2016 Impact Report

BE THANY h o use services Letter from the PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD

Dear Friends of Bethany House Services, As I pen this letter, one word keeps popping into my head when I think of Bethany House—Gratitude. I am extremely grateful for all of you, our wonderful volunteers and supporters. Without your dedication, we could never begin to offer the services we do. I am grateful for our dedicated, energized staff led by Susan Schiller. Their commitment and enthusiasm was evident when they received the Greater Homeless Coalition Agency of the Year Award. I am grateful for all of our dedicated Board and Committee members who serve hundreds of hours every year planning and accomplishing our mission. On behalf of the thousands of homeless children and their parents we serve each year, I add their gratefulness. Lastly, I am humbled and grateful to God for helping guide all of us in achieving the true mission of helping our fellow man. It has been an exciting year of change. As a result of tripling our bed size, we moved out of the three scattered sites and into new apartment buildings on McHenry & Iroll. While this brings us somewhat closer to our hub, we continue to experience issues with housing all of our programs under multiple roofs. The consolidation effort continues to be our main focus. The Facilities Assessment Committee continues to explore sites for a single facility to house all our families and staff. We have a program and base plan ready to execute once an acceptable site is found. The Development Committee and Advisory Board are engaged and ready to support this new facility. Our outcomes continue to improve and our finances are very solid.Y our contributions, increased grant funding and a focus on increased visibility are the reasons for this stability. The end result is that BHS continues to spend and use your dollars wisely and effectively. The number of new programs we offer and support has grown with our increased family sizes. People need a little help to move forward and mere handouts have proven ineffective. Bethany House staff go the extra mile to provide life skills and mentoring to help families break free of the homeless cycle. Staff provide encouragement, food, shelter, job search and budgeting assistance, as well as assure that children receive medical checkups and attend school each day. Providing for the needs of the entire family is the only proven way to help families rebuild their lives. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. I am truly grateful for all you do to help us fulfill this vital mission.

Bob Inkrot Board President

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 3 Letter from the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Dear Bethany Friends— I am pleased to present the Bethany House 2016 Impact Report. You will notice a change in name and design from our past Annual Reports but one that underscores the growth of the agency and the impact of our work in the community. It is also a report that will emphasize our significant wins this past year—made possible by the charitable contributions of YOU, our donors. On the following pages you will see numbers and graphs, testimonials and quotes; you will find lists of unbelievably generous donors who inspire us every day. And throughout it all you will see the impact “our” work is making—and it truly is “our” work together. Bethany House can’t do it alone but relies on the help of others to change lives. The problem of family homelessness is too big and too complex for any one agency to change the tide. That is why Bethany’s role in the community continues to grow and our voice is more important than ever. As the largest family shelter in the community, we have a responsibility to participate at every level of government and to partner with every service provider and advocacy group to ensure our parents and their children get the help they need to reach their goal of housing stability and long-term self- sufficiency. You will see the growth in our services—both in emergency shelter and housing—and our involvement with the Family Housing Partnership as we work diligently with the other three family shelters to reach our goal of making family homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring. New partnerships with other service providers have led to enhanced services for our families. The ever-growing number of homeless and at- risk children we serve has led to new and enriched services for them. You will also see that changes have been made internally to support our growth in services. The agency’s infrastructure was strengthened with human resource expertise resulting in improved performance management and our fundraising capacity was enhanced with marketing expertise resulting in increased visibility in the community. It is the people at Bethany House who truly make the difference. Our energized, hands-on and dedicated Board is the best I have ever worked with in my 18 years as a non-profit Executive Director. These highly skilled professionals provide the expertise and guidance to advance our mission. The diligence and passion of our staff is truly inspiring and is the foundation for the advancements made in 2016. The true heroes in the story are the families themselves—their work is harder than all of ours combined. Finally, you, our supporters, are the ones making this meaningful change possible. So celebrate with us as we review the IMPACT you have had in 2016! My sincere gratitude to each of you,

Susan S. Schiller Executive Director

“Bethany House has been so good to me and my children. Coming here was the best decision I’ve made.” Shelter Guest

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 3 ABOUT BETHANY HOUSE

2016 Mission Bethany House Services acknowledges the Bethany House Services empowers contributions of the following Board Members homeless and at-risk families with for their time and leadership in 2016. the solutions to achieve housing Officers stability and long-term self- Robert J. Inkrot, President Denise D. Schumacher, Vice President sufficiency. Susan M. Dyer, Treasurer M. Gail Myers, Secretary Vision Members To live in a community where H. Kim Baird Jessica E. Bauml all families have a place to call Donald L. Brown home and no one spends a night Ross A. Crawford without shelter. Terry E. Davis, Jr. Michael F. Haverkamp Steven D. Hengehold Sr. Lynn Heper, SC Core Values Megan J. McCuen Respect—We value, listen to, learn Sean G. Mullins from and appreciate each other, our Kathrine R. Phillips clients, our board, our donors and Robert M. Poulos Sharon C. Raess our community. Albert C. Smitherman Empowerment—We encourage, Robie K. Suggs build confidence, inspire and Amanda R. Toole Carolyn K. Washburn promote each person’s right to self- Carole C. Williams determination. Calvin T. Wright Integrity—We insist on absolute Advisory Council honesty, the highest standard of Robert A. Alexander conduct and accountability to each Stephen G. Brinker other and to all of our stakeholders. John D. Banchy Thomas R. Dietz Excellence—We demonstrate Robert S. Heidt, Jr. exceptional performance and Thomas C. Leugers service. Collaboration—We work with each Bethany House Leadership Susan S. Schiller, Executive Director other and our community to fulfill Gwendolyn Green, MEd, LSW, Shelter Director our mission and achieve our vision. Kelly K. Freyler, CPA, Finance Director Taryn R. Frymire, MS, LWS, Housing Director Hospitality—We welcome with Mary Bennett-Brown, Human Resources Director compassion those in need of housing and services. “Bethany House was a godsend!” Shelter Guest

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 5 Bethany House’s IMPACT in 2016

Bethany House helped 2,278 individuals—1,559 of whom were children—to achieve their goals of housing stability and long-term self-sufficiency through our Shelter Diversion, Emergency Shelter, Housing, and Post-Shelter Support programs. On the following pages, read about the five areas in which Bethany House has made an IMPACT in 2016.

IMPACT 1 Changing Lives...... 6-9 IMPACT 2 Our Supporters...... 10-11 IMPACT 3 Affordable Housing...... 12 IMPACT 4 Raising Awareness...... 13 IMPACT 5 Moving Forward...... 14

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 5 IMPACT 1 Changing Lives

Emergency Shelter HIGHLIGHTS Bethany House Services provides a sanctuary for In 2016, the average LENGTH OF STAY in desperate homeless families in need of help to shelter DECREASED by about 20% to 47 days achieve stable housing and income. Our shelters from the average of 58 days in 2015. provide the secure environment needed for parents to look beyond their current situations and to plan This past year we saw FAMILY SIZE INCREASE for their futures. The shelter meets each family’s to families with 8, 9 and 10 children; the immediate needs for safety, housing, food, and average age of these children increased to other necessities. During their stay in a BHS shelter, 7.03 years, driven largely by the number of parents receive comprehensive case management teenagers in shelter. from experienced social workers who guide the families through the process of developing a In response to the increasing number of reality-based plan for ensuring a secure future in children served at BHS, A NEW STAFF stable housing. POSITION—the Child Parent Coordinator— was created, and the Board’s Social Services “When I spend time with these Committee formed a Children’s Task Force. kids, I see so much potential. We have to help these children Staff worked with Early Childhood Play overcome their obstacles and Specialists to develop a plan to ensure achieve their possibilities.” THERAPEUTIC PLAY SPACE at the shelters. Carolyn Washburn, Board Member NEW PARTNERSHIPS WERE DEVELOPED with Healthy Moms and Babes, 4C for Children, “Bethany touches some of our most and Cincinnati Early Learning Center. vulnerable citizens at a desperate time. It is an honor and a privilege to play a small role in helping the amazing people that save these lives every day and help move them to a better place.” Gail Myers, Board Secretary

1124 909 48,184 762 45,275 175,400 610 129,552

2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Individuals Served Children Served Bed Nights Meals Served

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org53,530 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 7


13,242 39 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families that Received Post Shelter Dollars Post Shelter Support Received by Families


119 116 84

45 33

2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served

683 551 471 379

179 149 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served IMPACT ... Changing Lives

Post Shelter Support The best predictor of future homelessness is past homelessness which is one reason why Bethany House has always provided Post Shelter Support (PSS) to families after they exit the shelter. PSS prevents repeated episodes of homelessness. Although government contracts do not fund PSS and BHS has to cover the cost, it is money well spent. Emergency, one-time financial “After Care” assistance with past due utility bills, rent or a car repair can prevent the downward spiral to homelessness. In 2016 homeless families in shelters found themselves caught between two HUD mandated programs: Housing First and Coordinated Entry. BHS is trying to resolve the problems caused by Housing First requires that they find housing as Coordinated Entry; however, this is a system-wide quickly as possible—often before they have made problem that we cannot solve on our own. Since much progress on their case plan for overcoming BHS shelters over half of the homeless families in their barriers to employment, income, and housing our community, BHS is bearing the brunt of these stability. Coordinated Entry, a new program problems caused by Coordinated Entry. started 2/1/16, prioritizes all homeless persons and families for housing programs based on need, and in essence, penalizes those families who HIGHLIGHTS have a very small income from a part-time or temporary job. These families are not eligible for In 2016 the number of families receiving POST SHELTER SUPPORT INCREASED 113%. HUD housing programs1124 which cover rent, utilities, and case management for varying periods of time. Although they909 do have an income stream, they Post Shelter Support SPENDING QUADRUPLED are unable to pay the “up front” costs associated in 2016. 48,184 762 45,275 175,400 with moving into a home – multiple months’ rent,610 security deposits, moving expenses, etc. These are 21% OF THE FAMILIES who received Post- 129,552 new “Shelter to Home” costs that our Post Shelter Shelter Support were served through the Support program now has to cover. AfterCare program; the other 79% RECEIVED 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016SHELTER TO HOME ASSISTANCE. 2015 2016 Individuals Served Children Served Bed Nights Meals Served



13,242 39 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families that Received Post Shelter Dollars Post Shelter Support Received by Families

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 7


119 116 84

45 33

2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served

683 551 471 379

179 149 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served 1124 909 48,184 762 45,275 175,400 610 129,552

2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Individuals Served Children Served Bed Nights Meals Served


1124 909 83 48,184 762 45,275 13,242 175,400 610 39 129,552 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 IMPACT ... Changing Lives 2015Families 2016 that Received Post2015 Shelter 2016 Dollars Individuals Served Children Served Post Shelter SupportBed Nights MealsReceived Served by Families

1124 53,530 909 48,184 175,400 762 45,275 165 Shelter Diversion610 Shelter Diversion identifies immediate alternative83 129,552 housing arrangements while providing case 119 116 management and rental assistance for families at 13,242 84 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 imminent risk of homelessness.2015 Shelter 2016 Diversion39 is Individuals Served Children Served Bed Nights Meals Served 45 a cheaper intervention than Emergency 2015Shelter and 2016 201533 2016 it avoids the trauma of homelessness for families by connecting them with the services and financial Families that Received53,530 Post Shelter2015 Dollars 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 resources needed to achieve permanentPost Shelter housing. Support Received by Families Families Served Individuals Served Children Served

HIGHLIGHTS83 13,242 683 In 2016 the NUMBER OF FAMILIES served in 165 39 Shelter Diversion INCREASED BY 36%; the 551 2015number of 2016 INDIVIDUALS INCREASED BY 38%.2015 2016 119 116 471 84 379 Families that Received Post Shelter Dollars 45 Post Shelter Support Received33 by Families 179 149 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served 165 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served

119 116 84 683 551 45 33 471 379 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016

Families Served Individuals Served179 Children Served 149 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families Served 683 Individuals Served Children Served 551 471 379 “From the bottom of my heart, I would just like to thank you guys for being here for me 179 and my family. This year has been a breath 149 of fresh air. Thanks so much and may God bless you all.” Housing Client 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served 513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 9 1124 909 48,184 762 45,275 175,400 610 129,552

2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Individuals Served Children Served Bed Nights Meals Served


1124 909 83 48,184 762 45,275 175,400 610 13,242 39 129,552 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Families that Received Post Shelter Dollars Individuals Served Children Served Bed Nights Meals Served Post Shelter Support Received by Families 1124 53,530 909 48,184 762 45,275 175,400 610 129,552 165 83 119 13,242 116 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 39 84 Individuals Served Children Served Bed Nights Meals Served 2015 2016 2015 2016 45 33 Families that Received53,530 Post Shelter Dollars Post Shelter Support Received by2015 Families 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 IMPACT ...Families Changing Served Lives Individuals Served Children Served 83

13,242 39 165 683 551 2015 2016 2015 2016 119 116 471 Rapid Re-Housing 84 Families thatThe Received Rapid Re-Housing Program providesPost financial Shelter Dollars 379 Post Shelterassistance Support and services to quickly re-houseReceived and by Families45 stabilize those families who are experiencing33 homelessness and living in an emergency shelter. 179 The program provides case management,2015 help 2016 2015 2016149 2015 2016 finding affordable housing suitable for the Families Served Individuals Served2015 2016 Children Served2015 2016 2015 2016 family’s needs, short-term or medium-term rental165 assistance, credit counseling, security or utility Families Served Individuals Served Children Served deposits, utility payments, and moving expenses. 119 116 84 683 HIGHLIGHTS45 551 33 471 In 2016 the total number of FAMILIES HOUSED 379 2015through Rapid 2016 Re-Housing INCREASED2015 20%; the 2016 2015 2016 number of INDIVIDUALS INCREASED 24% and Families Served Individuals Served Children Served the number of CHILDREN INCREASED 24%. 179 149 Of the 683 families, POSITIVE HOUSING OUTCOMES WERE ACHIEVED BY 96.6%.2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 683 Families Served Individuals Served Children Served Turner Construction developed an INTERNSHIP551 PILOT for families in BHS housing programs 471 in which parents receive training through 379 a partnership with the local construction company and unions. 179 149Bethany House was awarded a HUD contract for a NEW PROGRAM—PERMANENT 2015SUPPORTIVE 2016 HOUSING, which will begin2015 July 2016 2015 2016 1, 2017. This program will provide long-term Families Servedcommunity-based housing withIndividuals supportive Served Children Served services for homeless families with a family member diagnosed with mental or physical disabilities.

Information and Referrals to Family Housing Partnership Community Resources 2,187 individuals from 767 families were served Bethany House responded to 12,001 calls by the four family shelters in Greater Cincinnati for information and referral for shelter and in 2016. Bethany House is the HUD applicant and community resources. managing agency for this collaborative.

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 9 IMPACT 2 Our Supporters

Donors Today we stand on some pretty remarkable shoulders. Bethany House would not be the non- profit it is in 2017, had it not been for the hands-on, grass roots supporters who believed in the mission $197,109 1,491 and worked with Sr. Mary Stanton for 30 years. $155,182 1,353 Bethany House has only been able to impact family homelessness in 2016 because of the donors and volunteers who, quite literally, inspire us every day. So with Gratitude to All, we share YOUR impact in 2016. 2015 2016 2015 2016 Individuals Volunteers

HIGHLIGHTS 11,451 Thanks to the unbelievable media coverage in 9,905 2016 (see IMPACT Raising Awareness), the number of new donors INCREASED 236% in 2016 from 114 $197,109 $442,608 1,491 in 2015 to 384 in 2016. $155,182 $324,197 1,353 Individual contributions INCREASED 27%. 2015 2016 Donations by organizations/churches/schools GREW BY 15%. Volunteer Hours 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Foundation support INCREASED BY 37%. Foundations Individuals Volunteers

11,451 9,905

$197,109 $442,608 1,491 $155,182 1,353 $49,232 709 $324,197 $42,751 635

2015 2016

2015 2016 Volunteer Hours 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Gi-in-Kind Donors Individuals Foundations OrganizationsVolunteers 1118 11,451 513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 10 9,905 996 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 11


$324,197 $49,232 709 $42,751 635 2015 2016 2015 2016 Gi-in-Kind Donations Volunteer Hours 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Foundations Gi-in-Kind Donors Organizations 1118


$49,232 709 $42,751 635 2015 2016 Gi-in-Kind Donations 2015 2016 2015 2016 Gi-in-Kind Donors Organizations 1118


2015 2016 Gi-in-Kind Donations $197,109 $197,109 1,4911,491 IMPACT ... Supporters $155,182 $155,182 1,3531,353

Gift-In-Kind Donations Volunteers From meals to birthday parties, from bedding to We couldn’t do what we do without the talented and 20152015 2016 2016 dishes, from diapers to detergent,20152015 2016 2016each donation dedicated volunteers who give so generously of their makes a difference in the lives of our families and time and talent. A combination of factors drove an IndividualsIndividuals supports their VolunteerstransitionVolunteers from shelter to permanent increase in volunteers in 2016. Our increased media housing. coverage plus our United Way partnership brought new volunteers to Bethany House. HIGHLIGHTS 11,45111,451

In 2016 we saw the9,9059,905 number of Gift-in-Kind HIGHLIGHTS donors go UP 12% from 635 in 2015 to 709 The number of volunteers INCREASED BY 10% $442,608 $442,608 in 2016. from 1,353 in 2015 to 1,491 in 2016. $324,197 $324,197 The number of GIK donations INCREASED The total number of volunteer hours INCREASED 12% too from 996 in 2015 to 1118 in 2016. BY 14% from 9,905 in 2015 to 11,451 in 2016. 20152015 2016 2016 75 custom public service announcements Volunteers DONATED 251 BRUNCHES AND were aired on Cumulus radio stations for VolunteerVolunteer Hours Hours DINNERS in the Fairmount facility saving Bethany three weeks in December 2016 asking House $50,700 in food expenses. 20152015 2016 2016 listeners to support Bethany House by $197,109 1,491 FoundationsFoundations donating gift cards. The IN-KIND VALUE of $197,109 $155,182radio promotions was $18,000. 1,491 1,353 $155,182 1,353 DONORS GAVE items from $10 (crayons and coloring books) to $100+ (bags full of towels, sheets and kitchen items).

2015 2016 2015 2016 $49,232 $49,232 2015 2016 709709 2015 2016 $42,751 $42,751 Individuals 635635 Volunteers Individuals Volunteers 11,451 11,451 20152015 2016 2016 20152015 20162016 9,905 9,905 Gi-in-KindGi-in-Kind $442,608 Donors Donors OrganizationsOrganizations $442,608 $324,197 11181118 $324,197 996996 2015 2016 2015 2016 Volunteer Hours

2015 2016 “BethanyVolunteer House Hours provides a place of safety 2015Foundations 2016 and stability for Cincinnatians in need. Without 20152015 2016 2016 Bethany House we would see more children Foundations and families on the streets begging for help.” Latesha, Volunteer Gi-in-KindGi-in-Kind Donations Donations

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 11

$49,232 709 $42,751 $49,232 709 635 $42,751 635

2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 Gi-in-Kind Donors Organizations Gi-in-Kind Donors Organizations 1118 1118 996 996

2015 2016 2015 2016 Gi-in-Kind Donations Gi-in-Kind Donations IMPACT 3 Affordable Housing

Bethany Homes, a 24-unit apartment building owned and operated as a nonprofit by Bethany House, provides permanent, safe, affordable housing for economically disadvantaged individuals and families, most of whom are supported by a single female working provider.

HIGHLIGHTS Bethany Homes has experienced a turnaround since Bethany House assumed the property management in June 2014:

Bethany Homes’ Comparative Income Statement 2013-2016 shows a 44% INCREASE in revenue from 2013 to 2016.

RENOVATIONS started at the end of 2014 include: • 23 of 24 apartments have been re-carpeted and repainted • Kitchen and bathroom flooring has been installed in 11 apartments • Hot water heaters were replaced in 10 apartments • 56 windows were replaced in 13 units and 11 windows repaired • Outside entry doors were replaced • Walkways to the front doors were replaced with decking and front sidewalks were repaired • Walls were painted and new flooring was installed in the common areas • A security system was installed • An HVAC system was installed in the community room • Refrigerators and stoves were replaced in 14 units

Residents benefit from regular food donations, Christmas gifts, summer cookouts, and a variety of activities for the children.

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 13 IMPACT 4 Raising Awareness

Family homelessness is hidden from view in our community with most people unaware that it even exists. As part of our outreach efforts to educate the community about family homelessness and to make people aware of Bethany House’s services, our 2016 marketing efforts yielded more TV, radio, and print coverage than ever before.

“I always love volunteering with Bethany House. It is amazing to see the benefits Bethany House provides to those in need. Every event they put on makes you want to do more and come back next year.” Alex, volunteer

HIGHLIGHTS TV AWARDS • 10 live interviews plus WCPO’s “Insider • The Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition Gives Back” digital membership drive promotion presented the Julie Martin Award to Bethany House Services for exemplary services to the RADIO Greater Cincinnati homeless population and • 15 radio interviews—ranging from 10 minutes dedication to the mission of ending homelessness to an hour in Greater Cincinnati. • 75 pre-recorded custom commercials • Lead Magazine presented Executive Director SPEECHES Susan Schiller with the 2016 Women of Influence • Bethany House gave 37 speeches throughout Award which honors the region’s leading women 2016; 24 of the speeches were arranged through who have helped shape the success of their the United Way Speaker’s Bureau organization and have demonstrated exceptional leadership. PRINT • Two Cincinnati Enquirer feature articles VIDEO by Chris Graves and Mark Curnutte • BHS was featured in Hilltop Stories, a community • Venue Magazine—5-page feature article on film project celebrating the stories and people in Bethany House North & South Fairmount, and Cumminsville. • The Cincinnati Herald—article on The Greater WEBSITE Cincinnati Homeless Coalition Award • 11,591 visitors to new website designed by • Movers & Makers—3 articles throughout LPK rolled out in April of 2016 the year • 60,411 page views

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 13 IMPACT 5 Moving Forward

As you have read throughout this report, 2016 was clearly a year of impact on every level. It was a year that included many challenges as well. The sheer number we served—595 families, 2,278 individuals and 1,559 children—challenged us daily. The weight of this responsibility is not lost on our staff or Board. Bethany House has a unique opportunity to change the trajectory of lives—to stop the cycle of homelessness and despair, of childhoods lost and generational poverty. To make the most of this opportunity, our Board and staff are working diligently to address our facility issues. Operating out of and maintaining six buildings is costly, inefficient, and impractical for service delivery. We need a single site shelter, with all of our 130 shelter beds (plus cribs) under one roof—with staff, programs and resources all in one building. One location would save valuable travel time between shelters, allowing case managers to spend more time with clients. A single location allows us to provide our high-quality programs and services to all families equally on a 24/7 basis. Today our Be an Ambassador for biggest problem is finding a property in the city Homeless Families where we can build a new facility. (If you know of 3-5 acres in the city, on or close to a bus line, Will you join us in sharing the story of please let us know.) Bethany House? Invite your family or friends to join you to prepare brunch or dinner. Host With all families sheltered under a single roof, a 3rd party fundraiser or coordinate a drive to parents and children benefit not only from formal collect needed items. programs but also through the prosocial behaviors modeled by staff. Every interaction with a child Join our newly formed Speakers Bureau to teaches positive parenting; every encounter with share Bethany’s impact in the community with an upset parent demonstrates empathy and anger corporate groups, churches and organizations. management. One facility upgrades our quality of We hope you, our donors, are as excited as service as we live our mission with our guests all we are about our successes this past year and day, every day. pray that you will continue to support us in the coming year. 2017 is the year we lay the groundwork to impact homeless families for “When I walked into Bethany House with generations to come! my son I started to cry because it felt like a home— our home—and I knew we were going to be all right.” Shelter Guest

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 15 CLIENT STORY Empowering Lives

A “perfect storm” of disasters in their lives led Monique and her 4-year-old son Darnell to Bethany House. Monique had worked at a local hospital for 5 years but lost her job when she became ill. After Monique recovered, she immediately began job hunting but employment was hard to find at that time. With no paychecks coming in but medical and other bills arriving regularly, she soon lost her apartment. Her parents had recently died and she had no place else to go. Her uncle told her about Bethany House.

Monique says that the emergency shelter services at BHS were a “godsend.” Determined to find a job and housing as quickly as possible, Monique worked cooperatively with her case manager and states, “My case manager was very special to me and kept me on course to achieve my goals.” Monique believes that “BHS is a stepping stone to get out of a rut and get on with your life.” She found a job before leaving shelter. Monique believes that her experience was positive because BHS “felt like family.” “My case manager Now a mother of four and a full-time Property Administrator, Monique was very special to me is “giving back.” She volunteers at Bethany House to provide support and kept me on course and guidance to the women who are now where she was a few years ago. As she says, “After all, I have been there, too.” Monique affirms to achieve my goals.” the impact of Bethany House programs on the lives of homeless families: “There is no magic wand for improving your life situation – you have to have the desire to change it yourself. The support I found at Bethany House empowered me to achieve much more than I could have imagined. And because of this empowerment, it is my absolute pleasure to give back to an organization that gave so much to me.” Darnell, now an 8th grader, will be entering St. Xavier High School in the fall. He is interested in computer graphics and technology and is considering possible careers in those fields. He participated in the recent Destination Imagination event in Cincinnati, a competition between 50 local schools which challenges students to demonstrate their critical thinking and technological skills. Darnell won the Sportsmanship Award and his team received a trophy for placing third in the competition. Congratulations to both Monique and Darnell and our very best wishes for continued success! 513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 15 CLIENT STORY Finding Hope Again

Melissa had lost all hope. Hope for stability, hope for her children but most of all, hope for herself. After being an independent mother of two and on her own since she was 18, a run of bad luck led to depression, an inability to work and eventually, an eviction from her home of 13 years.

With nowhere to turn, she and her children entered Bethany House. Melissa at first found it very difficult to get involved. Her depression was overwhelming but she knew she had to let her case manager help her. She began to take advantage of the evening classes and wanted to learn as much as she could to help her family. She was able to enter the Rapid Re-Housing Program and moved into her own apartment with financial assistance from Bethany House. Melissa found her perfect job working in the activities department “Don’t give up at an assisted living center and after using the financial and budgeting skills she learned at Bethany House, decided to move to a more no matter what! affordable apartment that was in line with her new income. The shelter staff is Melissa and her children have been in their new home for almost a there to help. Follow year and she proudly states that she has paid rent every month. Her through and keep the supervisors see promise in her and are giving her new duties outside of her job description which she is eager and happy to accept. faith because in the end, it will be Her son Jonathan is a sophomore and on the A and B honor roll. He is determined to go to college and says he learned from their experience at worth it.” Bethany House that he has to work hard for what he wants and it will pay off. Melissa’s daughter, Vanessa, is 18 and just received a contract to sign with a modeling agency. Melissa’s advice to anyone experiencing homelessness is, “Don’t give up no matter what! The shelter staff is there to help. Follow through and keep the faith because in the end, it will be worth it.”

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 17 REVENUE

Foundation Grant Other Income 1% Revenue 12% Contributions 10% Investment Income 3% 2016 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Rental Fees Bethany Homes 5% Special Events (net expense) 3%2016 PROGRAM EXPENSES 2016 REVENUE Shelter 33% $1,220,850 Contributions 10% $353,351 Rapid Rehousing 38% 1,395,292 Government Contracts 66% 2,461,357 Government Shelter Diversion Contracts 66%2% 56,820 Special Events (net expense) 3% 125,960 Family Housing Partnership 9% 325,239 Rental Fees Bethany Homes 5% 171,213 Permanent Housing 5% 169,828 Investment Income 3% 128,224 Development 7% 252,527 Foundation Grant Revenue 12% 442,608 Administration 6% 222,643 Other Income 1% 49,718 Total Expenses $3,643,199 Total Revenue $3,732,431


Foundation Grant Other Income Administration 1% 6% Revenue 12% Contributions 10% Development 7% Investment Income 3%

Rental Fees Bethany Homes 5% Special Events (net expense) 3%

Government Contracts 66% Total Program

Expenses 87%

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 2016 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Liabilities Assets EXPENSES Accounts Payable $38,910 Cash and Cash Equivalents $358,232

Accrued Expenses 156,475 Receivables Administration 6% 382,548 Security Deposits 12,937 Investments 1,977,718 Development 7% Net Assets 3,216,556 Property and Equipment 694,611 Total Liabilities 3,424,878 Other Assets 11,769 Total Assets $3,424,878

Are you interested A bequest through a Last Will and Testament is the simplest way to create a lasting legacy of support for homeless families in our community. in Leaving a Legacy Suggested language for making a bequest to Bethany House Services: for Cincinnati’s “I give and bequest to Bethany House Services, 1841 Fairmount Avenue, Total Program Homeless Families? Cincinnati OH 45214, the sum of $___ or __% of the rest, residue, and Expenses 87% remainder of my estate for its general purpose.”

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 17 2016 DONORS THANK YOU to all of our supporters in 2016. Through your support of our endowment, annual fund, special events and gift-in-kind donations, we have been able to provide homeless families emergency shelter, housing and support services. All donors are very important to us and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all names listed. 2016 Donors If a name was overlooked or printed incorrectly, please contact us at 513-557-2403 so we can correct our records.

The Daniel and Susan Pfau Charles Delaney Foundation Judith and Jerry Diers PNC Foundation Clare Driehaus Marge and Charles J. Schott Sue and Terrence Dyer Foundation Farmer Family Foundation Scripps Howard Foundation Carol and Alan Faulhaber The Spaulding Foundation Elizabeth and Matthew Femia Sutphin Family Foundation Elaine and Henry Fischer $5,000-$9,999 George Fisher Anonymous Maureen Flanaghan and First Financial Bank William Groneman Kathleen Fox Charitable Fund ENDOWMENT Cheryl and Ian Foley General Mills Foundation Lila L. Gallimore Trust Gifts of endowment provide ongoing support for Mary Jo and Michael Haverkamp Betty and Kenton Gast Bethany House long into the future. We are extremely Julia and Robert Heidt, Jr. Henrietta Goolsby thankful to our donors who provide long-lasting Heidt Family Foundation Ellen and Gregory Gottschlich support for BHS. Jean Inkrot † Thomas and Helene Hartzell Fund of the Troy Foundation Laura Amsler and James Cain Carol and Troy Kurimsky The Homan Foundation Christine and Kirk Koppenhoefer Carol and Kyle Morison , and August A. Rendigs Jr. and Southwestern Combined Helen J. Rendigs Foundation Federated Campaign The TJX Foundation Janet and Robert Inkrot $1,000-$4,999 The George and Amy Joseph Anonymous Family Fund of the Farmer Family Foundation Kathy and Daniel Aerni Robert A. and Marian K. Jillian and Kevin Aug Kennedy Charitable Trust Laurie and Kim Baird Linda Klems Amy and Dennis Berning Knox Presbyterian Church Ann and Donald Brown Melanie and Ryan Laurent Karen and Matthew Brownfield Peter F. and Mary W. Levin Ruth and Barry Bucher Philanthropic Fund at Interact Stella M. Buerger Charitable For Change ANNUAL FUND Trust LKC Foundation As a large source of income for Bethany House, the Dorothy and David Buescher Magnified Giving Karen and Lee Byerly Annual Fund provides unrestricted funding for our Marathon Petroleum Kenneth and Joan Campbell Janet and David Martin families. The success of the Annual Fund enables BHS Foundation Mercy Health to improve year after year. We are deeply grateful to Chemed Foundation Messer Construction all our Annual Fund supporters. Gayle and Jimmy Christopher David Miller Cincinnati Monthly Meeting of Thomas E. and Pamela M. Religious Society of Friends $50,000+ $10,000-$49,999 Mischell Family Foundation Anonymous Cincinnati Woman’s Club Joseph Mischell James J. and Joan A. Gardner Edward C. and Robert C. Bott The City Club of Cincinnati Jennifer and Sean Mullins Family Foundation Fund of The Greater Foundation Gail Myers and Fred Klaiss The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Cincinnati Foundation Coldwell Banker West Shell Haile, Jr./U.S. Bank Catholics United for the Poor Foundation North Bend Yacht Club Foundation The Greater Cincinnati Susan and Ross Crawford Diane and Richard Park United Way of Greater Foundation William Creech Ellie and C. Richard Paulsen Cincinnati The Lawrence Home Association Davita Inc. The Pepper Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

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Constance and Robert Reed Nancy and Frank Doyle 2016 Donors The SandAngel Foundation Emilie and David Dressler SanDisk Corporation Fund Rita Driehaus SC Ministry Foundation Leah and Robert Dugan Janie and Thomas Schaefer Caroline and James Eder Susan and Michael Schiller Madeline and Anthony Eichhorn Denise Schumacher and Sherri and Neil Eisner Dana Davis Constance Elsaesser Marlene and Joseph Schwarz Episcopal Society of Christ Mary Schweitzer Church Susan and Patrick Sedler Sara Espina Kathryn Shahani Ethicon Endo-Surgery Jeanne and William Shoemaker Laurie Exson Judy and Rob Snyder Mary Pat and Robert Findley The Soapbox Salon Nora and Steve Fink St. Xavier High School Theresa and Robert Fisk Kathleen and Bernard Suer Kelly and Michael Flood Heather Tubbs Cooley and Julie and William Frambes Derek Cooley Jeanne Franz Mary and Daniel Long Cindy and Andrew Berman Marielou and Albert Vierling Lisa and James Freson LPK Joelle and Michael Bier Carolyn and Perry Washburn Eric Gallant Emily and William Mason Blue & Co., LLC Virginia K. Weston Assistance Elizabeth Gardner Fund of The Greater Donna and Robert Mayer Blue Ash Presbyterian Church Judith and Stephen Gerstner Cincinnati Foundation Regina and Thomas Mayerchak Laura and Jeremy Borsky Cathi and Earl Gettelfinger Thomas McKenney Borsky Wiesenfeld Fund $500-$999 Ellen and Thomas Gilker Patti and Brett Moore Brian Bourgraf 4C for Children Kimberly and Scott Gilman Suzanne Morrissey Andrea and Gerald Breen Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust Lisabeth and Justin Greiwe Mother of Mercy High School Karen and Lawrence Brennan Kathy and Phillip Allard Groesbeck United Methodist Margaret Atterbury and Oak Hills Local Schools Thomas Brinkman Church Bruce Bernard Jane and James Paulin Kathleen Brogle Gary Groh Kathleen and Thomas Aug Paycor Mary Brown and Mark Dato Barbara and James Grove Alice and Andrew Bartish Trisha and Rob Poulos George and Mary Jo Budig Richard Gruber Family Foundation Katherine and John Biederman Amy and Barry Reynolds Michelle and Roger Gutwein Vonnie and Edward Butera Rosalie Bonacci-Roberts Cheryl and Brian Rice Lois and James Gutzwiller Leslie and J.H. Cannon Maggie and Tony Brinck Michael C. Schiller † Cheryl and James Haas Sally Cardosi Lea and Stephen Brinker Barbara and Ferd Schneider Deborah Hall Laura and Scott Carroll Carroll Family Fund of The Sherry and Gregory Schultz Margie and Jeffrey Hammitt Greater Cincinnati Foundation Rita and Walter Carroll Cindy Senefeld Charlene and Joseph Hatton Center for Spiritual Living Gholam Chabi St. Monica/St. George Parish Cynthia Hauer Church of the Saviour United Cincinnati Sub-Zero Linda and James Steffen Patricia and Mark Haumesser Methodist Women Products, Inc. Anne Vertuca and Louis George Beth and Daniel Healy Sally and Michael Connelly Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Charlene Vickers Anne Heidt Cors & Bassett, LLC Citizen’s Bank of Northern Westwood United Methodist Kentucky Linda and Peter Heile Connie and John Dettmer Women Cynthia Heinrich and Susan and John Dorr Mary Jo and Stephen Clear Karen and Jeffrey Witte Nicholas Payne Eastminster Presbyterian Church Linda and Jeffrey Coffaro Debra and Calvin Wright Martha and Lawrence Heitkamp Susan Eberle Community Shares Betty Wuest Mary and Edward Herbers Jimmy Edwards Ruth Ann Cooper Cheryl and Jon Herlevich Sukhchain Gill $100-$499 Dorothy and Douglas Cowan Nancy and Larry Allen Susan and Lawrence Hess Shirley and John Groh The Crows Nest Anonymous Michele and Richard Heyob Janice Haas Richard Curry Johanne Armstrong Sally and William Hickman Mary Hilvert Johnie and Kenneth Davis Mary Asbury and Sam Hickman Painting Betty and James Houtz Mary Ann and Andrew Deak Robert Newman Grace and Brian Hill Ann Howard Ann DeGroot Teresa and Kraig Aukerman Christine and Steven Hils Immanuel United Church Patti and Thomas Dietz The AXE Club Margaret and Michael Hinzman of Christ George Dixon † and Anne and Harry Badanes H-M Co. Dana and George Jones Shirley Dixon Jerry Barlow Barbara and Thomas Joyce Jon Becker Linda and Charles Kaiser Jane and Anthony Behler Linda Klump “I feel like I have a better future now and can Benevity Community Marlene and Urban Kocher Impact Fund do more to help my family.” Shelter Guest, age 15 Connie and Michael Lenihan Eileen Bens and Jeffrey Whaley

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Sharon and David Hoesl Society of the Transfiguration Jean and Richard Holthaus Mary Speed J. Brenda Hoskins Patricia and Arthur Sphar Claire and Gerry Hounchell Christin and Thomas Spurr Mary Jo Huismann St. Ann Church Pat Ihlendorf St. Paul United Church of Christ Karen and Mark Jackson Holly and John Stanton Saralynsu Jervis Katherine and Janice and Randy Johnson Timothy Stautberg 2016 Donors Sheila Johnson Donna and Mark Steinmetz Judith and Andrew Johnson A. Michelle and Robert Stephens Lisa Joliat and Steve Cooley Stock Insurance Agency Marian Kaiser Kathryn and Anthony Strike Lisa and Bill Kampman Julie and Thomas Strotman KBA, Incorporated / Architects Elise and Jacob Suer Patty and Thomas Keckeis Julie and Gerald Sullivan Sandra and Michael Keeney Marianne and Michael Sullivan Erin Kidwell Sandy and Alan Summe George Kingston Lisa and Robert Summe Fr. Harry Meyer Joseph Raterman Eileen and Earl Kisker Kathy and Robert Tardiff Steven Meyer Mary and Ranjit Rath Elizabeth and Greg Kissel Tom and Grace Tate Fund of The Mary Star and Robert Mierenfeld Saundra and Bruce Rathje Greater Cincinnati Foundation Kari Lynn Kitchen and Colleen Miller Donna and John Rauf Kathleen Malone Kimberly Teegarden Montgomery Presbyterian Darlene Rauh Tyler Knecht Maxine and George Thomas Church Mary Pat and Ken Raupach Raetta and Raymond Knueven Thrivent Financial Montgomery Woman’s Club Peggy and Kevin Reif Marie and Sam Kocoshis TNS Business Solutions, LLC Nancy and Richard Morris Nancy Reginelli Jane and Dennis Koenig Janet and Bill Torok Mary Sue Morrow Casey and Christian Rice Constance and Robert Kohls Margaret Trautmann Theresa and Kenneth Mullen Paula and John Riggs Valerie and Bennett Kottler Rosann and John True Pierce Murphy Mary Ann and Nathan Ritchey N. Lynn Kotys and Stephen Rau Brittany Ulrich Mutual Investments Assets Lori and Timothy Rodgers Union Savings Bank Mary and Dan Kramer Management Co. Mary Ann and Robert Roncker Ursuline Academy Kroger Community Rewards Neiheisel Plumbing, Inc. Dianne and J. David Rosenberg Linda and Joseph Kroner Eugene Utz The Newman Foundation Fund of The Greater Justin Vandemark Eileen and Thomas Kuechly Lisa and Greg Niehaus Cincinnati Foundation Marianne Vas Kathryn and Joseph Langley Barbara and Gerald Nuckols Julie and Mark Rudemiller Carol Wagner Lisbeth Lazaron and Amy Nurre Lawrence Russell Nicholas Dunning Margaret and Keith Wagner David Nurre Teresa and Ralph Rust Maureen and Paul Lechleiter Elizabeth and Matthew Oakley Square Eye Associates Mary Ann and William Ryan Lynda and William Leugers, Jr. Wallbrown Christine O’Dea Kathy and Thomas Saalfeld My Le Thi Tran and Hien Le Lois and Edward Wandstrat Joseph Otten Tracey and Joseph Sandman Barbara and James Leyda Kathleen and Stephen Warden Barbara and Eugene Otting Rina Saperstein and Ellsworth Lockwood Jane and Robert Wassler Sr. Mary Donata Ovelgonne, RSM Jeffrey Davis Kerry and James Loeffler Karen Weese Paul M. Parks — State Farm Barbara Schenck Gwendlyn and Edward Wehner Ina and Edward Loftspring Insurance Nancy Schmidtgoessling and Dianne and Thomas Weidman Patricia and Richard John W. and Marianne Peck David Chiappone Loutzenhiser Fund of The Greater Marjorie and Alan Schneider Marsha Weston Anne and Daniel Lovell Cincinnati Foundation Robert Scholz Warren Whalen Carolyn and Stuart Lowitz Amy Pelicano and Jack Heffron Shirley and James Schottelkotte Lynne and David Whang Carolyn Maddox Jami and Jeffery Pelini Christine and Louis Schroder Cleota Wilbekin Susan and Ronald Magnan Donna Perkins Lois Ann and Jerome Schuehler Bernard J. and Karen D. Wilger Fund of The Greater Patricia and Dennis Malik Peggy and Thomas Pernik Pamela Senefeld and Cincinnati Foundation Joan and William Mathews Kellee and Bryan Peters Russell Naber Susie Williams Jenny Mayer Claudette and Charles Peters Jackie and John Shea III Mary and John Woelfel Linda Meagher Plante & Moran, PLLC Lisa Siegel and Chris Felix Mary Lou and Daniel Wood Carolyn McCabe and Joe Wiman Ellen and Russell Porter Dale Silver Susan and Walter Wyder Constance McCarthy Presbyterian Women of Mt. Simply Power Yoga 2 LLC Carol and Lee Yeazell Ann and Charles McCarthy Washington Presbyterian Sistas on Iron Motorcycle Club Church Carol and Bruce Yeazell Jeanette McCarthy Bernard Smith Presbyterian Women in Carol and Dan Young McGill Smith Punshon, Inc. Lori and Todd Smith Westwood First Presbyterian Sharon and Randolph Young Karly Mehlhorn Church Genevieve Smith Bhavna and Vivek Mehta Marla and Edward Pryor Susan and Nelson Smith Nancy and Christopher Meier Bersetha Ranson Smithfield Foods

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$1-$99 Jennifer Cox Julie and Richard Grinstead Jackie and Brian Kirkpatrick 2016 Donors Kristine and Thomas CPJ Freelance Services Mary Beth Groene Knights of Columbus Monsignor Abercrombie Gabriella Craig Mary and Robert Grome Gerdes Council Tammy and Danny Adkins Lucy Crane Judith Grubb Marci and Jerry Koch Adrian Durban Florists Janet and William Creed Betty Grupenhoff Evelyn Koehl Catherine and Erik Allaben Michelle and Joseph Crowley Sarah Hammers Katie Kramer Amelia Alonso Marlene and William Betty Hans Wm. Kramer and Son, Inc Amazon Smiles Cunningham Jeanne and James Harjo Christine and Raymond Kroner Barbara Applegarth Janet Curley Elizabeth Hartmann Paul Kuhn Kelly and Matthew Austin Ashley Currier Robert Hassman Maureen and Thomas Lacy Sylvia and Stanley Baiman Judith Damico Colleen Hauser Jonna and Jeff Ladenburger Andrew Baker Robert Davis Elaine Hehemann Rose Ann and Paul Lankisch Mildred Barhorst Patricia and Alfonzo Davis Judith and Robert Heile Peggy and James Laubacher Carol and Gary Barnes Diane and William Davis Sr. Lynn Heper, SC Kathryn Lauer Terrie Beck Shellie DeAngelis Judy and Steven Herbold J. Michael Laumann Kathleen and Michael Benken Beth and Scott Dever Barbara and Lee Hildebrandt Lisa and Ernest Lee Colleen and Robert Bens Susan and David Deye Kathleen and James Hils Gary and Judy Leick Janet and William Benvie Phyllis Doty Christine and Daniel Hiltz Jenny Lemmink Kathleen and Duane Berwanger Elena Duma Millie and Thomas Hines Linda and Michael Levally Jan and James Besl Rose and Paul Emmerich Emilee Hollis Marie Lillis Shirley and John Biere Mary Ann Falter Ruth Holthaus Patricia and William Lisk Blum Family Giving Fund Kendall and Kirk Fegley Frances Hornikel Dorothy and Joseph Listo Bob Evans Farms Mark Fette Mary and James Huelseman Mary Litkovitz Agnes and Frederick Brackmann Judith Findsen Huesman Insurance Group, LLC Helen and Thomas Little Cathy and Michael Brakers Virginia and Elmer Fischesser Mary and William Hughes Jenny and Chris Lohmann Michael Brewer Margaret and Elliott Fishman Virginia Hundley Jennifer and Steven Lohrer Maryann and Eugene Breyer Connie and Steve Fohl Lisa and John Imbus Anne Longo Agnes Brockman Kris and William Foley Valerie Jacobs Mildred and Richard Lonneman Susan and David Brogden Judy and Jack Forrester Cynthia Johnson Sr. Monica Lucas, SC Carolyn Brown Nancy Foster Jane and Gerald Johnson Clement H. Luken, Jr. Eileen and Russell Brown Phyllis Foster Kevin Johnson Suzie and James Malloni Jannet Brownfield Gary F. Franke Co., LPA Laura Johnson Alenka Maric Gina and John Brueggeman Cheryl Frazier Maura and Richard Johnson Amy Marshall Judy and Don Bruno Mary Freedman Phyllis and Robert Johnstone Gordon Massa † Thomas Bugg Shirley and Joseph Frey Judson Jones Judith and David Mattingly Peggy and Larry Burwinkel Michele and Alan Frey Deborah Joy Lynne Mayo Mary Elizabeth Bush and Kelly and Jay Freyler William Joyce, Jr. Carmella Mazzei Barbara Weber Deborah and William Froschauer Christine Kaeser Gayle and Mike McCafferty Mary Dianne and James Cahill Carol Gabis Paula and Bob Kaiser Mary and Warren McClellan Beverly and Robert Calder Glenna and James Galbraith Audrey Kasak Helen McCune Camargo Racquet Club, Inc. Mary Beth and Kenneth Ganote Ruth and Raymond Kathman Patti McGeever Angela Campos Caitlin and J. Neal Gardner Anne and Kevin Keefe Janet and Mike McGrath Carol and Albert Cannon Louann Geel Linda Keegan Cora and Michael McGuire Janette and Thomas Carberry Janet and John Geiger Jane and Hayes Kelley Mary and Michael McKeown John Cardosi Catherine and Lawrence Geiger Ruth Kelley James Meade Karen and Nicholas Carrelli Sandra Geiser Terri Kelley Paul Cheryl Meadows and Jerry Eileen and Scott Carson Wilkerson Angela Gellenbeck Virginia Kemme Linda and Joel Casabere Eliot Menifee Margarita and Todd Gibson Cynthia and Kenneth Kemper Celebrate with Us Event Lois and Clifford Mentrup Stephanie and Brent Gillman Theresa and James Kenney Planning Mercy Healthplex Western Hills Barb Glassmeyer Nusrat Khan Judy and Robert Chandler Linda and Charles Merk Marianne and Terry Glassmeyer Harp Khera Elaine and Austin Chapman Barbara Mers Catherine Goetz and Karen and Roy King Jennifer Chubinski and Connally Edozien Katherine Meyer Sergio Filippi Darlene Kiniry Christina Gorsuch Sandra Meyer Cincinnati Missionary Baptist Olivia Kinsworthy Kathy Grant Kathleen and Patrick Michel District Associaton Kathleen Kirk and Earl Greenlee, Jr. Nancy and Ronald Mielech Sandra and William Cloppert George Huesman Jessamyne Modderman Martha and J. P. Conway Sharon and Mark Moore Glenda Conyers Robert Moreland Cathy Counts and “All of the staff has shown so much respect Anita Morris Thomas Mertens and has worked so hard to find ways to assist Erinn Cox Eileen and Brent Mosher me and my children.” Shelter Guest Christina and Adam Mouch

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Cathy and Robert Murphy Jennifer and Mark Redmond Colleen and George Simon Edward Valeska Judith and Robert Neal Rhinegeist LLC Nadine Simon Matthew Verkamp Linda and Michael Neinhaus Donna and George Richter Doreen Sing Martha Viehmann and New Church Of Montgomery Joan Riegert Sisters of Charity Richard Boyce Katherine and Mary and Mario Roberto Christine Smith Kathleen and Ronald Vogelpohl Christopher Nieman Molly Robertshaw Corey Smith Ina and Arthur Waidmann Gregory Nolan Susan and Peter Robinson Linda and James Smith Suzanne and William Ward Susan and Gregory Noll Melinda and Steven Rosen Lorie Smith William Washburn Carolette Norwood and Mildred Rueve Marianne Smith Aida Washburn 2016 Donors Shogo Nishikawa Mary Ryan Barbara Smurda Gina and Christopher Watkins Ohio Child Conservation Peggy and Thomas Sandman Social Security Administration Mary and Lindley Weikert League Raindrops Robert Schaaf Andrea and Richard Sonnenberg Marilyn and David Wempe Kelley and John O’Lone Kathy and Kurt Schibler Donna and Michael Squeri Monica and Brad Wenstrup Lina Orr and Ollie Turner Carolyn Schiele-Watson and Latina Stephens Mary Wernke Kathryn and Greg Ossege James Watson Mary and Robert Stock Rita Wesseling Joan and Michael Owens Glenna Mae Schiering Elaine and David Stone Sally Wetenkamp Marguerite and John Panyko Charles Schmalz Janet Sutton Patricia and Edwin White Hetal Patel Patricia and Jeffrey Schmees Kimberly and Chad Swartzmiller Connie and Firmin Widmer Grace Pedoto Vicky Schottelkotte and Karen Swedersky Pod Debra and Richard Wieland Catherine Peters Gordon Putzke Judie Sweeney Julie Wilke Charles Pettengill Ruth and John Schrider Maureen and Victor Tenkman Clare and Lawrence Williams Julia and R.J. Pfalz Joni and Ed Schroeder Christina and Paul Tepe Deborah Williams Suzanne and Bernard Pfeiffer Carol and Ralph Schroer Judith and James Tepe Julie and Wm. Russell Wilson Pilgrim United Church of Christ Terry Schwartz Jane Teufen Patricia Woellert Gary Ploehs Donna and Irvin Seitz Judy Thompson Terri and John Wood Flora and Darwin Popenoe Carl Shannon Saundra Thompson David Wurtenberger Judy Quatkemeyer D’Shon and Jon Shapiro Terri and Duane Tieman Dianne and Alan Yaffe Margaret and John Rapach Donna Shapleigh Jeri Tolliver Marilyn and Ron Young CeAnn and John Raterman Bonnie and Daniel Sheedy Barbara Tuchfarber Charlene and Larry Zinn Kate Ratermann Ellen Shoemaker Judith Tucker Lisa and Alexander Zito Patricia Reaman Kimberly and Jeffrey Shriver Ann and Charles Ulbricht

Ales to

Zinfandels2016 Guests attending Ales to Zinfandels enjoyed an evening of fine wines and craft beers, food pairings and desserts, auctions, live music and dancing—all to support the mission of Bethany House.

PRESENTING SPONSOR Barnes Dennig Stephanie and Robert Beyerle Cincinnati Museum Center Mercy Health Gail Myers Public Relations, LLC Flavia Bolton Cincinnati Nature Center Humana Laura Booke and Alan Free Hall of Fame GOLD SPONSORS Botannica and Museum Tracy and David Davis SUPPORTERS Bridgetown Finer Meats Cincinnati Shakespeare Company Denyse Adams SILVER SPONSORS Lea and Stephen Brinker Suzy Clark Catherine and Erik Allaben Guardian Savings Bank Janice and Fred Brinkmiller ColdIron Event Rentals Kathy and Philip Allard Total Quality Logistics Joanne and James Brockman Elizabeth Cowperthwait Spencer Allusions Barbara Buhrer Lucy Crane BRONZE SPONSORS Anonymous Anne Marie and Caleb Burdette Susan and Ross Crawford Megan and Michael McCuen Barb and Allen Backscheider Camp Bow Wow Stella and John Crawford PNC Bank Laurie and Kim Baird Kelley and David Carrier Creative Cookies Ultimate Rehab, LTD Jen and Joel Basinger Chris Felix Fine Art Derek Curlee Jane and Anthony Behler PATRON SPONSORS Cincinnati Arts Association Dare to Dance Airrosti Rehab Centers Tamara and Scott Behrens Cincinnati Facial Plastic Surgery DeCepoli Wine Shop

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 23 DONORS – ALES TO ZINFANDELS, GOLF CLASSIC

Michelle and Anton Decker Intuitive Touch Massage Paolo-A Modern Jeweler Liza and Albert Smitherman 2016 Donors Ann DeGroot iTech Marcia and Daniel Pardekooper Erinn and John Starcher Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits Laura Johnson Sherrilyn and Bryan Peck Kathleen and Bernard Suer Dewey’s Pizza Erika and Jerome Judd Amy Pelicano and Jack Heffron Alexis and Benjamin Suer Meg and Frank DiNardo Linda Keegan Barbara and David Plogmann Robie Suggs Susan Dorward Susan and Tim Kelley Alyson and Adam Poling Rebecca Sykes Sue and Terrence Dyer Will Kladakis Alex Pore Symphony Hotel Eddie Lane’s Diamond Mary Alice and Timothy Koch Trisha and Rob Poulos Taste of Belgium Showroom Marie Kocoshis Mary Beth Puryear Theatre Management Eddie Merlot’s Kroner Dry Cleaners Inc. Queens Nails and Spa Corporation Edible Arrangements Kuy Plastic Surgery Kathy Raaker TriHealth Fitness And Health Pavillion Mary Farmer Deb and Jon Labbe Sharon and David Raess Jeri Tolliver FC Cincinnati Derrick Lambdin Leonard Randolph Amanda Toole Fifty West Brewing Co. Kelly Leon and Steve Watkins Mary and Peter Rebold Barbara Tuchfarber Christina and Joseph Finke Madison’s at Findlay Market Kelley Recker Omega Finney Sue and Don Mashni Claire Revalee Urban Salon Michelle and Jon Fishpaw Lisa and Tom McCarthy Annette and David Richey The BonBonerie Gattle’s Inc Megan and Michael McCuen Rock Quest Climbing Center The Catholic Shoppe Judith and Stephen Gerstner Karen McHale Janice and Gary Rogers The Papergirl Gilsons Engraving Mercy Health Plex Julie and Brian Ross Marilou and Albert Vierling Grand Oriental MiCA Grace and Timothy Royalty Vintage Market Place Great Lakes Brewing Co. Kathy and David Miller Sacksteders Kathleen Wade and Great Parks of Hamilton County Montgomery Vision Care Janie and Thomas Schaefer Forrest Brandt Tracey Griggs Julia and Aaron Motley Cindy Schenkel and Bill Nester Alyson and Tim Warning Kim and James Gusweiler Jessica Munafo Susan and Michael Schiller Carolyn and Perry Washburn Marlene Guttman Gail Myers and Fred Klaiss Jude Schramm Lynne and David Whang Lois and James Gutzwiller Karen and Dave Naber Denise Schumacher and Clare and Lawrence Williams Haute Chocolate Neal’s Remodel and Design Dana Davis Laura and Scott Williams Michelle and Joseph Hayden Patrick Niehaus Anita and Tyler Scott Woodhouse Day Spa Julie and Brian Holbrook Nothing Bundt Cakes Donna and Irvin Seitz Sarah Hunterman Origins Rookwood Commons & Lisa Siegel and Chris Felix Janet and Robert Inkrot Pavillion Skip’s Bagel Deli



The Golf Classic held every summer is a signature fundraiser that provides shelter and other basic necessities for our Bethany House families.

PRESENTING SPONSORS BEVERAGE SPONSORS Bailey & Company Benefits LaRosa’s Pizzeria Wellington Orthopaedic & Laurie and Kim Baird Nancy and Michael Baker Sam’s Club Sports Medicine First Financial Bank Borksy Dental Group SUPPORTERS KMK Law Julie and T.J. Davis BIRDIE SPONSORS Ameritas Life Insurance Corp Northwestern Mutual Wealth TriState Orthopedic Products, Inc. Cincinnati Friends of Marie Azbill Charity, Inc. Management UpSpring Jacqueline and Brian Ballitch Johnson Investment UC Health U.S. Bank Beech Creek Golf Course Counsel, Inc. Mr. Gregory Woods Jerome Bishop Kroger Company FOOD AND BEVERAGE DONORS LUNCH SPONSORS Alpine Valley PURE Service Emily and Scott Blackwelder Kutol Products Company, Inc. SC Ministry Foundation Coca Cola Bottling Company Jay Bley McGraw Insurance Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits Lea and Stephen Brinker Ohio National Financial Services EAGLE SPONSORS Ohio National Foundation TriHealth Gordon’s Food Service Kathleen and Jonathan Brodhag Great Lakes Brewing Co. Karen and John Cassidy Total Quality Logistics HOLE SPONSORS JTM Chris Felix Fine Art Applied Mechanical Systems

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Cincinnati Sports Club Mary Jo and Michael Haverkamp Mary and Michael McGraw Claire and Donald Rowekamp Paula and Marc Comisar Julia and Robert Heidt, Jr. Jennifer and Soloman Mohamed Cindy Schenkel and Bill Nester Megan and Grant Cooper Tim Hensley Ron Morand Mary and Melvin Schlomer Frank Cradduck Hensley Custom Building Austin Morelock Sr. Thelma Schlomer, SC Larry Dean Group, LLC Sean Mullins Helen Schneider Dermatology and Skin Care Sr. Lynn Heper, SC Diane and James Newport Matt Shoulta Associates Anne Ilyinsky New Riff Distillery Lisa Siegel and Chris Felix DeVou Park Golf Course Infoverity, LLC Dan O’Brien JoAnn Strong and Carolyn Burke Elder High School Janet and Robert Inkrot Lisa and John O’Brien Susan Sullivan 2016 Donors Sharon and Tom Felix The Joseph Group Amy Pelicano and Jack Heffron The Plastic Surgery Group Andre Frazier Daniel Koppenhafer Kathrine Phillips Tom and Chee Kevin Garnica Nadine Liggett William Price Craig Unger Michael Gawne Tom Linder John Rack University of Cincinnati Julia and Kyle Goebel Mark Longbottom Joseph Rhodenbaugh Anne Vertuca and Louis George Great Parks of Hamilton County Scott Lovell Ryan Rieckoff Carolyn and Perry Washburn Aaron Haslam Suzie and James Malloni Rising Star Casino and Resort Chris Zimmerman Joe Haverkamp Megan and Michael McCuen Dave Roettker

Mardi Gras for Homeless Children is a Fat Tuesday celebration at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center raising funds to feed homeless children sheltered at Bethany House’s four shelters.

KING SPONSORS Kutol Products Company, Inc. Coney Island Hilton Cincinnati Heidt Family Foundation Trisha and Michael Roddy Nancy Connelly Netherland Plaza Skyline Chili, Inc COSI Holy Grail Banks JESTER SPONSORS Sullivan Electric Group, Inc Dairy Queen Kathy and Matt Hughes Baker Concrete Construction Wiley Law Firm and AAA Cooper Shaun Daniels Janet and Robert Inkrot Cheviot Savings Bank Dave & Busters Inspire Salon & Boutique Rebeccah Brown and Dan Jones SUPPORTERS Dewey’s Pizza Dana and Joe Irvine Driehaus Insurance Group Anonymous (2) Judith and Jerry Diers Jeff Ruby’s Evergreen Advisors, Inc AVI Food Systems Donna’s Gourmet Cookies Ashley Johnson Sisters of Charity Liz and Ray Babcock Kerry and Adrian Durban Elizabeth Jones Total Quality Logistics Laura and David Bence E.D.B.’s Diamond Showroom Junior Women’s Club of Unistrut Betsy and John Betagole Wyoming Edible Arrangements Mary and Michael Bishop KMK Law PLATINUM SPONSORS Margaret and Tripp Eldridge Sharon and Daniel Bohlen Keeneland Association, Inc. Cincinnati Dowel and Wood Eli’s BBQ Products Laura and Jeremy Borsky Amy and Steve Kehoe Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati The Foltz Family Cathy and Richard Brewer Kentucky Derby Museum Frisch’s Restaurant, Inc. Messer Construction Stephanie and Albert Brown Kentucky Horse Park Gameworks – Newport on Nancy Burns Miller-Valentine Group the Levee Kevin D. Chaney & Co., Inc. Carolyn and Jerry Campbell Neiheisel Plumbing, Inc Monica and Doug Geistle Kings Island Bianca and Ben Chamberlain O’Day Construction Glamour Shots Koch Sporting Goods Cincinnati Bengals Promedica Bridget and Matt Glover Shelley and Steve Komrska Cincinnati Marriott Rivercenter Claire and Butch Rowekamp Golden Elephant Design Landmark Productions Family Cincinnati Recreation Center Graeter’s Lynn and Don Larson TP Mechanical Golf Courses Grand Finale Diane and Thomas Leugers Unistrut Cincinnati Reds Ester and Louis Hall Suzy and Steve Lohman Cincinnati Shakespeare John Wiseman and Family Barb Marcotte Company Christine and Jody Hampton Wiseman Construction Marge & Charles J. Schott Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Terri and Jeff Hansee Foundation GOLD SPONSORS Garden Rita and Robert Hart Christine and Tim Marty A Taste of Class Catering Clovernook Country Club Karan and Bill Hever

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Susan and Mike Maxwell Cindy Schenkel and Bill Nester ATC Group Services Christ Church Cathedral 2016 Donors Donna and Robert Mayer Susan and Michael Schiller Kelly and Matthew Austin Christ Emmanuel Christian Megan and Michael McCuen Ruth and John Schrider Lisa Baker Fellowship Mega Cavern SJ Medical Spa Sheree Barrell Christmas for Jesus Poor Sandra and David Meyer Susan and Chip Skidmore Stacey Barton Tilley Karen Christopher Sember and Max Meyers Alicia Slagle Rosemary Bauer Margaret Chung Moerlein Lager House Sotto Restaurant Kimberly and Mark Baumann Church of the Saviour United Methodist Women Gail Myers and Fred Klaiss Linda and James Steffen Jackie Baumgartner Church Women United Natorp’s, Inc. Sterling Cut Glass Kelli Beecher Cincinnati Art Museum Nexigen Rebekah and Michael Stock Tamara and Scott Behrens Cincinnati Children’s Medical Northern Kentucky Restaurant Julie and Thomas Strotman Belterra Center Assoc. Alexis and Benjamin Suer Benchmark Marketing Services, LLC Cincinnati Monthly Meeting of Sylvia Osterday Kathleen and Bernard Suer Gina Beraha Religious Society of Friends Party Source Symphony Hotel Marlene Beraha Cincinnati Public Schools Stacy Piening The Children’s Theatre Teresa Berding Cincinnati Veterans PNC Bank The Plastic Surgery Group Mischelle Berry Administration Medical Center Quaker Steak and Lube Amy and John Thompson Sabria Berry Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Leigh Rathje Sherri and Harold Tieger Stephanie and Robert Beyerle Cintas Corporation Joseph Rhodenbaugh Tom and Jerry’s Deirdre and Daniel Bird Citi Group Rising Star Casino and Resort Lisa and Daniel Wampler Sabrina Blake CITI Women’s Network Rivertown Inkery Nancy Ward Ronetta Blapps City Gospel Mission Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Carolyn and Perry Washburn Ruby Bloome City of Cincinnati Claire and Donald Rowekamp Jenny and Mike Zorn Blue & Co., LLC Ginger Clark Debbie and Dave Rumpke Blue Ash Presbyterian Youth Timothy Clark Janie and Thomas Schaefer Group Clark Montessori The Boemker Family Mya and Amy Clyde “I truly enjoy volunteering at Bethany House. The BonBonerie Leslie Coffey Mary Borcherding Interacting with the families is very special CoHo Creative Laura and Jeremy Borsky Dwellyn Collins and rewarding.” Cindy, volunteer Kathleen and Chuck Bracken Brandy Combs Mary and Tom Brady Krystal Compston Theresa and Kevin Brandenburg Connections Christian Church Gregory Brandstetter Patricia and Bill Cook Lois Brandstetter Melissa Cornett Tondalaya Braunskill Corryville Post Office Jouett Brenzel Erica Crawford Bridgetown Church of Christ Patrice Crocker Maggie and Tony Brinck John Cramer Sondra and Eugene Britton Arnetia Crawford Christel Brooks Creekside Early Childhood Sheryl and Doug Brown School Mary Brown and Mark Dato Cumulus Broadcasting Lakesa Bryant Crystal Curenton GIFTS-IN-KIND Thalia Burgio Lisa Datt Carolyn Burke and JoAnn Strong Valerie Davis BHS extends a huge thank you to every donor who Debra Burton DeanHouston Inc. made a gift-in-kind to our families. We would not be Terri Burton Thomas DeNoma able to provide our clients with housing necessities Busken Bakery Western Hills Connie and John Dettmer without gifts like yours. Thank you! Buz Restaurant and Bar Diamond Republic June Caha Julie and Nick DiBlasi 10 Thousand Villages Valerie Allen LaQuiesha Campbell Dick’s Last Resort-Newport A Fostered Child Organization Allyn’s Café Sandy Cantor Kate Dignan Abundant Life Apostolic Church Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Cardinal Pacelli School Marifran and Bill Dirkes Outreach Ministry Phi Psi Omega Jennifer and Mike Carlton Beth Dodd Shirley Acoff Amazon Fulfillment Clare and Jesse Carmicle Kimberly Drummonds Adath Israel Religious School American Financial Group Courtney Carmody Duke Energy Advance Pierre Foods American Freight Jackie and Walter Carroll Hannah Durham AGB America Laura Amiott Sandra and Lee Carson Jenny Dutschke Aiken New Tech Denise Anderson Britt and Phillip Castellini Dawn Dutton Aldi Corporate Office Anderson Hills United Gholam Chabi Dwellings AllStars Motorcyle Club Methodist Church Susana Chavez Jessica Edison Anna Alexander Melvinia Angel Suzie and Han Cho Angel Edwards Anonymous

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 25 DONORS – GIFTS-IN-KIND

Angelle Edwards Michelle Hardesty Training Kristin Lamarre Natasha Edwards Bill Hardin Elizabeth and Andrew Islam Mariah Larkin Madeline and Anthony Eichhorn Krsti Haubner Benjamin James LaRosa’s Pizzeria Elder High School Boosters Mary Jo and Michael Haverkamp Sara Jarvis Leading Ladies Christian Ministry Elder High School Dads/Sons Stephanie Heagerty Kierra Jenkins Leah Laster Kelly Elmore Julia and Robert Heidt, Jr. Annie Jessen Lawrenceberg Speedway Jen Ernst Millie Heil Charles Johnson III Lisa and Ernest Lee Karen Espiritu Suzane Hendriksen Janice and Randy Johnson Rebecca Lee Esther Price Candies Arlynn Hensell Jennie and Richard Johnson Tracy Lee 2016 Donors Ethicon Endo Surgery Sr. Lynn Heper, SC Kali Johnson Renee Levy Express Scripts Emily and Mark Herrmann Kelli Johnson Marie Lillis and Family Fairview Clifton School Josie Hicks Lakisha Johnson Valeen Lippert Francis L.F. Falgiano III Mary Hilvert Laura Johnson Grace and John Lobono Ciara Fesmire Sarah Hines Laurie and Kurt Johnson Dave Lodder Beth and Matt Field Koben Hinman Tara Johnson Jocelyn Logan Teria Fields Maria Hintz Mary Jo and William Johnston Sue Lohbeck Jenna Filipkowski Amy and Scott Hobler Kyairah and Tony Jones Frank Lohmiller First Baptist Church West Therese and Richard Hoehn Regina Jordan Scott Lohmiller College Hill Theresa and Chris Hoffer Jane Josshua Cathy Lohmueller First Financial Bank Naomi Holcomb Joyce Julien Amy Lorensen Beth and Dan Flanigan Alex Holtel Bridgett Karlson Loveland Elementary School Kevin Flerlage Loveland Girl Scouts Julie and William Frambes Loveland High School Laura and Brian Frazier Carolyn and Stuart Lowitz Kelly and Jay Freyler Yvonne and Sultan Lunsford Allyson Fru Luxottica Retail Carol Gabis Tony Maas Galen College of Nursing Mack Gardeners Kali Geier Jennifer Mackey Laura Gels Madeira Latin Club General Mills Food Company Katherine Maertz Jen Gerstner Maggiano’s Little Italy Julie Glazer Molly and Ken Mahler Kathleen and Gary Glazier Lauren and Thomas Mahoney Angelique Gloster Patricia and Dennis Malik Megan Golden Suzie and James Malloni Good Sheperd Catholic Church Lynn and Dale Maloney Grace Christian Fellowship Carolyn Manner Doris Grady Marathon Petroleum Corporation Andreietta Grant Alenka Maric Quentin Graves Kelly Marsh-Welton and Great American Insurance Erica J. Holloman Ruth Kelley Byron Welton Company Foundation Inc Erin Kelly Diane Martin Great Friends Working Honey Baked Ham Company Martinez & Martinez DDS Cooperatively Judy Keltner Hilary Hopkins Linda and Carl Marvic Greater Cincinnati Relocation Kemper Road Christian Church Sarah Mason Services, Inc Christy and Terence Horan Kenwood Dermatology Terea Mason Linda Green Sandra Houck Roohi Kharofa Matthew 25 Ministries Rene and Jeff Gregg Camielle Howard John Kilgore Patrice Matthews Tracey Griggs Humana Kilgour Elementary Sherry McCain Shirley and John Groh Richard Hupp Kingdom Queens Ministry McAuley High School Jennifer Grubbs Daniel Hurley Eileen and Earl Kisker Cathy McCormick Dana and Hank Gruber Hyde Park School Jennifer Klafter Mariann and Jonah McDermott Peggy Gruenke Daniel Ibarra Linda Klems Mary and Patrick McGeever Guardian Angels School Immaculate Heart of John Klene Mary Church Dee and Shawn McGreevy Christina Guggenberger Nadia Klumpnerova Kim Imwalle Lori and Tim McKenna Debbie Gundrum Laura Knauer Indian Hill Primary School Rae Ann McRoberts Kerri and Mark Gutekunst Evelyn Koehl Janet and Robert Inkrot Mercy Health Gwynedd Mercy University Stacey and Thomas Koenigsfeld Alissa Inman Mercy Healthplex Western Hills Hair We Are Regina Kortus Inspire Salon & Boutique Kim Merz Margo Hall Courtney Krause Ini Inyana Mary Meshot Megan Hamlin Emily Kuchey Kyra Isbell Ron Meyer Handbags Across America Kutol Products Company, Inc. Iron Sharpens Iron Personal Shirley Middebrooke Scott Hansen Lab Support

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 27 DONORS – GIFTS-IN-KIND

Kathryn Miller Procter & Gamble Jodi Snowden Two Men and a Truck 2016 Donors Leslie Miller Project Yoga Judy and Rob Snyder UC Health Katie and Marc Mitalski Kim Prus Social Security Administration UC Rotaract Club Monfort Heights Garden Club Marla and Edward Pryor Somi Javaid & Associates Union Baptist Church Montgomery Presbyterian Queenz Entertainment Michelle Spaulding Union Savings Bank Church Ramada Plaza Cincinnati Diana and Bill Spears United Way of Greater Caroline Moore Felicia Randolph Brittany Speicher Cincinnati Chanel Moore Kwamiria Rane Antoinette Spivey Unity Christian Church Fonda Moore Catherine Raven St. Anthony Messenger UpSpring Patti and Brett Moore Jen Rea St. Antoninus Elementary School Ursuline Academy Brittany Morris Jaye and Vince Reckers St. Columban Church US Bank Mother of Mercy High School Lois Reed St. John Fisher Church Edward Valeska Mountain Crest Nursing and Glynnis Reinhart St. Jude Church Dominic Vallier Rehabilitation Center Remke Markets St. Leo’s Church Maria and Herb Vallier Mt. Zion Baptist Church Republic Services St. Margaret’s/St. John’s Church Vantiv, Inc. Vernon Murdock Lauren Reynolds St. Teresa of Avila Church Judith Vermillion Tonia Murphy Jennifer and Richard Rippy St. Therese Little Flower Church Cassandra Vick Christina Murray River Metals Recycling St. Ursula Academy Katie VonErden Gail Myers and Fred Klaiss Erin Robben St. Vincent de Paul Church Taysheba Wagner Easwari Namboodiri Mariquita Robe Ason St. Vincent Ferrer School Walnut Hills High School Heather Nelson Rockdale Baptist Church Angie and Eric Stacker Warmth Brigade Laura Nevels Lori and Timothy Rodgers Joanne Steele Wendy and Jake Warren New Birth Christian Center Yolanda Roper Allison Sterbling Carolyn and Perry Washburn New Church Of Montgomery Gail Rose Cathy and Chris Stough Alisha Watson New Life Missionary Baptist Claire and Donald Rowekamp Strategic Employee Waverly’s Hope Child Care Church Young Matron’s Society Grace and Timothy Royalty Benefit Services Emily Weddle New Unity Church Rue 21 Karen Striet Kathy and Ronald Wegmann Katherine and Alexis and Benjamin Suer Cindy and Richard Weidner Christopher Nieman Julie Runyan Kathleen and Bernard Suer Denise Wempe Monica Nieman Nitima Saeton Carol Sullivan Janet Wernke Christine Norris The Sandquiste Family Jacqueline and Edward Suraski Wesley Smith Lodge #107 Carolette Norwood and Caitlyn Sauerhage Shogo Nishikawa Janie and Thomas Schaefer Melissa Sweet West Side Knit-n-Pickers The O’Brien Family Katie and Mark Schaeffer Paige Tabar Western Hills Garden Club Sally O’Hearn Craig Schaller Taglio Western Hills University High School Ohio Valley Pagan Society Jane Schehl Target – Oakley The Westin Cincinnati Jennifer and Joshua Ortiz Laura Schiller Technical Equipment Sales Deborah and William Wiebe Our Lady of Lourdes Church Susan and Michael Schiller Karen Teter Latasha Wiley Eileen Overbeck Barbara Schmidt The Dental Care Plus Group Carole and H. James Williams Beth Overmyer-Fewell Christine and Louis Schroder The Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ Deborah Williams P & G Chemicals – Cincinnati Rebekka Schroeder The SandAngel Foundation Deborah and Jerry Williams Plant Shari Schulhoff The Soapbox Salon Kelly Williams Sabrina Pachla Mary Scott Joyce Thieman Latoya Williams Panera Bread Western Hills Mia Sears Delores Thomas Yolanda Wilmont Deondra Parks Second Baptist Church of Patterson Pope West College Hill Marsha Thomas Wm. Kramer and Son, Inc Paycor Nicole and Ben Seinen Judy Thompson Lok-Sze Wong Pearl’s Bar Cindy Senefeld Jane Tillar Word of Deliverance Church Julie Pegram Pamela Senefeld and TNS Business Solutions, LLC Word of Life Penn Station Russell Naber Together We Will Brittney Wynn Peppermint Pig Servatti Western Hills Jeri Tolliver Wyoming High School Performance Honda Seven Hills School Kathy Toner Wyoming Presbyterian Church Amy and Michael Pescovitz Paula Sevier Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. Amy Yannarella Rene and Ronald Pesnichak Liliya Shafieva Zyanya Torres Kate York Ray Peters Priya and Joey Sharp Tostado’s Laura York Suzanne and Bernard Pfeiffer Betsy and Jerry Shroat Kendra and Thorb Towles Dinese Young Kathrine Phillips Lisa Siegel and Chris Felix Tri County Assembly of God Sharon and Randolph Young Jennifer Pickett David Simons TriHealth Lisa and Benjamin Zaring Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Simply Exquisite Catering LLC Eileen Trimbach Andrea Ziser and Church Simply Power Yoga 2 LLC Trivantis Corporation Sharon Zumwalde Marcia and Michael Powell Sisters of Charity TruFyr Fitness, Ltd Zonta Club of Cincinnati Roberta Powell The Slattery Family Barbara Tuchfarber Sondra Presley Lisa Smith Lane Tullins Pride of Solomon #42 Rachel Smith Kate Turkaly

513-921-1131 | bethanyhouseservices.org 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 27 Bethany House Services Non-Profit Org. 1841 Fairmount Avenue U.S. Postage Cincinnati, OH 45214 PAID 513-921-1131 Cincinnati OH www.bethanyhouseservices.org Permit No.7053

ONE STEP CLOSER TO HOME It starts with one step. Families come to Bethany House from many different paths, life experiences and circumstances. No matter the twists and turns life has thrown at them, they come to Bethany House seeking the same thing, a place to find rest and restoration. That’s what we provide: care and comfort, community and support, encouragement and inspiration, each leading them one step closer to a home of their own.

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