174, Wells G. J., 250 Marsden Thomas, 141, 173 Passlow George, 129 189 West Frederick, 366 Marshall Patrick, 326, 356 Patterson Alexander, 236 -Somers Frederick, 114,135 Westaway John, 136, 165 Martin Denis, 158 Pearce John, 174 Sommerlad, John Henry, 190 Westgarth George, 222, 235 Matchett William, 342 Pedrane & Houston, 114 Souter George, 374 Wheeler George, 123 Mathison William, 51 Peek Ficen, 85, 91 Squires Edward, 166, 173 White Henry, 92, 98 Matthews Thomas, 292 Peevies John, 326 Stall George, 401 White Hon. James, 285, 291 Maxwell W., 292 Perkins George, 129 Stewart 0., 206 Whitney James, 36 Maxwell Arthur, 366, 391 Perrot Charles, 366, 383 Stewart James H., 292 Wickham Francis E., 236, 249 Melton William J., 190 Phelps George, 12 Strickland Herbert, 319 Wigg Herbert Valiant, 129, 140 Middleton W. S., 292 Phillips R., 357 Stubley Thomas, 58 Wilkins George, 271, 280 Miller William, 5 Pierce John, 285 Stevens Anthony, 334 Williams Edward, 174 Mitchell James, 12 Pigram Henry, 92 Stevens Henry J., 392 Wilson Samuel, 166 Mitchell Thomas, 92 Pitt, Son, & Badgery, 401 Stranger N., 366, 400 Wilson William, 342, 356 Mitchell & Son, 292 Poole J., 279 Sullivan Daniel, 5, 189 Wing Lee, 150 Mitchell Thomas, 342 Poole Benjamin, 349, 365 Sullivan John, 292, 3C0 Winkle Thomas, 129 Mitchelmore Jabez, 123 Postmaster-General, 123,1 27,140 Sullivan Michael, 366, 383 Winkle Thomas, 141 Mobley Thomas, 263, 274 Powell F. A., 150, 169 Sullivan Cornelius, 401 Winter George, 136, 140 T toffitt John, 20 Press Alfred, 228 Sutcliffe,, John, 392 Winter Irving, 384 Monaghan Ellen, 182 Pritchard W., 123 Sutton Peter, 5 Woddingbam Edward, 263 Mooney Robert, 334, 348 Pritchard Rev. Mr., 174, 189 Tancred Thomas, 20 Woodman Charles, 67 Moore Jobn, 36, 135 Probst H., 182, 189 Taylor Patrick J., 331 Wright Thomas, 76 Moore H. H., 401 Purcell Edward, 301 Taylor Henry, 366, 383 Wright Frederick, 271 Moree Police, 228, 280 PurtellJohn, 190, 205 Thompson Rev. Mr., 36, 91 Yong Ho, 107 Morgan, James, 12, 50 Pye George, 392 Thompson E. J., 166 Yuelle G. H., 20, 43 Morris Charles, 292, 317 Quinlan James, 263, 309 Morrison John, 182 Quinn Michael, 20. 39 I M ortimer Willi am , 51 Qu inn M att h ew, 334 , 35 6 Moses Henry, 150, 300 Ranclaud A. B., 334, 356 Igo James, alias Gig, alias Mel- Infant, body of, found oft Burns-st. Moss Harry G.. 384 Real John, 334, 356 bourne, 137 Darling Harbour, 371 Moulder W. N., 301 Reardon Patrick, 67 Imber William, 287 Infant, body of, found at Ashfield, Moy Sing, 51 Reeves William, 250 Imrie Robert, 151 371 Muston A., 319 Reeves William, 257 Infant, body of, found in Yass Infant, body of, found in Edwards Mutton Daniel S., 349 Regan Daniel, 349 river, 19 river, Deniliquin, 381 M'Chesher T., 357 Reilly William, 310 Infant, body of, found at Mount Infant, body of, found off Cleve- M'Cormack Michael, 99, 135 Relton Thomas, 384 Carmel, 81, 89 land-street, Redfern, 381 M'Cormisky J. S., 357 RiceGeorge, 342, 356 Infant, remains of, found is a, Ingall Robert, 205 M`Crea Myles, 206, 374 Richards Charles, 279, 37 quarry at Milparinka, 115 Ingham Stephen, 9 M'Diarmid James, 357 Richardson T. L., 158, 189 Infant, body of, found at Peter- Inglis John, 45 M'Donald John, 67 Riddle John, 123 sham, 219 Inglis Brown & Co., 295, 304, 321 M'Donald James, 99 Riley Henry, 12 Infant,body of, found at Watson's Inglis James, 368 M'Donald Alexander, 214 Roach James, 5 Bay, 233 Ingram Samuel James, 165 M'Donald J., 271 Robb & Co.,°401 Infant, body of, found at Rush- Ingram Lilian, 165 M'Donald Colin, 384 Roberts Henry, 174 cutter's hay, 233 Ingram Jane, or Bourke, or O'Brien, M'Donad Frank R, 198 Roberts Cliailea, 271 Infant, body of, found in Sussex- 372 M'Donnell Robert, 99 Robertson John, 334 street, 255, 277 Inverell, silver watch found, 86 M'Donough Dr., 114, 300 Robinson Charles, 5, 27 Infant, body of, found at Balmain, Inverell Post Office, letter contain. M'Dould Alexander, 123 Robinson A. C., 334, 341 307, 323 ing cheques lost, 221 M'Gee Edward, 36 Bock John, 123 Infant, body of, found at Parra- Ireland w illiam, 14 M'Ghee Charles, 326 Rockell Charles, 263, 280 matta, 315, 323 Ireland Edward, 71 M'Guinneas William, 271 Rogers RioLard, 36, 57 Infant, body of, found in Belmore Ireland James, 354 M'Guren Frederick, 190, 205 Rogers James, 44, 149 Park, 315, 324 Ironside Frederick, 74 M'Intyre Duncan, 357 Rogers Alexander . 326 , 341 Infant , bod y of, found at Surry Irvine Edward , 23 M'Keown & Nesbitt, 349 Rowles Henry, 190, 197 Hills, 324 Irvine Charles, 87 M'Laugblin James, 366, 391 Rudd John, 401 Infant, body of, found at Bathurst, Irvine Alexander, 108 M'Leaa James, 263 Rumpf John, 158 324, 329 Irvine Mrs. J. C., 179 M'Namara Stephen, 292 Ryall J. J., 357 Infant, body of, found at Lavender Irvine James; 208 M'Naughton Donald, 174 Ryan, Patrick, 5 Bay, 353 16 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Irvine Rev. Arthur Trevor D'Arcy, Isaac's Pawn Office, 56, 227 Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries - continued :-- 390 Isaacson Isaac, 351 On fire of locomotive workshop at the , Irwin Andrew, 26 Islip John, 360 262 Irwin & Dredge , 283, 289 Ismail -, 30 On fire of weatherboard building at Junee, the property of James Isaac Mark , 207, 287 Israel Mr., 248 Noble, 214 Isaac John Thomas, 271 Israel Joseph, 258, 275 On fire of house at Leichhardt of Thomas English (arson), 277 Isaacs Frederick, 78 Israel's Pawn Office, 34 On fire of two stacks of Hay at Gilmore Creek, Tumut District, the Isaacs , Mark, 312, 351 Italia Dyon, 183 property of Henry Walker, 283, 289 Isaacs Mark , alias Arthur Welsh, Ivell John, 145 On fire of premises , 5, Macquarie-place, Sydney, the property of E. alias Johnson, alias Jim Crow, Ivell, Thomas, 145 Terry, Ryde, and occupied by Messrs . Bruce & Massey, and 351 Ives Mary, 37 Irwin & Dredge, 283, 289 Isaacs Isaac Lewis, 400 Ivey P. B. & Co., 69, 79 On fire of barn containing hay, maize, farm implements, &c., at Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries :- Swan Bay, Woodburn, the property of James O'Connor, 283 On fire of dwelling house, at Bourke, supposed to have been set fire On fire of " Prince of Wales Hotel " at Grenfell, the property of to by Ellen Cronan, 2 Isabella Dorcas Davoren, 299, 307 On fire of dwelling house, at Tingha, the property of Sing Kong On fire of building in East-street, Narrandera , the property of Yee, 2 Henry B. Underwood, 299, 323 On fire of warehouse, at Wagga Wagga, the property of Sarah On fire of house of John Mitchell at Dungog, 307 Evans, 2 On fire of store at Burraga, the property of Ebenezer John Fox, On fire of kitchen at Bombala, occupied by John Langhorne, and 331, 339 owned by Thomas Moore, 17, 33 On fire of store of Robert Graham at Junee, 333 On fire of brush fence at Yammatree, Gundagai, the property of On fire of weatherboard building on the Albury-road, Corowa, the William Hobart Smith, 22 property of Frederick W. Brown, 339, 353 On fire of store at Ballina, the property of John Eyles, 25 On fire of weatherboard cottage on the Albury- road, Corowa, the On fire of shed, two buggies and six sets of harness, the property of property of John W. I. Wyse, and occupied by Francis J. V. Wilson, Bunna Bunna Station, Kerramingby, 25 Gallagher, 339, 353 On fire of store at Casino, the property of T. B. Gulley, 33 On fire of " Rising Sun Hotel" and contents, Cudgellico, occupied On fire of dwelling house and saw-mill at Kangaroo Valley, Shoal- by Joseph Pemberton, and a General Store the property of haven, 41 Chong Lee, and occupied by George Choon, 344 On fire of store at Uralla, the property of Elizabeth Cooper, and On fire of store at Canowindra, the property of Thomas Clyburn, occupied by Vessrs. Ferguson and Grimwood 41, 47 and occupied by John Boyd, 351 On fire of shed and spring-cart, the property of Edward Slaven, of On fire of house at Granville, the property of W. D. Richie, 354 Bannister, 47 On fire of house at Cootamundra, the property of Francis Gralton, On fire of barn, 250 bushels maize , tools, &c., at Kinchela Creek, 354 Arakoon, the property of John Dodds, 55, 63 On fire of " Old Cemmercial Hotel" at Woodburn, the property of On fire of wooden dwelling at Hopefield, near Corowa, the pro- George Gollane, 363, 381 perty of Robert Carson, 66 On fire of St. Ann's parsonage and stables at Ryde, 363, 381 On fire at Charles Waters' Hotel, at Collarendabri, 73 On fire of "Piney Range Hotel " at Walbundrie, the property of On fire of stable, shed, and chaff-house, the property of Jas. William Kiddie, and occupied by James Galloway, 371 Creech, on the Grenfell Road, Young, 73, 81 On fire of wooden building, at Fig Tree, near Wollongong, the On fire of dwelling house at Billabong Creek, Jerilderie, the pro- property of John Rankin, 376 perty of John A. Brett, 80 On fire of store and dwelling at Anvil Creek, near Greta, the On fire of residence of Mrs. Sarah Brown, Castlereagh-street, Red- property of John Redgrove, 376 fern, 97 On fire of the "Gladstone Hotel" and contents, on the Gunbar-road On fire of dwelling house of Helena Morgan, Cootamundra, 97 near IHillston, 376 On fire of the " Freemason's Hotel," Bombala, 97 On the body of a man, name unknown, found in the water at On fire of log fencing at Lanyon, near Queanbeyan, the property of Cowper Wharf, bay, on the 4th instant, by Messrs. Cunningham, 101 John Cullen, identified as William Williams, 6, 14 On fire of sheep-yard at Therembone Creek, near Coonamble, the On the body of a newly-born female infant, found in the Yass property of James Juchan, junior, 108 River, 9 On fire of boot factory at Goulburn, the property of Chas. Gillespie, On the body of a man, unknown, found near the Merri Abba 111 Lagoon, Uabba run, Cudgellico, identical with a man named On fire of store, at Urana, the property of Chas. Snellgrove & Son, J. Delamere, 14 trading as Goran & Co., 115, 119 On the body of a man, unknown, found in the water at foot of On fire of hay-shed and straw at Sheep Station Creek, neer Bina- Bathurst-street, 14 long, the property of Phillip Dwyer, 119 On the body of a man, supposed to be R. Berger, found on the On fire of " Imperial Club Hotel," at Bourke, owned by Edward Caroona run, Barrier Ranges, Milparinka, 22 Healer, and occupied by A. J. O'Grady, 119, 133 On the body of Duncan McIntyre, a seaman, employed at the wreck On fire of store at Plattsburg, occupied by George Lonsdale, and of the Cahors, 22 owned by Isabella Hogg, 120 On the remains of a man, unknown, found in the bush, on the On fire of "Southern Cross Hotel," Forbes, the property of Michael Haystack Plains, Bundabrena Run, Collarendabri, 22 Dwyer, 124 On the body of a man, unknown, found in the bush near the Two On fire of weatherboard cottage on the Zetland Estate, Waterloo, Hills Hotel, Wonnaminta Run, Milparinka, 22 the property of John Manning, 133 On the remains of a man, supposed name William Thomas Cowling, On fire of stable and two hay-sheds, and 90 tons of hay at Coomoo found in the mountains near Faulconbridge, Penrith, 37 Coomoo Station, Blaekville, the property of Messrs. Lamb On the body of a man, unknown, found in a tank on the Lerida and Roberts, 133 Run, near Cobar, 38 On fire of unoccupied house at Tatham, near Casino, the property On the body of Peter Johnston, found drowned near Goodlet and of Edward Riordan, 133 Smith's yard, Pyrmont, 41 On fire of store at Goulburn, the proper`y of Messrs. Turner Bros. On the body of a man named William Lowe, found in a well on 143 the premises of George Jones, on the Cook's River-road, On fire of store at Burraga, the property of E. J. Fox, 147, 187,195 Sydney, 53, 55 On fire of threshing machine, the property of Messrs. .Dunn Bros. On the body of a man, unknown found in the , at Crystal Brook, Guyra, 147, 155 Wagra Bowna, 61 On fire of shed and stable at Cave Creek, Cargo Reacl, Orange, the On the body of a man, unknown, found dead near Auburn Railway property of John M`Cutcheon, 147 station, with a recently discharged pistol in his hand, 61 On fire of fence at Cave Creek, Orange, the property of Andrew On the body of Mrs. Julia Hawkins, who died suddenly at her M`Cutcheon, 152 residence, 3;6 Palmer-street, 61 On fire of wool-shed at North Logan, near Cowra, the property of On the body of a man, name unknown, killed by train on railway J. J. Sloan, 163 line at West Mead, near Parramatta, 22 On fire of store at Haydonton, the property of Mr. Bond, and On the body of a man, unknown, found on the old Bogan-road, occupied by Frederick Ruthe, 168 Corongo Peak Run, near Cobar, 30 On fire of an unoccupied dwelling house, Anson-street, Orange, the On the body of a man, named Patrick Mclnerny, found with a property of Thos. Tom. Lane, 189, 201 wound in his head in George-street, and removed to the On fire of weatherboard dwelling house in George-street, Albury, Sydney hospital, where he died, 30 the property of John Silvey, 203 On the body of a man, name unknown, found between Chowar and On fire of shed containing hay, at Manila River, the property of Noorong Runs, Moulamein, 66 James Potter, 211 On the body of Teresa Fussell, drowned at Kurnell, Botany, 66 On fire of " Royal Hotel," Port Macquarie, the propert of Patrick On the body of Frank Bowen, who was found on the railway line, O'Neill, 225, 241 near Wells-street bridge, Redfern, 66 On fire of cottage at Granville, owned by Annie Lee, and occupied On the body of a man, name unknown, found floating in the Pater- by the Granville Building Society, 255 son River, near Woodville, 66 On fire of wooden store at Wilds' Meadows, near Berrima , the pro- On the body of a man, name unknown, drowned off the pier at perty of William Moses, and occupied by J. Ferguson, 259 Brightside, Manly, on 6th February, 1886, 77 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1880. 17

Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries-continued:- Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries-continued:- On the body of a man, name unknown, found on Merungle Run, On the body of a man, found in the cavity of a tree in the bush near near Booligal, by Robert Ross, 77 Sunny Corner, Brindabella , Kiandra District, and identified as On the body of a newly born female infant, found buried in the James Kennedy, 295 sand at Mount Carmel, 81, 89 On the body of a man , supposed name George Thompson , who died On the remains of a man, name unknown, found near Native Dog in a hut at Cooyal , near Mudgee , on the 19th September, 1886 Hollow, Bunnerong Road, Sydney, 86 (suicide), 304 On the remains of a man, name unknown, found in the bush on On the body of a newly born female infant , found on the footway in Comiala Run, near Cassilis, 86 Darling -street, Balmain , 307, 323 On the body of a man, name unknown, found hanging to a tree, bank On the body of a newly born female infant, enclosed in an old sugar of the , Carroll, 100 bag, found near a waterhole in Pitt Row -street, South , Parra- On the body of a man, name unknown, found floating in the water matta, 315, 823 at Berry's Bay, North Shore, on 31st March, 108 On the body of a newly born male child , wrapped in a piece of On the remains of an infant, found in a quarry near the Royal Hotel, calico and copy of the Evening News , dated 10th August, 1886, Milparinka,115 found in Belmore Park , opposite Gipps -street, 315, 324 On the body of a man , known only as "the Soldier," found at the On the body of a man, name unknown , found floating in the sea at boundary of Oak Forest and Thelery Runs, near Moulamein, 124 Bombo , near Kiama, 317 On the body of a man, named John Newall, found in the water at On the body of a newly born male infant, found dead in a lane off Rushcutter's Bay, 124 Arthur-street , Surry Hills, on 7th October, 324 On the remains of a man, unknown, found in the bush near Ash- On the body of a newly born female infant , found in a stable on ford,130 the premises of J. E . Tonkin, Surrey Cottage , Russell-street, On the remains of a man, unknown, found in the Mooki River, near Bathurst , 324, 339 , 135 On the body of a man known only as "Tom ," who died at Blacktown, On the body of a man, unknown, found in Darling Harbour at foot on the 26th September , from injuries accidentally received on of Liverpool-street, 135 the Railway Line, 325, and subsequently indentified as John or On the body of a man, supposed name "Parkes," found in the bush Thomas M'Laughlan, 391 at Freshwater Creek, near Wallsend, 143 On the body of William Gatton , a butcher at Tableland , Emmaville, On the remains of Thomas Christie, found in Kangaroo Creek, accidentally drowned while crossing the Mole River, 333 National Park, district of Liverpool, 145 On the body of a man known only as " Charley ," found on the On the nude body of a young man, unknown, found in the bed of Warren -Quambone Road, 344 the Barwon Biver, near Brewarrina, 149 On the body of a man supposed to be Owen Quigley , found floating On the body of a man, supposed name William Dalgo, found in a in the , near Euromedah, 344 . nude state on the road between Wilcannia and Canulpa Downs, On the body of a man found floating in the water at the foot of near Milparinka, 168 Liverpool -street , identified as the body of Anthony Jewel, 344 On the body of a man, name unknown, lost overboard from s.s. On the body of a woman, unknown, found in the water; near Guy's "Namoi," between Sydney and Newcastle, 175 Wharf, Blackwattle Bay, 350 On the bodies of Antonia Pottymutus, Jacob Hudson, and Maude On the body of a man named Isaac Isaacson, found floating in the Campbell, drowned in the wreck of the " Ly-ee-moon," 17', 347 water at Guy's Wharf, Blackwattle Bay, 351 On the body of a man, name unknown, found drowned in Lavender On the body of Arthur Blyth, who committed suicide at Newtown, Bay on 4th June, 1886, 175 by cutting his throat, 353 On the body of a man, name unknown, found hanging to a wire On the body of Edith Mary Blyth, who was murdered at Newtown, fence at nine-mile change, Gunbar Road, Hillston, 175 by her husband Arthur Blyth, 353 On the body of a man, name unknown, found in an unconscious On the body of Jane Vibert, or Jane Spreake Garden, who was state in a mud hole near Goangera, Walgett, 175 murdered at Black Range, near Albury, by Phillip Vibert, 353 On the body of John Frederick Holm, a seaman of the schooner On the body of Phillip Vibert, who committed suicide at Albury, " Morning Light," found in the water at Smith's Wharf, 181 353 On the body of a coloured man, named Edward Matthews, a cripple, On the body of a newly born male infant , found floating in the water who was washed off the rocks at Bombo, Kiama, 189 at Lavender Bay, 353 'On the body of Hans Hansan, drowned by the capsizing of a boat On the body of a man , supposed name James Cochrane , found in the at Merimbula, near Pambula, 197 Billabong Creek , Mahonga , Urana, 360 On the decomposed remains of a man, found in the Hunter River at On the body of a man, name unknown, found above high water- West Maitland, 197 mark in the Mangroves , at Muddy Creek , Arncliffe, 360 On the body of Elizabeth Martin, found drowned at Reef Beach, On the body of a man named Thomas Ryan , found floating in the North Harbour, Manly, 203, 211 water at Blackwattle Bay, 360 On the body of Joseph Salt, whose death was caused in a fight with On the body of a newly born female infant found in a lane off John Egan, 211 Burns-street , Darling Harbour, 371 On the body of a newly born female infant, found on the premises On the body of a newly born female infant , found in a lane off of Mr. Richardson, Railway Crescent, Petersham, 219 Albert Parade, Ashfield, 371 On the bodies of Charles Thompson and Richard Rolfes, drowned On the body of a man, named William Ridgway Jackson, found on while fishing at Little Bay, 220 the reserve at Watson 's Bay, 376 On the body of a man, found entangled in a wire fence in Mr. Kite's On the body of Frederick Berndt, who died at "Uhde 's Grand paddock, near the Bell River, Molong, 230 Hotel", Wynyard Square , after eating some bread and butter On the body of James Blackwood, who was washed off the rocks which had been poisoned for rats, 376 and downed while fishing at Long Point, Shellharbour, 230 On the body of a lad named John Macnamee , found dead in a water- On the body of a newly born male infant, found on the beach, below hole at Farrells ' Tannery , Concord, 376 high water mark, at Watson's Bay, 233 On the body of a man, name unknown , found on the Culpolan Run, On the body of a female infant, found on the rocks at high water near Wilcannia, 376 mark, Rushcutter's Bay, 233 On the body of a man, supposed name James Wi ll iams, found dead On the body of a man, name unknown, found in the bush on the in a tent in the bush near the Woodville Road , Granville, 376 Gnomery Run, near Tatala, 237 On the remains of a man found in the fork of a fallen tree on the On the body of a man, name unknown, found at the corner of Maryvale Run, near Edenhope , Victoria, 379 Bethel and George streets, on the 3rd inst, 242 On the body of a male infant , found floating in the Edwards River, On the body of a man, name unknown, found floating at the Tas- near North Deniliquin, 381 manian wharf, Sussex-street, on 17th July, 251 On the body of a newly born child , found at the rear of Gordon's On the body of a newly born female child, found under some steps hay and corn store Cleveland-street , Redfe rn , 381, 389 leading from Sussex-street to the Hunter River Co.'s wharf, On the body of a man, name unknown, who fell overboard from the 255, 277 steamer "Bourke" in the Darling River , near Culpaulin Station, On the body of Rhoda Caroline Reynolds, murdered by her husband Wilcannia, 383 Alfred Reynolds, at Newtown, 255 On the body of Raglan Davey, of Albury, found drowned in the On the body of Mrs Osborne, a steerage passenger from New Zea- Murray River with his throat out, 383, 389 land to Sydney, in the s.s. " Wakatipu," who jumped overboard On the body of a man, name unknown , found on the Olive Downs and was drowned, 259 Run, near Tibooburra, 391 On the bodies of Mary Ellen Parker and Edward George Parker, On two bodies , found drowned at Go ff' s Harbour , South Solitary found hanging at No. 4 Darlington-terrace, Forbes-street, Island , re collision of the steamships " Keilawarra " and "Helen Darlington, 261 Nicholl," 400 On the body of Emily Margaret Winning, who died at her parents residence, Balmoral Avenue, Rosedale, 265, 269 J On the body of a man, name unknown, found in the bush at Milrae Run, near Walgett, 124 Jack -, or Haddon-Rig Jack, 2 Jackson Campbell, 38 On the body of the newly born female infant of Harriet Jane Jack -, 290 Jackson Alfred, 74, 82 Williams, found in Macquarie River, at Wellington, 289 Jaekey Monday, 79 Jackson Thomas, 93 On the body of Arthur Durant, found in an inconscious state in Jacko William, 231 Jackson F. J., 97 Crown-street, Woolloomooloo, and removed to Sydney Infirmary, Jackson William, 11 JacksonJohn, 101 where he died, 291 Jackson Mary, or Taylor, 21, 80 Jackson George, 101 B fiEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE Il DEX-Y8M

Jackson John, 124 Jin ,Gong, 14 Jones John , 46 Tomes William, 296 Jackson henry , 125 Jinks John, 31 Jones Henry , 53 Jones V'., 299 JaA's6 Mrs., 143, 160, 201, 209 Jobson William, 92 Jones Emily, 56 Jones John, 345 Jackson David, 144 Jobson Tobert, 360 Jones Thomas , 79, 110 Jones Thomas ,_ 361, 370 J'ackkoi3f?edericb , Zj Jbhanso i At t Ruston, 179 Jones W . '. .79 Jduee Icli$a, 863 xa'Asi it sde, 1$3, 259 ;r , ii - , Wit t s Norton- 103, ,06i -ob i, 3 Jackson grace , or Holland, or John Young (t). 30 Its J 'ivgWIl 4i0, a.* WLean , 223 John - , 47 Jones Frank AT., 109 J`onesThornas, 886 Jackson Annie , 244 John Rmbxie . (S.5.Islander), 0 Jones Annie, 109 JoinerRliza beth., 390 con .--, 248 John-, 204 Jones George, 111, 125, 185 Jones John, 40L r"abkson Kate; alias Annie Williams, Johnby Bungaee, 77 Jones Trevor, 112 125 Jorieshill Evan , aliai George 272 Johnson Thomas, 3 Jones Ethel, 112, 115 Bright, 70 Jackson alias Connors , alias John Johnson Charles, 6 Jones John, 120, 131 Jong Bang (Ch.), 4'6 O'Conndr , alias Foster , alias Johnson George L.; 61 Jones Rueben, 130, 238 Joons Septinius, 101 Bernard Brady , 296 Johnson John, 64 Jones Wiliiam, 133 Jordan Edward, 35 Jaaek'son Henry , 300 Johnson alias William Learning, 98 Jones James, 137 Jordan Ellen, 73, Jackson Henry L., 308 Johnson Robert , alias Watt, 101, 100 Jones Thomas, 160 JordanJoseph,, 90 i ek"son George , alias Denis Johnson Henry, 147 Jones Harry, 169 Jordan Henry E ,, 102 Keliher, 316, 352 Johnson James, alias Timothy Jones Harry, .180 Jordan John, 113 3'heksoii Alfred , 341 Fogarty, 151 Jones Jones, 184 Jordan Adam, 168 3ackson Hannah , 368 Johnson Isaac, or Jackson, 160 Jones Thomas , 191, 238 Jordan Michael, 309 Jackson William Ridgeway , 376 Johnson Charles, 161 Jones Williani, 191 Jordan John P., 402 rJy ,sob Mieh ter, 188 Johnson Thomnas,173 Jones William , alias Rogers, alias Jorgenson J., 216 dacdb s Harry, 75, 103 . JohnsoiiT hbmas, 188 Trafford, Alias Wrench , alias Jory John, 86 Jacobs Louisa Sarah, 75 Johnson John, 223 Carolin, alias Roberts, 193 Joseph Miss, ,180, 230 Jacobs George Lewis, 102 Johnson ff., 226 Jones William, 196 Joseph Mr., 255 lacbbs Williat, 145 Johnson Charles, 229 Jones John, 199 Joseph B enjamin, 289 Jacobs William; 141 Johnson Alfred, 245 Jones Francis Michael,199 Josephs Mrs., 10 Jacobs Nathaniel , 281, 3Q5 Johnson William Henry, 245 Jones John C., 200 Josephs Alexander, 68, 60 Jacobs Morris , 2$1, 305 Johnson Charlotte, 245 Jones Margaret, 204 Josephs Maurice, 180 fao s William, 341, Johnson Jessie May, 252 Jones William, 216 Josephs Otto, 290 Jac son Heinrich, 295 Johnson, John 253 Jones Henry, 217 Joseph's Pawn Office, 140, 156, Jager Henry, 144, 314 Johnson Edward, 281 Jones John Steadman, 225 164, 278, 372 'xahger Riiza lane', 191 Johnson John, 286, 305 Jones John, 227 Joyce John , 139, 153 James Henry D., 37, 46, 54 Johnson Thomas , alias Hodgetts, I Jones John, 231 Joyce Mary , alias Maguire, 265 James Annie, 59 296 Jones William Leslie, 251 Juan Antonio, 280 James Henry, 61 Johnson N., 325, 845 Jones Mary Ellen, 251 Juchan James, 108 1 James Harry, or Samms, or Sum- Johnson Thomas Bowers, 333 Jones Joseph, 256 Judd Edward, 122 iners, 73 Johnson Elizabeth, 336 Jones Mary , 258, 267 Julliot Charles, 333 James Edward, 103 Johnson Thomas, 338 Jones William Williams , 272, 295 Junge Herman, 156 James Sydney, 125 Johnson Matilda, 344 Jones T., alias A. Palmer , alias Jupp Samuel, 145 James Henry, 151 Johnson Arthur, alias Jim Crow, Thomas, 281 Jupp William, 145 flames Mary, 151, 193 alias Mark Isaacs , alias Arthur Jones E., E., 266 Jupp James, 179 James E. A., 159 Welsh, 351 Jones William, 205 Juzot Henry, 6 James William , 211 Johnson Neil , 352 James alias John Duffy, 272,303 Johnson John, 856 K James Mary, 281 Johnson Henry, 364 Kablar Augusta, 352 " Keilawarra " steamship sank off James Robert, 325 Johnson Jams W., 383 Kader Abdul, 137 the South Solitaries on the 8th Jamieson Edwin, 30 Johnson John Walker A., 386 Kahn Joubah, 53 December , 1886 , through col- Jamieson Frank, 37 Johnson Andrew, 390 Kahn Doulah, 52 lision with steamship " Helen Jansen , Jacob, 140 Johnson A. F., 396 Kain Rose, 316 Nichol," and 38 persons Jantapis Charles, 138 Johnstone George William, 19, Kalof Frederick, 79 drowned, 400 Jardine David, 340 39, 46 Kammeritz Von Leo Freihen, 49 Keir Crawford, 14 Jarman William, 402 Johnstone Frederick Thomas, 38 70, 80 Keith William, 156 Jarrett Alfred, 56 Johnstone James, alias William Kamprad G. A., 18 Kelcly Lewis, 316, 329 Jarrett hlizabeth, 200 White, 39 fKane Patrick, 151, 185 Keleher Andrew, 102 Jarvis Sarah, 197 Johnstone Peter, 41 Kanfline Vincent, senior, 61 Keleher & Eviston, 303 Jarvis Charles, 220 Johnstone Henry, 52 Kanfline Vincent , junior, 61 Keleher Denis , alias George Jack- Jaye Robert 26, 46 Johnstone Charles, 61 Kangaroo Valley, Petty Sessions son, 316, 352 Jeffrey Mary , 111, 119 Johnstone John, 106 established, 299 Keleher Robert, 336 Je ffrey John, 369 Johnstone Michael, 109 Kangas Abel , 128, 242 Kellar Lena, 223 Jelfs William A., 288 Johnstone alias Thomas Rundle, Kavanagh Charles, 60 Kelleher John, 27 Jemmy Sweeny (ab.), 145 alias James Pierce, 109 Kay Harry, 355 Kelleher Michael, 29, 39 Jemmy the Cook , alias James Johnstone Alfred, 120 Kay Henry, 365 Kelleher Agnes, 29 Hockly, 235 Johnstone George, 134 Keane Harlo, 26 Keller Cornelius, 155 Jenkins William , 21, 177 Johnstone William, 145, 160 Keane John , 90, 169 Kellond George, 97 Jenkins Frank, 38 Johnstone James, 149 Kearney Joseph, 30 Kelly Thomas, 14 Jenkins Joseph, 176 Johnstone alias Emmett, alias Kearney Denis, 31 Kelly & Spohn, 23 Jenkins James Thomas, 180 Richard Thompson, 152 Kearney John, 386 Kelly Thomas, 26 Jenkins Jeremiah, 258 Johnstone Mrs., 163, 287 Keating Albert, 143 Kelly Martin , 29, 201 Jenkins William, 324 Johnstone George, 215 Keating Martin, 274 Kelly Edward, 45 Jenkins Robert, 327 Johnstone Samuel, 226, 253 Keber Charles, 160 Kelly James, 53 Jenkins Alfred, 382 Johnstone Henry, alias Thomas Keefe James, 266 Kelly Timothy, 109 Jenkins Francis, 402 Trotter, alias Trenton, 235 Keegan Michael, 57 Kelly Thomas, 121, 173 Jennings Alfred, 177 Johnstone John, 237 Keegan Michael , 75, 152 Kelly Patrick, 151 Jens6n Charles, 79 Johnstone David, 272 Keegan George, 83, 131 Kelly Charles, 191 Jerrard Al fred C., 358 Johnstone Mrs., 272 Keegan G eorge, 145 Kelly Joseph D., 192 Jerreat William , 284, 317, 398 Johnstone William B., 295 Keegan George, 307 Kelly John, 205 Jessep James Adolphus, 157 Johnstone Edward , alias Burt, 304 Keele Thomas W., 180 , 189,196 Kelly Michael, 223 Jessop Alice, 354 Johnstone John W., 382 238, 246 Kelly Emma Jane, 264 Jeurgens Otto, 360 Johnstone Charles, 397 Keelty Thomas, 98, 110 Kelly John, 272 JeversOwen, 109 Joiner Robert, 251, 264, 386 Keen John, 30 Kelly G. B , 287 Jewel Martin C., 23, Jolly =, 59 Keen John, 113 Kelly James, 316 Jewellery , watches, &c., found in Jolly Wi lliam, alias Clarke, 122 Keen Thomas, 200 Kelly John, 332 possession of Antonio Pugliese , Jones James, alias Trevellyan, 14 Keen Charles, 301 Kelly Thomas, 332 64 Jones James T , 22 Keenan John Richard, alias Kelly John, 336, 346 Jewellery , found in possession of Jones William C., alias Pierce, 30 Richards, 73 Kelly Patrick, 360 offender, 125 , 131 Jones alias George Merritt, 30 Keenan Thomas, 86 Kelly Edward , J.P., 378 Jewellery , found in possession of Jones John, 38 Keenan Daniel, 338 Kelly Thomas, 397 offender , 189 Jones Frederick, 39 Keenan Catherine, 368 Kelly Patrick, 400 Jewellery , &c., found in lossession Jones hiss, 42 I eern = Williaan, 116 Kelsey Thomas, 196 of George How 11, 252 Jones William, 42 Keeshan Alfred, 156 Kelson Laurist, 373 Jim the Sailor, 377 Jones Mary , 43 Kee,son A. W ., 48 Belson Sophia , 373 Jimmy Sin Tong, 137, 153 Jones Sarah, 43 Keevers George, 74 Keltie Thomas, 272 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 19

Kemish, Bertie, 192 King William, 141, LahiffPatrick, 152 Laun Constable, 59 $emmis William H., 354 King Richard, 161 Laidlaw George, 2 Laurie Thomas, alias Brown, 53 Kendall Charlotte, 42 King James, 167 Laidlaw Walter, 89 Lavarn Edgar E., 34 Kendall Samuel, 68, 87 King Henry, 183, 217 Laird James, 163 Lavelle William, 137 Kendall Edward, 152 King William, 193 Laird Samuel, 267 Lavender Bay, body of man name Kendrew Leonard Henry, 341 King, alias Thomas Evans, 230 Lake Ellen, 286, 338 unknown found, 175 Kendrick Thomas, 325 King Henry, 244 Lalor, alias Martin, alias Thomas Lavender Bay, body of infant Kenna John, 242 King R. K., 316 Duffy, 274 found, 353 Kenna William, 313 King Jacob, 328 Lamb William, 9 Laventhall Jacob Lionel, 387 Kennedy James, 37 King Jeremiah, 337, 378 Lamb Maud, 52 Laver Henry E., 364 Kennedy James L., 42 King Mrs., 340 Lamb Thomas, 112 LavryJohn, 290 Kennedy P., 53 King Maud, 363 Lamb & Roberts, 133 Law G. F., 103 Kennedy Patrick, 59 King William, 369 Lamb John DeV., 184 Law Thomas, 192, 238, 296 Kennedy William, 130 King Catherine, 385 Lamb & M'Kenzie, 193 Law George, 201 Kennedy Mrs. J., 147 King Mary, 385 Lamb A., 265 Law Charles, 372 Kennedy Archibald, 183 King Frank Edward, 397 Lambert John, 10 Law Sarah, 395 Kennedy James, 208, 295 King Constable, 400 Lambert Robert, 146 Lawler John, 364 Kennedy Thomas, 215 Kingman Charles, 3 LambertWilliam, 146 Lawler John, 372 Kennedy Patrick, 225 Kingman John, 226 Lambert Louis, 304 Lawler Helen, 391 Kennedy William, 233 Kinlin James, 324 Lamb C. F., 347 Lawless Thomas, 364 Kennedy Charles, 244, 301 Kinnair Patrick, 216 Lambkin George, 243 Lawless Edmund, 386 Kennedy Mary, 241 Kinnear Eliza, 74 Lambton Arthur Gercrd, 183 Lawrence Edward, 30 Kennedy Roger J., 273 Kinniff Patrick, 252 Lamond Thomas, 355 Lawrence George, 121, 146,336 Kenned y Isabella , 311 Kinnell John , 355 Lamont Esther , 31 Lawrence Catherine Mar y, 121 , Kennedy Sarah, 373 Kinriss Robert, 148 Lamont William, 216 146,336 Kennedy Mrs., 390 Kinshela Michael, 314 Lamont John, 390 Lawrence Robert, 137 Kennedy Charles, 391 Kipman Victor, 184 Lamph Joseph, 397 Lawrence George, 215, 288 Kennedy Thomas, 391 Kippin James, 335, 391 Lampson John, alias The Novice, Lawrence Mary, 215 Kenny James, 272, 321 Kirby John, 102 27, 54 Lawrence William, 217 Kent James, 79 Kirby Elizabeth Maude, 251 Lampson Mary Ann, 27, 54 Lawrence Caroline, 316 Kent Mary Ann, 79 Kirby Margaret, 264, 282 Lampson Eugene, 53 Lawson Leslie, 197 Kent John, 124 Kirby John, 303, 314 Lampson Eugene, 395 Lawson John, 278 Kent Thomas, 128 Kirby Alberta, 400 Lancaster Alfred, 103 Lawson Joseph, 297 Kent Thomas W., 156 Kircaldy John, 226 Lancaster Annie Eliza, 213 Lawson Selina, 309 Kent Henry Thomas, 261 Kirche August, 340 Lancaster Henry, 332 Lawson Frederick, 337 Kent Elizabeth Blanche, 261 Kirchner Mrs., 290 Lancaster James W., 340 Lawson Charles, 348 Kenyon William Henry, 18, 64 Ki: k John Caswell, 106 Lance Walter, 208 Layt Frederick W., 248 Kenyon Joseph, 89 Kirk Annie E., 106 Lands Department, 320 Lazarus Ellen, 133 Kenyon Henry, 112 Kirk E., 270 Landsborough John, 188 Lazarus Simon, 331 Kenyon George, 284, 309 Kirk Rosetta, 281 Lane David, 49, 62 Lazarus' Pawn Office, 49, 90, 248, Keogh Patrick, 221 Kirkly William, 252 Lane Arthur, 59, 69 Layland Walter, 53 Keppie William, 144 Kirkpatrick Adam, 274 Lane Mrs., 84 Le Fave Mrs., 148 Keppie William, 217 Kirtin Edu ard, alias Robertson Lane Alexander, 100 Lead stolen at Heatheote, 269 Kermode Edward, 208 Houslar, 313 Lane Henry, 157 Lead stolen at Camperdown, 340 Kermond Alexander, 361, 387 Kiss George G., 109 Lane James, 177, 209, 218 Leahy Daniel, 274 Kerr Patrick William, 14 Kiss David, 113 Lane 'Thomas Tom, 189, 203 Learning William or Johnston, 98 Kerr Andrew Taylor, 35 Kitson Arthur, 242 Lane Daniel, 22(; Lean Gilbert, 128 Kerr Sarah, 61 Kitson Louisa, 23) Lane Willie, 301 Lc any Michael, 68 Kerr John, 160 Kitten Henry, 266 Lane John, 341 Leard James, 328 Kerr James, 193 Klein Francis, 193 Lang John, 251 Leary Daniel, 378,398 Kerr Thomas John, 280 Kline John, 402 Lang & Sons, 287 Lebon James, 82 Kerr Andrew, 332 Kluver Joe, 273, Lang Alexander, 312, 321 Leechi Joseph, 57 Kerr William, 315 Knapp, Mr., 234 Langan Patrick, 387 Leechi Sarah, 57 Kerr A. E., 355 Knauf Arthur, 230 Langford Arthur, 112, 138 Leek John, 389 Kerr Thomas, alias Aleck, 361 Knight G., 53 Langford Charles, 189 Lecount John, 321 Kervin Thomas, 249 Knight Maggie, 106 Langford George, 348 Leeount Michael, 321 Kerwin James, 200 Knight Sydney, 305 Langhorn John, 17, 33 LecountSamuel, 321 Kethel A., 283 Knight Mary Ann, 350 Langley Hector, 18 Lecussan Peter, 193 Keys William Thomas, 369, 378 Knight Richard Arthur, 350 Langley Charles Palias, Edgar, Ledger William, 369 393 Knight Kate, 390 Darnley, 141 Ledgin Peter, 270 Keyver Solomon , 30 Knoblanche C ., 196 Langridge Mrs , 47 Lee Henr y, 13, 79 Keyzor Louis H., 145, 153 Knocker Davi', alias Edwin Davis, LangstaffFrank, 34S Lee Sing, alias Ali Sam, 27 Kiandra, unclaimed property for 378 Langstreet Charles, 385 Lee Daniel, 29 sale, 33 Knoist Henry, 160 Langton James 1Z., 235 Lee Margaret, 29 Kibble Robert, 179 Knowles & Smith , 233, 246,361 Lanne W. C. , & Co. , 270 Lee William , 53 Kidd Thomas W., 120 KnowlesDavid, 301, Larch Hilchen Von, 192 Lee Francis, 83 Kidd Messrs. 157, 2G9 Knox William, senior, 145 Larden Harr v, 14) Lee William Patrick, 95 RiddleWilliam, 371 Knox William, junior, 145 Lardner Mary, 7 Lee Martha, 95 Kiddy Richard, 402 Knox Thomas Foster, 184 Lardner Caroline, 7 Lee Edward, 121 Kidman Joel, 217 Koepoacke John, 131 Large Edward,' 205 Lea Archibald, 149 Kidwill John, 164 Kogarah, Nuisance Prevention Larkham Thomas, 2,15 Lee Frederick, 181 Kiesel Alexander, 192 Act extended to, 363 Larkhan John, alias Rosbcry, 21, 62 Lee Catherine, 184 Kightly Frank, 197 Kolln Matthew, 272 Larkin John, alias William Martin, Lee J. W., B. Grosvenor, 207 Kilkelly John or Peters, 17 Koning Isaac, 122 70 Lee James St. John, 215 Killigrew Robert, 220 Kops S., 274 Larkin John, 122 Lee John Joseph, 242, 248 Kilminster, George, 233 Korff Fredrick, 128, 138 Larkin Jol,n, 197 Lee Annie, 255 Kimberley Thomas, 181 Krause George, 200 Larkins George, 11 Lee Simon (ch), 278 Kinchela William, 223 Krebs Daniel, or Cribb, 124 Larkins Thomas, 113 Lee John, 282 Kindt Emil, 75 Krenpzell, alias Kuhl, alias V. A. Larkins Mary, 113 Lee John, 303, 321 King Phillip Gidlev, 7 Trevenna, 332, 364, 378 Larsen Adolphus, 223, 232 Lee Thomas, 327 King Thomas James, 15 Krofer Louis, 39 Larsen Charlotte St. Clair, 223 Lee John, 333 King Thomas, 52 Kruger L., 216 Lascelles John, 358 Lee James George, 351, 378 King William, 53 Kubler John, 196 Lassam Maria, 8 Lee John & Co., 395 King , 56 Kuhl, alias Krenpzell, alias V. A. Lassell, alias Thcmas Nelson, alias Leek William, 272 King John Joseph, 86 Trevenna, 332, 361, 378 Tommy the Sloe lcr, 337, 378 LeonCornelius, 65 King Mary, 125, 131 Iiunze Paul, 75 Latham George, G1 Leer William, 68, 282 Latham F., 2 16 Leer Margaret, 181 L Latimer John, 345 Lees George, 45 Labeiye Ambrose, 364, 378 Lady's gold watch found near Latimer William, 373 Leos Arthur, 149, 208 Laby Thomas James, 45 Cleveland-st., 325 Latta Margaret, 35 Lees William James, 167 Lacey Matthew, 43 LaffeyMary, 355 Latter Albert, 355 Lees Arthur, 214 Lacey Henry, 175 Lagoon Billy, alias Steel, 352 Laubenfeld Henry, 391 Lees Emily, 351 Lacey Moses, 179 Laggan Patrick, 122, 138, 153 Laughton James R, 229 Leese Edwin, 131 Ladden Charles, 234 Lahcen Patrick, 64 Laughton John, 320 Leeson Ethel, 1301 20 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Lefferty Thomas, 207 Lilley Edward, 389 Longbottom John, 358 Ludwick Mr., 26 Legate, Harry, 116 Lilly Thomas Freeman, 106,113 Longfield Reginald, 18 Luke Thomas, 314 Legender J., 164 Lindsay William, 43, 62, 95 Lousdale George, 120 Lusted George R., 85 Leggett Harriett, 35 Lindsay Walter, alias Lynch, 70,80 Lopes Jose Francisco, 336, 352 Luton William, 75, 81, 87, 103 Leglume, alias Paul Dubois, alias Lindsay John, 115, 146 Lopes Victoria, 336 Luton William, alias James Ernest Denis Paul Modesto Lindsay John, 400 Lorimer Harry, 303 Hewitt, 305 Dufresnes, 75 Lindstrum Enmia, 79 Lotze Frank, 248, 256, 296 "Ly-ee-Moon," steamship, wrecked Lehaue Daniel, 234 Line John, 13, 79 Loudon William, 160 at Green Cape Point, May 30th, Leibendritt Frederick, 333' Line Walter, 124, 138 Lough J. J., 341, 360 1886, and upwards of 70 pas- Leigh -, 64 Linton Thomas, 79 Loughnane Michael, 192 sengers and crew drowned, 175, Leigh, alias Frank Wiseman Loder, Lions Peter, 90 Loughnane George, 255 187, 347 131 Lipman William, 289 Loughton Alice, 256 Lynagh Henry, 356 Leigh Stephen Thomas, 215 Lipscombe Thomas, 34, 70, 80 Louis Ferdinand, 3 Lynch Jeremiah, 11 Leigh Frederick, 295 Lipscombe T. Al., 109 Louis -, 6 Lynch James, 31 Leist Edward F., 26 Lipscombe Mrs., 204 Lound Frederick, 372 Lynch John, 38 Lemon William Edward, 192 Lipscombo Richard, 232 Louth William, 249, Lynch Margaret, 38 Lemon John, or Leonard, 245, 282 List Joseph, 148 Louvieres Count de, 226 Lynch Walter, alias Lindsay, 70, Lemon James, 260 Lithgow, Police Act extended to, Love Henry, 400 80 Len Sue, 368 255 Lovell Robert, 134 Lynch John, 78 Lenderer Adolph, 355 Little Herbert G., 15 Lovett John, 175, 185 Lynch John William, 93 Lenehan Michael, 109 Little Isaac, 54 Lovett Rose, 281 Lynch Peter, 98 Lennox Edward, 38 Little Francis, `3 Lowe William, 53, 55 Lynch Peter, 106 Lennox William Henry, 350, 361 Little, alias Reynolds, alias Wil- Lowe Frederick G., 62 Lynch Mary, 151 Lentague Dr., 171, 189, 201, 209 liam Rybes, 109 Lowe John, 101 Lynch Henry, 217 Lentawell Martin, 132 Little William, 111 Lowe Robert, 180, 238, 252 Lynch Mrs., 221, 232 Leonard Samuel Maitland, 113, Little Bap, two men, named Lowe George, 191 Lynch's Pawn Office, 248, 262 369 Charles Thompson and Richard Lowry Ellen, 155 Lynn William, 121 Leonard Blanche, 113 Rolfe, washed off rocks and Lowry John, 274- Lynn Peter, 309 Leonard Michael, 145 drowned, 220 Lowry Edward, 337, 345 Lyon Charles, 71 Leonard John, or Lemon, 245,282 Liverpool, Church of England, Lowther Edward, 11 Lyon Isaac Steel, 131 Leong Sing, 14 cassock stolen from, 247 Loxton C. C., 115 Lyons Mr., 70 Lepherd Ann, 26 Livingstone Colin, 50 Lubra Silver Mining Company, 266 Lyons Bandy, 111, 125 Lepropre Francois, 281 Livingstone John, 109 Lucas Albert, 245 Lyons Samuel, 139 Lerida Run, body of man, name Livingstone Duncan, 258 Lucas Charles, 287 Lyons Samuel, 187 unknown, found, 38 Livingstone Martin, alias William Lucas Joseph, 316 Lyons Elizabeth, 258 Leslie Charles, 193 Martin, alias Whittigan, 312 Lucas Mrs. Rose, 316 Lyons Samuel, 270 Leslie Charles C., 237 Livingstone Mary Ellen, 312 Luce George, 87 Lysaght Thomas, 34 Leslie Alice, 383 Livock Frederick, 100 Lucey, alias Elizabeth Bray, 192 Lyttle, Arthur Eustace, 275 Lespinasse de Pierre Hypolite Llewellyn Henry, 71 Luckett Hannah, 181 Arfenilliares , alias Hypolitc Ar- Llewellyn Edwin Jenkin Manton, fennilliere, 75 113 M Lessells James, 377, 387 Llewellyn William, alias Cameron, Lester Thomas, alias Coone, 81 alias Danvers, 131 MacLean William, 124 Maguire James, 115 Letter lost at Queanbeyan Post Lloyd Joseph, alias Fraser, 35 MacDermott Frank Small, 332 Maguire James, 137, 161 Office, 220 Lloyd John Charles, 61 Mace Robert, 377 Maguire Helena, 144, 252 Letter containing cheques to,t at Lloyd George A., 61 Macgregor George, alias Joseph Maguire John, 179 Inverell, 221, 259 Lloyd Joseph, 61 Ryan, 30 Maguire Mary, alias Joyce, 265 Letty Henry, 377 Lloyd Phoebe, 61 Macgregor Andrew, 61 Maguire James, 383, 391 Leudwin Alexander, 42 Lloyd Jemima, 62 Macintosh Mrs., 21, 31 Maher Patrick, 7 Lever Annie, 124 Lloyd Mr. H., 151 Macintosh Robert, 157 Maher Annie, 167, 184 Leverett James, 397 Lloyd Hugh, 199 Macintosh Frederick Richard, 193 Maher Michael, 274 Levick Mrs. Percy, 34 Lloyd Mary, 265 Macintosh Mrs., 207 Maher Michael, 9,00 Levick Mr., 56 Lloyd Nathaniel John, 286, 305 Macintosh Dr., 300 Maher Constable, 333 Leviek Frank, 287 Locke Stephen, 266 Macintosh Alexander, 372 Maher Patrick, 387 Levick James, 360 Lockery James, 192 Mack Joseph, 241, 245 Maher M. J., 398 Levin, alias Louis Cligny, 6 Locket Thomas , alias Arthur Mack John, 295 Mahommed Julian, 200 Levy Philip, 153, 161 Thomas Lockhart, 218 MacksCharles, 57 Mahommed Gallem, 378 Levy Henry, 165 Lo-khart Arthur Thomas, alias Macks Annie, 57 Mahon Mrs., 7, 22, 53 Levy Sydney, 217 Locket, 218 Mackay John, 10 Mahoney John, 13 Levy Eliot, 224 L ockhead W. K., 181 Mackay Mary Jane, alias Deer, Mahoney Francis, 130 Levy Alfred Lipman, 239, 283 Lockyer Thomas, 127 258, 275 Mahoney Patrick, 130 Levy David, 289 Lockyrr Martha, 127 Mackay Edward, 290, 305 Mahoney Thomas, 184 Lewington W. G., 7 Loder Frank Wiseman, alias Mackay Mary Jane, 377, 402 Mahoney Thomas , 199, 224 Lewis Richard, 7 Leigh, 131 Mackay Edward Vokes, 382 Mahoney Francis , 280, 398 Lewis John, 8 Loder Frank, 365, 373 Mackay Alexander, 399 Mahoney John , 281, 398 Lewis John, 27 1 oeng Toy Kliem, 265, 379 Mackenzie Mrs. John, 327 Mahoney Michael, 397 Lewis John, 31 I.offman Louis, 386 Mackenzie Alexander, 157 Mahoney Denis, 397 Lewis William, 42 ]-oftEmily, 172 Mackey Timothy, 87 Mahoney Jeremiah, 397 Lewis William, 61 Loftus Michael, 56 Mackey Edward, 87 Maiden William, 53 Lewis Frank, alias The Frenchin r., Loftus Jeremiah, 355 Mackie Senior Constable, 109 Maiden Philip Harry, 184 69 Loftus William K, 387 Macklin William, 88 Mail -coach stuck up between Lewis -, 74 Logan Mrs., 34 Macnamee John, 376 Warialda and Tamworth, Lear Lewis Albert, 167 Logan Peter, 212 Macnish Eliza, 204 Manilla, 55, 63, 73 Lewis W. T., 177 Logan Ernest, 238 Macquarie River, body of man , Mailman Mr., 34 Lewis Thomas, 18S Lohole Francis, 59 supposed Owen Quigley , found, Main James, 207 Lewis Walter, 200, 209 Lomax James it, 216, 256 344 Maitland Mrs., 234 Lewis William, 212 London Chartered Bank, 216 Macral Donald Gilanders , 314 Makin Florry , alias Mary White, Lewis John, 217 I.onergan James Joseph, 274 Madden Thomas, 56 167 Lewis Mary, 223 Long Walter, 18 Madden John, 62 Makinson W., 355 Lewis John, 231, 218 Long Ned, alias Edward Bradley, Madden Mary, 100 Malcolm Henry, 159 Lewis Mary, 245, 287 alias Sporfith, 50, 217 Madden James, 176 Malcolm Isabella, 159 Lewis David, 295 Long John, 52 Madden Ernest, 208 Malcolm James, 309 Lewis Arthur, 296 Long Mary, 52 Madden Andrew , 217 Maliciously liberating rabbits, Lewis Bridget, 351 Long William, 57 Madden Martin , 265, 314 reward, 389 Lewtes William, 3e9 Long Margaret, 57 Maddison George , 246 Mallard Constable, 360 Liddell Nellie, 278 Long John, 130 Magg Elizabeth , alias Moat , 185 Malley James, 145 Uddiard William, 55 Long Mary, 130 Maggie Ab Hem, alias Williams , Malloch Agnes, 135 L ddiard Elizabeth, 55, 111 Long Maggie, 172 69 Mallyon J. H. P., 46 Liddiard Alfred W., 204 Long & Sons, 197 Maggotts , alias George Clarke, 192 Malone Bridget, 69 Liddlo Alfred, 165 Long John, 303 Maggs Mrs., 172 Malone Janet, 84 Liddy Mrs., 128 Long John, 355 Magin Patrick , 220 Malone Mary, 130 Lidholm Lewis, 272 Long Tom, alias Thomas Hum- Magrath James Arnold , 109 Malone Thomas , 157, 160 Likley William, 2Q6 phries, 378 Magnus Philip, 377 Malone Michael, 187 Lilley E. J., 91 Long William, 399 Maguire Edward , 30 Malone Thomas, 224 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 21

Maloney, alias William Vaughan, Man, name unknown, remains of, Marr Michael, 167 Maurie Brothers,,37, 46 54 found in Hunter River, 197 Marr George, 204 Mgwson William, 11, 19 Maloney Martin J., 59, 361 Man, supposed named Charles Marrickville Congregational School Mawson Angelina, 11 Maloney Patrick, 69 Matthew Pratt, body of, fonnd broken into, 354 Maxted Edward, 163, 231 Maloney Denis , 105 entangled in wire fence at Bell Marriott S., 38 Maxwell William, 8 Maloney Michael, 221, 238 River, near Molong, 230 Marsden Thomas, 173 Maxwell, Frederick, 229, 246 Maloney Charles , 221, 238 Man, name i nknown, body of, Marsden James, 385 Maxwell, David, 368 Man, name unknown, body of, found on Gnomery Run, 237 Marsh Patrick, 23 May Charles Henry, 35, 70 found in Woolloomcoloo Bay, Man, name unknown, body of, Marsh William J., 344 May Frederick Charles, 84 6, 14 found at corner of George and Marshall William, 19 May Joseph, 287 Man, supposed name , J. Dela- Bethel-streets, Sydney, 242 Marshall Dr., 30 May Frederick C., 344 mere, body of, found near the Man, name unknown, body of, Marshall William, alias Mundy, 87 Mayne Albert, 200, 209 Merri Abba Lagoon, 14 found floating in the water at Marshall Henry, 130 Mayne, Paul, 216, 288 Man, name unknown, body of, the Tasmania Wharf, Sussex- Marshall Thomas, 149 Mayne, Arthur, 308 found in water - at foot of street, 251 Marshall Mary Ellen, 149 Mayne James, 341, 387 Bathurst-street, 14 Man, named James Kennedy, body Marshall George, 159 Maynes Philip, 81 Man, name unknown, run over of, found in cavity of tree near Marshall Henry, 226 Mayo Marion, 226 and killed on railway line at Sunny Corner, Kiandra, 295 Marshall, alias Agnes de Sawza, Mayor Thomas, 348 West Mead, Parramatta, 22 Man, supposed named George 287 Mazunsson Emily, 91 Man, named R. Berger, supposed Thompson, committed suicide Marshall Joseph, 309 Mazzari Giovanni, 6 body of, found at Caroona Run, at Cooyal, 304 Marshall Maria, 309 Meade William, 317 22 Man, name unknown, body of, Marshall Joseph, 316 Meadows Andrew, 176 Man, name unknown, remains of, found floating in the sea at Marshall Jessie, 345 Mearker Adolph, 201 found on Haystack Plain, 22 Bombo, near Kiama, 317 Martin Eliza, 26 Measures Frank, 95 Man, name unknown, body of, Man, known only by the name of Martin William, 42 Medcalfe, Joseph, 34 found on Woonaminta Run, 22 Tom, died at Blacktown, 325 Martin David, 52 Medcalfe William, 42 Man, name unknown , body of, Man, known only by the name of Martin Francis William, 53 Medd Gerge, 205, 296 found on Bogan Road, near Charley, body of found on the Martin William, alias John Lar- Meehan John, 49 Cobar, 30 Warren Road, 344 kin, 66, 70 Meehan Bridget, 54 Man, name ' unknown, body of, Man, supposed name Owen Quig- Martin Daniel, 78, 397 Meehan Michael, 143 found on Lerida Run, 38 ley, body of found in the Mac- Martin, William, 91 Meehan John, 369 Man, name unknown, body of, quarie River, 344 Martin James H., 112 Meers Samuel, 329 found in Murray River, near Man, named James Cochrane, Martin William, 112 Meholes John, 167, 252 Wagra, 61 body of, found in Billabong Martin William, 137 Melbourne, alias Gig, alias James Man, name unknown, body of, Creek, 360 Martin Timothy, 169 Igo, 137 found near Auburn Railway Man, name unknown, body of, Martin Elizabeth, 203, 211 Melbuish William, 352 Station, 61 found at Muddy Creek, Arn- Martin Jane, 215 Melican Samuel, 204 Man, name unknown, body of, cliffe, 360 Martin R., 216 Meller Benjamin, 355 found in , 66, 77 Man, named Thomas Ryan, body Martin Francis, 244 Mellier Theresa, 192 Man, name unknown , body of,_ of, found in Blackwattle Bay, Martin Margaret, 244 Melrose James, 23 found near Chowar Station, 360 Martin , 248 Melrose Annie, 227 Moulamein, 66 Man, name unknown, body of, Martin Henry, 249 Melville James, 49 Man, name unknown , body of, found near Wilcannia, 376 Martin, alias Lalor, alias Thomas Melville Henry, 397 found on Merungle Run, 77 Man, name unknown, fell over- Duffy, 274 Mence Kate, 199 Man, name unknown, body of, board from steamer "Bourke," Martin Joseph, 299, 304, 314, 321 Menges Herman Rudolph, 173 seen to float away with the tide, in the Darling River, 383 Martin Alfred, 299, 304, 314, 321 Menzies John, 195 at Manly, 71 Man, name unknown, body of, Martin Mrs., 299 Mercantile Bank, 94, 144 Man, name unknown, remains of, found on Olive Downs Run, 391 Martin Joseph, 307 Mercer Harry, 199 found near Native Dog Hollow. Mancer Alfred, 83, 329 Martin William, alias Whittigan, Merri Alba Lagoon, body of man, Bunnerong Road, 86 Mander William, 64 alias Livingstone, 312 supposed name J. Delamere, Man, name unknown , remains of, Mangan Michael, 307 Martin John, 333 found, 14 found on Comiala Run, near Mangle Clara, 21 Martin Thomas , alias Tom the Merrick, William, 235 Cassilis , 86 ti Manly, body of man seen to float Devil, 378 Merriman George, 245 Man, name unknown, body of, out to sea with the tide, 77 Martin Patrick, 383 Merritt George, alias Jones, 30 found on bank of Namoi River, Mann Henry, 184, 193 Martindale Margaret, 95 Merritt Millie, alias Brown, 258 100 Manning William, 116 Martindale Robert, 95 Merritt James, 299, 304, 314 Man, name unknown, body of, Manning John, 133 Martyr Charles, 388 _ Merrylees G. P., 13 found floating in Berry 's Bay, Manning John, 308 Mary (ab), 41 Merton D. D., 66 108 Manning C. M., 372 Maskill Robert, 266 Merungle Run, body of man, name Man, known only as The Soldier , Mannix, alias Charles Roach, 38 Mason John Thomas, 109 unknown, found, 77 body of, found near Moulamein , Mannix James, 38 Mason, Mary, 124 Messenger Susan, alias Doran, 258, 124 Mansell Frederick Edward, 175 Mason William, alias Joseph 267 Man, name unknown, body of, Mansell Charles, 396 Bailey, 151, 159, 173 Messiter Samuel, 248 found on Milrae Run, 124 Manson & Co., 14 Mason Herman, 152 Meurant Charles, 84, 103 Man, name unknown , remains of , Manson Alexander James, 223 Mason Alfred, 167 Mewburn John, 197, 221 found near Ashford, 130 Manson Archibald William, 223 Mason David, 191, 238 Meyer Mr., 177 Man, name unknown , remains of, Manthews Henry , alias Thompson, Mason J. R., 196 Meyer Gustaf, 224, 287 found in Mooki River, 135 alias Simpson, 312 Mason Brothers, 200 Meyers Charles, 43, 103 Man, name unknown , body of, Maori Dick , or Richard Douglas Mason James, 231 Meyers Isidore Arthur, 261 found in Dar ling Harbour, 135 Scott, 282 Mason William, 238 Meyers Constable, 287, Man, supposed named Parkes , Mappin Wil liam, 354 Mason David, 251 Michael, Alexander, 184 body of, found at Freshwater Mara James, 281 Mason Emma, 251 Michael Frederick Louis, 362 Creek , near Wallsend,143 Marchant George, 94 Mason Brothers, 258 Michalago, unclaimed property for Man, name unknown , nude body Marchant George, 102 Mason William, 275 sole, 33, 47 of, found in the Barwon River , Marchant Frank Charles, 144 Masse Michel Jean, alias Peter Michalago, silver watch found, 38 149 Marcomb John, 3 Massie, 75 Mick M'Ginty (ab), 145 Man, supposed named Wi lliam Margoschi Mr., 364 Massey Mrs, 168 Middlemist Frederick, 120 Dalgo, body of, found near Mil- Margoschis' Pawn Office, 10, 105 Massey John, 314 Milbourne Sydney, 184 parmka, 168 Margules Henry, 90, 116 Masters William, 77 Miles William, 352 Man, name unknown , jumped Marina Carlo, 165 Masters Edward, 120 Milford, alias Roden, alias George overboard from steamship Mark Brothers, 109 Mathea Constantine, 391 Walters, 320 " Namoi " near Sydney Heads , Mark Joseph De, 205, 296 Mather Frederick Archibald, 8 Milgate & Son, 221 175 Markham Edward G., 248 Matherson Hector, 78 Milhams Gabriel, 57, 75, 152 Man, name unknown , body of, Marks Lewis, 112 Mathias John, 138 Millane Michael, 64, 80 found in Lavender Bay, 175 Marks Frederick, 122 Mathison Joseph, 34 Millbank, Arthur, 188 Man, supposed named Francis Marks -, 148 Mathison Mrs, 179 Miller Charles, 3 Smith, body of, found hanging Marks H. J., 281 Mathison Constable, 316 Miller John, 3 to a wire fence , Gunbar Road , Marks Montague , 295, 296 Matteson John, 59 Miller Cnaries, 10, 18 Hillston, 175 Marks H. J., 297 Matthews William, 22 Miller William, 13, 46 tMan, name unknown, found in Marks Isaac D., 308 Matthews Edward, 189 Miller William, 13, 282 unconscious state near Goangra , Marlow James, 230, 237 Matthews William Lea, 287 Miller Robert, 14 and died soon afterwards , 175 Maroney Patrick, 336, 370 Matthews Thomas, 291 Miller John, 19 Man, named Hans Hansen, Maroney Edith, 336 Matthews William, 395 Miller Thomas, 26 drowned near Panbula,197 MarquetThomas, 27 Maurie Joaquim, 37, 46, 54 Miller William 26 22 NEWSOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTEINDEX-1886.

Miller Mary Ann, 45 Moffatt Mr., 112 Morley Joseph Buxton, 121. Mulally Francis, 258 Miller Henry W., 48, 128, 314 Moffitt Robert John, 131 Morley Edward Grey, 230 Mulcair Margaret, 369 Miller John, 48 Moffitt James, 168 Morely George, 280 Mulcaster T. C., 176 Miller Frederick, 81 Moffitt John, 315 Morely Miss, 348 Muldoon Mary, 137 Miller John, 82 , 125, 138 Moir Paddy, 157, 227 Morling William, 386 Mulholland Thomas, 86 Miller Mr., 134 Moleri Vireint, 199 Moroney , alias Conroy, 169 Mullholland George, 93, 95 Miller Stewart, 138 Moller 1 Ct,Y .1. oy, 77 Moroney Patrick, 181, 216 Mullholland Jane, 287 Miller Alice, 164 Molloy Mary, 21 Moroney Edward, 281 Mullampy Phillip, 144 Miller Henry, 165 Molloy Margaret, 216, 238 Morras John, 372 Mullane Daniel, 178 Miller Alfred Peter, 176 Molloy John, 386 Morrell Von., 144 Muller Johann Heinrich, 75 Miller Robert, 179 Molong, unclaimed property for Morris H. F., 18 Muller Narcisse, 386 Miller George, 207 sale, 81 Morris Lizzie, or Popham, 86 Mulligan Thomas, 265, 337 Miller Alfred James, 208 Moloney James, 217 Morris William, 94 Mullins Michael, 139 Miller David, 216 Moloney John, 315 Morris William, 105 Mullins Bernard, 143 Miller Thomas, 221 Momba Pastoral Association 86 Morris John, 116 Mullins Jane, 143 Miller Ellen, 233 Monaghan John, 14 Morris Walton, 160 Mullins John, 199, 231, 238 Miller Henry, 252 Monaghan Henry, 98 Morris Archibald A., 160 Mullins Rezia, 229 Miller George, alias Swindle, 260 Monaghan John, 245 Morris Daniel, 167 Mullins John, 231 Miller Margaret, 262 Monaghan Charles, 305 Morris William, 180 Mullins Philip, 336, 402 Miller James, 281 Monaghan John, 313 Morris Thomas, 193 Mullis William, 57 Miller Peter, 287 Monaghan Rosalie, 313 Morris Annie, 205 Mullis Amelia, 57 Miller, alias David Paul, 304 Monaghan Michael, 327 Morris William, 208 Mulry Hugh, 291 Miller Hugh, 307 Monaro John Joseph, 53 Morris William, 266 Mulvaney Thomas, 42, 103 Miller John, 313 Monein Benoit, 88 Morrris Charles, 317 Mulvihill Patrick, 215 Miller Mrs. G., 324 Monk J, S., 23 Morris Ada, 328 Mumford Edward, 402 Miller John, 355, 382 Monk Elizabeth, 34, 42 Morris Stephen, 351 Munday William, alias Marshall, Miller Ernest, 372 Monk Thomas, 106 Morris Robert, 355 87 Miller Samuel, 387 Monkley Henry B., 215 Morris B., 360 Munday Nelson, 332 Mi llers William, 336 Monks James, 75, 110 Morris John, 377 Municipality of Sydney, 320 Millership Harry 282 -f, Montague Alexander, 61 Moorish Francis Alfred, 223 Munk Hans, 146 Millett Henry James, 145 Montague Mrs., 278 Morrissey R. J., 2 Munro John C., 26 Millett John, 212 Montgomery Charles, 25 Morrissey James, 397 Munro James, 101 Millett John, 296 Montgomery Roderick N., 282 Morrison George, 23 Munro David, 261 Millikin A., 201 Montgomery Hugh, 328 Morrison Daniel, 26 Munro Emma, 274, 305 Millikin Joseph, 308 Mooki River, remains of man Morrison John, 74 Munro John, 300 Millin David, 213 name unknown, found, 135 Morrison Catherine, 86 Munro William Ross, 304 Millington G., 245 Mooney Francis, 376 Morrison John, 93 Munt John, 295 Mills Alfred, 42, 275 Moore John, 7, 31 Morrison Joseph, 140 Murehie James, 43 Mills William, 109 Moore Thomas, 17, 33 Morrison Edward, 193 Murchison Alexander, 145 Mills Thomas, 124 Moore George, 22 Morrison Mr., 242 Murder of William Nerang (an Mills Mrs., 139 Moore Alice, or Alsop, 23 Morrison Jane, 291 aboriginal) at Kunopia, 9, 17 Mi ll s Harriett, 171 Moore Miss, 26 MortimerWilliam, 117 Murder of Amy Hoskins at Sil- Mills Edward Pinder, 205, 231 Moore Thomas Barclay, 29 Mortimer Eleanor, 117 vert on, 9 Mills Edward, 226 Moore James, 33 Mortimer George William, 223 Murder of Mary, an aboriginal, at Mills James, 231 Moore James, 46 Mortiss John, 255 Toorale, 41 Mills Alfred, 265 Moore Thomas, 116 Morton William, alias Jones, 84 Murder of Patrick Noonan at Mills George, 331 Moore James, 137 103, 108 , Wardell, 55 Mills Ellen, 364 Moore George, 151 Morton Mrs., alias Alice Holds- 63, 111 Milne Charles, 12 Moore Ellen, 223 worth, 216, 232 Murder of woman and child named Milne T. W. & Co, 208 Moore James, 244 Morton William, 325 Cooke, at Maryvale, Victoria, Milne Archibald Robert 314 Moore Charles, 251 Mort's Dock Engineering Company in 1874, 97 Milne Stewart Do Joney, 397 Moore Adolphus James, 262 233 Murder of Jane Bockingham at Milparinka,remains ofinfant found Moore Alice, 264 Morvan Victor, 138 Manilla, 119 in quarry, 115 Moore James, 266 Moses William, 130, 238 Murder of Martha Lockyer at Milrae Run , body of man unknown Moore Sarah,-alias Edwards, 274 Moses William, 259 Murrurundi, 127 found, 124 Moore A, J., 287 Moss Florence, 49 Murder of Robert Taylor by John Milson Arthur, alias Seymour, 338 Moore Annie, 312 Moss Wiliam John Lysaght, 239 Caffrey and Henry Albert Penn, Milthorpe Joseph, 235 Moore Hugh, 314 259 at Great Barrier Island, Neiv' Minahan Patrick, 167, 192, 218 Moore Thomas, 317 Moss & Co., 266 Zealand. Offenders arrested`iii Minahan Thomas, 245 Moore Joseph, 320 Moss Abram, 300 New South Wales, 203, 307, 324 Minaban Clarence, 266 Moore Mrs., 382 Motley William G., 249 Murder of James Lane, at Rich- Minahan Charles, 266 Moore John, 391 Motto Joseph, 84 mond, Victoria, 209, 218 Minter Henry T., 201, 217 Moosedi Oozan, 249 Mouchaux Edward, 183 Murder of Mary Ann Powell at Minto Ralph, 369 Morales Matilda, 217 Moulamein, body of man known Stockton,241 Mintorn Richard, 281 Moran John, 7, 31 only as " The Soldier" found, Murder of Rhoda Caroline Rey- Miservey John, 355 Moran Mary Ann, 23 124 nolds at Newtown, 255 Mitchell Charles, 3 Moran Edward, 116 Moulder Mrs., 79 Murder of Elizabeth Blanch Kent Mitchell William, 6, 103 Moran Ellen, 116 Moulder W. N., 321 at Redfern, 261 Mitchell Elizabeth, 6, 103 Moran Michael, 220 Moulding Edward, 94 Murder of Edward George Parker, Mitchell Andrew, 19 Moran Margaret, 395 Moule C. G., 312, 361 and suicide aGhis mother Mar` Mitchell Alfred, 60 Mordaunt Montague, 79 Mount Alfred, 317, 361 Ellen Parker, at Darlingtoit, Mitchell Edward, alias Pritchard, Morgan Percival, 8 Mount Carmel, body of infant 261 66, 70, 80 Morgan, alias Allen Billings, 22 found, 81, 89 Mtirder of Edith Mary Blyth, Mitchell William, 68, 238 Morgan William, 38 Mousley Joseph, 270 and suicide of Arthur Blyth',' af. Mitchell Henry, 82 Morgan Camilla, 47 Mowbray Robert Alexander Dun- Newtown, 353 Mitchell Dan., 87 Morgan Cornelius, 61 can, 245, 265 ' Murder of Jane Vibert, or Jane Mitchell Elizabeth, alias Saundry, Morgan Daniel, 64 Moxham Louisa Eleanor, 73 Spreake Garden, and suicide of 102 Morgan Camilla, 73 Moxwell Agnes, 208 Philip Vilbert at Albury, 353 Mitchell W., 152 Morgan Helena, 97 Moylan John, 188 Murder on Maryvale Run, near Mitchell Joseph, 176 Morgan Robert M., 139 Moyping William, 8 Edenhope, Victoria, $79 Mitchell James Thomas, 192 Morgan Ann, alias Arnold, 152 Moyse Charles, 38 Murder of Edward Lilley at the Mitchell Daniel, 199 Morgan Charles, 157, 246 Mouse Charles, 308 " Old T inapagee Hotel ," Paroq Mitchell Alexander, 217 Morgan Florence, 157 Mudge John, 14 River, 389 Mitchell Catherine, 227 Morgan Laurence, 183 Mudmelong Public School,159 Murdoch Henry, 21, 53 Mitchell John, 234 Morgan John, 231 Muleler Frederick , alias Parrow , Murdoch, or Alfred Ernest Davis, Mitchell John, 252 Morgan John, 235 alias' Miller, alias David Paul, 27 Mitchell Henry, 307 Morgan George, 241 304 Murdoch Alexander, 168 Mitchell John, 307 Morgan James, 247 Mugford Captain, 112 Murdoch Thomas, 242 Mitchell Thomas, 312 Morgan George, 256 Muir Emily, 45 Murdoch Thomas, 356, 370 Mitchell William Frederick, 363 Morgan Mary, 256 Muir Clarence, 106 Murley Alfred, 272_ Mitchell Henry, 378 Morgan Richard, 354 Muir Edward, 191, 296 Murnane Con, 215 Mitchell Jane, 397 Morgan Agnes, 386 Muir William, 280 Murphy Daniel, '22 Moate Elizabeth , ali as Magg, 185 Morley A. M., 23 Muir James, 355 Murphy Michael, 85 Mobbs John, 78 Morley Frank, 68, 137 Muirhead Robert, 390 Murphy Thomas, 05, 83 WTW 8OUTE WAVES POLICE GAZEPTE INDEX-1886.

Murphy Daniel , 4+3,62, 96 X' Caff.erey C, J., 308 McDould Alexander, 122 M'Kenzie Dr., 25 Murphy Joseph , 56 M`Cafferey Charles, 338 McDowall Robert, 365,' 898 M'Kenzie Walter, 27, 70 Murphy Jo .n, 77, 110 M 'Call um Colin, 308 McElhinney's Pawn Office, 390 M'Kenzie John, 66 Murphy John, 79 M'Cann John, 137 M'Elligott James, 79, M`Kenzie Francis, 66 Murphy Michael , 91 M'Cann James, 164 M'Entie James, 98 M'Kenzie John, 135 ' Murphy Edward , alias Gobbler M'Cann Patrick, 189 M'Evoy Maude, 21, 152 M'Kenzie Thoma_ s, 300, 364 Murphy, 98 , 11Q M'Cann George, 341 M'Evoy Pierce,' 348 M'Kenzie John, 303, 361 Murphy Thomas , 103 M 'Carthy Nicholas, 7, 31 M'Ewen J. R., 354 M'Kenzie Ellen, 309 Murphy Julia, 120 lar 'Carthy Edward, 18 M'Ewen James, 377 M'Kenzie Mrs., 316 Murphy John H., 122 M'Carthy Rate, 42, 54 M'FaddenJohn, 284 M'Kenzie H. R., 460 Murphy Jamesr4liagPuwdugham, M'Carthy Rev., 64 M`Fale Susan, 208 M'Keown Matthew, 328 124 4 'Carthy Felix, 106 M'Farland Brothers, 304 M'KiernanHugh, 277 Murphy Edward, 124 2'Carthy John, 160 M'Farlane Annie, 397 M'Kinlay Bob,'84 Murphy *try Ileei, 147 U 'Carthk -,-,164 M'Gann James, 77 - M'Kinlay J., 116' Murphy Catherine , 14q 19WCarthy Jeremiah,, 200 M'Gann Patrick,-165, 246 M'Kinnon Richard, 45 Murphy Edward, 100,108 M`Carthy Annie, 223 M'Garvey Henry, 317 I'Kinnon Mrs., 99 ' Murphy Peter,167 M'Carthy John, 253 M'GawAndrew, 27,'70 M'Kinnon Agnes, 134

Murphy Alice, 19,1 M'Carthy Agnes, 270 4 M`Gee Selina, 13 M'Kinnon Norman, 199, 281, 238 Murphy Patrick, 193 M'Carthy Charles, 290, 804, 814 M'Gee and Guinn, 280 M'Kinnon Hugh, 286, 378 Murphy Charles, 247, 259 M'Carthy Emily, 300 M'Gill Herbert, 38 M'Laohlay John, 249, 275 Murphy Patrick, 229 M'Carthy Michael Henry, 833 M'Gill Hugh, 151 M'Landers Alexander, L08,, 230 Marpiy, John, 230 M'Clelland Mrs., 175 M'Gillick Bernard, 338 M'Landers William, 208, 230 Murphy C., 230 M'Closkey Mary Vane, 62 M'Girr John W.,'377, 387 M`Lardy Kate, 56' - Murphy Patric1, 261 M'Clure Edward, 90 M'Glinn Bridget, 208 M'Laren Isabella, 188 Murphy James, 265 M 'Cole Mr., 273 M'Glynn Michael, 273 M'Laughlin, or Thomas Bromley, Murphy Thomas, 279 M'Coll N., 43 M'Govern Sydney, 223 46 Murphy Peter, 274 M'Coll John, 332 M'Govern Patrick, 256 M'Laughlin John, 59 Murphy Daniel , 278 M`Combri Maria, 284 M'Gowan Emily, 320 M'Laughlin' Edward, 70 Murphy, or Wright , 2 M'Cormack Joseph, 77 M'Grath, alias Turnbull, alias M 'Laughlin Eliza, 152 Murphy John, 290. M'Cormack Arthur, 128,134 Doolan, alias Samuel Perry, M'Laughlin William, 160 Murphy Fob , 317, 32 $, 829, 346 M'Cormack George , 205, 218 39, 54 M'Laughlin Daniel, 188 Murphy John, 3,51 M'Cormiskey J. S., 317 M'Grath Peter A., 148 M'Laughlin Maria, 192 Murphy John 17auiel, $69 M'Coull George, 194 M'Grath James Armour, 199 M'Laughlin Daniel, 244 Murphy John, alias oward, 396 M'Crea Myles, 373 M'Grath James, 220 M'Laughlin Anthony, 340 Murphy John, 402 - M'Credie Daniel, 48 M'Grath Emma, 229, 238 M'Laughlin Thomas, or John, 391 Murphy's Pawn Office, 211 M 'Crow Martin, 124 M'Grath Patrick, 242 M 'Lean Miss C., 10 Murray River, near Wagra, body M'Cullum James, 131 M'Grath James, 277 M'Lean George, 52 of man name unknown found , M'Cullough David, 109, 266 M'Grath Mr., 915 M'Lean Charles, 116 61 M'Curdy James!' 21 M'Gregor Robert, 93 M'Lean William, 121 Murray Liver , A lbury, body of M'Cutchen John, 147 M'Gregor John, 122 M'Lean John,-137 Raglan Davey found , 389 M 'Cutchin Andrew, 152 M'Gregor James, 138 M'Lean Mrs., 140 Murray John , 19 M'Dermod H. A., 56, 90. M'Gregor Robert, alias Robert M'Lean Janet, 145 Murray Catherine , 35 M'Dermott Patrick, 35 Scott Gregory, 169, 177,201 M'Lean Brothers and Rigg, 159 Murray Lawrence , 87 M'Dermott James, 38 M'Gregor William Murray J., or M'Lean Grace, or Jackson; or 1Iol- Murray Donald, 38 M'Dermott Patrick, 149 Sailor Jack, 173, 25,8 land, 223 Murray Geode , 41 M 'Diarmid James, 356 M'Gregor John, 207. M'Lean Hugh, 235 Murray Thomas , 50 M cDonagh Francis, 183,387 M'Gregor Alexander, 217 M'Lean James, 281, 398 Murray Ellen, 61 M'Donagh James , alias M'Donald, M'Gregor Harriett, 314 M'Lean Mr., 354 Murray John, 79 216, 288 M' 1 regor Charles, 361, 378 M'Lean, alias Hogan, 373 MurrayMary , 86, 102 McDonagh Patrick, 845 M'Grory Mr., 45 M'Lelland Sarah, 219 Murray Constable, 10.9 McDonald Donald, 6 M'Grory James, 3 M'Lellenau Mary, 134 Murray Robert Alston,117, 221 McDonald Alit, 34 M'Gufficke John, 36* M'LenvAu Donald, 78, ,, 21$ Murray Annie, W, 226' McDonald William jo)m,46 M'Guflin Sydney, 13I, 1ff M'Lennzt Donald, 10 - Murray Richar.3 Renry Sutton, McDonald Amelia, 55 M'Guigan Daniel, $41 M`Lennan John, 244 233 McDonald Ernest, 69 M'Guinn James, 304 M'Leod Malcolm, 38 Murray Patrick, 299 , 304, 314 McDonald Andrew, 83 M'Guire John, 109 M'Leod G.,, 211 Murray James 354 - McDonald , or O'Donald, 93 M'Guire Thomas, 128 M'Leod A. A., 216 Murray Theresa, 355, 387 McDonald James, 98, 177 M'Guire John, 286, 338 k['Leod John, 383 Murray Robert Hamilton, $95 McDonald Joseph, 119 M'Guire Peter, alias Z`i,h, alias M'Mahon Mary, 17 Marty George , 245 McDonald S., 130 Fisher, 341 M'Mahon Patrick, 35 Mustchin George , 3Q McDonald Joseph, 160 M'Guire John, 397 M'Mahon Thomas, 55 Mutual Assurance Society of McDonald Thomas, 168 M'Haffie Edith, 140 M'Mahon John, 62 Victoria, 396,402 McDonald John, 173 M'Hugh Hugh, 113 M'Mahori Thomas, 69 Myers John, 272 McDonald Thomas, 176 M'JTugh John, 235 M'Mahon John, 84, 125 Myrtra Michael, 167 McDonald John, 183 M'Hugh John , 295, 361 M'Mahon Rose, 138 M'Adams Frederick , 348 McDonald James , alias McDouagb, M'Hugh Edward , 295, 361 M'Mahon Philip, 164 M'Aleer, alias John Baldwin, 116 216, 288 M'Hugh Edward, 341 M'Mahon Thomas, 164, 226 M'Aleer Francis , 280 McDonald William, 255 M'1lwraith James, 316 M'Mahon Michael, 284 M'Alister Jessie ; 165 McDonald James , 264, 282 M'Inerney Patrick, 30 M'Mahon James, 344 M'Alpin Duncan, 360 McDonald Alexander, 266 M'Inerney Patrick, 127 M'Mahon Ellen, 344 M'Alpin Kate, 360 McDonald James , 278, 296 M'Innis Hugh Brown, 40 M'Mahon Tiger, or Thomas, 361 M'Ardte Terence , 336 McDonald James, 290 M'Innis Dan, 130 M'Mahon James, 369 M'Ardte Elizabeth , 336 McDonald Maud, 290 M'Innis John, 181, 189 M'Mahon Patrick, 372 M'.4reavy James , 46 McDonald , alias Henry Thompson, M'Intosh Donald, 116 M'Mahon Thomas, 377 M'Arthur William , 11 alias Brown, 320 M'Intosh George, 200 M'Manas James, 151, 177 M'Arthur Alexander , 134 McDonald Archibald, 321 M'Intyre Duncan, 22 M'Master James, 79 M'Arthur Daniel , 312 McDonald James, 344 M'Intyre Miss, 148 M'Millan Robert, 53 M'Arthur Neil , 360 McDonald William, 348 M'Intyre Duncan, 226 M'Millan Robert, 112 M'Aughey Wi ll iam John, 360 McDonald John A., 352 M'Intyra Charles, 256 M'Millan Eliza, 134 M'Auley Wil liam , 155, 179 McDonald Alexander, 365 M'Intyre Edward, 345 M'Millan Duncan, 168 M'Auley Rose , 191 McDonald Augusta, 365 M'Kay Archibald, 45, 54 M'Millan George W., 347 M'Bain Angus , 234 McDonald Norman, 372 M'Kay James, 56 M'Murchy Angus, 389 lkf'Brear Osborne & Co., 397 1 IcDonald Archibald , alias McLean M'Kay Richard, 84, 86 M'Murdy W., 339 M'Bride Walter, 10 alias Hogan, 373 M'Kay Gabriel, 177 M'Murtrie James, 103 M'Bride Peter , 192 McDonald Duncan, 376 M'Kay Alexander , 281, 837 M'Nab Francis, 79 M'Bride Mr ., 272 McDonsll John, 80 M'Keachie Alexander, 57 M'Nally Sarah, 78, 116 M'Bride 'T'homas , 291 McDonnell Thomas, 87 M'Keachnie A. A., 365 M'Nally Michael, 102 M'Bride Mary, 304 McDonne ll James , or Murdoch, M'Kean George, 316 M'Nally Mrs., 290 M'BridePatrick, 304 197,213 M'Kee Maxwell, 70 M'Natara James, 21 M'Cabe Patrick, 122, 138 , 153 McDonnell Charles, 351, 378 M'Kee Thomas , 172, 180 M'lvamara Michael, 48 M'Cabe Mrs., 168 ' McDonough Wi lliam E., 164 M'Kelvey Thomas, 348 M'Namara Mary, 102 M'Cabe Herbert, 188 McDonough Peter, 320 M'Kenna John, 74 M'Namara James, 165, 205, 275 M'C be :Frederick , 32$ McDougall Leslie, 208 M'Kenna John, 146 M'Namara John, 215, 373 " ` M'Caffery Michael, 3 McDougall Dougall,'234 M'Kerina Frank, 147 M'Namara Michael J., 289, 305 24. NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

M'Namara J. 0., 303, 313 M'Pherson Allan, 82 Norton Arthur F. E., 215, 887 Nowland Thomas, 208 M'Namara James Oswald, 327 M'Pherson Edward Augustus, 131 Norton John, 246 Nugent William John, 387 M'Namara William, 397 M'Pherson John, 188 Norton F. H., 300 . Nuisance Prevention Act, 9, 55, M'Namara Patrick, 397 M'Pherson Hugh, 354 Norton A. R., 354, 402 111, 155, 331, 363 M'Naughton Henry St. John, 152 M'Pherson Duncan Alexander, Notley Thomas H., 328 Nunn W. D., 18 M'Nee James, 230 397 Nottingham Miss, 200 Nye Charles W., 95 M'Neill Malcolm, 18 M'Pherson Duncan, 397 Noud Arthur, 95 Nystron John, 344 M'Neill Archibald, 78, 201, 218 M`Rea John Duncan, 15 M'Neill Levina, 88 M'Rea Alexander, 144, 152 0 M'Neill Archibald, 93, 201, 218 M'Rea Duncan, 149 M'Neill and Coffee, 183 M'Rea William, 152 Oakes R. H., 54 O'Brien Thomas, 130 M'Neill Frank, 255 M'Rumiery Michael, 284 Oakes James R., 354 O'Brien Edward, 137 M'Neill Thomas, 372 M'Sweeney Honorah, 145 Oakley William, 95 O'Brien James, 139 M'Niel Henry, 308 M'Taggart Harriett, 63 Oamaru Woollen Factory Com- O'Brien William, 165, 177 M'Nulty Albert, 232 M'Tavish Donald, 140 pany, 53 O'Brien Mary, 167 M'Phail Robert, 148 M'Tigna Patrick, 159 Oberthur Joseph Francis, 153 O'Brien Michael, 168 M'Pherson John, 50 M'Vean John, 372 Obst Carl, 316 O'Brien William, 181 OehlrickRobert, 93 O'Brien Basil, 183, 296 N Ogilvie Mrs. Samuel, 220 O'Brien Michael, 188 Oh Ten, 109 O'Brien Edward, 191 Nagle John, 29 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Ohlenschlager Charles Henry, 184 O'Brien Mr., 213 Nairnes Thomas, 29, 53 Agency Company, 138, 369 Okley Thomas, 308 O'Brien Michael, alias William Namoi River (body of man, name New Zealand Fire Insurance Old Mary (ab.), 307, 331 Devenport, 216 unknown, found on bank), 100 Company, 144 Oldfield George, 252 O'Brien Nicholas, 227, 253 "Namoi" steamship (man, name Newall Hubert, 358, 402 Oldous William, 2 O'Brien Robert, 247 unknown, jumped overboard Newley Frederick, 391 Oldrey Albert, or Farmer, 258 O'Brien James, 248 near Sydney Heads), 175 Newcastle and Northumberland Olds James, 119 O'Brien Henry, 252 Namoi Police District discon- Newspaper Company, 160 Olive Henry, 386 O'Brien Henry, 265 tinued, 371 Newcombe Jessie, 53 Olive Downs Run (body of man, O'Brien Hugh, 274 Nangle, alias Richard Clarke, 38 Newcombe Brothers, 177 name unknown, found), 391 O'Brien Warder, 287 Narrabri, unclaimed property for Newell John, 124 Oliver Thomas John, 145 O'Brien Basil, 295, 304, 321 sale, 63 Newell Richard, 128 Ollerenshaw John, 167 O'Brien William E., 324 Nash Sarah, 270 Newitt Frederick, 37, 273 Ollivier Willby Morton, 320, 352 O'Brien William, 329 National Park (remains of Thomas Newman Polly, 137 361 O'Brien Patrick, 332 Christie found), 145 Newman Samuel, 179 Olsen Lars, 14 O'Brien John, 336 National Bank of South Australia, Newman James, 209 Olsen David, 278 O'Brien Alice, 336 194 Newman Cecilia, 209 Olsen Oscar, 308 O'Brien Lucius, 337, 361 National Fire and Marine In- Newman Charles, 281, 288 Olsen John A., 383 O'Brien William, 338 surance Company, 230 Newman William, 307 Olswick Martin, 60, 88 O'Brien Michael, 345, 361 National Bank of Australasia, 361 Newman Charles, 358 Ongley John, 211 O'Brien, alias Jane Ingram or Native Dog Hollow, Bunnerong Newman George, 385 Onions William J. M., 139, 153 Bourke, 372 Road, (remains of man found), Newton Mrs., 196 Onions Enoch, alias Onus, 235 O'Brien John, 377 86 Newton Edward, 269 Onus Ben, alias Enoch Onions, 235 O'Brien James, 389 Naughton James, 270 Newtown Edward, 83 Opossum, alias David Ward, 62 O'Brien Kate, 399 Naughton James, 337 Nichols A., 179 Orange (unclaimed property for O'Bryen Charles, 145 Navaro Paulo, 91, 224 Nicholls Sarah, 156 sale), 81 O'Connell John, 130, 321 Navaro Margaret, 91 Nichol's Harriett, 237 Orange (abandoned child found), O'Connell David, 143 Navin John, 109 Nicholls John, 286, 345 247, 277 O'Connell George, 255 Navin Thomas, 385 Nicholls Alfred, 288 Orchard Richard, 2C0 O'Connell John, 361 Naylor Mrs., 354 Nicholls John, 328 Oridge Walter, 196 O'Connell Daniel, 376 Neal John, 237 Nicholls Joseph, 338 Ormond Butler W., 1.72, 180 O'Connor J. M., 15 Neal Thomas, 237 Nicholls Charles, 378 Orr James, 111, 125, 185, 194 O'Connor Arthur, 45 Neale Charles, alias Dutchey Nicholson Michael, 26 Orwin George, 187 O'Connor William, .106 Neale, 308, 329 Nicholson John, 103 Osborne Henry James, 47 O'Connor Daniel, 196 Nearrie John, 15 Nickless W. R., 14 Osborne George, 95 O'Connor Michael, 200 Neave William E., 281 Nicoll G. W., 179 Osborne John, 103 O'Connor James, 207 Needle Clara Mary, 213 Nicoll Henry, 264 Osborne Harry, 109 O'Connor Miss, 220 Negus William H., 287 Nielson Niels Frederick, 77 Osborne William, 109 O'Connor Simon, 248 Neich George, 148 Nilmshurst Frederick, 242, 248 Osborne John, alias Dargan, 110 O'Connor John, alias Henry Clare, Neilly Miss, 180 Niven Robert, 317 Osborne John, 142 259 Neilson Peter, 6 Niven John, 383 Osborne Alexander Munn, 177 O'Connor James, 283 Neilson William, 59 Nix Michael, 70 Osborne Edgar John, 247 O'Connor John, alias Connors, Neilson Carl, 137 Nixon J. W., 61 Osborne Mrs., 259 alias Jackson, alias Foster, Neilson George, 139 Nixon Samuel, 221 Osborne Eugenie, 261 alias Bernard Brady, 296 Neilson Peter, 177 Nixon William, 337 Osborne George, 281 O'Connor John, 307 Neilson Amelia, 177 Nobes Elizabeth, 344 Osborne George, 297 O'Connor Cornelius, 312 Neirnen John, 225 Noble Thomas, 77 Osborne, George, 325 O'Connor W. F., 313 Nelson Mr., 74 Noble John, 157 Osborne James, 356 C'Connor James, 336 Nelson Robert, 101 Noble James, 274 Oscroft Thomas, 307 O'Connor Timothy, 340, 372 Nelson Charles, 208 Noble Edward, 296 Osmond James, 11 O'Connor Daniel, 360 Nelson Sarah, 317, 329 Noble William, 344 Ostermeyer, Deux, & Co., 266,275 O'Connor Richard, 368 Nelson Thomas, alias Lassell, alias Noble George, 378, 398 Oswald Henry, 288 O'Day John, 378 Tommy the Speeleer, 337, 378 Noges Herman, 37 Oultan Susan, 18 O'Donald, or M'Donald, 93 Nerang William (ab) 9, 17 Nolan John T., 123 Owen John, 90 O'Donnell Charles, alias Hall, 137 Nerney Mr., 77 Nolan Miss, 156 Owen Thomas, 116 O'Donnell Thomas, 137 Nerriga Wesleyan Church, 331 Nolan Mary, 173 Owen J. T., 124 O'Donnell Frederick Timothy Nesbit Robert W., 56 Nolan Mary, 237 Owen George, 148 Squire, 314 Nesbit Elizabeth, 193 Noonan John, 49 Owen Mary, or Mary Ann Dodge, O'Donnell Emily, 372 Nesbit W. K, 205 Noonan Patrick, 55, 63, 111 175 O'Donnell John, 388 Nesling John, 157 Noonan Thomas, 164 Owen E. J., 180, 234 O'Farrell Terence, 77 Nestor Michael, 152 Norley John, 332 Owens John, 70 O'Farrell James, 173 Neve Frederick, 101 Norden Robert, 231 Owens Hugh, 130 O'Farrell James, 237 Neville James, 13 Nordstrom Oscar, 347 Owens John, 184 O'Grady A. J., 119, 133 Neville James, 38 Norling Elias, 229 Oxford-street (lady's gold watch O'Grady William, 207 New Frank, 8 Norman Joseph, 19 found), 291 O'Grady John, 247 New Eureka Gold Mining Norman Isaac, 62 Oxley Joseph, or Hawksley, 87 O'Grady Michael, 378 Company, 266 Norman Joseph William, 274 Oxley Robert, 130 O'Hara & Johnson, 365, 387 New South Wales Government, 2, Norris & Finnie, 21 O'Brien James, 3 O'Hare James, 35 7, 61, 65, 185, 191, 217, 224, North Harbour (body of Elizabeth O'Brien Frank, 14 O'Hare Angelina, 124 226, 234, 238, 247, 269, 270, Martin found), 203, 211 O'Brien Patrick, 27 O'Hearn John, 248 284, 295, 296, 304, 309, 320, Northrnore Walter, 46 O'Brien Edward, 43 O'Hehir James, 368 328, 337, 340, 382, 398, 399 North Western Police District O'Brien Charles John, 95 O'Heir Michael, 61 New South Wales Government newly formed, 371 O'Brien James, 100 O'Heir Stephen, alias Hogan, 167 Savings Bank, 60, 138 Norton Mary Ann, 10 O'Brien Denis, 121 O'Kane Daniel, 348, 360 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 25

O'geeffe James, 34, 42 O'Neill Patrick, 225, 241 Pedrazzi John, 145 Phillips Alfred William, 223 O'KeeffeJohn Joseph, 52, 303, O'Neill B., 237 Peebles Robert, 351 Phillips Milky, or Whitey, 233 373 O'Neill Annie, 241 Peel John, 320 Phillips Mary Ann, 283 O'$eeffe Catherine, 52 O'Neill J., 296 Peel John, 337 Phillips Joseph, 303 O'Seeffe Daniel, 189 O'Neill William Gregg, 297 PeelgreenEdward, 307 Phillips Mrs., 308 O'Keeffe Michael, 345 O'Neill Patrick, 303, 325 Pegg J. R., 372 Phillips Edgar Harold, 358 O'Leary Patrick, 242 O'Neill Mary, or Hickey, or Haw- Fein Otto Von, 192 Phillips John, 369 O'Loughlin Robert, 69 ley, or Shaw, 307 Peisley Frank, 43, 161 Phillips Dr., alias Julius Weiss, O'Loughlin William, 122, 130, O'Neill John, 383 Peisley Frederick, 116 alias Hall, alias Don Carlos De 146 O'Neill John, 396 Pelly Mary Ann, 100, 109 Vine, alias Coolomong, &c., 378 O'Loughlin Austin, 287 O'Reilly Cecilia, 229 Pemberton Joseph, 344 Phillips John, 390 O'Malley Thomas, 280 O'Riley John, 303, 314 Pembroke Robert Alexander, 14 Phillis Arthur, 183 O'Malley Eliza, 280 O'Rourke Eugene, 77, 253 Pembroke Robert Alexander, alias Picard Emile, 226 O'Malley Edmund, 332 O'Rourke Thomas, alias Harry Samuel Pembroke, 124 Pick Alexander, 84, 169 O'Marr Ellen, 30 Watson, 111, 119 Pemmell James, 120 Pickering John, 18, 31 O'Meally Patrick, 62, 87 O'Rourke & M'Carron, 152 Pemmell Miss, 120 Pickering William, 102, 185 O'Meara Annie, 100 O'Rourke William, 155 Pendergast James, 144 Pickering John, 286 '10'Meara Martin, 194 O'Rourke Patrick, 245 Pendergast Edward, 172, 189 Pickering Mary Jane, 341, 387 O'Mullane John, 225 O'Shannassy Thomas, 26, 39 Fender Elizabeth, 230, 237 Pickett Adam, 234 O'Neill Thomas, 11 O'Sullivan Denis, 90 Penfold Charles W., 74 Pickford George, 215 O'Neill Frederick, 71 O'Sullivan Thomas, 324 Penfold Alfred, 144 Picton John, 102 O'Neill William, 74 O'Toole Thomas, 75, 146 Penfold, alias Harry Roberts, alias Pickup James, 312, 370 O'Neill Patrick, 90 O'Toole Ellen, 75 Raymond, 217 Pierce Dr. Robert James, 18 O'Neill James, 125 O'Toole Patrick, 216 Penfold Mary, 261 Pierce alias William C. Jones, 30 O'Neill Denis, 181, 184 O'Toole Lawrence, 272 Penhall Samuel Nebone, 121 Pierce James, alias Thomas Rundle, O'Neill Daniel, 181, 184 O'Toole Mary, 350 Penman Richard R., 196 alias Johnstone, 109 O'Neill Barry, 189 O'Toole John Thomas, 365, 387 Penn Henry Albert, 203, 289, 307 Pierce Harry, 284 O'Neill John, 199 O'Toole Matthew, 397 Penson John, 192, 197 Pierce & Hayward, 399 O'Neill James, 204 O'Toole Margaret, 397 Pentecost Maud, 89, 97 Pierrepoint Percy, 125 Penyul George, 79, 132 Pietz Nicholas, 38 P Percival John , 193 Pi gg ott William , 60 Perdrix Jean Louis, 321 Piggott William, 145 Packenham Joseph, 3 Parsons James, 188 Perkins Arthur, 272, 305, 314 Pigs maliciously poisoned at Armi- Page John, 116 Parsons Richard Bede, 215 Perkins Edward, 369 dale, 280 Page Francis James, 237 Parsons E. W., 280 Permewan, Wright, & Co., 145 Pike W. F., 176 Pagey George Henry, 57 Parsons Marcus, 373 Perone Nicholas, 7 Pike William, 321 Painter H., 234 Partridge John, 106 Perrin John, 251, 267 Pike Mrs., 372 Paitch James, 168, 176 Partridge Mrs., 259 Perrin Mary, 251, 267 Pinkstone Samuel, 64 Paling William Henry, 17 Partridge James, 329 338 Perrin John, 350, 391 Piper & Co. F. W., 46 Palland Evelyn, 226 Pascall Etienne, 197, 208 Perry Samuel, alias Doolan, alias Piper Edward, 231 Palmer W. H., 18 Pascoe Thomas, 78, 397 Turnbull, 11, 39, 54 Pitman William, 45, 57 Palmer Frederick John, 42, 103 Pascoe John James, 167 Perry Phoebe, 52 Pitman Sarah, 45 Palmer John, 89 Pascoe William H., 383 Perry Annie or Fox, 226 Pitt Jane, 145 Palmer A., alias T. Jones, alias R. Paterson River, body of man, Perry Samuel A., 234 Pitt Henry James, 193 Thomas, 281 name unknown, found near Perry Charles, 274 Pitt Thomas, 369 Palmer Charles, 344 Woodville, 66, 77 Peter Cecil, 86 Pitt-street, abandoned child found, Pan gee, 115 Paton Thomas, 134 Peters Helena, 6 371 Panbula, man named Hans Han- Paton Alfred, 184 Peters John or Kilkelly, 17 Pittman Caroline, 69 sen, drowned on the bar, 197 Paton John, 237 Peters John, 121 Pixley, Henry, alias Voss, 193 Panchard William L. C., 95 Patrick Lily, 246 Peters James, 152 Plackett Titus, 78 Paoletti Paul, 112 Patrick Margaret, 295 Peters John, 187 Plain Emily, 365 Papi Pietro, 160 Patrick H. A., 348 Peters John, 197 Planimeter stolen from Engineering Pardoe Thomas, 131 Patterson James, 18 Peters Margaret, 341 Exhibition, Prince Alfred Park, Paris John Spicer, 172 Patterson James, 79 Petersen William R., 196 247 Park A. L., 249 Patterson Robert, 102 Petersen Theodore, 320 Plata Michael, 364 Parker Joseph, 4 Patterson William, 175 Petersham, body of infant found, Platt William, 35, 62 Parker John, 8 Patterson James, 201 219 Flatten William Forsey, 207 Parker W. H., 26 Patterson George, 336 Peterson Henry, 143 Platts Walter, 397 Parker Henry, 30 Pattison Robert, 11 Peterson Zelia, 156 Player Isabella, 259 Parker Mrs., 140 Pattison Jane, 11 Peterson Peter, 189 Player Thomas, 402 Parker William, 144, 169 Pattison Charles J., 56 Peterson George, 201 Ploem, John, 281 Parker Harry, 148, 291 Paul Charlotte, 109, 238 Peterson Elizabeth Mary, 213 Plumley Mrs., 344, 351 Parker Henry, 183, 201 Paul William, 200 Peterson Magnus, 246 Poggi Andrew, 164 Parker William, 205, 266 Paul David, 295, 304 Peterson Peter, 350 Poidevan Francis, 337 Parker Mary Ellen, 261 Paul, alias Mueller, alias Miller, Peterson Amy, 350 Pokorney John James, 397 Parker Edward George, 261 304 Petley, William, 382 Polak John, 215 Parker John, 303 Paul Oliver, 313 Petrie George, 81 Police Act extended, 63, 73, 97, 219, Parker Ellen, 303 Paul E. M., 390 Petrie George, 324, 333 233, 255, 283 Parker Samuel, 321 Paulsen Louis, 79 Pettitt James Charles, 360 Police Districts, 371 Parker George, 360 Pay Charles, 69 Petty Sessions established, 179, Police Notices, 1, 41, 73, 241, 371, Parker Ann, 387 Payne Robert, 26, 217 247, 299 389, 399 Parker Andrew, 387 Payne Charles, 34, 145 Petty Sessions abolished, 269 Police horse strayed from Jinda- Parker Joseph, 402 Payne Charles, 60 Phelan Richard, 258, 265 byne, 98 Parkes Annie, 80 Payne John, 193 Phelps George, 11 Polley Samuel, 242, 256 Parker Alice, 95 Payne F., 220 Phelps Charles, 207 Follett Robert, 337, 378 Parkes Henry, 286 Pear Mrs. Emma, 339 Phibbs George R., 137 Pollock William, 145 Parkes, supposed name of man Pearce Harry, 41 Phillips James, 3 Poole Thomas, 10 whose body was found near Pearce John, 43 Phillips Annie, alias Mary Ann Poole Frederick, 131 Wallsend, 143 Pearce Alfred, 120 White, alias Garrity, 14 Poole James, 328 Parnell John, 127 Pearce J. H., 148 Phillips Richard, 18 Poole George Francis, 368 Parnell Elizabeth, ' 215 Pearce Edward, 304 Phillips Thomas, 30 Poolman John, 382 Parr George, 144 Pearce Frederick, 312 Phillips Samuel, 69 Pope & Maher, 155 Parramatta, abandoned child Pearce Louis, 348 Phillips Mary, 69 Pope William, 284 found, 261, 269 Pearce John J., 387 Phillips William, 84, 95 Pope Thomas, 296 Parramatta, body of infant found, Pearce Alfred, 402 Phillips Sarah, 90 Pope John, 305 315, 323 Pearl Hannah Margaret, 38 Phillips Joseph, 93 Popham Lizzie Emily, or Morris, Farrow, alias David Paul, alias Pearl Joseph Harper, 38 Phillips Joseph, 122 86 Mueller, alias Miller, 304 Pearson William Edwin, 23 Phillips Frederick, 124 Poppenhagen F., 361 Parry & Co., 396 Pearson James, 64 Phillips Joseph, 160 Port Macquarie, wreck found sup- Parsons Catherine, 14 Pearson Charles, 75, 100, 160 Phillips George, 164 posed " Sovereign of the Seas," Parsons Thomas , 75, 259, 266 Pearson James, 83 Phillips William H., 184 289 -Varsons George, 100 Pearson Andrew, 368, 378 Phillips Thomas James, 191, 209 Porter John, 145 Parsons William Edward, 151 Pearson Mrs., 371 Phillips James, 209 Porter John, 267 Parsons Henry T., 159 Peck Stephen, 278 Phillips Christopher, 216 Porter John, 356 { W QUT14W4 QLI UTTIPI? DI 88 .

Porteus Mrs., 303 Public School at Bendick Morell Prisoners tried, &c.-continued :- Portmanteau stolen from Home- wilfully damaged, 37 Cook Alfred, 826 Garay Henrold, alias Henry bush Railway Station, 347 Public School at Mudme ong wil- Cook, alias Donald Forest, 367 Chapins, 394 Postmaster General, 94, 109,152, fully damaged, 159 Cooloinong, alias ]alomein, Gaston Christian or Boesener3, 184, 153, 402 public School at Seven Hills money alias Don Carlos ' de Vine, 318 Potter Henry, 55 stolen, 255 alias Dr.,ips, alias Julius Gilmore James, 319 Potter James, 109 Pugliese Antonio, 61, 70, 80, 87 Weiss, alias Hall, alias Julies Gilmour John 4arieson, 219,3 Potter Robert, 160, 173 Pullen Lieutenant, 112 Vitey Boras, 394 Glass Edith, 3014 Potter Robert, 167 Pullen Rosa, 381 Corpusa John, 335 Qleeson Charles, 29,4 Potter James, 211 Pulver Herbert-Bailey, 9, 17 Cosh Mary Ann, 318 Glover James Lawrence, 31, Potts Dominick, 102, 387 Purcell Michael, g0 Couch John, 367 Glover Mary Jane, 31 Pottymutes Antonio, 171, 175, Purcell Annie; 119 Coulter James, 393 Govet Philip, 2b4 187, 347 Purcell Senior Constable, 352 Cox George, alias Williams, Gray John, 29,3 Poulton James, 327 Purtell Martin, 100 319 Gregory Robert Scott, 374 Powell Mary, 13,-30 Purtell Peter,' 321 Croker Joseph, 335 Gregory H. 4 , 394 Powell Arthur, 56 Purves Lieutenant, 205 Curran Thomas, 393 Greig John, junior, $35 Powell Thomas, 82 Purves Frank, 396 Dalby Joseph, 294 Greig John, -senior; 33 5 Powell Mrs., 131 Putman James, 163 Danby James, 375 Greenrose Gustave' V,., 311 Powell F. A., 149 Putt William, 237 Danforth William, 367 Grey Peter, 349 Powell Theodore, 184 Puxley John, 77 Davidson James, alias Emerson, Griffin Percy Si., 367 Powell John, 191 Pyke Abraham B., 45 367 Gunning Thomas, 302 Powell John, 223 Pyne James, 216 Davidson George, 385 Gurney Thomas, 318 Powell John, 241 Pyne Mrs. Mary, 360 Daveney Charles, 294 rty, alias Annie Flpo, Powell Mary Ann, 241 Prisoners tried at Circuit Courts Davenport William, alias H393 Powell Edward, 247 and Courts of Quarter Sessions:- Michael O'Brien, 310 Haild Robert, 294 PowellJane, '274 AbdulGaful, 294 Davis Joseph, 318 Hall, alias Juliu s 'Vitey Bows, Powell Charles, 290 .¢h Wang, 375 Davis Joseph, 294 alias Julius Veil ,' alias ir: Powell Thomas, 331 Alma Joseph, 67 De Vine Dop Carlos, alias Phillips , alias Pori Carlos; Powell William, 352 Amaval Thomas, 293 Coolomong, alias Kalomciri, alias Coolomong, at}as Talo.- Powell Mrs., 354 Anderson Fanny, 3,18 alias Dr. Phillips, alias Julius mein, 394 Powell William, 356 Arnold Henry, 293 Weiss, alias Hall, alias Julius Hamilton Frank, 293 Powell Thomas, 385 Aspinall William, 394 Vitey Boras, 394 Hammersley George, 367 Powell William, 386 Assenheim Louis, 293 Devine Alexander, 375 Hansard Henry, 375 Power Timothy, 14 Aylward Charles, 375 Davoren Lucius, 29 Hanson Frederick; 293 Power Dinah Jane, 29 Badgery Joseph, alias Edwards, Dempsey Charles, 343 Harmaur Joseph, 313 Power Thomas, 29, 131 318 Dempsey John, alias George Harvey Williamson, 393 Power -, 81 Ball William, 302 Sinnitt, 367 Hart, alias Jas. Riley, 318 Power Mary, 144 Barbour James, 367 Desonza, alias Agnes Marshall, Harvey , alias Ford, alias Ho- Power Michael, 156 Barbour Ellen, 367 319 ward, alias Geo. Howe ll, 293r Power Thomas, 284, 309 Barnes William, 326 Dickson John W., alias Simp Harvey Mercy, alias Carry, Power Thomas, alias Dingle, alias Barnes George, 313 son, 326 319 Farrelly, 398 Bastardi Annette, 367 Doherty James, 335 Hawkins Amy, 343 y Powers Thomas, 2 Baxter Thomas, 293 Donohoe James, 293 Head Patrick, 318 Powers John, 303 Baxter Andrew, 307 Donohoe James, 318 Healey Patrick, 302 Poyner, Frank, 309 Beale Henry, 293 Donohoe James, 318 Heare Ellen, 367 Poyton John, 358 Beans Peter, 393 Donellan Michael, 393 Heaton Alfred, 293 Praclor John, 316, 345 Bazzerwitz Francis, 394 Donnelly Henry, alias James Heaton Edward, 375 Pratt Charles Matthew, 230 Berner George, 294 Ferguson, 335 Henderson Patrick, 274 Pratt John, 259 Bingley Thomas, 394 Driscoll Mary F., 319 Hill William, 393 Pratt Thomas Alfred, 259 Bishop Alfred, 293 Duncan, alias Henry Thomp- Hilton Elizabeth,'294 Preece Isaac, 839 Bishop Alfred, 318 son, alias McDonald, aliod Hindon Wm , E., 302 Preece Isaac, Blackney Henry, 318 Brown, 36 7 Hockins Henry, 293 Prendergast Edward, 386 Bosenberg, or Uhristian Gaston, Duff Alexander, 204 Hodgetts Rhoda A,., 318 Press Alfred, 227 318 Duffy John, alias James, 310 Hodgetts, alias Thos. Johnson, Price John, 7 Bone Andrew James, 318 Duffy George, 393 Price Alfred, 30 Booty Phillip Galloway, 293 Dunn Michael, 293 Hopkins Edward, 367 Price Daniel, 38 Boras Julius Vitey, alias Hall, Dunn Michael, 318 Hornsby Henry, 367 Price William, 62 alias Julius Weiss, alias Dr. Dunn Robert, 393 Horton Theodore, 310 Price Arthur, 127, 138 Phillips, alias Don Carlos de Dyson James, 343 Howard , alias Geo. Howell, Price John, 149 Vine, alias Coolomong, alias Earl Harry, 326 alias Harvey , alias Ford, 29,4 Price Albert, 239 Kalomeine, 394 Edwards, alias Jos. Badgery, How Chung, 391 Price Thomas, 262 Boucher Charles, 335 318 Howell Cleo., alias Howard, Price John, 270 Bottomy George, 375 Egan John, 375 alias Harvey, alias Ford, 293,'' Price Mary, 286 Bowman Isaac, 375 Eglin George, 294 Howell Joseph, 302 Price & Co., 344 Boyce William, 393 Emerson, alias James Davidson, Howes Joseph, 894 Priddle William Wills, 116, 131 Boyd Charles, 367 367 Hunt Vere,"393 Pride of Lithgow Independent Boyd H. E., 394 Eresmo Simeon, 375 Hunter William, 293 Order of. Oddfellows, 50 Bradford David, 393 Eustace Jesse, 385 Hurley James, 349 Priest Alfred Peter, 385 Bradley Edward, 294 Fergusson Jas., alias Hy. Don- Hutchings Richard, 29,4 Priest Edith, 385 Brash Maurice, 302 nelly, 335 Imber William, 318 ' Priestly Clara, 281, 305 Bray Elizabeth, alias Stan- Fetherstonhaugh Priscilla, 335 Isaac John Thomas, 367 Primrose Alfred, 192 bridge, or Lucy, 302 Field Thomas, 326 Jacobsen Henrick, 335' Prince Alfred Park, abandoned Brenin Thomas, 302 Fitzsimmons John, 335 James , alias John Duffy,310 child found, 219, 225 Brennan Henry, 393 Fletcher Arthur, 293 Jarrett Elizabeth, 294 Prince Alfred Park, Exhibition, Bridges Phillip, 294 Flintling George, 326 Je ffries Edward, 343 plan-!meterstolenfrom, 247 BriggsNathaniel, 385 Flood Nicholas, 367 Jenkins Edward, 375 Pring James, 216 Brodie David John, 318 Flood Annie, alias Haggarty, Johnson John, 29,3 Priol Mrs., 390 Brown George, 318 393 Johnson Thos., alias Hodgetts,, Pritchard, James, 1S Brown George, 318 Forbes Charles William, 393 318 Pritchard Elizabeth, 18 Brown John, 340 Ford, alias Harvey, alias Ho- Johnson Edward , alias Wilson, Pritchard alias Edward Mitchell, Brown John, 367 ward, alias George Howell, 335 ' 66, 70, 80 Brown, alias McDonald, alias 293 Johnson Charlotte, 349 Pritchard Ellen, 78, 87 Duncan, alias Henry Thomp- Forrest Donald, alias Cook, 367 Johnson August B., 375 Pritchard Edward, 117 son, 367 Forrest Alfred, 367 Jones John, 291 Pritchard Elizabeth, 264, 296 Bryant Frederick, 385 Frame Jas., alias John Frazer, Jones Wm., alias Trafford, aliaq Pritchard Sydney, 390 Bunyard Alger, 293 302 John Rogers , alias Roberts, Property found in possession of Burke Patrick, 349 Francis Joseph Henry, 313 alias Carolin, alias Wrenel , George Howell supposed stolen, Burke Thomas, 349 Francis Joseph Henry, 367 326 252 Butts James, 335 Frazer John, alias Janes gawp, Jones William, 318 Propstring Charles, 93 Butts John, 335 302 Jones William , alias John o4- Prospect, silver watch found, Conlan Thomas, 326 Frost Henry, 326 way, 335 365 Connors George, 367 Fulton, alias Alfre4 Riphards, Jones William, 367 Prout Louisa, 2 Conway John, alias William 367 Jones Thomas, 3901 Prunty John, 120 Jones, 335 Gaful Abdul, 294 JosephLLBenjamin, 393 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX- 18$6.

Prisoners tried , &e.-continued :- Pr isoners tried , &a.--continued:- P risoners discharged free - contd:- Kalomein, alias Coolomong, alias Pearce Edward, 367 Thompson Edward C. 0., 318 Archer William, 129 Don Carlos de Vine, alias Dr. Pearson John, 293 Thompson R. It, 326 Arnold David, 114 Phillips, alias Julius Weiss, Peisley George, 367 Thompson Edmund Charles Ashley William, 366 alias Hall, alias Julius Vitcy Penfold, alias Henry Robets, Osmond, 367 Asser, alias Hesse, alias Wm. Boras, 394 293. Thompson Nellie, 367 Hurley, 76 Keegan George, 393 Perry Robert, 375. Thompson Henry, alias Duncan, Bailey Thomas, 311 Keen Charles, 349 Phillips Dr., alias Julius Weiss, alias M'Donald,alias Brown, Bain, alias Jas. Douglass, 114 Kenna William, 385 alias Hall, alias Julius Vitey 367 Babzane Herbert, 222 Kinchella William, 293 Boras, alias Don Carlos do Thompson Lachlan, 367 Banner Thomas, 141 King William, 302 Vine, alias Coolomong, alias Thompson Robert, 375 Bannister Augustus, alias Wynd- King Cornelius, 318 Kalomein, 394 Thone Thomas, 335 ham Bannister , alias Alfred Kirwin James, 343 Porter John, 318 Thrower Edith, 367 Bannister, 374 Laidlaw Walter, 375 Powell John, 335 Tomalin Chas. James, 375 Barry Michael, 76 Large Edwd ., alias Sayers, 335 Quinn John, 326 Temkin Henry, 394 Barry John, 150 Larkham Thomas, 335 Rankin Frederick, 391 Townsend Maria, 293 Barry Joseph, 311 Lascelles Thomas, alias Nelson, Reid Mary Ann, 291 Trafford, alias John Rogers, Barry Thomas, 320 alias James Smith, 385 Reid Robert, 393 alias W. Jones, alias Roberts, Barth Charles, 136 Lecount Samuel, 385 Reidtman Jack ff., 302 alias Caroline , alias Anthony Becroft Henry, 320 Lecount Michael, 385 Renshaw Alice, 319 Wrench, 326 Beattie David, 214 Lee Lionel, 375 Reynolds Alfred, 375 Troutman William, 326 Bell Joseph , alias Rhodes, alias Lee James George, 394 Rhodes John, 343 Turner Patrick, 293 Jas. Hales, 228 lepropriFrancis, 294 Richards Alfred, alias Fuiton, Venner Arthur George, 293 Bennet John S., alias Williams, Leslie Charles C., 302 367 Von Biern Carl, alias Hiram 92 Lewis David, 326 Bichardson Mark, 385 George Wallbridge, 375 Bennett James, 129 Lewis Arthur, 394 Richardson John, 385 Walke Annie, 313 Bennett Thomas, 279 Lipscombe Richard, 294 Richardson Kate, 393 Walker Jas., alias Williams, 293 Pinks Thomas, 198 Lockyer Thomas, 335 Riley James, alias Hart, 318 Walker George, 326 Bishop Thomas, 166 LoganErnest, 319 Riley John, 393 Walker George, 326 Blake Catherine, 28 Lonkin Richard, 391 Roberts Henry, alias Penfold, Wallace Walter, 367 Blake Joseph, 85 Lucas Charles, 335 293 Waller Edwin, 367 Blind Jimmy, alias Brandon, Lucas Albert, 335 Roberts Joseph, 293 Walsh Timothy, 294 alias James Mitchell, 92 Lucy or Stanbridge, alias Eliza- Roberts, alias Wm. Jones, alias Walters Goo, alias Milford, Blott William, 320 beth Bray, 302 Trafford, alias John Rogers, alias Roden, 335 Bolter, alias Henry George Fox, Lutton William, 375 alias Carolin, alias Anthony Ward William, 294 214 Marooney Edward, 326 Wrench, 326 Webber Arthur, 375 Bourke John, 150 Marshall Agnes, alias Desouza, Roden, alias Milford, alias Geo. Webster Alexander, 367 Brandon, alias Blind Jimmy, 319 Walters, 335 Webster Edward, 375 alias James Mitchell, 92 Martin Joseph, 393 Roderick Frank, 293 Weiss Julius, alias Hall, alias Brandon John, 292 Maskell Robert, 394 Rogers John, alias Trafford, Julius Vitey Boras, alias Dr. Breeze Frederick, 381 Mason James, 310 alias Wm. Jones, alias Roberts, Phillips, alias Don Carlos de Brooking Albert, 36 Merriman George, 335 alias Carolin, alias Anthony Vine, alias Coolomong, alias Brooks Charles, 114 Milford, alias Roden, alias Geo. Wrench, 326 Kalomein, 394 Brown William Thomas, 311 Walters, 335 Ronan Thomas, 293 Weston Maud, 318 Brown James T., 107 Miller William, 293 Rouse Walter, 2t3 White William A., 302 Brown Henry, 141 Miller Henry, 302 Rowledge William, 294 White Daniel, 375 Brown Charles, 150 Miller Hugh, 393 Sambo, 294 Williams, alias Jas. Walker, 293 Brown Mary, 182 Mills James, 293 Sandy (ab.), 3)3 Williams Thomas, 302 Brown Henry, 343 Minchin Clarence, 385 Saubier Maria, 367 Williams Charles, 318 Brown,alias Watson, alias John Mitchell John, 302 Saville James, 393 Williams, alias George Cox,318 Dickens, 206 Mitchell Henry, 335 Sayers, alias Edward Large, 335 Williams Harriet J., 326 Brown Samuel, 251 Mitchell John, 385 Scott Thomas, 293 Williams Frederick, 394 Brown John, 271 Monaghan John, 391 Scott Basil J. H., 310 Willis Frederick, 293 Bruce Andrew, 20 Moore Joseph, 367 Schultz Bernard, 318 Willis Frederick, 318 Brusher, The, alias Wm. Thomas, Morly Edward Grey, 343 Search Alfred, 326 Wilson Edward, 293 123 Morris William, 294 Seene, 294 Wilson Thomas, 294 Bryant, alias Jones , alias Bessie Morris William, 375 Sharp Ellen, 394 Wilson Edward, alias Michael Steel, alias White, alias Mount Alfred, 294 Shaw Alexander, 302 Noonan, 318 O'Brien, 251 Murphy John Daniel, 367 ShawChas. W. F., 302 Wilson James, 318 Bulcher Charles, 136 Murray Richard, 194 Simitt Geo., alias John Dempsey, Wilson, alias Edward Johnson, Bunthorn Thos. 0., 401 Murty George, 335 367 335 Burke James, 320 M`Alister Duncan, 375 Simons John, 293 Wilson Charles, 335 Burns John, 76 M'CarthyJeremiah, 293 Simpson, alias John W. Dickson, Wilson John, 367 Burns John, 123 M'CarthyCharles, 367 326 Windsor Benjamin, 375 Burns John, 150 M'CauleyWilliam, 294 Smith Charles, 293 Wissman Frederick, 335 Burns William, 166 M'Donald,alias Brown, alias Smith James, 318 Woodward Fanny, 294 Burns Walter, 374 Duncan, alias Henry Thomp- Smith John, 318 Wrench Anthony, alias Carolin, Burney Monte, 343 son, 367 Smith Jas., alias Arthur Styke, alias Roberts, ailias W. Jones, Burrell Thomas, 251 M`Donald William, 375 318 alias Trafford, alias John Bussell William, 51 M'GovernSydney, 293 Smith George 319 Rogers, 326 Byrne John, 257 M'GrathJames, 318 Smith John, 326 Wright John, 293 Byrnes Patrick, 257 M'GregorHarriet, 367 Smith James, 367 Wright Francis Augustus, 375 Cameron Charles, 36 M`Intosh George, 293 Smith James , alias Nelson, alias Wyatt Frederick, 367 Cameron Donald, 334 M'NeeJames, 394 Thomas Lascelles, 385 Wynne John, 393 Campbell Jas., alias Scott, 366 M'Neill Archibald, 291 Smith James, 393 Yeend Robert, 375 Campbell Edward J., ;150 M'NutlyAlbert, 294 Smythe Frank, 326 Yeomans Robert, 343 Campbell Francis d., 20 Neilson Peter, 293 Stanbridge, or Lucy, alias Eliza; York James Alfred, 367 Cane Henry, 206 Nelson Charles, 302 beth Boray, 302 Young Esther, 294 Carroll James, 257 Nelson, alias James Smith, alias Stanwell Wm. H., 393 Young Hcnry, 302 Carroll William, 311 Thomas Lascelles , 385 Stephens William, 391 Pr isoners discharged free :- Carruthers Kate, 374 Newman William, 393 Stone Ellen, 367 Adair Robert, 374 Carter Edwin W., 384 Nichols John, 385 Styke Arthur, alias Jas. Smith, AliSee, 141 Cartledge, alias Aug. Cosgrove, Noonan Michael, alias Edward 318 Ali Suey, 320 136 Wilson, 318 Sullivan Timothy, 294 Ali Ung, 374 Casey John, 320 O'Brien Michael , alias William Summartin Victor, 294 Ali Wak, 374 Cassidy James, 129 Devenport, 310 Sweede Matthew, 367 Albion, alias Wm. Moore, 107 Catanio Vincenzo, 311 O'Connor Daniel, 367 Sweetman Charles, 393 Allen Jas., alias Stewart, 190 Cerriaul Paul, 36 O'Halloran Henry, 318 Swindle George, 349 Allen Patrick, 214 Chapman William, 182 Ohleuschlager Chas. H., 302 Tambourine Hann (ab.), 326 Allison George, 285 Chapman Susan, 190 Ollivier Wilby Morton , 393 Tanks George,326 Allwood Sarah, 311 Chapman Thomas Peter, 329 O'Rourke Patrick, 335 Taylor Fredk. Charles, 294 Ambrose John, 327 Cheathane William, 343 O'Sul livan Jeremiah , 375 Territt Jennie, 294 Andrews Wm., alias Arthur Chudleigh William , 357 Patch James, 326 Thomas Mary, 302 Murray, 271 Clarke Billy, 85 Paton John, 385 Thomas Clara, 318 Anderson John, 285 Clarke George, 320, 28 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Prisoners discharged free-contd.:- Prisoners discharged free -contd.:- Clarke James, 311 Gaunson William, 222 Jones, alias Bessie Steel, alias Moore Robert, 264 Clarke Sarah A., 350 Gavan Sloan H., 350 Bryant, alias White, alias Moore Wm.,-alias Albion, 107 Cleary Dolly, 311 George Adam, 6 O'Brien, 251 Moore Charles, 311 Clements Henry, 129 George Louis, 136 Jones Frederick, 311 Moore Thomas James, 311 Coaburn Thomas, 301 Gerrard Alexander, 261 Jones Andrew, 327 Moore Henry, 311 Coates Alfred, 28 Gibbs George, 150 Keating Oliver, 114 Moore James, 311 Cohen Edward A. J., 279 Gibson William, 99 Keller Catherine, 251 Moran Michael, 114 Cole Annie, 251 Gibson Joseph, 301 Keller Eva Catherine, 251 Moran James, 107 Collett Alfred, 311 Gibson John A., 320 Kelly Jas., alias Wilson, alias Morris Charles, 107 Collins John James, 51 Ginger (ab.), 243 King, 28 _ Morris George, 174 Collins George, 92 Gin Gong, 366 Kelly Lizzie, 123 Morrow Cyrus W., 279 Collins John H. B., 236 Goddard Henry, 343 Kelly James, 141 Mowatt John, 311 Connolly William, 28 G,uld Edgar, 327 Kelly Thomas, 228 Morton George Henry, 99 Coonly James, 85 Gorman Patrick, 222 Kelly William, 236 Mueller Frederick, alias Parrow, Copeman Chas. P., 99 Graham, alias Albert Latter, 343 Kelly John O'Connor, 301 alias Muller, 264 Corbett James, 85 Gray Arthur, 236 Kelly John, 392 Mullins Thomas, 257 Corbett, alias John Woods, 374 Green William, 214 Kendall George, 166 Munro Thomas, 279 Cosgrove Aug., alias Cartledge, Griffin, alias Chas Moll, 366 Kilgarry James, 150 Murphy William, 251 136 Hales Jas., alias Rhodes, alias King Thomas, 6 Murphy Luke, 182 Costello Edward, 99 Jos. Bell, 228 King Thomas, 28 Murphy Neil, 6 Coulchan George, 166 Hall, alias Gco. Watson, 123 King, alias Wilson, alias Jas Murphy Moses, alias John Lind- Courtney Jas. Alfred, 141 Hall Patrick, 182 Kelly, 28 say, alias John Patrick Lynch, Cox Francis Joseph, 251 Hall William, 206 Kini, alias Thos. Williams, 76 alias Jack in the box, &c., 123 Craven William, 44 Hall Joseph, 251 King Charlie, 198 Murphy Edward, 327 Crawford Thos. R., 36 Hall Henry W., 334 Kinnear Thomas, 279 Murray Arthur, alias William Carlin Frederick, 311 Hamer Annie, 279 Ladd Edw., or Tatham, 222 Andrews, 271 Crockett, alias John Simpson, 36 Hanney Robert, 366 Lalor, alias Martin, alias Thos. Murray Thomas, 285 Cross George, 206 Harbinson Harry J., 36 Duffy, 190 Mussell John, 292 Cuddy Denis, 264 Harrington Eleanor, 166 Lannen Thomas, 228 M'Cafferty Daniel, 174 Cunningham John, 190 Harris Henry V., 51 Lannen Thomas Michael, 213 M'Callum James, 311 Dally James, 44 Harris Isaac, 114 Latter Albert, alias Graham, 343 M'Cann Edward, 141 Daniels Joseph, 166 Harris Mary Ann, 206 Lawrence Matthew, 166 M'Carron Charles, 198 Dargue William, 129 Hayes John, 357 Laye, or Lea Mary, 292 M Carthy Francis, 251 Darlow Edward, 190 Haslock Edward, alias Percy Lea, or Laye Mary, 292 M'Clone Darby, 6 Davis Adrian, 114 Purcell, 58 Leary John, 67 M'Dermott, alias Daniel, M'Gui- Davis, alias Wingy, alias Charles Hatton John Thomas, 311 Lee Nicholson, 251 ness, 99 Hurst, 392 Hawkins Mitchell, 141 Lee W. P., 311 M'Donald John, 36 Day Osman, 51 Hazledon Samuel, 76 Leslie William, 279 M'Donald Daniel, 44 Deacon Alfred, 251 Head, alias Thomas Sinith, 214 Leverett James 150 M'Donald Neil, 129 Dean John, 114 Henderson John R., 292 Lim Kim Margaret, alias M'Donald John, 343 Delany Michael, 6 Herbert Ambrose, 166 M'Laughlin, 271 M'Donnall Patrick, aliasM'Evoy, Delarue Charles, 366 Hesse, alias Asser, alias Wm. Lindsay John, alias Moses 279 Delort Albert, 99 Hurley, 76 Murphy, alias John Patrick M'Evoy, alias Patrick M'Don- Desmond Michael, 92 Hickey Cornelius, 6 Lynch, alias Jack in the Box, nail, 279 Delaney Charles, 374 Hickling Chas. A. L., 206 123 M'Gillies Mary, 158 Dick, Thomas, 107 Higgins John, 36 Lloyd, alias David Lloydson, 311 M'Grath James, 243 Dickens John, alias Brown, alias Hilton Edward, 320 LloydsonDavid,aliasLloyd, 311 M'Grath Andrew, 311 Watson, 206 Hinson William, 174 Long Johnny, 285 M'Guinness Daniel, alias M'Der- Dickenson John, 28 Hirsch Moritz, 206 Lowe James, 6 mott, 99 Dickenson Wm., alias M'Kee, Hobbs William, 166 Lowrey John, 301 M'Intyre Peter, 129 401 Hodge William, 311 Lucas Albert, 350 M'Keig Louisa, 257 Dignam George, 257 Hodgson Frederick, 129 Lucas Charles, 401 M'Keon, alias Wm., Dickinson, Divine Henry, 6 Hogwood James, 357 Lumley Edward, 343 401 Dodd Charles, 374 Helm Charles, 182 Luschen George, 222 M' Kinnon John, 236 Doggett Alfred J., 129 Holmes John, 107 Lynch Samuel, 28 M'Laughlin John, 123 Doherty Charles, 51 Holmes Randel, 222 Lynch Edward, 44 M'Laughlin, alias Margaret Lim, Donald William L., 166 Holmes Charles, 301 Lynch John Patrick, alias Jon. Kim, 271 Donohue John, 374 Hook Elizabeth, 311 Lindsay, alias Moses Murphy, M'Mahon John, 311 Douglass Jas., alias Bain, 114 Hore Henry, 243 alias Jack in the Box, 123 M'Pherson David, 311 Douglass Jas. R., 136 Horton Walter C., 401 Lynch John, 182 Narran Jack, 343 Driscoll John, 264 Howard John, 236 Lynch Michael, 301 Nash Richard, 243 Driscoll John, 271 Howard Henry, 136 Lynch Michael, 327 Nelmes George, 320 Driscoll James, 374 Howling John, 150 Lynch Peter V., 401 Nelson John, 51 Duffy James, 182 Hughes Hugh Robert, 285 Lynch William, 401 Nelson Frank, 320 Duffy Thomas, alias Lalor, alias Humphries, alias Tobin, alias Mack John J., 150 Newcombe Jessie, 257 Martin, 190 Purtell, alias Wm. Jackson, Maker Thomas, 236 Newland Thomas, 257 Edwards Thomas, 343 129 Maker John, 320 Newman John H., 107 English Thomas, 92 Hurley Wm., alias Asser, alias Mahoney George, 392 Newry Mary Ann, 136 Ephrain Edward, 107 Hesse, 76 Maloney William, 327 Nicholson James, 350 Errold Patrick, or Hurley, 271 Huzley, or Patrick Erroll, 271 Mangan James, 166 Nicol David, 12 Evans Robert, 228 Hurst Chas., alias Davis, alias Marshall Henry, 67 Norton Joseph, 343 Evans David, 257 Wingy, 392 Martin, alias Labor, alias Thos. Nott Milbra, 206 Fenton John, 301 Hyde Charles, 243 Duffy, 190 Nye Charles William, 327 Fielding James, 129 Hyman Albert, 301 Martin John, 222 O'Brien, alias White, alias Bry- Fitzgerald Joseph, 12 Jack in the Box, alias John Martin Emily, 311 ant, alias Jones , alias Bessie Flahey Patrick, 44 Lindsay, alias Moses Murphy, Mason James, 85 Steel, 251 Fletcher James, 311 alias John Patrick Lynch, 123 Mason Michael, 190 O'Donnell Charles, 114 Ford Robert, alias Williams, Jackson William, alias Purtell, Matthew Joseph, 228 Oldfield Joseph, 285 374 alias Tobin, alias Humphries, Meally John, 76 O'Neill Jeremiah, 92 Foreman Arthur, 136 129 Mechin Robert, 198 O'Neill Matthew, 343 Forest Charles, 285 Jackson Robert, 190 Meehan Patrick John, 85 Organ Henry George, 99 FoxHenry George, alias Bolter, Jackson Frederick, 374 Milford Charles, alias Roden, 279 Osborne Henry, 327 214 Jennings Walter, 357 Milke Herman, 384 O'Shea Denis, 114 Franchi Carlo, 320 Jimmy, Blind, alias Brandon, Miller, alias Parrow, alias . O'Shea Michael, or Shea, 136 Francis Thomas, 357 ali as James Mitchell, 92 Frederick Mueller, 264 Padbury William, 292 Frazer James, 350 Johnson George, 36 Minahan Silvester, 99 Parker Edward, 343 Froberg John H., 327 Johnson, alias Jones, alias Henry Mitchell Jas., alias Brandon, Parker William, 343 Fuller Henry, alias Jones, alias Fuller, 80 alias Blind Jimmy, 92 Parrow, alias Miller, alias Johnson, 85 Johnson William, 99 Moffitt, alias George White, 311 Frederick Mueller, 264 Gair Robert, 350 Johnson James, 320 Moll Chas., alias Griffin, 366 Parsons Wm. Jas., 114 Gallagher John, 85 Johnson Wm., alias Smith, 350 Mooney Joseph, 366 Patterson Honorah, 76 Gallagher James, 343 Jones, alias Johnson, alias Henry Monsen William, 28 Patterson John, 206 Gartman John, 114 Fuller, 86 Montgomery James, 28 Peckham George, 58 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 29

Prisoners discharged free-continued :- Prisoners discharged free-continued :- Pergman Carl, 136 Stapleton Thomas, 251 Wingy , alias Davis , alias Chas. Wiseman Fred., 401 Perkins Phillip E., 206 Steel A. W. S., 384 Hurst , 392 Wisher Prince, 182 Perry Henry, 123 Steel Bessie , alias Jones, alias Winter Thomas , 150 Woods Thomas, 190 Peter Sing, 107 O'Brien, 251 Winters Jas. A., alias Wilson , Woods John , alias Corbett, 374 Phillips Joseph, 222 Steele, alias Wilson, alias Jas. alias Steele , 114 Woodward Septimus, 264 Plunkett Francis G., 222 A. Winters, 114 Wintle Walter, 301 Wright John, 198 Pointon John, 236 Stewart, alias J ames Allen, 190 Potts Henry V., 228 Stone Henry, 292 a Powell Charles , 85 Stratford Ed w. H ., 292 Powyer William, 366 Sullivan John, 150 Quarter Sessions , 1, 2, 25 Quinn Hugh Christopher, 101 Price John, 92 Sullivan Jeremiah, 357 Quealey Constable , 199 Quinn Patrick, 193 Priestly August, 99 Summers Harry, 36 Queanbeyan , Nuisance Prevention Quinn Elizabeth, 223 Prior John, 158 Sutton Russel, 279 Act Extended to, 9 Quinn Miss, 273 Pullen John, 107 Swan Daniel, 251 Queanbeyan Post Office, letter Quinn John, 274 Purce ll Patrick, 20, 28 Tate Charles A., 129 . lost, 220 Quinn John, 287 Purcell Percy , alias Edward Tatham , or Ladd Edward, 222 Queanbeyan , Police Act extended Quinn Arthur, 369 Haslock, 58 Taylor Alexander, 6 to, 283 Quinn George, 369 Purtell alias Wm. Jackson, alias Taylor John, 12 Quigley Owen, 344 Quinn John, 378 Tobin , alias Humphries, 129 Terrill Frank, 76 Quin Ching , 152 Quinn John, 402 Quinn John, 6 Thomas John, 6 Quinlan Peter , 157 Quirk John, 19 Quinn John, 334 Thomas William, alias the Quinlan John, 167 Quirk Mary, 179 Randall John, 20 Brusher, 123 Quinn Michael , 19, 35 Quirk William, 201 Regan James, 206 Thomas Elizabeth, 357 Quinn James Andrew , 79 Quirk John, 217 Regan James, 366 Thompson Henry, 6 Quinn Thomas, 86 Remean Alfred, 236 Thompson Thomas, 114 Rhodes, alias Jos. Bell, alias Thompson William, 166 R J as. Hales , 228 Thom pson Charles H ., 190 Roberts William, 44 Thompson Annie, 357 Rabbits, maliciously liberated , Read Charles, 246 Roberts George W., 311 Thompson Geo., alias White, 389 Read Joseph, 252 Roberts Alfred, 392 Rabone Joseph , 248 Read Dr. R. B., 290 Robertson Joseph, 350 Thompson John, 384 Rafferty Peter , 48 Read Charles, 295, 321 Robertson Henry, 129 Tipp John Wiliam, 107 Rafter Alfred , 69 Read Robert, 307 Robinson Elizabeth, 292 Tobin , alias Humphries, alias Rahilly William , alias Riley , 79 Reading H., 7 Roden, alias Charles Milford, Purtell, alias William Jack- Railway Department , embezzle - Reardon Louisa, 13 279 son, 129 ment, 217 , 224 Reardon Peter, 15 Rodgers Alfred, 76 Tobin John, 136 Railway Line, Goulburn , points Reardon Peter, 52 Rogers Edward, 76 Tobin James, 14 1. tampered with, 235 Reardon Joseph, 52 Rolfe James Taylor, 150 Tooma Thomas, 264 Railway Line, Great Southern Reardon Patrick, 193 Rollston Alexander, 228 Tout Rose, 311 Railway, malicious damage, 323 Reardon Robert Charles, 245 Rose James, 214 Train George, 206 Raines Joseph, 220 Reddin John J., 13 Ross Joseph, 343 Tucker Sarah, 311 Ralph John , 102 Reddin Patrick, 148 Rostra Eugene, 251 Turner Patrick, 190 Ralph William , 196 Redfern Railway Station, fire in Rouse John, 243 Turnham Herbert, 51 Ramsay Herbert A., 358, 370, 378 workshops, 262 Rowel Andrew, 12 Underwood John, 343 Ramsay John, 387 Redgard Robert, 22 Rowland Edward, 12 Vaughan Hugh, 350 Ramsden Alfred , 364 Redgate Samuel , 159, 275 Rowlodge William, 114 Walker James A., 384 Ranan Annie, 340 Redgrove John, 376 Russell Anne, 51 Walker Edward Brett, 243 Rance Francis J., 79 Redmond Lizzie, 284 Ryan James, 292 Wall John , alias Slack, 92 Rankin Alexander , 38 Redshaw James, or Boylson, 216 Ryan William, 41 Wallace Thomas, 6 Rankin Alexander , 77 Redshaw iiamuel, 273 Ryan Thomas, 135 Ward Cornelius, 292 Rankin Henry , 184 Reece Charles, 62 Ryan John, 251 Watson George , alias Hall, &c. Rankin Frederick , 245 Reece Donald, 120 Ryan John, alias Smith, 264 123 Rankin John 376 Reed Agnes, 152 Ryan Martin, 279 Watson , alias Brown , alias John Rankins John, 102, 145 Reed Wi lliam, 355 Ryan John,, 311 Dickens, 206 Ransome Henry Franklin , 296 Reed E lizabeth Al.,355 Sadler Maria, 311 Watson George, 243 Rape on Sarah Ann Colquboun, Reed Joseph, 387 Salmain Malbrook, 257 Watson WTm., alias White, 311 at Warren , 2 Rees William, 60 Salter George, 44 Watson Robert, 350 Rape on Elizabeth Ann Campbell Rees John, 112 Sandford George, 264 Webb Mary, 51 and Emily Webber , at Clarence Rees Frederick, 122 Saunders John, 343 Webb John, 136 Town, 81 Rees George, 200 Sayers William, 285 Weinrich Albert, 174 Rape on Mary Jeffrey, at Bur- Reeve Manoab, 21 Scanlon Hugh, 158 Welsh Elizabeth, 44 wood , 111, 119 Reeve Alfred, 74 Scanlan Timothy, 357 Werner Charles, 85 Rape on Annie Purcell , in Sydney, Reeves -, 315 Schmidt Charles, 206 West Ernest, 44 119 Regan Mary, 59 Schmutter John, 114 West Joseph W., 51 Rape on Elizabeth Currey , at Regan Thomas, 74 Scott, alias Jas. Campbell, 366 West James, 357 North Bulli , 119 Regan Patrick, 134 See War (ch.) James, 228 Westman George, 320 Rape on Mary Jane Hicks, at Regan James, or Roberts, 142 Semonte Emile, 123 Wetherill Thomas, 350 Moore Park, 307 Regan Margaret, 211 Shaw Alex., 313 Wheeler James Sydney, 311 Rape on Lucia Egan, at Robert - Regan William, 286 Shea, or O'Shea Michael, 136 White, alias Geo. Thompson, son, near Berrima , 347 Reid James, 30 Shelly Spencer, 136 366 Raper Miss, 347 Reid John, 53 Sheridan John, 58 White George, 357 Rasman Tresenen , 368 Reid Mary, 83 Shong Tye, 392 White , alias O'Brien, alias Rasmussen H., 216 Reid Annie, 91 Silk William , alias Wilson, 28 Bryant, alias Jones, alias Rattrar Thomas , 331 Reid Henry, 102 Simmington Arthur, 150 Bessie Steel, 251 Ravel David, 256 Reid Alfred, 103 Simpson Jolbn,alias Crockett, 36 White , alias Wm. Watson, 311 Rawlings Arthur , 215 Reid Richard, 120 Simpson Clifford, 51 White George , alias Modit, 311 Rawlison C., 193 Reid George, 121, 259 Sing Peter, 107 White William, 311 Rawlison Mr., 221 Reid Hamiliton, 173 Skelton Geo. E., 12 Williams James, 6 Ray George F daard, 100 Reid Mary Ann, 237 Slack , alias John Wall, 92 Williams Stephen, 36 Raymond -, 108 Reid Margaret or Lydia, 280, Silo Don Pietro, 285 Williams Thomas , alias King, 76 Raymond alias Penfold, 217 303 Smith Joseph, 6 Williams, alias John S. Bennet, Raynes Sydney Henry, 391 Reidtmann Jack, 266, 321 Smith John, 44 92 Raynor Emily, 30 Reidy John, 101 Smith Richard, 51 Williams , alias John Wilson, Raynor -, 256 Reidy Arthur, 364 Smith Thomas , or James, 76 334 Raynor Caroline , 355 Reilly John, 94 Smith George, 114 Williams, alias Robert Ford, 374 Raynor Henry, 387 Reilly Thomas, 161 Smith William Latham, 174 Wilson, alias William Silk, 28 Rea Thomas , 7, 69 Reilly David G:, 196 Smith James, 190 Wilson, alias King, alias Jas. Rea Albert V., 87 Reilly J. B., alias William Ed- Smith Thomas , alias Head, 214 Kelly, 28 Read Samuel , 48 wards, 266 Smith, alias John Ryan, 264 Wilson. alias Steele, alias Jas. Read C., 128 Reilly Bridget, 352 Smith Henry, 301 A. Winters, 114 Read Sydney H., 177 Reinhardt Maud Mary, 187, 211 Smith William, 311 Wilson George, 264 Read Annie, 201 Reinke Carl, 69 Smith Elizabeth, 343 Wilson John, alias Williams, Read Joseph , 220 Remains of man, name unknown, Smith, alias Wm. Johnson, 350 334 Read Annie , 244, 253 found on Haystack , Plain, 22 9b X1W SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX--1886.

Remains, supposed, of William Riley William, alias Rahilly, 79 Robinson John, 194 Ross James Hercules, 23 Thomas Cowling, found near Riley James, alias Frost, 125 Robinson James, 201 Ross James, 23 Falconbridge, 37 Riley Tilly, 157 Robinson John, 223 Ross James, 53 Remains of man, name unknown, Riley Clara Jane, 203, 225 Robinson Harvey, 229 Ross Robert, 77 found near Native Dog Hollow, Riley Elizabeth, 213 Robinson William, 238 Ross Johu, 108 Bunnerong Road, 86 Riley William, 249 Robinson Margaret, 265 Ross William, 119, 169 Remains of man, name unknown, Riley James, alias Hart, 287 Robinson John, 295 Ross Thomas, 125 found on Comiala Run, near Riley Jaxnes, 295, 377 Robinson Peter, 316 Ross Frederick, 137 Cassilis, 86 Riley Fanny, 295, 377 Robinson Sarah Elizabeth, 316 Ross William David, alias Roar1y, Remains of infant found in quarry Riley Arthur, 336, 361 Robinson Ralph, 325 151, 169,177 at Milparinka, 115 Riley James, 355 Robinson John, 328, 345 Ross John, alias Ross Smith, 217 Remains of man, name unknown, Riley Tohn, 361 Robinson William, 364 Ross William, 233 found near Ashford, 130 Riley Peter, 385 Robinson, alias Anderson, alias Ross Hugh, 248 Remains of man, name unknown, Riley Mary, 385 Buckley, alias James Fitzgibbon, Ross Neil Stratton, 251 found in Mooki River, 135 Riley Mary Jane, 395 369, 397 Ross Rebecca, 251 Remains of Thomas Christie, found Ring Cornelius, 296 Robinson James, 387 Ross Eva, 316 in Naticnal Park, 155 Ring Jane, 350 Robinson Sarah Ann, 387 Ross John, alias Peter Blake, 369 Remains of man, name unknown, Riordan Edward, 133 Robinson Sarah, 396 Ross James Henry, 391 found in the Hunter River, 197 Riordan Stephen, 217 Robinson Charles, 400 Rossiter Frederick, 128 Rendall W. G., 193 Rippingdale John, 185 Robinson Harry, 402 Rostra Eugene, 351 Rendall J. P., 207 Risby George H., 124 Robson John, 377 Roth John James, 341 Rensehell Carl, 220, 231 Risby Henry Edmund, 345 Robson Samuel, 388 Rothenberg Emanuel, 98 Revallie alias Caucand, 248, 314 Ritchie Arthur, 157 Roche John, 86 Rotten John B., 336, 352 Reveley Thomas, 274 Ritchie George, 247 Roche, senior Constable, 223 " Rough on Rats," man named Revina Abdul, 266 Ritchie W. D., 354 Roche John, 337 Berndt died at the "Grand Revolver found at Gunnedah, 168 Ritson George, 226, 253 Roche James, 386, 402 Hotel," Wynyard Square, from Rewards, 9, 25, 27, 29, 33, 47, 53, Riveire Mrs., 325 Rochford George, 281 eating sandwiches on which a 55, 63, 69, 73, 78, 81, 89, 101, Riverina Brewery and Milling Rochfort Nicholas, 151 preparation of the above was 108,110,111, 113, 115,119, 127, Company Embezzlement, 159, Rochfort Mary Ann, 151 placed for the purpose of des- 133,155, 168,177,195, 203, 205, 184 Rock Henry, 18 troying rats, 376 209, 218, 219, 249, 269, 270, 277, William John, 301 Rock Patrick, 74 Rourke Stephen, 59 280, 289, 307, 323, 32 4, 331.339, Rixen Jacob, 369 Rock Charles, 89 Rouse William, 153 353, 379, 381, 389 Roach Charles, alias Mannix, 38 Rock John, 122 Rouse Walter, 230 Reynolds Joseph, 29 Roach Jane, alias Rose Brown, 145 Rock Alfred, 168 Routledge F. W., 50 Reynolds James, 53 Roach Richard, 291, 303 Rock Patrick, 213 Routledge T. J., 86 Reynolds Charles, 105 Roach Bridget, 336 Rock John, 316 Rowan William, 173, 356 Reynolds alias Little, 109 Roads John, 127 Rodd Trevanion, 173, 216 Rowan & Co., 245 -Reynalds Alfred, 255 Roarty, alias William David Roddam George, 193 Rowe William Allen, 121 Reynolds Rhoda Caroline, 255 Ross, 151; 169, 177 Roddy Herbert, 157 Rowe Ellen, 121 Reynolds Frank, 295, 361 Robb Bryce, 177 Roden William, 106 Rowe Honorah, 145,157 Reynolds Catherine, 295, 361 Robb John, 177 Roden Margaret, 106 Rowe John, 216 Reynolds Maria, 378 Robert Alfred alias, Steadman, 246 Roden. alias Milford, alias George Rowe William, 221 Reynolds Ernest Jobn, alias John Roberts Edward, 3 Walters, 320 Rowland John, 313 Atkins, 381 Roberts David, 11, 61, 80 Roderick Frank, 201 Rowland John, 188 Rhatigan Michael, 22 Roberts or Spero Cumbothacroe,11 Roderick Manuel, 229 Rowland Ann, 200 Rhodes John, 168 Roberts William Thomas, 11 Rodgers James, 87 Rowland John, 204 Riach Frederick, 309 Roberts Hugh, 26, 57 Rodgers James, 223 Rowledge William, 217 Riach Annie, 309 Roberts S.,37 Rodwell Thomas AV, 169 Rowley John, 6, 39 Richards Eliza, 8 Roberts James, or Regan, 142 Rofe Mary Ann, 315 Bowling John, 39 Richards William, 52 Roberts Jack, 145 Roger Thomas A. P., 82 Roy Peter, 316 Richards John, alias John Ricard Roberts George, 145 Rogers Henry, 37 Royal Albert, 259 Keenan, 73 Roberts Robert, 160 Rogers Thomas B., 41 Royal Albert, 274 Richards Henry, 84 Roberts Elizabeth Ann, 165, 218 Rogers James, 57 Royal Frederick, 299 Richards James, 105 Roberts, alias Jones, alias Carolin, Rogers James T., 74 Royd William Edward, 62 Richards Charles Thomas, 152, alias Trafford, alias Anthony Rogers Samuel, 87 Roynan John, 231 168 Wrench, 189, 193, 360 Rogers William, 90 Ruane Alexander, 262 Richards Alfred, alias Fulton, 320 Roberts Harry, alias Raymond, Rogers Samuel, 102 Rubin Solomon, 237 Richards Richard, 332 alias Penfold, 217 Rogers George, 109 Rudd John, 115, 146 Ychard James, 386 Roberts Andrew, alias Davis, 221 Rogers John, alias Roberts, alias Rudd John, 200 Richards George, 396 Roberts Francis, 225, 260 Carolin, alias Trafford, alias Ruddar Harry, 95 Richards Solomon, 402 Roberts Robert, 229 Anthony Wrench, 189, 193, 360 Ruffles William, 86 Richardson R. J. W., 14 Roberts Thomas, 238 Rogers Frank, 262 Rummery Henry, 69 Richardson Eugenie, 140 Roberts Caroline, 261 Rogers Samuel, 282 Rundle Thomas, alias Pierce, alias Richardson Alexander, 219 Roberts George, 291 Rogers Mrs. J. W. F., 290 Johnstone, 109 Richardson Thomas, 233 Roberts George, 337 Rolfe John, 38 Rundle Mrs., 277 Richardson & Co., 30 -1 Roberts Charles, alias William Rolfe Michael, 62 Rush John, 216 Richardson George, or Bludon, Smith, alias Charley Wilson, 351 Rolfe Henry, 167 Rushcutters' Bay, body of John 328, 338 Roberts Henry, 387 Rolfe James Taylor, 168 Newell found, 124 Richardson Mark, 337 Roberts')n J. S., 13 Rolfe Michael, 355 Rushforth William James, 41 Richardson John, 337 Roberts,, n -, 29 Rolfes Richard, 220 Russell John, 8 Richardson Kate, 352 Robertson Marian, 54 Rollins Charles, 290 Russell Arthur, 13 Richardson George, 387 Robertson James, 83 Rollinson Charles, 144 Russell Henry Patrick, 27, 231 Richardson J. S., 400 Robertson Miss, 140 Romer Harry, 295 Russell Alexander Tully, 45 Ritchie J. W., 361 Robertson Robert, 151 Rompaey Alfred Von, 266, 275 Russell Annie, 45 Richmond River, Wardell murder Robertson Henry, 159 Ronan Thomas, 184 Russell Nichol, 164, 172 of Patrick Nconan, 55, 63 Robertson, alias Robert Savage, 165 Rook James, 242, 248, 314 Russell Mary Ellen, 193 Richmond James, 383 Robertson Henry, 167 Rooney Michael, 98 Russell Mrs, 220 Riddell John, 122 Robertson James, 181 Roper Alexander L., 8 Russell G., 229, 275 Ridding Benjamin, 74 Robertson Elizabeth, 181 Roper George, alias John Fore- Russell Charles, 274 Riddle Julia, 317, 325, 369 Robertson W.,.216 sight, 329 Russell Mary Ann, 303, 361 Ridgedale Arthur W., 128 Robertson James, 291, 329 Rorke Margaretta, 396 Russell R. S., 304 Ridley William, 78 Robins Walter, 308 Rose Mar_y,89 Russell Annie, 320 Ridout H. R ., 64, 82 Robins William S., 379 Rose Louisa, 195 Russell, Isabella, 332 Rielly Martin, 274 Robinson Mary Ann, 15 Rose James, 245, 266 Russell William, 345 Ries John , 331, 348 R binson James, 21 Rose Mrs., 308 Russell William, 354, 364 Rigney Annie , 237 Robinson Mrs., 42 Rose Alfred, 312, 323 Russ 11 Patrick, 358 Rusfeldt Alfred. 207 Robinson George Langhton Faulk- Rose James, 337 Rothe Frederick, 168 Riley Charles , 10, 17 ner, 47, 80 Rosebery John William, alias, Rutherford Thomas, 10 Riley Augustus , 42 Robinson Martha, 90 Larkham, 62 Rutherford George, 14 Riley Arthur , 50 Robinson James, 93, 103 Roseby Thomas P., 308 Rutherford John, 172 Riley James, alias Frost, 55 , 73, Robinson Kate, 105 Rosenfeldt R. A. N., 261 Ruthven Mrs., 188 110 Robinson Robert Bentley, 116 Rosengarten Leon, 274, 305 Rutledge Thomas, 223 Riley Frederick , 69 Robinson Thomas, 173 Rosenthal Esther, 48, 57 Rutledge W. F., 259 Riley Robert , 78 Robinson John, 192, 193, 266 Roskey John, 31'l Rutter John, alias Ryle, 172, 252 N18W SOUTHWALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 81

Rutter Samuel, 304 Ryan James,172 Scott Nellie, 332 Shaw Mahomet, 377 Rutter Thomas G., 355 Ryan John Newman, 176 Scott William, 337 Shearer David, 11 Rutter John, 391 Ryan William, 199 Scott William Richard, 34k, 370 Sheargold Harry, 62 Rutty Marc, 69 Ryan Bridget, 208 Scott Mary, 344, 370 Sheather Silas, 167 an Chance,2, 46 Ryan Thomas, 231 Scott Michael, 361, 387 Sheddon William, 221 Apri George, 234 Beott Hugh Blair, 370 Sheedy Mary, 48, 9$5 galRost; #II Ian John, 234 ' eott F. R., 382 Sheehan John, 7 Ryan Thomas, 14 Ryan Lawrence, 235 Scott John & Co., 397 Sheehan William, 79, 132 Ryan Patrick, 15 Ryan William, 238 Scott's Pawn Office, 112, 364, 382 Sheehan William, 132 Ryan $oseph, alias George Mac- Ryan Patrick, 242 Scowen Stephen Parker, 328 Sheehan James, 200, 218 gregor, 30 Ryan Michael, 280 Stratton R. L. & Co., 145 Sheehan Michael, 262 Ryan James, 30 Ryan Mary, 280, Scriven C. E., 56' Sheehy Patrick Maurice, 167 Ryan Michael, 45 Ryan Edward, 355 Scrivener Harry, 45 Sheehy Thomas, 208 Ryan James, 46 Ryan Thomas, 360 ScroggieHenry, 60 Sheepstolen from Bobadeen, 4 Ryan John, 60 Rybes William, alias Reynolds, Seabrook Charlotte, 181 Sheep stolen from Bowning, 50 Ryan Emily or Bovis; 80 alias Little, 109 Sealey Alfred, 167, 314 Sheep stolen from Finchley, 57 Ryan Michael, 90 Ryde Baptist Church, sacrilege, Search Alfred, 304 Sheep stolen from Delegate, 57 Ryan Thomas, 90 347 Searle Thomas, 395 Sheep stolen from Farradale, 84 Ryan Ellen, 91, 137 Ryde St. Anne's Parsonage Arson, Seaville Peter Kearney, 109 Sheep stolen from Munghorn, 122 Ryan James, 109 363, 381 Seceombe Edwin, 102 Sheep stolen from Bullerawa, 149 Ryan Constable Thomas, 110 Ryder Fred, 112 Seddon William, 43 Sheep stolen from Yallowin, 149 Ryan John, 131 Ryle John, alias Rutter, 172, 252 Seeles, or Nicholas Bray, 351 Sheep stolen from Dangelong, near Ryan Daniel, 140 Ryrie David, 101 Seems (a Hindoo), 231 Cooma, 189 Ryan Patrick J., 156 Kyrie A., 291 Seffier Mary, alias Hogan, 23 Sheep stolen from Gegullalong, Ryan J., 171 Segana Lucre, 106 near Burrowa, 197 Seibert Martin, 251 Sheep stolen from Five-Mile- S Seibert Ann, 251 Creek, Narrawa, 197 Seilwah Charley, 79 Sheep stolen from Gulgong, 213 Sachmell Louisa, 291 Savings Bank book found in Do- Selfe Philip S., 229, 233, 246 Sheep stolen from the Glen, near Sadleir Nicholas, 391 main,376 Selfe Gilbert, 270 Craigee, 227 Sailor Jack, alias William Murray, Sawbridge W. H., 48 Selig's Pawn Office, 148, 332, 399 Sheep stolen from near Delegate, J. M'Gregor, .173 Sawtell Stawell, 369 Sells John, 160 235 Seaey Matilda Jane, 45 Sawyers Kate, 286 Selway George H., 399 Sheep stolen from Beamsfield, 235 Sales Richard Oliver, 91 Sawza Agnes, alias Marshall, 287 Senior George, 358 Sheep stolen from Peak Valley, Salier John Lang, 27 Sayers Charles, 200 Sennett Henry Patrick, 208 212 Sali+bury Robert, alias Brown, Saywell's Tobacco Chmpany, 27, 70 Sergent Robert, 142 Sheep stolen from Breelong, 249 193 Scahill Patrick, 30 Sessle W. W., 227 Sheep stolen from Reedy Creek, Salt Joseph, 211 Scales Robert William, 78, 95 Seven Hills Telegraph Office 274 Salter T., 82, 260 Scares Ann, 155 broken into, 196 Sheep stolen from Buckley's Salter Benjamin, 140 Scanlon Edward, 38 Seven Hills Public School, money Crossing, 291 Salter James, 305 Scanlon John, 91 stolen, 255 Sheep stolen from Michelago, 291 Sam Yin, 256 Scanlon, alias Burrows, alias Seville Patrick, 23 Sheep stolen from Coolac, 300 Sambo (an African) 217 Howell, alias Starling, 208 Sewell E. G., 242, 344 Sheep stolen from Long Reach, Sampson John, 2 Scanlon Hugh, 303, 338 Sewell Thomas, or Sue,_299, 304, Bundarra, 309 Sampson Thomas, 30 Scannell Denis, 121 314, 321 Sheep stolen from Smoky Moun- Sams James, 2, 15 Schadell William, 270 Sexton John, 397 tain, near Tingh.a, 317 Sams Harry, or Summers, alias, Schafer Thomas, 352 Sexton Thomas, 397 Sheep stolen from Retreat Station, Harry James, 73 Sc e6gOgie Joseph Cornelius, 142, Seymour J. H., 193 Bendemeeir, 325 Samson George, 397 l Seymour Ellen, 333 Sheep stolen from Foxlow, near Samuel -, 84 Scheltz Richard, 19 Seymour, alias Arthur Wilson, 338 Bungendore, 325 Samuel Mr., 332 Schlaadt G, 313 Seymour Michael, 360 Sheep stolen from Cooney's Creek, Samuels Henry, 139 Schluter Gustav, 18 Seymour Edward, 382 333 Samuels Henry, 187 Schmidt Charles, 193 Shaddlow Frank, 341 Sheep stolen from North Tucklan Samuel 'sPawn Office, 75 Schneider Martin, 31 Shaddlow Benjamin, 341 Run, near Red Bank, 349 Sanders Otto, 274 Schofield John, 226 Shadel Kate, 278 Sheep stolen from near Delegate, Sanderson James, 66 Scholes James, 14 Shanahan James, 38 348 Sandford George, 14 Scholes John, 37, 125 Shanahan Timothy, 68 Sheep stolen from Myall Creek, Sandford -, 135 Scholes Helen, 37, 125 Shanahan Denis, alias Gavin, 80, 356 Sandford Richard, alias Steele, Scholl George, 296 291 Sheep stolen from Jindabyne 145, 160 Schon James, 48 Shanahan James, 121 Station, 356 Sands W., 145 School tent stolen from Long Bay Shanahan Edward, 181 Sheep stolen from Cullenbooke, Sandt Julian, alias Julius Caesar; Road, Maroubra, 234 Shanahan Edward, 191 near Bombala, 365 281, 387 Schultz Frederick, 98 Shanahan James W., 238 Sheep stolen from Denbigh Grove, Sandy (ab.), 307, 331 Schultz Henry, 115 Shannon Mary, 266 near Dalton, 365 Saute Miss Josephine, 399 Schultz Christopher, 115 Shannon Anthony, 289 Sheep stolen from Bobundrab, 365 Santilan Peter, 196 Schultz Bernard, 287 Sharkey Arthur, 157 Sheep stolen from Talbinger, 365 Santiland Ernest, 230 Schumekomphf Carl, 49 Sharman Martin, 7 Sheep stolen from Preston's Creek, Sapsford & Co., 332 Sehweicker George, 10 Sharp George, 13 near Dalton, 373 Sargent John, 69 Schwen Carl von, 69 Sharp James, 30 Sheep stolen from Cobbin, Jinda- Sargent Mrs., 172 Schwenk Henry, 167, 287 Sharp Thomas, 91, 378 byne, 383 Sargent Frederick, 213 Schwenk Henry, 176 Sharp James 131 Sheep stolen from Mungery, near Sargent Edward, 388 Scoles James Little, 197 Sharp Robert, 200 'lomingley, 383 Sargood Richard, 270 Scoltock Alfred, 248 Sharp James, 256 Sheep stolen from Wallerawang, Saunders George, 23 Scoptal Rebecca, 42 Sharp James, 290 391 Saunders George, 35 Scott James and Son, 13 Sharp Ellen, 360 Sheep stolen from Youngara, 391 Saunders Richard, 48 Scott Michael, 14 Shaw William, 3 Sheep stolen from Wowaggon, Saunders Alexander Edward, 77 Scott Ann, 21 Shaw James, 13 near Taralga, 400 Saunders George, 113 Scott Rev. Robert, 31 Shaw James, 30 Sheep maliciously killed at Saunders Leopold & C6 , 126 Scott - , 49 Shaw William , 38 Narrabri , 197 Saunders Samuel,146 Scott David, 60 Shaw William, 78 - Sheep maliciously shot near Reid's Saunders William, 195 Scott George, 70 Shaw William, 84 Flat, 235 Saunders Alfred, 226, 242 Scott James Elliott, 75 Shaw Joseph, 86 Sheep maliciously wounded at Saunders John, 316 Scott William, 84 Shaw Mary, 135, 146 Jindabyne, 333 Saundry, alias Elizabeth Mitchell, Scott John, 91, 130, 197 Shaw Edward Thomas, 135; 146 Sheik Ahmud, 137 102 Scott G. P., 109 Shaw Isabella; 137 Sheldon Mrs. Jessie, 300 Sauerbier Maria, 320 Scott William G., 148 Shaw George, 152 Sheldon E. & T., 340 Saurine {4ouis, 8 Scott James, 200 Shaw William F., 159 Shellard Frank, 53 Savage Robert, alias Robertson,165 Scott Alexander, 212 Shaw Mary, 187 Shepherd E., 216 Savage John, 345 Scott Thomas, 231 Shaw Alexander, 230 Shepherd Robert, 234 Savage Henry, 369 Scott Alfred, 235 Shaw George, 241, 245 Shepherd Michael, 248 Savage Patrick, 402 Scott David, 249 Shaw Constable, 249 Shepherd Eliza, 280 Savell John Edward, 361 Scott Richard Douglas, alias Maori Shaw Charles W. F., 274 Sheppard Mr., 212 Savery Peter, 247 Dick, 282, 304 Shaw William, 307 Shergold John, 333 Saville James, 352 Scott A., 284 Shaw John, 341 Sheridan Mrs., 259 82 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Sheridan John, 360 Sinclair David, 270 Smith Thomas , alias Carney, 102 Smith John, 390 Sherlock John, 18 Sinclair George Henry, 351, 362 Smith Frederick, 108 Smith Mary, 396 Sherlow Joseph, 34,42 Sinclair Mary Jane, 372 Smith Nelly , 115, 267 Smith Henry, 397 Sherlow Sydney, 340 Sinclair Nellie, 396 Smith John, 121 Smith Albert, 400 Shervey John, 86 Si1 gg3 Manufacturing Company, Smith Mary Jane, 121 Smith Albert, 402 Sherwin Alfred, 167 Smith Percy Nigle, 121 Smithers Ellen, alias Smithson, 230 Sherwood W. E., 160 Singh George, 137 Smith Annie, 122 Smith's wharf, body of John Shield David, 26 Singleton Joshua, 278 Smith John, 125 Frederick Holm found in the Shields Thomas, 21, 53 Sinnett George , alias John Smith Jane, 127 water, 181 Shields Patrick, 173 Dempsey, 317 Smith James , alias Dyson, 127 Smithson Ellen, alin, Smithers, Shine Thomas, 223 Sheehan Annie, 325 Smith Mr., 128 230 Shipman J. H., 244 Skelton William, 113 Smith Robert, 134 Smithurst Henry, 60 Shone R . E ., 95 Skelt on Willi am F ., 148 Smith Willi am , 135 , 223 Smythe Frank W., 75 Short John, 3 Skelton Charles, 291 Smith Henry, 138 Smythe Arthur, 106 Shorter Charles, 373 Skelton William, 369 Smith William, 145 Smythe Frank, 168 Shortland & Sons, 383 Skerrett Mark, or John Ferrant, Smith Abraham, 157 Smythe Robert, 205 Shortland Richard, 391 22, 152 Smith Mary Ann , alias Asquith, Smythe Frank, 217 Showier Thomas R., 226 Skerrett Mark, 191 160 Smythe Thomas , alias Duncan, Shying Jane, 6, 13 Skinner H., 98 Smith John, 160 224, 231 Sieman Harry, 180 Skinner John F., 131 Smith Tilden, 160 Smythe Mrs., 291 Sigle John, 192 Skinner Frank , 140, 148 Smith Annie, 164 Snape Clara, 137 Sigmont S. M., 120 Skinner John Frederick Smith alias, Jas. Dyson, 168 Snelgrove Charles & Son, 115 Sigmont F. Al., 364 M'Gregor, 205 Smith John , 171, 308 Snell Elizabeth, 256 Silberberg Joseph, 64 Skinner Mary Elizabeth, 205 Smith Francis, 175 Snell Charles, 344 Silbert William, 377 Skinner Marie , 226, 234 Smith Annie, 177 Snell William, 348 Silks William, or Williams , 373, Skinner Charles, 308 Smith F., 180 Snider, alias Frederick Brett- 388, 402 Skuthorpe -, 66 Smith Thomas , 183, 216 schneider, 116 Silver watch found in Liverpool - Skuthorpe James, 221 Smith Miss, 188 Snodden Thomas, 78 street , 37 r1 Slack Catherine, 61, 87 Smith Sidney, 193 Snook Joseph, 151 Silver watch found'at Michelago , Slagg Francis, 78 Smith J. D., 195 Snookes Daniel, 59 38 Slater John, 10 Smith George , 195, 208 Snow Eliza, 391 Silver watch found at Inverell , 86 Slater George, 41 Smith Maud, 199 Soderberg Emelia, 184 Silver watch found in George - Slater Henry, 128 Smith Josiah Henry, 204 Solara Lorenzo, 372 street, 181 Slater William, 221 Smith Edwin, 217 Sollier John, 287 Silver locket found in George - Slattery Bridget, 116 Smith Ross, alias John Ross, 217 Solomon Richard & Co., 45 street, 220 Slattery Michael, 377 Smith William , 221, 231 Solomon Miss, 278 Silver watch found in Arthur - Slaven Edward, 47 Smith Charles, 223 Solomon Mr., 361 street , 333 Slaven Annie, 48 Smith William Sidney, 223 Solomon Henry, 397 Silver watch found at Prospect , Sleatir George, 244, 338 Smith J. A, 227 Solomons Edward, 4, 70, 80 365 Slee William H. J., 18 Smith John, 229 Solomons' Pawn Office, 283 Silver watch found at Balmain , Sloane Lily Harriett, 79 Smith Thomas , alias Bowers, 230 Soloto Thomas, 341 376 Sloane I. J., 163 Smith Sydney, 231 Somers Frederick, 113, 135, 146 Silver watch found near Sloane Oliver, 197 Smith Margaret, 235 Somers George, 328 Gundagai, 391 Sloane Morris, 259 Smith William, 242 Souter George, 373 Silver stolen at Silverton, 241, 270 Sloane Peter, 402 Smith Thomas, 242 South Coast and West Camden Silvey John , 203 Sloane Bridget, 402 Smith Ellen, 245 Co-operative Co., 39, 115 Simeon Elizabeth , 220 Sly William, 52, 70 Smith Sydney, 246 South Autralian Government Simmat Carl , 43, 54 , 135, 156 Sly Rebecca, 139, 148 Smith John, 24' Embezzlement, 286 Simmat Martin , 229 Smalley Lewis, 270 Smith Charles, 247 South Solitary Islands, steamship Simmons John H., 14 Smallwood Charles, 197, 209 Smith Maud or Starkey , 248, 259 " Keilawarra" sank from colli- Simmons Henry , 57 Smart Robert, 7, 23 Smith Robert, alias Velveteen, 253 sionwith steamship " Helen Simmons Isaac, 68 Smart Kate, 59, 70 Smith Ernest 0, 265 Nichol," on December 8, 1886, Simmons -, 86 Smart K ate, 143, 152 Smith James, 266 and 38 persons drowned, 400 Simmons Frederick , 144, 153, 161 Smart Andrew, 207 Smith William D., 270 Southwell Arthur, or Yates, 192, Simmons Bernhard, 201 Smedley George, 34 Smith Clare Ellen, 272 224 Simon Annette, 86 Smedley John. 205 Smith Patrick, 273 " Sovereign of the Seas ," cutter, Simons William, 8 Smedley Louisa Mary, 205 Smith James, alias Arthur Henry stolen by John Caffrey and Simons John, 193 Smedley John, 215 Stykes, 281 Henry Albert Penn, who mur- Simons Rebecca, 244 Smidth William, 321 Smith Peter, 281 dered Robert Taylor, at Great Simor Spiros, 216 Smith Samuel, 2 Smith Richard, 282 Barrier Island, New Zealand, Simpson David S., 8 Smith G., 10 Smith Thomas, 295 203, 289 Simpson Richard , 13, 52, 59, 68 Smith Thomas, 10 Smith William, 300 Spain Mr., 273 Simpson Louisa, 22 Smith Alexander, 11 Smith John, 305 Sparke & Clift, 286, 345 Simpson -, 49 Smith, ali as Mary Gould, 14 Smith Mrs., 308 Sparkes George, 34 Simpton Frederick, 121 Smith Patrick E., 18 Smith William , 312, 351 Spars Herman, 153 Simpson John, 133 Smith Constable, 21, 31 Smith Peter, 313 Spears George, 195, 231 Simpson Henry, 140 Smith William Hobart, 22 Smith -, 315 Spence William, 102 Simpson A., 148 Smith George, 23 Smith Phoebe, 325 Spence Janet, 156 Simpson William B., 167 Smith Bridget, 23 Smith Esther, 325 Spence Marian, 258 Simpson John , alias Dickson, 193 Smith W. B., 29 Smith John , 328, 387 Spencer William, 128 Simpson , alias Henry Sinclair, Smith John, 30 Smith Arthur, 332 Spencer Mrs., 130 alias Sutton , alias Hilton, alias Smith Howard , & Sons, 30, 53 Smith John , 332, 364 Spencer Percy, or Street, 177 Driver, alias Gordon, alias Smith Constable, 37, 46 Smith Edward, 347 Spencer Charles, 199, 218 Watson, 209 Smith John Charles, 45 Smith William, alias Charles Spencer John, 219 Simpson Hugh, 234 Smith Richard, 46 Roberts, alias Charley Wilson, Spencer Mr., 252 Simpson William, 259 Smith John, 50 351 Spicer John, 106 Simpson A., 281 Smith John , alias Hassett, 53 Smith William, 354 Spiers Samuel, 315 Simpson George W., 293 Smith Mr., 56 Smith Edward, 360 Spilstead Thomas, 148 Simpson Ernest, 283 Smith Mary, 60, 109 Smith William, 360 Spinks Walter, 95 Simpson Henry, alias Thompson, Smith Walter, 60 Smith Wil liam, 365 Spinks Thomas, 216 alias Matthews, 312 Smith Annie, 68 Smith Walter, 368 Sporfith, alias Long Ned, alias Sin Kong Yee, 2 Smith Charles, 69 Smith Samuel, 369 Edward Bradley, 50, 217 Sin David Young, 46 Smith Samuel, 69 Smith alias, Edward Curtis, 370, Spraa$go Martino, 18 Sin Lee, 258, 288 Smith Henry, 73 378 Spraggs Ada, 159, 169 Sinclair Rhoda , or Fisher, 10 Smith John, 75, 103, 110 Smith John, 372 Spray Herbert, 309 Sinclair James, 19 Smith Annie, 78, 87 Smith William, 377 Spring Frank, 387 Sinclair Margaret, 19 Smith Isaac , or Etchells, 79 Smith Patrick, 377 Sproule Andrew, 115 Sinclair Edward, 21 Smith Elizabeth , or Ditchment, Smith George, 378 Sproule Joseph, 137, 142 Sinclair Henry, 128, 134 86 Smith Henry A., 382 Sproule Joseph, 205 Sinclair David, 149 Smith William, 86 Smith Isaac, 383 Sproule Harriett, 205 Sinclair Henry, alias Simpson, Smith Alexander, 90 Smith Herbert, 385 Sprowls Henry, 100,169 alias Sutton , ali as Hilton, alias Smith John, 93 Smith Annie, 3S5 Spruhan Michael, 54 Driver, alias Gordon, alias Smith Mrs., 100 Smith James, 387 Spurious £5 E.S. & A .O. Bank Watson, 209 ' Smith Mary, 101 Smith Fred., 387 note uttered, 159 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1880.

Spurway James, 318 Stevenson John, 277 Sullivan Patrick, 226 Sutton William, 314 Squibb Samuel R., 165 Stevenson James, 303, 314 Sullivan Daniel, 226 Sutton William Herbert, 317 Squires Thomas, 88 Stevenson Georgiana, 361 Sullivan John, 227, 314 Suitor H. R., 195 Squires -, 134 Stevenson Brothers 369, 337 Sullivan John, 235 Sutton Hylton Raitt, 358' Squires Martha Ann, 241 Stevenson Elizabeth, 369 Sullivan William, 299, 314 Swag found at Cooney's Creek St. Albans Borough Council, N.Z., Stevenson James, 402 Sullivan John, 308, 329 Swain C., 299 239, 259 Stevenson John, 402 Sullivan Robert, 350 Swain Daniel, 355, 373 St. Andrew's College, electro- Stewart George, 3 Sum Kum Ti, 61 Swan Frederick, 87 plated ware stolen, 90 Stewart Henry, 13 Summartin Victor, 176 Swan Haydon Henry, 341 St. Anne's parsonage, Ryde, arson, Stewart George, 31, 140 Summers, alias Harry James, 73 Swan Charles, 3y5 363, 381 Stewart Alfred, 38 Sun Sin Kee, 247 Swan Haydon Henry, 385 St. Mary's, obstructions mali- Stewart William, 69 Sun Chong Lee, 344 Swan Phoebe, 385 ciously placed on railway line, Stewart J. M,, 135 Sunderland John, 229 Swanson Mangus, 30 176 Stewart Martin John, 188, 196 Sunley Thomas, 217 Swanson Charles, 95 St. Peter's church, Burwood, Stewart John, alias Sullivan, 208 Sunny Corner, Kiandra Road, body Swanson William, 220 broken i.nta, 204 Stewart Robert, 211 of man named James Kennedy Sweede Matthew, 329 St. Peter's railway station entered, Stewart Charles, 216 found in cavity of a tree, 295 Sweeney William, 304, 314 241 Stewart William, 227, 237 Suppel James, 122 Sweeney John, 344 St. Pet is Wesleyan church en- Stewart Elizabeth, 227 Surmani Alexander, 265 Sweetman Charles, 307 tered, 325 Stewart Joseph A., 340 Surridge Thomas, 157 Swift Mrs., 371 St. Saviour's church, foundation Stewart James, 353 Surry Hills, body of infant found, Swindle George, alias Miller, 260 stone maliciously damaged, 216 Stewart Rennie, 355 324 Swords Maria, 281 St. Vincent de Paul poor-box Stewart & Nicoll, 377 Surry Hill-, child found abandoned, Sydney Municipal Council, 320 broken open, 332 Stewart Hannah, 402 363 Sydney Stearine Candle Company, Stack Sarah, 152 Stiles Stephen, 368 Surveyor-General's Office, 164 371 Stack Edmund, 284 Still Albert, 18, 31 Sussex-street, body of infant found, Symington Constable, 37, 46 Stack Denis, 313 Stinson William, 50 255, 277 Symonds James, 145 Staff Charles H., 397 Stinson William, 70 Sutliffe Jeremiah, 93 Symons Samuel, 50, 169 Stafford William, 48 Stinson John, 384 Sutherland Alexander, 300 Symons William, 184 Stafford J. D., 217 Stirling, Hill, & Co., 165 Sutton Mary, 38 Synnott Walter, alias Herbert Stafford George, 328 Stoddart Robert, 176 Sutton Edward, 98 Williams, 324, 345 Stains James, 53 Stokes Sarah, 18 Sutton, alias Hilton, alias Driver, Systrum Martin, 69, 79 Stains Charles M., 124 Stokes Lydia, 287 alias Gordon, alias Charles Stamp George, 148 Stokes Joseph E., 372 Watson, 209 Staab Eugene, 93 Stone William, 45 T Standridge John Charles, 370, Stone Jobanna, 45 386 Stone James, 91, 145 Tait Mrs ., 156 Taylor Frank, 237 Stanley William, 27 Stone William, 212 Talbot William , 42 Taylor Charles, 253 Stanley Lilian Mary, 73 Stone William, 218 Talbot Mary Ann, 74 Taylor John, 258 Stanley Benjamin Arthur Long- Stone Ellen, 345 Talbot George , 213, 221 Taylor Ellis, 265 don, 77 Stone Elizabeth Annie, 364, 376 Talbot -, 291 Taylor Frederick, 266 Stanley James, 295, 321 Stophell John, alias Stewart Talbot Robert , 378 Taylor David, 278 Stanley William, 304 Bolton, 68 Tambourine Ham (ab. ), 295 Taylor Ellis, 287 Stant John, 148 Storar James, 348 Tamworth, unclaimed property for Taylor Jane, 324 Stanton George, 262, 275 Storey Edward Henry, 351, 362 sale , 47 Taylor Christopher , 328, 329, 346 Stanwell William Henry, 352 Stork John, 38 Tancred John, 59, 109 Taylor John , 363, 387 Staples George, 157 Storriss Edward, 365 Tancred Peter , 216, 230 Taylor Henry , 368, 387 Staples Benstead, 205 Storriss Mary, 365 Tangye John, 385 Taylor Ellen, 397 Stapleton Mary, 116 Stow Joseph, 280 Tangye Sarah , 385 Tea stolen from GoulburnRailway Stapleton John, 249 Stow Catherine, 280 Tanks George , 259 Station, 233 Starkey William, 215 Strange Mary, 102 Tant Elizabeth , 272 Teasdale Charles, 156 Starkey Maud or Smith, 248, 259 Strange Alice, 172 Tapley John, 77 Templeson Henry, 103 Starling John, alias Jerry Scanlon, Strasding Martin, 352 Tarail Victor, 193 Templeton Edward, 397 alias Burrows, alias Howell, 208 Streed Mrs., 82 Tarleton Edward , 221 Temporary Water Works, mali- Starr John, 120, 138 Street Percy or Spencer, 177 Tarrant John, 113 cious damage, 69 Starr John, 128 Streeter Albert, 135 Tarrant John , 239 Teni.Agostino , 221, 237 Starr James, 304 Stroheim Seigfried, 39 Tasmania Wharf , Sussex-street , Teni Natali , 221, 237 Starratt Mrs. James, 42 Strong Hannah, 34 body of man , name unkown, Terone Nicholas, 209 Staunton James, 10 Strong P., 355 found in water, 251 Terrill William, 45 Steadman Henry William, 221 Strudwick John, 38 Tate Thomas , 82 Terry Mrs. E., 108 Steadman, alias Alfred Roberts, Strudwick William, 312, 370 Tate John, 88 Terry E., 283, 289 246 Strumburg Andrew, 208, 242 Tate Mary, 258 Tewkesbury Amos, 227 St-arn Alfred, 387 Struthers James, 340 Tate Jeremiah , 275 The Novice , alias John Lampson, Steel Bessie, alias Bryant, 14 Strutt Peter, 183 Taylor C. F., 2 27 Steel Edward, 91 Struttles Catherine, 400 Taylor George W., 10 The Knocker , alias Edward Davis, Steel Jane, 91 - Stuart John, 124 Taylor John H., 11 62 Steel Richard, alias Sandford, 145, Stubblcy Alfred, 256 Taylor Mrs ., 14 The Frenchman , alias Frank 160 Stubbs Alfred, 230 Taylor Samuel , 14 Lewis, 69 Steel William, 258 Sturnhe Alfred, 172 Taylor Mary or Jackson , 21, 80 The Soldier, 124 Steel alias Lagoon Billy, 352 Sturrock Alexander, 38 Taylor W. x., 21, 62 The Indian Queen , alias Mary Steel Arthur Charles M`Cumstie, Sturt Albert, 358 Taylor W ., 50 Ann Gleeson, 209 378,402 Stuttering Jack, alias James Taylor George , 52 Thearle William, 26 Steel William R, 400 Roberts, 145 Taylor Ernest E., 64 Tbeobald Christopher C., 184 Steele A. H. S., 400 Stykes Arthur Henry, alias James Taylor Charles , 78 Thiers William, 351 Steenbohm Aaron Moses, 244, 345 Smith, 281 Taylor Guy , 100, 238 Thirgood, Mr, 42 Steffanoni b1rs., 246 Su You, 266 Taylor Elizabeth , 115 Thirkettle Laura, 3 Stening George, 286 Sue George, 128, 140 Taylor Joseph, 122 Thom, David, 50, 66 Stennett Jessie, 369 Sue Thomas or Sewell, 292, 304, Taylor Alfred , 124, 138 Thomas John, 8 Stephens Harriet, 108, 116 314, 321 Taylor Rosetta , 127 Thomas Joseph, 27, 78 Stephens George, 134 Sugar alias Kate Carruthers, 79, Taylor Ann , 127 Thomas Brothers & Co., 38 Stephens, alias Simon George 146 Taylor John , 148 Thomas Joseph, 53 Firth, 138 Sullivan Margaret, 3 Taylor Mrs. Louisa , 148 Thomas Charles, 112 Stephens John, 205, 221 Sullivan Cornelius, 38 Taylor Alexander , 159, 177 Thomas R., 130 Stephens J. B., 266 Sullivan Sarah, 48 Taylor Rosetta , 168 Thomas George, 135 Stephens Mrs, 372 Sullivan Owen, 48 Taylor Annie Maria, 168 Thomas Mrs., 220 Stephenson James, 26 Sullivan John James, 79 Taylor Robert, 180 Thomas Clara, 229, 238 Stevens Charles, 18 Sullivan Daniel, 88 Taylor Mary , 183 Thomas William G., 242, 296 Stevens A. W., 48 Sullivan Daniel, 100, 169 Taylor Frederick , 183, 194 Thomas Mary, 245 Stevens Bella, 61 Sullivan William, 100. Taylor Samuel, 187, 201 Thomas Clara, alias Archibold, Stevens H. T., 101 Sullivan William, 183 Taylor Rev . Mr., 187 alias Griffiths, alias Wilkinson, Stevens August, 180 Sullivan John, 184 Taylor Mrs ., 188 alias Brereton , &c., 246 Stevens Anthony, 207 Sullivan John, 193 Taylor Robert, 203, 289, 307, 324 Thomas John, 259 Stevens Archibald,308 Sullivan George, 196 Taylor George, 205 Thomas Henry, 275 Stevens William, 321 Sullivan Edward, 207 Taylor Henry , 2.09 Thomas R., alia T. Jones, alias Stevenson Hugh Thomas, 215 Sullivan John, alias Stewart, 208 Taylor Christopher , 213 A. Palmer, 281 Stevenson Bernard, 245 Sullivan Timothy, 217 Taylor Frederick C.. 230 Thomas Josiah, 303 0 34 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Th omas Willi am, 316 Th orpe Alf re d, 22 T rese der Mr., 336 T urner Alf re d, 60 Thomas Rosina, 316 Thorpe James Henry, 181 I Treseder John, 382 Turner Charles, 68 Thomas Joseph, 344 Thorpe Mary Maude, 181 Trestram William, 266 Turner Mary Ann, 68 Thomas Horace, 348 Thorpe Charles, 273 Trevanna V. A., alias Kuhl, alias Turner Arthur, 68 Thomas Joseph H., 373, 398 Thorpe Thomas, 296 Krempyell, 332, 364, 372 Turner Jacob, 87 Thomas Mary Rebecca, 378 Threshing machine wilfully burnt Trevellian, alias James Jones, 14 Turner James; 115 Thompson Mrs. Mary, 2 at Crystal Brook, Guyra, 147, Treweek W. IT., 74 Turner William, 116 Thompson James, 7 155 Treweek Frederick, 336 Turner George, 138 Thompson, alias Peter Holland, 11 Thrower Joshua, 18 Trickey Alexander Leslie, 145 Turner Charles, 191 Thompson William Henry, 25 Thrower Edith, 337 Trimble John J., 135 Turner Mary Ann, 191 Thompson George, 27 Thrussel Richard, 207 Tripp Benjamin, 8 Turner Patrick, 223 Thompson Frank A., 30 Thursday Harry, 266 Tripp Jane, 377 Turner Robert, 223 Thompson Delia, 38 Thurston Robert, 79 Trontman William, 216 Turner, Robinson, & Co., 317 Thompson Joseph, 45 Thwait James, 284 Trotter Thomas, alias Trenton, Turner Mrs., 324 Thompson James, 45 Tibbetts Dr., 108 alias Henry Johnstone, 235 Turner, alias George Wilson, alias Thompson Charles, 50, 238 Tibby Thomas, 134 Troy James, 192 Bourke, 315 Thompson William, 50, 66 Tidswell Mr., 37 Truman Samuel or Barnes, 59, 70 Turner George, 356 Thompson Albert, 52 Tidswell F., 64 Trust John, 296 Turner Henry T., 358 Thompson James, 51 Tiedgen Martin, 49 Trustees Australian Museum, 225 Turner G., 368 Thompson Alexander, 71 Tierney Roderick, 35 Tucey William Thomas, 77 Turner Henry, 372 Thompson John, 74 Tierney Catherine, 35 Tucker Sarah Ann, 13 Turner Emily, 383 Thompton David, 77 Tierney James, 160 Tucker Francis, 29 Turner Brothers, 383 Thompson Alexander, 88 Tierney Edward, 165, 184 Tucker Edward, 42, 177 Turney John, 270 Thompson Richard Kirby, 95 Tierney James, 191 Tucker George, 284, 317, 398 Turton Annie, or Yates, 237, 252 Thompson Joseph, 101, 137 Tierney James 241, 245 Tucker Harry, 290 Tuthey & Co., 208 Thompson Ernest, 108 Tierney Inta, 340 Tucker Harry, 304 Tweedle William, 122 Thompson Geo rge, 116 Tighe Allan James, 316 Tucker Edward, 364 Tyers John, 324 Thompson Harry, 116 Tighe Austin, 324, 323 Tullock Robert, 68 Tyler George, 17, 26 Thompson W. G., 116&1, Tiler Margaret, alias Dilantry, 192 Tully Robert, 235, 237, 282 Tyler John, 77 Thompson, alias Fergu'on, alias Tilgrind James, 42, 49 Tumilty Bernard, 199 Tyler Matilda, 212 John Young, 124 Tillander John, 300 Turley William, 208 Tyler F. R , 290 Thompson John, 135 Timbs Joseph, 261 Turley Gustav, 390 Tyrrell William, 43, 66 Thompson Joseph, 145 Timmins Jack, 4 Turnbull, alias Doolan, alias Tyrrell William, 57 Thompson Thomas, 145 Tiros George, 256 Samuel Perry, 11, 39, 54 Tyrrell John William, 74 Thompson Richard, alias Emmett, Tinkler Robert, 320 Turnbull Robert, 128 Tyrrell James Thomas, 241 alias Johnstone, 152 Tipple George, 56 Turner Frederick, 26 Tyson Mrs. Emma, 19 Thompson Thomas, 163 Titterton Sydney, 29 Turner John, 46 Thompson Robert A., 175 Tobacco stolen from Darling Har- U Thompson John, 176 bour railway station, 339 Thompson George, 177 Tolarno Tobias Martin, 338 Uhde Louis, 83 tug Feek (ch.), 38 Thompson Arthur, 183 Tolly Samuel, 19, 35 Uhde L. & Co, 131 Union Bank, 37 Thompson James, 193 Tom Tanna, 69 Uhde Mrs. Louis, 355 Union Bank of Australasia, 231, Thompson George, 200 Tom, man known only by the Uhde Mr., 376 245, 265, 368, 386 Thompson, Gates & Co., 200 name of, died at Blaektown, 325 Ulladulla, Nuisance Prevention Unitarian Church, Liverpool-st., Thompson Constable, 200 391 Act extended to, 111 furniture stolen from, 25 Thompson Arthur, 201 Tombs F. A., 372 Umbra (an East Indian), 217 United States of America, Extra- Thompson Edward, 204 Tomkins James, 231 Unclaimed property for sale, 33, dition Act with England, 147 Thompson James, 205 Tomlinson Charles Frank, 30 47, 63, 81, 155, 219 United Land and Building Society, Thompson George, 207 Tommy Ali Sue, 116 Underwood Arthur Charles, 101, 246 Thompson Alice, 213 Tommy the Speeler, alias Lassell, 217 Unwin Michael, 62 Thompson T. W., 216 alias Thomas Nelson , 337. 378 Underwood Anthony, 264 Upton William, 341 Thompson Charles, 220 Tompkins Valentine, 235 Underwood Henry B., 299, 323 Upton William James, 400 Thompson Bridget, 223 Tonkin Henry, 266 Underwood S. P., 358 Urquhart Alexander, 90 Thompson James , 235 To nkin Rieh ard , 266 ThompsonJohn, 237 Tonkin J. E., 324, 339 V Th ompson Willi am 0 ., 246 T onroy M ar ti n, 70 Thompson Miss, 248 Tontine A. W., 196 Valace William, 266 Venner Arthur G., 223 Thompson Minnie, 256 Toohey James, 176 Vale M., 130 Vergo Thomas, 134, 140 Thompson Amelia, alias Coonan, Toohey J. T. and J., 304 Valentine William, 369 Verhely Anthony, 143 258, 295 Toomey James, 14 Vallender Annie, 189, 201, 209 Vernet Edward, 360 Thompson James, 265 Toomey James, 304 Van Diemen's Land, 221 Vernon Alice, 26 Thompson Edward Charles 0., Tooms Emily, 274 Van Der Krempzell, alias Kuhl, Vesper John Louis , 208, 286 274 Toon Lee, 189 alias V. A. Trevanna, 372 Vibert Phillip, 353 Thompson Lachlan, 274 Torr James, 295 Vanhemel August, alias Fritz, Vibert Jane, or Jane Spreake Thompson, George, 286 Torrington Henry, 91 alias Barriere, 11 Garden, 353 Thompson Phineas, 300 Torrington Henry, alias Edwards, Vasey John, 145 Vickery Emma, 101 Thompson George, 304 295 Vaughan James, 50 Vickery James H., 145 Thompson Henry, alias Simpson, Tounsell Francis, 356 Vaughan William, alias Maloney , Victir James, 369 alias Manthews, 312 Tout Thomas, 336, 352 54 Vierk, William, 399 'ThompsonThomas, 314 Towell J. C., 113, 132 Vaughan Harriett, 86 Vile Ernest, 122 Thompson Nellie, 314 Tower Arthur, 291 Vaughan James, 86 Villars William, 110 Thompson Henry, alias M'Donald, Towle John Craddock, 100, 110 Vaughan Charles, 157 Villegas Charles De, 213, 245 alias Brown, 320 Towle Hannah, 100 Vaughan Mary Jane, 171, 225 Vine Thomas, 172 Thompson Robert , 325 Town A ., 109 Vaughan Edward , 255, 262, 296 Vireve Alfred , 345 Thompson James, 333 Town Benjamin, 376 Veale Michael, 91, 305 Vivers William, 295 Thompson Mrs., 336 Towner Jane, 156 Veen Samuel, 3 Vivian Louis, 111 Thompson John, 351 Townsend Frederick, 34, 54 Veen James, 382 Vivroux Max, 226 Thompson Thomas, 361 Townsend Maria, 195, 203 Veich Lewis, 360 Vogan Walter, 56, 66 Thompson William, 368, 388 Townsend Thomas W., 195, 203 Velton Antonio, 395 Yokes Thomas, 175 Thompson Beresford, 369 Toyer Robert, 38 Velveteen, alias Robert Smith, Volkhardt William, 82 Thompson George, 372 Tozer Constable, 199 253 Voss, alias Henry Pixley, 193 Thompson James, 383 Tozer George, 347 Vennell James, 205, 218 Thompson Thomas Eason, 391 Tracey Thomas, 8 w Th ompson G eorge, 395 T racey D en is, 361 Thompson John, alias Samuel Trafford William, 19 Wackmuth Mrs., 278 Wagga Wagga, Police Act ex- Wilson, 396 Trafford, alias John Rogers, alias Waddell Mat hew, 348 tended to, 219 Thone John, 321 Jones, alias Wrench, alias Caro- Waddick Peter, 156, 169 Wagga Wagga Gaol, Colt's re- Thorburn Alexander, 397 tin, alias Roberts, 193, 300 Waddingham Edward, 2€2, 282 volver stolen, 382 Thorman William, 148 Train George, 41 Waddington William, 37J Waggett James, 90 Thorn W. R., 144 Travers Dan, 43 Waddle David, 183 Wagner Sarah, 121 Thorn George, 373 Travers Charles Edward, 121 Waddocks Henry, 38 Wagner Johann Christian, 223, Thorn Myra, 402 Travers Nicholas, 216 Waddups Frederick, 247, 399 337 Thorncroft George, 354 Travers Joseph, 216 Wade Stella, 217 Wagra, body of man, name un- Thorne George, 60 Treacy, 382 Wade George, 270 known , found in Murray River, Thornton Frank, 234 Tremmell George Tollis, 165, 266 Wagener Faitz , 60, 138 61 Tliornton O'harles, 313 Trenton, alias Henry Johnstone, 235 Wagg Frederick, 75 Waite George Henry, 128 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886. 35

« VVakatipu " steamship , woman Wandell Anna, 149 Watt Janet, 296 Westfooll Henry, 248 jumped overboard , 259 Wanless Daniel , 221, 231 I Watts James, 23 Westler Pher Oscar, 87, 102 Wakefield Henry , 14 Wanstall Henry, 21, 39 Watts, Robert, 57 Westley George, 242 Wakely Edwin , 95 Wanstall Mary Ann, 21, 39 Watts Philip, 345 Westmead, near Parramatta, man Waking William, 368 Ward William, 9 Waugh Mrs., 300 name unknown killed on railway Walcha, unclaimed property for Ward Mary, 21 Waugh John, 309 line, 22 sale, 47 Ward William, 47 Waverley, gold brooch found, 189 Weston Charles Albert, 277 Walker John , 3 Ward David, alias Opossum, 62 Wear William Wilkinson, 126 Wete William, 295 Walker Edward William , 14 Ward Thomas, 90 Weathered Constable, 316 Wetherill Mrs., 354 Walker Kate, 22 Ward Edward, 108 Weatherstone Richard, 369, 378, Whalen Edward, 82 Walker Miss Wheatley , 25 Ward Patrick, 115 398 Whalen Richard , 173, 217 Walker James , 33 Ward Robert, 116 Weaver Mr., 86 Whately Charles, 247, 267 Walker Brothers , 37, 201 Ward Constable, 192 Weaver Sarah, 94 Wheatley James, 29, 57 Walker John, or Boundy , 69 Ward William, 200 Weaver Albert, 139 Whatmough Charles, 281 Walker Edwin Brett, 87, 95 Ward Gertrude, 261 Webb Charles, 21 Wheally Joseph, 329 Walker Henry, 87 , 103 Ward Mary, 270 Webb Thomas , 261, 275 Wheeler Edward, 259 Walker Mrs . A. E., 97 Ward Samuel, 291, 329 Webb Elizabeth, 289 Whelan Francis, 54 Walker Wiiliam C., 97 Ward Charles, 327 Webb Charles, 309 Whelan, James Robert, 133 Walker John, 109 Ward John, 350 Webb Samuel , 337, 361 Whelms Jacob, 59 Walker Josiah H. W., 121 Ward Henry T., 400 Webber Lily, 43 Whereat Isaac, 29, 83 Walker Jessie, 175 , 194 Wardell , Richmond River, mur- Webber George, 108 Whistler Albert, 90, 103 Walker James , alias Williams , der of Patrick Noonan, 55, 63 Webber Emily, 127 Whitbread Mr., 278 203, 225 Wardle Newall, 91 Webber Mary, 127 Whitbread Mr., 332 Walker Mary Hannah , 203, 225 Ward 's Pawn Office, 74,256 Webber Arthur Winn , 171, 187, White Thomas, 4 Walker Charles, 217 Ware F., 339 347 White Catherine, 7 Walker George , 217 Warialda and Tamworth mail Webber Mary Catherine , 208 White Percy, 9 Walker T. B., 220 coach stuck up near Manilla, 55, Webster Jeremiah , 22 White Mary Ann, alias Phi llips,, Walker Mr., 221 63, 73 Webster, William Thomas , 53, 252 alias Garrity, 14 Walker Henry , 223 Waring Harold, 283. 305 Webster Robert , 62 White William, alias James John- Walker & Swan , 237 Warne Alfred, or Warren, 100 Webster Robert C., 79 stone, 39 Walker Annie , 259 Warner Edmund, 121. Webster James, 80 White Mary Ann, 59 Walker Alfred, 280 , 287 Warner Maria, 121 Webster Robert, 88 White Thomas, 62 Walker Emma, 280 Warrell , Thomas A. , 327, 398 Webster Edward, 200 White Edward, 139 Walker Henry, 283 , 289 Warren James, 79 Webster Mr. 230 White William, alias Hebir, 143 Walker W. G., 284 Warren Alfred , or Warne, 100 Webster Robert, 239 White Mary , alias Makin, 167, 185 Walker -, 300 Warren Louisa, 103 Webster Charles, 256 White Edward Sydney, 168 Walker George , 304 Warren William, 181 Webster Alexander, 313 White Christina Burton, 169 Walker Charles, 316 , 362 Warren Amy, 181 Webster George, 315 White John, 171, 201 Walker Bridget , 316 Warren William Edmund, 244 Webster Mary , 337, 398 White Robert, 184 Walker Mrs. Mary, 348 Warren Emily, 244 Webster Henrietta, 368 White Henry, 184 Walker Joseph Henry , 355 Warren , Quambone Road , bod y Wed ge Edward , 116 White William Archibald, 192„ Walker A., 368 of man, known only by the Weeks Rebecca, 14, 27 193,266 Walker Richard, 378 name of Charley , found, 344 Weeks Robert C., 115 White George, 193 Walkley Mrs ., 164 Watches found, 124 Weeks Joseph, 168 White Charles, 193 Wall Donald , 116 Watches and jewellery found in Weeks George, 192, 296 White James, 220 Wall John, 152 possession of Antonio Pugliese, Weeks Frederick, 238 White John J., 226 Wall John Henry Collins , 360 suppo sed stolen, 64 Wein Madame , or Pauline Frangois ,White John, 224 Wallace John, 15 Waters Richard, 8 320 White Daniel, 245 Wallace Joseph R., 98 Waters George, 53 Weinman Arthur, 307 White Charles, 256 Wallace Walter Alexander , 137 Waters Charles, 73 Weir Gavan , 180, 262 White John, 256 Wallace Martha Annie, 151 Waters William, 86 Weiss Julius, alias Boras , alias White William Pilsworth, 264 Wallace Frank E., 172 Waters George, 116 Hall, alias Dr . Phillips, alias Don White Thomas, 291 Wallace Walter , 320 Waters William James , 137, 165 Carlos De Vine, alias Coolomong , White -, 328 Wallace Louis , 327 Waters Mary Jane, 137 378 White William, 355 Wallace Richard, 344 Waters Henry, 192,238 Welch Augustus , 112 White Algernon Warren, 362 Wallace Amelia , 373 Waters George. 211 Welch George , 278 White Thomas, 395 Wallam A., or Waller , 249, 314 Waters Malcolm, 212 Welfi Dominick , 30 Whitelaw George, 38 Wallbridge George , alias Carl Waters George, 213 Wells John, 213 Whitelaw James, 299, 308 Von Bieren , 87 Waters Susan, 397 Wellsmore William , 273, 288 Whitey , or Milky, Phillips, 233 Waller A., or Wallam , 249, 314 Waterworks , near Canterbury Wellsmore Joseph, 345 Whitfield Oscar, 77 Waller Edwin , 329 Park , malicious damage, 69, 73 Welsh John , 19 Whitford Adam, 38 Walley Henry, 168 Watkins John, 148 Welsh -, 133 Whiting E. W. H., 400 Wallis John, 152 Watkins George, 215 Welsh William, 145 Whitley John, 130 Wallis Alfred, 230 Watkins Ada, 348 Welsh George , 184 Whitmore William, 7 Walls John, 350 Watling Robert, 200 Welsh Arthur, alias Johnson, aliasWhtttaker Mary Jane, 7 Wallsend , body of man sup- Watson John , alias Broose , 13, 52, Jim Crow, alias Mark Isaacs ,Whittaker James, 7 posed named Parkes found, 59, 68 351 Whittaker William, 215 143 Watson Jonathan, 29 Welshman alias Arthur Dun- Whitten John, 46 Walmsely Sergeant , 7 Watson Wil liam, 57 stable, 242 Whittigan William, alias Martins "Walpole Kate , 79 Watson Ann, 57 Wenck Augustus , 262 alias Livingstone, 312 Walpole George Robert , 79 Watson Harry, alias Thomas Werner Henry, 131 Whittle Arthur, 15 Walsh Walter , 4 O'Rourke , 111, 119 Werrell William, 309, 338 Whittle Alexander , 216, 386 Walsh Mary, 23 Watson James, 120 Werrell Ada, 309 Whitty Kate, 34 Walsh James John, 30 Watson William Henry, 167 Wertheim Hugo, 402 Whitty Thomas, 125 Walsh Peter , 82, 106 Watson George, 184 Wesleyan Chapel , Frogmore , 79 Wholohan John, 112 Walsh -, 148 Watson Stanley , 192,200 Wesleyan Church, Balmain, brokenWhyte Mr., 140 Walsh Thomas , 160 Watson Charles, alias Sinclair, into, 134 Wicks Albert, 351 Walsh -, 164 alias Simpson , alias Sutton, Wesleyan Church, Prince's -street,Widdon Mrs. M . A., 347 Walsh Timothy, 179 alias Hilton, alias Driver, alias abandoned child found , 299 Wigfull Joshua, 197, 246 Walsh William , 181 Gordon, 209 Wesleyan Church, St . Peters, en -Wigfull Mary Ann, 197 Walsh Martin, 208 , 218 Watson Roger, 274 tered, 325 Wiggins Edward Joseph, 253 Walsh John, 223, 305 Watson Robert, 300 Wesleyan Church at Nerriga sacri -Wiggins Thomas, 355 Walsh Louisa , 223 Watson John, 300 lege, 331 Wigglesworth George, 281 Walsh James , 242 Watson Henry, 332 West Ernest , 43, 54 Wilcox Edward, 106 Walsh William, 273 Watson John, 364 West Major, 54 Wilcox William, 138 Walsh Gertrude, 337 Watson 's Bay, body of infant West Christopher , 95 Wilcox Mrs., 278 Walsh John, 345 found 233 West John, 160 Wild Harry (ab.), 105 'Walshe , Gelesman, & Co., 110 Watson 's Bay Reserve , body of West Frank, 188 Wild Sydney A., 221 Walters James 128 William Ridgeway Jackson West Thomas , 277 Wildeman William, 396 Walters George, alias Milford , found, 376 West Thomas John, 400 Wilding Henry, 171 alias Roden, 320 Watt, alias Robert Johnson, 101, Westacott Richard, 41 Wildman William Henry, 62 Walcon Richard , 102 109 Westbrook Juan, 140 Wiles Henry, 14 Walton William , 131 Watt A. J., 109 Westcott George , 372 Wiley Patrick, 376 Walton John N., 320 Watt Miss, 189 Westermark Peter, 290 Wilkins George, 131 Walton Brothers , 348 Watt William, 193 Western Maud, 252 Wilkinson Mrs. F . A., 86, 115 Wandell John, 149 Watt Agnes, 196 West field William Henry, 256 Wilkinson Thomas, 113, 275 36 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1886.

Wilkinson Richard, 133 Williams Alice, 312 Wingrove Thomas H., 137 Woonaminta Run, body of man, Wilkinson John, 149 Williams James, 321 i Winkett Louisa, 120, 128 name unknown, found, 22 Wilkinson Charles, 192, 252 Williams Herbert, alias Walter Winning Emily Margaret, 265, Woort Henry, 145, 151 Wilkinson Judge, 212, 217, 224 Synnot, 345 269 Workman, George, 9 Wilkinson Thomas, 239 Williams James, 365 Winter John, 282 Worrall, Robert, 183, 193 Wilkinson Patrick, 242, 248 Williams Jane, 365 Winters Mary, 237 Worrall, Isabella, 183 Wilkinson, alias Clara Thomas, Williams Constable, 368 Winton Edwin, 180 Worthing Edward, 42 alias Archbold, &c., 246 Williams David, 369 Wirth Jacob, 197 Worthington William John, alias Wilkinson Judge, 321 Williams W., 372 Wisbey John, 148 Banks, 184 Wilkinson Dr. W. C., 321 Williams, or William Silks, 373, Wischart Mr., 242 Worthington Rufus, 218 Willett Frederick, 329 388, 402 Wiseman Charles, 120 Wotherspoon Robert S., 397 Willey W. S., or Wiley, 60, 79 William Mr., 373 Wiseman Frederick, 237 Wray John, 21, 53 Williams William Henry, 11, 19,46 Williams James, 376 Witcombe John, 376 Wray John, 280 Williams William, 14 Williams May, 377 Witham Elizabeth, 321 Wreck of S.S. " Ly-ee-Moon" off Williams William James, 17 Williams Reuben, 387 Withers William, 47 Green Cape Point, 30th May, Williams Bill, 19 Williams John, 389 Withers J. W., 116 1886, and upwards of seventy Williams John, 21, 177 Williams Annie, 395 Woids William, 348 passengers and crew drowned, Williams Frederick Augustus, 21 Williams George, 396 Wolfe Henry Antonie, 7 175 Williams Frank, 21 Williams William, 400 Wolfe John, 211 Wreck of cutter , supposed "Sove- Williams Ann, 21, 275 Williamson Charles, 48 Wolkenhauer Hermann, 156 reign of the Seas ," found off Williams John, 23 Williamson Thomas, 68 Woman, name unknown, uttering Port Macquarie, 289 Williams Francis, A. W., 27 Williamson George, 246 forged note, 159 Wreck of S.S. "Keilawarra," off Williams William, 30 Williamson Arthur, 321 Woman, name unknown, forgery, South Solitary Islend, 8th De- Williams Joseph, 30 Williamson Eliza, 352 258 cember, 1886, through coming Williams Frederick, 42 Willis Frederick, 14 Woman, named Mrs. Osborne, into collision with S.S. "Helen Williams Alfred, 46 Willis William, 196 jumped overboard from S.S. Nicoll ," and thirty -eight per- Williams Job, 59 Willis & Co., 201 " Wakatipu," 259 sons drowned, 400 Williams Frederick, 60, 70 Willis Albert, 207 Woman, name unknown, forgery, Wrench Anthony, alias Rogers, Williams Alice, 61 Willis Frederick. 231 286 alias Jones, alias Trafford, alias Williams, alias Maggie Ali Hem, 69 Willis Frederick, 313 Woman, name unknown, body of, Carolin, alias Roberts, 193 Williams James, 78 Willis Frederick 317 found in Blackwattle Bay, 350 Wright , Heaton , & Co., 7, 23, 50 Williams Henry, 79 Willmott Thom,. 13 Womersley John, 82, 152 Wright John, 18 Williams John, 82 Willmot Eliza, 226 Womersley Eliza, 82 Wright Enos, 37 _ Williams Annie, 83 Willmot Frederick, 317 Womersley Walter, 130, 135,152 Wright John Plant, 59 Williams William, 91, 100 Willows Thomas, 7 Womley J. W., 205 Wright Samuel, 69, 95 Williams Henry, 93 Willows Agnes, 340, 378 Wong Chong, 209 Wright Thomas, 78 Williams John, 93 Wills Edward F., 337 Wong Choy, 230 Wright William T., 79 Williams Mary, 102 Willsmore Thomas, 314 Wood James, 45 Wright Miss E., 90 Williams Frank, 112 Wilmont John E. J., 82 Wood Richard Leeming, 45 Wright Eli, 90 Williams Alice or Clarke, 115, 352 Wilshaw Caroline, 327 Wood John, 134 Wright Joseph, 106 Williams Henry, alias Hayek, alias Wilshire W. J., 386 Wood John Edward, 151 Wright -, 132 Hykes, alias Hayes, alias Smith, Wilson Arthur, 4 Wood John H., 188, 234 Wright Mrs., 148 116 Wilson Alfred, 6 Wood George, 216, 266 Wright Arthur, 157, 209 Williams William, 120 Wilson Percy, 10 Wood Charles, 255 Wright Ambrose, 159 Williams Archibald, 122 Wilson Andrew, 15 Wood Dr. Ramsden, 339 Wright John, 168 Williams George, 134 217 Wilson J. V., 25 Wood George, 402 Wright William, 188 Williams Sarah, 135, 387 Wilson James, 46 Woodburn William, 74 Wright Thomas, 196 Williams George, 135 Wilson Arthur, 68 Woodgate Elizabeth, 363 Wright, or Murphy, 283 Williams Charles, 137 Wilson Amy, alias Hughes, 83 Woodhouse Charles, 216, 253 Wright Ernest , 295, 309 Williams William, alias George Wilson Richard, 93, 125 Woodorth Thomas, 134 Wright, Heaton , & Co., 305, 358 Bell, 137 Wilson James, 109 Woodrow George, 167 Wright Walker, 358 Williams John, 138 Wilson Frank, 122 Woods Thomas, 18, 34 Wright Kate, 378 Williams Charles, 140 Wilson David, 138 Woods Robert, 42 Wunter Charles, 383 Williams W., 140 Wilson Patrick, 145 Woods John, 60, 88 Wury Jacob, 261 Williams Henry, alias BillyWhite- Wilson -, 148 Woods Mrs., 84 Wyatt Isabella, 18 wash, 145 Wilson Joseph, 168 Woods John, 101 Wyatt Charles, 46 Williams E. J., 148 Wilson David, 193 Woods James, 274 Wyatt Frederick, 328 Williams Mrs., 148 Wilson Thomas, 196 Woods John H., 296 Wylie William, 128 Williams -, 156 Wilson George, 197 Woods Mrs. C., 332 Wynn Henry, 79 Williams Elizabeth, 160 Wilson Thomas, alias Baxter, 212, Woodward William, 270 Wynn Margaret, 79 Williams Edward, 167 217, 224 Wooller William, 109 Wynn Thomas, 157, 227 Williams Francis or Frank A., 619 Wilson Richard, 216, 238 Woolley, Mrs. E. F., 204 Wynn Mary, 230 Williams Thomas, 171, 225 Wilson Miss, 234 Woolloomooloo Bay, body of man, Wynn John, 369 Williams H.. 184 Wilson Mrs., 242 name unknown, found, 6, 14 Wyse John W. H., 339, 3;i3 Williams Edward, 185 Wilson Hester, 251 Williams John, 191, 201 Wilson John, 256 Y Williams Henry, 193 Wilson David, 258 Yard Frank J., 193 Young Thomas, 69 Williams Patrick, 199,221 Wilson Arthur, 265 , body of infant found, Young Thomas, 71 Williams George, 200 Wilson George, 281 9 Young August, 108 Williams John Lloyd, 201 Wilson George, 286 Yates J. E., 116 Young Samuel, 124 Williams James, alias Walker, 203, Wilson Hamilton, 295 Yates, or Arthur Southwell, 192, Young John, alias Thompson, alias 225 Wilson James, 295 224 Ferguson, 124 Williams Sarah, 217 Wilson William, 314 Yates Annie or Turton, 237, 252 Young William Francis, 134 Williams John, 218 Wilson Charles, 321 Yates Mary, 286, 402 Young Esther, 217 Williams William, 221 Wilson John, 328 Yeend Richard, 200 Young John, 229 Williams Thomas, 226 Wilson Charles, 329 Yeo John C., 3 Young Belinda, 246 Williams William, 238 Wilson William, 336 Yeo William, 31 Young Thomas, 266 Williams George, 242 Wilson John, 340 Yeo Charles, 278 Young John, 274 Williams Emily, 244 Wilson Louisa, 341, 361 Yeomans Robert, 179 Young Henry, 287 Williams John, 258 Wilson Fred, 345 York William, 8 Young William, 287 William George, alias Barnes, 266 Wilson George, alias John York Charles William, 145 Young Henry J., 316 Williams Henry, alias Coekham, Bourke, alias Turner, 345 York -, 172 Young Joseph, 317 269, 321 Wilson Charley, alias William York James Alfred, 244, 305 Young Henry, 337 Williams Thomas, 269 Smith, alias Charles Roberts, 351 York James Alfred, 295, 305 Young, unclaimed property for sale Williams Elizabeth, 272 Wilson Arnold, 355 Young Samuel, 4 33 Williams Annie, alias Kate Jack- Wilson -, 369 Young Thomas, 11, 39,51 Youngman (ab.), 105 son, 272 Wilson Samuel, alias John Thomp- Young Henry & Co., 39 Yule William R, 320 Williams John Henry, 275 son, 396 Young Thomas Scott, 59 69 YunCum Ling, 200 Williams John E., 278, 284 Wilson John, 100 Young Peter, 61, 87 Yung Yew, 14 Williams Emma Matilda, 280 Wilton Thomas, 223 Williams Thomas, 284 Wilton Charles, 270 Z Williams W. H., 286, 315 Wiltshire Joseph, alias Jean Bap- Zanetta Petro, 223 Zenner Gustavus D., 296 Williams Frederick, 287 tiste Michael Burrelly, 75 Zar Henry, 187 Zoeller Henry, 113 Williams, alias George Cox, 287 Winchester Henry, 280 Williams Harriett Jane, 289 Windsor Annie, 199 Williams Charles, 296 Wing Lee, 149 SYDNEY: Printed by CFA 0 Pomp, Government Printer.-1887. Police S tation,



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No. 3.] WEDNESDAY, 20 JANUARY. [1886.

NOTICE. Burglaries, stealing from Premises, &c. For Instructions as to Reports for Compilation of Police Sydney.-Stolen , about 9 p.m. the 14th instant , from the Gazette , vide No. 1 of this year. shop of Chy Wong Brothers , No. 53 , Campbell-street ,- A blue Chinese-cloth bag, containing about £16 in-`notes, gold, and silver. By a man who asked for change of a shilling, who Murder. snatched the bag and ran away. He is about 24 years of age, Vide Police Gazette, 1886, page 9. 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, red face. Can be identified. Darlington.-Stolen, about 6 p.m. the 12th instant, from the Herbert Bayley Pulver, cbarged on warrant with shooting " Golden Grove Hotel," Alma and Raglan Streets , Darlington, and killing William Nerang (aboriginal), at Kunopia, on the the property of Francis Coffe, the licensee,-A box of cigars 29th October last, has been committed for trial at Tamworth and two bottles of sherry, valub £1. By a man named John Circuit Court. Bail allowed. Killkelly or Peters. He is about 24 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, medium build, clean shaved, smart appearance ; dressed in gray tweed suit and large brown soft felt hat worn down over eyes. Said to be a deserter from the New South Arson. W4les Artillery. Bombala.-On the morning of the 15th ultimo a kitchen at Botany.-Stolen, between the hours of 9 a.m. the 13th and the rear of premises situated in Stephen-street, Bombala, 9 a.m. the 14th instant, from the residence of George Tyler, occupied by John Langhorn, and owned by Thomas Moore, Botany Road, the property of Joseph Clarke, -A gold cameo was destroyed by fire, and at an adjourned inquest held on the scarf-pin, value £2. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to a man 30th ultimo, before the District Coroner, the following verdict about 35 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, stout build, clean was returned :-" That the said premises, on the morning of shaved except sandy moustache ; dressed in light tweed trousers the 15th December, 1885, were destroyed by fire ; and we and vest, dark coat, and a light soft felt bat. further say that the said premises were feloniously and wilfully Sydney.-Stolen, about 4 a.m. the 14th instant, from the set on fire by some person or persons unknown." The property residence of Mr. William Henry Paling, No. 189, Macquarie- destroyed, value about £70, was insured in the Victoria Insur- street North,-A gold open-face leverwatch, No. 6528,"W.H.P." ance Company. in monogram on back ; a gold signet ring, set with bloodstone ; a large gold telescope pencil-case ; a long solid link gold Albert, each link stamped, with green-stone pendant attached; two Robberies with Arms or Violence or from the platina screw studs ; a black leather folding purse containing three sovereigns, some visiting cards, and tram and bus tickets ; Person. an alligator skin hand-bag, "A.C.P." in monogram on plate on Stanmore.-Stolen,about4-15 p.m. the 16th instant, from side of bag, containing a bunch of keys, memos., &c. the person of Elizabeth Hoskins, of Wemyss-street, Marrick- Darlington.-Stolen, between the hours of 10 p.m. the 14th ville, whilst in Cambridge-street, Stanmore,-A black leather and 6 a.m. the 15th instant, from the Female Mission Home, hand-bag, in which was a purse containing one £1 note on the No. 30, Newtown Road, Darlington, the property of Ann Commercial Bank, some silver and tram tickets. By a youth Hillary,-A new silver-mounted hand-bag, containing two£1 who snatched the bag from her band and ran away. He is notes ; a parcel of unmade clothes ; lady's underclothing, &c. ; 17 or 18 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, slight build ; value, £4. Also stolen, the property of Mary M'Mahon,- wore dark suit and masher hat. Was accompanied by a second Abrown dress, trimmed with brown satin and lace ; a Russia youth about same age and height ; dressed in light tweed suit leather hand-bag ; and a black satin parasol with lace border ; and masher hat. Identification doubtful. value, £5. Identifiable. By a girl named Sarah Jane Butler. She is about 18 years of age, short and slight build, fair hair out Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central- Police short in front, and has an impediment in her speech. Bench for the arrest of a youth, whose name is unknown, but Petersham.-Stolen, between the hours of 10 and 12 a.m. the who can be identified, charged with assaulting William James 12th instant, from the residence of Andrew Bolter, Constitution Williams, of No. 47, Princes-street, and robbing him of the Road, Petersham,-& heavy gold necklet, long and short link sum of 12s., on the 30th ultimo. Offender is about 17 years of pattern ; a large oval-shaped plain gold locket, set with a age, 5 feet 10 inches high, slight build, fair hair and complexion. diamond in star setting, and chased on rim ; a very fine gold necklet, twisted link pattern ; a small oval-shaped gold locket, chased on one side, blue enamelled the other, set round with a row of pearls ; total value, £12. Identifiable. Vide Police Gazette, 1886, page 10. Penrith.-Stolen, about the 10th instant, from the Linden The number of the gold hunting watch stolen from the Railway Station, the property of the Commissioner for Railways, person of Charles Riley is 7270. £3 Is. 9d. in notes, gold, silver, and coppers. Not identifiable, 20 J".91886.] NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE, 23

John Williams, charged with stealing a silver watch and Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 215. gold Albert chain, value £9 (recovered), from the person of Felix Dimanche, charged on warrant with wife desertion, has Robert Flew, has been arrested by Senior-sergeant Higgins and been arrested by Detective Williams and Constable Draper, Senior-constable Taylor, Sydney Police. Committed for trial Sydney Police. Ordered to pay 12s. per week for twelve at Quarter Sessions. months. Michael Hogan and Mary Hogan alias Sefer, charged with maliciously destroying three pairs of blacksmith's bellows, the Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 145. property of Messrs. Kelly & Spohn, have been arrested by Constables M'Donald and Doig, Nyngan Police. Committed James Fletcher , against whom a warrant of commitment was for trial at Dubbo Sessions. issued by the Central Police Bench, has been arrested by Senior- James Watts, charged on warrant with stealing a horse constable Roche and Constable West, Sydney Police, and (recovered), owner's name not reported, has been arrested by lodged in gaol. the Cunnamulla Police (Queensland). Remanded toWilcannia, and committed for trial at Wilcannia Sessions. Bail allowed. Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 137. Edward Irvine, charged with stealing three heifers, value William Hughes , for whose arrest a warrant of commitment £12 (recovered), the property of Samuel Hazelton, of Albion was issued by the Central Police Bench, has been arrested by Park, has been arrested by Constable Morris, Broughton Creek Constable Hickey , Sydney Police, and lodged in gaol. Police. Committed for trial at Wollongong Sessions. Also charged with stealing one heifer (recovered), the property of Vide Police Gazette , 1884 , page 334. James Higgs, of Robertson. Committed for trial. Bail Bridget Smith, against whom a warrant of commitment was allowed. issued by the Central Police Bench, has been arrested by Con- James Melrose, charged with breaking and entering the stable Ross, Sydney Police. Amount paid. dwelling-house of Govani Deversie, of High Lake, near Bombala, and stealing therein two shirts, one vest, one pair trousers, one towel, one mirror, value £2 (recovered), has been Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 325. arrested by Sergeant Carroll, Bombala Police. Committed for Thomas Hanlon, charged on warrant with stealing one bay trial at Cooma Sessions. Bail refused. gelding (recovered), the property of R. H. Fetherstonhaugh, Esq., J.P., of Corrella Station, has been arrested by Senior- Vide Police Gazette , 1886, page 7. constable Carland and Constable Burrows, Barringun Police. Committed for trial at Bourke Sessions. Bail refused. Francis James Bodger, charged on warrant with fraudulently embezzling £ 10 4s . 10d., the moneys of his employers , Messrs. Vide Police Gazette , 1885, page 374. Wright, Heaton , & Co., at Guyra, has been arrested by Mary Ann Moran, charged with disobeying a summons for Detective Willmott and Constable Power, Sydney Police. assaulting A. M. Morley , has been arrested by Senior -sergeant Remanded to Armidale to be dealt with. Parker and Constable Curll, Cootamundra Police. Fined 5s. and costs. Paid. Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 385. Vide South Australia Police Gazette, 1885, page 74. Alice Moore or Alsop, charged with stealing a gold necklet and a small gold ring (value £4), the property of Martin C. Charles Chanze, charged with stealing an open-faced gold Jewell, has been arrested by Senior- constable Sullivan and watch (recovered) from the " Woolshed Inn," Bordertown, Constable Mullans , Sydney Police. South Australia, the property of J. S. Monk, on the 7th April last, has been arrested by Senior-sergeant Kulhy and Constable Hurst, Wentworth Police. Remanded to Adelaide, South Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 374. Australia. George Anderson, charged on warrant with stealing five tickets (not lockets), the property of Patrick Marsh, has been Vide Police Gazette, 1886, page 7. arrested by Senior-constable Roche and Constable West, Sydney Robert Smart has been further charged with stealing a heifer, Police. Sentenced to fourteen days' imprisonment. the property of John Barry, senior, of Moonbar Station. Committed for trial at Cooma Sessions. Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 374. William Edwin Pearson, charged on warrant with disobeying EXTRACTS FROM TICE VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE. a Magisterial order for the support of his child, has been [From Police Gazette, 13th January, 1886.] arrested by Senior-constable Bursey and Constable Gorman, MISSING FRIENDS. Sydney Police. Discharged-amount paid. Inquiry is requested for George Morrison, who arrived in Melbourne in the month of December, 1884, by steamer, from Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 374. Hongkong. Description : Native of Banffshire, Scotland, George Smith, for whose arrest a warrant of commitment butcher, about 28 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, fresh was issued by the Water Police Bench, has been arrested by complexion, gray eyes, dark-brown hair, proportionate build ; Constable Hickey, Sydney Police, and lodged in gaol. served five years in the Lancashire Constabulary, and left that service for the Shanghai Police in October, 1883. He left Shanghai about a year after joining and went to Hongkong, Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 374. where he worked in a sugar refinery till coming to Melbourne. Mary Walsh, against whom a warrant of commitment was He called on friends of his in Melbourne in January, 1885. issued by the Water Police Bench, has been arrested by From inquires made here for him, it appears he is of unsteady Constable Bray, Sydney Police, and lodged in gaol. habits and of a roving disposition. Inquiry is made at the request of James Morrison, Detective Sergeant, Halifax, York- shire, England.-O.161. 8th January, 1886. Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 320. John Gash, for whose arrest a warrant of commitment was EXTRACT FROM THE NEW ZEALAND POLICE .issued by the Redfern Bench, has been arrested by Constable GAZETTE. Cook, Sydney Police. Amount paid. [From Police Gazette, 6th January, 1886.] DESERTING WIVES AND FAMILIES, &c. Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 297. George Saunders is charged, on warrant issued by the Christ- James Hercules Ross, charged on warrant with using church Bench, with failing, since about the end of June last, threatening language towards James Ross, has been arrested by at Papanui, near Christchurch, to provide for the support of Senior -constable Vane and Constable Meyer, Sydney Police. his two children, both under the age of 14 years. Description : Ordered to find sureties to keep the peace for six months, or English, a labourer, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches one month's imprisonment. high, stout build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, clean shaved. He left Lyttelton in June last by the steamer Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 255. "Waihora" for Sydney. His arrest is desirable. Patrick Seville, against whom a con`imitment warrant was issued by the Newtown Bench, has been arrested by Constable Office of Inspector General of Police, Thompson, Sydney Police, and lodged in gaol. Sydney, 20th January, 1886.

Vide Police Gazette, 1885 , page 215. SYDNEY: William T. H. Bilton, a deserter from H.M.S. " Nelson," has been arrested by Constables Proctor and Kelly, Sydney Printed by THOMASRiouARDS, Government Printer, Police, and handed over to the Naval Authorities. 20th January, 1886. x_. 26 NEW SOUTH WALES POLT E GAZETTE. [27 JAN., 1886.

WATCHES AND JEWELLERY, &c., REPORTED STOLEN. Date . Owner 's Name. Description. IRefereneb. 1885. 26 Dec.. .. Mr. Ludwick ...... Gold brooch, oval shape, with small leaves, " Mother" engraved in centre ... 86- 78 23 „ Thomas Miller ...... Gold locket, cross on outside set with four blue stones and pearls ; a gold- 79 mounted Albert ; and a lady's dress ring, coral in Centre with pearls round. 31 „ Robert Jaye ...... Small silver Geneva hunting watch, ornamental case ; a large silver verge 80 open-face watch ; and an open-face Geneva watch, No. 25; and two imitation gold chains. 26 „ Hugh Roberts ...... Silver open-face English lever watch, No. 99813 ; and steel chain ...... 81 1886. 19 Jan... Edward F. Leist ...... Gold open-face American watch, No. 2242, " Eagle" on case; and close link 82 gold chain. 18 Miss Moore ...... Gold Geneva hunting watch, No. 11005 ...... 83 19 Percy Cooke ...... Silver Geneva lever watch, No. 34763 ...... 84 19 Eliza Martin ...... Pair gold ear-rings set with pearls and rubies ...... 85 19 Andrew Irwin ...... Pair small gold diamond-shape ear-rings set with small diamond in Centre... 86 16 James Hartley ...... Silver English open-face lever watch, maker " Thompson," No. 4335, I-plate 87 19 Francis Conway ...... Silver lever hunting watch, maker " Bennett, Cheapside," No. 95489 ; and 88 gold Albert, 18-carat, with small compass attached. 20 Peter Hansen ...... Silver open-face Swedish cylinder watch, No. 20057 ...... 89' 19 Harlo K eane ...... Silver open-face keyless watch, makers " Allerding & Sons," No. 4408 ; curb 90 pattern silver chain, and silver match-box attached.

22 ,, Frederick Turner...... Silver Geneva hunting watch, No. 83491; a silver Albert ; and silver locket, 91 square and compass on one side. Denis :ennett ...... Silver open-face Geneva watch, No. 105030 ...... 92 „ W. H. marker ...... Gold open-face keyless watch, No. 93533 ...... 93 „ James Stephenson ...... Gold keeper ring ...... 94 James Arthur ...... Silver lever half-hunting watch, makers " Brush & Drummond," No. 82807; 95 and silver chain, small links. Thomas O'Shannessey...... Silver lever Waltham hunting watch. No. 1342280 ...... 96 Michael Nicholson ...... Silver lever hunting watch, No. 99699; part of silver chain and silver locket 97 William Thearle ...... Gold nugget pin ...... 98 Ann Lepherd ...... Small gold Geneva horizontal watch, enamelled ; and two old-fashioned 99 silver chains. „ Alfred Dodd ...... Silver Geneva hunting watch, maker "August, Liverpool," " A.H.H. " 100 engraved on front case ; and silver Albert. John C. Munroe ...... Silver lever hunting watch ; and long link silver Albert ...... 101 Charles Barnett ...... Gold puzzle ring, 22-carat, Indian manufacture ...... 102 William Miller ...... Silver Waltham keyless hunting watch, No. 2401077; and silver chain, curb 103 pattern. Samuel Cardwell ...... Gold Geneva lever hunting watch, No. 45399 ...... 104 If. Copeland ...... Gold hunting watch, No. 92132, maker " Sleep, Ballarat," owner's name on 105 outside case ; a hair Albert, gold-mounted ; a diamond ring, single stonis, black enamel ; and a three-stone diamond ring.

Sydney.-Stolen, about 7 a.m. the 19th instant, from the Vide Police Gazette , 1886, page 3. " West End Hotel," George-street West, the property of Joseph The number of the watch (86-24) reported stolen, the Fortune,-A silver hunting Waltham lever watch, No. 2,639,752; property of John R. Donovan , is 16748. a silver chain, square links ; a silver key ; and a red stone pendant ; value, £6. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to a young man about 19 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high ; dressed Vide Police Gazette, 1886 , page 17. in black clothes and a bard black bat. Had the appearance of The gold scarf -pin reported stolen from the residence of a jockey. George Tyler , Botany Road, the property of Joseph Clarke, Pyrmont.-Stolen, on the night of the 22nd instant, from was subsequently pledged at Austin's Pawn-office , Regent- No.. 117, Union-street, Pyrmont, the property of Alexander street, Redfern , by a man who gave the name of Collins. He Currie, the sum of £412s. By David Shield, about 25 years of is about 35 years of age , 5 feet 10 inches high, stout build, age, 5 feet 2 inches high, very stout build, ruddy complexion ; ' clean shaved except sandy moustache ; dressed in li ght tweed has bullet-mark on top of head where skin has been cut ; dressed trousers and vest, and black soft felt hat. in a gray suit of clothes, soft felt hat, and new Blucher boots ; a sailor. Sydney.-Stolen, about 9 a.m., the 20th instant, from the Offences not otherwise described. shop of Louis Bornstein, 91, Market-street,-About seven Newtown.-A warrant has been issued by the Newtown dozen silk pocket handkerchiefs, various patterns ; one dozen Bench for the arrest of John Denning, charged with fraudu- plain white silk pocket handkerchiefs ; and a pair of drab lently obtaining the sum of £30 from Albert Ellis, of Gran- drawers lined with red flannel ; value, £10. Identifiable. ville Railway Station, in the month of August last . Denning Sydney.-Stolen,between the hours of 11 p.m., the 20th, is about 40 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, stout build, may and 9 a.m., the 21st instant, from Johnston's Tea Palace, be clean shaved ; wore a large sac coat and black hard hat. Market-street, near Pitt-street, the property of Mrs. Ellen Sydney.-A warrant of commitment for want of distress for Dunstan, -A silver Geneva hunting-watch, smooth cases, out the sum of £1 2s. 6d., fine and costs, in default seven days' of repair ; a silver Albert, key and seal attached ; a Colonial imprisonment, for behaving in a riotous manner in George. gold brooch,leaf pattern,with Scotch pebble in centre,file street,on the 8th December last,has been issued by the Central marks on back ; a light-coloured leather purse, containing a new Police Bench against Robert Payne. He is about 30 years of £10 note on the Bank of New South Wales, one sovereign, some ge, 5 feet 7 inches high, medium build, dark complexion. silver, and two Newcastle Turkish bath tickets. By three young Sydney.-A warrant of commitment for want of distress for men, one of whom, Alexander Frazer, has since been arrested. the sum of £1 7s. 6d., fine and costs, in default seven days' The second is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, imprisonment, for behaving in a riotous manner in Foveaux- very stout build, dark complexion ; dressed in dark clothes and street, on the 19th ultimo, has been issued by the Water Police small hard hat. The third offender is similarly described. Bench against Alice Vernon. She is about 25 years of age, Singleton.-Stolen, about the 12th instant, from the store of 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, stout build, dark hair and complexion. Daniel Morrison, at Singleton,-A single barrel breech loading St. Leonards.-A warrant of commitment for want of distress gun, nickel plated mounting fore part of stock, movable nickel for the sum of 19s. 10d., fine and costs, in default four days' plated spring, stock near lock shaped like pistol stock ; value, imprisonment, for riding on the footway in Alfred-strebt, St. £610 5. Identifiable. Leonards, on the 14th December last, has been issued by the Goulburn.-During the night of the 17th instant an attempt St. Leonards Bench against Thomas Kelly. He is about 21 was made to break into the office of Messrs. Andrews & Chis- years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, slight build, dark com- holm, auctioneers, Goulburn. plexion, dark hair, larrikin appearance. 271JAN., 1886.] NEW SOUT . WALES POLICE GAZETTE. 27

Sydney.-A warrant of commitment for want of distress for Moama.-Description of a man, name unknown, charged the sum of £2 10s. 6d., fine and costs, in default fourteen with fraudulently obtaining money and goods, value £4, from days' imprisonment, for refusing Senior-sergeant Robinson John Lewis, at Moama, on the 12th instant. About 25 years admission to the " Star and Garter Hotel," Riley-street, on of age, 5 feet 8* inches high, dark swarthy complexion, large Sunday, the 20th September last, has been issued by the Water nose, very flat on end, no whiskers, small dark moustache ; Police Bench against Patrick O'Brien. He is 28 or 30 years dressed in dark tweed coat, wore coloured mole trousers. of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, stout build, fair hair and com- plexion, sandy whiskers and moustache ; dressed in dark coat Sydney.--A warrant has been issued by the Central Police and vest, light-coloured trousers, and black soft-felt hat ; a Bench for the arrest of William Stanley, charged under the drayman. " Industrial Schools Act." He is 8 years of age, tall for his Sydney. -A warrant of commitment for want of distress for age, medium build, brown hair, dark complexion, brown eyes, the sum of £1 10s. 6d., fine and costs, in default seven days' no boots or hat on ; dressed in a blue sailor suit. imprisonment, for drinking liquor in the " Welcome Inn Hotel," Liverpool-street, on 25th December last, has been issued by the Water Police Bench against Juno Duando. He is about Vide Po ce Gazette, 1885, page 358. 26 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, stout build, dark hair and li eyes, dark moustache ; dressed in dark sac suit and black soft- Thomas Marguet , against whom a warrant of commitment felt hat ; a Frenchman ; supposed to have gone to Bathurst. was issued by the Newtown Bench , has paid the amount. Balmain.-A warrant of commitment for want of distress for the sum of £3 5s., fine and costs, in default one months' im- prisonment, for exposing his person at Balmain, on the 14th Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page 374. December last, has been issued by the Balmain Bench against Patrick Hiney. He is 55 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, George Thompson , against whom a warrant of commitment medium build, thin sandy whiskers, turning gray, shaved on was issued by the Water Police Bench for the sum of £2 10s. chin, fair complexion ; dressed in gray tweed suit and brown has paid the amount. soft felt hat. Balmain.-A warrant of commitment for want of distress for the sum of £1 5s., fine and costs, in default seven days' im- Deserter from Her Majesty's Service. prisonment, for behaving in a riotous manner at Balmain, on From H.M.S. "Diamond," at Sydney. the 20th December last, has been issued by the Balmain Bench against Joseph Thomas. He is 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches On the 18th January, 1886. high, medium build, brown hair, full brown beard and whiskers, dark complexion ; dressed in a light tweed coat, moleskin Arthur Dutillent, A.B., 26 years of age, 5 feet 4* inches high, trousers , and light soft-felt hat ; a labourer. brown hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion, anchor on right arm. Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police A reward of £3 is offered for the apprehension of the above- Bench for the arrest of Michael J. Finegan, charged with mentioned deserter, if apprehended within two years. The embezzling the sum of £6 5s., the property of Saywell's Tobacco above reward is offered in addition to the reward of £5 offered Company. Offender is about 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 by the Colonial Government. inches high, gray hair, weak eyes, rather florid complexion; dressed in a light tweed suit ; complainant, John Lang Salier, 237, Clarence-street. Horses and Cattle, &c. Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police Bench for the arrest of James Church, charged with assaulting Bench for the arrest of Artthr Bennett, charged with larceny Ellen Bryant, on the 31st ultimo. He is about 30 years of age, as a bailee of a bay horse and a buggy (value, £50), the pro. 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, fair hair and complexion, small perty of Joseph Taylor Cof lll. Bennett is about 35 years of whiskers and moustache, shaved on chin, cross-eyed ; dressed age, 5 feet 10 inches high, stout build, fair hair and com- in dark clothes and black hard bat ; complainant, 414, Pitt- plexion, beard and whiskers ; dressed in a light tweed suit. street. Description of horse and buggy :-The horse is branded I H near shoulder, black points, small star , rather low condition. Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police A commercial traveller's box buggy, painted green with red Bench for the arrest of John Lampson alias "The Novice," lines, a set of black harness nearly new, a whip, and a mat. charged with violently threatening Mary Ann Lampson, on the 14th instant. He is about 25 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches Kiandra.-A warrant has been issued by the Kiandra Bench high; dark complexion, small dark moustache ; dressed in a for the arrest of John Kellaher, charged with stealing the mare light tweed sac suit and black hard hat ; supposed to have gone No. 6 in this week's list, the property of Joseph Haslam, to Newcastle ; complainant, 35, Wexford-street. Kiandra, on the 12th instant. Kellaher is about 24 years of Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Water Police age, 5 feet 10 inches high, slight build, dark complexion, dark Bench for the arrest of a man named Birmingham, charged hair and eyes, may have moustache only ; dressed in dark with stealing a diamond ring, value zC25, the property of Maud clothes, and black soft felt hat. May have gone to Tumut or Hughes, No. 29, Francis-street, Sydney, on the 16th instant. Wagga Wagga. Offender is about 28 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, thin build, fair moustache, scar under right ear to chin ; wore brown Narrandera.-A warrant has been issued by the Narrandera or black and white check suit ; an American ; assumes name Bench for the arrest of Walter M'Kenzie, charged with fraudu- lently obtaining a bright bay horse, branded H near shoulder, of Lieut. Binghan ; supposed to have gone to Melbourne. black points, scar on face, sand crack near hind hoof, well St. Leonards.-A warrant has been issued by the St. Leonards bred, from Andrew M'Gaw, Ballandry, on the 14th ultimo. Bench for the arrest of Stephen Bennett, charged with dis- Offender is about 20 to 26 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, obeying a summons for using obscene language in Chandos- dark swarthy complexion, dark downy whiskers and moustache, street, St. Leonards, on the 9th instant. He is about 22 years thick build, round shoulders, stoops a little ; dressed in a light of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, medium build, fair com- tweed suit ; broad Scotch accent. Supposed to have gone plexion, brown hair ; usually dressed in light tweed suit and towards Whitton. light soft felt hat ; larrikin appearance. Brisbane.-A warrant has been issued by the Brisbane Bench for the arrest of Lee Sing, alias Ah Sam, charged with Vide Police Gazette, 1886 , page 5. burglary. This offender has been recently discharged from The horse No. 24 in this week's list, the property of James Aramac Gaol, Queensland, after serving a sentence of 3 years Lovegrove, has been found. and 3 months hard labour, for wounding. Description : 32 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, stout build, yellow com- plexion, black hair, brown eyes, top joint of finger left hand Vide Police Gazette, 1886, page 5. disfigured, tattooed " Ah Sam," 1885, on left arm. The cattle Nos. 5 to 12 inclusive in this week 's list , the pro- Albury.--A warrant has been issued by the Albury Bench perty of Charles Robinson, have been found. for the arrest of Francis A. W. Williams, charged with fraudu- lently obtaining £ 3 10s . from Rebecca Weeks, at Albury, on the 6th instant . Offender is about 25 years of age, 5 feet 10 Vide Police Gazette, 1886, page 5. inches high, slender build, walks erect, very thin features, The mare No. 1 in this week's list, the property of A. T. hollow cheeks, fair complexion, dark hair ; dressed in a dark Haley, J.P., is now reported to be branded X over (Z off tweed suit ; gentlemanly appearance ; supposed to have gone shoulder. Mr. Haley offers a reward of £25 on recovery and to Sydney. conviction ; £5 on recovery if strayed. Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central, Police Bench for the arrest of Alfred Ernest Davis or Murdoch, Vide Police Gazette , 1885 , page 388. charged under the " Industrial Schools Act." He is 13 years of age, tall for his age, slender build, dark hair and com- The horses Nos. 3 and 4 in this week 's list, the property of plexion ; shabbily dressed. Henry Reeves, of Harper's Hi ll, have been found. Police S tation,


POLI C E GAZETTE, u, =1tiAli.,l '

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No. 6.] WEDNESDAY, 10 FEBRUARY. [1886.

NOTICE. Miscellaneous Information. For Instructions as to Reports for Compilation of Police Sydney.-Lost or stolen, about 8 p.m. the 6th instant, from Gazette , vide No. 1 of this year. the person of Wm. James Rushforth , No. 7, Jamieson -street,-- A cheque for £18, dated 2nd February, 1886, drawn by the NOTICE. Surveyor General's Department, in favour of Rushforth, on the Mercantile Bank, and a receipt from G. P. O. Savings Members of the Police Force are enjoined to see that all out- Bank for £15. standing accounts against the Department , for the year 1885, if any, are promptly rendered for payment. Sydney.-At an inquest held on the 5th instant, at the " Soudan Hotel," George-street, before H. Shiell, Esq., J.P., City Coroner, on the body of Peter Johnston, lately residing at No. 41, Harris-street, found drowned near Goodlet & Smith's Murder. yard, Pyrmont, the following verdict was recorded :-" We Bourke.-Harry Pearce (half-caste), charged with the murder find that the said Peter Johnston, in the waters of Johnston's of Mary. (aboriginal), at Toorale, on the 15th November last, Bay, Port Jackson, in the Colony of New South Wales, on the has been arrested by Sergeant Webb, Bourke Police. Com- 4th day of February, A.D. 1886, was found dead without any mitted for trial at the Central Criminal Court, Sydney. marks of violence appearing on his body ; and we further find that his death was caused by asphyxia by drowning, but bow or by what means he became to be drowned there is not sufficient Manslaughter. evidence to enable us to say." Sydney.-George Train, charged with causing the death of Richard Westacott, at Pyrmont, has been arrested by Sergeant Roden, Sydney Police. Committed for trial at the Central Burglaries , stealing from Premises, &c. Criminal Court. Sydney.-Stolen , about 6 a.m. the 8th instant , from No. 391, Liverpool-street, the property of Thomas B. Rogers, - One pair of dark cloth trousers and vest, by a man about 30 years of Arson. age, 5 feet 4 or 5 high, dark hair and complexion , dark scraggy Shoalhaven.-William George Binns, charged with wilfully beard, whiskers, and moustache; dressed in dark coat, gray setting fire to a dwelling-house and a saw -mill at Kangaroo tweed trousers, and black bard hat. Valley, has been arrested by the Kangaroo Valley Police. Com- Glebe.-Stolen, between the hours of 8 p. m. the 4th and by the District Coroner for trial at the Central Criminal Court, 4 a.m. the 5th instant, from No. 78, Glebe Road, the property Sydney. Bail allowed. of Frank Cartwright,-The sum of £1110s . Suspicion attached Uralla.-On the night of the 20th ultimo, a store , situate at to George Murray. He is about 45 years of age, thin build, the corner of Armidale and Hill Streets, Uralla, owned by short sandy whiskers and beard ; dressed in black clothes. Can Elizabeth Cooper, and occupied by Messrs. Ferguson & Grim- be identified. wood, storekeepers, was destroyed by fire, and at an inquest Sydney.-Stolen, about 1 p.m. the 7th instant, from No. 225, held on the 25th ultimo, before the District Coroner, the Goulburn-street, the property of Mary Gellatly,-£75 in notes, following verdict was returned :-" That the premises of Mrs. gold, and silver. Also stolen, the property of Harry Leggat,- Cooper situated at the corner of Armidale and Hill Streets, and lately occupied by Ferguson & Grimwood, were, on the night One£1C, one £5, and ten £1 notes. of the 20th instant, wilfully set on fire and destroyed by some Sydney.-Stolen, since the 2nd instant, from the shop of person or persons unknown." The building was insured in the Alfred Crawshaw, No. 311, King-street, Newtown,-Nine boxes, National Insurance Company of New Zealand for £300, and containing sixty-four silk handkerchiefs, various colours and the stock was insured with the same company for £1,500. patterns ; value £9. Identifiable. Newtown.-Stolen, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. the 6th instant, from the shop of George Slater, Enmore Road, Robberies with Arms or Violence or from the Newtown,-About eight or nine boxes of silk pocket-handker- Person. chiefs, various patterns ; value, £8. Coolaman.-James Day (no fixed residence), has reported Moore Park.-Stolen, between the hours of 3 and 5.30 p.m. that on the evening of the 28th ultimo, whilst walking along the the 6th instant, from a fence in Moore Park, the property of the railway line, about 5 miles from Narrandera, on the Junee Rowland R. Eaton, of Lookes Avenue, Balmain,-A black side, he was assaulted by four men (one armed with a gun) and worsted walking-coat and vest, and two cheques- one for £15 robbed of £3 10s. 6d. in gold and silver ; a silver watch, " Ben- on the London Chartered Bank, Bourke, drawn by W. H. son, London," maker ; and a dark silk guard. Day states he Manning in favour of Sydney ; the other for £9, on the City cannot describe or identify offenders . Doubtful report. Bank, Sydney, drawn by T. W. Garrett in favour of R. Eaton. 52 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [17 Fm., 1886.

Escaped Prisoners. Deserters from the New South Wales Artillery. Escaped from the Central Police Station, on the night of the On the 21st January, 1886. 11th instant, Charles Handfleld, charged with embezzlement. For description see " Offences not otherwise described." No. 1,302. Gunner Charles French, born at Rotherhithe, Middlesex, 27, years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, dark-brown hair, brown eyes, dark complexion ; anchor tattooed on right Vide Police Gazette, 1886, page 13. arm ; a horse -breaker ; dressed in regimentals . Under one A Government reward of £20 has been authorised for infor- year's service. mation leading to the capture of John Watson alias Broose, and On the 23rd January, 1886. Richard Simpson, charged with escaping from Goulburn Gaol, No. 1,420. Gunner John Hamill, born in Ballymarra, Coy. on the 11th ultimo. Antrim, Ireland, 25 years of age, 5 feet 84 inches high, brown hair , gray eyes , fair complexion ; dressed in regimentals. Under Deserting Wives and Families, &c. one year 's service. No. 1,402. Gunner Henry Giles, born at Launceston, Redfern.-A warrant has been issued by the Redfern Bench Tasmania, 25 years of age, 5 feet 91- inches high, brown hair, for the arrest of James de Clouet, charged with unlawfully blue eyes, dark complexion ; dressed in regimentals. Under deserting his wife, Elizabeth de Clouet, of No. 92, Morehead- one year' s service. street, Redfern, leaving her without means of support. He is No. 1,479. Gunner Frank Barber, born at Hadleigh, Suffolk, 24 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, medium build, 23 years of age, 5 feet 7* inches high, light-brown hair, blue clean shaved, dark hair and complexion ; dressed in light eyes, fresh complexion ; a boundary rider ; dressed in trousers and dark coat ; a plasterer, said to be working at his regimentals . Under six months ' service. trade in Bathurst. On the 24th January, 1886. St. Leonards.-A warrant has been issued by the St. Leonards Bench for the arrest of Leopold Ackland Christian, charged No. 1,372. Gunner Joseph Reardon, N.C., 26 years of age, with disobeying a Magisterial order for the support of his wife, 5 feet 104 inches high, dark-brown hair, blue eyes, fair com- Mary Ann Christian. He is 26 years of age, 6 feet If inches plexion ; star tattooed on right arm, cross on left arm; dressed high, medium build, dark hair and eyes, sallow complexion, in regimentals . Under one year 's service. dark whiskers and moustache ; dressed in blue serge suit and On the 27th January, 1886. black cap, with white cover ; last employed at Thursday Island as a pearl diver.'`' No. 1,478. Gunner Henry Johnston, born at Blamford, Dorset, 40 years of age, 5 feet 94 inches high, black hair, dark St. Leonards.-A warrant has been issued by the St. Leonards blue eyes, dark complexion ; dressed in regimentals. Under Bench for the arrest of Thomas Halstead, charged with dis- six months' service. obeying a Magisterial order for the support of his wife, Annie On the Slit January, 1886. Maria Halstead . He is about 22 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, slight build, blue eyes, brown hair, fresh com- No. 1,363 . G unner Samuel Beard, born at South Norwood, plexion, rather large nose ; dressed in light tweed suit and hard Surrey, 29 years of age, 5 feet 74 inches high, reddish hair, black felt hat. gray eyes, fair complexion ; a tram conductor ; dressed in regimentals . Under one year' s service. Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police No. 1,393. Acting-bombadier Albert Thomson, born at Edin. Bench for the arrest of William Richards, charged with unlaw- burgh, Scotland, 28 years of age, 5 feet 8; inches high, dark fully deserting his wife, leaving her without means of support. brown hair, brown eyes, dark complexion ; a plasterer ; dressed He is 35 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, medium build, in regimentals . Under one year's service. fair hair and complexion, fair moustache, otherwise clean shaved ; a baker. . On the 3rd February, 1886. Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police No. 1,289. Gunner John Birkett, born at Talbot, Maldon, Bench for the arrest of Peter Reardon, charged with disobeying Victoria, 22 years of age, 5 feet 11j inches high, black hair, a Magisterial order for the support of his wife, Fanny. He is hazel eyes, sallow complexion ; dressed in regimentals. Under 27 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, slight build, sandy com- one year 's service. plexion, clean shaved, except sandy moustache ; dressed in dark No. 1,120. Gunner David Martin, born in Launceston, suit. Tasmania, 21 years of age, 5 feet 9f inches high, fair hair, hazel eyes, fresh complexion ; dressed in regimentals. Under Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police two years' service. Bench for the arrest of Thomas King, charged with unlawfully No. 1,158. Gunner Thomas Cooley, born at Newtown, Tas- deserting his wife, Margaret, leaving her without means of mania, 23 years of age, 5 feet 11I inches high, light-brown support. He is about 48 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, hair, blue eyes, fair complexion ; dressed in regimentals. gray hair, florid complexion, whiskers and moustache turning Under two years' service. gray ; a cab proprietor. No. 871. Gunner John Francis Dillon, born at Manchester, Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police England, 22 years of age, 5 feet 7j inches high, light-brown Bench for the arrest of John Harrison, charged with unlaw- hair, light-blue eyes, fair complexion ; a baker ; dressed in fully deserting his wife, Jessie, leaving her without means of regimentals. Under four years' service. support. He is 28 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, thin build, fair complexion, sandy moustache ; generally dressed in blue serge clothes ; an engine -driver or fireman ; supposed to Missing Friends. have gone to Newcastle. Missing since the 5th instant, John Henry Bird, 15 1 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, dark complexion, dark hair and Armidale.-A warrant has been issued by the Armidale eyes, face very much sunburnt ; a country lad. Information Bench for the arrest of John Joseph O'Keefe, charged with to Mrs. H. Hargreaves, Forbes-street, Newtown, or to the unlawfully deserting his wife, Catherine O'Keefe, leaving her Manager of the Benevolent Asylum, Pitt-street. without means of support, since 30th November last. He is Information is requested respecting the present whereabouts between 35 and 40 years of age, slight build, 6 feet 3 inches of Joseph Alfred Deacon, 17 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, sandy complexion, full long sandy beard. Last seen in high, dark hair and complexion. Sydney about ten days ago. Missing from her home, Renwick-street, Leichhardt, since Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police the 1st instant, Maud Lamb, 16 years of age, 5 feet high, slight Bench for the arrest of John Long, charged with child deser- build, dark complexion , long brown hair ; wore green dress, tion. He is about 39 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, and gray sailor hat, trimmed with fur. medium build , round shoulders , black beard, whiskers, and William Downer , a pensioner from the Royal Navy , said to moustache ; a coal -lumper . Complainant , Mary Long, is now have sailed from London for Sydney about two years ago, per in the Benevolent Asylum. steamer " Marano, ."- I.R. 86-446. Forbes.-A warrant has been issued by the Forbes Bench Henry Farber, about 29 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, for the arrest of William Sly, charged with unlawfully deserting fair hair , a book -keeper and collector . Left Williamstown, his illegitimate child, Pheebe Perry, at Forbes, on the 6th Victoria , on 20th ultimo for Sydney, per steamer " Tasmania."- instant. Sly is about 29 years of age , 5 feet 8 or 9 inches I.R. 86-449. high, stout build, dark complexion and dark hair, sandy beard and whiskers ; recently a carrier in employ of Messrs. Wright, Vide Police Gazette, 1884, page 387. Heaton, & Co. Supposed to have gone to Orange or George M `Lean, missing friend , is said to be working on the Bathurst. railway line , between Glen Ines and Tenterfleld. Inquiries to Armidale .- A warrant has been issued by the Armidale be made. Bench for the arrest of George Taylor, charged with unlaw- fully deserting his wife Sarah, at Armidale, in December last. Vide Police Gazette, 1885, page, 355. He is about 60 years of age, about 5 feet 7 inches high, stout build, sandy-gray hair, generally clean shaved ; has a lump as Charles Henry Ever`ittgham, missing friend, is supposed to large as a hen 's egg on the back of his head ; a labourer ; an have left Dubbo on the 2nd June, 188 2,, for the Diamantina, Eng li shman . Last heard of in Beardy Plains , near Glen Innes. Queensland . Further inquiry to be made. Getting around this CD

NAVIGATING ARCHIVE CD BOOKS CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required.

SEARCHING TEXT ON ARCHIVE CD BOOKS AUSTRALIA CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched.

The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type.

OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book!

DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF ADOBE ACROBAT READER Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended.

• Acrobat Reader v4 has both a "Find" and a "Search" tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool • Acrobat Reader v5 has only a "Find" tool (not a "search" tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. • Adobe Reader v6 has only a "Search" tool (not a tool labelled "Find") HOWEVER — what is called "Search" is the same as the tool that used to be called "Find" Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool

TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there.