Class of 1843-1846
72 GRADUA1'ES OF THE NUl\lDEJL 184:3. CLASS RANK. CLASS OF 1843. 1167.. (Born Pa.) ... .WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN ... ..... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 1 Military History.-Cadet, at the U. S. Military· Academy from July 1, 1839, to .July 1, 1843, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT. Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1843. Sened: as Asst. Topogmphical Engineer on Survey of North-westem Lakes, 1843-45; as Topogmphical Officel' on Geneml Kearny's Expedition to South Pass of the Rocky lHountllins, 1845 ; as Assistant in Topographical Bu reau at Washington, D. G., 1845-46; as Topographical Engiueer on Survey of (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, SEP. 21, 1846) Ossn.baw Sound, Gn., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being Bngnged on Geneml Wool's March through Coahuila, 1846-47, - and Batt.1e of Buena Vista, Feb. 22- 23, 1847; at the Militnry Acndemy, as Asst, Professo:' of (BVT. FIRST LumT., FEB. 23. 1847, FOR GALL,U,T AND MEHlTORIOUS CONDUGl' IX THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA, MEx.) Nntuml and Expel'imental Philosophy, .July 21. 1848, to June 17, 1851, and from Aug. 29, 185t, to Jan. D, 1852; on leave of absence, 1852;* as Top. Engineer on Survey of Roanoke Inlet, N. C., with reference to opcning it, 1852; in charge of Oswego Harbor Improvement, N. Y., 1852-53; (FrnsT LIEUT., 'l'OP. ENGINEEJ!S, MAll, 3, 1853) as Lighthouse Inspector, 1st District, Jan. 21, 1853, to July, 1856; as Superintending Engineer of Portland, Me., Custom House and Marine Hospital, Apr. J9, 1855, to Oct.
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