Congressional Record—House H
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January 5, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 325 overseas, took 16 overseas trips, higher Then there is, what have I got, 1, 2, 3, roll, and not all of them so young, men than any other Cabinet official except 4, then there is the original 3, the and women, who are going to Bosnia the Secretary of State. Let me tell you Colbins live out here in Virginia, and an uncertain mission. They are typical example of a trip she took, re- Ricky, my first grandson, Tara, my freezing. And one of the greatest writ- cent trip to South Africa. The agency first granddaughter, both of them soc- ers, and I will put his articles in about Secretary took 51 staff members and 68 cer stars, Anna, another soccer star the land mines, Col. David Hackworth, guests, 119 people. They chartered a coming up, all of them exceptional stu- the highest decorated living American, luxury jet, which is often chartered by dents. These are names and faces of as good a writer as he is, he did not Madonna. It has a wet bar and all this. human beings that, pardon me for have it correct here. It cost the taxpayers $560,000. using an overworked word, I have bond- He talks about the land mines, and Next trip, to India, she took 63 staff ed with all of them. They know me al- then he says they are going to ship members and 72 guests, mostly from most as well as they know their par- their equipment down there, hunker environmental groups. It cost tax- ents. They think their grandmother, down, ride down and meet up with payers $720,000. my Sally, is the most world-class per- their equipment. They are not. These young men and Next trip, to China, cost you and I son to ever love a grandchild. They are women stay with their vehicles, their $845,000. real human beings. They are real Bradleys, their Abrams tanks, their Trip to Pakistan was $500,000. human beings, and I cannot put an in- Humvee vehicles, and I never saw so Adding this together, 4 out of 16 trips sufferable $5 trillion, soon to be $6 tril- cost taxpayers $2.6 million. My God, is many complicated armored systems as lion debt before we begin to reverse in this 1st Armored Division, whose that not something? this, on their back. But two trips alone, India and South beautiful pin I am wearing, Old Iron- b 2215 Africa, they have 1,600 pages of ex- sides. They stay with their equipment, fingers cold, lashing it down, riding on penses and a quarter million dollars I said earlier that the whole debate the trains. The women rightfully com- missing. They could not find where here in its simplest terms is we won plaining about no porta-potties, talk- they spent it. the day on the 7 years. It will be a 7- ing about how the men have a different Now, this is the kind of stuff going year balanced budget plan, no matter what Clinton and the gang at the way to go out in the field. on. This is the typical example of Gov- Mr. Speaker, let me put about six ar- ernment waste and fraud before our White House does. But we should not ticles in the RECORD here that I was be passing out medals on our side be- eyes, and here we are talking balancing going to use in my special order. Think cause this side wants to spend $13 tril- the budget. about these young men and women The question is: Why is it? Why lion. They cannot throw off that tax- during the break. and-spend mindset that was locked in spend so much money, 130 days and 16 [From the Army Times, Jan. 1, 1996] trips? why is that? Well, they said, ``We during Franklin Delano Roosevelt's GOING TO BOSNIA A GOOD WAY TO SEE days. He is not a hero of mine, the way are going to get some contracts.'' To- DANGER, GROW OLD FAST day's paper says that is not true. They he is of our hard-charging Speaker. He (By David H. Hackworth) began this lunge towards socialism, did not get any contracts whatsoever. TUZLA, BOSNIA.ÐThis place ain't exactly It is really embarrassing, and I think and on this side we do not want to happy valley. After months of catching Serb if she curtails the trips, we could bal- spend $13 trillion over the next 7 years. cannon fire and hard fighting in the nearby ance the budget easily. We want to spend $12 trillion. mountains, things are grim. The war has left f Do you see what we are fighting here this city of about 110,000Ðmainly MuslimsÐ about, all the citizens in America, Mr. bent, broken and bleak. THE BUDGET DEFICIT AFFECTS Speaker, that follow the proceedings of Even though the guns are now silent, few REAL HUMAN BEINGS people smile. Most act like they had too this House? $13 trillion, $12 trillion. $12 much local plum brandy the night before and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a trillion is a bloody disgrace. It is too are wearing a head-throbbing hangover. All previous order of the House, the gen- much government. are waiting for the Yanks to kick-start them tleman from California [Mr. DORNAN] is Although my heart goes out to any out of their misery and into the good life recognized for 5 minutes. Government worker who is proud of provided by Marshall Plan-type underwrit- Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, I hope their job, selected to be a civil servant, ing. more than the citizens of Missouri stay and feels they are contributing to a But the ``Amerikinci'' are slow in coming. So far, only a few dozen aircraft have landed tuned to the proceedings of this House better life in this country, and wants at the airbase that sits just south of the city. tonight via the courtesy of C±SPAN, to be on their job, and there was never These planes are bringing in the vital techni- Mr. Speaker, to hear the gentleman a doubt for an instant they would not cians who will lay the logistic base to sup- from Missouri [Mr. HANCOCK] give what be paid. It was all this dislocation of port our 20,000 U.S. troopers. will probably be one of the more en- steady money coming in, and mortgage The warriors will not come by air. They'll lightening 30-minute special orders on payments. And I understand that, I am ship their heavy stuff by rail from Germany taxation destroying this country and to Hungary. After the peace accord is signed, making mortgage payments and a car they'll marry up with their gear and roll in what we are doing here. payment. I understand that the banks over 120 miles of rugged roadÐlocked, First of all, Mr. Speaker, I just called will not wait. We have taken care of cocked and ready. my home, and my daughter-in-law is that here today. Once on the ground, America's Task Force still waiting patiently for the baby But remember this: All this angst Eagle will be the Tuzla high sheriff, with the that we thought was coming a few about civil servants, and I turned on mission of keeping the Serbs and Muslims hours ago, not here yet. If she makes it the network news tonight and here is from going back to blowing each other away. It's too early to tell if this can be done past midnight, it will be on the birth- this psychiatrist saying the civil serv- without a few High Noons. I have a gut feel- day of her daughter, Haley. That is No. ants are underdoing trauma, psycho- ing that the main Bosnian combatants will 10 for my Sally and me. I really believe logical disorder, they are going to need cool it and wait out NATO's one-year say. with all my heart, Mr. Speaker, that counseling, and some of them will have One Muslim says that if his folks ``are not that is what we are fighting for here, to be put under a suicide watch. Then armed,'' the war will start again just as soon for my three beautiful Griffin grand- they showed clothes testing at a burn- as NATO leaves, and his side will lose. The way it looks now, except for hit-and- children out in California, Kevin, ing manikin, and somebody came right run attacks by small bands of crazies, the Colin, and Erin. Their mom is Robin. out and said that the Republican part big killers will be the mines, the bad roads They married a Griffin. I call them my of this House, usually they like to and the many drunken Bosnian drivers. in team here and in California; No. 3 focus in on the 73 freshmen, as though No one knows how many mines are scat- will join Haley and Robert K. Dornan they are aliens that came to this place, tered across this savaged land. United Na- III. Then there is my youngest daugh- they are going to cause children to die. tions reports say there are over eight million mines and booby-traps in Bosnia alone. ter, with beautiful Liam Christopher So for the next 2 minutes let me tell I spent two days with Swedish mine-clear- Dornan Penn, the only redhead in the you what I saw in Germany and in ing team working 10 miles out of Tuzla clear- gang of 10.