Booklet Designer Jeffrey Tam

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Booklet Designer Jeffrey Tam TICKETS AVAILABLE -NOW- 贊助及嗚謝 SPONSOR & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Presenter: Supported by: Official Sponsor: Official Airline: Festival Partner: Official Wine: Official Venue Sponsor: Media Partner: Special Thanks: Official Website WWW.HKAFF.ASIA Facebook Page: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/HKAFF 寒戰 COLD WAR 香港Hong Kong / 2012 / 102min /粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 02/11 • 10:00pm • bc 導演Dir: 梁樂民、陸劍青 Longman Leung & Sunny Luk 05/11 • 9:40 pm • IFC 演員Cast: 郭富城 Aaron Kwok, 梁家輝Tony Leung Ka-Fa, 楊采妮 Charlie Young, 林家棟 Lam Ka Tung, 錢嘉樂 Chin Ka Lok, 李治廷 Aarif Rahman, 彭于晏 Eddie Peng 特別演出Special Appearance:劉德華 Andy Lau 2012 釜山國際電影節開幕電影 Opening Film, Busan International Film Festival 2012 午夜的報案中心接到匿名來電,一輛前線衝鋒車被騎劫,五個軍裝警員被挾持,而被劫持的警員之一,竟是現任行動副處長李文彬的獨子 ﹝彭于晏 飾﹞。事件震驚警隊,但一哥外訪未返,下任處長選舉的兩大熱門;鷹派人物李文彬﹝梁家輝 飾﹞與年輕警長劉傑輝﹝郭富城 飾﹞ 遂磨拳擦掌,乘機爭權奪位。李立即指揮營救,行動代號為「寒戰」。可賊人對警隊內部瞭如指掌,警隊精英盡出,行動卻處處受制,此時劉 傑輝獲下屬推舉,接手行動。劉傑輝毫不示弱,不同於李的激進手法,他主動與賊人溝通,並答應交予贖金。但道高一尺,魔高一丈,在交收 贖金過程中,警員殉職,八千萬現金蒸發無蹤,廉署更突然殺入警署,調查兩位副處長,懷疑有人在此危急關頭以權謀私……香港真的是亞 洲最安全的城市嗎?兩位香港新導演梁樂民、陸劍青首次自編自導,以精密的劇本和充滿爆炸力的鏡頭,拍出近年最地道最有感染力的警 察故事。 Approaching midnight in Hong Kong, a fully-loaded police van carrying the force’s most advanced equipment and five highly-trained officers has disappeared off the grid. The hijackers possess direct knowledge of police procedures and they’re already steps ahead. To ensure the hostages’ release, the police must deliver a large ransom. Any delay will cost lives. The clock has begun to tick. Rival Deputy Commissioners Sean Lau and Waise Lee fight to take charge of the rescue operation, code named COLD WAR. Lau wants to negotiate with the hijackers while covertly tracking them to their hideout. Lee is ready for an all-out aggressive attack, no matter the cost. For them, there’s much more at stake than the safety of the hostages or the reputation of the police. With the Secretary for Security stepping down, the seat will soon be vacant. COLD WAR will decide who climbs to the top. Lau and Lee are aware that every decision is crucial, that each minute counts. But as they execute a carefully planned attack, little do they know they’ve become unwitting pawns in a bigger, more dangerous game… FILMS OPENING 02 __ 03 opening films 南方小羊牧場 WHEN A WOLF FALLS IN LOVE WITH A SHEEP 台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 86min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 02/11 • 7:20pm • bc 導演Dir: 侯季然 Hou Chi-Jan 03/11 • 9:45pm • bc 演員Cast: 柯震東 Ko Chen-Tung, 簡嫚書 Jian Man-Shu, 郭書瑤 Guo Shu-Yao, 陸廷威 Lu Ting-Wei 柯震東憑《那些年》一炮而紅後,繼續帶來台灣男孩由戀愛學習成長的故事。場景由精誠中學換成台北補習街,上演另一個台灣獨有的青春 氣息愛情童話。失戀的影印店男孩阿東天天在補習街印考卷,一天發現考卷畫了一隻孤單小綿羊,原來出自一心成為插畫家的補習班女助 教手筆。阿東在旁邊畫了隻大野狼,竟然引起熱烈迴響,補習街裡臥虎藏龍的人物紛紛捲入這場野狼小羊的愛情追逐之中。新生代女演員 簡嫚書飾演愛幻想的補習班女孩,郭書瑤扮演精明店員邊搖奶茶邊要抱抱。台灣新銳導演侯季然為你帶來當下台灣年青人的活力與神采, 絕不輸於《那些年》。 Ko Chen-Tung, becoming Taiwan’s heartthrob since YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE, portrays another Taiwanese boy learning about love in his coming-of-age. Tung, just dumped by his girlfriend, works in a photocopying shop serving tutorial schools nearby. Seeing a lonely little sheep on an exam paper, drawn by a young teaching assistant in one of the tutorial schools, Tung adds a cartoon wolf talking to the sheep and unexpectedly gets everybody’s attention. In WHEN A WOLF FALLS IN LOVE WITH A SHEEP, Director Hou Chi- Jan dexterously captures the energy of nowadays’ young people and creates a style that is uniquely Taiwanese. 開幕電影 03 HKAFF __ 2012 聖殤 PIETA 韓國 Korea / 2012 / 104min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles 18/11 • 7:40pm • bc 導演Dir: 金基德 Kim Ki-duk 18/11 • 7:50pm • bc 演員Cast: Min-soo Jo and Jung-jin Lee 榮獲2012年威尼斯影展「金獅獎」 Winner of Golden Lion, Venice Film Festival 2012 《聖殤》一名取自米高安哲羅的著名雕塑作品「聖母慟子像」,影片講述的也是一段惹人憐憫的「母子」關係。李廷鎮飾演冷酷兇殘的追數 佬,專打斷債仔的手手腳腳,把保險賠償用來填數。某日他遇到一個自稱是他母親的女人,他最初不願相認,後來卻被對方真誠打動,決定 接納這位丟下他三十年的母親。正當他以為尋回母愛之際,母親卻突然失蹤,原來這個突如其來的母親另有陰謀……韓國著名導演金基德 再一次赤裸裸血淋淋地展示扭曲了的人性,剛於威尼斯影展勇奪最高殊榮「金獅獎」。 The name PIETA comes from the masterpiece of Michelangelo. A solitary man who grew up as an orphan works as a cruel loan shark. A mysterious woman claims to be his mother and he refuses to recognize her initially. Gradually he finds himeself becoming attached to her only to realize her extreme yet sad destiny. How humanity can be twisted? How evil a human can be? Kim Ki-duk’s latest production after his withdrawal from society continues to shock audiences with sharp and deep plot, as he always does. CLOSING FILM 04 __ 05 closing films 閉幕電影 05 HKAFF __ 2012 搜索 CAUGHT IN THE WEB 中國 China / 2012 / 121min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 12/11 • 7:20pm • IFC 導演Dir: 陳凱歌Chen Kaige 13/11 • 7:15pm • bc 演員Cast: 高圓圓 Yuanyuan Gao, 趙又廷Mark Chao, 陳紅Hong Chen 2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 2013 奧斯卡最佳外語片中國參賽代表 Chinese Entry for Best Foreign Film in Oscar 2013 白領美人葉藍秋(高圓圓飾)被確疹癌症,心灰意冷,呆呆地坐在公車上,即使被售票員大聲勸喻,亦不讓座給身旁的老爺爺。這樁事碰巧被 媒體新鮮人楊佳琪(王珞丹飾)以手機拍下來,資深電視人陳若兮(姚晨飾)認為可無限炒作為新聞,遂把短片據為己有,大肆發揮。結果,葉 藍秋被迫辭工;她老闆沈流舒(王學圻飾)亦被捲入緋聞漩渦,與太太(陳紅飾)關係拉鋸。還有七天便要入院的葉藍秋決定聘請剛失業的楊 守誠(趙又廷飾)陪她度過最後一星期,但網民無限上綱,最後推她入死巷的似乎不是癌細胞而是網絡欺凌。陳凱歌罕有的現代都市故事, 鞭韃網絡暴力,強而有力。 Acted by a superb cast, CAUGHT IN THE WEB is a powerful commentary about how internet is used today. The film depicts how a thoughtless act by a young woman can almost explode into a media-fueled storm when the video of her act goes viral. Celebrated Chinese director Chen Kaige confronts the audience with cyber-bullying and internet vigilantism in this fast-moving black dramedy. ENTATION RES 06 __ 07 gala presentation GALA P 危險關係 DANGEROUS LIAISONS 中國 China / 2012 / 110min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 04/11 • 9:30pm • The ONE 導演Dir: 許秦豪 Hur Jin-ho 06/11 • 9:45pm • IFC 演員Cast: 章子怡 Zhang Ziyi, 張東健 Jang Dong-gun, 張柏芝 Cecilia Cheung 2012 康城「導演雙周」參展電影 Official Selection, Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes 2012 2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 改編自同名法國小說,八十年代有一個格蘭高絲、尊麥高維治、米雪菲花演繹的版本,零四年亦有過韓國版的《挑情寶鑑》,今次舞台轉來三 十年代的戰亂上海。女實業家莫婕妤(張柏芝飾)利用謝易梵(張東健飾)的花花公子性情,來玩一場危險遊戲。她勸誘謝去追求當時頗有 影響力的大學教授遺孀杜芬玉(章子怡飾),令杜愛上他後便拋棄她。但這場殘忍的情慾賭局最後卻招致悲劇性的結果。 《八月照相館》、《春逝》導演許秦豪繼《好雨時節》後第二部華語作品。 As war looms in Shanghai in the 30s, glamorous libertine Mo Jieyu (Cecilia Cheung) runs into playboy Xie Yifan (Jang Dong-Gun), an ex boyfriend who’s never stopped loving her, and persuades him to play a treacherous game. Xie must seduce the innocent and naïve Du Fenyu (Zhang Ziyi) and then dump her. But the game becomes increasingly dangerous as Xie falls in love with Du, and it will lead them all towards tragic and shocking consequences. The film is an adaptation of the French novel ‘Les Liaisons Dangereuses’ by Choderlos de Laclos, upon which DANGEROUS LIAISONS (1988) starring Glenn Close and John Malkovich, was also based. 隆重獻映 07 HKAFF __ 2012 特別呈獻 SPECIAL PRESENTATION 1 movies 贖罪 PENANCE 06 日本 Japan / 2012 / 300min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 黑澤清Kiyoshi Kurosawa 演員Cast: 小泉今日子 Kyoko Koizumi,蒼井優 Yu Aoi, 小池榮子 Eiko Koike,安藤櫻 Sakura Ando,池脇千鶴 Chizuru Ikewaki, 森山未來 Mirai Moriyama,加瀨亮 Ryo Kase 2012 年威尼斯影展參展電影 Official Selection, Venice Film Festival 2012 2012 多倫多國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2012 2012 釜山國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Busan International Film Festival 2012 03/11 • 7:10pm • bc 11/11 • 12:00pm • The ONE 14/11 • 7:10pm • IFC 一齣《告白》令作者湊佳苗成為銷書天后,她的小說更是愈來愈多 Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s made-for-TV serial drama PENANCE is a psycho- 人搶拍。日本電視台最近便把湊佳苗第三部小說《贖罪》改成五集日 thriller examining the far-reaching aftereffects of a little girl’s murder. An adaptation of the novel by Kanae Minato (who also penned the source 劇,找來《東京奏鳴曲》名導黑澤清執導。故事講一名小學女生被一 material for the box - office hit “Confessions”), PENANCE tells the story of 名神秘男人帶走然後殺掉,但在現場跟她一起玩的四位同學卻堅稱 Asako whose daughter Emili was brutally murdered while in elementary 對犯人樣貌毫無印象,演死者母親的小泉今日子於是恐嚇四位小學 school. Emili’s four best friends all saw the face of the killer, but each CINEASTE DELIGHTS 生:「你們找不到犯人,就要贖罪一生!」因為這句恐怖的說話,四個 insisted that they could not remember it. Fifteen years later, the crime remains unsolved, and the vengeful Asako is determined to make the girls 小朋友從此遇上連串悲劇……雖然是電視劇,片長合共三百分鐘, pay for their reticence. The four little girls have now grown up to become 但飢渴要看黑澤清新作的影迷實在太多,今年威尼斯、多倫多等國 disturbed young women. Visually striking and unexpectedly 際影展早已不顧一切 moving, this expansive piece of work is now reborn as a 率先公諸同好。 theatrical marathon. TION SENTA 特別呈獻 L PRE 08 __ 09 special presentation SPECIA 影迷別注影迷別注 CINEASTE DELIGHTS 11 movies 貴為影迷,關注的當然是影展電影。這個環節搜羅的盡是各大影展最新 鮮、最強的作品,不管是康城、柏林、威尼斯、多倫多,還是釜山、東京,放 映的都是亞洲大師精采作品,又或是影迷引頸以待的作品,香港的影迷 有福了。 Continues to bring you the most exciting films from the hottest festival circuit around the world, Cineaste Delights features films that were just shown in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, or even Busan and Tokyo. All of them are either made by the most promising Asian masters, or works that any film buffs would look forward to... Just not to be missed! 二次曝光 DOUBLE XPOSURE 07 中國 China / 2012 / 103 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 李玉 Li Yu 演員Cast: 范冰冰 Fan Bingbing, 馮紹峰 William Feng, 霍思燕 Huo Siyan, 陳沖 Joan Chen 03/11 • 10:00pm • The ONE 10/11 • 9:55pm • bc 《二次曝光》集合懸疑、奇案、幻覺,又同時深入探索心理、記憶、愛 A suspense film that deals with a wounded woman’s inner psyche, 情,糅合商業賣座元素與文藝作品內涵,導演李玉一向優而為之。 DOUBLE XPOSURE creates an unusual narrative structure that hops between present and past, reality and hallucination. Director Li Yu is known 范冰冰繼《蘋果》與《觀音山》後與李玉第三度携手,將心理受創女 for innovating within genre films with her nuanced depiction of female 子的複雜世界曝光人前。年輕美容諮詢師宋其發現整容醫生男友竟 characters. She, for the third time, teams up with Fan Bingbing who enacts 與閨中密友有染,怒殺橫刀奪愛好姐妹。然而事實並非如斯簡單, a multi-layered character in the film. Beautician Song Qi discovers her 隨著劇情發展,現實、幻想、當下、過去的時空錯縱複雜,真相逐點 boyfriend’s affair with her best friend, and in fury Song Qi kills her – or does she? Apart from Fan Bingbing, award-winning actress Joan Chen also 曝光人前,事情因由可能源於遺忘了的記憶深處。電影除了有馮紹 demonstrates superb acting in her supporting role as Song Qi’s colleague.
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