Lothian NHS Board Waverley Gate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Telephone: 0131 536 9000 www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk Date: 05/04/2019 Your Ref: Our Ref: 3431 Enquiries to : Richard Mutch Extension: 35687 Direct Line: 0131 465 5687
[email protected] Dear FREEDOM OF INFORMATION – GP CATCHMENT I write in response to your request for information in relation to GP catchment areas within Lothian. I have been provided with information to help answer your request by the NHS Lothian Primary Care Contract Team. Question: Can you please provide an updated version of the Lothians GP catchment areas list as found at https://www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk/YourRights/FOI/RequestAndResponseRegister/2012/320 0.pdf Answer: Practice Practice Name wef Practice Boundary No 70075 Braids Medical 27/09/18 On the northern boundary – the railway line running Practice through Morningside Station. On the west – Colinton 6 Camus Avenue Road where it crosses the railway continuing into Edinburgh EH10 Colinton Mains Drive to the Tesco Roundabout, then 6QT continuing south south-east across country to the Dreghorn Link to the City By-Pass. On the south – cuts across country from the Dreghorn Link to Swanston Golf Course and around the south perimeter of Swanston Golf Course and Swanston village cutting across country in a south easterly direction to meet the Lothian Burn at Hillend Car Park and along the access road until it meets the Bigger Road (A702). Continuing south on the A702 until the triple junction where the A702 meets the A703 and Old Pentland Road, across country in a straight line, crossing the Edinburgh City Bypass (A720) passing the east end of Winton Loan and north by Morton House to Frogston Road West.