XXeennoollii((ss))tt 4499..55 Bill Bowers 4651 Glenway Avenue Cincinnati OH 45238-4503 <
[email protected]> --- published in a Vast Variety of Formats, mostly electronic, Publication Date: 07/28/03 This is My Publication #223 Copyright © 2003 by Bill Bowers <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> What Has Gone Before… <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> 4 conventions attended "LISTmania" [Outworlds 39 * 7/10/84] 4 fanzines published 1982 : 43 films viewed 1994 : 18 films viewed 1983 : 139 104 books read 1984 : (first half) 112 4 conventions attended "LISTmania Strikes Back" 1995 : 106 films viewed [Outworlds 43 * 01/24/85] 67 books read 3 conventions attended 1984 : (second half) 113 - 216 "LISTmania: - Release.96 - " "The Revenge of LISTmania" [Xenolith 39 * 3/1/97] [Outworlds 55 * 03/25/88] 138 films viewed 1985 : 160 51 books read 1986 : 177 3 conventions attended 1987 : 163 3 fanzines published "Again, LISTmania" "ListMania-ania '97" [Outworlds 60 * 04/16/91] [Outworlds 69 * 5/5/98] 1988 : 124 28 films viewed 1989 : 69 48 books read 1990 : 104 (w/o a month + gap) 3 conventions attended 5 fanzines published "LISTmania: The 1991 Spreadsheet" [Outworlds 63 * 10/18/92] "LISTmania | 1998 thru 2001" [also in: flaf ¢ 5 * 7/27/92 [Xenolith 47 * 04/15/2002] & Outworlds 66 * 5/18/93] 1998 : 46 books read 35 films viewed 15 films viewed 48 books read 2 conventions attended 7 conventions attended 5 fanzines published 9 fanzines published 1999 : 10 books