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香港Hong Kong / 2012 / 102min /粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 02/11 • 10:00pm • bc 導演Dir: 梁樂民、陸劍青 Longman Leung & Sunny Luk 05/11 • 9:40 pm • IFC 演員Cast: 郭富城 Aaron Kwok, 梁家輝Tony Leung Ka-Fa, 楊采妮 Charlie Young, 林家棟 Lam Ka Tung, 錢嘉樂 Chin Ka Lok, 李治廷 Aarif Rahman, 彭于晏 Eddie Peng 特別演出Special Appearance:劉德華 Andy Lau

2012 釜山國際電影節開幕電影 Opening Film, Busan International Film Festival 2012

午夜的報案中心接到匿名來電,一輛前線衝鋒車被騎劫,五個軍裝警員被挾持,而被劫持的警員之一,竟是現任行動副處長李文彬的獨子 ﹝彭于晏 飾﹞。事件震驚警隊,但一哥外訪未返,下任處長選舉的兩大熱門;鷹派人物李文彬﹝梁家輝 飾﹞與年輕警長劉傑輝﹝郭富城 飾﹞ 遂磨拳擦掌,乘機爭權奪位。李立即指揮營救,行動代號為「寒戰」。可賊人對警隊內部瞭如指掌,警隊精英盡出,行動卻處處受制,此時劉 傑輝獲下屬推舉,接手行動。劉傑輝毫不示弱,不同於李的激進手法,他主動與賊人溝通,並答應交予贖金。但道高一尺,魔高一丈,在交收 贖金過程中,警員殉職,八千萬現金蒸發無蹤,廉署更突然殺入警署,調查兩位副處長,懷疑有人在此危急關頭以權謀私……香港真的是亞 洲最安全的城市嗎?兩位香港新導演梁樂民、陸劍青首次自編自導,以精密的劇本和充滿爆炸力的鏡頭,拍出近年最地道最有感染力的警 察故事。

Approaching midnight in Hong Kong, a fully-loaded police van carrying the force’s most advanced equipment and five highly-trained officers has disappeared off the grid. The hijackers possess direct knowledge of police procedures and they’re already steps ahead. To ensure the hostages’ release, the police must deliver a large ransom. Any delay will cost lives. The clock has begun to tick. Rival Deputy Commissioners Sean Lau and Waise Lee fight to take charge of the rescue operation, code named COLD WAR. Lau wants to negotiate with the hijackers while covertly tracking them to their hideout. Lee is ready for an all-out aggressive attack, no matter the cost. For them, there’s much more at stake than the safety of the hostages or the reputation of the police. With the Secretary for Security stepping down, the seat will soon be vacant. COLD WAR will decide who climbs to the top. Lau and Lee are aware that every decision is crucial, that each minute counts. But as they execute a carefully planned attack, little do they know they’ve become unwitting pawns in a bigger, more dangerous game…

Films Opening 02 __ 03 opening films 南方小羊牧場 When A Wolf Falls In Love With A Sheep

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 86min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 02/11 • 7:20pm • bc 導演Dir: 侯季然 Hou Chi-Jan 03/11 • 9:45pm • bc 演員Cast: 柯震東 Ko Chen-Tung, 簡嫚書 Jian Man-Shu, 郭書瑤 Guo Shu-Yao, 陸廷威 Lu Ting-Wei

柯震東憑《那些年》一炮而紅後,繼續帶來台灣男孩由戀愛學習成長的故事。場景由精誠中學換成台北補習街,上演另一個台灣獨有的青春 氣息愛情童話。失戀的影印店男孩阿東天天在補習街印考卷,一天發現考卷畫了一隻孤單小綿羊,原來出自一心成為插畫家的補習班女助 教手筆。阿東在旁邊畫了隻大野狼,竟然引起熱烈迴響,補習街裡臥虎藏龍的人物紛紛捲入這場野狼小羊的愛情追逐之中。新生代女演員 簡嫚書飾演愛幻想的補習班女孩,郭書瑤扮演精明店員邊搖奶茶邊要抱抱。台灣新銳導演侯季然為你帶來當下台灣年青人的活力與神采, 絕不輸於《那些年》。

Ko Chen-Tung, becoming Taiwan’s heartthrob since YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE, portrays another Taiwanese boy learning about love in his coming-of-age. Tung, just dumped by his girlfriend, works in a photocopying shop serving tutorial schools nearby. Seeing a lonely little sheep on an exam paper, drawn by a young teaching assistant in one of the tutorial schools, Tung adds a cartoon wolf talking to the sheep and unexpectedly gets everybody’s attention. In WHEN A WOLF FALLS IN LOVE WITH A SHEEP, Director Hou Chi- Jan dexterously captures the energy of nowadays’ young people and creates a style that is uniquely Taiwanese.

開幕電影 03 HKAFF __ 2012 聖殤 Pieta

韓國 Korea / 2012 / 104min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles 18/11 • 7:40pm • bc 導演Dir: 金基德 Kim Ki-duk 18/11 • 7:50pm • bc 演員Cast: Min-soo Jo and Jung-jin Lee

榮獲2012年威尼斯影展「金獅獎」 Winner of Golden Lion, Venice Film Festival 2012

《聖殤》一名取自米高安哲羅的著名雕塑作品「聖母慟子像」,影片講述的也是一段惹人憐憫的「母子」關係。李廷鎮飾演冷酷兇殘的追數 佬,專打斷債仔的手手腳腳,把保險賠償用來填數。某日他遇到一個自稱是他母親的女人,他最初不願相認,後來卻被對方真誠打動,決定 接納這位丟下他三十年的母親。正當他以為尋回母愛之際,母親卻突然失蹤,原來這個突如其來的母親另有陰謀……韓國著名導演金基德 再一次赤裸裸血淋淋地展示扭曲了的人性,剛於威尼斯影展勇奪最高殊榮「金獅獎」。

The name PIETA comes from the masterpiece of Michelangelo. A solitary man who grew up as an orphan works as a cruel loan shark. A mysterious woman claims to be his mother and he refuses to recognize her initially. Gradually he finds himeself becoming attached to her only to realize her extreme yet sad destiny. How humanity can be twisted? How evil a human can be? Kim Ki-duk’s latest production after his withdrawal from society continues to shock audiences with sharp and deep plot, as he always does.

closing film

04 __ 05 closing films 閉幕電影 05 HKAFF __ 2012 搜索 Caught in the Web

中國 China / 2012 / 121min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 12/11 • 7:20pm • IFC 導演Dir: 陳凱歌Chen Kaige 13/11 • 7:15pm • bc 演員Cast: 高圓圓 Yuanyuan Gao, 趙又廷Mark Chao, 陳紅Hong Chen

2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 2013 奧斯卡最佳外語片中國參賽代表 Chinese Entry for Best Foreign Film in Oscar 2013

白領美人葉藍秋(高圓圓飾)被確疹癌症,心灰意冷,呆呆地坐在公車上,即使被售票員大聲勸喻,亦不讓座給身旁的老爺爺。這樁事碰巧被 媒體新鮮人楊佳琪(王珞丹飾)以手機拍下來,資深電視人陳若兮(姚晨飾)認為可無限炒作為新聞,遂把短片據為己有,大肆發揮。結果,葉 藍秋被迫辭工;她老闆沈流舒(王學圻飾)亦被捲入緋聞漩渦,與太太(陳紅飾)關係拉鋸。還有七天便要入院的葉藍秋決定聘請剛失業的楊 守誠(趙又廷飾)陪她度過最後一星期,但網民無限上綱,最後推她入死巷的似乎不是癌細胞而是網絡欺凌。陳凱歌罕有的現代都市故事, 鞭韃網絡暴力,強而有力。

Acted by a superb cast, CAUGHT IN THE WEB is a powerful commentary about how internet is used today. The film depicts how a thoughtless act by a young woman can almost explode into a media-fueled storm when the video of her act goes viral. Celebrated Chinese director Chen Kaige confronts the audience with cyber-bullying and internet vigilantism in this fast-moving black dramedy.

entation res 06 __ 07 gala presentation Gala P 危險關係 Dangerous Liaisons

中國 China / 2012 / 110min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 04/11 • 9:30pm • The ONE 導演Dir: 許秦豪 Hur Jin-ho 06/11 • 9:45pm • IFC 演員Cast: 章子怡 Zhang Ziyi, 張東健 Jang Dong-gun, 張柏芝 Cecilia Cheung

2012 康城「導演雙周」參展電影 Official Selection, Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes 2012 2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012

改編自同名法國小說,八十年代有一個格蘭高絲、尊麥高維治、米雪菲花演繹的版本,零四年亦有過韓國版的《挑情寶鑑》,今次舞台轉來三 十年代的戰亂上海。女實業家莫婕妤(張柏芝飾)利用謝易梵(張東健飾)的花花公子性情,來玩一場危險遊戲。她勸誘謝去追求當時頗有 影響力的大學教授遺孀杜芬玉(章子怡飾),令杜愛上他後便拋棄她。但這場殘忍的情慾賭局最後卻招致悲劇性的結果。 《八月照相館》、《春逝》導演許秦豪繼《好雨時節》後第二部華語作品。

As war looms in Shanghai in the 30s, glamorous libertine Mo Jieyu (Cecilia Cheung) runs into playboy Xie Yifan (Jang Dong-Gun), an ex boyfriend who’s never stopped loving her, and persuades him to play a treacherous game. Xie must seduce the innocent and naïve Du Fenyu (Zhang Ziyi) and then dump her. But the game becomes increasingly dangerous as Xie falls in love with Du, and it will lead them all towards tragic and shocking consequences. The film is an adaptation of the French novel ‘Les Liaisons Dangereuses’ by Choderlos de Laclos, upon which DANGEROUS LIAISONS (1988) starring and John Malkovich, was also based.

隆重獻映 07 HKAFF __ 2012 特別呈獻 Special Presentation



贖罪 Penance 06

日本 / 2012 / 300min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 黑澤清Kiyoshi Kurosawa 演員Cast: 小泉今日子 Kyoko Koizumi,蒼井優 Yu Aoi, 小池榮子 ,安藤櫻 ,池脇千鶴 , 森山未來 Mirai Moriyama,加瀨亮 Ryo Kase

2012 年威尼斯影展參展電影 Official Selection, Venice Film Festival 2012 2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 2012 釜山國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Busan International Film Festival 2012

03/11 • 7:10pm • bc 11/11 • 12:00pm • The ONE 14/11 • 7:10pm • IFC

一齣《告白》令作者湊佳苗成為銷書天后,她的小說更是愈來愈多 ’s made-for-TV serial drama PENANCE is a psycho- 人搶拍。日本電視台最近便把湊佳苗第三部小說《贖罪》改成五集日 thriller examining the far-reaching aftereffects of a little girl’s murder. An adaptation of the novel by Kanae Minato (who also penned the source 劇,找來《東京奏鳴曲》名導黑澤清執導。故事講一名小學女生被一 material for the box - office hit “Confessions”), PENANCE tells the story of 名神秘男人帶走然後殺掉,但在現場跟她一起玩的四位同學卻堅稱 Asako whose daughter Emili was brutally murdered while in elementary 對犯人樣貌毫無印象,演死者母親的小泉今日子於是恐嚇四位小學 school. Emili’s four best friends all saw the face of the killer, but each cineaste delights 生:「你們找不到犯人,就要贖罪一生!」因為這句恐怖的說話,四個 insisted that they could not remember it. Fifteen years later, the crime remains unsolved, and the vengeful Asako is determined to make the girls 小朋友從此遇上連串悲劇……雖然是電視劇,片長合共三百分鐘, pay for their reticence. The four little girls have now grown up to become 但飢渴要看黑澤清新作的影迷實在太多,今年威尼斯、多倫多等國 disturbed young women. Visually striking and unexpectedly 際影展早已不顧一切 moving, this expansive piece of work is now reborn as a 率先公諸同好。 theatrical marathon. tion senta 特別呈獻 L Pre 08 __ 09 special presentation SPECIA 影迷別注影迷別注 cineaste delights



貴為影迷,關注的當然是影展電影。這個環節搜羅的盡是各大影展最新 鮮、最強的作品,不管是康城、柏林、威尼斯、多倫多,還是釜山、東京,放 映的都是亞洲大師精采作品,又或是影迷引頸以待的作品,香港的影迷 有福了。

Continues to bring you the most exciting films from the hottest festival circuit around the world, Cineaste Delights features films that were just shown in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, or even Busan and Tokyo. All of them are either made by the most promising Asian masters, or works that any film buffs would look forward to... Just not to be missed!

二次曝光 Double Xposure 07

中國 China / 2012 / 103 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 李玉 Li Yu 演員Cast: 范冰冰 , 馮紹峰 William Feng, 霍思燕 Huo Siyan, 陳沖 Joan Chen

03/11 • 10:00pm • The ONE 10/11 • 9:55pm • bc

《二次曝光》集合懸疑、奇案、幻覺,又同時深入探索心理、記憶、愛 A suspense film that deals with a wounded woman’s inner psyche, 情,糅合商業賣座元素與文藝作品內涵,導演李玉一向優而為之。 DOUBLE XPOSURE creates an unusual narrative structure that hops between present and past, reality and hallucination. Director Li Yu is known 范冰冰繼《蘋果》與《觀音山》後與李玉第三度携手,將心理受創女 for innovating within genre films with her nuanced depiction of female 子的複雜世界曝光人前。年輕美容諮詢師宋其發現整容醫生男友竟 characters. She, for the third time, teams up with Fan Bingbing who enacts 與閨中密友有染,怒殺橫刀奪愛好姐妹。然而事實並非如斯簡單, a multi-layered character in the film. Beautician Song Qi discovers her 隨著劇情發展,現實、幻想、當下、過去的時空錯縱複雜,真相逐點 boyfriend’s affair with her best friend, and in fury Song Qi kills her – or does she? Apart from Fan Bingbing, award-winning actress Joan Chen also 曝光人前,事情因由可能源於遺忘了的記憶深處。電影除了有馮紹 demonstrates superb acting in her supporting role as Song Qi’s colleague. 峰、霍思燕等俊男美女挑戰高難度角色,影后陳沖的綠葉角色絕對 功不可沒。

特別呈獻 s 影迷別注 09 te delight HKAFF __ 2012 cineas 浮城謎事 Mystery 08

中國 China / 2012 / 98min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 婁燁 Lou Ye 演員Cast: 郝蕾 Hao Lei, 秦昊 Qin Hao, 齊溪 Qi Xi

2012 康城影展「一種注目」入圍電影 Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 2012

03/11 • 5:40pm • IFC 06/11 • 9:50pm • bc 11/11 • 9:50pm • IFC

中國導演婁燁被禁5年後的解禁之作,《浮城謎事》改編自一個有百 Lu Jie has no idea her husband Yongzhao is leading a double 萬點擊的網絡熱貼,故事由一宗離奇的車禍帶出一段不為人知的 life, until the day she sees him entering a hotel with a young 三角戀。郝蕾飾演的陸潔並不知道丈夫過著雙面人的生活,直至一 woman. Her world crumbles - and it’s just the beginning. A few hours later, the young woman dies beneath the wheels of a 天她目擊丈夫拖著一個年輕女人由酒店步出,她的世界才突然塌 car. The police officer in charge of the case refuses to believe 下來。幾小時後,那年輕女人卻遇上了交通意外,死在車輪之下。表 her death was accidental... Based on a popular tweet on the 查 面看來是上天注定,但負責調 這場車禍的警員卻認為她的死並 internet, Lou Ye’s latest film, MYSTERY, reviews the complicated 非意外…… relationships in modern day China.

有種 Beijing Flickers 09

中國 China / 2012 / 92min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 張元 Zhang Yuan 演員Cast: 段博文 Duan Bowen, 李昕芸 Li Xinyun, 呂聿來 Lv Yulai

2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 2012 釜山國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Busan International Film Festival 2012

08/11 • 9:45pm • The ONE 09/11 • 7: 45pm • bc 11/11 • 8:00pm • IFC

一天之內,女友跟有錢人走了,破房子被收了,工作也丟了,三寶 BEIJING FLICKERS has its roots and inspiration from BEIJING 吃不消,把一個玻璃杯生吞。死不掉嘴巴卻爛了,他被送了入院, BASTARDS, a film that Zhang Yuan made in 1992 when world- 因而遇上與他同樣倒霉的人:沉迷整容的詩人、被奪主唱位置的 famous painter Liu Xiaodong, singer-songwriters Cui Jian and Dou Wei, and himself were still young and struggling to break 走廊歌手等等。在這個什麼都有的城市裡,有些人竟然是一無所 free of the boundaries that existed. Now twenty years have 有...... 1992年,張元拍攝了《北京雜種》,展現了畫家劉小東、音樂 passed and Beijing has transformed itself into a huge and 人崔健和竇唯等藝術家在夾縫裡生存的狀況。二十年過後,北京變 chaotic mega-city. Through the portraits of four young people 得更大更強更金碧輝煌,張元透過《有種》再看今天的年輕人怎樣在 who drifted into Beijing, Zhang gives another vivid record of life 這個大都會漂泊、打滾。 in Beijing.

s te delight 10 __ 11 cineaste delights cineas 母親愛的手札 Chronicle of 10 My Mother

日本 Japan / 2011 / 108min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 原田真人 Masato Harada 演員Cast: 役所廣司 Koji Yakusho, 樹木希林 , 宮崎葵

2011 蒙特利爾電影節評審團特別大獎 Special Grand Prix of the Jury, Montreal World Film Festival 2011 2011 釜山國際電影節閉幕電影 Closing Film, Busan International Film Festival 2011 2011 芝加哥國際電影節競賽電影 International Competition, Chicago International Film Festival 2011

04/11 • 7:45pm • IFC 09/11 • 7:45pm • The ONE 14/11 • 9:50pm • bc

改編自日本文豪井上靖的自傳小說。故事發生在1959年,役所廣司 CHRONICLE OF MY MOTHER follows a novelist, Kosaku Igami 飾演的小說家伊上洪作在父親去世後,無奈地要照顧患上老人癡呆 (Yakusho), as he struggles to reconcile what is real and what 症的母親。洪作自小對母親有一種莫名的抗拒,原來他五歲時被母 he thinks is real about his relationship with his mother (Kiki) in the last years of her life. Shortly after the death of his father, 親拋棄,在遠房親戚的家成長。今天已為三女之父的洪作,卻在照顧 Kosaku’s mother is diagnosed with dementia, and he is saddled 母親的過程中,對母親有了新的理解。洪作和他的女兒也因此體悟 with her long-term care. But it is during her wanderings (both 出三代之間無言的親情。役所廣司與樹木希林飾演母子,場場到肉, physical and imaginary) that their painful history is fully 細膩動人。影片被喻為近年最動人心弦的日本電影。 revealed.

希望之國 The Land of Hope 11

日本 Japan / 2012 / 133min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 園子溫Sion Sono 演員Cast: 夏八木勳 Isao Natsuyagi, 大谷直子Naoko Otani, 神樂阪惠Megumi Kagurazaka, 村上淳Jun Murakami

2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012

08/11 • 9:50pm • IFC 09/11 • 9:50pm • bc 17/11 • 5:10pm • bc

東日本大地震發生多年後的長島縣(為虛構地點)。以酪農為生的小 In the fictional Nagashima prefecture, the Ono family lives a 野泰彥(夏八木勳飾)與妻子智惠子(大谷直子飾)、兒子洋一(村上 frugal but happy life as dairy farmers in the peaceful village. 淳飾)和媳婦泉(神樂阪惠飾)一家四口過著自給自足的生活。但一 One day, the worst earthquake in history strikes, causing a nearby nuclear plant to explode. The Nagashima community is 天8.4級地震又來了,而且衝擊了沿岸的核電廠,導致核輻射洩漏。 directly within the twenty-kilometre evacuation radius—except 小野家被劃分為安全區域,泰彥兩老於是留下來,但兒媳卻決定馬 for the Ono farm. While the old parents follow the government’s 上搬離,因為泉剛發現自己懷了身孕。在看不見的輻射之下,究竟往 advice and stay there, the son has decided to leave as he 哪一個方向走才有希望?311改變了日本人對家、對國、對核能的 just learnt about his wife’s pregnancy. Holding back his bold 想法,脫韁野馬園子溫也收歛起來,帶大家認真思考這個刻不容緩 and weird style, Sono has taken a serious look at the post-311 的問題。 situation in this film.

影迷別注 11 HKAFF __ 2012 東京出租少女 Like Someone in Love 12

日本, 法國 Japan, France / 2012 / 109min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 阿巴斯基阿魯斯塔米 Abbas Kiarostami 演員Cast: 奧野匡Tadashi Okuno, 高梨臨Rin Takanashi, 加瀨亮Ryo Kase

2012 康城影展競賽電影 Official Competition, Cannes Film Festival 2012 2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 2012 紐約國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, New York International Film Festival 2012

06/11 • 9:50pm • The ONE 10/11 • 7:50pm • bc 11/11 • 5:50pm • bc

早上返學,晚上接客的明子,今夜被電召來到一家東京酒吧。召她 An old man and a young woman meet in Tokyo. She knows 來的原來是白髮斑斑的老教授,他為談天不求談情,但明子這夜還 nothing about him, he thinks he knows her. He welcomes her into 是倒頭大睡在他的床上。翌晨,老教授禮貌地送明子上學,途中卻 his home, she offers him her body. But the web that is woven between them in the space of twenty-four hours bears no 遇上了明子的男友,男友以為老教授是明子的祖父。但是,沒有人說 relation to the circumstances of their encounter. LIKE SOMEONE 穿對方的身份,更由得這個錯誤的身份繼續被認知下去,結果一發 IN LOVE dissects the very spirit of human beings, delves into their 不可收拾。《東京出租少女》是伊朗大師阿巴斯阿魯斯塔米首次到 most private feelings, feelings that even they are unaware of 日本拍攝的電影,但關懷的仍是人類的感情,那些連自己也遺忘了 and reveals the fate that inextricably takes hold of each one of 的內心感覺。 them.

湄公旅館 + 妻良母 Mekong Hotel + Oriole 13

泰國 Thailand / 2012 / 76min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 阿彼察邦·韋拉斯花古 Apichatpong Weerasethakul 演員Cast: Jenjira Pongpas, Maiyatan Techaparn, Sakda Kaewbuadee

2012 康城影展參展電影 Official Selection, Cannes Film Festival 20122012

03/11 • 8:00pm • bc 04/11 • 3:00pm • The ONE 11/11 • 7:55pm • bc

《湄公旅館》聚焦於泰國東北部湄公河附近的一家旅館。湄公河位 Running for just more than an hour, MEKONG HOTEL is a kind of 於泰國和老撾的邊界。在旅館的房間和露天陽台上,阿彼察邦和他 featurette-installation piece. It is a portrait of a hotel near the 的團隊正拍攝一部他幾年前所寫的電影。影片現實虛幻交錯,以凸 Mekong River in the northeast of Thailand. The river there marks the border between Thailand and Laos. In the bedrooms and 顯多段不同的關係,包括猶如吸血鬼的母親和她女兒的關係、年輕 terraces, Apichatpong held a rehearsal with his crew for a movie 戀人和這條河流的關係等。《湄公旅館》在泰國水浸期間拍攝,從而 that he wrote years ago called Ecstasy Garden. The film shuffles 帶出多個層面的思考,包括城鎮毀滅、政治問題等。如斯看來,國家 different realms, fact and fiction, expressing the bonds between 的未來就如浮雲,疑幻疑真。 a vampire-like mother and her daughter, the young lovers and the river. Mekong Hotel – since it was shot at the time of the 同場加映 heavy flooding in Thailand – also weaves in layers of demolition, 《妻良母》 (dir: Kaynipa Polnikorn/2012/15mins) 樸實得暗自動人, politics, and a drifting dream of the future. 母親既要餬口,又要照顧精神有問題的兒子,兩面不討好,生活又 磨人,淚兩行,心在痛,前路茫茫... Additional Screening (dir: Kaynipa Polnikorn/2012/15mins) is a moving story about the mother who is caught between the daily works and s her sick son. Busan competition short. te delight 12 __ 13 cineaste delights cineas 三島由紀夫自決之日 11.25: The Day 14 He Chose His Own Fate

日本 Japan / 2012 / 119min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 若松孝二 Koji Wakamatsu 演員Cast: 井浦新 Arata Iura, 寺島忍 , 滿島真之介 Shinnosuke Mitsushima, 韓英惠 Hanae Kan

2011 康城影展「一種注目」入圍電影 Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 2012

03/11 • 7:35pm • IFC 07/11 • 9:50pm • The ONE 10/11 • 3:20pm • bc

現年七十六歲的若松孝二,作品以激進前衛見稱,一是意識大膽的 On November 25th 1970, Yukio Mishima, one of Japan’s greatest and 艷情片,一是立場堅挺的政治片。本片是若松孝二從多個角度檢視 most celebrated novelists, committed seppuku - the samurai warrior’s death - tearing open his belly with a ceremonial knife inside the Tokyo 三島由紀夫當年在日本防衛廳內剖腹自殺的事件,藉此重申作為 headquarters of the Japanese Ministry of Defence. What was Mishima 政治家、思想家必須言行一致。影片以「實錄劇情片」的方式,揭示 truly trying to express through his actions? What did he witness during 1970年11月25日當天,三島如何將政變計畫付諸實行,率領自己 his final moments? The 1960s saw an international surge of protest 組織的「楯會」綁架人質,走上陽台吶喊,要「放棄物質文明的墮落, against the 1951 Japan-US Security Treaty. Student activism in Japan 成為真的武士」。井浦新把剖腹諫國的三島由紀夫演得淋漓盡致; was also gaining momentum towards social change, with widespread 影片入圍本年度康城影展「一種注目」單元。 support from farmers and laborers. It was from the ranks of these latter activists that Mishima formed his Tatenokai. Through the film, legendary Japanese radical filmmaker Koji Wakamatsu examines his special yet moving history.

搵鬼打官司 A Ghost of A Chance 15

日本 Japan / 2012 / 142min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 三谷幸喜 Kôki Mitani 演員Cast: 深津繪里 , 西田敏行 Toshiyuki Nishida, 阿部寬 Hiroshi Abe, 竹內結子 Yuko Takeuchi

榮獲第35屆日本電影金像獎十項殊榮 Winner of 10 awards at the Japan Academy Awards, 2011

11/11 • 9:30pm • bc 13/11 • 7:10pm • IFC

繼《黑幫有個荷里活》後,三谷幸喜繼續以荒誕橋段發放笑火花。深 Hosho, played by Eri Fukatsu, is a bumbling lawyer who is 津繪里演九流女律師寶生,官司場場敗北而回,意興闌珊之際,老板 tasked with defending Goro Yabe, a man arrested for the murder (阿部寬飾)卻叫她接手一單奇案。原來被控殺妻的嫌疑犯不肯認 of his wife. Yabe proclaims his innocence, saying that he was stricken with sleep paralysis at the time of the murder. Hosho 罪,堅稱案發當晚他在旅館「被鬼壓」。寶生於是到旅館求證,誰知 heads to the inn where Yabe stayed and encounters the ghost 真的遇上武士冤魂(西田敏行飾),她還靈機一觸,決定帶鬼武士出 of samurai Rokubei, who admits he was the one pressing down 庭作證。之不過,鬼魂只得時運低的人見到,寶生能否說服頑固的檢 on Yabe. Hosho successfully brought Rokubei to the court as 察官,打贏這場不可能的人鬼官司?本片粒粒巨星,其他演員包括 a witness. The problem is, the spook can only be seen by a 淺野忠信、草彅剛、篠原涼子、深田恭子、中井貴一等。 selected group of people. So begins the struggle to prove Yabe’s innocence.

影迷別注 13 HKAFF __ 2012 菲律賓挾持人質事件 Captive

法國 France / 2012 / 120min / 菲律賓語對白,英文字幕 In Tagalog with English Subtitles 04/11 • 9:50pm • IFC 導演Dir: 布里蘭特•門多薩 Brillante Mendoza 07/11 • 9:50pm • bc 演員Cast: 伊莎貝•雨蓓Isabelle Huppert, Mercedes Cabral 10/11 • 7:35pm • The ONE 2012 柏林影展競賽電影 Official Competition, Berlin International Film Festival 2012

真人真事改編,一群隸屬於阿布沙耶夫恐怖組織的伊斯蘭恐怖分子闖入了菲律賓島上的一家旅館,挾持了12名外國游客。由於地勢險峻, 綁架者和被綁架者都要穿越炎熱的熱帶雨林,展開漫長的徒步之旅。基於對自然的恐懼,偏見與仇恨逐漸轉化為一種奇怪的互助關係。導 演到了當年挾持事件的案發地點進行拍攝,還起用了不少業餘演員上陣,而伊莎貝•雨蓓演來則氣定神閒,壓場有力。為求迫真,導演更捨棄 劇本,演員到了現場要親身經歷案發過程,所以演出份外有震撼力。

CAPTIVE is based on the true story of an accidental kidnapping of a group of holiday makers and missionaries in the Philippines in 2001. Thérèse is a French volunteer humanitarian-social worker for an NGO on the island of Palawan, Philippines. While transporting supplies to the NGO, Thérèse, her fellow volunteer and a group of tourists are kidnapped by an extremist group of Muslim “Abu Sayyaf Group”. The group finds refuge in Mindanao and the chase by the Filipino army begins.

Festival Partner:

s sasingte film delight clocine ard 14 __ 15 cineaste delights 影迷別注 New Talent Aw 亞洲新導演獎 NEW TALENT AWARD

7 movies

今年的參賽作品同是第一部處女作,但同樣已獲多個世界級影展垂青, 或甚至乎獲獎,當中有探索性慾的題材、有含蓄的戀愛故事、有歷史遺 下的問題、有女性書寫、有給電影情書的,總之實力均等,各自精采,且 看誰會勝出。

New Talent Award is given to the director who made the first or 由Canon Cinema EOS系統 second feature film, demonstrating a distinctive vision that is not often found in mainstream cinema. The selection this year is 全力支持 particularly strong. With their feature debut, they are all already selected, or even awarded, in international film festivals. A new Presented by voice is about to begin. Canon Cinema EOS System

可愛小小姐 Miss Lovely 17

印度 India / 2012 / 110min / 北印度語,英文字幕 Northern Indian with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 阿西姆·阿魯瓦利亞 Ashim Ahluwalia 演員Cast: 阿尼·喬治Anil George, 拿華舒甸·雪迪圭Nawazuddin Siddiqui,尼哈卡·辛弗Niharika Singh

2012 康城影展「一種關注」入圍作品 Un Certain Regard at Cannes Film Festival 2012

16/11 • 9:45pm • bc 17/11 • 5:30pm • IFC

Bollywood 的世界一片歌舞昇平只有 happy ending,華麗之後 Bollywood movie is all about singing, dancing and happy 的實情卻是驚心動魄教人心寒。印度紀錄片導演Ashim Ahlu- ending on screen, but behind all that glamour hid a vicious walia 自九十年代起深入寶萊塢窺探電影業的重重黑幕,只是業內 world of crime and corruptions. Directed by renowned Indian documentary director Ashim Ahluwalia, whom specialized in 中人礙於黑勢力不敢上鏡現身說法,紀錄片拍不成,當中偵查所得 unrevealing the behind-the-scene dark secrets of the Bollywood 便成了這部劇情絕不可愛的《可愛小小姐》。主角Sonu 與Vicky醉 film industry since the 90s, “Miss Lovely” is his new feature 污 心電影,但先得面對黑幫纏繞和腐化貪 的魔警。鏡頭背後,上演的 about two movie-dream-chasing brothers and their struggle to 是台前幕後的辛酸血淚。2012康城影展「一種關注」入圍作品。 produce a film they envisioned against all odds. The director unveils for us the cold reality and hardships to survive in the film industry as tale of the two brothers unfold.

EOS系統全力支持 Cinema 由Canon EOS System Cinema Canon Presented by ard 15 lent Aw HKAFF __ 2012 亞洲新導演獎 New Ta AD: CANON

ard 17 New Talent Aw 家族の國度 18

日本Japan / 2012 / 100 min / 日語、韓語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese & Korean with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 梁英姬Yang Yong-hi 演員Cast: 安藤櫻Sakura Ando,井浦新Arata,梁益俊Yang Ik-june

2012 柏林影展參展電影 Official Selection, Berlin International Film Festival 2012 2013 奧斯卡最佳外語片日本代表 Japanese Entry for Best Foreign Film in Oscar 2013

03/11 • 6:35pm • The ONE 05/11 • 7:30pm • bc

當社會主義天堂原來只是一場騙局,曾經熱血的信念只能灰飛煙 When the promised heaven of socialism turned out to be just a 滅。在日本成長及生活的韓裔導演梁英姬,將自己的親身經歷搬上 scam, when hot-blooded belief became ashes, Japanese born 銀幕。篤信北韓才是人間樂土的父親,把年幼的兒子送往北韓生活, Korean director Yang Yong-hi shares her own real life story of false hope and struggle under an extreme political regime in 從此在“人間樂土”不見外面天日,直至二十五年過後,因腦腫瘤而 “OUR HOMELAND”. Sent abroad to North Korea as a child, Sunho 獲准赴日就醫,在重重監視下得以與家人短暫重逢。日本潮界代表 recounted the hardships and traumatic journey he took in 25 Arata 飾演沉鬱哥哥,韓國獨立導演兼演員楊益俊客串飾演北韓 years, just to be united with his parents. At the screening at the 監視人員。電影年初在柏林影展放映,觀眾淚灑當場。明知爹親娘親 Berlin festival, “OUR HOMELAND” brought soulful tears out of the 但卻被迫認同金日成最親,親情被無情扭曲,怎能不叫人心痛? audience, and is Japanese’s entry to Oscar’s Foreign Language Category in 2013.

寶米恰恰 Cha Cha for Twins 19

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 110min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 楊貽茜 Yang Yi Chien 演員Cast: 黃姵嘉 Peijia Huang, 王傅宗 Jim Wang, 姜康哲 Paul Chiang, 歐陽倫 Oreo Ou-yang

2012 台北電影節最佳劇情片,最佳編劇及最佳剪接獎 Winner of Best Narrative Feature, Best Screenplay & Best Editing, Taipei Award, Taipei Film Festival 2012

03/11 • 4:00pm • bc 16/11 • 9:35pm • IFC 17/11 • 3:40pm • The ONE

台灣年青新導演楊貽茜驚喜清新之作,新晉演員黃姵嘉一人分飾雙 Astonishing film by young director Yang Yi Chien, featuring pure 胞胎嶄露頭角!寶妮和米妮是一對像到不能再像的雙胞胎,無論樣 and talented actress Peijia Huang. Poni and Mini are identical 子、身材、衣著或是經痛程度都一樣,但她們的內心其實可以大相 twins. They share the same height, the same weight, the same grades, the same position on the basketball team, and even the 逕庭。然而,為什麼所有人都要把兩人看成一體呢?寶妮心儀的男 same level of periodical pain. They are individuals, but always 孩子,明明要追她卻陰錯陽差追成妹妹;妹妹和男友的戀情傾訴對 being recognized as twins. For Poni, the elder twin, the biggest 象竟是姐姐;而籃球隊新來的教練只把她當雙胞胎而不把她當獨立 challenge is to make people realize how different they are. Story 的球員看。高中的最後一個球季即將來臨,她誓要澄清誤會、擺脫雙 of youngsters who struggle hard chase back their self-identity, 胞胎的定型,球場上的寶妮奮力起跳,爭取一個獨一無二的自己!找 and an energetic love story. Winner of the Taipei Awards - 尋、追求自我的清新之作,讓您怦然心動的青春戀曲。 Narrative Feature of 2012 Taipei Film Festival.

EOS系統全力支持 Cinema 由Canon EOS System Cinema Canon Presented by ard 17 lent Aw HKAFF __ 2012 亞洲新導演獎 New Ta 不能愛 Love Me Not 20

香港 Hong Kong / 2012 / 93min / 粤語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 梁碧芝 Gilitte Leung 演員Cast: 李思汝 Afa Lee,鄭肇熙 Kenneth Cheng,葉麗嘉 Rebecca Yip

2012 年捷克卡羅維瓦利電影節競賽作品 Official Competition, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2012 2012 瑞典斯德哥爾摩電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Stockholm International Film Festival 2012

17/11 • 9:50pm • bc 18/11 • 3:30pm • bc

都怪感情這回事從來複雜得有理說不清。男生和女生青梅竹馬從未 Love can be complicated, but is also love that makes the 撻著,全因大家都知自己愛同性。相識相知相濡而沫,本來相安無事 impossible possible, including ambiguous sexuality issues. “Love 各自尋找自己幸福的這對好友,因男生被家長迫婚而陷入僵局。明 Me Not” is an independent feature about a friendship turned love story between a boy and a girl growing up knowing each 明知道不應愛上你,但感情卻在細水長流後忽然決堤,潛藏的慾望, other is gay. Pals since kids and knew each other for a life time, 糾葛,嫉妒縱橫交織。路直路攣,同志男女日久生情譜寫異性戀歌, Dennis and Aggie are inseparable and support each other on 正好說明只要有愛,沒有東西不可能。 everything, but when Dennis is forced to have a normal marriage with another girl by his parents, the affection and desire buried deep inside mixed with jealousy and conflicting emotions pushed these two life –long friends to question about their own sexualities and the true meaning of love.

雞蛋和石頭 Egg and Stone 21

中國 China / 2012 / 97min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with English and Chinese Subtitles 導演Dir: 黃驥 Huang Ji 演員Cast: 姚紅貴Yao Honggui,肖 品 高 Xiao Pingao,劉筱玲Liu Xiaoling

2012 鹿特丹國際電影節金虎獎 Tiger Award, Rotterdam International Film Festival 2012 2012 西班牙拉斯帕爾瑪斯國際電影節特別評委會獎 Special Jury Award at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival in 2012

15/11 • 9:45pm • bc 17/11 • 7:50pm • IFC

湖南益陽遙遠的小村子裡,十四歲少女紅貴還未來得及體驗青春的 Getting pregnant at the age of 14 in the rural area of Yiyang 甜蜜,便要面對自己意外懷孕的事實。父母在城市打工,紅貴傾訴無 County of Hunan Province in Mainland China can be tough on 門,一切只能獨力承擔。內地年輕導演黃驥首部長片,以女性獨特的 the young mind, who has yet to taste the sweetness of youth. “Egg and Stone” is the first feature length film by young director 細膩觸覺,刻劃當今農村女性的困境,觀點冷靜,卻為電影注入無比 Huang Ji, tells the story of how a young girl takes on life and 震撼。雞蛋與石頭,有如人心寫照,時而脆弱,時而剛硬。電影那冷冽 face it all alone, depicting the hardship of women in rural area of 中的絲絲溫柔,才最感動人心。獲2012年鹿特丹國際電影節金虎 modern day China, with a delicate touch of feminine sensuality 獎及西班牙拉斯帕爾瑪斯國際電影節特別評委會獎。 and calmness that touches the heart. “Egg and Stone” is the winner of both the Tiger Awards at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, and the Special Jury Award at Las palmas de gran canaria international film festival in 2012.

EOS System Cinema Canon Presented by ard lent Aw 18 __ 19 new talent award New Ta 奇異旅程與 22 其他戀愛候群症 Peculiar Vacation and Other Illness

印尼Indonesia / 2012 / 85 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕 In Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演Dir: Yosep Anggi Noen 若瑟艾基魯安 演員Casts: Christi Mahanami,Joned Suryatmoko,Mohamad Abe

2012 釜山國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Busan International Film Festival, 2012 2012 瑞典斯德哥爾摩參展電影 Official Selection, Stockholm International Film Festival, 2012

16/11 • 7:40pm • bc 17/11 • 6:00pm • The ONE

婚姻不如意的少婦,希望在工作中找到自己的人生的出口,暫且逃 A Road Movie from Indonesia about a housewife seeking 離令人窒息的日常,避開索然無味的家庭。在傢俬店工作的她,因 for colors in her life out of the suffocating routines at home, 一次送梳化而與司機同事踏上偏遠山路。漫長的車程,拉近了他們 “Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses” is written and directed by Indonesian director Yosep Anggi Noen, a subtle and elegant 的距離,也令他們發現火花逐漸燃起。印尼導演若瑟艾基魯安自編 portrait of the sweet love between two lonely hearts on a 自導,寧靜祥和的氛圍下,襯托的是含蓄的曖昧與溫柔,成就出情 life-changing journey, where ordinary becomes extraordinary, 感細緻的另類公路電影。2012年多倫多國際電影節,盧卡洛電影 forming an all new sub-genre on its own rights with unique 節參展作品。 delicacy. “Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses” is one of the Official Selections at Toronto International Film Festival and Locarno International Film Festival 2012.

愛情悄悄來了 36 23

泰國Thailand / 2012 / 68 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 納瓦波·坦榮瓜塔納利 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit 演員Cast: Koramit Vajrasthira, Wanlop Rungkamjad, Nottapon Boonprakob, Siriporn Kongma

2012 釜山國際電影節新浪潮得獎作品 Winner of New Currents Award, Busan International Film Festival, 2012

16/11 • 8:00pm • IFC 17/11 • 8:00pm • The ONE

36個鏡頭,記下了幕幕已成追憶的感情段落。為電影拍攝四處找 A poetic visual experiment with 36 cameras, “36” is the first mid- 場景的女生,因電腦報銷而失去所有她和她喜歡的男人的照片。男 length features by Thai film activist Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit, 人是她的同事,在忘了與忘不了之間,她只能努力地尋找失落的印 in which depicts a lady’s search for lost love, and an incredible journey of soul search when all the photos of her and the one 象。泰國獨立影壇活躍分子Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit 首 she admires are lost as her computer broke down. Between 次拍攝這部中篇電影,以36個鏡頭進行視覺實驗,構圖獨特,簡潔 forgetting and remembering, all there is left is a constant 簡約,含蓄的外表隱藏著情感的暗湧,而詩意的影像中,呈現感情 yearning of pieces of memories, and the ambiguous sense of 的散聚無常。 longing for love. “36” is one of the entries in the New Current Sections at the 17th Busan International Film Festival, 2012.

EOS系統全力支持 Cinema 由Canon

19 HKAFF __ 2012 亞洲新導演獎 亞洲國度 Asian Wide Angle



「亞洲國度」呈現不同亞洲文化的角度,今年更不約而同地觸及躁 動的年輕一族,他們有話要說,不論是劇情還是紀實,個人還是家 國,Cosplay還是搖滚,慾火還是純愛,加起來就是我們的故事。

Asian Wide Angle is to bring you various perspectives to look at the contemporary Asian cultures. This year the works show- cased here are much diversified, with interests in local culture, Cantonese opera, underground music, terrorism and religion, all providing us a reflection upon our present society.

白兔糖女孩 Bunny Drop 24

日本 Japan / 2011 / 113 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演Dir: SABU 演員Cast: 松山研一 Kenichi Matsuyama, 蘆田愛菜 Mana Ashida, 香里奈Karina

08/11 • 9:50pm • bc 10/11 • 9:50pm • The ONE

日本潮語Ikumen意指近年興起積極育兒 (ikuji) 的日本男人,日 In Japanese slang, Ikemen means handsome guys and Ikumen 文Ikemen則解作帥哥。《白兔糖女孩》找來Ikemen松山研一飾演 refers to men who enjoy child rearing. What if an Ikemen plays Ikumen,他一反在《死亡筆記》的詭異和《挪威的森林》的深沉,返 the role of an Ikumen? Kenichi Matsuyama, one of the most versatile Japanese actors (in DEATH NOTE and NORWEGIAN 璞歸真扮演論盡老豆,與天才童星蘆田愛菜鬥氣兼鬥戲。電影改編 WOODS), stars as a bachelor who returns home for his grandpa’s 自宇仁田由美的同名人氣漫畫,單身漢河地大吉回鄉參加外公喪 funeral. There he meets a six-year-old who turns out to be 禮,遇上外公的6歲私生女。沒有人願意照顧小女孩,大吉決定一力 grandpa’s illegitimate daughter. Our clumsy man decides to take 承擔。毫無經驗自然錯漏百出,唯有求教托兒所認識的美女單親媽 care of her, as she appears orphaned, living under the same 媽。演而優則導的鬼才導演SABU執導溫情洋溢小品,熱暖人心。 roof. Filled with touching moments, BUNNY DROP made by actor- turned-director SABU will definitely warm the audience’s hearts.

Angle Wide 20 __ 21 asian wide angle Asian 艾未未: 道歉你妹 Ai Weiwei: 25 Never Sorry

中國、美國 China, USA / 2012 / 91 min / 英語與普通話對白,英文字幕 In English and Mandarin with English subtitles 導演Dir: 陳愛麗Alison Klayman

2012 辛丹斯電影節特別評審團獎 Special Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival 2012 2012 瑞典斯德哥爾摩參展電影 Official Selection, Stockholm International Film Festival, 2012

03/11 • 3:50pm • IFC 05/11 • 9:45pm • bc 07/11 • 8: 00pm • The ONE

艾未未大抵是國際上最知名的大陸藝術家,也是教北京政府最頭 Ai Weiwei is probably the most representative Mainland Chinese 痛的藝術家,試問有多少藝術家夠膽在作品公然罵一句「草泥馬祖 contemporary artist internationally, although Beijing government 國」?美國猶太裔記者陳愛麗貼身跟隨艾未未兩年,看他如何利用 might think otherwise. He appears to be equally bold and daring in many of his avant-garde artistic creations as in his acts in 網絡渠道堅持維權,關注維權律師譚作人被捕、收集汶川地震因豆 defending civil rights through the internet. Freelance journalist 腐渣工程遇難學童名字。其後工作室被強拆、他本人被公安拘留,獲 and documentary filmmaker Alison Klayman spent two years 釋後仍被監視。除了艾未未與中共政府之間的糾葛,影片更走訪艾 closely following Ai Weiwei in 11 cities to complete AI WEIWEI: 的母親高英,陳丹青、顧長衛等藝術界好友,讓我們認識一個有血 NEVER SORRY. Apart from documenting Ai Weiwei’s artistic and 有肉的艾未未。 political pursuits, resulting in Ai’s own arrest in 2011, she also interviews his mother and his artist friends to offer a multi- dimensional portrait of the most controversial artist in China.

怪獸俱樂部 Monster Club 26

日本 Japan / 2011 / 71min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演Dir: 豐田利晃 Toshiaki Toyoda 演員Cast: 瑛太 Eita, Ken Ken, 窪塚洋介 Yôsuke Kubozuka

2011 多倫多電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto Film Festival 2011

03/11 • 8:30pm • The ONE 07/11 • 8:20pm • IFC 11/11 • 4:20pm • bc

對現代工業化社會反感的大有人在,但激烈如Ryoichi的沒有幾 The way for Ryoichi to abandon modern civilization and 個。他,隱居在深山一望無垠的雪白森林;他,自給自足與世隔絕; industrialization is to live an anti-social and self-sufficient life 他,向各大公司及媒體廣發附有MC標誌的炸彈郵包。一天,他在森 on a mountain. He sends out mail bombs to corporations and TV stations, to damage as much as to avoid the civilized society. 林中遇到神祕生物,並於同一天晚上在小屋裡見到已自殺身亡的哥 One day, he encounters a mysterious creature in the forest, and 哥。兄長的亡靈帶他穿越大門,Ryoichi對家庭、對自身又得到了甚 finds his elder brother, who has committed suicide, appearing 啟 麼 示?豐田利晃的作品一向劍走偏鋒,曾與瑛太合作的《藍色青 before him, perhaps enlightening him about his family and 春》、《九條魂》與《空中庭園》等,均以獨特手法詰問個人自由與意 himself. Toshiaki Toyoda earns his reputation in Japanese 志;《怪獸俱樂部》中,瑛太更與窪塚洋介將電影的實驗風格活現觀 independent cinema with BLUE SPRING, 9 SOULS and HANGING 眾眼前 。 GARDEN, all starring Eita as well, questioning issues like freedom and free will in an idiosyncratic manner. MONSTER CLUB is just as highly stylized, to an extent of being experimental.

亞洲國度 21 HKAFF __ 2012 毒愛殘酷天使 The cowards who 27 looked to the sky

日本 Japan / 2012 / 142 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 棚田由紀 Yuki Tanada 演員Cast: 田畑智子 , 永山絢斗 Kento Nagayama, 原田美枝子 , 窪田正孝 Masataka Kubota

2012 多倫多電影展參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012

05/11 • 9:30pm • The ONE 09/11 • 7:10pm • IFC 12/11 • 9:50pm • bc

師奶唔易做,未有所出又一日到黑對住恨抱孫奶奶的師奶更加唔易 How desperate can a housewife become? Anzu is so 做,唯有參加動漫同人誌呼吸一口牆外的空氣。一不留神紅杏出牆, desperate to find an escape from her frustration in family: 師奶搭上高中生,雙雙穿上cosplay制服做愛,片段傳上互聯網一 fertility treatments, a nagging mother-in-law and an indifferent husband. She joins an anime fan club gathering where she 發不可收拾。但望天打卦的又何止他們二人?高中生的同窗摯友被 costumes as her favorite character, and there she meets a 母親遺棄,一邊上學一邊賺錢養活自己和年邁祖母,同樣不見出路。 handsome high school student. Having sex in anime character’s 《血與骨》、《隱劍鬼爪》最佳女配角田畑智子與瑛太弟弟永山絢斗 outfit saves her from her depressed life, before a video of their 携手挑戰不倫十八禁床戲;導演棚田由紀一向擅寫女性心態,《毒愛 unspeakable secret is circulated online. Director Yuki Tanada, 殘酷天使》改編窪美澄同名得獎暢銷小說,繼續探索苦悶中女心聲。 well-known for portraying female characters, adapts award- winning and best-selling novel of the same title to make a boldly erotic film about a middle-age woman and other equally vulnerable people.

N+N 28

香港 Hong Kong / 2012 / 108 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 賴恩慈 Lai Yan-Chi 演員Cast: 楊秀卓 Ricky Yeung, 簡慧賢 Joycelyn Kan, 莫昭如 Augustine Mok, 謝至德 Ducky Tse

05/11 • 7:30pm • The ONE 08/11 • 7:45pm • IFC

賴恩慈劇情短片《1+1》橫掃香港兩大短片競賽,榮獲鮮浪潮最佳電 Lai Yan-Chi’s short film 1+1 triumphed at two prominent short 影和ifva金獎。《1+1》裡兩爺孫面對城市急遽發展的故事意猶未 film awards in Hong Kong, namely Fresh Wave and ifva. She 盡,今次延續簡約、率性、自然的電影風格,將《1+1》對我城消失事 multiplies the sentiment in 1+1, by N times maybe, to come up with her debut feature-length fictional film N+N. The wise grandpa 物的寄意放大N倍,變成首齣劇情長片《N+N》。慈祥爺爺與精靈孫 and witty granddaughter from 1+1 continue to bless the city with 女,繼續在立法會外、天星碼頭遺址旁以富貴竹祝福城市。他們居 bamboo shoots, while their own home in a rural village is torn 住的菜園村為了讓路高鐵而拆掉,而我們的城市裡還有更多人被毀 down to give way for the high speed railway. They meet other 家園:活化工廈被強迫收樓的藝術家、無根的九十後、比下有餘的中 people also jeopardized by the so-called development: artist 產……只要一息尚存,他們也會竭力保存急速流失的集體回憶及每 left homeless because of factory revitalization, the middle-class 一棵有生命的樹。 striving for a living, the young generation born in the 1990s… They are all trying to hold on to the city’s collective memory and every living tree.

Angle Wide 22 __ 23 asian wide angle Asian 乾旦路 My Way 29

香港 Hong Kong / 2011 / 72min / 粤語,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with English and Chinese Subtitles 導演Dir: 卓翔 Cheuk Cheung 演員Cast: 譚穎倫 Tam Winglun, 王侯偉 Wong Hauwai

05/11 • 7:50pm • IFC 11/11 • 5:25pm • The ONE

乾旦,即是粵劇中的男花旦,他們的路,究竟有多難走?在香港投身 A documentary produced by Sylvia Chang and directed by 藝術,難;選擇傳統粵劇而非當代藝術,更難;本地粵劇 界 中 ,以 男 兒 Cheuk Cheung, MY WAY follows the unusual artistic pursuit of 身扮演花旦,可謂難上加難。兩個香港青年譚穎倫與王侯偉立志成 two young men, Tam Wing-Lun and Wong Hau-Wai, in taking up female roles in Cantonese opera. Cantonese opera has a 為粵劇界寥寥可數的男花旦,得不到家人諒解、同輩掌聲,辛酸與孤 tradition of female portraying male characters, most famous 獨不足為外人道。由張艾嘉監製、卓翔執導的紀錄片《乾旦路》,留下 one being Yam Kim-Fai, but almost never vice versa. Tam and 粵 了二人十年來為理想奮鬥付出的的青春與汗水。香港 劇曾經有過 Wong demonstrate unparalleled perseverance for a decade 粵 任劍輝,以女扮男裝風靡一時,且看譚、王兩人能否成為 劇界的梅 in fulfilling their aspiration in an art form which is already a rare 蘭芳,憑男人反串花旦揚名立萬。 choice for Hong Kongers. While male artist Mei Lanfang excelled in female roles in Peking opera almost a century ago, can Tam and Wong achieve equal success in Cantonese opera?

樂隊 Follow Follow 30

中國 China / 2012 / 91min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with English and Chinese Subtitles 導演Dir: 彭磊 Peng Lei 演員Cast: 趙怡文 Zhao Yi Wen, 江老蔫兒 Panda Jennifer, 中野陽 Akira Nakano

2012 上海國際電影節亞洲新人獎最佳導演 Best Director, Asian New Talent Award, Shanghai International Film Festival 2012 2012 華沙國際電影節參展作品 Official Selection, Warsaw International Film Festival 2012

08/11 • 8:00pm • bc 10/11 • 1:30pm • bc

一個女孩,一個已逝的偶像,一支樂隊,一個似有還無的夢想。女孩 Follow Follow features from a girl’s angle and experience, 遇上年輕樂隊,了解他們的理念,發現青春在燃點。樂隊的一切,對 capturing her interaction, clash, and dispute with a band. The 女孩來說既有趣又陌生,各種文化各種思維互相碰撞,令她迷失。中 film showcases the China teens’ blindness towards Western culture, also contradiction and confusion when facing Western 國當代搖滾樂隊“新褲子”靈魂人物兼主唱彭磊,透過音樂呈獻中國 cultural crash, reviewing the real side of their thoughts. Winner 年輕一代的困惑與徬徨,一鳴驚人,勇奪2012年上海國際電影節 of Asian New Talent Award of 15th Shanghai International Film 亞洲新人獎最佳導演殊榮。 Festival.

亞洲國度 23 HKAFF __ 2012 罪獄火 Fire in Hell 31

南韓、菲律賓 South Korea, Philippines / 2012 / 99 min / 韓語,英文字幕 In Korean with English Stitles 導演Dir: 李尚宇Lee Sang-Woo 演員Cast: Won Tae-Hee, Cha Seoung-Min, Kim Hun, Song Jin-Yeol, Lee Sang-Woo

2012 韓國全州國際電影節競賽作品 Official Competition, JeonJu International Film Festival 2012 2012 莫斯科國際電影節競賽作品 Official Competition, Moscow International Film Festival 2012

09/11 • 9:50pm • IFC 16/11 • 10:00pm • The ONE

導演李尚宇堪稱當代韓片怪傑,前作由《母娼起義》、《犬父無虎子》 Lee Sang-Woo has earned his reputation in Korean independent 到《芭比》,種種乖張倫常教人不安卻又無法自拔。今回在《罪獄火》 cinema with films about distorted love and desires, forming a 中,僧人Jiwul動了凡心被逼還俗,家中老母痴呆兄長放浪。Yeon- controversial yet disturbingly attractive filmography including MOTHER IS A WHORE, FATHER IS A DOG and BARBIE. In FIRE IN su有個植物人老公,唯有獨自飲悶酒。還俗僧人遇上愁眉女子,竟 HELL, ex-monk Jiwul, dismissed from the temple because of his 然勾起慾火強姦對方,一念之差錯手殺人。為了贖罪,Jiwul把她的 affairs with a female believer, meets an unhappy woman. His 骨灰帶到菲律賓的家,卻遇上與她長得一模一樣的妹妹,另一團慾 newly rediscovered desire, fierce as blazing fire, drives him to 望之火在燃燒。幕幕大膽畫面道出Jiwul如火慾念,宗教也未必能帶 rape her. Religion seems to offer little salvation, nor does his act 給他逃離地獄之火的救贖。 to take her ashes back home in the Philippines. Is lustful desire, so graphically depicted in the film, driving us to eternal suffering from the hellish fire?

校園罪與罰 Student 32

哈薩克斯坦 Kazakhstan / 2012 / 90min / 哈薩克語,英文字幕 In Kazakh with English subtitles 導演Dir: Darezhan Omirbayev 達赫讓•奧米巴夫 演員Cast: Amangeldy Aytaly, Nurlan Bajtasov and Edige Bolysbaev

2012 康城影展「一種關注」入圍作品 Un Certain Regard at Cannes Film Festival 2012

04/11 • 8:05pm • bc 06/11 • 8:00pm • IFC

《校園罪與罰》乃是哈薩克版的《罪與罰》,杜斯妥也夫斯基筆下的 STUDENT, a contemporary Kazakh version of Dostoyevsky’s 法律學生換成了在大學修讀哲學的Ali,在充滿罪惡的世界裡經歷 CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, puts a philosophy major, instead 道德掙扎。上課學了達爾文的「適者生存」,Ali竟然視搶劫為「物競 of an ex-student in law, on center stage. Our protagonist Ali, after studying social Darwinism in class, tests whether he is fit 天澤」的社會實踐!謀財加上無意中害命之後,Ali用不義之財幫助 for survival in the corrupted society by committing a robbery 潦倒詩人的家庭,並認識了詩人的失聰女兒Saniya。導演奧米巴夫 and kills two in the course. He gives away his ill-gotten money 在戲中夫子自道,教授電影製作,被實習記者一語道破他根本不瞭 to an alcoholic poet’s family, where he meets the poet’s deaf 解時下年輕人,兩代對社會認知的落差猶如主題貫串全片。導演曾以 daughter and falls for her. Apart from directing, Omirbayev also 《Killer》贏得康城「一種注目」獎項,今年則憑此片入圍。 plays the film-within-a-film director in STUDENT. With this film he receives nomination at Cannes under the Un Certain Regard section, in which his KILLER also won in 1998.

Angle 亞洲國度 Wide 24 __ 25 asian wide angle Asian 亞洲國度 25 HKAFF __ 2012 5


焦點導演:應亮 Director in Focus: Ying Liang

應亮的電影,充滿人文關懷。中國經濟急速發展,在一片買房車、住洋樓、計GDP的聲音中,應亮偏去講城鄉問題、人心思變、社會底層的巨變,人文精 神的冲擊,總言之從小人物小故事出發,去看看今天急速發展背后的代價。

他出生於上海,在北京和重慶求學後,留在四川生活和拍攝,1999年至今共完成四部長片和十多部短片,獲得不少國際獎項,是少數當代中國導演仍 能堅持獨立製作的電影工作者。近年,應亮擔任重慶民間映畫交流展節目總策劃,在中國各地及倫敦、加的斯等地策劃了近十個巡迴展,亦於北京栗 憲庭電影學校擔任主講教師和電影基金的教學總監。現為香港演藝學院電影電視學院的駐場藝術家,並正剪輯新長片《消失在春天的生命》。

Ying Liang is one of the very few independent filmmakers who persists in independent filmmaking while there are plenty of chances for him to make commercial blockbusters like his counterparts. His movies are always humanistic, showing concerns on the daily lives of the common people, especially on how they are affected, psychologically and materialistically, by the drastic changes of the Chinese society in the last decade.

Born in Shanghai, Ying Liang studied in Beijing and Chongqiang before moving to Sichuan. He made his directorial debut in 1999, and since then, has made four feature films and more than a dozen shorts, winning a number of international awards including the Best Director and Best Actress in the Locarno International Film Festival in August this year. Since 2008, he became the Program Director of Chongqing Independent Film & Video Festival, curating screening tour in other cities of China, as well as London and Cadiz. Ying Liang is currently the artist-in-residence in of Film & TV School of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

S IN FOCU DIRECTOR 26 __ 27 director in focus: Ying Liang 我還有話要說 When Night Falls 33

中國 China / 2012 / 70min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 應亮 Ying Liang 演員Cast: 耐安 Nai An,文芹芹 Kate Wen,孫 明 Sun Ming

2012 洛迦諾國際電影節最佳導演金豹獎、最佳女演員銀豹獎 Best Director & Best Actress Awards, Locarno International Film Festival 2012 2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 2012 釜山國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Busan International Film Festival 2012 2012 台灣金馬影展參展電影 Official Selection, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival 2012

11/11 • 1:40pm • bc 15/11 • 9:50pm • IFC

從事實啓發出來的虛構故事,原來可以很實在但又很荒謬,甚至乎戲裡 Commissioned by the Jeonju Digital Project, Ying Liang is inspired by 戲外都一樣。2008年,楊佳襲警案,在國內轟動一時,案件的審理更成為 the case of Yang Jia, who was accused of murdering 6 policemen 關注和討論的焦點。2011年,應亮受韓國全州影展委託創作新片,索性 in Shanghai, and then persecuted without abiding to proper legal procedures. Yet Ying Liang does not take this as the core of the 就從楊佳案出發,聚焦楊佳的母親,寫她在案件發生後,被隔離、軟禁、監 narrative, but centers it on the life of Yang Jia’s mother instead, on 視,不能参與兒子被控謀殺六名公安的閉門聆訊。飾演母親的耐安(亦是 how she strikes to speak for her son while being detained in a mental 婁燁導演的監製) ,演得來克制內歛但一樣動人,沒有竭斯底里,只把一 hospital. Subtle yet immensely powerful, the film is triumphed by the 位母親如何不畏強權,站在絕境上挑戰制度的荒誕,挑戰至極底。應亮的 wrenching performance of Nai An, the regular producer of filmmaker 長鏡頭,冷靜而富憐憫之心,抽離但感染力強,是他至今最圓熟的作品, Lou Ye. Ying Liang’s direction is exceptionally calm and moving, 人文關懷躍然紙上。洛迦諾國際電影節最佳導演、最佳女演員得主,實至 playing as an observer to this ridiculous tragedy that no one will not 名歸,真理更仿如打了塲小勝仗。 feel harrowed when walking of the cinema. A little gem that bravely gives voice to the silenced; judicial transparency is still such a luxury in some societies.

好貓 Good Cats 34

中國 China / 2008 / 103min / 四川方言對白,中英文字幕 In Sichuanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 應亮 Ying Liang 演員Cast: 羅亮 Luo Liang,彭德明 Peng Deming,劉曉培 Liu Xiaopei

2008 年布里斯班國際電影節費比西國際影評人聯盟獎 FIPRESCI Prize, Brisbane International Film Festival 2008 2009 年中國獨立影像年度展(南京)評委會獎 Jury Prize, China Independent Film Festival (Nanjing) 2009 “Indiewire” 2008 年度十大電影第二名 Number 2 of 2008 Top10 film, Indiewire 2008 年加拿大溫哥華電影節競賽作品 Official competition, Dragons & Tigers Section, Vancouver International Film Festival 2008

12/11 • 7:30pm • bc

應亮自《背鴨子的男孩》一躍成名,《另一半》再下一城後的第三作, After the success of Taking Father Home and The Other Half, Ying Liang 以好貓作比喻,譏諷地回應中國迅速崛起的房地產業。房地產成為 uses Good Cats as a metaphor to the sharp rise of real estate prices in China. Luo Liang, almost thirty, is a chauffeur who runs errands for 所有人爭相投資的項目,同時也在改造所有人的價值觀。《好貓》以 a real estate boss. He rides a broken motorcycle and lives in a shabby 在房地產公司為老闆開車作跑腿的馬仔為主人公,表現小市民為了 house. He looks happy with his life, though sneered at by his wife who 一個瓦蓋如何掙扎求存,人們如何為房子瘋狂。片名來自鄧小平的 came from the intellectual family, yet he still dreams of returning home 一句話:「不管黑貓白貓,只要抓住老鼠的就是好貓」。在這時代下, with fame and money, just like any migrant Chinese does. The title is 只要抓住房子的就是好貓,然而這扭曲的價值觀,正把一段段的人 originally part of a quote from Deng Xiaoping: “As long as the cat can 生鑄成一件件工具。本片於今日的香港人絕對特別有共鳴,也貫徹 catch a mouse, it is a good cat no matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat.” The value of a human being is the same as that of the cat; a 應亮以小人物關懷社會的風格。榮獲第 17 屆布里斯本國際電影節 humble accessory or tool to be used as it may, ──費比西國際影評人獎。 whether that be as a boss, a henchman, a peasant or some other menial function. 焦點導演 27 HKAFF __ 2012 背鴨子的男孩 Taking Father Home 35

中國 China / 2005 / 100min / 四川方言對白,中英文字幕 In Sichuanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 應亮 Ying Liang 演員Cast: 徐鋆Xu Yun,王 傑 Wang Jie,陳錫坤Chen Xikun, 劉曉培Liu Xiaopei,彭 姍 Peng Shan

2005 年東京FILMeX國際電影節評審團大獎 Special Jury Prize, Tokyo FILMeX, 2005 2006 年三藩市國際電影節最佳影片SKYY獎 Skyy Prize -- First Narrative Feature, San Francisco International Film Festival 2006 2006 年香港國際電影節數字競賽最佳影片金獎 Golden Digital Award, Asian Digital Competition, Hong Kong International Film Festival 2006 2006 年新加坡國際電影節國際影評人聯盟獎及亞洲電影促進聯盟獎 NETPAC & FIPRESCI Award, Singapore International Film Festival 2006

09/11 • 9:40pm • bc 13/11 • 9:50pm • The ONE

應亮的第一部長片,也代表了中國獨立電影的一把新聲音。2004年夏天,四川 In the summer of 2004, a small village in Sichuan Province is going to be 的一個小村落快要被開發成一座工業城,17農村男孩徐雲與媽媽快要隨著村 turned into an industrialized city. All the villagers have to move and leave 民搬家了。為免出了城的父親回家碰釘,徐雲決定進城尋找背棄家庭六年的爸 their home. Being afraid of his father losing his way home, a 17-year old boy decides to go to the city to look for him and bring him home. However, 爸。但此時謠言四起,有人說他爸爸已經發了大財,有車有樓有女人,永不再回 rumors said his father has already become a rich property developer with a 郷下了。不管怎的,徐雲決定背著兩隻鴨子,上路尋父去也。這部三萬元不到的 new woman and will never return to the village. Ying Liang’s feature debut 喻 低成本製作,全屬非職業演員演出,簡樸情真,同時亦借洪水的到來, 意中國 has already set the tone and concerns of his future films. Layering with a 社會的巨變。準確的電影語言,強烈的生活質感,,把一段青春的成長印記,拍 tint of humanism, Taking Father Home is not just about the journey of the 得既紀實又寫意,儘管生命總有缺口和錯失,路還是要走下去。 boy, about his hope and disillusionment, but also about the cost of people who have to pay in this process of rapid industrialization.

另一半 The Other Half 36

中國 China / 2006 / 111min / 四川話對白,中英文字幕 In Sichuanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 應亮 Ying Liang 演員Cast: 曾曉菲 Zeng Xiaofei,鄧剛 Deng Gang,趙柯 Zhao Ke

2006 東京FILMeX國際電影節評審團大獎 Special Jury Prize, Tokyo FILMeX 2006 新加坡國際電影節評審團大獎 Special Jury Award, Singapore International Film Festival 2007 全州國際電影節最佳影片獎 Woosuk Award for Best Film, Jeonju International Film Festival 2007 2007 年荷蘭鹿特丹國際電影節參展作品 Official Selection, International Film Festival Rotterdam 2007

10/11 • 5:35pm • bc 17/11 • 7:40pm • bc

應亮第二部作品,關注的不僅是小人物的故事,更是二、三線城市的小 The second work of Ying Liang continues his interests in depicting the 故事。影片由兩個部分組成:一部分為女主角小芬與嗜睹的男友的不協 lives of the ordinary people, the weightless condition of them living 調關係,既無奈又不安;另一部分則是小芬在律師事務的文員工作,側寫 in such a fast-changing, super-industrialized society. Xiaofen works as a clerk at a law firm located in a developing city in Southwestern 了這個城市裡各式女子的不愉快遭遇,無愛的婚姻、生活的困頓、被虐的 China. Her job is to meet different female clients and document 關係、丈夫的不忠等等。兩組的故事交替出現,一虛一實,互相映照,把中 their cases. However, just like those female clients involved in their 國經濟高速發展,極速工業化遺留下人心的蒼涼、道德的失守、人際間的 lawsuits, Xiaofen is also facing a life that is far from satisfactory, 疏離,統統記錄下來,成為一份中國內陸城市(農村)女性生存狀態的簡 in a relationship with her boyfriend who only knows gambling, 報。戲中的那場災難,沒有真的發生,但卻反映出最普通的人生中,那份 drinking with friends. Deftly shifting in the fictional and documentary 生存和心靈的危機,在社會中存在的希望與失望。東京 FILMeX 國際電 stories, Ying Liang juxtaposes the two, construing a canvas of the 影節評審團大獎。 contemporary China whose people are in existential and spiritual crisis, with hope and despair. S IN FOCU DIRECTOR 28 __ 29 director in focus: Ying Liang 短片作品選 Short Film Collection

應亮在創作長片之前和之間,也拍過不少短片作品,今次選輯的四部作品都跟他的創作命題相關,與其 13/11 • 9:50pm • bc 思路一脈相乘。《回家看看》(2003/28’)的少年犯陳軍,在春節期間獲准回家一天,卻發現父親臨終 前買的新房子竟然變成了一家大酒店。《我愛湖人》(2008/15’)的靈感來自應亮生活中的小埸景,小學 籃球隊裡的湖人隊粉絲,真的有見過偶像嗎?《蝴蝶的顏色》(2009/12’)是應亮還在唸書時候寫的,小 姑娘給臥病在床的奶奶熬藥,卻不小心被關在了門外……《慰問》(2009/19’)流露著人文關懷,也可 算是《我還有話要說》的前奏。2004年一場車禍,用19分鐘的一個鏡頭貫穿:鏡頭前的人們,在葬禮進 行時出現、離開… 影片就成了一次慰問。鹿特丹國際電影節短片金老虎獎得主。(全長71分鐘,四川話 對白,中英文字幕)

A collection of shorts made before and during shooting his features, all along the same line of thoughts. The Missing House (2003/23’) is about a juvenile deliquent who returns home in the spring festival, but finds out that new apartment his father bought was actually a big hotel. I Love Lakers (2008/15’) is inspired by his real life experience – a kid who idolize the Lakers but has he really seen them in person? Medicine (2009/12’) is about a little girl who is accidentally locked out of her flat while she was brewing Chinese medicine for her bedridden grandma. Condolences (2009/19’) is the offering of condolences to the victims of a car accident, only shot in one shot. Tiger Award for short, International Film Festival Rotterdam. (71 mins in total. In Sichuanese with English and Chinese subtitles)

焦點導演 29 HKAFF __ 2012 台灣電影新潮 Ta iwan Cinema Express



近年台片回勇,今年hkaff延續去年的台灣電影速遞,引進最新台片,劇 情、紀錄、短片一應俱備,更特備推介張展的攝影作品,以及近年台灣中 影默默耕耘,努力復修的工作。台風背後,實在不可少覷背後的努力。

Taiwan Cinema has entered a new era, with more and more promising young filmmakers coming to the scene while the established continues to bring in award-winning works. This year, apart from highlighting the latest, the hottest Taiwanese films, we also focus on the contributors to the success of Taiwan cinema, Chang Chan’s cinematography works as well as China Motion Picture’s recent digital restoration. Don’t miss them, they are rarely shown in town!

Festival Partner: Official Airline:

南方小羊牧場 When A Wolf Falls 38 In Love With A Sheep

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 86min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 侯季然 Hou Chi-Jan 演員Cast: 柯震東 Ko Chen-Tung, 簡嫚書 Jian Man-Shu, 郭書瑤 Guo Shu-Yao, 陸廷威 Lu Ting-Wei

02/11 • 7:20pm • bc 03/11 • 9:45pm • bc

柯震東憑《那些年》一炮而紅後,繼續帶來台灣男孩由戀愛學習成長 Ko Chen-Tung, becoming Taiwan’s heartthrob since YOU ARE 的故事。場景由精誠中學換成台北補習街,上演另一個台灣獨有的 THE APPLE OF MY EYE, portrays another Taiwanese boy learning 青春氣息愛情童話。失戀的影印店男孩阿東天天在補習街印考卷, about love in his coming-of-age. Tung, just dumped by his girlfriend, works in a photocopying shop serving tutorial schools 一天發現考卷畫了一隻孤單小綿羊,原來出自一心成為插畫家的補 nearby. Seeing a lonely little sheep on an exam paper, drawn 習班女助教手筆。阿東在旁邊畫了隻大野狼,竟然引起熱烈迴響,補 by a young teaching assistant in one of the tutorial schools, 習街裡臥虎藏龍的人物紛紛捲入這場野狼小羊的愛情追逐之中。新 Tung adds a cartoon wolf talking to the sheep and unexpectedly 生代女演員簡嫚書飾演愛幻想的補習班女孩,郭書瑤扮演精明店員 gets everybody’s attention. In WHEN A WOLF FALLS IN LOVE WITH 邊搖奶茶邊要抱抱。台灣新銳導演侯季然為你帶來當下台灣年青人 A SHEEP, Director Hou Chi-Jan dexterously captures the energy 的活力與神采,絕不輸於《那些年》。 of nowadays’ young people and creates a style that is uniquely Taiwanese.

ss a Expre n Cinem 30 __ 31 台灣電影新潮 Ta iwa 31 台灣電影新潮 昨日的記憶 When Yesterday Comes 39

台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 80min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 何蔚庭 Ho Widing,沈 可 尚 Shen Koshang, 姜秀瓊 Hsiu Chiung CHIANG ,陳芯宜 Chen Singing 演員Cast: 張震 Chang Chen,隋 棠 Sonia Sui,郭采潔 Amber Kuo, 李烈 Li Lieh,譚艾珍 Tan Aizhen

2011 金馬影展閉幕電影 Closing Film, Taipei Film Festival 2011

03/11 • 6:15pm • bc 04/11 • 5:50pm • IFC 09/11 • 9:50pm • The ONE

由四位台灣新銳導演合作執導,四段關於失智老人的短篇故事,再 If we are about to lose our memories, what is there left for us to 找來張震、隋棠、郭采潔、李烈、丁強、馬之秦、顧寶明、譚艾珍、柯奐 live on with? Four young Taiwanese directors and an all-star cast presented four short tales of dementia, providing us with the key to 如等青春實力派同台演出。如果我們將失去回憶,賴以生存的還有 unlock the secret of memory. In “Wake Up in a Strange Bed” by Ho 什麼?《台北星期天》導演何蔚庭的《我愛恰恰》,從腦退化症患者視 Widing, it tells the story of an old man catching up with his first love, 角出發,老先生在公園散步巧遇初戀情人,闊別已久的重逢變成初 showing us what long lost love looks like in the eyes of an old man 戀邂逅;《乘著光影旅行》導演姜秀瓊的《迷路》中,張震在街頭奔走 suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. In “Healing” by Jiang Xiuqiong, 尋找失智爺爺,意外與舊愛隋棠重逢,重拾依稀朦朧的片刻;沈可尚 a grandson searching for his grandfather suffering from dementia, 的《通電》,撫慰在生命中承受重量,消化重量的每一個疲憊的人, accidentally bumped into his ex-girlfriend, recovering lost moments in time. In “Power On”, director Shen Koshang gives comforts to all 體現他一貫的人文關懷;陳芯宜的《阿霞的掛鐘》連結老人與城市空 those wearied from bearing and harnessing the weight of life with his 間的記憶,為急速消失的城市風景造像。四段短片,合成一把呼喚眾 usual humanitarian approach. In “The Clock”, director Chen Singing 人回憶的鑰匙。 combines the memories of elderly and city space and painted a beautiful picture of the fast disappearing city sceneries.

阿爸 Abba 40

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 95min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 洪榮良 Hung Rongliang 演員Cast: 洪一峰 Hung Yifeng,洪榮宏 Jung Hung,洪敬堯 Yao Hung, 洪榮良 Hung Rongliang

2011 台北電影節台北電影獎競賽作品 Official Competition, Best Documentary, Taipei Film Festival 2012

歌者心事有誰知?紅遍台灣的元祖級「寶島歌王」洪一峰,金曲首首 Being famous is not easy, being a famous father is even harder. 經典。 洪一峰三子洪榮良執導的這部紀錄片,由洪家三兄弟為父親 In “Abba”, a biographical film directed by Hung Rongliang, 籌辦世紀音樂會開始,娓娓道出父子間有口難言的內心秘密。專注 son of the legendary Taiwanese singer Hung Yi-Feng, tells the moving story about his father. 事業的洪一峰,從來不是稱職的父親,三兄弟在成長過程中與父親 Focused on a career as the top singer in the country, Hung Yi- 愛恨交纏,決裂後再縫合。風風雨雨過後,三兄弟才發現親情可貴, Feng was never a loving father and has a difficult relationship 從父親的歌聲裡,他們更感受到自己與台灣這片土地的緊密連繫。 with his sons, through years of heartache, detachment and 鏡頭之下,父子間真情流露,溫馨真摯。獲2012台北電影節最佳紀 reunion, the director and his two brothers truly felt how their 錄片提名。 father’s songs connected them with their homeland, and through which embraces the love of and for their father. Nominated for 2012 Taipei Film Festival – Best Documentary prize, “Abba” is fine tribute to father’s love and family bonding. ss a Expre n Cinem 32 __ 33 taiwan cinema express Ta iwa 不老騎士 Go Grandriders 41

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 90min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 華天灝 Tianhao Hua 演員Cast: 賴清炎, 朱妙貴, 賴秀昇, 王克嶺, 劉樹發

03/11 • 4:50pm • The ONE 04/11 • 2:00pm • bc

追夢,從來不是年輕人的專利。即使活到80,只要有心,追夢永不怕 Aging should never stop one from daring to dream. In 遲。2007年11月13日,在弘道老人福利基金會的推動下,17位平 November 2007, with the help of a NGO, a group of 17 elderly 均81歲的長者,開始了為期13天的騎摩托車環島壯舉,他們從台中 with an average age of 81, some suffered from cancer, some have heart diseases and all have joint degeneration, made a 出發,一路往南行經台南、高雄、屏東、再由台東、花蓮北上宜蘭、台 remarkable round-the-island motocycle journey in Taiwan, and 北,最後回到台中,總路程長達1178公里。17位長者中,有兩位曾 completed the impossible dream of finishing 1178 kilometer in 13 罹患癌症、四位需帶助聽器、五位患有高血壓、八位患有心臟疾病, days. In the touching documentary “Go Grandriders”, director 每一位老先生都有關節退化的毛病。為了完成這個別人眼中「不可 Tianhao Hua tells us where there is a will, there is a way, it is 能的夢想」,他們憑著驚人意志排除萬難。導演華天灝的這部紀錄 never too late to chase after your own dreams. 片,紀錄了長者們熱血感人的環島時光。

寶米恰恰 Cha Cha for Twins 42

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 110min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 楊貽茜 Yang Yi Chien 演員Cast: 黃姵嘉 Peijia Huang,王傅宗 Jim Wang, 姜康哲 Paul Chiang, 歐陽倫Oreo OuYang

2012 年台北電影節最佳劇情長片﹑最佳編劇及最佳剪接獎 Winner of Best Narrative Feature, Best Screenplay & Best Editing, Taipei Award, Taipei Film Festival 2012

03/11 • 4:00pm • bc 16/11 • 9:35pm • IFC 17/11 • 3:40pm • The ONE

好事成雙,只是雙胞胎卻從來沒有這樣想。台灣年青新導演楊貽茜 Astonishing film by young director Yang Yi Chien, featuring pure 驚喜清新之作,新晉演員黃姵嘉一人分飾雙胞胎嶄露頭角!寶妮和 and talented actress Peijia Huang. Poni and Mini are identical 米妮是一對像到不能再像的雙胞胎,無論樣子、身材、衣著或是經痛 twins. They share the same height, the same weight, the same grades, the same position on the basketball team, and even the 程度都一樣,但她們的內心世界卻差天共地。 寶妮心儀的男孩子, same level of periodical pain. They are individuals, but always 明明要追她卻陰差陽錯追了妹妹;妹妹和男友情海翻波,卻衝著姐 being recognized as twins. For Poni, the elder twin, the biggest 姐來傾訴;籃球隊新來的教練,只把寶妮當雙胞胎而不把她當獨立 challenge is to make people realize how different they are. Story 的球員看。高中最後一個球季即將來臨,她誓要澄清誤會、爭取表 of youngsters who struggle hard chase back their self-identity, 現獨一無二的自己。成長的困惑佐以微妙的姐妹情誼,譜出不一樣 and an energetic love story. 的青春戀曲。 Winner of the Taipei Awards – Narrative Feature of 2012 Taipei Film Festival.

33 HKAFF __ 2012 台灣電影新潮 短片作品選: 成長的印記 Short Film Collection: Memories of Growing Up

台灣電影近年回勇,不少導演都從短片試練開始。《凱西五號》(導演陳永錤/2012/22’) 的男主角被 08/11 • 7:50pm • The ONE 女朋友凱西甩了之後,認識的新女友都叫凱西,一號二號到五號,怎麼都跟他的前度一模一樣,一個 又一個的復刻版。一段情傷,總需要另一段戀愛治療。《撿影》(導演張亨如/2012/32’) 是篇女性書 寫,含蓄温婉。女兒一邊為攝影工作忙得不可開交,一邊要照顧因患癌來台北接受化療的母親,二人矛 盾漸生,但母女之情,不用言語剖白,妳幫我刷背,我幫妳做飯,已經盡在不言中。《yaya’》 (導演李哲 光/2012/46’) 是原住民母子情深與狗的故事。小朋友馬賴相信,小狗怪怪都可死而復生,病危的母 親怎會一去不返?影片哀而不傷,獲金穗獎學生組最佳作品及最佳導演。 (全長100分鐘,國語對白, 英文字幕)

Cathy No.5 (Dir: Chen Yung-chi/2012/22’) is a humorous way to remember your ex. After breaking up with his first girlfriend Cathay, Taco could not figure out why all the new girls showing up look identical to Cathay, as if they are the replica no.1 to 5. Framing of Life (Dir: Henri Chang/2012/32’) is a gentle take on the mother-daughter relationship. Diagnosed with cancer, the mother comes to Taipei to visit her daughter while having medical treatment there. Tension gradually mounted when they spend more time together, yet with the unspoken bondage, they move on as the way it does. Yaya’ (Dir: Lee Jer Guang/ 2011/46’) tells the story of the boy, the dog and the dying mother. Fascinated by the return of his dog after death, Ma Lai believes her dying mother will not leave him once and for all, as he believes she will return one day. Winner of Best Film and Best Director of the Student Category of the Taipei Golden Harvest Award 2012. (100mins in total. In Mandarin with English subtitles)

ss a Expre n Cinem 34 __ 35 台灣電影新潮 Ta iwa 35 台灣電影新潮 黑暗之光:張展攝影回顧 The Light of Darkness: Cinematography of Chang Chan

張展的攝影,光喑對比強烈,極富戲劇感,仿如一幀黑白的民藝復興的作 品;拍時代作品,色彩潤澤,層次分明,流麗透光,感覺像是呷一口城市中 的清泉。不管是古典懷舊,還是現代立新,作品都詩意盎然。 1978年考入中央電影公司,初期分派至燈光組,私下並拜師學習劇 照,1980年轉至攝影組,開始攝影生涯迄今。早期跟楊德昌合作,拍過 《恐怖份子》《獨立時代》等經典作品,隨後亦跟但漢章、張毅、廖慶松、何 藩、鄭有傑等人合作,製作後不少得獎作品,其後合作較多的是張作驥, 《忠仔》《黑暗之光》,以及獲得金馬獎最佳攝影的《當愛來的時候》。 從事電影工作30多年,亦跟不少新秀老將合作過,他的創作生涯,亦看 出台灣電影過去與現在的發展,今年hkaff很榮幸請得張展老師出席,分 享他的創作歷程。

Chang Chan began his career as gaffer in Central Motion Picture Taiwan in 1978, but was then transferred to cinematography department in 1980. Since then, he worked closely with numerous significant Taiwan filmmakers as a cinematographer, bringing works like TERRORIST, A CONFUCIAN CONFUSION with Edward Yang, AH CHUNG, DARKNESS AND LIGHT, WHEN LOVE COMES with Chang Tso- chi, while the latter collaboration won him the Best Cinematographer in the Taipei Golden Horse Awards in 2010.Chang Chan is famous of his delicate style towards the use of light, capturing the exuberant colour in modern setting or dramatically juxtaposing the high contrast of light and darkness to create a nostalgic ambience. hkaff is honoured to have Chang Chan attending the festival, sharing his works of art in the past 30 years which also witnessed the ups and downs of Taiwan cinema in the last few decades.

恐怖份子 The Terrorizers 44

台灣 Taiwan / 1985 / 120min / 國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 楊德昌 Edward Yang 演員Cast: 繆騫人 Cora Miao, 李立群 Lee Li-chun, 金士傑 Jin Shi-jye

1986年金馬獎最佳劇本獎 Best Screenplay, Taipei Golden Horse Awards 1986 1987年盧卡諾影展銀豹獎 Silver Leopard, Locarno International Film Festival 1987 1987年亞太影展最佳劇本獎 Best Screenplay, Asia-Pacific Film Festival 1987

04/11 • 4:05pm • bc 10/11 • 5:20pm • The ONE 12/11 • 9:50pm • IFC

警官老顧搗毀一個賊窩時,淑安跳窗逃生。淑安受傷後被母親關 One of the most mind-provoking films by late Taiwanese auteur 在家中,無聊地亂打電話作弄人。正值創作低潮的女作家周郁芬在 Edward Yang, THE TERRORIZERS weaves intricately among 家裡接到陌生人來電,淑安假冒是郁芳丈夫的小三,懷孕了並相約 three scattered groups of characters: a doctor and his novelist wife, a female hoodlum, and a love-struck photographer, all 談判。郁芬毅然離開任職化驗員的丈夫李立中,並跟新上司兼舊情 threaded together by one prank phone call and a sense of 人小沈發生婚外情。丈夫感到異常苦惱,於是拿著槍走上了報復之 deceit and lingering entropy. Yang said the film was “built rather 路…謎一樣的結構,帶出多層閱讀的空間:寫作與現實中的真假難 like a puzzle; the spectator can rearrange it in his head when 分、生命中的偶然性與必然性、現代人看似親密實質疏離的關係。在 he gets home.” But what’s hidden behind this collage of chance 楊德昌的鏡頭之下,生活中恐怖的份子滲透每一個角落。張展首次 encounters is the violence enacted in everyday relationships, 為楊德昌當攝影師,綻放異彩,兩人之後亦在《獨立時代》合作。 whether between lovers, coworkers, or strangers. The film marks Chang Chan’s first collaboration with Yang and he’s also the D.P. for Yang’s A CONFUCIAN CONFUSION. ss: Darkne an Light of ang Ch The of Ch aphy 36 __ 37 cinematography of chang chan atogr BCeforeinem Suicide 忠仔 Ah-Chung 45

台灣 Taiwan / 1996 / 97min / 國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 張作驥 Chang Tso-chi 演員Cast: 盧嬰 Lu Ying, 劉勝忠 Liu Sun-zhong

希臘塞薩洛尼基國際電影節「最佳導演獎」 Best Director, Thessaloniki International Film Festival 亞太影展「評審團獎」 Jury Prize, Asia-Pacific Film Festival 1996

07/11 • 7:50pm • bc 10/11 • 3:25pm • The ONE

隨母姓的阿忠是一名底層的青少年,他們一家人住在關渡平原的水 Made on a shoestring budget with a cast of amateur actors, 鳥保護區。母親在康樂團工作,裝瘋賣笑;繼父是個開計程車的酒 AH CHUNG is a bitter-sweet tale of a Taiwanese family at the 鬼,曾侵犯過姐姐,導致她去和黑道分子同居;智障的弟弟整天掛念 lower end of the social scale. Ah-Chung’s mother works at a small revue troupe; his step-father is an alcoholic driver who 著去水溝裡挖螃蟹。阿忠在高中畢業後,無所維生,母親以替家人招 sexually abused Ah-Chung’s sister, while Ah-Chung’s brother 好運為由,強迫阿忠去學「八家將」,阿忠的生活由此有了驚天動地 is mentally handicapped. Anxious to improve the family’s bad 的變化。這個既是民俗的武藝團體,又是地方角頭練新兵的據點,在 luck, Ah Chung’ mother sends him to study a violent, gangster- 神明消災解運的背後,卻有著不可見人的黑暗與衝突。本片榮獲塞 dominated form of kungfu-cum-worship called Pa Chia Chiang. 薩洛尼基電影節最佳導演獎。 Drifting between the superstitious world and the reality hardship, Ah Chung falls into a trance…

黑暗之光 Darkness and Light 46

台灣 Taiwan / 1999 / 104min / 國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 張作驥 Chang Tso-chi 演員Cast: 李康宜 Li Kang-i, 范植偉 Fan Chih-wei

1999年東京國際電影節亞洲電影獎、金獎及最佳影片大獎 Asian Film Award, Gold Award and Tokyo Grand Prix, Tokyo International Film Festival 1999 1999年金馬獎最佳編劇、最佳剪接獎 Best Screenplay & Best Editing, Taipei Golden Horse Awards 1999

05/11 • 9:50pm • bc 15/11 • 7:45m • bc

康宜(李康宜飾)是個生活在基隆的漂亮女孩,底層生活的艱辛使她 A restrained tragedy about a young girl’s love and loss. Set in the port 早熟。父親和繼母都是盲人,弟弟是個智力障礙患者。在康宜的協助 of Keelung, teenager Kang-yi shoulder responsibility for the care of 下,父親和其他盲友經營著一家盲人按摩院。暑假某天,康宜結識了 her blind father and blind mother-in-step. She helps her father in the massage salon while looking after her mentally challenged brother. 來自台南花蓮的阿平(范植偉飾),對方是小黑幫的人,剛剛搬到康 One summer, Kang-yi develops a crush on a gangster’s handsome 宜家附近。康宜主動向阿平表達好感,阿平起初有些勉強,但後來兩 godson, Ah Ping, who just moved into her building. They fall into 人還是幸福地走到一起。但黑暗並沒有就此消散,阿平捲入了黑幫 each other but tragedy strikes when Ah Lim, a former classmate of 的爭鬥之中。盲人對明暗、色彩的想像,現實中的光明與黑暗,在張 Kang-yi and also the son of a rival gangster family, is jealous about 展的攝影下有著不同層次的演繹。 their relationship. D.P. Chang Chan employs long takes, a static camera, and cutting on an axis to create a contemplative, touching portrait of a young woman’s loss 黑暗之光: of innocence.

37 HKAFF __ 2012 張展攝影回顧 沙河悲歌 47 Lament of The Sand River

台灣 Taiwan / 2000 / 國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 張志勇 Chang Chih-yung 演員cast:黃耀農 Huang Yao-nung, 趙美齡 Chao Mei-Ling, 蕭淑慎 Hsiao Shu-shen, 曾靜 Tseng Ching, 蔡振南 Tsai Chen-nan

2000年金馬獎最佳女配角獎 Best Supporting Actress for Chao Mei-ling, Taipei Golden Horse Awards 2000 2000年亞太影展最佳導演、最佳美術指導獎 Best Director & Best Act Director, Asia-Pacific Film Festival 2000

06/11 • 7:45pm • bc 18/11 • 5:35pm • bc

戰後的台灣百業蕭條,家境貧困的文龍,為提升吹奏小喇叭的技巧, Bun-liong is a gentle, quiet young man whose only desire in life 隨著歌仔戲劇團到各地演出。女班主碧霞對他頗有好感,但他卻在 is to play his music. The movie alternates between scenes of his 茶室與彩雲發生了短短數日的感情。 後來,文龍患上肺病回鄉休 life traveling with a Taiwanese opera troupe and of each of his troubled visits to the village of his childhood by the Sand River. 養。他身體痊癒後,改吹薩克斯風返回碧霞的劇團,重遇從小就幫碧 The story weaves a complex tapestry of a tragic life beginning in 霞做事的玉秀,此時玉已長得婷婷玉立,兩人順理成章的結為夫妻。 a destitute family and culminating in a failed marriage and the 婚後,文龍宿疾復發,無法工作,只能離開日趨沒落的歌仔戲劇團, heartbreak of unrequited love. With an atmosphere of Taiwan 重回沙河鎮。他到酒家走唱時重遇彩雲,兩人重燃愛火。本片改編自 in the post-Japanese occupation years, the film also includes 七等生的同名小說,反映了歌仔戲班沒落的過程。為了寫實地刻畫 various scenes of traditional Taiwan ge zai opera. 戲班子的生活,特別請來唐美雲擔任歌仔戲指導,並到一間廢棄多 年的戲院「電姬戲院」拍攝,重現六十年代台灣生活風貌。

當愛來的時候 When Love Comes 48

台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 107min / 國語,閩南語,英文字幕 In Mandarin and Minnan with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 張作驥 Chang Tso-chi 演員Cast: 李亦捷 Li Yi-jie, 李品儀 Li Pin-yi, 吳慷仁 Wu Kang-ren, 高盟傑 Gao Meng-jie, 呂雪鳳 Lu Xue-feng

2010 金馬獎最佳電影 Best Film, Golden Horse Award 2010 2010 釜山國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Busan International Film Festival 2010 2010 倫敦國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, London International Film Festival 2010

10/11 • 9:50pm • bc 14/11 • 9:55pm • The ONE

來春與她的母親、父親,和父親的合法妻子同住屋簷下。生活在這個 This touching family drama follows the life of a teenage girl 殘缺的家,來春特別渴望被愛,被人照顧的感覺。一天,正值碧玉之 Laichun (played by newcomer Li Yi Chieh) who develops a 年的來春未婚懷孕了,重踏母親之路。來春的懷孕引爆了埋藏在這 different understanding of love and motherhood after getting knocked up and then ditched by her boyfriend. The unexpected 個家已久的矛盾與不快,跨代的恩怨情仇,也隨著來春懷孕,重新被 turning point opens up painful memories and brings a whirlwind 審視。電影混合了台灣與日本電影的風格,展示了濃厚的舊殖民地 of frustrations that rip up the very fabric joining the family - 色彩和韻味。張展淒美的定鏡對同一對象反覆拍攝,為他帶來金馬 Laichun has grown up with her mother under the same roof 獎最佳攝影獎。 with her father and his legitimate wife…Superbly acted and beautifully shot, WHEN LOVE COMES won Chang Chan his first Golden Horse Award. aphy atogr Cinem Chan ng 38 __ 39 of Cha 張展攝影回顧 數碼復修 D igital Restoration



徵婚啓事 The Personals 49

台灣 Taiwan / 1998 / 96min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin Chinese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 陳國富Chen Kuo-fu 演員Cast: 劉若英 ,陳昭榮 Chen Chao-jung, 鈕承澤 Doze Niu,施 易 男 Chin Shih-chieh

康城影展「一種注目」入圍電影 Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 1998 年金馬獎最佳台灣影人獎 Special Jury Award, Taipei Golden Horse Awards 1998 1998 年台北電影節最佳演員獎 Best Actress, Taipei Film Festival 1998 1999 年亞太影展最佳女主角獎、最佳編劇獎 Best Actress & Best Screenplay, Asia-Pacific Film Festival 1999

3/11 • 9:50pm • IFC 4/11 • 9:50pm • bc

杜家珍是一位眼科醫生,她的感情生活幾乎是一片空白,只有一個 Jia-Chen Du has placed an ad in the personals seeking a 偷情的對象,是她好朋友的老公。在生活上最讓她焦慮的是孤獨與 marriage partner. Short, sweet, and to the point, the ad says. 空虛,覺得自己年歲也差不多了,條件也不差,應該找個男人與她一 “First friendship then marriage. Serious applicants only.” What follows is a parade of weirdos from all walks of life. Young, 起分享生命,但是這個男人在哪裡呢?接著三天在報紙上登出了她 old. Betel-nut-chewing, tie-sporting, women dressed as men, 的徵婚啟事:「生無悔、死無懼,不需經濟基礎,對離異無挫折感,願 men acting like high schoolers—you name it, they appear on 先友後婚,非介紹所,無誠勿試,電話22652752吳小姐洽」。摻合 her doorstep. The comedy takes a close look at the agonizing 紀錄片形式拍出來的《徵婚啓事》玩味無窮,早吐盡剩女的心中情。 process of seeking love and what one often ends up finding 近年馮小剛執導的《非誠勿擾》創作原形就該追溯至本片,前者也由 instead of it. HKAFF will present this must-see Taiwan-New- 陳國富監製,把徵婚物語發揚光大。香港亞洲電影節今次特別放映 Wave-film with its digitally restored version. 《徵婚啓事》的全新數碼復修版本。 tion stora 數碼復修 39 張展攝影回顧 l Re HKAFF __ 2012 D igita 5



去年,園子溫的《庸才》為染谷將太、二階堂富美兩位新人贏來威尼斯影展最佳男女主角,其導演實力亦終於在國際影壇獲得廣泛肯定,這可說是園子 溫電影的第二分水嶺。園子溫電影的第一分水嶺則是2001年的《自殺俱樂部》,之後《奇異人生馬戲團》(2005)、《紀子的食卓》(2006)、《犯罪都市》 (2006)、《愛之剝脫》(2008)等片講盡集體自殺、「出租家人」、靡爛愛情、近親相姦等等病態社會怪現象,加上咄咄迫人的對白情節、不留情面的性慾 暴力鏡頭,園子溫成為了千禧後的日本Cult片之王。去年一氣呵成連拍三齣《冷血熱帶魚》、《戀之罪》、《庸才》,更見真章。

但在這一切之前,園子溫只是個有心無力的追夢少年。2000年他回顧自己的早期作品時曾自白:「廿二歲的我,力量有限,只能不停大叫『我是園子 溫!!』我在竭力地確認自己的存在,縱然那是很微小的我。」結果,這次吶喊為他帶來了日本獨立電影搖籃PIA影展的垂青,由這個時期到成名作《自 殺俱樂部》之間,園子溫以「必勝」的奮鬥精神拍攝了多部作品,長短不一,毫無規則,但已盡見「鬼才詩人」成大器前摸索期的大膽和狠勁。今年我們精 選了多部被園子溫總結為「自殺之前」的早期作品,絕大部分從未在亞洲曝光,是大家認識或重新認識這鬼才導演的最好時機。

At the Venice film festival last year, Sion Sono’s Himizu won the best actors and actress for Shota Sometani and Fumi Nikaidô, finally earned him the status as an internationally acclaimed film director, and marked the second phase of his career. Prior to that, the unforgiving sexual violence and fast paced scenes of sickening society phenomenon of group suicide, “rental family”, decadent love and incestal rape depicted in Sono’s “Suicidal Club” (2001), Strange Circus (2005), Noriko’s Dinner Table (2006), Hazard (2006) and (2008), which made him the Japanese king of cult after the millennium, can all be seen as the first phase of his filmography. His recent in-a-roll series “Cold Fish”, “Guilty of Romance” and “Himizu” last year are definitive showcase of his mastery.

But before all these, Sono was simply a young man pursuing his dreams. Back in year 2000, in retrospect to his early works, he commented, “When I was 22, with limited resources and relatively unknown in the industry, I worked very hard to establish myself and screamed relentlessly that “I am Sino Sono!!!” in my productions.” As a result, these outbursts attracted the attractions from Japanese Indie film festival PIA. During this period, up to “Suicidal Club”, Sono had made a series of free-formed long and short films with his Do-or-die spirits, which embodied the outrage and audacity of this pseudo-poet of films in the making. This year, we selected a collection of Sono’s early works, some of which are never before seen in Asia, and named them “Before Suicide”, a perfect time to get to know or get a new perspective on this extraordinarily talented director. : Works Early Sion Sono 40 __ 41 sono sion early works: before suicide Before Suicide 園子溫早期短片一: 自殺前的告白 Sion Sono Early Shorts 1: Before Suicide

日本 Japan / 1993 / 93min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 4/11 • 7:20pm • The ONE 導演Dir: 園子溫 Sion Sono 13/11 • 7:40pm • The ONE

園子溫曾說,他的早期作品可歸納為他的「個人電影」,而搖旗吶喊的《我是園子溫!!》(1985/ 36min)是當中的代表作,離家出走的記 憶,令他決定擺脫必敗的宿命,用八米厘菲林證明自己的存在。但《愛之歌》(1984/ 9min)才是園子溫的處男導演作,同樣呼之欲出,擺 明要同電影談情說愛。《風》(1998/ 27min)和《0CM4》(1999/ 21min)則是九十年代的「明星級」作品。《風》是一個在山形縣風之村 發生的少女成長青春物語,請來了大導若松孝二客串扮演風之妖精;《0CM4》則是以裏原宿系鼻祖荒川真一郎的品牌命名,也是一部為 配合他在Paris Collection發表新作的短片,由永瀨正敏和麻生久美子合演。故事講永瀨因色覺異常而去接受糾正手術,從而帶出對色 覺、視覺、錯覺等概念上的問題。

Sono regards his early works as “personal films”. I AM SONO SION (1985/ 26min) is undoubtedly his first statement to the world. In this free-wheeling intimate cinematic journal he contemplates his life as an artist/poet/film director as he approaches his birthday. Hardly ever seen before, LOVE SONG (1984/ 9min) is the first film shot by Sono which is a 9 minute experimental short. KAZE (aka WIND, 1998/ 27min) is a coming of age story about a teenage girl who lives in the Wind Village in Yamagata Prefecture. The film also features award winning director Koji Wakamatsu as a spirit from the wind. A visual presentation for Shinichiro Arakawa’s fashion show at the Paris collection, 0cm4 (2001/ 27min), stars Masatoshi Nagase as a colorblind man whose world drastically changes after his condition is cured.


41 HKAFF __ 2012 自殺前的告白 園子溫早期短片二: 我吶喊故我在 Sion Sono Early Shorts 2: I Shout, Therefore I am

日本 Japan / 1993 / 100min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 15/11 • 9:50pm • The ONE 導演Dir: 園子溫 Sion Sono 18/11 • 5:30pm • IFC

大喊完「我是園子溫!!」,園子溫為別人吶喊《我是桂子,但》(1997/ 61min)。桂子是一名女侍應,獨居在東京,自從爸爸過身之後,她對 時間有了情意結,在廿二歲生日之前三星期,桂子決定開如始倒數:每日、每小時、每分、每秒,她要實實在在地感受自己每一刻的存在,然 後廿二歲的生日終於來了。《愛》(1986/ 31min)是園子溫愛的告白,廿五歲的他第一次戀愛了,他想大喊我愛你但開不了口,於是趁女友 離開東京一星期的時候拍了這部示愛電影,並索性叫短片為《愛》。《陰道與處女之道》(19 / 8min)則是一部實驗電影,園子溫如何看兩 者關係,大家不妨入場了解一下。

KEIKO DESU KEDO (aka I AM KEIKO/ 1997/ 61mins) is an eerie tale about a lonely waitress named Keiko. Keiko becomes obsessed with the passage of time since her father passes away of cancer. And so, three weeks before her 22nd birthday, she decides to record this period of time in the most accurate way possible, regardless of how lonely or banal this record ends up being, in order to be aware of her own existence. LOVE (1986/ 31min) is a personal piece that Sono tried to confess his love to his first girlfriend through making a film on 16mm. VAGINA AND VIRGIN (19 / 8mins) is more an experimental work from which you may have an idea how Sono thinks about the relationship of vagina and virgin.

: Works Early Sion Sono 42 __ 43 sono sion early works: before suicide Before Suicide 吉屋 Programme 3 The Room 52

日本 Japan / 1993 / 91min / 黑白B&W / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 園子溫 Sion Sono 演員Cast: 磨赤兒 Akaji Maro, 洞口依子 Yoriko Doguchi, 佐野史郎 Shiro Sano

柏林國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Berlin International Film Festival 鹿特丹國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, International Film Festival of Rotterdam 南特三大洲國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Nantes Three Continents Festival

04/11 • 5:20pm • bc 10/11 • 9:50pm • IFC

黑幫老頭(由著名舞蹈家磨赤兒飾演)想找一個好單位,要袖珍實 A bizarre tale about a serial killer looking for a room in a bleak, 用,要有陽光花香,女經紀見慣諸多要求的租客,照例帶他找房間, doomed Tokyo district. Phenomenally acted by Akaji Maro, the 於是兩個目無表情的人,在黑白的長鏡頭下,走遍東京看完一間又 aged yakuza is guided by an attractive but expressionless estate agent to trek from room to room through the big city. But 一間的吉屋…但原來老頭是殺手,今次租房自用其實為了自殺。 his very specific wishes are so poetic that none of the rooms 《吉屋》當年登場,惹來激烈爭論,先是康城禁止影片上映,在柏林 satisfy his request for peace and silence. It was not until later 影展放映時又引起場內觀眾打架,之後被日本影評抨擊為「辱國電 that we realize that he is getting a room to kill himself… The 影,但幸得大島渚導演激節讚賞,影片終在日本單館上映四周,為園 second feature film by Sono toured on 49 festivals worldwide, 子溫打下強心針。 including the Berlin Film Festival and the International Film Festival of Rotterdam.

現生現身 Programme 4 53 Utsushimi

日本 Japan / 1999 / 108min / 黑白B&W / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 園子溫 Sion Sono 演員Cast: 荒木經惟 Nobuyoshi Araki, 磨赤兒 Akaji Maro, 荒川真一郎 Shinichiro Arakawa

12/11 • 9:50pm • The ONE 18/11 • 7:40pm • IFC

寫真家荒木經惟、舞蹈家磨赤兒,再加上時裝界風雲兒荒川真一郎。 While dance master Akaji Maro is in rehearsal and fashion 三位日本藝術大師被園子溫的才華打動,破天荒一起參與炮製愛情 designer Shinichiro Arakawa preparing for the Paris collection, 故事!當磨赤兒在排舞、荒川真一郎準備巴黎花生騷的時候,高校少 filmmaker Sion Sono starts shooting a film about a high school girl who falls in love with a restaurant cook she’s never even 女疾走到「關東煮」店,向店員告白,希望他能抱她一抱。店員認定少 talked to. Soon the artists’ works come together in a race to help 女只是喜愛夜蒲,敷衍地抱了她一抱,但這一抱竟令他愛上了她。店 the girl’s love. 員決定追尋少女,起勁疾走,兜兜轉轉,卻發現她已愛上了別人。但 少女看到疾走受傷的店主,決定揹起他,疾走起來。奇幻的發展有個 深奧的片名,「Utsushimi」來自佛家「現身」一辭,指今生之身軀。


43 HKAFF __ 2012 自殺前的告白 北韓電影初探 Exploring North Korean Cinema

有所不知,金正日其實是影迷。去年他逝世,掀起了不少關於他喜愛的電 影的討論。先不論他的個人喜好,在其領導下的電影產量其實不少,而兩 年一度的平壤國際電影節也辦到第+三屆了,只不過輸出海外的電影卻 少之又少。究竟這個神秘國家的電影會是怎樣?作品中的意識形態又如 何促進社會和諧?北韓的子女又是否個個演技精糂?今次挑選的四部電 影,都屬當地的代表作,實在可讓影迷窺探一下這個神秘國度。

North Korean Cinema remains a mystery to most of the Hong Kong audiences. One of the little known fact is that the recently deceased Kim Jong Il, the “Dear Leader”, was reportedly a life- long cinephile with a personal collection of 20,000 prints, videos and DVDs and even wrote a book entitled On the Art of Cinema. He was clearly instrumental in creating a fairly prolific film indus- try. Although North Korea has been a fairly prolific producer of feature films since its creation in 1948, its output has been little seen internationally. It is such a good chance to take a glimpse 5 of this mysterious national cinema, represented here by 4 of the most classic narratives of the communist state. movies

一個女學生的日記 A Schoolgirl’s Diary 54

北韓 North Korea / 2007 / 94min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演Dir: Jang In Hak

13/11 • 9:50pm • IFC 18/11 • 5:40pm • The ONE

少女時代本應青春燦爛,但在偉大的社會主義國度裡,成長的煩惱 Unlike any kind of coming-of-age story you can imagine, 竟還包括國家的發展與未來。當南韓的美少女們為初戀或襯衫愁 A Schoolgirl’s Diary situates adolescence in the context of 煩,北韓高中生秀蓮卻先要學習犧牲的美德。犧牲未必要為國家拋 unconditional patriotism and self-sacrifice. The schoolgirl of the title lives a life with modest comforts amongst a loving, 頭顱灑熱血,為了國家而與家人長期分開,一樣可以做民族英雄。 middle-class family. She is upset with her absent father and her 父親離家出走拋低家庭,獨自搬到小鎮,為的是要潛心進行神聖科 mother’s unquestioning loyalty to him, but then she realizes how 學實驗。秀蓮惱恨父親不顧家庭,但眼見當圖書館管理員的母親無 selfish she has been when her father succeeds in his scientific 怨無悔,默默為父親翻譯科學文獻,才明白自己一直以來是多麼的 research. In this great workers’ paradise, individuals and 自私任性。在祖國和人民面前,區區家庭幸福當然要讓路,把自己徹 families are simply too trivial to compare with the happiness and 底奉獻才是王道。飾演秀蓮的朴美香氣質清純,堪稱北韓女神。 development of the country. A Schoolgirl’s Diary is also the first film to receive a full release outside North Korea.

Exploring a an Cinem Kore 44 __ 45 exploring north korean cinema North 賣花姑娘 The Flower Girl 55

北韓 North Korea / 1972 / 127min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演Dir: Choe Ik Kyu, Pak Hak

1972 捷克卡羅維瓦利電影節參展作品 Official Selection, Karlory Vary International Film Festival 1972

15/11 • 7:30pm • IFC 18/11 • 7:30pm • The ONE

中國的白毛女為抗地主欺凌一夜白頭,北韓的賣花姑娘命運一樣坎 Regarded as the finest example of classic North Korean cinema, 坷。日本侵佔韓國展開高壓殖民統治,窮人更得面對為日本人做事 The Flower Girl is the filmed adaptation of an opera written by 的地主欺壓,生命比地底泥更賤。賣花女與體弱母親相依為命,還得 the “Great Leader” Kim Il Sung. Typical of a cinema that seeks to celebrate revolutionary ideals, it was highly inspirational for 照顧盲了的妹妹,賣花幫補家計,等著因得罪地主身陷牢獄的哥哥 communist idealists elsewhere long before the idyllic utopian 回來救他們離開水深火熱。電影在70年代紅遍中國,當中的十級冤 vision began to crumble. The film depicts a Korea under 情更是令全國觀眾淚灑當場。“偉大領袖”金日成歌劇改編,革命激 imperial Japanese rule where servants live like slaves. The title 情深過長江黃河,鑄成北韓影史永恆經典。 character sells flowers to help her widowed, overworked mother and blind younger sister whilst waiting for her departed elder brother to fulfil his promise to return and rescue them from the terrible oppression.

吊鐘花 A Bellflower 56

北韓 North Korea / 1987 / 92min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演Dir: Jo Kyun Soon

07/11 • 9:50pm • IFC 12/11 • 8:00pm • The ONE

人民幸福大過天,兒女情長難再現。村子裡的小情人本想結婚,但卻 In A Bellflower, a man regrets his youthful decision to follow a 因女生的姐姐強烈反對而美夢成空,男生到城裡工作,只想離開落 wandering indulgent life whilst his lover stays behind for her 後的小村。女生卻深信村子需要她,黨和國家也需要她,因此她決意 village. The heroine is the hardworking and selfless comrade who dedicates herself to the village. Feeling lost and frustrated 奉獻自己的青春,致力令村子走上現代化之路。事隔多年,男的在城 by urban life, the man sends his son to ask for forgiveness from 市生活不甚如意,深深為自己貪圖個人發展離開村民而內疚。悔意 his village fellows , only to find that his ex-lover died in the 鄉 鄉 無限的他不敢面對 親父老,著兒子回 打探舊情人的踪跡,才發 course of rebuilding the village. Exhortations to put the common 現她不幸過世。女主角犧牲小我,引領村民自力更生,正是北韓主體 good above personal ambition are a recurrent theme of North 思想的完美體現。講求自救,自發,自律的主體思想,也成了北韓電 Korean society guided by the Juche principle of self-reliance. 影的永恆主旋律。

45 HKAFF __ 2012 北韓電影初探 春香傳 The Tale of Chun Hyang

北韓 North Korea / 1980 / 146min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 14/11 • 7:10pm • The ONE 導演Dir: Yu Won Jun, Yun Ryong Gyn 16/11 • 7:15pm • The ONE

春香之如韓國人,就如《梁山伯與祝英台》之於我們一樣,是家傳戶曉的經典愛情故事。出身寒微的春香美貌傾城,與打算上京赴考的李夢 龍一見鍾情。李夢龍絕非陳世美,約定他日為官必回來與春香相聚。獨守閨房的春香被好色地方官強納為妾,春香不從而慘被嚴刑拷打。春 香與李夢龍的驚世愛情代代相傳,而春香的貞烈更成古代女性典範。《春香傳》曾被多次改編,北韓版春香一樣愛得轟烈,透過電影也能一 睹北韓難得一見的古裝類型製作。

Think about Romeo and Juliet in ancient Korea, where the beautiful Chun-hyang falls in love with the tender hearted young Mong- ryong. The fate of the happy couple is doomed when Mong-ryong departs for the capital city to pass state exams. During his absence, Chun-hyang is exploited by the notorious new sheriff after she refuses to obey his desires and break her promise with Mong-rong. The Tale of Chunhyang is a classic story in Korea and has been adapted to films throughout the decades. The North Korean version is a rarity amid the country’s propaganda-driven film industry.

Exploring a an Cinem Kore 46 __ 47 北韓電影初探 North 47 HKAFF __ 2012 北韓電影初探 交流活動 Exchange Program

台灣新電影以及華語片的未來 Seminar on the Future of 01 Taiwanese Films and Beyond

現任台北金馬影展執行委員會執行長聞天祥專誠來港,和香港資 時間Time: Nov 3 / Sat / 2:30-4:30pm 深影評人馮家明,一起為我們細說台灣新電影30年的歷程,並帶 地點Venue: 光華新聞文化中心 領我們注視華語片的未來。 Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center 地址:香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室 This year marks the 30th anniversary of Taiwan’s New Wave Address: Suite 4907, 49/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, HK Cinema. CEO of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, Tien-shiang WEN and Hong Kong film critic Ka Ming, will share their views on 講者Guest Speakers:聞天祥、馮家明Wen Tien-shiang and Fung Ka Ming the future of the Chinese-language films. 特別嘉賓Special Guests:《乘著光影旅行》導演姜秀瓊 Director of LET THE WIND CARRY ME

*講座以普通話進行Conducted in Mandarin Chinese **憑影展內任何一張台灣電影門票皆可入座

黑暗之光:與光影大師張展對談 The Light of Darkness: 02 A dialogue with Chang Chan

從事攝影工作30多年的張展老師,跟不少新秀老將合作過,見證 時間Time: Nov 4 / Sun / 6:20pm 著台灣電影過去與現在的發展。今年我們很榮幸邀請到這位光影 地點Venue: 百老匯電影中心4院 House 4, Broadway Cinematheque 大師來港分享他的創作歷程,並請來香港演藝學院電影電視學院 院長舒琪先生帶領我們欣賞張展老師的攝影。 講者Guest Speakers:張展、舒琪Chang Chan, Shu Kei

A veteran cinematographer, Chang Chan has worked *講座以普通話進行Conducted in Mandarin Chinese closely with numerous significant Taiwanese auteurs and **憑影展內任何一張展電影回顧門票皆可入座 young filmmakers. He has witnessed the ups and downs of Taiwan cinema in the last few decades. hkaff is honoured to have Chang Chan with us this year, sharing his filmmaking experience in the last 30 years. Shu Kei, Dean of Film & TV School of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, will join Chang to re-visit his works of art.

焦點導演應亮:還有話要說 Ying Liang: 03 I have something to say

應亮是少數仍能堅持獨立製作的中國導演,他關心城鄉問題、關 時間Time: Nov 11 / Sun / 2:50pm 心不公義的事、關心社會蘊釀著的巨變。應亮在電影中說了不少, 地點Venue: 百老匯電影中心4院 House 4, Broadway Cinematheque 但他去年來了香港,在演藝學院電影電視學院當駐場藝術家,相 信一年過來,也有不少話要說。我們趁今次請來應亮跟大家直接 講者Guest Speaker:應 亮 Ying Liang 好好說。 *講座以普通話進行Conducted in Mandarin Chinese Ying Liang’s films speak for the “small people,” often showing **憑影展內任何一應亮電影門票皆可入座 concerns on how they are affected, psychologically and materialistically, by the drastic changes of the Chinese society in the last decade. Currently being the artist-in-residence in of Film & TV School of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Ying Liang will be present to share his views with us.

48 __ 49 fringe activities 購票及一般須知 Ticketing and General Information

放映地點 Screening Venue 百老匯電影中心 01 Broadway Cinematheque 地址 Address 油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園 (港鐵油麻地站C出口) Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon. (MTR Yau Ma Tei station - Exit C)

票價 Ticket Price $70 /《贖罪 Penance》 $140 會員 (bc member $112) 優惠票價 Discount Price $56 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member) $55 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Child ticket) * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 Ticketing 1) 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 2) 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 3) 網上購票Online Ticketing: * 網上及電話購票均需收取每張$6手續費(星期一至五)/$8手續費(星期六,日及假期)。 $6 (weekday) / $8 (weekend & Holiday) handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.

查詢 Enquiry 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002 會員專線 Member Hotline: 2783 7004

放映地點 Screening Venue PALACE IFC 地址 Address 中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場一樓 (港鐵香港站F出口) 02 Podium Level 1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong. (MTR Hong Kong Station - Exit F)

票價 Ticket Price $85 /《贖罪 Penance》 $170 會員 (bc member $144) 優惠票價 Discount Price $72 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member) $60 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/Child ticket) * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 Ticketing 1) 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 2) 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 6268 3) 網上購票Online Ticketing: * 網上及電話購票均需收取每張$8手續費。 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.

查詢 Enquiry 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 6268

放映地點 Screening Venue 百老匯 The ONE Broadway 03 The ONE Broadway Cinematheque 地址 Address 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 6-11樓 (港鐵尖沙咀站B1或B2出口) 6-11/F, The ONE, No. 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station – Exit B1 or B2 )

票價 Ticket Price $75 /《贖罪 Penance》 $150 會員 (bc member $127) 優惠票價 Discount Price $63 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member) $60 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/Child ticket) * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 Ticketing 1) 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 2) 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 3) 網上購票Online Ticketing: * 網上及電話購票均需收取每張$8手續費。 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.

查詢 Enquiry 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002

影片等級 Film Categories 本宣傳單張出版時,是次節目之電影尚未獲影視及娛樂事務管理處評列等級,如有電影被列為三級者, 主辦單位將於戲院及售票網頁上公佈,敬請留意。 The categories of all the films in the program are not yet rated by the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority at the time this leaflet goes to print. If any film classified as Category III, notice will be posted in cinema and

49 HKAFF __ 2012 放映時間表 bc • 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque IFC • Palace ifc screening schedule ONE • Broadway The One

02 / 11 / (FRI) FIlms Cinemas 7:20pm 南方小羊牧場 When a Wolf Falls in Love With a Sheep bc 10:00pm 寒戰Cold War bc 03 / 11 / (SAt) FIlms Cinemas 4:00 PM 寶米恰恰Cha Cha for Twins bc 6:15 PM 昨日的記憶 When Yesterday Comes bc 7:10 PM 贖罪Penance bc 8:00 PM 湄公旅館 + 妻良母Mekong Hotel + Oriole bc 9:45 PM 南方小羊牧場 When a Wolf Falls in Love With a Sheep bc 3:50 PM 艾未未:道歉你妹 Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry IFC 5:40 PM 浮城迷事Mystery IFC 7:35 PM 三島由紀夫自決之日11.25: The Day He Chose His Own Fate IFC 9:50 PM 徵婚啓事The Personals IFC 4:50 PM 不老騎士Go Grandriders ONE 6:35 PM 家族の國度Our Homeland ONE 8:30 PM 怪獸俱樂部Monster Club ONE 10:00 PM 二次曝光 Double Xposure ONE 04 / 11 / (Sun) FIlms Cinemas 2:00 PM 不老騎士Go Grandriders bc 4:05 PM 恐怖份子 The Terrorizers bc 5:20 PM 吉屋Sono Sion 3:The Room bc 6:20 PM 張展講座 bc 8:05 PM 校園罪與罰Student bc 9:50 PM 徵婚啓事The Personals bc 5:50 PM 昨日的記憶When Yesterday Comes IFC 7:45 PM 母親愛的手札Chronicle of My Mother IFC 9:50 PM 菲律賓挾持人質事件Captive IFC 3:00 PM 湄公旅館 + 妻良母Mekong Hotel + Oriole ONE 7:20 PM 園子溫早期短片(一): 自殺前的告白 Sono Sion 1 ONE 9:30 PM 危險關係 Dangerous Liaisons ONE 05 / 11 / (MON) FIlms Cinemas 7:30 PM 家族の國度Our Homeland bc 9:45 PM 艾未未:道歉你妹 Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry bc 9:50 PM 黑暗之光 Darkness and Light bc 7:50 PM 乾旦路My Way IFC 9:40 PM 寒戰Cold War IFC 7:30 PM N+N ONE 9:30 PM 毒愛殘酷天使The Cowards Who Looked Into Sky ONE 06 / 11 / (Tue) FIlms Cinemas 7:45 PM 沙河悲歌 Lament of The Sand River bc 9:50 PM 浮城謎事Mystery bc 8:00 PM 校園罪與罰Student IFC 9:45 PM 危險關係 Dangerous Liaisons IFC 8:00 PM 阿爸Abba ONE 9:50 PM 東京出租少女Like Someone in Love ONE 07 / 11 / (Wed) FIlms Cinemas 7:50 PM 忠仔Ah-Chung bc 9:50 PM 菲律賓挾持人質事件Captive bc 8:20 PM 怪獸俱樂部Monster Club IFC 9:50 PM 吊鐘花A Bellflower IFC 8:00 PM 艾未未:道歉你妹 Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry ONE 9:50 PM 三島由紀夫自決之日11.25: The Day He Chose His Own Fate ONE 08 / 11 / (Thu) FIlms Cinemas 8:00 PM 樂隊Follow Follow bc 9:50 PM 白兔糖女孩Bunny Drop bc 7:45 PM N+N IFC 9:50 PM 希望之國The Land of Hope IFC 7:50 PM 短片作品選: 成長的印記 Short Film Collection: Memories of Growing Up ONE 9:45 PM 有種Beijing Flickers ONE 09 / 11 / (Fri) FIlms Cinemas 7:45 PM 有種Beijing Flickers bc 9:40 PM 背鴨子的男孩 Taking Father Home bc 9:50 PM 希望之國The Land of Hope bc 7:10 PM 毒愛殘酷天使 The Cowards Who Looked Into Sky IFC 9:50 PM 罪獄火 Fire in Hell IFC 7:45 PM 母親愛的手札Chronicle of My Mother ONE 9:50 PM 昨日的記憶When Yesterday Comes ONE 10 / 11 / (SAT) FIlms Cinemas 1:30 PM 樂隊Follow Follow bc 3:20 PM 三島由紀夫自決之日11.25: The Day He Chose His Own Fate bc 5:35 PM 另一半The Other Half bc

50 __ 51 screening schedule bc • 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque IFC • Palace ifc ONE • Broadway The One

10 / 11 / (SAT) FIlms Cinemas 7:50 PM 東京出租少女Like Someone in Love bc 9:50 PM 當愛來的時候 When Love Comes bc 9:55 PM 二次曝光 Double Xposure bc 9:50 PM 吉屋Sono Sion 3 IFC 3:25 PM 忠仔 Ah-Chung ONE 5:20 PM 恐怖份子 The Terrorizers ONE 7:35 PM 菲律賓挾持人質事件Captive ONE 9:50 PM 白兔糖女孩Bunny Drop ONE 11 / 11 / (Sun) FIlms Cinemas 1:40 PM 我還有話要說When Night Falls bc 2:50 PM 應亮講座 bc 4:20 PM 怪獸俱樂部Monster Club bc 5:50 PM 東京出租少女Like Someone in Love bc 7:55 PM 湄公旅館 + 妻良母Mekong Hotel + Oriole bc 9:30 PM 搵鬼打官司A Ghost of A Chance bc 8:00 PM 有種Beijing Flickers IFC 9:50 PM 浮城謎事Mystery IFC 12:00 PM 贖罪Penance ONE 5:25 PM 乾旦路My Way ONE 12 / 11 / (MON) FIlms Cinemas 7:30 PM 好貓Good Cats bc 9:50 PM 毒愛殘酷天使Cowboys Who Looked Into Sky bc 7:20 PM 搜索Caught in the Web IFC 9:50 PM 恐怖份子 The Terrorizers IFC 8:00 PM 吊鐘花A Bellflower ONE 9:50 PM 現生現身Sono Sion 4 Temporal Thing (UTSUSHIMI) ONE 13 / 11 / (TUE) FIlms Cinemas 7:15 PM 搜索Caught in the Web bc 9:50PM 應亮短片Ying Liang :Short Film Collection bc 7:10 PM 搵鬼打官司A Ghost of A Chance IFC 9:50 PM 一個女學生的日記A Schoolgirl’s Diary IFC 7:40 PM 園子溫早期短片(一): 自殺前的告白 Sono Sion 1 ONE 9:50 PM 背鴨子的男孩 Taking Father Home ONE 14 / 11 / (WED) FIlms Cinemas 8:00 PM 阿爸Abba bc 9:50 PM 母親愛的手札Chronicle of My Mother bc 7:10 PM 贖罪Penance IFC 7:10 PM 春香傳Tale of Chunyang ONE 9:55 PM 當愛來的時候When Love Comes ONE 15 / 11 / (THU) FIlms Cinemas 7:45 PM 黑暗之光 Darkness and Light bc 9:45 PM 雞蛋和石頭Egg and Stone bc 7:30 PM 賣花姑娘The Flower Girl IFC 9:50 PM 我還有話要說When Night Falls IFC 9:50 PM 園子溫早期短片(二): 我吶喊故我在 Sono Sion 2 ONE 16 / 11 / (FRI) FIlms Cinemas 7:40 PM 奇異旅程與其他戀愛候群症Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses bc 9:45 PM 可愛小小姐Miss Lovely bc 10:00 PM 罪獄火 Fire in Hell ONE 8:00 PM 愛情悄悄來了36 IFC 9:35 PM 寶米恰恰 Cha Cha for Twins IFC 7:15 PM 春香傳Tale of Chunhyang ONE 17 / 11 / (SAT) FIlms Cinemas 5:10 PM 希望之國The Land of Hope bc 7:40 PM 另一半The Other Half bc 9:50 PM 不能愛Love Me Not bc 5:30 PM 可愛小小姐Miss Lovely IFC 7:50 PM 雞蛋和石頭Egg and Stone IFC 3:40 PM 寶米恰恰 Cha Cha for Twins ONE 6:00 PM 奇異旅程與其他戀愛候群症Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses ONE 8:00 PM 愛情悄悄來了36 ONE 18 / 11 / (SUN) FIlms Cinemas 3:30 PM 不能愛 Love Me Not bc 5:35 PM 沙河悲歌 Lament of The Sand River bc 7:40 PM 聖殤Pieta bc 7:50 PM 聖殤Pieta bc 5:30 PM 園子溫早期短片(二): 我吶喊故我在 Sono Sion 2 IFC 7:40 PM 現生現身Sono Sion 4: Temporal Thing (UTSUSHIMI) IFC 5:40 PM 一個女學生的日記A Schoolgirl’s Diary ONE 7:30 PM 賣花姑娘The Flower Girl ONE

51 HKAFF __ 2012 St aff list

影展總監及策劃 Festival Director & Programme Curator Gary Mak 影展經理 Festival Manager Sharon Cheng

影展宣傳 Festival Publicist Sindy Lam, Olivia Yang

嘉賓接待 Hospitality Officer Michelle Cheung 影展助理 Festival Assistant Celia Li

美術總監 Art Director Jeffrey Tam

場刊設計 Booklet Designer Jeffrey Tam

網頁設計 Website Designer Wong Kin Chung

影展宣傳片Trailer Editor Lee Kai Ho

2012 Hong Kong Asian Film Festival | All rights reserved by HKAFF society

52 __ 53 HKAFF staff list 53 design by: