NEWS LETTER Published by News Research Service, Inc., 727 W
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NEWS LETTER Published by News Research Service, Inc., 727 W. Seventh Street, Los Angeles, California Spate permits only highlighting of news. More detailed information is available to serious Students and Writers. Figures In Text indicate Ref-I No.118. December 4,19401 immat erence Notes at end of Issue. ALIBI FRONT OF AMERICA-NAZIS CRACKS Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. --Samuel Johnson Subversivists of all persuasions, once uncovered, promptly seize upon the Stars and Stripes as their most effective camouflage. This abuse of the flag is resorted to not only by foreign-born Nazi propagandists but also by native- P-erican adherents of Hitler. Almost daily, new cases of both types are ex- 3ed, many of them reaching spectacular proportions. For the present, NEWS LETTER unfolds cases involving Dr. Friedrich E. Au- hagen 1 ), Dr. Edmond F. Kohl and George Sylvester Viereck 2), all German-born. Counterparts of native-born anti-Democratic agitators will be presented in an- early issue, when, among others, the activities of G. Allison Phelps will be analyzed. This is the man who daily, via radio station KMTR, Los Angeles, un- 'eashes a half-hour salvo calculated to arouse racial antagonisms. Using many if Doktor Goebbels' stock arguments, Phelps resorts to the same bag of tricks which underlings of the Reich Propaganda Ministry employ, especially "flag mouflagefl. To this end, Phelps incesTs G F. I! 'TER flEFFFICK. .santly repeats: "I preach Americanise. To deal first with the Nazi brand of anti-Democratic subversivists: NEWS LETTER, on January 4th, last, reproduced a rather chummy letter (il. luStration on page 2) written by Dr. ...9.C7V9 ^ Herbert Scholz 3), German Consul Gener- '.917 al at Boston, Mass. Addressed to "Dear Auhagen", it promised guidance for the- M,- 9,e editorial conduct of "Today's Challenge" 99.e 4), organ of the "American Fellowship Forum" 5), Offering in evidence a fac- 14 -9,,,S1.41 not 7 9 917 9 " simile of this letter, written on offi- cial Consulate stationery, NEWS LETTER- pointed out that it conclusively proved intimate cooperation between the German government and the publishers of "To- day's Challenge". Subsequently, Reich Consul Scholz indiscreet document was reprinted in many newspapers from coast to coast; it also appeared in Ler Aul- bau (Reconstruction), a German-language, PhCstnitle of Mr. G. S. Vteredk's let- strongly anti-Nazi periodical, published ter addressed to AIRS. Story on page 7. in New York City. Page 2. As a result, all these publications were veritably inundated by "Letters to the Editor". This avalanche of protest had been unloosed by officers of the "American Fellowship Forum", all of them zealously averring that this or- ganization and "Today's Challenge" had no Nazi affiliations at all. The edi- tor, and members of his advisory committee, seemed greatly incensed at being mentioned in the same breath with Goebbels et al. Studying these letters, certain resemblances as to approach of subject, and such logic of denial as they were supposed to contain, stand out strik- ingly. In every letter, the emphatic statement occurs that the writers, far from being Nazis, are good American patriots, and will have absolutely no truck whatever with those terrible Nazis....above all, not in such matters as their treatment of "non-Aryan" minorities. In this way, all "writers-in" try to sidestep the subject under discussion so as to make it appear as if anti-Semitism, and not Nazism, is the case in point. The Philo-Semitic Red Herring No sooner had Der Aufbau reproduced from NEWS LETTER Reich Consul Scholz' indiscreet note, than its editor, Dr. Manfred George, received, within 24 hours, first Auhagen's (facsimile on page 3) and then Kohl's protest (facsimile on pages 4 and 5). The latter, a physicit edirm Zmwntat Loom salic. 24. ;all 1939. fitert lives at 313 East 86th Street, New York City -- that is, right in the very heart 3236. of the Yorkville (Klein Deutschland) EeTri :T. P. Auhagen neighborhood -- naturally enough drawing TJ1h;.3 Challen4e,Inc. most of his clientele from that region. 11 '.eat 42nd Street New Toth City. Auhagen, in his letter, written in English on the stationery of "Today's Lieber Auhucen! Challenge" -- then still a bi-monthly but HerzlicLen Danz fUr Ihr Sctr*lben won soon thereafter reduced to "The Forum Ob- &ma 18. Jul: 1939. Ion c..chte Ihnen wersinharn, server" 6) andsnow suspended mounts Ihre Zeitschrift "Today's Challenge' bier in Boston his high horse, stating: b.' :':eren ireunden durobaus Eindruck oerscht hat und diem weiteste 'ierbreitung gefunden hat und ....UPon mature consideration, I such noch finden wird. have deciided against writing:an an- Icl male nleht mregusen, Sie bei =eines swer for publication. I feel that. nehheien Auferthelt in New York Anzurqfer. isait in trying to refute those charges, wit uns Uher verschledene Problem unterhalten would act according to the old prov- nen. erb, "Qui :'excuse, s'accuse", My kit nochaals bests& Dank und freundlichen publication, "Today's Challenge", GrUesen Ihr really speaks for i tself. Anyone who would take the trouble of read-; ing the current issue of the maga- (Dr.idtrbert Scholz) zine must come to the conclusion DEUTSCH:3! KJ3SUG. that the-, allegations'. persistently spread about our publication by the Reproduction from NRS #64 of facsimile of letter which Dr. hrbert'Seholzo German Consul at Boston, bass., sent to Auhagen,- then guiding spirit: of "Today's Challenge". Translation follows: Sincere thanks for your letter of July 18, 1939. I want to assure 'you that your periodical, "Today's Challenge", has greatly impressed our friends here in Boston. It found widest circulation and will continue. to do so. I shall not neglect to telephone you the next time I am in New York KLrio. (Underscoring by NRS) Thankin4Yed.OnCikrioirtal- greetings, Yours, (signed) Scholz Dr. Herbert Scholz, German Consul Page 3. News Research Service of Los Angeles TODAYS are without any substance whatsoever. CHALLENGE As far as the letter of Dr. Herbert IIII111,476111 TTTTTT Scholz is concerned, it carries all Amory 13. 1140 the earmarks of a polite note dictat- ed without much thought to what im- M. Wastrel George. Germas”Joirisk Club. lee.. plications an unfriendly reader might lei bat Sew Terk.air. T. draw. The very fact that the letter Door Sir, was written at all ought to be suffi- This Is to seattra our telephone seawereatioa et posterior cient proof against the fact that reording the artielo prises' to the 'Aufbau. odder the title. Crewel amides Aelob Promos& is V.S.A.' Is the worse of ens see- "Today's Challenge" is inspired by vereatioa. you were bled enough to otter to print ny weer to Si bargee able is the above.oentlease artist.. German authorities, above all by the Oyes mature ommaideratioa. I hare headed ageism% writing Consul in Boston. vele as 1111111•111, Is pabliestioa. I toll that is tale( to rolbte these shore's. I weld met seeerdieg,twtho old preuarb. %el s'eassee. After this, Auhagen reaches for his us- e.aboble. 10, publication: •Temisei madame, son117 gate fur its lt. ase.• vibe would take tie Waldo *treading the berme ual philo-Semitic eye-wash, and continues: limos et ill magazine east Sow to the ovaslueloe that the .1 tMam p.relmtrmtlTabout our As •• • .The main reason for my call- • ae all the earmarks eta p1111. este &ae without nosh ;height tombs! ing you yesterday was to satisfy my lepliostleas me eatrieedly,reader sight Grew. lin very feet that Si Lotter ism iiittes at all ought to be altfieleit poet spinet the own curiosity as to what motives were test theOtelly's Challenge la imegrel by Germs authorities above all by the Gessal la bobs.foreever. I Nit warier uhs■ber behind the publication of the above- Si sot, inbliesties, et this letter might mot orate *caw lases, pepyle.s dads whether it had met bees stolen tram either is filee mentioned article. As I told you, and er free Vie sails. as many people around New York do know, Tot-slosh et that. Ife vale reams foray ealliag yea yesterdwwse ol y is wri.dy aS 'owlet motives gore I have at all times expressed myself Wiled the pablieitiee the aboremasktiemod artlele. As I tag you. wad as sem people erOlad Row Taft is Woe. I hese at all times against the persecution of the jewe in *pressed wed/ against thipersoeutiess et Ike ,Nos is Oftrobilr. Iheretire I vas met a little surprised to is s retinae. paper stead, Germany. Therefore, I was not a lit- ae. Ole beth.beessos et his holly bibegrowed as well es hie is dowild be • Mild rather %bra is any at ths oppressed tle surprised to see a refugee paper Jewish wearily is Ours. I shall be glad to tarnish you with maple widow of this list it you, veld ewe Ile veil es is laws (Der Aufbau) attack me, who both be- ettles. It aeons tome bat a group if rennet inalgreets &sold be very biretta et the my is obits they plot Their seal...- I should cause of his family backgrouhd as well as his own activity, should be a. friend rather than an enemy of the oppressed PACE TWO TODAY'S CHALLENGE. INC II WEST 42.• ST, NIT YOLK, N. Jewish minority in Germany. I shall be glad to furnish you with ample evidence' of this fact if you would care to' call 2 Ulla the experleasse of your people is 0.remby eight asks on me in my office. this jest a little erre eastiews is reepoet to their settees as this side *tile, Atlantis.