eni.com Corporate Governance Report 2010 Corporate Governance Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1 - 00144 Rome e-mail:
[email protected] MISSION Investor Relations Piazza Ezio Vanoni, 1 - 20097 San Donato Milanese (Milan) We are a major integrated energy company, Tel. +39-0252051651 - Fax +39-0252031929 e-mail:
[email protected] committed to growth in the activities of finding, producing, transporting, transforming and marketing oil and gas. Eni men and women have a passion for challenges, continuous improvement, excellence and particularly value people, the environment and integrity. eni spa Headquarters: Rome, Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1 Capital stock as of December 31, 2010: € 4,005,358,876 fully paid Tax identification number: 00484960588 Countries of activity Branches: San Donato Milanese (Milan) – Via Emilia, 1 EUROPE San Donato Milanese (Milan) – Piazza Ezio Vanoni, 1 Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Publications Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Financial Statement pursuant to rule 154-ter paragraph 1 Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, of Legislative Decree No. 58/1998 Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Annual Report Turkey, the United Kingdom Annual Report on Form 20-F for the Securities and Exchange Commission AFRICA Fact Book (in Italian and English) Algeria, Angola, Congo, Côte D’Ivoire, Eni in 2010 (in English) Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Egypt, Interim Consolidated Report as of June 30 pursuant Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Libya, Mali, to rule 154-ter paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree No. 58/1998 Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Togo, Tunisia Internet Home page: eni.com Rome office telephone: +39-0659821 ASIA AND OCEANIA Toll-free number: 800940924 Australia, Azerbaijan, China, e-mail:
[email protected] East Timor, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, ADRs/Depositary Pakistan, Papua-New Guinea, Philippines, J.P.