www.fcpotawatomi.com •
[email protected] • (715) 478-7437 • FREE ® POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES Volume 25, Issue 15 • mko gizes Bear Moon • February 1, 2020 2nd Annual New Year’s Eve Sobriety Powwow by Val Niehaus, photos by Leonore others shared their stories, experience, Phillips and it gave an uplifting positive environ- The second annual New Year’s Eve ment for a night of sober fun!” Sobriety Powwow was held Dec. 31, Special dances this year included the 2019, at the Forest Count Potawatomi Potato Dance with Shelby Cleereman (FCP) recreation center. And wow... the and Missy Weber taking first and Skye attendance was up from last year with an Alloway and Brooks Boyd taking sec- estimated 200 people, both young and ond. There were also many spot dances old, were present to ring in the New Year! throughout the night and a round dance. A feast started at 5 p.m. with Evelyn New this year were many raffles and Wolcott and Heather Nixon cooking. door prizes for attendees to win…some- A prayer was offered by FCP elder JR thing that everyone always enjoys. As Holmes. Grand Entry then started at 7 always, the winners were very happy and p.m. with Fire Nation and Young Fire- grateful to have their number chosen, keepers keeping the beat until the magic and the prizes were greatly appreciated. midnight hour. The powwow committee wants to Head dancers were Una Ross and thank the cooks, the helpers, and FCP Johnathan Johnson; emcee was Jordan Education and Recreation teams who Keeble; speaker was FCP Council Mem- helped in any way they could during the ber Brooks Boyd.