1611 Kane Street, La Crosse, WI - (608) 789-7970

NSE Success Nov. 2 Assembly

Early Release Nov. 9 Day Picture Retake Nov. 15 Day

Dad’s Night Nov. 15

Thanksgiving Nov. 21-23 Break

Family Night Dec. 13

Winter Break Dec.24-Jan.1

Early Release Jan. 11 Day

Watch your emails, check out our websites, and follow us on Facebook for the most up-to-date information!

Our teachers really appreciated the meals you provided during parent/teacher conferences! Happy November Coulee Montessori and Northside Families!

It was great to see you at our parent/teacher conferences! Our children are more successful the more that all of the adults in their lives work together! Our parent/teacher conferences are a great opportunity to continue this partnership! I am hoping you will keep conversation with your child’s teacher(s) going on throughout the school year. Partnering takes time and commitment and you can be assured that the staff at Northside and Coulee Montessori have plenty of both to offer!

I recently learned of a really neat resource! Coulee Montessori families with children who receive lunch free or at a reduced rate and all Northside families can get the internet at home for as little as $5 per month! My understanding is that this fee includes a router also! I have included the link below. You will need to enter your address to find out the service providers that work in La Crosse (there were two when I checked). Then there are series of steps that ultimately result in you having the internet at your home! Please see below for the link for more information. I am happy to provide support to get you through “the weeds” of signing up for this resource if you would like also! https://dpi.wi.gov/news/dpi-connected/internet-discount-finder

Each month, I want to highlight a different section of the Family Handbook. For November, I will provide a few reminders about parking at Northside and Coulee Montessori. Paying attention to these rules will help all students, staff and families safe. Thank you for your help!

(PS: You can find more information in the Family Handbook)

For the safety of ALL children at Northside Elementary/Coulee Montessori, please remember that parking directly in front of the school on Kane Street and Charles Street from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM on school days by the playground is illegal. The street is clearly marked with road signs for “no parking during school days” and “no stopping or standing during school days”. This regulation is in effect for the safety of ALL children before and after school.

Parking for two hours or less is available across the street from the school on Kane Street. Parking across the street from the school on Charles Street is allowed throughout the school day. Please help us keep traffic controlled by following the parking regulations and crossing with the staff supervision, crossing guards, and safety patrols.

Please do not park in the staff parking lot to drop off before school (7:45 – 8:15 AM) or to pick up students after school (2:45 – 3:15 PM). Thank you for your help in keeping the children safe.

Thank you for sharing your children with us! We love spending time with them!

Laura Huber Hello Families!

It's been a great start to the school year and the Northside PTO is working hard to provide positive and encouraging activities for parents, students and their teachers! We have had multiple teachers already requesting funds from the PTO for various classroom items. These requests will be presented and voted on at our November 6th PTO General Meeting from 6-7pm in the cafeteria. If you'd like to hear about these amazing requests we'd love to see you at the meeting .

One question you might ask is where do these funds come from? Well, the PTO has various fundraising events throughout the year and a few that are ongoing all year long. Collecting Kwik Trip milk caps for their Milk Moola program is one of these ongoing events. At the end of September, 4th graders helped count and bag these milk caps. A total of Students helping sort Milk Moola! approximately $930 was raised! Thank you to everyone who has helped with this fundraising opportunity!

Upcoming Important Dates & Reminders: November 4: School apparel orders are due November 6: PTO general meeting 6-7pm in cafeteria November 15: Picture re-take day November 15: Dad's Night 5:30-7pm November 21-23: No school

Click Here to Email the PTO Hello from the Coulee Montessori SET!

November SET Meeting - Tuesday, November 20th at 5:30 pm in the Northside/ Coulee Montessori LMC. Parents are always encouraged to join meetings!

Upcoming Events: • Burrachos Night Fundraiser Wednesday, November 7th 4 - 8 pm. Bring the whole family to eat at Burrachos in Onalaska to help raise funds for Coulee Montessori. When 50 people order as part of the Coulee Montessori fundraiser between 4 and 8 pm, we'll receive 25% of the total sales for that e vening. Eat some tasty food and support our school!

• New Family Visitation Night Tuesday, November 27th 5:30 pm. This evening introduces interested families to our school and is also a great opportunity for current families to see Montessori students in action. Our students will be demonstrating their Montessori materials in each classroom. Join us to learn more about Montessori education. Food provided.

Box Tops and Milk Moola

The Box Tops collection has moved! You can now put your Box Tops in our new fancy collection boxes located in each classroom!

Milk Moola can still be dropped in the bin at the end of the CM hallway (on the LMC end).

Whenever you have questions, remember you can email SET!

Click Here Have a great November! SET To Email SET

The Soup Supper is a fun, community building event and fundraiser for our Coulee Montessori community! (608)789-6703

Northside Elementary/Coulee Montessori is a latex controlled school to the meet the needs of students with latex allergies. Items that are not allowed at this school include latex gloves and latex balloons.

If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with our principal.

Trinity Clothes Closet

The weather is changing and temperatures are dropping. Dressing your child appropriately Mondays 4:30-6:00pm for the weather is important. 1010 Sill Street Students will be sent outdoors for recess, weather permitting. It is important for the students to go out for fresh air and exercise. The Clothes Closet’s Please be sure your child has a winter coat, gloves/ mission is to provide mittens, and hat. When there is snow on the ground, gently used and new please have them wear winter boots and snow pants. clothes and shoes for If you need assistance providing any of these items for students in need. your child(ren), please contact your student’s guidance counselor.

Thank you for your extra effort!

Breakfast and Morning Recess Begin at 7:45am

The School District of La Crosse does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, emotional, learning disability Morning Preschool · 8:15am-10:45am or handicap in its education program or activities. Afternoon Preschool · 12:15pm-2:55pm Your Northside Neighborhood Clinic

Free Health Care for Students of Coulee Montessori / Northside Elementary and Logan Middle School

Do You Have A Concern About Your Child’s Health? We Are Here for Clients Your Child and You. The Northside Neighborhood Clinic is available for students of Coulee Montessori / Northside Elementary and their immediate families. We are open to walk-in patients only. Services We operate as a walk-in clinic for any health problem. Our staff will evaluate each patient and refer the patient for additional care as needed. Our services include: • Treatment of minor injuries • Wellness checks • Rapid testing for strep • Treatment of colds and flu • Health education Healthy Kids Healthy Families Healthy Community Student Leadership Team Represented organized, For each canned good students conducted, and celebrated a successful and fulfilling brought in, they were given a vote iFeed food drive! We collected over 1,300 non-perishable towards which staff member they food items! The peaches and pears will go to the Salvation would like to see get a pie in the face! Army and the rest will be donated to iFeed! They chose...

Thank you to the staff and students of Northside & Coulee Montessori! Thank you to the surrounding community for your support! Thank you to Castle Realty for helping us reach our goal! Thank you! THANK YOU!

Our food pantry shelves will be full, but so will our hearts! Mrs. Valentine Mrs. Bigelow Ms. Ingvalson NSE - 2nd Grade CM - E2 Music

November 9 March 15 January 11 May 10

School will dismiss at 12:55pm on Early Release Days. The YMCA and BGC will have afterschool care starting immediately after early release until their regularly scheduled times.

Distribution Dates: Nov. 15 Mar. 21 Dec. 13 Apr. 25 Jan. 24 May 23

Feb. 21 *Dates are subject to change The first family night for Northside and Coulee Montessori was held Oct. 4th. Chili and hot dogs were served for dinner. Children played games on the playground led by Mr. Skaer. Ms. Fay shared her TEDx Talks presentation “What Do Children Need?” with parents. In case you missed the presentation, click the YouTube link to view it!

We gave away 10 crockpots as door prizes and each family that attended was able to take home a recipe book and a bag of ingredients to make chili at their home. Lots of fun was had by all!

The Coins for Kids Collection at Northside and Coulee Montessori was very successful!! Northside and Coulee Montessori collected $2025.06 in cash and an additional $50 in gift cards. An assembly was held at La Farge Elementary, on October 29th. Northside teacher, Laura Moore along with the Duerst Family from Northside Elementary and the Horn family from Coulee Montessori attended the assembly and presented the donation to the school. The donation will be given to three families from La Farge that had significant damage to their homes from the flooding. A video was shown at the assembly in La Farge today that included some of Coulee Montessori and Northside students telling why they donated. The La Farge students also sang a Thank You for the students and staff at our schools. The families receiving the donations also attended the assembly and were very grateful. Please click on the links to view the video shown at the assembly and the Thank You song shown at the assembly. Please feel free to contact us if we can assist you or your child in any way. Northside Students & Families Melani Fay (608)789-6747

Coulee Montessori Students & Families Heather Gartner The ZONES of Regulation® (608)789-6739

This month we have been reviewing the Zones of Regulation with the students in their classrooms and continue to implement this program throughout the whole school to help him/her gain skills in the area of self-regulation. Self-regulation is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation. For example, when a student plays on the playground or in a competitive game, it is beneficial to have a higher state of alertness. However, that same state would not be appropriate in the library. The lessons and learning activities are designed to help the students recognize when they are in the different zones as well as learn how to use strategies to change or stay in the zone they are in. In addition to addressing self-regulation, the students will gain an increased vocabulary of feeling words, skills in reading other people’s facial expressions, perspectives about how others see and react to their behavior, insight into events that trigger their behavior, calming and alerting strategies, and problem solving skills.

A critical aspect of this curriculum is that all team members know and understand The Zones language. This creates a comfortable and supportive environment for the student to practice his or her self-regulation skills. It also helps the student learn the skills more quickly and be more likely to apply them in many situations. You can support the student during this process by doing the following:

• Use the language and talk about the concepts of The Zones as they apply to you in a variety of environments. Make comments aloud so the student understands it is natural that we all experience the different zones and use strategies to control (or regulate) ourselves. For example, “This is really frustrating and making me go into the Yellow Zone. I need to use a tool to calm down. I will take some deep breaths.”

• Help the student gain awareness of his or her zones and feelings by pointing out your observations.

• Talk about what zone is “expected” in the situation or how a zone may have been “unexpected.”

• Share with the student how his or her behavior is affecting the zone you are in and how you feel.

• Help the student become comfortable using the language to communicate his or her feelings and needs by encouraging the student to share his or her zone with you.

• Show interest in learning about the student’s triggers and Zones tools. Ask the student if he or she wants reminders to use these tools and how you should present these reminders.

• Ask the student to frequently share his or her Zones Folder with you and talk about what he or she has learned.

• Make sure you frequently reinforce the student for being in the expected zone rather than only pointing out when his or her zone is unexpected.

It is important to note that everyone experiences all of the zones—the Red and Yellow Zones are not the “bad” or “naughty” zones. All of the zones are expected at one time or another. The Zones of Regulation is intended to be neutral and not communicate judgment.

Hello Families!

My name is Amoreena Rathke and I am the full-time art teacher for Northside Elementary. This is my 13th year on the Northside and I’m happy to be spending it with your children!

You may have heard about something we are doing at Northside because we want to help our students learn self-regulation, increase focus, and also increase well-being. Each day after lunch, children can go into the gym for ten minutes of mindfulness/yoga practice. There are so many benefits to just five minutes of meditation/yoga a day! One of the biggest reasons we were interested in a school-wide practice of mindfulness is because it helps counteract stress on a cellular level. Over the course of the school year, I plan to share more of the benefits of mindfulness/yoga and give suggestions and tips for cultivating a mindfulness/yoga practice at home.

Creating art is a wonderful way to practice mindfulness, the act of creating often allows us to focus with intent while hopefully ignoring some of the stressors of life. In fact, in several recent research studies, creating art for thirty minutes reduced the stress response by up to 40%, even when the study participants had no prior artmaking experience.

At the start of each art class, we practice what I call a “Mindful Minute”. This is a short breathing exercise and we also say a positive affirmation, which may be something along the lines of, “I am creative and today I will use creativity to solve a problem.” A one-minute mindfulness activity can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn signals a relaxation response, resulting in a lower heartrate. I don’t force children to do this, they can participate if they choose and most do. I’ve noticed a big difference in the focus and attention of students after our Mindful Minute, especially when we forget to do it!

If you are interested in trying our Mindful Minute at home, here is our breath sequence: • Inhale, hold breath for a 4 count; exhale to a 4 count. • Inhale, hold breath for an 8 count; exhale. • Repeat 3 times. • Positive Affirmation (we say it three times) • One final inhale and exhale.

If focused breathing isn’t your thing, but you still want to experience mindfulness and art, you could try create a Zentangle. Basically, a Zentangle is a focused doodle! If you’ve ever been on the phone or in a class or meeting and started drawing, you have already created a Zentangle!

Here is a great website to get you started: https://zentangle.com/pages/get-started

Many of the popular “adult” coloring books are based on Zentangles and coloring is another way to trigger the relaxation response!

Kindergarteners met Sammy the Shelf Marker and learned the Browsing Stick Hokey Pokey to help them keep our library shelves neat! 1st graders learned about Just Right non-fiction books and how they are grouped by subject using the Dewey Decimal System. 2nd graders played musical books and practiced their IPICK skills. 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students reviewed call numbers, ABC order, and using our online catalog, Destiny to find books quickly in the library. Our 4th and 5th grade students were introduced to their Destiny accounts and how to checkout ebooks on their iPads! Children's House practiced cutting & gluing geometric shapes to create original robots. They also added a variety of buttons, beads and beans for more details.

CM E2 students were given two magazine images to create a drawing based on the book “What do you do with an Idea”. What creativity and imagination!

Just in time for Halloween! Northside 5th graders made these creative masks!

CM Kindergarten students have been learning about “making their mark” in art based on the book “The Dot”.

CM E2 students have created collaborative circle art pieces based on the book, “The Dot”. Each is very unique as is each student. Great work and creativity! Northside First Grade has been working hard on learning partners of 5 in math. They are learning that numbers can be decomposed into smaller numbers. This month they used counters, number bonds, and circles to practice. Last week, they made a game to take home and practice with their families. They also enjoy making math choices to practice their new learning.

First grade also went on a field trip to Hidden Trails Corn Maze. Students had a fantastic time on a wagon ride, feeding goats, going on a hunt in the corn maze, and playing in the play area. E1 has enjoyed their first two field trips of the school year. They went to Deep Roots Community Farm in September where they enjoyed a picnic lunch and learned about seeds, caring for animals, different types of leaves, and had fun catching insects. In October, they visited the Planetarium at UWL to further their Astronomy studies after hearing The First Great Lesson: The Beginning of the Universe. Mr. Enjoyed a SLIME PARTY for Allen showed them the raising the most money during the Coins for Kids night sky and taught Coin Drive! them about the moon, stars/constellations, and the planets. You may have noticed one of our new TAs Ms. Kessling working Cassie Koch is our other new TA and you’ve probably seen hard to help students into the building on the Kane Street side her helping students all over the school, as well as in the our building, or working with students in the Yellow Room. A Yellow Room. Cassie graduated from Western Technical little background on Verneda: She comes to us with a lot of College in December of 2017. She is originally from Monroe, experience working with children of all abilities. She enjoys WI where they celebrate Cheesedays!! She has lived in La working with children and seeing them meet their goals and over Crosse for 5 years now, all of which she worked at The Union come challenges. Verneda has a 13 year-old daughter who Market at WTC while attending college. Cassie has a attends Onalaska MS, they live with her boyfriend Josh, and Dachshund named Ava and likes to spend time with her their Siberian Husky named Stormy completes their family. On family. She also loves to travel with her boyfriend, together the weekends, she works in the Kwik Trip kitchen factory. they have visited 23 states, as well as Canada! . She is a Verneda can wrap over 5 sandwiches in 1 minute! Her other Disney fanatic as well as collector of vinyl records. Since she favorite things include Mickey Mouse and the Green Bay was in Kindergarten, Cassie has wanted to work in the Packers. She is looking forward to working with all the children education field and is very excited to be here at Northside at NSE/CM and finds everyone here to be a great delight. and Coulee Montessori. Salvation Army Christmas Food Toys for Tots Program Baskets and the Angel Giving Tree Program The “Toys for Tots” program provides free toys to children, ages 0-12, whose parent or • Call the Salvation Army now (608-782-6126) guardian registers with the organization in to set up a time to register. conjunction with The Salvation Army. Parents/guardians will • Registration dates are Saturday, November 3 need to list their children’s age, gender, and interests such as games, dolls, or trucks. and Monday, November 5 from 8am-4pm. • Distribution is December 15 and 18. • Hmong interpreters will be available both • If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Toys For Tots group at [email protected] registration days. • Distribution will be December 18th at the Salvation Army warehouse.

First Free Gift Up Program • Visit their website for more information.

• Gift Up is a local Christmas giving program for up to 50 low-income individuals/families. Catholic Charities Christmas Store and Sponsor-a-Family • Participants choose to sign up for our program because they want to have a chance to give back to the community they are receiving from. • People who are not sponsored through another community project • Participants volunteer in our community in October and November can sign up to go through the Christ- with the potential to receive up to $225 in assistance towards mas Store and get 1-2 new or gently purchasing Christmas gifts for their loved ones. used items per person. • For more information on this program, contact Shannon Rutz at • The store is open December 12, 13, [email protected] or 715-575-3475. 17, & 18 from 9am-3pm.

• Sign Up Online or call 608-518-8011 The Salvation Army and Catholic Charities collaborate for “Coats for Kids”

Items needed (new or gently used): hats, mittens, La Crosse County scarves, snow pants, coats, and other types of Holiday for Goodness Sake Program winter clothing. Waterproof items are preferred. Larger sizes (XL+) are the biggest need. By invitation only, Social Workers identify current clients in need and nominate them to participate. Donated items for ALL AGES will be accepted at the following locations: The program typically serves about 800 people, • The Salvation Army of La Crosse: 223 N. 8th St., La Crosse and more through an extra gift giveaway. • All Kwik Trips in La Crosse, Onalaska, Holmen, West Salem, and Stoddard • Union State Bank in West Salem • Catholic Charities: 413 3rd St. S., La Crosse

Starting Monday, November 12, Catholic Charities will be distributing the items during regular intake times on Mondays from 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm until March or April depending on the weather and as long as supplies last. Visit their website for more information. Lunch Times School Meal Prices

CM - 12:00pm Student Lunch KG - 11:15am Full Price: $2.80 1st - 12:15pm Reduced Price: $0.40 Milk: $0.50 2nd - 11:30pm Student Breakfast 3rd - 11:00am Full Price: $1.60 4th - 11:45am Reduced Price: $0.30 5th - 12:30pm Adult Pricing Breakfast: $2.50 Lunch: $3.85 Milk: $0.50 The first bell rings at 8:10am to signal student’s should head to their classrooms. Students should be in their classrooms when the 2nd bell rings at 8:15am. Any student arriving to class after the 8:15am bell will be marked tardy. If arriving to school after the 8:15 bell, students must enter through the main entrance on Kane St. and be signed in at the office. Punctuality is important! Students who are late for school interrupt the classroom and miss valuable instruction and work time.

The end of the day bell rings at 2:55pm. Students leaving school early will be marked absent, similar to a tardy. Attendance Policy Reminder It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to call the office by 9:00am each day that the student is absent. A message may be left at anytime before, during, or after school. If a student is arriving tardy or from an appointment, the parent/guardian should come into the office with their student to sign them in. If a student needs to leave school before the end of the day, the parent/guardian should come into the office, sign out their student, and the office will call the student down. If a student is missing two or more days of school due to vacation, scheduled surgery, etc. an Excused Absence Request should be filled out in the office for principal approval. Northside Elementary and Coulee Montessori will again utilize our computerized auto-calling system, Skylert, for attendance purposes. Skylert is a device that plugs into our existing computer system. It has the capability of reading the absence report and can automatically call parents/guardians when their students are reported absent without reason. A pre-recorded message will be received by parents/guardians at 10:00am informing them that their student was marked absent. The parent will then be instructed to call the Attendance Office to update their student’s attendance record. It is up to the parent/guardian to resolve each absence; failure to re- solve an absence will result in truancy. Thank you for your cooperation!

Attendance Office:

(608)789-7970 Share a love of reading at November 9 Give-a-Gift event

Community members will have a new opportunity to help instill a love of reading in La Crosse school students at this year’s “Give-a-Gift” event at the La Crosse Public Library on November 9. For the first time, the library is partnering with the School District of La Crosse and the La Crosse Public Education Foundation (LPEF) to provide books for elementary school classroom libraries, putting a variety of books at the fingertips of stu- dents.

“The La Crosse Public Library is delighted to partner with the La Crosse School District on this year’s Give-a- Gift fundraiser,” said La Crosse Public Library director Kelly Krieg-Sigman. “This lovely event is a great opportunity for our two public institutions to come together and share in our dedication to promote reading and learning both in and out of the classroom.”

Hundreds of books will be available for attendees to donate in honor of someone special. The partners plan to continue this effort in the future and each year a different grade level will be featured until the need for classroom library books is met.

“There are few things more valuable in the educational process than instilling the love of reading in a child,” said School District of La Crosse supervisor of academic programs and staff development Rob Tyvoll. “The fact that well-developed classroom libraries are easily accessible, cover a range of reading levels, and are specific to a classroom means that students can always be assured of having these books on hand. They are a powerful resource toward advancing literacy in our young readers.”

Encourage your friends, neighbors, and school supporters to participate by attending the “Give-a-Gift” event on November 9, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the library's main branch, 800 Main Street in downtown La Crosse. As a special incentive for supporting this partnership, you will receive an exclusive library gift bag when you donate $100 or more to help purchase books for the district.

“La Crosse is a community of readers and this is a great opportunity for library patrons to share their joy of reading with youngsters in the La Crosse public schools,” said La Crosse Public Education executive director David Stoeffler. “Our thanks to the library for opening up this opportunity to partner with them and the district to bring new books directly into school classrooms.” Highly Qualified Teachers

The School district of La Crosse takes pride in hiring only highly qualified teachers. This means they all are fully trained, certified and often experienced in the position they teach. Our faculty consistently has a high percentage of advanced degrees, and we do a good job of retaining some of the top staff in the state and the nation. Life events, such as retirement, childbirth or illness sometimes cause a need for a long-term substitute teacher. When this happens we always make every effort to hire a highly qualified substitute. All are certified teachers and most are licensed in the area in which they are substituting. In rare cases it may be impossible to find a teacher with a particular certification, such as special education. This may result in the district asking the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for an emergency license for such a teacher. If you ever have any questions about the certification of any of our staff, please call me, (Laura Huber), principal of (Northside Elementary/Coulee Montessori).

Links for District Pages

District Website School Breakfast/Lunch Menu

Skyward Family Access Volunteer Application

District Enrollment Page District Facebook Page

4-Year-Old Preschool Cultural & Family Connections

Choice & Charter Opportunities Community Services

After School Programs Homeless Services

District Special Education Other District Parent Resources November Kale

Nutrition Info One cup of kale has 35 calories and provides vitamins A & C, calcium and potassium.

Fun Facts Kale actually tastes sweeter after it is frozen or exposed to frost! Look for it at fall or winter farmers’ markets for best flavor.

Kale can be green, white, reddish green, purple, or bluish green and Pick: the leaves can be many shapes depending on variety. •Look for kale with deeply colored leaves and moist Curly kale is the most popular variety, and is most likely to be found stems. Avoid kale with wilted in grocery stores. Look for other varieties like Lacinato (or Dino) leaves. kale or Red Russian at farmers’ markets!

•Choose kale with smaller- Uses sized leaves since these will Substitute kale in recipes that use spinach or collard greens or add generally be more tender and chopped fresh or frozen kale to vegetable or bean soups. have a more mild flavor. Kale can be used to make a green smoothie! Remove the stems from Store: kale leaves, and blend with frozen fruit, yogurt and milk. •Kale can be stored unwashed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several days. Farm2School Updates Did you know that Wednesday, November 15th is the Wisconsin Chili •The longer it is stored, the Lunch? Schools, preschools, daycares, hospitals, worksites and more bitter its flavor becomes. other organizations across Wisconsin will be serving Farm2School Chili. Prepare: This delicious dish is minimally processed and is made with hearty beans and local veggies that were frozen during their peak •Remove the tough center season. Find the recipe on the back page and give it a try at stalk and rinse under cold home! water before using. Farm2School Chili was originally developed by our Coulee Region Farm2School Program and is now being used statewide!

Coulee Region Farm2School is a partnership between La Crosse County Health Department, Mayo Clinic Health System – Franciscan Healthcare, Gundersen Health System, and the School Districts of Bangor, Holmen, La Crescent-Hokah, La Crosse, Onalaska, and West Salem. Creamy Sausage and Kale Soup: Serves 10

Ingredients: Ingredients: 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided Heat 1 Tbsp. oil in a large pot over medium-high. Add 1 pound Italian sausage (remove casings) the sausage and cook until browned. Remove from 4 carrots, chopped the pan and set aside. To the pan, add the remaining ½ red onion, diced oil along with the carrots and onions. Sauté about 6 4 garlic cloves, minced minutes, until they begin to soften. Season with a 1 (28 oz.) can fire roasted diced tomatoes pinch of salt and pepper. Add the garlic and sauté 8 cups chicken stock another 30 seconds. 4-5 cups diced kale Add the tomatoes, stock, kale, pasta and the reserved 1 cup half and half sausage. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a 1 cup whole wheat pasta (rotini or other simmer for about ten minutes, wilting the kale. small shape) Add the half and half and simmer for few more freshly grated parmesan minutes. Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. salt and pepper to taste Sprinkle with parmesan and serve.

For more information on Farm2School visit: www.laxF2S.org.

BONUS RECIPE: Farm2School Chili Serves 11

Ingredients: 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 ¾ cups frozen corn 1 cup diced onions 2 (14.5 ounce) cans diced tomatoes, undrained 3/4 cup diced carrots 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, undrained 3/4 cup diced celery 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, undrained 1 tsp. granulated garlic (or garlic powder) 1 Tbsp. ground cumin 1 Tbsp. chili powder 1/2 Tbsp. dried oregano 1 cup diced green bell pepper 1/2 Tbsp. dried basil 1 cup diced red bell peppers 1/2 tsp. salt 1 ½ cups diced mushrooms shredded cheddar cheese

Directions: Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add onions, celery and carrots and sauté until tender. Stir in the bell peppers, garlic powder and chili powder. Cook about 6 minutes. Stir in the mushrooms and frozen corn. Cook about 5 minutes and test to make sure all vegetables are tender. Add cooking time if needed. Stir in tomatoes, kidney and black beans. Season with oregano, cumin, basil and salt. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve warm, topped with shredded cheddar cheese! Chili Nutrition Facts (per 1 cup serving): 150 calories, 2 g fat, 7 g protein, 27 g carbohydrate, 7 g fiber, 275 mg sodium

Coulee Region Farm2School is a partnership between La Crosse County Health Department, Mayo Clinic Health System – Franciscan Healthcare, Gundersen Health System, and the School Districts of Bangor, Holmen, La Crescent-Hokah, La Crosse, Onalaska, and West Salem. 10/31/2018 MealViewer Schools

Lunch / Northside/Coulee Montessori NOVEMBER 2018

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 Chicken Gyro /Flatbread Fish Sticks Homemade Cheese Pizza Cheeseburger on WG Bun Yogurt Lunch Yogurt Lunch Fresh Veggie Bar Oven Fries Assorted Fresh Fruit Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Canned Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit WG Snack Crackers Assorted Canned Fruit Chocolate Fat Free Milk WG Snack Crackers Lowfat White Milk Chocolate Fat Free Milk Cucumber Sauce Lowfat White Milk Burger Fixins 5 6 7 8 9 Macaroni & Cheese Herb Roasted Chicken Orange Chicken Turkey Club Sandwich Mini Corn Dogs Hot Dog /Bun Hot Italian Sub EZ Jammer Homemade Sausage Sloppy Joe on Bun Yogurt Lunch Yogurt Lunch Yogurt Lunch Pizza Yogurt Lunch Carrot Coins Fresh Veggie Bar Roasted Veggies Yogurt Lunch Smiley Fries Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Fresh Veggie Bar Green Beans Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Dinner Roll Assorted Canned Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Seasoned Breadstick Chocolate Fat Free Milk Brown Rice Assorted Canned Fruit WG Cookie Chocolate Fat Free Milk Lowfat White Milk Apple Oatmeal Bar WG Snack Crackers Chocolate Fat Free Milk Lowfat White Milk Mashed Potatoes Chocolate Fat Free Milk Chocolate Fat Free Milk Lowfat White Milk Hot Dog Fixins Lowfat White Milk Lowfat White Milk 12 13 14 15 16 Macaroni & Cheese Chicken Patty Sandwich Sausage Patty Wisconsin Chili Spaghetti Sauce w/Meat Chicken Nuggets Meatballs & Gravy served with Homemade Cheese Pizza served over Yogurt Lunch Yogurt Lunch French Toast Sticks Yogurt Lunch WG Pasta Roasted Broccoli Fresh Veggie Bar Smoked Turkey Deli Sub Fresh Veggie Bar Cheese Filled Breadstick Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Yogurt Lunch Assorted Fresh Fruit Yogurt Lunch Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Potato Wedges Assorted Canned Fruit Green Beans Assorted Canned Fruit Assorted Graham Snacks Fresh Veggie Bar WG Cornbread Fresh Veggie Bar WG Snack Crackers Dinner Roll Assorted Canned Fruit Chocolate Fat Free Milk Assorted Fresh Fruit WG Seasoned Breadstick Chocolate Fat Free Milk Assorted Fresh Fruit Lowfat White Milk Assorted Canned Fruit Chocolate Fat Free Milk Lowfat White Milk WG Snack Crackers Garlic Toast Lowfat White Milk Mashed Potatoes Lowfat White Milk WG Snack Crackers Chicken Nugget Sauces Chocolate Fat Free Milk Chocolate Fat Free Milk Lite Mayo Packet Lowfat White Milk Mustard Packet Marinara Sauce 19 20 21 22 23 Chicken Tenders Roast Turkey & Gravy No School No School No School Cuban on Flatbread Hamburger on WG Bun Yogurt Lunch Yogurt Lunch Honey Glazed Carrots Fresh Veggie Bar Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Dinner Roll WG Seasoned Breadstick WG Cookie Chocolate Fat Free Milk Chocolate Fat Free Milk Lowfat White Milk Lowfat White Milk Chicken Nugget Sauces Ketchup Packet Mashed Potatoes 26 27 28 29 30 Meatball Sub Pork Street Taco Colby Omelet Chicken Patty Sandwich Chicken Potato Bowl Popcorn Chicken Toasted Cheese Sandwich served with Homemade Pepperoni Cheese Filled Breadstick Yogurt Lunch Yogurt Lunch Buttermilk Pancakes Pizza Yogurt Lunch Roasted Veggies Salsa EZ Jammer Yogurt Lunch Corn Fresh Veggie Bar Fiesta Black Beans Yogurt Lunch Baked Beans Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Fresh Veggie Bar Potato Babycakes Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Fresh Veggie Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit WG Snack Crackers Assorted Canned Fruit Assorted Fresh Fruit Assorted Canned Fruit Seasoned Breadstick Chocolate Fat Free Milk Assorted Graham Snacks Assorted Canned Fruit WG Snack Crackers Chocolate Fat Free Milk Lowfat White Milk Chocolate Fat Free Milk Apple Oatmeal Bar Mini Rice Krispies Treat Lowfat White Milk Chicken Nugget Sauces Lowfat White Milk Chocolate Fat Free Milk Chocolate Fat Free Milk Marinara Sauce Tomato Soup Lowfat White Milk Lowfat White Milk Syrup Chicken Nugget Sauces

https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/NorthsideCouleeMontesorri/print?month=10&year=2018&blockId=1045 1/2