Professor William Young Inst Co-Director of SRI; Professor of Sustainability and Business Telephone number: +44(0) 113 34 31640 Email address:
[email protected] Room: 9.106 PA details: Mollie Van der Gucht
[email protected] +44(0) 113 34 34058 Affiliation: Sustainability Research Institute Personal Home Page Biography I am a sustainability behavioural scientist. My research is focused on consumer and organisational behaviour around sustainability issues working with companies, consumer organisations and government. I develop real world experiments to test behaviour change interventions and then measure the resulting behavioural and sustainability impacts. Some highlights include: 1. Helping Asda's customers to reduce their food waste, which was awarded Green Gowns 'Highly Commended'. 2. Working with national sales data to look at mainstream purchase behaviour on green labelled products through ESRC Consumer Data Research Centre. My leadership roles are: 1. Co-Director of the Sustainability Research Institute that conducts World-leading research to solve sustainability issues. It has 35 academic and 45 research staff along with 80 PhD students. 2. Co-organiser of the annual Corporate Responsibility Research Conference along with Kedge Business School in France. 3. Leader of the Discovery Theme on 'Creating Sustainable Futures' at the University of Leeds. This provides students the opportunity to experience sustainability within and outside their programmes. It has over 110 modules from across the University and hands on opportunities with the Sustainability Service. This work has won the EAUC Green Gown award for Learning and Skills. Qualifications BSc (Hons) (Environmental Biology), Unversity of Greenwich. MSc (Environmental Science with Environmental Management), Brunel University.