
. . .. _ �MI-WEEtq_y )


NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J,, TUESDAY, JANUARY Per Year. Single Copies 86. 23, 1900. $2 3c; ' ··--'-'-·����-���·-'""""". t•rJntc r•. Bnlaac Terrur to lDtt·cctor�-Profcsstonal. J o •no• SJeeJt. Wltl• no inborna liternt·y fnclllty, wltli Truthrul Advertising· �ill always sell Honest Goods. Whi!'n l r Go nrtlstlc cousl'f.,nt•o It Is not genPrnJJ.r l.;nown tlint nt sn In orn thnt drove f� b In un iri g rmrsnlt of perfPC­ AJfGLEHAJf, J,A\V, least fout• out of e\'cry tcu liorr-;cs do m on t n tlon, llnlzac vast A'l"l'OHNJ�YHnu1'Cllaao. Hhl'Jt, ATH, N. J. not Jle down to s)C!t�p. 'rlw horse lletl the chnsm be· hi l · I: \\'catfleld t en his th: of . GEL, CHAUNCEYHid�., We•Uldtl, F., D. D. 8, �l nf the e:�net or thmwu uma , · rtw haiJit Is a YC'l',Y tlHil�C'l'Ol!!::i Hours: tl-12, 1-0. · > (IJH�. nt I"C\'l'l'EPwhite of D li ' ly a Hhurt Hfllf� sluce flue hol':·U� In the Wl'ltln� ht•nt, new•r nnvritlng-, ii_ - � , � Tl1[I.All E IVE l1i� umnufaf'tnrlug concPrn E AND ::om= p couK:;gJ,r.oR A'r t· · . . n;ro, who said, "1 ;tulllt'K of u nrt of �Wlfl�!·ln�� h ity In the place BakingRo\'ALPowder Wt>llt to !oilee]J while stawlillg In his '""'au""" """ mNtWJCI>S( H���j��;;�:�e I,Aw · 11 u :H of tlefect, yse f In t IIIA8'l'i'�U IX CHAXCP.HY, lNt;UHANCH.\Vcstttcltl, ;lull nndll Whistler llvP.tl wasThe famum all IIH' t•uuntrles. We mutlc Ul'lcd n tipsy spltler. ' hls wna rc· trucks of In Chdecu;.1. A.his flt!Cnllurllles. soon n!lldc with in to hlw dirty :m·ay, nmlIt then pPnted n doz n or, It Is said,l' n scort' of INTER it Into is "' special bargain lots, which put l'll!�hws thca·etlu• Krt•at of ._. AnSTARTED Arm,. Oflh A•�r PRAIRIECon•••d FIRE. u times, nlwa)'s with nmvllllcntlons. unlil him fnmHlu r f gure U\'PU nmong eu,;al', tlwcetIU'ss, tl10 fru,:.:-ranc:c, untl l'\'crya old null young One Et·er · In thP Worat • ll his tYrll'SI'IIcrs heeume p:rlsletl !nun­ !J t gr•me who goti to !mow him ns the mnn nrc ought whllenl'SS,to ror mako strong. Kno"·n KUIINBIIo we pass over to you at prices quite n cat, it C'tan the one The grcatPst prairie fire !mow W nrt •t of tlrell' beloved 'l'humes. One There nrc of one of tics. He o\·erlwnrtl of them us he n , two ldruls hox•�s. tlwrn nftcrnoon,l while saunter ng ulong the {JrJcc tn·o dollars tmd d<1IJlng .ron'l snw txeP[lt thnt prnsent in t.he molstC!ncd llherty of nsklng for n l'ew whut hP wns about to do, they mudJ others plam, regular cape, for.. the :llr. Hllllnp;s (with nlncrltr)-No! minutt,�' a • tolmr.co which Is In coutnet with the o er lcs e t• a fringed, 5O . ' c nl' sntlon with the soltllcr. t p; ra eiJol't to stop 10.95 6 \\ here? Wht!t'l!?-Lon!lon Telegraph. t Il "' sm l e fll'mlucts of tobacco The may r fount! n deetl hntl !wen tlone, untl tile red SKIRTS-Fine All-wool Cheviots, good l · o great him. hut the LADIES' I tlo uot eoutaln :Ill)' hn tnnt qunntlty wny of mentioning the mutter to tht names wet'<' n•ellug p h·J percalinc lining, well made, elegant binding. in blue , 'l'lw o ; JlO The orenn wom1m I so little es- hesltntctl, but • of the !!hlel' toxic h01lles he· \: s gre. That tire s I I' hHHnNl thnt. not u\'Llll n across tlw m e light dark mixtures, tailor stitched lug- t'e nte thnt lnten.!stlng ser es or I she- llns nnmn. " erta nly Jet the. gentlem:m swept rr·om wlrcr·c It lmtJ been sturted and Oxford n!cothw,l l to She Is simply "the tlnnghter" or "the snlll, C ; sideblacks, scams, n.o,n� of them worth less than ol';�nnlt• Jutowu to chemisits as co e. eni me. He sal(} to the gcn· clear across rums into what Is no\V 1mscti< sister" of So·nnd-so. m " IIH Kn I>YI'l llnes.- nee!. rnl : "Now, sir, utter nmatcur ns Oldahoma. 'l"hc streams uod roads some h1s small lot goes for...... 6.95, l I. a e L • followed Htep of the oll'urL't1 no' olmtncles to it nm, I have e\'Cl'y whntcvcr. 8.95. I 4 95 \VhlJ(I lt l.Jnd to , MISSES' SKIRTS-Fancy plaids, light and dark wnr, nnd I think I understand QTP.J'Y g Jng uu·ned tuOI'ement except one. On such 11 cnsto uutl left n tmll of t•ulu ucr oss sOutlJ nlso · :gra}' Oxford mixtures; also browns lined with extra good yon ere the southerners rtlce, !:'euo. I..:Jugmun. Hnrper :mtl oth· llll�=a. ..· w tiny the • were there," pointingnut! to [ lnns on n couutles.. /fl10mmnds of settlers •quality of pcrcaline, velveteen binding. TH E....--... there l m· . mup thnt he hull brought "Now. It ll'ct'e IJui'tret!''out, losing their llonscs best . ' 2 seems to thnt you oug"ht certainly nml tlwlr feet!, their horses and c tle. · · 95 me nt IWh! l �s:a .����� . i to h ve goue there, wllercns you went tlle mnn who �l!t thnt fire had lJcco �: . �����- ��-i��s n If there.'' pointing ngnln. General Gr·ant, known to th·e settlers, all tl.Jc troops om d t be the usually tncltm·n untl when not the plains would· uot bn vc lieeu cnougll s o_ tficlturn phenomcmnlly terse. just took to stay tlwil· As Jt was. he ��:���J���·is;r;� � ;1���� �r����r����q����;or ��c���!?e�o���� ex Pr.u\INF'IF.1�D. N. \'(mgunnce. �� the cigar from his mouth nnd snl!l: suff red t·eutors<• beyond rleserlptlon. 4:0 14j \\"1 t.J:\IIXG'I'ON. Dt�l.,J. some double cape collars and scalloped, trimmed with� 1-IILL�IOBHlf-3'1'0\VN,N. ' I e ���� ''You're t lght, sir! Infernal Jiumler!" When tlw otllcct·s at H ys wonlt,l hl'lng CROSBY: J, l. AMBOY,N Aut! n strnt· m e n mohair braid, some all silk lined, values could not have� l'Eit'l'H . In mome t the amateur hi pnJtet'S, t lling of the tlnmnge � .. 11 United Stores egist, n ln now, wns courtnnusly done. he woultl gt·oun nn•l curse been bought a week ago less than e m hlm­ g nemintls Me;• self l'oumlly. He Jel't Hnys for 6 dlsmlsse(!.-"Thnth by and . ·· ...... 95. 7·95 us e l othm· post Ju the following yenr, null, . # ...... · · · · · Etlwartl H s l some , 9 9·95 . . 4• 5 J Sir so far as we I\IJOW, his nnm·� was er conncctetl with the glguntlc prnlrleucv­ !IIIANCH ·h.-on Cinr. AGE�TS HOUSES. OWN WA· In the " emo ·s of u Herolutlonlst," l•'JtEI� lW Oil llY OUU ; M A1l h fire of !SG!l.-Kausns City .Journal. A�\'\l'lll·:tm. Mo\IJ, OHDEHS CAllE· WES'fFmJ.Jl AN!J VICINI1'\" by rince Kr·opotldu, the uthor suys :!\IO:o;DAY,OON� 'fODJ;!,!V.�Ilii�S WEI>NESDAY, FJUI>AY. : i'ULLY thnt Alexnnllm· himself, for nil he P II a 1-'Ir.r.ED. of Dresss Ooods, Silks, Laces, wu s ''"illlug to cnmntipatc the serfs, · REMNf\NT Sftl� wus n mau ca ablc slu uJa ' hnrsh� � AndTHE MAN WHOGet• WORKS. j or l ness nntl even llmtnllty. When Kro­ tlac tJu.• JIRII l�n•lc•t \Vho Wq,. Throo•• potldn wns prol otu null;; wns cullell 'l1lthtKM lie t.:aD. 1 m t.l "'flw mnu Is so fur utlvanced .707.... to, 721 ..,,,.�.���-��� Broad and B Cedar St.,·�· """'"""'-"• NEWARK, N. J. Embroideries and Ribbons. with othGt• otlicurs to the sitle of the that thnl he JIJ;es tue work he Is tlolng," cznr, lnttet• congrntulntctl them Bllltl �Jr. Sto glt•ton, "hns to going sell lmost five hundred quietly , speuklng ubout mllltury duty t•enson nrc a tlw bopQfUI of h!Juself.g I suppose hnt the to and Silks. ml loyulty "But If uny of you," he t feel Weremnants of Dress Goods n very gr·ent mnjo1·1ty of u� go llt·ougll �MtMt��***�-��itU�***** went on, distinctly shouting out el'ct·y t nre goingool them . the work we hnvv In hnnd tile easiest IV to sell some word, his J'ace sutitlenly contorted with for wny we cnn nntl get through It, skip­ less than h11lf tho rot-nil ungcr-"!Jut If nuy of you-which God We of Some of plug the hnPtl places when possible nne t presel'\'c you Crom-shouh.l nullct• n ny them nrc going to prico.got moro han half tblui;Jng we'll glntl when It's lln· elreumstnuces pr·o,·o tllsluyul to the Lw rotuil prices for. 'l'hoy will lshe!l; but tht• next job wlll be just the oNDIT, CY. we uvcmgo lu11f ezm·. the thrmw nn!l the futhcrlnnd. BAy AHENRY�D �HA�rlAProp. snme. '!'here just about se . d ot' whnt I tho rognh1r rotail price. tnl/ext the ' HOTPolite nttentlon nnd prompt delive y our business prlntlple, n to shlrl< tltnt too t We !lo, lntleetl. And r to mol'lllng, the Hth of .June, by his or· colors. !t"Om I 3 tbnt's wlrnt we do nil thr·ongh llfc--dni· tiers, three ollict!l'S were shot nt :llotllln, Jy putting oO' our best end en vors till to­ �•••••• , ...... lfn In l'olnnd, one soltller, Sr.ur lJy morrow. Kind of n misern!Jie thing te nume, wus killedntuJ untim· the rods." Laae and Embroiderr Remnants tlo, Isn't It'/ grcnt var oty of short lcnghts nnrl · "But occnslonnlly you meet n ma• ���l:!'�l-������t':!o::!:e�it'i!!!��·��� i Embroidorics A"'aJ· l'lall'UI!'•• purchasing Plano cnll of l!hVt'Pt by who puts In his !Jest Licks c\'Cl'Y tlay a A bo soltl fo1· half vulno. L11CCS Italy onee hall n plngnc thn t Jdlled 1mtlBEFORE exnmln e the nnd ejol�es Ju the Jubor. lie tloesn't • nathushek, Wissner an � to 10,000 persons dally. hnnt •etl t• d cnro u coutllwntnl whnt th(l twxt dny Kranl'h 1111 strictly llny diet! In ome. In one yenr 8 Bath Pianos, H l•'JI'C h Is going to bring to him-be cnn hnntlle lglq! rlltle l ·nmont t e R"bbons citizens of o stnntlnoplo tlletl. 'l'he and C n :!00,000 I , whtltei'CI' It Is. Just now he's en­ lmat mntet·iul und by best workmen, A . I of opltletnlc of 13H·tl II'IIB the 1\'0l'Ht ever t h ' mh H, uuulo with h Short lengths Funcy l'lahlantl Stripo, tlll'lnt' Juts In hiH JIOHHI'HHion 1111 old scr· ' orr 1110,000 I 111'0 IJO A ti'IIIIHJllll'l wllh snldlt•rs on !Jttllt'tl, 111011 ll 't'lllt•n hy his Ollt!t•stor• whick, K W ft'nllt H11 rdlnl11 to l'inph•s, l l •o h 11 s ws lhnl t!Jt• li'J'IICIIt•t• tlltl not t�:�r�:d::��:�:::.:t··��i,:r:i�;�:�:::;;;:;: ::::!:::::.:.·,;;.::::.,.��:��.�:.� t n t. ho J li'Ut€ . , plllf(ll<' hnl. dt•Hil'O)'t•d .\IIg t•pl· t'IIIII'"IY tu liH' ltnpul�l' ol' tlw tllOIIIt'nft J!ILI'IIHlllt I ·lliii,IIIIO, .. ,.. "'" . "' ..., .,..., 4 ·•• ,._ .. IIOUUY tll, luHY t.lttlll IJnlf VILIIIU, d<'tlll" slnt•!t••l In �lllt'Ht>llli'H h� 11 Hhlp Wlll'll cii'JI\'t'l'ill,.;' h(H clltJ<'011l'Hl'H, � . • � � ·•, , .....� J; !!!::. · from thu Lt!l 'llllt Jillh•ti ol't't' · nullriiHc·t·lpl IH 1\TIIll'll In �lt'IIIIJl"!,'J'be .' UU,OOO. n .. . o l · turdny, at(, o'dock, Cl'llhht'tl lllllltl nntl (Jientll'ully ht!Hlll'iU" ���!::!!��n;. "�... ;� ThiH st rll c osesllver�11���::, �� ..�"�.��:0�n ; llltJII]HJtll''' II IIJI(f' of JtletJ With lltllt'J{iUIIJ l't!f'l't'l'IICt!H, "[lr!lld ;;;:�·��·�.:�·, ;, ��- : J ' llrt. ���i.;�: ' .; t'llll\'l'l'HII[Illll, '1 111•,1' tlo not IIIIW IIIII II)'· Hlowly ht•l'l'," tltc mlnlslct• llthnonlsht!A �-lfUf��**-*****-*'**.*****�;: tlH! flllliiPIH thJIIg f'11t' llti'JI' 1111'11 IIHt•, hilt \lfl't't!l)' hhmwlf 111 olll' HlJOt, lw 11to lt(h't!l& JIII�H IIIIOIIII'I', onl l'ei'Y lolltl lllltl t!ll!lll'"nml IH lilt! �lllf• tn It to J.ti!Htlull nuotlwl' 11lllii'I'J - fm• JlttlP, with llt·c," hu wt·o c In Ht!l'cr•nl f fro l Slreel, rlai n JIUHNngo,t BRC �= n nfield, N. J, Jtlncl!s, 'l'ht• lltust cmphntlc nntl TCUTTLE � ..- Jllll't tlw wholo ------·------i lhi or Nl0l'IIICJIIhu· . .. 'I!I1:1J lkn tiun know Itt• llt•uuwtl a1111 llii�J��rtment •rr•ncbart11 llllJOIIIltll �n111rlptluno ")'llllllktl co uecl!��nr·y nt thv or ' •.· iliff iliff '.... ,·; ;,�:j:dii� ""'illffillffiltf ht In obar•u ol W, 11. · wb, all qUUUC:II tu ," '' I I •' OUtl ""_IMd,N, '.·;, illff"""����ilt'���·•JI(""' ,: r_-..)/ :.;;r�;�:!�=�-=�:·::::J ;: ;:·;;;;·;;�� ;;:;;�:::�;,�::�;�-:�·��·-···�::;::�.�::=-� • I \( JANUARY J900. STANDARD, TUESDAY, 23, THE UNION COUNTY 2 FACTS ABOUT R�d Anything UnNtlsfaclorJ tbe DC•••· . . '\\117 llannaa f SHRINE. Moderll8.\NAiiIta• l'laaael AS:)/ I f'tefnre l���� .SACRED »cured-Other �::��r;::::::: &USSlA'SWoader-Work .. r of tlte of God''ll< ln die . . of rbe-- f ••Mother �),l . •�• 'J'·r.u de. w s !rt � r i so sL•aree n o ada �t eml n. Red U nu ns · �� K n u ra lJ f \hi! � as �'l_ _l�lc� I LJca pructitrnl'cil:�· : . . j,\· s n o'clocli in the :w:dbjClluw. t ·l e,·e in HtiJjJJI:· IJ:w '! rt is afternoonuue lU the p1:c' �!: I �o&cow, Hussian u ur ago tht: wnsl'\c U1J Jc�a:s J unc l.J., uD red : ?:) e\·ervwllere else). but Htimeus�ia's (J s UilJ 7 und ycll_o w tile 26 nnd will Lo.\iiauac .r eJJu�\\�� �c or than t\YO hours higll itr" <..'hnug� from rcu to � .� �t thL· . �;� m ; lw horizotl tu-m�rrow morn­ oil:. Tlw l'l·a �uns; t!Jc ycdu\\ ispeer' oY('J' t � 1·c �;1 before hree o'clu('}�. � t1ue 10 cummcrciai ing \\ r ::;uu.Jd· a a t 'ct tb� u j.j wurc ircs JL·�s L" arc iug in the Uroadt'st strl l;auThe \'t:llu,\· l'l'ljl cityp· )H'olitahlt.:. �t he ineompnrab:e K1·•nnlmo� n.nd � lw.lUilHIcul:.irn tiou, am! ��� nwltit Jc tllc l so custs nc;u· t n ic \\'hll·h tu the stc�n �! �i g g in ; bl;.tgt:. lt te a i a t gat�wa�r. unt!l'r �til'I\� �!� po little clli.lpl'l of l'o:url-'ll mar� h•!::S thatiu Uan�liHI, lJestles a than the . n;,.l lllai sa bles with blue p,rramidal roof IJ;.:ttcr . here arc ou - ?,t ileC'l\l'd �wnds handling '1 �� ld en !)tars. EYcn· lwltCl'. to the '-ritb go . ,r thini mort.!yclJow c p:t!-:-rr-Uand I.Jun:IU:lS faces the l' hnpcl, uncon·r� u�- �� t�ni1 \Yith ull these !J�lllcll sig-n cJ·o�s �� solcmnlr mal�cs tilt!' its f \or the ycHmad<�uo\\ ofIJl lllHti1c'il vuutag·C's jn l.J.lflfilh.l. 'time�. En�u tJH.· passenger::. on l\J43 t•ed. · bauuua as.cv€ral practicully drivcu the red · bus ¥,t�i the crowded doubll'-Geel�t. d hor�e cars a . ou . ceremony. n s go through this - ut scarcity red bnnn strange re• th this gt•e , lfere com�s n gang of dusty Manone question to be asked \ i it so·ma Rare. Values Are A .o nly price�; Jnl.Jorer.s. If You there is now� b ring funcy a �l them stops. or:d, b wiu� mtt,r \\ llh �� FROM OUR E'fery oDe of ? yellow bnuunas. be �en e?" times much Y low toward tbe n el, of family, style of policy shall tak ns as · Ol' n doll ar �1 p crosses lumself garding Life lnsuram:e-"Which "cHow banunus ut n dollm nDd ag in Tbere arc some loug­ ng·aiD n uuch red would he wonh .ch lhe Hu�­ I ;ud n hulf u �� lwired, long-gu wncd it. . tllcre � a of will help you in your choice if you six to clcl'en dollars, and l y intellig-!.!nt.good-loolt­ We from , eiun church,,·cr uclj , f.l cd · priC!"tt' would bfl. fewer )u a, uu � \\; tb clear complexions \I'Ui'l'E FOR oesire lug men , too, lbe fruit slores le PAB'l'ICULARS. nnuns sell uowudnys in lm- !� and kindly eyes, kneeling ou the marb _ ench. he co pur- whJ1 press d hard Co. high us m tlJeir fnct•s Insurance 20 cents nrc tultcn lit�i 6,nt i\'cly few uuchcs E.teps, the baid pavement !:.very cab o.rtcd'l' an·ninst I.J Jmp ney � mnlces of America. by deniers In line und n �� . cl�iver in his padded robe, wllich Newark,Home Office N. J. i as i:!�� . 110 elties t.he ral'ity io l rge fruitsrneusure l1im fill the froDt seat en t-irely, iinds LESLIE D. \I'A BD, Vlco-Prcsldent. , ° a AnnuUBindings. Mark -Dan"Gilbert" Suitings. S�a . F. DR\'DEX, President. · · price. might be his squatty bat nud detcrminlng the Brush Edge to remo,·e .loH!> Secretary. lt pom· oO Inches ide, pure EDGAR WARD, with . red uallanas ut such �� 'J'he w�ll known thne chest nnd right \"Ice F. Df! YDES, why, touches his forehead, �u Pres't. I< Counsel. ENTIALFOilllES1' Box �� kind, in or wools of very superior dve 1!. PRUD c e to prulonr THE e Platufleld, i t d Sup't, ront St. x , c s, more are not u '"d left shoulders. Just over there v;oodlaud, N. J, 700. pri e \'II ; "F�tC\lers''ery· a finish, w re allls r ad yline at a E. E. F & Park A . asked r were �!' line of colors, sold ' e J. which the answe�· is thnt if m o e •l hla k full a black 11plen':i.t.'�' �j· f. f - f11ncilr tdunned witb r ws of mu�t lllustrnte the little lecture. "\\'rnp the rench. . . ���4 stitc thg, nu l liuiugs, the most sncred picture in strnw coitld not full Its full length, and ,rortng? condtti!JDS,'. · made ·qmck tr ps ; ont i silk sm·g silk brnhlsslutpe nntl fnncy 6 of God," long cud of the � ·�art t w durable we Ru sia before which the cznr pros­ the freshly· cut end settlml down i1 pon 'with .nd\'er5:e :,w�ilth�·r, �f long con tin- tho thes tons, ncntly lirte,rt:U:s, tbe,r nrc likely taken in n royal get·."-Plttslmrg Dlsp::ttcll. l.lt:' · uot 11recious to es \' It is strn w before he could bring the grn.ln to com only they lnnll cargoes i� s n . ·swollen ·�mt. · carri ge eYery dnJ to the omes of the ­ be; m a Uoupltaillt)" wltbln t•cnch of his puws. 'l.'hcse fore here in·.·a specified time, nud the bes ;:� w w re­ in t !� sick, here it orks mirnclr:s nnd Dunhdt pn ws were l'ery skillful little bands, nnd most . uitnble condition for hnn- THE DAVID STRAUS CO. h A correspondent of the Duudee• . Ad· s gren money. ns and u . tl n a vertlser rit f1•om Denmnrl<: "The he, deftly husked r l dling a_nd 1e es \"Hn- . . '!' cei\'es t sums of It h es r b t (� ...... '"; , NElfti:JiRI(,...... gnsh in one cheek, mmrc long ngo by a w er nn!l holtllug to. zna ],cting l \\Us1c,� ;,•;lti,tiili••i••iitiit;,,;,�� ,;w,,;, ;,.;,.;,t;ilii•it•i••••m•.u.ill;u;lte:u,i,,;-,,;,N, u;,,;u:••;,,;,. J, ;tt;,,;.,;,,:.-;;r.Jt•!itlt•ofo ...... ���� It, sitting ec n g his tnge nnd with the lenst posslb c � .. people of Deomnrk, though spl'ung J ...... -'";.-·-·"'·'"'· ·""�·�··J�:·• ... would n ow t n it·and nte t � . � � ...... � , I I Tartar sword ; but millions nnt l a ld o e e ...... •• .. f1•om the same stock ns month uml y ns boy wou nnd with. g eat ndi'Dnl�ge ns to v n- ...... liYes Ye the otu·sel\es. nre r gladly giye their to sn idol hold nn n p .- m· Fl'ieutls. ness .of supply. 'l'h<> great ulk of the. �-���"""�-"""-"'!-"'!-"'!-"'!-"'!..'!"�"""""""""��!!!· lutlnltcly mo1·c polite and ilospltablt>­ usp le Aulmnl from such indignity. d in tbis country so much so that my frieutl the Scotch bannnn trn e is now when the c re O : )l We the chapel pi u Too Obliging. controlled by " c m n enter t lnudowuer, who co ch to the back· o p ny bns bt:en set in place ng-ain nnd bur n Is S t Dnugcr o£ bone nnd nenn mort! cotcll than wbcn 'r he othct• C\'f.mlng, while ttcn llng Importers hnve orgnnlzcd. we pl ce l ngside Delug n which ..•• tiny candle, which a o · S lcetUI'l\ Hownrcl l'omldns observed, 'sit­ '!, he bunnnas eaten iu tllis counbnnnnntry For Extra M 1LK � n w l\ out of Scotlnnd. enrly came to tht• con ' and C n EAM l1undn·d others, fi lling the room ith a · n t clusfou thnt poiJteuess, b�sldes ting three. sents In front, mnn wl1om como from Costn. nicn, BriUsh nnd Send your order to howerer is real per­ a s ifling odor. This, • he r n e nn e t , being n mlchty troubl� to themsch·es. co iz d ns lu hnat ncqunlnt­ Spunibh llon!luras, Colombin, Jamnicn the orthodox dis­ g fume compared to tlwh• :mcc. 'r ml ns requested the pcrspn ro countries ' -li wns n sb�c1· waste of time ' did not o d nnd Cubn; thnt Is, f m i ct of :\loseow. \\ e will not . e t llml so. t•ejoleed thut It was one or who occupied the sent next to him to nround th e southern pitrt of the Uulf of t n smells wi t re nnd we cnnnot h o I 1 h )oJ stand a sc clmra£."tel'JstJcs. weJ•p il'nn fot·wn d and polu w e os ell con· Quef'tlon,. nnd .4 nt��wer•. front er state INGRAM, s � B i of the west. hut! can Ue rpri in tl nt he <.'onhl not e � uoed \\' 10 lB!-ii tlda cnn n wm·ct] -o n-:-1 •1-:-n -• t "•Pctol'Oil 11- mrl'hc eO'ectlve. The Iron musl nlso be Mt'nn nwu r..•ontluue m, nnr1 tre iU>Il'n te his RUh,l1•ct he took his own co lcnl, It sll·uclc -T -ru-.,-.-11 · us \' cry tho even tcmpet•ntul·c of exaruplt•• rl tl or wltnt is lllk tl·lllch to clussleul qu !hroughoul the '1"""' ot a­ clalllle•t t i umlordln, hllillletWIIPt): "I can't htl\ lr,n1\ Hllt•w:�t, ful lli'Oitl • the · CO'I"�r� too much for 11ot In llrnt Wll)'. l lt ' " uot g' \'IJ\1 en l t ot nu \ l l neglect to lllh!'IJt ll 111 tlw re ll't', 111111111(•fl<• kl;·."-0'•"•1 bu ' lg cnllcU berot•c.. 'icHlr n M t tlu.• ptllllp "Au WOI1}11'un, \\"ord�. hn& Jll'nhnhly nol been l tlw bnl'll 1hHJI'R Lll•fnJ'l• lw U(J (l••�>�t 1 rJld so Impose ·R�Iou. � � �� out·ual. � om· �l upon your -� � tluN£1\'(lr · M t ohset'l'ed. n t J.!U\'<.• f1fends y u nrc feeling well nnd :_-_J o llh 1'Clii!Ohllhly oure or mnl l ng younelf �Jnr1t l' umt•nn,.. 11re u�l<·•• 'J 'wniJJ, OutJ1• agrecnblo. < JJH•I'fJJI).l • • jll'llnllill•tlt ll il iHh hllt')'l'r, In Yl· <>ITer your boa allght J h , II t• I'Jun·JN, nu uo� tHltiO, ll:-ti Ptl him If hurrh•d nor bo ul,.cut-mlnded, n to teas the tlllwH, wlwll\ 11111 llnt1 <.'O IIlllllHYt" 11or co stant y conaultlng your lit•In HIJIOIWt1. 1 Clf " coli, lh<• t'l'jll�·. 1 HOIJIU• take your while you I l wntch, l1U11Ht• r1u u n IJ\H.'N• apeaker-not WllHAttt•l' n n 111\\')'t!r, Jll1e to leave tlou: nt't.lU't Mr. are the lansul1hed,when lelt you tbe conYer­ u Mt't�otu13'tU1, , Duro 11111,"Yott'ru p!atlon baa appur Outhrtu'l"Mr. Cl�llllli!M." Ito beoauat .,WIN�bored.-Aire, Do•• �otro "I "All, t11�n. a1r, Till UNION COUNTY STANDARD, TUEsDAY, JANUARY 23, 1900. 3 COLONIAL RESIDENCE. . RIEAL IEIITATIECBABL� E. SJIITB, UGBUOUD 6 llhiUBANCJC AOIE!i'l', .. TDR1'. DIII r pmbll111bu lllld . Uee .. a.••• ••• ...... 'I'll•• o., ••• .... a ,_,•• ,...., .. •• - BeprMeattDIclUIItheftrelaeariUlcecowpilai CoKMt:llCI.&L UJIIOII,... 4 ..... ftat CIIINH• .. lloto�achlae bteD pr...... •. •••.,...... -····· ..,_ NOBTH 8BITI8H IUid JiEBC.UTJLE, .. Denver e•peuded over lite Comml&olober All ...... ,...... •lb!ted In .New Orleana. War •-•a. [Copyrlt�J otherNotarr ftnt Public and of �.. .. building& for bu&iDell and public �� �t'b::!'b��� :e,"���i:.i*..... dl11eue . J2,000,000 on Ow• The dr•sigu i• n•ry Himplc Ol!lce, w..,tlleld avenue, nearC. R. R., which occur• Jerser a purpoaea out on Is a in itb tJ·t..'utruent. Weotlleld. New c r n. uew 18U9. llgbtbou•e, erected for life-u•lng, like ly aud unu•aal-"Jt.- hThfod I• characterized deft·In Slag after the rooking of steel Far t be t ou 'l1b8' dillon may exist from birth, the little lost water Is to l>e hnd. The water, &wcet hhJf'Htorw, IJPntl.v point\•tl up i h The 3,000 more than in nny Jlreccilingyear. w t hunp­ Carpets cl n , laid. su fTCl'cr never showing a.ny c\'h]cnce ani! cold, Is raised in !urge bucket, hlnck nnJ Jwrtluud cuuwnt. brightnf!ss; OJ' it Stntistic6 show re

i.. . THE UNION i ·COUNTY ST AMDARD, TUESDAY, JANUARY ll, 1900. citlet; In wbicb more inbtbltanlll � or were reported 8,In000 tnndmum ate is not exceed cents for to tSQO The eachr living inbahltilllt. t.IJreeThe eouwera· �������� � tora m t educa&ted men. � u GILDERSLEEVE'S. , � 7 . -Fred.s beDoerrer, eleven yeur old tbe brol.SIJlXn h"-The Seuute has confirmedexpected. the Pillow ...... SODA ...... Chnffee sang solo nt h a l advanc d r . . . 140 I•Ttre BJ,ACK PEPPEH ...... a point nt H. Lippiucot, of Hud· ave e � .:: pe � ""I KEHo�nm OIL . .. me of . :J CilJlr, ldc:u Puul'a' cni Sunday morning] l -v 60c :! lhs. �F.W L!UH�...... -Mrs, s ce St. son county, Justice of the from c ;,ltl lbe GJ{A!'�ULATJ'.:D fl"U.:\ H 110 1\8Joh cent. to 33} per cent., but we 1 .00 -All� lmrchtuxes, not paltl by Jauuury Cout't, which was made by the GovemorSupreme e r h will r co ded at Elizabeth the nn;t31, liLst· week, Justice Lippincot us been ave a very fair sized stock of Uln dtlf, be on lhfl Supreme Court bench since OurJb. .Meat... Department�lb .. h these goods on we 8.\USA(i-g,In link d PQI{K CHOPS.s IH' HUfNicelLOJN FOH'rlm >rmAK, HOUSE STEAK, n l l'llrs Voorhees, of when he was appointe Go\·ernor ...... by 1893, hand which :J ius. meat, . . tOe lWUNJI f;'J'EAK, IIJ ...... is for ye11rH,IIIld PORK l:H:iOUI�DJ!:H...... best, lb .. , ...... 1\liddlebush, are visiting relath•es Werts. 'l' he term •even bought before the advance I h ... . . -Mr. B < . David J. iu Nlco lb...... 2ac LA�IIl CHOPS, . . the sa Is e9,000 a year, lb...... town, lary . . 'tc . LEG LA�IB...... Nlcc lllrle HA�!. Ib ...... and them Nice 'l'I:Hlmr,;, lb . . l2c .. . . . • .. -The h ea

�ew . or w!::o!l t� dt:· '' : '" '1'�·-d:: ,,..,_, ::r;d 'tl•re t=d:c . c• ' "'' t!-.e •peale-.i � ::::;. f:"l.. '\::1 ;;:.wiul c� " j " "\\',!! .Hi. I ·r:n:1: jJ�;-��. tl:e nu.i'on�"' "''' uilt a',>::e ca:: ci t�-- .-\ sc!:: .:: ' ' l'<' d w-:� c!:."c�:l "� I! "\'ccr r·:'" he �ou not Ingrain, r.e -n:t:..J.I f " .. criec. per yd., .25 upholstered .Js relonr,Tufted Cou�h,str0ug Linoleum, '' in .15 11\atting.Oil Cloth , l;(Ood sprmgs. .o8 $8,50 Comiortable Ro�k· :fdl '..•'::. -: c:-::· c:. .:-r r::��.-:... t!c:: C'r�:;. :ii of th� <'z:irina'l'' el �2. isLed, with doubleuwde ot fDr�w:t Cnne Sent nt War robe, ...... -:.:.:$. ; 'ery �.1�-.e t:t::::lt:>-:::- c: THE CUBA.;.� ENGINEER CORPS. er,Lmge d of Oak ' nicely tlo· the kmcl ll'llleh would l cloore.so. ��.1 �'��- ·::� 1 i=: 'lN L<>monsd., It C3me !rom aool 10 i s _ _ ' e $1.25. &I:•.! :!::� ""-r:-���/��-��!:�<<' ;;; !;:,}� o_;, e!::d""�� ; ; ��:.:�..,:�-:-t.:::: ct���::�'�:�, ""' "" :' ��.�t���\t--e : �:c!,,�c;:tC-> 't R�d L�mun"d� It ll:ld c>::.:i�: t!::ee��;�o "all:l O<"at e wuror and one osnall; ,old ��.; \\'ashStand. e Srecial,bri�ht S•7·50. and $11.50. Xtck�l d 5 H ol Range, for range attractive. ExtensionJ Table, Antique Oak Finish trillla tutu"'· d w t strong Pnce$6.so.au u ts h• e· mc�ly finished legs, and dora� maud lu\'i ble. . P nrlor Only • _ _ e $2.69 Suits, �ahognnizf-1d0 .00. Spectal, $19·5i 0.ces ' � Frame, 5 �eetfnl p , upliolstered In brocstellt artt>tiC: de>l�n-, anti " o;o;orth OUR CREDIT PLAN MAKES IT EASY TO SECURE l HOME. SOUARE CYLINDER PARLOR STOVl Made from HEATER, heavy s h e t e attmetiYepearauce, in ap- iron; just w)1at nickle t with is needed r · for a i m small room. miugs. 8 J .9

Market Street, Newark. MUL218Other 220LI Stores NS-Jersey City, & Brook lyn.SO NS, .. Paterson.


to C. E. PEARSALL & CO., Agents. --· _ ·: ·�-.---·.--- ,---- . --< _,_  ;:-t-;. -=� ,.,_.,_ r:::. HT�:-t ""::-·- � tic::•l ci:""-- •. __ :- ·-::·-:::-.-· ·--� ""'-':!>"'4'-="� -4-- ::-:. �J ·' ·Jtc•l-:rd Blo!dlllg, ll t${/ield �' - J ..

. -

Don't \\'ute 1 ' - ' ...-- · ,· ;·· o\\oncy honilt'. bu� b�· luii'IUP • 11 .. : '" )'<>ttr 1-"';'t"" ! · : r-�.1 (,,,,,Jlltlt• tl<>mrt IOdll hh'g1111101111!1 ••• rl •-t .::.. ., ht){, Rllll tb� UlllU�)' _,[1 '.-1:"•.1 p " · ] :-; - �IIIi\1 e, ean cl ef1ne n th n mmUchH! lie , ' ,r ou ' o i g?'" rates of i nt �t·est-wns greutl,Y 81uprli.ed. 11ls, Is found In epncc und the plah illg' j�. stitl'1JL•d on uwM� Dt•tnJned. asl c he nf ahlc 1 orry -do inch or so IJL�Iow he upp�r ATE te nnte IIUJ'J'OW slripb ac.·con� iun- )fr. 1· u06."Been USE! t� cutluuti, \'rnrs nrr0o, to of 1bin!:! ti:at i c:um,r�utation�. � his re turn to llltt!'u- JIIW IC 1h nh ma n of Jl 1 ' 1 1 ' ' that be t1 _, 1 l' ( · U!JC 1 ll<'l', J J Americn•is n scri�l story of ullvcuturcs t !' l !- t t btcJHlsu tu H'opoH· '!" Duughtc�r-ulle .. " s t e repl� of the youth 31 p la i s et clo P l oge iJeJ' at he Jil'IHi�'> yon fo :\ope, wa h · GAS RANGS llil'l'C'P IJl' nn nnd hnrdshiJlS, of escnpes from dentb, waist \\ ic1 n· n �ked me i f there n wlwH· hnc1 been too thrifty For line, nnd gnuJuall cn to ti mot'1fr:tgT• fa i1y to y wu� an l ip . m WATCH u lmost Incredible. Am] It wns not iu lower of the �J.: il·t . Th e narrow the hou�e."--Dost on Tr sc ' t E-peud m twh llH.JJWY on h i!'. elhwatioD. Cooking. edge YOUR the pntb of conquest or lending the .S(Ir� pnnels of htce slightly nnrru Long Step .\hcaU.-FitzwilJjnms-- ain't 1.o �ee Uad. An' what'• u re wer .A '"1 bt'en Co;, ried ronks of battle e The�Cranford Gas thnt Dr. Put on met nt the wui�t, nnd nl�o wltlPn grnrlt1ally '(Our friend Smith hns b come more !Je'n't �:roin' to H' e d ncl." BUILDING,Light 'KIDNEYS lllOI"e,A> 1 JIAit'l"fl and surmounted dangers nnd tlinicul- at the edge of the sldrt . The IJoclice swell than ewr." Fit?.johmon-"1\"}lllt he spolu• he twisted his hnt in hla OF�'JUE, J. . N. ties nnd brought mnny thow:;nnds of Js iw f a a rh:O has he done T\ow'!" Fitzwillinms-"lle l1nnd unU leaned his Uody to one ST., fHEV 1ARE t de o ltern te ho ntul rows of oYer ignorant samges to nn d mythe D, understan ing th£ Jaee and J?luited crc•pe ulso. . ltos got. to writing !tis 11 nme S · side until one leg of his trousers waa WESTFIEL FILTERS of the nrts of ch·iJization. ELM but it wns in 'l'oq uf's with snhle crOwns nnd brims RmytlJP,"-Puch·. druwn hair wa�· up his hoot. ,FOR THE preaching t he Gospel that Dr. l'nton of mirror 1·cl\'et, trimmed with mmliu Bloomfleld-"So Joung Mr. "\\'ha t do you want with this $ooor r Mrs. BLOOD. oi11l his nssocintes w ought their \11tor1{. flowers, are u Snnggs nnd Sout11side mar- "You're ulmost a� butl us UuU. \Vhat'a ft.•ature of millinery. u:roe IMPURE Ed ucated In the parish school in Uoses nrc the. specinl ·kind and the ricd. Do youMiss thi nk that theh· match the usc o' yo:U•rc a sldn' all them que ... BLOOD Dumfries, In sout11ern Scot lnnd, and fin· smnlltnnd the Important part per· r. euru t ..... people nt Glasgow, Dr. l'nfon lmmedinlely be- ft �;r .:._�::':'· Few J, ong coats of veh·et, half-fitting ;t)c ( 'Yuy .-,-�;Q!JilJ ry Doctor Wltttln'nhout n gal." . . i f��"bTgo�Yi�1l�sk��r��1:t\�n1m���"J\�1il���;��� Pa�s the voice hnd it." • · · the inlmhitnnts of the vilh�ges of Wn.t�r tlves plundered the bouse nnd burdl velvet ribbon, jnst bnclc of the pompa- attests self-confidence, protest11t.ions Ll'rE ,\'r'r EN'l'ION Cranfor•l and Rosei;. y a "Wouldn't he lend it?" Fn.r: dour roll QUIOK with w11ter for domestic dny passe" wltltout some attempt upon -and the effect is charming, not convince; unless th e voice "Yeo. He snid he reckoned be coulcJ DELIVERIES. wood, W••tlleld, Effective evening go ns the lqJO}ogy "TittPurest and Sweetest thatnse. Nature can Ylel4." the Uves of t!Je missionaries, compelling w hn,-e net spealOn lul\' lnuathlK so goml••ton sup,Jlr,to congratuht.t"you n�ed sels, 'but nn uphenvnl of the earth com· color, us red flowers on black net over must not. permit wenk-lmeed \'Oice sue me or somethin'. Ilut i f I was ever PAPER hiL\'e h o d n. no anxiety wbt�ote\'�ro. tLs to itbami ol me WALL w· es � pletcly dcstroJ·ed It, After the escape white satin, to stagger under the words, When to tell dad I couldn't pay him, he'd jes• ness," 1 of the pnrty from Tnnnn they were Applique effects nnd cut work are our hearts go ont in wa1·mth and nffec- nncherly chop down n snplin' an' Inm w !0t l � �JW,� e� :h t ��f�L Knr 8 d always in I'Ogue when brnirling is fash· tion it cnnnot get fur In a brass-lined, a -1\' n PAPER ;�t ! Jlollcy� 1i� the� llliUlRJ,nmu.mt� � ts1 ,«;;�}�f��:� to do given shelter for n time wltl1 n friendly me, till couldn't st nd." nshingto the\ onnblc. rich ndn I WALL Its to promoteof their growth tt.ncl chief, hut the nntives were hostile nnd i La id over satin, ''elvet iron-bound voice. ConcilinUon is Stur. full slULro nn attempt wns mnde to escape from t]1e or Indies' cloth, the clcgnnt pieces of when the voice rings dcfian�e. PAPER The islnnd in nn open boat, but n rough sen lace sillc en appl ique I.mng·inc yourself nt telepl10ne lltll1Jlf051Jerit>··1t b· all or passementerie n PER ROLL compelled the gn11nnt worl.;ers to lnnd show todistinct. nU\·antnge, but it seems when the instrument. whirrs nnd CARE OF WEAK EYES. Compnny refers to Its Patrons. Slmt•Je Uem l Graoolatlo-. pt�nH��rr����\\'�'Av�,l1'��e;��lo�l����J\",rt ngnin. On the followhJg night the mls- n pity to see these handsome patterns wheezes. 'l 'he most Impassioned np­ ed e• tor from Ca tarrh fthcl Othe!' water its mtt.lns, and explnlu��� rated,��c�i sionnr nssniled nnd the house laid m·er gowns or jackets of inferior pen! to John to come home. to tllnner u�oterms, method of les were St)·e�, ANI! UPWARDS. SAJ'\'Icc, fnbri renson. 5C utc. in which they were stopping burned e without. nny nppnrent and meet C from o�er the should"r to be thrown out of your bnck door TO BUY FINE St. Chrlstlnn Influence hns been extended 'l' hc bnby should be ttwght to sleep or from t!Je side. nml her trunk on top of her pre\'1111 In a to lslnnds. 'l'hc Bible hns beom nt regulur hours. At first he will \\'hether the eyes nre wenk or strong, 22 22 voice, or your cnrncHt desire to II•'• Cuckoo. trnnslntcd nnd Is now read In dif· • �-our n"'"' told recently nt sleep most of the tune not. oecup I et one should nPver strn.i n them by Tbls story n 18.000 keep her In hnnd t.lll uftm· the lm- of toe f·•r•r•t lnn"llll"es OIJ Is situ- h�nncht•ll us soon tlw�· como from 1111\"e•l 11 11 lu your fl tncss for whut ure go- · Cheerfuli,l' rrnve np wives In obcd l· e: o sure t tnt t tey u.rc com· I'OU as BRO D STREET, Jn·lck. Ouo or their wctl•ltng 11rea lng· usl.;, eolor �·o ur \'alee,, or Klmll the butcher's nncl cut. lu ple<.•cs nboui A once to tlle"crcc· mn�· workII hlmRelf Into such " rngo I• Which thoh III<'MlhCl' II nw•·�y of just whnt \\'t ll tlo ,\"ott lnjus­ gl'ther 11ntll nwltrd !IIlli fonmy, two Ono nig t 111!111 I(IIVI! trnt lnl!' tho cle�otlon of the convm·t�d to hn•·o crm,•ulslons or to do himself I l>l! lllltHiUHt, tuul It \\'IIH II nccuhllnl(ly Into ti•'" lu thn mind or those wlw hcnJ•?- tnhlespnnnfuls of butter nntl two •t•H. It tbe chief of nnth npp.,nrs thnt physlcul ln.lut·r. hut thu young lnfnnt lll'l'h'ml nt tho l' J•ont clout• of Wt!r

TOUR. """'"'""'"'""'""""'� ofTHE WEDDING i DELAYED••• . �"'""""'"' Jla•"•Ooft'•l all f!.torJ" a , o•a•of �liibf ua the rlaK'•·llle Mar- I THE

Thr.; w r a ser.s:tioGal ! ft-a u at "W0tof \H C�:r.!! es r ·e !WeB � on lmm�diat� Hid Jlssoctation r e ae OF THE slCe. wt:lL·h. for b,i res.� ! Superior :he t \\"est N : t .o · c.u� l LEHIOH .=ot : IC't:E-. t:E'rer ir:to d:: t." �c.c.nperiority of Lehigh �t the pape:-s. Tbey are too . . . ""11\'J. nr.-wn !r!:::: :\_(' .\Tl�) t\' Of...... the TheYallt.;r . C•1al GARWOOD. rna it:. in obscurity, bc-Wtt"er.;o .::C:�.r:d are 1I Royal Jlrcanum At ( fr Hnrhhl' Jif�s Jn thfi fnct the b - .....e;:::: Annual 1\�eeting- in the . . . ! Held its lth · · that harcl�!r, Mr. Eskho1m . e . r.ames. of COt!r!e. '.\S . �� rhe ��i�r-l!lt r c:-:-e- r btrE:.'I'h••:l'yrnnnr.::cr inn "'t rnru.:e ,,f 'J'(•,\T6 YA RO, PICTON, N. · t:-:.o!e .;\ bout 9:3the-.). ; ,.._ said Association is brief­ ' ·Yillag� Po;!l!l · · it r.ot a highacquaix:t# opbJ. f. E ).1 A,. · �... aw g u . g to ;·(�: · · ·.· p-);:. • , '1.·:.'1IH'E,\:.·:.·:. .Ylu�el�:Hho cnr; •. haC -rer�· �ntis-:r. 1 inSI. caseOO orof the death of a member i:-=OS' . . !'eyer-: �r�i; tic-n with £r.: i�-:-u Coc.1pauy. at wer �aloor:.· �· ilaw .. 1 !r!::: to be paH �!\l tgJt;VJ;HHA :1 � ...... ;•:··". . .ri.;!!'�.�� Dlstanc� fu, \\'". J. Kelly.th� 10� OIe iL l.il the:::D. , anc aT her crote iC'£-C i Y H ILL ••••..•.•• Aualn Lots fuii.CreH PH.t)f'TOP.'S. " Crow of:col P,:.rk. r-:-tnrueJ i klr;s: suit. in .. 5= ame in the case of _:llJ :-::-THEl-.1' \ nudevllle L.:w.:-llyn an•.1 to 5 tu:G 1:.€. to the beneficiary · · n Ed burst of genero�ity, a ked t em or �f.�f� ::·.•.I.t:� �::� �::\.� �::::: Saucy dirt, p-'.siticc work5 s \ e Prkes st ut, b oltl w ac hun ==.._ member, ...... j{ji,ir. \:ft\�ntHli:\16�m.�'IIJ at t tnke the death of the benefn iciaryd, of a . LROill t reclerk;out- Da...- d�-..'lll o \.;.TOH'..;: . the \\'olul• ·rful\ conn�ti:'l!l �i:;ualth the i o t 1 1'1 1 -..;- y p . ... 1;hC' � o th�· H:\11wi s elmm .. Cnrb and �he at dty store. held at to said member. Payment to . \\ J\tn•I Gig;f r 5>::-r\iL�.:::; 01':Git"�.snn:ethtc�� . 3 sm I_1 r�ottle o! to be paid the J,;H1m & FIE!.� . · .. . hlri· · Alllkautiful i d store, Jo fCOU to Ji: \'lt�'TuP.i .i.. e�<\�g�ii�tie p""r:e. _:uc Ha\\kt� . ... j !t:::: \\":.\ L L.-\Cl\':o-:. '"''. " "''''''''''' ' That Is shopping tllt-rt- �i:l toe " by . o e l:e made in either case within hours of ; : W�t:l-: l"J.:? 8 ry \Y �IJ these tog�?" asked of 1-� Variety great, Nttag.:-lJ. at rb�pr��a:o .. the m�n. 1' .._ .\ C.\Diil!Y OF l!IJSIC. pra.y.:r Cl�!tr:g 't' ' n death. 2-! of :IInsic, New York, NoAt yourtedious door; walt; tb� evtou· "'I!eec £'etting- rr:.arrieC." res nCed receiving- notice of At the Academy r�tden< Service polite, :llor��. po ;:::::: "Way D,m·n East,'' th� pastoral 11 rnma at llawk:.X:s. o!C folks tec-to-- : Experience has sho"'n the need of such of F. \\. Ct-!.1!�: 5tr&::-t. --The are :: i e well iuto its just 5 h talers. and it � ret t C y around of New England l f iR inc·w hileu'd(•d>:. workiu; eon n W:l p . y � == case of the death of a rh� u t hou�e! .so I to g-et � a fund, as in the it·,J month and will pro bly remniu Prices right- ., .. th � at he Jt!St s!ipp::cl ! cut That is shopping lar;-: pu c i ! brac r u kr;ow selCom Crink elapse be­ pr sen ror indefinite at Harker's store, ,. prt:�6 at the C r e 1 o � brother from to days must iu its e b11 ernoon Auu-t-r had• ·_ tttJ�o:_ • af_ � I r qnnrters t . & C ia.cwrv_ t""Stenla"\'"_ .· feel t � c iti s have cle DvwJ a . u · ._ poriod, ;l!etropolittlll r c �bt cru5-b.e�-e�e:ad� tn.:yl p "\' t:.er-ro s to- 60 received by the t 1111 on his ri - · fore the A.30 benefit can nature than hRuol 'tkwg- I .r:.d�ht."n.ntin�. but e t If::1 declared it c!IJser akin to caught :Ur. two ll('qU:J.i�ta.�ce� cor.�rntulated � HARKER'S BEAUTIFUL STOHE betwEen t�o certificate;be and in \" eiu thut ST1t£O:TIJ, co.; a io beneficiaryR. named in the any play written in the 81ltne Dowd wa� reruo\'"eJ. to hiE, howe wb�r� Ih.u·klt!s� bor.or weC:Cir.!! ! EL.M AND QUIMBr \'i"' h����. The a::e. of tl:.e : � ba;; �iven to the stage for long Urt::-e�-2--d the wound_ in i teC acotb.:r bottle o many cases such immediate aid as this Asso- n ------· pb�sician. on WESTFIELD. Jr.;,. wice.: �i a ot rf titue. ay Down with d w buying''""' f?ll. owec n i been ex localTrolle \" c•r ::\o. of the Plainfi•l s c e dation afford, will prove of inestimable 13 . B'" h th�rc o le had disap- '1' cellent east, b�antifnlEast scenery" its tue Hl t h • n "t e h t by h . "\\ , House o pfs.reC, Ha it:s itsiste-Cb on a our h l e m pictures, from present : Painting • 1.0 � 1 � value andwill comfort in the time of trouble, et far lUlU com �aroonon n h t t:mew the t f , p )• 1 t��tg t. wh that had b e hf ' to Academy \\"E>t necawe tnp Fnday 2I:C n k ci;posed of t I iodicatinm will endearecl the comer of was cedcecly was theL Mem!:ership in the Association is also oJ=en hon.;e bonudthe dttch_ at t p i of ilJ(lefi 10_ wh sat cow1: cationis and sendnecessary name to Chas. B. ..p�:;.. a a:ter ! u:., for the winter esorts mons BRANCH MllLS to sleep. The ot h two men of r the sale and the fa· wet.t"hkh io a cbalran� : Treasurer, Westfield, N. J., together� w:rh Charles Wti�tthau. Jr., �tarted for w-ere pretty gay by thise i� be� I offerd ::\ew York nutl Floridaof the Brooks Scaffold Brush r t ;· the Miune:;uta, Thnr�:.l a to u::Crts.s :hco unC'on�cious bride- Said amount covers two assessments Limittd, the train in world, & Gang \T"bo e, S·mth. The to do better . gan . I able far work they Christian o_om hi> c lla en·ic January nnd is am E Enuea>· gr . o o· r I' 52.50.in advance (viz. and annual dues finest othet ff s D. :\!iller b le t eyn hi· -e;: on. e � roll. a-..;k i:�· e tb::y rou;:;ed him iug roow, sl�epiug, library nud ob.st:!rVJl· R-=' c Sv:-tvr ent-ertain-:?J · a=.C tter: b!ackeG e''" � ht> slef ep. , Upon the receipt of notice of the death tion · �ew St. Augustine, W. H. BAK ER, Har;e.- a . .1 :.­I South A\e, . �b= . H arou:cCl If=� Ch·ul-:-5 Dr. T R ... · w- . ! walk al;o carrying Pullman drawing · "" · J . - ,.. _ - w of a member or of a beneficiary, a call will York t•J ll E :-�-n:-= �np -::o'"?."' cor:: Ceo�·t:�et:. a .:::n:.s,you: · .. l E.l" N. \\.Cath>:a.Bmnswkk, LO at for 'l'h1)1Wl:::rille, Ga null from date of such notice, withineach. And mt1•.le ..o� Je;up iur nml.. at $!.00 PortW;1yero Talllp. l fu1· K�y and Ha· any failing- to pay such assessment shall be vana Xew ,, rk ami\Ve;t Floritla !lure ... . s b�ood the-tr eye.=. pre;,; York d ily . � l �n.c lU declared suspended. The Y Ex· ...�.:--1 1 bt)r� ann · was obl!t"!cu� . :::::: a • . with Pulhuan room !115 Hawk!::� Theto : ..... Annual dues p. m leapiug New l;�� I ;;���;:;2:�f:�t:���; AT A DISCOUNT. �t} ,..,_ �; the :�i�:!� c beG. · � and �: a:: fit antl tl ining car X-:w.\�k. rh-:- h;:.C a o .. yo \'Bru:1;wkkill•.! Tbomu;1 il!e; fol' 5pring£:.-=ld. awl �he: � �:: pped ut: u by any of the officers of the Association iu o e . er1 her oen·ic,,. Connection tuak< . -, tl•e n o h FA LI" snd th , . sJcce · t nigbt.-Cbicago Inter O cean. DE:\Jan. BENEFITTH 19, IS99, FUND. 5194. iI h_e not 00 ple�o:ant little ir was arr n l iu !' House BalanceR«

. ... MASONW. 8 JIM & BUILDEIRION,R, . N. "' 113 l·: .. 1Jnhhlnar unu•hFirat·• rurnl,. St.1u•d,, Westfi eld, t•runtptlf llftt•utlt••l tn.

Utu- t•rnh•rur llt.••t't'ntltu,t. '. ntul iii'HI In tltt• th't111" " J : I mm·mut't!tl, · rl' IIJ!11 Hllrt�stor.''llnll't't' nn ht' 1111111 <•lll"lh to "hould ht• tl11• l'f'"I Ju.r ull vii" your li'Y ynul' f'&IU lllt'llll · 'rn · tuy lH'oHiit'l'lly.''- t..'hh•n..:o I owt " 'r,•Jhuue. t&ultthitlrtlr•n!< ' l't.••••• 1'1111 rww '"'�'hrctllfl!l.'• "llo yon ,1·uut' lmp!l••lhh• IH Ill flit' II Iolli( ?" otahn�kt•tl• nu•w•'l't••l Mr. "II I• In litul'llltltDJiill• Snr"'l"ltlll11 �''" Jlnrtl11N, ··s�dn� I• l,.,llevln�," h11• lntttl I�· tlny," Yun cnn IIAIIY "'J'ht•ol l Illnwttti N•U wlmt lln.•l'• 111of t lltt•)' tlntr1Itlotllll ll!·l· for ruaIO or w�t� • t"liltntber�, anol mn�l nrt>nr. ll n l!elltiVl' II will du thto ... for yoo, ltr fur waiii,"-W Irltrrton ltar.