· . .. _ �MI-WEEtq_y ) THE UNIONTUESDAY COUNTY STANDARD. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J,, TUESDAY, JANUARY Per Year. Single Copies 86. 23, 1900. $2 3c; ' ··--'-'-·����-���·-'""""". t•rJntc r•. Bnlaac Terrur to lDtt·cctor�-Profcsstonal. J o •no• SJeeJt. Wltl• no inborna liternt·y fnclllty, wltli Truthrul Advertising· �ill always sell Honest Goods. Whi!'n l r Go nrtlstlc cousl'f.,nt•o It Is not genPrnJJ.r l.;nown tlint nt sn In orn thnt drove f� b In un iri g rmrsnlt of perfPC­ AJfGLEHAJf, J,A\V, least fout• out of e\'cry tcu liorr-;cs do m on t n tlon, llnlzac vast A'l"l'OHNJ�YHnu1'Cllaao. Hhl'Jt, ATH, N. J. not Jle down to s)C!t�p. 'rlw horse lletl the chnsm be· hi l · I: \\'catfleld t en his th<H•I!hf untl Its eX ll 'l'S�Ion w I , Hh!PpH In n Htnntlln� tmHitJou re:.::tH tlmtone l leg at tlmc, tlr!ll<'tHlln;.: the other withe eon11tless Jlt!ll xtrolws and by,: Uunk N.J. 11 on ', E threu to HU aln the wt!l;.:ht hi!! IJO<l;,·. !!OIIlJoOillt!on ll his owu, . metho:l>: of . GEL, CHAUNCEYHid�., We•Uldtl, F., D. D. 8, �l nf the e:�net or thmwu uma , · rtw haiJit Is a YC'l',Y tlHil�C'l'Ol!!::i Hours: tl-12, 1-0. · > (IJH�. nt I"C\'l'l'EPwhite of D li ' ly a Hhurt Hfllf� sluce flue hol':·U� In the Wl'ltln� ht•nt, new•r nnvritlng-, ii_ - � , � Tl1[I.All<t E.STOilY n On­ It B H '-'"' or of now nut tlit> E IVE l1i� umnufaf'tnrlug concPrn E AND ::om= p couK:;gJ,r.oR A'r t· · . n;ro, who said, "1 ;tulllt'K of u nrt of �Wlfl�!·ln�� h ity In the place BakingRo\'ALPowder Wt>llt to !oilee]J while stawlillg In his '""'au""" """ mNtWJCI>S( H���j��;;�:�e I,Aw · 11 u :H of tlefect, yse f In t IIIA8'l'i'�U IX CHAXCP.HY, lNt;UHANCH.\Vcstttcltl, ;lull nn<l hf'lll'll,l' the flout•, ht'(!Ul;­ n P m l nn· Made from pure l � cort·cct · fdl to oth�r· work." : 1�1m nml (�uhnby Ht.JCctl", Ills � lllg IP;.!�L A gl'(�at lll:ti!y · cream o of tartar 1111tl l a une or Bulz:w begn with s ort antl ,.!5 l �lOt'SOH :ll'l' ]ICt'lllllllt'lllJy n I 'f'tl r0- n a ll MOY,G.W.V.LAWYEI!, mlt of neeltlents of thisJ n:tttu'P,I UH Unml ''J;ctchy nntl Rllpshorl skelt)fon, m n Jng . Jlnrk ,A und 4tll St., Jllnlnticld, J I �h •re Is no way ur em·lng hem of the nttempt townrtl sequence or style,i IN \'t!Jmu N.J. 110 --------------- tl:l!Jit.l 1 onrl sent It, wllh nil Its cr·r·orH, to 111<' BARGAINS OF MOMENT ----------- prin er. Pt·oofs were J'eturncd to h; m Safeguards the food l MOFFE'IT, Of'b'ICE, Cnn•IJ· N••d. Jn s all sections pustNl in the cunter LAW221Cbas, L. Plltinlicltl, N TJa,p' or Dlrd'!'f mt 'J'he Jo11uwing a HHIIIPle n 1sh ot huge heets, whose wltlu hor� against alum. P1\rk A vc., •J. i:-; m·muul • slw lH Ol' wrote at \Vuhu, ders shot from the ccntml text lfG.Ial :tti g11ol;:p at' }l.; g-1 R . mlJPs 1111 tJw YnngtHP: rockets nntl squibs of the nuthor's · 1ft SOUTII CIJI:;.\ 11'.111 lllllllS NJ:ST 100 soon utl- Alum&aldu powdm tfte MAR��u���t\·1' r,AW, CO. llltlons nnti corrections tirctl by his In· mcnaccn :!tl Phtintlehl, N .• IIUNCl &: to'Lialth of tfte paeat clay. OUTERWEAR!Cloaks and suits Purk Ave. null St., J. furlntt:><l list. The new proofs canw: oovAL.... NOOOWOioec.,orw-. here C.l�ll\' lltllDS ������=��======�.. 'I'IIE 01' NF.ST bnclc on •lmllnr sheets, to be m . ret ·net -�-- A turn" to the printer ngalu like the web mull --·-- again with five C:ant.ly is prcpa1·cd of Bir•l's·ncst, whiCh "l("nnclc .. to the fore When �Iac:'>dll Whistler llvP.tl wasThe famum all IIH' t•uuntrles. We mutlc Ul'lcd n tipsy spltler. ' hls wna rc· trucks of In Chdecu;.1. A.his flt!Cnllurllles. soon n!lldc with in to hlw dirty :m·ay, nmlIt then pPnted n doz n or, It Is said,l' n scort' of INTER it Into is "' special bargain lots, which put l'll!�hws thca·etlu• Krt•at of ._. AnSTARTED Arm,. Oflh A•�r PRAIRIECon•••d FIRE. u times, nlwa)'s with nmvllllcntlons. unlil him fnmHlu r f gure U\'PU nmong eu,;al', tlwcetIU'ss, tl10 fru,:.:-ranc:c, untl l'\'crya old null young One Et·er · In thP Worat • ll his tYrll'SI'IIcrs heeume p:rlsletl !nun­ !J t gr•me who goti to !mow him ns the mnn nrc ought whllenl'SS,to ror mako strong. Kno"·n KUIINBIIo we pass over to you at prices quite n cat, it C'tan the one The grcatPst prairie fire !mow W nrt •t of tlrell' beloved 'l'humes. One There nrc of one of tics. He o\·erlwnrtl of them us he n , two ldruls hox•�s. tlwrn nftcrnoon,l while saunter ng ulong the {JrJcc tn·o dollars tmd d<1IJ<ti'S. entered the otflce one tlny say: Wits tlle year· SoUTIIIs Cl!l:iA WAH I the othN'lhnm; Is four "1'1·c K:tnsns In lSG9. and IDIt emhnnlcment, Whistler was confronted done my hour of lznc Who tnlws wus set out hy 1111 oltlcer of U11ltcd keeping with the i A!W �1:s·r \';,Road. Co. the out of market him ypc Huettcr, publisher, nu­ Stutes go\'cJ'Uillcut. by mnn who hatl one eye most ef· INo. 147, Nanking next?" s · -J.outlou Glolw. .f worth stylish, splendidly fccth·cly hl e enc· . The nrtlst stop· thor. were put out of mlscl'Y only when One tluy In he and part n ' !SUO 11 · y of of the pet! nurl Jnquh·ptl,u ll: kWhut's mutter, Just proof cumc In, nt Its foot tbe lce ' Hnys were returnlnc J the the ofl i S from F'm•t my good fellow' 'rlw mun touched UllllnM"JI' Drnc•�r. Jtglc '•Bon n tlrQr!'-Scrlbner's. fr m wlltl tlll'J;ey unt In tile can· :llrs. Jlilllu�s (asltie)-UootlnesH me! o a tailored garments. /" m yons of llw Sullne. The wind was his hnt. nothing, sir-merely nor·e COlllllS :llrs. HJll'tiC(! with her h "Oh, n Grant own• Up. blowing- a hut'l'h:ane, and hen stop knock-tnrn In !Jiue nnd green!"-San �mnrt. looking hush:nu1. nml lwre John w . Gt-nerftl l•'ranclsco Wuvc. When llrmt;ml Gmnt ca e to Liver· wns matle on tht• high prnh·le some teD Lt'OPS nlnng hy my Hltlt! slopping nnd m U CAPES-Fancy plaids, with or -----'-'-'- pool ant! wns entertained nt the town [ miles nor·th of Hnys this olllcet· dL� shulllln�. Whnt shall l tlo to hrnce 1 LADIES' OOLF Nut Nleotlne, bat t•,·rldlne•. hnll, tjllltc unlmown Lh·er'(Jool mnn l!IJI'I'atcly tou hed nmtciJ to the plain and flounceeffects, made out of large him u(l1 Ah, I !;now! (Aiorul.) ,John! a � a dry, Is tlou tful whetltcl' nny nicotine wrote to the mn�·or with many npolo· crlst gt·ass lu order to mnlu� u spec­ without hood, lt. h John! Dltl �·ou see that huurls mo girl elegant steamer sh.awls, good full sweep, some tver· t c chefl mouth the smoker tlw • of :rt o glcs, hut usldng If he might take thn tacle. \\'hen other 'olllcer•a u lonl>lng .ron'l snw txeP[lt thnt prnsent in t.he molstC!ncd llherty of nsklng for n l'ew whut hP wns about to do, they mudJ others plam, regular cape, for.. the :llr. Hllllnp;s (with nlncrltr)-No! minutt,�' a • tolmr.co which Is In coutnet with the o er lcs e t• a fringed, 5O . ' c nl' sntlon with the soltllcr. t p; ra eiJol't to stop 10.95 6 \\ here? Wht!t'l!?-Lon!lon Telegraph. t Il "' sm l e fll'mlucts of tobacco The may r fount! n deetl hntl !wen tlone, untl tile red SKIRTS-Fine All-wool Cheviots, good l · o great him. hut the LADIES' I tlo uot eoutaln :Ill)' hn tnnt qunntlty wny of mentioning the mutter to tht names wet'<' n•ellug p h·J percalinc lining, well made, elegant binding. in blue , 'l'lw o ; JlO The orenn wom1m I so little es- hesltntctl, but • of the !!hlel' toxic h01lles he· \: s gr<mt mnn, who, witllout hesitation. lllw n frlghteuetl untelo;>e. That tire s I I' hHHnNl thnt. not u\'Llll n across tlw m e light dark mixtures, tailor stitched lug- t'e nte thnt lnten.!stlng ser es or I she- llns nnmn. " erta nly Jet the. gentlem:m swept rr·om wlrcr·c It lmtJ been sturted and Oxford n!cothw,l l to She Is simply "the tlnnghter" or "the snlll, C ; sideblacks, scams, n.o,n� of them worth less than ol';�nnlt• Jutowu to chemisits as co e. eni me. He sal(} to the gcn· clear across rums into what Is no\V 1mscti< sister" of So·nnd-so.
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