FRIDAY—DECEMBER 11, 1942 MONITOR-LEADER MOUNT CLECENS, MICH, 3 Speed Recruiting Rationing Private Rites Held Speakeasies? Soldier's Small Windsors Take Leading Play Roles Cas Where ol Sea Scouts Here Regulations for Albert Kahn are They? The Sea Scout Ship Commit- State Demands Son Dies Suddenly DETROIT, Dec. 11 (JP) tee of the Mount Clemens Lions Vacation LANSING, Dec. It (T) are Severe Private funeral service* for Al- ojnmlMftaa Robert Olek, 4-Months Club today is engaged in speed- i k The liquor control DETROIT, Doc. 11 bert Kahn, w’orld-famoua archi- today replied to protests that of Age, Succumbs ing the recruiting of local boys JW JK V Robert Olek, four month old in the Sea Scout organization. in Florida John Q Public is acting as his tect and builder who died Tues- holiday revelers would frequent Zyg- meeting Tuesday, own to soo that the re- day at the age of 72, were con- blind pigs and speakeasies OS* Infant son of Pvt. and Mrs. At a held PALM BEACH. Fla , Dec. 11 watchdog mund Olek passed away at and announced today, the fol- —(>P) — The Duke of Windsor gulations of gasoline rationing ducted at the family home yes- less it allowed licensei drinking Crosse Pointe hospital on lowing committee members and his Duchess are snatching a are obeyed. terday. for longer hours of business Wednesday evening, following a were appointed to various posts: few days rest in this country, erf, In calling attention to severe Messages of condolence still “Where are these apeakeoiloo, two Edwin Meitz, chaplain; Stanley while back in Nassau, the j| infractions, and blind pigs." demanded weeks illness. home penalties for done were coming to the home up to Besides the parents he is sur- Holmes, house committeeman; Bahamanian legislature casts a either deliberately or through the hour of the funeral. Chairman Ralph Thomas of the George appraising eye * vived by the grandparents, Mr. McCoy, advisor to the final at Wind- .. carelessness, an OPA official in- Kahns firm, Albert Kahn, commission. “We don’t know Schwartz, and Mrs. Joseph for- Yeoman; Angelo Fisher, Mate to sor’s plan to rehabilitate the is- dicated today that the public Inc., was closed, w'ith associates about them. If there arc any, Mrs, merly of Utica and Mr. and the Skipper; William Pawlak, land’s economy. was on its toes to see that rules of the industrial construction where are the local police who Alex The father Financial to The governor of the Bahamas Olek of Utica. Advisor the Treas- were enforced. pioneer serving as honorary pall allow them to operate?" is at present stationed at Camp urer; Joseph Trombly, Secre- and his wife arrived yesterday has Samuel B Ostrow, senior en- bearers. Th-' commission ordered Maxer, Texas. tary of the Ship Committee. for an unannounced visit, ac- licensed drinking places to sus- Herbert Pulitzer, forcement attorney for the OPA Services will be conducted Twelve members of the Sea companied by pend business not later than 10 home, Ship only flying officeij here, reported that complaints from the, 6182 Marine Scout attended the meet- American p.m. Chritmas eve, hut said it ing Nassau, who will be from citizens over privileges City Highway, New Haven, on and staged a drill that stationed in Justice Sells First would allow them to operate un- Saturday, December 12 at 8:30 greatly their host until Tuesday. Pulit- Photo hr Hillrrrst granted other persons were impressed the leaders of til 4 a m. New Year’s morning, and 9:00 o’clock at St. Mary’s the recruiting drive. zer is a member of the publish- ELMER ESCHENBURG. left and Joyce Lozen take the lead- coming in by the hundreds." 1 two hours beyond the Church, New Baltimore. Burial It was agreed that, hereafter, ing family. ing roles tonight in the final showing of “Almost Eighteen” annual while admitting that GoodfellowPapers normal play. at o’clock the high Ostrow. curfew. Prior commissions had in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. the Sea Scout Ship will meet When America's entry into the Senior Class The curtain willrise 8 15 in a good shate of the complaints Jeannette Jump-Gun; agreed to forget about closing E. A. Schwarzkoff, Utica, is in regularly on Tuesday of each war halted the tourist trade school auditorium. might sprung only from the have Brings in $lO hours on the New Year’s Eve charge of arrangements. week at the Methodist church. which was the backbone of Ba- complainant’s thoughts of self, business, parties. hamian the Duke of said that many were “inspired Although the annual Goodfel- a group Leathernecks Windsor selected of Ba- Alibi Expands by patriotism.” low* sale of The Daily Monitor- hamians to work with him on a Leader won’t be held until Sat- Go Effeminale; “They want to know." Ostrow plan to restore the decadent to urday. Dec. 19. E. Jean- BASTS Service Public said, “why such and such a car Frank COLDS RECAP TlRES NOW! peasant industries and make the in (he Movies nette today had sold a paper for Relieve misery fml colony more self-sufficient. Mr. and Mrs “Bill”Weinert, with a C’ card stands in front of -extemoßy. Bob SB $lO. - NEW YORK, Dec. 11—(IV) who operate the Alibi on South such and such a night club, why JfevT V A. JbJLJL FAST SERVICE His plan, now awaiting final Jeannette. 2nd vice-president The Marines are River Road have incorporated at the approval, proposed anew ad- John Doe. who works of the Goodfellows, said the sale GUARANTEED many new innovations in their only ministrative department for the not allowed to cuss any more—- Blank plant, received a *B' was made to Joe Ginsburg, of |pj| Bahamian out islands and em- business to take care of over- card while his neighbor, employ- rVICKSW ; in the movies, anyway. the Medea Hotel. Vafoßub WORKMANSHIP phasizes health education and flow crowds which have been ed in the same place, received a industralization. The program Time, Inc., reported last patronizing their establishment nice bookful of *C' coupons.” Vulcanizing | We use only factory approved methods making night since gas rationing went into Bring your contains provisions for that on orders of the Will Declaring that the OPA was tirei to ui. as authorized by 0. P. A. Expert the colony a self-contained unit, Hays office three words, h—-, effect. We investigating each complaint, guarantee mechanics, years practical requiring few imports and even d— one being The Alibi, located one-half our work. aver 8 and the about Ostrow’ said that information in experience. SAVE YOUR TIRES NOW. providing for the development born out of wedlock, were edited mile from the Mount Clemens necessary the city limits, is situated within OPA hands on each car owner hospital of products to out of a March of Time feature all the Bring them to tire hear- made it virtually certain that of- GIFTS Air FAMILY war effort. | —“We Are the Marines.” driving distance of “A” ration **v 3** quarters in Mount Clemens. cards. fenders would be detected. He Roy E. Larsen, president of Dancing is offered every Sat- added that “the percentage is Time magazine, declared an ap- urday night by the well-known against the chiseler.” Mount peal 808 LAMB’S would be taken, in contrast Hank LaCroix Orchestra. Spe- “Sooner or later." Ostrow to the British movie men who cial dinners are being served said, “he will be turned in by Merkel ot way Clemens Tire Service 22 Street Brood agreed yesterday not to insist every evening under the super- someone—his employer, neigh- that certain words remain in vision of Mrs. BAZAAR Lions Club I Weinert. bor, the police or even a jealous HOFFMANN’S Noel Coward's war film, “In girl friend. And when our inves- Which We Serve,” when shown Complete details for the kid- tigators get working on him, it’s Special for in America. These deletions, too, Purchase dies Christmas Party were made Double Feature just too bad." were ordered by the Hays office. Christmas GLOVES known to the members attend- Opens at Macomb Enumerating penalties, Os- ing the regular noon-day lunch- Larsen said he believed the trow said that theft or illegal Irish in New Gift Bound SALE An exceptional cast appears in Men*9 Linen FIRE eon yesterday. Gaston Teck, sec- were “quite dif- coupons two situations purchase of cards or I “ SHORTIES-CLASSICS SATURDAY EVENING retary of the club, announced j ferent,” adding that “We Are the Neath Brooklyn Bridge,” the might bring a five-year prison M 4 DECEMBER 12 that the annual Christmas party Marines” was an American- Monogram sentence and $5,000 fine; false HANDKERCHIEFS s 9* will be held in the basement of s MJ JLM MW £9' AT 10 P. M. made picture depicting accurate- drama which comes to the Ma- representation in the ration ap- l°° l the Presbyterian Church next ly what the Marines did ami plication, a maximum of ten comb theatre tonight for a four Thursday evening, December 17, said. years and SIO,OOO fine; draining Through splendid cooperation with our sources day run. The gang 50-75* ’I-. at 6 p. m. Each member is in- of young gasoline from another car, a of supply, we hove been to purchase a vited to bring his wife and chil- The Marines arc shown in East Siders, as before, is headed Gleaming Rayon Satin able operation in the Philippines, year and SIO,OOO. dren, and those members who by , Bobby substantial amount of do not have children are to bor- when the Japanese attacked Jordan, And there are numerous other Soft Fluffy row one or more from friends Pearl Harbor, and other islands. and , punishable violations, Ostrow GIH LINGERIE NEW HOLIDAY GOODS and neighbors. The word concerning legitimacy and the roster of the group also said. Chenille • SLIPS • GOWN For each child, the member was used in referring to the Ja- includes Sammy Morrison, Bob- panese. • willbring a wrapped gift not to i by Stone and the newest mem- Bed Spreads PAJAMAS exceed 50c in cost, and the Be , • ber, Stanley Ann Gil- We Will Closed Monday Dec 14 child’s name is to be printed on Clements. $ 98 $ 98 Reg. and Extra Sixes principal in order get the gift package. There will be Into the Jaws -lis plays the feminine 4 - 5 to the new merchandise ready no luncheon next Thursday role, aiOl Noah Beery, Jr., ap- noon, Christmas party of Death Walked pears in a prominent part. Other SPECIAL 11/ for Christmas shoppers starting Tuesday, and the meeting. popular members A.M, will be an attendance the Ten Japs of the cast are December 15, 9 The guest speaker was George Marc Lawrence, Jack Mulhall, WEEK END PRICES A Fine Gift for Ladies M. Hunter, managing editor of SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11— J. Arthur Young, David O’Brien GLOVES' MUTTONS the Port Huron Times-Herald. (/P) —“Hup, two, three, fo\ hup and Bud Osborne. Also on the Velour Velvet the... as subject, double feature bill is “Moonlight Large Assortment of Hunter chose his “Do . . for ALL THE FAMILY . cracked the American the newspapers tell the truth of voice out of the foggy darkness. In Havapa” starring Allan Jones and Jane Frazee. CHRISTMAS HOUSE COATS at Reasonable what is going on at the battle “Okay boys, get your stuff to- fronts?” gether—were pulling out of Prices Angelo Fisher, new song lead- there ...” TREES er, is to be complimented for *6” The detachment of Marines Judges so Entertain To Choose From the excellent job which he is CHILDREN’S SHOP doing. The group singing is now camped on a cricket field on Tu- Keep Warm with theea Bar Association Members DON'T WAIT, BUY NOW! the highlight of every meeting. lagi Island in the Solomons FOR HER Frothy White Rayon 55 MACOMB STREET CLEMENS could see ten figures approach- Members of the Macomb ing. One young sergeant arose County Bar association today Two Locations 4 Core Straight Cut OPA lo Level Off dutifully to his feet and started were invited to the annual din- SCARFS to join the ten. ner given by Circuit Judges Neil Lace Trim Beer Distribution Then another sergeant yelled E. Reid and James E. Spier. The 371 Cass - WASHINGTON, Dec. 11— (JP) a word that meant “Japs!” to the dinner will be held Monday and SLIPS 75* ’1" Marines, volley- night at the Masonic Clubrooms. —The Office of Price Adminis- and their rifled $ 9B 98 said today that a more ed. Eight of the ten Japs died, tration _ including Am- DOUBLE CATCH 151 S. Gratiot Her Him For Victory even distribution of beer to re- the one with the l *2 For For tail stores is in prospect as the erican education whose voice TOWANDA, PA —Donald Al- allowing “a baited the trap. u Warm Beacon result of its order gor fished half a day and didn’t (hipso moderate rise*’ in wholesale ceil- Yoi*.*T7.r 25* More and Better Eggs “I guess that indicates how get a bite—but he caught a fish. Whole Yellow For Service Men ings. tough Tojo is,” said Capt. Robert Wading through a stream, he issued last J, e c ROBES by using The OPA order Neuffer, 23, of Hempstead, New stumbled over an old rubber Khaki Colored night is effective Dec. 16 for PEACHES V»n l7 York, in relating the incident to tire. He took it home. Raisin Bran civilian purchase of beef car- reporters yesterday. “That trick Hours later, trapped inside, he - Re- SOX pr. $1 ’3" ’4" casses and wholesale cuts. took guts.” found a five-pound bass. 3 tail meat price ceilings are not CEREAL 13* prices, Holland Style in Gift Box Red Rock affected and live cattle Heavy Fleeced highest since August, 1919, and *p9 Men’s now at 136 of parity, remain HERRING f.can without price control. Cooking MEN’S UNION SUITS FEEDS Dollars-and-cents ceilings are ,# established by the order for ONIONS b« 35* White and Colored to Size 46 Always Fresh meat packers in 10 zones. Pres- Fancy ently, each packer's ceiling is 21 b s|»B his highest March price but the RICE , .; 25* DRESS SHIRTS order generally arranges the PREFERRED new prices in an ascending scale Free Delivery - Phone 1587 $J5° We Carry according to the zone's distance BY THOSE WHO Millions of men and SJ9B FOR GIRLS from the basing point, Kansas NOTICE to oil customers: women in City, Mo. WANT BEER AT all walks of beginning next week we Washable and Rayon CYCLONE POULTBY SUPPUES life prefer Fox De Luxe will deliver on Full Fashioned SATURDAYS ONLY Police Warn Against ITS BEST! to any-other beer! Its Rayon - Service Weight DRESSES Dr. Salisbury's Health Skating on River perfectly Balanced Fla • Large Assortment of s s so tor—never bitter, never HOSIERY Chief of Police Arthur I. Ros- Foi D* Luxe Bn**. Cos, XMAS CANDY and NUTS l°° l *l* Service Station warned today that the ice on Grand Rapids sweet—appeals to every Up so Pork Loin SIOO To Sixo 16 the Clinton River is unsafe. taste! Try it; you’ll X pair urged parents to keep Rosso rib end ... lb. COAL and COKE off the ice, at like it. Order a supply! ROAST 29* their children Pork 12 least until colder weather sets Our Button Mocha in. Big Value* for Xma* TENDERLOINS .. 49* GLOVES rubber, TURKISH TOWEL Farmers Milling,,Co. As opposed to natural SPARE RIBS ,b 25* or thiokol will not check, crack Pork Black and Brown 175 Grand Ava. Phono 653 crumble with aging and exposure WASHCLOTH SETS to air and sunlight. LIVER ,b 23* SJOO Leg of s lso LAMB .... Ib 38* Lamb Shoulder Hemstitched * Rosemary Irish Linen Damaeh AFTER MONDAYDECEMBER 14, ROAST ,v ib. 32* Pure Bleached ,b the 32-Or. HAM SPREAD 39* TABLECLOTH We Will Accept Newspapers That Are Armours Stat Pork "DRAFTY” TABLE DAMASK V SAUSAGE ,bu.k> .b 39* ‘10" Securely Tied in Bundles at Our UTS mi tIASStt * , gm ... ,b . Napkins to REAL DRAFT BEER NECK BONES 10*. 59* «*7s* Match Warehouse «Hr Homemade , SAUER KRAUT , h OB* HARRY LEVINE & SON ROGER YDE HOFFMANN'S WM FOX DC LUXE 371 CASS AVR. J 2 N. WALNUT FLORAL AT CHURCH STREET MICHIGAN S FASTEST-GROWING BEER Phone 1587 We Deliver ' <•.»!? > ‘ .-Si > T ifW