Epcot Debuts 'Creating Tradition' Exhibit with Seminoles

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Epcot Debuts 'Creating Tradition' Exhibit with Seminoles Hollywood seniors Back to school for Ahfachkee, Lady Seminoles Legends share culture in Hawaii PECS students win NASA championship COMMUNITY Y 6A EDUCATION Y 1B SPORTS Y 3C Volume XLII • Number 8 August 31, 2018 Hard Rock recognized as a ‘best employer’ for women BY DAMON SCOTT Staff Reporter LAKE BUENA VISTA — +DUG5RFN ,QWHUQDWLRQDO KDV EHHQ UDQNHG E\ )RUEHV DV RQHRIWKH³EHVWHPSOR\HUVIRUZRPHQ´LQWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHV+5,RZQHGE\WKH6HPLQROH 7ULEHRI)ORULGDZDVPHQWLRQHGDVDOHDGHU LQWKHWUDYHODQGOHLVXUHFDWHJRU\DQGLVRQH RI WZR 1DWLYH $PHULFDQRZQHG HQWHUSULVHV RQWKHOLVW 7KHRWKHULVWKH&KLFNDVDZ 1DWLRQ 'LYLVLRQ RI &RPPHUFH RI $GD 2NODKRPD )RUEHVDQGPDUNHWUHVHDUFK¿UP6WDWLVWD VXUYH\HG HPSOR\HHV RI FRPSDQLHV ZLWKPRUHWKDQZRUNHUVWRFRPSLOHD OLVWRI5HVSRQGHQWVZHUH¿UVWDVNHGWR UDWH WKHLU RUJDQL]DWLRQV RQ FULWHULD VXFK DV ZRUNLQJFRQGLWLRQVGLYHUVLW\DQGKRZOLNHO\ Kent Phillips Matt Stroshane WKH\¶G EH WR UHFRPPHQG WKHLU HPSOR\HU WR With medicine man Bobby Henry at the podium, Seminoles take center stage during the opening of “Creating Tradition: Innovation and Change in American Quenton Cypress and his daughter Willow check RWKHUV Indian Art” on July 27 at Walt Disney World’s Epcot theme park in Lake Buena Vista. Forty tribes are represented in the exhibit, which is located at the out an interactive exhibit at the opening of 7KH VXUYH\V LQFOXGHG PHQ DQG ZRPHQ American Heritage Gallery inside the American Adventure pavilion. “Creating Tradition: Innovation and Change in DQGZHUHDQRQ\PRXV American Indian Art” on July 27 at Walt Disney +5,UDQNHG1RRQWKHRYHUDOOOLVW World’s Epcot. $PRQJ WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQV LQ WKH WUDYHO DQG OHLVXUH FDWHJRU\ +5, UDQNHG DKHDG RI ([SHGLD *URXS 1R 0*0 5HVRUWV 1R DQG,QWHUFRQWLQHQWDO+RWHOV*URXS Epcot debuts ‘Creating Tradition’ 1R 7KHRYHUDOO1RVSRWZHQWWR3ULQFLSDO )LQDQFLDO *URXS RI 'HV 0RLQHV ,RZD7KH UDQNLQJVZHUHSXEOLVKHGLQODWH-XO\ ³$OORIXVDW+DUG5RFNDUHKRQRUHGWR exhibit with Seminoles EH QDPHG E\ )RUEHV DV RQH RI ¶V %HVW BY DAMON SCOTT FRQWHPSRUDU\SLHFHV GLYHUVH\HWWKH\VKDUHFRPPRQEHOLHIV2QH DOVRVSRNH7KHWKUHHZHUHDOOFROODERUDWRUV (PSOR\HUV IRU :RPHQ´ 'DYLG &DUUROO Staff Reporter ³,I\RXUHDGWKHKLVWRU\RIJUHDW,QGLDQ RIWKRVHEHOLHIVLVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIKDUPRQ\ RIWKHH[KLELWDVZDV'U3DXO%DFNKRXVH VHQLRU YLFH SUHVLGHQW RI +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV QDWLRQVRI1RUWK$PHULFDRQHWKLQJEHFRPHV ± KDUPRQ\ DPRQJ SHRSOH KDUPRQ\ ZLWK GLUHFWRURIWKH$K7DK7KL.L0XVHXPDQG IRU+5,VDLGLQDVWDWHPHQW³:HDUHZRUNLQJ FOHDU JUHDW DFFRPSOLVKPHQWV DUH XVXDOO\ QDWXUH DQG KDUPRQ\ EHWZHHQ WKH SK\VLFDO 7ULEDO+LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ2I¿FHUIRUWKH KDUG WR LQFUHDVH PDQDJHPHQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV LAKE BUENA VISTA — 'LJQLWDULHV DQG RWKHU LQYLWHG JXHVWV JDWKHUHG DW WKH WKHUHVXOWRIPDQ\KDQGVZRUNLQJWRJHWKHU DQGVSLULWXDOZRUOG1RRQHNQRZVWKLVEHWWHU 7ULEH IRUZRPHQWKURXJKPHQWRUVKLSDQGWUDLQLQJ $QGWKDWLVFHUWDLQO\WKHFDVHZLWKRXUQHZ WKDQ 6HPLQROH UHSUHVHQWDWLYH 0U %REE\ SURJUDPV :KLOH WKLV UDQNLQJ UHÀHFWV RXU $PHULFDQ$GYHQWXUHSDYLOLRQDW:DOW'LVQH\ :RUOG¶V(SFRWWKHPHSDUNIRUWKHGHGLFDWLRQ JDOOHU\´VDLG0HOLVVD9DOLTXHWWH(SFRWYLFH +HQU\´9DOLTXHWWHVDLGDVVKHEURXJKW+HQU\ Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki connection UHFHQWVXFFHVVZHFRQVLGHULWDVWDUWLQJSRLQW SUHVLGHQWLQRSHQLQJUHPDUNV WRWKHVWDJH DQGZHLQWHQGWREXLOGRQLW´ RIDQHZH[KLELWLRQ-XO\ ³&UHDWLQJ 7UDGLWLRQ ,QQRYDWLRQ DQG 7KH H[KLELW IHDWXUHV SLHFHV +HQU\ JDYH D EOHVVLQJ DQG OHG VHYHUDO 7KH $K7DK7KL.L 0XVHXP LQ %LJ &DUUROOWROG7KH6HPLQROH7ULEXQHWKDW UHSUHVHQWLQJ GLIIHUHQW $PHULFDQ ,QGLDQ 6HPLQROHVDQG0LFFRVXNHHVLQDWUDGLWLRQDO &\SUHVV ZDV FRQWDFWHG DERXW QLQH PRQWKV WKHUH KDV EHHQ D VWHDG\ LQFUHDVH LQ IHPDOH &KDQJH LQ $PHULFDQ ,QGLDQ $UW´ ZDV RI¿FLDOO\ RSHQHG DW WKH$PHULFDQ +HULWDJH WULEHV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 6HPLQROH 7ULEH IURP ³6WRPS'DQFH´ DJR E\ (SFRW RI¿FLDOV ZKR ZDQWHG WKH GLUHFWRUVDQGYLFHSUHVLGHQWVWKURXJKRXWWKH VHYHQ JHRJUDSKLF UHJLRQV DFURVV WKH 86 2WKHUV JLYLQJ UHPDUNV LQFOXGHG 'HOOD RUJDQL]DWLRQ WR EH D SDUW RI WKH XQLTXH FRPSDQ\ *DOOHU\ ZLWK D FHUHPRQ\ WKDW LQYROYHG PHPEHUV RI WKH 6HPLQROH DQG 0LFFRVXNHH 'XULQJ WKH QH[W ¿YH \HDUV LW ZLOO IHDWXUH :DUULRU GLUHFWRU RI WKH 0XVHXP RI ,QGLDQ H[KLELW QHZ DUWLIDFWV DQG UHIUHVKHG GLVSOD\V $UWVDQG&XOWXUHLQ6DQWD)H1HZ0H[LFR ³:H KDG VRPH VWDII WKDW NQHZ RQH Mentorship program WULEHV 7KH QHZ H[KLELW LV GHVLJQHG WR JLYH LQFRUSRUDWLQJ SLHFHV IURP PRUH 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&XVWRPHUVZDLWHGIRURI¿FLDOVWRVSHDN VDLG³,¶PKRQRUHGWREHWKH¿UVWFXVWRPHU DQGWKHFHUHPRQLDOULEERQWREHFXW$XJ EHIRUHWKH\GURYHXSDQG¿OOHGWKHLUYHKLFOHV )See SEMFUEL on page 5A RQRSHQLQJGD\ ³7KLV FRPPXQLW\ UHDOO\ QHHGV WKLV IXHO´VDLG%LJ&\SUHVV&RXQFLOPDQ0RQGR 7LJHU ³,¶P VR JODG LW¶V GRQH QRZ DQG ,¶P YHU\ SOHDVHG ZLWK ZKDW P\ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ ZDVDEOHWRGRLQVXFKDVKRUWWLPH´ ,W KDG EHHQ WZR \HDUV VLQFH UHVLGHQWV RI %LJ &\SUHVV KDG HDV\ DFFHVV WR JDV 3ULRUWRWKHRSHQLQJWKHFORVHVWJDVZDVWKH 0LFFRVXNHHVWDWLRQDW6QDNH5RDGDQG, DERXWDPLOHGULYH :KHQ &RXQFLOPDQ 7LJHU ZDV HOHFWHG LQ0D\7ULEDOPHPEHUVLQ%&DVNHG LI KH FRXOG JHW D JDV VWDWLRQ RSHQ RQ WKH UHVHUYDWLRQ +H VDLG KH ZRXOG WU\ DQG MXVW RYHU D \HDU ODWHU 6HP)XHO LV RSHQ IRU EXVLQHVV ³, WKLQN WKLV ZLOO EH EHQH¿FLDO IRU WKH FRPPXQLW\ DQG RXU YLVLWRUV´ &RXQFLOPDQ 7LJHU VDLG ³, WKLQN LW¶V D ZLQZLQ IRU WKH 7ULEHDQGIRU&RXQFLO,W¶VRXUUHVSRQVLELOLW\ WRPDNHVXUHRXU7ULEDOQHHGVDUHPHW´ 6HPLQROH3HWUROHXPD%RDUGEXVLQHVV VXSSOLHV¿YHW\SHVRIJDVROLQHWR6HP)XHO UHJXODUPLGJUDGHSUHPLXPGLHVHODQG5HF ³,W¶V D JRRG WKLQJ ZH DUH GRLQJ EXVLQHVV ZLWK RXU RZQ UHVHUYDWLRQ WR KHOS WKH FRPPXQLW\´ VDLG 3UHVLGHQW 0LWFKHOO &\SUHVV³7KLVKDVEHHQDORQJWLPHFRPLQJ Beverly Bidney Beverly Bidney ,WKLQNHYHU\ERG\¶VKDSS\WRGD\´ Big Cypress Councilman Mondo Tiger speaks during the grand opening of the SemFuel gas station Aug. 20 on Josie Billie Highway. Employees and other Junior Billie was one of SemFuel’s first 9HOGLQD 2VFHROD ZDV ¿UVW WR JHW JDV tribal leaders, including President Mitchell Cypress, far left, participated in the festivities before the first tank of gas was filled. customers on grand opening day. Editorial......................2A Health.............................9A Arts & Entertainment......5B #7KH6HPLQROH7ULEXQH #6HPLQROH7ULEXQH INSIDE: Community..................3A Education....................1B Sports............... ............1C 2A • The Seminole Tribune • August 31, 2018 Rep. Kevin Yoder says New hope for Democratic rival Sharice neglected Native kids success with annual statistics, but early data • Billings (Mont.) suggest that fewer Native children have had Gazette to be re-removed from their parents’ homes Davids doesn’t have in the past year. Furthermore, fewer Native children were removed in 2017 than in 2016 ontana’s child protection or 2015. system is struggling with Native American children account for Mincreased numbers of abused about 10 percent of Yellowstone County’ Kansas values. Huh? and neglected children and too few resources under-18 population, they have accounted to care for them. In the midst of this for about 40 percent of the county’s child struggle, the Indian Child Welfare Act Court abuse and neglect cases for many years — from the Army there, and of Johnson County until last year. According to 2017 statistics • Kansas City Star Community College, yes, she is from around established in Yellowstone County District Court is a bright ray of hope. compiled by the Yellowstone County here. $WWRUQH\¶V2I¿FHOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWRIWKH Editorial Board As someone who graduated from The ICWA Court, led by Judge Rod Souza, is coordinating limited resources total 574 children who entered the foster care Cornell Law, was in private practice, worked system last year were Native Americans. on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South WR SURYLGH WKH JUHDWHVW EHQH¿W WR FKLOGUHQ It started one year ago and this month and Unfortunately, that reduction was more e endorsed Sharice Davids to Dakota and then was a White House fellow, than offset by an increase in non-Native she could have gone anywhere but chose to now serves 93 children who are eligible for be the Democratic nominee membership in the Crow, Northern Cheyenne children removed. Last year’s total was the in Kansas’ 3rd Congressional come back to Kansas. So yes, she is from highest ever for Yellowstone County. W around here. or Fort Peck tribes. 'LVWULFW QRW NQRZLQJ LI VKH¶G ZLQ RU ¿QLVK ,WWDNHVWLPHDQGVXI¿FLHQWVWDIIWREXLOG Davids and Welder “don’t know The key to improving service to closer to the bottom among the six candidates abused and neglected kids is for the court the working relationships that will move competing to go up against Republican U.S. Kansas,” Yoder told the crowd on election children permanently to safe homes — with night. “They don’t know our values.” team members to establish good working Rep. Kevin Yoder in November. Bernie relationships. their birth parents, relatives, guardians or Sanders-endorsed
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