247 Lieuten A.Nt Conder's Reports
247 LIEUTEN A.NT CONDER'S REPORTS. V. THE LAND OF BENJAMIN. G!BEON, 1st July, 1881. TAKING advantage of the delay occasioned by circumstances already referred to, we have revisited one of the first districts surveyed by the party employed in 1872, while under care of Mr. Tyrwhitt Drake, before my arrival in Palestine. The chief points of interest include the questions of Rimmon and Ai ; the vicinity of Gibeon and the battle of Ajalon ; and the ruins of Tellilia, and Deir esh Shebll.b, with some traditions connected with Tell 'Asftr, and el Jib, &c. The general result of our re-examination is satisfactory, insomuch as the nomenclature of the Map has been tested in many places, and found correct; while scarcely any ruins of even the least importance are found to be omitted ; all the really ancient sites and buildings having been plotted and described. This is specially satisfactory, inasmuch as the district is one of the most difficult to survey, on account of the rugged ness of the hills and the great depth of the valleys, while it was also one which was undertaken while the party were still new to the work, and unfamiliar with the archrnology of the country. The Rock Rimmon.-Until the year 1819, it was generally agreed that this site, in the wilderness (J udg. xx, 47) where the six hundred Ben jamites lived for four months after their defeat at Geba of Benjamin (Judg. xx, 10 and 33) was to be recognised at the ancient village of Rumm6n, on the edge of the cultivated hill-country, overlooking the desert ranges, above the Jordan valley.
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