Fish Drying in Indonesia

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Fish Drying in Indonesia The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) was established in June 1982 by an Act of the Australian Parliament. Its mandate is to help identify agri­ cultural problems in developing countries and to commission collaborative research between Australian and developing country researchers in fields where Australia has a special research competence. Where trade names are used this constitutes neither endorsement of nor discrimination against any product by the Centre. ACIAR PROCEEDINGS This series of publications includes the full proceedings of research workshops or symposia organised or supported by ACIAR. Numbers in this series are distributed internationally to selected individuals and scientific institutions. Recent numbers in the series are listed inside the back cover. © Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. GPO Box 1571, Canberra. ACT 2601 Champ. BR and Highley. E .• cd. 1995. Fish drying in Indonesia. Proceedings of an international workshop held at Jakarta. Indonesia. 9-10 February 1994. ACIAR Proceedings !'Io. 59. 106p. ISBN I 86320 144 0 Technical editing. typesetting and layout: Arawang Information Bureau Ply Ltd. Canberra. Australia. Fish Drying in Indonesia Proceedings of an international workshop held at Jakarta, Indonesia on 9-10 February 1994 Editors: B.R. Champ and E. Highley Sponsors: Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Indonesia Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Contents Opening Remarks 5 F. Kasryno Government Policy on Fishery Agribusiness Development 7 Ir. H. Muchtar Abdullah An Overview of Fisheries and Fish Proeessing in Indonesia 13 N. Naamin Problems Assoeiated with Dried Fish Agribusiness in Indonesia 18 Soegiyono Salted Fish Consumption in Indonesia: Status and Prospects 25 v.T. Manurung A Rapid Socioeconomic Assessment of the Salted Dried Fish Industry in 3] Indonesia and Its Implications for Demand for, and Design of, Improved Drying Technology B. Fegan Salted Dried Fish in Southeast Asia 44 S.Y. Yu Fish Salting and Drying Studies at the University of 51 New South Wales, Australia K.A. Buckle Fish Salting and Drying Studies in Indonesia 60 Suparno Chemical Reactions and the Quality of Dried Fish 67 N.F. Haard Development of a Rice-Husk Fired Furnace and Drying Chamber 76 for Fish Drying in Indonesia R. Souness and S. Wibowo Salted Dried Fish in India: a Review of Methods and Quality Control 83 K. Gopakumar Fungi from Indonesian Dried Fish 89 n. Pitt Impact of Insects on the Quality and Quantity of Fish and 97 Fish Products in Indonesia J.L. Madden, A.M. Anggawati and N. lndriati 3 Opening Remarks DISTINGUISHED guests and participants, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development I welcome you al1 to this workshop on fish drying, especial1y the overseas participants who have shown their strong interest by participating. I am very pleased that the workshop is so timely, since it is being held at the beginning of the Indonesia's Second National Long-Term Development Plan, which is emphasising human resources development. The Ministry of Agriculture has a strong view that agribusiness and agro-industry have an important role in improving the socioeconomic status of farmers and fishermen, especial1y in increasing their incomes. Recognising this role, the Department of Agriculture has just established a new Agency for Agribusiness Development that is expected to deal with the challenges in agricultural development in the coming years. Likewise, AARD is now in the process of restructuring, anticipating the growing complexity of agricultural development and an increasing need for research support in the future. Among the important steps taken in the restructuring of AARD is the establishment of agricultural research institutes in each of the 27 provinces in Indonesia. It is expected that these regional research institutions will generate technologies specific to loeal end-users. It is hoped that this will enhance the probability of widespread adoption of the technologies and accelerate technology transfer, thus improving the well-being of the targeted farmers and fishermen. In the context of the important role of agribusiness and agro-industry in agricultural development, we cannot neglect postharvest technology as an essential element of these activities. Adoption and application of appropriate postharvest technologies offer a wide range of advantages, such as increased value-adding and incomes, more efficient use of natural resources, wider distribution and consumption of fish, and creation of job opportunities. In this connection, I expect this workshop to take into account innovation in postharvest technology, especially in developing good quality fish products that are affordable by low income groups. We hope to see an increase in fish consumption, leading to improvement in human health and nutrition. Fish drying as a traditional method of fish preservation has long been practiced by Indonesian fishermen. The products are well known by the people, and for decades have been associated with the Indonesian diet, especiaJly that of low income groups. Nowadays, as the people's welfare improves, there is a trend to falling dried fish consumption. Nevertheless, the fact remains that about 50% of the processed fish is still produced by traditional drying, and a considerable quantity of the product is exported. For this reason, a fish drying workshop remains very relevant for us. Therefore, I expect this workshop will lead to improvement of the processing technology. I also believe that appropriate drying technology is needed. not only for fish but also for other agricultural commodities. The decreasing trend in dried fish consumption, especially that produced by heavy salting, is another challenge to scientists to produce dried fish with relatively low salt contents but with reasonable shelf life. Bearing in mind the continuous change in consumption pattem of the Indonesian people, I would like also to appeal for research support for new fish products based on drying techniques in particular, to provide a wider choice of quality fish products for increasing domestic fish consumption. As we are aware, fish are a nutritionally important food as they are a good source of essential amino acids and of fatty acids. From a socioeconomic point of view, it has long been recognised in Indonesia that fish drying, distribution, and marketing make up a complicated business. In relation to improved social status of small-scale fish processors on the one hand and benefits to vendors, traders, and consumers on the other, I would expect socioeconomic studies to bring about realistic 5 solutions to this problem, though they are unlikely to be easily implemented. They would be a basis for government policy in this area. I take this opportunity to express my thanks to ACIAR for its support in this workshop, and for a long period of research collaboration with us. I hope the collaboration will be continued for the mutual benefit of both Indonesia and Australia. I have pleasure in declaring this fish drying workshop, jointly organised by AARD­ ACIAR, as officially opened. I hope that it will have fruitful results and lively discussions, and that overscas participants will have a happy stay in Indonesia. Thank you. Dr Faisal Kasryno Director General Agency for Agricultural Research and Development Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia 6 Government Policy on Fishery Agribusiness Development IN the Second Long-term Development (PJP 11), we are asked to be able to maintain and take advantage of the good development momentum which has been created during PJP I. Therefore, national development in PJP 11, particularly fishery development, can be continued based on the previous achievements. This development must consolidate improvements made during each Five Year Development (Pelita) stage. The National Guideline for Development (GBHN) 1993 advises that developments in the agriCUlture sector, including the fisheries subsector, will be increased in order to be able to produce enough food for national demand, to provide enough raw material for agroindustry activities, to increase public buying power, and to maintain the industrialisation process. These should integrate with industry and service developments to create productive agroindustry and agribusiness activities. Available fishery resources which have not been optimally utilised, and the existing strategic environment, are basic resources for fishery development in the Sixth Five Year Development Plan (Repelita VI). Solutions need to be found for the problems and obstacles stiH facing fisheries development. One of the problems which has to be faced is that fishery commodities are perishable and this means that the products require good handling and processing. Most fishery products are processed using simple methods such as drying and salting. Dried and salted products can reach remote areas which do not have any capacity to produce fishery products at affordable prices. On the other hand, some people believe that consumption of dried/salted products has few benefits to human health, and may even create a health problem. These issues need attention. Overview of Fishery Development The agriculture sector, consisting of food crops, plantations, livestock, fishery and forestry subsectors, showed about a 4.0% per year growth rate during the period of Pelita I-Pelita Ill. The growth rates in Pelita IV and V are 3.6 were 2.8% per year, respectively,

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