Ninian Young
FRAGMENTARY RECORDS OF THE YOUNGS, I.X ADDITION TO MUCH GENERAL INFORlfATIO?lr R:ESP~CTING THE:l!, A PARTICULAR AND EXTENDED ACCOUNT OF THE POSTEllITY OP NINIAN YOUNG, COMPILED FRO• THE BEST PUBLISHED AND OTBEB SOURCES, BY 0 I. GILBERT YOUNG, 11. D. "TOUJOURS JEUNE." (The heraldic motto of the family of Willi le IN TWO PARTS. PHILADELPHIA: WILLIAM 8. YOUNG, 54 NORTH SIXTH STREET. 1869. Entered according 'to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by I. GILBERT YOUNG, M. D., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. TO NINIAN YOUNG, OUR FOREFATHER, A!fD TO 'lHE DEAD, IN NAME OR MEMORY, STILL CHERISHED, TO THE LIVING, WITH RESPECT A.ND AFFECTIONATE REGARDS, 'l'HIS VOLUME IS INSCBIBED. TABLE OF CONTENTS~ PREFATORY SALUTATION, • • • • ABBREVIATIONS USED1 • • PART FIRST. GENERAL FACTS RELATIVE TO THE YOUNGS. Pkllological Gkanings:-Derivation of the-word young; introduction as a surname; modes of spelling in English, 7 . BRITISH FAMILIES. 1. he descendants of Wi"lli le Yonge:-Morgan Yonge; Bp. Richard Young; Richard Young, (temp., Henry VII.;) Sir Richard Young, anecdote concerning; John Young of West -Raisen, incident relating to his sepulchre, his descendants, 9 Lineage o_f Young of 'Bailieborough Castle,' Ireland:-Sir Peter Young, (1544- . 1628;) Sir James Young, Knt.; Bp. Alexander Young of Edinburgh and Ross; Bp. John Young of Argyle; Sir Peter (son of the first,) d. 1661; Dr. Patrick Young; Ilev. John Young; James Young of Donegal; John Young of Coolkei ragh; Thomas Young of Lough Esk, etc., 10-14 Lineage of Young of' Marlow Park,' Buckingham8hire:-Sir John Young, chamber lain to Mary, Queen of Scots; Sir John Young, Knt., b.
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