Ethiopia Access Snapshot - Southern Oromia As of 15 November 2019

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Ethiopia Access Snapshot - Southern Oromia As of 15 November 2019 Ethiopia Access Snapshot - Southern Oromia As of 15 November 2019 In 2019, the regional Oromia - Somali EAST The overall response has been limited, with limited WEST HARAGE boundary dispute has significantly - HARARGE number of partners present and with capacity to de-escalated. This notwithstanding, respond. The lack of health workers and functional ARSI Lega Hida tension between communities in border ERER health facilities has aggravated the situation. By late areas remain, including cattle rustling or October, a multi-agency assessment reached some Gololcha Bale kebele capitals, but was unable to access IDP hosting conflicts related to the ‘occupation’ of land by pastoral- Gasera Agarfa Seweyna areas due to insecurity. ists from both ethnic groups. At the time of writing, the - Robe Town Aso s a Ethnic Oromia IDPs 2016/2018 Sinana Ginir Town main access obstacle for partners is the ongoing Dinsho Ginir In Borena, since 2018, territorial claims by WEST ARSI Goba Town Goro clashes between security forces and unidentified Ethnic Somali IDPs 2016/2018 Goba ethnic-Borena and Garri (Somali), long-standing Rayitu SHEBELLE armed groups (UAGs). Since mid-August, both Guji and Berbere unaddressed border demarcation, and clashes with SNNP SIDAMA Dawe Ketechen Borena zones are under command-post administration, UAGs continue to impede operations in Guchi and Harena Buluk BALE Bore subsequent security restrictions limit road movements, Gura Damole Wachile (15,500 and 13,100 IDPs), outside urban Afele Kola Mena GEDEO Ana Sora in particular a ban on the use of motorcycles, popula- Haro walabu areas of Arero and Dhas (1,300 and 2,700 IDPs), and Uraga tion access to basic services and markets as well as Adola boundary areas with Guji zone. The situation in Wadera pastoralists’ seasonal movements, and IDPs’ access to Odo Shakiso Meda Welabu Moyale is calm, after the serious violence of the end aid. of 2018 that displaced 200,000 people, mainly due to - Aga wayu Gora Dola SOUTH OMO Saba Boru AFDER the presence of the command post. Most IDPs have In Guji, some 57,000 people from Agawayu, Gumi WEST GUJI SOMALI GUJI Liben now returned, though very limited assistance has Eldelo, Gorodola, Liban, and Wadera woredas have Gamole been displaced since June, with the intensity and the LIBAN been provided. Elwaya Legend geographic area of the clashes continuing to increase Arero Gumi Idalo In Bale, an estimated 40,000 IDPs remain in bounda- TelteleBORENA Accessible Kebeles as of mid-November. Some 20,000 people were Yabelo Partially Accessible Kebeles ry woredas with Somali region. In June, partners displaced the last two weeks of October in Saba Boru, Wachile Inaccessible Kebeles were forced to suspend operations in Meda Welabu Dubluk DAAWA Accessible Aga Wayu, Odo Shakiso, Wadera, Adola Redee, Liban, Accessible Road woreda (10,000 IDPs). Restrictions for UN agencies Dilo Dhas Partially Accessible Road Gumi Eldelo, and Gora Dola woredas. An undetermined PartiallyEthnic Oromia Accessible IDP 2016/2018 kebeles remain outside woreda capitals of Dawe Katchen, Ethnic Somali IDP 2016/2018 number of civilian casualties have been reported, in KENYA Dire Moyale Dawe Serer, Sewena, Raytu and Lege Hida woredas. Miyo Guchi InaccessibleSomali Internal disp. kebeles from Boundaries addition to extensive damages to productive and Oromia Internal. disp from Boundaries In September, 2,000 IDPs in Rayitu woredas refused private assets. In September, nearly 6,000 IDPs (Kate Partially accessibleSOMALIA road to return to Somali due to insecurity. Partners report ware, Fugnan Giri, and Ijaru sites) were displaced from Accessible road outstanding needs among IDPs. boundary areas deeper into Oromia; security operations No aid partner has been deliberately targeted, though IDPs in re-displaced some 5,000 IDPs in Gumi Eldelo (Dibe and Zone IDPs Returnees cases of intimidation and misappropriation of Chefa Hidi sites) and 170 people were injured plus inaccessible kebeles partners’ assets have been reported. In Borena, two 1,000 houses burned. Previously, in August, partners attacks against Red Cross ambulances by UAG were forced to halt all movements out of Negele town Bale 40,000 11,500 60,000 causing casualties have been registered in 2019. due to prevailing insecurity. Lastly, physical access problems are omnipresent in In Guji, in 2019, partners have only had intermittent rural areas and particularly during the rainy season, access to areas outside woreda capitals of Liban Guji 115,000 22,500 - for instance in Gumi Eldelo (Guji) or Meda Welabu (14,000 IDPs), and since April in Gumi Eldelo and Gora (Bale). Dola (36,000 and 1,000 IDPs). Those newly displaced reside in collective sites (schools, health posts or Borena 35,000 10,300 248,000 churches) while older ones are with host communities. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptanceb y the United Nations. Creation date: 15 November 2019 Sources: Zonal Disaster Risk Management Office Feedback: [email protected]
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