;. ' ·'· - tld cb. es. This Issue Js ng :er nt Dedicated To ··or. ge ar w.:· nt Folk And Ted Davis na. ve_. ou by * * * 304-6 of Jilt ne · '411i1Eto~s ed to ay. , D~iVe '*-kes, )Sp-ecial Numbers ·I ~ .. . • . ·. G~od·:\s~~-·~·,,. ·

ed_. ·-- • ., :. I / To Fea~ure Mus1c in • rig •a. . .QUot~.Musf-Be ileache~I tai · ' ···By.~ext·Wediies~ ··. · · day: · PrOgram Tonigh~ ti- -. 106 .._..:.-The .. ·: Red ·cross ·drrve-·for-1'944 lis made a. good. beginDii!g. 'in ad · qas: in Wake Forest. '·The> drive, to ··last Last McDonald - Directed >re . ·a whole ·month, '·began on 1\[arch Concert; to Have Guest . . 1, but the. Wake Forest work' is Artist >Ut . to' be closed on· March 15. To do !r- · -this tlie · to\vn will have to reach n .. :its quota in 'short order. · ·. . · · ·· . So far . the · returris indicate The music department will pre­ Jl­ : ·that·· Wake Forest will reach· its sent its-' third annual spring con­ ly. cert this evening at 8 o'clock in be . :.1 g~- by nexf Wednes~ay, witho_ut .-1 milch' trouble. All the .workers.of the church auditorium. The pro­ on gram will feature the Glee Club, ~5. ~ '.· thiS' district,, under .the direction: : I, . · ··· of

Old Gold 'and Black Frhlay;-Mareh-1-0; 1944 m,ous letter came through the mail. More wars I have been fought in Old Gold and Black than All Over Th.e.-Worla. ®lo ~olo auo t§Iack on a field of battle. There are two people who will always stand lhunded January I5, 1916, as the official stu. dent newstJaper or Wake Forest College. Publish­ out in my memory as I look back on the old ed w<:ekly duriug the school year except during dusty. Dr. Folk stands supreme.- I wonder if ~xamiuation periods and holidays as directed by the Wake Forest College Publications Board. anyone will ever be able to sufficiently describe him or tell him just what seeing· him around MARTHA ANN ALLEN • , •..•..•.••••..•.• Editor does for his students of jouralism. He instills HEYWARD SMITH ...... Business 1\lanager in us all a love for a newspaper and a respect

Betty Stansbury, associate editor. for the printed word. He's a great mab. I Editorial . Starr: Lib Jones, Emily Crandall, have a lot to learn, but I know enough about .. Betty Williams, Charlotte Boone, Nan Lacy Harris, R. H. Brautley, Alice Holliday, Leslie Fowler, people to know that. If 1 ever amount 1o any­ Simmons .l!'cntress, Bill Simms, J. T. Sasser, Jr., Bob Turnage, Charles Gorman, John Hall, P . .B. thing in the field of journalism, it will be be­ With The Men White, Charlotte Easley. Business Assistant: Maynard Edwards. cause of the direct influence of Dr. Folk. Art .b:ditor : :Maynard Edwards. The other person 1 will remember is Ted In Service· All editorial matter should be addressed to th" Davis. Not many people on the campus know editor, Box 2:>2, Wake Forest, N. C. All business matter should IJe addressed to the business man­ him, but every week his hand!work is seen in ager, same addNss. Subscription rate: $2.00 per year, 40 issues. the paper. He is foreman of the Zebulon Rec­ Lt.· Claude F.. Sella, of West­ field, N. J., is a German.prisoner ord print shop, and it is Ted who shoves the 1 l'HONE 304-6, l•'<>r important news on Thurs­ of war in a camp about 80 miles • days phone ~5ti·l, The Record Publishing Co., Zeb­ galleys of type into place and sputters at dopey south of Berlin. His plane was ulou, N. C.. headline writers who write about "Warbler shot down on August. 25 near Naples and he.has been a prisoner Entered as second class IIJail matter January Woody Wall, etc." But it was also Ted who ever since. 22, 1916, at the post office at Wake !<'crest, North 1 Carolina, under the act of 1\Iarch 3, 1879. thou~ht up Army Fin~nce "Exition," or used a The following are excerpts Member Associated Collegiate Press Iheadline made ·up of all sorts of type on the from letters to his family: Sep­ tember-"! am absolutely 0. K., story about back yards. Ted is always full of treated good and expect to be jokes even though he seems to live on hot- cof; home soon. Send me "'toothbrush­ es, heavy wool blanket, wool un­ fee and late hours. He is the kind of guy who derwear, . heavy wool · sweat~ It's In The Blood would cuss you out and make you love it. Dr. gloves, sewing kit, chocolate bars and cake. See Red Cross about Folk is our guardian on the editorial end, and packages . . . I can write 3 letters It's over. For thirty issues I have lived Ted is our angel on the production end. and 4 postcards per month, so I'll Old Gold and Black-it has become part of me. H "Donate $25 for me" write only to you . . . Donate $25 it is my right-- to dedicate, this final is­ ...... to the Red Cross for me. Tell ev­ Who was it who said that we become a part of sue is dedicated to the two of them. So differ­ - • eryone to write often. 'Don't wor­ all we have met? How ttue, Tennyson. ent, yet so alike. ry about me!" Old Gold and Black has a spirit. It is big­ October: "We are now enjoy­ To Betty Stansbury, editor-elect, I say ing a 'beautiful Indian Summer. ger than any individual or group of individuals thank you. She is a fine girl, and she has stuck but I'm· afraid it will -be short­ ; ·~·· lived . . . There is little else to do who work on the paper, and it is a hard task­ by this year with a perseveran~, that makes master, but its rewards are high, for it is a re­ but read, play, cook arid see. the one's heart glad. And the one other individual . . ... various shows . . . The .Germans spectable paper. are partitioning the barracks into on the paper 1 want to tip. my hat to is "Hooey" On Sunday afternoon Mr. Sny- and Shelton looked out in the au­ rooms and doing a .few other things Brantley~ I could always be sure of getting a der's four year old nephew was dience and called, "Alice Lee, is to help. Tonight I am.going to Last summer I took over as editor, tremb- pleading, "Let's go fishing, Ever- he supposed to do that?". Again ling in my boots to follow such "greats" on common-sense reply to my question when I ett." (Little' Francis adores worms see the pThy·"As You Like It." the show did not go on. November: "I am now .teaching Publications' Row as Eugene Brissie, Bill Ay- aske~ hi~ ~'why." I . h' d" . I I I' w~I~~ a~e~~;y;)It :!Jr~.t~~;~::f;~~ Nan Lacy Harris: "Have you French in the educatioa depart­ ers, Archie McMillan, Bob Gallimore, David omg t as wnte t IS e Itona rea IZe plied. got a cigarette?" ment. Something else .to occupy Morgan and others. 1 had written a couple of that when this paper comes out Friday morn- "Nobody would see us," Fran-· Hooey Brantley: "I'm sorry, time. Last night we had an im­ promptu negro minstrel.s~ow .and headlines and copyread my own articles, but ing one phase .of my career . will come . to an ab- . ci_sh1m, urged,"God wouldbut seeMr. us."Snyder told but mine are all promised." songfest in the barracks. I hope such things as make-up and policy were com- rupt end. The next t1me I walk mto the off1ce Francis was silent for a mo- Speaking of absent-minled pea- soon to be able to send you a pic­ ture of me in a group. Don't l will be an "ex". From now on it will be a ment, ~nd then ~e asked thought- ple, professors aren't the only ones pletely foreign to me. . . fully, 'Everett, 1s God that sort who come under this group. Dur- count on it, however . . . Am in The summer school paper was kinda queer, process of cleamng up and makmg memos for of a guy?" ing practice for "The Bat," Nan good health, mentally and physi­ cally." those who will be left. Someday I will be able Lacy Harris, sound technician, but fun. staff took to evaluate myself as an editor-! only know There must have been a jinx on y.rho_ had been continually bump- Lt. Seila's address is: Ameri­ The Washroom Gazette can P.O.W. No. 2455, Stalag Luft over one page all summer. We prided ourselves . the ·closet door in the third act of mg mto members of the cast and No. 3, Germany, Via: New York, now that 1 dtd the best that I knew. The Bat, the one the corpse fell stage crew because of the limited ori Bob Lasater's "Profiles" and sat quietly by -M A Allen out of. At every rehearsal the space backstage, fell over a stray N.Y. while people read Burnette Harvey's "A Liberal · · · show did not go on, after the doOr board and knocked it down. "Par- Ensign James T. Spivey was Speaks." There were feature stories galore IOn was oneopened, occasion for Libvarious Jones reasons. open- don me," she said politely. Marchkilled in3 offan theairplane coast accidentof Cal,iior- qn illustrated with sissy ad cuts, and we spent l L ed the door, and instead of seeing . . " ,. nia. His plane went into a power most of our time talking about the trash on Me ody. in ?.ers On' I a corpse she saw Clarence Bowen At the rehearsal of The Bat ·dive, and failed to rigpt itself, . . 0 ·· making· faces as he tried to tie on the other night Alice Lee phingirig into the ocean with all the campus and the spmt of the school, consol-1 I his mask. The cast became con- criticized everything. NothingHa~ris the crew. ing students about the loss of the Book Store Mr. McDonald is leaving us but the "mel-! vulsed with laughter. And the was right. Finally at the end of Ensign Spivey .was a student ,. . . ' . distracted electrician became more the second act one of the here in 1941-42, enlisting, in .the and remaining friends with the PX guys. And ody Will hnger on. When he leaves the musxc distracted as he tried to follow the vowed that if she fussed at himc~st Naval Air Corps in the summer of then the crowning achievement of them all department, as we know it, will go, for Mr. Me- candle about the stage from the again he~d _die. The ti?rd act '42. • · ' • · cat walk. But the climax came at went along fme. Everythmg went came-an eight-page alumni edition which cir- Donald IS tne mustc department. j dress rehearsal. Everybody ex- wrong. But no. comment. was culated to. more than 3000 people. About ten Wake Forest has sung since Mr. Mac has cept Shelton Lewis knew that the heard from the drrec~or. Fmally Lt. E. C. Hill, Jr., class of '40, h k h was a visitor· here Sunday. He people worked more t an a wee on t at tssue,· been here as It· never sang before, but more- Ithecorpse door wasinstead supposed of lying to peaceful- fall out Clarencecast by saying: Bowen . "She enlightened can't se~ theus. has just finished a course in me­ and for three days and two nights I sat in that than that, he has made Wake Forest laugh. ly inside. As Wallace Parham She has gotten bred of our foolish­ teorology at the University of Chi­ cago, and is now stationed at·.the little printing office at Zebulon and wondered You think of musicians as temperamental sis· fell o~t there was an eerie .silence. ness and gone to sleep." True air base at Maxton, N. C. ' The light of the candle flLckered, enough. She was asleep. how much longer I could live on black coffee sy, and as insipid little guys-but you change ~~~~~;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;:::::;::::::;;:·~·:;;,;:~~;;;;;:~~~;;:;;;:;;:::::;:::::;:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;,;:~ and nausea. your mind after you take a gander at that six Pvt. Tommy W. Bland, class of '46, of Goldsboro, is now "some­ School started this fall, and we settled feet of man, all man, and see him swing a golf where in Ireland." He writes: down for a stretch of thirty issues. They kept club. "The scenery over here is beau­ tiful-just like I used to picture it coming every week even though at times we put It is doubtful if another man in the world Deacs who are Greeks would be . . . The girls here are our hands up to ward off the days when news could have come to Wake Forest and filled the all right~ but give me the home­ By BOB TURNAGE town girls any day in the week:. was scarce. The tone of the paper has necessa- place Mr. Mac did. He had the Wake Forest They are good to us and they treat rily changed as news has become more scanty spirit even before he came, and it merely gave 11 · us nice, and some are pretty neat This week the GREEKS stand · who recently passed through hell dancers. They really surprise me and feature stories have taken a place of im- expression to itself here. He knew that a at the back door of another quar- 1 week. Brother Paul Allison will when it comes to jitterbugging." portance, in some way compensating for the ab- student body liked a little spice mixed in with ter and take longing looks over I return to the College next quarter. sence of The Student. its sugar in a concert-he made music live. their shoulders at experiences for- .8 AKPi elec~ed new ch~pter of- Lieutenant Fred D. Welch 'is ever past. Some will step into ficers at therr last meetmg, and now an assistant intelligence of­ ·We seem to have bumped heads with the Mr. McDonald knew that a healthy music the armed forces, some into voca- some good men were selected. ficer for a combat battalion, and Student Council almost all winter. We didn't department. had to have more organizations tions or professions, some will en- Jo~ Blanto~ was reelected as is stationed somewhere in Eng­ win, but we didn't lose, because a few people ter a new quarter with their goal president; Dwight Harrell became land. He has recently become en- than a band and a glee club, and he began or- still in sight, but not yet reached. vice-president, A. D. G~ady, sec- gaged. · began thinking. Perhaps sometime in the fu­ ganizing other groups-little symphony, octet, .e SIGMA PI held vesper services retary, and John Dombolis, treasu­ . • . ture when prejudices have subsided, Council throughout the wee!( with Wray rer. ~rather Hugh H:'l~amen was junior choir. He made members play and sing Bradley, Albert Cernugal, Jirnm:y back for a weekend VISit. • The members will be able to clearly see the advan- because they wanted to; they had to; he put it Anderson, Ray Oddono, and Bob PiKA's are still blessed .with the 4 tages of open statements from their midst. · • · Turnage as leaders. Since the presen~e o_f Br?the:' Bill Be~, CJ3ooks A student recreation center was born; mto tnelr blood...... chapter had a telephone put in at who IS. s~ takt;ng It easy while Mr. Mac 1s gomg mto the navy, and 10 Ithe house the place soun~ like a th~ str1ke 1s on m Durham. All We Recommend then we saw it get sick in its infancy. The truth our Joss is the navy's gain. Of course the perpetual four alarm fire. The enJoyed the ~tra deluxe b~nquet doctors say there is a good chance of recovery, . . . ' more studious among them are and dance given the KA_ s last By The Staff admtrals mtght not know about htm, but the threatening to have it taken. out weekend. Th~ chapter receiVed a . .,•..,._,_. _____ ,_.,.,...... , •.....,,... the transfusions given by the student body guys in his group will tell their families about again. .o The KA chapter offers letter from Arr Cadet Sam Beh- keeping it alive at present. . , ·late congratulations to Brothers ol'ends l~st week_. The brothers_ of- The Hawthorn Tree htm when they go home on leave. He s one Eric Bell, Reed Gaskin, Charlie fer therr heartiest By Paul Green There were other editorials, but I shall congratulabo~ fellow they will always hope they meet again Parker and Jim Darden on their to Brother Harrel~ Johnson on hiS The freshness and vigor which never forget the one I never got up nerve after the war 1s· over. It m1ght· be rath'er com- success• m· the past electi'ons · A engagement to Miss Anna Fluck, mark Paul Green's drama ti c wor k enough to write, advocating a two-story rest . . . . • . . former- brother, Lt. Hubert Poteat -See GRE.EKS, page 3- find a new kind of expression in )cal to p1cture .Mr. J\'lac m a bell-bottom su1t, I of the u. S. Navy Medical Corps, ·------THE HAWTHORN TREE. With room in the center of the campus. but that's all right because he will laugh too. was recen~ly in town on a visit. easy informality the author sets The achievement of which I am proudest is · ' . Lt. PotW!It IS the son of Dr. Hu- down his thoughts on education, He has seen enough of th1s world to know how bert Poteat, the chapter adviser. Q • • art, and life in the wartorn world the fund which has been started and grows to UeSflOnnazre to get along with folks and why. The boys found it rather hard to of 1943. Each chapter is complete send the paper to men in service. Our budget M D ld I h . d settle down after their big weekend in itself, but all are on a central did not warrant sending the paper free, but Mr. c o~a ov.es t e mustc epartment, with the PiKA's, but the thought I Do vou ever wish on stars theme. - and after thts war IS over he plans to come of approaching exams helped to And loads of hay·! The essence of this theme is that Wake Foresters rallied and contributed. Each back here and realize a few of those dreams he calmPtAhemSIGdown. • The maei.nt_nogf Do you thrive on candy bars our training and our ideals have quarter the fund gets dangerously low, but 1 has been cramming mto. a th1rd-floor• cubby KAPintra-mural sportsare eager and Ythink aw they1 T~ree tlmes. a day? . thatbecome the mechanizedsun· pie and and pere.nnial sterile, ·somehow it is built up again. In the time it has hole of an off1ce.· He has put everythmg· he are quite· capa bl e ' o f mee t'm~ the LongD1d you long ever ago? hunt and frsh values of life are in danger of be- been operating more than 1000 papers have had mto. h1s . work here. T h1s . IS . the way he de- challengecently. The put· chapter forth . bywill AKP1 hold re- a Do you.' prefer a· satin. swish . mg· f or go tt en. A remedy is sug - been sent to former students, and •more than T li ? gested in the old ballad of the scribes his career here: "For three years I formal initiation at the beginning 0° ca ck. tt f maid and the hawthorn tree: 100 letters of appreciation have come back. have, enthusiastically and carefully tried to of next quarter for th~ledgt1s A~~~usmo~t~ f~~? ace "At last she asked of the tree, No experience in a college community guide the department and make it of the great- W_ere you e':er m· d'1sgrace. ? How come this freshneS's unto could compare with that of the fellowship of . . h . b f butions that music can make in a D1d you whine.9 thee, est posstble benefit to t e max1mum num er o student's life ... 1 hope to see the Have you ever come in late? And every branch so fair and working with a group of people who are putting students, faculty and townspeople. Through day when a greater Wake Forest Can you ski? · clean, out a newspaper. They are held together as splendid· student cooperatiOn· m· concerts an d will f'm d m· I·ts ml'd s t a grea t er mu- DoThe you likes think: of me? you'll ever date Marvel that you grow so ~een. closely as if by a steel band. When the paper sic department." outside appearances, in the classroom and by Are you !ond of candlelight? The tree made answer by and by, You can't say just what it will A 'tty? saw dark days, the staff would come into the means of recorded programs and the use of the mean for a· guy like Mr. Mac to re you :vi · . . 11ve cause to grow triumphantly, office, joking at threats and buying an extra . . . Do you like a ramy rught? The sweetest dew that ever was best c~urch and organ mus1c th1s f1ve-year-old leave the student body of Wake Am r pretty? - seen round of cokes when things just wouldn't go. Protege of the Trustees has seemingly made a Forest-words haven't been in- Will your image always haunt me? Doth fall on me and keep me They have been patient, putting up with all vented that would tell the story. B th b green." -- respecta bl e p l ace f or Itse· If Ill· t h e h earts o f We hke· him;· we hate to see him· DoY youe thinky, you'll ever want me? sorts of eccentric ideas of their editor and get­ It is this dewfall on the human Wake Foresters. Letters from boys in the ser· go; we hope he comes back. very Will you try? spirit that really matters. ting excited as kids everytime another anony- . _ soon: and we are thankful that we 1 vice have made me reabze the valuable contn- have had him for these years. -Emily Crandall. In "The Theater and the Screen" --See BOOKS, rage 3- · .,

• - _;~~~~~Ji9~«~~------~~~~------~~G~o~ld~~m~a~~~------~--~~~~------_l~~T~m~~~- >,pi&IU:Announced · STUDENT RKCREATION CENTER OF THE FUTUR~ Read 'Em And Weep ' .~. F,-r '$ctap Drive.- . - ,._ - I · ·;The-local salvage committee has announced that separate emphasis SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS wil,l be placed on the business March 16-18, 1944 and residential sections of Wake Forest in the new scrap -~ive. . March 16-(8:00-10:00)-elasses meeting 8:30 daily or A weekly· collection of paper will be made in the business dis­ 8:30 MWF trict each· Friday, .while the last (11:00-1:00)-Ciasses meeting 3:00 Tl'S Thursday in each month has been selected for canvassing the resi­ ( 3!00.;f):00)-Classes meeting 9:30 daily or dential- sections. 9:30-MWF Town officials are cooperating with the committee in providing . March 17-(8:00-10:00)-Classes meeting 11:00 daily or means for collecting the paper, and the Boy Scouts are acting as press 11:00 MWF agents in spreading information (11:00-1:00)-Ciasses meeting 11:00 TTS about the drive throughout the to~. · · . . ( 3:00-5:00)-Classes meeting 2:00 daily; 2:00 . Coll,ege, students · are asked to MWF; 2:00 TTS . cooperate in the drive by con­ tributipg. their scrap paper to the March 18-(8:00-10:00)-Classes - meeting 12 :00 daily; hi:mies ·they live in. The salvage committee lists 7 12:00 MWF; 12:00 -TTS 'suggestions,as helps in the drive. ( 11:00-1 :00 )-Ciasse8 meeting a:00 daily or They are: (l)_Save paper and 3:00 MWF , _ _cardboard for salvage; (2) Tie newsp~pers securely in one pack- No deviation from this .posted schedule is allowed ex- age; (3) Tie magazines secu,rely in another; (4) Tie cardboard se- .- cept by special authorization of the Executive Committee. cur~ly in imother; (5) Place on cure early morning of last Thurs- Re-examination permits should be secured from the day in month: {6) Town truck kSt. 0 .: lhr L I B H. t d R"''"•>trar's Offi . t th . f h . . ~n;ll~~~:~dea:d (7) Coopera~ion ·a0.~ . ore pens ' . ·ee. oca oys aw k.IRS El ec e ,.. p;rl;d, ce pnor 0 e operung 0 t e exammation Lending Library Made Life Scouts · Classic Frat Head ~1 ~~~~~~~~~ . page 2- of sending letters to new students of Tarboro, -now a student at The College Bookstore has re- entering in the fall who plan to ' Queens ~onege· in Charlotte. e cently opened a lending library. Three local boys .were made Eta Sigma Phi, honorary Latin take a pre-med or religion course, The offic~rs of SPE spent the Mr. Snyder says this library will Life Scouts at the local Scout and Greek fraternity, ·met Wed- and to students who have had . ftld·g e w a y· s weekend with their chapter at be opened to the public and a troop's Court of Honor, which was nesday afternoon to elect new of- Latin in high school. Last fa:ll I Duke Uni:versity. Brother T. B, small fee for the rental' of the held last' Sunday afternoon in the ficers ·to take the place of those between 70 and 80 personal let­ OPTICIANS Henry was inducted into the army boo~s is to be charged. The fee Baptist Church. They are: Jimmie who are graduating. Leo Haw- ters were sent out, and this year Complete BJeclala Senlce at Fort Bragg on March 1. Every will be ten cents for the first Johnston, . Grady 1?(ltterson,/and kins was elected president, re-/ D_r. Pote~t has the largest begin­ .PJaoue %-Dlt m s. llallllnlr)' 1t. Tliursday afternoon the boys turn three days and thereafter for eacli Watson W1lkmson. . placing Carl Harris, and Clyde mng Latm class he has ever had, Jlalelgll. . N, C. out and lend a hand helping clean day the 'book is . kept out the Two others, Bobby Black and Chapman replaced Martha Ann and the Greek department has a their building·· and grounds in charge will be three cents pei Henry Cooper, were made Star Allen as treasurer. go_o~ pe:centage of the beginning preparation for the new quarter. -day. · . Scouts. . mm1stenal s9dents. A great interest in bridge has M S . d t t · . Merit badges were also award' -Earl Parker was elected v1ce- -;;;:;:::;;:;=:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;:;~ . tak b th b th r. ny er expec s o mcrease - president and Ray G e re . ~ . beedn 't en t~P f ;n e {o ~rs, this library very soon. The de- ed to the follo'Ying b_oys:. Eddie Ied as sec~etary r en mam. an 1 seems a . are earnmg mand has been so great that he Folk-Aeron~utics; J1~mJe John-, · the. art. of the game. ·• For the feels the public wants the best. ston-Athlebcs, Public. Health; An amendment was added to SANDWICHES remammg days of the. prese~t . Among the new books in the li- -Grady Patterso~-:-Athlehcs, Safe- the fraternity constitution that at FOR ECONOMY quarter the GREEK abodes will b _ . ty· Watson Wilkmson- Athlet- le t h th . SOFT DRINKS remain .comparatively silent The rary IS the very-much-m-demand - • p thf" d' . H C as once eac year e group 1s And Best In Foods last and highest hurdle, finkl ex- book, "I Was Hitler's Doctor." This ~~~khlndi~ m~ thf~nr~ o~;r 1_ to haye a S?cial f~ctio!l. The HAMBURGERS · ams, still must be ta:ken_. to b~ fol- b_ook has been on ~e ,best-seller arsbip; B!?narJ Surto~~ L~e- one t~us ~ear IS tentatively set for Shop at lowed by two days of complete list for a very long. time. . . g . . . B bb Bl "k the f1rst part of next quarter. .. Other new books are· "The savm ' 8 wrmmmg, o Y a_ CANDY freedom, then a plunge mto plans Robe, "The Apostle, "S~ L'ttle -Metal Work, Woodcarving; The president announced that 1 for the new quarter. T'Im_e, ', "ParlS . Un d ergroun, ' d, and Clayton· Shl Reid h'. - Music,dT Pathfind-· t T new members will be taken m· af- HARRISON CHEWING GUM "Burma Surgeon" · · mg, c 0 ll!S ~P · an rue t an- ter this quarter's grades have gone BOOKS · ' ner-Pathfmdmg. out and aver~ges have· been made Grocery Co. -Continued from page 2- Two boys were presented badg- up. SHORTY'S and "The Dying American The­ es for 50 hours of civic duty. They The group agreed to follow the ater" Mr. Green speaks with the are: Iruett Tanner and Tommie authority of long experience. B.S. U. Winders. · Though granting that the profes­ ~sa~m~e~g~e~ne~r~a~l~p~o~li~cy~a~s~la~s~t~y~e~ar~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sional theater ·on Broadway has weakened before the onslaugpt of The B.S.U. Council met Sunday CALL BEING MADE I i the moving picture, he still rejects night and began making plans for - FOR WAR RECORDS I( ··the , thought that drama is dead. the Religious Emphasis Week and 1 ·· • • . • / In the people's theater, the ama­ the Eastern Spring Retreat which , _ , teur groups all over the country, are to be held here in the near fu- · The collection of records ·of I' drama is rising to a new and bet­ ture. Wake Forest boys in the service is / 1 ter life. ·· still in progress. 'fhis collection 1 S. & F. It is the theater of the whole The,Devotioiml Director has an- is being made as a part of the na- 1 vast United States. Where once nounced that the mid-week devo- tion-wide dr_ive to collect any war I there were five thousand theater tions and vespers will continue souvenirs· or relics that come out I stages in tile country, all on an during the week of exams. The of this war, so as to be able to extension of Broadway, there are Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity was use them as guides to persons who I ·· .. now iifty thousand built and cre­ in charge of vespers last week. are studying the present war in CoffeeShoppe ated by theo people for their own The Sigma Pi boys are in charge future years. They will be filed needs, their feelings, purposes and this week. A group of ministerial with the Historical Commission in vision." Similarly the author be­ students will be in charge next Raleigh, there to be preserved for lieves that the commercialization week. The PiKA fraternity will future use. , of the screen will not defeat the lead during the week of March 27. • Mrs. C. C. Pearson, who is in .Attention Students artistic possibilities of that me­ ------·- charge of the Wake Forest collec­ dium. tion, wishes that all letters and SPECIAL MEAL BOOKS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE With no trace whatsoever of pictures of any possible interest provincialism, Mr. Green manages D lk ,. · be turned over to the drive. to retain the flavor of North Car- . r r.0 IYes olina in this book. In "Southern • Seafood Cocktail Commonwealth" he probes the - a basketball game at the high reason for the comparative Ht·.~IOry· school gY.IJl last week. This time o! art and literature in this Qf Ph•I'S the score was 33-20. Eanes led Western Steaks in "Drama and the Weather" the Phi's with 12 points and Hall ·writes a humorous and s~pathe~- . . led the Eu's with 11 points. The Fried Oysters !~ ~etter to a person~! ~~1end; m . Dr. Folk gave ~ ver~ mter~s~ victory for the Phi's was the • Dialogue at Evenmg be tells history of the Ph1 Society at their fourth in a row over the Eu's how the presentation of "The Lost regular meeting. He also "intro- Those who played were· Phi's:' Colony" developed as a communi- duced" the society to the portraits f Simms 1 f High 8 c C~ble 8 g With French Fried Potatoes ty enterprise. Not the least of his on the walls of the- hall. Among Walden 2 'g Bangh~m 2 g Ea~es contributio':ls. is an insistence that some of the great Phi'~ were: J. 12, Nye, Robbins, Riddle ~nd Fish- . art and relig1on are a natural and M. Crenshaw, the f1rst man to er Eu's· f Livengood 2 f Smith .Sam Perry, Best Cup Of Coffee necessary part of life, register at the Wa:ke Forest Insti- c ·Hall 'u g Hobbs 2 g Beck f Paul Green "is Professor of tute; Dr. D. R, Wallace, world Whitley 5 ~nd Wilson ' ' . Dr.amatic Art as the University of famous psychiatrist; Dr. M. T. ' · Prop. ·In Town "In Abraham's Bosom" (Pulitzer ary to China, and many other )' Prize~c~~~b~~~~~~m~~~~~======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ play for 1927)' "The House men who have gone down in his- Co-"' l'n and Look . • .. ~ of Connelly," "The Field of God," tory as being famous. au"' and many other plays dealing with Jack Southern, who is program southern life. -B. T. · chairman of the Euzelian Society, Over Our presented the following program: Talks on "Blood Plasma," by NEW SPRING YWA HEARS BINKLEY Dewey Hobbs; "Pain Killers Save · Lives," by Viola Hopkins, "Pencil- SPORTSWEAR The bi-weekly meeting of the lin," by Cecil Driver; and an im­ Job cp, Wyatt &Sons Co. College girls Y. W. A. was l:ield promptu ·talk on "Why Chickens last Tuesday at the home of Mrs.· Don't Have Teeth," by Bill Keck. Fine's Men's­ John Mills. The guest speaker It was announced at both so­ was Or. 0, T. Binkley, who spoke 1 cieties that officers for next quar­ on the subject "Girls in Christian ter would be elected next Monday $hop HARDWARE Communities." I night. · 1 The Phi's beat the Eu's again in FARM IMPLEMENTS READ THE LATEST PAINTS - SEEDS You may now read the best-selling books at very little cost. Some pf the books now on hand: Kruger- "I WAS HITLER'S DOCTOR" INSECTICIDES Asch - "THE APOSTLE" Douglas - "THE ROBE" Many Others Get them at the Circulating Library at 325.-3[27 South Wilmington Street

College <13ook Store Raleigh, N. C. OUR RATES: 3 DAYS-lOc; 3c A DAY THEREAFTER ., . • • • - • -Page Four Old Gold ~and Black Scene From "The Bat" l April Da!}Ce Postponed . I Last year. Mr. McDonald span- .the colle~e day scheQUie; , .. The date of the next Pan-Hel I sor~d th!! prst All-Campus sing, · ·Under. his dlr.ection- the music ,, Everybody Come dance has been changed -from ·the wh.ich blds to-b_ecome a tra!iition department now. has": a combined. ::· .. first or- April to the fifteenth of on ~e Wake Forest campus. The glee club, band, _little :symphony, ·• · April. This action took place _at musn: dep~tment gaye !1. tropo/ octet, clarinet,- quartet, and o~ei- ' , . To Square Dance the last meeting of the Pan-Hel- to the '~mnmg orgamzatlof!-· ~s varieties .of musicians· as· the- oc:-.. · · ·::' lenic Council Tuesday night. The ye~r . the depar_tment was ~v1ted casion demands theni.. In addition reason for the switch was that to J~m the National Federation of to his.job as ·director, he .has car-. Tomorrow Night April 1 would be too near the MUSIC . Clubs. c • • ried approximately 24 . hours of . op~ni':lg of the , ~pring quarter to T)lrough the "Campu,s L~e" work a -session, giving full:-tinle_ - . efiechvely plan ·a good dance, the column, Mr. ~cDonald s· antrcs musical "instrUctions · and having · , · "S\\"ing that pretty gid round Council stated, and since the fol-. student body thrs year .. From the piano pupils also: · . · _ · · the world;" "grape-vine twist," lowing weekend will be Easter ha':e become well-known to the .. Dr. Kitchin says' of him, ''He has "Grand right and left;" It's the April 15 was selected. .A.!? yet n~ a!trcles turned in, the: editor of-. done a. great de~ since- .he has -~' thing! Everybody's doin' it! so· further plans have been made. Ln declares that he 1s the only been f:tere~ and while. he 1s gone· · ·. · don't be left out. · 1 funny man on ·the campus. · . - · . , we will hold on,· lookmg forward · There's a square-dance on to­ Mr. McDonald willlorig be re- to the day when ·h~ wil~ be back·: morrow night, at the Community McDONALD membered as the "Clifton Fadi"' and take-. QVer·. the_ -muste: depart.:. House, 8 to 12. A real ole-timey man" of t_he Information- Please ment once .more."· · · square dance wit hall the trim­ (Continued from Page 1) · program sponsored ·by the ·phi ·r-======~;:;;;;=;:;;:;==; mings, a string band or whatever year. ~e was_ at Davidson :[or five "Society last year. Three times this you may want to call it, to saw years. Above is a scene from the i · Left to right, the characters year. 8 o~Clock Sunday · ·morning. out the tunes and call the figures, third act of ''The Bat", which are: Clarence Bowen, detective; Mr. McDonald has directed and has seen him raising his baton :to but lively! Plenty of drinks to was presented last night in the Emily Crandall, Lizzy; (stand­ given approximately 15 concerts direct a group for the North Car­ quench the thirst. high school auditorium by the ing) Lew Smith, Beresford; since coming to Wake Forest. olina Baptist hour· over WPTF. No Sunday Shoes Little Theater. The picture is (seated) Woody Wall, Unkhown Each semester he has given an pnder the new chapel scliedulEl Don't come in your Sunday taken only a few minutes before lVIan; Stacy Kinlaw, Billy; organ recital, and three or more maugurated by the Co)J.ege this shoes, 'cause they won't be Sun­ the identity of the Bat is discov­ Elizabeth Jones, Cornelia: Shel­ of the musical organizations have· year, Mr. McDonald organized: a day shoes any longer if you do. covered. Much to the surprise ton Lewis, Brooks; Betty Stans­ cerformed. . chapel choir to· sing on Wednes­ of everyone he is the detective. _ by Parker). - Elected to ODK days. Wear your barn-dance clothes bury, Dale.-(Photo ~· HABERDASHERS .. . \ and your care-free-est mood. It's The work which Mr. McDonald During his stay here, Mr. Mc­ going to be hilarious and it's go­ was doing at Wake Forest ··was Dol_lald has· taken various organi­ COMPLETE, .. . - ing to be fun you'll remember. . immediately recognized by Omi­ ~atlo~s of the musi!! department .ARMY . But it won't be nearly as much I cron Delta Kappa which elected m trrps, entered the glee club in . OUTFITl'EBS fun if you aren't all there! So ev­ Sasser To Serve Griffin, Binkley interview with... a --member of The the Fred Waring contes-t, present-~ erybody come! Student" staff soon after coming ed Christmas vespers, and made Raleigh, N. C., : Get a date if you like. Get a to Wake Forest, Mr. McDonald t!le evening record hour a part of couple if you can! Gals, you For Parties Only i . Speak In Chapel set up three objectives for the whose special men are way off Wake Forest music department: somewhere, ask a guy who's in _After .Frid~y evening, _March I 1) Donation by the Carnegie one of your classes or something. 11, the Coloma! Club wtll not 1 Dr. Max Griffin and Dr. Olin Foundation of one of· their music It's a leap-year, there's no ex­ serve regular meals, according to-~' T. Binkley were speakers in chap­ l&raries; 2) Formation of an hon­ cuse for shyness. Come stag, J. T. Sasse;, Jl"., manager. In el on Friday and Wednesday. orary music fraternity; 3) For­ STUDE-NTS though, that will be just fine, too. order to g1ve more attention to "Few of us realize that our mation of a· little symphony or­ Just so you all come. special parties and dinners, it very souls depend upon ihe way chestra. Today, three years after There will be an admission has been necessary to discontinue I we meet our problems· in a world coming to Wake Forest, he can ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN FOR 1-944 CLASS~ · charge of 50c a couple, 35c stag. se:·vin~ regular meal~. The Club gone bad," Dr. Griffin told the check two of them off as accom­ Every, everybody, EVERYBODY w1ll still be open to roomers and students. People are not blind to plished. Wake Forest receivea one RINGS THROUGH MARCH 22 COME! to any ~roup desiri~g banquetS' the strife and adversity in our of the finest Carneg1e record sets, an~ parties by appomt.ment. world. Jesus urges all to meet this and a Little Symphony orchestra ' Smce I have found 1t extrem- world without a shudder or co- has been organized more than two SUMMER ely difficult during this quar- wardly movement. We must years, varying from 12 to 15 College ·Book Sto~e -Continued from page 1- tel: to manage the club while car- believe· in a high idealism, to­ pieces. In aadition, he organized graduation from a high school if rymg a full schedule of school ward which we set our goal.· As the first girls' glee club at Wake an excellent record has been w~rk, I fe;,l necessar;y to make Jesus told his disciples, "By your Forest. made. th1s change, Sasser sard. patience shall you win your soul." Women will have dormitory ac- Any group may arrange for par- , ..... commodations on the campus in ties and banquets by asking for an .Binkley's Subject both the summer and winter terms engagement. Engagements have . . , SAVE ON SHOES WITH and the full accommodations of already been accepted for groups The SU~Je~t ~f Dr. Binkley~ TIMELY REPAIRS. the cafeteria and recreation cen- as far in advance as June. Sasser 1 tal:k was Wmkmg at Ignorance. ters. added, "I feel extremely concern- I Wmk may also mean to .ov:erl?ok, IT PAYS! HARDWICKE:S Special plans have been made ed about this change because ev-1 to refuse to see. Tod~y .1t IS t~e f(Jr tram. 1"ng coeds J·n must'c, re- erythina has worked fine ·""xcept for peop~e to ~top wm_kmg at- Ig­ b • ""' . norance m therr vocational work. ligious education, and as secretar- the matter of time. T~e students It is time to stop winking 'at ig- HARPER'S PHARMACY ies, for many churches within the have ac~epted the servlc.es of the norance in their vocational work C~nvention ar~ ~n need of women IClu~ 'Y 1 t~ ~;eat enthusrasm and But this idea should be supported wrth such trammg. The new re- ap~recmtJon. by . a true idea of God and the PURE DRUGS ligion .and music building will be h acsser ~xpressed the hope that ability to see religion as a wonder- Shoe Shop Bus Station -· Western Union - occupied by these departments t e olomal Club may reopen for f d b fful th" begining in June. regular meals after the Spring u 1 an eau 1 mg. 1 Block Back of Bank Drug Needs The bulletin asks that all stu- q}-larter. dents, men and women, who wish ------to have dormitory rooms reserv- ed, communicate directly with HERE ARE-ANSWERS Bursar E. B. Earnshaw. These are the answers to the Quiz which appeared in last week's Old Gold and Black: Basketball Teams 1. Frank Armstrong '27 of Nashville. 2. Wait (Samuel), of New Complete Season York. I 3. Harry Rabenhorst '21, of The Wake Forest College In- Baton Rouge. La. )I NOTICE formals ended their ~eason by de- 4. Jack Hutchins '38, of Spen- Friday- - - feating the Henderson All-Stars in cer. Ali-Baba and- the II a thrill-packed game Wednesday 5. Matthew T. Yates '46 of 1 AFTER FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 17, REGULAR MEALS night by the score of 59-58. It, Apex. . ' [ Forty Thieves I Technicolor was a fight all the way, with a 6. Victor Sorrell '26, of Cary. 1 Maria Montez, Jon Hall, dead heat finish, as Harris, with 7. Robert Humber '18 of 11 WILL NOT BE SERVED I only ten seconds in the game, and Greenville. I Turban Bey I Henderson leading by a 58-57 8. John A. Oates '95, of Fay- j ------I score, sank in two points on a I etteville. · , . Saturday-Double Feature- I SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR field goal to pull the vame out of 9. 1834. i i The Texas Kid I the fire. 10. Ivan L. Bennett '16, of - Raymond Hatton John Wimberly from Louisville, Regan. 1 Banquets-- Dinners - Parties Kentucky, was high scorer with 11. Gerald Johnson '50, of Bal- Clancy Street Boys 26 points. He is visiting a fellow timore, Md. The , Leo I classmate from the Citadel, who 12. Groves (Henry) '13 of Gorcey, , WILL BE CONTINUED lives in Henderson. Harris led the Gastonia. ' 1 Wake Forest scoring with 21 13. C. N. Peeler (M. D.) '01, of I points, with Robertson, Doyle, and Charlotte. I J. T._SASSER, JR., Manager Sunday- I ,. Grant garnering 14, 12 and 10, re- 14. Isaac M. Meekins '96, of ... spectively. Sanders and Austin Elizabeth City. Crazy House 1 , made 12 each for Henderson. · 15. T. W. Bickett '90, of Olsen and Johnson, Count Box score: Monroe. Basia and his Orchestra Informals (59) Henderson (-58) 16. 40. COLONIAL- CLUB Harris (21) f Wimberly (26) 17. Thomas H. Briggs '96, of 29 Robertson (14) f Powers (4) Claremont Avenue, N. Y. c. Monday and Tuesday­ Doyle (12) c Austin (12) 18. J. C. "Sky" Powell '16, of Cry Havoc Grant (10) g Powers (4) Warsaw. Margaret Sullivan, Ann Bruno (2) g Sanders (12) 19. Tom Byrne '43, of Balti- Sothern, Marsha Hunt This game was the Informals' more, Md. tenth straight victory and gave 20. Casper C. Warren '20, of Wednesday- them a season total of ten wins Dunn. '· and no losses, with an average of 21. Coy C. Carpenter '22 of Beautiful But Broke ·'· over 70 points a game, which is a Winston-Salem. ' John Davis very good record in any man's 22. Caleb Vance Haynes '17 of league. Mount .Airy. · ' Thursday- Gung Ho Hav~ a "Coke" = Rallo, Bracie Year's Schedule , 23. C. J. Jackson '09, of Win- (HELLO, BROTHER) The Informals' first victim was, lerville. . Randolph Scott, Grace Wake Forest High School, which 24. D~an of MedJ~al School. I McDonald fell by the score of 72-23; then . 25. Jim Waller 39, of Nash- Rolesville was defeated 73-33; VIlle, _'!enn. ~::~~:::::::~~~::::~ next Louisburg was beaten by· ~;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;::::;;:::::;;;;:,;;;;:;;::::;::;;;:;;~ ~ 73-23, the White Flashes of Ra-1 leigh fell 64-45 and Camp Butner I took it on the chin by a score of i TO THOSE LEAV­ 50-42 in an overtime tilt. The 1 Bailey ~-Stars were next by I ING COLLEGE Wilkinson 82-23, wrth Rolesville suffering its second defeat, by 91-25, the following week, and Bailey re- I Be sure to return all Cleaners ceiving its second trouncing at Phone 375-1 the hands of the Informals by a library material new high . score of 104-30. In Opposite RR Underpass. two games· played with the Hen­ which you have derson All-Stars, Wake Forest Please Bring Coat took the first 40-25, and the sec­ borrowed Hangers ond 59-58. Wake Forest, N. C. Coc'fl Game The Wake Forest coeds defeated the Rolesville All-Stars Thursday night 33 to 25. Shoe and Hocutt were the stars for the game ac­ cumulating 15 points each. Hill ••• a way to say uPardner" to a visiting Pole was the star for Rolesville with When a Polish fiyer says Hallo, Bracie, be greets you as a brother. 16 points. ]amesE. Thiem Box Score: The American means the same thing when he says Have 11 "Co.ie", Wake Forest (33} Rolesville ( 25) whether be offers it away from home or from his icebox at home. Shoe (15) f Hill ( 16) Sheet Music-Bibles-Recordings-Stationery Around the world, Coca-Cola stands for the PtZMSe that refreshes.­ Willis f Frazier (3) Boone (3) f Barham (6) the global high-sign of the kind-hearted. Weathers g Callis "Coke": Coca-Cola Dial 22913 RALEIGH, N. C. 108 Fayetteville St. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA·COLA COMPANY 8'( lt'snatU:alforpopulatnames Strickland g Barium to acquire friendly abbrevia­ Inman-· . .-. g Pulley tions. That•s whv IOU heat Subs: Hocutt . (15), Winston, Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc. Coca-Cola called ''Col=". and Hopkins. ~ - - . - - -
