The Historical Society of Pennsylvania ?
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THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA President, Boyd Lee Spahr Vice-Presidents Boies Penrose William C. Tuttle Ernest C. Savage Roy F. Nichols Charles Stewart Wurts Isaac H. Clothier, Jr. Secretary, Richmond P. Miller Treasurer, Frederic R. Kirkland Councilors Thomas C. Cochran Henry S. Jeanes, Jr. Harold D. Saylor William Logan Fox A. Atwater Kent, Jr. Grant M. Simon J. Welles Henderson Sydney E. Martin Frederick B. Tolles Penrose R. Hoopes Henry R. Pemberton H. Justice Williams Counsel, R. Sturgis Ingersoll ? Director, R. N. Williams, 2nd DEPARTMENT HEADS: Nicholas B. Wainwright, Research; Lois V. Given, Publications; J. Harcourt Givens, Manuscripts; Raymond L. Sutcliffe, Library; Sara B. Pomerantz, Assistant to the Treasurer; Howard T. Mitchell, Photo-reproduction; David T. McKee, Building Superintendent. * ¥ ¥ <*> Founded in 1824, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has long been a center of research in Pennsylvania and American history. It has accumulated an important historical collection, chiefly through contributions of family, political, and business manuscripts, as well as letters, diaries, newspapers, magazines, maps, prints, paintings, photographs, and rare books. Additional contributions of such a nature are urgently solicited for preservation in the Society's fireproof building where they may be consulted by scholars. Membership. There are various classes of membership: general, $10.00; associate, $25.00; patron, $100.00; life, $250.00; benefactor, $1,000. Members receive certain privileges in the use of books, are invited to the Society's historical addresses and receptions, and receive The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Those interested in joining the Society are invited to submit their names. Hours. The Society is open to the public Monday, 1 P.M. to 9 P.M.; Tuesday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. The Society is usually closed during August. NEWSPAPERS ON MICROFILM available at THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728-1789 21 reels #155.00 1790-1815 (broken run) 4 reels 34.00 Hoch-Deutsch Pensylvanische Geschicht-Schreiber, 1739-1746; Pensylvanische Berichte, 1746-1762 (Christopher Saur) 2 reels 17.00 Pennsylvania Journal, 1742-1793 25 reels 200.00 Wochentliche Philadelphische Staatsbote, 1763-1779 2 reels 17.00 New-York Journal, 1766-1776 5 reels 42.50 Pennsylvania Chronicle\ 1767-1774 4 reels 34.00 Pennsylvania Packet\ 1771-1790 21 reels 168.00 Gemeinnutzige Philadelphische Correspondenz, 1781-1790; iW#£ Philadelphische Correspondenz, 1790-1800 2 reels 17.00 Federal Gazette, 1788-1802 28 reels 224.00 Pennsylvania Evening Post, 1775-1779 Pennsylvania Ledger, 1775-1778 Freeman's Journal, 1781-1792 12 reels 96.00 Independent Gazetteer, 1782-1797 Pennsylvania Mercury, 1784-1790 Pennsylvania Evening Herald, 1785-1788 INDEX "A. Mitchell Palmer and the Reorganization The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A of the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania, Political History of Europe and America^ 1910-1912," by Stanley Coben, 175-193 1760-1800, vol. I, by Palmer, rev., 109-111 Abbey, William B., 364 Agriculture: farm scene, 342r; among Pa. Abbott, John {fl. 1735), 271 Indians, 216; among Swedes, 207, 214; Abeel, John, 268 wages of farmhands (1702), 214; wages of Abeel. See also O'Bail farmhands (1725), 229; wages of reapers Abrams, Richard M., 175?* (1724), 225 Academy of Philadelphia, 149, 153, 164, 170 Albany, N. Y.: Indian treaty at (1754), 161; Acrelius, Israel, 196, 198 Moscow panoramas exhibited in, 75, Actors, biog. of Edwin Forest, rev., 495-497 76-77, 78, 81; Andreas Rudman preaches Actual Settlement Act, Pa. (1792), 288^ in, 199 Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John Adams), corre- Albany Plan of Union, 161 spondence with Thos. Jefferson, rev., Albany State Museum, 78 381-383 Albert, Duke of Saxe-Teschen, 56 Adams, John, correspondence with Thos. Albert Gallatin: Fiscal Theories and Policies, Jefferson, rev., 381-383 by Balinky, rev., 111-112 The Adams-Jefferson Letters. The Complete Alcohol: distribution control, in Phila., 359; Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson isopropyl, used as whiskey, 359 and Abigail and John Adams, ed. by Aldridge, Alfred Owen, Man of Reason. Cappon, rev., 381-383 The Life of Thomas Paine, rev., 100-102 Adelphi Building, Phila., 84, 85 Alexander Hamilton: Portrait in Paradox, Adelphi Saloon, Phila., 82 by Miller, rev., 377-379 Adlum, Catharine Abbott (Mrs. Joseph Alexandre, Mons., 61 Adlum), 271, 277 Alison, Dr. Francis, 167, 16777 Adlum, John Cfl. 1734), 271 Allegany Reservation, N. Y., 270, 29477, Adlum, John (fl. 1765), 272, 273 295«, 455" Adlum, John (1759-1836), 409^; advice on Allegheny County, Democratic Committee Whiskey Insurrection, 472-475, 478; in of, 17677 Am. Rev., 271-272; attempts to deter Allegheny Indians, 29577 Indian war, 308-316 passim, 437-438, Allegheny River: memoirs of John Adlum 443-445, 452-47O passim, 478, 479; biog. on, as surveyor, 265-325 passim, 435-480 sketch, 271-279; botanical interests, 271, passim; Seneca life on (1794), 265-324 277-279, 30472; with Cornplanter (1794), passim, 435-480 passim 265-324 passim, 435-480 passim', de- Allen, Carlos R., Jr., rev. of Brown's The scribed, 279; father of Am. viticulture, Autobiography of James Monroe, 493-494 278; at Fort Franklin, 293-296, 297, 318, Allen, Richard Sanders, Covered Bridges of 321-324, 435-438 passim; litigation over the Middle Atlantic States. Their Illustrated employees, 288-292; maps by, 274-275, History in War and Peace, rev., 258-259 282, 283r, 47377; memoirs of (1794), Allen, William, 577, 8, 14, 15, 2077 265-324, 435-480; plans Indian militia, Allentown, Pa., state Democratic convention 464-465; portrait of, attrib. to C. W. (1910), 178, 184 Peale, 44ir; and threatened resignation of Allicoke, Joseph, 26 Gov. Mifflin, 475-477; as surveyor, Almanacs, 155 273-277, 285-324passim, 435-437, 475, 479 American Building^ Art: The Nineteenth Adlum, Joseph, 271, 273, 277, 292, 468 Century, by Condit, rev., 503-505 Adlum, Margaret Adlum (Mrs. John Adlum), American Colonial Painting: Materials for a 273, 278 History, by Belknap, rev., 486-487 Admiralty Court, N. J: case of Charming American Express Company, 358 Nancy in, 38-39, 43, 44~45; claims of American Museum, N. Y., 90, 91 Sam. Ingersoll in, 3777 American Museum, Phila., 83, 89, 90; Adrien, , 90 opened (1839), 90 5" 512 INDEX October American Philosophical Society, 137, 149, Armitt, Richard, 136 and Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Armitt, Mrs Richard, 136 403 404, 409, 410, 415 Armstrong, Col John, 18 American Revolution account of spies in, Army, U S Adlum's advice on, in Whiskey rev, 384-385, Adlum in, 271-272, Adlum Insurrection, 474-475, campaigns against reviews, for Senecas, 308-309, Benedict Indians, in Northwest Terr , 266, 267, 268, Arnold and the Charming Nancy, 22 55, 269, 293, 309-318 passim, 44477, 452, 460, dramatic beginning of, rev, 383-384, 467, 470, 478, 479, casualties in, in Indian economicconditionsin occupiedPhila , 2477, wars, 31577 25-28, 30-31, 33, 34-35, Indian attacks Arnold, Benedict, 32, betrayal of West during, 29677, 29977, plans for defense of Point, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4077, 42, 48, 53, 5377, Delaware River, 424-434 passim, profit- 55, court-martial of, 22-48 passim, effigy eering during, 25, 30-31, 37, 47, 54-55, of, in Phila , 48, extravagant living of, 46, Seneca accounts of, 45577, story of, by 49, mercantile associations, 40-48, military Thane, rev , 105-106 See also Board of commander of Phila , 22, 30, 31, 44, 50, War, British troops in Am , Chevaux de opposition of Phil a Whie;s, 22, 23, 24, 30, fnse, Congress, Continental, Continental 35, 36», 44, 45, 48-49, 53, and owners of Army, Continental currency, French aid Charming Nancy, 22-55, reprimanded by in Am Rev , Militia, Privateers Washington, 22-23, seeks recovery of American Sunday School Union, children's losses, from Parliament, 47 48 books issued by, 335~33^, 339, 35°, 35l Arnold, Margaret Shippen (Mrs Benedict American Weekly Mercury, 129 140 Arnold), 23, 24, 53, 5377 American Writing in the Twentieth Century^ Arnngton, Joseph Earl, "John Maelzel, by Thorp, rev , 508 510 Master Showman of Automata and Pano Ammunition, 285, 292, given to Indians, ramas," 56-92 296,321,440 Art See Architecture, Etchings, Illustrators, Amsterdam, 63, 67 Lithographers, Lithography, Painting Anabaptists, 213 The Art of Living Four Eighteenth Century The Anatomy of American Popular Culture, Minds Hume, Horace Walpole, Burke, 1840-1861, by Bode, rev, 245-246 Benja?nin Franklin, by Lucas, rev , 108- Andre, John, 23 109 Anglicans See Episcopalians Asa Gray, 1810-1888, by Dupree, rev, 497- Anglo American relations frontier forts and, 499 266-267, 30677, 309, 434, 458, Indians as Assembly, Pa (colonial, 1682-1776) Frank- buffer group in, 266, 267, 269, Indians lin, clerk ofy 14277, 143, 153, Franklin, predict war (1794), 306-307, 445 member of, 157, 158, 163, 164, 169, 172, Animals imitated in Indian dances, 448, Franklin, printer for, 140, 143, Friends Indians use calls of, 462 withdraw from, 17, gerrymanders German Annapolis, Md , 211, 213 counties (1752), 8-10, importance of vote Antes, Lt Col Henry, 28977 to, 4-5, relations with governor (1764), Anthony, Sus-in B , biog of, rev, 119 121 172, throws Wm Smith in jail, 17 Anthony Wayne, A Name in Arms Soldier, Assembly, Pa (unicameral, 1776-1790), Diplomat, Defender of Expansion Westward grants donation lands (1785), 31m of a Nation The Wayne Knox Pickering- Assembly, Pa (bicameral, 1790— ) and McHenry Correspondence, ed by Knopf, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 406, rev, 489-490 408,