or collective redistirbution of any portion article of any by of this or collective redistirbution Th THE INDONESIAN SEAS articleis has been in published Oceanography Seasonal Variation of 18, Number journal of Th 4, a quarterly , Volume Pelagic Fish Catch permitted only w is photocopy machine, reposting, means or other Around Java 2005 by Th e Oceanography Copyright Society. BY NANI HENDIARTI, SUWARSO, EDVIN ALDRIAN, of Th approval the ith KHAIRUL AMRI, RETNO ANDIASTUTI, gran e Oceanography is Society. All rights reserved. Permission SUHENDAR I. SACHOEMAR, or Th e Oceanography
[email protected] Society. Send to: all correspondence AND IKHSAN BUDI WAHYONO ted to copy this article Repu for use copy this and research. to in teaching ted e Oceanography Society, PO Box 1931, Rockville, MD 20849-1931, USA. blication, systemmatic reproduction, reproduction, systemmatic blication, 112 Oceanography Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec. 2005 WE PRESENT DATA on the seasonal variability of small and 1.26 million ton/year in the Indonesian EEZ. Pelagic fi sh pelagic fi sh catches and their relation to the coastal processes play an important role in the economics of fi sherman in Indo- responsible for them around the island of Java. This study uses nesia; approximately 75 percent of the total fi sh stock, or 4.8 long fi sh-catch records (up to twenty years) collected at vari- million ton/year, is pelagic fi sh. In particular, we investigated ous points around Java that were selected from the best-qual- the waters around Java because most people live near the coast ity harbor records.