4542 the London Gazette, 21 August, 1953
4542 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 21 AUGUST, 1953 Railway Line by way of an overhead reinforced Standish—Hope Cottage, Gloucester Road, Stone- concrete footbridge with approaches. house. A certified copy of the Order and of the map con- Tirley—Torsend Cottage, Tirley. tained in the Order as confirmed by the Minister has Twigworth—c/o Mr. E. J. Jones, Far End, Twig- been deposited at the Council Offices, Argyle Road* worth. Sevenoaks, and will be open for inspection free of Upton St. Leonards—'Village Hall, Upton St. charge between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on Leonards. Weekdays and between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on Westbury-on-Severn—Lecture Hall, Westbury-on- Saturday. Severn. The Order becomes operative as from 'the 21st Whitminster—c/o iMr. A. E. Wyer, The Garage, day of August, 1953, but if any person aggrieved Whitminster. by the Order desires to question the validity thereof In exceptional circumstances special arrangements or of any provision contained therein on the grounds will be made for the draft map and statement to be that it is not within the powers of the National Parks inspected out of office hours. and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, or on the Any objection or representation with respect to ground -that any requirement of the Act or any the draft map or statement may be sent in writ- regulation made thereunder has not been complied ing to the undersigned before the 30th day of April, with in relation to the approval of the Order he 1954, and any such objection or representation should may.
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