THE INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROPAGATORS’ SOCIETY Combined Proceedings Volume 50 2000 AUSTRALIAN REGION EASTERN REGION NORTH AMERICA REGION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND IPPS JAPAN REGION NEW ZEALAND REGION SCANDINAVIAN REGION SOUTHERN AFRICAN POTENTIAL REGION SOUTHERN REGION OF NORTH AMERICA WESTERN REGION ISSN 0538-9143 2 Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators' Society, Volume 44, 1994 1 THE INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROPAGATORS’ SOCIETY Combined Proceedings Volume 50 2000 AUSTRALIAN REGION EASTERN REGION, NORTH AMERICA REGION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND IPPS JAPAN REGION NEW ZEALAND REGION SCANDINAVIAN REGION SOUTHERN AFRICAN POTENTIAL REGION SOUTHERN REGION OF NORTH AMERICA WESTERN REGION Copyright © 2001. The International Plant Propagators’ Society. All Rights Reserved Published 2001 ISSN 0538-9143 2 Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators' Society, Volume 50, 2000 Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators’ Society (ISSN 0538-9143) is a yearly publication of the International Plant Propagators’ Society (IPPS), Washington Park Arboretum, 2300 Arboretum Drive E., Seattle, Washington 98112 U.S.A. Phone: 206 543-8602; Fax: 206 325-8893; e-mail:
[email protected] Business Office. Memberships are processed at the regional level, with dues being allocated to both international and regional expenses. Contact the re- gional secretary / treasurer ( in your area of the world for membership information and applications. Correspondence regarding replace- ment copies of proceedings, claims, and changes of address should be sent to a regional secretary / treasurer. The International Plant Propagators’ Society is not responsible for state- ments and opinions published in the Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators’ Society; they represent the views of the authors or persons to whom they are credited and are not necessarily those of the Society.