Zane’s Orchid Companion Plants at Woodstream Orchids 5810 Huntingtown Road Huntingtown, MD 20639
[email protected] Epiphytic cacti make up a group of a few hundred species endemic to Central and South America, Mexico, The Everglades in Florida, and Subharan Africa. Most folks are familiar with Christmas and Easter cacti which are hybrids. These are just the tip of the iceberg of a wonderful group of plants that are easy to grow and out of the ordinary. Zane’s Orchid Companion Plants at Woodstream orchids currently grows over 100 different species of epiphytic, or as Zane likes to say ”soft cacti”. Zane started working with Bill when he was four to propagate these cacti from seed and by cuttings. Money from cacti sales goes into his account. Now at age seven he is proud to offer a good selection that will continue to grow over time. Epiphytic cacti need: moderately bright to bright light (east or south window); a fast-draining potting mix like Pro-mix HP; dilute fertilizer during the growing season, water when dry, and intermediate to warm temperatures. There are many cultural references on line, so use a search engine like Google to easily access. Most plants are best sent as unrooted cuttings. Rooted and potted plants and hanging baskets are available at the nursery for pickup. Enjoy! Zane and Bill CODES: • A - Strong 6” cutting $5 • B - Strong 6” cutting $10 • C – Rooted Cutting $5 • D - Rooted Cutting $10 • E – 6 inch hanging basket $15 • F - 6 inch hanging basket $25 • G – 8 inch hanging basket $25 (larger plants of some species available at the nursery for pickup only) 1 Disocactus (1) Disocactus martianus (Aporocactus conzattii) A,C,G Epiphyllum (8) Epiphyllum anguliger B Epiphyllum cartagense A Epiphyllum crenatum (Mexico) A Epiphyllym hookeri ssp.