;. ' ·'· - tld cb. es. This Issue Js ng :er nt Dedicated To ··or. ge ar w.:· nt Folk And Ted Davis na. ve_. ou by * * * 304-6 of Jilt ne · '411i1Eto~s ed to ay. , D~iVe '*-kes, )Sp-ecial Numbers ·I ~ .. • . ·. G~od·:\s~~-·~·,,. · ed_. ·-- • ., :. I / To Fea~ure Mus1c in • rig •a. .QUot~.Musf-Be ileache~I tai · ' ···By.~ext·Wediies~ ··. · · day: · PrOgram Tonigh~ ti- -. 106 .._..:.-The .. ·: Red ·cross ·drrve-·for-1'944 lis made a. good. beginDii!g. 'in ad · qas: in Wake Forest. '·The> drive, to ··last Last McDonald - Directed >re . ·a whole ·month, '·began on 1\[arch Concert; to Have Guest . 1, but the. Wake Forest work' is Artist >Ut . to' be closed on· March 15. To do !r- · -this tlie · to\vn will have to reach n .. :its quota in 'short order. · ·. · · ·· . So far . the · returris indicate The music department will pre­ Jl­ : ·that·· Wake Forest will reach· its sent its-' third annual spring con­ ly. cert this evening at 8 o'clock in be . :.1 g~- by nexf Wednes~ay, witho_ut .-1 milch' trouble. All the .workers.of the church auditorium. The pro­ on gram will feature the Glee Club, ~5. ~ '.· thiS' district,, under .the direction: : I, . · ··· of<Mr.:. L 0. Jones;· Major, o~ the: the Band and the Concert Ensem- i ble. Miss Albertine Lefler will !et. ,. : ·worli:"here, and Mr. A: L. Aycqck, . chairman of the town ·solicitors; ' appear as guest pianist. '·have :met with unexpected sue- ... cess. - : . ·., . ', This will be ~Mr. McDonald's farewell concert, as he leaves for ·Booth in BoOk Store the navy in the near future. This .1.'he general , attitude· .~ck~t: is the third series of concerts at both. townspeople fand st some ensemble . :band; . player. · foot. Stand- Wake Forest under his direction. 1ia8 been one of cheerful cm:ttril~u.:. .the groups that will ,take part.in · tions. "The' College . <l.irector Emily Crandall; ensemble ~d ing in the rear are some repre­ Miss Lefler will play the Liszt Red Cros8 '·anve, Betty ·williams, the. r concert _tonight are shown . glee cl\lb; Bob Green, en5emble sentatives from ·the· glee club: Concerto No. 1 with Mr. McDon­ luis found. the students · . willing . as 'they rehearse for the and band; John Sw!lin, en- Woody Wall, Calvin Knight, i aid accompanying at the organ. and ready:to. help:'·Aithough many event. They are from left to Elizabeth Bryan 'and Bill Pad­ The \Vork was first presented . semble and band; Heyward gett. Mr. McJ?onald, director, is Ihere in the summer concert of of the College people. have not yet 'right, .Leslie Fowler, glee club Smith, band; Charlie Morris, had an opportunity to give; ·it is and concert ensemble; Jamlls 1 standing in the center.-(Photo 1942 and was enthusiastically re­ ·expected that everyone· will s~ow ensemble and band; . Trumpet- by Parker). ceived at that time. Miss Lefler the same generosity .that has been · , , .. is a graduate of Greensboro Col­ lege and for the past year she .characteristic. Of· those· who. have 111111; contributed. Tlie: first,. three. · .Su'.-.. :~~~j:·.er• s-e· ss·lon . has served as band director of the .· . , thirty-three do:U,m.'were I •• • · ·• Needham Broughton and Hugh IIRC Delegates Cio Morson high schools in Raleigh. ·. The ·general· .. attitude .Da·· te.s.-An.noun.ced. by all workers' is: SUi~:idb~;;. There will be. a ;V.6:~i- im- To SE:Confere~ce The program will also feature the words· . of one . · · · · · ,. tin'· ·· ·f th.'"' -y:•t the first performance of the song "We've·been looking for you." ·portant mee g: o · ~.::~- · "The Stars Had Never Spoken" "why .did you come?" but "I'm tle Theater next Tuesday at- A delegation from Wake Forest written by Mr. McDonald with glad foG have a" chance to help." NI'ne-Week Term . Sched;. ternoon at 5 o'clock m 103 College -will attend the twenty­ words by Emily Crandall. The v.-..h .Wait Hall, announces !'res- first Southeastern conference of words were originally published enerous ..._punse- uled for June 12. to · ,' ident Betty Stansbury•. Ac- in Old Gold cmd Black. One of· the district'workers said August . · tivity points for work on last of International Relations Club to that before he had a chance to go 11 night's production · will be be held today and tomorrow in The Program the. rounds . and, s~e his people announced, a~ will JJ,ew ' Greensboro with the Women's they found out that he was to members of the the .. Little College of the University of North 1. "A Prayer for Wisdom," by be theii collector and. $35.00 was In a pictorial· folder issued this , Theater and of Alpha Psi Carolina as official host. Bortnyansky, sung by the Glee b ht to h. h bef. · he week, dates for Summer School Professor F. W. Clonts, faculty Club; "When Jesus Wept" (Early ·' askroug d · · 1 JS · _ornef hisore. on have been announced as June. 12 Omega. Electt'on of new. of.- leader 'of the local club, will ac­ American) by William Billings l tr'be t· a smg' e per~on or c - to August 11 for tl;te 9-week term, ft'cers .will .be .. held and It 1s company the small group of stu­ sung by the Glee Club; "Now The . l u ton. · 1 _. imp,ortaht that. all_ ~embers dents which is .making. the trip Day Is Over," Barnby-McDonald, I - i •. ~,c~~~~.. ~~f~~~ie ~~~~.a{~p~r~es~sffi~!li_~~~~ff£f-)~~~~1;ii .. and !)ledges be there. , . his year.- Definite· arrangements Girls Glee Club; "Fairest Lord Je­ .,. has made , people aware of the J:'l\l•eel~s has been scheduled' for I as to which students will attend sus," .arr•. by Cain, sung by the splendid w:ork of the Red ·cross, .14 to September 2. l-------------eel the convention, have not been Glee Club. and has made "them anxious to a bulletin issued along with made, but is probable that Nancy ,give to it. For each soldier over the folder, the College states that Plans Announ·c Easley and Bruce Whitaker will ALBERTINE LEFLER II. "Nocturne" (modern Amer­ . seas the Red Cross has a service dormitories, the cafeteria, and , -PBK . • • • · represent Wake Forest. The num­ Gypsy - Air; "Huldigungsmarch" io render. It can do it, but not many of the classrooms have ~een ber attending this year has been ican), Mourant; "Two Guitars," without your help! turned back to the College,, ..and For . nltlatlon cut considerably as a result of the from "Sigurd Jorsaffar," Grieg, ' that hereafter they will be_ used , . 1· .- nearness of the quarterly exam the concert ensemble. period. McDonald Goes for regular students v 'lly. J h · ·t· t• · f. th III. "I Arise From Dreams Of · · Students may enter sehoul Plans for t e m1 ~~ Ian o e Post-War Analysis Thee," Kortkarnp, the Glee Club; lt. Banks Missing· 'here under either of two provis- 13, recen_tly-el~cted Phi Beta Kap­ This year's convention will "That Is Jean," Godard, the ions. One may have graduated pas whtch WJll take place Man­ feature as principal speakers Dr. To Navy Soon Girl's Glee Club; "The Handsome from a standard high school, or day, March 27, have been an­ W. C. Johnstone, Jr., author of Soldier," English Folk Song, the . entrance· may be gained without nounted. The United States and Japan's Glee Club; Spiritual; "Roll de 01' After lap Battle The initiation ritual will be pre­ -see SUMMER, page_ 4- ceded by dinner, after which the New Order, and Dr. Montell ·E. He Has Headed the Music Chariot Along," Kortkamp, the Ogdon, director of research .on Glee Club; group will meet in one of the problems of food supply and m­ Department for Three IV. "Anchors A-Weigh" (U. S. First Lieutenant Thaddeus M. · society halls. Prof. G. P. West, ternational organizations to meet Years Navy Song), Zin1merman; "Victor Banks, .of Cary, graduate !'f WB;ke House Num_bering -president of the local chapter, will wartime and post-war needs. Both Herbert Favorites," arr. by Lake; Forest in '41 and fighter pilot With pr~~:·part ox the ceremony there of these speakers are unusually Prof. Thane McDonald has been played the Band. · a Marine combat squadron in the · is the hanging of the key around well-prepared by practical ex­ inducted into the ·navy as an ap-· v. "The Stars: Had Never Southwest Pacific, is missing in . Stud·led For M!l. •. , each new initiate. This custom perience to . discuss problems prenticce seaman, and will leave Spoken" (manuscript), Thane Mc­ action against the Japanese, ac- a was started in 1776, and has been which the conference is attempt­ for active duty in the near future. Donald, Leslie Fowler, soprano, cording to word in Ral- a tradition since that time. Each ing to analyze. Emily Crandall, accompanist and eigh Tuesday. re~eived th · ·· · ed He will not begin next quarter Principal speakers for the I. R. with the music department. author of words. · Lieutenant Banks graduated An investigation is being made member of e group lS requrr C. are chosen and paid by the from Wake Forest with a major to find the most practical plan to wear an academic robe. Three years ago, on June, 1941, VI. "Piano Concerto in E flat," Carnegie Endowment Fund of Mr.. McDonald came to Wake Listz, allegro maestoso; quasi ada­ in education. He was a membe.r of numbering houses of the town Crittenden To Speak New York. Round ·table discus­ gio; allegretto vivace; allegro ma­ of the Education Club, the Baptist preparatory to obtaining city pes- The speaker for the evening Forest from· Davidson College to sions in which all attending mem­ assume duties as director of mu­ estoso animate, Miss Albertine Training Union, and the College tal delivery by the government.
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