Scarth, H M, on the Traces of Camps and Ancient Earth-Works Still
98 PAPERS, ETC. (Dn tjje €nm nf Cflni|i0 anil Slnrient (Bart|i-‘S)nrk0 still Existing arnnnii ’iatfj anil in tjjx jleigljlinarljanii. BY THE REV. H. M. SCARTH, M.A. rj^HERE are no traces of human labour so lasting as i mounds or earth-works— none which in all the vicissitudes through which society passes in the lapse of ages, retain their characters with so little variation—none which so completely defy the hand of time, and provoke less the ravages of man. While lofty buildings are de- stroyed for the sake of their materials, when they have once fallen into disuse, and few edifices are suffered to continue unless they can be converted to other purposes, and so turned to profitable account—the earth-work con- tinues the same, or with very little alteration, from the time that it was neglected, or abandoned as a place of defence, or forgotten as a boundary-line, or unused as a road, or ceased to be regarded as a place marking the repose of the dead, who it may be had fallen in battle. ON ANCIENT CAMPS AND EARTH-WORKS. 99 In certain places where the land is adapted for the purposes of agriculture, there these land-marks of the history of former ages have gradually been effaced by the use of the plough, or the soil spread around with the object of im- proving the fertility of the land ; but as earth-works for the most part occur on high lands, or barren hills, or on moors unsuited for cultivation, they remain much in the same state as when they ceased to be occupied for defen- sive and other purposes, except that the gradual decay of herbage, and its reproduction, as well as the washing of the rain and winter floods, tend in some degree to bring them gradually to a level surface.
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