Acce ss Constraints as of 29th March 2019 Chipata CABO DELGADO S S

" Lilongwe " 0 0 ' Lake Nyasa ' 0 0 ° ° 4 4 1 1 NIASSA ZAMBIA Mandimba

Ulongue MALAWI Cuamba Malema Mutuali Macomia Ribaue Iapala Nampula Tete-Beira (Railway) Mecanhelas The Se na railway line is ope rational. Vila Junqueiro Murrupula Lago de TETE Alto Ligonha Songo Molumbo Alto Molocue Cahora Blantyre Nametil Bassa S S

" Muaquia "

0 Namarroi 0 ' ' 0 0 ° °

6 Milange 6 1 Moatize 1 Pande Tete Gile

Liciro ZAMBEZIA Sabelua Alto Benfica Mugeba Chire MOMA Salima Namanjavira Mocuba Derre Inchope-Caia (N260) Megaza PEBANE Bindura Chinhoyi Acce ssible , but difficult road Morrumbala Mepinha Maganja conditions and constraints Nante Mutarara Namacurra Sopa Harare MOZAMBIQUE PORTO BELO Caia S S " " 0 0

' Mopeia ' 0 0 ° Catandica ° 8 Dombe 8 1 Marondera 1 Marromeu Inhaminga Luabo Caia-Beira CHINDE Re ports indicate that the Caia-Be ira road is now passable with challe nge s. Fe asible Gorongosa SOFALA for a 15m t truck , se riously difficult with Chimoio Manica MANICA 30m t truck Acce ssible by road from Zim babwe and from Machipanda Gondola . Howe ve r, road conditions m ay be Chimoio Inchope challe nging whe n trave lling north from the Nhamatanda Gweru Sussundenga Maputo-Chimoio/Beira(N1/N6) country ’s south. Tica Macate The N6 road is now ope n to all traffic, including he avy truck s. Mafambisse Dondo R523 BEIRA Buzi Railway Beirs-Chimoio

S Grudja S

" transitable with m e dium and Matarara " 0 0 ' '

0 Not ope rational but re pair work s are ongoing. 0 ° Masvingo Beira ° 0 light ve hicle s down to Macate Dombe Estaquinha 0 2 2 and Nharom be . Beira Be ira se a port is now fully ope rational. Espungabera It is curre ntly acce sible by air, se a and road. Chimoio-Dombe (N260) Madassipo Acce ssible for light ve hicle s, re stricte d Buzi Nova Mambone for truck s be cause of ste e p curve s. The road to Buzi is still not passable and only acce ssible by boat. One of two conse cutive bridge s possibly collapse d. Pe rfe ct pave d acce ss. Dombe-Matarara (R520) Inhassoro The road is not pave d but transitable for he avy truck s. Cahora Bassa dam S S " " 0 0 ' Vilankulo ' 0 0

° Bridge destroyed ° 2 2 2 2 BOTSWANA Airport Operational Port with restricted access Chicualacuala Road open

INHAMBANE Road with restricted access Regulo Road impassable Massinga Railway Open GAZA Railway on Rehab Base infrastructure Morrumbene International Airport Polokwane Guija S S " "

0 Homoine 0

' Domestic Airport ' 0 0

° Inhambane ° 4 4 2 Airstrip 2 Port Chokwe Inharrime SOUTH AFRICA National Capital Chibuto Manjacaze MAPUTO Quissico Major Town Intermediate Town Magude Macia Xai-Xai Xinavane Small Town Bilene Railway Ressano Manhica Nelspruit Garcia Primary Road Secondary Road Moamba Marracuene Maputo Port and Airport Tertiary Road S S " Piggs Peak Maputo " 0 Maputo Port re m ains fully 0 ' ' 0 0 ° Namaacha Track/Trail ° 6 6 2 Boane MAPUTO ope rational. 2 International boundary Mbabane BELA VISTA ESWATINI Region boundary

Manzini Siteki 0 50 100 200 River

Kilometres Surface Waterbody

30°0'0"E 32°0'0"E 34°0'0"E 36°0'0"E 38°0'0"E

Date Cre ate d: 29 Mar 2019 - Contact: [email protected] Data sources: Boundarie s: U Nm ap - The de signations e m ploy e d and the pre se ntation of m ate rial in the m ap(s) do not im ply the e xpre ssion of any opinion on the part of WFP conce rning We bsite : - Pre pare d by : WFP HQ, OSE GIS Roads, Railway s: ©Ope nStre e tMap Contributors © W orld Food Prog ramme 2019 Populate d place s: Ge oNam e s the le gal or constitutional status of any country , te rritory , city or se a, or Map Re fe re nce : MOZ_OP_Acce ssConstraints_A3P_20190329 conce rning the de lim itation of its frontie rs or boundarie s. Acce ss info: Logistics Cluste r/WFP