Il Segreto Diabolico En
Franco Adessa The Diabolical Secret of the “Crucifix of Cevo” PAULPAUL VIVI BEATIFIED?BEATIFIED? By Dr. Franco Adessa May 13, 1992 In late summer, Fr. Villa contact- ed the postulator of the cause of Freemasonry wanted her man, beatification of Paul VI and this, Paul VI, on the altars, and thus, a was followed up with an exchange part of the plan was to put the two of letters. Popes – John XXIII and Paul VI Fr. Villa was aware of the fact that – on the altars, so that that the Card. Pietro Palazzini had sent “supernatural” [quality] of Vati- a letter to the Postulator in can II would become apparent. which he named three of the last On May 13, 1992, Card. Ruini, homosexual lovers of Paul VI. President of the CEI and the Card. Palazzini was an authori- Pope’s vicar for Rome, issued an ty in this field, since he possessed edict in which, among other two binders full of documents things, one reads: «We invite all that showed, unequivocally, the individual believers to communi- impure and unnatural vice of cate directly or send to the Paul VI. Diocesan Tribunal of the Vicari- In his last letter, he wrote that the ate of Rome any “news” from Procurator would proceed with the which we can, in some way, ar- cause of beatification. gue against the reputation of Fr. Villa replied that he, then, felt sanctity of the said “Servant of compelled to write a book about God.”» Paul VI. Paul VI. Msgr. Nicolino Sarale, however, It was a demanding job, feverish, sent word to Fr.
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