CARITAS CZECH REPUBLIC Director of Caritas CR: Mgr. et Mgr. Lukáš Curylo President of Caritas CR: Mons. Pavel Posád, auxiliary bishop Spiritual Assistant: P. Mgr. Juan Bautista Ignatio Provecho López, OSA SECRETARIAT CHARITy CR Vladislavova 12, 110 00 Prague 1 ☎ 296 243 330, 296 243 344 fax: 296 243 333 ✉
[email protected] WEBSITES OF CARITAS CR – hlavní stránky Charity ČR – Humanitární pomoc a rozvojová spolupráce – Tříkrálová sbírka – Povodně v ČR – Školicí středisko Marianeum ❘ ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Visit us Information Center and Shop Vladislavova 12, Prague 1 MO, WE, TH 10–16, TU 10–18 Published by Caritas CR, Vladislavova 12, 110 00 Prague 1 Print: Label, s. r. o, Kutná Hora Graphics and typesetting: Viola Urbanová © Caritas Czech Republic GENERAL PARTNER Of CARITAS About Caritas Czech Republic Parish and local Caritas units in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia Archdiocesan Caritas / Diocesan Caritas Local / Municipal Caritas Mission and Goals Parish Caritas Greek Catholic Caritas The main goal of the services of Caritas CR is to protect human beings in their dignity, from conception to natural death. The services are based on respect, protection, and development of the inherent rights of every human being and on the Christian conception of ethical values as embodied in the Holy Bible and in documents that deve- lop the social teachings of the Catholic Church. The service of Caritas is provided to people in danger or need, regardless of their age, gender, political views, family state, health condition, sexual orientation, social and economic situation and status, their af li- ation with ethnic or national minorities, faith, religion, and culture.