~~~ __ - THETu DAILY. L. - \Where You Read It First Monday, Aprils 7,1997 Volume XXXIV, Number 49 UN Ambassador Bill Richardson to speak at Commencement by JOHNO’KEEFE While at Tufts, Richardson was active in Daily Editorial Board many extracurricular activities, serving as America’s ambassador to the United captain of the baseball team and president Nations, Bill Richardson,will give the main of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. address atthe University’s 14 1st commence- “TheClassof 1997 isextremely fortunate ment in May, making this the third year in a to have a major player on the world stage as row an alumnus has given the graduation its commencementspeaker,” President John speech and the third time Richardson has DiBiaggio said. “And we are, of course, spoken on campus in the last two years. extremely proud that an alumnus of this Richardson, however, was not the institution is making such extraordinary University’s first choice to give the speech. contributions to the global community.” In February, Richardsontold areporter that Another diplomat, aNobel Prize-winner, theuniversity was awarding him an honor- and a former state senator are among the TSCP aims to bring the community together through an on-going dialogue. ary degree, but a Tufts spokeswoman said speakers at the degree-awarding ceremo- the ambassador was not slated to speak at nies for the University’s graduate schools, that time. Richardson apparently accepted which follow the main commencement cer- onversations Project the invitation to speak after an unnamed emony. person declined the offer last month. Richard Holbrooke,the chief negotiator The ambassador is no stranger to com- at the Bosnia Dayton Peace Accords and a mencement exercises at Tufts, having re- former US ambassador to Germany, will celebrates annivessarvd ceived a bachelor’s degree in 1970 and a address the graduates ofthe Fletcher School byELZ4BETI-IOYEBODE their ethnicity. People start at that point. master’sdegreefiomthe Fletcher School of ofLaw and Diplomacy and receive an hon- Contributing Writer ‘This is who1 am,this is where I came from.’ Law and Diplomacy in 197 1. Richardson orary doctor of laws degree. The Tufts and Somerville Conversations And hopehlly they will find thatthey share also was the guest speaker at Fletcher’s Dr. Peter C. Doherty, who received the Project (TSCP) is celebrating its first anni- the same feelings about their backgrounds, graduationceremony last year. The Univer- 1996 Nobel Prize in medicine for his work versary. their neighborhoods, or their families.” sity will award Richardson his third Tufts studying the human immune system, will What originally began four years ago as Although there are no age restrictions diploma, an honorary doctor of laws de- a faculty summer reading group on ethnic on participants, so far, none have been gree, on May 18. see RICHARDSON. page 13 studies, has expanded into what Maria younger than college age. Past participants In 1995, the University also honored Christi describes as, “a dialogue between includeSomerville mayor Michael Capuano, Richardson with the first Light on the Hill communitiesthat lives up to Tufts’ mission members of the Somerville police depart- award, which recognizes outstanding statement.”Christi, the administratorofthe ment, and many Tufts students, faculty, achievement by a Tufts graduate. Tufts Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and staff. After serving as a congressman for 14 and c3-chair ofI‘SCP,praises the project as Coleman welcomed repeat participiuits years, the 49-year-old New Mexico Demo- an “overwhelming success.” saying, “[The conversation group] is some- crat was picked by President Clinton in Participantsin TSCPmeetin groups of 10 thing that by its very nature is new every December to succeed Madeleine Albright to 15 people for two-hour sessions each time.” in the UN post. week. New groups are formed every four To allow for as many different voices As a congressman, Richardson devel- weeks. Each group is guided by two trained from the community as possible to be heard, oped a reputation as a globe-trotting am- leaders who act as moderators for the dis- TSCP now makes translatorsandbabysitters bassador, regularly flying off to hot spots cussion. available to people who might otherwise on unofficial diplomatic missions and ne- Overthe four-week conversation,groups have been encumbered by a language bar- gotiating with some of the nation’s most meetatthesametime,inthesamelocale,and rier or by family constraints. notorious enemies, including Fidel Castro with the same participants so that groups Coleman says, “It’s been part of our and Saddam Hussein. become strong units. “Building trust is es- mission toget people from every category.” His efforts have led to the freeing of sential so that the conversation becomes Although the heads ofthe TSCP want to hostages in Iraq, Burma, North Korea, Sudan, more and more productive,” said Rachel promote the themes of ethnic identity and and Cuba. More recently, Richardson Coleman, the project coordinator for TSCP, the immigrant experience,they do not wish helped lay the foundation for the return of and a former participant in the group. to limit the discussions to just those issues. former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Christi feels it to be an imperative that “Anything can andwill comeup,”Coleman Aristide and met with Aung San Suu Kyi, members of the groups find things they said. the Nobel Prize-winning political activist have incommon. “Atthefmtmeetingpeople who has campaigned against human rights Dai/y file photo are asked to bring things that represent see TSCP, page 13 abuses in Burma. Bill Richardson Tufts grad, Times I 1997 EPIIC Symposium correspondent to

speak about Threats o American democracvd campaign finance byGREGORY GErmAN This acrimonious exchange demonstrated a common thread Daily Editorial Board which wove through the whole debate -the view of many that Are all politicians really corrupt? Tufts happens when four New England-area professors, a civility has left the political forum. At times, the panelists looked graduate and New York Times Legal Af- former Democratic presidential candidate, and thepopu- back to atime when a liberal arts education ensured that a student fairs CorrespondentStephen Labatonwill list founder ofthe Aliiance for Democracy get together to debate would learn two very important things. “Civility and manners,” address this question, as well as issues of whether the American political system is in crisis? Brown University history professor Gordon Wood said, “are campaign fmance, influencepeddling, and By and large, they tend to agree on one thing: there is too great essential to a healthy society.” a White under siege at a forum House a dichotomy of power in American society, based on social and Wood was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his book, The Radical- today at 1 1:30 a.m. in Eaton 206. economic inequities. ism of the American Revolution. When Dukakis took up the topic Labaton (LA ’83), who was an AP Indeed, when the EPIIC symposium panel entitled, “Democ- of a civil society, however, he chose to argue that politics might stringer and editor at The Observer while racy in Crisis? Civil Society and Politics in the not have a place in that society, because of the at Tu%, wilI be the featured speaker in a United States” met early on Saturday morning, adversarial nature ofthe electoral process. “We forum entitled“Scanda1in Washington: A spirited arguments arose only when the often- should not get carried away with nostalgia,” he Journalist’s Perspective,” sponsored by combative audience members were invited to said, in response to Wood’s argument that a theOfficeofCommunication.Heisagradu- pose questions to the orators. When one such 1950seducation included the art ofproper man- ate of Duke Law School, and has been a observer lambasted the fund-raising techniques of the Demo- ners. “Our forefathers believed in civility, but they didn’t practice Washington legal affairs correspondent cratic Party, former Mass. Governor Michael Dukakis spoke up to it,” Dukakis said. for the Times since 1990. defend his party, stating that it best represents working and Dukakismentionedthat American politics,by its very history, According to the Program Coordinator middle-class Americans. has been a very uncivil practice. Citing the disenfranchisementof of the Experimental College Susan “We have raised the minimum wage,” argued Dukakis, who blacks, women, and propertylessmen which had existed from the Eisenhauer,“This is an opportunity for any currently serves as a political science professor on the faculties signingofthe Declaration of Independence,he said,“The history student interested in journalism, govern- of both Northeastern University and UCLA. of America has been a constant struggle in not only expanding the ment,or politicsto hearhow one person has In response to this assertion, an audience member interrupted tenets of virtue, but in living it.” noved from Medford to the center of the the three-term former governor to assert from his seat, “Not iottest political stories in Washington.” enough.” see DUKAKIS, page 9 --Lauren Heist lage two Monday, April 7,1997 - THETUFTS DAILY THETUFTS DAILY@ P.O. Box 18, Medford, MA. 02153 (617) 627-3090; Fax: (617) 627-3910, [email protected] Online: http://www.jumbohub.com/tuftsdaily Dan Tobin University should be responsible Editor-in-Chief TheuniversityVision Statementincludes a the environment. Managing Editor: Karen Epstein commitment to promoting “active citizmpar- The creation of an advisory committee as Associate Editors: Bill Copeland, Gregory Geiman, Amy &met ticipation,” and being “amodel for society at proposed by SCIRT is not aradical idea -- NEWSEditors: Pete Sanborn, Lauren Heist many other colleges anduniversities,such Assistant Editor: John OKeefe large.” The current University policy of ab- as staining on all shareholder resolutions is anti- Yale and Johns Hopkins, have similarcom- VIEWPOINTSEditors: Jason Cohen, Alex Shalom thetical to those commitments. In an attempt mittees, some of which have existed for FEATURESEditors: Laura Bemheim, Annie Risbridger, Katie House Assistant Editor: Merredith Portsmore to correct this, the Student Coalition for In- decades. Both the committees and share- ARTS Editors: Jay Ruttenberg, Cara Maniaci, Pornsak Pichetshote vestor Responsibility at Tufts (SCIRT) has holder resolutions have an excellent track Assistant Editor: Dara Resnik proposed a step in the right direction. record of success. The committees that have WEEKENDEREditors: Abby Schwartz, Alexis Rivera TCU Senators Jack Shnirman and Gabe existed at other colleges have allowed those SPORTSEditors: Sam Erdheim, Marshall Einhorn Mozes, withthe advice of SCIRT, have sub- institutionsto make socially responsible de- Assistant Editors: Gregory Youman, Jordan Brenner, Vivek Ramgopal mitted aresolution to the Senate which calls cisions without sacrificing financial stability PHOTOGRAPHYEditors: Susan Habit, Rony Sham Assistant Editor: Kate Cohen for the creation of an advisory committee on or profits. Shareholderresolutions have anequally ONLINE Editor: Mike Weissman shareholder resolutions. A similar proposal had Assistant Editors: Jeff Borland, Heather Diaz will be introducedat today’s faculty meeting. impressive record of success. In many in- Pratiksha Thakkar The proposed committee will allow Tufts to stances, resolutionsthat have failed to carry a Production Director endits socially irresponsiblepolicy ofblindly majontyhavesti~successfuuy~~t~change. abstaining on shareholder resolutions. Most notably, the move for divestment from Production Managers: Haley Stein, Amy Rutenberg Shareholder resolutions present opportu- SouthAi%cawas,innosmallpart,inspiredby LAYOUT Editor: Pamela Abrams Assistant Editors: Doug Clancy, Gabriel Safar nities for large investors, like Tufts, to vote on such resolutions. the ways in which companies act. These Tufts has an opportunity to pursue apolicy GRAPHICSEditors: Wenimo Poweigha, Josh Goldblum resol~onscoverissuesincl~humanrights,ofinvestorresponsibility that is in accordance COPY EDITORS: Judith Dickman, Andrea Benoit, Alicia Lerman fair employment practices, and environmen- withitsvisionstatement. The creationofthe tal concerns. Apolicy ofblindabstention,like advisory committee proposed by SCIRT is the one Tufts currently practices, gives tacit an important first step that deserves the sup- approval for human-rights abuses, employ- port of students, faculty, and administration, ment discrimination, and actions harmful to alike. ___ __- ~- ~ ___~_~___~__~ The Tufts Daily is a non-profit independent newspaper, publishec londay through Friday duringthe academic year and distributed fret the Tufts community. Business hours are 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mondaj Letters to the Editor irough Friday, 1 - 6 p.m. on Sunday. The Daily is printed at Charle: iver Publishing, Charlestown, MA. Easter cannon wasn’t The painting ofthe cannon on Easter Sunday was Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individual editors are no( not meant to be a misdemeanor nor an act to stir up ecessardy responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies anc your everyday repaint dissention, but rather an opportunity for a group of v ditorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of Letters, advertisements Wednesday morning as I was walking to class, I united students to celebrate the commonality they pedcolumns, cartoons, and graphics does not necessarilyreflect tht looked towards the cannon and I noticed that the best identify with. For me, I don’t have many other pinion of the Tufts Daily editorial board. Easter painting that had been displayed the Sunday reasons to paint the cannon besides Easter morning c LETTERSTO THE EDITOR before had been splashed with paint. At that moment because TCF is the organization I most identify with. Letters must be submitted by4 p.m. and should be handed into the I got avery uncomfortableand unfamiliar feeling that Seeing the cannon blatantly splashed with paint kaily office or sent to [email protected]. All Letters musi I had never before experienced at Tufts. It was a excluded, segregated, and diminished me before the iclude the writer’s name and phone number and must be verified by feeling of both shame and rejection. campus. .* le Daily. There is a 350 word 1imit.The editors reserve the right to edil To be quite honest, last week was perhaps the 1 am-truly sorry if the cannon Sunday morning etters for clarity, space, and length. For the full policy on Letters tc happiest week that I had ever spent at Tufts. For the offended others, but all students on this campus ie Editor, contact The Tufts Daily. first time ever, Tufts Christian Fellowship, Asian must realize that intolerance is unjustifiable and that L Christian Fellowship, Protestant Christian Fellow- everyone can freely express themselves. In a world ship, and Campus Crusade for Christ all united to that is broken and crying, it is sad to see that people celebrate holy week together. From prayer meetings don’t see how they can heal their own wounds c to working ads and events together, we got to know because they are too busy making others. As Texas drops race-based each other and pull off a celebrationthat extended to the entire campus. Rebeca Brizuela LA’99 c scholarships, diversity down Faultv electrical generator the College Press Exchange The number ofapplicationsfi-om d u AUSTIN, TexasForapreview all groups also fell, but the decrease of what happens when universi- was proportionately greatesi reason for earlv shuttle return ties drop racial preferences in un- among blackand Latinoapplicants. 4 c dergraduate admissions and KeishaTruevillian,an 18-year- Los Angeles Times-Washington NASA managers say they hope the problem with scholarships,Califomiamight well old senior in a magnet program a1 Post News Service Columbia’s electrical generator will not affect plans take a look at Texas. Austin’s Johnston High School, CAPE CANAVERAL,Fla. -The potential for an to launch the shuttle Atlantis next month on a critical The University of Texas, re- was among those who decided explosion in an electrical generator forced the Colum- flight to dock with the problem-plagued Russian Mir sponding to a federal court ruling, not to apply. She had been consid- bia astronauts Sunday to cut short a planned 16-day space station. already has changed its admis- ering UT after a classmate won a science mission and to prepare instead for a quick Along with carrying astronaut Michael Foale to t sions and scholarship criteria-a $20,000 minority scholarshipthere flight home on Tuesday. MirtoreplaceastronautJerry Linenger, who will have year ahead of the University of last year. Then she found out the The decision to abort the 83rd shuttle flight was spent 132daysin space,Atlantisalsowill carry anew California. Following a blueprint scholarship isn’t offered anymore. a crushing disappointment to scores of scientists oxygen generator to supplement a pair of similar similar to one proposed at UC, the “I was hurt,” said Keisha, who and engineers who began planning the complex devices that have failed in recent weeks. Texas system tried to save diver- is black. “It kindofmakes you feel series of microgravity experiments more than three A fire Feb. 23 destroyed a backup solid-fuel oxy- sity by considering non academic like you’re being cheated, because years ago. Only a handful of the 33 planned experiT gengeneratorandthe Mircrew-commander Vasily factors such as a student’s experi- everyone before you got it.” She ments can be undertaken on amission that cost about Tsibliev, flight engineer Alexander Lazutkin and ence overcoming hardship. wound up applying to three other $500million. Linenger - is relying on a single source of oxygen Yet as the flagship UT-Austin Texas universities that aren’t as “These experiments are important to us and we from the lone remaining backup. competitive and consid. campus prepares to send out its as UT, is want to see them run,” said mission scientistMichael In addition,problems with coolant loops last week r final batch of admissions letters ering an out-of-state school tha Robinson. “Hopefully,they will run in the fhture (on raised the cabin temperature in at least two modules today, the results are in: fewermi- offers race-based scholarships. another flight) and we’re hanging on to that glimmer and forced the cosmonauts to shut down a carbon norities are getting in under.the Campus administratorsin Texar of hope.” dioxide removal system. The crew is relying on yet new race-blind policy, and far fewer call the drop in minority applica. Columbia’s seven astronauts Sunday shut down another backup system,this one to purify the station’s . will receive scholarships. tions and admission rates “the the balky generator and started preparing the orbiter airsupply. “What we’re discovering is that Hopwood effect,” an allusion tc fora2:35 p.m. landing TuesdayattheKennedy Space The Russians launched an unmanned Progress there is no proxy for race,” said the court case that brought a halt tc Center. resupply vehicle Sunday from the Baikonur Bruce Walker, UT-Austin’s head affinnativeactionat universities ir While two other electricity-generatingfuel cells Cosmodrome in Central Asia. The vehicle was loaded of admissions. Texasandtwootherstates.In 1992 are working properly, NASA flight rules require a with repair equipment and other supplies. As ofmid-March, 37percent of Cheryl Hopwood and three othei shuttle crew to head for home when one fails, to Docking is scheduled for Tuesday, and ifall goes < African-American high school white applicants sued UT’S law protect against the possibility of subsequent mal- well, the Mir cosmonauts should be able to partially seniors who applied to UT- Aus- school, charging that its practice oi functions. repair one oftheir oxygen generators, fix leaks in the tin forregular admission had been using different admissions stan. “This is not an emergency situation,” said shuttle coolant systems and get the carbon dioxide air scrub- accepted, down from 54 percent dards for minoritiesand whites wa! program director Tommy Holloway. “It’s a prudent ber back on line. last year. The admission rate for discriminatory.Last year, the FiW thing to do, and we’re off doing it in an orderly, In addition, Progress is carrying backup supplies Latino seniors also fell, while the US Circuit CourtofAppealsagreed methodical”manner. for Mir’s sole operational solid-fuel oxygen genera- admission rate forwhiteand Asian The US Supreme Court refused tc Itwasthe thirdtimeashuttleflighthadtobeended tor. Theshuttle Atlantis will bringmoresuppliesnext 2 applicants rose. hear the university’s appeal. early because of a mechanical problem. month, along with the new oxygen generator. Monday, April 7,1997 THE TUE“I‘SDAILY page three Features Mother, may I? Freida Lee Mock to speak Picture this: A kindergarten teacher asks her students to thin: about what they want to be when they grow up. The teacher asks th first little girl what she wants to be. ‘‘I want to be a doctor,”the girl says on Maya Lin documentary The teacher applauds. She asks the next little girl. “I want to b President,” she says. The teacher thinks that’s even better. Then sh byTONYKAHN Rights Memorial being built in the which addresses major issues of asks the third little girl. “When I grow up I want to be a mother.” Th Senior Staff Writer Deep South amidst KKK activi- our time - war, race, women, teacher freaks out and takes the girl down to the school psychologis On Thursday, April 3, at the ties, and climaxes with her foun- peace, and ecology. Her works to have her head examined. request ofTufts’ Asian-American tain sculptural monument honor- includethePeaceChapelatJuniata Center, Freida Lee Mock came to ing women at Yale. College in Pennsylvania, and the speakaboutherrecentand highly At the heart of the film is an Park Presidio environmental acclaimed documentary, Maya examination of art, politics, and project in San Francisco. As an Lin: A Strong Clear Vision. censorship, all tied to the experi- artist, sculptor, and architect, she tell them they can do anythin1 Mock is aSantaMonica-based, ences of one young woman. has designed complex pieces for that a man does and do it better independent filmmaker, director, “What I think is very inspiring Penn Station. the Charlotte suorts Wetell womenthatthey aresome producer, and writerwho stadium inNorth Carkina, how superhuman beings, whc has produced both Acad- and the Museum of Afri- can be perfect mothers, perfect wives, and perfect workers withou emy and Emmy Award- can Art. The project that even breaking a sweat. winning films. The is perhaps the most in- But I say that we can’t. We, women, have to realize that we are no projects ofher company, dicative of her advocacy superhuman beings. We have to realize that we can’t do it all. Sanders & Mock Pro- ofartists’ rights and inter- Too many women think that they can do it all. Most women ofthc ductionslAmerican Film est in the psychological ’90stry to be both mothers and career women, but in my opinion, thesi Foundation, range from and environmental as- women are only hurting themselves because they are compromisinl theatrical documentary pects of her work is both their motherhood and their careers in order to have both. I do no films and television se- Groundswell, her 42-ton want to be a mediocrejournalist and amediocre mother. I don’t wan ries to feature films. glass landscape sculpture to have to decide not to cover agreat story because I have to run homc MayaLinisaportrait in Ohio. to take care ofmy kids, and I don’t want to neglect my children becausc ofthe woman who, as an “The film ultimately isthe am too busy with my job to spend time with them. architecture student at story of a young person I feel very torn in my life because on the one hand, I want to be i the age of 21, designed of vision and character, nother, but on the other hand, I am tempted to have a career. the Vietnam Veterans the daughter of immi- In high school I decided that motherhood was my calling. I was i Memorial, winning the grants from China, whose masterful babysitter. Between my sister and I, we babysat forove1-2: largest design competi- impact resonates deeply jifferent families. During the school year I spent at least one night i tion in American History. forthemillions whohave week babysitting, and during the summer sometimes I babysa Winning an Academy touched and been :veryday. Besides being an easy way to make some extra cash Award in 1995,the film touched by herwork,” said Jabysitting was something that I loved doing, and it was something tells the gripping drama Cindy Sison, Mock’s 1 was good at. But saying that I wanted to be a mother often brought me strange ooks. People expect that women would want to work, especially aftei 111 ofthelongbattles feministsfoughttoallowwomen to havecareers 30 women who choose not to have a career are stymied and lookec lown upon as letting down all the feminists who have come befort hem. Many of my friends ridiculed me about wanting to be a mother rhey didn’t understand why I wanted to go to college if I just wantec o be amother. I explained that I needed to go to collegebecause there s no guarantee that I will ever get married, and I’m going to need tc iupport myself before I do get married. Also, it is a fact of life iowadays that most families cannot survive on one salary alone ’robably both my husband and I will have to workjust to make ends neet. But theoretically, I used to say I wanted to be a homemaker. Thev handle pets, not politics d Now that I am at college, somehow I am not so sure if I would really )e so ready to give up a career as I said I was before. Why am I going byEURIEC“G hrough all of this work in classes and in summer internships to gel Contributing Writer i good job, if I plan to throw it all away? For some ofyou, the transition When I was home for Spring Break, I had a number of differenl to college life has been made a bit nterviews for internships. I talked to people at newspapers, televi- more difficult by having to leave ion studios, advertising agencies... and I could see myself as a high ,owered executive working in the big time. Club Profile Now where do men fit in all ofthis? The attitude that most extreme eminists take is that men are completely unnecessary. Women can behind your beloved cat, Fluffy. vork and take care ofthe kids, feministssay, implying that men aren’t Or, if you’re a dog person, your ;ood for anything except their sperm. barking bundleoffur,Sparky. Fear Many ofthe more mild feminists, who are still willing to keep the not: a group that formed on cam- nen around, argue that men and women should take care of the pus just last semester may prove hildren equally. They say that if the woman has the higher paying to be the perfect way for you to get ob then the man should stay home with the kids. the furry companionship you Although some men have started to stay at home and be crave, while serving agoodcause. Mr.Mom’s,” I don’t think that the majority of men will realistically Animal Aid, operating under tart taking over traditional mother roles. the umbrella of the Leonard Photo by Mike Weissman So ifthe men aren’t going to be staying home, who will take care Carmichael Society, has been de- Co-chairs, Kim Halpert and Stephanie Norling. Ifthe kids? Most working women have opted to entrusttheir children voting itselfto helping abandoned D child care. But a room full of kids plus a few supervisors does not pets, by working in shelters and many college towns, students will spend most oftheir time. The cats qual amother. educating people on the proper house pets while at school. Upon that are housed here are victims of So what am I going to do? Am I going to leave Tufts, go home and care for theirpets. Under the lead- graduation orthesummertimeexo- FIV, a strain of the AIDS-causing iecome barefoot and pregnant? Certainly not. Am I going to go into ershipofsophomores Kim Halpert dus, however, these pets are not virus in felines. And more com- he workforce and give up ever having children? Hopefully not. and Stephanie Norling, Animal provided with new homes and are monly, the cats are victimsof inju- What I would like to do is work really hard now and get a high Aid is agrowingorganizationwith often abandoned, contributing to ries from asurprisingly harrowing iayingjob, meet a smart guy who also has a high paying job, and then a solid member base and enthusi- the growing population of strays. lifeonthestreets,orfiommistreat- ave up enough money so that I can quit my job and stay home with asm for projects and fostering in- Halpertand Norling seek to allevi- ment by their former owners. iy kids. It’s a fantasy, I know, but I can dream, can’t I? creased involvement. atethisproblem byprovidingboth “It’sreallysadtoseethesepets “We’re really looking for new heightened awareness and ideas injured and abused in the shelters (aurenHeist is a news editor at the Daily and is the best damn baby- ideas,” said Halpert, anxious to for alternatives to abandoning withoutcompanionship,”Norling itter there ever was. broaden the group’s activities. pets in the community. lamented. The group differentiates itself Currently,the primary activity Prospective activities for the from other animal-focused groups of the group is going to nearby group include hnd-raisers, (ten- Don’t Worry! by working directly with animals, sheltersto simply spend time with tatively a doggie walk-a-thon), to without attaching a political abused and deserted animals. The benefit shelters in the area, and a ne tlappy! agenda. most accessible shelter, which can trip to the Tufts Veterinary School One issue that they see need- be reached by bus, is in the Alli- in Grafton. With aprestigious and WriCc ~mturw! ing attention is the growing num- ance for Animals, a privately well-known veterinary program at ber of strays in suburban college owned cat shelter in Arlington. cdl ~2962 areas. They have found that, in This is the site where volunteers see ANIMALS, page 13 page four THE TUFTSDAILY Monday, April 7,1997


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kIOUrS: Daily 11:OO am tlll 12:OO c Ihirrn carry Icm lhrn $10 00. Prices do no( include urn oi boalo de@ ad M NbjecC 10 chnge rilho\lt wlice Monday, April 7,1997 THE mTSDAILY page five

‘Tickle’ helps preserve a dying music: klezmer bySTEPHANlEADLER Senior Staff Writer Stefan Schweitert’sA Tickle in the Heart is a cinematic family portrait -a picture of three brothers, aged 69 to 83, set against varied and timeless black-and-white back- Starring: Max, Willie, and drops:the retirementcommunity in Florida in Julie Epstein which they live, aconcerthall in Berlin,their Directed by: Stefan Shwietert father’s hometown of Pinsk, Poland, an Or- I thodox Jewish wedding, and their own na- circle, thanks to today’s youngsters.” tive lower East Side ofManhattan. This story In fact, one ofthe most striking scenes of ofaklezmertrio,theEpstein Brothers, is atale the film takes place in a Berlin concert hall of family, tradition, history, andmusic. packed with German twentysomethings, Thetitleofthefilm,A TickleintheHeart, who seem to appreciate as fully as any comes from an Epstein family anecdote, Jewish listener the musical talent of the He’s so dreamy! And he can act! And he was Batman! Val JSilmer does it all! told by Willie, ofan uncle who lovedmusic. charismatictrio. One ofthe central points of As a gift, the family bought him a ticket to the film isconveyed here: thattherevival of the Metropolitan Opera, and afterwards klezmer has taken the music out of its origi- badgered him with questions about the nal context, given it a new one, and flour- Notjust a pretty face performance. The uncle responds that the ished in the transition. . singing and the acting were “hoo ha,” and One ofthe many triumphs ofA Tickle in Kilmer proves actingtalent in’The Saint’ that he prefers music that will give him a the Heart is its ability to convey, through tickle in the heart. the medium of black-and-white documen- by ABBY SCHWAR’IZ TheEpstein Brothers-Max, Willie, and tary, cultural messages of universal rel- Daily Editorial Board Julie - are typical Jewish grandfatherly- evance.Although the film does focus rather Foraslongas1can remember, Val Kilmer types: clumsilycharming and faintly moum- specifically on the role of a single musical has been doing his thing on the big screen, and I’ve been swooning. It all started back ful, telling stories and bickering over the tradition in Jewish culture, the viewer gar- Starring: Val Kilmer, details, andoccasionallybreaking into Yid- in the ’80s when I first discovered him in ners from anecdotes told by the brothers Elisabeth She dish. They are musicians: Max plays the throughout the film an assortment of time- Real Genius,watching him ice skate up and clarinet,theviolin, and thesaxophone,Willie less wisdom regarding respect for family down the hallways of his dorm and turn his Directed by: Philip Noyce the trumpet, and Julie the drums; they have professor’s house into a giant popcorn I and tradition: Throughout the film, we find been playing klezmer music together for repeated scenes where one brother is pack- popper. As far as I was concerned, that very And the following minute he is a shy South over60years. Klezmer, or Hassidicmusic,is ing the car for a gig, another tuning his day, I was in love. It wasn’t long, however, African artist, using his soft, romantic side part of a centuries-old, Eastern European instrument; these scenes seem to empha- before my prepubescent crush turned to to attract Russell, the scientist. Kilmer tradition that, with thousands of Jewish size the comfort and necessity of ritual in adolescent lust as Kilmer removed his shirt proves himself a gifted actor by throwing immigrants, came to the United States at the everyday life. A unique relationship be- andtookpartin the famous TopGunvolley- himself into every perfect disguise. His

J turn ofthe century. Originally, it mixed the tween filmmakerand film subject invites the ball scene. At that point, 1was no longerjust accents are flawless, his facial expressions sounds of Jewish prayer with Eastern Euro- audience to participate in creating his own a devoted fan -I was completely obsessed are perfectly suited for each persona, and pean folk and gypsy music; during the early interpretation of the film, and to make the and proud ofit. I’ve worshiped Val Kilmer in hemakes it automaticallyclearwhy Templar twentieth century, it absorbed elements of experience ofthe Epstein Brothers his own. everything from Willow, to The Doors, to succeeds at being such a sly and gifted Americanmusic as well, such as vaudeville Although the film is at times joyous, Heat, but in recent years I have put my thief. and ragtime. What resulted (think Hava touching, and even comic, the film’s end attraction towards him on the back burner Another great aspect of the film is the Negila) has become a central feature of leaves the viewer with the subtle but dis- and have begun to truly respect his acting. technology Templaruses in order to remain American Jewish culture. tinct feeling ofsadness. This is likely due to Now he is back on the big screen, proving in touch with his employers, while remain- One of the most amazing aspects of this the fact that one does get a sense from the once again that he is not just a pretty face. ing completely anonymous at the same musical tradition is that it has literally died film that something is lost in the transmis- Although I am clearly biased, I can time. Unreleased Apple software and hard- and been reborn during this century. After sion of culture from one generation to the honestly say that Val Kilmer is the high- ware was given to the production team World War 11, many American Jews sought next. This is technically emphasized by the light and saving grace of director Phillip during The Saint’s production, in order to to detach themselves from their Old World fact that the film itself, having been shot on Noyce’s new film, TheSaint. Kilmer plays ensure that Templar was completely up-to- roots. Swing, and then rock ‘n roll replaced blackandwhite film, seemsarelic; it seems Simon Templar,amaster spy and thiefwho date in a world of ever-changing computer klezmer in many Jewish homesas American in many ways aconscious effort to preserve pulls off the most amazing scams until an technology. Like Tom Cruise in Mission pop culture was being born. Since the late something that nevertheless is doomed to ordinaryjob lands him in unfamiliar terri- Impossible, Kilmer uses all sorts of great 1970s,however,anewgenerationofassimi- extinction. Whether or not this is the case, tory. Hired to steal the formula for cold gadgets throughout The Saint in order to lated American Jews have been getting in it is gratifying that director Schweitert had fusion, Templarmeetsand falls in love with getthejobdone. In fact, when Kilmercracks touch with its heritage, and a revival of the foresightto record for posterity the life- the young and beautiful scientist who has safes and scales buildings, the film tends to klezmer music has taken place around the affirming humor, the history, and especially discovered it, Emma Russell (Elisabeth feel a lot like Mission Impossible!, yet the world. WillieEpsteinremarksthatheandhis the music of the Epstein Brothers. Shue). The two are soon forced to protect plot is much clearer and easier to follow. brothers have seen “the music of our day, A Tickle in ihe Heart is now playing ai themselves against the Russian revolu- The one weak area of The Saint is from when we were youngsters, come full- the Coolidge Corner Theater. tionary trying to steal the formula, and Elisabeth Shue. Although she is certainly Templar is also forced to overcome his beautifit1 and I can understand why Templar fears of loving someone else while coming is physically attracted to her character, Shue to terms with questions about his own fails to add any real substance to Emma identity. While dodging gunfire and hack- Russell’scharacter.Shetakes Emma’s inno- ing computer codes, the brave couple cent side and blows it so out of proportion learns the importance oftrust in a world in that she becomes flighty and annoying - which they both feel very alone. it’s difficult to believe her as a scientist, let Undoubtedly, the best part about The alone a genius. Although Shue and Kilmer Saint is watching Templarchange his iden- look great together on screen, Shue fades tity to do hisjob successfully. This “man of into the background behind Kilmer and she a thousand disguises” has the amazing transforms into a cute, pretty part of the ability to not only change his physical scenery. appearance but to perfect the accents and The one scene in which Shue succeeds mannerisms which go along with each dis- on screen is when she runs for refuge to- guise. Kilmer, in effect,playsmany different wards the gates of the American Embassy roles in this film, for he takes on a different in Moscow while being chased by a Rus- persona in almost every scene. One minute sian goon. Her screaming, “I’m American! he is an incredibly sexy Latin lover who I’m American!”wasenoughtomakeme feel uses his powers of seduction to smoothly an overwhelming sense of patriotism and steal a microchip. The next minute he is an enough to make my heart race - but then irritating,unattractive, balding, middle-aged Clumsily charming and faintly mournful, the Epstein Brothers are typical again, I would not be surprised if my heart man, far more interested in the concepts of was racing because Kilmer was only a few Jewish grandfatherly-types. cold fusion than in getting anyone into bed. feet away. Bring a brand-spankin’ perspective to the Arts page. Call x2941 and ask for the thousands of arts editors. page six THE TUFTSDAILY Monday, April 7,1997

Tho Leonard Carmielmel Society presents ONE-DAY EVENTS Always wanted a chance to get involved with community service, but felt that you never had the time to make large rommittments? The following activities take just a few hours of your time but the rewards are long-lasting. Call the LCS office at 627-3643 for more information,

Saturday, April I2 Saturday, April 10 Who: Volunteer Construction Corps Who: Kids' Day Location of Activity: Crossroads Imation of Activity: Tufts Campus Bleeting Place: Campus Center Time: 8:30am400pm rime: 9am4pm Activity: Be a group leader or set up a booth with a group 01 Activity: Paint and build shelves at a local homeless family friends or student organization on this fun-filled day for shelter. No experience is necessary. Medford/ Sornerville youngsters. Kids’ Day includes booths, games, entertainment, food, and thousands of smiling faces. Patarday, April 12 Who: Junior Achievement Location of Activity: TBA Meeting Place: Campus Center ATMs rime 12-3pm dctivity: Bowl in ”Hula Bowl ’97.” Have fun while raising :,ledges for Junior Achievement, a program in which Jolunteers teach urban K-6eraders about economics.

~ ~~ Saturday, April 12 who: Elderly Outreach Location of Activity: Cambridge Nursing Home baceting Place: Campus Center rime TBA lctivity: Help set up, get down, and party with nursing

iome residents.as you bridge the gap-~ between the young and .he old.

Tuesday, April 15

Who: AIDS Outreach . Location of Activity: TBA Meeting Place: TBA Time: TBA Activity: Hear about the personal experiences of an AIDS Action Committee Member. Who: Blood Drive Location and Times of Activity: Wednesday, April 16 Hodgdon Hall llam4pm I Carmichael Lounge 1-6pm Who: Eyes for Ofhers Activity: Work before the drive by recruiting donors and/or Location of Activity: TAB Building advertising, help out at the drive, or give blood. Help Time 7-9pm contribute to the over 1,OOO pints of blood collected at Tufts Activity: Join members of Project Outlook, a local club for pach school year. blind and visually impaired people from the area, for a night of refreshments, conversation, and bingo.

Thursday, April I7 Who: AIDS Ou#reach Location of Activity: TBA Who: AIDS Outreach DaCCtiIDg FIPCC: TBA Location of Activity: Methodist Church Time: 7pm Meeting Place: Campus Center Activity: Join AIDS Outreach volunteers in an AIDS Panel Time: 5pm Activity: Join volunteers in their AIDS Thursday Dinner. Sunday, May 4

Friday, April 18 Who: Hunger Project Location of Activity: Project TBA Who: Hunger nleeting Place: TBA Location 01 Aclivity: TBA Time TBA Meeting Place: TBA Activity: Join hundreds of volunteers in the Walk for Hunger rime: TBA fund-raiser. bctivity: JoinHunger Project vol&teers in a Hunger 3anquet. Monday, April 7,1997 TIE TUFTS DAILY page seven

Keep your eye on Arizona next year d by JORDAN BRENNER I Daily Editorial Board The NCAA Basketball season Wrap-upIVCAA has concluded, and we have sur- @ I prising a new champion, the Ari- zona Wildcats. I love the NCAA Tournament, and Arizona repre- sents all that is good about the three-weekevent,but also all that is bad. Clearly, the fact that upsets can occurinanygame,andateammerely has to get hot for six games in a row towin itallmakestheTourneyexcit- ing. However, toacertain degree, it makes it disappointing. For in- stance, Kansas worked hard allyear long and was dominant,losing only one overtime game to Missouri. Yet the Jayhawks met up with Arizona in the Sweet Sixteen, suffered one poor shooting night, and their sea- son was over. Now, there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Kan- Want to begin your career with inimediate exposure to advanced technology? There is no better place sas would have won a seven-game to look than Northrop Gruninlari right now. From our work on the E2C Airborne Early Warning System to the Joint Surveillance 7’arget Attack Radar Systeni (Joint STARS) to the Vehicular series, but that’s the way the cookie Iiitercoriiriiuliications Systeni (VIS), Northrop Gruninian’s Electronics System Division continues to crumbles in the NCAAs. prove that the iiiipossible is indeed possible. It’s a tough pill to swallow for At our Electronics Systems Division facility in suburbail Chicago you’ll find one of the world’s most teams like Kansas. As Dick Wale capable arid experienced designers arid niariufacturers of highly specialized electronic systems. Our always says, we should measure a product technologies include Radio Frequency (RF) electronic systems and electro-opticllrifrared system. team’ssuccess simply by how it did These products have continuing near and long-term business opportunity. In fact, at Nortlirop in the Tournament. So, obvious Gruiiinian our strategic thrust into defense electronics is estimated to exceed $10 billion by the year congratulationsgo to Arizona, but 2000. Current areas of opportunity iiiclude: here’s to schools like Kentucky, Kansas, Minnesota, North Caro- (M M ICIASIC lina, Utah,UCLA,Duke,andSouth Carolina, who stumbled as late as Northrop Gruliiniari Electronics Systems continues to be an industry leader in the developiiient and use of monolithic microwave integrated circuit aiid analog and digital application-specific integrated the Championshipgame,oras early circuit tcchrlology. Through this technology, coiiiplex circuits have been draniatically simplified, as the first round. All ofthese teams resulting in 70% fewer parts, a 10:1 reduction in weight and voluliie, aiid increased perforliiarlce alid had great seasons, and should be reliability, coiiipared to conventional iliiplelnelitations. A dramatic example of niaxiiniziiig iiiiniatur- commended. izatiori can be found in the microwave power module, the sniallest power transmitter ever designed Of course, as soon as the Cham- and constructed. pionship game concludes, college @dvanced Technology I [ere is where the leading edge of today’s electronic countermeasures technology is created. The Advanced Technology section provides engineers with an applied research environment to siiiiulate (Note: Due to the April Fool’s state-of-the-art advances in analog, digital. RF, niicrowave, electro-opticllnfrared, and electron tube Day Blizzard, please contact technologies along with the atteiidant coiiipilter aided iiiodeling and siniulation techniques. the Athletic Department for CEOIIR schedule changes) SRMinfrared janiiiiing systems provide military aircraft with protection against a vast array of heat Mondav. April 7 seeker missile threats and are conipatible with virtually all modern liiilitary and conimercial aircraft and Baseball: vs. M.I.T., 3:OO p.m. ariiiaiiients. All electro-opticallltifrared couliternieasllres systems provide stand-alone protection against Softball: @ Bridgewater St. surface-to-air, air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles providing the flexibility to program specific counter- (2),3:OO p.m. measure technology against varying threats. These high-powered eficient jaiiiiiiers are capable of protection against multiple infrared homing missiles. Tuesdav. April 8 Softball: vs. UMass- (Embedded Software Dartmouth, 3:30 p.m. Nortlirop Cruiiiinan is at the leading-edge of mission planning and systerii software developliient, Tennis: @ MIT, 3:30 p.m. with expertise gained from working 011 Attack Missile R.lission Planning Software (MI’S), as well as Men’s Lacrosse: @ Bowdoin, state-of-the-art next generation “smart” weapons system software. A joint goverririientlindustry team, 3:30 p.m. using the maturity scales has rated Northrop Gruiiiinan among the top high techiiology software Women’s Lacrosse: @ tlcvelopiiient coinpaiiies in the industry. Bowdoin, 3:30 p.m. see NCAA, page 13 JOIN US ! At our Electronics Systenis Division you‘ll fiiid exposure to advanced technology and treinendoils Wiped-out weekend I career opportunity. 111 addition, our location offers high quality housing, education facilities and the 1 Chalk this victory up to cxcitciiiciit of Chicago’s sports, ciitertainnicnt and cultural activities. ’Io find out more, send your resume as ASCII text to resuriies~eiws.esitl,riortligrum.colii.Or you can mail or fax your resume to: Mother Nature. While the rest Attn: Professional Eiiiployiiieiit, Advanced Iechiiology, Northrop Cruriiman, 600 I licks Road, of Tufts dug itself out of the Iblliiig Meadows, IL 60008. Fax: 847l590-3 189. An equal opportunity eiiiploycr MIFIUIV. third-worst snow storm in Bos- ton history, the only games Jumbo athletes could play were NORITHROP GRUUUAN of the waiting variety, or on their Sega system. Both the :softball and baseball doubie- headers on Saturday were post- poned, while the men’s lacrosse home game was moved to Trin- 1 - ity. Tge men’s and women’s track team’s Jumbo Invitional at Ellis Oval was canceled and Los Deportes: will not be made up. The Daily will report on the make-up dates for all postponed en el Diario todos 10s dias games as’soon as they become available. I

.,. . pageeight THETUFTSDAILY Monday, April 7,1997 April 6th-14th


Tuesdav, A~il8th 3 - CaDen House \ L

r Mondav, Aoril 4th c c




r Thursw 10th



Global Justice Week sponsored by: Mum Collective, LCS Hunger Project, SET'jMdviewers like you1 F

- Monday, April 7,1997 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine EPIIC Symposium

Ancient Athens and western ideals in democracy4 ancient Athenian society, saying may resurface, followingthewith- that she believes it is necessary to the US and redirected on the UN byJEFFREY CARulN and other international institu- Senior Staff Writer that it is important to “recognize drawal of international organiza- “look at the whole forest and not Debating the role of democ- Athenian democracy as a re- tions from the country. just the tree.” tions. racy asapoliticalsystemoramode sponse to conditions in Greece in Bogdon Denitch, a sociology Islam echoed Mathur, saying Jovan Divjak, former Deputy ofcultural dominance, professors the 6th century BC.” professorat City UniversityofNew that the “democraticspirit and not Chief in Command of Territorial from around the country gathered Using historical events, includ- York, argued that simply having a form is universal.” Defense of Bosnia, who had spo- to hold a panel discussion en- ing the creation of the Council of constitution is not enough. He He added that Westem liberal ken on aprevious panel Thursday, titled, “Democracy: Universalism 500, to discuss the creation of said an examination of who con- democracy “for some societies raised some points relating to the or Cultural Imperialism.” The Athenian democracy, Hirsch said, trols police power, courts, and the may be wholly irrelevant.” current state of Bosnia. Through event, moderated by EPIIC “Humble citizens could hold pub- media, not just the existence of a Asked about the importance of an interpreter, Divjak stated that colloquium members Chen-I Lin lic office.” constitution and elections, is nec- creating an international police he believed it was important that and Anthony Lin, was held on The professor argued, how- essary to determine if a political power, Denitch saidthat the power societies agree on what they want, Friday night. ever, that Athenian democracy was system is a democracy. of the UN needs to be increased and that the focus needs to be less Unable to attend the sympo- less democratic than many schol- He said that while elections and the focus needs to be taken off on Western ideas. sium due to illness, ColumbiaUni- ars believe it be. Hirsch said that can be looked upon as a victory versity professor Edward Said was only 15 percent of the Athenian for democracy, they are not al- replaced on the panel by Lamis population was composed ofmale ways accurate indicators, espe- Andoni, an independent journal- citizens, and that these men were cially when the elections are gov- ist for TheJordan Times.Discuss- the only individualswith a vote in ernment controlled. “If someone ing the conditions in the Middle the political system. can buy TV, or buy politicians- East, Andoni said, “Our region is Speakingprimarily about con- they control democracy,”Denitch plagued by colonialism and neo- stitutionalism, Ann Elizabeth said. colonialism.” She mentioned that Mayer, the associate professor of Mallika Mathur and Asiful Is- as a result ofthis colonialism,there legal studies at the University of lam, both Tufts students, pre- are currently two distinct attitudes Pennsylvania, said ‘Lourfaith in sented their evaluations of the towards the West, one that rejects constitutionalism is being democraticspirit. Mathur saidthat Western culture, and one that sub- shaken.” She used Bosnia to ex- she believes that “there is no one mits to Western power. emplify her arguments, discuss- kind of democracy, there are Speaking on behalf of Said, ing the recent events in the war- many.” She added, “I firmly be- Andoni added that Said has “an torn- country and the efforts to lieve that democratic spirit is uni- insight into both cultures” and create a universal constitution. versal.” that he “wants peace, but wants “Bosnia has gone as far as any She explained that she thinks peace with justice.” country in the world to establish a the Western model of democracy Many of this weekend’s events took place at Fletcher. Steven Hirsch, chair ofthe clas- constitution based in universalist cannot be used universally, based sics department at Tufts, described principles,” she said. Mayer on differing conditions in differ- the evolution of democracy in added, however, that problems ent countries. In closing, she said Should we promote Answer to civic pride may lie in education DUKAKIS limited by law to the amount of democracy abroad? continued from page 1 money that a minimum-wage byNEILn>W US has taken internationally. The topic of equality of op- earner makes in an eight-hour Senior Staff Writer “We also have to clean up the portunity in the political process day. Apanel ofdistinguishedschol- messes we made in the Cold War in prevailed for most of the morn- Her assertion helped to illus- ars, politicians and diplomatsgath- Guatemala and perhaps Afghani- ing. All six panelists agreed that trate a point that had been made ered at Cabot’s Asean Auditorium stan,” he said. too much money sits at the top earlier in the panel by John on Sunday to discuss the promo- The panel discussion focused and not enough political partici- Brooke, the chair of the Tufts tion and export of democracy as largely on Latin America. Ruben pation exists at the bottom, and history department. Discussing part ofthis weekend’sEPIICsym- Zamora, Secretary-General ofthe that the answer can be as simple the influential role of interest posium. Democratic Convergence Party as two words: grassroots poli- groups and PACs in the political Peter Winn, a professor of his- and Deputy Elect to the National tics. No panelist touted this view process, he asked, “Does civil tory and chair ofthe Latin Ameri- Assembly in El Salvador,was one as much as Alliance for Democ- society have to be nudged to can Studies Department at Tufts, of two representatives native to racy founder Ronnie Dugger. include more aspects ofthepopu- openedthepanel, which wasmod- this region. The other was “Democracy is dead at the na- lation?’ erated by EPIIC students Natalia Edmundo Vargas, Ambassador of tional level,” he declared, dis- Michael Dukakis The chair of the Tufts sociol- Criado and Goh Chin Lian. Chile to the Organizationof Ameri- cussing what he perceived to be He discussed the effectiveness ogy and anthropology depart- Sayingthat he intended to pro- can States (OAS) and general sec- thedomination ofmoney, special of past limitations on campaign ments, Susan Ostrander,said that vokedebate, Winn offered several retary ofthe OAS’s Human Rights interests, and mainstream media finance and the impact ofthe one- Washington should eventually assertions, such as the following, Commission. in the White House and on Capi- man, one-vote court decisions of regroup so as to welcome those “The US has rarely, if ever, made Zamora asserted, “A constant tol Hill. The Alliance for Progress the early 196Os, and he said that people, such as women and promotion of democracy a true ofthetransition process [from dic- is a populist organization that equal consideration should be blacks, who have entered the priority. [It has sometimes] pro- tatorships to democracies] is for- attempts to counter the supposed granted to all citizens.He lamented, political process through the moted democracy and sometimes eign intervention.” corporate domination of the po- however, the fact that there is a grassroots level to sit alongside dictatorship.” He discussed several issues litical process, Dugger said. great stratification of wealth in those who have occupied the Winn also stressed that elec- regarding sovereignty, another “We must build a new coun- American society, and that those halls of government for many toral democracy itself, is an am- recurring theme in the panel dis- try,” he said, calling for apeople’s with greater financial resources years. biguous term, saying that such a cussions. “Sovereignty is the ba- movement that would act inde- can gain greater degrees of politi- “The challenge,” she said, ‘(is definition is“limited and ambigu- sis of the modem international pendently ofthe established par- cal access. to reconcile [these people] with ous.’) community,”Zamorasaid. ties. He stopped short of saying “Those with particular prefer- theoriginal definition ofgovern- He concluded that the “scope, Saying that he is not optimistic that he hoped to build a third ences and with money will get ment.” depth, and quality ofdemocracy” about the prospects for exporting party with hiscoalition,however. heard,” Verba said. He also argued Both Dukakis and Dugger saw must be evaluated in order to “ful- democracy,Zamora said,“Democ- Invoking the ideas of former that those with excessive amounts the challenge as one which fill the aspirations” of the citizens racy, unlike a revolution, cannot Green Party presidential candi- oftime can gain the same opportu- should be held in yet another living under transitional govern- be exported.” date and activist Ralph Nader, nities in the political sphere as institution of American society ments. Lt. Col. Michael Trahan, a Dugger said that the political those with money, and he con- -the schools. “There is a pas- Tony Smith, chair ofthepoliti- formermilitarycommander in Haiti,- system closed to the common cluded thattime isdistributedrela- sive perpetuation of the status cal sciencedepartment, who iden- took a less theoretical position. citizen 15 years ago when lobby- tively equally around society. quo [in schools],’’ Dugger said. tified himselfas arealistic liberal, “The military did lots more con- ists superseded the influence of Verba cited one establishment “Studentscan win information... said, “One should promote de- crete infrastructuraland fhctional civicorganizations.“Government ofAmerican society in which citi- fkomtheFreedom of Information mocracy where the ground is fer- projects to support democracy in is bought from top to bottom,” he zens can work to gain equality of Act from the government, but tile for it.” Haiti than any abstract concepts said. “Corporations have all but political opportunity: the religious they do not know that.” Smith cited Germany as an ex- did.” one or two of the constitutional institutions. “American churches Dukakis said that he hopes ample of success in the US policy Trahan remarked that the costs rights [that citizens have].” and synagogues can help those America can counter the cyni- of promoting democracy abroad. must be weighed against the goals Others argued that, instead of who are resource-poor to develop cism anddisaffectionofits youth “Democratic countrieswill work of promoting democracy abroad. building a new country from the citizenship,” he said. by asking the educational sys- betterwith theUS. There are places “In the long term the goals may be bottom up, steps can be taken A homeless woman who ad- tem todo abetterjobofpreparing in the world where we can be bull- unattainable.” under the existing governmental dressed the panel in the question- its students for civic life and the ish [on democracy], such as Latin Other panelists included system to increase the power of and-answer session believed that responsibilities therein. Citing a America and Eastern Europe, in- Morton Halperin, senior fellow at all citizens. This argument was the true change in political access declining rate of participation in cluding Russia. It makesgood his- the Council on Foreign Relations; supported by Harvard professor can only occurthrough adifferent politics, the former presidential torical sense to push as strong as Sean Lynn-Jones, co-editor of In- Sidney Verba, who has served as institution ofAmerican society- candidate said, “A great democ- we can for democracy [in these ternationalSecurity;and Tommie president ofthe American Politi- the Congress. She stressed that racy hasto live its ideals ifothers regions].” Sue Montgomery, visitingprofes- cal Science Association. individual donations should be [in the world] are to follow.” Smith also criticizedtherolethe sor of political science at Tufts. page ten RFE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 7,1997



Please Call The International Center At 627-3458 To Make Your Reservations Co-Sponsored By The Career Planning Center &IThe InternationalCenter Peace and Justice Studies Certificate Program

Wednesday, April 9 It30 am - Ipm End the Silence, Stop the Violence1 102 Eaton Hall s-it Women Weeks - 1997 Refreshments and food will be served March 26 - April 10 Monday, AprU I DRUGS AND SEXUAL ASSAULT Officer Gwen Co-Wallis and Armand Mickune-Santos, Alcohol and Health Educator, will have a table of information in the Campus Center on the drug, Rohypnal, know as roofies, that has been implicated in sexual assaults. .At 3:30 pm., they will be presenting a program on the drug in the Campus Center.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE AND ON-CAMPUS Carolyn Torrey will talk about her own experiences of harassment in the workplace and her 8 years of work in Human Resources dealing with incidents. Michael Powell, Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity at Tufts, will discuss campus incidents and policy. 7:30 pm., East Hall Lounge

NOT-FOR-PROFIT CAREER FAIR FORUM ON SAME-SEX DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Sponsored by the LGB Resource Center. TUESDAY, APRIL 8TH 7:30 pm., Zamparelli Room in the Campus Center 2:OO PM - 4:OO PM Wednesday, April 9 LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, CAMPUS CENTER WOMEN’S SUPPORT GROUP Open, drop-in support group for women. Possible topics are sexual harassment, rape, and sexual assault. Facilitated by Elizabeth Smith. 7:OO pm., Women‘s Center, 55 Talbot Ave. Also meeting Weds., April 16 & 23. The following organizations are expected to attend:

ARMING WOMEN AGAINST RAPE & ENDANGERMENT ADVOCATES, INC. . Barbara Clorite from AWARE will present her program AMERICORPS NATIONAL SERVICE 7:OO p.m. at Barnum 104 CITY(VISTA) YEAR CLEAN WATER ACTION April 1Q COMBINED JEWISH PHILANTHROPY MAGIC MElBOSTON TAKE BACK THE NIGHT! NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY Look for more information on speakers and march. This is an event that you will NEW HOPE, INC. not want to miss. Sponsored by the Women’s Collective. PEACE CORPS 8:OO pm., Meet on the Residential Quad THE PROTESTANT GUILD FOR HUMAN SERVICES, INC. THE PUBLIC INTEREST RESEARCH GROUP (PIRGJ April 13 SOMERVILLE YMCA TILL, INC. WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE MEETING & DISCUSSION VINFEN CORPORATION Open to all women. Come discuss issues of importance to you. WALTER DENNY YOUTH CENTER 7:OO pm., Women’s Center, 55 Talbot Ave. WOMEN IN COMMUNITY SERVICE, INC. Watch for information tables in the Campus Center, (WICS) bulletin board information, and table tents. For more information, call the Women’s Center at 627-31 84. DON’T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO MEET Sponsored by: the Women’s Collective, Oflice of Women’s Programs, Alcohol & Health Education, LGB Resource Center and Tub Police. WITH THESE REPRESENTATIVES!!!!

Sponsored by the Career Planning Center Monday, April 7,1997 TUFTS DAILY page eleven


Champagne GIasses Are Here

- The Lowest Student, Youth & Budget Airfares 0 Gere are aljo limited tickets still avaiCa6lefor Eurail Passes issued on the spot! severalsenior WeekActiuities Adventure Tours Budget Accommodations : International Student,Teacher &Youth ID Remaining Tickets Include: Hostel Memberships President's Reception Language Programs Worldwide . Sheer Madness Work Abroad programs & More! 0 Champagne Brunch Club Night @ Avalon (Madri Grad Waterworks (On Marina Bay in Quincy) GALA

w *Those On The Lottery List Will Be Given First Priority For Gala* : CIEE Council on International Gala Tickets are NOT First Come First Serve Educational Exchange Credit Card OR Cash Acceptable Must Have Tufts ID (Class of 1997) Ticket Sales and Champagne Glass Distribution Will Be Held Monday April 7th 6:00pm-9:00pm Wednesday April 9th 1:00pm-3:00pm Wednesday April 9th 7:00pm-9:00pm Thursday April 10th NOON-3:OOpm Chris.,Doubek

Student Rates

Survey Says: Catered Meal 10% Rice and Beans 25% Rice ... (if you're lucky) 65%

Oxfam Collective's Third Annual Hunger Banquet

Contact Your Local Chapter. American Red Cross page twelve THETUFTSDAILY Monday, April 7,1997 Writing Across the Curriculum


EAST HALLLOUNGE (1 1 :OO AM = 1 :OO PM) Learn about the Program Meet with Faculty e Get the Fall '97 Course Booklet Midnight *MadnessSale

IdsUniuersw re c Midnlght

ApriI 1Oih# 10°OOpm0





t Future of UNC and Kansas NCAA Robertson and Billy Thomas continued from page 7 should step in as the new starting ’Scandaf in Washingtom MikeKrzyzewski. backcourt, and both are better North Carolina: Antawn shooters than Vaughn and Haase, A Journafisf3 Perspective“ Jamison is the key. If he stays, the although they lack the quickness, Tar Heels can be as good as any- ballhandling, and defensive skills Come hear oneagain. IfhevaultstotheNBA, that the departing seniors pos- though, the Heels will fall back to sess. In addition, the Jayhawks Stephen Labaton (Tufts ‘83) themiddleofthe packinthe ACC. are still looking to add a point Serge Zwikker is the only key guard, and have a chance to snag New York Times player who will be lost to gradua- Baron Davis, who many consider tion, but Makhtar Ndiaye and the top point guard among next Washington Corresponden Vassil Evtimov should do a good year’s freshmen.Kansas has some enoughjob ofreplacinghim. Vince unfinished business in the Tour- Carter is on the verge of stardom nament, and should be ready to go campaign finance as a quick, powerful, and athletic when next season rolls around. influence peddling wing player, andEdCotawillonly Others to watch: Michigan, get better at point guard. Jamison’s Clemson, New Mexico, South The White House under siege offensive rebounding and inside Carolina, UCLA, Kentucky, scoring are huge, though, and Fresno St., and Purdue. without him to clean up the gar- Like always, next year really MONDAY, APRIL 7 bage inside, North Carolina may depends on who stays in school. struggle. Ron Mercer, Chauncey Billups, 2 Kansas: Jacque Vaughn, Jerod and Danny Fortson have already 1 1t30 AM EATON 206 Haase, and Scot Pollard will all be declared their eligibility for the gone, but Kansas will still be atop NBA Draft, and more are sure to team. Why? Because, assuming follow. Still, even with so many they stay in school, RaefLaFrentz stars leavingearly,thecollegegame and Paul Pierce are both potential remains the best and purest sport cM,$ Sponsored by the Communications and Media Studies Program First-Team All-Americans. Ryan out there. Hoping students benefit, too TSCP it received grant money from the continued from page 1 National Endowment for the Hu- Sophomore participant Ben manities. Zaretsky spoke highly ofhis expe- New groups start Tuesday, rience. “[It] has definitely ex- April 8, at Clarendon Hill Presby- panded notjust my perceptions of terian Church and Wednesday, Interested in Ghm fume, und Sudng the Net? Somerville but also of people in April 9, at St. Anne’s Church. For general. People of all ages, races more information,contact Rachel and ethnic orientations are Coleman,at628-5OOOX2923orstop Know Your Wuy Around Computers? brought together and encouraged bytheTSCPoffice,located inEaton to speak freely. The Somerville 101. Conversations is on the cutting edge, and I think that other com- Speaks again Become a Residential munities, including Tufts could RICHARDSON learn from it.” continued from page 1 TTT Each conversation group is Computer Consultant.. . sponsored by a community orga- address the graduates of the nization that provides a location School of Medicine, the Sackler for the meetings and recruits School of Graduate Biomedical people in the organization to par- Sciences,and the School ofVeteri- ticipate. Community hosts have nary Medicine. Doherty, whose included the Haitian Parents son is graduating from the medical Group, the Haitian Coalition, the school, will receive an honorary Welcome Project, the Somerville doctor of science degree. Community Corporation, the Former Mass. Sen. Louis Logan Post-VFW, Grace Baptist Bertonaai, amember ofthe School t Church, B’nai B’rith, and Christ of Dental Medicine’s Board of Episcopal Church. Overseers,will address the gradu- . Coleman said she hopes that ates of the dental school. not only thecommunity asa whole, Be Revered By Your Email-addict Peers but also the organizations them- Save Fluffv! selves, will be bettered and more d Valuable Network and Computer Technical Experience united by their shared experiences ANIMALS continued from page 3 Great Resume Material inTSCP. Christi singled out both Bar- Tufts, the group wants to take full Arrange Your Own Hours bara Rubel, Tufts’ liaison to advantage of the resources avail- Somerville, and junior Katherine able to them. Cheairs, the project assistant, as Anyone with an interest in ani- having been instrumental to mals is encouraged to join this TSCP’s success. new organization,which really al- TSCP is jointly sponsored by lows its members to work directly the Somerville HumanRightsCom- withanimalsandplay withthem- mission and the Tufts Center for just like you would with your good InterdisciplinaryStudies. Last year, 01’ pets at home. Tujts Online is currently interviewing for fall positions on their residential networklcomputer troubleshooting staff. If you enjoy solving challenging technical problems, surfing the net, and meeting students all over Tufts, this is the job for you! Recipient of the Primary Source’s “Most In Need of Interested students please fill out an application available at the Arena Annex to be deposited in the “RCC Folder” before Friday, April 1l* an Enema Award” (and boy, do they know a thing or tM;o Email any questions to RCC Student Supervisors, Daniel Smith and Steve Gordon about that) [email protected], [email protected] .\.fantiaton, training sessions will be held.4u.g. 24-29 1997. Housing and meals will be providedfiee of charge. Greg Geirnan

Tuesdays in Viewpoints page fourteen THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 7,1997

Seoul English Program Sponsored by The Seoul Metropolitan OfBce of Education Unique opportunity to teach English in Jr./Sr. High Schools in the exciting capital city of South Korea Nominations for Honorary Degree Contract Period: Commencement 1998 One year commencing September 1,1997 (Two weeks of TESOL training will be conducted at Manhattanville Collqe in New York from August 18 to August 29,1997)

Basic Qualifications: Bachelors degree (or expected one) by June 15,1997 Native Proficiency in English The Trustee Honorary Degree Committee is seeking nominations of outstanding individuals to receive an Salary: ’ (The cowemion rate applied is W 850 to the dollar) honorary degree fiom Tufts University. Degrees will be English Language Instructon-W 1J00,000./mo. (Approx. %1,400.00) Higher salaries for English and TESL majors and i\IA/MS degree holders conferred at the 1998 Commencement and at other Housing, round-trip airfare and health insurance are provided appropriate occasions. Please submit all inquiries to: International Education Service Corps PO Box 227, Hartsdale, NY 10530 Tel: 914-172-7363 Fax: 914-722-1469 The primary requirement for an honorary degree is individual distinction of the highest order, whether through a profession, service to society in general, or other means. Nominations consist of a personal letter of recommendation and a biographical profile. Monday. April 7 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Coolidge Room The deadline is June 30, 1997. Send nominations to: Ballou Hall The Future Of Children’s Television

Linda J. Dixon Congressman Ed Markey (D-Mass.) Secretary of the Corporation Trustees Office, Ballou Hall Author of Telecommunications Act of 1996 Medford, MA 02155 . Peggy Charren Founder, Action for Children‘s Television Dr. Amy B. Jordan Senior Researcher, Annenberg Centerfor Public Poliq, UPeizn Dr. Donald Wertlieb Associate Professor Of Child Dez~eloprnent, Tufts Uizizlerszty Elizabeth Cheng SPORTS. COOL Director Of Programming, LVCVB-TV Sponsored By The Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development, CALL US. 12944 Communications and Media Studies Program, and the Experimental College Free and Open to the Public

Wendell Phillips Award Finalists Speak!

Come listen to the 5 Wendell Phillips Award Finalists Monday, April 7th beginning at 5:15 pm in the Coolidge Room, Ballou Hall

Each finalist will present a 3-5 minute response to the following question:

” In a community of diverse needs and priorities, public service initiatives often compete for resources and community involvement. What advice would you give an entering college student concerning the arenas one should choose to

serve? I’

Coordinated by the Comiizittee for Student Life Monday, April 7,1997 TUFTS DAILY page fifteen

Interested In an internship or CHEAP -AND CLOSE FOR Housemate going abroad KIDS DAY GROUP WEB GRAPHIC DESIGNERS full time THE SUMMER first semester? LEADERS BUSINESS 8 MARKETING position with a Non-Profii or Human Great opportunity $325/month on A graduating senior looking to stay in Informational meeting will be held MAJOR GET A JOB? Servicesorganization?Attendthemini University Ave (across from Hill hall) BostonthN December needs a place Tuesdav.A~ril8.in Braker001at 9:30 To be equity partnerin on-line start-up Career Fair on Tuesday, April 8th beautiful. carpeted. new. Call now tolive. lfvou arelooking for arelativelv p.m. If you havenot attended a group team. Must be motivated, reliable, Seniors, apply this week for the Stephx1406. ExCollege ADMINISTRATIVE from 2:OO p.m. to 4:OO p.m. in the quiet. -neat and - responsible leadersmeetingyet. youMUSTattend willingto committime. Resumeto259 INTERNSHIP! It's a 9 month paid Large Conference Room in the housemate, Call John @ 391-3598. this one. Bnna $9.00 to purchase a T- Walnut Street. #2Newton. MA02160. position at Tufts' most eclectic CampusCenter.Sponsored by Career shirt. Questi&s- Call Jeannie x7433. or fax: 617-527-7074. program. Not surewhatyou'll bedoing Planning Center. CHEAP Summer Sublet Large, Beautiful, Spacious next year? Want to take some "time Large bedrooms for sublet in 5 apt for rent Need a Summer Job? Cambridge Hotel has off beforegradschool?Workfor your Premeds: If you are applying bedroomapt. June 1-August31.Fully Staying in Medford? Earn $3-5000 immediate openings for the furnished. Free WID. Includes kitc, Sroomson Zfloorswithfivebedrooms. alma mater! Stop by the ExCollege in 1997, you Modem kitchen. dishwasher, disposal, working outside for College Pro following positions: Front Desk - Full today and get an application: should have a blue applicant dinrm. IiVrm. 2 bath. 65 Bromfield. Painters. Now hiringpainledJob Site 8 Part time 7-3 or 3-1 1. Accounts Next to Anderson Hall. $300/mo. Call fridge and microwave. Two full DEADLINE IS FRIDAY 4/11! handbook and a registration packet bathrooms. Freewashers anddryers. managers. Call Shawn at Payable-Parttime.MassSOSofkare. for the Health Professions Tim. Dave @ 776-4359. Available June 1, 1997. Walking 627-1320. Weekend Housekeeping Recommendation Committee. There Distance to TUFTS. Call Marvin Supervisor - SaffSun 8-5. Apply in BECOME EMPLOYED1 will be no more applicant workshops. Davidson. anytime 965-6400. LEADERS NEEDED: Summer person or send resume to: Best Seniors, apply this week for the You can contact Carol Baffi-Dugan at Apartments - Best location teenage bicycling Western Homestead Inn. 22OAlewife ExCollege ADMINISTRATIVE cdugan @ emerald or call x3767 or in Town Lg. and small apts. available trips. US, Canada, Europe. Minimum Brook Parkway, Cambridge, MA INTERNSHIP! It's a 9 month paid just stop by the first floor Of Ballou 10 4 newly renovated Boston Ave. Apts. dweektime commitment. Salary plus 02138-1 102 (1 112 mile from Alewife pick up the information. close to campus, position at Tufts' most eclectic 4 blocks from main campus. 1.2.3 8 4 within walking distance. Close to T expenses paid. Student Hosteling Station. Red line). program. Not surewhat you'll bedoing bedrooms available. Plentyofoffstreet also; These places are in great Program.AshfieldRd..CONWAY.MA next year? Want to take some "time KIDS' DAY GROUP parking. condition and rents are always 01341. (800)343-6132. Do you like Jazz? How about OW before grad school? Work for your LEADERS Available - Sept 1st. $ 800 8 up. reasonable. Call day or night 625- some great Jazz... alma mater! Stop by the ExCollege Informational meetina will be held Please Call 396-4675. 7530 and ask for Camillo or Lina. Off Cruise Lines Hiring Free?CometoourkickofffortheJazz today and get an application: Tuesday.April8. in Breiker001at9:30 campus living is the best. Eam to $2,000 +/mo. plus free world and IR Conference.You'll love it. This DEADLINE IS FRIDAY 411 I! p.m. If you have not attended a group SUMMER SUBLET travel (Europe, Caribbean, etc.) No Thursday 5-8 in the Remis Sculpture leadersmeetinavet. vouMUSTattend I One room available in a 3 bdrm aot. exp.necessary. Call:(919)918-7767. court. this one. Bring f9.OOto purchase a T- July 1- Aug 31. Boston Ave location - ext.Cl86. LIKE TO WRITE shirt. Questions - call Jeannie x7433. close to Tufts, $300/mo. Please call Services EXAM WEEK CASH1 PERSONALS? C.Z. @ 391-0634. For 1997 summer, Somerville Caterer needs staff for Seniors, apply this week for the PEER ADVISOR Europe $169 OW counselors sought for prep,functions&deliveryin May, esp. ExCollege ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNSHIP AVAILABLE 171 College Ave. MexicolCaribbean $189 RT &World unique, May 3 8 17. Be flexible, energetic. INTERNSHIP! It's a 9 month paid IN THETUFTS CAREER PLANNING Summer Sublet June 1 - Aug 1. 2 Wide Destinations Cheap!! IF YOU prestigious coed camp. motivated. Salary $7.00-$8.00+ CENTER, rooms Interested?Call Shana x8018. CAN BEAT THESE PRICES START depending on experience. Call 661- position at Tufts' most eclectic Spectacular, pristinelocatlon. coastal Beginning Sept. '97. Interested YOUR OWN DAMN AIRLINE. Air- 3663. program.Notsurewhatyou'l1 bedoing - Maine on both fresh water lake and Undergraduates should contact next year? Want to take some "time SOmeWilk - Ultra modern Tech, Ltd. 212/219-7000 the ocean. Specialists needed for 30 off beforegrad school? Workfor your Donna Esposito at x3299 by Basement Apt [email protected] http:// activities: Tri~Leaders. Eauestrians. WEB 8 GRAPHIC campus.netlaerotech alma mater! Stop by the ExCollege May 8th. PerfedforoneProfessional. All utilities Photographers,WSI Swim ~nstructors. DESIGNERS, BUSINESS 8 today and get an application: included. Available June 1st. 750 Baseball, Basketball, Rffle and sailing MARKETING MAJOR DEADLINE IS FRIDAY 4/11! OPEN HOUSE month. Call 625-9148. Europe $169 OW Mexico1 Instructors. Archers. Fishermen. To beeauilvpartner inon-linestart-up Find out more about the Peace and Caribbean $189 RT Kayakers. Canoeists, Naturalists; team. Musimotivated.reliable. willing Justice Studies Certificate Program Large Room For Rent as 8 World Wide Destinations Cheap!! Marine Biologists, Rock Climbers, tocommittime Resumeto259Walnut GET A JOB1 over Pizza and good company at out Summer Sublet IF YOU CAN BEAT THESE PRICES Roller Hockey, Visual, Musical, Street.#2. Newton. MAO2160,orfax: f Seniors, apply this week for the Open ~ouseOn April June through August. Great location. STARTYOUROWN DAMNAIRLINE. Dramatic and Martial Artists, 617-527-7074. ExCollege ADMINISTRATIVE at 11:30 a.m. in Eaton 102 Call x2261 half way between ~,,ft~ and ~~~i~.Air-Tech, Ltd. 2121219-7000 Waterskiers and Windsurfers ... to INTERNSHIP! It's a 9 month paid for more information. $362.50/month.Call Dan at 776-5324 [email protected]. http:// mention a few. Interview in Medford EARN MONEY WHILE YOU position at Tufts' most eclectic for more info. campusmffaerorech possible. Inquire early. Salary PLAY1 After-school program. Notsurewhatyou'llbedoing Attention: Are you a parent? structure commensurate with age, babysitter needed 2 days a week, next year? Want to take some "time Are you expecting? I GREAT LOCATION Come enjoy an Afternoon of activity expertise and experience. from May 1210 June20, forfun-loving off before grad school? Work for your Thewomenscenterisgoingtocreate Capen SI. Summer Sublet June 1st - Jazz! We're kicking CALL (508) 276-5600. 7 year old girl in Medford. Car is a alma mater1 Stop by the ExCollege a network of students who are ah Sept 1st. 2 maybe 3 rooms available. off the Jazz and IR Conferencewith a bonus, but not essential. Call Shelley today and get an application: parents for undergraduate and SDaciousrooms.hardwoodfloors:W/ bang. Thursday 5-8 in the Remis ALASKA SUMMER days (742-0208) or ShelleylRich DEADLINE IS FRIDAY 411 l! graduate informal SUPPOrtmeetingS+ Di parking, big kitchen and bathrooms, Sculpture Court. As always. free food EMPLOYMENT evenings (391-1796. information,notaformalcommitment. neg.$340lmonlh. CallMelissax8126. and drinks. Earn uo to %3000-$6000+/mo. in Contact Peggy Barren x3184. fisherieb. parks. resorts.Airfare! Food/ Student needed to pack and Matt, Jen, Ryan, Rebecca, Somerville for Rent Come to the Women's Lodging! MaWFemale LandlSea Get ship parcels Do you like Jazz? One block from TUftS on Chetwynd Julia, Elena, Support Group all the oDtions Call 191919t8-7767..I shipped via UPS at the end of the Joceylyn, Amy, + Julie How about Some great Jazz ....Free? Rd. lstfloor3 bedroomapt. HWFloor. a confidential womenk support group ext A186. semester. $10/hr. Call 1-888-654- Here's to acquiring one more "above Come to our kick Offfor the Jazz and LG LVRM, Full kitchen w reMg. Avl thataddresseswomen'sissues Some SHIP or e-mail [email protected] + beyond" story! Thanks a lot for all IR Conference. You'll love it. This June 1st 1050 mo. Call Simeon issues that are addressed are rape, FREE ROOM AND BOARD your help - we all really appreciate it. Thursday 5-8 in the Remis Sculpture 354-5170 Day 8-6; or 776-9007 after assault, and relationships. Meets in exchange for childcare. Contact court. 6. every Wednesday evening, 7-8 p.m. Terry at 646-1945 (Tufts '79) JCC Jacob and Rose at the Women's Center, 55 Talbot Come enjoy an Afternoon of Grossman Day Camp of the MALE OR FEMALE WANTED Ave. "Fresh Samantha Juice is Jewish Co.mmunity Centers Jazz: We're kicking To live with 3 girls off-campus NEXT looking for part-time off the Jazz and IR Conference with a year. Great location. Call x7472 if '*'RESUMES'** of Greater Boston help in product sampling and Summer Positions Available: bang. Thursday, 5-8 in the Remis you'reinterested. LASERTYPESET marketing. Fantastic juices, fun Sculpture Court. As always, free food -Administrative Staff $28.00 - 396-1124 atmosphere, flexible schedule - pay -Arts and Crafts Director and drinks. BAD'LOTTERY NUMBER? Impressive Laser Typeset Resumes, by the hour, good work experience If -Special Needs AlTENTION SENIORS Do vou want to live off-cameus? 3 featurina comeuter storaae for future You're Juiced Call 617-266-4323!" Resumes are being collected for 50 girl; looking for a fourth to live in a Counselor updatini. Your choice ojtypestyles. -Senior Counselor organizations participating in the house in a great location next year. including bold. italics. bullets, etc. on TEACH ENGLISH ABROAD! -Waterfront Staff COMMUNICATIONS + ARTS Male or Female. Call x7472. Stralhmore paper. Have your cover No languageslexperience required. CONNECTION Job descriptions are For Sale Specialists in the Following areas: I letters done by us to match your Live in Prague, Budapest, Tokyo, etc. -Basketball, Fishing, listed at the Career Planning Center. Summer Sublet Resume! Oneday service avail. 5 Eam up to $45/hour. For info, call: Resume deadline Thursday, April 10, 1982 VW Jetta Diesel Gymnastics,Jewelry Making, Nature, 2 bedrooms in 3 bedroom apartment, min from Tufts. (Member of PARW: (919) 918-7767. Outdoor Living and Wrestling. 1 owner, 190,000 miles, standard close to espressos. 325/mo. living Professional Assoc. of Resume ext. W186 transmission. New exhaust, brakes, Please Call: Stu Silverman or Leslie rooms, kitchen. free washeddryer, Wriiters. Callfor FREE'ResumelCover Zide (617)244-5124. "Dirty Dancingl" Mambo shocks 8 struts, radiator, alternator. partially furnished. on street parking. Letter Guidelines') Also, word battery, windshield. Runs well, 45 MUSIKER TOURS 8 Lessons (Part I) Avail. June 1st. Call Claudia x7669, processing ortyping ofstudent papers, SUMMER DISCOVERY For 1997 summer, Leam to Mambo on April 7th form miles/gallon. 4 good tires. $1000 or Reshma x8087 or Selma ~8356. grad school applications, personal B.O. Call Joe @ x1242. Counselors needed for our student counselors sought for 7:30-9 p.m. in Hill HallAerobics Room. statements, theses, multiple letters, travel programsand/orourprecollege $3 per week or $4 for both weeks. No tapes, transcribed, laser printing. Fax unique, enrichment programs. Applicants prestigious, coed children's partner or experience necessary. 1 5 bedroom Summer Sublet Service. etc. CALL FRANCESAT 396- must be 21 years old by June 20, Questions? Call Gina ~7646. -- - 1 Available June 1. Located at 42 1124 AAA RESUME SERVICE. 1997. Weneed: Mature, Hardworking. camp. Bromfield. Very large rooms, 1 energeticindividualswhocandedicate Spectacular, pristine location. coastal Show Me The Money1 Housing bathroom, WID. driveway for 5 cars. "Typing and Word 4-7 weeks this summer workina with Maine on both fresh water lake and "Scandalin Washington: A Journalist's Call Brian or Ian Q 627-1432. Processing Service** teenagers. For more informati& and the ocean. Specialists needed for 30 Perspective"-Come hear Tufts alum 396-1124 an application: Please call us at (516) activities: Trip leaders, Equestrians, Photographers, WSI. Swim Stephan Labaton, Washington, Nice room in spacious Student papers, theses, grad school 621-0718 in NY or (888) SUMMER correspondent for the NEW YORK apartment on 3 bedroom Sublet applications, personal statements. or E-mail [email protected] Ins4ructors.Baseball, Basketball, Rffle. TIMES, speak about reporting on tape transcriptions. resumes, and Sailing Instructors, Archers, Chetwyd.5doorsdownfromcampus. Available June 1 - August 31. very Fisherman, Kayakers, Canoeists, campaign finance and other legal closetoTufls. Spaciousroomsw/eat- graduate/faculty projects, multiple 2 guys, 2 ladies. Need 1 more. call Naturalists. Marine Biologists, Rock issues. Bring your questions! letters, AMCAS forms. Thorough $$ 627-7776. in-kitchen8 Washer/Dryer. Storage 8 SUMMER JOBS ON Climbers, Roller hockey, Visual, Sponsored by Communications + knowledgeofAPA,MLAand Chicago Parking (street and driveway) CAMPUS $$ Musical, dramatic and MartialArtists, MediaStudies.Monday,April7.11:30 available. Call Dave, Josh, or Chip Manuals of Style. All documents are a.m., Eaton 206. Have fun in the sun and $cash$ in on waterskiers and Windsurfers ... to 391-8754. laser printed and spell-checkedusing your evenings. Telefund is now Doubles still Available in the Wordperfect. Reasonable rates mention a few. Interview in Medford accepting applications for summer possible. Inquire early. Salary International Quick turnaround. Serving Tufts employment We offer great wages, KIDS' DAY GROUP Houses. Males Encouraged to apply. structure commensurate with age, studenfsandfacultyforover10yrs. 5 flexible schedules, and a friendly activity expertise, and experience. LEADERS Apps. Available at the International Bedroom Apt 'Or min from Tufts. CALL FRAN at 396- atmosphere.Apply Packard HAII, 2nd Center BallouHall' ASAP' next year1 CALL (508) 276-5600. Informational meeting will be held Well-insulated, newly remodeled 1124. (Member of NASS - National floor. Tuesday,April8, in BrakerOOl at9:30 house available June-l to June 1 Association of Secretarial Services) p.m. If you have not attended a group 1998. Parking and backyard. Josh Q AAA WORD PROCESSING. leadersmeeting yet, you MUSTattend JCC Camp Kingswood Co-ed NAKED WOMEN 627-8407. Sexual Assault Education Overnight Camp this one. Bring $9.0010 purchase a T- Are leaving at the end of May and Plan Ahead!!! Both men and women needed to shirt. Questions- Call Jeanniex7433. needtosublettheirrms. in BostonAv. Spend your SPRING BREAK eaming participate in acquaintance rape in Bridgton, Maine. Summer Positions Dishwasher, pking,andreally CHEAP. HUGE SUNNY ROOMS FOR up ta $1450 participating in an 11 or education program. Interests in Available: PIS. call 391-8721. -Administrative Staff SUMMER SUBLET 16 day full-time drug-free Sleep education, acting, and issues of Sexual Harassment in the 1 research study at Brgham8 Women's -Assistant Director I 5 min. walk to Davis 8 35 seconds to violence are necessary. Call Peggy -Waterfront Staff workplace and on-campus campus. Dishwasher, porch, BBQ - 4 Hospital. We are seeking qualified Barren Q 3184. MEDFORD NEAR TUFTS. MEN aws 18 to 30 only. Study -Assistant Waterfront Director Carolyn Turrey will talk about her - rooms - huge kitchen - living room - Counselors for the following experiences in the workplace and her Modern 3 bedroom lounge! Available June 1st. 15001 requires3 week preparation period The Board Needs You apartment. Hardwood floors. Living Call Gail now 617-732-8093 or email 8 yrs. in Human Resources dealing month for 4 rooms. Call Alicia Q 629 The women's center board is looking Archery,specialties: Athletics. Camping, with incidents. Michael Powelldirector room, dining room, eat-in-kitchen. 4870 or Mona @ 628-7705. [email protected]. for new members.We provide advice FronVBack porches. Parking. Washer1 Ceramics, Photography, Tennis, of the office of Equal Opportunty will to the women's Center and do direct Boating, Waterskiing. disursscampusincidentsand policies. Dryer. Storage. - $1,050. -Available Guitar Lessons service programming. So if you have 6/1/1997. Call Steve: 617-884-3752 Cheap Sublet Lookingtoleam howto playtheguitar. Please Call: Wayne Goldstein or Sue Monday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. in East an opinion and want change. Call Green (617) 244-5124. Hall Lounge. (days), 61 7-231-3732 (evenings/ I~~~~~e~03,~~d~~~~~~~~~I'U have you rocking in no time. Very Peggy Barren weekends). washerldrver $333/month + utilities affordable. Interested?GiveIan a call @ x3184. call Jean& 625-5839. at x1432. Drugs + Sexual Assault I Somerville Synagogue Seeks Sunday School OfficerGwen Co-Wal1isT.U.P.D. and APARTMENTS FOR~ RENT!! I Be an Agent For Change Armand Mickune - Santos. Alcohol 2 people, 2 bedrooms, $700 SUMMER SUBLET Wanted Teachers For Fall '97 Come be a peer educator for next Experience with children, strong and Health Educator they will be 3 people, 3 bedrooms, $820 5 roomsfor rent in a sunny, spacious, year. Get a chance to lead group Judaic and Hebrew language presenting a program on the drug 4 people, 4 bedrooms, $900 apartment. Great locationon Whiffield discussions with your peers. Talk Rohyphal known as roofies, which Heat and hot water included in the Actor wanted11 background. K-7andteens.On public rd. Hu e kitchen, washer/dryer. Warm, upbeat male voice needed for about important stuff, like sex and has been implicated in sexual rent! 10 minute walk to campus! Call Availabge starting May 20th. Call Body image. Contact Peggy Barren transportation. Resume to Phyllis assaults. Monday.April7,3:30p.m. in days: 396-8386, eve: 4831045or391- TUTV voice overs Interested? Call Osher. TempleB'nai Brith. 201 Central Margot at 666-1 334 or Kate at 628- Jonathan at ~8587. Q X3184. the Lane Room Campus Center. 6053. 7662. Street, Somerville 02145...... ___~ - All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, prepaid with cash or check. All classifieds must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day before publication. Classifieds may also be bought at the InformationBooth at the Cmpl :enter. All classifiedssubmitted must be accompanied by a check. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. Notices and Lost & Founds are free and run on Tuesdays and Thudays only. Notices are limited to two per week per orgaintion and tun ace permitting. Notices must be written on Daily forms and submitted in person, Notices cannot be used to sell merchandise or advertise major events. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to typographicaterrors or misprintings except the cost of the insen 1, which is fully refundable.We reserve the right to refuse to print any classifieds which contain obscenity, are of an overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a person or group. ~ ~~ ~ ._.. .. .~.. ~-.__-. ___ .~ I I ...... - . . . I

I (Boy, doesn't life suck for seniors? If you have no job future and you know it, clap your hands ...) I -7 page sixteen THETUFTSDAILY Monday, April 7,1997

t Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau Around Campus Today TLGBC Bisexuality Communications and Media Olin 02,9-10:30 p.m. Studies “Scandal in Washington: A Tufts Ballroom Dance Club Journalist’s Perspective” A talk by Mambo Lessons (Part I) NY Times reporter Stephen Hill Hall Aerobics Room, Labaton 7:30-9 p.m. Eaton 206, 1 1 :30 a.m. FoxTrot by Bill Amend Child Development/Communica- Tufts Poets Society tions and Media Studies Meeting - new members welcome! Panel: “Beyond Big Bird: The East 301,8 p.m. Future of Children’s Television” Coolidge Room, Ballou Hall, 1 1 :30 Music Department a.m.-1 p.m. 1,000 Days to the Millennium, Donald Berman Piano, Works by Programs Abroad 20th Century Composers Study in Aix-en-Provence, France Alumnae Hall, 8 p.m. with the Institute for American Univ. Tomorrow Eaton 208, 12 a.m. KIDS’ DAY . Programs Abroad Group leaders Meeting Gen Info Meeting. Braker 001,9:30 p.m. 3ilbert by Scott Adams Eaton 208, I 1 :30 a.m. Music Department Strategic Gaming Society ALICL, YOUR PERFORMANCt 010 1 JUSTGET 1,000 Days to the Millennium, Weekly meeting IS GOOD, BUT YOU MUST BLAMED FOR YOUR Donald Berman Piano, works by Campus Center, Smith Room, LEARN TO OEAL WITH INOECISLVE LEADER- 20th century composers. 7 pm. AMBIGUITY. SHIP? Alumnae Hall, 8 p.m. Career Planning Center Women’s Programs Not-for-Profit Career Fair Drugs + Sexual Assault. Large Conference Room, Campus Lane Room, Campus Center, 3:30 Center, 2-4 p.m. 8 p.m. & Asian Christian Fellowship Women’s Programs Joint Fellowship with BC, Gordan Sexual Harassment in the Workplace College, and Wellesley College. Non Sequitur by Wiley f On-campus. Hillel Center, 7 p.m. East Hall Lounge, 7:30 p.m. International Scholarship E.C.O. Environmental Con- Com mittee sciousness Outreach Weekly M.eeting General Meeting-All Are Welcome. Campus Center Rm 207 Oxfam Cafe, 9:30 p.m. Oxfam Collective Premed Applicant Workshop Hunger Banquet Eaton 206,4:00 p.m. The Commons, 8:30-IO p.m. Weather Report

... Mother Goose & Grimm by Mike Peters TODAY I TOMORROW

The clouds burst The clouds get blown High: 63;Low: 49 I High: 54;Low: 34 ~~ ~~ The Daily Commuter Crossword ACROSS 1 Burn slightly 5 Tender 10 Shut with force . 14 Acting pari Dinner Menus 15 Cheek coloring 16 Musical sound THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME 17 -the Red d@WU@by Hen” Arnold and Mike Argirion DEWICK- 18 Illegal fire Unscramble these lour Jumbles. CARMICHAEL setting one letter to each square. to form MACPHIE 19 Decays lour ordinary words. 20 Doocway , 22 Weds in secret Pastafragioli soup Eggdrop soup 24 Rim 25 Expletive Roast turkey Turkey mandarin 26 Hair cream 29 Wrist decoration * Mexican chili stirfiy 33 Distinct entity 34 Dashing youth * Mixed vegetables 35 Mexican cheer - Harvest quinoa 36 Irritate 37 stop Pasta with sundried wIt0fi.l 38 Look over tomatoes, arti- O’Brien potatoes 39 The sun HANGING WASH IN 40 Carried THE BACKYARD CAN 41 Roman RESULT IN THIS. chokes, and capers Fried chicken statesman I I 42 Put into Q All1997 nghts Tnbune reserved Media Servces. Inc - Sirloin tips * Rice florentine bondage Now arrange the circled letters to 44 Weight inspector Saturday’s Punle solved form the surprise answer, as sug- Carribean BBQ * Broccoli- 46 Help along gested by the above cartoon. 47 Pierce with dagger Print answer here : chicken caulifower au 48 Unproductive 10 Walked (Answers tomorrow) 51 School 11 Circle Meatloaf grattn publication 12 Poker stake I Jumbles: GROOM BROOD HAMPER WEASEL 55 Ripened 13 Untidy state Answer: Whet some neighbors have - c A HEDGE “ROW’ Brown rice * Chick pea salad 56 Included with 21 Total up 58 - mater 23 Lingerie trim * Devil’s food cake Nonfat orange 59 “Clair de -” 25 Rub out 60 Oslo natives 26 Pocketbook cake 61 Spool 27 Pungent bulb withmochahsting 62 Sly look 28 Factories 63 Seizes ’ 29 Dull and insipid Quote the Day 64 Finished 30 Train type of 31 Make happy DOWN 32 Singing voice 1 American Indian 34 Head cover 2 Antler 37 Pact 4/1/97 “I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure.’’ 3 Landed 38 Sword container 4 Refresh 40 Infant 5 Citrusmentally fruit 43 Pantry -The The 44 Phases 6 Power 45 Listening organ 50 Lacoste of 52 Bread spread 7 Blend together 47 Feel tennis 53 Sign 8 Self 48 Formal dance 51 A ruling house .S4 Leafy vegetable Late Night at the Daily 9 Deserter 49 Chills and fever of England 57 Extinct bird .