Japanese High Technology, Politics, and Power
Japanese High Technology, Politics, and Power Steven K. Vogel r, ., -- :t - , ' _,, ~ L - 1 ,,'\ !::CON0~.-1 1 r- , _,.1,..,.,.., ''";• r,., C' ·:· ·, a,:::39 v __ - r J... J March 1989 I I Research Paper #2 BRIE L]"erkeley Roundtable on the International Econo~ IBRIE I Research Paper #2 Japanese High Technology, Politics, and Power Steven K. Vogel Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy University of California, Berkeley, CA March 1989 Steven K. Vogel is a research fellow at the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE). He is the author of A New Direction in Japanese Defense Policy: Views from the Liberal Democratic Party Diet Members, Occasional Papers / Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, University of Maryland School of Law (1984-). He has been a staff writer for the Japan Times and a free-lance correspondent for Le Figaro, the International Herald Tribune, and others. This study was undertaken as part of the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE) Project on Technology, Economy, and Security. This project has been generously supported by grants from the MacArthur Foundation. The author would like to thank all those in the United States and Japan who agreed to speak with him on the topic of this paper. He is particularly indebted to Justin Bloom, Gregg Rubinstein, Richard Samuels, and John Zysman for detailed comments on an earlier draft. Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy Stephen S. Cohen and John Zysman, Co-Directors Laura D"Andrea 1yson, Director of Research Michael G. Borrus, Deputy Director Akihiro Yoshikawa, Director of Bio-Medical Research James M.
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