NRA Severn-Trent 30


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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Catchment Management Planning 1 The Catchment Management Plan Process 2

YOUR VIEWS 2 Vision Statement 3


CATCHMENT OVERVIEW 8 Introduction 8 ► Land Use 9 Geology 10 Hydrology 10 Water Resources 11 Water Quality 12 Flood Defence 13 Fisheries 15 Conservation, Landscape and Heritage 15 Recreation and Navigation 16 Infrastructure 17



099822 INTRODUCTION The National Rivers Authority (NRA) was created in 1989 as an independent agency in and Wales to protect and improve the water environment. The NRA has a wide range o f responsibilities for the control of the water environment, in particular: • conservation of water resources • pollution control • flood defence and flood warning • maintenance and improvements o f fisheries • nature conservation in water related habitats • promotion of water based recreation • control of navigation in some areas

CATCHMENT The NRA’s vision for the future is of a healthy and diverse water MANAGEMENT PLANNING environment managed in an environmentally sustainable way balancing the needs of all users of water. To achieve this vision, the NRA is taking an integrated approach (ie bringing together its own activities and those of other groups and organisations) to management o f river catchments.

A river catchment is an area of land which is drained by a river system. In the case of the River Severn the catchment has been split into three plans to cover its Upper, Middle and Lower reaches. River Severn Lower Reaches covers the lower River Severn below its confluence with the near Worcester to its tidal limit at . The plan includes the Forest of Dean, Leadon, Frome. Cam and Little Avon sub-catchments and also for which NRA Severn-Trent Region has flood defence, fisheries, conservation and recreation responsibilities. Some o f these sub-catchments surround the upper estuary, but the estuary itself will be the subject of its own CMP in 1996.

It is the NRA’s view that the most effective way of balancing all interests is through the prtxluction of Catchment Management Plans (CMPs). This involves the NRA using its powers and working with others to ensure that the rivers, lakes, coastal and underground waters are protected and improved for the sake of future generations.

1 THE CATCHMENT The production o f a CMP is a two stage process. The first stage MANAGEMENT PLAN is The Consultation Report of which this summary forms a part . The second stage is the production of the Action Plan following a PROCESS formal consultation period. The Action Plan includes a programme of actions to be undertaken by the NRA and other groups in the catchment over the next 5 years. The implementation o f the Action Plan will be monitored and annual monitoring reports produced. A full review of the catchment will be made at the end of the plan period.

Using this approach the NRA can assess the current state of the water environment and the uses made o f it. Comparisons can then be made with the relevant standards and targets. Where the objectives are not being met, the shortfalls together with the options to resolve them, are presented as issues. Catchment Management Plans provide the link between the NRA and users o f water, in order for the Authority to better reflect their interests while carrying out its duties.

This booklet summarises the Consultation Report and highlights the major issues in the catchment. A detailed analysis o f the catchment and the issues, is contained in the main report which can be obtained from the address below.

The Report will be available for public consultation for a 2 month period between 22 May 1995 and 28 July 1995.

YOUR VIEWS The CMP is the NRA’s review of the catchment and identifies the key issues that we believe should be resolved.

We need your views to help us with the Action Plan and in particular: • Have we identified all the issues? • What do you think about the options proposed?


Please send your comments in writing. The closing date for response is 28 July 1995.

Requests for further copies of this summary document, the full Consultation Report or further information should be made to: Dr J Everard at the above address or by calling Tewkesbury (01684) 850951.

2 VISION STATEMENT This vision for the catchment describes what the NRA would wish the catchment to be and how it might work toward that vision. This vision is long term and while it may only be partly achieved in the next five years, it is something we can all work towards. The NRA aims

To ensure that water quality is appropriate for the current and future uses o f the catchment. This includes:

• Seeking additional safeguards to protect water supplies by submission of proposals to the Department of Environment that the River Severn and Gloucester- Canal should be designated as Water Protection Zones.

• Working in conjunction with other authorities to control mining activities in the Forest of Dean.

• Ensuring that development or use of contaminated land in , Gloucester, the Forest of Dean and Avonmouth is accompanied by responsible remedial measures.

• Upgrading the quality o f the Rivers Chelt and Frome by sewage treatment works’ improvements and enhancing the quality of the major tributary of the Severn - the Warwickshire Avon, by actions detailed in the Avon’s Catchment Management Plan.

• Seeking adequate rural sewerage systems to serve areas where pollution is evident. Support will be given to local schemes which will employ sensitive and sustainable methods of treatment.

• Reduction o f diffuse nitrate and phosphate pollution by assisting the Ministry of Agriculture in managing Nitrate Vulnerable Zones and proposing to the Department of the Environment that the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal and the Rivers Severn and Leadon be designated as Eutrophic Sensitive Areas.

To protect ground and surface water resources. Particular aims are to:

• Manage the residual flow in the Severn at Gloucester to meet requirements for water supply, navigation and fish migration.

• Restore flow in the Glynch Brook in dry summers. To provide flood defences to reduce the risk to people and property from flooding where this is cost effective and environmentally acceptable, to improve the system o f flood warning in non-tidal rivers and to establish a warning system on the tidal River Severn. Particular aims are to:

• Establish a strategy with Gloucester City using a combination of new roadworks, redevelopment of flood plain fringes, removal o f redundant structures and installation of new flood defences.

• Provide flood alleviation works in Cheltenham in co-operation with Cheltenham Borough Council to give increased flood protection to more than 700 properties.

• To reinstate degraded sections of river corridor to their full potential especially on the Rivers Cam and Frome and the Hatherley, Norman’s and Horsebere Brooks.

• To support and develop recreational activities including restoration of the Stroudwater, Thames and Severn and & Canals where this does not adversely affect other uses.

• To seek the return of otters to the catchment and protect native stocks of brown trout, especially in the Forest of Dean, and crayfish in the Little Avon, from introduced species.

• To improve and protect the fisheries in the catchment, in particular the elver fishery, via fisheries management, habitat and environmental quality improvements.

• To support the development of small scale hydropower schemes where it can be demonstrated that they do not adversely affect other uses of the River Frome or other Cotswold streams.

• To ensure that development at Avonmouth does not reduce the present flood storage capacity or adversely affect wetland ecology by co-operation with and Northavon Councils, the Internal Drainage Board and English Nature.

• To forward the principles of sustainability and environmental protection and enhancement by consultation with local authorities, agencies and developers within the planning process. This includes participation in the formal planning system and via Water Level Management Plans, Coastal and Catchment Management Planning.

The final overall aim encompassing all o f these aspects is a sustainable water environment.




5 KEY DETAILS CATCHMENT DETAILS Area 20 2 2 km J Population 5 1 2 ,2 0 0

TOPOGRAPHY Minimum Level <10m Above Ordnance Datum Maximum Level 425m Above Ordnance Datum Tidal Range (Avonmouth) Mean Spring Tides 12.3m

ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS COUNTY COUNCILS Avon County Council Gloucester County Council & Worcester County Council

DISTRICT COUNCILS Northavon District Council Cheltenham Borough Council Council Forest o f Dean District Council Gloucester City Council District Council Tewkesbury Borough Council Malvern Hills District Council South Herefordshire District Council Wychavon District Council

NRA Severn-Trent Region, Lower Severn Area South Western Region, North Wessex Area

WATER COMPANIES Severn Trent Water pic Bristol Water Co pic Welsh Water pic Thames Water pic Wessex Water pic

INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARDS Longdon & Eldersfield IDB North Gloucestershire IDB West Gloucestershire IDB South Gloucestershire IDB

BRITISH WATERWAYS Gloucester-Sharpness Canal River Severn

6 MAIN TOWNS AND LAND USE The total population o f the catchment is approximately 540,000. Main towns and settlements in the catchment are Gloucester, Cheltenham, Malvern, Avonmouth and Thornbury, Stroud, , Cinderford, and Newent. The main land uses in the catchment are grass 40%, arable 33%, woodland 12% and the urban area 7%.

WATER QUALITY Total classified length 363.8 km Lengths of classified watercourse in each GQA Grade (km.) Grade A 6.2 Grade B 137.5 Grade C 154.6 Grade D 39.4 Grade E 23.6 Grade F 2.5

WATER RESOURCES Average annual rainfall 7 90m m /yr Mean flow o f Severn at Haw Bridge 8 ,9 8 0 Ml/d Total licensed abstraction 307,039 Ml/po

Number of licensed abstractions 605 Comprising groundwater 283 surface water 322

FLOOD DEFENCE Length of main river in catchment 3 49.7 km length of raised flood defences 162 km Area of land at risk from tidal flooding 25,2 0 0 ha Number of properties at risk 2000

FISH ERIES I-ength of watercourses designated under EC Directive for Freshwater Fisheries (78/659/EEC). Salmonid 40 .6 km Cyprinid -Rivers 5 1 .3 km - Canals 5 .0 km

CONSERVATION Number of Sites o f Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) 105 (42 waler based) Number of Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs) 148

7 CATCHMENT OVERVIEW This River Severn Ixjwer Reaches CMP covers the River Severn INTRODUCTION Corridor from its confluence with the River Teme, just south of Worcester, to just below its tidal limit at Gloucester plus the Avonmouth and Severnside areas. The latter have been included in this plan as NRA Severn-Trent Region have Flood Defence responsibilities and associated conservation activities there.

For the purposes o f this CMP and because of its characteristics, the catchment has been split into 6 sub-catchments as detailed below: 1. River Severn Corridor. 2. . 3. Forest of Dean. 4. River Frome. 5. River Cam and Little Avon. 6. Avonmouth.

The River Severn Corridor includes the Malvern Hills and the main towns of Malvern, Cheltenham, Gloucester and at the confluence with the Warwickshire Avon, Tewkesbury. Historically, the River Severn has featured highly in the landscape characteristics of this area and is a focal point for many recreational activities. It is an historic navigation and now provides water supplies to around 1.5 million people. Malvern is world famous for its bottled water source, and “Regency” Cheltenham has some o f the finest architecture in the country. Gloucester old docks have in recent years been renovated with the river now a feature again. Perhaps the most characteristic feature of the area is the which occurs at times of high tide, attracting many sightseers.

The River Leadon is a rural catchment and traditionally an area for hop-growing. This sub-catchment thus generates issues relating to agriculture, in particular the effects o f farm pollution and water abstraction. The adjacent Forest of Dean is a popular area for visitors, but has historic and potential problems related to opencast and deep mining.

The River Frome is characterised by its shape. The steep-sided profile of the river valley with its resultant fast flows has been exploited for wool milling and is currently under scrutiny for its potential for hydropower generation. There is also considerable interest in canal restoration. The Gloucester-Sharpness Canal is not only o f interest as a recreational feature, but also, along with the River Severn, supplies drinking water to Bristol and towns in this catchment.

The south west sub-catchments of the Cam, Little Avon and Avonmouth are areas where coastal defence predominates to protect from flooding. Avonmouth is criss-crossed by small drainage channels or “Rhines” which have been culverted in many cases to act as discharge channels from the extensive chemical works in Avonmouth.

8 Land Use The catchment is predominantly rural, with the population centred on the main urban areas o f Avonmouth, Cheltenham, Cinderford, Gloucester, Great Malvern, Lydney, Stroud, and Thornbury. The total population within the catchment is approximately 512,000, of which 41% is located around Gloucester and Cheltenham.

The majority of development is concentrated around the existing urban areas. Future development within the catchment is to be led by the Statutory Development Plans of the local Planning Authorities.

A large proportion of the total area is under grass cover. The Forest of Dean and areas of the Leadon, Fromc and Cam sub­ catchments contribute to 11.6% o f the catchment being forested. There is also a significant area of arable farmland. Although a proportion o f the Avonmouth sub-catchment is rural, the impact of the Avonmouth chemical industries is highly significant.

9 Geology The characteristics o f the Severn in its south-westerly course is governed by two main geological features. The Welsh border hills to the west are formed of old Palaeozoic rocks and are resistant to erosion, while to the south east, the Cotswold ridge is composed of limestone. In between, the low lying areas of Severn Vale are made of softer clays which make up the main . 70% of the catchment is dominated by clays and mudstones which lie in a broad central band from Worcester southwards to . Owing to their low permeability these strata are classified as Non-Aquifers. The Jurassic Limestones (Inferior Oolite Series) forming the Cotswold escarpment are Major Aquifers and owing to their fissured nature are highly vulnerable to surface derived pollution. Triassic Sandstones outcrop in a narrow, fault bounded block north of Newent. The Triassic Sandstone is a Major Aquifer which produces high yields and good quality water.

Along the south-western boundary of the catchment in the Forest of Dean are a series of Carboniferous strata consisting of limestones and cyclic sequences of shale, coal seams, sandstone and clays. The limestones are classified as Major Aquifers which produce variable yields and support surface water. These limestones are highly vulnerable to pollution from, amongst other sources, the mine workings in this area. Devonian Old Red Sandstone and Silurian limestones and shales exist as a narrow band along the western boundary between Ledbury and Ross-on- Wye, and are classified as Minor Aquifers. The Malvern Hills form a prominent ridge o f Pre-Cambrian volcanic rocks forming the north-western boundary o f the catchment.

Quaternary deposits occur throughout the region and include glacial and fluvioglacial clays and gravels, terrace gravels and river deposits. These superficial deposits are thin and variable in nature, and produce small quantities of groundwater at a local scale. In most cases these deposits are in hydraulic continuity with adjacent surface watercourses, and are classified as Minor Aquifers.

Hydrology The range in topography o f the River Severn Lower Reaches area gives a slight variation in hydrology. The , rising to over 400m in places, have an average higher mean rainfall than the Severn River valley and Leadon Catchment to the west - the rainfall varies from 655 mm/year at Ledbury to 900 mm/year at Miserden. The average catchment rainfall is 720 mm/year and average July soil moisture deficit is 100mm. The River Severn is supported by the Clywedog reservoir in and in times o f low flow the Groundwater Scheme.

10 Water Resources The Severn below Worcester provides the water supply for around 1.5 million people. Cities and towns supplied include Bristol, Coventry, Gloucester and Cheltenham. The Rivers Frome and Cam are also major water supply rivers as they provide a significant proportion of the supply to Bristol in winter months.

The main uses of surface and ground water as a percent o f total water quantity are as follows; Public Water Supply (64%), Power Production (21%), Fish Farming (5-5%) Cooling Water (2%) Industrial Use (2%), Transfer of Water (1.5%), Spray Irrigation (1%), Miscellaneous (3%).

The catchment area is subdivided into five catchments for water abstraction licensing purposes, Lower Mid Severn, Severnside below Tewkesbury, Leadon, the Frome and the Little Avon. There are a total o f 627 abstraction licences within these subcatchments allowing for a maximum 20,715 Ml/a (megalitres per annum) to be abstracted from groundwater and 286,324 Ml/a from surface water sources.

There are major abstractions for public water supply from the River Severn at Upton-on-Severn for Coventry, at Tewkesbury for Gloucestershire and from the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal for Bristol.

The majority o f licences (405) are for agricultural purposes and spray irrigation, giving a total potential abstraction of 3,414 Ml/a, of which 1,087 Ml/a is from groundwater and 2,327 Ml/a from surface water for these purposes.

The catchment has two main sources for groundwater abstraction. These are Oxenhali and Bromsberrow units, both in the Newent area. The NRA has a duty to protect this resource

11 which is vulnerable to over abstraction and is important in supporting surface waters through springs and base flows to rivers. There are also other limited groundwater abstractions such as in the Cotswold area where an increasing number of licences has prompted the need for further monitoring.

Water Quality The watercourses of the lower Severn reaches include a wide variety of rivers and streams. Quality similarly varies from totally unpolluted streams to nutrient rich rivers suffering oxygen depletion in summer and to streams whose quality is dominated by sewage and trade effluents.

The majority of rivers within this catchment, including the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal, fall into the categories “Good” and “Fair” under the NRA General Quality Assessment Scheme. This means that they can support game and coarse fisheries respectively.

Some tributaries o f the Leadon and a stretch of the Chelt downstream of Cheltenham fall into the “Poor” category, owing mainly to sewage inputs. The Avonmouth rhines can be considered in a practical sense to be drainage channels or, as on industrial sites, culverts for effluent disposal. As such they are not classified under this scheme. 40% of current classified reaches fall into the highest GQA Chemical Grades, 53% into Fair GQA Grades and 7% into Ptx>r Grades.

As the River Severn enters the catchment below Worcester, it is subject to opposing influences, i.e. the polluting effect of Worcester sewage works and the diluting effect of the clean river Teme. Quality remains gcxxl throughout the stretch to Tewkesbury and the Avon confluence. Although of lower chemical quality than the Severn, the Avon has limited immediate impact because o f the much greater flow in the Severn. However, the disproportionate nutrient load from the Avon contributes to the periodic incidence of algal blooms in the Severn from this point on. The , contains the treated effluent from Cheltenham Sewage Works, adding to the effects of nutrient enrichment.

Below the tidal limit at Maisemore, the Severn ceases to be an inland water and becomes a tidal river, with unstable bed and

12 physical conditions changing violently during tide cycles. Vast quantities o f silt are re-suspended and subsequently deposited with the passage of the tidal bore, which brings estuary water up to Gloucester. The discharge from Gloucester Sewage Works into this stretch has been an important influence on quality, now much improved as installation of full treatment proceeds.

The Leadon catchment is predominantly agricultural. Its quality is affected by pollution incidents from farms, including run-off of pesticides. At Ledbury it receives effluent from the sewage works, plus urban and industrial drainage, which promotes evidence of eutrophication, exacerbated by slow flowing conditions. Quality improves as it nears the River Severn.

Streams in the Forest of Dean are mostly fast flowing and uncontaminated, except where they receive minewaters from abandoned coalmines, e.g. Cannop Brook. There are also a number of continuing industrial influences.

The Frome starts as an excellent quality river, but urban influences and historic industrial use throughout the Stroud valleys lead to a lowering of quality. At Stanley Downton, it receives the treated effluent from Stroud Sewage Works but recovers its quality before reaching Whitminster, where it flows partly into the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal and partly into the Severn Estuary.

The Cam is also of excellent quality in its upper reaches, but is affected by the discharge from Coaley Sewage Works. Quality improves again by the time it enters the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal.

The Little Avon is mostly of gixxl quality with some stretches of fair quality.

Flood Defence In the Severn valley from Worcester to Tewkesbury there are a total of 28 km of flood defence embankments protecting 4,600 ha of flood plain to a nominal 1 in 5 year standard. The remaining flood plain areas at Kempsey, Upton and Longdon Marsh still flood annually. All these flood plain areas provide essential protection or relief from flooding for property both in this reach and downstream. Impoundment for navigation purposes (e.g. weirs) can impede drainage o f low lying areas.

In the Severn valley from Tewkesbury to Gloucester there are 34 km of embankments protecting 5,000 ha of fkxxi plain to an annual standard. Unprotected areas around Tewkesbury and the Avon confluence flood more frequently. Again these areas are vital to flood protection and impounded navigation levels inhibit drainage.

13 The Estuary lowlands, from Gloucester to on the west and Avonmouth on the east, are protected by 100km of sea/tidal defences, with 15,600 ha of land lying below high tide level. This area contains around 2000 properties. Drainage of these areas is a problem due to low levels, tide-lock, slack gradients and “foreign water” drainage from the extensive uplands which back them. Defences in the tidal reach have to cope with the second largest tidal range in the world - the mean spring tidal range at Avonmouth is 12.3m.

There are o f course a host o f other tributaries and lesser watercourses on which the drainage of the farthermost parts of the catchment depends. Many of these are “ordinary watercourses” and as such primarily the concern of District Councils. Over the winters of 1992-93 and 1993-94 there was extensive local flooding on these minor drainage systems which caused much alarm and distress to the property owners involved.

LOWLAND DRAINAGE: The lowlands o f the Severn comprise the flood plain above Gloucester and the coastal lowlands below. Both lie below river or tide flood levels and have local drainage problems. This problem is illustrated by the fact that all four Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) which lie within Lower Severn area are located along this part of the Severn.

The Boards are: Longdon & Eldersfield IDB, North Gloucestershire IDB, West Gloucestershire IDB and South Gloucestershire IDB.

These are all sovereign authorities wholly responsible for the internal drainage within their own areas.

1 4 FLOOD WARNING SERVICE: A full flood warning service to NRA national standards is operated on three reaches of the Severn: Reach Location

S10 Powick to

SI 1 Mythe Bridge to Ashleworth Quay

S12 Ashleworth Quay to Minsterworth.

A storm tide warning service, limited to the immediate area of the settlement, is provided for near Avonmouth to the national standard.

A limited flood warning service is provided on the Frome below Stroud. This does not cover the main urban areas but is targeted primarily at the Gloucester & Sharpness canal to enable flood control sluices to be operated for the protection of the canal. At present there are no flood warnings in operation in the estuary.

Fisheries A broad variety of fish species are present in the catchment. Both coarse(cyprinid) and game(salmonid - salmon and trout) fish are fished by anglers. In addition, there are commercial fisheries for eels and elvers as well as salmon in the estuary. Stretches of the Rivers Leadon, Frome and Little Avon are designated as salmon fisheries under the EC Fisheries Directive. Stretches of the Rivers Severn, Leadon, Longdon Brook, Cannop Brook and the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal are designated cyprinid fisheries under this Directive.

Conservation The lower reaches o f the Severn contains a wide variety of Landscape ana habitats and landscape features as well as being a popular tourist area. The attractive upland landscape of Areas of Outstanding Heritage Natural Beauty (AONBs) such as the Malvern Hills contrasts with the broad expansive floodplain of the Severn. However, there are a number of watercourses which, owing to past maintenance practices are in need o f renovation and improvement.

In the Forest o f Dean, both the quality and landscape value of the environment are affected by mining activities. In the urban areas the rivers have in the past been canalised or culverted for various reasons which has degraded the river habitat. The Avonmouth sub-catchment is characterised by the rhine system which, in itself, is of habitat interest. It does, however, carry a legacy of industrial land usage. In addition to renovation or restoration, riverside amenity development is a feature in the lower Severn area. The integrated management of aquatic habitats via 'Water Level Management Plans’ will be an important aspect of equating land drainage and conservation needs.

15 Recreation The catchment area varies greatly in actual or potential and Navigation recreational opportunities depending upon the locality and the mix of natural and man-made resources.

The Forest of Dean has possibly the greatest identity and individual character as a recreational and tourist area, with other highlights being the Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge and the restored . Some recreational activities are land based, but by their nature attract people to the river environment, eg. walking, picnicking and bird watching. Angling is prevalent throughout the area. There is a steadily increasing demand for water sport activities and various forms of boating and sailing. The ‘’ long distance footpath follows the river throughout Gloucestershire and is currently being extended.

The River Severn is navigable from Stourport in the north (outside o f this CMP area) to Gloucester in the south ie. above the Gloucester Weirs and links via the River Avon and various canals into the inland waterway system. British Waterways are the Navigation Authority. Navigation of the river below Gloucester is possible but hazardous. The navigable waterway below Gloucester Docks, therefore, is the Gloucester- Sharpness Canal which gives access via Sharpness Docks to the and the open sea.

1 6 I *

Infrastructure There are 3 County Councils and 10 Borough/District/City Councils in the Catchment.

Three motorways cross the catchment, the principal motorway is the M5, which conveys traffic north and southwards. Two motorway arteries radiate from the M5, the M50 which joins north of Tewkesbury and the M4 joins north o f Bristol. These motorways are served by an extensive network of A and B roads.

Major new infrastructure for the catchment includes the at English Stones which is currently under construction.

Rail transport consists of main lines to Bristol and Birmingham, Gloucester to Swindon via Stroud, Gloucester to South Wales via the , Filton to Avonmouth and the predominantly industrial link to Severn Beach.

1 7 R. Severn

1 8 ISSUES AND OPTIONS The following tables list the 37 issues which the NRA has identified within the River Severn Lower Reaches Catchment. (The sites of these are numbered on the map). We would like to hear from you if:

• You think that there are other issues which have been missed.

• You think that we have not considered all the options available.

• You have any views on the options suggested.

• You have any other information about the catchment or any other comments about its future management.

ISSUE N0:1 Achievement of River Woter Quality Objectives

1 OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITSCONSTRAINTS 1. Pursue achievement NRA/ Quality Costs of of medium term quality Severn Trent targets improvements class within timescale set, Water pic/ achieved by pollution prevention, Farmers/ liaison with public and Industry other bodies and enforcement of pollution legislation

2. Establish reasons for NRA Preparation for Resources non-compliance with all future target long-term targets during setting period of Plan

ISSUE NO: 2 Extension of designated fishery reaches

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Resolve apparent NRA Extend May not be mis-match between designations possible actual fishery status and water quality

19 ISSUE NO: 3 Protection of water supplies from River Severn and Gloucester-Sharpness Canal and designation as a Water Protection Zone

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Consider designation of NRA/DOE Increased powers Severn and Gloucester-Sharpness to control potentially Canal as Source Protection Zones polluting activities

2. Install additional automatic water NRA Early warning quality monitors at Kempsey of water quality and Slimbridge changes

3. Establish targeted programme NRA/Farmers/ Identify sources Resources o f inspections o f potentially Industry of potential polluting premises and act pollution on deficiencies identified and reduce risk

4.Initiate publicity NRA/Farmers/ Greater awareness Resources campaigns to mobilise Industry of pollution risks pollution prevention effort and commitment in Agriculture and Industry to remedies

5. Liaise with Planning NRA/Planning Secure pollution None Authorities and Developers Authorities/ prevention to minimise pollution Developers measures risk from development

2 0 ISSUE NO: 4 Impacts of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive & designation of Eutrophic Sensitive Areas

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Monitor Severn Trent Water pic NRA/Severn Compliance with Resources implementation of agreed Trent pic UWWTD and capital programme of and upgrading of specified timetable the River Chelt

2. Review consents in line NRA/Severn Compliance with Resources with agreed programme Trent Water pic UWWTD and upgrading of the River Chelt

3. Gather data to enable decisions NRA Improved long Resources to be made on proposed term water quality Eutrophic Sensitive Areas

4. Carry out Eutrophication NRA Quantify benefits Resources Project to assess impact and of nutrient removal benefits of nutrient removal from sewage works in eutrophic sensitive areas

ISSUE NO: 5 The impact of the River Chelt on the water quality of the River Severn

RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Liaise with Severn Trent NRA/Severn Upgrade o f water None Water pic to define optimum Trent Water pic from RE5 to RE4 schemes to upgrade quality by year 2000 in line with AMP 2 commitments 2. Assess need for nutrient NRA Determine impact Resources removal at Cheltenham o f discharge on STP during 1995/6 in nutrients in the River connection with proposed ESAs and Canal for the River Severn and Glouccster-Sharpness Canal ISSUE NO: 6 Impact of investments & improvements at Gloucester Sewage Works on the tidal River Severn

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Monitor completion of new NRA/Severn Quantify reduced None works and improvements in Trent Water pic pollution load effluent quality

2. Continue to monitor effect NRA Upgrade Estuary Resources o f improvements to estuarine Quality Class water quality

3. Assess effects on NRA Minimised mortality None migratory fish and improved migratory passage

ISSUE NO: 7 Sewage and industrial discharges

OPTION/ACTIONSRESPONSIBILITY BENEFITSCONSTRAINTS 1. Recommend appropriate NRA/Malvern Maintain and Costs to controls on new development Hills District improve water developers & in Ledbury and impose controls Council/ Severn quality below the water on Ledbury STP to minimise Trent Water pic/ Ledbury company potential pollution. Developers

2. Address upgrading o f Hatherley NRA/ Improved water Cost Brook at next water company Severn Trent quality by 2005 price fixing round (1999/2000) Water pic

3. Assess need for nutrient removal NRA Determine impact Resources at Coaley STP during 1995/6 of discharge on in connection with proposed nutrients in the ESAs for the River Severn and River and Canal Gloucester-Sharpness Canal

4. Oppose development NRA/District No deterioration Pressure for where inadequate sewerage Councils on existing development. is likely to lead to situation Local Authority pollution decision

22 ISSUE NO: 8 Upstream impacts on water quality in the River Severn

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Environmental assessment Developer Maintenance of Cost o f study into question of extension of NRA to make water quality navigation in Upper Severn scoping suggestions

2. Continue to monitor NRA Ability to warn Resources impact of colour abstractors and inform public

3. Continue to monitor NRA Identifies impact Resources the River Avon of Avon on Severn

ISSUE NO: 9 Pollution from inadequate rural sewerage

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Promote action by District NRA/ Lower pollution Cost of Councils and others to District Councils and benefit to schemes provide sewerage householders

2. Oppose development NRA/District Prevention of Local where inadequate Councils pollution Authority sewerage is likely planning to lead to pollution decision

3. Explore feasibility of District Councils/ Widens options None alternative sewage treatment Developers/Water available methods e.g. reed-beds pics

ISSUE NO: 10 The impact of pesticides on water quality


1. Target farm visits and NRA Educate users Resources inspections. Prosecute to reduce impact polluters when found on water quality

2. Continued monitoring of NRA/MAFF Ensure eels are not eels in the catchment for carrying excessive Dieldrin etc. levels of dieldrin

2 3 ISSUE N0:11 Farm pollution including the effects of ammonia & nitrate.

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Maintain targeted farm NRA/Farmers Identify sources of NRA resources inspections and identify potential pollution remedial action needed and reduce risk

2. Serve Notices under 1991 NRA/Farmers Response required Appeal Farm Waste Regulations to within defined procedure secure remedial action timescale

3. Prosecute identified NRA Publicity for None polluters enforcement policy Penalty for offences committed

Monitor effectiveness of NRA Quantify benefits Resources Nitrate Vulnerable Zones o f NVZ in reducing nitrate in local watercourses and groundwater

2 4 ISSUE N0:12 Pollution risks from contaminated land g flB B W OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Impose planning conditions NRA/ Establish appropriate Resources and secure associated Local Authorities monitoring and NRA input to Section 106 obligations ensure remediation Planning on redevelopment of protects water Agreements not affected sites resources always accepted 4

2. Encourage engineering NRA/HMIP/ Controls existing Requires co­ and waste management Landowners/ problems. Gcxxl operation of * solutions Local authorities schemes may save landowners. Waste Regulation energy and money. Initial capital Authorities Sites can be made cost fit for development

3. Maintain liaison with NRA/Waste Co-ordination of Recent Waste Regulation Regulation effort with better legislative Authorities Authorities inspection and changes exempt monitoring of sites some contaminated sites from licensing

4. Maintain database of NRA/ Identifies possible Reduction of information on existing local Authorities problems with o f land if contaminated land sites development proposals. data misused Identifies possible source of pollution problems

5. Recommended environmental NRA/ Full identification Contaminated assessment and scope of study Local Authorities o f environmental land register on significant planning problems rejected by application concerning government. contaminated land Costly and time consuming, not relevant for i all sites

6. Implement intensive survey NRA To identify those of rhines & groundwaters areas most around Avonmouth contaminated with metals from slag disposal

2 5 ISSUE N0:13 Pollution from mining and quarrying in the Forest of Dean

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Enforce legislation for NRA/ Safeguard Legal restrictions. discharges to controlled waters, Mining groundwater Additional including underground waters, Companies and surface resources where justified by water quality required in available evidence tracing discharges underground

2. Liaise with companies to NRA/Mining Minimise secure improved pollution Companies accidental prevention measures pollution

3. Assess possibility of remedial NRA Improved Resources measures to the riverbed ecosystem habitat, including removal and fishery o f iron-contaminated substrate

ISSUE N0:14 Water contact sports and relevant quality standards

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Education on problems o f NRA/ Prevention Still a very contact sports in relation to Environmental of disease uncertain area water quality Health Department not statutory Local Authority NRA responsibility

2. Identify Water NRA/ Identification of Not statutory Quality Standards Environmental suitable reaches responsibility for contact sports Health Department of rivers for some liability Local Authority sports may be implied

ISSUE N0:15 Impacts of marinas & oil pollution from boats on water quality

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Press for polluting DOE Quality Requires discharges from vessels improvement in legislation to become an offence rivers & canals

2. Adherence to boat standards BW/Navigation Ensures that oil spills Costs to prescribing separation o f engine & Canal Trusts are contained builders and compartment & provision of oil within the engine owners of spill trays. (Voluntary since Jan compartment boats 1993; may be made mandatory within Waterways Bill)

2 6 ISSUE NO: 16 River Litter

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Better security at industrial Site Owner Crime prevention Cost sites to prevent vandalism and reduction of pollution risk

2. Educate and organise NRA/Police/Local Prevention rather Needs support preventative action Groups (e.g. than cure o f statutory Neighbourhood changes and Watch)/Tidy enforcement Britain Group o f existing litter laws

3. Change in legislation to Lobbying by Would provide Extra cost clarify responsibilities interested parties statutory duty for and public. an agency to be responsible for litter

ISSUE NO: 17 Seasonal effects of blue-green algae on the Stroudwater Canal and Frampton Lakes


1. Continue to monitor all NRA Increased None reported occurrences and awareness of notify interested parties when problem reportable levels found

ISSUE N0:18 Pollution risks associated with Hempstead Tip Gloucester

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Use powers under Water NRA/ Improved None Resources Act 1991 to enforce site owner environmental pollution control and quality preventative measures

2. Liaise with the Waste NRA/Waste Minimise None Regulation Authority on Regulation pollution risk appropriate Licence conditions Authority to minimise potential pollution

2 7 ISSUE N0:19 Impacts of large industrial plant

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS Frequent consent NRA/HMIP Improvements in Cost reviews to ensure environmental continued tightening of quality legitimate discharges to rhines & estuary

2. Identify, regulate & control NRA/HMIP As above Cost. Accept- discharges from industrial tance o f legal & trading estates responsibility by dischargers

3. Increase range & frequency NRA/HMIP/ Better assessment Cost o f chemical & biological Discharger of effects. Will assist Resource monitoring options 1 & 2 implications

4.Close co-operation with NRA/Local Fire Minimise impacts None Fire Services to ensure that & Rescue Services on the water environmental hazards are Industrial Site environment known and action Owners plans agreed

2 8 ISSUE N0:20 Maintenance of flows at Gloucester for abstraction to the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal & other environmental uses.

1. Review of operation of NRA More efficient use Cost if Clywedog and Shropshire of available water increased flow Groundwater to provide resources. support required flows at Gloucester Maintains required required flows at Gloucester

2.The use of Gloucester- BW/ Small increase Risk of Sharpness Canal to store Bristol Water/ in resource deterioration of water for use during periods NRA water quality when pumping at Gloucester & canal ecology is restricted with possible construction effects. Does not meet requirements

3.Bankside storage equivalent BW/ Any new reservoir The reservoir to 5 days of the Purton Bristol Water/ could be designed may have (Bristol Water) abstraction NRA for conservation visual impact /recreation uses and problems with access road

4. Review the operation of the BW/ Small increased Risk o f saline Sharpness Docks to prevent Bristol Water resource may intrusion and freshwater being released from be achieved possible constr­ the canal during operation through pumping uction effects

5. River storage in the River NRA/BW Would meet most Risk o f contam­ Severn by adjustment of weirs requirements and ination of water at either Maisemore, Llanthony, provide a control retained inpound. Upper Lode or a tidal exclusion o f flow to the Threat to ecology barrier below Lower Parting to the estuary & fisheries during A tidal barrier may construction. improve water quality Mechanised for abstraction at control structure. Gloucester Bank protection, required. Interference with drainage of riverside land

6. Installation of new NRA Better assessment Cost flow monitoring site of flows

2 9 ISSUE N0:21 Potential effects of a Severn-Thames Transfer scheme

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Appraisal o f environmental NRA Allow full Possible time implications of the scheme implications of the constraints & for Severn scheme to be cost o f realised study

2. Investigations into biology NRA Allows NRA to Costs and chemistry o f Severn to establish policy assess impact on Thames on transfer

3. Promote best use of NRA/ No environmental Does not allow present resources Water Companies impacts for contingency planning

ISSUE NO:22 Impact of low flows in the Leadon, Forest of Dean, Frome and Cam/ Little Avon

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS LEADON (GLYNCH BROOK) 1. Provide compensation borehole Severn Trent Compensation flow No practical Water pic to the Glynch long term Brook during dry solution to over periods. 1 m proved abstraction of habitat, ecology groundwater. and fish stocks

2. Reduce licensed quantity in unit Long term Other water improvement sources needed to supply local requirement

3. Provide new flow measurement NRA Monitor and Cost capacity to Glynch Brook enforce compensation discharges

3 0 OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS FOREST OF DEAN 1. Provide new flow NRA Improvement to Costs of measurement on River Lyd flow predictions new gauging and safeguard station supplies to abstractors.

2. Monitoring of flows to Early warning be part of planning agreement of flow changes in any opencast mining operation

FROME 1. River bed maintenance Riparian Owner/ Reinstate and Costs and Canal Society/ preserve flows continued NRA maintenance may be prohibitive

2. Appraise effect of local NRA Identify real Costs abstractions. causes of problems

3. Operating agreement with Riparian Owner/ Improved flow landowners to control flows Canal Society/ in Frome to Canal and River. NRA Possible flooding relief

LITTLE AVON 1. Conduct seasonal flow NRA More control None monitoring investigations and accurate and compare with monitoring historical records

2. Ensure all licence NRA/ Establish whether None abstractions operate within Abstraction licence real problem specified conditions holders exists

3. Increase frequency of NRA Resources checks for non-licenced abstractors

3 1 ISSUE NO:23 Severn Exempt Area Order

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. NRA to review policy of NRA Clarification of Reappraisal of exempt area to support Abstractors the exempt area existing proposals for legislative and possible abstractors changes protection of requires a existing abstractors substantial administrative input

ISSUE N0:24 Local issues relating to fish farms in Little Avon Catchment

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Review o f flow NRA More accurate None management practices reflection of actual practices. Enforcement against transgressors

2. Chemical & biological survey NRA Basis for consent Resources upstream & downstream of enforcement or fish farms to determine any revision change in water quality. Sites fo r Action: Ozleworth Brook and Little Avon

ISSUE N0:25 Major flooding from the River Severn and Chelt

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Complete investigation of NRA Provision of Practicability possible flood alleviation defences in of works, works at Upton-upon-Severn priority areas economic and and Kempsey acceptability to beneficiaries

2. Develop river and flood NRA/Local Provision of defences Economic plain management strategy Authorities in priority area. appraisal. for Gloucester Control of Availability of development. funds Flood plain restoration

3 2 1 OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITYBENEFITSCONSTRAINTS 3. Complete Severn Tidal Defences NRA Improvement of Economic Improvement Scheme in tidal defences appraisal. accordance with NRA capital in priority areas Availability o f works programme agreed by funds Regional Flood Defence Committee

4. Complete registration of NRA/MAFF NRA authorised Objections Chelt through Cheltenham to carry out raised to as “main river” maintenance and maining improvement works

5. Develop flood alleviation NRA/ Provision of Practicability of scheme on River Chelt Cheltenham flcxxi protection works, economic through Cheltenham Borough Council in priority area appraisal and acceptability to beneficiaries

ISSUE NO:26 Flood Warning

ADTinu/Amnuc DCCDfUICIDII ITV __nrurriTf------f Mill I IIA1IITT !

1. Complete improvement of NRA Improve flood Accuracy of existing flood warning forecasting warning scheme model. Cost

2. Investing etc. in extension NRA Provide flcxxi warning Practicability of flood warning scheme for areas not (especially previously covered lead times). Economics. Cost

3. Develop new tidal flood NRA/ Provide flcxxi Practicability. warning scheme for estuary Government Depts/ warning areas Forecasting/ External not previously modelling Agencies covered limitations. Economics. Cost ISSUE NO:27 Flood plain management

1 OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Accurate definition of NRA Gives baseline Shortfall in the floodplain for Rivers information or basic data Frome and Chelt “terms of reference” will be costly for management and time purposes for NRA & consuming to other parties address.

2. Promotion of Buffer Zones NRA/EN/ Protection and Inadequate particularly in areas o f arable Conservation improvement of grant emphasis farming. Leadon, E ll Brook, bodies/ the riverside to encourage Swilgate, Normans Brook, CoCo/MAFF/ habitat. landowners lower reaches o f Cam, CPRE/CLA Reduced Chelt and Frome. Landowners/NFU pollution effects

3. Managed Retreat. MAFF/EN/ Creation of new Reduced land Severn Estuary Strategic NRA/NFU wildlife habitat availability for Study has identified potential while maintaining development. sites e.g. Berkeley Estate flood or sea Very little la n d at Slimhridge defence appn>priate area

4. Better incentives for Government/ Puts 2 & 3 None landowners to take up MPs (as advised higher on the grants for environmental by NFU/ priority list for improvements MAFF/others) land management

5. Investigate removal of NRA/Gloucester Potential increase None redundant structures City Council/ in flood at Gloucester British Rail storage area

3 4 ISSUE NO;28 Rehabilitation of river corridors

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS IANDSCAPE/VISUAL QUALITY NRA/Local Allows Cost. a) Landscape Appraisal Authorities prioritisation programmes using established and a baseline methodologies. for planning Chelt, Frome, Cam improvements. b) Planned programme and NRA/MAFF/ Follows on from Economic - strategy to improve character, landowners/ a) Can incorporate available e.g. planting willows to pollard, FWAG/LA’s etc. costs at source. funding hedgerows and re-creation of b) Re-creation of generates flood plain river corridor historically more priorities. vegetation “wildlife corridor” typical Land ownership Lower reaches o f Cam, Frome, landscape. Hatherley, N orm a n’s, Horsbere Brooks

CHANNEL REHABILITATION RECREATING NATURAL PROFILE/GEOMORPHOLOGY Development of a collaborative NRA/LA’s/ Restores river Cost strategy for deculverting and/or Landowners/ habitat removal of redundant structures Developers

HABITAT VALUE a) Restoration of habitats by NRA Improved natural Cost strategic management, Landowners state o f the Land uptake. particularly otter habitat and EN/Wildlife river corridor Flood Defence wetland/salt marsh/reed bed Trusts requirements

USES & ACCESS a) Survey of existing recreational NRA Allows formulation May need to needs and potential of a strategy reach a compromise requirements as a result between access of improvements & conservatk>n b) Collaboration with user NRA/Sports Council As above, plus As above groups to identify needs and C LA/Conservat ion development and resolve conflicts of interest Bodies/National Trust conservation of c) Promotional/ collaborative CC’s/LAs/EH/ built and projects to extend provision CoCo and natural and access environment

3 5 ISSUE NO:29 Competing requirements of river engineering and other uses

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. NATURE CONSERVATION Protection of Habitats. Methods: a) Environmental NRA/EN/ Allows the Flood Defence assessment o f proposed Developers/ ecology of requirements. sites for works Local Authorities the river to Land uptake CoCo/ protected and requirements landowners new habitats b) Grant schemes to be created. Local Authority c) Countryside Stewardship Separation of planning d) Managed Retreat potentially concerns e) Zoning conflicting uses. Communication. f) Maintenance o f advisory role Provision of advice Resource on best practice implications

2. THREATENED SPECIES a) As above plus b) Surveys o f particular NRA/EN/RSPB/ Provides Can be lengthy species or groups at risk Wildlife Trusts information upon and costly which to plan for works and/or mitigative procedures. c) Habitat recreation As above Can be an active (e.g. River Severn means of Otter Project) compromise either on site or elsewhere

3. IANDSCAPE/VISUAL IMPACT a) Environmental Assessment NRA/I-andowners Provide an assessment Cost Developers/ of the overall Local Authorities impact of works & provides basis for consultation between interested parties

b) Programme of NRA/Local Protects the None Landscape Appraisal Authorities cultural heritage of the river landscape

c) Consultation As above As above

3 6 OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS d) Use of appropriate designs NRA/Local Blends with May add cost and materials for Authorities/ surroundings to the the locality designers /engineers project

RECREATION a) Provision when designing As above Allows the works As above projects to incorporate access themselves to for recreational uses become a recreation asset. b) Integration of recreational NRA/Local Increased Needs careful requirements with Authorities/Wildlife recreational design - has to existing land use Trusts/EN/CoCo access/activity be matched up with existing uses MAINTENANCE OF WATER LEVELS See Issue 37

PHYSICAL GEOMORPHOLOGY/ CHANNEL PROFILE a) De-culverting wherever NRA/Landowners/ Re-creation of Flood Defence possible (See Issue 28) Developers/Local wildlife habitats requirements Authorities b) Appropriate design of features Improved river to allow compromise between landscape efficient flood water conveyance Protection of and natural structure of channel channel geomorphology

PUBLIC INTEREST a) Consultation via Environmental NRA Allows local Can be a Statements (where appropriate) interest to be lengthy process /press releases/notice boards/etc accommodated with not all at an early stage interests b) Full use of tendering As above Ensures that the accommodated procedures to allow best local full benefit of fully. Must follow facilities to be used the project government locally is realised finance rules

3 7 ISSUE N0:30 Reconciliation of competing requirements between recreational users and conservation interests

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Survey present recreational NRA/ Gives information Cost uses and assess on-site User Groups upon which to conflicts arising formulate a strategy

2. Formulate a strategy for action As above Provides a framework May not be at specific sites - in conjunction for discussion able to resolve with rehabilitation and landscape and resolution all user strategies (cf Issue 29) o f conflicts conflicts

3. Investigate options for zoning As above Removes conflicts May not be o f activities to geographically between different possible to link separate uses user requirements with footpaths etc. or get access permission

ISSUE N0:31 Development of Recreational Access

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Collaborative projects within NRA & Fulfilment of NRA Cost. Tewkesbury, Upton and other Others aim to improve Agreement potential sites access and promote with recreation landowners

2. Continuation of NRA/ As above As above Severn Way Project Landowners

3. Investigation o f potential NRA/ As above As above cycle tracks Sustrans

4. Analysis o f recreational use NRA As above As above and development o f nodal points with facilities such as parking, interpretation, etc.

5. Promote access to or along NRA/ As above As above all rivers within catchment Landowners / where appropriate and Local Authorities where opportunities arise

3 8 ISSUE N0:32 Protection of rare species

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS SHAD 1. Preparation and adoption of EN/CCW/NRA Maintenance of Cost Shad Conservation Strategy to species diversity include e.g identification and protection of spawning habitat, provision and assessment of use of fish passes 2. Quantification of numbers and exploitation rates

CRAYFISH 1. Liaise with MAFF to limit MAFF/NRA Allows control Relies on further consents under Section over NRA being 30 o f Salmon & Freshwater introduction informed of Fisheries Act 1975 plus Wildlife o f alien species proposals & Countryside Act 1981

BROWN TROUT 1. As above NRA As above

OTTER 1. Reintroduction and Otters on Costs of development of otter Wildlife Trust/ the Severn proactive habitats via the Severn NRA projects Otter Project

ISSUE NO: 33 The Elver Fishery - associated problems

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Continued enforcement of NRA Regulation of Cost the requirement for a licence the elver and compliance with the fishery fishery legislation 2. Increased patrol work and BW Fewer complaints prosecution of boat owners from fishermen contravening the navigation legislation 3. Provision of eel ik elver passes on NRA Improved eel Cost weirs and sluices in the catchment stocks 4. Elver station should be NRA/MAFF Improved data on encouraged to make catch elver numbers for data available to the NRA better management on an annual basis o f the fishery

3 9 ISSUE N0:34 Canal Restoration

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS FROME 1. Restoration o f Cotswold Canals To encourage The impact on Stroudwater Canal Trust/NRA recreational water resources amenities in to supply the the area canals with water. Flood defence 2. Review o f status o f old NRA/Canal Protection of Protection of connections and use of Trust/ existing environmental existing channels Landowners requirements quality. Impact on other abstractors (present & future)

SEVERN-THAMES CANAL Water requirements met by NRA/ Canals Less pressure May have gravel extractions dewatering Trust/Wiltshire for water on environmental County Council River Frome quality implic­ ations. Requires further study

HEREFORDSHIRE & GLOUCESTERSHIRE CANAL 1. Restoration Herefordshire & Improve the New route is Gloucs. Navigation navigation in required in Trust/NRA/Council the area certain areas and impact on water resources and flood defence

2. Use of river channels Protection of ecology

4 0 ISSUE N0:35 Hydropower Development

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY RIVER CAM Make an agreement with the NRA/ To support an Possible costs existing user to create a water Abstractor alternative form to compensate resources bank upstream of power generation for loss of for future applicants but at the same time power maintain the production availability of water resources

RIVER FROME Ensure agreements are made Developer/ Long term None with developers to ensure long NRA/ protection of term maintenance and protect Landowners river river gauging record

ISSUE N0:36 Development Issues

OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1. Ensure all reasonable pollution NRA/ Protection of Costs prevention devices are included Developers/ water based involved within design specifications Local Authorities environment

2. Ensure all outfalls are NRA/HMIP/ As above As above properly authorised Dischargers 3. Ensure maintenance is As above As above As above conducted in a manner to avoid problems with aquatic environment 4. To be proactive with regard NRA/ Protection of the Resources to land use strategies, Local Authorities/ water based development plans and Developers environment proposals 5. Develop good communications NRA Promote a Resources with groups/organisations involved Local Authority/ proactive approach in land use issues Developers/ to development Other organisations issues affecting the /HBF/Public water environment

4 1 ISSUE N0:36 Continued Development Issues

AVONMOUTH 1. Maintenance and protection NRA/ Existing flooding Limitations of o f sea defences and outfalls Local Authorities situation not developable made worse land High cost of infrastructure 2. Protection of rhine system South Gloucs. Retention of As above IDB/ wildlife corridors Local Authorities and wetland habitats

3- Protection of available storage NRA/South Ensure that new As above capacity for flood waters in Gloucs. IDB/ and existing tide-lock conditions Local Authorities properties are not put at greater risk

4. Contaminated land surveys and Developer Avoid putting both remediation works required for the watercourse system contaminated sites and those living or working in the area at risk from contaminants that could be mobilised by development

ISSUE NO:37 Water Level Management Plans (WLMP)

1 OPTION/ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY BENEFITS CONSTRAINTS 1 1. Produce WLMPs EN/IDBs/ Allows appropriate Conflicts of user NRA land drainage requirements; as agreed management whilst Difficult to also providing for sustain unless other uses there are water level controls (sluices, valves, gates etc.) 2. Do not prcxJuce WLMP’s As above None Cannot achieve the aim of management for drainage & conservation uses. 3. Provide Hydrological NRA/ Appraise effect of information to produce plans. IDB abstractions and Sites fo r Action -. potential development Walmore Common

4 2


UPPER TRENT AREA: Sentinel House, Wellington Crescent, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffs WS13 8RR Telephone: (01543) 444141

LOWER TRENT AREA: Trentside Offices, Scarrington Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5FA Telephone: (01159) 455722

UPPER SEVERN AREA: Hafren House, Road, Shelton, SY3 8BB Telephone: (01743) 272828

LOWER SEVERN AREA: Riversmeet House, Newtown Industrial Estate, Northway Lane, Tewkesbury GL20 7JG Telephone: (01684) 850951

NRA National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region

Sapphire East, 550 Streetsbrook Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 1QT Telephone: 0121-711 2324

Awarded for excellence

Printed on Environmentally Friendly Chlorine Free Paper YOUR VIEWS The River Severn Lower Reaches Catchment Management Plan Consultation Report is our review of catchment and the issues facing it. Please send us your comments. The address is given on the back page, with a pre-paid slip if required.

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National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region