" ,. ' ' ~ ' .• -~....:.r . ,; -~.. J • January 11951 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! QUANTITY ON HAND PRICE EACH ~ - -~· -··=~----------------,-------------------- OSTRICH TROUBLES. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. ss.,s 16 Cr:st:e-Kiko the Ka .. garoo Cartoon. Original ptice, $17.50. WOLVES OF THE RANGE with Bob Living5ton s29 95 8 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature pici·ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e -~ ,..a:.;.;::::ii.:._.c __________________ ,________________ ,_,_ _ _,__ BORDER BUCKAROOS with Dave O'Brie11 and Jim Newill s29 95 7 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picf·ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION, 1947. Rrcind new, 1-reel, 16mm. silent. SJ 98 32 Castle's film of the fun anc frivolity of 1h11 1947 convention in New York. Origi•al price, $8.75. • ------------~---~----~-·----·-----------~--- tOG ISLAND with Lionel Atwill, Jerome Cowan, George Zucco s39 95 5 Good used 7-reel, 16mm. sound faaf·ure pic~ure, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e SONGS OF LOVE. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound fiim in original cartons. S6 95 Castle Music Album with Gene G,-ounds, Syl-,ia Froos, Dove Schooler and his Swinghearts. • 47 Original price, $17.50. THE DRIFTER with Buster Crabbe and Al S·t. John s29 95 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound featura {'i :ture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e FISH IS FOOD. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. s:u.,nd film in original cartons. S6 95 There's nothing fishy about the bargain quolit ) of this lilm on the Fulton Fish Market in New York. • 18 Original price, $17.50, THE WHISPERING SKULL with Dave O'Brien and Jim Newill s29 95 4 Good used 6-reef, 16mm. sound feature phture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e ON THE SCENT. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. :;ound film in original cartons. S5.95 32 Castle-Kiko the Kangaroo Cartoon. Originaf price, $17.50. A Dl'IISIOl'J OF BLAIHHRWH Fllffl5 ID[. EASTIN PICTURES DRUEDPORT, IOWA All films listccl iu Blad.hawk's Bargain 13ulletiu arc good used 11orn1al image 16mm. souud priuts uuless othe1wise inclicatccl. Cartoons average aboul 250 feet to a reel; other one reelers nm 300 to 350 foet. Two reelers usuallv contain about 650 feet and longer subjects normally average not less than 300 feet to a reel. The 100' lumm. musical films id<'ntified as ''H-1'' are used pnuts of productio11s made originally for proj(·ctiou in Panoram coin-operated machines by such com­ panies as H. C. :-.1. (J:loosevelt, Coslow, '\!ills1, Globe Cameo; :-.Iinoco; Filmcral t and Phono-v1ew. The pictorial image is reversed 011 the screen when <.:omparcd to 11ormal 16mm. print~. Howe, er, with most of these subjects the only poi11t where this is noticeable is in the main title ,vhich, when projected as a normal lomm. print, appears reversed 011 the screen. Blackhawk can coutinually offer you these exceptional buys only by clirninati11g all possibility of credit losses, and by operating our organization at the utmost efficiency. Therefore, irrespective of your credit rating, our terms are CASH WIT'H ORDER, or 10% DEPOSIT WITH ORDER, BALA ~CE C. 0. D. You have nothing to lose - our guarantee protects you. This guarantee provides that if for any reason you do uot wish to retain any films or merchandise you order from Blackhawk, you may ship them back to us, transportation paid, within five days after you receive them, together with a copy of your i11Yoicc, and we'll gi\'e you full credit. Of course, returned merchandise must be in substantially the same condition when returned as when you reccivecl it. Blackhawk prices do not include postage except in a few instances where films are shown as "postpaid" at the prices listed. On C. 0. D. shipments, postage will be collected along with the cost of the films. However, if you wish to remit iu full with your order, you may include the following amounts to cover packing, postage and iusuran<.:e, irrespective of your location in the United States: Shipment of one 100' print 10c Shipment of two 100' prints 20c Shipment of one or two 400' reels 30c Shipment of three or four 400' reels 40c Shipment of five or six 400' reels 50q Shipment of seven or eight 400' reels 60c Shipment of nine or ten 400' reels 70c Shipment of eleven or twelve 400' reels 80c Each additional 400' reel . 5e Three 100' priuts count as one 400' reel in figuring postage and insurance. Each feature picture cotmts as eight 400' reels in figuring postage aud imurance. For empty reels, cans, cases, etc., allow 20% of purch1sc price for postage and insurance. On many classes of films listed here, additional savings cm1 be made by ordcriug six, twelve or more prints at a time. These cliscounts however, apply only to quantities purchased withi11 that class, and not to assortments of several classes of films. Discounts do not apply to any new or used films unless specifically offered in the listing. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original carts. S6 95 '· '< W. G. Chandler and Wilbur Forrest, two e:ditors, discus s th,. various points of tho Atlantic Chatter • ~ ;,r:j~ 12 against the pictorial background of appropriat o newsreel s hots, Original price, $17 .50. , THE KID SISTER with Roger Pryor and Judy Clark 5 7 , Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature p icture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 39.95 -~~ i. 23 WIDDICOMBE FAIR. Brand new, ½-reel, 16mm. sound film. The traditional English folk-solt9 prese nted through the me dia of a nimated drawings. 53 95 ? ·' Original price, $ 15,00. ~~ -:~ LONE RIDER AND THE BANDIT with Georg e Houston and Al St. John 5 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels• 34.95. M ARKED FOR M URDER with Dave O'Br ien and Jim Newill 5 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature p icture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. GANGSTERS OF THE FRONTIER with Dav,:., O'Brien and Jim Newill 6 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature p icture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. HAIL THE KING. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. scund film in original cartons. 8 Cast(e-Kiko t he JCangproo Cartoon. O r iginal !'rice, $17.50. 8 ROMANTIC BALLADS. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound fi lm, original cartons. castle Music Album with The Four Polks, Tamara, Dol Casino and his Orchestra. Original price, $17.50. SPOOK TOWN with Dave O'Brien and J rm Newill '4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-r 600' reels• . new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. Castle-Ki ko tl1e Kangaroo Ca_rtoon. Original price, $17.50. QUANTITY ON HAND PRICE EACH STRANGLER OF THE SWAMP with Rosemary LaPlanche s49 95 3 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e JUVENILE JUBILEE. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. S6 95 31 Castle Music Album with Kay Lorraine, the Collegians and Johnny Downs. Original price, S17.S0. • FRONTIER FUGITIVES with Dave O'Srien and Jim Newill 5 7 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 29.95 SHADOW OF TERROR with Richard Fraser, Grace Gillern 5 8 Good used 7-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 39.95 FL YING SOUTH. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. 5 26 Castle-Farmer Al Fa/fa Cartoon. Original price, $17.50. 5.95 RUSTLER'S HIDEOUT with Buster Crabbe and Al St. John 5 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 29.95 --------------------------~-------------=-~-- THE PHANTOM 42ND STREET with Dave O'Brien, Kay Aldridge 4 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. 539. 95 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER. Brand new, ½-reel, 16mm. sound film. The traditional English fo/1,..song presented through the media of animated drawings. 5 22 Original price, $15.00. 3.95 OATH OF VENGEANCE with Buster Crabbe and Al St. John s29 95 6 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. e ROGUE'S GALLERY with Frank Jenks, Robin Raymond, H. B. Warner s39 95 lo Good used 7-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. • A CLOSE SHAVE. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film in original cartons. 5 8 Castle-Farmer Al Fa/fa Cartoon. Original price, $17.50. 5.95 FLAMING BULLETS with Dave O'Brien and Jim Newill S29 95 5 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound fgature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. • COLLEGE AND CARNIVAL RHYTHM. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. sound film. Castle Music Album with Diana rlel Rio, the Collegians and the Carnival Chorus. 5 8 Original price, $17.50. 6.95 THE RENEGADE with Buster Crabbe and Al St. John s29 95 8 Good used 6-reel, 16mm. sound faature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. • CUSTER'S LAST STAND with Rex Lease,J. Mulhall, Dorothy Gulliver $)LG 95 I 15 chapter serial, each ch apter 2-reels in length. Good used condition. UJ 7/ 0 ROLLING STONES. Brand new, 1-reel, 16mm. silent film in original cartons. s2 98 102 Castle-Far mer A.I Falla Cartoon. Original Price, $8.75. • SWING HOSTESS with Martha Tilton and Charles Collins s39 95 5 Good used 8-reel, 16mm. sound feature picture, assembled on 2-1600' reels. O EISENHOWER COMES HOME. New, 1-reel, 16mm.
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