" ,. ' ' ~ ' .• -~....:.r . . ,; -~.. J •

January 11951 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! QUANTITY ON HAND PRICE EACH ~ - -~· -··=~------,------OSTRICH TROUBLES. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. ss.,s 16 Cr:st:e-Kiko the Ka .. garoo Cartoon. Original ptice, $17.50. WOLVES OF THE RANGE with Bob Living5ton s29 95 8 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature pici·ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e

-~ ,..a:.;.;::::ii.:._.c ______,______,_,_ _ _,__ BORDER BUCKAROOS with Dave O'Brie11 and Jim Newill s29 95 7 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picf·ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION, 1947. Rrcind new, 1-reel, 16mm. silent. SJ 98 32 Castle's film of the fun anc frivolity of 1h11 1947 convention in . Origi•al price, $8.75. • ------~---~----~-·----·------~--- tOG ISLAND with Lionel Atwill, Jerome Cowan, George Zucco s39 95 5 Good used 7-reel, 16mm. sound faaf·ure pic~ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e SONGS OF LOVE. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound fiim in original cartons. S6 95 Castle Music Album with Gene G,-ounds, Syl-,ia Froos, Dove Schooler and his Swinghearts. • 47 Original price, $17.50. THE DRIFTER with Buster Crabbe and Al S·t. John s29 95 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound featura {'i :ture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e FISH IS FOOD. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. s:u.,nd film in original cartons. S6 95 There's nothing fishy about the bargain quolit ) of this lilm on the Fulton Fish Market in New York. • 18 Original price, $17.50, THE WHISPERING SKULL with Dave O'Brien and Jim Newill s29 95 4 Good used 6-reef, 16mm. sound feature phture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e ON THE SCENT. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. :;ound film in original cartons. S5.95 32 Castle-Kiko the Kangaroo Cartoon. Originaf price, $17.50.

A Dl'IISIOl'J OF BLAIHHRWH Fllffl5 ID[. EASTIN PICTURES DRUEDPORT, IOWA All films listccl iu Blad.hawk's Bargain 13ulletiu arc good used 11orn1al image 16mm. souud priuts uuless othe1wise inclicatccl. Cartoons average aboul 250 feet to a reel; other one reelers nm 300 to 350 foet. Two reelers usuallv contain about 650 feet and longer subjects normally average not less than 300 feet to a reel. The 100' lumm. musical films id<'ntified as ''H-1'' are used pnuts of productio11s made originally for proj(·ctiou in Panoram coin-operated machines by such com­ panies as H. C. :-.1. (J:loosevelt, Coslow, '\!ills1, Globe Cameo; :-.Iinoco; Filmcral t and Phono-v1ew. The pictorial image is reversed 011 the screen when <.:omparcd to 11ormal 16mm. print~. Howe, er, with most of these subjects the only poi11t where this is noticeable is in the main title ,vhich, when projected as a normal lomm. print, appears reversed 011 the screen. Blackhawk can coutinually offer you these exceptional buys only by clirninati11g all possibility of credit losses, and by operating our organization at the utmost efficiency. Therefore, irrespective of your credit rating, our terms are CASH WIT'H ORDER, or 10% DEPOSIT WITH ORDER, BALA ~CE C. 0. D. You have nothing to lose - our guarantee protects you. This guarantee provides that if for any reason you do uot wish to retain any films or merchandise you order from Blackhawk, you may ship them back to us, transportation paid, within five days after you receive them, together with a copy of your i11Yoicc, and we'll gi\'e you full credit. Of course, returned merchandise must be in substantially the same condition when returned as when you reccivecl it. Blackhawk prices do not include postage except in a few instances where films are shown as "postpaid" at the prices listed. On C. 0. D. shipments, postage will be collected along with the cost of the films. However, if you wish to remit iu full with your order, you may include the following amounts to cover packing, postage and iusuran<.:e, irrespective of your location in the :

Shipment of one 100' print 10c Shipment of two 100' prints 20c Shipment of one or two 400' reels 30c Shipment of three or four 400' reels 40c Shipment of five or six 400' reels 50q Shipment of seven or eight 400' reels 60c Shipment of nine or ten 400' reels 70c Shipment of eleven or twelve 400' reels 80c Each additional 400' reel . 5e Three 100' priuts count as one 400' reel in figuring postage and insurance. Each feature picture cotmts as eight 400' reels in figuring postage aud imurance. For empty reels, cans, cases, etc., allow 20% of purch1sc price for postage and insurance. On many classes of films listed here, additional savings cm1 be made by ordcriug six, twelve or more prints at a time. These cliscounts however, apply only to quantities purchased withi11 that class, and not to assortments of several classes of films. Discounts do not apply to any new or used films unless specifically offered in the listing. . FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original carts. S6 95 '· '< W. G. Chandler and Wilbur Forrest, two e:ditors, discus s th,. various points of tho Atlantic Chatter • ~ ;,r:j~ 12 against the pictorial background of appropriat o newsreel s hots, Original price, $17 .50. , THE KID SISTER with Roger Pryor and Judy Clark 5 7 , Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature p icture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 39.95 -~~ i. 23 WIDDICOMBE FAIR. Brand new, ½-reel, 16mm. sound film. The traditional English folk-solt9 prese nted through the me dia of a nimated drawings. 53 95 ? ·' Original price, $ 15,00. . ~~ -:~ LONE RIDER AND THE BANDIT with Georg e Houston and Al St. John 5 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels• 34.95.

. M ARKED FOR M URDER with Dave O'Br ien and Jim Newill 5 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature p icture, assembled on 2-1600' reels.

GANGSTERS OF THE FRONTIER with Dav,:., O'Brien and Jim Newill 6 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature p icture, assembled on 2-1600' reels.

HAIL THE KING. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. scund film in original cartons. 8 Cast(e-Kiko t he JCangproo Cartoon. O r iginal !'rice, $17.50. 8

ROMANTIC BALLADS. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound fi lm, original cartons. castle Music Album with The Four Polks, Tamara, Dol Casino and his Orchestra. Original price, $17.50.

SPOOK TOWN with Dave O'Brien and J rm Newill '4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-r 600' reels•

. new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. Castle-Ki ko tl1e Kangaroo Ca_rtoon. Original price, $17.50. QUANTITY ON HAND PRICE EACH STRANGLER OF THE SWAMP with Rosemary LaPlanche s49 95 3 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e JUVENILE JUBILEE. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. S6 95 31 Castle Music Album with Kay Lorraine, the Collegians and Johnny Downs. Original price, S17.S0. • FRONTIER FUGITIVES with Dave O'Srien and Jim Newill 5 7 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 29.95 SHADOW OF TERROR with Richard Fraser, Grace Gillern 5 8 Good used 7-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 39.95 FL YING SOUTH. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. 5 26 Castle-Farmer Al Fa/fa Cartoon. Original price, $17.50. 5.95 RUSTLER'S HIDEOUT with Buster Crabbe and Al St. John 5 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 29.95 ------~------=-~-- THE PHANTOM 42ND STREET with Dave O'Brien, Kay Aldridge 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 539. 95 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER. Brand new, ½-reel, 16mm. sound film. The traditional English fo/1,..song presented through the media of animated drawings. 5 22 Original price, $15.00. 3.95 OATH OF VENGEANCE with Buster Crabbe and Al St. John s29 95 6 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e ROGUE'S GALLERY with Frank Jenks, Robin Raymond, H. B. Warner s39 95 lo Good used 7-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. • A CLOSE SHAVE. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. 5 8 Castle-Farmer Al Fa/fa Cartoon. Original price, $17.50. 5.95 with Dave O'Brien and Jim Newill S29 95 5 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound fgature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. •

COLLEGE AND CARNIVAL RHYTHM. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film. Castle Music Album with Diana rlel Rio, the Collegians and the Carnival Chorus. 5 8 Original price, $17.50. 6.95 THE RENEGADE with Buster Crabbe and Al St. John s29 95 8 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound faature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. • CUSTER'S LAST STAND with ,J. Mulhall, Dorothy Gulliver $)LG 95 I 15 chapter serial, each ch apter 2-reels in length. Good used condition. UJ 7/ 0 ROLLING STONES. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. in original cartons. s2 98 102 Castle-Far mer A.I Falla Cartoon. Original Price, $8.75. • SWING HOSTESS with Martha Tilton and Charles Collins s39 95 5 Good used 8-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. O EISENHOWER COMES HOME. New, 1-reel, 16mm. silent film, original cartons. s3 98 Castle Historical Film Showing Eisenhower's Triumphal Return to the United States at the do,e of World War II. • 103 Original Price, $8.75. 4 HAND PRICE EACH GIUANTITY ON HAND

SWING MELODIES. 1-reel 16mm. sound. Brond new WEST POINT. 1-rccl, 16mm. sound. Brand new print print of Castle Music Album with Will Bradloy of Ca•tlc film in original carton. Original price, ar.d his Orche.stra, Ray McKinley. Original price, 1B $17.50. $ 11.SO. DON'T CRY with Vincent Lopez and his Orchestra. MEXICALI ROSE with . 1 00' 16mm. TOO' 16mm. sound. Brand new prints Official sound. Brand new print of Autry musical in Soundies in original carton.s. Re-gular price, origit1al carton. Regular price, $6,00. $6.50.

SKYLAAK with Sonny Dunham and his Orchestra. AUTRY AT THE MIKE with Gene Au1ry. 100' 16mm. 100' 16mm, sound. Brand new prints Official souhd. Brattd new pr.int of AutTy musical in Soundies in original cartons. Regular prico, original carton. Regular price, $6.00. $6.50. VICTOR DUAL CHANGEOVER SWITCH. Gives profes• sioncrl chan9eover results when operating w ith TUNISIA-STALINGRAD. 1-reel 16mm. sound. Brand two projectors. Sepa.ratc s·witches for starting new print of C·astle War Film, in original carton. motor of second machine, turning on light of Original price, $17 .SO. secortd machii,o and turning off light of fiut, and stopping motor of fir.st machine. These switches are very slightly used. May be used MERRY CHRISTMAS. 2 -reel 16mm. sound. Brand new prints of t h is lovely fi lm with The Vienna Choir s19. 95 ~ .-•r___ ;_:_~_~e_c_~_o_~_ : _~•R•c~•g•m•ub_,~_:_a_~.i~•i•:•e• , •0$.f2•2·t·.5.0•• _1_6_m_m_ ._s•o•u•n•d----=...;..;..;;. Boys. On 800' reel, in can. Regular price, 535.00. > 11 BOOGIE WOOGIE BUGLE BOY with Mitchell Ayres t, anff his Orchestra. 100' 16mm. sound. Brand GEORGIA ON MY MIND with Carolyn Marsh. 100' 16mm. sound. Brand new prints Officlal Soundics .-,... •·----n·e·w-·p·r-in·t· Regular price,s-O•f•f•ic•i•a•l•S•o•u-n•d•ie·s-i·n-o•r•ig-in•a•l-c•a•rt•o•n•s•. $6.50. ______in original ca.rtons. Regular price, $6.60. S2.98 NORWAY. 1-,·eel, 16mm. sound. Brend new prints of Pictorial film in original cartons. Original Price, BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN with Ge ne Autry. 100' 3 $J7.50. 16mm. sound. Brand new print of Autry musical in original c,arton. Regular price, $6.00. LIVE FOR 'l'OMORROW. 1-reeJ, 16mm. sound. Brand new prints ()f Pjctorial film ii" original cartons. E..!die RlckGnbacker discusses the opportunities fol­ REVENGE ON THE RANGE. 1-reel 16mm. sound. lowing World War IJ. Original price, $17.50. Brand new print of Castle "Old Time Movie" In original carton. Original price, $11.S0,

KOMEIOWN OLYMPICS. 1-rcel 16mm. sound. Brand now print of Castle Terrytoon in original car­ ton. Original price, $11.50.

THE SAME OLD STORY with Del Casino and his Orch estra. 100' 16mm. sound. Brand n ew pri.nts Officia l Soundies in original cartons. Regular price, $6.50.

HOME ON THE RANGE with Gene Autry. 100' 16mm. sound. Bro.nd new print of Autry musical in original carton. Regular price, $6.00.

CHRISTMAS TOY SHOP. 1-reel 16mm. silent. Brand OLD DOG TRAY. 1-reel, )6mm. silent. Brand new prints new prints of this Castle film in original cartons. of Castle Farmer Al Falfa Cartoon in original car· Original price, S8 ,75, tons. Original price, $8.75,

WHEN THE SAINTS COME MARCHING IN w ith Wingy Manone and his Orch.,stra. 100' 16mm, sound. Brand new prints Official Soundies In original cartons. R_egular price, $6.50,

BATTLE FOR TUNISIA. 1-reel 16mm. sound. Brand ne:w print of Castle release in original carton. Original price, i 17 .SO.

COWBOYS AND INDIANS. 1-reel 16mm. sound, Brand new prjnt of C,astle "Old Time Movies0 release in original carton. Original prico, $17.50.

OVER,NIGHT with Vincent Lopez and his Orchestra. 100' 16mm. sound. Brand new prints Official Soundics in original cartons. Regular prico, $6.50.

CODE OF THE WlST. 1-recl 16m. sound. Brand new print of Castlo with Rod Cameron. Film in original carton. Original price, $17.50.

l'M TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOU with Will Bradley and his Orchestra. 100' 16mm, sound. Brand new prints Official Soundics in original cartons. Regular price, ~6.50.

EISENHOWER COMES HOME. 1-reef 16mm. sound. Brand new print of Costle War Film in origh,al carton Original price, $17 .50. 5 BLACKHAWK'S ECONOMYI PACKAGES

eadt ~ 12 100' l6HUH, 1::-1 Stuutd ~ ?i6Ha REGULARLY, $9. 9S---SPECIAL FOR JANUARY $6,5'9 PER PACKAGE

These pad,agcs ot tweln· I 00' R-1 ° Sound :\Iusical Films offer today·, bige;est bargain in lGnun. wund film,. ,YhilC' the numbers Package Ii contained in these "Economy Packages" arc predominantly of a patriotic nature (popular durin!!, the "'ar) they do feature some of lnduded are: today's top talent and artists. 12502-SADDI.h BOY (Lee Sullivan) 14406-.\IY SISTER A:\'D I and his Orchestra with Considering that the average cost p!'r 100' tmil is :Ls little as S3c, Bob Eberle. and that for S9.95 you can get a selection of melodious and enter­ 16101-HE'S :'\1Y GUY (The Clawson Triplets) taining 1110\i.:s that will nm hC'tW!'C'll 35 and 40 minutes, you're 19904-SAJLOU'S HORl'iPIPE (Low, Hite and Stanley) really gettine; a lot for a little. 20205-l'M A SAILOR (Mervyn Nelson) 20401-SATUHOAY NIGHT IS THE LONELIEST NIGHT OF And, Blacklrnwk's guarantee applies to thcsC' ''Economy Packages" TIIE Y\IEEK (Betty Jane Bonney) just as it docs to all othl·r items Blackhawk offers. If you don't like 't·m-for mw reason-return them in substantialh- the same condition and six other selections! as when yo;1 received them, within five clays after you receive them, accompanied by a copy of yom invoicC', and we'll give you full credit. Package E fnduded are: 4404-CAROLINA \fOON (The Radio Rogues) Package I 4804-DEAR ARABELLA (Hay Noble and his Orchestra) 4906-IF .\IOTHER COULD SEE :\IE l\OW (Jimmy Dodd and Included are: Cai .\foran) 3:308-TII\:\'K YOl H LUCKY STARS A:\"D STRIPES (The 5804-THE SHRI:\'E OF ST. CECELIA (Robert Mitchell Boys' Pa triotairs) Choir 5:?02-111 :\'EIGHBOR (Anita Boyer) 6709-WHE!'i" ARE WE GOJl\C TO J >\l\D ABROAD (Van 5408-Bl"GLE CALL RAG (The Dixieland Jazz .Band) Alexander and his Orchestra) 10205-WIID, GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER (Irene 7001--WHEI\ THE ROSES BLOO.\l A.GAi:\ ( Clark and Thomas and The Ambassadors) Georgia Carroll) 14804-.\10\"F IT OYER C\ladcline Lee and Betty Bartley) and six other seleaionsl 18905-P \HIS IS GAY .\GAI'.'/ (Joan Alexander) and six other selections! PaEkage H lndudcd are: Package E 8503-TIIB SAILOR WITH THE '\A\Y BLUE EYES (Kitty Kallen) Included are: 10108-TAKE IT OFF (The Pretty Priorities) 3008-STRIKE l'P THE B.\',D (The Patriotairs) 12301-LIBERTY ON PARADE (The Glamourettes) 6204-LET'S DO IT (Ton}· Pastor and his Orchestra) 15204-GOODBYE SUE (Lee Sullivan) 7205-SWINGlli' SOLDIER .\fAN (Gus Van) 16801-THE COAST GUARD SOl.'.G 7408-JOHNNY DOUGTIBOY HAS FOUl'iD A ROSE IN 20005-TIL\T'S \~ IB.1S11 LULLABY (Jerry Cooper) IRELAND (PetC'r Carey and Lucille Bremer) and six other selections/ S;301-THE YA '1/KEF. DOODLER (William Frawley) 24403-DIJ\'TY \lcCl'\TY (The Bailey Axton Trio and Johnny Woods) and six other selections! Package D lnduded are: 2403-WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS JS MORE LOVE (The Package A Singing Powers 'Models) 4108-YAl'\J...'EE DOODLE POLKA Included are: 5303-"'E'RE THE COUPLE L'\" THE CASTLE (Dick Hogan) 2106-THE TALE OF TWO CITIES (Wini Shaw) 6102-AS MABEL GOES, SO GOES THE NAVY (Mary Jane 7304-SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART (Gertrude l\"icsen) Walsh) 9905-O'.'i' THE SU::'\'.'i'YSIDE (Gaye Dixon) 7705-1 LOVE A PARADE (Wynn Murray) 10306-0::'\ GUARD (Willie Howard) 9405 -MAIL MAI'\ HLU!!:S (Nita Korman) 11701-GIDDAP l\lULE (Edwin Smith) and six other selections! 18302-TOO .\fA~Y SAILOHS (The Burch :\fann Dancers) and six other selections! Package B lnduded are: Packag1 F 9301-BETTER :-;QT ROLL THOSE EYES (Jean Porter and Harry Barris) Included are: 9904-ROLLEO ROLLING ALONG (Phil Hanna and Greta 4701-YOU'RE DANGEROl'S (Eleanor French) Grandstcdt) 17402-Al'iD SO LITTLE TIME (Jerry Wayne) 11201-DA!'i"Cil'iG DREAMS (Hie Thompson and The Lynn 17502-TIIE S64 QUESTION (Ann Parker) Brothers) 19606-THE PIED PIPER (Ray Noble and his Orchestra) 11707-Tlill EYES OF (The Rangers) 20707-PLAY TIME POLKA (The Burt Mann Trio) 12002-THE OLD ~ULL STREAM (The Marshalls) 26005-SKIN'IT \,fl"l"llE (Iris Conway and Ken Schon) 12204-IillRE CO'\IES THE "lA VY (The Song Spinners) and six other selensl and six other sele

Our price, $2.98 each. 16mm. 11streamliner11 (about 100 feet), regular y $2.75 each. Our price, 3 for $2.98. 8mm. 11complete" (about 150 feet), regularly $5.00 each. Our price, $1.89 each. 8mm. 11streamline~' (about 50 feet); regularly f 1 .75 each. Our price, 3 for $1.89. POSTAGE IS ADDITIONAL 10 PURCHASE PRICE


Stocks are currently good for the available editions of the inclicated titles. However, note that all titles are not avai]able for all four editions. The following columnar list will indicate for you just what sizes we can supply of each. Additional copies will not be available when these are sold...... 41 41 CD ., ., CD .~ • C ~ C • C 2 E.2 E:: e.! e= e] I;:: e.! e:E E a. EE E a. EE E a. E E EC EE ,o E ,0 0 CIO E CIO ,o E 0 g '° a CIO E CIO g - 0 - 41 - 0 - 41 0 ~.. .. u u ~ u !: u .. "' "' "' ;; Cartoons Sports BARNYARD BABIES X BIT AND BRIDLE X X X THE CALICO DRAGON X X X CHINOOl(S CHILDREN X X X CHINESE NIGHTINGALE X X BIG LEAGl lfltS X THE DISCONTENTED CANARY X BIRD DOGS X X HONEYLAND X X X BLUE GRASS X X l:fOT SANDS (Terrytoon) X BROTHER GOLFERS X X X THE LITTLE BANTAM WEIGHT · X DEEP END X X LITTLE CHEEZER X DEVIL DRIVERS THE MAYFLOWER (Terrytoon) X FISHERM.AN'S PARADISE OLD DOG TRAY (Farmer Al Falfa) X FLYING FEATHERS X X X THE OLD PIONEER X X HERE COMES MALICIOUS X X X ON THE SCENT (Kiko, the Kangaroo) X IN THE SWIM X X X OSTRICH TROUBLES (Kiko, tho Kangaroo) X ON THE WING X X THE PUP'S CHRISTMAS X PINEHURST X X X THE PUP'S PICNIC X X RIDING THE CREST X X X HOT RHYTHM (Kiko, the Kangaroo) X SMOOTH ~PPROACH X X X ROLLING STONES (Farmer Al Falfa) X SNOW FALLS X X X TWO LITTLE PUPS X X X SNOW FUN WAYWARD PUPS X SPORT THRILI.ERS X Puppetoons SPORTING W INGS X X X X SWINGING N.ALLETS X X X X CAPTAIN KIDDING X X X X TOUCHDOWN X X X X LOVE ON THE RANGE X X X X UNDERWATER X X X X SKY PIRATES X X X X WHITE MAGIC X X X SLEEPING BEAUTY X X X WINDWARD WAY X. X X X SOUTH SEA SWEETHEARTS X X X X Buster Crabbe - Al St. John Westerns Nature St,udy BATTLE OF TtfE CENTURIES (INSECTS) X PRAIRIE BADMEN X X KILLERS OF TIIE INSECT WORLD X X Sob Steele - Syd Saylor Westerns KINGS OF TH f ARCTIC X X X X Children's films X X X IVANHOE X THE THREE t,,lusKETEERS X TREASURE ISLAND X WINKY THE W ATCHMAN X X X. X


0 R-l Sound \lu:.ical .Film, are productions made ori~inally for pro­ sufficient prints of some of the regularly assigned subjects. How­ jection in Panoram coin-operated machines by such companies as ever, we assure you that any such substitutions "ill he of isreatcr R. C. :\f. (Rooscn•lt, Coslow. \fills); Globe. Cameo. :\iinoco, Film­ Yalue to those replaced. And, an~ such substitutions will he of craft and Phono-, icw. The pictorial image is reversed on the film similar type. when compared to normal 16mm. prints. However. in most of these subiet·ts tht• onh· point wh~re this is notiet>able is in the main title In these DcLuxe Packages of H-J ~ound :\!usical Films. we will which, when proil·<:tcd as a normal 16mm. print. apprars re,·crscd on the screen. For many mes. the titles may be rrmovcd. permit replacement of not more than two units. with other units of our selection, in a package of twehc or thirkcn uuits \Or one unit Blackhawk. I,,· oflcring rPlatcd types of films in these "DcLm:c in a package of three or six units) at an additional chnr~c of Sl.00 Packages"' of thrrc. si,. lwelvr or thirteen units saves on sorting and for each replaced unit. Thus. in a Sl3.95 package of twehe unib haudlint.: by assembling dozens of packages at a time. This saving is incorporating two replacements "~II cost vou Sl5.9,'5 A S9.!'" pnc-k­ pa,sed along lo you for. w hrn any of these units arr sold singly, age of six units incorporating one replacenwnt will ro,t ,·ou S 1O.!J,5. they arc muallv priced at $1.95 or 82.4D rach. This replacement privilege thus allows you the advantage of pack­ Then• may be, without noticr. h·mporary substitutions of one or age prices without the hazard of cluplicating one or two films you more titles in any pack,1'.!l' beC'illht' of momentary unavailability of already own. Replacements must he made at time of original order.

Blackhawk's Package contains the following; three 100' 16mm. R-I0 Sound :\1usical Films, and is priced at $5.98 6006 - CLINK! CLl:t\'K! ANOTHER DRINK (Spike Jones and his City Slickers) 6604 - PASS THE BlSCFITS, MlltANDY (Spike Jones and his City Slickers) 8208 - THE BLACKS~HTH SOl\G (Spike Jones and his City Slickers)

And, at thl!'" tim,.. fl,<" obov~ SPIKE JONES padcaf• is purd1ased, and only in conjunction with its purchase, a print of the following 100' R-1• SPIKE JONES film moy be had in addition for only $1.98 extra. This film is not for sale lndiYidually. 8501 -THE SlllEK (Spike Jones and his City Slickers)

Blackhawlcs p~ Z,O't4eft Package contains the following three 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound Musical Fihns, and is priced at $4.98 13001 - BAR BABBLE (Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra) 13606-LA ROSITA (Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra) 13701-AU REET (Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra)

Blackhawk's Jungle Jiue Package contains the following three 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound Musical Fihns, and is priced at $4.98 7906 CONGO (Dorothy Dandridge) 9406 JIVE C0~1ES TO THE JUNGLE (Edna Mae Jones) 13608 JUNGLE JA..\1BOREE (Cooke and Brown)

8 I Blackhawk's BARBERSHOP QU4RT£TT£ Pacl

Blackhawk's ~ 1(/~ Package contains the following three 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound Musical Films, and is priced at ·' $4.98 3107 - THE WIFE OF THE MAN ON TIIE FLYING TRAPEZE (Cindy Walker) 6308 - I DON'T TRUST THE MEN (Cindy Walker) 10303-HILLBILLY BALLERINA (Cindy Walker)

Blackhawk' s Puppet Package contains the following three 100' 16mm. R-r Sow1d $4.98 Musical Films, and is priced at 9206 - TIIBEE-IN-ONE REVUE (Frank Parris and his Marionettes) 9908 - DANCING DOLLS (Johnny Boyle and his Puppets) 10003 - FAVORITES (Frank Pan-is and his Marionettes)

I Blackhawk's HEADLINERS Packqge contains the following three 100' 16mm. R-1" Sound I cl!4 98 Musical Films, anc, is priced at • •J' • 9003 - I'M TUE SOUND EFFECTS MAN (Rufe Davis) 9402 - THE TEIThHTE LOVE SONG (The Duncan Sisters) 10001 - PROF. PEABODY'S BANJO SCHOOL (Eddie Peabody)

Blackhawk's DAY NINETIES Package contains the following six 100' 16mm. R-1" Sound Musical Films, and is priced nt 1012 - MY LITI'LE GIRL (The Eton Boys) · 3907 - SHE'S MORE TO BJt J>ITIED THAN CENSURED (Romaine Stevem) 4801 - IT'S A SIN TO TELL A LIB (Bert Frohman) 9201 - DANGEROUS NAN McGREW (Margaret Hardy) 11506 - WAIT 'TIL THE SU SIDNES NEllIE (The Four Dudes) 18304- MY BROTHER JACK (Toni Oilman, George SheJton) .. Black hawk's I RISH ?ackage

contains the following six 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound ~fusical Films, and is priced at $9.95 Hl02 - IT'S TIIE S.HfE OLD SHILLELAGH (\1orton Downey) 2102 - \101.LY ;\L\LO'.\E (:\lichael Lorin~) 2607 - THAT'S HO,Y I SPELL IRELAND (l\forton Downey) 7:308 - PHIL THE FLUTER'S BALL (John Feeney) 1:1105 - SWIJ\'GI:\'' O' THE GREEN (John Feeney) 14905 - CO\IE TO THE F:\IR (John Feeney)

Blackhawfcls MOUNTAIN MUSIC Package contains the following six 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound $ 9.95 :\lusical Films, and is priced at 4206-THAT'S MY WEAKNESS NOW (The Korn Kobblers) l 0202 - POP GOES THE WEASEL (The Fashionaires) 12405 - CLEMENTINE (The Marshalls) 15502 - FLY ON TIIE WALL (Freddie Fisher and his Schnickelfritz Band) 16006- I WISH I HAD DIED IN MY CRADLE (Emerson's \Iountaineers) 25,503 - HAWKEYE HOEDOWN (Jack Whitney and the Hackett Dancers)

Blackhawk's fflEHl[UBA Package contains the followint?; six 100' 16mm. R-I" Sound Musical Films, and is priced at $7.95 1606 - \fA\IA, I ,YA:.\'T .\ SWEETHEART (Eva Ortega) 210:3 -THE FLEA (Eva Ortega with The Di Limas) 2602 -TI-Pl-Tl:\ (E\a Ortega with The Visionettes) 5505 - BELLS OF SAX RAQUEL (Tnt \face. Claudia Drake, Jan Garber and his Orchestra) 9802 - \UNNIE FRO\I TRINIDAD (Luba Malina) 10801 - \HSTERIO (Grace Po_ggi and Igor)

Bladc.hawlc.'s ,..,.,~,.,.,__ ,,,_ ,.-- ,ti,J .. Package

contains the following six 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound $7.95 \fusical Films, and is priced at 2308 - YOU'RE A GRAND OLD FLAG (Men and ~taids of Melody) :3408 - ANCHORS AWEIGH (The Nationairs) 420S - THE MARINE'S HYMN (The Songsteers) f-i405 - TIIE CAISSONS GO ROLLING ALONG (Shep Fields and his Orchestra) 14901 - HAIL THE UNITED STATES MARINES (Lee Sullivan) 19405 - THE COAST GUARD SONG (SEMPER PAR.\TUS) (The Grenadiers)

Blackhawk's POLKA Package

contains the following six 100' 16mm. R-I 0 Sound Musical Films, and is priced at $9.95 1908 -THE FRIENDL\ TAVERN POLKA (Sylvia Froos) 2304 - THE BEER BARREL POLKA (The Eton Boys) 5207 -THE NADOCl\.""Y (Gwen Williams and Charlie Develin) 7905 - PENNSYLVANIA POLKA (Searles and Lenai) 10502 - JOLLY JOE (The Balators, June Blair and Delsa) 24707 - PLAYGIRL POLKA (Jeni Freeland and The Polkadettes)

10 Blackhawl<'s BIG TIME Package

contains the following eight 100' 16mm. R-I" Sound $11.95 Musical Fihns, and is priced al GUS VAN (4003 - McNAMARA'S BAND) CANDY CANDIDO and GJ;J.'lGER HARMON (5706 - YA DAR., TOOTT."1 ' GABRIEL) ALPHONSE BERGE (7904 - MY SWEET ELOISE) THE MILLS BROTHERS ~8&07 - CARAVAN) ARTHUR BORAN (11102 - SEEi G IS BELIEVI."IG) HARRY BREUER AND H~S XYLOPHONE (14801 - XYLOPHONIA) LOU LEO ARD and MARY PARKER (16502 - RUFF AND TUFF) MAX :\HLLER AND HIS 'l'RAINED DOGS (18901 - CANlNE CAPERS)

Blackhawk's [HEE§E[AHE Package contains the following twelve 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound $19.95 Musical Films, and is priced at 6406 - LAMP OF ;\1E,1ORY (Y,·onne DeCarlo) 7608 - B-\BALU (Corinna ',fura) 920S - J' VE GOT TO GET HOT (Grade Barrie) 9106 - STRIP POLKA (Luba Malina) 9403 - THE TEXAS STRIP ~fargic 'Beeler) 10602 - SWINGlN' 1N A IL\REM (Marian Lawrence and her Dancers) 10608 - NOl3ODY i',lAKES A PASS AT '-1E (Gracie Barrie) 11208 - PEPEPETO (Ilitn Montoya) 13005 - DON'T GET AROU;:-..'D MUCH A)IYMORE (Lina Romay) 13402 - SALO\1E (Evelyn Dall) 15005 -1 WANT TO MAKE Hllll Wl!ISTLE (lsabcllitn) 15102 - SILHOUE'l'fES (Danny Dan.ford ancl the Shadowettes)

Blackhawk's Package -z;Jane,e ~ad ., contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound ~fosical Films, and is priced at $13.95 901 - FEED TIIE KITIY (R.1t! Rio and her Orchestra) 1401 - \ OU W ALIC BY (Del Ca STONES (Rita Rio and her Orchestra) 11402 - O1\E LOOK AT YOU (!?F,l c.~sino and his Orchestra) 12805 - WATCHA KNOW JOE? (Lorry Clinton and his Orehestra) 13206 - )AVA JIVE (Al Donahue and his Orchestra) 14201 - TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOU (Jimmy Dorsey and rus Orchestra) 14404 - SHE SH.ALL HAVE MU~IC (Jnck Hylton and rus Orchestra)

Blackhawk's [amedy Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound Films, and is priced at $13.95 270i - CO'.\1E HO:\iE, FATHER (Carl "AlfaUa" Swib~r) 3205 - COMES TITE1 REVOLUTIO?\ (Willie Howard) :.404 - GETTl l\G AN EYEFUL (Willie Ilowarcl) 4205 - ABERCROl'lll)IE HAD A ZO?-.OllE (Lee Murray and Liz Tilton) 5106 - SPEAKY-SPAK-SPOKE (Mabel Todd :u,cl '\(ince Barnett) 5208 - SJJE LIVED NEX'T DOOR TO THE FIREHOUSE (The Jesters) 7407 - TIIE JllGCE~T ASPTDASTRA l's TlfE WOHLD 7603 - AT Tiffi CLl.jll SAVOY (Mabel Todd) 8204 - TROUBLF. AT THE REACH (The Oni;inal Keystone Kop>) 12006 - CHICKETY, 'tllE COP /llomo Vincent) 12004 - PUBLIC XUJS \'.\'CES (I\eis Brother, ancl Harry Ross) 18505 - HOW TO GO TO A FRENCH RESTAURAI\T (\ViJlje Howard)

Blackhawlc's HILLBILLY Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound $13. 95 Musical Films, and is pri9ed at 4101 - TUEY CUT DOWN THE!D PINE TREE (Esmercldy "ith Frank :\'o,ak', Rootin' 'footers) 5701 - BEARCAT MOUNTAIN G L (Cindy Walker) 5802 - TI[E F ARMER'S DAUGI R (Cindy Walker) ~ · 8205 - MAMA DON'T WANT NO MUSIC (Denver DarUni: nnd the Holbnan Sisters) 8402 - OLD HANK (Freddie Fishqr and his SchnickeHritz BaJJd) 8703 - TURKEY lN 'I1IE STRA,v (Freddie Fisher and his Schniekelfritz Band) 8902 - ETIQUETTE BLUES (Freddi< Fisher and rus Schnickelfrit Band) 9008 - COLONEL CORN (Freddie Fiiher and his Schniekelfritz Dand) 9101 - FROM Tiffi INDIBS TO TJIE ANDES IN HTS UNDffiS (The Hoosier Hot Shots/ 9506 - I WANNA GO BACK TO WEST VIBGINIA (Sybil Rae) 9804 - RIDIN' THE RED CABOOSE rTom Emerson and his lUllhillies) 12905 - LrL LIZA JANE (Emerson's 1\£ountnineers) Blackhawk's Grass Skirt Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound Musical Films, and is priced at $13.95 104 - SOXG OF THE ISLAI\DS (The Music Maids) 204 - AKI LA:-11 (Ray Kinney and his Hawaiian Orchestra) 4604 - HILO IIATI'IE (Princess Aloha) 4702 - THE :0-JGIIT WE MET DI HO,O:\fv (Lanny Ros< ' 4802 LITTLE GRASS SHACK (Charlie Dom and Princess Aloha) 10702 - TROPICAL KISS (Arnold Kent) 14202 - IIAWAIIAK WAR CHANT (Lani McIntyre and hi., Orchcstrn) 14602 - L'\fUA AILUNA (Lani Mclnt)'rc and his Orchestra) 15105 - HAWAII ISN'T WHAT IT \:SED TO BE (Vera Barton) 18206 - SWEET LEILANI (Jeanne Claire and Harold Richards) 19002 - BLUE JL\WAil (Al McIntire and his Hawaiians 27801 POI, llll BOY (Gloria King and Bernie Kaui)

Slackhawk's KI-YI-YIPPI Package contains the fo1lowing twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound ~1usical rilms, and is priced at $15.95 21401l - Tl:.X·\S 110\IE ,)krl,• Trn,is and Carolina Cotton) 20204 OH l 11\l Oil Ull\1 (The Cactus Cowbo)'s) 20003 - KJCKJ'\" \IY LO\ E AHOt:'>D (The Cactus Cowboys) 2250 I - CJIF.ATIX' \\ OMA!\ BLvCS (Reel River Duve) 22104 - THE TROUBLE WITH \1E ( and hi, Western Dance Gang with Tex \Villiamsl 20-102 - SHE \l.\RRJED THE \\'RO:\G \I.\:-; (TI,e Cactus Cowboy•) 22001> - .\ TOW:'\ 1:-; TEX \S (Red Hiver Dave) 26505 ROI.Y POLY (Oeucr Spriggins and Carolina Cotton) o?620i - CO\\ ROY CALYPSO (Bobby Gregory and Jeni Freeland) 2630:3 - IF YOC EVEII CO\1E TO TEXAS (Deuce Spriggins and Carolina Cotton) 2680,5 - :'\O V.\C.\ ',CY (\IC'Tle Tra,·i> and Betty DeVere with The Broncho Busters) 22:303 HED lll\ER \l0O:'.\ (Red Rivn Dave)

Blackhawk's OLD FAVORITES Package contains the following twelve 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound $15.95 :\1usical Films, and is priced at 2601 - IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME (Men and :\faids of ;\1elody) 2801 - A BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO (The Eton Boys) 2!!05 - THERE'S NOTHING LIKE THE SMILE OF THE IBISJI (Lanny Hoss) 3003 - SIDEWALKS OF NEW YORK (Michael Bartlett) 3005 -- IN APPLE BLOSSOM TIME (Men and Maids 0£ Melody) 3201 - TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME (Men and Maids of \lelody) 3901 ·- WAITDIG FOR THE ROBERT E. LEE (The Dixiairs) 4401 - WAIT 'TIL THE SUN SlllNES NELLIE (Bob Chester and his Orchestra) 6106 - FRA:-IXIE AND JOHNNIE (Dixieland JaT.Z Band) 8306 - JUST A GIRL THAT MEN FORGET (Tubby Garron) 8704 -BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON (The Dinning Sisters) 10804 LITTLE GRAY HOME IN THE WEST (Michael Bartlett)

Bfackhawk's ROUNDUP Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound Musical Films, and is priced at $13.95 2206 - CARRY ME BACK TO THE LO:\E PRAIRIE (Carson Robi>on and his Buckaroru) 2603 JERK .\fcGUIIK FIIOM ALBUQUERQUE (The Eton Boy•) 3207 - GOIN' TO THE BAR'I. DANCE TO:-IIGIIT (Ca=n Robison and hi, Buckaroo,) 7601 THAT ROOT!'.';', TOOTil\'. SHOOTII\' \fAJI. FRO\! TEXAS (Gene Austin) 8506 - BACK JJI. THE SADDLE AGAII\ (Dick Thoma,) 9502 -· HORSE HAIRS (Gini:er Dale) 10308 - TOUGH BEEF (.\fyrtle Dunnedin and Chuck Pnlmer) 12904 - EAST OF TifE ROCKIES (Don Craig) 13406 - SO.\IEWHERE II\ OLD WYOML'\'G (Art Dixon) 13504 - GO 'LONG MULE (Em('rson's Mountaineers) 14606 - I.ISTEK TO THE \IOCKINC BIRD (Emerson'• :\tountaineers) 18705 - RED RIVER VALLEY (Jimmy Wakely and Im Oklahoma Cowboy• and Cowgirl,)

Blackhawk's PIO-UP Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-I° Sound '\fosical Films, and is priced at $13.95 2204 - CORNSILK (Phil l\ccly, Marcin Griffin and Bathing Beauties) .3103 - A SJK:-ER KISSED A!'li A:-IGEL (Johnny Johruton and beautiful girls) 5306 MINNIB THE :\tERMAID (Redd Harper and mermaids) 590,; - TEA O', THE TERRACE (\lnrilyn :\1axwell and choms) 6302 - A STRl'>G OF PEARLS (A string of beautiful girls) 6307 - SOMETIMES (Lew Hearn and beautiful girh) 8603 - LOVE IS A SONG (June March) 920,; - THE MAGIC CARPET (Jerry Bergen) 9305 - THE BLUSlllNG BRIDE (Jackie Gately) 9708 - I OUGHT TO DA:-ICE (Ginger Dulo and curvaceous dancing girls) 12103 - FANCY TO YOU (Jimmy Alexander and parade ol gorgeous girl,) 15,506 - MY IDEAL (Lee Bennett and eye-filling beauties)

12 Blackhawk's Shaw liirl Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-I° Sound Musical Films, and is priced at 2301-BORN TO SWU-.G (Gingor Tlannon) '3007 - I'M NO.BODY'S BA.l3Y l\OW (Caroll'° Marsh and chorus) .;403 - HOP, SKIP AND JUMP \Charlie S1Hvak and rus orchestra wi th chorus) 5508 - CRAZY QUIZ (Boh Hu!!hes and a bevy of beauties) 65.03 - JUMP FEVER, (Aileen Shirley and bathing 1;,eautfos) 8107 - 'l'WO GUITARS - IN JIVE (Danced by Amarillo) lq801 - PIN UJ:'S ON PARADE (Lee Sullivon and Show iCrls) 24905 - LAGUNA (MalCinc Mayers and Ken Jones) 24007 - FLORIDA FROLTCS (The Moffets) 20003 - HOW CUTE CAN YOU BE Ocon Louise and Lynn Johnson) 27001 - CAPERS ON Tiffi CAM.PUS (Lyno,_Johruon) 27301 - RHlTh:CBA SWU,C (Leona Fredericks and The Irving Fields Trio)

Blackhawk's S EPIA Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound Musical Films, and is priced at $13.95 4703 - TOOT THAT TRUMPET (Deep River Boys) 10006 - LEGS AIN'T GOOD (Edna Mae Harris) 10107 - TWEED ME (The ChO()()]ateer.i) 10802 - QUARRY ROAD (Sam t.fAnning and ~Ile Roselle) 11708 - MEETIN' TIME (The Radio ACC5) 11802 - BLOCK PARTY REVELS (Billy and L.yn:;i; Albritton) J 2008 - KEP W AlTIN' (George Wasrungton B rown) 12408 - DISPOSSESSED BLUES (Lynn Albdtton and The Four Knohs 12607 - GOD'S HEAVEN (Georite Wnshin....ll<>.\J.Brown) 12808 - LOVIK' UP A SOLID BREEZE (Tbe Chanticleers) I 3008 - KEEP SMILIKG (The Gingersnaps) 13108 - BABBLING DESS (The Cha.nticleers)

Blackhawk's Spanish Rhythms Package contains the following twelve 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound • Musical Films, and is priced at $13.95 107 - HA VAKA IS CALLING ME (Bernice Parks and Theodore) 205 - RHUMDA SERENADE ()lilJs Rhumba Orcltestra) 804 - AMAPOLA (Gray Gordon and hjs Orcl1estra) 7804 - ADIOS A"1ERICA NO (Exotic Corinna Mura) 8706 - RANCHO GRANDE (Lorraine DeWood) ,., 10204 - A RHUMBA SPECIALTY (Luba ~falina) 10505 - ANDELE (Sergio de Karlo wiU1 The Spanish Belles) 11002 - DARI< VELVET NlGIIT (Sergio de lta..-Io) 12102 - WUA'f BAS THE LADY GOT? (Yola Galli) 12505 - CUBAN PETE (Marie Caruso, Alex and Ma.rteta) 12608 - COSTA RHUM.BA (Evelyn Dall) 12807 - VA.MOS A GOZAR (Varios and Vida)

l!!D - ~ Blackhawk's 0~L -- . , '1/0.JeH, Package <:ontains the following thirteen 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound ,. ~·. Musical Films, and is priced at $12.95 ~ 0 M8: : §u~f l's°fifJtJ>~ CJmf~~RE (Lois Collier and her Orchestra) 7607 - A GOOD MAN JS HARD TO FINDJ'fl: Marr? Burton) ., 9105 - THE GOOFY NEWS nEEL {Marion brtin and Rufe Davis) ., -:. 9203 - GOBS OF LOVE (The Smootbies) : 4 10601 - LALAPALUZA LU (Cappy Barra Bnnnonica Boye) ~ 1090.1 - SIESTA FIESTA (Rod Rodgers) ~ ~ 14301 - MISS LIBERTY (Toni Lane) .;,,' ' 15002 - WHEN IT RAIN$ (Penny Edwards~ , . 10504 - HE'S i\fY PIN UP GUY (Ann Parker 17604 - THE LASS WITII THE i:>ELICA All\ {Marion Colby) 18502 - YANKEE DOODLE JUNIOR (Lawrrnce Welk and his Orchertra) 20603 -THE PRAIRIE IS NOT SO FAR AV\'AY (Ron Perry and his Orehettra) • ~ r, Blackhawk' s a t'J«'f Packag1;; contains the following thirteen 100' 16mm. R-1° Sound Musical Films, and is priced at $12.95 JOY HODGES (105 - now, ROW, ROW) J:X)RIS DAY (1112 - O:-.CE OVER LIGHTLY) ~ GINGER HAl\MON (1806 - JUl'-iPIN' JIVE) MARLYN STUART (l904 - NUMBER TEN LULLABY LA!\'E) WT.NJ SHAW (2005 - FERRY BOAT SEREl\'ADE) GERTRUDE NIESEN (2606 - THE VOLGA BOATMAN) M \l\THA TILTOI\' (2702 - LOCIJ LAMOND) CAROL DEXTER (5002 - SLEIGH BELL SERENADE) M~RlLYN MAXWELL (5708 - THIS I,S NO LAUGHING , uTTER) SUGAR KANE (6007 - STORMY WEATflER) LUCILLE BREMER (7$07 - PENNY ARCADE) J,'lF-J D'ORSAY (8702 - r WANNA BE LOVED) I T::E SULLIVAN (11306 -AIB PARA:OE: ONCE IN A WHILE) Blackhawk offers iiberal trade-in allowances on all good 16mm. sound films of generally popular types.

These allowances range from 50% to 60% of our antici­ pated re-sale price on most one reel subjects - up to 70% on subjects of two reels and over.

If you'll send us a list of titles (together with the number of reels) of the subjects you wish to trade-in, we'll ,.... , - ...... 'Jii{'"'ll' ""~· --~~ - ~ ... .,J. promptly inform you of our probable trade-in allowance based on the prints being complete and in goo.!! condition. You may then forward your prints to us for inspection, and if they meet our standards for condition, the allowance will be immediately available for appli­ cation on the purchase of any other items from our catalog.

Check over your library today! Turn in those prints that have served their purpose for new titles.

14 This listing of good used feature pictures is, to the best of our You can sav~ money by ordering fraturcs in quantity. On an order knowledge, the biggest and most varied list of such titles &ver for si,, or m4re feature prints, you may take a discount of 5% from offered in 16mm. sound. Many of these titles have previously been our already low prices - on twelvo or more prints, 10%. avaihble ou lease only and, under special license, arc available on a purchase basis only from Dlackhawk. Even a few features in full J\lany modc}·atc: size film libraries across the country depend on rolor are induded in the listt Blackhawk or certain of tl1eir feature reqt1irernents. Blac)

AGES A~O EIGHTS (6) with Tim McCoy ...... $39.95 DIXlE JA~JBOREE (7 rccb) with Frances Langford, Cuy ADVENTORE rn HEARTS (7) with Mary Healy and Jack Kibbee, Eddie Quillan ...... $09.05 LaRue ...... • ...... $44.95 DRU~lS OF AFHLCA (6 reels) with Buster Crabbe, Sheila THE APE ~lAl\ (6 reels) ,yith Bela Lugosi, Louise Currie, Darcy- ...... $44.9.'} Wallace Ford ...... $49.95 DUKE OF Tl E "\AVY (8 re~ls) with Ralph Byrd, Ycda Ann . ~ • , 13AD BOY (7) with Johnny l;)owns ...... S49.95 49 95 ~-.... , J3AD MEI\' OF THU~f))ER GAP (6) with Dave O'Brien and ou1-,1/;;J i~ouBLE .(1i. ~vitl~ R:tl;>i; n;i.~i: 'ii:~t·1i~~. M~~.~~ci :;; ' •' Jim ewiU ...... $33.95 Harry Langdon ...... , ...... $49.95 BADGE OF UONOR (6) witl1 Duster Crabbe ...... $44.95 Ei E~IY OJ~ THE LAW (6) with Dave O'Brien and Jim .tHC TlME OR BUST (6) with Regis Toomey and Gloria Newill ...... S-44.95 - ~ Shea ...... $44.95 11-IE FEUQ \f AKER (6 reel.) ,lith Bob Steele ...... $39.95 ~.~ •BlLLY Tiffi KID TRAPPE}) (6) with Buster Crabbe ... ___ $44.95 l• TGIITI:\'G C W SADER (6) with Tim McCoy ...... $39.95' ~ BILLY THE KlD"S RANGE WAR (6) with Bob Steele .. .. 844.95 l•IGHT O,, MARI"\'ES (7) with Wallace Ford, Toby Wing, R-· ·~ BlLLY THE KID IN TEXAS (6) with Bob Steele ...... $44.95 Grant \\ilhCrs ...... f:: .14.95 BILLY THE KlD OUTLA"' tE:O (6 reels) "ith Buster Crabbe FICH'I;IXG PlOl\EERS (6) with Rex Bell . . . 839.95 1 and AI St. Joh 11. • . . . . . • • • • • . • . . . • ...... S39.95 ---.fl,~.. FICHTINC VALLEY (6) with Dave O'Brfon nnd Jim Nc"ill ';39.95 ;t'-f-"'· 1 BLAZL\G FHONTlER (6) with Buster Ccabbe and Al 11IE FLYI~C. SERPENT (6 reels) with Ceor\te Zucco and aj,. St. John . . , ...... 1 . .•• , . . . , ...... $44.95 Ralph l.c,-..·is ...... $54.95 ,.,,__\_ 13.CAZING JUSTICE (6) " ith Bill Cody and Gertrude FRO:\TTER r ~-PSA.DE R (6 reels) with Tim \lcCo}' ...... $39.95 Jt ~ :Messinger ...... 1 • •••••••.•••....•...... •... $39.95 FROXTIER Ol TLAWS (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al St. BLL-"'EBEARD (8) with John Carradine, Jean Parker and John ...... S-44.95 Nils Asthcr ...... 859.95 FlJGITIYE HOAD (6) with Erich \on Stroheim . . $"-44.9.3 8001'S OF DESTINY (7 reels) with Ken Ma> nard ...... $44.95 FUZZY SE Tl.ES DOWN (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al BOOTHILL BANDITS (6) w:ith "The Range 13usters"-Roy St. John ...... 44.93 Corrigan, John King and !\fax Terhune ...... $44.95 CANG BUSTERS (6) with Tim JcCoy ...... $39.95 llORDEH BADMEN (6) witl1 "Buster Crabbe and Al St. John $39.95 GAY BUC:!{AUOO (6) with . . . $39.95 GHOST OP B IDDEX \'ALLEY (6 reels) with .Bu~tel' Crahbc, ~- B()~~- foi~~~-~~ _(6_ -~~~'.s!. ~vi~~. ~e~'.-~~ _I~u _u_s'.~n . m_1c1$44_95 Al St. 'ol n. (Thi5 print is in only fair co11 COD'S COO\ f'RY AND Tiffi MAN (6) with Tom Keene .. S 11.95 ..BOSS OF RA WJUDE (6) wiU1 Dave O'Brien and Jim ~ewill $44.95 COLD (6 rl cls) with Jack Ho~ie ...... ~39.95 TR.E CARA VAN TRAIL if reels, In Cinecolor) with Eddie THE GREAT \{IKE (8l with Stuart Erwin., Robert "Buzzy" Dean ...... , ...... $99.95- Henry and Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer . . . , ...... $79.95 (:A!lEFR GI.RL (8) wiili Frances 'Langford, Edward Norris CUN GRI'I; ((i) with Jack Perrin ...... $39.95 ·~ and Iri Adrian $54.95 CU'\'S OF THE LAW (6) with Dave O'Brien and Jim 1\c"ill $39.95 GU~Si\[01<;~ :\,!ESA (6~ wi\h Dave O'Brien and Jim Newill $39.9~ ~-~ CATJr1oh~T~~~~~~~' . ~6?, .'~~~1- -~~~e_r __ ~~~~~~ . _a_n_~ . ~_Jg44_95 CUl\S:\10l(E 1RA1L (6) w1tb Jack Randall ...... 44.9.J ' ' CT.F.AHIXG TUE RA:'.'lCE ~6) with Hoot Gibson . . $39.95 ITA WAlI C..U.LS (8) with Bobby Breen ...... 69.95 . CLUB HA \'A~A (G) wit), Tom Neal, Margaret Lindsay, THE HEAD! ,I"\ E CRA.SUEH (6) with Frankie Darro and C.'lrlos Molina and his- C)rcl1estra . . . . $59.95 Kane Richmond ...... $44.95 COLORADO SERENADE (7 reels, In Cinecolor) with Eddie HELL FIR)!: AU ST!:\' (6) wilh ...... $44.95 Dean ...... $99.95 JIITTG\' THr TRAIL (6 reel~) with ...... 39.95 THE CO"-(TENDER (7) wijh .Buster Crabbe, Arline Judge. T ACCUSE MY PARENTS (7) with Macy Beth Hughes and • 'Julie Gibson ...... $49.95 Robert L owell ...... _...... $39.95 {i{.t•.f DE:AD OR ~lVE (6) ,~ith ba,e O'Brien and Jim Newill . . ~4-t~5 C RlNG DOORBELLS (7) with Anne Gwynne, Robert . ~" ."' DI::.\DLf'.E (6 reel~) mtl1 SuJtsct Carson ...... $49.95 Shayn~ nud Roscoe Kams ...... , . , . . .. $54.95 • Dl'I,1. 'QUE~T DAUCHTFJRS (7 reels) will, June Carlson, I '\SIDE T~l:E LAW (7) with Wallace Ford . . . $44.95 J;ifi D'Orsay . , ...... ~:39.95 fRISH GRINGO (6) with Pat Carlyle . $29.95 qF.LNQUE'.NT PARENTS (7) with Doris Weston and J \ WS OF JUSTICE (6 reels) with Richard Tern and Robert Maurice Murphy . . . . S49.95 4 95 O.ESEBT ESCAPE (7} wiili Waxren Hull and Isabel Jewel $39.95 JIVE,~~~¢TJO"f. (7 ~~th · Di~l,ie. ~{~~;~; Ti~; Th~~~~ · ~~d c;-1 , 1)1" SERT PATROL (6) witl1 ).3ob Steele ...... $44.95 Cerra Young . . . , ...... $44.95 D SERT YICTORY (6 reels} The British Eighth Army's TIIE LAD¥ ('0 FE~SES (7) \\ith Mary Beth Hughes . . . 839.95 ' ict,m Over Rommel ...... S49.95 L.\DY I:\' THE \f ORGl E (7 reels) with Prc~to11 FQstcr. T'Tffi DEVIL BAT'S DAUpUTER (7) with Rosemary La­ Patrici I:lli&. Frnok JenJ,s ...... , . . . . ~9-95 . Plnn¢hc and John Jamqs ...... S49.95 THE LA.UY RAFFLES (6) with Dorothy Revier and Dl• VJT. RIDERS (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al St. John . . $44.95 Kenneth Harlan $39.95 . LA" A"\D LEAD (Ill with Rex Bell ...... ~39.95 ROLLI'.\!G DO\V'\" THE GREAT DI\'IDE (6l with Bill LAW \:\"I) ORDER ,6 with Buster Crabbe and .\l St. John 844.95 (Radio) Boyd and Art Davis ...... ,s:39.95 LAW OF Tiff SADDIE (61 with Bob Li\ingston . . . . $:39.95 ROMA'.\!CF OF THE WEST (7 reels. In Cinecolor) with LA WT ESS TOW:\" (G. with Ccorgc Houston and Al St. John S44.95 Eddie Dean ...... $99.95 LICllT"\I:\C C.\m,O-\ HIDES ACAl'\" (6 reels) "ith Tim SECRET \ALLEY (7) with Richard Arlen ...... $49.95 .\kCo~ ...... 839.9,5 SECRET COLUM:X (8) with Basil Sidney. Alan .'.\apicr, LIGHT:\"I::\"G RAIDERS (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al Lydia Sh~ood ...... $39.95 St. John ...... 839.95 SHADOW OF DEATH (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al St. LO"\E RIDER I'\ CIIEYE'\"'\"E 161 with Georgt• Houston John ...... S44.95 and Al St. John ...... S44.95 ..\. SHHEIK IN THE NIGHT (7) with and THE LO:'\'ES0.\1E TR.\IL (6) with Charles Delaney. \ 'irginia Lyle Talbot ...... $59.95 Browne Faire ...... S29.95 SILENT VALLEY (6) with ...... S311.95 LUCKY BOOTS 16) with "Big Boy" \Villiams . . S:39.95 SI'.\!G WHILE YOVHE ABLE /6) with Pinky Tomlin and I l Ch:Y CORRJG \ '\ (7 recb) with William Garl(an and Toby Wing ...... S49.95 \lolh Lamont ...... S:lf).!)5 SIX GUI\ MA:'l (6) with Bob Steele and Syd Saylor . . . . S44.95 THI \I(:\" FRO\I TEXAS 1 (j rcebi with Tt•, Hittrr ...... S:Jfl.95 SKIP TRACER (7) with James Dwm and Frances Gifford S49.95 THE \1ASK OF DIIJO'\ S with Erich \'on Strohcim and SKY BANDITS (6) with as "Renfrew of the fcanne Bates .. : ...... S:59.95 Royal Mounted" ...... $49.95 \fb,;'l,i OF THE PLAI,S (6) with Rex Bell ...... 839.95 SLA:\DER HOl:SE ((j reels) with Crai~ Reynolds, Esther THE \flRAC:LE h:ID (i ret'lsl willt Tom :\"cal. Carnl Hughl's S4!l.9,5 Halston ...... S2!U)5 THE .\USSL\"G CORPSE (7 with J. Edward Bromberg and SMALL TOWN BOY (7 reels) with Stuart Erwin, Joyce faabel Randolph ...... 844.95 Compton, Jed Prouty ...... $69.95 THE .\10::\"STER \IAKER (i' with J. Carroll '.\!aish and SONGS AND SADDLES (7) with Gene Austin ...... $49.95 Ralph \for'!an ...... $54.95 SONG OF OLD WYOl\flNG (7 reels, In Cinecolor) with THE \100:\"STO"\E (7) with David \farmers and Phyllis Eddie Dean ...... S99.95 Barry ...... 849.95 SPBCIAL AGENT K-7 (7) with Walter McGrail and Joy .\fR. BOGGS STEPS OUT (7\ with Stuart Erwin and Helen Hodges ...... S39.95 Chandler ...... , $.59.91'\ STAGECOACH OUTLAWS (6) with Buster Crabbe and \ffRDEH IS XEWS iG with John Gallaudet, Iris \fcrcdith, Al St. John ...... $39.95 George \lcKay ...... S49.95 STRANGE ILLUSION (9) with James Lydon, Sally Eilers \ft;RDER 0:\ THE YCKQ:-.; i6) with James :-.;ewill as and Warren William ...... $49.95 "Renfrew of the Royal .\iountcd" .. S49.95 SWING IT, PROFESSOR (6) with Pinky Tomlin . $49.95 \IYSTERY RA'\TGE (6\ with Tom Tyler . . . 539.95 TERRORS O'. HORSEBACK (6 reels\ with Buster Crabhe THE \IYSTERfOrS HlDEH (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al and Al St. John ...... $44.95 St. John ...... $44.95 \'ATIO:-.; AFLA\IE (8) ";th '.\!oel \fadison, Norma Trclvor S49.95 TEXAS BUDDIES (6) with Bob Steele ...... $3!1.95 THE '\"A\"AJO KID (6) with Bob Steele and Syd Saylor ... S44.95 TEXAS MANHUNT (6) with Bill (Radio) Boyd and Art 'l\'FATH BROOKLY'\ BRIDGE (i reels) with Bobbv Jordan. Davis ...... $39.95 , ...... : . ·. . . .. 859.95 TEXAS RENEGADES (6) with Tim McCoy . $39.95 :'.'lEVA.DA BUCKAROO (6) with Bob Steele ...... S39.95 TEXAS TOR:'lADO (6) with Lane Chandler . $39.95 OUR TOWN (8 reels) with 1\lartha Scott, William Holden, TEXAS TROUBLE (6 reels) with Bob Steele and Al St. John S39.95 Fa, Bainter and Beulah Bondi ...... 879.95 TEXAS WILDCAT (6) with Tim McCoy $39.95 OUTLAW ROlNDt;P 16) with Dave O'Brien and Jim THREE IS A FA\11LY (8 reels) with .\larjorie Reynolds, l\cwill ...... $44.95 Charle~ Huggle,, Fa) Bainter, llelc11 Broderick...... SiS.95 OUTLAWS OF BOt:LDER P.\S<; (6 with George Houston THREE Tl\J THE SADDLE with Tex Ritter, Dave O'Brien .. 839.95 and Al St. John ...... 844.95 THUNDERING GUI\ SLINGERS (6) with Buster Crabbe OVERLA:'lD STAGE COACH (6) with Bob Li\in,zston . . S39.95 and Al St. John ...... $39.95 PA,A\U::\"T"S BAD \l.\.'.'i (6 reds) with Smith Ballew ...... ~44.95 TIIE TO'JTO KID (6) with Rex Bell ...... $39.95 TIIE PE:\"AL CODE (7 reels, with Rc~is Toomev and Helen TRACY RIDES (6) with Tom Tyler S39.9!i Cohan ...... 839.95 TRAILING DOl1BLE TROUBLE (6 reels) with "The Ran~e- THE PERFECT CI CE 171 with Da\id .\lanners, Dorothy busters" - Ray Corrigan, John King. Max Terhune .... $44.95 Libaire S49.95 TRAILS OF TEIIBOB (6) with Dave O'Bhen and Jim THE PI:'IJTO BA:'.'IDIT (6) with Da,c O'Brien and Jim Newill ...... $44.95 :'.'l ewill ...... S-14.95 TRAPPED Il\ THE BAD LAl\DS (6) with George Houston PHAl\TO.\I Pl'ffO (6) with Buny Henry and Dave O'Brien $44.95 and Al St. John ...... $44.95 PRAIRIE BAD\IE:\" (6) with Buster Crabbe and -\I St. John $44.95 TRAPPED I~ TL.\ JUAI\A (6) with Duncan Renaldo and PR..\.IBIE PALS (6: with Bill (Radio) Bove! and Art Davis .. 839.95 Edwina Booth ...... $39.95 PRAIRIE RUSTLERS 6l with Buster Crabbe and Al St. TRIGGER FINGERS (6) with Tim McCoy . $39.95 John ...... S44.9.'5 TROUBLE l'\T TEXAS (61 with Tex Ritter ...... $44.95 PRl\'ATE SNl:FFY SMITH (i) with Buel Duncan, Sarah Tlill TRl'E GLORY (8 recl~l The Story of World War II Padcll'n and Edgar Kennedy ...... S69.95 in Europe told by the Cl's who fought it ...... $59.95 R.\CI:\"G BLOOD (7\ with Frankie Darro and Kane TUMBLEWEED TRAIL (6) with Bill (Racliol Boyd and Richmond 849.95 Art Davis ...... ~:39.95 RAIDERS OF THE \\EST .61 with Bill (Radio) Boyd and 23!<:, HOURS LEAVE (7) with James Ellison and Terry Art Da\·is ...... S39.95 Walker $59.95 RANGE Jt: STICE (6) with Bob Steele and Al St. John . . $39.95 TRUSTED OUTLAW (6) with Bob Steele ...... $44.95 R.\ 'IGLE HI\'ER h) Zane Grey (7 n•el,) with \'ietor Jory, TURF BOY (7) with Buzzy Henry, James Seay S59.95 \far,zaret Dare ...... S49.95 UNDERGROG'.\!D RUSTLERS (6) \\-ith "The " THE RA'\TGERS TAKE OVER (6) with Dave O'Brien and -Ray Corrigan, John King, \fax Terhune $44.95 Jim '.\le-will ...... $44.95 A WALKIJ\'.G I\IGHTMARE (7) with James Dunn. Joan RETCH:\ OF THE R \:\'GFR5 (6 reels) "ith Jim :\'ewill and Woodbury . S49.95 Da\e O'Brien ...... 844.95 WESTER!\ CYCLONE (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al St. RIDERS OF Tlill DESERT (6) with Bob Steele . $39.95 John ...... 539.95 RIDERS OF Tllli PLAI:'.'IS (6) with George Houston and WESTERN RACKETEERS (6) with Bill Cody ...... $39.95 Al St. John ...... $44.95 WEST OF I\"EVADA (6) with Rex Bell ...... $39.95 RIDDLE R.\NCII (6) with Black King, the Wonder Horse . 844.95 WEST OF PINTO BASI:'ll (6) with "The Range Bustcrs"- RIDIY THE LO~E TR.AIL (6) with Bob Steele ...... $44.95 Ray Corrigan, John King, Max Terhune . 844.95 RIP ROARING RlLEY (6) with Lloyd Hughes and \larion WEST OF TEXAS (6) with Dave O'Brien and Jim Newill .. S44.95 Burns ...... $39.95 WHEN THE LIGHTS GO ON A.GAi'.\! (8) with Jimmy ROBOT PILOT (7) with Forrest Tucker and Carol IIughes $44.95 Lydon,, Barbara Belden and Regis Toomey ...... $4!1.95 RODEO RHYTHM (6) with Fred Scott and Roy Knapp's WILD HORSE PJIA°'iTO\I (6) with Buster Crabbe and Al Rough Riden ...... $49.95 St. John ...... S44.95 ROLL ALO'JG COWBOY (6 reels) with Smith Ballew, A YANK 11' LlllYA (7 reeh) with Walter Woolf King, Joan Cecilia Parker ...... $44.95 Woodbury, 11. B. Warner ...... $,5fl.95 16 ,: ·' 'd~~' L}__ .,__ _~ .. \ ~lr :-<, ~~ M,IAS ST. l\'ICK (Little dbeezer)...... $6.95 AIB .PARM)E (2 reels) wilh Neila Goodelle . . . $16.95 A. ~I. TO P. M. (Sentinel Louie) ...... $6.95 BELOW zt;no (2 reels) with Laurel and Hardy ...... 824.95 A~Y PANDA'S POP ...... $6.95 BENNY FRO. I PA:\TA\1A (2 reels) with Eddie Foy, Jr. $17.95 'S PARLOR PRANKS ...... $6.95 BRA.TS (1 n,el) ,dth Laurel and Hardy ...... $12.95 THE BULL FIGHT (Tcrrytoon) ...... $6.95 BRIDGE \ '\

C'Hf\fP THE A \ '!ATOR (l lee!) ...... $9.95 1 i I.E. CIJl\ll>"S JA\fBOREE 1 reel) . . • ...... $9.95 1 Ti • CH L\IP'S \ AC.\ TIO 1 reel)...... $9.95 <:H OOK'S CIULDRF'\ (1 reel) . . . . . $9.95 c;1n: OF WAX (l reeJk .. , ...... SIJ.95 C!:( ." ODILE THRILLS /1 r cl) ...... $9.95 KJ:\ ,S OJ Tlfil .\RCTIC (1 reel) Polar .Bears ..... , ...... S9.93 s:o-.;om:..t'~I BEARS O~ TIIEi RA.\f'PACE (1 reel) ...... $9.95 in· UDY BEARS .\ T PLAY (' ~ re~!)...... • ...... $4.95 HL1RAT. HJIYTII\l (I reel) with Frank ,\ovak and his Hw1tin' Toot · r ...... SS.'),'5 SAMOlTAR SERE:'iADE (1 reel) with Codolbon and hi~ ,\H·\BL\ '\ 111-11'\"KS /1 reel) with Certrude '\icsc:n and Russian Gypsy Ensemble ...... SS.<13 Fuz/\ kni~ht ...... $S.95 SA-;(. i \ COBOD\ iTZKL l'ianist ( I rPcl) playin~ "\Yaltz in \ll{.\l)L \ \RJETIES (1 reel) with East and Dumke .... . $',.9.'5 I• \l:nur" hy Chopin. · \fazurka in A \finor" hy Chopin B\HHFHSJIOP QlARTETTES (] reel) Communit) Sing .. SS.9.5 , •I '·T.a Cami:a1wlla" hy Paganini and J .is7t ...... SI I .!l5 BL'. ES ,\:-,;I) BOOCIE (1 red) with \faxine Sullivan. ',f'\(; :\\!ERICA, SI'\"f; (1 n·PI) Community Sing.. SS.9,3 \lauriC'~ Rocco and The Kini.( Cole Trio ...... S6.95 SING AND BE HAPPY (I reel) with Jane l'il'kem ...... S<;,o:; EOl'()l'ET OF HOSES (1 reel) Or~anlo!,(uc ...... $7.9!'; THE ',J'\GI:\C BAHTlEHS l n•t·I ' with The Cordonair, and C.\J.L OF THE WEST (I reel) with Spade Coolcv and his Ji:n·ni'.' .\tkim ...... SS.9;'; Ordw,trn . .\hino Re,· and hi, Orchestra with The Four S"-YLl;\E RE\tTE (I reel) with P,\Ulu Stone ...... S'>.95 King Sister, ...... $&.B,'5 <;O'\C: :\ '\ D D.\:'iCE P \R.\DE ( I rcel1 with The June Taylor (. \!'HOLL CLE\'\. \ iolinist (I rcell plnying "Fantasic Im Girls. Tl,e \ll'lodair,. Boh Hannon and Danlio and Jean. S',.9,> prnm1>t11" by Chopin; \lazurka, ··obcrtasse" by \\'icniaw­ so;-;cs OF THE IRISH (1 , eel; with Lanny Ross, The sl..i, Canzonetta from the Violin Conc·erto by Tschai- Maxwell Girls and Gus Van ...... SS.!J'5 l..owski: "IJejrl' Kati" by Hohay...... 81Ul5 SO'\'C:, OF LO\T (1 reel) with The \leloch \laid,, Del COi.i.EGE \:'l,D CAH'\T\'\L RHYT(l\f (I reel) "ith Diana Casino and hi\ Orchestra and Daw Schooll'r anti his del Rio. the Collcl.(ians and Johnny Downs...... &5.9,'i Swinghearts ...... S'> 9,'5 CO\rIC \L C\PEHS ( I reel) with :\fartha Waym•, Claude SO'\"GS OF THE HA:'iCE (I reel) with ( arson Hohison and Thornhill and his Orchestra...... k~.!l5 h:s Buckaroos. the \rthur Johnson Sin!(crs and The CO'\ TI'\"E:\T\J. \fFLODIES ( I reel/ with Carmelita. Wakeh Trio ...... $', 9.3 \faria ckl Ray and '\"ilo \lenendcz and Iii, Orchestra . . $8.95 S01\GS OF ROMANCE (1 reel) with Emery Deutsch and CHOSTIY F,\ \ OHITES (1 reel) with The Four Kin~ Sisters. . $8.9.'5 his Orchestra, Will Osborne and his Orchestra, Marylyn I)\,\( 1', \fELOOlES 1.1 reel) with Carroll Hood, .\nn Parker and Mu::ine ...... $S.95 ,m,I \'ineent Lopez ...... SS.95 SO'iGS OF THE SOl'TTT (1 reel) with The Dixia.ir, and DEEi' '>Ol"TJI (2 reels with The Hall Johnson Choir, Clar- The \farshalls ...... $S.9,l •·m·e \lmt· ...... $19.95 SO:'iGS OF YESTERDAY (1 reel) with Will Bradley and his EASTEH CAHOLS (1 r('t•I) Chorus and Organ ...... SS.95 Orchestra, Roherta , Bob Howard and Earl FOLK SO'\CS I l reel with The \1etropolitan String Covert ...... SS.f)5 Quartl'ttc ...... S8.95 SO~GS OF THE WEST (I reel) with Carson Rohison and CA, i\I:\ETIES SO!\GS (1 rPel) with The Eton Boys. SS.95 his Buckaroos. Gm Van and Dick Thomas ...... ~b.!l.3 I,J.\PPY B \ '\'CIJ BOYS (I reel) with Jimmie Adams ...... $7.95 ' SO:\GS TO HK\1£.\lBER (I reel) with The \lcn and \faich II\W.\11\:'i \IELODIES (l reel) with Lani \fclntyrc and of Melody and \fichael Bartlett...... Sb.95 his Orchestra ...... SS.93 SOPHISTIC \TED G.\LS (I reel) with Gracie Barrie and IT\ \VAUA '\' RIIYTII\t (1 reel) with Comtance \loorl' .... SS.95 Jeni Freeland ...... SJ 1.95 1111.LBJLLY HITS (1 reel) \\ith Florence Gill. llcdd Harper SPIKE JO~ES A.l\D HIS CITY SLK'KF.HS (1 reel) ...... SI 1.95 an,.ZZ \:>;l) JIYE (I reel) with Connt Basie and his Orchestra. SWI:\G, SISTER. S\\l:'iG (l reel) with The Barkley Sisters, the Delta Rhythm Boys and Fats \Valier ...... $S.93 The Terry Twins and Gloria Parker and her Orchestra .. S8.95 JOLLY .U:\CLES (I reel) with The Jolly Jt•stcrs. Tommy SY'\COPATED SWI:'IIG (1 reel) with \ictor Young and his \forton and His Orchestra, Ron Perry and His Orchestra $8.95 Orchestra. Ginger Harmon, Johnny \fessner's Band .... ~-'i.95 JOSE JTL Hlll, Pianist (1 reel) playinl( "'St•villa" by Albeni7. Sll.95 TOMMY TUCKER A::\D HIS BA?\D ( I reel) ...... 88.95 Jl \ E'iII.r. Jl'BILEF (J reel with kay Lorraine. The Col­ TRAil,ER PARADISE (1 reel) with The Cabin Kids . . ... S'l.!15 lt•gians and Johnny Downs...... $5.95 TED LEW1S AJ\D HIS BAJ\D ( 1 reel\...... $S.!l5 KE'\:'iETII Sl'E:'iCEH. Basso (1 reel) sin,::in~ "Passin~ By" TOl\Y PASTOR :... '\'D IIIS BA'\D (1 reel ...... $8.95 hv Purcell: ''Oh '\o John" h~ Sebastian: and "Deep VRO:\SK) A'.',;D BABT:'i, Duo-Pianhts (l 1·ecl) playinc; Hin·r" and "Ewn· Time I Feel 11,e Spirit"...... 81 l.!)5 "Waltz in A Flat" bv Brahm,; "\'alse,. by Arcnsky and L .\ Tl'\ 'iO\'ELTlES .(I reel) with Gracie Barrie, Luba :\fa- "Flic;ht of the Bumblebee,. hy Rimsky-KorsaJ..off ...... Sl 1.<.J5 lina and The Tcrrv Twins...... S8.95 WII.LIA\1 PRI\tHOSF, \'iolist (I reel) playin~ "Polonaise" T. .\ZY HIIYTH\fS (1 r~ell with ThP \!ills Brothers...... $S.95 hv Beethoven; "Ave \faria .. by Schubert; and "Caprice" I E1"S Sl'\G \ \\'ESTER:'i SO:\C ( I reel) with Tlw Gor­ b;· Pa~inini ...... $11.95 donairs :md The l'niversity Chorus...... ~8.95 LOUTS PHI\L\ \1\'l) HTS B.\\D ( l rl'cl/ ...... $8.95 LOYE SO',CS , I reel) with Bub Kennedy. Wenclv Bishop and Harn Cool ...... $8.95 .\IELOD) L\:'iE (1 reel) with Tlw Dinninl-( Sister,, Bob >,.XIS S\f \SHED I'\ AFRICA 1 reel)...... S:1.98 Clwstt•r and his Orchestra and \lid1ael Bartlett $1;,95 THE CHALLE!\GE (2 reels) Charts the sociological devel­ \fERRILY \\'E Sl'\"G (l reel) with The Gorc\onaires and opment of the mnehine age and its effects on man and Suzanne Tafel ...... $8.95 manpower ...... $14.95 \IERRY \lUSJC\LS (1 n•cl) with Huth Clayton, Tln• Four CHf.ESECAKF FOLLIES (I reel) Bathing Beauties ...... $11.95 Kin~ Si,ters and Susan :\lillt•r...... fiS.9;'; TIIE GOLDEl\ WEST (1 rel'I) ...... S9.95 \llCHA F.I PL\STHO A'\D IIIS OHCTTY.:STR,\ (l rePl) play­ THE LIFE OF .FHA'IKLT:'\' D. ROOSE\'ELT (2 reels) . .. _q7_95 ing Ballet \fu,ie from "Faust" hy Gounod; "l\Iy Heart at LITTLE PABLO T:'i BU'IVi'LAXD (1 reel ...... S9.95 Thv Sweet \ ' oiee" from "Samson and DPlilah" and LITTLF PABLO A.:'iD UIS DREAl\1 TOY (I reel)...... 89.95 "Ballet Eeyptien" hy Luii?;ini ...... Sll.95 ODDITJES HEYO:\"D BEUEF, No. Three (1 reel)...... ":i7.9.'5 \fl SICAL CARA V \ 'i ( 1 rl'l'I I with The Thret• Suns...... $8.95 ODDITIES BEYO'.':D BELJF.F. Xo. Two ( I reel ). . S7.9'l l\lUSICAL \lEDLF.Y (J reel) with .\fitcl,cll Ayres and his ODDITIES BEYO'\D BELIEF. '-o. Four (1 reel)...... 87.95 Orch,·strn, Tommy Taylor and The Deep Hin•r Boys. . . SS.!l3 ODDITIES TIEYOND BELIEF, No. Five (1 reel)...... S7.95 \fl'SIC FOH \fOO:\'LIGHT (I reel) with David Brooks, ODDITIES BEYOND BELIEF, :'io. Six (1 reel). . . Si.93 Lina Romay and The Men and \faicls of Melody. . . . . $S.!l.'> OTHELLO 15 reels) Streamlined \'ersion of Shake,peare\ A NIGHT AT TIIE TROC (1 reel) with Peggy Ryan ...... SS.95 play with John Slater, Sebastian Cabot and Luanne . A'\ OLD FA\HLY \LBl'. M (I reel with Lorraine Howard Shaw ...... ::;:39 .95 and \' crna Sadler ...... $8.95 A PRESE~T FOR SA'JTA CLAl'S (I rpeJ)...... $9.95 OLD TI\IE TU:'\fES (1 reel) with The Daring Young Men. PUBLIC RELATIOl\S (2 reels) March of Time . . $24.95 The Four Lady Killer, and Snooky Lanson...... S8.95 SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS (2 reels) \-larch of Time Film .. $24.95 RO.\fA'\'TIC BAI.LADS (I reel) with The Four Polks TE!\NYSON·s LA!\D OF LYO'JESSE (l reel) ...... S 11.9:'> Tamara and Del Casino and his Orchestra...... $8.95 A TERRIBLY STRA:'.\GE BED (2 reels) The Wilkie Collins ROSA\-lU'.'JDE (l reell-The Overture to "Rosamunde" by Classic \1ystery with Richard Greene and Roman Schubert played hy the ~ational Philharmonic Symphony Bohnen ...... 819.95 condul'lcd hy Frederich Feher...... $11.95 TREASURE ISi AND (1 reel) ...... Si.95 18 !< ~i"< ':f\. . TH l;{:\GIXG fl.ILLS (Art Dixo,ll I 00' "Seuuedtea" ~ala S".<:JP T0 MY LOl." (The Martins) SKYLARK (Sonny Dunham and his Orchestra) Don't cou(use this ~oup o( "Soun,lics" with the reverse-image type ST UU)UST (Will Osborne and bis Orchestra) 11rir1ted for Panocam projection. The prints in the follo\'\;ng list are S\\ EE T SUE (Si."< Hits and a Miss) S\Hi; •THEAHT OF SJGi\lA CIII (\Jarlyn Stum'l) made for ndrnrnl 161nm. projection, and while we actually classify TA_-HA-'WA-HU-\\'AT (Lanj ~fclnlyre and his Orchcslra) them a "used" a l1igh percentage o( them arc virtually b_rnnd ~cw TAIJ. ;\!E BACK TO ;\1Y BOOTS AND SADDLE (Rudy Vallee) in condition. Ftirthcrmore, tliexc is practically no overlap m subiect T -'\.LES FRO\f THE V!EK!\A WOObS (Arlhur Koch) matter between thi list of nonnal-image .. Soundies" and the reverse­ THAT WOl\DERF L, WORIUSOME FEELING (Al Trace and image type on whiQ}t we hnvc had such attrnctivc bargains. Lls Orche~tra) l "Soundies" on 100' reel $2.95 THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER (Ted Fio-Rilo and his Or- $7.95 thestra) 3 ·'Soundies" on 460' reel TWO Ct;ITARS and DARK EYES (Emery Deutsch an.'D THE DEEP BLUE SEA (Jerry 1ountaioeers) Cooper) WJ.IE'\' YOU'RE NEAR r-.m (Vyola Vonn ancl Gene Growuls) JlEYOND TUE BttJE HORIZON (The Three Suns) Tl JE WIIJSTLER AND HIS DOC (Alvino Rey and his Orchestra) BOOCIE WOOGlE BUGLE BOY (Mitchell Ayres and his WtNTER \\ O:\lOERLAJ\D (The Dinnii;ig Sisters) Orchestra) YOU'RE THE ONE ROSE (Lani McIntyre and l,is Orchestra) CHOP STICKS (Johnny Long and his Orche~tn1) COUNT :'-IB 1N (Claude Thornhill and his Orchestra) DA, CE WITU A DOLLY (George Paxton and his Orchestra) DARK TOW STRUTTERS BALL (The Charioteers) DlPSEY DOODLE (Larry Clinton and his Orchestra) DO. 'T CRY (Yincent Lopez and his Orchestra) ALL STAR GAME OF 1948 (1 reel) ...... $7.95 DOl\'T STT UNDER THE APPLE TREE (Johnny Messner and BALL JIA::>.'DLI 'C IN BASKETBALL (l reel)...... S9.95 his Orchestra) BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL . $7.95 EL RANCilO GRA1'TDE (Barry Wood) BLUE BLOODS (I reel) . $7.95 TJ:JE EMPEHOR WALTZ (AJ-thur Koch) CHA fPIOl\SHIP BASKETBALL . $5.95 flDDLE l'OLKA (Lanny Ross) CIIAMPJO:-{STTIP FORM (L reel) . . . . . $7.95 FOUR LETTERS (Cloria Porker and her Orchestra) DA.BEDEVILS Ol'i ICE (1 reel) ...... $7.95 GEORGL!\. ON MY MIND (Carolyn :Marsh) Fl HER'.\lAN·s PARADISE (1 reel) ...... $7.95 llARK, HARK TUE LARK (The Deep River Boys) FpLLOW THROUGH (1 .reel) ...... $7.95 HAIUUET (Chuck Foster and his Orchestra) FOOTDALL J'HRil.LS OF .1941 (1 reel) . . . $5.95 llO HU:'11 (The Dinning Sisters) FOOTBALL )?A.RADE OF 1948 . . . . . $5.95 I'M TIBED OF WAITING FOR YOU (Will Brad ley and his K ' OCKOUT THRILLS (1 reel) ...... ~ ...... $7.95 Orchestra) LET'S GO FlSHINC (1 reel)...... $7.95 IOWA (Jerry Cooper) LOUIS-CO~-BAER F lGIIT (l reel) ...... : . . . . . $9.95 IT'S i OTIDNG ;'IEW (Al Donahue and his Orchestra) 0 THE WlNG (1 red) ...... , ...... $7.95 I WISR I IlAD DffiD IN MY CRADLE (Emerson's ).fountaineers) PITEASANT FEVER (In Koclttchromc) (1 reel) ...... $29.95 JAVA JIVE (Al Dpnahue and his Orchestra) SJ>ORT PARADE OF 1938 (1 reel). . . . . $5.95 JIM (Gertrude Niesen) )'ORT THRILLS OF THE YEAR, 1948 (1 reel) ... . '. . . . . $1.95 KISSE$ TO YOU (Gilbert Frye) SU1 , SEA AND SAILS (J reel) ...... $7.95 K. P. SERE AD£ (The Hoosier Hot Shots) SWf\l;\U:\lC AND DIVL~G ACES (1 reel) ...... $7.95 LA COMPARSA (Maya's Pun-American Orchestra) TOP VIEWS l.N' SPORTS (1 reel) ...... $7.9, LET'S GET AWAY FH011 IT ALL (Johnny Long and his TOUCHDOWN (1 reel) ...... • . . . . . $7.93 Orchestra) TRACK MEET THRILLS (L reel) ...... $7.95 LET'S GET AWAY FROM lT ALL (The M art:ins) W]nG, CLAW AND FANG (l reel) $9.95 1.1):T'S GET LOST (Lina Romay) V90RLD SERIES OF 1948 (l reel) . . . . $7 .95 THE LO~C A~ SHORT OF IT (Johnny Long and his Orchestra) WRESTLI:'.':G THRILLS (1 reel) ...... $7.95 LOOKll'\G OUT Tiffi WINDOW (Herbie Kay and his Orchestra) ZALE-GRAZUNO FIGHT (1 reel) ...... S7.95 LOY.b. TURNS 'WINTER Il'iTO SPRING (Martha Tilton) LOVE'S OW!\ SWEET SO -c (Emery Deutsch and his Orchestra) MAMA DON'T ALLOW IT (Rufo Davis) IEXICALT ROSF. (Gene ,Autry) MI E PA..'-'A (Caridad Garcia) ; t bes,· PRE-VUE trailers ,cootain actual scenes from th.- font,,n, Jlictnres tboy :MI Ll'\'DA ,nJOU (The Vclascos and Lucille Angels) pub]jcuc toireth('r with o.n imated till.,,, and n a,rntion. They aro fhc saroo J?I\E­ VUE trnUcr,; usoo in tho theat,cs- exccp t t:1:oat they are 16mm. sound prints MOONLlGHT BECOMES YOU (Eddy Howard and his Orchestra) ins!

). Bc•autiful film of agricultural dl'veloprnent, Sound \lusicals me inclnclerl) and all 1s m good runahle concht,on. in En~land ...... S:19.9;'5 "hile our stock lasts. you mav buy an as•;ortmt·11l of three I 00' M \:\, O:\"E F \ \HLY 12 re(·ls) ...... 89.95 lengths of these incomplete 16mm. sound films. pustat>;c c•'\trn. for '\EIGIIBORS U:'.\DEH FIRE ti reel )...... S4.95 onl~· ...... 82.HS '\EW Bl'ILDEHS (I reel) Home buildin~ in post-war Britain S6.95 OPERATIO'.\' FIDO (1 rcc•l t ...... S.3.95 Or, by buying twice as many - an assortment of ,i, -- you ~et tl~cm. Ol'T OF THE :\'IGHT (1 reel) Services for the hlincl in postage c'\tra. for hut ...... $;,.49 Britain ...... $-1.95 Ami. if von wnnt to shoot th<' works and take a do.ren. ~ ou gel the l'EHSOX:-;FL SELFC:TIO'\" (i reehl Classification in tlw best price yet. Twelve 100' h-n~ths cost, posta~e ntra. onh·. S!J.9S Britisl: ,\rmy ...... S24.lJ5 PTCTL'HE l'APER (2 reels) Story of Brithh Mal-(azim· Publish in~ ...... $14.9,j PS\'CIIL\ TRY l:\ ,\CTIO'.\' 1i reels) The treatment of war llt'IJTOSCS . , $29,95 Jt\l\' .\1..\TEHIAT S (1 reel) ...... S:1.9:i RETl'H:\' TO \CTIO'\' (2 reels\ Rt>habilitation of the disabled 87.93 RHI:'.\E LI:'.\E (J rec·!) . Si.!):i 9901 - Princess Poo-poo-ly RO\D TO P \RTS '2 rechl 811.95 The Smoothies come through with a "arm rendition of SAJ \'. \Gl ( I m:1 . . S:3.9,-; SCABIES. 1!!46 (!3 reels: . SI 1 _9:; thi~ hot number - another hargain in a used l00' HJmm. SPRll\G O:\' THE FAR\f (2 reels) . Sl4.!!5 H.-1 soun_d .. If, :n·ailahlc at 89( A ST \RT I:'\ LIFE (2 reels) Britain's health and education a hot pnc:c. too. per prmt. on!:, - .. -- · - · · · program ...... $1 l .!J5 Sl' \l\lEH O''\ THE I- \H\f /2 reels)...... 'H4.95 20 r New Reels and Cans Craig Jr. Splicers Here is a top line of reels and cans made by one of the largest manufacturers. but available from Blackhawk al bargain prices. This is one o{ the most Reels are made of a good grade of steel with sufficient spring to popular and satisfactory of resist bending out of shape. Yet, they are reasonably light in weight. the relatively inc:i.'Pensive Cans are embossed to achieve maximum rigidity. splicers. It works w i t h 400' capacity reels or cans, each ...... S .58 either 16mm. sound or si­ 3, alike or assorted, only ...... 1.49 lent, or 8mm. film. lt is a 6, alike or a~sortcd, only ...... • ...... 2.79 highly satisfactory splicer 800' capacity reels or cans, each ...... S 1.49 for all normal film repair. 3, :ilike or assorted, only ...... , . . . 3.98 6. alike or assorted, only ...... 7.49 (Bottle of film cement and 1200' capacity reels or cans. c:ich ...... $ 1.79 applicator brush included.) 3, alike or as ·orted, only ...... 4.98 Price, postpaid ..... $4.50 6, alike or as orted, only ...... 8.98 1600' capacity reels or cans, each -· ...... S 1.98 3, alike or assorted, only ...... 5.79 6, alike or assorted, only ...... 10.98 2000' capacity -reels or cans, each ...... $ 3.69 3, alike or assorted, only ...... 9.98 6, alike or assorted, only ...... 18.98 Three Children's Films U5ed Reels and Cans He~ are three unusual one reel 16mm. sound films which have We have a good supply of used reels :ind cans for 16mm. film in been p-oduced by utilizing some one hundred sketches produced 1600', 1200', 800', and 400' capacity now on hand. All are i.n good originally for filmstrips. ~!ovement has been given by zooming and used cQndition, and a money-saving buy :'It the price. Transportation panoraming to some extent the usc of montag¢. The encl is extru. and result is an altogether effective offering - and the price but little 1600' capacity reels or cans, each $1.69; 3 for 84.89: 6 for $8.69 more than the cost of a silent filmstrip. 1200' capacity reels or cans, eacn $1.29; 3 for $3.69; 6 fo.r $6.89 TREASURE ISLAND ~ 800' capacity reels or cans, each S .98; 3 for $2.69; 6 for $4.98 IVANHOE ,. 400' ca1,acity reels or cans, each $ .39; ,'3 for $ .98; 6 for Sl.79 THE THREE MUSKETEERS Carrying-Shipping Cases Each film is almost a full 400' in length, 16mm. sound. All prinl:$ are br:µ:id new, first quality, and in their original cartons. Made to for 800' 16mm. Reels sell ori~ lly for $21.00 each, our prices are typical of the big Here's a lulu of a bargain in brand new and very slightly used film bargains you can expect from Blackhawk. cases for up lo four 809' reels of 16nnl'l. film. These carrying cases have reinforced corners, straps and handles. Th~y will give long Any one of the above one reel, and dependable service either as carrying or shlpping cases. Trans­ portation i~ additional to purchase price. Twelve for only $9.95 16mm. sound films, postage extra . $9.95 (less than the cost of rn:lnufacturc.) Price, each ...... $ .98 IVANH"OE and THE THREE MUSKETEERS purchased Carrying-Shipping Cases together at one time, postage extra $17.95 for 1600' 16mm. Reels We havc a big supply of these good used carrying cases that will .,. • handle either two or three 1600' reels of 16mm. film. They are equipped with reinforced corners, straps and handles. And, they're available at our lowest price yet (transportation extra). Twelve for Disney 'l&mm. Sound Eartaaris '· ilnly $19.95. Price. each ...... $1.98 We have jll.!-t secured another relatively small close-out in brand 11 11 new prints--of MICKEY MOUSE, SILLY SYMPHONY Used 37 x 50 Tripod Screens and DONALD DUCK cartoons. All of these are first quality, _packed We have a small supply of used Da-Litc 37"x50" tripod screens in ouly fair condition. Tripods and screen containers are in sound con­ in original cartons. As stock is definitely }united, we'll particularly dition, but screen surfaces are not perfect. These screens have seen appreciate your giving second and third title choices. more than a little use, but al our price arc a good buy. They arc offered in "as is" condition and priced, each, at (postnge e:d-ra) S5.95 These Dbney cartoons average 200 to 225 feet to a reel and sell regularly at $'9.75. Om· prices represent a saving of up to almost- 750 Watt Proiection Lamps 40% froro tlie regular retail. Here is a bargain in top grade Sylvania 750 watt, 120 volt, T-12, CHRISTMAS IN TOYLAND ...... , $5.95 projection lamps-the wattage used in 90% of all 16mm. projectors. Price each. equipped with medium prefoeus base (for all DONALD DUCK THE MECHANIC ...... , $7.95 , projectors except Bell & Howell) ...... $3.98 MICKEY AND THE LILLIPUTIANS...... $5.95 Price each, fitted with adaptor for use in Bell & Ilowcll pi;ojectors ...... , ...... $4.69 MICKEY AND SIMON l.EGREE . . , ...... ·~· . . $5.95 (If you send cash , allow 1 Sc per lamp for postage and pocking.) MICKEY'S EXCITING PICNIC ...... $5.95 MICKEY GIVES A PARTY .. . . .;~ . , .. ... $5.95 9' x 12' Cloth Screens MrCKEY PLAYS SANTA CLAUS ...... : . . ~' .-7' . ~ . $5.95 Herc is an economical screc~1 intended primarily for outdoor use although a nurnbe( of owners do make regular indoor use of this MICKEY SAVES THE AIR MAIL . . . _...... ,: .... $5.95 type. Made of heavy white cloth, linen stitched, . reinforced and MOVIE STAR MICKEY ...... $5.95 fitted . with grommets around all four sides- metal "D's" at comers. Size is approximately 9'xl2:. Price, _postage ci1:tra ...... $16.95 ~OBCNSON CRUSOE MICKEY .. .., . -~~;..~ .'.,, . . . $5.95 .. \ ~ ·-~'M' . : ':--~rtJ&;· 21 ~. ~···-" ~~ ~, THESE NEW CASTLE AND OFFICIAL FILMS AVAILABLE FROM BLACKHAWK One Reel Sound Versions, $16.89 each, postpaid. One Reel Silent Versions, $8.59 each, postpaid.


Andy Panda Cartoons


Hal Roach's Famous Kids Hopalong Cassidy Westerns Three Little Bruins with W il'.iom Boyd, Ge orge "Gabby" Haye< (Formerly known as "Our Gang" Comed ies,) Le ngth each: l reel of about 300 feet and Ja mes Ellison Length each: 1 ree l of a l:out 350 feet Le ng t h each: I reel of a bout 300 fee t TH~E :E LITTLE BRUINS' GREAT ADVENTURE BAR 20 RIDES AGAIN BORED Of EDUCATION THREE LITTLE BRUINS ON A SPREE GLOVE TAPS HEART Of THE WEST HEARTS ARE TRUMPS THREE ON A TRAIL THitEE LITTLE BRUINS MAIL AND FEMALE IN A CANOE NIGHT 'N' GJUES THREE LITTLE BRUINS PAY AS YOU EXIT Tex Williams Westerns MAKE MISCHIEF Length each: I reel of about 300 feet THREE LITTLE BRUINS CHEYENNE COWBOY IN THE WOODS MELODY RANGE SNOOKUM BEARS WESTERN WHOOPEE ON A RAMPAGE WEST OF LARAMIE Kirby Grant Westerns Laurel and Hardy Comedies Length each: 1 reel of about 300 feet (Price of Laurel and Hardy silent versions, BLAZING GUNS $11,89 each, postpaid.) WESTERN HONOR Lengt h each: I reel of about 300 feet



You may make Pn,u further saviugs by purchasing these R-1° Sound 4901-SEVEl'i BEERS WITH THE WRONG WO,\lA'.11" (Ted ~lusil'al Films from this list of individual titles (not packag<'s) in Fio-Rito and his Orche~lra) ...... Sl.49 quantity. U you bur lwehe or more of these individual titles at one 4902-FR-\IDY CAT (Jean Porter with Ray 'ioble and His time. yon may lake a discount of 10% from the listed prices. By Orchestra) ...... $1.49 huyin~ l\n·nly-fivt' or more al a lime. your discount is 1.3%; fifty 5004-PAPA NICCOLINI (Charlie Spivak and his Orchestra) $1.49 or more. 20~\; arn.1 one hundred or more, 25%. Go over the list 5206-\\'Ol'LD'ST COULD I KISS THY HAND, 0 BABE carefully and ordt•r all you want in a single order to get the lowest (Ted Fio-Rito and his Orchestra with Candy Candido) .. $1.98 possible price. 5401-DOJ:\/' THE RATA\lACUE ( and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 5604-JAM:\fIN' THE PA"'iORAM (Stan Kenton and his DANCE BANDS Orchestra) ...... S 1.49 5i0:3-JA DA (Dixieland Jazz Band) ...... $1.98 103-PARADE OF THE WOODE:\' SOLDIERS (Lorraine 5803-ELE\'EN THIRTY SA Tl;RDA Y NIGHT (Charlie Paige and her Orchestra)...... $1.98 Spivak and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 106-DARJ\" THAT DREA'.\1 (Lorraine Paige and her Or­ 6003-REED RAPTURE (Stan Kenton and his Orchestra) . . $1.49 chestra) ...... $1.49 Ci108-D1UNK TO ME ONLY \'VITII TIII:\'E EYES (Ginger 502-JOHN!\"Y PEDDLER (Johnny Long and his Orchestra) Sl.49 Hannon, Harry Barris, Stan Kenton and his Orchestra) $1.49 505-'.\fcNA!\lAIH'S BA 1'D (Mitchell Ayres and his Or- 6201-SO:\iEONE'S ROCKING MY DREAMBO\T (Shep chestra) ...... Sl.98 Fields and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 507-LAST "IIGHT'S GARDENIAS (Shirley Deane) ...... $1.49 6206-SO\,IEO.NE :ELSE IS TAKING :\IY PLACE (Ozzie 603-PERFIDIA 1.Carlos Fernando's '.\lexican Orchestral. . . . $1.98 Nelson and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 605-WHE:\' I GUOVV TOO OLD TO DRE-\:\,1 (Johnny 6208-SO\IEBODY NOBODY LOVES (Claude Thornhill) . $1.49 Lon'! and his Orchestra)...... $1.98 6303-l'\f LOOKING FOR A GUY (Ozzie Nelson and his 60i-THIRTY TWO FIFTY A \101'TII (Buddy Rogers and Band) ...... $ l.49 his Orche~tra) ...... $1.49 6304-EGGA DAGGA PHFT (Nick Cochrane, The Mercer 701-BEAT '1:E DADDY EIGHT TO THE BAR (Gray Bros., Ted Fio-Rito and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 Gordon and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 6403-Df CO'.\IJNG VIBGINB. (Aileen Shirley and her i03-BROADWAY CABALLEHO /Dinorah Rego and the :\!aids of '.\felody) ...... $1.98 Caballero Orchestra) ...... $1.98 6505-MA, JIE'S '.\1AKING EYES AT '.\-fE (Ted Fio-Rito and 705-SAI'\ A:'1/TONJO ROSE (Herbie Kay's Orchestra, vocal his Orchestra with Candy Candido) ...... Sl.49 by Ken 1'ealy) ...... $1.49 6608-'.\IY FAVORITE SONG (Ted Fio-Rito and his Orches- 708-APARACIO;\ (I\ano Rodrigo's Orchestra)...... $1.98 tra with Ginger Harmon) ...... ~1.49 802-PARADIDDLF. JOE (Tony Pastor and his Orchestra) .. $1.49 6808-WIIEN !\fY SlGAH WALKS DOWN TIIE STREET 90fl-\VH.\TCHA K:\'OW JOE (Johnny Long and his Or- (Linda Keene with Dixieland Jazz Band) ...... $1.98 che,tra) ...... $1.49 6901-!\IY LITTLE COCSIN (Peggy '.\lann and Tomm~ 101:3-'.\ff LOST HORJZO:'.'. (Doris Day with Les Brown Taylor with Teddy Powell and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 and hi~ Orchestra) .... , ...... $1.98 7501-THERE \'VON'T BE A SHORTAGE OF LOVE (Pegg- l0l5-GA'lGARRIA (l\ano Rodrigo and bis Orchestra) .... $1.49 ;\[ann, Teddy Powell and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 1017-CORN ON THE CO'iGA (Tony Pastor and his Band) $1.49 7.508-LAMPLIGHTER'S SEHE:\'ADE (Sonny Dunham and 1112-O'lCE OVER LIGHTLY (D01·is Dav with Les Brown his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 and his Orchc,lra) ...... '...... $1.98 ii07-l'M AN OLD FASHIO'iED GUY (Dick Rohertson 1115-SCRUB i\fE !\lAMA 'WITH A BOOGIE BEAT with Johnny Messner and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 ('.\lercdith Blake, Gray Gordon and his Orchestra) . . . . $1.49 8305-I DOOD IT (Joe Reichman and his Orchestra) . . . $1.49 1202-OH, \IARIE (Tony Pastor and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 9705-I:'IIGE:\'UE :\fEDLEY (Ray Fabing\ lngenucs) ... . $1.49 1205-TIIERE WAS A LITTLE GIBL (Mitchell A:nes and 10405-FLOOH SHOW /Han·y Roy and his Orchestra) .. . $1.!)8 his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 JOi0S-1:'.\GENUE BLUES (Janice Walker with Ray Fahirn(s 1208-PERFIDIA (Del Ca~ino and his Orchestra)...... $1.98 lngenues) ...... $1.98 1402-S"T\GJ!\;' AT A SE.\'1CE (Johnny Long and his 10902-f LOVE YOC r.tl'CH TOO MUCH (Dave Schookr Orchestra) ...... $1.49 and his Swinghcarts) ...... $1.49 1506-FRE::\'ESI (Del Casino and his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 12306-FLYI!\G FEET (Rita Rio\ \listresses of Rhythm and 1602-SO YOU'RE TIIE ONE (Del Casino and his Orchestra) $1.49 Anita Jacoby) ...... $1.49 1702-LA'.\IPLTGHT (Bonnie Kildairc, Skinnay Ennis and his 12308-PARDO'J ;\1E, BUT YOU LOOK JCST LIKE Orchestra) ...... $1.49 MARGIE (The Three Chefs and Barry Paige's Orchestra\ $1.49 1704-I K~EW IT WOULD BE THIS WAY (David Rose 12701-OH, LOOK (Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra) $1.98 and his Orchestra) ...... $1.4Q ]2901-IT'S l'\OTHI'IG NEW (Al Donahue and his Orchestra) $1.49 200:3-O'-I' E LOOK AT YOU (Del Casino and his Orchestra) 13006-THE ::'IIIGHT WE ~l.ET I~ HO"\'O'1:U 'Larry Clin- Orchestra) ...... $1.49 ton and his Orche~tra) ...... $1.49 2305-CIIOP FOO£Y (Alvino Rey and his Orchestra, the 13104-CATERPILLAR SHl!FFLE (Johnny Long and his Four King Sisters) ...... $1.49 Orchestra) ...... $1.49 4201-B-I-Bl (Bob Chester and his Orchestra) ...... Sl.49 13106-COME BACK TO SORRENTO (Al Donahue and his 4603-'lIGHT RIDE (Dave Schooler and his Swinghearts) .. $1.49 Orchestra) ...... $1.49 24 t, • ...

13304-MA TUA.T'S GROOVY (Jimmy Dorsey and his l9205-SWTI\GING Tl:IB BLUES (Leo Reisman and his Orchestra) ...... $1.4!) Orcl,estra) ...... $1.49 1360 1 19301-BL\f DA:\-1 BUl\'1 (Nilo :'\fonendez and his Orchestra) $1.49 ;;;-;~f;5o~!tr1t~~ -~~-~~~ . .~ -~~-~. ~J~~-n·y· -~~~~ $1.49 Hl40lLNE\'ER SAY YES (Liza Morrow with George Paxton 13605-DIPSEY DOODLE (Larry Clinton and his Orchestra) $1.49 al)d liis Orchestra) ...... , . . . $1.49 19702-Il\J{.;.N GAL (Susan Carol with 1\1:lt Ilritton and his 13705-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW (Jack Hylton and his .. ' Orchestra) ...... $1.49 B, ncl) ...... $1.49 ~: 13706- l\IY REVERIE (Larry Clinton and hi, Orchestra) $1.49 19806- P :tETTY KITTY BLUE EYES (Ceorge Paxton and 13802-DEEP PURPLE (Larry Clinton and his Orchestra) . . $1.98 hi~ Orchestra) ...... $1.49 13805-BOOGlE l\fAN (Johnnie Long and his Orchestra) . . $ I .49 19!,0!;-C'.'ICLE TO;\f (A l Trace and bis Corny Cut-ups) .. $1.49 13902-A~VTL CHORUS (Al Donahue and his Orchestra) .. Sl.49 20904-DOUBLE EAGLE (Lawrence Welk and bis 14001-SE,\IPER FIDli;LlS (Larry Clinton and his Orchestra) $ l.49 0 chestra) ...... $1.98 14102-CTIOP STICKS (Johnny Long and his Orchestra) . . . $1.49 21005-NOBODY KNOWS (Lawrence Welk and his 14106-BABALU (Ilcrl?ert Curbclo's Rluunba Orchestra) .. $1.49 Orchestra) ...... $1.98 14204-TIIE YOLGA BOATMAN (Al Donahue and his 21403-LOW GUA VY (Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra) ...... $1.49 Oic11, stra) ...... $1.98 14302-TIIE LONG AND SHORT OF IT (Johnny Long and 21506....STARS IN YOUR EYES (Glen Gray and the Casa his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 Loma Orchestra) ...... - . . . $1.98 14306-J\.IY DUDDY (llarry Clinton and his Orchestral .... $1.!)8 21801-41 K. OW THAT YOU KNOW (Emil Coleman and 14402- Jl'MPL.Y AT Tl:IB JUKE BOX (Al Donahue and hi. Orchestra) ...... $1.98 his Orchesb·a) ...... $1.49 2)!}02-iT t1:- Ii'TCO (June Christy with Stan Kenton and his 14506- SMlLES (Larry Clinton and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 98 14604-LO~ESO~IE ROAD (Al Donahue and his OrchestTa) $1.49 2rno?..Ti~e~~ab:-.ii ·oi i~iosii ii1i:~ics.

~, .I , I

1118 - CHINATOWN, MY CHINATOWN DANCE BANDS (CONTINUED) l0b05-BCGL.E CALL RAG (Borrah l\linncvich and his Harmonica Rascals) ...... , , · $1.49 24801-DO:VT BE A BABY, BABY (Joe ~1arsala and his Or- 12205-HHAPSODY (Helene and her \iolin...... $1.49 chestra Bettv t:ndcrwood and Ahmed Rni) ...... $1.98 12705-SWISS FROLICS (Freddie Schweitzer and his , 24805-IIOLLY\\'OOD BOOG!E (Thelma White and her Ftmmakcrs) ...... , ...... , ...... , $1.49 -\.II-Girl Orchestra\ ...... $1.98 13804-DANCTi\"G STR!NGS (Helene and her Violin) ..... $1.98 25001-SHINE 0:'1/ YOUR SHOES (Hay Bauduc and his 15304-RlSSIA" RHAPSODY (Helene. and Robin Adair) .. S1.98 Orchestra) ...... $1.98 15501-SHOO SHOO BABY (Carolyn Gray with The Les 25003-ZOOT (Thelma White and her All-Girl Orchestra) . Sl.9S Paul Trio) ...... , ...... , , ...... , . . . . . $1.98 2510i-ORA"\GE BOWL BOl 'ICE (Dean Hudson and his 15704-\'ELLTE CHAY tGai :\loran and The Les Paul Trio) SI.HS Orchestra) ...... $2.49 1620l-L:\DY OF SPA.I', (Joe Sodja and his Guitar) . , .... Sl.98 2.5:?.0 --,OJ JD fl\ E (Hay .laudic and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 1620i-~TALI:\'GRAD (The Three Suns) ...... , ...... $1.49 25203-APH,L ·1:-,; PARlS (Thelma White am! her All-Girl 16305-HOTSY TOTSY cToni Todd with The LeDonnc Trio) $1.49 Orchestra' ...... $1.98 16605-DO:\T CRY BABY (Carolyn Gray with The Les Paul 25405-YOl. J.O\'ELY YOU (Dean Hudson and his Trio) ...... , ...... S1.49 Orchestra) ...... , ...... $1.98 16606-THE SHEIK OF ARABY (Joe Sodja ,uid his Guitar) $2.49 25601-WHY DRE \\f OF "LO\'E (Dean Hudson and his 16805-PLAYMATES (Billy McDonald and his Highlanders) S1A9 Orchestra) . , ...... , .... , ... , ...... $1.98 17104-CO:\'CERTO (Billy :\kDonald and his Royal 2;;60i-THE BOY Al\"D GIBL FRO!\1 ~ORTH Al\"D Highlanders) ...... , . ~l.98 SOUTH CAROLl'.'\A (Joe Marsala and his Orchestra 17803-BA!\JO :\1EDLl.:Y (Joe Sodja) ...... , ...... Sl.98 with Eileen Clarence and Ahmed Rni) , .... , , ...... $1.98 18406-EAST OF THE Sl:N (The Three Suns) ...... Sl.98 2.5801-St:RHE:\'DEH (Del Casino with Emil Pettie and his 19306-OPUS 12 EEE (Harry Gibson at the ) ...... , . Sl.49 Orchestra) .... , , , .... , ...... $1.98 HJ402-i'E:'\THO .. SE PARTY (Gloria Parker and her 25805-ATI YES THERE'S GOOD BLUES TO;l!IGHT (Liz Xylophone) ... , ...... $1.49 Tilton with :\-fatlv Malneck and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 19506-LITTLE BROW:\' JL'G (The Korn Kobblers) . , . , , . ~2.49 25903-HE'S FUI\l\Y THAT WAY (Jane Harvey with Emile Hl605-DARK EYES (The Milt Herth Trio) ...... , . . . . Sl.98 Petti and his Orchestra) . . ... , ...... $1.98 19902-WRECK OF THE OLD "97" (\'incc "Blue" Mondi) Sl.98 26007-AZt:SA (Liz Tilton with Matty Malneck and his 2000G-I DO:\"T WA~T TO LO\'E YOU (The Three Suns) Sl.98 Orchestral . . , ... , , ...... S1.98 20604-COJ\CERT CANTEEN (Rubinoff and his Violin) .. $1.98 26101-TIIEN IT ISYT LOVE (Del Casino with Emile Petti 20802-FIDDLE \'OYACE (Hubinoff and his \'iolin) . . . . . Sl.98 and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 20803-MOSCOW NIGHTS (Joe Sodja) ...... $1.98 26I03-A LOVEH JS BLUE (Phyllis Lane with Tommy 20902-\'\HERE IS TIIE CIIICKEi\? (The Angie Bond ~rio1 $1.98 Reynolds and his Orchestra) .... , . ... , ...... $1.98 21301-DOI\"'T SQUEEZA DA BA'.'IA'JA (Mary Kaaihue 26105-FLORIDA SHACK (Dean Hudson and his Orchestra\ $1.98 Trio) ...... Sl.98 26205-JUST THE OTHER DAY (Liz Tilton with Matty 21:302-i:'\ THE GLO.Uff\'G (Lois Bannernan and her Harp) $1.98 ~Ialneck and his Orchestra) ...... , ..... , ...... S1.98 2130(J-CLEMENTI ]lVE (Angie Bond Trio) ...... , ..... $1.98 26401-PIPE DREA\fS (Donald Scott with Tommy Reynolds 21504-STl"FF LIKE THAT THERE (Mary Kaaihue Trio) Sl.9/i and his Orchestra) ...... $1.9& 21,505-RHYTIIM RHAPSODY (The Angie Bond Trio) $1.98 26503-PL\i\"O SERF.KADE /Carlyn Truax with Emile Petti 21(j04-RUSSIAX PE.\SA 'IT D,\l\CE (Rubinoff and his and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 Violin) ...... , .... , .... , ...... , ...... , . , ... 8l.9S 26605-REYNOLDS RIFF (Rose ~faric McGill with Tommy 21804-MF.XICAJ\ :\fF.LODY (The Angie Rond Trio) Sl.98 Reynolds and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 21806-THERE MUST BE A WAY (The \fary Kaaihue Trio) Sl.9S 26801-TIIE COFFEE SO~G (Dorothy Claire with \fatty 22202-\JY BABY K:\OWS BEST (The :\fary Kaaihue Trio) $1.98 Malneck and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 2220.'l-LAZY i.ADY (Phil \foore Four) ...... , . . 81.98 26903-YOU GOTT..\ BF A FOOTBALL HERO (Gus 22304-SWA:\!P .FJRE (The Air Lane Trio) ...... SJ.98 Howard with Les El!?;Mt .md his Orchestra) . . , . . . . $2.49 22405-ORGAl'i HOP cThe Burt :\Jann Trio) ...... , $1.95 27003-SWI'\;GJ:'\' ""ITH \HLLIA\f (~lilton DcLugg with 22907-SCARF DANCE (The Air Lane Trio) ...... $1.98 l\lntty \lalneck and his Orchestra) . . . . , .. , ...... $1.9/l 23103--TJIE OLD GK\Y \IARE (The Swing Stars and 2i201-\L\BEL. ~!ABEL (J,cs Elgart and his Orchestra) .. $1.98 loann Cavanau~hl ... , ...... , .. $1.9S 27303-1 :\L\Y BE WROl'\C. (Les Elgart and his Orchestra . $1.98 23105-U\"DER THE BAMBOO TREE (Lennie Herman 27407-CAH\ffl\ (\fatty :\falneck and his Orchestra) . . . . $1.98 and his Band) ...... , .. Sl.9S 27501-CORTE Tl1BO (Rcrtiea Serrano with Eddie LeBaron 2300;1-WIXDOW WASHERMAN (Lennie Herman and his < and his Orchestra) .. , ...... $2.49 Bandl ...... , , ... , , .. $LIS 27S03-LO\'E ~L\KES THE V\/ORLD GO ROU;l!D 2340i-B.-\.SIIFUL BULLFROG (Lenny Heiman and his (Dorothy Claire with Matty Malncck and his Orchestra) $1.98 Band) ...... , ...... , , . $1.9S 27807-LA P.\LO\f .\ (Eddie LeBaron and his Orchestra) .. $1.98 23505-ADVEXTUHE l'I BOOGlF WOOGIE (Robert Crum\ $1.9'S 27803-LO\'E \IAKES THE WOHLD GO 'ROUKD (\fatty 24101-1 DOYT K!\"OW El'iOl:GH ABOUT YOU (Dar- \Ialneck and his Orchestra) , ...... , ...... , . . S1.98 danelle and her Boys) , .... , ...... , ...... , . . 81.98 27807-L \ PAI.O\1-\ (Eddi<.' LcBaron and his Orchestra) , . $2.49 24107-W.\BASII BLUES (Th<> Swing Stars and Hannah 28001-LE..\R:\'l'\;G TO SPEAK E'IGLISH (Bertica Serrano Ross) ...... , ...... , ... , ..... , . SI ,95 with Eddie LeRaron and his Orchestra) ...... $2.49 24203-TIIE OLD OAKE"I" BUCKET (Lenny Herman and 28005-Bll\lBLE REE HOP (Matty Malncek and his his Band) , ..... , ...... , . , ...... SJ.98 Orchestra) ...... $1.98 21105-HAPPY CAT (Dardanelle and her Boys) ...... , S1.98 24505-IT'S O;\ THE HOUSE (The Bailey Axton Trio) .... $1.9'> 25101-IIARP BOOGIE (Adele Girard and Rusha Holden) .. Sl.9fi INSTRUMENT AL GROUPS 25305-OUR WALTZ (Hohert Crnm) ...... , Sl.98 90i-WHIL\ TTTF. CIRCUS COMES TO TOW"I" (The 26!,03-SWEET SUE. Jl:ST YOL' (Boh Kennedy with The Kidondlcrs, . . . , ...... , ..... , .... , $1.98 Charlrs Mal(nantc Trio) ..... , ...... , , .. , , . $1.98 ll l8-CJIIY-\TOW"IT. MY CHlY\TOWr,. (The Kidoodlcrs). Sl.49 2Cii0J-SEE WJJATCH.\ DO (Leona Frederick$ with The 1206-I.ITTLE BHO\\ '.'- JUG (The Kidoodlers) ...... Sl.98 Irvin!( Fields Trio) ... , ...... , ...... SI.98 1508-\[AYBE (The Kidoodlcrs) ...... $1.49 2Ci!J01-\V\LTZ .\ LA ACCORDJO'I; (Suzanne Graves with 3206-Oi\" .\ SCNDAY AFTERI\OON (The Maxwell Girls) . $1.98 The Charles \fagnantc Trio) ...... , . . Sl.9S 3401-THE Tl'\;KLE SO"G (The \faxwell Girls) . SI .49 26907-1 GLESS I TOOK TOO MUCH FOH GRANTED 3601-1 W.\J\'T :\IY RIB (The Korn Kobhlers) ...... $1.98 (Leona Fredericks with The Irving Fields Trio) . . . . . Sl.9'i 4004-WHERE THE SWEET i\IA\fAS GROW (The Korn 2i105-ANOALl'CIA (The Charles l\lagnante Trio) ...... Sl.98 Kobblers) .. , , , ...... , , .. Sl.49 4601-TIOIIUCER SCHOTTISCHE (The :\laxwrll Girls) ... S1.49 27207-BLCES OF \fARY'S FLAT (\fary Osborne Trio) .. $1.98 4905-O"ITLY YESTERDAY a.con l\"avarra at the Piano) .... $1.49 27301-RHt::\lBA s,\ J'i'G (Leona Fredericks and The Irving 530i-JEALOUS (Mary Brian with Stan Kenton and Hal Fields Trio) ...... $1.98 Borne) ...... , ..... , ...... , .... $1.98 27307-TA'\;TALIZDI' (Charles :\fagnanlc and his Trio) .. , . $1.98 6002-LUI.I.ARY II\ SWI:\'G (The Mellowairs) ...... $1.49 27.503-RUSSIA ~ Gl lTARS (The Gondoliers and Clarisse 6603-.\"\CELI,E (Leo Diamond and his Harmonica Daley) ...... $] ,98 Hoodlums) , , , , . , ... , , ...... , .... , . , , , . . . , .. , $1 98 10401-A~fERICA:'\ PATROL (Borrah :\finnevich and his 2i505-GEORG IE PORGIE (Leona Fredericks with The Harmonica Rascals) . , , ..... , , ...... , , , , ...... , . . $1.49 Irving Fields Trio) ... , , ...... Sl.98 l0i0l-SHOW'BAR FROLICS (Cappy Barra Harmonica 27507-DA:'IICE OF THE SPAI\"ISH ONION (Charles Mag- Boys) ...... , ...... , ..... , ... , , . . $1.98 nante and his Trio) ...... , .. , ...... Sl.98 26 ... ,


VOCALS 3001-0. A TYPICAL TROPICAL NIGHT (Fifi D'Orsay) . S1.98 3004-HFHIND Till ElGIIT BA LL (Smi tJ1 and Dale) . . . . Sl.49 3I02 TIIE SINCL~G LESSON ("Alfalfa" Switzer and 30i-JEA~XTE WITB THE LIGHT BROWN HAIR (Cliff 7 Edwards) ...... Sl.98 aµd Charles Judels) ...... Sl.98 403-1 K~OW SOMEBODY WHO LOVES YOU (The Fash­ 3105--.: ::::: ~t!i 36o5~ts :r1tH~§o:•i i>iioi-iio icArn -(~i;~; -H~;i;l. : : ~t!~ 1603-OL' :'.'liAJli :'.'IIOSE (Ginger Harmon) ...... $1.49 3704-DADDY (Joy Hodges) ...... $1.49 1604-LET'S GET A\Y AY FROM IT ALL (Gale Storm and 3707-CIELITO LINDO (The Four King Sisters, Alvino Rey Johnny Downs) ...... $1.49 and his Orchestra) ...... $1.98 1606-1\IAMA. I WAJliT A SWEETHEART (Eva Ortega) .. Sl.49 3802-SPl'l THE BOTTLE (Eleanor French) ...... S1.49 1608-MA~HATTAN (Grace McDonald) ...... Sl.49 3806-DEAREST DAREST I? (The Martins) ...... Sl.49 1805-STNGJNG TELEGRAM SOJliG (Ethelrccla Leopold, 3808-!ET'S DllliA:'.'11 TIUS ONE OUT (Sylvia Froos) .... Sl.49 Johnny Downs) ...... $1.49 3902- O\'E ME A LITTLE, LITTLE (Joy Hodges) ...... $1.49 1901-G'BYE . OW (The Singing Powers :'.'1-fodels) ...... $1.49 3905- 0 YOU E\'ER THfNK OF ME? (The Singing Powers 1904-NUl\IBER TE'.'l LULLABY LANE (:'.'11arlyn Stuart) .. $1.49 r, odc·ls) ...... $1.49 1907-PLEASE TAKE A LETTER :'.'1-HSS BROW'.'l (Michael 3908-riORGEOUS (Michael Loring) ...... $1.98 Loring, Helen W:ilker) ...... $1.49 4032- •IFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (Clarence Nordstrom) $1.49 2004-\VE GO TOGETHER (Virginia Recs, Steven Wayne, 4007- lY :\fAN (Gertrude Niesen) ...... $1.98 Marci Griffin) ...... $1.49 4105-1 THOUGHT ABOUT YOU (Patricia Ellis) ...... $1.49 2005-FERRY BOAT SERENADE (Wini Shaw) ...... $1.49 4107-WHY DOJli'T WE DO TJITS MORE OFTEN (Joy 2006-I HEAR A RHAPSODY (Max.inc Conrad) ...... Sl.49 Hodges) ...... $1.49 2101-WALKING ON AIR (Beverly Roberts) ...... $1.49 4204-JOLLY GOOD FELLOWS (The Barnotes) ...... Sl.49 2104-I CRillD FOR YOU (Patricia Ellis) ...... $1.49 4203-1'\l GOl\"NA SWING TO REA VEN (Gaye Dixon) . . $1.49 2107-IIUCKLEBERRY DUCK (The :'.'1-fartins) ...... $1.49 4303-lTT MER'S TU'fE (The Dorn Bros. and Mary) ...... $1.49 2302-THF. WISF. OLD OWL (Sylvia Froos) ...... $1.98 4405-LOVE MARCIIES OI\ (Jane Pickens) ...... $1.49 2105-J UNDERSTA~D (The Radio Rogues) ...... $1.49 4506-'.ZI~G \VENT THE STRINGS OF :'.'IIY HEART 2203-DO I WORRY? (Beverly Roberts) ...... Sl.49 (Eleanor French) ...... $1.49 2404-JOSE O'NEILL, Tlill CUBAJli HEEL ('Vini Shaw) .. $1.49 4605-GLORY OF LOVE (Berl Frohman) ...... $1.49 2405-A:'.'l-f I IN LOVE (The Radio Roi::ues) ...... Sl.49 4608- rr:nRY-GO-ROPNDUP (Gale Storm) ...... $1.98 2408-FRE ·CH-CA 'ADIAl\" CAN CAN (Fifi D"Orsay) .... $1.49 4704- :\-'J .._ \T DO YOU HEAR FROM YOUR HEART? 2502-TiillRE'LL BE SO:'.'1-fE CHA ·cES MADE (Ginger (Jant' Pickens) ...... $1.49 Harmon) ...... $1.98 4i06-EXACTLY UK£ YOU (Joy Hodges) ...... $1.4$ 2505-JAVA JIVE (Four King Sisters with Alvino Rey and 4803-THAT'S FOR ME (Beverly Roberts) ...... $1.49 his Orchestra) ...... $1.49 480S-JAZ2Y JOE (The Dom Brothers and Mary) ...... Sl.49 2507-JUST A LITTLE BIT SOUTH OF NORTH CARO- 4807-TllE LACK.\.DAISICA.L LADY (Jimmy Dodd) ...... $1.49 LINA (Patricia Ellis) ...... $1.49 -.<'03-l,OVE ME AS I AM Uohnny Downs and Sugar Kane) $1.49 2604-OH! LOOK AT ME NOW (Grace McDonald) ...... $1.49 5005-~Ui\'DIN' t,..IY BUSI~ESS (Mildred Fenton) .... , ... $1.49 2605-\.fARIB ELENA (Bob Hannon) ...... $1.49 5107-MAGJC OF MAGl\"OLIAS (Donald Novis) ...... : . . $1.49 I 2606-THE VOLGA BOATMAN (Gertrude iesen) ...... $1.49 5108-J-U. PLAYS GIN RUJ\IMY (Cale Storm and Iris Dawn) 81.49 > I 2701-WE CAl\" LIVE ON LOVE (Jackie Green) ...... Sl.49 5203-PO'l'T LET JULIA FOOL YA (Dick Todd) ...... $1.49 ' 2702-LOCH LAMO'.'lD (Martha Tilton) ...... $1.49 5205-tl IN', LOVIN', LAUGHIN' (Marcella Hendricks) .. $1.49 2705-THE Ht;T SUT SOJliG (The King's Men) ...... $1.49 5301-~OCKTAILS FOR TWO (Bob Hughes) ...... $1.49 ~ ~i 2706-TIIE OXE I LOVE BELONGS TO SO:'.'1-IEBODY 5502-~O n0:1-IA 'CE N" YOUR SOUL (:11ildrecl Fenton) . . $1.49 ELSE (:\fary Healy) ...... S1.4!.l 5506-A KNIFE, A FORK AND A SPOO'.'l (The Fashionaires, 2901-KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE (Mary Healy) ...... $1.49 Billy Reed) ...... $1.49 2903-YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH EVERYONE (BUT THE 5602-JTITARUMBA (Ginger Harmon) ...... $1.98 OJliE WHO'S L'f LOVE WITH YOU) (Bernadine Hayes) $1.49 5603-SIIE DO~'T WANl\"A (Carol De»-ter, Warren Hull) . $1.49 2904-I LIKE A BALALAIKA (The King's Men) ...... $1.49 5605-tHE BEST THl'fGS I ·, LIFE ARE FREE (Marcella 2905-I ONLY WANT A BUDDY, NOT A SWEETHEART Hendricks) ...... $1.49 (Cliff Nnzarro) ...... $1.98 5706-YA DARN TOOTTJli', GABRIEL (Ginger Harmon, 2907-I'LL NEVER ,OVE ANOTIIER GIRL (LIKE I Candy Candido) ...... $1.49 LOVED SAL) Jackie Greene ...... $1.98 5802-)VHO CALLS (Marc Plant, Lina Basquette) ...... $1.49 2908-ALOUETTE (The Slate Brothers) ...... $1.49 5903- S .\ID NO (Anita Boyer) ...... $1.49 27 VOCALS (CONTINUED) 11104-:\0 O:\E EYER CO\1.ES ,\ROl.l\'D TO MY IIOlSE (Carol Dexter) ...... Sl.49 6104-TWO P \lR OF SHOES (Jean Porter and Larry 11106-WlLEII\G AWAY THE TI~IE (The Three Wiles) .. Sl.98 Stewart) ...... $1.49 11202-WJIO'S YEIIOODI (Lane Truc~dale' ...... Sl.49 6701-\10O1\LIGilT COCKTAIL (The \lurphy Sisters! . . Sl.49 11206-B. .\.RBER'S ITCII (Cliff 1'azarro) ...... Sl.49 6704-E\lBRACEABLE YOl (Kay Lorraine, Carl Trees) .. Sl.49 11406-SII! SH! SO\fEBODY BLABBED (Wynn Murray) .. Sl.49 6905-.\JffHt:R MlRR..\Y T\l GHT \fE DA:--ICI'-;'G I'\ ll408-.\SK D\D (Cross and Dunn) ...... Sl.49 A Jll'RRY (The \!urtah Sisters) ...... $1.49 11508-llOY :\IEETS GIRL (Tex Brodus and Betty Wells) .. S1.49 7002-Oll GEE, OIi GOSH, OH GOLLY, I'M IN LO\'E 11602-D.\DDY (Jean Carroll and Jimmie Alexander) ...... $1.98 (:\fary Burton) ...... Sl.49 11604-BAXK OF LOVE (Tex Bro ...... S1.49 7301-ONE UOZEI\ ROSES (Gene Austin) ...... $1.9S 12001-SIDE STREET (Jayne and Roye Dodge) ...... Sl.49 7303-ROW THAT DHEA\1BO. .\T (The ~lurphy Sisters) .. Sl.49 12101-\11'\;NIE \IY :\10U"1TAI'.\ 1lOOCHER (C liff 7305-BREATHLESS (Lucile Bremer, l'eter Garcy) . Sl.49 Edwards) ...... $1.98 7:307-JERSEY BOl'') ..... Sl.49 8805-THE \Ll'HABET SONG (Don DiFlavio, Muriel 1330 I -PISTOL PACK!'\'" \fA\1..\ (The Song Spinners) . . . . 81.98 Dayton) ...... $1.49 135013-DE\'TL ..\:\D TIIE DEEP BLl'E SEA, TIIE (CliH 8901-Bl.BLTCIIKI (Gertrude Xiesenl ...... 81.9& Edwards "Ukulele Ike") ...... $1.49 1 8903-TE:\E~IE'i'T SY~IPHO'\-Y (Bob Carro\1 • . . • . . • . . . Sl.49 13702-THEY'RE GOIN' TO BlJLD A MONUMENT 8905-I LOYE H \DIO CO\I\IERCI..\LS (The Escorts and (Ber!!in Kane) ...... Sl.49 Betty) ...... $1.49 13905-T..\BU (Caridad Carcia) ...... S1.49 8906-SOl.'TH WI!\D (l\ancy \.iartin) ...... $1.49 14:303-\YIIER.J- \YEHE YOl (Gene Grounds and l\aomi 9004-IF YOt: Bl IT.D A BETTER \fOlSETRAP (Eleanor Wheat) ...... Sl.49 French' ...... Sl.49 14501-GLAMOUR GIRL (Gale Storm) ...... $1.98 9304-INDI\'i'A HAYRIDE (Gaye Dixon) ...... $1.49 14601-HOTARY SWING (Carol Parker) ...... Sl.49 !J30i-TH.\T XIGHT I"l :\fANI-lATTA"l (\lark Hanna and 14505-CHll\C CHONG (Maxine Conrad) ...... Sl.49 Vir~inin Vale) ...... Sl.49 14605-BROO\I AND PA:\ (Gigi Pierson) ...... $1.49 9:i08-~1A.BEL AT THE BEAL'TY TARGET (Barbara Lane) S1.49 14704-S\HSS JIILL BILLY (Roy Ilalee) ...... $1.49 9606-TIIEHE"LL ALWAYS BE Al\ IRELA"lD (Huth 14706-l'M A SHY GUY (Gale Storm) ...... Sl.49 Clayton) ...... $1.98 14802-WOO WOO (Felice ln~ersoll) :...... Sl.49 10101 -OJT DEAR. THE COll"lTY FAIR (The Four 14806-THE \IA:'.\ 0'1 THE FCRRY (The Liberty Quartette) 81.49 Sweet :\'oles) ...... $1.49 14906-LEAP YEAR LEl'iA (Winn Seeley) ...... 8 l.4!l 10105-TIIAT"S TH:·'. \fOO'i' ('i'ita 'i'orman...... Sl.4U 15106-Pl'TTil\G 0"1 THE DOG (Alf "Bonzo" Latcll) .... $1.4~l 1020S-THE BETTER HALF (Lela \Ioore) ...... $1.49 15205-TII\T'S IBELA'\'D (John Feeney, ...... _ ...... Sl.9S 1040:3- OPEHATf\' RTIYTH~l (The Three Heat WaHs) .. S1.49 1.'5:105-THT\I\U'i'" THE \\'O\fEN (Roy Ilalee) ...... SUJS I0-l06-WILLJF.. WILLIE (Belle Rosette, ...... Sl.49 13104-D\Rh. EYES (Sad Sam Wolfe) ...... SI .49 10502-JOLLY .JOE (The Bafator~. Jack and June Blair. and 15405-',O\V (Vera Barton) ...... $ l.49 Dom and Dclsa) ...... S1.49 I 5504-SlBO"lF.Y (Caridad Garcia) ...... S l.!)8 10508-IXLL\BY OF TUE R~I'\ (\fclton Moore and l\lary l.'5503-JUKE BOX JOE'S (Carol Adams) ...... SL.9S Dowell I . . . . • • . • • • . . • • . . • . . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • •••• $1.49 15606-SE~ORITA (Caridad Garcia, ...... $1.% 10606-OZZIE l\ET.SO!\' BLtES (Harold and Honey Bee; . Sl.49 15702-011 YOC PRETTY W0\11·:!\ ('i'iek Cochrane) .... $1.4!l 10701-SHO\\'.lHR FROLICS /The Smoothies, Cappy Barra 1"--02-I "'..\'IT TO BE BAD (Gt•nc Austin) ...... SUJ8 Harmonica Boys) ...... Sl.49 15802-THIS IS ROMANCE (Lee Bennett with Corinne and 1090'>-TITF. HEAT'S O', AGAI:\ (The Three Heat Waves) 81.49 Tito Valdez) ...... Sl.9S l I 005-RAD!O P.\HADE (1\;icla Gouilclle) ...... $1.49 I &002-BlG \f \ 'I FRO\.f THE SOt TH (Reel Stanley) . . . $1.49

8808 - THE ALPHABET SONG 7404 - YA SURE, YOU BETCHA 5301 - COCKTAILS FOR TWO 28 - 20907-MACIC IS THE MOONLIGHT (Vickee Rich:irds) $1.98 VOCALS {CONTINUED) 21003-PEGGY O' 'EILL {Carroll Hood) ...... $2.49 15902-1 WANT TO LEAD A BA'.'iD (Gene Austin and Doris 21006-YOURS (The Bunnell Sisters) ...... $1.98 Sl1errell) ...... $1. 98 21101-BACK IN YOUR OW BACK YARD (Jerry Cooper) $1.98 15906-BUY A SWELL Tl:\1E FOR A l)Ji\lE (Roberta Lee 21102-TABBY THE CAT (Eppy Pearson) ...... Sl.98 and The Four Guardsmen) ...... $1.49 21105-AFTER A WRILE (Danny O'Neil) ...... $1.98 16104-\fY )3ABY JUST CARES FOR i\lI: (The E scorts and 21106-SCHOOLHOUSE JIVE (Jeanne Sta(f) ...... $1.98 Betty) ...... $1.49 21202-I'LL REMEMBER APRlL (Dick Baldwin and Paula 16105-L\IAGI:--;E (Gene Austin and Dotis Sherrell) ...... $1.49 Grey) ...... Sl.98 16205- ABOU BE:\' BOOGIE (Donna Devel and Jack Blair) $1.98 21206-TIIERE'S NO YOU (Carroll Hood) ...... $1.98 l 16206-WHEN I GROW Ul' (Patsy Brewster) ...... $1.49 21305-TAKE lT (The Bunnell Sisters) ...... $1.98 16:302-J TOOK fY IIOR.~ TO A PARTY (Nick Cochrane) . $1.98 2L:307- SATUlIDAY NIGHT IN OUR HOME TOWN (Eppy 16401-THE S,EASON'S TUE REASO;'ll (David Brooks) .... $1.98 Pearson, Diana Webster) ...... $1.98 t 16406-PlO FJO (Caridad Garcia) ...... $1.49 21407- SURPRTSE PARTY (Joy Nelson) ...... $1.1:18 16501-1 WI$ll I COULD JUDE L~SIDE THIS LETTER 21502-SWEETIIEART OF ALL MY DREA..\1S (Carroll (T}1e Cla}\•son Triplets) ...... $1.49 Hood) ...... $1.98 16502-RUFF. AND TUFF (Lou Leonard and Mary P:irker) S1.98 :21501-\-iY BABY SAID YES (Eppy Pearson, Diana Webster) $1.98 16602-CREEi MOO~ (Corrinne :me\ Tito Valdez) ...... $1.49 21503-SWL."\'G RHUMBA (Roberts Bros. and The Bunnell 16901-IT"S LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (The Tailor \1aids with Sisters) ...... $1.98 Jimmy Dodd) ...... $1.49 21602-~H ESPANA (Cariclacl Gru·cia) ...... Sl.98 16905-THEY PLAl\'TED A TREE IN THE VALLEY (Nick 21605-COT 1'0 Tl~IB (Jack Reynolds and Larry McMahon) $1.98 Cochrane) ...... $1.49 21G06-OH ~tARJE (Ron Pmy) ...... SI .98 li00J-BEAliTIFUL \lERMAID (David Brooks) ...... $2.49 2170'>-DANCE BABY DANCE (The Mel-Tones) ...... $1.98 17007-OH LOOK AT '.:\IE NOW {Crace \lcDonald) ...... Sl.49 2l805-BACK HOME lN INDIANA (The Mel-Tones) .... Sl.98 I 7202-1'1\f GQI'.'1' BACK \VHUR I COME FRO\1 (Gerry 22102-SALOO:'.'1 (Jerry Cooper) ...... $1.98 Larson) ...... $1.49 22107-POLONAISE (The Air Laue Trio) ...... $1.98 17306-HIT TUE ROAD TO DREAMLAND (The Taylor 22204-PIG FOOT PETE (The Dinning Sisters) ...... $1.98 \faids) ...... $1.98 22206-JUA:'IIITA (The Mel-Tones) ...... $1.98 17701-E VERYDAY OF MY LIFE (Jerry Wayne) ...... $1.49 22401-CLANCY (The Dinning Sisters) ...... $1.98 17702-i LO\'E THE :MEN (Edna Harris) ...... $1.98 2240S-IIALF PAST JU.MP TIME (Mabel Lee) ...... $1.98 17704-I'VE GOT A HEART FlLLED \YLTH LOVE (Glenn 22601-YOU STEPPED OUT OF THE PICTURE (Lee ... Miller's Modcrnaircs) ...... $1.49 Sullivan) ...... Sl.98 17804-RlCKETY RICKSHAW MA:'11 (Roberta Hollywood) . $1.49 22701-lT HAD TO BE YOU (Larry Stewart and Lee Joyce) $1.98 17901-STOP T~AT DANCIN' UP THERE (Kay Starr and 22i07-YOU'\'E NEYER LIVED (Jack Reynolds and Larry McMahon) ...... $1.98 119J~rJ1~cd1ti ·-ro· i>m·cEs· ii.~~i1i~·A~g~1·) ·:::::::: R!: 22803-PHOVE IT BY THE THINGS YOU DO (Lee 18001- AN HOVR NEVER PASSES (Nick Lucas) ...... , $1.49 Sullivan) ...... $1.98 18006-LOVER, ARE YOU THERE? (Marion Colby) ...... $1.49 22S05-SLEEPY TIME DOWN SOUTH (Jerry Cooper) . . . . $1.98 18102- YOU COTTA TALK .ME l~TO IT, BABY (Lynne 2290L-JUST A LITTLE FOND AFFECTION (Vickee Barrett and Jimmy Dodd) ...... $1.49 Richards and Kirk Wood) ...... $1.98 18105-HARRY THE HIPSTERS (Harry Gibson) ...... $1.49 2300 L-HE HOLDS :\1Y HAND (Francey Lane) ...... $1.98 18204-ACJERDATE-DE-ME (Caridad Garcia) ...... $1.49 23107-MAD ABOuT HER BLUES (Tommy Morton and 18401-SING A 11RO'PICAL SONG (Quita Brazil) ...... $1.11<':s Dorothy Blute) ...... Sl.98 18405-LONDO1' MUSlC IIALL MELODillS (All Star Cast) $1.41:1 23,201-VALLEY OF TI-ffi SUN (The Dinning Sisters) ... . $1.98 18702-SPREAD A BIT OF SUNSHINE (Jack Reynolds and 2320.5-WHY DO:--l'TCHA KISS ;\ffi (The Nilsson Twins) $1.98 Larry McMahpn) ...... , ...... $1.98 -23207-U :DER TIIE B-\NANA TREE (Imogene Lynn) .. $2.49 18706-GETTrnC IN SHAPE FOR LOVE (Shelly Mitchell 23~03-WHAT A DIFFERE .CE A DAY MAKES (Larry and Jimmy Alexander) ...... $1.98 ~tewart and Ceci Eames) ...... $1.98 19006-MA'.:\IE IS ME FLAME (Maudie Thomas) ...... $1.98 23403-PJ:,.; t.IARIN (The Dinning Sisters) ...... , . . . $1.98 19102- I WAS BOR."'l 'NEATH A LUCKY STAR (Joan 23501- TRIP TO THE i\1OON (The Swing Stars and Dorothy Marshall) ...... $1.98 Drew) ...... $1.98 19406-PASSPORT TO IIEAVEN (Jack Reynolds and Larry 23507-1 DO, 'T CARE IF I NEVER GO TO BED (The Mc~fohon) ...... $1.49 0 0 19504-CALL TO ARMS (Cynda Glenn) ...... $1.49 236~2~:iin BXo~~ ifr HEART (Th~ Ni~;~~ ·T,~~).:: : : : R:; 19505-USE YOUR IMAGINATION (Ann Parker and Mar- 236 6-MABY LEE (The Dinning Sisters) ...... $1.98 vyn Nelson) ...... $1.49 236 8-ON THE DOULEVARD (Jimmy Dale and Carolyn 19701 - SWEET LORRAINE (Harry Cool) ...... $1.49 C1 ey) ...... $1.98 19705-I HAD BUT FIFTY CENTS (The Jesters) ...... $1.49 23707-WHE:\f YOU WERE SWEET SIXTEEN (Lee . 19804-HOW ~{AI\'¥ HEARTS HAYE YOU BROKEN (Jerry Sullivan) ...... $1.98 Cooper and Jenne Blanche) ...... $1.49 23803-I STJLL REMEMBER (The Dinning Sisters) ...... $1.98 19901-TROPICAL MOON (Frances Langford) ...... $1.98 23805- 13OOGIE WOOGIE CANDY (Tho Nilsson Twins) . . $1.98 19905-COME WITH l\ffi 110, EY (Patti Clayton with The 23901-OH WIIAT IT SEEMED TO BE (Peggy Maun) ... $1.98 Jesters) ...... Sl.49 23905-BY TIIE LICHT OF THE SILVERY MOON (Allan 20004-ADIOSITA (The DeCastro Sisters) ...... Sl.98 Mood, Doris York) ...... $2.49 20101-ONE MEAT BALL (Patti Clayton) ...... Sl.98 2390i- TOR 1A A SURRIENTO (CO:ME BACK TO SOR­ 20102-BACK TO DONEGAL (Bob Hannon) ...... $1.98 RENTO) (Phil Brito) ...... $1.98 20103-nf BECINNI 'G TO SEE THE LIGHT (Betty 24001-1 FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU EVERY DAY (Johnny Jane Bonney) ...... Sl.98 Thompson and Wendy Bishop) ...... $1.98 20106-BILL BAILEY (Francine Wl1ite) ...... $1.98 24003-HOT LIPS (Dorothy Drew) ...... $1.98 20107-DON'T BLAME ME (Roy Williams) ...... $1.9g 24007- COWBELL SONG (Tommy Morton and Priscilla 20202-TAKE ME OUfI' TO THE BALL CAME (The Kimloo Clilfon) ...... $1.98 Sisters) ...... $1.98 24201- 1 CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME 20301-A DREAM CAME TRUE (Francis Langford) ...... $1.98 (P~g;zy Mann and Jerry Farrell) ...... Sl.98 20303-JOSEPHINE (Roy Williams) ...... Sl.98 24403...,.Dl:'IITY McCINTY (Johnny Woods and The Bailey 20305-I DREAM OF YOU (Betty Jane Bonney) ...... $1.98 Axton Trio) ...... $1.98 20506-SOME DAY WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL BY 24501-SO\-IEDAY (Gini Doyel) ...... $1.98 (Frances LangfordJ ...... $1.98 24503-SEVEN DAYS A WEEK (Johnny Thompson and 20601-1 COME FROM (Caye Dixon) ...... $1.98 Thh Fashionaires) ...... $1.98 20606-KITCHY KITCIIY KOO (Venus Ramey and Carlos 24601-COFFEE SHOP RIIYTHM (The Modernaires and Sherman) ...... S1.98 Pa'llia Kelly) ...... $1.98 20702-THE STORY OF TWO · CIGARETTES (Vickee 24803-THE ,\fA~ WITH THE WEIRD BEARD (Derby Richards) ...... 1 ...... $1.98 20703- IF I HAD MY \:YAY (Ilm:ry Cool) ...... $1.98 249o~~a~i:i'" iiv AiiNi (P;tti .ci~yt~~i. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :ti: 20704-MANICERO (Tlie De Castro Sisters) ...... $1.98 25005- H, FRENCHY (Paula Kelly with 's 20706- TAKE ME rn YOUR ARMS (Danny O'Neil) ...... $1.98 Mo eruaircs) ...... $1.98 20807- J\.fY DREAMS ARE GETTING BETIER ALL THE 25207-JOC ALONG (Paula Kelly with Glenn Miller's TTh{E (Venus Ramey) ...... $1.98 Moclcrnaires) ...... $1.98 I 29 \ 5107 - MAGIC OF MAGNOLIAS 1015 - GANGARRIA 7206 - 808-0-LINK

VOCALS (CONTINUED) J.'5905-THAT'S WHAT I LIKE ABOUT SWING (Freddie Fisher and his Schnickelfrilz Band) ...... $1.98 25303-MILLE!'\lUM JUMP (Judy Bakay) ...... $1.98 J 6405-THAR SHE CO.'\1ES! (Esmeraldy with Frank 25401-THE Dl1\1~fY SONG (Glenn Miller's Modernaires) . 81.98 Novak's Rootin' Toolers) ...... $1.98 25505-ASK MY HEART (Cini Boyd) ...... $1.98 19601-CHAZY TillNGS (\fou~ie Powell and his Comedy 25:307-WHAT A LOVELY AFTER:"IIOON (Earl Oxford and Band) ... , ...... Sl.98 Mary Reid) ...... $1.98 20007-C:LE\'EN \IORE \fO~THS (Denver Darling and 25'.J0l-TAKE '.\1Y ALL (Ray Eberle) ...... Sl.98 his Gang) ...... $2.49 25!J0:i-BllT \'\'HAT ARE THESE? (Gracie Barrie) ...... $2.49 20104-SLAP HAPPY (Mousie Powell and his Comedy Band) $2.49 25907-Tlli'.; IS THE l'\ICUT (Hal Winters and Patricia 20207-BLOW THE WHISTLE (Denver Darling and his Shay) ...... $1.98 Gang) ...... S2.49 21,00:J-HOY\' CUTE CAN YOU BE? (Jean Louise and Lynn 20406-HlLLBILLY HOLIDAY (Mousie Powell and his Jolmson) ...... $1.98 Comedy Gang) ...... $2.49 2(H07-i:'1 THE SIU.DE OF TIIE OLD APPLE TREE (The 21201-WHEN AU!'.T MINNJE PLAYS THE ~HNUET ll\ Guarchmt:n Quartet) ...... $1.98 G (The Beaver Boys) ...... $1.98 26203-IT'S A PITY TO SAY GOOD!'\IGHT (Jean Harvey) . $1.98 2 W03-I'LL i\lEET YOU DOW'! BY THE OLD PJC PE~ 26307-:MY PIN t:P Gt:Y (The Terry Twins) ...... Sl.98 (The Beaver Boys) ...... S2.49 26405-WlLI. YA BE MY DARLIN' (Jean Louise and Lynn 21802-WHY DID I KISS THAT GIRL (The Beaver Boys) $2.49 Johnson) ...... $1.98 21905-SANTA IS I~ THE DOGHOUSE '!OW (The Beaver 26407-UUT'S ALL BP.OTHEH. TH \T"S ALL (The Terry Boys) ...... $2.49 Twins) ...... $1.98 22205-GR-\NDPAW AI'.\'T THE \IAN (The Bea,er Boys) $2.49 26501-l'LL TAKE YOl• HOME AGAIN. KATHLEEN 22',07-INDIA:-.l BAH:\'. DA!\CE (Carl O'Bryanl ...... S2.4a (Michael Bartlett) ...... $1.98 2420,5-TIIE FIREM4.::-,;'s BELLE (The .'\lusie .'\-lixersl .... $2.49 26507-WHE!'\ YOU AI\D I WERE YOl.'NG ~IAGGIE (The 24305-THE HICK WITH TfIE HICCl'PS (The i\lusic Guardsmen Quartet) ...... 81.98 Makers) ...... $2.49 26701-SOl'THERN CO:\lFORT (Earl Oxford and Betty 24407-THE VILLAGE FIRE BRIGADE (The \1usic Mixers) S2.49 Underwood) ...... Sl.98 · 25205-HU,LBILLY-BILL (Texas Jim Lewis and his Lone 26705-OOB OOH GEO!'.C{E (Edna Hauis) ...... $1.98 Star Cowboy Band) ...... $2.49 26803-U:':DER THE \VILLOW TREE (\tarilyn Hare and 26505-ROLY POLY (Deuce Sprigcins and his Orchestra) . . 82.49 The Paragons) ...... $1.98 26607-\VHO THREW TJIE TUHTLE lN .'\IRS. \fURPUY'S 27001-CAPERS O~ THE CAMPt:S (Lynn Johnson) . . . $1.98 GJRDT .E (Bobby Gregory and The Cactus Cowboys} . . $2.49 2710l-T:IS SOLDmR SO'.'iG (Clarisse Daly with The Goldoliers) ...... $1.98 27203-CIIINATOWN CAPERS (~Iara Kim, with Lily Pon and Mae Dong) ...... $1.98 POLKAS 2720~-HICIIT,AND HAHi\.1O1\Y (The Gondoliers) ...... $1.98 27401-CHI Clll CASTENA;'l(GO (.'\Iarilyn Hare and the 10002-THE HOKEY-POKEY-POLKA (Cindy \\'nlker) .... SJ.98 · Pnra~onsl ...... $2.49 15901-Ll.'CKY POLKA (Al Trace and his Silly Symphonists) $1.98 27503-RUSSIAN GUITARS (Clarisse Daly and The 17305-PI:\'-UP POLKA (Carol Hood and The Rhythmaires) 82.49 Gondoliers) ...... $1.98 20403-BEACH POLKA (Burl Mann Trio) ...... 82.49 27607-ALL IN FAVOR SAY AYE (Marilyn Hare and The Paragons) ...... 81.98 21304-STELLA POLKA (Stanley Sielanski and the Mntusz 2790I-WHEN YOUR HEAD'S IN THE CLOUDS (Johnny Polish Dance Group) ...... , . . $2.49 Thompson and Marian Kerrit:anl ...... , . , . $1.98 21401-SWEET POTATO POLKA (The Beaver Boys) ..... S2.49 28007-BLOW THF. MAN DOWN (.'\farilyn Hare and The 21507-\IAZUR POLKA (Stanley Sielanski and Matusz Paragons) ...... SI .98 Polish Dancers) ...... $2.49 21(;01-CIIA'.\IPAGNE POLKA (Lawrence V\. elk and his Orchestra) ...... , ...... $2.49 HILLBILLY 21702-OIUA POLKA (Stanley Sielanski and :Vfatusz Polish 2902-HE TOOK \-fE FOR A SLEIGHRIDE (IN THE Dancers) ...... 82.49 GOOD OLD SU'.\-f'.\fERTI'4El Cindy Walker ...... $2.49 22402-S:-.IO\·VTIME POLKA (The Janette Hackett Dancers) $2.49 3904-THE OLD APPLE TREE (Esmereldy and Frank 23007-CAKEWALK POLKA (The Swing Stars and The '.\ovak's Rootin' Toolers) ...... $2.4:9 Bailey Axton Trio) ...... $2.49 4408-THERE IS A TA.VER'.\: l"I THE TOWN (Clarence 24707-PLAYGIRL POLK.\ (Jeni Freeland and The Polka- Nordstrom) ...... $2.49 dettes) ...... , ...... , ...... 82.49 4603-\IOC:\TAJN DEW (:\,label Todd) ...... $2.49 .5607-f GOT HER 11'; TTIE MAU, (Smoke Wells) ...... $1.98 24807-C..\ \1 PCS POLKA (The Campus Cutups) ...... _ . $2.49 9408-THE OLD SOW SONG (Rufe Davis) ...... $1.98 25605-PAL\1 TREE POI.KA (The Biscayne Beauties ·with 10103-!lll.J,BILLY HI-JINKS (Corrinne King with Chuck Ken Jones) ...... $2.49 Palm .. r and his Hillbilly Band) ...... $1.98 25705-G-STIU:\'G POLK,\ (Jack Whitney with Janette 11808-GIU"IPAPPY'S BIRTHDAY (Slippery Walsh) ..... $1.98 Hackett Dancers) . , ...... , ...... $2.49 14904-ROGKABYE BARY (Criss Cross and bis Comedy 26905-YEE HOO POLKA (Bobby Gregory and The Cactus Band) ...... , ...... , ...... $1.98 Cowboys) ...... S2.49 15706-lIII,DA WAS A DARN GOOD COOK (Freddie Fisher and his Sehnicklcfritz Band) ...... $2.49 27905-COWGIRL I'OLKA (Bobby Gregory and The Cactus 16802-POP'S COMI:\'' HO\fE (Frank Novak and his Band) $1.98 Cowboys) ...... , ...... $2.49 30 -,r •

VAUDEVILLE AND VARIETY 4301-THE TURKISH JERK (Princess Aloha) ...... $2.98 4303-BEAUTlFUL CLOTHES 1IAKE BEAUTIFUL 2300-A TWIST OF TIIE WRIST (Grace ~icDonald, Wesley GIRLS (Harry Langdon and Models) ...... $1.98 Adams) ...... $1.49 4502-CAVE MAN (Artie Conroy and Clarence Nordstrom) . . $1.98 3304,-Sl\·'EE',fJIEART, DARLING (SmitJ1 and Dale) ...... $1.49 680ii- ST. JA,;\ffiS INFIR.\IARY (Jerry Ber~cn and Pin-ups) $1.98 3505-JOE ~'ID CHARLIE'S COFFEE POT (Smiili and 6901-BRIGHt STARS, SOFT GUITARS AND YOU Dale) ...... $1.98 (Claudia Dl'3ke with Eddie Bush and his Society 6504-MAY I HAVE 'THE EXT TRANCE WITH YOUP Islanders) ...... , ...... $ L.98 (Grace Ppggi and Igor) ...... $1.49 7405-I REM.EMBER YOU (Bill Marshall and Pin-ups) . . .. ~l.!)8 1104-THE FERRIS WHEEL (Redd Harper and Lorraine 7801- GIYE THIS LITTLE GlRL A GREAT BIG HAND Elliott) ...... $1.49 (Ann Pennigton) ...... $1.98 8405-THE TOlillADOR (Jerry Bergen and Alegra) ...... $1.98 7001-THE FAN DANCE (Sally Ra.nd) ...... $2.98 ' 8505-AQUA WALTZ (Olive Hatch) ...... $1.49 8303-WATCII THE BJRDlE (Virginia Cornell and Models) $1.98 .. 8801-SPORTS A LA MODE (Merrie! Abbott Dancers) . . . . Sl.9''l S707- l'D LOVE TO K 'OW YOU BE'ITER (Gayle Mellott ~ . SS03-BMJO~fANlA (Eddie Peabody) ...... $1.98 and Bubble BatJ1) ...... $1.98 9900-KITCH'EN REVUE (llarry Roy and Phyllis Thackery) $1.49 !l007- ARTTST'S MODEL (Sally Rand) ...... $2.98 10001-PROF. PEABODY'S BANJO SCHOOL (Eddie 9401-SWI ·c IT, MR. SCHUBERT (Carol Adams a.nd her Pea)>ody) ...... $1.98 Glamourettes) ...... $1.98 10906-GUES WHO (.Arthur Boran) ...... $1.98 : 0301-TIIE DIZZY DANCE (The Capering Cuties) ...... $1.98 • 11008-CLUB LOLLYPOP (Baby Barb a r a and her 10604-FISHERETTES' CATCH (Arnold Kent, Morina Xylophont) ...... $1.98 Goya) ...... $1.98 11606-TWO OF A KrnD (Cross and Dunn) ...... $1.49 10705-HEAVE!I.LY IUDEA WAY (William ~foore, Patti 11801-r.iUSIC,:AL MOVIE l\lE:\fORlliS ( and Bobbins) ...... $1.98 l 070S-DANCE REVUE (Pat Rooney III) ...... $1.98 1J 90!1,tf{&Eiloo cmcus (i ~~ ~1~i~,. Ti1~. K~~~~ 'i~1~) lf :!g 10808-LADY WITH TIIE FANS (Faith Bacon) ...... $2.98 12006-Clll~Y! THE COP (Romo Vincent) ...... $1.98 11404-STEP LIVELY (The Lucky Girls) ...... $1.99 13801-GOOD SKA TES (The Skating Continentals) ...... $1.98 1150J -NELLIE BLY (Gai Moran) ...... $1.98 18505-IlOW TO GO TO A FRE, CII RESTAURANT 14101-D&"iCE OF SIIAME (Fa.ith Bacon) ...... $2.98 (Willie H?,ward) ...... $1.98 14205-HATS OFF (The Winnie Hoveler Dancers with 18605-IIOLD YOUR IIATS (The Elgms) ...... $1.98 RutJ1 Godfrey) ...... , ...... $1.98 18606-A IIA DFUL OF CLUBS (The Elgins) ...... $1.98 14902-LULU (Helen Devlin) ...... $1.98 18802-RO~fE2 ROBI 1 (Cartoon) ...... $1.49 18504-LADY WOr DERFUL (Kenneth Buffet) ...... $1.98 19005-HOT T)L\iALE (Cartoon) ...... $1.49 20302-SPINNl\TG STEPS (The Janette Hackett Dancers) . . $2.49 19302-THE ' Y9R.M TURI\S (Cartoon) ...... $1.49 20407-T\\'IRLS -\!',;D GIRLS (Janette Hackett Dancers) .. ~2.49 20307-SIDE ~r,ow (The S}de Show Girls) ...... $2.98 20805-TIIEY GO WILD (SIMPLY WILD) OVER ?\1E 20503-WHIPS A 1D TRICKS (Sutton and Lee) ...... $1.98 (Lawrence Welk and his Orchestra with Bathing 20806-PLAYfflG IN THE PARK (The Jansleys) ...... $1.98 Beauties) ...... $1.98 20901-STUCK WITII IT (The Gibbons) ...... Sl.98 2(l ;.l 05-<;J TTI~' AND SUNNIN' (Venus Ramey) ...... $2.49 22302-SKATING REVELS (The Four Whirlwinds) ...... $ L.98 2J204-TREASURE CHEST (The Pirate Girls) ...... S2,49 22404-ACROBATICS (The Jansleys) ...... $1.98 21404-HOOPS MY DEAR (Jeanne Staff) ...... $2.49 22503-WL~TER TIIR.ILLS AND SPILLS ...... $1.98 22201-SPAIU


21107-I:-.. OLD MEXICO (Bruce Raeburn and the Sande DANCES Dancers) ...... $1.98 21303-lUIC\lBA MA1T:\1B\ (Isabelita) ...... $1.98 305-UY\'C \. LA \JAIZE (Dorothy Janice) ...... $1.98 $1.98 407-JIYE, LITTLE GYPSY. JI\E (Diann Castillo, Bobby 2 L402-RJO DE J A:\'IEHO (\!aria dcl Hay) ...... 2H,0i -D \'\CE CO\UQl E (Syh·ia Opcrt) . S1.98 Sherwood's Orchestra) ...... $1.4Q $1.98 1011-\[EXTCA'\' HAT DA'\CE (~Iarcheta, Cliff Ferre, 2260:3-DA:\'CF \IODER'\E /Blair and Dean) . 22G0;';-EASY STHEET (\'ickee Hicharcls and \larilyn Gray Gordon and his Orchestra) ...... S1.49 $1.98 1607-POE\fE (Charisse and Ford with The Cameo Girls) . . $1.49 Hightower) ...... ' 1807-DlD \'\YO'\E C \LU (Charisse and Dick Hogan) .. Sl.49 2:350:1-GET A WO\L\'\ O'\ YOl'R \fl:\D (Kirk "ood and and \farilyn Hightower, ...... Sl.98 I 2005-I HEAR \fl"SJC (Grace \lcDonald, Wesley Adams: .. Sl.49 $1.98 210:3-THE FLEA (E,·a Ortega with the Di Limas) ...... Sl.98 2:370:'i-\IELODY PARADE (Cecile LC'" in) ...... 24:301-BACK TRACK (Mn~a Gtifforcl) ...... 82.98 2602-TI-PJ-TI:\ (Eva Orh:ga) ...... 81.9~ $1.98 2701-BALLFT D \:\CER"S :\JGilT\lAHE (Slate Brothersl $1.49 24:307-DA:\GE CO'\Tl'\E;\'TALE (Blair and Dean) . . . . . 25.50:3-TL\'\\'hElF. HOEDO\\':\ (Jack '\\'hitney and The 2701:i - TIL\T C \I SALO\(..\.). (Kanza Omar. Oriental S1.98 Dancer) ...... $2.98 Janette Hackett Dancers) ...... 24507-DA '\{.,E. RE\ El.S (l\krrita .\1oorc and her Dancin~ 2~l06-W:\H D\'\CE FOR \\'OODE'I I:\DIAl'\S (:'llucomi Sl.98 and 'iccahtha) ...... $1.49 Darlin~s) ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2a301-KICK THICKS (Carlyn Trua~ and her Chorines'. $2.49 3101-JI\F, LITTLE I'\DL\SS ('\ucomi and :\eeahtha) .. $1.49 82.49 5806-TO:'\ICHT I:\ DRF n1 Tt:\IF (Tut \lace and Gary 2(,201-DIGGA DICG\ DO ,Jean Louise) ...... 2f301-- \IOITLt: FHO\1 TOITY TOID \. '\D TOID Leon) ...... $1.49 $2.49 6005-OCTLP\E OF JITTERBVG HISTORY (\Vhitcy's (Gretc·hen Hanser ancl John Fellows) ...... Lindy Hopper,) ...... $1.49 2710:3-IUll';\lB \ REBOB (ll<'tly , r illiams with The :'.\fary Osborne Trio) ...... , ..... $1.98 8101-B.-\LI'\ESL\ (Carmel' ))'Antonio ...... S2.4!l 82.98 8!307- CCY\CIIIT.\ PEPITA (Carmrn D'\ntonio) ...... S2.49 27701-TROP!C' \:-,' .\ (\Toya Crifforcl and Gu~ Howard) 9602-SA'\ S \L\' -\DOH (Peppy and Peanuts) ...... SUlS 10005-Jl\'E!S HOLU).H . (Peppy and Peanuts) ...... Sl.49 lO00S-HTI' TE.\SE (Thl' \'ictor Trio) ...... $1.49 WESTERN 1010-i-S\\ (:'\GO\1A;,.;L.\ (llolfman and Kaye) ...... Sl.49 11 lOl-TIIE D:\GCER DA'l:CE (\ il'loria Ranes) . . . . S1.49 4.503-THF. CO\ERED \V\GO'\ ROLLED RIGHT ALO;-.;G 11:302-SJ.E:-..DER. TE:\DER A :\D T\LL (Ilie Thompson) S 1.49 (The Wakely Trio) ...... Sl.9~ 1200,'5-\ L\ HAR·\J.\ (Hal and Betty Takkr) ...... S2.9S 6S04-RAGTl\iE COWBOY JOE (\Iary Burton! ...... Sl.9S 12402-D. .\:'\ CF CO\11Ql'E 1Tlw Eltons) ...... Sl.49 6908-SHY :\:\:\E .FRO\1 OLD CHFYK\ \'F (Denwr 12406-IIAPPY LA:-.;DI!\G (lune Tavlor Girls) ...... SU!l Darlin~ and his Texas Cowhands) ...... Sl.95 l2S07-\'A\10S A GOZAR t\'arios ancl \idal ...... Sl.49 7704-BUFF.\LO GALS (Denver Darlin~ 11nd his Hill Billies) Sl.98 12!103-BEGI'\ THE HEGl l'\E (Yarios and Vida) ...... $1.98 5001-IDAIIO (Connie Haines) ...... $1.9'> 13!30,'5-LA co:-..G,\ SE F l F (Hamon Ros and his Dancers) $1.9S 11605-WESTER\' RTJlTH\iS (Tex Ritter;- $1 .9& 1390-1-C HICl-:F '\ REEL (Goclfrev Dancers with The 12206-WESTER:'.'. \fELODIES (Tex Ritter) . . Sl.98 Hhvlhmairc,1 ...... '...... $1.49 120:32-TIO\fE OK THE RA:--GE (Stewart Gracey ...... $1.98 14002-SIIOEL\G THE :\L\RF (\arios and Vida) ...... $1.49 1:3004-THE PIO',EEH (Stewart Gntcey) ...... $1.98 1420(i-Ql'r: BU~'\\ ES LA CO',GA (\'arios and \'idal . . Sl.49 13I02-THE COWBOY ISYT SPEAKIXG TO HIS HORSE 14-101-RIFF (Winnie Howler Dancers) ...... S2.49 The Dude Ranchers) ...... Sl.98 1560:3-BES.\ \fE \fllCTIO I Raonl \farlinez. Corinne and 13205-WF'LL REST AT THE .E'IO OF THE THATL (Art fito Valdez) ...... ~UIS Dixon) ...... $l.9S 15605-TIIE Jl''\GLE Jl \IP (Th: Lucky Girls) ...... $2.49 1:3:306-TIIE LAST ROu:'\D-l'l' .Art J)ixonl ...... Sl.98 15302-Jl'\IPl:\'C IlEA:\' (lsabellita\ ...... $l.!J8 14004- YOl' ARE \IY Sl"\'SHI'\F (Emernm's \fountaineers) $2.49 16705-DA'\CE BHEVITIES (Thl' Lucky Girls) ...... Sl.95 14504-LITTLF BROW'\ lllG (Emerson's \1ountaineers) . $2.49 17102-J'\I SECHETAHY TO THE SULTA"l (Snub Pollard) Sl.96 14701-l'ISTOL PACKLV PAP\ (Red River Dave) ...... $2.19 IS40-1-ST\IH-A-TO'\E RE\TE (Helen Tanza) ...... $1.95 14805-\IOKT\l\A PLAI'\'S (Emcnon's :'.\fountainct•rs) ... SUIS 18503-Il\CK BEAT BOO(;!E (nurch \1aim Dancers, ... 81.!)5 1.'5004-.\ LASSO .\XD A LAS(, (~lar~uerite James) . . . . >: 1.9S 1S(i02-TIIE Dl'l~J. D.\'\CE (Saul Grauman) ...... $1.98 15104-BHANJ)II\' TJ\lE (l\(•d Rinr Da\'cl ...... $2A9 16704-WlGGLES (;\'aPua Wood) ...... Sl.96 15406-TTIE Sl"lGll'\C HILLS (Art Dixon) ...... $1.98 18804-STEPPT'\G FAST (Burch \fann Dancers) ...... $1.98 1600£i-I WISH J IIAD DIED I', \ff CRADLE (Art Di"


SEPIA DANCE BANDS 2l\f-LOUIS JOlU)A::\' \IEDLEY \Louis Jordan and his Band) $2.49 3.M-LOl'IS JORDA'\ .\IEVLFY (Louis Jordan and his 3608-FOUH OH FT\ E Tl.\1ES (Si,ter Tharpe with Lucky Orchestral ...... SJ.98 Millender um! his Orchestra) ...... Sl.98 9\U-BUTZKRIEG 8O\IBARDIER (Skel'l~ Tolbert and his 3701-SUOPT, SISTER, SHOUT! (Sister Tharpe with Lucky Band) ...... $2.49 ,rillcmler and his Or :iestra) ...... $1.98 IlMl-CO:\TRAST I;\' RHYTH\I \Cecil ~cott and his 3807-1 WAt\T A BIG Jt 1. T \!AMA (Lucky Millender and Orchestra) ...... S2.49 hi, Orcl1(•sh·a) ...... $ UIS J l\1:3-\fR. X BIXES (Cecil Scott and his Orchestrnl . . . . . 82.49 4501-AIR ,rAlL SPEC! \I (Count Basic and hi, Band) .. $1.0b 12\ll-'TfS YOll BABE (Skeets Tolbert ancl his Orchestra) .. $2.49 5105-I GOT 1T BAD AND THAT AI:.\''T GOOD (Jvie 12\12-S:\'ll)Il\' JOE (Dallas Bartley and his Orchestra\ ... $1.98 Anderson with Duke .Ellington and his Orchestra) .... 81.98 13:\ll-S\\T\Gl.Y [:\' TIIF. GROOVE (Tiny Grimes and his 5304-UOT CTIOCOL\TE (Duke Ellington and his Orchestra) ...... $2.49 Orch('stra) ...... 81.98 22\!:1-BfG FAT ,rA\lAS ("Bull ,toose" Jackson with I ucl

SEPIA DANCES (CONTINUED) 1:;2os- TAI' II \I'l'Y •Slim ancl S,n·ets) . l:i:501-.- L \Z) HI\ EH tTlw Shaclrnt·k ilo},) . 7703- CUBA:\ EPl SODI·. (J..atlieriue Dunham an and her Dancers) ...... $1.9.') l!iH0.'1-l•:nmr D .\ Y IS S:\Tl'HJ),\ Y I:\ HARLE\! (Hilda 8302- BLACKBIRD FA.NTASY (Dorothy Dandridge) ...... $1.9S Ho)!;crs, ...... :;l.!JS 9505-SUGAR Ill LL \IASQlT:H \DI: 1\\'hitcy's Lind} ' liHOS-Hl:\h.\ TD:KA \I,\;\" /Billie 1Iavwoocl1 . . . . :;!}Jr; Hoppers) ...... Sl.41l i'OO'i-1 L\:\'T Gl\'E YOll ,\ 'iYTlil:\G Hl'T LO\'E 10206-TUXED O JUl\'CTIO, (Edna \lae Harris with The ( l lilcl.t Ho~•·rs) ...... SJ.fl"> Lennox H oppers) ...... S l.4!1 17:l0S-~W \'\ El• ~ \\"!'\(; /La\ ilia Tullos) ...... SI.US 10704-Rt:G CCTTEH'S HOLJI> \ Y 1-'rccldi(' and F lo) . . . $1.9'> I .. 10'-; -HI L\PSOI), OF Ul\'E (Hilda Rogers; ...... $1.H') 12208-l'OPPl , · THE COHK (Tht• ',q>ia Stepper~) ...... $ I .4!! I ; .,O'i-1 C-\ '\" I" JM:\CL (Billie Ila} wood and Clift \lit-al SI HS 14108-STE l'PT'iG ALO:\(. (fadyn 1-..('yl's with The Sepia I ;·Ho<;-'T \]:\'T Hll,HS (l na \lac Carlisle) . . . SJ !l'; Steppers) ...... 8 UJ.'I I i,',O'i-1°\f TIHEI> (\1rns and E,trdlit:11 .. SI .!J~ 14208-A SO:'\G Al\D DA :\Cl-: \IA\ !Taps \lillcrl ...... $ UJ8 I ',00S-SI II:\ E n J'unis with Rusti lt 10'-;-\1\HY IL\l) \ LITTLE LA\JB (The Three• l'c:J>pl'rsl ~1.9,', Stanford) ...... j;2.49 J~.;OS--YOU AL\\AYS fll'HT THE O:\E YOl LO\'E (The 89608-NO, NO, BABY (Skeets Tolbert and The Suntan ,\fills Brother,) ...... S l.9S Sweeties) ...... S2.49 J',!i0,'l-llIS J:OC:1'.I';' 1101\Sl~ R\:\" .\W,\Y (lcla JanH",l Sl.!J's 8.\11- H ARE\l HE\'ELS (Rmti Stanford! ...... S2.!JS Is; 0'-;-\IY. ;\I}', \ JY'T TIJ \T SO\IETHI:'\' (C.l·n~ Hodt:t•r,) $ l.!JS 27:\12- DA:\CE BEVELS (Rmti Stanford. Fl·rrahl·c l'urnell 1 S'-0S-Cll.\-Clll-\1.~ \' (The Litll<' Four Quarl<'lte) ...... $1.W and Rohcrta H arris) ...... ~2.HS IS ,0S-,\1\'T SHI. l'lffTT\ (Th<' Fc1ur l'eppn,\ ..... Sl.% l!Jll0'I STFAK \:'\I> l'OT..\TOES /\Lthd Scott) ...... SUI<.; SEPIA VOCAI.S l!J:i0',-CI· I ( \lah, I Sl'otl with Tht• Flennoy Trio I • • $ I .!JS l!I• 0S-1.O\'E CH(H''S 0;'11 A WHITE (>.\'K THEE (The 2802-SWING FOH S \ LE (Tlw Charioteer,) . Sl.49 Little J<'our ()uai !cltl') ...... S UJS 3203-RlDE, RED, RIDE (The Charioteers.... SJ.4!! l!1'itlS-Cll'.LlTO I l'\DO (The \tills llrothcrs) . . . S2.-!B 350U-l DREAMT l DWET, T J:\ II.\HLE\l (The Delta IHH0S-D\:\'CL YOl'l OLD AGE .-\W\Y (Tchh Hammed) $1.!J,', Rhythm Boys) ...... SJ .98 :200[1/,-BOOCIE \\'OOCIF DllE.\\f (Lcua Borne) ...... S2.4!J 3903-SIIADRACK (The Deep Hi,cr Boys) ...... •... $2.49 ::!07 1'>-TE, TlJOl S.\!\D YEAHS AGO (Th(' Juba•airesl SUJS 4005- RIC OLE TTO BLl ES (The Delta Hhythm Boys! .... Sl.9'l 20l•JS -BHOTLIEH BILL (Tht· Jubahiir(·~) . . . . . SUJS 4102-13OOGIE WOOGLIE (The Dc•ep Hh-er Boys) $1.98 2ll4tlS-THE l'HE ..\CHEH ,\ '\D THE BE.\H (The Juhalaircs) $1.9S 4 106- THE L O'.'IE SO\JE HOAD (Si,tcr Tharpl') ...... $2.4!! 20,0S-TE'; TllOl'SA'.\D n: -\HS AGO (The Jubalair,,s) .. 'Sl.!J8 4207-JACK, YOt:"RE l'LAYl\'C THE GA\11: (The Delta 210(1:i-F.\!IE TUE!: WELL !Day, Dawn an 6408-THE D E \ lL SAT D OW:\' A::\D CHIED (Savannah l'ii''i0 1-C.\TS C.\:\"f DA'iCE (\label Lee) ...... SUJ8 Churchill) ...... $1.:)8 ,<,7so:,. O11-H E-E \JY, \ff (Tht· Countc.\5 a11cl the Counts\ SUl-'\ 6501-CASE O ' TH E BLliES (\Iaxine Sullivan/ ...... SUJS '>7110',-I r·s \IE. Olli I ORD (John Slraclraek Horal'('! ..... SUJ'i 6601- WHAT TO DO (Savannah Clmrehilll ...... SUl8 ,SSJ0.' - FI\E SALTED PEA:\'l"TS (The Countess ancl the 9303-PECKIN' (The Chocolatecr,) ...... $1.'!9 ( :ouutsl ...... Sl.98 9608-CLOSE SHA \'E (.\ 11 r o r a C r (' c I e y and LeHoy SS:10',--\\'E'HE STEl'l'I:\(; Ol'T TO:\ l G II T (June Bloomfield) ...... $1.-19 I 'dunonrl) ...... Sl.fJ8 9902-HARLE\t RHl'MB.\ (The Choeolatccrsl ...... $ 1,!Jf, '>'-;-IO'i- EICJITY-EICil'I 1:1-.. \SO:\S \\'In ! John11ie ancl l000U- LEC'S AIN'T GOOD (Edna \lac Harri,) ...... SUJ'l (,,·or_!.!<'l ...... Sl.!J'I 10107-TWEED \fE (The Chocolateers) ...... SUJ'l /i,',(i()') .•y \ Fl'\ t-: \~]) IE \LTJil Tl ll'\G (Dalla, Bartley/ $ UIS 10406- WILLTE, WJLLlE (Sam \Iannin{! and lll•lle Ho7elte) $l.4!J ,%71)<, .. J 11..\J) A DHl•A\J (Toh11ny and Gl·or~l') ...... SI.HS 11708- .\tEETI'\'' T l\1E (The Radio Aces) ...... $1.98 '>'180:)··JOSEl'H A 'iD H ,S IIHl'DDEHS (June Hidunond/ .. BUIS 11802-BL OCK PAHTY HE\ EJ.S (Bill ie Lynn and Ann SS!J0S-- \LI, Hl-ZZIT Bl'ZZJT (Dalla, Bartin) ...... SI.US Albritton) ...... $1,!JF; li!l0l1'-- S:\OQl'ALOc\flE JO JO (The Delta m;ythm Roys) SUJS 10806- A 11.\RLE MESQt:I·, RE\TE (\fabd \ lerccr) . . ... Sl.4!; MHOS--\IH. I \CKSOS FHO\I J\( h.SOX\ILLE /June 11704-SW ANEE SMILES (The Cabin Kids) ...... $1.49 Hi hmoncll ...... $l.9S 11905- BACKSTAGE BLUES !Lynn Alhritton) ...... SI.4!-J S!J-!04- f \KE E\ Eln"Tlll,C (Thl• Tlm·l· Pepper,) ...... $2.49 12008-KEEP W A lTJ\'" (George Washington Brown) . . . .. $1.98 S950S-,\.:'\OC:1, \IE ot ·T (Apns ancl Estrellita) ...... $ I.OS 12106-E\ULY BRO W'\' (Bob Parrish) ...... $ l.49 .sfJHO', \'O. ~O. B,\HY (Skeets Tolbert a11d Tire 'iuntan 12308-PARDON ME. B OT YOU LOOK Jl Sl LIKE S 1\ c·di<·~) ...... S2.4fl '.\iAHGIE (The Three Chef,) ...... Sl.4!J MJfJO!\-BIG FAT IWTTElffLY ,Cm(• Hod~ers) . . Sl.!l~ 12408-DISPOSSW,SJ-:D BLt:ES (Lynn Alhrilton) ...... $1.98 2\12-l \\"O"i'T \IISS YOl' ...... $I.US 12607-C OD"S HE.\\ E l\ (George \\a\hin{!ton Brown) ..... S Ul'l 1\11-1' !T 1 Ol'H .\H\fS \HOl'.'\D \IE IlOXEY (Huh) 12808-LO\'i'.\' L'P A SOI.ID BHEI-:ZE (ThP Chanticleers) $1.!-JS lJ II and \ irgil \ an Cle, I') ...... • . . . . $2. j!J 13008-KEEP S\flLl\'G (The Gingersnaps) ...... S 1.% -t \12-) 1 ll C.\ '\'T FOOL .\BOL'.T LO\'E (Josephine 13108- BABBLI'.\G BESS (The Chantidecrs ...... Sl.49 Ed" ::ire!-) • . • . . . . • . . . • ...... • . . . • . . . . • • . • • $1.98 13208-LINDA BHOWN (Musical \tacknps) ...... $1.4!! •l\l:J-SIIOO'I Till HlffTil\i TO '.\fE (Thl· \fusieal \tad- 13308-WIIA\i (T he Four Gingersnaps) ...... $1.49 (·.tp,:1 . • • . • . .••.•.•.•. 1 $2.19 13408-RHYTII\ 1 OF THE RHYTJl\f HA \D (Tl1e 1fusical •l\f-1-J>l::\CE\f \ :\'f\ (.\fa 1el Ll'l" a11cl :\ickey O'Danid) $2.4!1 \iaclcaps and '.\'ikki O'Daniels) ...... $1.49 5\11-{ lllCKE.\ Sll\CK ~:IJl'FFLE (\label Lee) ...... $2.4fJ 13608-JU\'GLE JA\ IBOHEE (l'aulim· Cook and Bryant ,'i\11 -LI· J"S CF I' DO\\"\" TO lWSJ;\'ESS 1\lyra Johnson Br< mu) ...... • ...... • . SUJ'> :111cl lk\\l'Y Brownl ...... SUJS . 13701,-DO I \\ <>Hin ll'alter,ou and J.,c·k,0111 . . !;ii. W ;';\J:~ Lf.<.'f'S Ill• \T Ol" I' '-O\ll LO\ E (\\ airen l ,,111, .. S1,t!J l:Jo0S- TOOT T IIAT THl .\!PET (Frauc-irn· 1-°,<'rl'lt ,,itli ,'j\l-1--H Ii \ 'I :I\l \::\ I \ rllan is ancl 1111111, ancl .\fabl'I Lee, S2.49 Cook and Brnwn ...... $1.fJS f>\f:', ()l 1C:h. \\ \T'IO:\, Tiff HHYTIT\I (.\fyra Johnson). $I.HS 1:3908-Jl \fl'lY JACK FllO\f H \CKF\''i \CK Tomm> (i\12 -'II· I OI)).' T .\h.E'i \ 11O1.ID n /Dc,H")' Brown and Thompson with The Chanliclc(•r,) ...... SJ .-IH I larl,•111 lJop.:y,_ . • ...... S2.4!J 14008-FOOLI"I" AHOl \'D (\lallt'l Ll"c "ith Harris aucl !i\I,i-CI: I' \\ ITH IT ( lh• Byt· Trio) ...... $1.98 Hunt) ...... Sl.49 i~ll-1 i\l 1SS YOl' SO 1W:urcn Evans) ...... $1.98 14408-AIN'T \ lY SC'CAH SWELT (Tlw Clranticlcersl .... SJ.49 7\12--PH,'. \CJ:\C l'i TIIF l'AHK (Tops and \\'ildcr·, .. $2.4!) 14508- BABY, D ON'T YOU CRY (Warren bans\ ...... $1.9S 7\1:3-fl l:h E 'TIS IIO:\'FY, T \h.E 1T (Dewt-y Brown and 14608-IF YOl THEAT \ tF. TO .\ lll'G (The C hanticlcl•rs) $1.49 \lvr.1 Johnson\ ...... ~I.98 14808- GlT IT (Patter,on ancl Jac·hon) ...... SI An 7\f-t II.\1:1 F\I IIOTCII \ t'J'op, ancl \\'il,1,·r, l"nrah,•e 1510.~- \f..\\1\I\, I \ \\'\'\\ \f.\KI: BlnTll~I 11'atll'r,011 l'urn,•'I and :'\ic-!,,1 ll'lb11il'l1 ol;2, l'l :111cl JaC'ksnn) ...... SJ.'l'I 7\Hi-J \Ci- l'OT (I',·""~' B.icku, .111cl Tlit llarle111 I lom·ys/ -;2.4!) 35 ' ~~5~@~= "'t...\ !:o,..."'>ze; SJ nc::0-i:1;;~ ~ ll:z-ioz:>oo HISTORl[Al Films "'-i::::;:-io~ C ~o"';:;l:lzs, J> d"1~!d!='..,> < M > -OZ .. .,, :I 0::, z :at:, ~,, '"z d ~ m O n t Z i:1 ,;:;j~:.Sz>u-,M' 0 l"'>:,.ol:lvi~ , ;It! ,...~z'"'o~i; WORLD WAR II ..., - 0::, z.., t:, ~~ S~~O:.s;gl:l - ~. °' >:jM~v, '0-!"1~>"' or All brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. silent subjects !l"'~i,,-<~giiii ~ ~ in original cartonsl o<-io>> >i > z t:,,....., z "I Cl o::, o-1 0 O.,. Here's a real buy in brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. silent C::M"1:,s0,:l~'II 'f ~ i: i ~ ~ ~.?! i; historical films of World War II. These are all ~i0~:ol=Zi which were made to sell for $8.75 a print. When our stock p:~~tll~£§; is gone, additional prints will not be available. So with t~S:i;;~gi ::c .,, fl'} )> limited stocks, better order early - and g.ive us alternate t:IC titles if you ctm! r.>r l'l (/) "ti • U. S. NAVY BLASTS MARSHALL ISLANDS • COMMANDOS IN ACTION • ITALY SURRENDERS

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